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Permanent Seminar for self training It is an autonomous higher education of national order, with legal, academic, administrative and

d financial status and independent heritage which it develops and manages its budget, according to the functions incumbent on the education sector policies linked to the Ministry of national education of Colombia.

In that way are articulated the four basic principles of the seminar with the challenges of a student of the i.d.e.a.d? These are articulated among themselves to form a comprehensive student with capacity to respond positively with a sufficient degree of autonomy, integrity and creativity

That is planned the construction of the autonomy and freedom as core values of learning? for the person learning is exercised successfully being responsible, sociable and exploiting their knowledge freely and without harm to others

When can we identify that a student acts autonomously in their learning? Taking into account three important aspects. To demonstrate in their partial. Expressing verbally well. When responds positively and with good argument.


What are the CIPAS?

The CIPAS are born as part of the philosophy of open education programmes and distance and as a response to the new pedagogical structural processes, where seeks to maximize the time and knowledge to the maximum.

CIPAS (circles of integration and academic activism)

There are groups for academic improvement, where we can way autonomous and free to learn without a teacher in due course by applying respect, responsibility and organization that are we are responsible for coordinating all the meetings and topics to continue

Intention of formation
The overall goal of the permanent seminar of auto training is from the same need for a welldocumented view on University life. It's the construction of a space for reflection on essence of being the University of ethos and campus, is a space where you can access dynamic and reflexive, so with exercises from individuality to the community thus strengthening the socialization and learning.

Permanent Seminar for self-education

Corporacin Universitaria Minuto de Dios (uniminuto) is a Faculty of higher education, an autonomous entity of national order, with legal personality, financial academic, administrative autonomy. The University has the Institute of distance education (IDEAD) one of the most largest and most important of Colombia.

Rights and duties of students

Corporation Universitaria Minute de Dios conceives education as a human process of interpersonal, open and creative relationship, whose social function is the of boost the potential of man for processes of formation and transformation of the individual and society.

Article 7- Rights. The rights of students are: a. Respectful treatment by the directives, teachers and peers. b. Access to all sources of scientific information arranged by the University Corporation for its service. c. Elect and be elected to positions resulting in accordance with existing rules. d. Receive welfare services offered by the University Corporation according to the physical and financial possibilities and regulations established to regulate its functioning. e. Submit written requests, claims of academic, disciplinary order, always following the regular channels.

f. Completing the planned training programme and use the resources offered by the University Corporation. g. Make use of the possibility of transfer, transfer and reinstatement in accordance with this regulation. h. Know the results of their academic evaluations in a timely manner. i. In the case of punishment, be previously heard on disclaimers and remedies provided for in this regulation. j. Other rights enshrined in the statutes of the University Corporation and special regulations issued by competent authority.

Article 8- Duties. The duties of students are: a. Comply with the law, legal, statutory and regulatory standards of the University Corporation. b. Adjust their conduct to the standards of morality, culture and professional ethics. c. Respect the rights of all members of the University community. d. Take care with care of equipment, furniture, materials and constructions that are at your service and take responsibility for the damage it causes. e. Represent with dignity the University Corporation, responsible for their behavior in the events for which they are designated. f. Attend and participate in academic activities that integrate the curriculum of vocational training.

g. Pay in a timely manner the value of tuition and other pecuniary rights established by the University Corporation. h. Refrain from entering the University Corporation under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotic or hallucinogenic that alter their individual or social behavior. i. Refrain from entering the University Corporation carrying weapons of any kind. j. Refrain from entering the University Corporation narcotics, alcoholic beverages or hallucinogens.

Self-education as a permanent process of learning

He is considered an autonomous person when the person is able to govern this way, i.e. is able to make their own decisions, and think with the sense critical and this would cover all aspects of our lives. Autonomy refers to the ability of the learners make their own decisions in the education process, regulated in relation to the goal you want to achieve or to knowledge who want to integrate. The concept "intellectual autonomy" is closely related to the "learning to learn" so important in our times and which enables students to continue learning throughout their lives.

Process dare which you have experience teaching systems and intentional and develops the ability to take control of their own learning, regulating processes of knowledge of if same, of the necessary strategies to learn and evaluate own learning. This is not only defined as an achievement to reach dare the working of all areas, but that has a defined space in the circle and in the curriculum the day of selfeducation.

Extra uniminuto

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