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Learning Objectives
Describe the five dimensions of service quality. Use the service quality gap model to diagnose quality problems. Illustrate how Taguchi methods and poka-yoke methods are applied to quality design. Perform service quality function deployment. Construct a statistical process control chart. Develop unconditional service guarantees. Plan for service recovery. Perform a walk-through audit (WtA) Corporate Quality improvement programs. Quality tools.

Moments of Truth
A moment of truth is usually defined as an instance wherein the customer and the organization come into contact with one another in a manner that gives the customer an opportunity to either form or change an impression about the firm. (Source:http://www.managementstudyguide.com/moment-of-truthservices-marketing.htm) Service Quality Service quality is a business administration term used to describe achievement in service. It reflects both objective and subjective aspects of service. A service recovery is satisfying a previously dissatisfied customer and making them a loyal customer. Service Quality is defined by Content Process Structure Outcome Impact

Measuring Service quality for Health Clinic

Dimensions of Service Quality

TANGIBLES-Appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and communication materials (e.g. Cleanliness) RELIABILITY-Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately (e.g. Receiving mail at the same time each day)

RESPONSIVENESS-Willingness to help customers and provide prompt service (e.g. serving complementary drinks)
ASSURANCE-Knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence (e.g. Include certification logos on emails, letters & reports) EMPATHY-Caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers

The 5 Service Dimensions Customers Care About

Source: http://www.serviceperformance.com/articles/33_Five_Service_Dimensions.php

Perceived Service Quality

Word of mouth

Personal needs

Past experience

Service Quality Dimensions Reliability Responsiveness Assurance Empathy Tangibles

Expected service

Perceived service

Service Quality Assessment 1. Expectations exceeded ES<PS (Quality surprise) 2. Expectations met ES~PS (Satisfactory quality) 3. Expectations not met ES>PS (Unacceptable quality)

Service Quality Gap Model

Gap 1 is the distance between what customers expect and what managers think they expect Clearly survey research is a key way to narrow this gap. Gap 2 is between management perception and the actual specification of the customer experience - Managers need to make sure the organization is defining the level of service they believe is needed. Gap 3 is from the experience specification to the delivery of the experience Managers need to audit the customer experience that their organization currently delivers in order to make sure it lives up to the spec.

Gap 4 is the gap between the delivery of the customer experience and what is communicated to customers - All too often organizations exaggerate what will be provided to customers, or discuss the best case rather than the likely case, raising customer expectations and harming customer perceptions. Gap 5 is the gap between a customer's perception of the experience and the customer's expectation of the service Customers' expectations have been shaped by word of mouth, their personal needs and their own past experiences. Routine transactional surveys after delivering the customer experience are important for an organization to measure customer perceptions of service. Source: http://blog.vovici.com/blog/bid/18271/Service-Quality-Gap-Model

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