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Lesson 21 We Celebrate the Three Days

What are the three important celebrations in your life?

What do you do on those special days?

There are special days and special occasions in our life. Remembering and celebrating these occasions give us joy.

Lent is a time for us to prepare ourselves for the great feast of Easter.

There are three important days that connect Lent to Easter.

These Three Days are the greatest and the most important days in the Church.

During the Holy Week, we celebrate the Three Days.



Holy Saturday Good Friday


The 3 DAYS begins on the night of Holy Thursday and ends on the evening of Easter Sunday.

The Last Supper


On Holy Thursday, we remember the last night in Jesus life and His Last Supper with His friends.

We celebrate that Jesus gave Himself to us in the form of bread and wine.

We also remember how Jesus washed the feet of His friends to teach them the importance of serving others.

On this night, Jesus tells us that He came to serve and to give Himself up to save us and to bring us eternal life.

The Story of Jesus Suffering

Good Friday is the day when we remember and reflect on the sufferings and death of Jesus.

Jesus was sentenced to die by the Roman governor named Pontius Pilate.

Our Lord accepted His sufferings and His death because He loves us.

Through His sufferings and death, Jesus saved us from our sins.

On Good Friday, we go to church for a special ceremony where we give respect to the Cross of Jesus.

We pray and we adore Jesus who died for us.

Story on Holy Saturday and Easter Vigil


Holy Saturday night is the most important night of the whole year.

It is on this night when we rejoice with all Christians all over the world because Jesus our Lord showed that He has power over sin and death.

We celebrate with the whole Church because Jesus rose from the dead.

The special celebration we have on this night is called the Easter vigil.

During the Mass, we light the Easter Candle which is the symbol of the risen Christ.

We proclaim with joy that Jesus is the Light of the world and He rose from the dead To bring us light and love.

Holy Saturday leads to the greatest season in the church --- the season of Easter.

Easter Sunday is the day when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

Because of this important event, Sunday is now called the Lords Day.

Easter is the feast of new life.

Jesus rose from the dead to give us hope for eternal life, to bring us new life.

Easter is a 50day season which ends on the feast of Pentecost.

Pentecost is the day when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit so He can be with us forever.

Jesus is alive! He remains with us through the Holy Spirit.

This is the reason for the joy of Easter.

We are a people of Easter. We are a people of Joy and hope


What do you think is the message of these three days in our life?


Jesus is truly risen the Son of God That Jesus loves us so much


Jesus is true to His words and promises That one day we shall be with Jesus in heaven.


us proclaim the mystery of our faith CHRIST HAS DIED. CHRIST IS RISEN. CHRIST WILL COME AGAIN.

ACTION What are some of the things we can do to show our faith and trust in the risen Jesus?

What can we do to show our gratitude to Jesus for dying and rising for us?


How can you share the joy and hope of Easter with the following people?


in the typhoon, flood, and earthquake


who look sad and no one to talk with


who are getting falling grades in different subjects

sick members of your family


people who need your help

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