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All about Chocolate

Life is like a box of chocolates. never know what youre going to get. By Siva Kumar

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Facts History of Chocolate Production of Chocolate Prejudices and Truth Chocolate in everyday life

(1) Facts of Consumption (2) Nutritional Information (3) Difference between white chocolate and milk chocolate

Facts of Consumption
Chocolate consumption in kilograms per person and country

Facts of Consumption

Nutritional Information
Per 100 grams Protein (g) Pure chocolate 4,7 Milk chocolate 8,4 White chocolate 8

Fat (g)
Calories (kcal) Calcium (mg) Magnesium (mg)

525 38 100

529 220 55

529 270 26

Difference between white and milk chocolate

White chocolate
Two kinds of white chocolate not chocolate. "Real" white chocolate = candy bark Allergic to cocoa contains no cocoa. Ingrediens (primarily): cocoa butter, sugar, milk and vanilla, without any cocoa flavoring

Milk chocolate
by definition: less than 30% chocolate Milk-chocolatecandy=primarily sugar + spices with almost no chocolate Milk chocolate 12 cocoa beans Real chocolate 99 cocoa beans

Strictly speaking: chocolate is any product based 99% on cocoa solid and/or cacao fat

History of Chocolate
(1) Where does Cocoa come from? (2) Chocolate in Europe Some Dates

Where does Cocoa come from?

First people who made chocolate were the Mayas and the Aztecs They drank chocolate as a bitter and spicy beverage called xocoatl (bitter water) Chocolate played an important role in their social and religious life It symbolized life and fertility and was also used as medicine It was a drink for wealthy and important people (royalty, priests, etc.) Cocoa beans were also used as money

Chocolate in Europe - Some Dates

1528: Hernn Cortz returned to Spain with cocoa beans and the formula for the chocolate drink 1615: The Spanish princess Anne of Austria married Luis XIII of France, so chocolate came to France 1657: A Frenchman opened the first Chocolate House in London became as popular as Coffee Houses

Chocolate in Europe - Some Dates

1674: The first solid chocolate in a stick form had been sold End of 17th century: chocolate came to Germany first pralines were made by a German cook a tax was imposed by Frederick I of Prussia 1792: A chocolate factory was opened in Berlin 1875: The first milk chocolate was put on the market

Cocoa growing countries

Cocoa Beans - The Raw Material

Flow Diagram of Chocolate Production

Step 1: cocoa beans

Cocoa Beans - Roasting

Flow Diagram of Chocolate Production

Step 1: cocoa beans

Step 2: shell and nibs

Nibs, Shell and Liquor

Flow Diagram of Chocolate Production

Step 1: cocoa beans

Step 2: shell and nibs

Step 3: cocoa powder

Cocoa Powder

Flow Diagram of Chocolate Production

Step 1: cocoa beans

Step 2: shell and nibs

Step 3: cocoa powder

Step 4: plain chocolate


Prejudices and Truth

(1) Table of Prejudices and Truth (2) Advantages of plain, dark chocolate

Table of Prejudices and Truth

Prejudice migraine obesity Reason large doses of tyramine sugar Truth only small quantity * a lot of sugar # less sugar no correlation *lot of tannins # calcium and fluoride fortification

acne tooth decay

no correlation between acne and chocolate proved Tannin counteracts enzyme caries

allergy addiction

allergy is rare (exception: traces of nuts) no evidence proved (only delight and desire)
# dark chocolate (> 70%)

*cheap, mass-produced chocolate

Advantages of plain, dark chocolate

Supports antioxidant effects Mood enhancer (aphrodisiac) Prevention of clogged arteries and heart attacks Raises serotonin and releases endorphins Prevent women of violent mood, heart disease and hypertension

Rich of magnesium

Cholesterol free
Cholesterol furs up arteries

Chocolate in everyday life

(1) Quotations about Chocolate

Quotations about Chocolate

There is nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with chocolate. (Linda Grayson, The Pickwick Papers) It is not that chocolates are a substitute for love. Love is a substitute for chocolate. Chocolate is, lets face it, far more reliable than a man. (Miranda Ingram)

Man cannot live on chocolate alone; but woman sure can. (unknown)
This guy found a bottle on the ocean, and he opened it and out popped a genie, and he gave him three wishes. The guy wished a million dollars and

poof! there was a million dollars. Then he wished for a convertible, and
poof! there was a convertible. And then, he wished he could be irresistible to all women poof! He turned into a box of chocolates. (unknown)

Quotations about Chocolate

Chemically speaking, chocolate really is the worlds perfect food. (Michael Levine, nutrition researcher) I have this theory that chocolate slows down the aging

It may not be true, but do I dare take the chance? (unknown)

I never met a chocolate I didnt like. (Deanna Troi in Star

Trek) Simply put everybody has a price, mine is chocolate!

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