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Russian Vocabularies 2

Russian Passage:
Моя любимая путешествие было в горы. Я поехал туда с друзьями летом. Мы провели
неделю в уютном домике среди зеленых лесов. Восхождение на вершину горы было
непростым, но вид сверху стоил усилий. Мы гуляли по горным тропам, наслаждались
чистым воздухом и фотографировали красивые пейзажи. Это было незабываемое

My favorite journey was to the mountains. I went there with friends in the summer.
We spent a week in a cozy cabin amidst green forests. Climbing to the mountain peak
was challenging, but the view from the top was worth the effort. We walked along
mountain trails, enjoyed the clean air, and took photos of beautiful landscapes. It
was an unforgettable adventure!

Meaning of each word:

- Моя (Moya) - my (feminine)
- любимая (lyubimaya) - favorite (feminine)
- путешествие (puteshestviye) - journey
- было (bylo) - was (neuter)
- в (v) - to, in
- горы (gory) - mountains
- Я (Ya) - I
- поехал (poekhal) - went (masculine)
- туда (tuda) - there
- с (s) - with
- друзьями (druzyami) - friends (instrumental case)
- летом (letom) - in the summer (prepositional case)
- Мы (My) - we
- провели (proveli) - spent (past tense)
- неделю (nedelyu) - a week (accusative case)
- в (v) - in
- уютном (uyutnom) - cozy (masculine, instrumental case)
- домике (domike) - cabin
- среди (sredi) - amidst, among
- зеленых (zelenykh) - green (plural, genitive case)
- лесов (lesov) - forests (genitive case)
- Восхождение (Voskhozhdeniye) - ascent, climbing
- на (na) - to, on
- вершину (vershinu) - peak (accusative case)
- горы (gory) - mountain
- было (bylo) - was (neuter)
- непростым (neprostym) - challenging (neuter, instrumental case)
- но (no) - but
- вид (vid) - view
- сверху (sverkhu) - from the top
- стоил (stoil) - was worth (masculine)
- усилий (usiliy) - efforts (genitive case)
- Мы (My) - we
- гуляли (gulyali) - walked
- по (po) - along
- горным (gornym) - mountain (plural, dative case)
- тропам (tropam) - trails (dative case)
- наслаждались (naslazhdalis') - enjoyed
- чистым (chistym) - clean (masculine, instrumental case)
- воздухом (vozdukhom) - air (instrumental case)
- и (i) - and
- фотографировали (fotografirovali) - took photos (past tense)
- красивые (krasivye) - beautiful (plural, accusative case)
- пейзажи (peyzazhi) - landscapes (accusative case)
- Это (Eto) - this (neuter)
- было (bylo) - was (neuter)
- незабываемое (nezabyvayemoye) - unforgettable (neuter, nominative case)
- приключение (priklyucheniye) - adventure

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