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Visual Acuity

Visual Reception
Visual Acuity: Ability to see fine details
Static (stationary objects): Depends on brightness Increases with increasing brightness up to ~ 3 candles (cd/sq ft) -- remains constant after that Contrast Time (0.5 to 1.0 second) Dynamic (ability to detect moving objects) Clear vision within a conical angle 3 to 5 Fairly clear within 10 to 12 Key criteria in determining placement of traffic signs

Visual Reception
Peripheral Vision: Ability to see objects beyond the cone of clearest vision (160 degrees)
Age dependent Objects seen but details and color are not clear

Visual Reception
Color Vision: Ability to differentiate one color from another
Lack of ability = color blindness Combinations to which the eye is the most sensitive
Black and white Black and yellow

Key in determining traffic signs colors


Visual Reception
Depth perception
Ability to estimate speed and distance Passing on two-lane roads Signs are standardized to aid in perceiving distance

Hearing perception Ability to detect warning sounds Sirens, horns

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