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Superglue is a solution of a chemical called alpha-cyano acrylate. This chemical undergoes a process called anionic polymerisation, and this is what forms superglue. When you squeeze some superglue from the tube, anionic polymerisation of alpha-cyano acrylate is initiated by small amounts of water on the surface of the object (and on fingers also! ;)), and this leads to the rapid formation of the polymerised version of the chemical. Superglue is immensely strong - one drop can support 2000lb (900kg)! If you ever find yourself in a sticky situation with superglue, try using some acetone to dissolve it.

Nail polish remover has acetone as a major component. Acetone is an excellent solvent it dissolves pretty much all organic (carbon-based) chemicals! Of course, there are exceptions, but when we want to clean our glassware, acetone is the solvent of choice! So when you use nail polish remover containing acetone, all it's doing is dissolving the nail polish so you can wipe it away. You can also buy "acetone-free" nail polish remover; this contains another chemical called ethyl acetate which works in just the same way.

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A tablet of aspirin contains pure acetylsalicylic acid and a bit of binder to help hold the tablet together. Aspirin is a remarkable substance in that it can act as an analgesic (to relieve pain), an antipyretic (to lower fever) _and_ an anti-inflammatory agent (to reduce inflammation). It was first synthesised in 1853 and was accepted into widespread pharmaceutical use at the end of the 19th century. The parent compound salicylic acid was also known as spiraeic acid, and the name "aspirin" was derived by taking the "a" from "acetyl" and combining it with "spir" taken from the acid's name. Aspirin can cause irritation of the stomach, and due to this, its popularity has declined recently in favour of other medications such as paracetamol, ibuprofen and acetaminophen) but it is still the most widely used drug for the treatment of illness or injury

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Although there are other substances that will lighten hair, hydrogen peroxide (chemical formula H202 - looks like water, but very different!) is still very common in hair dye preparations (especially ones designed to turn you into a blond). The hydrogen peroxide in the preparation acts as a bleach and strips the hair shaft of its colour; the amount of hydrogen peroxide you use on your hair will determine how "blond" you go. Hydrogen peroxide is actually not a very nice chemical at all (the materials safety data sheet for hydrogen peroxide says it can cause serious burns), so wear gloves and be careful when using it!

Alfred Nobel used his huge fortune to start the "Nobel Prize" in his last will. Curium is named after Marie and Pierre Curie. Mendelevium is named after Dmitri Mendelev, who is reponsible for the periodic table. Einsteinium was named after Albert Einstein, the theoretical physicist.

Beta-carotene -The is an orange pigment found in both carrots and orange skins. Vitamin A is synthesised in our bodies from beta-carotene by cleavage of the latter through a carbon-carbon double bond. This cleavage is accomplished by enzymes in the liver, with one molecule of beta-carotene giving two molecules of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is then further converted to produce cisretinal, which is the light-sensitive pigment on which our visual system is based. Cis-retinal then combines with a protein called opsin to produce rhodopsin. When light strikes rhodopsin, it isomerises (changes the orientation of some of its atoms); this isomerisation is the trigger for a nerve impulse to the brain.

Proteins are usually said to have primary, secondary, tertiary and even quaternary structures. The primary structure is simply the amino acid sequence, the secondary structure is how certain sections of amino acids arrange themselves, the tertiary structure is how the whole protein molecule arranges itself to form a 3-dimensional structure and the quaternary structure describes how different protein molecules aggregate together to form other structures. Sulphur plays an important part in a proteins tertiary structure by being able to form disulphide (S-S) bonds. The amino acid cysteine contains a sulphur atom, so any protein featuring this amino acid has the potential to make disulphide bridges in its tertiary structure provided the cysteine units are oriented correctly As an aside, disulphide bonds are what make vulcanised rubber (used in tyres) stronger and more durable than unvulcanised rubber. Thanks for playing this quiz; I hope you enjoyed it.

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Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a brilliant white, non-toxic solid often used as a pigment in paints. Compounds of lead used to be used as pigments in paint, but have been phased out due to their toxicity. Titanium dioxide is also used in sunscreens and to coat paper.

I was surprised to learn that the pigment that gives carrots their orange colour is also responsible for giving oranges their colour, too! Carotene is a large organic molecule that absorbs light at around 450 nanometres (the blue region of the visible spectrum), meaning that it appears orange. Green oranges contain chlorophyll in their skins, but this is gradually lost and replaced with carotene as the fruit matures

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Lawsone is another organic molecule that absorbs visible light, making it coloured. A common feature of all organic molecules that absorb visible light is conjugation this means that the molecule contains alternating single and double bonds. The more extensive the conjugation, the stronger the absorption. The "-one" in the name lawsone refers to the presence of ketone (C=O) groups. These are in conjugation with a benzene ring in lawsone, giving an extended conjugated system

Lycopene has a very similar structure to carotene, which explains their similar colours. Lycopene is also found in pink grapefruit, guava and watermelon. A number of studies have suggested that lycopene may be a useful cancer-preventative agent

the wavelength of the light absorbed by the substance in question is what gives it its colour. The inclusion of the metal ion impurities into the alumina structure alter the wavelength of light that is absorbed, and therefore the colour of the stone. Alumina with both iron 3+ and titanium 4+ impurities gives the blue stone known as sapphire, while alumina with iron 3+ impurities gives the amber-coloured stone known as topaz.

Crocin is the name of the molecule responsible for saffron's glorious yellow colour. It's a very large, conjugated molecule with a similar structure to that of carotene. The name crocin derives from the fact that saffron is produced from the crushed stigma of autumn crocus flowers. Centuries ago, saffron was used to dye the robes of Irish royalty.

Argon is used widely in light bulbs. It is very unreactive, hence it is used in filaments. With argon in the filament, the filament lasts longer, however, it does not glow more brightly. Neon is another noble gas used to make colorful signs.

Calcium hydroxide, calcium oxide and calcium chloride all dissolve in water. Calcium carbonate, or limestone, does not dissolve in water. Also, calcium carbonate barely reacts or does not react with water. One of calcium carbonate's uses is to control soil acidity.

For "Burning magnesium to make the oxide", the word burn obviously tell us that heat is given, so heat is produced, hence the reaction is exothermic. Anhydrous means "without water". When a substance changes from solid to liquid or liquid to gas, the reaction is "endothermic". However, when a substance changes from gas to liquid or liquid to solid, then the reaction is "exothermic". Hence, heating water to make steam changes its form from a liquid to gas, and hence is an endothermic reaction.

Carbon monoxide is produced mainly from burning fossil fuels. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide gases are mainly produced from exhausts and burning petrol from cars. Sulphur dioxide is acidic and contributes largely to the formation of acid rain, nitrogen dioxide is the other big contributor to acid rain

evlar has hydrogen in it, giving the material exceptional strength. I t is used in making canoes, ski equipment, and of course, bullet-proof vests

Glasses come in many different colors depending on what metals are added to them

is carbon dioxide which is added to soft drinks to make them fizzy

. CO2

Cl is salt substitute for those people on sodium free diets. NaOH is sodium hydroxide, a strong base that causes burns. HF is hydrofluoric acid and Mg is the element magnesium

The common red of the supermarket scanner is the combination of helium and neon.

In stars, because of the very high temperatures, plasma is the only state which exists. Because there is a countless amount of stars in the universe, plasma is the most common state of matter. Blood plasma and plasma TVs are different, not having to do with states of matter.

Scientists estimate that the universe consists of 75% hydrogen. Iron is the most common element in the entire Earth, oxygen is the most common element in the human body, and lead is the most common element in my brain.

Phenylethylamine belongs to a class of organic compounds called amines. Amines feature a nitrogen atom bonded to one or more carbon-based groups. Phenylethylamine is also produced naturally by the brain, and its effect is to produce a general sense of wellbeing or happiness. No wonder eating chocolate makes us happy! ;)

The infrared radiation in an infrared spectrometer will result in molecular vibration because it is a low-energy radiation (the radiation with the greatest energy is gamma rays while the lowest is radio waves). On the other hand, X-rays will result in molecular ionization. This is the fundamental principle that is used in mass spectrometer machines. Molecular vibration needs the least energy, followed by molecular rotation and movement (transition). Molecular ionization requires the most energy.

A C triple bond C is stronger than a C double bond C, which is stronger than a C single C bond. Therefore, the C triple C bond will give the highest bond stretching frequency.

A compound with nitrile functional group (C triple bond N) contains nitrogen, N. On the other hand, a compound with sulfide functional group (C single bond S single bond C) contains sulfide, S. The functional group of ether is C single bond O single bond C which usually absorbs at 1200 cm^-1. The functional group of esther contains C double bond O as part of its structure so it will absorb around 1710 cm^-1, too.

H-1 and C-13 NMR are the most commonly used in organic chemistry.

Constituents present in Gun powder. Answer=Charcoal ,Sulphur and Potassium nitrate

Autocatalyst in Permanganometric titrations.

Answer=Manganese ion

2+) (Mn

Metal present in Talc. Answer=Magnesium

A solution contain 50g of sugar and 100g of water.what is the percentage by mass (w/w) sugar in the solution.


When H2S gas passed through solution containing Zn2+ and Cd2+ in presence of dil.HCl only CdS precipitate.Why ZnS not precipitated.

Answer=Solubility product of ZnS ishigh

In metallurgy ,the extraction of a metal involves the formation of a sulphide mixture called matte.Which metal is extracted.

Answer = Copper.

y Who was awarded Nobel prize twice,

once for chemistry and once for peace?

Answer=Linus Pauling

y What is the percentage of lead in

lead pencil?


y Gammexene or Lindane is a powerful

insecticide. What is its chemical name?

Answer=Benzene Hexachloride (BHC)

y The first artificial element was made

by two scientists Ferrier and Segre. It was made by the bombardment of Molybdenum with deuterium. What is that element?


Full name of CFL

Compact fluorescent lamp

Chemical used for the manufacture of Carbamate pesticide.

Answer=Methyl Isocyanate

What is Green Box.

Answer=Technology that can trap green house gases emanating from vehicles.

The global average concentration in the atmosphere of CO2 and N2O were higher than ever in the measurement by WMO.Give the full name of WMO. Answer=World Meteorological Organisation

y What is the polymer used for making

optical fibres, contact lenses, intraocular lens etc. ?

Answer=PMMA (Polymethyl methacrylate)

y Calgon is a chemical used for water

treatment. What is its chemical name?

Answer=Sodium hexametaphosphate

Identify the structure


Identify the Scientist

Answer=Erwin Schrodinger

a) Liquid crystals b) Conducting polymers c)Structure of ribosome and its functions d) Transmission of light in fibers

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