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1. Introduction

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Types of function Elements of function Categories of function Scope of function Why we use Function Importance

Definition:A function is a self contained block of statement which have a special task inside a program. Types of function:1. library Function 2. User define Function

Library Function:Library functions are those functions which are already define inside the compiler. For example- Printf(), Scanf(), getch() etc


Void main() { Int i, j; Scanf(%d%d,&I, &j); Printf(%d%d,I,j); }

User define function:User define functions are those which are defined by the user.

Elements of User define function:The basic elements of user define functions are: Function definition Function declaration Function call

Function Definition:The definition defines the working of function and the type of value that should be return.
Elements of function definition:-

1.Function type:Function type specifies the type of value like float, integer, double. That means the function is expected to return; if the return type is not specify then it will assume that of integer. 2.List of parameter:The parameter lists declares the variables that will receives the data send by the main program. This parameter is known as formal parameter.

Function Name:The function name identifies the particular function that is used inside the program. Local variable:The local variable declaration specifies the variable needed by the function. Function statement:The function statement specifies the statement which is used inside the function for executing the in the program. Return statement:Return statement is statement that returns by function.

Function Declaration:A function declaration is also known as function prototype. It consists of 4 parts.
Function type Function name List of parameter Terminating semicolon

General form of function declarationFunction_type function_name (List of paramaters); Example-

int sum(int , int);

function call:A function can be called by using simply the function name follow by list of actual paramaters and semicolon.


int sum(int, int); /prototype void main() { int a,b; scanf(%d%d,&a,&b); printf(%d,sum(a,b)); /calling } int sum(int e,int w) /definition { return(a+b); }

Category of functions:Depending on whether the arguments are present or not or a value is return or not. It is divided into 5 types.
Function with no argument & no return value. Function with argument but no return value. Function with argument & one return value. Function with no argument but return value. Function that return multiple value.

Function with no argument & no return value.

When a function has no argument and no return type, it does not receive any data from the calling function to called function also dont return a value to calling function.

For example:-

Sum(); Void main() { Sum(); } Sum() { Int a,b,c; Scanf(%d%d,&a,&b); C=a+b; Printf(%d,c); }

Function with argument but no return value:When a function has argument and no return type, then it receive any data from the calling function to called function but dont return a value to calling function. Example:Int Mul(int,int); Void main() { Int a,b; Scanf(%d%d,&a,&b); Mul(a,b); } Int Mul(int a, int b) { Printf(a+b=,a+b) ; }

Function with argument & one return value:When a function has argument and return type, then it receive any data from the calling function to called function also return a value to calling function. Example:Int Mul(int,int); Void main() { Int a,b; Scanf(%d%d,&a,&b); Printf(%d,Mul(a,b)); } Int Mul(int a, int b) { Return(a+b) ; }

Function with no argument but return value:when a function has no argument but return type, it does not receive any data from the calling function to called function but return a value to calling function. Example:Int sub(); Void main() { Int a,b; Scanf(%d%d, &a, &b); Printf(%d, sub()); } Int sub() { Int a,b; Return(a+b) ; }

Advantages of using functions:There are many advantages in using functions in a program they are: 1. The length of the source program can be reduced by using functions at appropriate places. 2. It becomes uncomplicated to locate and separate a function for further study. 3. A function may be used later by many other programs this means that a c programmer can use function written by others. 4. A function can be used to keep away from rewriting the same block of codes which we are going use two or more locations in a program. This is especially useful if the code involved is long or complicated.

Reference:Books: Let us c ANSIC

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