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#*###*# #*###*# #*####*# #*###*#
/ S P A N I S H T O P Q U A L I T Y C R A C K I N G \
� Patch [ ] Serial/Registry [ ] KeyGen [ ]
� KeyFile [ ] Loader [X] Other [ ]

��������� dATE: [ Tuesday, 08 December '99 ]

��������� tITLE: [ Ultra Zip Password Cracker v3.61 ]

��������� wHERE: [ http://www.chat.ru/~m53group ]

��������������� cRACKER: [ _Blade_ ]


�������������������������������������� cRACK iNFORMATION �

� Use it to find out the passwords from ZIP archives (u just need time for
this :) ).
� Is the fast kind of utility.

� Use this loader every time you want to start the program.
� Run it in UZPC folder. Simple as that.


��������������������������������� TNT!Crack!Team mEMBERS �

� ����� ....... pREZIDENT: @' -= Xasx =-
� |||||
� ����� cRACKING cOUNCILS: @' -= Esiel2 =-
� ||||| @' -= DzA kRAkER =-
� |||||
� ����� tUTORIALS cOUNCIL: @' -= Karpoff =-
� |||||
� ����� .. wEB/gFX dESIGN: @' -= Xasx =-
� |||||
� ����� cRACKING dIVISION: @' -= Blade =-
� ||||| @' -= D14bL0 =-
� ||||| @' -= D.A =-
� ||||| @' -= DzA kRAker =-
� ||||| @' -= Esiel2 =-
� ||||| @' -= HeDgEh0t =-
� ||||| @' -= JaruNet =-
� ||||| @' -= Karpoff =-
� ||||| @' -= PicsOne =-
� ||||| @ -= Profesor X =-
� ||||| @' -= SkUaTeR =-
� ||||| @' -= Suriv =-
� ||||| @' -= Xasx =-
� ||||| @' -= ZnEt =-
� |||||
� ����� . cODING dIVISION: @' -= Suriv =-
� |||||
� ����� bOT/sHELL cOUNCIL: @' -= LinuxRoot =-
� ||||| (@' -= BotMaster =-
� ||||| (@' -= timeout =-
� ||||| (@' -= Tatjana =-
� ||||| bOTS: (@' -= ChanSrv =-
� ||||| (@' -= Azira =-
� ||||| (@' -= Cyanide =-
� ||||| (@' -= Search =-
� |||||
� |||||
� ����� ... tRIAL mEMBERS: @' -= CrackWare =-
� ||||| @' -= Para =-
� ||||| @ -= JKD =-
� ||||| @' -= Sex_Fear =-
� ||||| @' -= Sphere =-
� ||||| @' -=. . . . . =-
� |||||
� |||||


������������������������������������ TNT!Crack!Team nEWS �

� ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

� #1 <<>>[[ .:DzA kRAkER:. ]]<<>>
� #2 <<>>[[ .:Karpoff:. ]]<<>>
� #3 <<>>[[ .:HeDgEh0t:. ]]<<>>

� ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

� We are actually looking for new CRACKERS!
� if you think you are really good for TNT!
� contact us for trial membership.

� We are looking for www space (in russia
� china or other places where cracking is
� allowed)... if u can support us, email to:
� websupport@tntcrack.htmlplanet.com

� ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

� ---=== [ gROUP gREETS ] ===---

� (WkT!) (KuT) (C4A) (cORE) (UCF) (iNTUTiLS)
� ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~
� (tNO) (LASH) (EVC) (iPA) (SERIALS 2k)
� ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

� ---=== [ pERS. gREETS ] ===---

� mr.White, mr.Black, Russ97, Rahim, Zor,
� Ivanopulo, Daddy, eGoiste, Tapu, NetKing,
� ThndrKiss, ChosenFew, Zutphen, rott, Vagante,
� and... of course all people who use our cracks!


�������������������������������������������� iNFO TNT! ���

���������������ı���������� T � N � T ������۱���������Ŀ
� ||||| ||||| �
� wEBSITES: �۱�� http://tntcrack.t500.net ����� �
�~~~~~~~~~~~�۱�� http://tnt.isthebe.st ������ �
� �۱�� http://elitetoplist.com/tntcrack ����۳
� �۱�� http://tnt.4ever.cc ����� �
�~~~~~~~~~~~~~~�۱��~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~����� �
� ||||| ||||| �
� fORUM: �۱�� http://tntforum.tsx.org ����� �
�~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~||||| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |||||~~~~~�
� ||||| ||||| �
� eMAIL: �۱�� tntcrackteam@hotmail.com ����� �
�~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~||||| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |||||~~~~~�
� iRC: �۱�� Efnet <-> #tntcrackers ����� �
�~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~||||| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |||||~~~~~�
���������������ı�������� 1 � 9 � 9 � 9 ����۱�����������

� *** Donde el codigo termina... empieza TNT! ***
� *** Grupo de Ingenieria Inversa ***

� T N T - 1 9 9 9

� �� aSCii lAYOUT by xASX ���� lAST uPDATE: 05 dic'99 �� �
��������������������������� �����������������������������
� Best Viewed with Terminal Font [size 11] ��

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