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Denmarks Electricity Policy

By: Baylin Brown, Brandon Davis, and Amani Al-Nossiff

Wind Power In Demark

Localize energy producing plants Integrate into landscape Denmark has 1/3 of the worlds market for wind turbines Carbon Tax 12% owned by utilities and 88% owned by individuals and cooperatives

In Worthington, Minnesota a few of companies teamed up to build 6 turbines in total with great community support with an onsite capacity of 3.7MW The UK has a similar success story where the community came together to get 75kW turbines for the community
The revenue from the project was retained within the local economy

Vermonts only wind turbine farm has had a difficult time with the operation of their wind turbines Due to strong winds and lighting strikes These accidents can be frequent and suggest over a thousand feet safety zone around the wind turbine

Applying The Technology Here

Bottom-up movement
Eliminate Patent Warehousing Mandatory net-metering availability Subsidize rural population wind power

Applying The Tech Cont..

Create Top-down action Establish Regional Co-ops
North California, Oregon Montana and Wyoming Dakota and Wisconsin Northern Texas Western Texas

Southwest Gulf Great Lakes Eastern Tennessee Northeast Atlantic

Wind Power scattered on sides and middle-north Southeast Coast? Oklahoma? Other Areas? of the country Wind must push to were it is needed most

Build a sense of Competition


Map of Proposed Locations

Getting the Power to Destination

Power is pushed across the country
West covers it is needs then pushes its power towards Las Vegas Mid of the country is spilt into West/East pushing power towards Las Vegas/Saint Louis East covers it is needs
Expected short fall in energy production One of our holes in the proposed grid

Power Lines and Possible HolesMap

Other Government Efforts

Government funding spilt between each Region according to population Donation box on taxes form Cap and Trade on Carbon Begin Policy of Wind First
All power should be generated by wind first If unfeasible move to the next preferred technology

Energy generation
Plan revolves on public/private evolvement Every dollar used pays dividends Can continue with variable amounts of support


Unexpected Results
Control of Growth
If Colorado wishes to increase energy demands it must seek approval from another region. Unless they do it themselves Predict Future Needs
If we can forecast Indianas population will increase by 1 percent we can plan our increase in energy proportionally Rerouting of power depending on demand

Unexpected Results Contained

Population Migration over time
In part to off set increases in energy prices people will move towards energy source areas Move humans into more suitable conditions


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