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COW Unit 1 Nouns & Pronouns

Mrs. Tweedy 8th Grade ELA Writing

Kinds of Nouns
A noun is a word that names a person, place, things, or idea. A common noun names a nonspecific person, place, thing, or idea and is not capitalized.
Teacher, city, video game, month

A proper noun names a specific person, place, thing, or idea and is ALWAYS capitalized.
Mrs. Tweedy, Seattle, Playstation, October

Singular & Plural Nouns

A singular noun names ONE person, place, thing, or idea.
Student, town, television

A plural noun names MORE THAN ONE person place thing or idea.
Students, towns, televisions

Concrete & Abstract Nouns

A concrete noun names a person, place, or thing that can be SEEN or TOUCHED.
Police officer, school, pillow, cat, water

An abstract noun names an idea, which CANNOT be touched.

December, Christmas, hunger, Friday, beauty

Collective Nouns
A collective noun is a group of people or things.
When the collective noun refers to a group as a whole, use a singular verb.
The army retreated.

When the collective noun refers to the individual members of the group, use the plural form of the verb.
The class votes for student president next week.

An appositive is a word or group of words that follows a nouns and identifies or explains it. Use commas to set off most appositives.
Mrs. Tweedy, my English teacher, loves polka dots. My teachers daughter, Addison, is obsessed with Bubble Guppies.

Possessive Nouns
A possessive noun is a noun that names who or what has something. Use an apostrophe () and s to form the possessive of most singular nouns and of plural nouns that do not already end in s.
Dog Dogs

Use only an apostrophe () to form the possessive of plural nouns that already end in s.
Winners Winners

A pronoun takes the place of one or more nouns and the words that go with them.
My sister She The dog It

Use a subject pronoun as the subject of a sentence. Use an object pronoun and the object of a verb or preposition. An antecedent is the word that a pronoun refers to.
Mr. Irion He (not they, she, or it)

Indefinite Pronouns
An indefinite pronoun does not refer to a specific person, place, or thing. Any possessive pronoun (hers, his, ours, mine) used with and indefinite pronoun must agree with its number and gender.
Singular: another, each, everything, nobody, someone Plural: both, few, many, others, several Singular or Plural: all, any, most, none, some

Possessive Pronouns
A possessive pronoun shows who or what owns something. Possessive pronouns can come before a noun or stand alone. Possessive pronouns NEVER have apostrophies.

A contraction is a word made by combine two words into one by leaving out one or more letters.
I will Ill I am Im He is Hes

Whose, Who, Whom

An interrogative pronoun is a pronoun that introduces an interrogative sentence. Whose, who, and whom are interrogative pronouns. Use who as the subject of a sentence.
Who wants to go to a movie today?

Use whom as the object of a sentence.

To whom should I write this check?

Demonstrative Pronouns
A demonstrative pronoun points out something and stands alone in a sentence.
This, that, these, those

Reflexive & Intensive Pronouns

A reflexive pronoun directs the action of the verb to the subject.
She reminded herself to study for the test.

An intensive pronoun adds emphasis to a noun or pronoun already named.

She herself was not interested in going to the dance.

There, Theyre, & Their

Used when referring to a place
We went there for dinner last night. My keys are over there.

A contraction
They are Theyre

A pronoun referring to two or more possessing something.
We went to their house for dinner. Their dog ran away.

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