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Nutrigenomics Definition

Analyzing the effects of diet on the activity of on individuals genes and health and the effect of an individuals genes on metabolism of dietary chemicals Diet = nutritional science Activity of genes = molecular biology Individual = genetics/genomics Health = physiology

A systems biology science : Multi disciplinary

Nutrient is independent variable


Gene Expression

Gene expression is independent variable

Nutrigenetics Definition
Effects of individual genetic variation in response to nutrient
Most common form of variation Any two individuals share 99% of their DNA sequence 1. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) 2. Changes in single base pair 3. Occur ~ 1 in every 1000bp of human genome

SNPs may alter regulation of gene expression, mRNA processing (splicing, half-life etc) and protein activities

Roles of Iron in the Cell

Fe(III)2-Tf Tf

Transferrin Receptors (TfR)

Proteins: Catalysis Electron, oxygen transport [Fe] Structural stabilization Sensor of Fe, ROS Formation of protein-bound radicals


Storage and Sequestration: Ferritin

[Fe] Toxicity: Oxidative stress

An Overview of Iron Metabolism

Low pH of stomach solubilizes Fe-containing ionic compounds. Fe transporters facilitate absorption into blood stream Fe3+ ions are bound and chelated by Transferrin (Tf). Transferrin transports Fe to tissues Maintains solubility Keeps Fe ions unreactive Transferrin endocytosis is receptor-mediated (TfR) Endocytosis results in Fe3+ release Fe is distributed to topologically distinct regions of the cell via Fe transporter and/or channels (?) Usage: Protein components (Heme) Storage: Ferritin (Fe2+) Toxicity




Heme iron - animal ( 30%) Non Heme iron - vegetable, legumes etc.

iron status regulated through absorption

Acid in stomach Heme iron High body demand Low body stores of iron Meat protein factors (MPF) - Vit C (converts ferri to ferro)

Phytic acid (dietary fibre) Oxalic acid Polyphenols (tea, coffee) Full body stores of iron Excess of other minerals (Zn, Mn,Ca) Reduction in stomach acid Antacid

Iron in the intestinal lumen

Enterocytes in the crypts

- Transferrin is a protein that transports iron in the blood

- When iron stores are adequate all iron binding sites are saturated
-Transferrin can be used as an indicator of overload or deficiency - Almost all cells in the body have transferrin receptor (TfR)

- Serum soluble Tfr (sTfR) is a good indicator of deficiency.

Internalisasi besi

Tahap deplesi besi dan indikatornya

Allen et al. 2000

Suplementasi besi gagal karena tingginya prevalensi kurang gizi kronik dan defisiensi berbagai zat gizimikro lain

Broek dan Lestky 2000

Among anemic pregnant women only 53% showed biochemical evidence of iron deficiency.
That is the maximum proportion of people among whom anemia could be expected to respond to the administration of iron

vitamin yang berperan dalam kejadian anemia Vitamin B12 Defisiensi vitamin B12 dapat menyebabkan folat tertahan dalam bentuk 5-methyltetrahydrofolate karena aktivitas dari enzim methyonine sintase tergantung vitamin B12 terjadi defisiensi folat fungsional yang berkembang menjadi pengurangan folat vitamers yang dibutuhkan untuk sintesis dTMP dan terjadi reduksi availibilitas kelompok denovo methyl yang dibutuhkan untuk methylasi CpG, dan mengganggu ekspresi DNA Effek klinis awal dari gangguan defisiensi vitamin B akan menyebabkan anemia megaloblastik.

Vit B12 lanjutan

Vitamin B12 juga dibutuhkan untuk methylmalonyl coA-mutase, dan defisiensi dari locus ini akan menyebabkan kegagalan methylasi arginin residu protein dasar dari myelin dan menyebabkan degenerasi yang ireversibel dari system saraf. Anemi pernisiosa merupakan masalah yang serius dan tanda awal anemia megaloblastik dapat ditutupi dengan intake folat yang tinggi, hal ini yang mendasari kebijakan untuk fortifikasi folate. Defisiensi vitamin B12 dan asam folat yang terjadi bersama-sama akan berakibat pada integritas DNA

Kelompok risiko tinggi anemia

Ibu Hamil Ibu menyusui Bayi Balita Remaja ( t.u: putri) lansia

Ibu hamil
Kebutuhan energi meningkat:
Suplai energi untuk peningkatan metabolisme Pembentukan jaringan ( bersama dengan protein ) Tambahan kurang lebih : 300 kalori/ hari dibanding wanita yg tidak hamil ( 2200-2500 kal)

Kebutuhan ibu hamil lanjutan..

Kebutuhan protein :
Sumber utama pertumbuhan jaringan janin Pertumbuhan bayi cepat Perkembangan placenta Pertumbuhan jaringan mamma dan uterus Meningkatnya volume darah Cairan amnion Cadangan : selama hamil dan saat melahirkan

Sumber makanan
Protein komplit yang memiliki nilai biologis tinggi : susu, telur, keju, daging.
Sumber : vitamin A, B, besi, calsium

Protein inkomplit dari tanaman : sebagai tambahan:

Sumber vitamin C, serat, PUFA, vitamin E, antioksidan, asam folat

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