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4 Методическая разработка по обучению изучающему

чтению для учащихся 5 класса средней школы

Обучение учащихся средней школы изучающему виду чтения

осуществляется в результате выполнения предтекстовых, текстовых и
послетекстовых заданий.

На предтекстовом этапе происходит пробуждение и стимулирование

мотивации к работе с текстом. Актуальными являются упражнения на
соотнесение значения слова с темой (ситуацией, контекстом), а также
ознакомление учащихся с незнакомыми лексическими единицами для
снятия трудностей в процессе чтения. в
На текстовом этапе происходит чтение текста (отдельных его частей) с
целью решения конкретной коммуникативной задачи, сформулированной
в задании к тексту и поставленной учащимся перед чтением самого текста.
На данном этапе эффективны упражнения на деление текстового
материала на смысловые части; на выделение смысловых опор в тексте.
На послетекстовом этапе происходит использование содержания
текста для развития умений школьников выражать свои мысли в устной и
письменной речи. Предлагаемые на этом этапе упражнения направлены на
развитие умений репродуктивного плана, репродуктивно-продуктивного и
Нами был составлена методическая разработка по обучению
изучающему чтению для учащихся 5-го класса средней школы и
разработаны задания и упражнения на основании практикума по чтению
«Английский язык: 5 класс: пособие для учащихся учреждений общего
среднего образования» авторов A.Н. Гарбалев, С. С. Карабанова, по
темам-проблемам «The tree and the travelers» и «A house-warming party»
в рамках тем «Путешествия» и «City and village».
Тема «Путешествия». Текст «The tree and the travelers»
1. Pre-reading stage h
a) look at the title of the text and try to guess what the text is about;
b) read the unknown words and write them down in your dictionaries;

shelter [ˈʃeltə(r)] укрытие h

offer [ˈɒfə(r)] предложение g
huge [hjuːdʒ] огромный а
reach [riːtʃ] достигать о
journey [ˈdʒɜːni ] путешествие f
ungrateful [ʌnˈɡreɪt.fəl] неблагодарный а

distant [ˈdɪs.tənt] далекий, отдаленный

heat [hiːt] жара f
apologize [əˈpɒlədʒaɪz] извиняться g


There was a hundred year old tree in the middle of a dry land. It gave rest and
shelter to hundreds and thousands of travellers. The tree was at the centre of
four different towns. There was no other tree that can offer rest to the people.
The tree was huge.

One day, two travellers were travelling from a distant place and tried to reach a
town at the east of the tree. They were walking for several miles on a hot and
sunny day. They started their journey early in the morning and it was almost
mid noon. The sun was too hot and they could not walk anymore because of the
heat. They were tired! Fortunately, they reached the place where the tree was.
They were very happy to see a big tree and decided to take rest under the tree.
They slept for some time happily.

They felt hungry and one of the travellers decided to climb the tree to look for
some fruit. There weren't any fruit. He said, 'Oh, this is just a useless tree and it
has nothing to feed us, not even a fruit or even nuts!'

The other traveller stopped him.

The tree said in a sad strong voice, 'You can't be so ungrateful to me. I saved
your life from the hot sun!'

The traveller realized his mistake and apologized to the tree.

2. Reading stage f
I. Choose the best title for the story.

1. The tree and the travelers.

2. A long journey.

3. Your own title.

II. Complete the sentences.

1. It gave rest and shelter to...

2. The tree was at the centre of...

3. They were walking for several miles....

4. The sun was too hot and they could not walk anymore....

5. The traveller realized his mistake....

Ill. Read the sentences in the text with the words.

1. traveller

2. rest

3. town

4. place

5. sun

IV. Put the sentences in the correct order according to the text.

1. One day, two travellers were travelling from a distant place.

2. They felt hungry and one of the travellers decided to climb the tree to look
for some fruit.

3. It was a hundred year old tree in the middle of a dry land.

4. They decided to take rest under the tree.

5. They were tired! F

3. Post-reading

V. Make a plan of the text.

VI. Work in pairs: f

a) make up 5 questions to the text and ask your classmate to answer them;
b) tell your classmate about your long journey and how it finished for you.
Тема: « City and village», текст «A house-warming party»

1. Pre-reading stage j
a) Look at the title of the text and tell what ideas come to your mind when you
think about a house-warming party. n
b) Repeat the following words after me: n
house-warming [ˈhaʊsˌwɔː(r)mɪŋ] новоселье g
furniture [ˈfɜː(r)nɪtʃə(r)] мебель j
light [laɪt] светлый f
curtain [ˈkɜː(r)t(ə)n] штора, занавеска f
fork [fɔː(r)k] вилка f
knife [naɪf] нож f
vacuum-cleaner [ˈvækjʊəmˈkliːnə(r)] пылесос

c) give the definitions of this words and make up sentences with them;
d) write down all the unknown words from this list into your dictionaries;
e) read the text and be ready to answer the question: How did the aunt of the
child passed her house-warming party?
A house-warming party п

My aunt has a new flat in Lenin Street. It’s a two-room flat in a new big
house. The flat is on the second floor. The house faces a beautiful park.
My aunt bought new furniture: a large wardrobe, a sofa, two armchairs, six
chairs, a bookcase and some other things. т
The furniture in the living-room and in the bedroom is dark. The furniture in
the kitchen is light. A new big show-white refrigerator stands in the kitchen.
That and the yellow curtains over the window make the kitchen beautiful.
Mother says that my aunt is lucky because there is a beautiful view on the lake
from her windows. т
Last Sunday my aunt had a house-warming party. She got lots of presents:
cups, forks and knives and many others. Her friends made her two wonderful
presents: a big mirror and a vacuum-cleaner. My grandparents gave her a
washing-machine as a present. т
My aunt cooked a lot of tasty things for that day. т
One of my aunt’s friends, who is fond of playing jokes, brought a beautiful blue
box and said, “This is my present to you on a house-warming day. I’m sure it’ll
bring you much luck. Open it right now!” The aunt opened the box and … a
funny little red kitten jumped out of the box! We all laughed very much.
We had a lot of fun that day. Т

2. Reading stage о
a) Name all the pieces of furniture from the text. j
b) Put the sentences in the correct order according to the text: f
1) We had a lot of fun that day. f
2) Mother says that my aunt is lucky because there is a beautiful view on the
lake from her windows. f
3) Last Sunday my aunt had a house-warming party. f
4) My aunt bought new furniture. f
5) My aunt cooked a lot of tasty things for that day. f
c) Complete the sentences.
1) My aunt has a new …
2) It’s a two-room flat …
3) The furniture in the living-room …
4) Her friends made her two wonderful …
5) The aunt opened a box and …

d) Answer the questions.

1) Where is the aunt’s new flat?
2) What floor is the flat on?
3) How many rooms are in the flat?
4) What new furniture did the aunt buy?
5) What makes the kitchen look nice?
6) Why does my mother say that her sister is lucky?
7) What presents did the aunt get?

e) Look at the pieces of furniture that you have in your flat and name them.

3. Post-reading stage f

Imagine you arrange a house-warming party and: cc

a) make up a list of guests you need to invte; d
b) think of 10 dishes you will make for the table; d
c) think of the games to play during the party; d
d) make up a dialogue with your classmate of the situation of greeting the
quests. g

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