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Глагол Сущ-ное Обратное Прил-ное Обратное Наречие Обратное

сущ. прил. нар.






Complete the table

Translate the following expressions

1. Принять душ ____________________________________

2. Хорошо проводить время ____________________________________

3. Не торопиться ____________________________________

4. Иметь смысл ____________________________________

5. Фотографировать ____________________________________

6. Заводить друзей ____________________________________

7. Переезжать ____________________________________
8. Прилагать все усилия (делать всё, на что способен) ____________________________________

9. Передумать ____________________________________

10. Управлять компанией ____________________________________

11. Экономить деньги ____________________________________

12.Наводить беспорядок ____________________________________

13.Мыть посуду ____________________________________

14.Приносить пользу ____________________________________

15.Простудиться ____________________________________

Complete the sentences

1. I want my friends to rely _____ me and stand ____ me in return.

2. My teacher always insists ______ participating _____ extracurricular activities.
3. I didn’t approve ______ his getting ______ _____ difficulties.
4. The car broke ______ and I had to pull ______ .
5. The result depended ______ his approval but unfortunately the plan fell _______.
6. I came _______ Sarah at the conference. I was happy at first but then I was put ______ by her arrogance.
7. The police have been looking _______ this case and so far the reporters managed to keep _____
_______ the latest news.
8. Mum wanted to pick me ______ from school but it resulted ______ a huge misunderstanding.
9. Our homework usually consists ____ exercises with gaps.
10. He’s _____________ (totally/surely) crazy to say this!
11. It was only my _____________ (fault/mistake), I had to apologize ____ being so rude!
12. You will ________________ (totally/definitely) like the movie I saw yesterday.

Translate into English using appropriate conjunctions

1. Он прочитал письмо несколько раз, чтобы запомнить каждую деталь.

2. Сотрудники компании потеряли мотивацию, поэтому бизнес под угрозой.

3. Машины стоят очень дорого, в то время как кто угодно может позволить себе купить мотоцикл.

4. Принимая во внимание нашу ответственность, мне хотелось бы получить финансовую поддержку.

5. Несмотря на то, что мы друзья, он иногда недружелюбен со мной.

6. Я купил две газеты вместо одной.

7. Из-за дождя такси опоздало на час.

Complete the sentence with an infinitive or a gerund

1. He doesn’t mind ______________ (open) the window.

2. She pretends ______________ (like) all sorts of music.
3. I intend ______________ (work) on my mistakes.
4. He decided ___________ (not/join) us in the movies.
5. She denies ___________ (follow) me.
6. I promise ____________ (not/forget) you.
7. It continues ____________ (rain).
8. He couldn’t avoid ___________ (lose) the match.
9. Can you afford _____________ (lend) me $100?
10. She seems to enjoy ___________ (help) us.

Write the missing words so that the second sentence means the same as the first.

1. Police believe this is the gun with which the murder was committed.

Police believe this is the gun   the murder was committed  .

 2. That's the actress about whom I was telling you last night.

That's the actress   I was telling you  last night.

3. Spiders are the animals of which I'm most afraid.

Spiders are the animals   I'm most afraid   .

4. My friend Rebecca lives in a flat for which her parents pay.

My friend Rebecca lives in a flat  her parents pay  .

5. This is Will. He's a guy with whom I went to school.

This is Will. He's a guy   I went to school   .

6. That's a photo of my grandmother, from whom I got my green eyes.

That's a photo of my grandmother,   I got my green eyes  .

 Combine the sentences using a relative clause. Use relatvie pronouns only where necessary. Note
that you have to use commas in some of the sentences.

1. We spent our holiday in Scotland last year. Scotland is in the north of Great Britain.
Last year we 
2. People live in Scotland. They are called Scots.
The people
3. We first went to Edinburgh. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.
We first
4. Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh. He wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories.
Arthur Conan Doyle
5. Then we visited a lake. It is in the Highlands.
The lake
6. Loch Ness is 37 km long. People know it for its friendly monster.
Loch Ness
7. There we met an old man. He told us that he had seen Nessie.
An old man
8. We then travelled to a mountain. The mountain is near the town of Fort William.
We then
9. The mountain is the highest mountain in Great Britain. It is called Ben Nevis.
The mountain
10. I sent you a postcard. It was written on the summit of Ben Nevis.
The postcard

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