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MP3sThis is a listing of all of Melchizedeks mp3s that were found posted on the
Sleeping Genie thread as of 18th June, 2007 (visit to find out more):# HYPERLINK
t=907&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0#Download sites for some of Melchizedeks
older mp3 files can be found here:# HYPERLINK
t=1584&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0#--mp3 titles are in Bold--Titles are
listed according to the order they were posted (as far as I know)--Any
information I uncovered about each mp3 is posted hereCreative VisualisationOn
the creative visualization one, that was just trying out the idea of effecting
the voice. Just recorded affirmation's, and then added echo to the voice and
looped it.Hypnotic PowersDaruma: The Hypnotic Powers mp3 had a weird effect on
me. I listened to it last thing last night, and found it hard to sleep ... had a
few hours. Got up early and listened to it again: it had an awesome effect, and
a memory of my youth came back to me when I was taking things I shouldn't.... Is
the Hypnotic Powers mp3 meant to be listened to every day, or just sporadically?
Mel: I would say. sporadically. It's experimental, so I don't know what to tell
you. Though the experience, you had of seeing something about your past, is
interesting. I'm not sure, what that means, though.Money-Magnet Pro MindMade
another money one. This one's all subliminal, with a brainwave. You might notice
a weird vibrating effect, in the background that sound's like someone shivering.
Use headphone's. ##Used 3 different voices, but all at subliminal level, you'll
definitely hear whispher's, plus the shivering effect, which is just a strong
reverb on one of the voices. This one can definitely be used in passive mode,
don't have to think about anything just listen. ##Based on that over-priced
rock, that makes you a millionaire, by being in it's prescence.MindchangerHere's
a passive listening one for developing hypnotic powers. Use headphones.Multi-
MillionaireMade yet, another money one. This one focuses on you, being a "multi-
millionaire". Has a brainwave on it, straight Theta wave.Infinite MindIt's for
"thought projection and mind reading".ManifestorI made a mp3, I call "The
Manifestor", you listen to it through speakers or headphones, if you want, and
you'll feel your deepest dreams, goals, wishes and good fortunes, become
manifest in your life, without thinking about them. Or you can think of them if
you'd like.Women MagicI made another one for being successful with women, only
this one deals with overcoming the fear and anxiety of actually meeting them,
and going the whole distance. You don't really have to pay attention to it, or
think about it, when listening. Use speakers or headphones, if you like.
Melchizedeks Mp3 BoosterI made a booster track for all the mp3's that I posted
on this topic. You just loop it a couple of times, it's only 3 minutes long, and
then use the regular mp3's that I posted. You should feel a stronger result from
listening to any of them. ##It might work better playing this track out of
speakers, rather than headphones. But it probaly won't make too much of a
difference.King Solomon Sex AmuletTHE ULTIMATE SEXUALITY AMULET! ##Doubles all
sexual pleasures, orgasm, virility, libido, staying power, fantasy, sex appeal!
#Arouses lust in others for you! #Ends guilt, abuse, hang-ups, sexual problems!
#Wear it, carry it, sleep on it, hide it, Place it on your altar or secret
meditation & magick place if you have one! #Works well with other amulets! ##So
I was thinking, that this was interesting. That this legendary fiqure King
Solomon could discover in the ether, the secret to acquiring a power like this,
and then place that power in the form of an amulet. ##Anyone wearing this
amulet, would end up acquiring the power. So I thought if you could translate
it, from the invisible to the visible, why not translate it, to the power of
sound, and see what happens. So I made a subliminal based on the Amulet, you see
pictured above.King Solomon Attract LoveI found a King Solomon talisman, that
was made for attracting women, making yourself irressitible, making your sexual
dreams come true, etc. I don't want to post a picture of it, and say I based
this mp3 on it, because of copyright infingement. ##I originally was looking for
this one, but didn't find it, so I made one of the other one. But, you can use
both of these together.King Solomon Psychic Powers/King Solomon Hypnosis PowersI
made a mp3 based on the King Solomon Psychic Powers/Mind Reading talisman.Sex
MagicI made another sex mp3, this one is very powerful. Using the 72 lesser
spirits of the lower key of Solomon. Use this one with cautionKing Solomon
Hypnosis Silent ver./ King Solomon Hypnosis Silent ver.Someone PM'd me, and was
interested in "totally silent-versions" of The King Solomon hypnosis and psychic
powers mp3's. On these, you hear nothing, but the Tomatis-effect makes you feel
the power in your mind.King Solomon Money AttractorPlus, I made a regular King
Solomon mp3 for attracting moneyAttract Money Spell/Get Rid of Bad Energies
Spell/Conjuring Manifestation Energies Spell/Improve Psychic Abilities Spell/I
Need to get Laid Spell/Freedom from Hidden Fears Spell/Weight Loss Spell/Spell
to Induce LustI found a webpage, that has "Free Magic Spells",# HYPERLINK
"http://www.luckymojo.com/spells.html" \t "_blank"
#http://www.luckymojo.com/spells.html#, and on it, they have a ton of different
magical spells, that you can do for a variety of things. ##I took one of the
Money spells, took the whole ritual involving candles, stones, Full-Moon, etc.,
and made an etheric version of it. So it's like you have all the materials and
circumstances to bring more money into your life. ##They sell all the materials,
at the bottom of each spell. But I made a version, where it's like your
following the spell, to the "T", except it's all taking place in the energy in
the air. It's what your trying to influence anyhow, by doing the spell. The mp3
I made is only 3.00 minutes long.Instant Thought Manifestor (Thu Aug 31, 2006
6:40 am)ATGS 3000 SimulatorPlay this short, silent one through speakers, it
simulates a ATGS 3000 manifesting out of thin air. (It's the top of the line
Welz Rad box, that manipulate's astrological and planetary energies to bring
about your intent's and desire's.)# HYPERLINK
"http://xtrememind.com/RADAstro.htm" \t "_blank"
#http://xtrememind.com/RADAstro.htm#On this one, you can write out a trend, take
a symbol card, and your target. Put them together, like your do with a rad box,
and place it in out in front of the speakers, on the desk or table their on.
Leave it there while it's playing, and even after your done playing the track.
##You can do more than one trend/target setup. You can either place them side by
side, or stack them atop one another. Works pretty good.I would loop it a bunch
of times, while you place your trend/target set-up or set-up's, out in front of
the speakers. Just play it by ear. Then leave your trend/target set-up on the
desk, in front of the speakers when your satisfied. ##Treat it like it was a rad
box. You leave it on a little while, then shut it off.Money and AbundanceI tired
out a new technique for making subliminal's. I took 3 different brainwave
frequencies, alpha, theta and delta, and made 3 looped tracks of affirmations,
each one with a different brainwave frequency. I panned them out, the alpha
track in the front of the mind, the theta in the middle, and the delta at the
back of the mind. This is another one for money. try it with or without
headphones.Hypnotize Using Your EyesI alos tried out another one for developing
hypntoic powers. I used a track for ESP, that I took from the brainwave
generator. Then i recorded my voice normal and with an echo and mixed them
together. Use headphone on this one.Overcoming shyness with women (use
headphones)For guys, who have feelings of fear in talking to women and being
comfortable around them. Apprehension in getting to meet them, etc.All Psychic
Powers NowI took alpha, theta and delta waves, mixed them together. Then took
the idea of the potential of psychic powers, not existing in the human mind, but
in the ether, instead. I made this mp3, for the mind to scan the ether, all
around everywhere, and to try and home in, on any, and every potential psychic
power or ability that could possibly exist, and then to try and tap into it,
immediately. ##If it exists in the ether, then you would tap into it, and start
using it, now. Like plugging a computer, into an electrical socket, turning it
on, and using it, right away.Mental TelepathyI made a subliminal for
mindreading, you can use either speakers or headphones.Money CreationI was
thinking about what you said about getting headaches, from using some of the
money mp3's. I went over some of the ideas I used, in making them and saw that I
didn't really think out, write out, a smooth script for them and that, that's
probaly the reason for the mind stress. ##I made another money track, and I went
over it, to try
and make it smoother, easier to listen to and hopefully, a bit more effective.
Try this one instead of the one that was diffucult to listen to.If you have a
mini-max, JU 99 or Longhorn try running this one through it. It works pretty
good, running it through the Rad-X.wealth, health, psychic powers and sex (4in1?
speakers or headphones, for men)I took the above 4 subjects, wealth, health,
psychic powers and sex and threw them all on one mp3, just to see what would
happen, if you tried to influence your mind, with 4 different things all at
once.Mind Sync with your Radionic BoxI made a mp3 for people that are having
trouble, knowing what to do with their Radionic boxes. Not knowing what to set
for a trend, or how to go about using it. This mp3 helps put your mind in sync
with your Radionic or Psionic device. If you don't have a Radionic box, or some
type of Psionic device, you can write on paper with a pen, what you want, and
get in sync with your own written words.Master GamblerI made a short mp3, 2.00,
for gambling and for choosing lottery numbers. You can use either headphones or
speakers, no special instructions for use.Good FortuneDay, I took your
suggestion for a general purpose, luck and fortune mp3. #I made a short
subliminal for "Good Fortune". You can use headphones or speakers, or run
through a Rad-Box.Immunity to Winter IllnessesI made a short mp3 for immunity
and for overcoming colds, flu and other winter illnesses. If you get sick, try
looping it softly in background while you sleep. I've been sick, so I made it.
Used a text-to speech editor for subliminals.MultiMillions Lottery Number
ChooserI made a Lottery one, for choosing the numbers for the Big Multi-Millions
Lotteries. You can try, this Lottery one. I myself havn't played the Lottery for
awhile, but see what happens.On that Lottery mp3, get a handful of betting slips
for the Mega-Millions lottery, blank ones, keep them on your desk, or wherever.
While your listening to the track, look at the betting slip, and try to get a
sense of all the numbers, on the slip. See if any numbers, jump out at you, see
if you get a tuning in your gut, when you look at the betting slip and any
potential numbers, that give you a good feeling. ##Also, if you have a Rad box
or Chi generator, play this track through it, put the betting slip, with a
picture of yourself, underneath and a trend for being lead to choose the correct
numbers, for the upcoming lottery, on the trend/target plate. Then use that
betting slip, when you choose your numbers and place your bet.Understanding
Science and MathematicsI threw one together for science and mathematics, but it
came out, pretty strong. Give it a try, Sedat or anyone studying mathematics in
school or high school.I guess try listening to it, softly in background, while
you have your textbook or homework, in front of you. Or trying just listening to
it, then try studying it. Or try looping it overnight, while you sleep.On the
science/mathematics one, if your lost in your studies, play the track, and leave
your text book open, in front of you. Or your homework in front of you. Listen
to the track, and just start reading whatever's in front of you. Your looking
for an "A-ha" feeling to come to you. When you get that feeling, your in the
process of discovering the basics and principles of science and mathematics.
Once you get that feeling of suddenly realizing, the simplicity of it all,
you'll become an Albert Einstein in the subjects. ##Take any text or homewwork,
that's giving you a hardtime, listen to the track and see if the mental block,
doesn't peel back and reveal that piece to the puzzle, you've been missing,
that'll answer all your questions, and then you'll be a genius.Sex with Hot
Women/ Subliminal-Sex with Hot WomenI made a short one, for just having sex with
hot women and skip the other BS. Use headphones and try looping it a couple of
times, it's only 3.00 long.You listen to this, you should feel more belief in
your mind that your going to have sex with women. So going by the laws of the
universe, you should end up, having sex with women. The universe should bring it
about, because you believe it more. ##You should feel like your projecting the
idea/energy of making women want to have sex with you, when you look at them.
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