31-Loreal Marketing Project

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###################Sunfill : RIP (2001-2005) Brand : Sunfill#Company: Coca
Cola##Brand Count : 191#Sunfill was Coca Cola's foray into the Soft Drink
Concentrate market in India. Globally it was the company's first foray into the
powder concentrate segment. This good product died after 4 years primarily
because the company did not consider worthwhile to focus on marketing this
product.# HYPERLINK
"http://bp2.blogger.com/_1pKvii0Z9Cs/RbL7SUylaLI/AAAAAAAAAQQ/G9EdPSwVUdE/s1600h/sunfill+main.jpg" ## INCLUDEPICTURE
nfill+main.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET ####Sunfill was introduced in 2001 and Coca
Cola intended to take on Rasna in the Rs 180 crore soft drinks concentrate
market in India. Rasna was dominating the market with a share of over
85%.#Sunfill was a powder soft drink concentrate . Powder concentrate occupy85%
of the total soft drinks concentrate market. Sunfill came in three variants :
Regular,Anand and Tarang.##Sunfill differentiated from Rasna by taking the
convenience route. The concentrate had added sugar in it so to make the drink
was easy for the consumer. While other concentrates, sugar need to be added
hence was cumbersome for the consumer. The taste of Sunfill was also better
compared to other brands ( personal opinion). The brand also innovated in
packaging by coming out with single serve packs and also multi serve pillow
packs.#The biggest challenge for any FMCG/SDC products was distribution. Sunfill
found an innovative method to reach the market. It had alliances with other FMCG
firms in reaching the market. The brand had its own channel + third party
alliance (Hybrid network) to ensure that the brand is available in all
stores.#But somehow the product failed in the market. The issue was with regard
to distribution, product and the promotion.#The product had some quality issues.
In my personal experience, some of the packs had very bad quality concentrate .
At one point of time, the product was not available in the stores. The issue in
promotion was regarding the positioning. When Sunfill came into the market,
Rasna countered Sunfill with its own range of powder concentrate with added
sugar.Hence the differentiation became negated for Sunfill. The promotion
investment for Sunfill was not adequate to counter the huge brand equity that
Rasna enjoyed. I have a feeling that Sunfill was a half hearted effort from the
company.That was reflected in the promotions for the product which ultimately
lead to the death of a high potential brand##I still feel that the company did
not do justice to the brand which had a potential to make it big in the SDC
market but the plug was pulled on Sunfill in 2005.##Related brands### HYPERLINK
#Rasna###Source: Agencyfaqs,businessline,magindiaLabels: # HYPERLINK
"http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search/label/beverages" #beverages#, #
HYPERLINK "http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search/label/failed%20brands"
#failed brands#, # HYPERLINK
#marketing myopia#posted by Harish B at # HYPERLINK
"http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/2007/01/sunfill-rip-2001-2005.html" \o
"permanent link" #9:52 AM# # HYPERLINK "http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?
blogID=18794706&postID=2396902791842822173&isPopup=true" #0 comments# #
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blogID=18794706&postID=2396902791842822173" \o "Email Post" ### HYPERLINK
blogID=18794706&postID=2396902791842822173" \o "Edit Post" ## Friday, December
29, 2006Maruti Gypsy : RIP Brand : Gypsy#Company: Maruti Suzuki##Brand Count :
182#Gypsy was one of India's first sports utility vehicles. The vehicle created
a breakaway category of SUV offroader from the existing jeep category which was
dominated by# HYPERLINK
"http://bp1.blogger.com/_1pKvii0Z9Cs/RZSfXOOvgJI/AAAAAAAAAIE/z0j4N4Ljo30/s1600h/maruti-gypsy-main.jpg" ## INCLUDEPICTURE

ruti-gypsy-main.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET #### Mahindra. Born in 1985, the brand
was considered as an aspirational one by many young at hearts.The brand was
positioned on the basis of its ruggedness. The brand was promoted as a pure
offroader. The ads used to say that Gypsy could even climb trees. The
positioning was reinforced by the success of the brand in rally and offroad
events. Maruti also promoted such events to boost the brand as the ultimate
offroader. The brand had the tagline of " There is a Gypsy in Everyone".##But
the brand failed to capitalise on the first mover advantage although it is still
considered to be one of the sportiest looking SUV in the Indian market. The
brand is now confined to certain niche markets like Police and Army vehicle
segments.#Gypsy was the rebadged version of Suzuki Jimny. Although Jimny is
still surviving, Gypsy is in the last stage of its product life cycle. The brand
which pioneered the offroader category sadly is dying when the SUV category has
started growing. The brand failed because of the apathy of the company in
investing in the brand. The product had inherent problem that created negative
word of mouth and the company didn't cared to look at the negatives of the
brand.#Gypsy although considered as a tough vehicle lacked many important
attributes valued by a customer. The driving quality and the mileage was awful.
The product was priced at a ridiculous premium which was not justified interms
of the delivery of value.#The brand was priced at around Rs 5 lakh which is
comparable with a entry level sedan.The product although looked excellent
outside was a mess inside. The vehicle lacked space and comfort especially for
the rear seat. It had all the qualities for an offroader but failed to
understand that Indian consumers use offroaders on roads ( cities).The mileage
was awful and that ensured that only those who fall head over heals over the
looks only will buy this brand . Since MUL at that time was in the public
sector, the brand was sold to Police and army. For the ordinary consumers, the
brand did not made any sense.#Gypsy also did not change itself in tune with the
changing industry requirements. The vehicle initially was severely underpowered
for an offroader. The company enhanced the power from 975cc to # HYPERLINK
"http://bp1.blogger.com/_1pKvii0Z9Cs/RZSfiOOvgKI/AAAAAAAAAIM/gdGYnkqByDQ/s1600h/suzuki_jimny_21_01_05.jpg" ## INCLUDEPICTURE
zuki_jimny_21_01_05.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET ####1300 cc only after 11 years.
Gypsy King was launched in 1996 sported the more powerful Esteem engine but was
priced steeply.#The last four years has shown that SUV category is growing very
fast fuelled by the success of the likes of Mahindra Scorpio. Most of the global
bigwigs in the SUV segment is now there in India. Suzuki also has launched its
brand Grand Vitara in this segment. But in the current scheme of things, Gypsy
was sadly not in the picture.##Compare the picture of the Suzuki Jimny (given in
the blog) and Gypsy and see the difference. Had this brand changed its looks and
feel in tune with the emerging category requirements, Gypsy could have been a
major brand. But Alas.... the brand's fate is to be cited as an example of
Marketing Myopia or is it Marketing Laziness.##Source:marutigypsy.com,wikipedia
#Related Brands### HYPERLINK "http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search?
q=tata+sierra" #Tata sierra#Labels: # HYPERLINK
#automobile brands#, # HYPERLINK
"http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search/label/branding" #branding#, #
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#failed brands#, # HYPERLINK
#marketing myopia#posted by Harish B at # HYPERLINK
"http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/2006/12/maruti-gypsy-rip.html" \o
"permanent link" #9:48 AM# # HYPERLINK "http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?
blogID=18794706&postID=921906276206157091&isPopup=true" #1 comments# # HYPERLINK
blogID=18794706&postID=921906276206157091" \o "Email Post" ### HYPERLINK
blogID=18794706&postID=921906276206157091" \o "Edit Post" ## Monday, December
18, 2006Vanilla Coke : Wakaw Brand :Vanilla Coke#Company: Coca Cola#Agency:
McCann EricksonBrand Count : 178Vanilla Coke was touted as the greatest
innovation since Diet Coke in 1983. It also has the distinction of the greatest

flops after the New Coke. Vanilla Coke came with a bang in the Indian market in
April 2004. It went without much noise in 2005.# HYPERLINK
"http://bp1.blogger.com/_1pKvii0Z9Cs/RYY2UuOvf8I/AAAAAAAAAFs/-UJNq-XnWlg/s1600h/vanilla+coke+main.jpg" ## INCLUDEPICTURE
"http://bp1.blogger.com/_1pKvii0Z9Cs/RYY2UuOvf8I/AAAAAAAAAFs/-UJNqXnWlg/s320/vanilla+coke+main.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET ####The history of this
product variant dates back as early as 1950's. The mass marketing of this
variant began in 2002.The brand went global in 2004.#2004 saw the unusual scream
" Wakaw" played across mass
media. We all looked up in awe : a brand new variant from Coca Cola : Vanilla
Coke. The brand was targeted at the metro youth was different. It was different
in taste, promotion, package, price etc.#Vanilla Coke was promoted in retro
style. The brand had Vivek Oberoi , the then bollywood flame endorsing the brand
in an unusual style. Vivek sported the retro look with typical combination of
Elvis style + Shammi Kapoor style in an Old Lamby Scooter screaming Wakaw.The
ads were surely clutter breaking and backed by 360 degree branding efforts that
ensured good publicity. The creative done by the famed Prasoon Joshi was
discussed in all media and that ensured truck loads of free publicity. The brand
also got into viral marketing. The campaign along with Contenst2win asked the c#
"http://bp1.blogger.com/_1pKvii0Z9Cs/RYY2auOvf9I/AAAAAAAAAF0/3xScrPJQrZI/s1600h/Vanilla_coke_ad.jpg" ## INCLUDEPICTURE
nilla_coke_ad.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET ####ustomers to SMS Wakaw to 8558 inorder
to win goodies. According to media reports, the campaign resulted in 440,000 SMS
in just 4 weeks creating a record of sorts.According to Indiatelevision.com
report, the media brief given to the agency was to create a clutter breaking
campaign targeted at youth. The campaign should create a dhamaka in the market.
And rightly so all the client requirements was achieved with in a short span of
time.#But how come a product with such a good start failed so easily. With in
one year, the brand has been taken out from most of the Indian states. The brand
is said to be available in Gujarat,Kolkatta and Delhi.#As a marketing person, I
am also perplexed. Frankly I liked the ad the feel and wanted to try it out. But
soon the product was not at all available. The failure of this product line
extension may have delighted Alries and Trout .##I am assuming that the
following factors may have caused the failure of this brand.##a. The product may
have been bad. The TG may not have liked the taste. Although Coke has test
marketed this product, there is always a chance that the customers may have
disliked the taste.b.The campaign was not targeted at the right segment. This
campaign had its fair share of critics also. I liked the campaign because I have
seen the old stars and the lamby etc and could easily relate the old characters
and the concept. But for a twenty year old, he may not relate or understand the
concept. The brand may have lost out in that respect.c. The brand was priced at
a premium over the ordinary coke. This may have discouraged the TG from checking
out the brand. Together with the retro campaign not clicking with the intended
audience may have given a double whammy for the brand.#d. Indian SD industry is
a duopoly. Pepsi and Coke rule the roast and there are brand loyal on both
sides. The new variant will be tested first by the Coke loyal and not the Pepsi
loyal. Hence like most of the Product line extensions, the variant will be
pitted against the mother brand. Hence the customers may have compared the new
variant with the classic coke and not as a new drink. And surely the classic
coke won .#These are all assumptions because I am still confused.#The failure of
Vanilla Coke is a classic case that proves that Marketing is not a perfect
science. There are no formula or theory that can make a brand successful. To
Quote Kotler " Marketing is easy to teach and understand but difficult to
Brands### HYPERLINK "http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search?q=thums+up"
#Thums Up### HYPERLINK "http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search?q=
%22+thanda+nahin%22" #Coke### HYPERLINK
"http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search?q=sprite+%2B+clear+" #Sprite#
"http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search/label/beverages" #beverages#, #
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#branding#, # HYPERLINK
"http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search/label/failed%20brands" #failed
brands#, # HYPERLINK
#marketing myopia#posted by Harish B at # HYPERLINK
"http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/2006/12/vanilla-coke-wakaw.html" \o
"permanent link" #11:36 AM# # HYPERLINK "http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?
blogID=18794706&postID=6282207625109494735&isPopup=true" #0 comments# #
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blogID=18794706&postID=6282207625109494735" \o "Email Post" ### HYPERLINK
blogID=18794706&postID=6282207625109494735" \o "Edit Post" ## Thursday,
December 14, 2006Clearasil : For Clear Skin Brand : Clearasil#Company: Reckitt &
Benckiser#Agency: Euro Rscg##Brand Count : 177<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--><!-[endif]--> <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->Clearasil was a brand that was
synonymous with skin care in India. The brand occupied a distinct space in the
Indian market as the ultimate cream for Pimples and acne. But over the years
this brand is facing the decline stage in its product life cycle. The b#
"http://bp2.blogger.com/_1pKvii0Z9Cs/RYEVoeSCo_I/AAAAAAAAAEk/tLURhHx_Xy8/s1600h/clearasil+main.jpg" ## INCLUDEPICTURE
earasil+main.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET ####rand reached this pathetic state
because of reasons not of its own.Clearasil is a global brand famous world wide
as a cure for acne and pimples. The brand is 56 year old. Mr Ivan Combe of USA
invented the product in 1950. It was the first dermatological brand for curing
pimples and acne made especially for young skin. In 1961, the brand came into
the fold of Richardson Vicks. In 1985 P&G became the owner of Richardson Vicks.
Later the company sold of these brands to Boots Pharmaceuticals in the year
2000. In 2006, Reckitt &Benckiser bought the brand globally. The brand came to
India in 1967. Now you can easily see the reason why the brand failed. The brand
went through too many ownership changes. Some companies did not feel that the
brand was a part of its core portfolio. For example during the ownership of
Clearasil by P&G there was no investment on the brand since for the company, the
personal care business was not a core area. Hence during this period the brand
was not at all promoted. Even though the other owners had tried to revive the
brand, frequent changes made the brand vulnerable. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-> <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->Clearas# HYPERLINK
"http://bp3.blogger.com/_1pKvii0Z9Cs/RYEWWuSCpAI/AAAAAAAAAEw/HHJN6D1rS14/s1600h/clearasil.jpg" ## INCLUDEPICTURE
earasil.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET ####il during its peak years had the reputation
as a strong cream for fighting pimples and acnes. At that time there was no
direct competition for Clearasil although there were many skin creams. For a
family having teenage girls, Clearasil was an essential brand. But over the
years, because of the lack of brand building efforts, the brand became
irrelevant to the younger generation. Clearasil slowly became the brand that my
mother used. When Boots owned the brand, lot of variants were launched. The
brand changed its packaging and was extended to soaps.Rather than limiting to
acne control, the brand tried to position itself as a skin care brand. But the
effort did not bear fruit because by that time, the market was flooded with
modern contemporary brands.The brand is now owned by Reckitt and marketers
expect that the brand will get a new lease of life. The greatest challenge
before the new owners is to make the brand contemporary and relevant to the new
generation. Reckitt had to find a new differentiation platform for this heritage
brand. It has to tap the existing brand equity and try to create a new space for
Clearasil. Globally Clearasil is positioned on the basis of Confidence through
better skin . The global positioning statement is Get Clearasil , Get
Confidence. But in India, Cinthol uses this positioning . The brand faces tough
competition from the likes of Ponds, Lakme, Loreal and so on .So to find the
right space is going to be tough.I think that the brand could take the Clear
Skin positioning where by it is not limited to controlling pimples but overall
skin care. With the brand Veet from Reckitt is in the same skin care market; the
brand managers will have a tough time integrating Clearasil to the portfolio.

source:agencyfaqs,businessline,reckittbenckiser.comRelated Brands# HYPERLINK

%26M" #Ponds### HYPERLINK "http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search?q=Fair+
%26+Lovely+%2B++chand+%2B+tukda" #Fair&Lovely### HYPERLINK
#Vicco### HYPERLINK "http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search?q=loreal+
%2B+112" #Loreal### HYPERLINK "http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search?
q=body+shop+%2B+164" #Bodyshop#Labels: # HYPERLINK
"http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search/label/branding" #branding#, #
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#failed brands#, # HYPERLINK
"http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search/label/FMHG" #FMHG#, # HYPERLINK
#marketing myopia#, # HYPERLINK
"http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search/label/personal%20care" #personal
care#posted by Harish B at # HYPERLINK
"http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/2006/12/clearasil-for-clear-skin.html" \o
"permanent link" #2:58 PM# # HYPERLINK "http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?
blogID=18794706&postID=4176991054282504160&isPopup=true" #0 comments#
# HYPERLINK "http://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?
blogID=18794706&postID=4176991054282504160" \o "Email Post" ### HYPERLINK
blogID=18794706&postID=4176991054282504160" \o "Edit Post" ## Thursday,
November 23, 2006Ganga Soap : RIP Brand : Ganga#Company: Godrej Consumer
Products##Brand Count: 163#If the Western Media's projection or prejudice about
the social and cultural makeup of India was correct, then Ganga soap would have
been the most sold soap brand in the world. Those who have been watching India
specific programs in BBC and National Geographic may wond# HYPERLINK
"http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger2/2258/2294/400/105260/ganga%20main.gif" \*
MERGEFORMATINET ####er how can such a brand fail in the land of elephants and
Sadhus ?##Ganga soap was launched with much fanfare in 1993. The soap was
positioned on the religious platform and was claimed to be made of water from
the river Ganges. The soap attained salvation in the early 2000.#The brand comes
from an accomplished marketer who markets such iconic brands like # HYPERLINK
"http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search?q=cinthol" #Cinthol#. The brand
was promoted heavily and even had the film stars like Govinda endorsing it.
Promoted using the tagline " Now bath in Ganga" very directly puts the soap in a
religious platform. Reports suggest that the brand's initial sales was
encouraging and also there are reports that blame on the P&G and Godrej break up
caused the brand to decline.##Ganga had a revitalisation effort in 1997 when
Godrej tried to relaunch the brand under the name Doodh Ganga. But those effort
went in vain.#The primary reason why the brand failed was that the
differentiation was not sustainable over time. Although Hindu's are very
religious in nature and revers the tradition but the consumers are discerning
when it comes to purchasing products. There is a clear divide between religion
and products. Consumers seldom like mixing the two. It is OK if religion and
politics are mixed not soups and gods. That may be the reason why the #
HYPERLINK "http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/2006/11/funskool-welcome-toworld-of-toys.html" #toys# of Hindu mythological characters are not popular in
India.##The brand when launched was really praised for its innovative thinking.
One could see through the logic of the launch. Just looking at the crowd at
Kumbh Mela would encourage any marketer to think about launching a product for
the devotees of Ganga. But a closer look at the customers could have proved the
marketer wrong. Why would a customer buy a product? That is a question that
could reveal that Love for Ganga would not rake in sales.##Rather than using
Ganga as a differentiator, Godrej could have positioned the product on the basis
if Purity and Gentleness like the # HYPERLINK
"http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search?q=pears" #Pears Soap#. The can
show the use of Water from Ganga to reinforce the positioning. But the religious
platform failed miserably. More over this platform is too old dated for our new
generation. Another funny element is that although Hindus revere the Ganges,
people are aware that the river is the most polluted one. Hence there were

consumer buzz that using a soap made from such water may be dangerous. Sensing
this consumer talk, Godrej had to tell that the water was taken from places near
the origin of Ganges hence not polluted. Overall it was a messy affair.##Ganga
is a brand that could have survived as a small niche. I am still not sure about
the exact reasons that brand have failed in the Indian market.The failure of
such a brand should inspire a marketer to delve deep into the psyche of Indian
consumer before jumping into conclusions.###source:economictimes. Mouthshut .com
"http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search/label/branding" #branding#, #
HYPERLINK "http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search/label/failed%20brands"
#failed brands#, # HYPERLINK
"http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search/label/FMCG" #FMCG#, # HYPERLINK
#marketing myopia#, # HYPERLINK
"http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search/label/personal%20care" #personal
care#, # HYPERLINK "http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/search/label/soap
%20brands" #soap brands#posted by Harish B at # HYPERLINK
"http://marketingpractice.blogspot.com/2006/11/ganga-soap-rip.html" \o
"permanent link" #2:09 PM# # HYPERLINK "http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?
blogID=18794706&postID=3759074433118621406&isPopup=true" #0 comments# #
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blogID=18794706&postID=3759074433118621406" \o "Email Post" ### HYPERLINK
blogID=18794706&postID=3759074433118621406" \o "Edit Post" ## Monday, November
20, 2006Proline : Follow Yourself Brand : Proline#Company: Bombay Dyeing#Agency:
Orchard /Leo BurnettBrand Count: 160#Proline is a pioneer in the creation of
Sports/ Leisure wear segment in the Indian market. The brand was launched in
1983 by the Batra group was one a premium sought after brand during that time.
The Indian apparel market is huge with a market size of Rs 18000-20000 crore. #
"http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger2/2258/2294/1600/36036/proline_logo.gif" ##
"http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger2/2258/2294/320/750337/proline_logo.gif" \*
MERGEFORMATINET ####There are different versions about the actual size of the
branded segment in the apparel market ranging from Rs 2500-4500 crore ( Market
size and market share reports are always confusing).##Sports and Leisure wear
segment during the eighties were virtually non existent. It would be proper to
say that there were no serious effort to brand such apparels. Proline rightfully
found the gap. Proline gain prominence in the segment through high profile
promotions using sports celebrities. Super players like Ravi Shastri, Sandip
Patil, Padukone and other major players from different sports. This created a
hugh equity for the brand. Proline was an Aspiration brand for most of the
youngsters (middle class) like me during that period. But the brand was premium
priced and that kept us from trying out the brand.##Unlike the west, the sports
wears are used as casual wears in India. There is little difference between the
two segments except for the football jerseys. The consumers used to categories
all the Sportswear in the T-shirts category. Proline was successful in
projecting a Premium International image in this segment.##Proline buoyed by the
success of its brand began retailing initiatives in a big way. The brand was
promoted through exclusive shops and " Shop in Shops" in big supermarkets. The
owners also began to market international brands like Fila and K-swiss through
this retail outlets.#2000 saw the international players entering into Indian
market with serious business plans. Brands or icons like Nike , Reebok and
Adidas started their brand building efforts. The Pioneer in the market, Proline
was dwarfed by the International giants.##Proline could not stand upto the
competition from these players . With competition from unbranded players at the
bottom of the market together with the onslaught of International brands at the
premium end. The brand could not find enough space to fit in.##Proline was
positioned as a brand that respect individuality. The brand revolves round the
value of " Self Respect" and the confidence gained by accepting what you are.
The attitude " Been there # HYPERLINK
"http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger2/2258/2294/1600/339994/Ad11_big.jpg" ##
"http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger2/2258/2294/200/501938/Ad11_big.jpg" \*

MERGEFORMATINET ####and Done That" was exemplified by the campaigns. That is one
of the best positioning that a brand can opt for.#But despite the good brand
name, first mover advantage and the memorable positioning, Proline was a brand
that could not sustain. The brand is said to have a market share of less than 6%
in the segment.#The reason for the underperformace are many :##a. Competition
from International players and domestic brand: It is interesting to note that
almost all the national brands have a casual sports wear range. Whether it is
Colorplus or Peter England, T-shirts are available. That poses serious threat to
a pure play sports wear marketer.##b. Value: The brand could not sustain the
value proposition in the mind of the consumers. Priced at par with brands like
Nike, Proline needed to show the customers more value for the premium it was
asking for. More over, there were issues of segmentation. Proline never looked
at affordability of the brand. With a choice of international brands, Proline
had a tough time convincing the customers to stick to the brand. Further the
presence of brands like Fila selling side by side Proline was little risky .
Unless the brand is clearly careful about its pricing and segmentation, there is
a chance that the franchised brand cannibalise the manufactured brand. I am not
sure whether this has happened in Proline's case.##c. Distribution : Proline had
limited presence in only major cities.##In 2003, the brand changed hands. Bombay
Dyeing took 51 % ownership in the brand and that gave the brand an instant
access to the distribution outlet of the textile major. Now Proline also has the
responsibility of marketing the failed/failing Vivaldi brand of Bombay
Dyeing.##Although brand is now with a textile major, the brand is yet to take
off. What the brand Proline needs is some fresh thinking interms of
Segmentation. The brand may not be able to compete with the likes of Nike at the
premium end. But I feel that there is immense scope for a brand at the
affordable segment in the casual wear market. For example
, in the t-shirt market, there is a scope for Proline to make a mark if it
follows the strategy of Peter England ( quality at affordable price). Although
there are brands like Classic Polo, crocodile etc, there still space for
Proline.#The brand need not do much to revitalise itself because still Proline
commands some respect and recall in the market. Price rationalisation and some
high profile brand building will definitely rejuvenate the brand and take it to
new heights.##source: businessline, prolineindia.com,agencyfaqs,universalgarment
newsLabels: # HYPERLINK
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"permanent link" #11:25 AM# # HYPERLINK "http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?
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HYPERLINK "http://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?
blogID=18794706&postID=8549997168022388575" \o "Email Post" ### HYPERLINK
blogID=18794706&postID=8549997168022388575" \o "Edit Post" ## Tuesday, November
14, 2006Burnol : The Burn Specialist Brand : Burnol#Company: Dr Morpean
Labs#Agency: JWT##Brand Count: 156Burnol is one of the oldest antiseptic cream
brands in India. This 65 year old brand still holds tremendous brand recall
among the Indian consumers. Burnol has changed hands many times in its existence
in the Indian market. The first brand owner was Boots and the brand the brand
was acquired by Knoll. Later Reckitt and Piramal bought the brand from Knoll. In
2002 the brand was acquired by Dr Morpean labs. This constant change over of
this brand from one company to another has virtually undermined the equity of
this heritage brand.The Indian antiseptic cream market is estimated to be around
Rs 210 cror

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