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Planning for and Recruiting Human Resources

The Process of Human Resource Planning

For Human Resource planning an organization should have clear idea of strengths and weaknesses of its internal labor force. This helps them identify changes they should make in order to meet future goals. These changes may include: 1-Downsizing 2-Training 3-Hiring new employees

Explain First Step in HR Planning: Forecasting with help of a diagram Forecasting is the first step in HR-planning. Personnel forecasting is defined as the process in which the HR-professional tries to determine the supply and demand of various types of human resources. Methods used: 1-Statistical 2-Judgement ==>>>Figure 5.1 page#119

What is a transitional Matrix? What is it used for? Give an example to support your answer. Transitional Matrix is used for determining the internal labor supply. Definition: A chart that lists job categories held in one period and shows the proportion of of employees in each of those job categories in a future period. Example :Table 5.1 /Explanation page#120/121

What is labor surplus and labor shortage?

If the no. of employees in an organization is more than the required ,it is labor surplus. Whereas if the no. of employees in an organization is less than the no. of employees required it is labor shortage.

The second step in HR-Planning: Goal Setting and Strategic planning

Different strategies used for this purpose are as follows: 1-Downsizing 2-Early Retirement plan 3-Employing temporary and contract workers 4-Temporary workers 5-Contractor 6-Outsourcing 7-Overtime and expanded hours.

What is the last step in HRplanning ?Explain the steps.

That last step in HR-Planning is implementing and evaluating HR-plan. 1-Implementation A-Responsibility B-Availability of Resources 2-Evaluating: A-Checking weather the organization has succeeded in avoiding labor shortages or surplus. B-Identify which parts of the planning process contributed to success or failure.

Recruiting Human Resources

Definition of Recruiting: In HRM ,recruiting consists of any practice or activity carried on by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees.

What are Personnel policies? Name some categories of personnel policies relevant to recruitment. An organizations personnel policies are its decisions about how it will carry out human resource management ,including how it will fill job vacancies. Personnel policies relevant to Recruitment: 1-Internal versus External Recruiting. 2-Lead-The-Market pay strategies. 3-Employment at will policies. 4-Image advertising.

What are different recruitment sources. Briefly explain them.

1-Internal sources: Internal sources are employees who are currently holding other positions in the organization. 2-External Sources: Future employees outside the organization. a-Direct Applicants: People who apply for a vacancy without prompting from the organization. b-Referrals: People who apply for a vacancy because someone in the organization prompted them to do so.

c-Advertisements in the Newspapers and Magazines. d-Electronic Recruiting e-Public Employment Agencies f- Private Employment Agencies g-Colleges and Universities

Personnel Selection: The process through which organizations make decisions about who will and who will not be allowed to join the organization.

Draw a diagram to show the steps in selection process.

Figure 6.1 Page # 151

Ways to measure the success of a selection method

Important Definitions: Rliabilty: The extent to which the measurement is free from random error. Validity: The extent to which performance on a measure (such as a test score) is related to what the measure is designed to asses (such as job performance).

Generalizable: Valid in other contexts beyond the context in which selection method was deployed. Utility: The extent to which something provides economic value greater than its cost.

What are job application forms give an example.

It is form used to gather data from many job applicants at time , its a low cost way. Figure 6.3 Page # 159

Define background check

A background check is a way to verify that applicants as they represent themselves to be.

Explain in your own words Resumes and References

Textbook Reading : Page 160-161

Name different categories of employment tests and work samples

1-Physical Ability tests. 2-Cognitive Ability test 3-Job performance tests and work samples 4-Personality inventories 5-Honesty tests and drug tests 6-Medical Examination

Name and define different interviewing techniques.

Non directive Interview A selection interview in which the interviewer has great discretion in choosing questions to ask each candidate. Structured interview A Selection interview that consists of a predetermined set of questions for the interviewer to ask.

Define Multiple hurdle model

Process of arriving at a selection decision by eliminating some candidates at each stage of selection process.

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