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Languages S Soft Skills Training

DivisionOrient Academy
An Adverb |s a word wh|ch mod|f|es the
mean|ng of a Verb an Ad[ect|ve another
Adverb ent|re sentence (phrase) or a c|ause
W Adverbs te|| the reader more about the words
they mod|fy
W 1hey answer the quest|ons how when where
and how much
Languages S Soft Skills Training
DivisionOrient Academy
W Adverbs mod|fy verbs 1hey te|| you how
someth|ng |s done
Lx 5he sinqs beoutifu//y now does she sinq?
W Adverbs mod|fy an ad[ect|ve In th|s case the
adverb |s p|aced before the ad[ect|ve
Lx She |s extreme|y happy
W Adverbs mod|fy another adverb
Lx We urged h|m to d|a| the number
more qu|ck|y
Languages S Soft Skills Training
DivisionOrient Academy
W Adverbs mod|fy the ent|re sentence (a
phrase) (does not conta|n a verb )
Lx Unfortunate|y the bank c|osed at
three today
W Adverbs mod|fy a c|ause( conta|ns a verb )
Lx Sure|y he w||| be on t|me(c|ause he
w||| be on t|me)
Languages S Soft Skills Training
DivisionOrient Academy
lnds of Adverbs
I Adverbs of 1|me
II Adverbs of Irequency
III Adverbs of p|ace
IV Adverbs of manner
V Adverbs of Degree or uant|ty
Languages S Soft Skills Training
DivisionOrient Academy
Adverbs of 1lme
Adverbs of t|me speak about when
Lx I have heard th|s before
we sha|| now do our homework
ne comes home doi/y
I have o/reody spoken to h|m
esterday Ma|aka arr|ved /ote
1he guest came here an hour oqo
I met h|m yesterdoy
Languages S Soft Skills Training
DivisionOrient Academy
Adverbs of lrequency
Adverbs of Irequency speak about how often
Lx I have to|d you tw|ce
avan often makes m|stakes
I have met h|s g|r|fr|end once
ne se/dom comes here
1he postman ca||ed oqoin
ne frequent/y v|s|ts them
Menaka o/woys tr|es to do her best
ne rore/y v|s|ts h|s parents
Languages S Soft Skills Training
DivisionOrient Academy
Adverbs of place
Adverbs of p|ace speak about where
Lx 1he g|r| was stand|ng here
ner pet dog fo||owed her everywhere
1he cat ran owoy
ne |ooked up
Dont wa|k bockword
1he cha|rman |s out
She asked me to come |n
Languages S Soft Skills Training
DivisionOrient Academy
Adverbs of manner
Adverbs of manner speak about how
or in whot monner
Lx Ama|| reads c/eor/y
1h|s essay |s we// wr|tten
1he ch||d s|ept sound/y
we went home s/ow/y and sod/y
1he so|d|ers fought brove/y
1hat boy works hard
Languages S Soft Skills Training
DivisionOrient Academy
Adverbs of uegree or CuanLlLy
Adverbs of Degree or uant|ty speak about how
much in whot deqree or to whot extent
Lx ne was too care|ess
I am fu//y prepared
1he sea |s very rough
she s|ngs pretty we||
I am too t|red to p|ay tenn|s ton|ght
ou are quite r|ght
Languages S Soft Skills Training
DivisionOrient Academy
Languages S Soft Skills Training
DivisionOrient Academy
omparlson of Adverbs
Some adverbs like Adjectives, have three
degrees of comparison.
f the Adverb is of one syllable, the
comparative is formed by adding 'er' and the
superlative by adding 'est' to the positive.
Ex: Fast faster fastest
Long longer longest
Lx Ann runs fost
ake runs foster than Ann
ohn |s the fostest of a||
ke|an| |s a /onq r|ver
ka|u |s /onqer than ke|an| k|ver
Mahawe|| |s the /onqest r|ver |n Sr| Lanka
Languages S Soft Skills Training
DivisionOrient Academy
Adverbs end|ng |n '|y form the|r comparat|ve by
add|ng more and the super|at|ve by add|ng most
Lx Sw|ft|y more sw|ft|y most sw|ft|y
Las||y more eas||y most eas||y
ake runs swift/y
ohn runs more swift/y than ake
Among a|| of them Ann runs most swift/y
Languages S Soft Skills Training
DivisionOrient Academy

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