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Expository Idea Map and Main Idea Map Click to edit Master subtitle


Discussed by: Earl Rinand G. Margallo 3/12/12

Expository Idea Map

Expository idea maps are a series of rectangle arranged to illustrate the structure of the text and the relationship between ideas. Student see different pattern in each expository text.


Based on the organizational pattern present in expository test.

Description Sequence Cause-effect Problem-Solution Compare-Contrast


Expository Idea Map for Description


Expository Idea for Sequence


Expository Idea Map for Problem Solution


Expository Idea Map for CompareContrast



Cause and effect are for older students since expository text with this kind of pattern is very confusing.

Expository structures are more complex; concept dense and the writer expect readers to identify 3/12/12 what structure it is.

Using the appropriate idea map depends upon the level of the student and the materials you are using. Younger reader and low level textdescription can use description ,sequence and compare and contrast. Older reader struggling with middle school and high school materials can use problem-solution and cause and effect.

The number of rectangles and arrows depend on the complexity of the text and important ideas, student should have the freedom to add and delete. Use maps for retelling summarizing guides. and

use idea maps for pre-writing 3/12/12 expository text.

Retelling and Note-taking

This is equated with note taking.

When we retell, we include important elements of the text. An effective note-taker is the same, jotting down important key terms she or he wants to remember. 3/12/12

Main Idea Map

Struggling reader have difficulties in finding the main idea. Main ideas are not always explicitly laid in the text. Some authors expect the readers to generate one. Students are used to the belief that main ideas are found in the first paragraph. But this is not true all the time.

true all the time. Struggling reader must be aware that focusing on the topic can aid in finding the main idea Graphic organizer which help reader locate the main idea. Provide vehicle for understanding and discussing expository


Student will construct a main idea map differently from other students, which is troublesome since most reader think that there is only one main idea. But locating the main idea is not really important. What is important is the student learns to highlight important details and key ideas 3/12/12 that explains them.

For lower levels-use single paragraph For higher level- few paragraphs.



Application to English Language Learners

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Expository text represents challenge for all students.

Expository is more difficult than narrative and it is much less frequent in elementary schools. Moss (2006) recommends teaching expository text structure because it helps them to predict and confirm meaning in a passage.


Lessons using such non-linguistic representation are especially appropriate for students who have difficulty demonstrating their understanding through writing or traditional test-taking formats (Hill and Fynn, 2006; Hedrick, Harmon and Wood , 2003) Use of graphic organizer can make expository content more accessible because the process in preparing arrays of symbolic information helps them build a framework for learning key ideas and vocabulary (Hernandez 2003) Cappelini 3/12/12 (2005) comments that learners

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