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921 CuLllne how Lhe rooL sysLem

provldes a large surface area for

mlneral lon and waLer upLake by
means of branchlng and rooL halrs
bsorpLlon of waLer Lhrough osmosls ls enhanced
by havlng branched rooLs and rooL halrs
8ooL halrs provlde a |arge surface area for
mlneral lon and waLer upLake
ranchlng also lncreases quanLlLy and area rooLs
can absorb lons from
922 LlsL ways ln whlch mlneral lons
ln Lhe soll move Lo Lhe rooL
1 ulffuslon of mlneral lons
2 lungal hyphae (muLuallsm)
3 Mass flow of waLer ln Lhe soll carrylng lons
n reallLy Lhe concenLraLlon of mlnerals ln Lhe
soll ls low Lherefore Lhls ls noL a common
Powever when ferLlllzer ls added Lo Lhe soll lL
lncreases mlneral conLenL and Lherefore
lncreases Lhe amounL of dlffuslon of mlnerals
lnLo Lhe planL
lungal hyphae are naLurally occurrlng ln Lhe soll
1hey form a muLuallsLlc symbloLlc relaLlonshlp
wlLh Lhe planLs
1hey allow planLs Lo geL more nuLrlenLs from
Lhe soll
Mass flow ls Lhe Lheory by whlch we Lhlnk soluLe LransporL
occurs ln planLs
ny area where sucrose ls produced ln a planL ls known as a
source and any area where lL ls Laken ouL (usually used ln
resplraLlon) ls known as a sink
1he Lop of Lhe planL can be a slnk because LhaL ls Lhe area
where lL ls acLlvely growlng
1hls process of mass flow ls also called phloem
loadlng or LranslocaLlon
McCraw Plll hloem Loadlng anlmaLlon
ucrose ls acLlvely LransporLed lnLo Lhe sleve Lubes of Lhe
phloem aL Lhe source lowerlng Lhe waLer poLenLlal lnslde Lhe
sleve and so waLer enLers Lhe Lubes vla osmosls creaLlng a
hlgher pressure lnslde Lhe sleve Lubes aL Lhe source
L Lhe slnk sugars leave Lhe phloem Lo be used up lncreaslng
Lhe waLer poLenLlal lnslde Lhe sleve Lubes so waLer leaves vla
osmosls lowerlng Lhe pressure lnslde Lhe sleve Lubes
1he resulL ls a pressure gradlenL beLween source Lo slnk
pushlng sugars Lo where Lheyre needed
923 Lxplaln Lhe process of mlneral
lon absorpLlon from Lhe soll lnLo rooLs
by acLlve LransporL
mlneral lons move lnLo Lhe rooL vla acLlve
LransporL (agalnsL Lhe concenLraLlon gradlenL)
uslng membrane proLeln pumps
1hls creaLes an osmoLlc gradlenL whlch lncreases
waLer absorpLlon
924 LaLe LhaL LerresLrlal planLs
supporL Lhemselves by means of
Lhlckened cellulose cell Lurgor and
llgnlfled xylem
ellulose ls a polysaccharlde found ln planL cell
walls of Lhe supporLlng reglons of planLs
L adds sLrengLh and supporL Lo Lhe cell wall
L ls Lhe resulLlng
pressure ln a planL
LhaL ls exerLed on Lhe
cell wall due Lo waLer
sLored ln Lhe large
cenLral vacuole
1urgor pressure
decreases lf a planL
drles or ls exposed Lo
salLy condlLlons

Llgnln ls Lhe flber ln our food lL makes

vegeLables crunchy and flrm
L ls a polymer found exLenslvely ln Lhe cell
walls of all woody planLs consLlLuLlng one
fourLh Lo oneLhlrd of Lhe LoLal dry welghL of
923 ueflne 1ransplraLlon
use #s deflnlLlon!
1ransplraLlon ls Lhe loss of waLer vapour from
Lhe leaves and sLems of planLs
926 Lxplaln how waLer ls carrled by
Lhe LransplraLlon sLream lncludlng Lhe
sLrucLure of xylem vessels
LransplraLlon pull coheslon adheslon
and evaporaLlon
1hls ls Lhe unlnLerrupLed passage of waLer from
Lhe so|| Lo Lhe a|r ln planLs
oll rooL halr xylem vessels leavesalr
1he waLer passes from Lhe soll Lo Lhe rooL by
1hls ls helped by Lhe rooL halrs# shape as Lhey
are long and Lhln Lo maxlmlze Lhe surface area
1here ls greaLer waLer poLenLlal ln Lhe soll Lhan
ln Lhe cyLoplasm of Lhe rooL halr cells
1he shape of waLer
molecules causes Lhem Lo
be aLLracLed Lo each oLher
1hls magneLlcllke force ls
called cohes|on
JaLer molecules also have
Lhe Lendency Lo sLlck Lo
oLher surfaces
1hls ls called adhes|on
aslc lnformaLlon
Plgher lnformaLlon
Process ExpIanation
1. Water moves down
concentration gradient
The spaces within the leaf have a high concentration of water vapor. Water
moves from this location to the atmosphere which has a lower water
2. Water lost by transpiration
is replaced by water from the
Replacing water from the vessels maintains a high water vapor concentration in
the air spaces of the leaf.
3. Vessel water column is
maintained due to cohesion
and adhesion.
Water molecules form hydrogen bonds that form between water molecules and
the sides of the vessels; it counteracts gravity.
4. Tension occurs in the
columns of water in the xylem.
This is due to the loss of water in the leaves and the replacement of it by xylem
water. The columns remain continuous because of cohesion and adhesion.
5. Water is pulled from the
root cortex into xylem cells.
Cohesion and adhesion maintain the columns under the tension created by
6. Water is pulled from the soil
into the roots
This is due to tension created by transpiration and the maintenance of a
continuous column of water.
Source: Heinemann Baccalaureate Biology Higher. New York: Heinemann nternational nc., 2007.
927 LaLe LhaL guard cells can
regulaLe LransplraLlon by openlng and
closlng sLomaLa
928 LaLe LhaL Lhe planL hormone
absclslc acld causes Lhe closlng of Lhe
929 Lxplaln how Lhe abloLlc facLors
llghL LemperaLure wlnd and humldlLy
affecL Lhe raLe of LransplraLlon ln a
Lyplcal LerresLrlal planL
f you |ncrease th|s
oll waLer
arbon dloxlde
@hen transp|rat|on
f you |ncrease th|s
oll waLer
arbon dloxlde
@hen transp|rat|on
EnvironmentaI Factor Effect
ight Plants open the stoma in the leaves in response to light to allow the diffusion of
carbon dioxide into the plant. This increase transpiration due to the open stoma.
Temperature As temperature rises the rate of evaporation rises increasing the amount of
transpiration occurring.
Wind Wind or air currents move humid air away from the leaves allowing a concentration
gradient to be maintained so water will continue to diffuse out of the leaf.
Humidity A decrease in humidity will increase transpiration because the water will evaporate
into the drier air much faster.
Soil water f the concentration of water is low in the soil the guard cells will close and
transpiration will be decreased.
Carbon Dioxide High concentration of CO
surrounding the leaves causes the guard cells to lose
turgor and close the stoma.
9210 CuLllne four adapLaLlons of
xerophyLes LhaL help Lo reduce
planL LhaL ls adapLed Lo dry condlLlons
lor example cacLus and plne
1 1hlck waxy cuLlcle
2 Less Loma
3 Loma ln plLs
4 8olled Leaves
3 plnes (modlfled leaves)
6 M and 4 physlology
1hls a modlfled cycle LhaL allows Lhe sLomaLa
Lo sLay closed durlng Lhe day and Lhen open aL
nlghL Lo leL Lhe gases ln and ouL
L nlghL C
ls Laken ln and sLored as
CxoloaceLlc acld (4)
uurlng Lhe day ln changes Lhls back Lo C
use ln phoLosynLhesls
9211 CuLllne Lhe role of phloem ln
acLlve LranslocaLlon of sugars (sucrose)
and amlno aclds from source
(phoLosynLheLlc Llssue and sLorage
organs) Lo slnk (frulLs seeds rooLs)
8ecall LhaL phloem loadlng allows for
movemenL of sugar
Jhen Lhey reach Lhe slnk Lhey can be sLored
1 1ranslocaLlon moves Lhe organlc molecules (sugars amlno aclds)
from Lhelr source Lhrough Lhe Lube sysLem of Lhe phloem Lo Lhe
slnk hloem vessels sLlll have cross walls called sleve plaLes LhaL
conLaln pores
2 ompanlon cells acLlvely load sucrose (soluble noL meLabollcally
acLlve) lnLo Lhe phloem
3 JaLer follows Lhe hlgh soluLe ln Lhe phloem by osmosls poslLlve
pressure poLenLlal develops movlng Lhe mass of phloem sap
4 1he sap musL cross Lhe sleve plaLe urrenL hypoLhesls do noL
accounL for Lhls feaLure
3 1he phloem sLlll conLalns a small amounL of cyLoplasm along Lhe
walls buL Lhe organelle conLenL ls greaLly reduced
6 ompanlon cells acLlvely unload (1 used) Lhe organlc molecules
7 Crganlc molecules are sLored (sucrose as sLarch lnsoluble) aL Lhe
slnk JaLer ls released and recycled ln xylem
-ow do 93 8eproducLlon ln

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