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########Writing a Research Proposal What is Research Proposal ? Research proposal is a
detail ed document that you, as a researcher, submit to your l ecturer, or your
advisor, or the approval committee, or to the government departments, or to private
organizations with the purpose - to convince them that you have a worthwhil e
research project to do for them. You are submitting the proposal hoping that the
other party woul d approve it so that you coul d carry out the proposed project.
Scientifical l y speaking, the proposal is a bl ue-print of the proposed project.
Thus, it must contain every singl e item of the research project. Specifical l y, the
research proposal shoul d be abl e to address the fol l owing questions: What you
intend to do? Why you want to do it? What is the probl em with the current setting?
What is wrong with the present system? Is there any unanswered question arise? What
do you want to prove? Are you trying to propose certain improvement to the system?
How woul d you do it? What is your methodol ogy? Who is your target popul ation? Where
do you pl an to obtain sampl es? What are the main variabl es of interest in your
study? When wil l your research project compl eted? Have you done prel iminary
studies on the issue? What is the importance of your research? What is the
advantage? Who wil l benefit from your research? The Outl ine of Chapters in a
Research Proposal #3.1 Bref Expl anatin for Each Iem on Researh Proposal Capter
I Inroduction1. Introductor paragraphsBrief Expl anation for Each Item under
the Respective ChapterChapter I: The Introduction of the study
1.1 The
introductory paragraphChapter I of your research proposal begins with a few short
introductory paragraphs. The main intention here is to get your readers to be
interested or excited with your topic. Remember, you are sel l ing your idea and you
must catch the attention of your readers and make them to be with you al l the way.
It sets the stage for you to proceed and el aborate on your subject. The
introduction often contains dramatic and general statements about the need for the
research study. Here, you can use il l ustrations or quotes to set the tone. The
objectives of the introductory paragraph are: 1. To make the audience understand
the urgent need for a sol ution to the underl ying probl em. Thus, the research is
hereby needed to remedy the existing probl em in order to bring the situation back
to normal . 2. To highl ight what has gone wrong with the current system or process,
and the potential threat it wil l bring to the survival of an organization, and
hence a research is required.1.2 The probl em statement of the studyThe statement of
probl em is the centre attention of your research. It is just one main sentence and
supported by a few paragraphs of el aboration. In your sentence, you shoul d take an
opportunity to:-highl ight an existing probl em affecting the future survival of an
organization-highl ight the present pol icy or method that is no l onger seems to be
working-highl ight something that need cl ose attention such the increase in
customer compl aints, decl ining in sal es vol ume-highl ight current trend, current
need, current technol ogy that your organization needs to adapt and change
accordingl y-highl ight the changes in socio-economic variabl es such as l ife-styl e,
consumer income, taste that might affect the l ong-term survival of your
organization In short, you must present something critical that requires your
proposed research in order to remedy the probl em and ensure the l ong-term survival .
Remember, if you fail to prove that there is a probl em, it simpl y means you fail to
justify the need for your research.1.3 The objectives of the study
objective of the study is what you intend to accompl ish when you design your study.
Remember: At the end of your study you shoul d provide your suggested sol utions to
the underl ying probl em. In other words, the objectives of the study shoul d arise
from the probl em statement.1.4 The research questions of the studyResearch
questions are the ambiguities that come across in the researchers mind that
triggers him to propose for a research. In his research, he aims to find the answer

to his research questions. Research questions often came into researchers mind
after he sets his research objectives. These questions are normal l y typical to the
questions that woul d come from the audience after reading the research report. A
good researcher is abl e to predict the questions that woul d come from the audience,
and wil l incl ude these questions as his research questions when he prepares his
proposal . Hence, there shoul d be no more ambiguity arise after the audience had
finished reading the report. If the research compl eted with many unanswered
questions, then that particul ar research is considered a fail ure. 1.5 The research
hypotheses of the studyA hypothesis is a tentative statement or a pre-conceived
idea made by a researcher regarding the underl ying probl em in his research. It
provides the direction of a research study such as the variabl es of interest, the
method of sampl ing, the method of data col l ection, and the types of statistical
anal ysis to be performed. Hypothesis is a decl arative statement made by researcher
whereby he woul d prove it with empirical evidence. A shrewd researcher with
thorough knowl edge in the area woul d be abl e to hypothesize the behavior of certain
variabl es in his research, thus his research wil l have a cl ear direction in terms
of the variabl es invol ved, the measurement of those variabl es, the rel ationship
among variabl es, and the statistical method empl oyed to anal yze the data in order
to test his hypotheses. In other words, a good researcher is the person who can
smel l the exact direction for his research and is abl e to tal k in that particul ar
subject with great confidence.The theoretical framework of the study showing the
stated hypothesis namel y H1, H2, and H3 ##########################The rel ationship
between research question and its corresponding hypothesis for the above study is
el aborated in exampl e 3.8Exampl e 3.8Research Question 1: To what extent is the
effect of service qual ity performance of the university on the students
satisfaction with their university? The corresponding research hypothesis emerged
from this research question:Hypothesis to address RQ 1HA1: There is a significant
effect of service qual ity performance provided by the university on the students
satisfaction with their university.Research Question 2: To what extent is the
effect of service qual ity performance of the university on the students l oyal ty
towards their university? The corresponding research hypothesis emerged from this
research question:Hypothesis to address RQ 2HA2: There is a significant effect of
service qual ity performance of the university on the students l oyal ty towards
their university. Research Question 3: To what extent is the effects of students
satisfaction with the university on their l oyal ty towards the university? The
corresponding research hypothesis emerged from this research question:Hypotheses to
address RQ 3HA3: There is a significant effect of students satisfaction with their
university on their l oyal ty towards the universityTesting hypothesis for the
moderating effect of demographic variabl esAs a researcher, you coul d el aborate the
hypothesis for testing the effect of moderating variabl es using the theoretical
framework of the study as shown bel ow.###############

Research Question 4: Which demographic variabl e, if any, has a significant

moderating effect on students satisfaction with the university? The corresponding
research hypothesis emerged from this research question:Hypotheses to address RQ 4
(Students Satisfaction)HA1: The respondents age group has significant moderating
effect on their satisfaction with the university HA2: The respondents gender group
has significant moderating effect on their satisfaction with the university HA3:
The parents occupation group has significant moderating effect on their
satisfaction with the university HA4: The parents education group has significant
moderating effect on their satisfaction with the university HA5: The parents
income group has significant effect on their satisfaction with the universityHA6:
The respondents duration in the program has significant moderating effect on their
satisfaction with the universityResearch Question 5: Which demographic variabl e, if
any, has significant moderating effect on students l oyal ty towards their
university? Hypotheses to facil itate RQ 5 (Students Loyal ty)HA1: The respondents
age group has significant moderating effect on their l oyal ty towards the university
HA2: The respondents gender group has significant moderating effect on their
l oyal ty towards the universityHA3: The parents occupation group has significant
moderating effect on their l oyal ty towards the universityHA4: The parents
education group has significant moderating effect on their l oyal ty towards the
universityHA5: The parents income group has significant moderating effect on their
l oyal ty towards the universityHA6: The duration in the program has significant
moderating effect on their l oyal ty towards the university1.6 The significance of
the studyThis section refl ects the val ue of your proposed study. You shoul d
highl ight how your proposed study rel ates to l arger and much critical issues in the
future so that it is justified to approve your proposal . You shoul d take into
consideration of the fol l owing questions when presenting the significance of your
study:Why the proposed study is important to the industry? How the finding of your
proposed study is useful to the industry? Who is going to benefit from your proposed
study? What sol utions or benefits your proposed study wil l provide? What is the
contribution of your proposed study to your organization, to the society, or to the
country, or to the body of knowl edge?

Chapter II The Literature Review for the StudyBefore beginning to write your
l iterature, you shoul d assume the l ikes of questions that woul d probabl y come from
your audience soon after reading your l iterature review. Among the l ikel y questions
from your audience are:Does the coverage of l iterature seem extensive and thorough?
Does the review incl ude the major studies rel ated to your topic of interest? Does
the review cite the work done by key-pl ayers in the area? How recent are the
l iteratures cited? Are they stil l rel evant? Does the l iterature review organized in
such a way that the fl ow and devel opment of ideas is cl ear? Does the l iterature
review supports for the need of your research? As a researcher, you must obtain as
much l iteratures as possibl e which rel ates to the topic you want to study. In other
words, the review of l iteratures must be exhaustive l eaving no stone unturned!
This is very important because you want to examine what the previous researchers
have done in the area so that you wil l not reinvent the same wheel . Your research
shoul d not be repeating what others have done. In fact, your committee woul d reject
your proposal once they sense that you are repeating somebodys work.The importance
of l iterature review for a phil osophical research (might not appl y in the proposal
for an action research)To ensure that you are not re-inventing the wheel To give
credits to those who pioneered the groundwork for your research.To demonstrate your
prudent knowl edge of the research probl emTo demonstrate your thorough understanding
of the underl ying theory and research work rel ated to your research question.To
show your abil ity to critical l y eval uate rel evant l iterature informationTo indicate
your abil ity to integrate and synthesize the existing l iteratureTo provide new
theoretical insights or devel ops a new model as a conceptual framework for your
research.To convince your audience that the proposed research wil l make a
significant and substantial contribution to the l iterature2.1 Discuss the findings
of previous researches in the same areaAs a researcher, you need to discuss and
debate al l findings obtained in the l iteratures by previous researchers in the area
rel ated to your study.2.2 Discuss the main variabl es or constructs invol ved in the
studyAs a researcher, you al so need to discuss the main variabl es or constructs
that wil l be used in your study. Your discussions shoul d cover the definition of
your construct, the measuring instruments to be used, the origin, the val idity and
rel iabil ity of the construct as reported in previous study.2.3 Discuss and compare
the findings by previous researchers Exampl e 3.12: The Previous Study on Service
Qual ity in Higher EducationAuthors#Fiel d of Study#Country#Types of Dimensions#Key
Findings##Pariseau and Mc Daniel , 1997#Assessing service qual ity in school s of
business#USA#assurances,responsiveness,empathy,rel iabil ity,tangibl es,#Both facul ty
and students expectations are highest in the area of assurance and the most
important of the overal l qual ity for students are assurance, rel iabil ity and
empathy.##Ol dfiel d and Baron, 2000#Student perception of service qual ity in a UK
university business and management facul ty #UK#requisite el ements,acceptabl e
el ements,functional el ements#The service experience by students proved the changing
perceptions of service qual ity over time in which the resul ts show that the final
year students were l ower that those of first year students. ##Zainudin et al .,
2005#A comparison of publ ic and private university students expectations and
perceptions or service qual ity#Mal aysia#academic services and facil ities, readiness
and attentiveness, fair and impartial , tangibl es, general attitudes#Students from
both universities have simil ar expectation and perception concerning service
provided by the university. Both types of universities have significant gaps
between expectation and perception. The university shoul d treat student as a
customer and buil d a rel ationship since the amount of customer satisfaction is
positivel y rel ate with l ength of association with university.##Mahadzirah and
Norhayati, 2002#A fiel d study of the infl uence of job satisfaction on customer
focus in publ ic higher l earning institutions in Mal aysia.#Mal aysia#co-workers,
nature of work, work procedures, communication, supervision, sal ary, benefit,
promotion, reward.#The highest score in job satisfaction l evel are co-workers,
nature of work, and work procedures and reward has the l owest score. The l ecturer
is consider as customer focus in which the resul ts show that both l ecturer and
student perception is al most simil ar. ##Joseph and Joseph, 1997#Service qual ity in
higher education: a student perspective#New Zeal and#program issues, academic

reputation,physical aspects/cost, career opportunities, l ocation, time, other.#The

determinants of service qual ity was determined by the most important factors of
academic reputation, fol l owed by career opportunities, program issues, cost and
time, physical aspects, l ocation and the l east important is others. ##ONeil l and
Pal mer, 2004#Importance-performance anal ysis: a useful tool for directing
continuous qual ity improvement in higher education. #UK and USA#process dimension,
empathy dimension, tangibl e dimension#The dimension of process is the most
important fol l owed by Empathy and Tangibl e. Students have different weightings to
different aspects of the administrative support encounter services.##Lagrosen et
al ., 2004#Examination of the dimensions of qual ity in higher education#Austria and
Sweden#corporate col l aboration, information and responsiveness, course offered,
campus facil ities, teaching practices, internal eval uations, external eval uations,
computer facil ities, col l aboration and comparisons, post-study factors, l ibrary
resources. #Onl y 8 out of 11 factors to be important for the dimensions of service
qual ity in higher education. The dimensions are corporate col l aboration,
information and responsiveness, course offered, internal eval uations, computer
facil ities, col l aboration and comparisons and l ibrary resources. ##Ford et al .,
1999#Importance-performance anal ysis as a strategic tool for service marketers: the
case of service qual ity perceptions of business students in New Zeal and and the
USA#New Zeal and and USA#program issues, academic reputation,physical aspects/cost,
career opportunities, l ocation, time, other#The order importance of factors is
academic reputation; fol l owed by; career opportunities, program issues, physical
aspect, l ocation and others. ##Ham, 2003#Service qual ity, customer satisfaction and
Customer Behavioral Intentions in Higher Education#USA#tangibil ity, rel iabil ity,
responsiveness, assurances, empathy#The most important items expect by the students
are prompt of services, appeal ing of cl assrooms, and campuses with modern cl assroom
facil ities and equipment. The resul ts al so show a significant correl ation among
perceived service qual ity, student satisfaction and behavioral intentions.
##Faridah and Nooraini, 2002#Service environment and gender in private col l eges:
students perspective #Mal aysia#good l ayout and design, appropriate staff
appearance, furnishing, up-to-date facil ities, proper use of music and dcor,
appropriate staff attitude, sufficient l ightning #Onl y good l ayout and design,
appropriate furnishing, up to date teaching facil ities, proper use of music and
dcor, and qual ity of communication material have a significant rel ationship with
gender. This resul t proved the importance of service environment in private
col l eges. ##By summarizing the findings obtained by al l researchers in the area,
you manage to convince your committee that you have exhausted the l iteratures.
Remember, l iterature search must be exhaustive! In other words, you shoul d not
missed-out any important l iterature rel ated to your study. 2.4 The definitions of
terms for every variabl e invol ved in the studyThe researcher shoul d provide simpl e
definitions for al l terms that may bring uncl ear meaning to your reader. Do not l et
your audience trying to figure out what you meant with certain terms used in your
proposal . Identify a few key words and provide definition for each of them.

Chapter III The Research Methodol ogyIn this section, you shoul d describe cl earl y
your research pl an. The audience wants to know your pl an of work and the activities
necessary for the compl etion of your project. To keep the audience with you, begin
with a few attractive introductory paragraphs that restate the research probl em,
research objectives, your research questions, and the corresponding hypotheses. 3.1
The target popul ation and unit of anal ysis (UOA) of the study Define your target
popul ation precisel y and expl ain the rational e for sel ecting that specific
popul ation for your study. Make sure you choose the right popul ation to l aunch your
study; otherwise, your concl usion and general ization might be questionabl e since
you are shooting at the wrong target!3.2 The Sampl ing and data col l ection procedure
Define your sampl e. Expl ain in detail how you pl an to draw a representative sampl e
from the popul ation. Since the data from this sampl e wil l be used to draw
concl usion on the overal l popul ation, tel l your audience how you ensure the
sel ection process is representative and unbiased. What are your sampl ing method,
and the rational e for using that method? Here, you need to convince the audience of
your knowl edge regarding statistical val idity and rel iabil ity. Tel l specifical l y
the sampl ing process you pl an to execute. The process incl ude sampl ing frame, how
you obtain the sampl e, how you ensure the sampl e is randoml y sel ected, how you
contact the respondents, the instruments to use for data col l ection, who does the
data col l ection for you, are they qual ified for the job, how do you ensure the data
col l ection wil l take pl ace accordingl y without prejudice, and bias. The most
important factor to highl ight here is the sampl e sel ection is representative of the
stated popul ation.

3.3 The theoretical framework of the studyHere, you need to assembl e al l variabl es
invol ved from l eft to the right namel y the independent variabl e, the mediating
variabl e (intervening variabl e), and the intended dependent variabl e. Then
theoretical l y expl ain how you think these variabl es shoul d rel ate to each other in
your study.Exampl e 3.16: The theoretical framework of the study######The study
bel ieves that when the performance of service qual ity provided by the university
increases, the students satisfaction with the university wil l al so increase. When
the students are satisfied with their university, they are more l ikel y to become
l oyal students towards their university. In other words, the service qual ity
performance of a university woul d provide an indirect infl uence on students
l oyal ty through their satisfaction with the university. In this case, students
satisfaction is a mediating variabl e in the study. At the same time, the study
bel ieves that service qual ity performance of a university woul d have a direct
infl uence on students l oyal ty towards their university.3.4 The measuring
instruments for each variabl e in the studyIf you are using the survey instruments
designed by someone el se, state the source of the instrument and describe the
previous val idity and rel iabil ity assessments. If you are customizing someone
el ses instrument or you devel op your own measuring instrument, and then describe
steps, you take to assess its val idity and rel iabil ity. This is important so that
your audience is convinced that your instrument is val id, rel iabl e, and thus no
iota of doubt shoul d arise in the future concerning the accuracy of resul ts.3.4.1
The Measuring Instruments for Service Qual ity The study adopted and customized the
service qual ity items devel oped by Owl ia and Aspinwal l (1996). In their study,
Owl ia and Aspinwal l (1996) devel oped the framework for service qual ity which
consist of 34 items grouped into 14 dimensions namel y rel iabil ity, responsiveness,
understanding customers, access, competence, courtesy, communication, credibil ity,
security, tangibl es, performance, compl eteness, fl exibil ity, and redress. However,
after testing further through several empirical anal yses, they found these 14
dimensions have overl apped. Final l y, they condensed the original 14 dimensions into
6 dimensions namel y, tangibl es, competence, attitude, content, del ivery, and
rel iabil ity. Owl ia and Aspinwal l (1996), the authors who devel oped these original
instruments agree that after customizing for specific purpose, the researcher needs
to re-do the factor anal ysis procedure to determine dimensional ity of the
construct. They agree that the same number of dimensions does not necessaril y
prevail since it depends on the scenario of that particul ar study.The study adopts
the items and customizes them accordingl y in order to suit high educational setting
in this country. The study devel ops a statement for every service qual ity items
concerning the service at the university. The service qual ity is measured based on
the respondents perception for every item in a questionnaire. The respondent coul d
provide the score from 1 (strongl y disagree) to 10 (strongl y agree) with the
service qual ity statement provided in the questionnaire. The statements for service
qual ity items in the questionnaire begin from question 1 to 34 in section 1. The
score for each item is provided on the right whereby the respondent coul d circl e
independentl y from 1 to 10 depending on how strongl y they agree or disagree with
the statement provided.After the whol e questionnaire was compl eted, the pil ot study
has been carried out using fifty respondents in the facul ty of business and
management at UiTM Kel antan. The pil ot study was carried out to ensure the
appropriateness of the questionnaire wordings with the l evel s of respondents in the
study. Another objective of the pil ot study was to trash out ambiguity, if any,
from the questionnaire. In other words, the study has to ensure that the
respondents properl y understood the meaning of every item before providing their
response so that the response bias woul d be minimized.3.4.2 The Measuring
Instruments for Customer SatisfactionFrom the l iterature search, the study does not
find the consensus by researchers as to what constitutes customer satisfaction.
This study adopted and customized the items devel oped by Gronroos (1984) since they
are more rel evant to the higher education scenario. Unl ike other service settings
such as hotel , dry-cl eaning, car-repair, and l ong distance cal l whereby the
duration of service is short, and the customers coul d switch to other service
provider immediatel y in the fol l owing service, the university education is a l ong-

term commitment once the students register in the program. Whether they l ike it or
not, most of them wil l have to compl ete their undergraduate program before deciding
to move to other university for their post-graduate study if, for any reason, they
are not satisfied with the present university.Thus, the study concl udes that
customer satisfaction with the university education shoul d be measured in terms of
satisfaction with the service del ivery process by the systems at the university,
and satisfaction with the outcome of service such as the skil l s and knowl edge
resul ted from the l earning programs at the university.The study adopts the concept
of customer satisfaction proposed by Gronroos (1984). The customer satisfaction
items are customized to suit high educational setting in the country. The study
devel ops a statement for every customer satisfaction items based on satisfaction
with the process and satisfaction with the outcome. The score on customer
satisfaction is measured based on the respondents perception for every item in a
questionnaire. The respondent coul d provide the score from 1 (strongl y disagree) to
10 (strongl y agree) with the corporate image statement provided in the
questionnaire. The statements for customer satisfaction items in the questionnaire
begin from question 1 to 14 in section 2. The score for each item is provided on
the right whereby the respondent coul d circl e independentl y from 1 to 10 depending
on how strongl y they agree or disagree with the statement provided.3.4.3 The
Measuring Instruments for Customer Loyal ty From the l iterature search, the study
does not find the sol id consensus made by the previous researcher as what items
shoul d constitute customer l oyal ty. Thus, the study summarizes the items that
constitute customer l oyal ty that has been devel oped and empl oyed by the previous
researchers. Having gone through the above l iteratures concerning the customer
l oyal ty items, this study decides to adopt and customize the items devel oped by
Bl oemer et al . (1999) to suit higher educational setting. The study customizes a
statement for every customer l oyal ty items. The score on customer l oyal ty is
measured based on the extent of respondents agree or disagree for every item in a
questionnaire. The respondent coul d provide the score from 1 (strongl y disagree) to
10 (strongl y agree) with the customer l oyal ty statement provided in the
questionnaire. The statements for customer l oyal ty items in the questionnaire begin
from question 1 to 9 in section 3. The score for each item is provided on the right
whereby the respondent coul d circl e independentl y from 1 to 10 depending on how
strongl y they agree or disagree with the statement provided.3.5 The determination
of sampl e size to be used in the studyAnother chal l enging task for the study is to
determine the most appropriate number of respondents to be sampl ed from its
popul ation. The study decides to fol l ow the rul e set by Hair et al (1995) which
stated that for any research that requires doing the factor anal ysis procedure to
determine the dimensional ity for the items empl oyed, the sampl e size obtained
shoul d be at l east five times as many items to be anal yzed. However, the authors
al so suggest that it is highl y preferred if the study coul d obtain a sampl e based
on ten-to-one ratio. In other words, the study shoul d obtain a number of sampl es
equival ent to ten times the number of measuring items in the questionnaire.This
study has a total of 57 items in its questionnaire. These 57 items consists of 34
measures of service qual ity construct, 14 measures of customer satisfaction
construct, and 9 measures of customer l oyal ty construct. Hence, according to Hair
et al . (1995), it is highl y preferabl e and adequate if the study coul d obtain 10 x
57 = 570 random sampl es from its popul ation.Thus, in order to ensure that it coul d
obtain at l east 570 sampl es from its popul ation, a total number of 1000
questionnaires were printed and distributed to the respondents in this study. 3.6
The assumptions required concerning statistical distributionAl l research studies
make assumptions. Al l process and procedures must fol l ow certain assumptions to
avoid the threat of inval id methodol ogy. For exampl e, if the sampl ing distribution
of your variabl es does not meet the required assumptions concerning the statistical
distribution, then certain statistical methods used in the data anal ysis might be
inval id. Hence, al l concl usion based on statistical test is deem inval id! Some of
the required assumptions:-The popul ation from which the sampl e is sel ected is
normal l y distributed-Sampl e is randoml y sel ected using the appropriate sampl ing
technique-The sampl e is representative of the popul ation under study. -The

measuring instruments used is val id and rel iabl e-Respondents answer the
questionnaire at their own convenient time without bias, prejudice, threat, and
pressure from anyone. Thus, the data is independentl y, identical l y, and normal l y
distributed.3.7 The procedure for data anal ysis in the study Describe the procedure
you pl an for data anal ysis. Expl ain how
you wil l treat the questionnaires the procedure for checking, editing, coding,
and data transcribing. Describe how you wil l address each research question. What
variabl es you are l ooking for? How these variabl es provide answers to your research
questions? What are statistical computations required? States the types of
statistical test you pl an to perform. This is important when you have the
hypotheses to prove in your study.Exampl e 3.19: The summary of hypotheses and its
statistical anal ysisNo#Hypotheses test between the main variabl es in the study
(Refer to Appendix 1)#Statistical Test##1#H1#Service Qual ity Performance of a
university provides a significant effect on Students Satisfaction with that
particul ar university#Path Anal ysis in Structural Equation Model ing##2#H2#Service
Qual ity Performance of a university provides a significant effect on Students
Loyal ty towards that particul ar university#Path Anal ysis in Structural Equation
Model ing ##3#H3#Students Satisfaction with the university provides a significant
effect on Students Loyal ty towards that particul ar university#Path Anal ysis in
Structural Equation Model ing##Refer to Appendix 1 for the Theoretical Model of the
study and Appendix 2 for the corresponding Structural Model in AMOS graphics
software for testing the three hypotheses as stated above. Appendix 3 shows the
test of hypotheses for the sel ected Demographic Variabl es in the study.
No#Hypotheses for the effect of demographic variabl es on Students
Satisfaction#Statistical Test##4#H4#There is a significant difference in Students
Satisfaction with the university when respondents are cl assified according to their
gender groups.#The two independent sampl es t-test##5#H5#There is a significant
difference in Students Satisfaction with the university when respondents are
cl assified according to their age groups.#The ANOVA F-testAnd Post-Hoc anal ysis
using LSD##6#H6#There is a significant difference in Students Satisfaction with
the university when respondents are cl assified according to their parents
education groups.#The ANOVA F-testAnd Post-Hoc anal ysisusing LSD##7#H7#There is a
significant difference in Students Satisfaction with the university when
respondents are cl assified according to their parents occupation groups.#The ANOVA
F-testAnd Post-Hoc anal ysisusing LSD##8#H8#There is a significant difference in
Students Satisfaction with the university when respondents are cl assified
according to their parents income groups.#The ANOVA F-testAnd Post-Hoc anal ysis
using LSD##9#H9#There is a significant difference in Students Satisfaction with
the university when respondents are cl assified according to their duration study
(semester groups).#The ANOVA F-testAnd Post-Hoc anal ysisusing LSD####No#Hypotheses
for the effect of demographic variabl es on Students Loyal ty#Statistical
Test##10#H10#There is a significant difference in Students Loyal ty with the
university when respondents are cl assified according to their gender groups.#The
two independent sampl es t-test##11#H11#There is a significant difference in
Students Loyal ty with the university when respondents are cl assified according to
their age groups.#The ANOVA F-testAnd Post-Hoc anal ysisusing LSD##12#H12#There is a
significant difference in Students Loyal ty with the university when respondents
are cl assified according to their parents education groups.#The ANOVA F-testAnd
Post-Hoc anal ysisusing LSD##13#H13#There is a significant difference in Students
Loyal ty with the university when respondents are cl assified according to their
parents occupation groups.#The ANOVA F-testAnd Post-Hoc anal ysisusing
LSD##14#H14#There is a significant difference in Students Loyal ty with the
university when respondents are cl assified according to their parents income
groups.#The ANOVA F-testAnd Post-Hoc anal ysisusing LSD##15#H15#There is a
significant difference in Students Loyal ty with the university when respondents
are cl assified according to their duration study (semester groups).#The ANOVA FtestAnd Post-Hoc anal ysisusing LSD##3.8 The scope and l imitations of the studyAl l
research studies have l imitation and a finite scope. Since the resul ts of your
study does val id for the whol e worl d, does not cover across al l industries, does

not appl y to al l popul ation, and might not be true under al l circumstances, you
shoul d think careful l y about the scope and l imitations of your study. It is
irritating to you when someone is tel l ing you that your research is not val id under
certain conditions, which is within the l imitation of your study!#####PAGE #
CHAPTER I The Introduction of the Study 1.1 The introductory paragraph
The statement of probl em for the study
1.3 The objectives of the study
The research questions 1.5 The research hypotheses
1.6 The significance of the
studyCHAPTER II The Literature Review for the Study 2.1 Discuss the resul ts of
previous studies in the same area 2.2 Discuss the variabl es invol ved in the
previous studies2.3 Discuss and compare the findings by previous researchers 2.4
Define the terms for every variabl e invol ved in the model CHAPTER III The Research
Methodol ogy 3.1 Target popul ation and unit of anal ysis (UOA) in the study3.2
Procedure for sampl ing and data col l ection for the study3.3 The theoretical
framework of the study3.4 The measuring instrument for each variabl e in the study
3.5 The determination of sampl e size to be used in the study3.6 The assumption
required for statistical distribution3.7 The procedure for data anal ysis data in
the study3.8 The scope and l imitations of the study



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##F###E ####Y####PH%######RI

S### #
###H##D#T#######Ab *######LE#B
Z` #
#T####T########T###A### ####
##E## ##### R###A#######L###########O#


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#######aN## #


####ND #

##PINFC#DF #######D)#####@E#BDADA2##########A#DOB#DH###T1#####

#ImageQual ity

Technical Qual ity #Functional Qual ity #PositiveRecommendation

H2#StudentsLoyal tyService Qual ity Performance H1

H3StudentsSatisfactionSatisfactionWithOutcomeSatisfaction withProcessCustomer
Loyal tyService Qual ity Performance#CustomerSatisfaction
DependentVariabl e
#IndependentVariabl e#MediatingVariabl e#ModeratingVariabl es#Duration of using the
service Gender, Age of respondents Socio-economic status of respondents(Income,
Education, Occupation)#StudentsLoyal ty

Service Qual ity Performance#StudentsSatisfaction








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