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К.П. Аман, А.А. Мусина

с использованием технологии CLIL
учебное пособие

Алматы, 2020
УДК 004(075.8)
ББК 32.816я73
А 52

Рекомендовано к изданию Учебно-методическим советом Актюбинского

регионального университета им. К.Жубанова


Иваницкая Н.В. – кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент, директор

департамента по международному сотрудничеству с вузами
России и СНГ
Жантурина Н.Н. – phD, ассоциированный профессор кафедры физики
Актюбинского регионального государственного университета
им. К.Жубанова

Аман К.П., Мусина А.А.

А 52 «Information and communication technologies» с использованием
технологии CLIL: учебное пособие / К.П.Аман, А.А.Мусина. –
Алматы: «Бастау», 2020. – 256 стр.

ISBN 978-601-7991-22-7

Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов первого и второго курсов,

изучающих дисциплину «Information communication technologies» на английском
Учитывая специфику преподаваемой дисциплины на английском языке, учебное
пособие содержит краткое руководство к каждому практическому и лабораторному
занятию. На каждую тему предлагаются определенные приемы технологии CLIL.

УДК 004(075.8)
ББК 32.816я73

ISBN 978-601-7991-22-7

© Аман К.П., Мусина А.А., 2020

© «Бастау», 2020
Введение ..........................................................................................................5

Practical Work 1. Boolean Algebra..........................................................7

Practical Work 2. Numeral System..........................................................11
Practical Work 3. Computer Components................................................ 15
Practical Work 4. Installation peripherals. Verifying..............................18
Practical Work 5. Algorithms................................................................... 27
Practical Work 6. Program Structure....................................................... 31
Practical Work 7. Network Operating System......................................... 34
Practical Work 8. Application.................................................................. 39
Practical Work 9. Internet of Things....................................................... 42
Practical Work 10. The Internet. Basic Concepts: Site,
IP-address, Port, Socket, Server, Client..................... 45
Practical Work 11. Designing web-Application........................................ 50
Practical Work 12. Service Security software. Cloud Computing............ 53
Practical Work 13. Robotics....................................................................... 56
Practical Work 14. Infrastructure of «Electronic Government»............... 62
Practical Work 15. Main Components of «E-Learning»........................... 66
Laboratory Work 1. Boolean Algebra..........................................................73
Laboratory Work 2. Numeral system...........................................................76
Laboratory Work 3. System Resources. Storage Devices. Data Storage....80
Laboratory Work 4. Peripherals................................................................... 82
Laboratory Work 5. Flowcharts...................................................................86
Laboratory Work 6. Operators of the Programming Language.
Compiling and Running Programs.............................88
Laboratory Work 7. Spreadsheet. Database. Multimedia............................92
Laboratory Work 8. Mobile Operating System...........................................94
Laboratory Work 9. Standard Operating System Applications..................96
Laboratory Work 10. Web-site. E-mail..........................................................99
Laboratory Work 11. Information Technologies in Professional Sphere......103
Laboratory Work 12. Cybersecurity..............................................................108
Laboratory Work 13. Software for Virus Protection.....................................112
Laboratory Work 14. Infrastructure of «The Electronic Governmen
of Kazakhstan»...........................................................115
Laboratory Work 15. Main Components of «E-Learning»...........................118

Примеры тестовых заданий по теме «Интернет технологии»..................120

Примеры тестовых заданий по теме «Кибербезопасность»......................125

Примеры тестовых заданий на 1 рубежный контроль...............................130
Примеры тестовых заданий на 2 рубежный контроль...............................139
Примеры тестовых заданий на экзамен........................................................145

Варианты тестов для проведения самостоятельной работы......................176

Глоссарий ..........................................................................................................198

Примеры заданий.............................................................................................209

Варианты заданий для СРС............................................................................223


Примеры тестовых вопросов..........................................................................246


Данные методические рекомендации по изучению дисциплины «Infor-
mation and communication technologies» с использованием технологии
CLIL предназначены для технических специальностей и включают в себя
описание 15 практических и лабораторных работ с глоссарием, тестами,
списком литературы и методическими указаниями к каждой теме. Прак-
тические и лабораторные работы по курсу проводятся с использованием
программного обеспечения операционной системы Windows 8 и выше.
Каждое занятие снабжено приемами технологии CLIL. Также приведены
варианты тестовых заданий на рубежный контроль, на экзамен и на СРС.
Своеобразие методики CLIL основывается на том, что знание англий-
ского языка становится неким инструментом изучения содержания дис-
циплины. Преподавание предмета с использованием данной технологии
базируется на содержании английских предметных текстов и на пред-
метной терминологии. При этом английский язык встроен в программу
обучения и потребность погружения в среду изучаемого языка для воз-
можности рассмотрения тематического материала существенно повышает
мотивацию студентов использовать язык в контексте определенной изу-
чаемой темы.
Этому также способствуют хорошо подобранные предметные матери-
алы не только для изучения конкретной дисциплины, но и для обучения
английскому языку: его лексических и грамматических единиц, а также
всех видов речевой деятельности (чтению, говорению, письму и аудиро-
На своих занятиях по информационно-коммуникационным техноло-
гиям авторы используют различные типы заданий, которые подобраны по
уровню сложности, выстроены с акцентом на предметное содержание, его
понимание, проверку и последующее обсуждение.
На занятиях используются следующие приемы: «Больше и быстрее
всех», «Ключевые слова», «Вопросы». Для реализации первого приема
«Больше и быстрее всех» студенты работают в паре.
Например, по теме «Boolean Algebra» студенты могут записать следу-
ющие слова: logical calculus, mathematical logic, the Mathematical Analysis
of Logic, conjunction, truth values.
Например, по теме «Operating System» на доске могут быть записаны
следующие слова: Mac OS X, Single- and multi-user, Real-time, Single- and
multi-tasking, Unix and Unix-like systems, Microsoft Windows.
Методический прием «Вопросы» предполагает работу студентов в
паре, в ходе которой они пишут по 10 вопросов, ответы на которые хотели

бы получить. По крайней мере, четыре из десяти вопросов должны начи-
наться со слов Кто, Что, Как, Почему.
Таким образом, на занятиях можно использовать различные приемы,
а также их комбинацию. Сочетание разнообразных приемов технологии
CLIL поможет лучше усвоить не только предметное содержание дисци-
плины, но и английский язык. В этом поможет данное учебное пособие.


Topic: Boolean algebra.

Lesson Objectives:
Content: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
• Define and give examples the basic operations of Boolean algebra.
• Describe the difference between Boolean algebra and algebra.


In mathematics and mathematical logic, Boolean algebra is the branch of

algebra in which the values of the variables are the truth values true and false,
usually denoted 1 and 0 respectively. Instead of elementary algebra where the
values of the variables are numbers, and the prime operations are addition and
multiplication, the main operations of Boolean algebra are the conjunction and
denoted as ˄, the disjunction or denoted as ˅, and the negation not denoted
as ¬. It is thus a formalism for describing logical relations in the same way that
elementary algebra describes numeric relations.
Boolean algebra was introduced by George Boole in his first book The
Mathematical Analysis of Logic (1847), and set forth more fully in his An
Investigation of the Laws of Thought (1854) [1]. According to Huntington, the
term «Boolean algebra» was first suggested by Sheffer in 1913 [2], although
Charles Sanders Peirce in 1880 gave the title «A Boolean Algebra with One
Constant» to the first chapter of his «The Simplest Mathematics» [3]. Boolean
algebra has been fundamental in the development of digital electronics, and is
provided for in all modern programming languages. It is also used in set theory
and statistics.
The basic operations of Boolean algebra are as follows:
• AND (conjunction), denoted x˄y (sometimes x AND y or Kxy), satisfies
x˄y = 1 if x = y = 1, and x˄y = 0 otherwise.
• OR (disjunction), denoted x˅y (sometimes x OR y or Axy), satisfies
x˅y = 0 if x = y = 0, and x˅y = 1 otherwise.
• NOT (negation), denoted ¬x (sometimes NOT x, Nx or !x), satisfies
¬x = 0 if x = 1 and ¬x = 1 if x = 0.

Topic Guidelines

На занятии используются следующие приемы: «Больше и быстрее

всех», «Ключевые слова», «Заполнение пропусков».

Для реализации первого приема «Больше и быстрее всех» студенты
работают в паре. Тема занятия записана на доске. Для оценивания резуль-
тата работы можно использовать критерий первенства, то есть побеждает
та пара, которая первой напишет десять терминов, относящихся к данной
теме, либо можно использовать критерий времени. Побеждает та пара,
которая больше всех напишет терминов за одну минуту.
Например, по теме «Boolean Algebra» студенты могут записать сле-
дующие термины: logical calculus, mathematical logic, the Mathematical
Analysis of Logic, conjunction, truth values.
При использовании на занятии приема «Ключевые слова» студенты
пытаются определить тему занятия по хаотично расположенным на доске
ключевым словам новой темы урока. На рисунке 1 представлен фрагмент
презентации с новыми словами по теме урока.

Рисунок 1. Фрагмент презентации по

теме урока с новыми словами

Для реализации третьего приема «Заполнение пропусков» студентам

предлагаются карточки, в которых нужно заполнить пропуски.
Gapped sentences:
1. In mathematics and __________logic;
2. Instead of elementary algebra where the _________of the variables
are numbers;
3. It is also used in set_________ and statistics.

Tasks for students

1. Disassemble the example below

Example. Two sets are given: X = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, Y = {1, 5, 7}. Compute the
union, intersection, and difference of sets.
Unification: X ˅ Y = {1,2,3,4,5,7}
Intersection: XY = {1,3,5}
Difference: X / Y = {2,3,4}, Y / X = {7}
2. Compute the union, the intersection and the difference of the following
A = {1,5,9,0}
B = {2,5,9,7,4}
3. Construct a truth table for the function:
F(x1, x2, x3) = x1 + x3 + (x2‪x1)
4. Construct a graph with the following vertices:
B = {(1,2), (1,3), (2,4), (5,3), (5,4), (5,7), (5,6), (8,6), (6,7), (7,8), (9,7),
(7,10), (8,9), (9,12), (10,9), (12,10), (8,12), (8,13), (10,11), (13,12), (12,11),
(14,13), (14,15), (11,15)}
5. Identify each of these relay logic functions by name (AND, OR, NOR,
etc.) and complete their respective truth tables.


1. A complete sentence, of which you can definitely say that its content is
either true (equal to 1) or false (equal to 0):
F) utterance;
G) conjunction;
H) disjunction;
I) negation;
J) function.
2. Logical variables, united by signs of logical operations, are:
F) Boolean expression;
G) logical function;
H) logical operation;
I) Boolean value;
J) logical relation.
3. The set of all elements belonging to both the set A and the set B is

F) by combining the sets A and B;
G) by the intersection of the sets A and B;
H) the difference of the sets A and B.
4. Insert the missing operation characters on the sets:
A) {a, b, c} ___{d, b, e}‪{b};
B) {a, b, c} ___ {c, d}‪{a, b, c, d};
C) {a, b, c} ___ {a, d}‪{b, c}.
5. If any two vertices of an undirected graph can be joined by a chain, then
the graph is:
A) oriented;
B) undirected;
C) elementary;
D) with a tree;
E) connected.


1. Boole, George (2013). An Investigation of the Laws of Thought. Prometheus

2. «Application software». PC Magazine. Ziff Davis.
3. Ryan, Thorne (2013-03-14). «Caffeine and computer screens: student
programmers endure weekend long appathon». The Arbiter. Archived from
the original on 2016-07-09. Retrieved 2015-10-12.
4. Ceruzzi, Paul E. (2000). A History of Modern Computing. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-03255-4.
5. Ulrich, William. «Application Package Software: The Promise Vs. Reality».
Cutter Consortium.
6. Application Package Software: The Promise Vs. Reality.
7. The History of ‘App’ and the Demise of the Programmer.

Topic: Number System.
Lesson Objectives: to teach the skills of translating numbers from one
number system to another.
Content: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
• Define the concept «Number system».
• Identify the need for a numeral system.


Non-positional number systems are number systems in which each symbol

retains its value regardless of its position in the number.
Positional numeral systems are number systems in which the same digit has
a different value, determined by the position of the digit in the sequence of
digits representing the number.
A number system is a way of representing any number with the help of some
alphabet of symbols, called numbers.

Topic Guidelines

На занятии используется прием «Заполнение пропусков».

Gapped sentences:
1. A numeral system is a _________ system for expressing numbers.
2. The ________ the numeral represents is called its value.
3. A _____________ notation for representing numbers of a given set,
using digits or other symbols in a consistent manner.

Tasks for students

1. Disassemble the example below

Example 1. Translate number 25 to binary number system.

2510 = 110012

Example 2. Translate 10101101.1012 «10» с.с.
Solution: 10101101.1012 = 1 27 + 0 26 + 1 25 + 0 24 + 1 23 + 1 22 + 0 21 +
+ 1 20 + 1 2 - 1 + 0 2 - 2 + 1 2 - 3 = 173.62510
1.1 Tasks
1. Translate this number from decimal to binary, octal and hexadecimal.
2. Translate this number to the decimal numeral system.
3. Add the numbers.
4. Perform subtraction.
5. Perform multiplication.
6. Perform division.
Note. In tasks 3-6, check the correctness of the calculations by translating
the original data and results into a decimal numeral system. In task 1d, get five
decimal places in the binary representation.
1. A) 666 (10);
B) 305 (10);
C) 153.25 (10);
D) 162.25 (10);
E) 248.46 (10).
2. A) 1100111011 (2);
B) 10000000111 (2);
C) 10110101.1 (2);
D) 100000110.10101 (2);
E) 671.24 (8);
F) 41A, 6 (16).
3. A) 10000011 (2) + 1000011 (2);
B) 1010010000 (2) + 1101111011 (2);
C) 110010.101 (2) + 1011010011.01 (2);
D) 356.5 (8) + 1757.04 (8);
E) 293.8 (16) + 3CC, 98 (16).
4. A) 100111001 (2) - 110110 (2);
B) 1111001110 (2) - 111011010 (2);
C) 1101111011.01 (2) - 101000010.0111 (2);
D) 2,025.2 (8) - 131.2 (8);
E) 2D8.4 (16) - A3, B (16).
5. A) 1100110 (2) * 1011010 (2);
B) 2001.6 (8) * 125.2 (8);
C) 2C, 4 (16) * 12.98 (16).
6. A) 110011000 (2): 10001 (2);
B) 2410 (8): 27 (8);
C) D4A (16): 1B (16).

1.2 Tasks
1. Convert the decimal number 76 to binary.
2. Convert the decimal number 193 to binary.
3. What is 10112 in decimal?
4. Which is equivalent to 1010011.00112 in decimal?
5. Convert the decimal number 276 to binary.
6. Convert the decimal number 756 to binary.


1. The number system is ...

a) A sign system in which numbers are written according to certain
rules with the
b) Help of symbols (signs) of some alphabet.
c) Arbitrary sequence of digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
d) Infinite sequence of digits 0, 1.
e) Set of digits I, V, X, L, C, D, M.
f) The set of natural numbers and signs of arithmetic operations.
2. A number system in which the value of a digit in a number depends on
its location in a number is called:
a) positional;
b) non-positional;
c) binary;
d) octal
e) hexadecimal.
3. A number system in which the value of a digit in a number does not
depend on its location in a number is called:
a) non-positional;
b) positional;
c) binary;
d) octal;
e) hexadecimal.
4. The non-positional system includes:
a) Roman system;
b) binary;
c) decimal;
d) hexadecimal;
e) binary and octal.
5. The basis of a number system is:
a) a number of digital characters used to write a number;
b) a maximum number, placed in four bits;

c) a number of alphabetic characters used to write a number;
d) a maximum number representable in this system;
e) a number of letters and digits used to write a number.


1. David Eugene Smith; Louis Charles Karpinski (2011). The Hindu-Arabic

numerals. Ginn and Company.
2. Fiete, I.R.; Seung, H.S. (2017). «Neural network models of birdsong
production, learning, and coding». In Squire, L.; Albright, T.; Bloom, F.;
Gage, F.; Spitzer, N. New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience.
3. Hammarström (2009, page 197) «Rarities in numeral systems».


Topic: Computer Components.

Lesson Objectives: Study of computer hardware and software components,
including the basics of configuration.
Content: Check the configuration of your particular computer using the
service programs. In this case:
1. Determine a set of equipment (functional devices), their types, names,
identifiers; Determine a set of system programs, their names, types,
2. Give a brief description (reference, purpose, function, etc.) of the hard-
ware and system devices;
3. Other separate configuration components considered as hardware;
4. Define display permissions and color quality;
5. Define the type of keyboard device;
6. Define the hardware of the mouse;
7. Define the full name of the computer and workgroup.


Desktop (desktop) is a desktop computer. Digital signal is a signal with

one of two values that denotes or disables the joystick. Insert the cursor input
device with the vertical holder. It is often used to control fast moving objects in
computer games.
The keypad is a basic electronic device with keys on the same device as the
basic recorder.
Keyboard – a small keypad with a few keys on the keypad. Microprocessor
is a computer processor (CPU) that is composed of one integrated circuit (IC)
or a computer processor incorporating multiple integrated circuits.

Topic Guidelines

На занятии используются приемы «Вопросы» и «Заполнение пропу-

Task: Ask 10 questions about the lesson
Students must work in pairs. They ask 10 question to which they would like
to receive answers. At least 4 questions must begin with Who, What, How and

Tasks for Students

1. Gapped sentences:
1. Key components ...
2. The graphical user interface of the MSDOS interface developed by
3. What is Interface? ...
4. Supercomputer ...
5. Enter a device.
6. ... (?) .. – system software that manages computer hardware and software
resources and provides general services to computer programs.
7. ...... You can send letters, reports, documents, or software used for that
8. There are two main categories of network topology, physical topology
and basic topology.
9. Network topologies: ..
10. ..... – a digital signal assigned to each device (for example, a computer, a
printer) connect to a computer network that uses Internet protocol for commu-
2. Answer the question:
1. What is Computer Configuration?
2. Which computer components are included in hardware and software?
3. What are the different configurations for two different computers if one
of them is used for writing text and the second for working with databases;
4. Which computer components are responsible for mathematical calcula-
tions? Qualify your answer.
5. Which components of the PC configuration determine its speed? Qualify
your answer.
6. What types of computers do you know? What devices do you know?
7. What is the procedure of the computer components? Qualify your
8. Which components of the PC configuration work in the shortest time
and with extended memory?


1. Additional personal computer equipment that enables audio processing

a) Video card
b) Sound card

c) Monitor and so on.
d) Headphones
2. Digital universal drive
a) DVD
b) CD
c) CD-RW
d) CD RW
3. Industrial standard architecture
a) This
b) IDE
c) ATA
d) RES
4. International Information Technology Standards Committee
b) T13
c) COM
d) DVD disc
5. For RAM ...
a) information storage
b) editing information
c) no correct answers
d) working programs


1. «Application Software». PC Magazine. Ziff Davis.

2. Ryan, Thorne (2013-03-14). «Caffeine and computer screens: student pro-
grammers endure weekend long appathon». The Arbiter. Archived from the
original on 2016-07-09. Retrieved 2015-10-12.
3. Ceruzzi, Paul E. (2018). A History of Modern Computing. Cambridge, Mas-
sachusetts: MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-03255-4.
4. Ulrich, William. «Application Package Software: The Promise Vs. Reality».
Cutter Consortium.
5. Application Package Software: The Promise Vs. Reality.
6. The History of ‘App’ and the Demise of the Programmer.

Topic: Installation peripherals. Verifying.
Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will get acquainted with peripheral devices; learn how to in-
stall peripheral devices; determine the driver assignment.
2. Students can effectively work in groups.
3. Develop the ability to independently acquire new knowledge.


AC connector – A power plug and a socket connector that allows electrically

operated equipment to be connected to the primary alternating current (AC)
power supply in a building.
Audio connector – A cylindrical plug and a socket connector, typically with
two, three or four contacts, used for analog audio signals [10].
Blu-Ray (BD-ROM) – A digital optical disc data storage format designed
to supersede the DVD format, with a storage capacity of 25 GB per layer, and
dual layer discs (50 GB) being the industry standard for high definition (1080p)
feature-length video discs.
CD (Compact Disc) – A digital optical disc data storage format originally
developed to store and play only sound recordings (CD-DA), but was later
adapted for storage of data (CD-ROM), with a storage capacity of 737 MB.
CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read-Only Memory) – A pre-pressed optical com-
pact disc which contains data and is not writeable or erasable.
CD-RW (Compact Disc-ReWriteable) – A compact disc that can be written,
read arbitrarily many times, erased and written again.
Component – RGB – An analog video signal that uses RCA connectors split
into separate signals for red, green, and blue.
Keyboard and Mouse
Connect a keyboard and a mouse to a computer with two types of con-
Speakers (speakers)
Acoustic systems transform an electrical signal received from a sound
card of a computer into sound vibrations (ie, into sound) and are part of the
information output devices. To date, acoustic systems can be called mandatory
PC devices. To listen to music, watch movies, listen to audiobooks, and learn
IT lessons, you can not do without «columns». If the speakers built into

the notebook do not suit the sound quality, then you can also use external
speakers, only they will be plugged into the headphone jack (see below about
it. Headphones can be considered a variety of speaker systems, only they are
designed for a single PC user. In fact, headphones are miniature speakers for
individual use. Headphones are connected to the computer in the same way as
speakers. On laptops, the connector is not highlighted in green, but there is a
«headphones» icon next to it.
A microphone may be needed in two cases: ommunication via the Internet
(for example, via Skype).
Record sound for the purpose of further storage and processing on a PC.
As you might guess, a microphone is an input device. The microphone is
connected to a PC using the pink mini jack connector.
Webcam (webcam)
A webcam may be needed if you plan to communicate frequently over the
Internet, and at the same time it would be desirable to transmit not only the
voice, but also your image (it should be borne in mind that the speed of the
Internet must be sufficient to transmit the video signal). Connect the camera to
the computer via the USB connector (number 2 in figure 3).
USB flash drive (flash drive)
Flash drives refer to data storage devices, i.e. designed to store and transfer
information between computers.
By the way, I recommend that all computer users use a flash drive not only
for their intended purpose, but also as one of the means of data backup (we’ll
talk about this in one of the nearest IT lessons).
Of course, to get a flash drive is desirable already at the first steps of deve-
lopment of the computer.
From the name, you can guess that a USB flash drive is connected using the
USB connector.
Do not forget about the rule that you can remove the flash drive from the
socket after the software closes (icon near the system clock).
The program that controls the operation of the device is called the driver.
Peripheral devices (PU) – equipment designed for external processing of
information. In other words, these are devices located outside the system unit –
external devices.
• devices that are designed to enter information into the computer for
processing, and
• devices, to output information from it.
There are also devices for storing information outside the system unit
(external storage).

All of the above applies to external or peripheral devices of a personal
Keyboard and Mouse
These are the main devices for entering information, the need for them is
obvious and has not been discussed until the touch monitors have superseded
the usual ones:

Figure 2. Keyboard and mouse

Connect a keyboard and a mouse to the computer with two kinds of

• PS/2

Figure 3. Connectors on the back of a system unit

A keyboard and a mouse with the PS/2 connector can only be connected
or disconnected when the computer is turned off. If they are made with USB-
connectors, they can be connected or disconnected at any time, even if the
computer is running.

Topic Guidelines

На занятии используются тестовые вопросы, методический прием

«Установи соответствие», «Заполнение пропусков».

Tasks for students

1. Match the correct answers.

Any peripheral that
●● receives and/or displays
output from a computer.
A hardware device
OUTPUT that accepts inputted
DEVICES information and outputting
that information.
A hardware device that
●● sends information to the

2. Choose the answer from the box provided.

printer sounds scanner pictures texts

____________ is to scans ___________ and ___________ .

3. Choose the answers below:

Micro Personal Mini Mainframe
Palmtop Super Notebook

General Purpose Computers are …

1. _ u _ _ _ Computer.

2. M _ _ _ f _ _ _ _ (Large) Computer.

3. M _ _ _ (Medium) Computer.

4. M _ _ _ _ (Small) Computer.

__t_____ P_____p
Computer Computer

4. Choose the answers below:

Robot X-Ray Fax
Pager Calculator Ultra

5. Special Purpose Computers are …

1. F__

2. _ l _ _ _ Sound.

3. P____

4. C____l____

5. _-R__

6. R____

6. Test assignments
What device can have a harmful effect on human health?
• Monitor.
• Printer.
• Scanner.
• Modem.
• System unit.
The computer keyboard is –
• Output Device.
• Random Access Storage Device.

• Computer Management Device.
• Input device for graphic information.
• Device of alphanumeric information.
The scanner is –
• Device for uninterruptible power supply.
• Information storage device.
• Device for image text and graphic information.
• Device that creates a digital copy of text and graphic information.
• Device for cleaning computers from viruses.
The minimum required set for computer operation contains ...
• System unit, printer.
• System unit, monitor, keyboard.
• System unit.
• Printer, scanner, monitor.
• Monitor, keyboard, mouse.
• Information input devices include.
• Display, keyboard, mouse.
• Scanner, keyboard, mouse.
• Printer, scanner, modem.
• Mouse, printer, system unit.
• There is no correct answer.
The devices for displaying graphic information are:
• Modem.
• Keyboard.
• Scanner.
• Printer.
• Mouse.
Device for displaying information on the screen
• Monitor.
• Mouse.
• System unit.
• Scanner.
• Keyboard.
Computer devices that are not subject to basic are called ...
• Subsidiaries.
• The main.
• Secondary.
• Unnecessary.
• Peripheral.

The monitor is designed for ...
• Writing information on a disk.
• Permanent storage of information.
• Connections of peripherals to the Main Line.
• Computer control for a given program.
• Display of text and graphic information.


1. Pick out the right definition: Peripheral device...

a) a piece of computer hardware equipment, an ancillary device used
to put information into and get information out of a computer
b) a table of contents for the disk
c) a collection of related information
d) allows to communicate with a computer and other devices
e) is a disk copy command
2. To choose the incorrect answer: input device is …
a) a monitor;
b) a mouse;
c) a keyboard;
d) a scanner;
e) a joystick;
3. To choose the incorrect answer: an output device is …
a) a scanner;
b) a printer;
c) a projector;
d) a computer speaker;
e) a monitor;
4. ALU –
a) arithmetic logic unit;
b) arithmetic logic unprocess;
c) arithmetic low unit;
d) algebra logic unit;
e) arithmetic unit;
5. What is a file?
a) a named collection of data on disk;
b) several programs;
c) fragment of a text document;
d) segment of the program, which stores some value;
e) hard disk;


1. «Application software». PC Magazine. Ziff Davis.

2. Ryan, Thorne (2013-03-14). «Caffeine and computer screens: student prog-
rammers endure weekend long appathon». The Arbiter. Archived from the
original on 2016-07-09. Retrieved 2015-10-12.
3. Ceruzzi, Paul E. (2018). A History of Modern Computing. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-03255-4.
4. Ulrich, William. «Application Package Software: The Promise Vs. Reality».
Cutter Consortium.
5. Application Package Software: The Promise Vs. Reality.
6. The History of ‘App’ and the Demise of the Programmer.

Topic: Аlgorithms.
Lesson Objectives: to examine the basic algorithms, flowcharts.


Algorithm is a finite sequence of precise prescriptions, which allows one to

formally solve certain classes of problems.
Block diagrams – a special graphical representation of the structure of
algorithm, which has great visibility.
Input and output of data, not tied to a specific device, is indicated by a
parallelogram. Inside the word «Input» or «Output» are written and the lists the
input or output variables are given.
Beginning and ending – indicate the beginning and end of the computational
process. It is designated by an oval, has one output (beginning) and one input
Processing is the action that must be performed. It is indicated by a
rectangle with one input and one output.
Verification – verifies the execution of some condition. It is denoted by a
rhombus, has one entrance and two exits.
Merger is a combination of control paths, has two inputs and an output.
Follow – is a structure, it indicates that control is transferred from one
processing point to the next.
The fork – is a structure, it serves for the choice of one of two alternatives.

Topic Guidelines

На занятии могут использоваться различные приемы технологии CLIL

и в частности: методический прием «Вопросы», который предполагает
работу студентов в паре, в ходе которой они пишут по 10 вопросов на
английском языке, ответы на которые хотели бы получить. По крайней
мере, четыре из десяти вопросов должны начинаться со слов Who, What,
How, Why. Также может быть использован прием сбора информации, то
есть в течение недели студенты должны записать в тетради, где они в
жизни встретились с алгоритмами и определить их вид, записи должны
быть сделаны на английском языке. Прием: на доске зарисовать рисунок
или блок-схему. Провести обмен информацией по процедуре:
1. Группе задается прямой вопрос о том, что известно по определен-
ной проблеме;

2. Студенты записывают все, что знают по теме (1-2 мин.)
3. З минуты для обмена информацией в группах, парах;
4. Каждая группа по кругу называет какой-то один факт, не повторяя
ранее сказанного
5. Преподавателем составляется список всех предложенных идей
6. Ошибки исправляются по мере изучения новой информации.
Например, можно предложить студентам сказать, что они думают
какой алгоритм можно назвать линейным, привести примеры. На занятии
изучения «Цикла» предложить предположить, что такое цикл, какие при-
меры циклических действий они могут привести.

Tasks for Students

1 Disassemble the data examples below

Example 1. Compile an algorithm for calculating the value of a function
y = sin x +
To calculate the value of the function y, you must enter the value of the
variable x.
In the calculation block, you need to write the calculated formula, and in
the output block specify the list of output variables. Then taking into account
the accepted graphic symbols, the flowchart of the algorithm will look like this:

2. To consider examples
To determine the distance on the plane between two points with given
coordinates M1 (x1, y1) and M2 (x2, y2). Create a block diagram.

Learn basic types of algorithms. An Algorithm is a sequence of steps that
describe how a problem can be solved. Create a flowchart for the tasks:
1. Given the edge length of the cube, find the volume of the cube and the
area of its lateral surface.
2. Three resistance R1, R2, R3 are connected in parallel. Find the resistance
of the connection.
3. To determine the time of a stone fall on the surface of the earth from a
height h.
4. A known circumference. Find the area of a circle bounded by this circle.
5. The triangle specified by coordinates of its vertices. Find:
• the perimeter of the triangle;
• the area of a triangle.
6. To calculate the height of a triangle lowered on the side and, using the
known values of the lengths of its sides a, b, c.
7. To calculate the volume of a cylinder with base radius r and height h.
8. To determine the distance travelled by a physical body in time t if the
body is moving with a constant acceleration a and has at the initial
moment of time the speed V0.
9. Calculate the area of triangle by Heron’s formula, if a = 5, b = 6, c = 9.
10. To determine the coordinates of the vertex of the parabola y = ax2 + bx +
+ c (a # 0). a = 1, b = 2, c = -9.
3. Insert the missing words in the text using the following words:
traditional, individual, minor
Unlike many ___________ cell phones, smartphones allow
____________ users to install, configure and run applications of their
choosing. A smartphone offers the ability to conform the device to your
particular way of doing things. Most standard cell-phone software offers only
limited choices for re-configuration, forcing you to adapt to the way it’s set up.
On a standard phone, whether or not you like the built-in calendar application,
you are stuck with it except for a few __________ tweaks. If that phone were
a smartphone, you could install any compatible calendar application you like.


1. The alphabet of the language Turbo Pascal includes (specify wrong

a) large and small letters of the Greek alphabet;
b) large and small letters of the Latin alphabet;
c) otnositelnye delitelnye and special characters;
d) Arabic numerals from 0 to 9;
e) arithmetic operations.

2. Technological chain of solving the problem on a computer is the
following sequence:
a) statement of the problem – algorithmic – programming;
b) statement of the problem – algorithmic – Mat. modeling –
c) statement of the problem – Mat. modeling – algorithmic –
d) modeling – problem formulation – algorithms – programming;
e) modeling – algorithmic – problem formulation – decision-making.
3. Specify the correct ID:
a) d100;
b) sin(x);
c) in a3;
d) x3;
e) a•3.
4. Specify the keywords of the Pascal programming language (specify
wrong answer):
a) sin(x) cos(x) tan(x);
b) interface, label, mod;
c) program, record, set;
d) array, and down to;
e) implementation, until, with.
5. Turbo Pascal includes the following set of basic symbols: (select the
a) Greek letters
b) 10 numbers: 0-9
c) _ underscore
d) symbols: + - * / = <> < > <= >= := @
e) specifiers: ^ $ #


1. Time is of the essence: factors encouraging out-of-class study time. Steve T.

Fukuda and Hiroshi Yoshida Street, B. & Hornberger, N.H. (Eds.). (2017).
2. Encyclopedia of Language and Education, 2nd Edition, Volume 2: Literacy.
(pp. 71-83). New York: Springer Science + Business Media LLC.
3. Лебедева Е.А. Совершенствование иноязычной компетенции студен-
тов-юристов // Наука и образование: хозяйство и экономика; предпри-
нимательство; право и управление. 2011. No 7 (13). С.49-52.

Topic: Program Structure. Data types, variables, arrays. Operators of the
programming language. Compiling and running programs.
Lesson Objectives: Get an idea of the program structure in Pascal, learn
how to use the standard features and basic operators, work in Pascal ABC.NET.


An operator is a description of the actions that will be performed when an

algorithm is implemented. Expressions are groups of words that make sense in
a given language. Expressions are represented by formulas for calculating the
values of a variable. They can be arithmetic, logical. Recorded according to
certain rules, which are set taking into account the priority of operations, and
also taking into account the type of the result obtained from the type of source

Topic Guidelines

На занятии по данной теме можно использовать прием «Кластер».

Это – графическая организация материала, показывающая смысловые
поля того или иного понятия. Составление кластера позволяет студентам
свободно и открыто думать по поводу какой-либо темы. Студент записы-
вает в центре листа ключевое понятие, а от него рисует стрелки-лучи в
разные стороны, которые соединяют это слово с другими, от которых в
свою очередь лучи расходятся далее и далее.

Tasks for Students

1. Disassemble the data examples below

Example 1. Write a program to calculate the area of a rectangle.
The formula for calculating the area of a rectangle: is the length; is the
width of the rectangle.
Program area;
Var L,w,s : real;
Write (ʹвведите значение длины прямоугольникаʹ);
Write (ʹвведите значение ширины прямоугольникаʹ);
Readln (w); s:=l*w;

Writeln (ʹплощадь прямоугольника со сторонами ʹ, l ,ʹ и ʹ, w ,ʹ = ʹ,s );
2. Tasks for students
1. Write the formula for calculating the area of the triangle in the form of an
assignment statement:
2. Write a program to calculate the value of functions


2. Write the specified action as one conditional statement:


1. A characteristic feature of the linear program is:

a) execution of operators in the order of their recording;
b) the presence in each program line of only one operator;
c) use only assignment operators in it;
d) the presence in it of conditional and unconditional transition
e) the presence of cycle operators in it.
2. The variable in programming is most fully characterized by:
a) name, value and type name;
b) name;
c) name and type;
d) name and value;
e) with a value.
3. The logical BOOLEAN type has a range of values consisting of
a) two elements;
b) five elements;
c) of one element;
d) three elements;
e) of an infinite number of elements.
4. There are two conditional operators in TP:
a) If and case;
b) While and case;
c) For and case;
d) For and while;
e) If and repeat.

5. In the TP there are the following repeat operators:
a) while, repeat, for;
b) if, repeat, for;
c) while, repeat, goto;
d) case, repeat, for;
e) repeat, for.


1. Time is of the essence: factors encouraging out-of-class study time. Steve T.

Fukuda and Hiroshi Yoshida Street, B. & Hornberger, N.H. (Eds.). (2017).
2. Encyclopedia of Language and Education, 2nd Edition, Volume 2: Literacy.
(pp. 71-83). New York: Springer Science + Business Media LLC.
3. Лебедева Е.А. Совершенствование иноязычной компетенции студен-
тов-юристов // Наука и образование: хозяйство и экономика; предпри-
нимательство; право и управление. 2011. No 7 (13). С.49-52.

Topic: Network operating system
Lesson Objectives: this lesson covers desktop and mobile operating
systems, open-source software, and hardware compatibility.


Android – A mobile operating system (OS) based on the Linux kernel and
currently developed by Google.
Blackberry OS – A proprietary mobile operating system developed by
BlackBerry Ltd for its BlackBerry line of smartphone handheld devices.
Chrome OS – An operating system based on the Linux kernel and designed
by Google to work with web applications and installed applications, initially
designed as a pure web thin client operating system.
Cross-platform – An attribute conferred to computer software or computing
methods and concepts that are implemented and inter-operate on multiple com-
puter platforms.
Device driver – A computer program that operates or controls a particular
type of device that is attached to a computer.
Distro (Linux distribution) – An operating system made as a collection of
software based around the Linux kernel and often around a package mana-
gement system, typically based on either Red Hat’s package manager (rpm and
yum) or Debian’s package manager (dpkg and apt).
Embedded system – A computer system with a dedicated function within a
larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints.
Emulator Hardware or software or both that duplicates (or emulates) the
functions of one computer system (the guest) in another computer system (the
host), different from the first one, so that the emulated behavior closely resem-
bles the behavior of the real system (the guest).
GUI (graphical user interface) – A type of interface that allows users to
interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and visual indicators
such as secondary notation, as opposed to text-based interfaces, typed com-
mand labels or text navigation.

Topic Guidelines

По данной теме можно использовать прием «продолжи предложение»,

который состоит в том, что преподаватель предлагает карточки с началом
предложений, студентам требуется закончить предложения.

Tasks for Students

1. Describe the two general roles of an operating system, and elaborate

why these roles are important
Operating systems provide: …
(возможный ответ):
– a fairly standardised abstraction between hardware and user space soft-
ware, that allows user space software to be written with little concern
for the hardware it is running on, and having access to a bunch of useful
things like memory, files, screens, i/o etc.
– resource management and allocation to processes & threads. resources
include files, memory, CPU runtime, etc.)
По второму заданию студентам предлагается найти соответствие
понятий, определение и его описание.
2. When we combine all these inputs, we can list some of the features
that we expect from our Operating System:
Multi-tasking (определение)
While I am typing these notes at the computer, the computer needs to
respond to my keyboard interaction perhaps 2-3 times per second. On the
other hand a typical computer (CPU) can do something of the order of a billion
operations per second. For efficiency, it is thus vital that the computer can do
multiple tasks «at once». Of course, most CPU’s are «single-threaded» and can
actually do only one thing at a time, so it is up to the operating system (usually
the kernel) to schedule multiple tasks so that no time (CPU cycles) is wasted
(idle); of course, it is up to us to provide those tasks!
The Unix system was designed at a time when a computer was typically
shared by many users, thus making it imperative that the design takes this into
account. Even nowadays when many computers are personal computers, this
is useful. The reason is that we use a computer in different ways at different
times and we would want these different ways to be «orthogonal». When one
is typing a text one does not accidentally want to delete programs, when one is
browsing the internet one does not want this communication channel to be used
to mangle or destroy important data stored on the machine and so on.
Technically, this means that the system can describe (or even replace!) itself.
In practice this means that we can use the system to build itself. In particular,
the kernel should have a description that allows it to be re-created with
modifications as required. One could demand more reflexivity than already

exists with the GNU/Linux system, but it is already quite usefully so. For
example, it is possible to use the GNU/Linux system on one type of computer
architecture to build the same system on another architecture.
This is the principle of «minimal interference». For example the work of
one user should impinge on that of another only if both of them desire it and
only to the extent that both of them do. Some would say that this applies to the
kernel as well – it should keep out of the way of user programs unless those
programs need it!
Loosely speaking, things should be available during the time when they
are needed. Here is an anecdotal explanation. In TIFR, the typing of film club
notices was often given to «novice» volunteers. One such volunteer typed the
entire notice (about a 1000 words) and was horrified to find that the compu-
ter had ignored everything after the first 128 characters! In other words, the
operating system should try not to spring nasty surprises on the users by
deleting their data.
We (more and more) wish to deal with computers at a higher-level of abs-
traction than bit manipulation. This is somewhat analogous to what we do in
mathematics. At the lowest level all of mathematics deals with the fundamental
undefined entities (numbers for some people, sets for others and points,
lines, planes for yet others). However, it would be foolish of us to do all of
mathematics at this level. Similarly, the operating system needs to offer us
some high-level abstract objects to manipulate and use as a base to create even
higher-level ones. At the same time it should be possible within our system to
get «close to the metal» if need be.
3. The advantages of network operating systems are as follows −
• Centralized servers are highly stable.
• Security is server managed.
• Upgrades to new technologies and hardware can be easily integrated into
the system.
• Remote access to servers is possible from different locations and types of
The disadvantages of network operating systems are as follows −
• High cost of buying and running a server.
• Dependency on a central location for most operations.
• Regular maintenance and updates are required.
4. Вставить пропущенные слова:
1. An operating system is _____ that manages _____ and provides _____.

2. The operating system provides _____.
3. The operating system coordinates _____.
4. The operating system provides _____.
5. The operating system monitors _____.
6. The operating system provides _____.
7. Popular computer operating systems include _____.
8. A mobile operating system, also referred to as mobile OS, is _____.
9. Popular mobile operating systems include _____.
10. OS X, Linux, Android, Chrome OS and iOS are based on _____.
11. Popular distributions of Linux include _____.
12. Open-source software is _____.
13. Proprietary software or closed source software is _____.
14. 64-bit processors and operating systems support _____, while 32-bit
operating systems are limited to _____.


1. Which of the following operating systems are not mobile?

a) Linux OS.
b) Anroid 8.1.
c) iOS 12.
d) Windows Phone.
e) Anroid 10.
2. Which of the following devices are running Android?
a) The tablets of the South Korean company Samsung.
b) The Apple iPhone.
c) Apple tablet family (iPad).
d) IOS.
e) iPhone.
3. What is not one of the three main components of the APK?
a) Dalvik.
b) Native Libraries.
c) Webkit.
d) Dex compiler.
e) Mobile Interpretive Compiler (MIC).
4. What was the first phone released on Android OS?
a) Google gPhone.
b) T-Mobile G1.
c) Motorola Droid.
d) HTC Hero.

e) Samsung.
5. When it created the Open Handset Alliance?
a) 2005;
b) 2006;
c) 2004;
d) 2007;
e) 2008.


1. Auslander, Marc A.; Larkin, David C.; Scherr, Allan L. (2011). «The evolution
of the MVS Operating System» (PDF). IBM J. Research & Development.
2. Deitel, Harvey M.; Deitel, Paul; Choffnes, David. Operating Systems.
Pearson/Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-092641-8.
3. Bic, Lubomur F.; Shaw, Alan C. (2013). Operating Systems. Pearson: Prentice
4. Silberschatz, Avi; Galvin, Peter; Gagne, Greg (2017). Operating Systems
Concepts. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0-470-12872-0.
5. O’Brien, J. A., & Marakas, G. M.(2018). Management Information Systems.
10e. McGraw-Hill Irwin.
6. Leva, Alberto; Maggio, Martina; Papadopoulos, Alessandro Vittorio;
Terraneo, Federico (2017). Control-based Operating System Design. IET.
ISBN 978-1-84919-609-3.
7. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi; Arpaci-Dusseau, Andrea (2015). Operating
Systems: Three Easy Pieces.

Topic: Application
Lesson Objectives: Identify common programs, applications and their
Content: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
• Productivity software or office productivity software is an application
software dedicated to producing information, such as documents,
presentations, worksheets, databases, charts, graphs, digital paintings,
electronic music and digital video.
• Existing office suites contain wide range of various components. Most
typically, the base components include a word processor, spreadsheet,
and presentation program.
• Popular office suites include Apache OpenOffice, LibreOffice,
Office and Google Docs.


App A file extension used to indicate application bundles (folder hierarchies)

on OS X.
Avi (Audio Video Interleave) – A multimedia container file extension and
for-mat developed by Microsoft.
Bat (batch file) – A file extension used to indicate a command script file in
DOS, OS/2, and Windows.
Bmp – A file extension used to indicate a bitmap image
CAD (Computer Aided Design) – The use of computer systems to assist in
the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design, particularly for
CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) – The use of computer software to
control machine tools and related machinery in the manufacturing of work-
Collaborative workspace – An inter-connected environment in which all the
participants in dispersed locations can access and interact with each other just
as inside a single entity.
Compression software Utility software used to reduce resource usage, such
as data storage space or transmission capacity requirements.
Database software Productivity software used to capture and analyze data.
Word processing Productivity software used to perform the composition,
editing, formatting, and sometimes printing of any sort of written material.
xls/xlsx A document file format used for spreadsheet files.

zip – An archive file format that supports lossless data compression,
supported by Microsoft Windows.

Tasks for students

1. Perform the following tasks. Use the following sources:

1. Wikipedia: Productivity software
2. Wikipedia: Collaboration software
3. Wikipedia: Utility software
4. Wikipedia: Filename extension
1. YouTube: Choosing the Right Application
2. YouTube: Installing and Uninstalling Software
2. Заполнить пропуски
1. Productivity software, or office productivity software, is application
software dedicated to _____.
2. Existing office suites contain a wide range of components. Most
typically, the base components include _____.
3. Popular office suites include _____.
4. Collaborative software, or groupware, is application software designed
to _____.
5. Communication can be thought of as _____. Examples of communication
tools include _____.
6. Conferencing refers to _____. Examples of conferencing include _____.
7. Co-ordination refers to _____. Examples of co-ordination include
8. Utility software is system software designed to _____.
9. Utility software is a type of system software used to support the
computer infrastructure, distinguishing it from application software which is
10. A filename extension is _____.


1. There are three levels of abstraction in the database architecture:

a) view (external database model);
b) conceptual database (CBD);
c) emergence of ideas from a programmer;
d) testing system drivers;
e) selection of design styles.

2. Microsoft Visual Studio is
a) representative of the software tool;
b) software development environment;
c) device driver;
d) OS installation kit;
e) robotic.
3. Form in DBMS referred:
a) A window on the computer screen with data input;
b) Output table values in a user-friendly way;
c) designate the database field;
d) A single database file;
e) individual files are placed in a folder.
4. What must be included in the database?
a) query language processor;
b) command interface;
c) visual shell;
d) help system;
e) store files;
f) redundancy agreement.
5. List the benefits of a centralized approach to data storage and
a) General access ability;
b) support the integrity of files;
c) operating system;
d) unique software;
e) user model support;
f) data protection and integrity.


1. «Application software». PC Magazine. Ziff Davis.

2. Ryan, Thorne (2013-03-14). «Caffeine and computer screens: student
programmers endure weekend long appathon». The Arbiter. Archived from
the original on 2016-07-09. Retrieved 2015-10-12.
3. Ceruzzi, Paul E. (2018). A History of Modern Computing. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-03255-4.
4. Ulrich, William. «Application Package Software: The Promise Vs. Reality».
Cutter Consortium.
5. Application Package Software: The Promise Vs. Reality.
6. The History of ‘App’ and the Demise of the Programmer.


Topic: Internet of things.

Lesson Objectives: Learn how to work with Internet of things (IoT).


The Internet of things (IoT) is the extension of Internet connectivity into

physical devices and everyday objects. Embedded with electronics, Internet
connectivity, and other forms of hardware (such as sensors), these devices
can communicate and interact with others over the Internet, and they can be
remotely monitored and controlled.
The IoT concept has faced prominent criticism, especially in regards to
privacy and security concerns related to these devices and their intention of
pervasive presence.

Topic Guidelines

Методический прием «Последовательный перевод» может использо-

ваться на любом занятии по информационно-коммуникационным техно-
логиям. Он предполагает перевод отдельных предложений, сразу после
говорящего, во время пауз. В качестве переводчика на первых уроках
информатики или в группах студентов со слабой подготовкой по англий-
скому языку выступает на первых занятиях преподаватель. Данный
прием используется как с английского языка на русский или казахский,
так и наоборот.
Прием «Больше и быстрее всех» используется на этапе закрепления
нового материала или на этапе актуализации новых знаний. Студенты
делятся на группы. Преподаватель дает задание по теме. Например,
написать десять глаголов или существительных по данной теме. Первая
группа, написавшая десять глаголов, выигрывает, и получает бонусы при
итоговом оценивании. Например, по теме «Internet of things» на доске
могут быть записаны следующие слова: Machine learning, Smart home,

Tasks for Students

1. Найти в таблице слова по теме урока.

i o t v t j o p e l e c t r o n i c s w e r h r a g
n с o n s u m e r i m v p n y u i o p f h j o t d o
f j k l o w v b a p a p p l e w a t c h e r m y g o
o a s a a d f g p h c w e h o m e a a a a a e u h g
r b n s m a r t p o h c o n t r o l w e e e p i j l
m e c v m o p h l n i s y s t e m s e r r r o i j e
a m q w e r t o i e n e y u o p a s r r r r d o k h
t b a f g p h m c a e l e a r n i n g r r r a p l o
i e z f h k r e a e a m a z o n e c h o o o d k o m
o d o l p t y u t t f g h j k l p o i u y t d l y e
n d e d w w t y i u s o i a s e c u r i t y d h r a
a p p l e w a t c h j s m a r t p h o n e s h m t r

2. Ответить на вопросы
1. What is the Internet of Things?
2. Why do connected devices need to share data?
3. Where does the IoT go next?


1. The Internet has emerged through a combination of technologies such as

a) multimedia;
b) geoinformation technology;
c) smart technologies;
d) data warehouse;
e) teleconferences;
f) hypertext’s;
g) network technology.
2. Human information culture at the present stage is mainly determined by:
a) the combination of his skills in using application software to create
the necessary documents;
b) it is a set of principles and mechanisms that ensure the interaction of
ethnic and national cultures;
c) his ability to program in high-level languages;

d) a set of knowledge and skills for effective information activities that
achieve this goal;
e) his knowledge of the main types of software and user characteristics
of the computer;
f) level of understanding of laws of information processes in the nature
and society, quality of knowledge of bases of computer literacy;
g) his knowledge of the basic concepts of computer science.
3. Which one of the following statement is wrong ?
a) Online Learning is MOTIVATING.
b) Online Learning is INCREASE MATERIAL COST.
d) Online Learning is PORTABLE.
4. The Application Package, called the editor, is designed to create and edit:
a) magazines, textbooks;
b) hard disks, floppy disks;
c) texts, documents;
d) thesis, dissertation;
e) graphics, illustrations.
5. How does a computer with a network card connect to a network?
a) computers;
b) raster;
c) archival;
d) network;
e) switch.


1. «Application software». PC Magazine. Ziff Davis.

2. Ryan, Thorne (2013-03-14). «Caffeine and computer screens: student pro-
grammers endure weekend long appathon». The Arbiter. Archived from the
original on 2016-07-09. Retrieved 2015-10-12.
3. Ceruzzi, Paul E. (2018). A History of Modern Computing. Cambridge, Mas-
sachusetts: MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-03255-4.
4. Ulrich, William. «Application Package Software: The Promise Vs. Reality».
Cutter Consortium.
5. Application Package Software: The Promise Vs. Reality.
6. The History of ‘App’ and the Demise of the Programmer.

Topic: The internet. Basic concepts: the site, the ip-address, port, socket,
server, client.
Lesson Objectives: to acquire the skills of classification and analysis of IP


The Internet. It is the largest network in the world that connects hundreds of
thousands of individual networks all over the world.
The popular term for the Internet is the «information highway».
Rather than moving through geographical space, it moves your ideas and
information through cyberspace – the space of electronic movement of ideas
and information.
Protocol/Internet Protocol communication model (discussed in the next sec-
tion), while older networks were transitioned over to it.
IP addresses and the Internet. IPv4 addresses are the IP addresses from
the original TCP/IP protocol. In IPv4, 12 numbers are used (implemented as
four 8-bit integers), written with a dot between each integer. Since an unsigned
8-bit integer’s maximum value is 255, four integers together can encode appro-

Topic Guidelines

По данной теме будет использован прием «Определение темы по клю-

чевым словам».

Рисунок 4. Определение новой темы по ключевым словам

Рисунок 5. Построение фразы на английском языке по шаблону

Методический прием «Вопросы» предполагает работу студентов в

паре, в ходе которой они пишут по 10 вопросов, ответы на которы хотели
бы получить. По крайней мере, четыре из десяти вопросов должны начи-
наться со слов Кто, Что, Как, Почему.
Например, по теме Computer Network? Студенты могут написать сле-
дующие вопросы:
1. Why does the IP address change when you turn off a computer?
2. Who invented the first computer network?
3. What happens to your mac address if you shut down your computer?
4. How to divide a network into subnets?

Tasks for students

Task 1.
Answer the questions:
Can there be:
A. Two boxes with the same name on the same mail server;
B. Two boxes with the same passwords on the same mail server;
C. Two boxes with the same name on different mail servers;
D. Two boxes with the same name and password on different mail servers?
Task 2.
Identify the differences between e-mail and teleconference.
Task 3.
Create a screening test of 5 questions on the topic «Working with e-mail»
using a test shell (at the student’s choice).
Additional task.
Using the resources of the Internet to search for graduates of GOU NPO
PL №1, who achieved high results in their professional activities (awards,

titles). This material is necessary to prepare for the 100th anniversary of the
submarine number 1.
Answers to the tasks sent by e-mail to the address
Sokolova-sm@mail.ru, attaching them to the main e-mail.
2. Tasks for students
The network administrator is given an IP address and it is necessary to
divide the network into 5
Карточки с заданиями для индивидуальной работы
Определить топологию сети
1 2

Фамилии ___________________

1 2


Назвать топологию сети


1. Select the device to connect your computer to the network?

a) Modem;
b) Mouse;
c) Scanner;
d) Monitor;
e) System unit.
2. The network protocol is:
a) Agreements on how the linked objects interact with each other;
b) Agreement on connection to the network;
c) Exchange of e-mails;
d) List of necessary devices;
e) Rules for transferring information between computers.
3. Program for viewing hypertext pages WWW:
a) Browser;
b) Protocol;
c) The server;
d) HTML;
e) Editor.
4. Provider is:
a) Firm providing network services;
b) Computer that provides transit communication over the network;
c) Network connection program;
d) Specialist in computer networks;
e) Program for viewing hypertext pages.
5. To ensure the necessary compatibility, both in hardware and software,
computer networks have special standards, called:
a) Protocols;
b) Programs;
c) Ports;
d) Gateways;
e) Addresses.


1. Douglas E. Comer Computer Networks & Internets. Pearson Edition, 2018.

2. Eric H. Glendinning. Information technology: A Student‘s Book/ Eric H.
Glendinning, John McEwan. Oxford N.Y.: Oxford University Press., 2012.

Topic: Designing web-application.
Lesson Objectives: is learning the basic concepts of HTML is essential to
understanding the design documents for the Internet.

Topic Guidelines

1. Disassemble the data below examples

The first tag that should be in any HTML document is <HTML> ...
This tag indicates that the document actually contains HTML text. Every-
thing you write in your document must be inside this tag:

Текст документа

You indicated that your document does contain HTML commands, you
must break the document into two parts – the header and the actual text.
The header definition must be inside the tag <HEAD>

Описание заголовка


Текст документа


In the description section of the header, you can specify the title of the
document, it uses the tag <TITLE> ... </TITLE>. When the browser encounters
this tag, it displays all that is in it, as a title. An example of how to use this tag:

Tasks for students

1. Creating simple HTML files.

2. By nesting tags, make a list, shown in Fig. 1. Pay special attention to
the fact that the code was valid.

<meta charset=»utf-8»>
<title>Вложенные списки</title>
<li>Пункт 1
<li> Подпункт 1.1</li>
<li> Подпункт 1.2 </li>
<li>Пункт 2
<li>Подпункт 2.1</li>
<li>Подпункт 2.2 </li>

3. By nesting tags, make a list, shown in Fig. 1. Pay special attention to

the fact that the code was valid.
We have met with the following words over the past few weeks. This task
will help you remember these words better.
Сolour blind, listen, tongue, bitter, hard of hearing, tickle, glance, stroke
eye, glimpse, rub, look at, notice, stare, hear, eyesight, scent, stink, sniff,
aroma, nose, inhale, mouth, sweet, deaf, sour, taste buds, feel, ear, massage,


1. Teg IMG is used:

a) To insert a picture on page.

b) To indicate the beginning of the table.
c) To specify a comment to the object.
d) To display tips to tag.
e) To insert a link to another document or resource.
2. Teg TITLE is used:
a) To indicate the page title.
b) To identify citations in the text.
c) To underline the text on the page.
d) To set the page title.
e) To select the table header...
3. Potentially possible event, action (action), the process or phenomenon
that may cause damage to anyone’s interest became known as
a) Event.
b) Threat.
c) Protection.
d) Security.
e) Crypto.
4. Specify the names of the basic protocol stack TCP / IP computer
a) TCP and UDP.
b) IP and PoP.
c) TCP and IP.
d) IP and Imap.
e) TCP and Http.
5. The three most common email protocols are
a) POP, IMAP and MAPI.
b) TCP, IP, POP.
c) MAIL, e-mail, mail.ru.
d) UDP, TCP, IP.


1. Douglas E. Comer Computer Networks & Internets. Pearson Edition, 2018.

2. Eric H. Glendinning. Information technology: A Student‘s Book/ Eric H.
Glendinning, John McEwan. Oxford N.Y.: Oxford University Press., 2012.

Topic: Service security software. Cloud computing.
Lesson Objectives: learn service security software and therms of cloud


Software as a service (Software as a Service, abbreviated SaaS) – a

business model of selling software in which the owner (supplier) software
provides access to it to users (customers) through the Internet. Examples of
such software are Feng Office Community Edition, Simple Groupware, Zarafa
and others.
Equipment (computing power) as a service (Hardware as a Service,
abbreviated HaaS) – provision of computer hardware resources (CPU time it,
room for a place in the data storage, etc.) in the form of services using virtua-
lization technologies. Services normally offered as the equivalent of a real
computer systems, such as servers, supercomputers, and others.

Topic Guidelines

На занятии может быть использован прием Ordering word/sentences/

paragraphs. Расположить в правильном порядке. А также прием Skills Test

Tasks for Students

I. Упорядочить слова предложения

1. Start the anti-virus avast program! antivirus from the main menu? the
avast window will open! antivirus.
2. In a window examine basic elements: the menu (check settings of an
antivirus); pictograms: folder choice, replaceable carriers, local disks; buttons
virus storage, iavs (to update an anti-virus database), the Resident scanner.
3. Update an anti-virus database, having clicked on the pictogram of iavs.
Establish one of replaceable data carriers.
4. Execute scanning of a replaceable data carrier, using elements of mana-
gement of the avast window! antivirus.
5. Execute scanning of local disks, using elements of management of the
avast window! antivirus.
6. Execute scanning of folders, using elements of management of the avast
window! antivirus.

7. For scanning of folders or files right-click on the demanded folder or
the file and in a context menu choose the «Skanirovat_imya Folder or File»
8. Carry out control of resident providers, having left-clicked on the button
A in the indication panel. The Scanner of access of avast will open!, in which
control of 7 resident providers or modules is carried out.
9. Compare work of two anti-virus programs On the basis of results of the
performed work with anti-virus programs give an assessment to these programs.
II. Назвать фамилии изображенных людей, описать их вклад в раз-
витие облачных технологий

III. Заполнить таблицу

Skills Test
Skills in cloud technology Yes No
I can open _________________
I know how work with _____________________
I can to work with _____________________________
I know how to creat __________________________
I can write _________________________________


1. The Internet has emerged through a combination of technologies

such as …
a) teleconferences;
b) smart technologies;
c) data warehouse;
d) geoinformation technology;
e) network technology;
f) hypertext’s;
g) multimedia.

2. Accelerators offer residents a structured program that helps
a) demand for information resources;
b) accumulation of knowledge;
c) model complex problems;
d) play some brain functions;
e) hone your business model;
f) increase sales;
g) get the right contacts.
3. Free software movement (eng. free software, also software libre)
a) for client/server DBMS;
b) freedom to run your software;
c) for office automation;
d) Von Neumann;
e) in 1993;
f) in 1983;
g) Richard Stallman.
4. The most popular software packages in this class include products
such as
a) Quattro Pro.
b) Media Markt.
c) Microsoft Excel.
d) Adobe PhotoShop.
e) Corel DRAW.
f) Lotus 1-2-3.
g) Adobe Illustrator.
5. Knowledge management is necessary for…
a) creation of electronic document flow;
b) creation of intellectual capital of the enterprise;
c) decision making support;
d) preservation and effective use of knowledge and information in the
e) network flow resource management;
f) transforming hidden knowledge into explicit knowledge;
g) create a hierarchical storage.


1. Douglas E. Comer Computer Networks & Internets. Pearson Edition, 2018.

2. Eric H. Glendinning. Information technology: A Student‘s Book/ Eric H.
Glendinning, John McEwan. Oxford N.Y.: Oxford University Press., 2012.

Topic: Robotics.
Lesson Objectives: students will:
– Create a definition of robot.
– Discover four different categories of robots and how they interact with
their surroundings.
– Illustrate a robot’s build (form) based upon a specific set of parameters


Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction,
operation, structural disposition, manufacture and application of robots.
Robotics is related to the sciences of electronics, engineering, mechanics,
and software.
Actuator – a motor that translates control signals into mechanical movement.
The control signals are usually electrical but may, more rarely, be pneumatic or
hydraulic. The power supply may likewise be any of these. It is common for
electrical control to be used to modulate a high-power pneumatic or hydraulic
Arduino – the current platform of choice for small-scale robotic experimen-
tation and physical computing.
Artificial intelligence is the intelligence of machines and the branch of
computer science that aims to create it.

Topic Guidelines

1. Assemble students in groups of three to four to work together. Pass out

one scenario card and all robot cards to each group.
2. Groups should read through each scenario and pick two robots best
suited for the scenario.
3. Pair two groups together to present their scenario to each other. What
two robots did they choose and why?
4. Pass out the Robot Comparison student worksheet and have students
compare and contrast their original robot drawing from the warm up to the
robots they chose to help in a real life scenario.
a) What is similar about the robots?
b) What is different about the robots?
c) If you were to go back and create another drawing would you make any
changes? Why?

5. Conclude with a group discussion by sharing their answers from the
Venn diagrams and discuss the questions below.

Tasks for Students


1. Ask students to draw a robot, based upon their experiences.
2. Have students take two minutes to do a «think, pair, share and explain»
about what they drew and why they drew their robot in that particular manner.

3. Lead students through a group discussion with an outcome of creating a
definition of robots. Pose questions such as:
• Have you ever seen a robot before? What did it look like?
• What type of task was the robot trying to accomplish?
• Does a robot move? Or have arms that move?
• Are robots important? Why?
• What is a robot? Robots use different kinds of sensors to collect the
infor-mation they need. Software processes this information so the robot
can plan a response.
Then they act to complete the task.
Text 1
Social Robots
Scientists have been studying human facial expressions for many years.
With the dozens of muscles found in our faces we are able to communicate
emotional cues such as joy, anger, or shock. Social robots like EMYS have the
ability to detect emotional cues from human beings. Social robots can also be
used as a comfort mechanism. Paro is a baby seal used for therapeutic purposes
and can have a calming effect on a person in a nursing home or hospital. This
idea is much like live Animal-Assisted Therapy. Even though emotional cues
can be detected, these robots do not feel or experience emotions themselves.
Text 2
Some robots can be controlled from great distances, such as from Earth
to Mars! The Curiosity rover is a remotely operated robot on Mars driven
by a team engineers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory on Earth. Every
morning the rover is sent a specific list of tasks to accomplish – these tasks
include taking pictures of the Martian surface or collecting soil samples. Not
all remote-controlled robots have to be millions of miles away; the Da Vinci
Surgical System is a robot that assists in making major surgeries minimally
invasive. Its robotic arms carefully perform the surgery on the body as the
surgeon orchestrates every movement, incision and suture from the Da Vinci
console. This console produces a three-dimensional, high-resolution image for
the surgeon to observe and manipulate while performing the surgery.
Text 3
Mobile Robots
GOAL! Soccer ‘bots are autonomous robots that move around and play a
game of soccer. The robots move with the help of artificial intelligence (AI)
software and two cameras mounted above that act as eyes to control the game.
These eyes sense and compute data, which then flows to a central computer that
holds the AI software. The AI software processes and plans out a strategy for

the robots. Finally, the AI software sends out commands to the player ‘bots,
allowing them to act in the game by kicking or blocking the ball. Mobile robots
can be fun, but can also have a more serious purposes: RHex has the ability to
travel through rocks, sand, and other climates. This robot is used to study areas
that humans are not able to reach or that are unsafe to travel. Attaching objects
like climate sensors allow RHex to collect data for humans to study later.
1. How do you know if something is a robot?
2. What is the purpose of a robot?
3. What should an engineer take into consideration before building a robot?
4. Is a dishwasher a robot? Why or why not?
5. Is a cellphone a robot? Why or why not?
IV. Crossword

Sections of white space in source code are generally ignored
The «letters»
You have to have one or the function will not work
A type of sensor that uses sound waves to detect a target
The language in between the robot and human. (2 Words)
Detects light waves; determines color
What robot is doing
Order of statements
The rules controlling the behavior of a computer programming language

Text in program
Type of programming used for pseudocode
1. Lego Mindstorms programmable robots.
3. Made up of many simple statements.
4. One powered by electricity or internal combustion, that supplies motive
power for a vehicle or for some other device.
6. Detects when it is being touched.
9. Detects how altitudes of sounds.
12. End of statements.
13. The «numbers».
14. A computer program that is used to test and debug other programs.
15. The act or process of copying data in such a way.


1. Robot specification tables often list a number for cycle time, the time
needed for the robot to complete a standard move. But just what is a standard
a) Pick up an object, move it 25 millimeters up, 305 millimeters across,
and 25 millimeters down.
b) Pick up an object, raise it 1 meter, and set it back down.
c) Moving completely through the robot’s range of motion.
d) There is no standard move; it varies from one robot supplier to the
e) There is no standard move.
2. The work envelope of a Cartesian robot can best be described as...
a) Hemisphere.
b) Heart.
c) Quadrilateral.
d) Overlapping circles.
e) Brain.
3. What is a compliance device?
a) A device that ensures a robot follows your orders.
b) A vacuum-based gripper.
c) A device that limits the motion of the robot arm to prevent injuries or
d) A device that enables allows lateral or pivoting movement of an end-
e) Input device

4. What manufacturer gets the credit for the first successful industrial
application of robots?
a) Ford Motor Co.
b) General Motors Co.
c) IBM Corp.
d) General Electric.
e) Electric.
5. What does SCARA stand for?
a) Special Computerized Articulated Robot Arm.
b) Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm.
c) Seiko Controlled Automated Robotic Assistant.
d) Super Cool Automatic Robot Assistant.
e) Robot Assistant.


1. Martin, Martin C. and Hans Moravec. «Robot Evidence Grids». CMU RI

TR 96-06, 2017.
2. Moravec, Hans. «Robots, After All». Communications of the ACM. October
2013. Vol. 46, No. 10.
3. R. Grabowski, L. Navarro-Serment, and P. Khosla. «An Army of Small
Robots». SciAm Online May 2014

Topic: Infrastructure of «electronic government».
Lesson Objectives: To examine experiment of the developed countries on
forming of the Electronic government.


Information System (IS) – a hardware-software complex intended for

implementation of information processes;
The gateway of «the electronic government» – the information system
intended for integration of information systems of «the electronic government»
within implementation of electronic services;
Electronic document management – an electronic exchange of documents
between computer programs in the standardized form;
Electronic commerce – an exchange of goods and (or) services based on the
existing communications with the help of electronic means of communication. The
concept «electronic commerce» is equivalent to the concept «electronic trading».

Topic Guidelines

1. Disassemble the example below.

2. Tasks for students.
1) Main directions and mechanisms of implementation of a state
program of forming of «The Electronic Government».
2) Architecture of EP.
1. Information stage.
2. Interactive stage.
3. Transactional stage.
3) Normative legal base:
1. To find the following laws RK on the Internet «About Electronic Docu-
ment and Electronic Digital signature», «About Informatization».
2. Define the concept to forming and development of e-services of state
3. List the services rendered by the electronic government of RK to citizens,
private business, government.

Tasks for Students

During the execution of lab tasks, you will create a report that should be a
formatted document. The result of each task should be preceded by the text of
the job itself. The report should have the following formatting requirements:

1) the font size of the task text is 12 pt, the inscription is bold;
2) the font type of the entire text of the document is Times New Roman;
3) align the text of the entire document – in width;
4) the indent of the red line is 1.25 cm;
5) the pages of the report should be numbered;
6) you must specify your name, group number, name of laboratory work in
the header.
A prepared, and properly formatted report, must be sent to your teacher's
Important: when writing e-mails, you should follow the rules of etiquette in
the same way as when writing an ordinary letter:
1. Any letter begins with an appropriate greeting, even if you are not fami-
liar with the recipient.
2. The section Sender (from whom the letter came) should contain a first
and last name (surname and initials or position, it all depends on the
nature of the letter).
3. The letter ends with a signature indicating the information about you; for
business letters it can be the name of the organization, position, contact
phone number. If you expect further communication, you should specify
the name and patronymic name completely so that the recipient can
contact you.
4. The text of the letter does not include the contents of the past letters,
except for those cases when you really want to remind the addressee
some information.
5. It is accepted to respond to all letters (excluding advertising and news-
letters) within 2-3 days.
Important: Correspondence within the framework of training classes is clas-
sified as official, therefore letters that do not meet the etiquette rules will not be
Exercise 1
On the website of the Republic of Kazakhstan http://government.kz find the
necessary information specified in your version, make copies of the screen and
add the image data to your report.
Option 1
1. Who is the curator and state customer of the state program «Information
2. How many state programs are under implementation?
3. How many deputies have the Chairman of the RK? Full name of all
4. How many assignments were made by the Government of the Republic of
Kazakhstan in December 2016?

Option 2
1. Who is the curator and the state customer of the state program «Affordable
Housing for 2015-2020»?
2. How many government programs are under implementation by the
Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
3. The number of letters received from residents?
Option 3
1. Who is the curator and state customer of the state program «Social sup-
port of citizens»?
2. What subprograms are included in the state program «Social support of
3. Who is currently the Minister of Justice in the Republic of Kazakhstan?
How many ministers are part of the RK?


1. The electronic government is

a) a system providing direct link of the population with the govern-
ment of the country;
b) state forum;
c) system of the state bodies united in one information network;
d) site of the government of the republic;
e) local network.
2. The electronic government is created for
a) additional control and gain of laws of the country;
b) simplifications of the appeal of the population to state bodies;
c) creations of the legislation of the country;
d) collection of taxes from the population;
e) organizations of control of movement of loads.
3. The authorized body is
a) System of public administration on the basis of electronic means of
processing, transfer and distribution of information.
b) The state body enabling the realization of a state policy and state
regulation of activity in the field of informatization.
c) Processes of creation, collecting, processing, accumulation, storage,
search, transfer, use and distribution of information with use of infor-
mation technologies.
e) The system providing direct link of the population with the govern-
ment of the country.
d) System of the state bodies united in one information network.

4. Information system is
a) processes of creation, collecting, processing, accumulation, storage,
search, transfer, use and distribution of information with use of infor-
mation technologies;
b) set of the information technologies, information networks and means
of their software and hardware intended for implementation of infor-
mation processes;
c) is a system composed of people and computers that processes or
interprets information;
d) certain principles of the organization of the electronic government;
e) activities for providing information resources, information systems
to users on their requests or by agreement of the parties.
5. Information services are
a) activities for providing information resources, information systems
to users on their requests or by agreement of the parties;
b) set of the information technologies, information networks and means
of their software and hardware intended for implementation of infor-
mation processes;
c) is a system composed of people and computers that processes or
interprets information;
d) certain principles of the organization of the electronic government;
e) activities for providing information resources, information systems
to users on their requests or by agreement of the parties.


1. Pyatibratov А.P., Gudyno L.P., Kirichenko А.А. Computer systems, networks

and telecommunications. М., «Finance and statistics», 2017.
2. Eric H. Glendinning. Information technology: A Student‘s Book/ Eric H.
Glendinning, John McEwan. Oxford N. Y.: Oxford University Press., 2012

Topic: The main components of «e-learning».
Lesson Objectives: learn the main components of «E-Learning». Working
in «E-Learning» environment.

Topic Guidelines

1. Disassemble the example below The Five e-Learning Components

There are five e-Learning Components that are essential for all successful
online courses. Understanding these components will help you design and
develop a course that meets computer-based training objectives. The diagram
above illustrates how these components are connected. Each e-learning compo-
nent plays an important role in designing an online course. Among all of the
components, none plays a larger role than the Audience.
From concept to implementation, the audience is a critical factor in the pro-
cess of developing on-linecourses. Everything designed and developed should
be done with the audience in mind. One of the first steps in the ADDIE process
is to conduct an audience analysis. This analysis will help you to determine
the basic structure of the other four e-learning components. As you begin to
develop an online course you should always consider the following about your
• Expectations: You need to know the expected outcomes of the training
course that you develop. What will be required of student after completing the
training course? What skill level is require to be certified or qualified upon
completing the training course? Knowing these expectations will help you in
determining the structure, content, and format of the the training course you
• Learning abilities (prerequisites): Before you can design or develop a
online course, you need to know about the audience's learning abilities and if
there are prerequisite topics required for the training course. For example, if
you are creating a course on how to build a car, the learner should have some
mechanical aptitude or knowledge of how a car functions first before learning
how to build a car. Thus, a prerequisite for this course might require the learner
to know the fundamentals of engines before completing the course on how to
build a car.
• Available hardware/software: An important part of knowing your
audience is understanding the capabilities of a learner to access and view
your course. For example, if you intend to include audio in your course, it is

important to know if your audience has the appropriate hardware and software
to hear the audio.
• Learning Environment: Another critical part of the analysis phase is to
identify the environment of your audience. Where will the audience complete
the training or course? Will it be in a classroom setting or at their workstation
or desk? Answers to these questions help you to design activities that best meet
the environment requirements. For example, the learner may be in a location
that inhibits his or her learning experience due to noise or other distractions.
The leaner may also be restricted to certain times of the day or limited to an
amount of time to use a computer for training. Understanding these obstacles or
challenges will better help you in designing a course.
• Job Responsibilities: As an instructional designer, and especially as an
elearning developer, you must know the job responsibilities of your audience.
Remember, required skills of the learner minus current skills of the learner
equals course objectives. Knowing what the learner is responsible for on the job
will assist you in meeting the expectations and objectives of your customers.
Also, this knowledge will help you to create effective online exercises and
games to help the learner grasp the subject presented.
• Preferences: This is one of the most overlooked areas when learning
about your audience. Your audience will always have a preference in how they
learn. Some are more prone to learn from video and audio exercises, while
others need more simulated, hands-on exercises to learn. Knowing the learning
styles will help you to design a course that is interactive and achieve results.
2. Tasks for students
Course Structure
Course structure refers to how a course is designed for e-learning. The
structure of a course plays a critical role in how your audience learns the
material. During the Design phase of ADDIE you brainstormed how the course
should be organized and structured. For e-learning the same principles apply.
Storyboarding is a great way to build your course structure. Consider the
following items when structuring your course:
• Group content into logical modules: Identify the flow of the course and
then determine how to modulate the information. Structuring the information
into small «chunks» will make it easier for your audience to follow and learn
the materials. Most people can retain a lot of information. However, the
information must be organized and grouped into small segments to ensure a
greater retention percentage of the information.
• Avoid creating modules that exceed 8-10 pages: Most people need to feel
like they are accomplishing something and need those mental check points that
indicate that they are progressing. Keeping your modules to 8-10 pages will
help the learner feel a sense of progress. Also, modules that tend to be long

cause the learner to loose interest and thus, the learning process becomes a
• Incorporate interactive concepts: Your course structure should also
include interactive concepts strategically placed throughout the course. Too
much interactivity can cause the learner to either forget why they are completing
the course or simply loose interest. A good rule of thumb is to include an
exercise or activity every third page with one major activity per module. This
will establish a good balance between exchaning information and sustaining
the interest of the learner.
• Use pictures/graphics to help explain ideas, concepts, or statements: It
is always a good practice to include images whenever possible. Many times,
instructional designers will insert an image just for the sake of inserting a
picture. Each image should have a purpose and should represent the subject
presented on the page. By using images to emphasize certain points of the
page, you will draw the learner into the subject and he or she will be able to
better relate to the concepts presented.
Page Design
Like the importance of charm and charisma of the classroom instructor,
the page design of an online course is critical to the learning process. How a
page is designed can have a huge impact on the learning experience of your
audience. Consider some of the following tips when formatting your course:
• Navigation must be intuitive. Make navigation simple and easy to follow.
The easier it is to navigate, the more engaging the course will be for the learner.
• Appearance must not hinder the learning process. Remember, the
purpose of the course is to instruct the learner. The layout of the course should
not be laborious for the learner to understand what he or she must do on the
page. If a page is confusing or frustrating for the learner, they will lose interest
and you will not achieve the learning objectives.
• Balance between text and graphics is critical. Avoid over powering the
text with graphics or images. Graphics are a powerful resource for instructional
designers. Using graphics wisely to stress a concept is a great way to help the
learner comprehend a complex topic. However, if the graphic becomes too
dominate and over shadows the intent of the topic or concept on the page, the
learner can become distracted and lose interest in the course. Also, too much
text with little to no images can also have an affect on learner. Similar to
images, too much text on a page can appear to laborious for the learner and
can psychologically impact the learner in not reading the information. Thus,
balance of images and text must be considered when designing a page.
• White space is good. Some people like to use every bit of real estate
on a screen. This makes the page look cluttered and unorganized. Having a
lot of white space is actually a good practice to incorporate into your training.

Using white space effectively can promote a positive learning environment for
the learner as he or she will not see the page as labor intensive to complete.
• Consistency is golden (includes fonts, layouts, and pop-ups). Being
consistent throughout your course will improve the learning experience of your
audience. Keeping objects and fonts consistent throughout your course helps
the learner to become less frustrated in navigating through the training.
• Ease of scanning information is imperative. Most people like to scan
through a page. Making the page user-friendly by organizing information using
bullets or numbers can greatly improve the learning experience. Organizing
concepts and topics using bullets or numbers ensure a greater retention
percentage for the learner. It also helps the learner to quickly find key points or
facts to assist in comprehending critical topics.
• Chunking information is crucial. As mentioned before, chunking
information into small bits of information will help your audience retain the
information presented in the training. As mentioned, most people can retain
vast amounts of information if the information is presented in a well organized
fashion. Segmenting topics by steps, phases, or concepts will help the learner to
remember and understand information within the course. It will also help you
in designing an effective training course.
Content Engagement
Because e-learning is a self-study medium, interacting with the learner
becomes more important than most types of training forums. Content enga-
gement refers to how the learner interacts with content of the course. Because
studies have shown that the learning experience is greatly enhanced when
exercises or activities are incorporated into the learning process, content
engagement is critical.
Engaging exercises or events within e-learning can compensate for the lack
of an instructor who can add that human touch through personality and rheto-
rical interactions. Similar to classroom training there must be a balance in
applying engaging content. Too much engagement and you risk over shadowing
the learning objectives. Too little engagement and you risk losing the learner's
interest in the topic. Consider the following when attempting to engage the
learner in an e-learning environment.
• Use hyperlinks for additional concepts, explanations, or definitions.
The advantage of online learning is that it provides the learner with additional
resources and information with just a click of the mouse. Linking to additional
references can greatly improve the learning experience and offer added value to
the content of the topic.
• Incorporate interactive graphics such as animations or simulations.
If pictures are worth a thousand words, then interactive graphics should be

worth 2,000 words. Creating interactive images help the learner to experience
a hands-on learning process that accelerates the learning. For example,
information graphics provide a visual comprehension of the concept presented.
If the learner had to click on portions of the information graphic, the learning
experience would be more impactful to the learner.
Simulations and other animations also provide that same objective.
• Provide additional options/choices for the learner. In today's world,
people love the ability to choose various options. This is important when
it comes to learning because everyone learns differently, including various
learning style preferences. For example, most people learn visually. However,
there are some people that learn better via audio. By incorporating both the
visual and the audio aspects into your training, you allow the learner to choose
an option that best meets his or her learning needs.
• Incorporate quizzes, Tests, skill assessments. Another way to engage the
learner is to Test them on the things that they learned within the course. This
allows both the learner to verify that they understood the content while at the
same time the instructional designer can verify that the materials achieved the
training objectives. This also helps to establish check points for the learner to
know if they can move on within the course or return to previous topics to
review the information again.
• Create fun activities such as games or other educational methods of
interactive learning. When learning is fun, people can maintain their interest
longer in the topic. As you incorporate activities into your training, remember
to make it fun. Use games or other methods that help increase the learning
experience. However, use caution in creating the games so as not to allow the
games to over shadow the intent of the topic. Remember, the intent of these
activities is to provide context around the explanation of the topic.
• Keep activities focused on the course objective. Always ensure that no
matter what you do to engage the learner, the concepts must compliment the
training objectives or topics. The temptation for many is to become so engrossed
in interactive concepts that the reason for the training is often forgotten.
• Avoid letting the technology overshadow the course objectives. Similar
to the previous bullet, never allow technology to become the main focus of the
training. Technology is a tool and should be used as such in order to help people
learn the training objectives. When technology become the center of attention
within an online course, the learner will often fall short in achieving the course
Many creative ideas are discarded because they do not work. Likewise,
a well organized elearning course can be ill-received if it does not function
properly. Usability refers to the Testing of e-learning content and applications.

Once you have built your online course, you should always Test it in the
same environment that the learner will complete the course. Consider the
following when you conduct your usability analysis.
• Verify that all links work properly.
• Ensure that activities function as designed.
• Inspect content to ensure that grammar and spelling are correct.
• Ensure that graphics are visible.
• Verify that the course works appropriately in all applicable server
• Verify that screen resolution works for the intended audience (e.g.,
800X600, 1024X768).
• Verify that course objectives and expectations are met.

Tasks for Students

1. What is e-government
2. The stages of e-government
3. Assessment of e-government development of Kazakhstan
4. When was a single electronic document management system of state
bodies created?
5. Assessment of e-government development of Kazakhstan


1. The formal sign system intended for record of computer programs -…

a) Programming language.
b) WAN.
c) LAN.
d) ICT.
e) Multimedia.
2. … is the branch of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering
and computer science that deals with the design, construction, operation, and
application of robots, as well as computer systems for their control, sensory
feedback, and information processing.
a) Robotics.
b) STEM.
c) Nanotechnology.
d) Nanotech.
e) E-government.

3. … is manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular
a) Nanotechnology.
b) Robotics.
c) STEM.
d) E-government.
e) E-learning.
4. Internet government, digital government, online government – …
a) E-government.
b) Robotics.
c) STEM.
d) E-learning.
e) Nanotechnology.
5. The electronic government is …
a) the system providing direct link of the population with the govern-
ment of the country;
b) state forum;
c) local network;
d) E-learning;;
e) Nanotechnology.


1. Ваганян А.Г. Реализация методики CLIL в учебниках по иностранным

языкам/ А.Г. Ваганян./ – Чебоксары: Изд- во: Общество с ограничен-
ной ответственностью «Центр научного сотрудничества Интерактив
плюс», 2016 – 120 с .
2. Сазонов В.Б. Роль методики CLIL в изучении информатики: автореф.
дисс. … д-ра пед. наук / – Армянский государственный педагогический
университет им. Х.Абовяна. – Ереван, 2013 – 180 c.
3. Илюшин Н.Н. Применение методики CLIL // Педагогические науки.
2014. Т. 16. № 3. – 108-110 c.

Topic: Boolean algebra.
Lesson Objectives: To introduce the logic elements and nodes of a com-
puter. Show the algebra of logic used in the construction of the basic units of
computers (adder, decoder).
Key Concepts: logical elements, conjunction, disjunction, invert, flip-flop,
the adder, register, counter, decoder.
Materials and Equipment
Booleans & Logical Operators Numeric variables can store a whole range
of different numbers. Boolean variables can only store two values referred to as
Yes or No, True or False, 1 or 0. Obviously we never use booleans to perform
calculations because of their limited range. We use booleans to evaluate
conditions. Boolean Parameter In Grasshopper, booleans can be used in several
ways. The boolean parameter is a container for one or multiple boolean values,
while the Boolean Toggle allows you to quickly change between single true and
false values as inputs.
Logical operators
1. Logical operators mostly work on booleans and they are indeed very
logical. As you will remember, booleans can only have two values. Boolean
mathematics were developed by George Boole (1815-1864) and today they are
at the very core of the entire digital industry. Boolean algebra provides us with
tools to analyze, compare and describe sets of data. Although Boole originally
defined six boolean operators we will only discuss three of them:
• Not
• And
• Or
• The Not
operator is a bit of an oddity among operators, because it doesn’t require
two values. Instead, it simply inverts the one on the right. Imagine we have a
script which checks for the existence of a bunch of Block definitions in Rhino.
If a block definition does not exist, we want to inform the user and abort the
2. Consider examples
Let's examine a typical situation. You have some sort of device that gene-
rates a logic signal. It could be a telephone that converts your voice signal into
a sequence of zeros and ones.
• It could be the thermostat on the wall that generates 1 when the tem-
perature is too low, and 0.
• When the temperature is above the set point temperature.

The logic signal, A, takes on values of 0 (FALSE, OFF) or 1 (TRUE, ON).
That signal might really be a voltage, a switch closure, etc. However, we want
to think in terms of zeros and ones, not in terms of the values of the voltage.
Operations on Logic Signals Once we have the concept of a logic signal we
can talk about operations that can be performed on logic signals. Begin by
assuming we have two logic signals, A and B.
Then assume that those two signals form an input set to some circuit that
takes two logic signals as inputs, and has an output that is also a logic signal.
That situation is represented below. The output, C, depends upon the inputs, A
and B.
There are many different ways that C could depend upon A and B. The
output, C, is a function, – a logic function – of the inputs, A and B. IWe will
examine a few basic logic functions – AND, OR and NOT functions and start
learning the circuitry that you use to implement those functions. Logic Gates If
we think of two signals, A and B, as representing a truth value of two different
propositions, then A could be either TRUE (a logical 1) or FALSE (a logical 0).
B can take on the same values.
Now consider a situation in which the output, C, is TRUE only when both
A is TRUE and B is TRUE. We can construct a truth table for this situation. In
that truth table, we insert all of the possible combinations of inputs, A and B,
and for every combination of A and B we list the output, C. A B C False False
False False True False True False False True True True A B C 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 1 1 An AND Example Let's imagine a physician prescribing two drugs.
For some conditions drug A is prescribed, and for other conditions drug B is
Taken separately each drug is safe. When used together dangerous side
effects are produced. Let A = Truth of the statement «Drug 'A' is prescribed».
• B = Truth of the statement «Drug 'B' is prescribed».
• C = Truth of the statement «The patient is in danger».
• Then, the truth table below shows when the patient is in danger. Notice
that C is TRUE when both A AND B are true and only then!

Individual tasks

Task 1. Assume you have an AND gate with two inputs, A and B. Determine
the output, C, for the following cases. A = 1, B = 0 A = 0, B = 1 If either input
is one, what is the output?
Task 2. Assume you have an OR gate with two inputs, A and B. Determine
the output, C, for the following cases.
A = 1, B = 0, A = 0, B = 1

If either input is zero, what is the output?
A = 1, B = 1
Task 3. Simplify logical expressions
1) F = (A and B) or not (B or C), if A = true, B = false, C = true. Compile
truth table
2) F = (A ˅ B) → (B ˅ C) Form on the implementation of the lab report.

Control questions

1. What is the concept of Logical Computer oznochaet item?

2. What kind of logic operations, you know?
3. What is the truth table?
4. You have an AND gate. Both inputs are zero.
5. What is the output?

Topic: Numeral systems. Transfer numeral from one numeral system to
another. Arithmetic in the numeral systems.
Lesson Objectives:
1. Consideration of theoretical material on number systems and transfer
numbers from one number system to another number system.
2. The development of the algorithm for converting numbers from any
number system to decimal number system.
3. Practical skills the transition from one system of notation to another
using the standard Windows program «Calculator».
4. Obtaining practical skills in performing simple arithmetic operations in
binary and octal with a check (use the Calculator).
Key Concepts: Number systems, Calculator.
Materials and Equipment: The Numeral systems Lab is accessible on web
and mobile browsers that support HTML5, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari,
and Internet Explorer (version 9.0 and higher).


A numeral system (or system of numeration) is a writing system for expres-

sing numbers; that is, a mathematical notation for representing numbers of a
given set, using digits or other symbols in a consistent manner.
The same sequence of symbols may represent different numbers in different
numeral systems. For example, «11» represents the number eleven in the deci-
mal numeral system (used in common life), the number three in the binary
numeral system (used in computers), and the number two in the unary numeral
system (e.g. used in tallying scores).
The number the numeral represents is called its value.
Ideally, a numeral system will:
1. Represent a useful set of numbers (e.g. all integers, or rational numbers)
2. Give every number represented a unique representation (or at least a
standard representation)
3. Reflect the algebraic and arithmetic structure of the numbers.
For example, the usual decimal representation of whole numbers gives every
nonzero whole number a unique representation as a finite sequence of digits,
beginning with a non-zero digit. However, when decimal representation is used
for the rational or real numbers, such numbers, in general, have an infinite
number of representations, for example 2.31 can also be written as 2.310,
2.3100000, 2.309999999..., etc., all of which have the same meaning except for

some scientific and other contexts where greater precision is implied by a larger
number of figures shown.
Numeral systems are sometimes called number systems, but that name is
ambiguous, as it could refer to different systems of numbers, such as the system
of real numbers, the system of complex numbers, the system of p-adic numbers,
etc. Such systems are, however, not the topic of this article.

Individual tasks

Write your surname, name, patronymic.

Each letter of the ALPHABET has its numerical value. (a-1, b-2, b-3, g-4,
d-5, e-6, e-7, j-8, z-9, i...I-33 – see Fig. 5).

Fig. 5

Put for each letter of your name to the appropriate value. In the example
taken the name Petrov Ivan Petrovich.
1. Table 1
Петров Иван Петрович
Фамилия Имя Отчество
П 16 И 10 П 16
Е 6 В 3 Е 6
Т 19 А 1 Т 19
Р 17 Н 14 Р 17
О 15 О 15
В 3 В 3
И 10
Ч 24
Всего 76 28 110

Task number 1 – Do the conversion of numbers from decimal number
system to binary, octal and hexadecimal number system using the standard
Windows program «Calculator». Do the inspection, i.e. translate these numbers
into decimal number system.
Task number 2 – Make arithmetic operations in binary, octal and hexade-
cimal numeral system using the standard Windows program «Calculator».
Make the check. Work progress.
• The sum of the digits in the name and surname and the middle name we
will take as three integers, i.e. in our example: (Petrov Ivan Petrovich) is 76, 28
and 110, put these figures in table No. 1.
• Call the program «Calculator».
• Switchable Calculator in the Engineering mode. Next, make a translation
of these three numbers (in this case 76, 28 and 110) in binary, octal and
hexadecimal number systems. Received a recorded translation of the numbers
in a notebook (table 2). Check the resulting binary, octal, and hexadecimal
numbers, making a reverse translation in the decimal system according to the
pattern below, i.e. manually.
Name PETROV (76)
a) Write the binary number:
7610 à 1001100 2
CHECK: 0*20 + 0*21 + 1*22 + 1*23 + 0*24 + 0*25 + 1*26 =
4 + 8 + 64 = 76
b) Write the obtained octal number:
CHECK: 4*80 + 1*81 + 1*82 = 4 + 8 + 64 = 76
c) Write the obtained hexadecimal number:
CHECK: 12*160 + 4*161 = 12 + 64 = 76
Name IVAN (28)
a) Write the binary number: 2810à
Test: 0*20 + 0*21 + 1*22 + 1*23 + 0*24 = 4 + 8 + 16 = 28
б) Write the resulting octal number: 2810à348
Test: 4*80 + 3*81 = 4 + 24 = 28
с) Write the resulting hexadecimal number: 2810à1С16
Test: 12*160 + 1*161 = 12 + 16 = 28

Surname 76 1001100 114 4С

Name 28 111000 34 1С
Patronymic 110 1101110 156 6E

Control questions

1. What is the Base 3 Number System?

2. On what number is the decimal system based?
3. What is the base-10 number system?
4. What is the base 13 number system used for?
5. What is meant by the radix or base of a number system?

Topic: System resources.
Lesson Objectives: Study of computer hardware and software components,
including the basics of configuration.
Key Concepts: PC hardware and software.
Materials and Equipment: PC.


Selecting the optimal version of the computer is always about solving

the problem of cost. The user must find a suitable combination between the
consumption and the appropriate functional computer devices.
PC configuration means the smallest set of devices and system resources
that will allow the amateur user to handle a range of tasks and quality assurance
that is acceptable for receiving.
By definition, the choice of a particular type and component of a PC
influences the type of solutions that can be solved by it. By editing the
computer, you may have to change the configuration task by changing or using
a solution task class.
In this case, the modular and arterial structure of the PC provides the
necessary upgrade (reconfiguration) with minimal costs.
The essence of the configuration consists of a set of two types (components):
hardware and software, required kits and their descriptions, variants and
tasks. The transfer is called a set of software tools. Applies to the following
hardware packages:
a) CPU (microprocessor type, frequency, machine word length, FIXED and
FLOAT format);
b) two types of internal memory: Operational Storage (RAM), RAM and
RAM standard container, and improved RAM area (ROM) (protected area);
c) regular road (synonym of the bus) – its types and the number of syllables
spreading for each species;
A storage device is any computing hardware and digital media that is used
for storing, porting and extracting data files and objects.
d) external memory, etc.);
e) peripheral information inputting – keyboard, mouse and joystick,
scanner (types, operating mode, etc.);
Input devices.
f) peripherals – monitor, printer, plotters with video adapter (types,
operating mode, speed decision-making, etc.).

g) hardware interruptions – hardware shutdown controller (number of
physical inputs for ROM connection, priority, service ROM);
h) objects that provide direct access to memory – a controller for direct
access to memory (number of physical inputs, service devices);
i) parallel ports, arguments, USB I/O ports (types, numbers, address,
information exchange rate, etc.) to add a standard ROM.

Individual tasks

1. Prepare a report about the computer device. Perform the following tasks.
Use the following sources:
2. Wikipedia: Peripheral.
3. Wikipedia: Electrical connector.
1. YouTube: Understanding the Parts of Your Computer.
2. YouTube: What is a Peripheral.
3. YouTube: Input and output devices.
4. YouTube: Computer Terms: Peripherals.
5. YouTube: Characters, Symbols and the Unicode Miracle.
6. YouTube: Common Computer Connectors.
7. YouTube: Device Connectors and Cables.

Control questions

1. Define the set of equipment (functional devices), their types, names,

2. Define the set software package, their names, identifiers.
3. Give a short answer (definition, purpose, function, etc.). Hardware and
System Devices.
4. A hardware classification means a classification of the other components
by configuration.
5. Define of Permits and Color Quality.
6. Define the type of device for the keyboard.

Topic: Peripherals.
Lesson Objectives: Introduce basic components of a computer, to form the
ability to work with system resources. Install peripheral devices and test your
Key Concepts: transistors, memory, mass storage device.
Materials and Equipment: PC.


Modern computers are electronic and digital. The actual machinery – wires,
transistors, and circuits – is called hardware; the instructions and data are
called software. All general-purpose computers require the following hardware
– memory: enables a computer to store, at least temporarily, data and
– mass storage device: allows a computer to permanently retain large
amounts of data. Common mass storage devices include disk drives and tape
– input device: usually a keyboard and a mouse, the input device is the
con-duit through which data and instructions enter a computer.
– output device: a display screen, printer, or other device that lets you see
what the computer has accomplished.
– central processing unit (CPU): the heart of the computer, this is the
component that actually executes instructions. In addition to these components,
many others make it possible for the basic components to work together
efficiently. For example, every computer requires a bus that transmits data from
one part of the computer to another.
Computer Classification, By Size and Power
Computers can be generally classified by size and power as follows, though
there is considerable overlap:
– personal computer: a small, single-user computer based on a micropro-
cessor. In addition to the microprocessor, a personal computer has a keyboard
for entering data, a monitor for displaying information, and a storage device for
saving data.
– workstation: a powerful, single-user computer. A workstation is like a
personal computer, but it has a more powerful microprocessor and a higher-
quality monitor.
– minicomputer: a multi-user computer capable of supporting from 10 to
hundreds of users simultaneously.

– mainframe: a powerful multi-user computer capable of supporting many
hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously.
– supercomputer: an extremely fast computer that can perform hundreds
of millions of instructions per second. Common PC Components This table
lists all of the common computer components, what they connect to and what
they are used for.
1. Motherboard
The motherboard or mainboard is the main circuitboard which interconnects
to all other components. The motherboard allows communication and power to
flow throughout the computer system.
2. Processor (CPU)
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain of the computer system.
This is the part of the computer which processes all inputs and decides how
they will be outputed.
3. Memory (RAM)
Random Access Memory (RAM) is your computers short term memory and
enables the computer system to perform multitasking functions such as copy
and paste or type information into a word document without it saving.
4. Video/Graphics Card
The Video/Graphics Card is responsible for receiving visual inputs and
displaying (outputing) all visual data. Graphics processing has a very difficult
task which is why modern graphics cards now have Graphics Processor Units
(GPU) which work like a CPU but for visual data only. This allows quicker
rendering of 3D images and streaming of high definition video and leaves the
CPU free to work on all other data.
5. Network Interface Card (NIC)
The Network Interface Card (NIC) allows your computer system to commu-
nicate and pass data to other computer systems within a Local Area Network
(LAN) or over the internet to Wide Area Networks (WAN).
6. Hard Drive (HDD)
The Hard Drive (HDD) is the long term storage for your computer system.
Hard Drives are used to archive and store data for future retreival.
7. CD/DVD Drive (ROM)
The CD/DVD ROM Drive allows your computer system to read data from
external media like CDs and DVDs. Generally there are two types of CD/DVD
ROM; readers and writers (burners). 8 Sound Card The Sound Card allows for
the input (Microphones) and output (Speakers) of audio related data.
A motherboard is the central printed circuit board (PCB) in many modern
computers and holds many of the crucial components of the system, while

providing connectors for other peripherals. The motherboard can be easily
compared to the human body’s nervous system. The wires (nerves) on it transfer
data between all of the other components. The motherboard is also known as
the main board, system board or in Apple comptuers the logic board. It is also
sometimes casually refered to as the mobo.
A processor is the brain of the computer and is responsible for processing
the instructions set out by the computer program or from the users input. The
central processing unit carries out each instruction on the program in sequence,
to perform the basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of the
system. The architecture of CPU chips have dramatically changed since their
first inception in the early 1960s, however, their fundamental operation remains
much the same.
Memory (RAM)
Random Access Memory (RAM) is the best known form of computer
memory. RAM is considered – random access‖ because you can access any
memory cell directly if you know the row and column that interext at that
cell. Most RAM that is installed on computers can only function when the
computer is powered. RAM is needed for your computer whenever you decide
to perform an operation. For example if you wanted to do word processing on
your computer. All the letters that you type are going into a temporary file
that is stored in the RAM. If your computer shuts down in the middle of your
document creation and you powered it back up, most likely your information
would be lost. This is because it was stored in RAM. Had you saved the
document it would have been stored onto another type of memory called ROM,
or Read-Only Memory.
Network Card
The Network Interface Card/Controller (NIC) is a computer hardware
component that connects to a computer network. The controller may also be
referred to as a network adapter, or a LAN adapter. It is commonly implemented
on expansion cards that plug into a computer bus and known as a network
interface card, network card or LAN card. However the low cost and ubiquity
of the Ethernet standard means that most newer computers have a network
interface built into the motherboard.
Hard Drive (HDD)
The hard drive disk (HDD) is a non-volatile storage device that stores
digitally encoded data on rapidly rotating rigid (i.e. hard) plates with magnetic
surfaces. Simply meaning that the hardware holds a spinning magnet or optical
disk and reads and writes data on it. As hard drives spin (usually) between
5,000 RPM and 10,000 RPM they create friction, use large amount of power,

are slow to get up and running and create large amounts of heat. For this
reason traditional spinning disks are slowly being replaced with flash memory
solutions such as Solid State Hard Drives (SSD).
Video Card
This component is used to transfer data to your monitor so that it ca be
displayed. The more RAM you have in a video card usually increases the per-
formance of graphic heavy applications such as games. Video cards are also
refered to as Graphics Cards and Display Cards.
Sound Card
A sound card (also known as an audi card) is a computer expansion card
that facilitates the input and output of audio signals to and from a computer
under control of computer programs.

Individual tasks

Answer the question

1. Peripherals are _____ used for _____, _____, or _____.
2. Input devices include _____, _____, _____, _____, and _____.
3. Output devices include _____, _____, and _____.
4. Combined input / output devices include _____ and _____.
5. Data storage devices include _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, and
6. A wide variety of electrical connectors are used to connect _____ to
Pass the test of your knowledge
https://quizlet.com/225808307/computer-ports-and-connectors-lb-f lash-
Create a Glossary on the topic

Control questions

1. The place of the computer in the sciences?

2. What is the address of memory organization?
3. What is associative memory organization?
4. What is a stack of memory organization?
5. How Much Memory does computer need?


Topic: Flowcharts.
Lesson Objectives: consider basic algorithms, flowcharts.
Key Concepts: basic algorithms, flowcharts.
Materials and Equipment: PC.


A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents a workflow or process. A

flowchart can also be defined as a diagrammatic representation of an algorithm,
a step-by-step approach to solving a task.
The flowchart shows the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by
connecting the boxes with arrows. This diagrammatic representation illustrates
a solution model to a given problem. Flowcharts are used in analyzing, design-
ing, documenting or managing a process or program in various fields

Individual tasks

Create the basic structure of the algorithm – following (linear) in the form
of block diagrams for applications:
1. The length of the cube edge. Find the volume of a cube, and the area of
its lateral surface.
2. The three resistance R1, R2, R3 are connected in parallel. Find the resis-
tance of the connection.
3. Determine the time of stone falling on the earth's surface from a height h.
4. Known circumference. Find area of a circle bounded by this circle.
5. Triangle given the coordinates of its vertices. To find: o perimeter of the
triangle; o area of the triangle.
6. Calculate the height of the triangle, lowered to the side and, on the
known values of the lengths of the sides a, b, c.
7. Calculate the volume of a cylinder with a base radius r and height h.
8. Determine the distance travelled by a physical body for the time t, if the
body is moving with a constant acceleration a, and is at the initial time velocity
9. Calculate the area of a triangle by Heron's formula, given the its side.
10. Determine the coordinates of the vertex of the parabola y = ax2 + bx + c
(a№0). The coefficients a, b, c are given. Form on the implementation of the lab

Control questions

1. What is the purpose and capabilities of the system Borland Pascal?

2. How to start a program for broadcasting and performing?
3. Why was Pascal created?
4. What are the sections of a program in Pascal?
5. In what sequence should the sections of the program in Pascal be
6. What is Pascal used for in programming?

Topic: Operators of the programming language.
Lesson Objectives: Get an idea of the program structure in Pascal, learn
how to use the standard features and basic operators, work in PascalABC.NET
Key Concepts: program, Pascal, chart.
Materials and Equipment: PC.


PascalABC.NET – this: modern programming language, based on Delphi

(Object Pascal) andcom-bining simple languagePaskalandhuge capabilities
After the installation is complete icon appears on the desktop, through
which loaded PascalABC.NET (picture 1).

Picture 6.

A Pascal program basically consists of the following parts

• Programname.
• Usescommand.
• Typedeclarations.
• Constantdeclarations.
• Variablesdeclarations.
• Functionsdeclarations.
• Proceduresdeclarations.

• Mainprogramblock.
• Statements and Expressions within each block.
• Comments.
Pascal Hello World Example
Following is a simple pascal code that would print the words "Hello,
program HelloWorld;
uses crt;
(*Here the main program block starts *) begin
writeln('Hello, World!');
In the upper window browser typing program programming language
Paskal, In the bottom window the result of a program appears.
Standard Pascal functions include:
Function Description Argumenttype Returntype
abs absolutevalue realorinteger sameasargument
arctan arctaninradians realorinteger real
cos cosine of a radian realorinteger real
exp e to the given power realorinteger real
ln naturallogarithm realorinteger real
round roundtonearestinteger real integer
sin sin of a radian measure realorinteger real
sqr square (power 2) realorinteger sameasargument
sqrt squareroot (power 1/2) realorinteger real
trunc truncate (rounddown) realorinteger integer

For ordinal data types (integer or char), where the allowable values have a
distinct predecessor and successor, you can use these functions:
Function Description Argumenttype Returntype
chr character with given integer char
ASCII value
ord ordinalvalue integerorchar integer
pred predecessor integerorchar sameasargumenttype
succ successor integerorchar sameasargumenttype

Functions are called by using the function name followed by the argument(s)
in parentheses.
The basic data types in Pascal include:

Example №1.
Create a program in Pascal, and calculate the value ofy:

где a = 0.3; b = -3.7; c = 0.84; x = -5.4.

Individual tasks

1. Draw up a program in Pascal, setting the initial data in the description

section of the constants (const):
Program lab_1;
Consta = 0.3; b = -3.7; c = 0.84; x = -5.4.
Vary: real; begin y:=exp(x*ln(a))+(ln(abs(b))+
+3.4*exp(a*x))/(sqr(sin(c)/cos(c))*sqrt(abs(b))); Writeln('y=',y:10:3); end.
2. Open the window PascalABC.NET.
3. Write program code.
4. Save the file
5. Run the program.
6. Correct errors.
7. Obtained result.

Exercise 1. Draw up a program

Exercise 2. Draw up a program

R = max2(x, y, z)
R = 2xmin(x, y, z),
D = max(x, y, z) + sin2x

Control questions

1. How to run a program on broadcast and execution?

2. How to write the beginning and the end of a program?
3. What are the sections of a program in Pascal?
4. How to write output operators in Pascal?
5. How to write the square root?
6. Basic operators of language?

Topic: Spreadsheet. Database. Multimedia.
Lesson Objectives:
1. Consider the purpose and possibilities of Access databases
2. Learn how to create a database table
3. The creation of a relational database and query it, the types of connections
they use.
Key Concepts: MS Access.
Materials and Equipment: PC.


Microsoft Access is a database creation program that allows for anyone to

easily maintain and edit a database. It is suitable for anything from small pro-
jects to large businesses, and is a very visual program. This makes it great for
performing data entry, as you don’t need to work with tables and spreadsheets.

Individual tasks

1. Start MS Access, create a new database, «Accounting for the issuance

and return of books».
2. Create a table.
3. Create a table «Reader»:
4. Similarly, create a table «Publisher», «Books», «Accounting books»,
given the characteristics of the fields in the respective tables, and enter data.
Note the order in which tables were created and entered their data!
5. The scheme of data: • tab Working with databases using the key data
Scheme cause data schema and put it on all the tables. If you use the Lookup
Wizard, realizing the connection between the tables, relationships between
tables already will be displayed on the data schema (otherwise, use the mouse
to establish links between tables on the same within the meaning of the fields).
For each link to call a team communication Change in the window that appears
select the check box Ensuring data integrity.
6. Create a form: Screen forms allow you to organize a visual and conve-
nient operation with a database consisting of a large number of linked tables
of a relational database. Available system development master screens can
easily create screen forms of several species (simple – to work with the data in
one table, more sophisticated – to work with multiple tables using sub forms).
• Create a tab by pressing the form to create a form for each table, improving
the appearance of each form using the Format tab.

7. Create report Suppose you want to create a report on the topic, and
readers with the results (number of issued books) for readers and topics. To
implement the report, select from the database corresponding to the data, that
is to create a query: • Create a tab using the Query Builder button to create a
new query, and save it under the name «Book reader».
8. Elements of database administration The MicroSoft Office Access
includes improved security model that simplifies database security process and
open it with security enabled. Note: although the proposed methods improve
safety, the best way to protect data – storage tables on a dedicated server
(for example, on a computer that is running Microsoft Windows SharePoint
Services 3.0) and storage of forms and reports on local computers or network
shares. Facilities security in Office Access: Database encryption password. The
encryption tools provided with MicroSoft Office Access, and combined the
previous two tools improved – the use of passwords and database encryption.
When using a database password to encrypt the database, these data are not
available for other media, and other users have to enter a password to gain
access to this database. For encryption in Access uses a more efficient algorithm
than in earlier versions of Access.

Individual task

Demonstrate the database, "Accounting for the issuance and return of

books", made entirely in keeping with this practical work.

Control questions

1. Knowledge of the purpose and structure of the program;

2. Knowledge of key combinations to work in the environment;
3. The result of the exercise.

Topic: Mobile operating system.
Lesson Objectives: Learn the basic concepts of WINDOWS OS such as a
mouse, improvement of skills with the mouse, Desktop, Start button, taskbar,
menu (main menu, context menu); learn OS command WINDOWS.
Key Concepts: basic algorithms, flowcharts.
Materials and Equipment: PC.


Operating System – a program that is loaded at startup. It produces a dialogue

with the user, the computer carries out management of its resources (RAM, disk
space, and so on. D.), Starts the other (applied) on the implementation of the
program. The operating system provides users and applications to convenient
way to communicate (interface) with computer devices. The main reason for
the operating system is necessary that the elementary operations for working
with the computer and the computer management devices – this operation is
very low, so the actions that are necessary to the user and application programs
consist of several hundreds or thousands of elementary operations.

Individual tasks

Task 1. Determine the type, size, storage space, installed on the computer.
See which folders and files are stored on disk.
Task 2. Perform a standard set of actions on folders and files, using Win-
dows Explorer menu command .Edit program: Cut, Copy, Paste.
Task 3. Вставить пропуски
1. Mobile devices have an operating system (OS), and can run _____.
2. Most mobile devices can be equipped with _____ communication
3. Most mobile devices include _____ for video and music files.
4. Many mobile devices contain sensors like _____, allowing detection of
orientation and motion.
5. Bluetooth is _____.
6. A master Bluetooth device can communicate with a maximum of _____
devices in a piconet.
7. Bluetooth has three classes of radios, with _____ most commonly found
in mobile devices.
8. Class 2 Bluetooth has a typical range of _____.
9. A Bluetooth device in discoverable mode transmits _____.

Control questions

1. What are the standard software applications installed on the computer?

2. What are Windows based applications?
3. What are most desktop applications written in?
4. What is the best programming language for Windows applications?
5. Which technology is best for desktop application?

Topic: Standard operating system applications.
Lesson Objectives: Introduction to MS Word Word Processor, Methods for
Researching Formatting and Editing, Document, Spell Checker.
Key Concepts: basic algorithms, block diagrams.
Materials and Equipment: PC.


Editors of text documents are the most common office programs. The most
commonly used text editor is MS Word, but older computers use a simple but
small Lexicon editor. Microsoft Word is a powerful dictionary processor for
spell checking, textual graphics, text editing, and whole text editing for layout.
Microsoft Word Editor is one of the most popular text editors available at
any level for user convenience. In addition, its technical means and tools are
very effective. Use standard Microsoft products in Word, and get contextual
sensitive help, check spelling, tables and borders, drawing, web macros, mul-
tiple languages support.
Instrumental group has been assembled and carefully organized. The tools
collected in the panels allow you to perform different actions.

Individual tasks

1. Create a new document on one printed page. Save the document in the
RTF format folder.
2. Change the first and second paragraphs.
3. Enter the date and time of the text.
4. Translate the text.
5. Format the text: size – 18.
6. Check the spelling of the text and select synonyms for some words.
7. Use the special symbols, for example, □ □ □ □.
8. Change the label labels, such as bold, italic, underlined.
9. Change the case and index letters, fonts, and character size.
10. Change the color of the symbol color and underline it.
11. Change the text range, set animation.
12. Insert the first paragraph with the first line of the text, the second
paragraph with the projection with the opposite font of the third

13. Change the row spacing.
14. Format the text: size – 20.
15. Use several types of sewing in the same line.
16. Replace the interval between 1 and 1.5.
17. Define the boundaries of the parts of the text, fill in the colors.
18. Create your own style of document.
19. Create a multi-level labeled or numbered list.
20. Create your own template to quickly create documents.
21. Add an image in the form of drawing or casting.
22. Change the size of the field and orientation of the page.
23. Enter the pages in the top right corner.
24. Select the lines in the text.
25. Set section breaks for text.
26. Make the top and bottom logo of the logo on the first page.
27. Enter some text in multiple columns.
28. Create text that is flowing through the appropriate headings.
1. Start MS WORD.
2. In the non-printable character mode, enter the following text according to
the basic input rules:
The first Altair 8800 microcomputer was created in 1974 for a general
view of the release of personal computers by creating APPLE machines
in the US (1976). APPLE-2 has more than 1 million computers. Copies. ^
3. Teach teacher's results.
4. Save the file with the text you entered.
5. Change the first and second paragraphs.
6. Enter the date and time of the text.
7. Translate the text.
8. Find the text of this word (Altair).
9. Check the spelling of the text and select synonyms for some words. The
Form of Laboratory Reporting.
WinRAR lets you create multiple volumes of archives, that is, multiple
archives. Typically, a large archive is intended for storing up to several disks or
other removable media. The first volume and extension of the regular expanded
archive r00, r01, r02 and more. numbered.
The archive can be continuous (provides the most compression) and self-
extracting (SFX, English) Self-eXtracting. You do not need special software to
retrieve this file, run the backup file to run, because it has an executable file
and an .exe extension.

1. In the Workbook (your command folder), create the following folders: the
archive containing the archive folder.
2. Run WinRar.
3. Open the folder on the teacher's computer with the original material for
practical work. This folder contains three files, such as .doc, .bmp, .exe.
4. From the Workshop, copy the Files archives folder.
5. Compress the image file and compare the size of the two files. To do this,
follow these steps:
6. Right-click to select the .bmp file type.
7. Click the «Add to archive ...» button to define the archive dialog box
8. By default, the backup file refers to the original file name.
9. If you want to specify another file name, enter it in the input field.
10. Select the format of the archive file, such as RAR.
11. The remaining parameters remain unchanged.
12. Click the OK button.
13. Compare the size and archiving of the source file. Table 1 shows the data.
14. Make a backup of the .doc file and compare the size of the two files.
Table 1 shows the data.
15. Compress the .exe file and compare the size of the two files. Table 1
shows the data.
16. Delete original files.
17. Back up the files in the .zip file format. 1. Fill in the table with the data.

Control questions

1) What is the sequence of actions performed in WORD text?

2) What are the steps in the WORD editor to delete the text?
3) What should I do to select part of the text of IWS?
4) What is a preview button?
5) What should I do to align text on the left, right, and back?

Topic: Web-sites. Email.
Lesson Objectives: To learn how to connect to the Internet, create a remote
access, configure the browser.
Key Concepts: basic algorithms, flowcharts.
Materials and Equipment: PC.


Internet in the broad sense of the word means – Global computer network.
Currently, the Internet consists of several services: e-mail, WWW (World
Wide Web), IRC (Internet Relay Chat – direct contact several people in real
time), ICQ (Service to search for a network of human IP-addresses currently
connected to the Internet ), file transfer service (FTP), teleconferencing service
• Physically connect the computer to one of the worldwide network of
• Get IP-address.
• Install and configure the software – program clients the Internet-based
services, which are supposed to use the services.
Today, the Internet is used as a source of comprehensive information on the
various fields of knowledge.
Internet services, manage the transfer of documents, called World Wide
A separate document called the WWW Web-pages. Typically, this combined
document that can contain text, graphic illustrations, multimedia objects. To
create Web-pages using the language of HTML
(Hypertext Markup Language – hypertext markup language), which is using
the tags inserted in the document describes the logical structure of a document,
the document controls the formatting and placement of objects.
Hyperlink – a dedicated portion of the document (text and illustration),
which is associated with the address of another Web-document. The use of
hyperlinks allows to organize a thematic journey through the WWW without
addresses specific pages.

Individual tasks

Exercise 1: Internet Connection. Creating a remote access

1. Run the program to create a remote access connection: My Computer –
Dial-Up Networking – New Connection.

2. In the dialog box, enter a new connection name for the new connection
(arbitrary) and select the modem that is used to service the connection. Click
the Next button.
3. Fill in the telephone number field (the number must be polkchen by
service providers). Click the Next button.
4. In the folder, remote access to the network formed by the new connection
icon. No further configuration is performed by editing its properties
5. If your ISP has provided several phone numbers to connect to his server,
it may be necessary for each of them create a separate connection.
Exercise 2: Configuring a remote access connection
1. Open the folder remote access to the network. It contains icons created
connections. There may be more.
2. Select the custom connection. Click on its icon, right-click. In the con-
text menu, select Properties.
3. In the General tab, select the dialog box. Check whether you select and
configure your modem.
4. On the Server Type tab, disable all network protocols except TCP/IP
5. Click the Configure TCP/IP protocol and make the setting. Turn on the
switch input IP-addresses in accordance with ukazaniemi service provider.
(Usually address assigned by the server).
6. Enter the DNS address. If these addresses are obtained from the service
provider, turn on the switch addresses are entered manually and enter the
four numbers for the primary and secondary DNS servers. If the address is
not obtained, it is possible, they are entered automatically. In this turn on the
switch address is assigned by the server.
7. By clicking on the OK button to close the dialog box.
Exercise 3: Configuring the start page of the browser MS Internet Explorer
1. Start Internet Explorer program (Start – Programs – Internet Explorer).
2. If immediately after starting the program tries to download some sort
of the Web-page, stop downloading by clicking the Stop button. According to
records in the Address bar to set the URL-address of the page that the browser
is used as the start.
3. Give the command Tools – Internet Options. Select the General tab.
4. In the Home Page Address field, track down. According to records in
this field, set the URL-address of the page that the browser should be used as
5. Click With empty. Verify that the entry in the field about the home page
address: blank. This suggests that the next program start will automatically
load any page as the start.

6. Click Apply, and then close the dialog box Internet Options, click on the
OK button.
7. Close the window.
8. Re-run the program.
9. Make sure that after the launch of the program does not load any home
page, and the Address field is written about: blank.
10. Close the window.
Exercise 4. Setting up the browser window MS Internet Explorer In the
state of delivery of Internet Explorer browser of the MS is designed to work
with a screen having a 1024x768 m
1. Start Internet Explorer program.
2. Give the command Tools View panel. Make sure that only the
checkboxes marked items Common buttons and address bar, or clear the check
boxes unnecessary.
3. Give the command View-Toolbars-Customize.
4. In the dialog box, in the drop-down list, click the button text without
labels to buttons (for the emergence of tooltips).
5. In the drop-down list icon size select Small Icons.
6. Remove all the «extra» button to the toolbar so that only the buttons
associated with navigation in the WWW. They are five: Back, Forward, Stop,
Refresh Magazine.
7. Close the window.
8. The right of the Address button, click Go. Click the right mouse button
and reset the check mark beside «Go» button.
9. Drag and drop the toolbar on prvy edge of the menu bar. Dragging
is performed for the hem, available on the left side panel. As a result of the
program window should acquire compact form.
10. Restore the settings as they were set by default team. Give the View-
Toolbars – Settings – Reset.
Exercise 5. Configuring MS Internet Explorer security program
1. Give the command Service Options. In the tab, select the Advanced
dialog box.
2. Uncheck Enable profile – the program will not share information about a
user's identity at the request of the remote servers.
3. Clear the check box to automatically check for updates MS Internet
Explorer, the program alone is not addressed to «own» the server without the
user's knowledge.
4. Uncheck Use AutoComplete for Web addresses, which allows outsiders
to figure out where the user is treated.

5. Uncheck Allow hit counter on the page. This counter is associated
with the conduct of a computer user «browsing history», controlled by remote
servers that goes far beyond the standard HTTP protocol.
6. In the Search section of the panel addresses turn on the switch Do not
search from the address bar.
7. Click the Security tab. Select the Internet zone and set the security
setting for this zone using the other buttons.
8. Safety dialog box in Java category, set the switch Disable Java.
9. In the category of cookie files install the proposed switch – then you
will clearly see what Web sites offer to label your computer labels.
10. All sections of the categories ActiveX controls and plug-ins enable
Disable switches.
11. Click the Content Internet Options window. Click AutoFill. In the
AutoComplete Settings dialog box, turn off all auto-complete function. Clean
AutoComplete by pressing Clear Forms and Clear Passwords. Close the
12. On the Content tab, use the command button profile. Make sure that
there is too much information in them.

Tasks for the independent exercise

1. Set up the browser MS Internet Explorer working window in its sole

2. Set the start page of the browser MS Internet Explorer at its discretion.

Control questions

1. Computer network name of their species.

2. Tell us about the purpose of computer networks.
3. Software and hardware computer networks.
4. What is the Internet? Basic concepts.
5. Name of the online service.
6. The history of the Internet.

Topic: Information technologies in the professional sphere.
Lesson Objectives: To learn to create the elementary hypertext document
means of a text editor the Notebook.To learn to use tags of formatting of a font
and the paragraph.
Key Concepts: Hypertext document.
Materials and Equipment: PC.


1. The software for the solution of tasks of the specialized professional

Аpplication package – a set of programs designed to meet the challenges
of a certain class (functional subsystem, business application)method-oriented.
• the following types of PPP;
• general purpose (universal);
• problem-oriented,
• global networks;
• organization (administration) computing process whole.
IFR general purpose – versatile software designed to automate the develop-
ment and operation of the user's functional tasks and information systems as a
By this RFP class includes:
• text editor (word processor) and graphics,
• spreadsheets,
• database management systems (DBMS);
• integrated
• packages;
• case-technology;
• the shell of expert systems and artificial intelligence systems changes.
RFP for creating and text documents, graphics, and illustrations, called the
Text editors designed to handle text and perform mainly the following
• record the text file;
• insert, delete, replace characters, lines, text fragments;
• spell checking;
• formatted text, different fonts;
• text alignment;
• preparation tables of contents, splitting the text on the page;

• search and replace words and expressions;
• the inclusion in the text of simple illustrations;
• text printing.
The most widely used text editor Microsoft word, word Perfect (currently
owned by the company Corel), chiWriter, Multi-Edit And other used.
Graphic editors are for processing graphic documents, including diagrams,
illustrations, drawings and tables. Allowed to control the size and font of
figures, moving figures and letters, the formation of any image. Among
the most famous image editors can be called packages Corel DRAW, Adobe
PhotoShop and Adobe Illustrator.
Publishing systems combine the possibilities of text and graphic editors
have developed capabilities for formatting strips with graphic materials and
then printed. These systems are targeted for use in publishing and typesetting
systems are called. Because these systems can be called PageMaker products
from Adobe and Ventura Publisher of Corel Corporation.
Spreadsheets. Spreadsheet called RFP for processing tables.
The data in the table is stored in the cells located at the intersection of rows
and columns. The cells can be stored numbers, formulas and character data.
Formula values are set dependent on the contents of one cell to other cells.
Changing the contents of a cell resulting in a change of values in the dependent
The most popular PPP of this class are products such as Microsoft Excel,
Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro, and others.
Database Management Systems. To create a database inside the machine
information support uses special IFR – database management system.
Database A set of specially data organized sets stored on disk adding.
Database management includes data entry, their correction and manipulation
of data, that is, delete, retrieve, update, etc. Developed database applications
to ensure the independence, working with them on the specific organization
of information in databases. Depending on how these organizations are
distinguished: network, hierarchical, distributed, relational database manage-
ment system from the available database the most widely used Microsoft
Access, Microsoft FoxPro, Paradox (corporation Borland), and the Oracle
database company, Informix, Sybase, Modern etc

Individual tasks

1. To create the file with the hypertext document:

• To start the Notebook editor, to enter the text: I welcome you on my first
web page!

• To save the file in the created folder. At preservation, in a window of
dialogue to Keep as … in the line File Type: to choose option All files (*. *),
and in the line File Name to set a name with the .htm expansion, for example
1_name.htm (where name – your name).
• To close the document, to find his pictogram in a window my computer
or in the Conductor program window.
• To open the file. To analyse by means of what application the file is
displayed and as the entered phrase looks.
2. To enter the tags defining structure of a HTML document:
• By means of the shortcut menu to open the file by means of the Notepad
editor. To enter the tags given below, in the section of a document title (between
the <title> tags </title>) to specify the surname. <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>
Фамилия </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> I welcome you on my first web page!
</BODY> </HTML>.
• To save the document under the same name, to update its display in a
browser (to execute the Look/to Update or press the Update button at a toolbar).
To analyze the happened changes in display of the document.
3. To edit the document:
• To open the menu of a browser Look/viewing of a HTML code and to
add after the text "I welcome you on my first web page!" text of the signature:
Student of the NNN group Surname Name To keep the document (but not to
close) and to update his viewing in a browser.
• Using the single <BR> tag, to edit the document so that the signature
began with a new line, and the Surname the Name – the next line. To see
new option in a browser. Attention! After each change the document needs to
be kept, and to begin viewing in a browser with updating of loading of the
document by means of the Update button at a toolbar.
4. To issue text fragments by means of styles of Headings:
• To issue the first line of the document the Heading of the 1st Level style
by means of the pair <h1> tag … </h1>. To issue the second line as Heading of
the 6th level, and a third as Heading of the 4th level.
• To check the document in a browser, changing control of display of fonts
(the Look/Font size / Most menu large, Average, Small and the smallest).
• To change style of registration of the first line for Heading 2 levels, the
second line – for Heading 5 of level, the last line – for Heading of the 3rd level.
5. To execute formatting of a font:
• After a line the Surname the Name to add one more line of the text
Morning meets us by a cool.
• To issue the phrase on the sample given below. In the word MORNING
all letters have to have different colors. In the word the COOL to issue letters
missile defense – red color, OH – blue.

• To issue a line with the signature (The student of the NNN group the
Surname the Name) in the italics, to set font size relative change. To use tags
<font size="+2"> and <i>.
• To check the received document in a browser.</i></font>
6. To execute formatting of paragraphs:
• To create the new document 2_name.htm, to keep it in the same working
• To enter the text (to use copying of the text from the document 1_name.
htm): <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Фамилия </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY>
Приветствую Вас на моей второй web-страничке! <BR> Монолог Гамлета
• To align the text to the center.
• To enter the text: To be or not to be – here in what a question. That it
is more noble: to take down blows of violent destiny – or against the sea of
adversities to arm, engage. And all to finish at once...
• To issue alignment of the paragraph on width.
• To limit the paragraph to horizontal dividing lines from above and from
below, using the <hr> tag.
• To copy a monologue and to break it into paragraphs. To align to the
center. To be or not to be – here in what a question. That it is more noble: to
take down blows Violent destiny – or against the sea Adversities to arm, engage
And all to finish at once...
• To keep the document.
• To check the document in a browser window, changing the window size.
7. To execute design of lists:
• To create the new document 3_name.htm, to save it in the same working
folder of a hard drive.
• To enter the text: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Фамилия </TITLE> </
HEAD> <BODY> Приветствую Вас на моей третьей web-страничке! </
• To add the text of the document (between the tags … ) the following
text: I know how to make out: Fonts, Titles, Paragraphs
• To issue three last lines as the list indexed. For this purpose to use the
following construction of tags: <ol> <li> Fonts, </li> <li> Titles, </li> <li>
Paragraphs </li> </ol>
• To change execution of the list for the list marked. To use the <ul> tags,
• To create the "mixed" list: I know how to make out:
• Size.
• Color.

• To a set.
• Indexes.
2. Headings
• From 1st to the 6th level.
3. Paragraphs
• Alignment.
• A rupture of lines in the paragraph.
• With reformatting use.
To show results of work to the teacher. Table of the main tags of the HTML
document. Tags of formatting of a font and paragraph

Control questions

1. What exactly is information technology?

2. What are the 5 main components of an information system?
3. What are the 6 types of technology?
4. What is information technology in simple words?


Topic: Cybersecurity.
Lesson Objectives: System and utility software
Key Concepts: basic algorithms, flowcharts.
Materials and Equipment: The Cybersecurity Lab is accessible on web
and mobile browsers that support HTML5, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari,
and Internet Explorer (version 9.0 and higher)


1. Cybersecurity is the safe and responsible use of Information and

Communication Technologies (ICT). NetSafe's approach to cybersecurity
is founded on:
2. Maintaining a positive approach about the many benefits brought by
3. Encouraging the public to identify the risks associated with ICT.
4. Putting in place strategies to minimise and manage risks.
5. Recognising the importance of effective teaching and learning

Individual tasks

1. Write the definitions

Antivirus software
Computer programs that can block, detect, and remove viruses and other
Backups/backing up files
Extra copies of computer files that can be used to restore files that are lost
or damaged.
The amount of data that can pass through a network or part of a network
per second.
Multiple computers on a network that are infected with a program that
can be controlled remotely. The infected computers are usually used to cause
damage that couldn’t be achieved with a single computer.
Computer network
Two or more interconnected devices that can exchange data.

Computer virus
A computer program that can copy itself and cause harm in various ways,
such as stealing private information or destroying data.
A distributed denial of service attack attempts to make an online service,
like a website, unavailable by overwhelming it with a flood of traffic from a
team of computers.
A fictional virus modeled after the Stuxnet virus. Like Stuxnet, Doxnet is
able to damage physical infrastructure.
The process of using codes to make readable information unreadable.
Encrypted information cannot be read until it is decrypted using a secret key.
Software designed to block malware from entering protected networks.
Someone who uses computers and computer networks to disrupt services
or share secret information in an effort to draw attention to political or social
Internet service provider (ISP)
A company or organization that gives users and devices access to the
Support for the Cybersecurity Lab is provided by Lockheed Martin. NOVA
is produced for PBS
2. Open Multimedia Resources
The Cybersecurity Lab includes four short animated videos that cover a
variety of cybersecurity and computer science topics:
Cybersecurity 101
The Internet is fundamentally insecure. However, there are simple things
you can do to protect yourself and your information. This video also provides
an introduction to the activities in the Cybersecurity Lab.
Cyber Codes
Do you trust the security of your email, text messages, and browser history?
Learn how trustworthy online communication actually is and how encryption
can protect your privacy. Sometimes.
The Secret Life of Hackers
Hackers may not be who we think they are. In fact, you might be a hacker
and not even know it. Learn the true meaning of hacking and some of the many
reasons hackers hack.

A Cyber Privacy Parable
Follow the trials and tribulations of Tim as a seemingly innocent piece of
information threatens to ruin his life when it falls into the wrong hands.
Teacher Tips for Using the Cybersecurity Lab
The Cybersecurity Lab is a great resource for educators who want to
teach their students best practices for staying safe online and introduce them
to computer science principles and the architecture of online networks. In
addition, school technology and media specialists can use the Cybersecurity
Lab as an orientation activity for students before they begin using online
resources. English and social studies educators can also use the Cybersecurity
Lab to reinforce textual analysis skills, as students must find textual evidence,
draw inferences, and make judgments about the validity of sources in the Social
Engineering Challenge.
Encourage students to create a NOVA Labs account before they start the
Cybersecurity Lab for at-home or in-class completion. With an account,
students will be able to save their progress in the Lab and also generate a Lab
Report that tracks their completion of the game and video quizzes.
Use the Cybersecurity Lab video quizzes as a formative or summative
assessment to gauge student understanding of the content.
After watching the videos, facilitate an in-class discussion with students
about the content. Possible discussion topics include: 1.) The changes in techno-
logy in the past 15 years that have made cybersecurity such a pressing issue,
2.) Students’ experiences with cybersecurity, or 3.) How much of their lives
students share online and the ramifications of sharing
Upon completion of the Cybersecurity Lab game, assign the cybersecurity
stories as reading assignments with discussion questions that students can
complete for homework.
Engage (10 min) – Intro activity that poses a question or calls upon prior
Have students watch Cybersecurity 101 and discuss what they know about
cybersecurity and what safety measures they currently take with their online
Explore (20 min) – Students explore a hypothesis and collect data
Challenge students with the question, «How aware are you of the best
practices for staying safe online?». Explain to students that in the game, they
will explore ways that they can stay safe online and avoid security breaches.
Instruct students to create a list of tips that they would follow to avoid
online scams and to create reliable passwords.
Instruct students to complete all the Level 1 challenges in the game.

Explain (15 min) – Direct instruction and content delivery
Reconvene and discuss some of the best practices that they learned and
whether they encountered any information that supported or contradicted the
tips they compiled before the game.
Present the best practices and the glossary terms that are essential to
understand cybersecurity and instruct students to take notes.
Elaborate (45 min) – Apply content knowledge and skills to problem
(guided practice)
Instruct students to complete the remainder of the game and to take notes on
other best practices they encounter while playing the game. The Cybersecurity
Lab also works well for group play, as students can collaborate in problem
Evaluate (20 min) – Formal assessment (independent practice)
Students should complete the video quizzes and turn in their Lab report
with confirmation of Lab completion.
Educators should also use this opportunity to assess student learning, with
short response discussion questions summarizing best practices, the cyberse-
curity stories, and the glossary terms.

Control questions

1) What is operating system?

2) What problems does a file system solve?
3) Formulate the basic principles of the FAT file system organization?
4) What is a BIOS, and what are its main features?
5) The main components of MS DOS?
6) Define and list the basic driver functions.
7) Basic service maintenance program to disk.
8) What is the procedure and what disk defragmentation is used for?
9) What is a virus. What classes of viruses can you list?
10) List what you know about an anti-virus software.
11) List the principal advantages of the UNIX operating system.
12) The main characteristics of LINUX operating system.

Topic: Software for virus protection.
Lesson Objectives:
Content: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
• Define and give examples of hardware and software
• Describe the difference between hardware and software
Key Concepts: basic algorithms, flowcharts.
Materials and Equipment: Computer, anti-virus programs. The computer
virus is a small harmful program which can independently create the copies
and introduce them in programs (the executed files), documents, loading sectors
of carriers of data. Depending on habitat the main types of computer viruses
are: program, loading, macro viruses, network viruses.


Kaspersky Anti-Virus (Russian: Антивирус Касперского (Antivirus Kas-

perskovo); formerly known as AntiViral Toolkit Pro; often referred to as KAV)
is an antivirus program developed by Kaspersky Lab. It is designed to protect
users from malware and is primarily designed for computers running Microsoft
Windows and macOS, although a version for Linux is available for business

Individual tasks

1. Turn on the personal computer Press the Power button on the personal
computer system unit.
2. Examine Kaspersky’s Antivirus 2019.
2.1. Start Kaspersky's Antivirus, having clicked on the Start-up button
and having chosen the Kaspersky's Program/antivirus command. As
a result the main Kaspersky's Antivirus window in the Protection
mode will open (on the Protection tab).
2.2. In the Kaspersky's Antivirus window examine components, the main
functions of the program and its settings.
2.3. Check existence of the updates (date and ways of updating) of the
anti-virus base. The built-in scheduler of automatic updating of the
anti-virus bases therefore the program independently periodically
checks for the new anti-virus bases on the server of Kaspersky Lab.
But if it is impossible to start automatic updating of the anti-virus
bases from the Internet, it is possible to use the anti-virus bases

which are let out in ZIP archives. Archives with anti-virus bases
regularly give all the best on the sites of Kaspersky Lab in the zips
catalog. After downloading unpacking of archive * cumul.zip (the
full set of anti-virus bases has the name avi386-cumul.zip is the all
updatings which came out till last Sunday) is made in the separate
folder. At control of updating the folder, with the unpacked archive *
cumul.zip is specified as a source of updatings.
2.4. Update anti-virus base. For this purpose in the main window click
on a tab (button) Updating, in the frame which opened on the right
click at line «Update Bases». The anti-virus base will be updated.
2.4. Install a floppy disk with files and folders in the store for floppy
disks or USB flash drive (flash card) to the USB port.
2.5. In the main window of the Antivirus of Kaspersky 2019 on the
Search of Viruses tab execute scanning of replaceable disks and a
disk C: on existence of viruses. Check results of scanning.
2.6. For scanning of folders or files right-click on the demanded folder or
the file and in a context menu choose the Check for Viruses com-
mand. Check results of scanning.
3. Study the anti-virus software of avast! Antivirus.
3.1. Start the anti-virus avast program! antivirus from the main menu?
the avast window will open! antivirus.
3.2. In a window examine basic elements: the menu (check settings of an
antivirus); pictograms: folder choice, replaceable carriers, local
disks; buttons virus storage, iavs (to update an anti-virus database),
the Resident scanner.
3.3. Update an anti-virus database, having clicked on the pictogram of
3.4. Establish one of replaceable data carriers.
3.5. Execute scanning of a replaceable data carrier, using elements of
management of the avast window! antivirus.
3.6. Execute scanning of local disks, using elements of management of
the avast window! antivirus.
3.7. Execute scanning of folders, using elements of management of the
avast window! antivirus.
3.8. For scanning of folders or files right-click on the demanded folder
or the file and in a context menu choose the «Skanirovat_imya
Folder or File» command.
3.9. Carry out control of resident providers, having left-clicked on the
but-ton A in the indication panel. The Scanner of access of avast will
open!, in which control of 7 resident providers or modules is carried

4. Compare work of two anti-virus programs On the basis of results of the
performed work with anti-virus programs give an assessment to these
5. After completing the lab work tell the teacher
6. Make the test and answer the questions

Control questions

1. What is a virus?
2. Source of viruses
3. The most sensational viruses
4. Prevention
5. Means of anti-virus protection
6. Technique of use of anti-virus programs
7. Anti-virus Kaspersky Anti-Virus program
8. Features of work of Kaspersky Anti-Virus Scanner
9. What are the functions of Kaspersky Anti-Virus Scanner?
10. How do you understand the concept of computer viruses?
11. Classification of viruses.
12. Why is it necessary to fight computer viruses?
13. How to start the anti-virus scanner?
14. How to see statistics in Kaspersky Anti-Virus, what information does it

Topic: Infrastructure of «The electronic government of Kazakhstan».
Lesson Objectives: To examine experiment of the developed countries
on forming of the Electronic government. Key Concepts: basic algorithms,
Materials and Equipment: a computer class, a projector, a floppy disk
Key Concepts: The Information System (IS) – the hardware-software
complex intended for implementation of information processes;
The gateway of «the electronic government» – the information system inten-
ded for integration of information systems of «the electronic government»
within implementation of electronic services;
Electronic document management – an electronic exchange of documents
between computer programs in the standardized form;
Electronic commerce – an exchange of goods and (or) services based on the
existing communications with the help of electronic means of communication.
The concept «electronic commerce» is equivalent to the concept «electronic
The content and order of performance:
1. Repeat theoretical material on the subject.
Problems of training: acquaintance of students:
a) with the rights of everyone to receipt of information from public infor-
mation systems;
b) use of documents in an electronic digital format in public administration
and the civil legal sphere;
c) with the technoparks created as the centers of development of the inno-
vation entrepreneurship in the field of ICT;
d) with actions directed on development of technologies of training and
training of specialists in the field of ICT;
e) development of telecommunication infrastructure and creation of points
of connection to open information systems.
Materials and Equipment: The computer, the folder with slides.


Electronic Government (English e-Government) – A way to provide

information and assistance already formed a set of public services to citizens,
businesses, other branches of the government and public officials, in which
the personal interaction between the state and the applicant is minimized and
information technology is used as much as possible. E-government – state

electronic document management system based on the automation of the
entire set of management processes across the country and serves as the target
of significantly improving governance and reducing social communications
costs for each member of society. Creation of e-government involves building
a nationwide distribution of the social management system, implementing the
decision of the full range of tasks associated with managing documents and
their processing.

Individual tasks

1. Go to the website www.e.gov.kz.

2. Select the tab Citizens (Гражданам).
3. Go to the menu of Education (Образование).
4. Select High and prof.obrazovanie (Высшее и проф.образование).
5. In the category of Services (Услуги) to link to educational grants, and
the provision of social support for students in higher education institutions
(Присуждение образовательных грантов, а также оказание социальной
поддержки обучающимся в организациях высшего образования).
6. Make a screenshot of the screen.
7. Return to the previous page and pick a category Postgraduate education
(Послевузовское образование).
8. Open tab Admission of documents for participation in the competition
for the award of the international scholarship of the President of the Republic
of Kazakhstan «Bolashak» (Прием документов для участия в конкурсе на
присуждение международной стипендии Президента Республики Казах-
стан «Болашак»).
9. Make a screenshot of the screen and return to the previous page
10. Go to the link Scholarships study abroad for Kazakhstan (Стипенди-
альные программы обучения за рубежом для казахстанцев).
11. Read the description of the Fulbright Scholarship Program (Стипенди-
альная программа Fulbright). To answer the question in what area are awarded
scholarships for this program.
12. Examine the Confucius Institute Scholarship.
13. Go to the main page. View Properties tab. List e-services in the area
14. Go to the link How to register the right to property (Как зарегистриро-
вать права на недвижимость). A written reply to a question that relates to real
property. List the characteristics of the full identity of the property.
15. Find information about obtaining a passport (Получение паспорта,
удостоверения личности), identity card. Outline tab, where this information.

16. List the list of documents required to obtain the services of help on a
change of name. Specify the term of the service and its cost. (услуга Получе-
ния справки о перемене фамилии).
17. Find a service To get an enquiry on the amount of income received from
sources and withheld (paid) taxes.(Получение справки о суммах получен-
ных доходов из источников и удержанных (уплаченных) налогов) Specify
the term of the service and its cost. List the list of documents required to obtain
the service.
18. What services are available at the Family tab?
19. The website to find the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
(Гражданский кодекс Республики Казахстан). When was it adopted? What
is said in Article 10.
20. Find the RK Tax Code (Налоговый кодекс РК). When was it accepted
and changed? Take a screenshot of Article 3.
21. Go to the tab Licensing (Лицензирование). Read all the tabs on this
page and go to the Education tab. To view the information on this tab.
22. List the popular e-services.
23. Find information about the military institutions of Kazakhstan.
24. Find information about the public housing program (государственной
жилищной программе).
25. Find information about the educational credits for training of Kazakhstan
26. Find information on admission to the magistracy, which documents are
required for this.
27. Identify which services can be obtained on the job search and
28. Find information on the public service on how to register for testing for
evaluation of personal qualities (о государственной службе, как осуществля-
ется Запись на тестирование на оценку личных качеств).

Control questions

1. What is Electronic business?

2. What are the principles of еlectronic government?
3. What are the еlectronic trainings?
4. What are the differences between еlectronic training and еlectronic
5. What are formats of implementation of the electronic government in
developed countries an archive?

Topic: The main components of «E-Learning».
Lesson Objectives: To examine experiment of the developed countries on
forming of the Electronic government.
Key Concepts: basic algorithms, flowcharts.
Materials and Equipment: a computer class, a projector, a floppy disk.


E-learning (Eng. E-learning, an abbreviation of the English. Learning) –

Electronica system of training through computer and electronic technologies.
Definition UNESCO «E-Learning – learning through the Internet and
E-learning include:
• independent work with electronic materials, using a personal computer,
PDA, mobile phone, DVD-player, TV and other;
• obtaining advice, tips, ratings from a remote (geographically) expert
(teacher), for remote interaction, theof;
• Creation a distributed user community (social networks), leading the
overall virtual learning activities;
• timely Hour delivery of e-learning materials; standards and specifications
for electronic learning materials and technology, distance learning tools;
• formation and improvement of information culture for all heads of
enterprises and divisions of the group, and the mastery of modern
information technology, improving the efficiency of its ordinary
• the development and promotion of innovative educational technologies,
the transfer of their teachers;
• to develop educational web-resources;
• the opportunity at any time and in any place to get modern knowledge,
are available in any part of the world access to higher education for
persons with special needs;
• related to e-learning, electronic textbooks, educational services and
technology. In fact, e-learning began with the use of computers in
education. Initially training with the use of computers alternated
conventional, classic practical exercises. E-learning and now does not
exclude communication with the teacher face to face.
E-Learning modern sample concept has evolved along with the Internet
connectivity technologies, and includes the ability to virtually anywhere

download additional materials underpinning received by electronic aids theory,
pass the completed task, consult with the instructor. The main thing is that all
these features are supported electronic media programs. Now the development
of e-learning depends on the development of the media, but electronic books,
fully revealing its potential, are still in the development stage of traditional.
Moodle is an open-source content management system that is now widely
accepted worldwide within the academic community. Its social constructivist
philosophymakes Moodle an excellent choice to deliver e-learning contents
that require collaborative activities, such as those that are frequently associated
with online labs (virtual labs, mixed-reality labs, or remote labs). However,
the development of online labs that include remote experimentation resources
presents specific functional requirements that may not be entirely met by
the current features of Moodle, since the number of such labs will always be
smaller than the number of students. This discrepancy creates the need for a
booking tool to reserve online lab time beforehand, avoiding access conflicts
and at the same time helping the students to organise their time and activities.
In most cases those online labs will be meant to support hands-on activities
that are associated with learning contents delivered via the web. Tutors will in
that case need to integrate the booking link into the experiment script, a task
which will be facilitated if such tool is embedded in the elearning platform
that is used to deliver the course contents. This paper presents a Moodle
extension that offers a booking tool to support resource sharing. Such tool has
an immediate application for organising access to online labs, but may in fact
be used with any other type of scarce resources, such as the videoconferencing
rooms that are needed to support collaborative activities.

Individual tasks

Make questions about lesson students must work in pairs. They ask 10
question, which answers they would like to receive. At least 4 questions must
begin with Who, What, How and Why.

Control questions

1. What are the components of learning?

2. How do we use online learning environments?
3. What are the three components of learning?
4. What are the three components of teaching and learning?
5. What are the basic principles of learning?


1. Web browsers are:

a. FireFox, Safari, Chrome
c. Unix
e. MS Word

2. Computer internet technology refers to …, used to connect computers

a. motherboard
b. monitor
c. hardware, software, devices
d. mouse
e. hub

3. DNS servers eliminate the need for humans to memorize IP addresses

such as
a. 1
b. 2400:cb00:2048:1:cb29:d7a2
c. 3,4,5,5
e. OSI

4. DNS servers eliminate the need for humans to memorize IP addresses

such as
a. IPv4
b. IPv11
c. IPv8
d. IPv10
e. IPv12

5. Web browsers are:

a. Unix
b. Opera, Internet Explorer
c. MS Dos
d. DOS

6. DNS server involved in loading a web page:
a. DNS recursor, the root server, authoritative nameserver
b. server
c. IP addresses
d. URL
e. browsers

7. Tags of HTML
a. <title>
b. <style_rus>
c. <pos>
d. <nm>
e. <m>

8. Tags of HTML
a. <scriptt>
b. <br>
c. <imgscr>
d. <vvv>
e. <osi>

9. TCP/IP has two parts:

a. name and extension
b. IP, the transport of data
c. address
d. extension
e. file

10. Communications between the browser and website are encrypted by

a. TLS, SSl
c. IP
e. UDP

11. Protocol of Application Layer

a. httpt
b. pop34
c. smtp
d. udp
e. tcp

12. Protocols of Network Layer
a. icmp
b. ri
c. osf
d. vail
e. mail

13. Internet based services

a. telcom
b. mail
c. www
d. osi
e. msi

14. HTTP:
a. hypertext transfer protocol
b. hub transfer protocol
c. hyper transfer protocol
d. hyperlink t transfer protocol
e. hypertext transport protocol

15. Uniform Resource Locator:

a. URL
c. http
d. www
e. pop3

16. e-mail protocols:

a. map
b. pop3
c. smtpp
d. udp
e. ip

17. Tags of HTML

a. <head>
b. <style_www>
c. <h12>
d. <nm>
e. <m>

18. Tags of HTML
a. <body>
b. <uli>
c. <h8>
d. <nm>
e. <m>

19. Tags of HTML

a. <ol>
b. <trd>
c. <td1>
d. <nm>
e. <m>

20. Tags of HTML

a. <table>
b. <brr>
c. <td6>
d. <nm>
e. <m>

21. Tags of HTML

a. <ttle>
b. <br>
c. <td6>
d. <nm>
e. <m>

22. Tags of HTML

a. <table12>
b. <html>
c. <td6>
d. <nm>
e. <m>

23. What is the technology standard for managing of public Web sites and
other Internet domains?
a. DNS server
b. file server
c. print server

d. operating system
e. cloud technology

24. A hypertext interface to Internet information resources?

a. www
b. osi
c. http
d. html
e. iso

25. Internet based on the

a. TCP/IP communication protocols
b. UDP communication protocols
c. e-mail communication protocols
d. http communication protocols
e. pop3 communication protocols

1. Download copy, extract data from an open system done fraudulently is
treated as …
a. cyber-warfare
b. cyber-security act
c. data-backup
d. cyber-crime
e. cyber-attacks
f. data-attacks

2. … is the process or mechanism used for converting ordinary plain text

into garbled non-human readable text & vice-versa.
a. Malware Analysis
b. Exploit writing
c. Reverse engineering
d. Cryptography
e. Cryptoanalys
f. Cryptoengineering

3. … is a means of storing & transmitting information in a specific format

so that only those for whom it is planned can understand or process it.
a. Malware Analysis
b. Exploit writing
c. Reverse engineering
d. Cryptography
e. Cryptoanalys
f. Cryptoengineering

4. When plain text is converted to unreadable format, it is termed as …

a. rotten text
b. raw text
c. cipher-text
d. ciphen-text
e. modified text
f. secondary text

5. Cryptographic algorithms are based on mathematical algorithms where

these algorithms use … for a secure transformation of data.
a. secret key

b. external programs
c. add-ons
d. secondary key
e. algorithm
f. primary key

6. Cryptography can be divided into … types.

a. 5
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2
e. 6
f. 7

7. Data which is easily readable & understandable without any special

algorithm or method is called …
a. cipher-text
b. plain text
c. raw text
d encrypted text
e. clear-text
f. secondary text

8. Plain text are also called …

a. cipher-text
b. plain text
c. raw text
d. encrypted text
e. clear-text
f. secondary text

9. There are … types of cryptographic techniques used in general.

a. 5
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2
e. 6
f. 7

10. ... cryptography deals with traditional characters, i.e., letters & digits
a. Modern
b. Classic
c. Asymmetric
d. Latest
e. Encryption
f. Plaintext

11. … cryptography operates on binary-bit series and strings.

a. Modern
b. Classic
c. Asymmetric
d. Latest
e. Encryption
f. Plaintext

12. An attempt to harm, damage or cause threat to a system or network is

broadly termed as …
a. Cyber-crime
b. Cyber Attack
c. System hijacking
d. Digital crime
e. Data-backup
f. Data-attacks

13. In general how many key elements constitute the entire security structure?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
f. 6

14. … is the practice and precautions taken to protect valuable information

from unauthorised access, recording, disclosure or destruction.
a. Network Security
b. Database Security
c. Information Security
d. Physical Security

e. OS Security
f. Local Security
15. Cyber-crime can be categorized into … types.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
f. 6

16. Mobile security is also known as …

a. OS Security
b. Wireless security
c. Cloud security
d. Database security
e. Physical Security
f. Network Security

17. A/An … spends 85% of his/her time in profiling an organization and

rest amount in launching the attack.
a. security analyst
b. attacker
c. auditor
d. network engineer
e. programmer
f. developer

18. … automates an action or attack so that repetitive tasks are done at a

faster rate.
a. Auto-bots
b. Cookie-bots
c. Robots
d. Bots
e. Automatic
f. Auto-bots

19. … passwords are next level of security.

a. TPC

e. IP

20. How many types of footprinting are there?

a. 5
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2
e. 1
f. 6

Вариант 1

1. How to interpret HTML?

a. HyperThread Mask Language
b. HyperThread Markup Language
c. HyperText Mask Language
d. HyperText Markup Language
e. HyperText Mark Languages

2. What extension needs to be HTML documents?

a. .php or .asp.
b. .txt or .doc.
c. .doc or .html
d. .html or .htm
e. .php or .asplx

3. Tag allows you to create a list of this type.

• London
• Moscow
• Almaty
a. ol
b. list
c. ul
d. il
e. li

4. Tag creates the following header:

This is the biggest header
a. b
b. h6
c. h1
d. p
e. l

5. Antivirus programs are programs for

a. detecting
b. virus removal

c. the propagation of viruses
d. placed in the quarantine zone the infected files
e. the propagation of viruses and placing in quarantine the infected files

6. The main signs of viruses:

a. frequent freezes and crashes computer
b. reduce the amount of free memory
c. a significant increase in the number of files
d. slow work computer
e. fast work computer

7. A computer virus is ...

a. a special program able to reproduce
b. tool to check the discs
c. program for tracking viruses
d. file that when you run "infects" other
e. a special program able to reproduce and file that when you run "infects"
8. Tag creates the table
a. tab
b. table
c. tablet
d. td
e. tr

9. tag creates an ordered list

a. ul
b. li
c. ol
d. list
e. order

10. In what place of the HTML document must define the <title> tags,
<link> and <meta>.
a. These tags can be defined in any place in the document
b. In the <body> section
c. Section
d. In the <head1>section
e. In the <head>section

11. Specify which tags are used in the code below.
Я первый абзац.

Я второй абзац
a. <p>, <i> и <br />
b. <div>, <i> и <br />
c. <div>, <b> и <hr />
d. <p>, <a> и <br />
e. <p>, <ol> и <hr />

12. MS Excel. In the electronic spreadsheet in A1 cell number 5 is located,

in B1 cell a formula is written: =IF(A1>0;1;0). What is B1 cell value equal to?
a. 1
b. 0
c. 5
d. 10
e. -5

13. MS Excel. In the H5 cell the formula =$В$5*5 is writted. What formula
will be received when it copying in H7 cell?
a. =$В$7*7
b. =$В$5*5
c. =B$5*7
d. =B$5*7$
e. =$В$5*7

14. The Excel program belongs to the following type of programs:

a. Operating systems
b. Shell program
c. Word-processors
d. Programming languages
e. Еlectronic spreadsheet

15. The electronic spreadsheet is intended for:

a. visualization of structural communications between the data provided in
b. the processing of preferentially numeric data structured by means
of tables, which is realized in the course of economic, accounting,
engineering calculations
c. editing graphics images in tables

d. broadcasts of files per a computer network
e. the ordered storage and processing of the considerable data arrays

16. Extension of the archived files in the Windows operating system:

a. BMP
b. EXE
c. DOC
d. TXT

17. Operating systems are a component:

a. application software
b. system software
c. programming systems
d. unique software
e. database management systems

18. Clean superfluous. The latests version of Windows OS are:

a. Multitask
b. one-flow
c. Multi-user
d. High-productive
e. with enhanced network capabilities

19. What program isn't graphic:

a. MS Access
b. Corell Drow
c. Paint
d. 3D Studio Max
e. Photoshop
20. As it called network topology in which the connecting cable is closed?
a. star
b. bus
c. line
d. mixed
e. ring

Вариант 2

1. Which tag allows you to embed images in HTML-documents?

a. pic

b. img
c. picture
d. image
e. gpg

2. What tag makes the text bold?

a. b
b. big
c. h2
d. h1
e. h6

3. Tags were used when creating the text:

«Здесь вечный отдых для меня начнется.
И здесь стряхну ярмо зловещих звезд
С усталой шеи. — В последний раз,
Глаза, глядите; руки, обнимайте!
Вы, губы, жизни двери, поцелуем
Скрепите договор с корыстной смертью!»

«Ромео и Джульетта» У. Шекспир

a. i
b. p
c. P and i
d. pre
e. ol

4. Antivirus programs include:

a. Dr. Web
b. Windows Commander
c. Norton Antivirus
d. AviraP

5. Specify a tag allows you to create headlines.

a. strong
b. small
c. h2
d. em
e. li

6. What is the Database:
a. A set of the data relating to a certain subject
b. The file keeping varieties of tables
c. Special folder
d. The interdependent information (data) on objects specially structured and
stored in an external memory of the computer
e. Data set or the programs stored an oblate kind

7. MS Excel. The cell which located on intersection 3 lines and 1 column

is designated:
a. C1
b. A3
c. AA
d. 3A
e. B1

8. Local computer network (LAN):

a. Combining of computer networks at the state level
b. All-planetary combining of networks
c. Regional combining of networks
d. The computer network enveloping rather small distances (computer class,
office, the enterprise, etc.)
e. World computer network

9. What the cell address is created of?

a. At first line numbers, then a column names
b. Names of a sheet, line numbers and column names
c At first a column names, then line numbers
d. Line numbers
e. Column names

10. MS Excel. The cell range is described by means of a sign:

a. ...
b. ;
c. :
d. ,
e. +

11. MS Excel. Columns of the electronic spreadsheet:

a. designated by Latin alphabet letters

b. designated by Russian alphabet letters numbered
c. numbered
d. designated by any symbol
e. randomly named by user

12. Correct record of the cells' unit in MS Excel:

a A3:CE
b. ll:8L
c. LN1-AE5
d. H5xA13
e. A1:C5

13. There is a formula = SUM(A1:E1). Will be determined by this formula

in MS Excel:
a. The amount of the numbers placed in a cell of A1 and a cell of E1
b. Mean value of numbers in cells of A1 and E1
c. Mean value of all numbers placed in the range between A1 and E1
d. Quotient from division of a cell of A1 into E1
e. The amount of the numbers placed in cell range between A1 and E1

14. It is impossible to enter data of the following type into a cell of the
electronic spreadsheet:
a. Monetary
b. Graphic
c. Numerical
d. Text
e. Date/time

15. MS Excel. The line of formulas displays:

a. Result of the formula entered in the active cell
b. The cell address changing only when copying a formula on other sheet
c. The list of formulas which can be used for an adjacent cell
d. Data or the formula which is contained in the active cell
e. The cell address which isn't changing in case of formula’s relocation

16. MS Excel. Show impossible options for the data format «Date».
a. 14.2.00.
b. 4-апр-2000
c. Январь 29, 1994
d. 14/03/2009
e. 30/32/2016

17. As the main computer of a network is called:
a. The main
b. Server
c. Central
d. Service
e. Principal

18. …. is a self-contained step-by-step set of operations to be performed

a. Cloud computing
b. computing
c. algorithm
d. task
e. Web-technology

19. An electronic store your data on the Internet, which allows you to store,
edit, and share interesting files and documents with friends and colleagues.
a. Cloud technology
b. Internet
c. Network technology
d. Web-technology
e. Algorithm

20. The concept of «cloud computing» was born in…

a. 1960
b. 1980
c. 2005
d. 2008
e. 2016


Вариант 1 Вариант 2
1 2 3 4
1 d 1 b
2 d 2 a
3 c 3 c
4 c 4 a
5 all 5 c
6 a-d 6 d

1 2 3 4
7 a 7 b
8 b 8 d
9 c 9 c
10 e 10 c
11 c 11 a
12 a 12 e
13 b 13 e
14 e 14 b
15 b 15 d
16 e 16 e
17 b 17 b
18 b 18 c
19 a 19 a
20 e 20 a

1. Web browsers are:
a. FireFox
b. MS Word
c. Chrome
d. DOS
f. Unix
h. Safari

2. Computer internet technology refers to …, used to connect computers

a. devices
b. software
c. printer
d. motherboard
e. monitor
f. mouse
g. hub
h. hardware

3. DNS servers eliminate the need for humans to memorize IP addresses

such as
a. 3,4,5,5
b. 2400:cb00:2048:1:cb29:d7a2
e. OSI

4. DNS servers eliminate the need for humans to memorize IP addresses

such as
a. IPv4
b. IPv6
c. IPv8
d. IPv10
e. IPv12

5. Web browsers are:


b. Opera
c. MS Dos
d. DOS
f. Unix
g. Internet Explorer
h. MS Word

6. DNS server involved in loading a web page:

a. DNS recursor
b. the root server
c. authoritative nameserver
d. URL
e. browsers
f. server
g. IP addresses
h. protocol

7. Tags of HTML
a. <title>
b. <style>
c. <p>
d. <nm>
e. <m>

8. Tags of HTML
a. <script>
b. <br>
c. <img>
d. <vvv>
e. <osi>

9. TCP/IP has two parts:

a. file
b. IP
c. address
d. extension
e. the transport of data
f. protocol
g. name and extension
h. name of the file

10. Communications between the browser and website are encrypted by
a. TLS
b. SSl
c. IP
e. UDP

11. Protocols of Application Layer

a. tcp
b. pop3
c. smtp
d. udp
e. http

12. Protocols of Network Layer

a. icmp
b. tcp
c. ospf
d. vail
e. mail
f. rip
g. pop3
h. smtp

13. Internet based services

a. telnet
b. ftp
c. www
d. osi
e. msi

14. HTTP:
a. hyperlink t transfer protocol
b. hub transfer protocol
c. hyper transfer protocol
d. hypertext transfer protocol
e. hypertext transport protocol

15. Uniform Resource Locator:

a. html

c. http
d. www
e. pop3
f. w3c
g. telnet
h. URL

16. e-mail protocols:

a. imap
b. pop3
c. smtp
d. udp
e. ip

17. Tags of HTML

a. <head>
b. <style>
c. <h1>
d. <nm>
e. <m>

18. Tags of HTML

a. <m>
b. <ul>
c. <h8>
d. <nm>
e. <body>

19. Tags of HTML

a. <ol>
b. <tr>
c. <td1>
d. <nm>
e. <m>

20. Tags of HTML

a. <m>
b. <br>
c. <td6>

d. <nm>
e. <table>

21. Tags of HTML

a. <title>
b. <br>
c. <td6>
d. <nm>
e. <m>

22. Tags of HTML

a. <table>
b. <html>
c. <td6>
d. <nm>
e. <m>

23. What is the technology standard for managing of public Web sites and
other Internet domains?
a. operating system
b. file server
c. print server
d. DNS server
e. cloud technology

24. A hypertext interface to Internet information resources?

a. iso
b. osi
c. http
d. html
e. www
f. url
g. smtp
h. e-mail

25. Internet based on the

a. UDP communication protocols
b. TCP/IP communication protocols
c. e-mail communication protocols
d. http communication protocols
e. pop3 communication protocols

1 a, h, c 11 e, b, c 21 a, b
2 a, b, h 12 a, f, c 22 a, b
3 c, b 13 a, b, c 23 d
4 a, b 14 d 24 e
5 g, b 15 h 25 b
6 a, b, c 16 a, b, c
7 a, b, c 17 a, b, c
8 a, b, c 18 e, b
9 e, b 19 a, b
10 a, b 20 e, b

(первые варианты ответов правильные)

1 вариант

1. What is the Computer science

a. science of collecting, storing, processing and transmission of information
through computers
b. the science of e-mail
c. way of learning about the world by means of signals and symbols, a man
perceived by the senses
d. unit recording information
e. is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters
such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language

2. Binary numeral system has a base P:

a. P=2
b. P = 0,1
c. P = 10
d. P=1
e. P=8
3. Octal numeral system has a base P:
a. P=8
b. P=2
c. P = 0,1
d. P = 10
e. P=1

4. The first documented computer architecture was in the correspondence

a. Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace
b. Konrad Zuse and Ada Lovelace
c. Charles Babbage and Konrad Zuse
d. Mohammad Usman Khan and and Frederick P. Brooks
e. Mohammad Usman Khan and Konrad Zuse

5. Main components of the computer

a. CPU, Memory, Mass storage device, Input device, Output device
b. USB, Monitor, Input device, Output device, scaner
c. Central processing unit

d. fast, expensive, short-term memory
e. a display screen, printer, or other device that lets you see what the
computer has accomplished

6. Computers can be generally classified by size and power as follows,

though there is considerable overlap (select the wrong answer):
a. Midsize computer
b. Workstation
c. Minicomputer
d. Mainframe
e. Personal computer

7. Convert the decimal number 2 to binary

a. 00000010
b. 00000110
c. 00000001
d. 00000011
e. 01000000

8. Convert the decimal number 3 to binary

a. 00000011
b. 11000000
c. 10000000
d. 00000001
e. 00000000

9. Convert the decimal number 7 to binary

a. 00000111
b. 00000110
c. 00000101
d. 00000100
e. 00000011

10. A graphical user interface operating system front-end to MSDOS

developed by the Microsoft Corporation
a. Windows
b. Lunix
c. Mac OS X
d. Word
e. Paint

11. Memory
a. the electronic part of a computer system that is used for temporarily
storing the programs and data that are being used by the processor
b. data about data in a document
c. a minimal computer operating system kernel
d. the common name for the Microsoft Corporation
e. the program presents a TDI

12. A clone of the Unix operating system created by Linus Torvalds for use
on personal computers –
a. Linux
b. Mac OS X
c. Macromedia
d. Memory
e. Windows

13. Interface – …
a. the hardware or software that connects two systems and allows them to
communicate with each other
b the physical components of a computer system
c. network internal to an organization that uses Internet protocols
d. a method for storing and organizing computer files and the data they
contain to make it easy to find and access them.
e. a method for storing and organizing computer files and the data they
contain to make it easy to find and access them

14. Graphical user interface or GUI – …

a. a type of user interface which allows people to interact with a computer
and computer-controlled devices which employ graphical icons, visual
indicators or special graphical elements called "widgets", along with
text, labels or text navigation to represent the information and actions
available to a user.
b. the physical components of a computer system
c. the hardware or software that connects two systems and allows them to
communicate with each other
d. network internal to an organization that uses Internet protocols
e. a method for storing and organizing computer files and the data they
contain to make it easy to find and access them

15. File system – …
a. a method for storing and organizing computer files and the data they
contain to make it easy to find and access them.
b. a type of user interface which allows people to interact with a computer
and computer-controlled devices which employ graphical icons, visual
indicators or special graphical elements called "widgets", along with
text, labels or text navigation to represent the information and actions
available to a user.
c. the physical components of a computer system
d. the hardware or software that connects two systems and allows them to
communicate with each other
e. network internal to an organization that uses Internet protocols

16. A systems program that controls a peripheral device

a. Driver
b. Duplex
c. Eiffel
d. Embedded software
e. Expert system

17. A piece of program text written in a programming language-…

a. Code
b. Channel
c. Compatible
d. Crash
e. С++

18. Buffer –
a. a data area shared by hardware devices or program processes that operate
at different speeds or with different sets of priorities
b. a general purpose computer programming language that was originally
designed for writing Unix systems programs
c. an object-oriented superset of the C programming language commonly
used for writing application programs for the Microsoft Windows
operating system
d. a path for the transmission of data
e. a piece of program text written in a programming language

19. A computer program designed to be used for a particular purpose, a

word processor, spreadsheet or database program.
a. program or software

b. Artificial intelligence
c. Backbone
d. Bandwidth
e. Bridge

20. Acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange is a

standard character encoding scheme
b. OSI
c. ISO
d. GPU
e. CDC

21. A computer architecture based on that described in 1945 by the

mathematician and physicist
a. John von Neumann
b. Lyle R. Johnson
c. Mohammad Usman Khan
d. Frederick P. Brooks
e. the Machine Organization department

22. A supercomputer is
a. a computer with a high-level computational capacity compared to a
general-purpose computer
b. a theoretical quantum computer
c. the first machine was the CDC STAR-100 and the TI ASC
d. a computer processor which incorporates the functions of a computer's
central processing unit (CPU) on a single integrated circuit (IC), or at
most a few integrated circuits
e. is a single chip that contains more than one microprocessor core

23. A multi-core processor

a. is a single chip that contains more than one microprocessor core
b. the first machine was the CDC STAR-100 and the TI ASC
c. a computer processor which incorporates the functions of a computer's
central processing unit (CPU) on a single integrated circuit (IC), or at
most a few integrated circuits
d. a theoretical quantum computer
e. a computer with a high-level computational capacity compared to a
general-purpose computer

24. Quantum computers
a. a theoretical quantum computer
b. the first machine was the CDC STAR-100 and the TI ASC
c. a computer processor which incorporates the functions of a computer's
central processing unit (CPU) on a single integrated circuit (IC), or at
most a few integrated circuits
d. is a single chip that contains more than one microprocessor core
e. a computer with a high-level computational capacity compared to a
general-purpose computer

25. A … consists of a set of loosely or tightly connected computers that

work together so that, in many respects, they can be viewed as a single system.
a. computer cluster
b. supercomputer
c. minicomputer
d. notebook
e. laptop

26. Pick out the right definition: User interface

a. in the industrial design field of human–machine interaction, is the space
where interactions between humans and machines occur.
b. a software package
c. document-linking features
d. pasted data
e. a software package for a specific task

27. Pick out the right definition: Application

a. a software package for a specific task
b. a device name
c. pasted data
d. commands given to computer
e. document-linking features

28. Pick out the right concept (or synonym): to paste (in human-computer
a. to insert (for example, the word in the text)
b. to create a directory
c. to copy dissimilar document types
d. commands given to computer
e. document-linking features

29. Pick out the right definition: Paintbrush
a. a drawing programme
b. a communication programme
c. a word processing programme
d. excel programming
e. interface

30. Pick out the right definition: Operating system

a. a complex of the system and control programs intended for the most
effective using of all resources of the computing system and convenience
of work with it.
b. a table of contents for the disk
c. is a disk copy command
d. a disk drive
e. a piece of hardware

31. Pick out the right definition: Peripheral device

a. a piece of computer hardware equipment, an ancillary device used to put
information into and get information out of the computer
b. a table of contents for the disk
c. a collection of related information
d. allows to communicate with computer and other devices
e. is a disk copy command

32. To choose the incorrect answer: input device is …

a. a monitor
b. a mouse
c. a keyboard
d. a scanner
e. a joystick

33. To choose the incorrect answer: a output device is …

a. a scanner
b. a printer
c. a projector
d. a computer speaker
e. a monitor

34. Pick out the right definition: Programme

a. instructions written in computer language

b. a place where information is stored
c. devices to perform commands
d. error message
e. device name

35. Pick out the right definition: File

a. the data set placed on external memory and stored, sent and processed as
a unit
b. error message
c. software
d. a place where information is stored
e. device name

36. Pick out the right definition: Volume label

a. internal name of disk
b. device name
c. filename
d. device name
e. error message

37. Input device:

a. keyboard
b. printer
c. monitor
d. screen system
e. notebook

38. Android is a mobile operating system developed by …

a. Google
b. Windows
c. Apple
d. Microsoft
e. Nokia

39. Simbian is a mobile operating system developed by …

a. Nokia
b. Windows
c. Apple
d. Microsoft
e. Google

40. iOS (originally iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system created and
developed by …
a. Apple Inc.
b. Google
c. Windows
d. Microsoft
e. Nokia

41. (?)… is a term used to denote the act or process by which application
software is developed for mobile devices, such as personal digital assistants,
enterprise digital assistants or mobile phones.
a. Mobile application development
b. iOS shares
c. Windows
d. Microsoft
e. Yandex

42. Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google, based on

the …(?) kernel and designed primarily for touch screen mobile devices such as
smartphones and tablets.
a. Linux
b. iOS
c. Windows
d. Microsoft
e. Yandex

43. An …(?).. is system software that control computer hardware and

software resources and provides common services for computer programs.
a. operating system (OS)
b. Internet Explorer
c. Windows hardware
d. Microsoft
e. Yandex

44. A single-tasking operating system can only run (?) program at a time
a. one
b. two
c. 3
d. 4
e. many

45. A (?) is an operating system that guarantees to process events or data by
a specific moment in time.
a. real-time operating system
b. A library operating system
c. Embedded operating system
d. A distributed operating system
e. Single-user operating system

46. Computer graphics are ...

a. pictures and drawings
b. texts
c. digits
d. data
e. process

47. Click –
a. position the mouse pointer over an element, press and release the left
mouse button in one time.
b. same as above except press the mouse button twice in quick succession
without moving the mouse between clicks.
c. position the mouse pointer over an element, press and hold the left mouse
button, and drag the mouse across the screen.
d. the instruction manuals for most software applications contain a section
describing the functions of each key or combination of keys.
e. a display adapter card is actually what builds the video images

48. Double-click
a. position the mouse pointer over an element, press the mouse button twice
and release the left mouse button in one time in quick succession without
moving the mouse between clicks.
b. same as above except press the mouse button twice in quick succession
without moving the mouse between clicks.
c. position the mouse pointer over an element, press and hold the left mouse
button, and drag the mouse across the screen.
d. The instruction manuals for most software applications contain a section
describing the functions of each key or combination of keys.
e. A display adapter card is actually what builds the video images position
the mouse pointer over an element and press and release the left mouse
button one time

49. Drag is …
a. position the mouse pointer over an element, press, to move by the left
mouse button on the necessary place in one time and to drop
b. position the mouse pointer over an element, press the mouse button twice
and release the left mouse button in one time in quick succession without
moving the mouse between clicks.
c. position the mouse pointer over an element, press and hold the right
mouse button, and to move the mouse across the screen.
d. the instruction manuals for most software applications contain a section
describing the functions of each key or combination of keys
e. a display adapter card that builds the video images

50. What did Ch. Babbage invent in 1812

a. the first calculating machine
b. Xerox
c. the driver
e. Windows

51. When (to invent) Ch. Babbage the first calculating machine?
a. In 1812
b. In 1912
c. In 1822
d. In 1911
e. In 1712

52. What devices can serve as input?

a. a mouse
b. a printer
c. a monitor
d. a plotter
e. a interactive board

53. Here's an example of a filename with the extension

a. progress.rpt
b. progress
c. *.
d. .doc
e. paint

54. Father of the computer
a. Charles Babbage
b. Ada Lovelace
c. Konrad Zuse
d. Frederick P. Brooks
e. Mohammad Usman Khan

55. The first computers used

a. vacuum tubes
b. transistors
c. microprocessor
d. kernel
e. processor

56. ALU –
a. arithmetic logic unit
b. arithmetic logic unprocess
c. arithmetic low unit
d. algebra logic unit
e. arithmetic unit

57. OS (abbreviation)
a. operating system
b. open system
c. offen system
d. old system
e. un system

58. If you or your computer makes a mistake when using a device or

MS-DOS command, MS-DOS displays an appropriate….
a. error message
b. device errors
c. result
d. diskcopy.exe
e. Device names

59. Microsoft Windows (or simply Windows) is a system software that

makes your …. (or compatible) easy to use
a. PC
b. device errors

c. result
d. diskcopy.exe
e. Device names

60. … is a computer program that you use for writing letters, reports,
documents, or the software that is used for this purpose
a. A word processor
b. Databases
c. Graphics
d. e-mail
e. laptop

61. It is a portable computer weighing about 2-4 kg.

a. laptop
b. mainframe
c. supercomputer
d. mobile
e. PC

62. The file name consists of parts:

a. Name and extension
b. Extension
c. Length of file
d. Extension and length of the file
e. Length and name

63. What is the file?

a. a named collection of data on disk
b. Several programs
c. fragment of a text document
d. segment of the program, which stores some value
e. hard disk

64. Numeral system – is ...

a. a way of writing numbers using a given set of special characters and
rules of arithmetic operations
b. linear array
c. Mathematics Editor
d. unordered set of data
e. Data

65. In OS Windows «clipboard» is ...
a. The special area of memory for temporary storage of information when
moving objects
b. Windows applications Word
c. Part of the memory where the operating system
d. Land of memory on your hard drive
e. Writes the selected piece in a file

66. In order to bring the context menu object, you must:

a. Right-click
b. Click the left mouse button
c. Choose the appropriate command-line menu
d. Select the appropriate button Toolbar
e. Writes the selected piece in a file

67. Standard Windows programs are not ...

a. Microsoft Word
b. Graphic editor Paint
c. Notepad
d. WordPad
e. Calculator

68. What extension is a file created in MS Access?

a. . mdb
b. . doc
c. . xls
d. . txt
e. . docx

69. What is a computer virus?

a. A specially written program of small size, which can distort and destroy
information on your computer
b. Programs that do not allow to open the data with a password
c. The program reduces the file size by compression
d. Do not read data that is stored on a hard drive or on floppy disk
e. File

70. The modern organization of computers offered ...

a. John Von Neumann
b. George Boole

c. Ada Lovelace
d. Norbert Wiener
e. Blaise Pascal

71. Select the correct record the full name of the file:
a. C: \ DIR1 \ DIR2 \ text.txt
b. A/dir1/fil com
c. B: \ D1 \ Dir2
d. D: \ \ dir.my \ \ do txt
e. object for automation of frequently performed

72. What is the expansion in the file name for MS Excel?

a. *. xls
b. *. exe
c. *. bmp
d. *. com
e. object for automation of frequently performed

73. Software presentation of the algorithm

a. is a text on programming languages
b. a description of the successive stages of data processing. The algorithm is
given in an arbitrary statement in natural language
c. represented by a sequence unrelated functional blocks, each of which
corresponds to the execution of one or more actions
d. is a system of symbols and rules designed for a uniform recording
e. programming languages

74. Properties of the algorithm. Readability –

a. the possibility of splitting the processing of information into simpler
b. uniqueness of the implementation of a separate step, transformation of
c. the possibility of obtaining the desired result for a given input information
for a specific number of steps
d. suitability of the algorithm for solving a certain class of problems
e. object for automation of frequently performed

75. Properties of the algorithm. Definitions –

a. uniqueness of the implementation of a separate step, transformation of

b. the possibility of splitting the processing of information into simpler
c. the possibility of obtaining the desired result for a given input information
for a specific number of steps
d. suitability of the algorithm for solving a certain class of problems
e. object for automation of frequently performed

2 вариант

1. Interface –
a. the hardware or software that connects two systems and allows them to
communicate with each other
b. the conditions and goals set upon the user
c. is the arrangement of the various elements (links, nodes, etc.) of a
computer network
d. two basic categories of network topologies
e. a software package for a specific task

2. Two basic categories of network topologies exist, physical topologies and

a. logical topologies
b. logical ring topology
c. a physical star
d. network topology
e. a point-to-point connection

3. Network topologies:
a. Bus, star, ring
b. Bus, round, ring
c. Bus, star, line
d. Button, star, ring
e. Bus, star, button

4. …. is a numerical label assigned to each device (e.g., computer,

printer) participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for
a. An Internet Protocol address
b. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
c. Regional Internet registries
d. Private addresses
e. Mac address

5. NAT –
a. network address translation
b. network address transport
c. network area translation
d. Net translation
e. Network and translation

6. The default mask for the class A


7. Pick a private address


8. How many levels does the OSI Model

a. 7
b. 6
c. 0
d. 1
e. 3

9. The three most common email protocols are

c. MAIL, e-mail, mail.ru

10. LAN (Local Area Network) –

a. a network connecting computers in a relatively small area such as a
b. a board that provides network communication capabilities to and from a

c. a set of standards for software used with internal look-up tables in a TCP/
IP network for routing data through a gateway between networks restore
d. an electronic device that links different networks or parts of a network
e. a network connecting computers within very large areas, such as states,
countries, and the world

11. WAN (Wide Area Network) –

a. a network connecting computers within very large areas, such as states,
countries, and the world
b. a network connecting computers in a relatively small area such as a
c. a board that provides network communication capabilities to and from a
d. a set of standards for software used with internal look-up tables in a TCP/
IP network for routing data through a gateway between networks restore
e. an electronic device that links different networks or parts of a network

12. Protocol –
a. a set of standards for software used with internal look-up tables in a TCP/
IP network for routing data through a gateway between networks restore.
b. a network connecting computers within very large areas, such as states,
countries, and the world
c. a network connecting computers in a relatively small area such as a
d. a board that provides network communication capabilities to and from a
e. an electronic device that links different networks or parts of a network

13. Indicate which of the IP address belongs to a class A

e. 252.415.45.10

14. Indicate which of the IP address belongs to a class B


15. Indicate which of the IP address belongs to a class C

16. Teg IMG is used:

a. To insert a picture on page
b. To indicate the beginning of the table
c. To specify a comment to the object
d. to display tips to tag
e. to insert a link to another document or resource

17. Teg TITLE is used:

a. To set the page title
b. To indicate the page title
c. To identify citations in the text
d. To underline the text on the page
e. to select the table header...

18. Potentially possible event, action (action), the process or phenomenon

that may cause damage to anyone's interest became known as
a. A threat
b. Event
c. Protection
d. Security
e. crypto

19. Ergonomika – it is
a. Science on the development of products that interact with us physically.
b. Science that studies the application scope of our mental characteristics.
c. The science of the economically correct solutions.
d. The science of the psychological impact of computers on the person.
e. The science of designing the user interface.

20. As it called network topology in which the connecting cable is closed?

a. ring
b. star
c. bus

d. line
e. mixed

21. What is the well-defined set of rules and conventions for communication
network of the same level?
a. protocol
b. interface
c. model
d. network model
e. Network interface

22. Specify the names of the basic protocol stack TCP / IP computer
a. TCP and IP
b. TCP and UDP
c. IP and PoP
d. IP and Imap
e. TCP and Http

23. Determine the number of nodes that can support a network of class C
a. 254
b. 16384
c. 65534
d. 2097152
e. 256

24. Determine the subnet mask for the network identifiers of class C

25. To determine which class belongs to address

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E

26. To determine which class belongs to address
a. C
b. A
c. B
d. D
e. E

27. What is the result c? If a = 3, b = 4

a,b: real;
c: real;
c := sqrt(a*a+b*b);
a. 5
b. 7
c. 25
d. 0
e. 16

28. If expression then operator1 else operator2;

a. conditional operator
b. cycle operator
c. variant operator
d. entry operator
e. case

29. …. a specially decorated libraries routines.

a. unit
b. programme
c. operator
d. task
e. subprogramme

30. Turbo Pascal includes the following set of basic symbols: (select the
a. Greek letters
b. _ underscore

c. 10 numbers: 0-9
d. operations symbols: + - * / = <> < > <= >= := @
e. specifiers: ^ $ #

31. … is a type of Internet-based computing that provides shared computer

processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand.
a. Cloud computing
b. algorithm
c. computing
d. task
e. Web-technology

32. …. is a self-contained step-by-step set of operations to be performed

a. algorithm
b. Cloud computing
c. computing
d. task
e. Web-technology

33. An electronic store your data on the Internet, which allows you to store,
edit, and share interesting files and documents with friends and colleagues.
a. Cloud technology
b. Internet
c. Network technology
d. Web-technology
e. Algorithm

34. The concept of "cloud computing" was born in…

a. 1960
b. 1980
c. 2005
d. 2008
e. 2016

35. National Institute of Standards and Technology recorded the following

mandatory characteristics of cloud technology:
a. The ability to access data from any computer with access to the Internet
b. One of the most interesting developments in telecommunication is the
rapid progress of optical communication where optical fibers are replacing
conventional telephone wires and cables.

c. Bridges and routers are both special kinds of devices used for
internetworking LANs that is, linking different LANs or LAN segments
d. The Microsoft MS-DOS operating system is like a translator between
you and your computer.
e. A file is a collection of related information, like the contents of a file
folder in a desk drawer.

36. A business model of selling software in which the owner (supplier)

software provides access to it to users (customers) through the Internet – ...
a. SaaS
b. MaaS
c. DaaS
d. HaaS
e. CaaS

37. … – is served in the cloud software for monitoring and security.

a. MaaS
b. DaaS
c. HaaS
d. CaaS
e. SaaS

38. Ensuring access to information only to the authorized users – …

a. Confidentiality
b. Integrity
c. Availability
d. Information security
e. Safety of information

39. Ensuring reliability and completeness of information and methods of its

a. Integrity
b. Confidentiality
c. Availability
d. Information security
e. Safety of information

40. The following main types of information are allocated on a perception

method: (select the wrong answer)
a. graphical

b. visual
c. tactile
d. olfactory
e. flavoring

41. The following main types of information are allocated in a representation

form: (select the wrong answer)
a. flavoring
b. text
c. numerical
d. graphical
e. sound

42. The following main types of information are allocated to destination

(select the wrong answer):
a. reliable
b. mass
c. special
d. confidential
e. personal (private)

43. Three basic principles which information security shall provide are
a. Integrity of data, Confidentiality of information, Accessibility of infor-
mation to all authorized users
b. information valuable at present time, information obtained without
misstatements, contains a specific set of concepts
c. transferred in a type of the symbols intended to designate language
lexemes, in the form of images, objects, schedules, perceived by organs
of vision
d. all aspects connected with determination, a condition of security of data
in case of which their confidentiality, ensuring access to information only
to the authorized users
e. information valuable at present time, all aspects connected with
determination, information obtained without misstatements

44. A representation of the data in a way that provides the most efficient
person working on their study
a. Data visualization
b. Integrity of data

c. The following main types of information
d. Availability
e. Internet

45. A skill-set that seeks to identify, locate, manipulate, format and

present data in such a way as to optimally communicate meaning and proper
a. Data presentation architecture
b. Data visualization
c. Availability
d. The following main types of information
e. Integrity of data

46. Data Visualization is connected with the visualization of …

a. information, infographics, scientific visualization, exploratory data
analysis and statistical graphics.
b. mathematical and scientific research
c. users
d. tablets
e. PC

47. Perceived need for quality presentation of information began to emerge

in the
a. Renaissance
b. XIX century
c. XX century
d. XXI century
e. XI century

48. Data mining is an interdisciplinary subfield of …

a. computer science
b. mathematic
c. data visualization
d. infographics
e. statistical graphics

49. The basic types of data presentation:

a. columnar and pie charts, bar charts, line charts, time series charts,
contour plots
b. pie charts

c. time series charts
d. columnar and pie charts
e. contour plots

50. … is an extended term for information technology which stresses the

role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications
(telephone lines and wireless signals), computers as well as necessary enterprise
software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, which enable users to
access, store, transmit, and manipulate information.
a. Information and communications technology
b. Multimedia technology
c. Cloud technology
d. Digital technology
e. Network technology

51. The term is … used to refer to the convergenceof audio-visual and

telephone networks with computer networks\ through a single cabling or link
a. ICT
b. Multimedia
c. Cloud
d. WAN
e. LAN

52. The formal sign system intended for record of computer programs – …
a. Programming language
b. WAN
c. LAN
d. ICT
e. Multimedia

53. … is the branch of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering

and computer science that deals with the design, construction, operation, and
application of robots, as well as computer systems for their control, sensory
feedback, and information processing.
a. Robotics
c. Nanotechnology
d. nanotech
e. E-government

54. … is manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular
a. Nanotechnology
b. Robotics
d. E-government
e. E-learning

55. Internet government, digital government, online government – …

a. E-government
b. Robotics
d. E-learning
e. Nanotechnology

56. The electronic government is …

a. the system providing direct link of the population with the government of
the country
b. state forum
c. local network
d. E-learning
e. Nanotechnology

57. The hardware-software complex intended for implementation of

information processes …
a. The Information System (IS)
b. state forum
c. local network
d. E-learning
e. Nanotechnology

58. … an exchange of goods and (or) services based on the existing

communications with the help of electronic means of communication.
a. Electronic commerce
b. local network
c. E-learning
d. Nanotechnology
e. E-government

59. The concept «electronic commerce» is equivalent to the concept …

a. electronic trading

b. E-learning
c. Nanotechnology
d. E-government
e. ICT

60. … is one that provides its home owners comfort, security, energy
efficiency (low operating costs) and convenience at all times, regardless of
whether anyone is home.
a. A Smart Home
b. Smart City
c. Nanotechnology
d. ICT
e. E-learning

61. … is a city where day after day the quality of life is improved and the
costs of sevices are decreased
a. SmartCity
b. A Smart Home
c. Nanotechnology
d. ICT
e. E-learning

62. Expanding archived files in the operating system Windows:

b. BMP
c. TXT
d. DOC
e. PNG

63. Access. The field value which can not be repeated is called:
a. key
b. binding
c. counter
d. unique
e. ict

64. Absolute cell references Excel spreadsheet is:

a. $ A $ 1
b. @ A @ 1
c. $ A1

d. A1
e. AB

65. MS Excel. The maximum number of columns:

a. 256
b. 0
c. 120
d. 65000
e. 10000

66. MS Excel. In the electronic spreadsheet in A1 cell number 5 is located,

in B1 cell a formula is written: =IF(A1>0;1;0). What is B1 cell value equal to?
a. 1
b. 0
c. 5
d. 10
e. -5

67. MS Excel. The cell which located on intersection 3 lines and 1 column
is designated:
a. A3
b. C1
c. AA
d. 3A
e. B1

68. What is the Database:

a. The interdependent information (data) on objects specially structured and
stored in an external memory of the computer
b. The file keeping varieties of tables
c. Special folder
d. A set of the data relating to a certain subject
e. Data set or the programs stored an oblate kind

69. The IP address is:

a. Unique address of the computer on a network
b. Only servers address
c. Protocol
d. Postal index
e. Home address of the user

70. How cell coordinates in MS Excel are called?
a. Address
b. Digit
c. Cell
d. Letter
e. Number

71. Operation finish with Windows OS can be realized a key combination:

a. Alt + F4
b. Ctrl + Break
c. Ctrl + Alt
d. Alt + F5
e. Shift + Alt

72. Local computer network (LAN):

a. The computer network enveloping rather small distances (computer class,
office, the enterprise, etc.)
b. All-planetary combining of networks
c. Regional combining of networks
d. Combining of computer networks at the state level
e. World computer network

73. Access DBMS doesn't work with:

a. Presentations
b. Requests
c. Forms
d. Tables
e. Reports

74. Correct record of the cells' unit in MS Excel:

a. A1:C5
b. ll:8L
c. LN1-AE5
d. H5xA13
e. A3:CE

75. How the ordered sequence of computer commands for the tasks' decision
is called?
a. Program
b. Application

c. Translation
d. Compilation
e. Debugging

1 вариант

1. Cloud technology include of:

a. Facebook
b. MS Word
c. e-mail
d. DOS
f. Unix
g. on-line text editor

2. Computer internet technology refers to …, used to connect computers

a. devices
b. software
c. printer
d. motherboard
e. monitor
f. mouse
g. hardware

3. DNS servers eliminate the need for humans to memorize IP addresses

such as
a. 3,4,5,5
b. 2400:cb00:2048:1:cb29:d7a2
e. OSI

4. DNS servers eliminate the need for humans to memorize IP addresses

such as
a. IPv4
b. IPv6
c. IPv8
d. IPv10
e. IPv12

5. Web browsers are:

a. Internet Explorer

b. Opera
c. MS Dos
d. DOS

6. DNS server involved in loading a web page:

a. DNS recursor
b. the root server
c. authoritative nameserver
d. URL
e. browsers
f. server
g. IP addresses

7. Tags of HTML
a. <title>
b. <style>
c. <p>
d. <nm>
e. <m>
f. <j>
g. <k>

8. Multimedia technology include

a. video
b. video stream/ потоковое видео
c. interactiv video/ интерактивное видео
d. text editor/ текстовый редактор
e. e-mail
f. cloud technology

9. TCP/IP has two parts:

a. file
b. IP
c. address
d. extension
e. the transport of data
f. protocol/протокол

10. Communications between the browser and website are encrypted by

a. TLS

b. SSl
c. IP
e. UDP
f. DDD

11. Protocols of Application Layer

a. tcp
b. pop3
c. smtp
d. udp
e. http
f. hhh

12. Protocols of Network Layer

a. icmp
b. tcp
c. ospf
d. vail
e. mail
f. rip

13. Internet based services

a. telnet
b. ftp
c. www
d. osi
e. msi

14. Computers can be generally classified by size and power as follows,

though there is considerable overlap (select the wrong answer):
a. mainframe
b. supercomputer
c. laptop
d. Midsize computer
e. PC

15. Quantum computers:

a. a theoretical quantum computer
b. the first machine was the CDC STAR-100 and the TI ASC

c. a computer processor which incorporates the functions of a computer's
central processing unit (CPU) on a single integrated circuit (IC), or at
most a few integrated circuits/
d. is a single chip that contains more than one microprocessor core
e. a computer with a high-level computational capacity compared to a
general-purpose computer

16. Expanding archived files in the operating system Windows

a. ARJ
b. ZIP
c. RAR
d. udp
e. ip

17. Tags of HTML

a. <head>
b. <style>
c. <h1>
d. <nm>
e. <m>

18. Tags of HTML

a. <m>
b. <ul>
c. <h8>
d. <nm>
e. <body>
f. <mmm>

19. Tags of HTML

a. <ol>
b. <tr>
c. <td1>
d. <nm>
e. <m>
f. <PPP>
g. <vvv>

20. Tags of HTML

a. <m>

b. <br>
c. <td6>
d. <nm>
e. <table>
f. <jou>
g. <poi)

21. Information communication technologies:

a. cloud technology
b. multimedia technology
c. text editor
d. software
e. hardware
f. file system
g. robotics

22. Correct record of the cells in MS Excel:

a. C1
b. B4
c. <td6>
e. 10:20
f. <>
g. 112

23. A systems program that controls a peripheral device?

a. operating system
b. file server
c. Duplex
d. Driver
e. cloud technology
f. multimedia

24. In a graphical representation of the algorithm?

a. a system of symbols and rules designed for a uniform recording
b. a text on programming languages
c. http
d. object for automation of frequently performed
e. represented by a sequence of interrelated functional blocks, each of
which corresponds to the execution of one or more actions

f. a description of the successive stages of data processing. The algorithm is
given in an arbitrary statement in natural language

25. Main components of the computer

a. USB, Monitor, Input device, Output device, scaner
b. CPU, Memory, Mass storage device, Input device, Output device
c. E-mail communication protocols
d. Central processing unit
e. Fast, expensive, short-term memory
f. A display screen, printer, or other device that lets you see what the
computer has accomplished

2 вариант

1. Cloud technology include of:

a. Instagram
b. MS Word
c. e-mail
d. DOS
f. Unix
g. Вконтакте

2. Computer internet technology refers to …, used to connect computers

a. devices
b. softwarec.
c. printer
d. motherboard
e. monitor
f. mouse
g. hardware

3. DNS servers eliminate the need for humans to memorize IP addresses

such as
a. 3,4,5,5
b. 2400:cb00:2048:1:cb29:d7a2

4. Input devices:
a. Keyboard
b. mouse
c. printer
d. smattphone
e. plotter

5. Web browsers are:

a. Internet Explorer
b. Opera
c. MS Dos
d. DOS

6. Output devices:
a. printer
b. monitor
c. authoritative nameserver
d. URL
e. browsers
f. server
g. IP addresses

7. Components of the computer:

a. monitor
b. keyboard
c. processor
d. e-mail
e. e-learning
f. robotocs
g. plotter

8. Multimedia technology include:

a. video
b. video stream
c. interactiv video
d. text editor
e. e-mail
f. cloud technology

9. Mobile operating system:
a. Windows
b. iOS
c. Unix
d. Linux
e. Android
f. DOS

10. Communications between the browser and website are encrypted by

a. TLS
b. SSl
c. IP
e. UDP
f. DDD

11. Three topologies of the computer network

a. tcp
b. ring
c. star
d. udp
e. bus
f. hub

12. Protocols of Network Layer

a. icmp
b. tcp
c. ospf
d. vail
e. mail
f. rip

13. Internet based services

a. telnet
b. ftp
c. www
d. osi
e. msi
14. Computers can be generally classified by size and power as follows,
though there is considerable overlap (select the wrong answer):
a. mainframe

b. supercomputer
c. laptop
d. Midsize computer
e. PC

15. Quantum computers:

a. a theoretical quantum computerb. the first machine was the CDC STAR-
100 and the TI ASC/ c. a computer processor which incorporates the
functions of a computer's central processing unit (CPU) on a single
integrated circuit (IC), or at most a few integrated circuits/
d. is a single chip that contains more than one microprocessor core
e. a computer with a high-level computational capacity compared to a
general-purpose computer/

16. Expanding archived files in the operating system Windows

a. ARJ
b. ZIP
c. RAR
d. udp
e. ip

17. Tags of HTML

a. <head>
b. <style>
c. <h1>
d. <nm>
e. <m>

18. Tags of HTML

a. <m>
b. <ul>
c. <h8>
d. <nm>
e. <body>
f. <mmm>

19. Tags of HTML

a. <ol>
b. <tr>
c. <td1>

d. <nm>
e. <m>
f. <PPP>
g. <vvv>

20. Tags of HTML

a. <m>
b. <br>
c. <td6>
d. <nm>
e. <table>
f. <jou>
g. <poi)

21. Componets of e-learning:

a. test system
b. e-library
c. e-gove
d. ISO
e. OSI
f. network
g. e-mail

22. Correct record of the cells in MS Excel:

a. C1
b. B4
c. <td6>
e. 10:20
f. <>
g. 112

23. A systems program that controls a peripheral device?

a. operating system
b. file server
c. Duplex
d. Driver
e. cloud technology
f. multimedia

24. In a graphical representation of the algorithm?
a. a system of symbols and rules designed for a uniform recording
b. a text on programming languages
c. http
d. object for automation of frequently performed
e. represented by a sequence of interrelated functional blocks, each of
which corresponds to the execution of one or more actions
f. a description of the successive stages of data processing. The algorithm is
given in an arbitrary statement in natural language

25. Main components of the computer a. USB, Monitor, Input device, Output
device, scaner
b. CPU, Memory, Mass storage device, Input device, Output device
c. e-mail communication protocols
d. Central processing unit
e. fast, expensive, short-term memory
f. A display screen, printer, or other device that lets you see what the
computer has accomplished

3 вариант

1. Web browsers are:

a. FireFox
b. MS Word
c. Chrome
d. DOS
f. Unix
h. Safari

2. Computer internet technology refers to …, used to connect computers

a. devices
b. software
c. printer
d. motherboard
e. monitor
f. mouse
g. hub
h. hardware

3. DNS servers eliminate the need for humans to memorize IP addresses
such as
a. 3,4,5,5
b. 2400:cb00:2048:1:cb29:d7a2
e. OSI

4. DNS servers eliminate the need for humans to memorize IP addresses

such as
a. IPv4
b. IPv6
c. IPv8
d. IPv10
e. IPv12

5. Web browsers are:

b. Opera
c. MS Dos
d. DOS
f. Unix
g. Internet Explorer
h. MS Word

6. DNS server involved in loading a web page:

a. DNS recursor
b. the root server
c. authoritative nameserver
d. URL
e. browsers
f. server
g. IP addresses
h. protocol

7. Tags of HTML
a. <title>
b. <style>
c. <p>

d. <nm>
e. <m>

8. Tags of HTML
a. <script>
b. <br>
c. <img>
d. <vvv>
e. <osi>

9. TCP/IP has two parts:

a. file
b. IP
c. address
d. extension
e. the transport of data
f. protocol
g. name and extension
h. name of the file

10. Communications between the browser and website are encrypted by

a. TLS
b. SSl
c. IP
e. UDP

11. Protocols of Application Layer

a. tcp
b. pop3
c. smtp
d. udp
e. http

12. Protocols of Network Layer

a. icmp
b. tcp
c. ospf
d. vail
e. mail

f. rip
g. pop3
h. smtp

13. Internet based services

a. telnet
b. ftp
c. www
d. osi
e. msi

14. HTTP:
a. hyperlink t transfer protocol
b. hub transfer protocol
c. hyper transfer protocol
d. hypertext transfer protocol
e. hypertext transport protocol

15. Uniform Resource Locator:

a. html
c. http
d. www
e. pop3
f. w3c
g. telnet
h. URL

16. e-mail protocols:

a. imap
b. pop3
c. smtp
d. udp
e. ip

17. Tags of HTML

a. <head>
b. <style>
c. <h1>
d. <nm>
e. <m>

18. Tags of HTML
a. <m>
b. <ul>
c. <h8>
d. <nm>
e. <body>

19. Tags of HTML

a. <ol>
b. <tr>
c. <td1>
d. <nm>
e. <m>

20. Tags of HTML

a. <m>
b. <br>
c. <td6>
d. <nm>
e. <table>

21. Tags of HTML

a. <title>
b. <br>
c. <td6>
d. <nm>
e. <m>

22. Tags of HTML

a. <table>
b. <html>
c. <td6>
d. <nm>
e. <m>

23. What is the technology standard for managing of public Web sites and
other Internet domains?
a. operating system
b. file server
c. print server

d. DNS server
e. cloud technology

24. A hypertext interface to Internet information resources?

a. iso
b. osi
c. http
d. html
e. www
f. url
g. smtp
h. e-mail

25. Internet based on the

a. UDP communication protocols
b. TCP/IP communication protocols
c. e-mail communication protocols
d. http communication protocols
e. pop3 communication protocols

4 вариант

1. Web browsers are:

a. FireFox
b. MS Word
c. Chrome
d. DOS
f. Unix
g. Safari

2. Computer internet technology refers to …, used to connect computers

a. devices
b. software
c. printer
d. motherboard
e. monitor
f. mouse
g. hardware

3. DNS servers eliminate the need for humans to memorize IP addresses
such as
a. 3,4,5,5
b. 2400:cb00:2048:1:cb29:d7a2
e. OSI

4. DNS servers eliminate the need for humans to memorize IP addresses

such as
a. IPv4
b. IPv6
c. IPv8
d. IPv10
e. IPv12

5. Web browsers are:

a. Internet Explorer
b. Opera
c. MS Dos
d. DOS

6. DNS server involved in loading a web page:

a. DNS recursor
b. the root server
c. authoritative nameserver
d. URL
e. browsers
f. server
g. IP addresses

7. Tags of HTML
a. <title>
b. <style>
c. <p>
d. <nm>
e. <m>
f. <j>
g. <k>

8. Tags of HTML
a. <script>
b. <br>
c. <img>
d. <vvv>
e. <osi>
f. <ip>

9. TCP/IP has two parts:

a. file/файл
b. IP
c. address
d. extension
e. the transport of data
f. protocol

10. Communications between the browser and website are encrypted by

a. TLS
b. SSl
c. IP
e. UDP
f. DDD

11. Protocols of Application Layer

a. tcp
b. pop3
c. smtp
d. udp
e. http
f. hhh

12. Protocols of Network Layer

a. icmp
b. tcp
c. ospf
d. vail
e. mail
f. rip

13. Internet based services
Сервисы Интернета
a. telnet
b. ftp
c. www
d. osi
e. msi

14. HTTP:
a. hyperlink t transfer protocol
b. hub transfer protocol
c. hyper transfer protocol
d. hypertext transfer protocol
e. hypertext transport protocol

15. Uniform Resource Locator:

a. URL
c. http
d. www
e. pop3

16. e-mail protocols:

a. imap
b. pop3
c. smtp
d. udp
e. ip

17. Tags of HTML

a. <head>
b. <style>
c. <h1>
d. <nm>
e. <m>

18. Tags of HTML

a. <m>
b. <ul>
c. <h8>

d. <nm>
e. <body>
f. <mmm>

19. Tags of HTML

a. <ol>
b. <tr>
c. <td1>
d. <nm>
e. <m>
f. <PPP>
g. <vvv>

20. Tags of HTML

a. <m>
b. <br>
c. <td6>
d. <nm>
e. <table>
f. <jou>
g. <poi)

21. Tags of HTML

a. <title>
b. <br>
c. <td6>
d. <nm>
e. <m>
f. <>
g. <->

22. Tags of HTML

a. <table>
b. <html>
c. <td6>
d. <nm>
e. <m>
f. <>
g. <->

23. What is the technology standard for managing of public Web sites and
other Internet domains?
a. operating system
b. file server
c. print server
d. DNS server
e. cloud technology
f. multimedia

24. A hypertext interface to Internet information resources?

a iso
b. osi
c. http
d. html
e. www
f. url

25. Internet based on the

a. UDP communication protocols
b. TCP/IP communication protocols
c. e-mail communication protocols
d. http communication protocols
e. pop3 communication protocols
f. ppp communication protocols

Ключ к варианту 1,2

1 a, g, c 11 e, b, c 21 a, b
2 a, b, g 12 a, f, c 22 a, b
3 c, b 13 a, b, c 23 d
4 a, b 14 d 24 e
5 a, b 15 а 25 b
6 a, b, c 16 a, b, c
7 a, b, c 17 a, b, c
8 a, b, c 18 e, b
9 e, b 19 a, b
10 a, b 20 e, b

Ключ к варианту 3
1 a, h, c 11 e, b, c 21 a, b
2 a, b, h 12 a, f, c 22 a, b
3 c, b 13 a, b, c 23 d
4 a, b 14 d 24 e
5 g, b 15 h 25 b
6 a, b, c 16 a, b, c
7 a, b, c 17 a, b, c
8 a, b, c 18 e, b
9 e, b 19 a, b
10 a, b 20 e, b

Ключ к варианту 4
1 a, g, c 11 e, b, c 21 a, b
2 a, b, g 12 a, f, c 22 a, b
3 c, b 13 a, b, c 23 d
4 a, b 14 d 24 e
5 a, b 15 а 25 b
6 a, b, c 16 a, b, c
7 a, b, c 17 a, b, c
8 a, b, c 18 e, b
9 e, b 19 a, b
10 a, b 20 e, b

An operating system

An operating system is a software that manages computer hardware and

software resources and provides common services for computer programs.
The operating system provides an Interface between the user and the
The operating system coordinates hardware components.
The operating system provides an environment for software applications to
The operating system monitors system health and functionality.
The operating system provides a file structure for data management.
Popular computer operating systems include Windows, OS X, Linux, and
Chrome OS.
A mobile operating system, also referred to as mobile OS, is an operating
system that operates a smartphone, tablet, PDA, or other mobile device.
Popular mobile operating systems include Android, iOS and to a lesser
extent Windows Phone and Blackberry.
OS X, Linux, Android, Chrome OS and iOS are based on Unix.
Popular distributions of Linux include Red Hat, Debian, Ubuntu, Linux
Mint and Google's Android.
Open-source software is a computer software with its source code made
available with a license in which the copyright holder provides the rights to
study, change and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose.
Proprietary software or closed source software is a computer software
licensed under exclusive legal right of the copyright holder with the intent that
the licensee is given the right to use the software only under certain conditions,
and restricted from other uses, such as modification, sharing, studying,
redistribution, or reverse engineering.
64-bit processors and operating systems support integer values over 18
quintillion and memory addresses up to 16 EiB (exbibytes), while 32-bit opera-
ting systems are limited to integer values over 2 billion and memory addresses
up to 4 GiB (gigabytes or gibibytes).

Peripherals are auxiliary devices

Peripherals are auxiliary devices used for computer input (keyboards,

pointing devices, etc.), output (monitors, printers, etc.), or data storage (hard
drives, flash drives, etc.).

Input devices include keyboards, pointing devices, scanners, microphones,
and webcams.
Output devices include monitors, printers, and speakers.
Combined input/output devices include fax and touchscreen displays.
Data storage devices include hard drives, flash drives, optical drives, Net-
work Attached Storage (NAS), media players, and smart phones.
A wide variety of electrical connectors are used to connect peripherals to
Security threats include malware, phishing, social engineering, spam,
password cracking, and physical security risks.
Malware is any software used to disrupt computer operation, gather
sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems. This includes
viruses, Trojans, spyware, and ransomware.
Physical security threats include hardware theft, software/license theft,
shoulder surfing, and dumpster diving.
Effective password management includes password complexity, password
confidentiality, password expiration, limited password reuse, changing default
passwords, understanding single sign-on, and using multi-factor authentication.
Device hardening includes disabling unused features such as Bluetooth and
Near Field Communication, using screen timeout and lock options, enabling
security software features, using a software firewall, using anti-malware soft-
ware, and encrypting data storage.
Security best practices include being alert for suspicious emails, attach-
ments, and hyperlinks, responding to security software alerts, renaming admi-
nistrator accounts, and disabling guest accounts.
A computer network or data network is a telecommunications network
that allows computers to exchange data. Networked computing devices pass
data to each other in the form of packets across connections established using
either cable or wireless media.
A network packet is a formatted unit of data sent through a network to
the destination. Once packets arrive, they are reassembled into their original
Wired media includes coaxial cable, twisted-pair cable, and optical fiber.
Wireless local area network connections use spread spectrum technology
based on a common flavor of open-standards wireless radio-wave technology
defined as IEEE 802.11 and known as Wi-Fi.
A network interface controller (NIC) is hardware that provides a computer
with the ability to access the transmission media, and has the ability to process
low-level network information.
In Ethernet networks, each NIC has a unique 48-bit Media Access Control
(MAC) address.

A repeater or hub is an electronic device that receives a network signal in
the form of bits, cleans it of unnecessary noise, and regenerates it. In local area
networks, switches have replaced hubs.
A bridge or switch is a device that connects and filters multiple network
segments or devices, by forwarding data only to one or multiple devices that
need to receive the data based on destination MAC address.
A router is a device that forwards data packets between different computer
networks based on network address (IP address).
A modem is a device used to connect network nodes via wire not originally
designed for digital network traffic, by modulating the digital signal to produce
an analog signal for transmission.
A firewall is a device used to control network security and access rules
by rejecting access requests from unrecognized sources while allowing actions
from recognized ones.
An access point is a device that allows wireless devices to connect to a
wired network using Wi-Fi, or related standards.
An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned
to each device participating in a network that uses the Internet Protocol for
communication. An IP address serves two principal functions: host identifica-
tion and network addressing.
IP addresses are 32-bit (IPv4) or 128-bit (IPv6) numbers usually written
and displayed in human-readable notations, such as (IPv4), and
2001:db8:0:1234:0:567:8:1 (IPv6).
IP addresses are assigned to a host either anew at the time of booting,
or permanently by fixed configuration of its hardware or software. Persistent
configuration is also known as using a static IP address.
In contrast, in situations when the computer's IP address is assigned newly
each time, this is known as using a dynamic IP address.
Static IP addresses are manually assigned to a computer by an
Dynamic IP addresses are assigned either by the computer interface or
host software itself through automatic configuration, or assigned by a server
using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).
A shared resource, or network share, is a computer resource made available
from one host to other hosts on a computer network.
Common network sharing protocols include Server Message Block
(Windows, OS X, Unix-like), Apple File Protocol (OS X), and Network File
System (Unix-like).
In SOHO networks, a decentralized approach is often used, where every
user may make their local folders and printers available to others. This approach
is sometimes denoted as a workgroup or peer-to-peer network.

In a workgroup, each computer is responsible for its own security, rather
than relying on centralized authentication.
Windows 7 and later Microsoft operating systems extend the workgroup
with a homegroup option that uses a password to join computers into the group,
and allows users' libraries, along with individual files and folders, to be shared
between multiple computers.
In larger networks, a centralized file server or print server, sometimes
denoted client–server network, is typically used. A client process on the local
user computer takes the initiative to start the communication, while a server
process on the file server or print server remote computer passively waits for
requests to start a communication session.
The centralized authentication approach used in larger networks is referred
to as a domain, where all user accounts, computers, printers and other security
principals, are registered with a central directory service.
In very large networks, a Storage Area Network (SAN) approach to shared
resources may be used in addition to file and print servers.
ipconfig is a Microsoft Windows console application that displays all
current TCP/IP network configuration values and can modify Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol DHCP and Domain Name System DNS settings.
ifconfig is a system administration utility in Unix-like operating systems
that has features for configuring, controlling, and querying TCP/IP network
interface parameters.
ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the
reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network and to measure the
round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination
nslookup is a network administration command-line tool available for many
computer operating systems for querying the Domain Name System (DNS)
to obtain domain name or IP address mapping or for any other specific DNS
net share is a Microsoft Windows command that manages shared resources.
net use is a Microsoft Windows command that connects a computer to or
disconnects a computer from a shared resource, or displays information about
computer connections.
Installation (or setup) of a computer program (including device drivers and
plugins), is the act of making the program ready for execution.
Installation typically involves code being copied/generated from the
installation files to new files on the local computer for easier access by the
operating system.

Because code is generally copied/generated in multiple locations, uninstal-
lation usually involves more than just erasing the program folder. For example,
registry files and other system code may need to be modified or deleted for a
complete uninstallation.
Common operations performed during software installations include:
Making sure that necessary system requirements are met
Checking for existing versions of the software
Creating or updating program files and folders
Adding configuration data such as configuration files, Windows registry
entries or environment variables
Making the software accessible to the user, for instance by creating links,
shortcuts or bookmarks
Configuring components that run automatically, such as daemons or
Windows services
Performing product activation
Updating the software versions
Windows Update is a service offered by Microsoft that provides updates
for Windows components.
Microsoft Update is a service offered by Microsoft that provides updates for
Windows components and other Microsoft software.
A software license is a legal instrument (usually by way of contract
law, with or without printed material) governing the use or redistribution of
Software licenses are typically either proprietary licenses or free and open
source licenses [11].
With proprietary software licenses, the software publisher grants the use of
one or more copies of software under the end-user license agreement (EULA),
but ownership of those copies remains with the software publisher.
Free and open-source licenses generally fall under two categories: Those
with the aim to have minimal requirements about how the software can be
redistributed (permissive licenses), and those that aim to preserve the freedoms
that are given to the users by ensuring that all subsequent users receive those
rights (copyleft Licenses).
The Control Panel is a part of the Microsoft Windows graphical user
interface which allows users to view and manipulate basic system settings and
controls via applets.
System Preferences is an application included with the OS X operating
system that allows users to modify various system settings which are divided
into separate preference panes.

Web browsing best practices include:
Using secure websites with valid certificates
Recognizing suspicious links and ads, and untrusted sources
Recognizing adware symptoms, including popups, home page redirection,
and search engine redirection
Using current browsers with updated plugins
Disabling unneeded plugins, toolbars, and extensions
Using or disabling autofill forms
Clearing browser cache, history, and cookies
Understanding the risks of using public workstations
Limiting the use of personal information (PII)
A public key infrastructure (PKI) uses a trusted certificate authority (CA)
to validate and sign public key certificates.
A public key certificate contains the public key of the organization providing
the certificate and the digital signature of the certificate authority that validated
the certificate's information.
A digital signature uses the signer's private key to generate the signature,
allowing the signature to be validated using the signer's public key.
Operating systems come pre-populated with public key certificates from
certificate authorities. Proper disposal of computer equipment includes using
a qualified recycler for systems, monitors, scanners, batteries, ink and toner
cartridges to keep hazardous materials from contaminating the environment.
Erase or wipe hard drives to eliminate sensitive information prior to
PC power management refers to the mechanism for controlling the power
use of personal computer hardware. Common operating system power settings
include sleep and hibernation modes.
Electrical power supply voltage and frequency varies between regions,
with 120 volts and 60 cycles per second common in North America, and 230
volts and 50 cycles common in Europe. Voltage converters may be necessary
for people traveling with mobile devices.
Computers should be placed in locations that have good airflow while
minimizing humidity and temperature issues, minimize dust accumulation, and
avoid disruption from EMI sources.
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) occurs when differently-charged objects are
brought close together or when the dielectric between them breaks down, often
creating a visible spark. ESD can cause damage to sensitive electronic devices.
Electrostatic discharge may be controlled through the use of ESD-
safe packing material, the use of conductive filaments on garments worn by
assembly workers, conducting wrist straps and foot-straps to prevent high

voltages from accumulating on workers' bodies, anti-static mats or conductive
flooring materials to conduct harmful electric charges away from the work
area, and humidity control.
Physical ergonomics is the science of designing user interaction with
equipment and workplaces to fit the user. Proper placement of screens,
keyboards and mice can reduce eye-strain and repetitive stress injuries.
Mobile devices are small, typically handheld computing devices having a
display screen with touch input and/or a miniature keyboard and a variety of
wireless connectivity options.
Mobile devices have an operating system (OS), and can run various types of
application software, known as apps.
Most mobile devices can be equipped with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC and GPS
Most mobile devices include a camera and media player for video and music
Many mobile devices contain sensors like accelerometers, compasses,
magnetometers, and/or gyroscopes, allowing detection of orientation and
Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short
distances from fixed and mobile devices, and building personal area networks
A master Bluetooth device can communicate with a maximum of seven
devices in a piconet.
Bluetooth has three classes of radios, with Class 2 most commonly found
in mobile devices.
Class 2 Bluetooth has a typical range of 5-10 meters.
A Bluetooth device in discoverable mode transmits the device name, device
class, list of services, and other technical information on demand.
Use of Bluetooth device services may require pairing or acceptance by its
owner, but the connection itself can be initiated by any device and held until it
goes out of range.
The Bluetooth pairing process may be triggered either by a specific request
from a user to generate a bond, or it is triggered automatically when connecting
to a service where the identity of a device is required for security purposes.
During pairing, Bluetooth devices establish a bond through a shared secret
known as a link key.
The bond enables Bluetooth devices to reconnect to each other in the future
without user intervention when the devices are in range.
Bluetooth security uses the link key to generat the encryption key used to
secure communication.

When desired, users can delete the Bluetooth link key to remove bonding
Bluetooth security risks may be mitigated by using Bluetooth only when
required, enabling discovery only when necessary, removing paired devices
when not in use, and regularly updating firmware on Bluetooth-enabled devices.
Voice over IP (VoIP) is a methodology and group of technologies for
the delivery of voice communications and multimedia sessions over Internet
Protocol (IP) networks, such as the Internet.
VoIP is available on many smartphones, personal computers, and on
Internet access devices. Calls and SMS text messages may be sent over 3G or
VoIP connections are perceived as less reliable than circuit-switched public
telephone networks and may face problems with latency, packet loss, and jitter.
Multi-touch refers to the ability of a surface (a trackpad or touchscreen) to
recognize the presence of more than one point of contact with the surface.
Multi-touch awareness is often used to implement advanced functionality
such as swiping, pinch to zoom, and other predefined gestures.


The central processing unit, or CPU, is that part of a computer which

executes software program instructions.
The power supply unit, or PSU, converts general purpose electric current
from the mains to direct current for the other components of the computer.
A PC's main memory is a fast storage area that is directly accessible by the
CPU, and is used to store the currently executing program and immediately
needed data. PCs use semiconductor random access memory (RAM) of various
kinds such as DRAM, SDRAM or SRAM as their main memory.
Mass storage devices such as hard drives store programs and data even
when the power is off; they do require power to perform read and write
functions during usage.
Optical drives, including CD, DVD, and Blu-ray Disc, are data storage
devices using rapidly rotating discs coated with reflective material and read
using a laser diode.
Hard disk drives (HDD) are data storage devices used for storing and
retrieving digital information using rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with
magnetic material.
Solid state drives (SSD) are data storage devices using integrated circuit
assemblies as memory to store data persistently.

Video cards – otherwise called graphics cards, graphics adapters or video
adapters – process the graphics output from the motherboard and transmit it to
the display.
Audio cards are internal computer expansion cards that facilitate
economical input and output of audio signals to and from a computer under
control of computer programs, also known as a sound card.
A network interface controller (NIC, also known as a network interface
card, network adapter, LAN adapter, and by similar terms) is a computer
hardware component that connects a computer to a computer network.
A modem (modulator-demodulator) is a device that modulates signals to
encode digital information and demodulates signals to decode the transmitted
information, initially used for telephone line data transmission, but also used
with DSL and cable high speed connections.
The motherboard, also referred to as system board or main board, is the
primary circuit board within a personal computer, and other major system
components plug directly onto or cable into the motherboard.
System cooling is required to remove the waste heat produced by computer
components, to keep components within permissible operating temperature
limits. Methods include case fans, CPU fans, and liquid cooling.
Liquid cooling uses a liquid rather than air as the heat conductor, with the
most common heat transfer fluid in desktop PCs being (distilled) water.
The fundamental purposes of the BIOS are to initialize and test the system
hardware components, and to load a boot loader or an operating system from a
mass storage device.

Basic Input/Output System (BIOS)

A de facto standard defining a firmware interface for personal computers,

and the first software run by a PC when powered on.
bit (binary digit)
The basic unit of information in computing and digital communications
which can have only one of two values, most commonly represented as either
a 0 or 1.
A unit of digital information in computing and telecommunications that
consists of eight bits, permitting the values 0 through 255 and used to encode a
single character of text.
CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing)
A CPU design where single instructions can execute several low-level
operations or are capable of multi-step operations or addressing modes within
single instructions.

CPU (Central Processing Unit)
Typically a small microchip, the electronic circuitry within a computer that
carries out the instructions of a computer program by performing the basic
arithmetic, logical, control and input/output.
Computer fan
Any fan inside, or attached to, a computer case used for active cooling, and
may refer to fans that draw cooler air into the case from the outside, expel warm
air from inside, or move air across a heat sink to cool a particular component.
DDR (Double Data Rate)
A computer bus that transfers data on both the rising and falling edges of
the clock signal.
DDR RAM (Double Data-Rate Random Access Memory) / DDR SDRAM
(Double Data-Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory)
A class of memory integrated circuits used in computers that makes higher
transfer rates possible by more strict control of the timing of the electrical data
and clock signals.
DIMM (dual in-line memory module)
A series of dynamic random-access memory integrated circuits.
Gb (Gigabit)
A unit of digital information equal to 109 (1 billion) bits.
GB (Gigabyte)
A unit of digital information equal to 109 (1 billion) bytes.
GHz (Gigahertz)
A unit of frequency defined as 109 (1 billion) cycles per second.
Heat sink
A passive heat exchanger that cools a device by dissipating heat into the
surrounding medium.
Hertz (Hz)
A unit of frequency defined as one cycle per second.
IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics)
The original name for what became the ATA/ATAPI/PATA interface stan-
dard for the connection of computer storage devices such as hard disks, floppy
drives, and optical disc drives.
Kb (Kilobit)
A unit of digital information equal to 103 (1 thousand) bits.
KB (Kilobyte)
A unit of digital information equal to 103 (1 thousand) bytes.
Mac (Macintosh)
A series of personal computers manufactured by Apple Inc. and running the
OS X operating system.
Mb (Megabit)

A unit of digital information equal to 106 (1 million) bits.
MB (Megabyte)
A unit of digital information equal to 106 (1 million) bytes.
MHz (Megahertz)
A unit of frequency defined as 106 (1 million) cycles per second.
OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
A term that refers either to a company that makes a part or subsystem used
in another company's end product or collectively to all of the various manu-
facturers involved in the final assembly of an end product.
PB (Petabyte)
A unit of digital information equal to 1015 (1 quadrillion) bytes.
PC (Personal Computer)
A personal computer running Microsoft Windows, used in contrast with
PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect)
A local computer bus for attaching hardware devices in a computer, which
replaced the original ISA and VESA bus configuration.
PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express)
A high-speed serial computer expansion bus standard designed to replace
the older PCI, PCI-X, and AGP bus standards.
PCI-X (Peripheral Component Interconnect Extended)
A computer bus and expansion card standard that enhances the 32-bit PCI
Local Bus for higher bandwidth.
POST (Power-On Self-Test)
A process performed by firmware or software routines immediately after a
computer or other digital electronic device is powered on.
RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing)
A CPU design strategy based on the insight that a simplified instruction
set provides higher performance when combined with a microprocessor
architecture capable of executing those instructions using fewer cycles per
SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment)
A computer bus interface that connects host bus adapters to mass storage
devices such as hard disk drives and optical drives, which replaced IDE /
Parallel ATA.
TB (Terabyte)
A unit of digital information equal to 1012 (1 trillion) bytes.
Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)
A specification that defines a software interface between an operating
system and platform firmware, meant to replace the Basic Input/Output System
(BIOS) firmware interface.

1. The central processing unit, or CPU, is that part of a computer which
The central processing unit, or CPU, is that part of a computer which
executes software program instructions.
2. The power supply unit, or PSU, converts _____ to _____.
The power supply unit, or PSU, converts general purpose electric current
from the mains to direct current for the other components of the computer.
3. A PC's main memory is _____, and is used to _____.
A PC's main memory is a fast storage area that is directly accessible by the
CPU, and is used to store the currently executing program and immediately
needed data.
4. Mass storage devices such as _____ store _____.
Mass storage devices such as hard drives store programs and data even when
the power is off; they do require power to perform read and write functions
during usage.
5. Optical drives, including _____, are _____.
Optical drives, including CD, DVD, and Blu-ray Disc, are data storage
devices using rapidly rotating discs coated with reflective material and read
using a laser diode.
6. Hard disk drives (HDD) are _____.
Hard disk drives (HDD) are data storage devices used for storing and
retrieving digital information using rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with
magnetic material.
7. Solid state drives (SSD) are _____.
Solid state drives (SSD) are data storage devices using integrated circuit
assemblies as memory to store data persistently.
8. Video cards – otherwise called _____ – process _____ and transmit it
to _____.
Video cards – otherwise called graphics cards, graphics adapters or video
adapters – process the graphics output from the motherboard and transmit it to
the display.
9. Audio cards are _____.
Audio cards are internal computer expansion cards that facilitate economical
input and output of audio signals to and from a computer under control of
computer programs, also known as a sound card.
10. A network interface controller (NIC, also known as _____) is a _____.
A network interface controller (NIC, also known as a network interface

card, network adapter, LAN adapter, and by similar terms) is a computer
hardware component that connects a computer to a computer network.
11. A modem (modulator-demodulator) is a _____, initially used for _____,
but also used with _____.
A modem (modulator-demodulator) is a device that modulates signals to
encode digital information and demodulates signals to decode the transmitted
information, initially used for telephone line data transmission, but also used
with DSL and cable high speed connections.
12. The motherboard, also referred to as _____, is the _____.
The motherboard, also referred to as system board or main board, is the
primary circuit board within a personal computer, and other major system
components plug directly onto or cable into the motherboard.
13. System cooling is required to _____. Methods include _____.
System cooling is required to remove the waste heat produced by computer
components, to keep components within permissible operating temperature
limits. Methods include case fans, CPU fans, and liquid cooling.
14. Liquid cooling uses a liquid rather than air as _____, with the most
common _____ in desktop PCs being _____.
Liquid cooling uses a liquid rather than air as the heat conductor, with the
most common heat transfer fluid in desktop PCs being (de-ionized) water.
15. The fundamental purposes of the BIOS are to _____, and to _____.
The fundamental purposes of the BIOS are to initialize and test the system
hardware components, and to load a boot loader or an operating system from a
mass storage device.

Computer Graphics
Computer graphics are pictures and drawings produced by computers. A
graphics programme interprets the input provided by the user and transports it
into images that can be displayed on the screen, printed on paper or transferred
to microfilm. In the process the computer uses hundreds of mathematical
formulas to convert the bits of data into precise shapes and colours.
Graphics can be developed for a variety of uses including illustrations,
architectural designs and detailed engineering drawings. Mechanical engi-
neering uses sophisticated programs for applications in computer-aided design
(CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). In the car industry CAD
software is used to develop, model and test car designs before the actual parts
are made. This can save a lot of time and money.
Basically, computer helps users to understand complex information quickly
by presenting it in more understandable and clearer visual forms. Electric

engineers use computer graphics for designing circuits and in business it is
possible to present information as graphics and diagrams.
These are certain to be much more effective ways of communicating than
lists of figures or long explanations. Today, three-dimensional graphics along
with colour and computer animation are supposed to be essential for graphic
design, computer-aided engineering (CAE) and academic research. Computer
animation is the process of creating objects and pictures which move across
the screen; it is used by scientists and engineers to analyze problems. With
appropriate software they can study the structure of objects and how it is
affected by particular changes.
A graphic package is a software that enables a user to draw and manipulate
objects on a computer. Each graphic package has its own facilities, as well as
a wide range of basic drawing and painting tools. The collection of tools in
a package is known as a palette. The basic geometric shapes, such as lines
between two points, arcs, circles, polygons, ellipses and even text, making
graphical objects are called «primitives». You can choose both the primitive
you want and where it should go on the screen. Moreover, you can specify the
«attributes» of each primitive, e.g., its colour, line type and so on.
The various tools in a palette usually appear together as pop-up icons in
a menu. To use one you can activate it by clicking on it. After specifying
the primitives and their attributes you must transform them. Transformation
means moving or manipulating the object by translating, rotating and scaling
the object. Translation is moving an object along an axis to somewhere else in
the viewing area. Rotation is turning the object larger or smaller in any of the
horizontal, vertical or depth direction (corresponding to the x, у and z axis).
The term «rendering» describes the techniques used to make your object
look real. Rendering includes hidden surface removal, light sources and

I. read and translate the text.

II.Answer the following questions:
1. What is computer graphics?
2. How does a computer interpret the command?
3. Where is computer graphics used?
4. In what way does computer graphics help people?
5. What is computer animation and how does it help scientists and
6. What does a graphic package include?
7. What are «primitives» and how can they be used?

III. Make all types of questions to the following sentence:
A graphics programme interprets the input provided by the user and
transports it into images.

IV. Give English equivalents:

Всплывающая иконка, быть важным, трехмерная графика, зрительные
образы, представлять, преобразовывать, компьютерная графика.

V. Give Russian equivalents:

Graphics program, computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing,
circuits, to analyze problems, appropriate software, polygon.

VI. Match up:

pop-up ...................................... in
to be essential .......................... on
three-dimensional .................... a lot of time
visual . ...................................... graphics
to present ................................. icons
to convert.................................. forms
computer .................................. into
to be displayed ......................... for
to save ...................................... graphics

VII. Write out five sentences with Present Simple and translate the

VIII. Pick out the right definition:

1. Computer graphics are ... .
a) texts;
b) pictures and drawings;
c) digits.
2. Computers use … to convert data into shapes and colours.
a) words;
b) pictures;
c) mathematical formulas.
3. Computer animation is the process of creating … which move across the
a) objects and pictures;
b) mathematical formulas;
c) books.

4. The collection of tools in a package is known as … .
a) palette;
b) polygon;
c) palate.
5. … are called «primitives».
a) the digits;
b) the basic geometric shapes;
c) the letters.
6. The various tools in a palette usually appear together as … in a menu.
a) pop-up corks;
b) pop-up letters;
c) pop-up icons.

IX. Put the verbs into the correct tense form:

1. Computer graphics (represent) pictures and drawings produced by com-
puters. 2. To produce images that (can) be displayed on the screen the computer
(to use) hundreds of mathematical formulas. 3. Computers (to help) in CAD and
CAM to save time and money. 4. In business computers (to be used) to present
information as graphics and diagrams. 5. With the help of computer animation
scientists and engineers (to analyze) problems. 6. What a graphic package (to
enable) the user to draw?

X. Translate:
1. Набор инструментов графического пакета известен под названием
«палитра». 2. Более того, вы можете определять свойства каждого при-
митива, т.е. его цвет, тип линии и т.д. 3. Инженеры электрики используют
компьютерную графику для проектирования схем. 4. Компьютер преоб-
разует вводимую команду в графические образы при помощи математи-
ческих формул.


What is MS-DOS
The Microsoft MS-DOS operating system is like a translator between you
and your computer. The programmes in this operating system allow you com-
municate with your computer, your disk drives and your printer, letting you
use these resources to your advantage. MS-DOS also helps you to manage
programmes and data. Once you have loaded MS-DOS into your computer's
memory, you can compose letters and reports, run programmes and languages
such as Microsoft GW-BASIC, and use devices such as printers and disk drives.

Terms You Should Know
When you are introduced to a new or different idea, you must often learn a
new set of words to understand the idea. The MS-DOS operating system is no
exception. The following pages explain some terms you will need to know so
that you can read and use the manuals.
Programmes, often called application programmes, applications, or soft-
ware are series of instructions written in computer languages. These instruc-
tions are stored in files and tell your computer to perform a task. For example,
a programme might tell your computer to alphabetically sort a list of names.
Spreadsheets and word processors are other examples of programmes.
A file is a collection of related information, like the contents of a file folder
in a desk drawer. File folders, for instance, might contain business letters, office
memos, or monthly sales data. Files on your disks could also contain letters,
memos, or data. For example, your MS-DOS master disk contains more than
thirty files. Your other disks may contain files that you've created, or that came
with the disk.
Just as each folder in a file cabinet has a label, each file on a disk has a
name. This name has two parts: a filename and an extension. A filename can
be from one to eight characters in length, and can be typed in uppercase or
lowercase letters. MS-DOS automatically converts filenames to uppercase
letters. Filename extensions consist of a period followed by one, two, or three
characters. Extensions are optional, but it's good idea to use them, since they
are useful for describing the contents of a file to you and to MS-DOS. For
instance, if you want to be able to quickly identify your report files, you can
add the filename extension rpt to each one. Here's an example of a filename
with this extension.
progress .rpt filename filename extension
A directory is a table of contents for a disk. It contains the names of your
files, their sizes, and the dates they were last modified. Volume Label When
you use a new disk, you can put a label on the outside of it to help you identify
its contents. You can also give each of your disks an internal name, called
a volume label. You can look at the volume label on a disk by displaying its
directory. Some programmes may look at the volume label to see if you are
using the correct disk. So make sure that you label your disks.
Disk Drive
To use the files or programmes that are on a floppy disk, you must first
insert the disk into a floppy disk drive. Floppy disk drives are commonly

referred to as the A drive and the В drive. A hard disk drive, normally installed
inside your computer, is usually referred to as the С drive.
Drive Name
A complete drive name consists of a drive letter and a colon. When using
a command, you may need to type a drive name before your filename to tell
MS-DOS where to find the disk that contains your file. For example, suppose
you have a file named finances.doc on the disk in drive B. To tell MS-DOS
where to find this file you would type the drive name before the filename: b:
finances.doc drive name filename with extension.
Just as you will run programmes to create and update files containing your
data, you will also need to run some special programmes, called MS-DOS com-
mands, that let you work with entire files. When you type MS-DOS commands,
you are asking the computer to perform tasks. For example, when you use the
diskcopy command to copy your MS-DOS master disk, you are using a file
named diskcopy.exe, whose task is to copy the files on the MS-DOS disk.
Error messages
If you or your computer makes a mistake when using a device or MS-DOS
command, MS-DOS displays an appropriate error message. Error messages
apply to general errors (such as misspelling a command) or to device errors
(such as trying to use a printer that is out of paper).
Memory is the place in your computer where information is actively used.
When you run a programme, MS-DOS stores that programme and the files it
uses in the computer's available memory. Some programmes and files use more
memory than others, depending on how large and complex they are.
Whenever you use your computer, you supply the information (input) and
expect a result (output). Your computer uses pieces of hardware called devices
to receive input and send output. For example, when you type a command, your
computer receives input from your keyboard and disk drive, and usually sends
output to your screen. It can also receive input from a mouse, or send output
to a printer. Some devices, such as disk drives, perform both input and output.
Device Names
Device names are special names given to each device that your computer
«knows» about. An example of a device name is LPT1, which stands for the first
parallel lineprinter connected to your computer. When you add a new device,
such as a mouse, to your computer, you sometimes need to tell MS-DOS about
it by setting up (configuring) your computer for that device.


I. Read and translate the text.

II. Answer the questions to the above text

1. What is MS-DOS?
2. What do the programmes in the system allow to do?
3. What is a programme?
4. What is a file?
5. What can files contain?
6. What is a file name?
7. What are filename extensions for?
8. What is a directory?
9. Why should we give a disk a volume label?
10. What drives do you know?
11. What commands are for?
12. What is memory used for?
13. What devices do you know?

III. Give English equivalents:

Расширение, метка тома, программное обеспечение, загружать в
память, операционная система, дисковод, сообщение об ошибке, имя
файла, клавиатура, устройство, ввод информации, вывод информации,
cоздавать файл, выполнять программу, мышь.

IV. Match up:

operating .................................. a task
disk . ......................................... label
to manage.................................. contents
application................................. disk
to perform ................................ system
to describe................................. programmes and data
volume....................................... files
floppy......................................... programs
hard . ........................................ computer
to update.................................... programme
to run......................................... drives
to configure............................... disk drive

V. Pick out the right definition:
1. Operating system
a) allows to communicate with computer and other devices;
b) a table of contents for the disk;
c) is a disk copy command.
2. Device
a) a disk drive;
b) a collection of related information;
c) a piece of hardware.
3. Programme
a) a place where information is stored;
b) instructions written in computer language;
c) devices to perform commands.
4. File
a) software;
b) error message;
c) collection of related information.
5. Volume label
a) internal name of disk;
b) device name;
c) filename.

VI. Finish answering the questions:

1. What does MS-DOS allow to do? – It allows … .
2. What can you do if you load MS-DOS into your computer? – If you load
MS-DOS into your computer you … .
3. What are the synonyms of application programme? – They are ….
4. What do files contain? – They … .
5. How many letters do filenames consist of? – They … .
6. How can an extension describe the contents of a file? – You can ….
7. Is an internal name of a disk called a volume label or a drive
name? – It’s … .
8. Is A drive meant for a floppy or a compact disk? – It’s …. .

VII. Find the correct answer:

1. What do you have to do to find the file you need?
a) To type a drive name.
b) To give a device name.
c) To give a filename extension.

2. Where is information stored?
a) In the programme.
b) In the disk drive.
c) In the memory.
3. What devices can serve as input?
a) A printer.
b) A mouse.
c) A screen.

VIII. Fill in the blanks:

Volume label, files, device names, spreadsheets and word processors. a
directory, uppercase or lowercase letters, floppy disk drive, programmes and
data, a drive letter and a colon, optional.
1. MS-DOS also helps you to manage … .
2. … are other examples of programs.
3. … on your disks could also contain letters, memos, or data.
4. A filename can be from one to eight characters in length, and can be
typed in … .
5. Extensions are … , but it's good idea to use them, since they are useful
for describing the contents of a file to you and to MS-DOS.
6. … contains the names of your files, their sizes, and the dates they were
last modified.
7. You can look at the … on a disk by displaying its directory.
8. To use the files or programs that are on a floppy disk, you must first
insert the disk into a … .
9. A complete drive name consists of … .
10. … are special names given to each device that your computer «knows»

IX. Translate:
1. The programmes in this operating system allow you communicate with
your computer, your disk drives and your printer, letting you use these
resources to your advantage.
2. MS-DOS also helps you to manage programs and data.
3. Filename extensions consist of a period followed by one, two, or three
4. Floppy disk drives are commonly referred to as the A drive and the В
5. If you or your computer makes a mistake when using a device or MS-
DOS command, MS-DOS displays an appropriate error message.

X. Translate:
1. Примером может служить устройство под названием LPT1, которое
расшифровывается как построчный принтер.
2. Некоторые программы и файлы используют больший объем памя-
ти, в зависимости от их размера и сложности.
3. Когда вы печатаете команды MS-D

The Internet
The Internet is a magnificent global network with millions and millions
of computers and people connected to one another where each day people
worldwide exchange an immeasurable amount of information, electronic mail,
news, resources and, more important, ideas. It has grown at a surprising rate.
Almost everyone has heard about it and an increasing number of people use it
regularly. The current estimate is that over 70 million people are connected, in
some way, to the Internet – whether they know it or not.
With a few touches at a keyboard a person can get access to materials in
almost everywhere. One can have access to full-text newspapers, magazines,
journals, reference works, and even books. The Web is one of the best resources
for up-to-date information. It is a hypertext-based system by which you can
navigate through the Internet. Hypertext is the text that contains links to other
documents. A special program known as «browser» can help you find news,
pictures, virtual museums, electronic magazines, etc. and print Web pages.
You can also click on keywords or buttons that take you to other pages or
other Web sites. This is possible because 41 browsers understand hypertext
markup language or code, a set of commands to indicate how a Web page is
formatted and displayed. Internet Video conferencing programmes enable
users to talk to and see each other, exchange textual and graphical information,
and collaborate. Internet TV sets allow you to surf the Web and have e-mail
while you are watching TV, or vice versa. Imagine watching a film on TV and
simultaneously accessing a Web site where you get information on the actors of
the film.
The next generation of Internet-enabled televisions will incorporate a
smart-card for home shopping, banking and other interactive services. Internet-
enabled TV means a TV set used as an Internet device. The Internet is a
good example of a wide area network (WAN). For long-distance or worldwide
communications computers are usually connected into a wide area network to
form a single integrated network. Networks can be linked together by telephone
lines or fibre-optic cables. Modern telecommunication systems use fibre-optic
cables because they offer considerable advantages.

The cables require little physical space, they are safe as they don't carry
electricity, and they avoid electromagnetic interference. Networks on different
continents can also be connected via satellites. Computers are connected by
means of a modem to ordinary telephone lines or fibre-optic cables, which are
linked to a dish aerial. Communication satellites receive and send signals on a
transcontinental scale.


I. Read and translate the text.

II.Answer the following questions:

1. What is the Internet and what is it for?
2. How many people are connected to the Internet at present?
3. What are the advantages of the Internet?
4. How does it function?
5. What other services does the Internet offer?
6. What is an Internet-enabled TV set and how it can be used in the nearest
7. What is WAN?
8. How are the networks connected with each other?

III. Make all types of questions to the following sentence:

The next generation of Internet-enabled televisions will incorporate a smart-
card for home shopping, banking and other interactive services.

IV. Give English equivalents:

Параболическая антенна, громадное количество информации, полу-
чать доступ, свежая информация, быть связанным, язык гипертекстовой
ссылки, глобальная сеть, соединяться посредством (через).

V. Give Russian equivalents:

Magnificent global network reference works, exchange textual and graphical
information, smart-card, single integrated network.

VI. Match up:

dish . ........................................ access
to be connected . ...................... information
electromagnetic......................... through
worldwide.................................. markup

language wide area................... information
to get ….................................... via
hypertext .................................. communications
to navigate . .............................. interference
up-to-date.................................. network
to get.......................................... aerial

VII. Put the verbs into the correct tense form:

1. In the last decade the Internet (to grow) at a surprising rate.
2. With the help of the Web you (to be able) to get access to different
information resources.
3. Getting access to different sites (to be) done with the help of a special
programme known as «browser».
4. In a few years Internet-enabled TV sets (to be) used extensively.
5. What type of cables (to be) telecommunication systems connected with?

VIII. Fill in the blanks:

exchange textual and graphical information, worldwide communications,
be connected via, dish aerial, single integrated network, get access, up-to-date
information, smart-card.
1. Computers are connected by means of a modem to ordinary telephone
lines or fibre-optic cables, which are linked to a … . 2. The next generation of
Internet-enabled televisions will incorporate a … for home shopping, banking
and other interactive services. 3. Internet Video conferencing programs enable
users to talk to and see each other, …, and collaborate. 4. Networks on different
continents can also … satellites. 5. For long-distance or, … computers are
usually connected into a wide area network to form a … . 6. The Web is one of
the best resources for … . 7. With a few touches at a keyboard a person can …
to materials in almost everywhere.

IX. Translate:
1. The Internet is a magnificent global network with millions and millions
of computers and people connected to one another where each day people
worldwide exchange an immeasurable amount of information, electronic
mail, news, resources and, more important, ideas. 2. Hypertext is the text that
contains links to other documents. 3. Internet Video conferencing programs
enable users to talk to and see each other, exchange textual and graphical
information, and collaborate. 4. The next generation of Internet-enabled
televisions will incorporate a smart-card for home shopping, banking and other
interactive services. 5. Computers are connected by means of a modem to
ordinary telephone lines or fibre-optic cables, which are linked to a dish aerial.

X. Translate:
1. Почти все о нем слышали и им пользуется все большее число людей.
2. Сеть является одним из лучших источников информации. 3. Сеть осно-
вана на системе гипертекстов, при помощи которой можно перемещаться
по сети. 4. Интернет представляет собой отличный пример глобальной
сети. 5. Компьютеры соединены при помощи модема с телефонными про-
водами или оптико-волоконными кабелями, которые в свою очередь под-
ключены к параболическим антеннам.

XI. Give summary of the above text.


1 вариант

5 вопросов для письменного ответа

1. A file extension used to indicate a raster graphics file format that sup-
ports lossless data compression, created as an improved, non-patented
replacement for Graphics Interchange Format (GIF).
2. A file format and software application used for file compression and
decompression on Unix and Linux systems.
3. A compressed archive file format that supports several different data
compression, encryption and pre-processing algorithms.
4. A document file format used for word processing files.
5. Collaboration software used to display a personal computer's desktop
environment remotely on a separate client device.
5 вопросов для подбора
1. video conferencing software;
2. tiff (Tagged Image File Format);
3. pdf (Portable Document Format);
4. gif (Graphics Interchange Format);
5. Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack.
A. A set of add-ins that allow Microsoft Office 2000, XP, and 2003 to
open, edit, and save files using the file format of Office 2007 and
later versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
B. A bitmap image format that was introduced by CompuServe.
C. A file format for storing raster graphics images, popular among
graphic artists and the publishing industry, the specification of
which is controlled by Adobe Systems.
D. A document file format used to present documents in a manner
independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems.
E. Collaboration software used to allow two or more locations to com-
municate by simultaneous two-way video and audio transmissions.
5 вопросов с выбором ответа
1. A file extension used for MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 audio and video com-
pression files.
1. m4a
2. app
3. mpg
4. dmg

2. An inter-connected environment in which all the participants in
dispersed locations can access and interact with each other just as inside a
single entity.
1. CAD (Computer Aided Design)
2. rar (Roshal ARchive)
3. collaborative workspace
4. remote desktop software
3. Application software dedicated to producing information, such as
documents, presentations, worksheets, databases, charts, graphs, digital
paintings, electronic music and digital video.
1. screen sharing software
2. productivity software
3. compression software
4. graphic design software
4. A file extension and commonly used method of lossy compression for
digital images, particularly for those images produced by digital photography.
1. bmp
2. msi
3. app
4. jpg
5. A document file format used for presentation software files.
1. xls/xlsx
2. ppt/pptx
3. txt
4. pdf (Portable Document Format)
5 вопросов «верно-неверно»
1. A collection of bundled productivity software intended to be used by
knowledge workers. → software firewall
Верно Неверно
2. A file extension used to indicate Flash Video files. → flv
Верно Неверно
3. Productivity software used to perform the organization, analysis and
storage of data in tabular form. → presentation software
Верно Неверно
4. Productivity software used to run a personal computer's desktop
environment remotely on one system while being displayed on a separate client
device. → remote desktop software
Верно Неверно
5. A file extension used to indicate a Microsoft Windows Installer (software
installation) file. → dmg
Верно Неверно

Вариант 2

5 вопросов для письменного ответа

1. A mobile operating system (OS) based on the Linux kernel and currently
developed by Google.
2. An operating system made as a collection of software based around the
Linux kernel and often around a package management system, typically
based on either Red Hat's package manager (rpm and yum) or Debian's
package manager (dpkg and apt).
3. A computer architecture that supports integer values to over 18 quintillion
and memory addresses to 16 EiB (exbibytes).
4. A mobile operating system developed by Apple Inc. and distributed
exclusively for Apple hardware, including iPods, iPhones, and iPads.
5. A Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of
free and open-source software development and distribution.
5 вопросов для подбора
1. mobile operating systems;
2. Linux distributions;
3. computer operating systems;
4. based on Unix;
5. device driver.
A. Red Hat, Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and Google's Android.
B. A computer program that operates or controls a particular type of
device that is attached to a computer.
C. Windows, OS X, Linux, and Chrome OS.
D. Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and Blackberry.
E. OS X, Linux, Android, Chrome OS and iOS.
5 вопросов с выбором ответа
1. A type of interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices
through graphical icons and visual indicators such as secondary notation, as
opposed to text-based interfaces, typed command labels or text navigation.
1. protected mode
2. multitasking
3. GUI (graphical user interface)
4. virtual memory
2. An operating system that operates a smartphone, tablet, PDA, or other
mobile device.
1. mobile operating system
2. Blackberry OS
3. legacy system
4. embedded system

3. A series of Unix-based graphical interface operating systems developed
and marketed by Apple Inc. designed to run on Mac computers.
1. cross-platform
2. multitasking
3. paging
4. OS X
4. A memory management technique that is implemented using both
hardware and software that maps memory addresses used by a program, called
virtual addresses, into physical addresses in computer memory.
1. package manager
2. protected mode
3. virtual memory
4. paging
5. A proprietary mobile operating system developed by BlackBerry Ltd for
its BlackBerry line of smartphone handheld devices.
1. mobile operating system
2. embedded system
3. legacy system
4. Blackberry OS
5 вопросов «верно-неверно»
1. A memory management scheme by which a computer stores and
retrieves data from the secondary storage for use in main memory. → virtual
Верно Неверно
2. Computer software with its source code made available with a license in
which the copyright holder provides the rights to study, change and distribute
the software to anyone and for any purpose. → Chrome OS
Верно Неверно
3. Computer software licensed under exclusive legal right of the copyright
holder with the intent that the licensee is given the right to use the software only
under certain conditions, and restricted from other uses, such as modification,
sharing, studying, redistribution, or reverse engineering. → proprietary
Верно Неверно
4. An operating system component that manages input/output requests from
software, and translates them into data processing instructions for the central
processing unit and other electronic components of a computer. → kernel
Верно Неверно
5. Provides an interface between the user and the system, coordinates
hardware components, provides an environment for software applications to

function, monitors system health and functionality, and provides a file structure
for data management. → operating system
Верно Неверно

Вариант 3

5 вопросов для письменного ответа

1. Processes graphics output from the motherboard and transmits it to the
2. A fast storage area that is directly accessible by the CPU, and is used to
store the currently executing program and immediately needed data.
3. Data storage device using integrated circuit assemblies as memory to
store data persistently.
4. A unit of digital information equal to 10^6 (1 million) bits.
5. Data storage device used for storing and retrieving digital information
using rapidly rotating platters coated with magnetic material.
5 вопросов для подбора
1. MHz;;
2. GHz;
3. NIC;
4. PC;
5. CPU.
A. The part of a computer which executes software program ins-
B. A personal computer running Microsoft Windows, used in contrast
with Mac.
C. A computer hardware component that connects a computer to a
computer network.
D. A unit of frequency defined as 10^6 (1 million) cycles per second.
E. A unit of frequency defined as 10^9 (1 billion) cycles per second.
5 вопросов с выбором ответа
1. A device inside or attached to a computer case used for active cooling.
1. optical drive
2. computer fan
3. motherboard
4. audio card
2. The basic unit of information in computing and digital communications
which can have only one of two values, most commonly represented as either a
0 or 1.

1. NIC
2. byte
3. bit
3. Converts general purpose electric current from the mains to direct
current for the other components of the computer.
1. IDE
3. solid state drive
4. PSU
4. A unit of digital information in computing and telecommunications that
consists of eight bits, permitting the values 0 through 255 and used to encode a
single character of text.
1. PCIe
2. TB
3. byte
4. Hertz
5. A device that modulates signals to encode digital information and demo-
dulates signals to decode the transmitted information, used with phone line and
cable connections.
1. modem
2. OEM
5 вопросов «верно-неверно»
1. The primary circuit board within a personal computer. → video card
Верно Неверно
2. A series of personal computers manufactured by Apple Inc. and running
the OS X operating system. → MHz
Верно Неверно
3. A passive heat exchanger. → computer fan
Верно Неверно
4. A class of memory integrated circuits used in computers that makes
higher transfer rates possible by more strict control of the timing of the
electrical data and clock signals. → DDR RAM
Верно Неверно
5. A computer bus interface that connects host bus adapters to mass
storage devices such as hard disk drives and optical drives, which replaced IDE
/Parallel ATA. → SATA
Верно Неверно

Вариант 4

5 вопросов для письменного ответа

1. A single, cumulative package that is used to address a problem in a
software product. Typically, hotfixes are made to address a specific
customer situation, undergo less regression testing, and have more
limited distribution than patches.
2. Making sure that necessary system requirements are met
Checking for existing versions of the software
Creating or updating program files and folders
Adding configuration data
Making the software accessible to the user
Configuring components that run automatically
Performing product activation,
Updating the software versions
3. Usually involves more than just erasing the program folder.
4. A legal instrument (usually by way of contract law, with or without
printed material) governing the use or redistribution of software.
5. Refers to the process of loading the basic software into the memory of a
computer after power-on or general reset, especially the operating system
which will then take care of loading other software as needed.
5 вопросов для подбора
1. EULA (End User License Agreement);
2. copyleft;
3. control panel;
4. patch;
5. portable application.
A. A program designed to run on a compatible computer without being
installed in a way that modifies the computer's configuration infor-
B. A piece of software designed to update a computer program or its
supporting data, to fix or improve it.
C. A license agreement for proprietary software that provides a contract
between the licensor and purchaser, establishing the purchaser's
right to use the software.
D. The practice of using copyright law to offer the right to distribute
copies and modified versions of a work and requiring that the same
rights be preserved in modified versions of the work.
E. A system utility that give the user control over hardware and
software settings.

5 вопросов с выбором ответа
1. An anti-malware program developed by Microsoft and included in
Windows Vista and later operating systems.
1. portable application
2. screen resolution
3. Windows Defender
4. display resolution
2. A service offered by Microsoft that provides updates for Windows
1. product activation
2. Microsoft Update
3. Windows Update
4. Control Panel
3. Software that becomes perceptibly slower, use more memory / disk space
or processing power, or have higher hardware requirements than the previous
version whilst making only dubious user-perceptible improvements.
1. clean installation
2. silent installation
3. bloatware
4. Kickstart
4. A part of the Microsoft Windows graphical user interface which allows
users to view and manipulate basic system settings and controls via applets.
1. localization
2. accessibility
3. Control Panel
4. software license
5. A means of adapting computer software to different languages, regional
differences and technical requirements of a target market.
1. software license
2. localization
3. accessibility
4. automatic updates
5 вопросов «верно-неверно»
1. A feature in Microsoft Windows that allows the user to revert their
computer's state (including system files, installed applications, Windows
Registry, and system settings) to that of a previous point in time, which can
be used to recover from system malfunctions or other problems. → System
Верно Неверно
2. Another name for display resolution. → System Preferences
Верно Неверно

3. An installation method used primarily by Red Hat Enterprise Linux
to automatically perform unattended operating system installation and con-
figuration. → Kickstart
Верно Неверно
4. A replacement of hardware, software or firmware with a newer or better
version, in order to bring the system up to date or to improve its characteristics.
→ upgrade
Верно Неверно
5. A configuration that allows an operating system or application to auto-
matically download and install system updates. → automated installation
Верно Неверно

Ответы варианту 1

5 вопросов для письменного ответа

1. A file extension used to indicate a raster graphics file format that
supports lossless data compression, created as an improved, non-patented
replacement for Graphics Interchange Format (GIF).
png (Portable Network Graphics)
2. A file format and software application used for file compression and
decompression on Unix and Linux systems.
gzip / gz
3. A compressed archive file format that supports several different data
compression, encryption and pre-processing algorithms.
7zip / 7z
4. A document file format used for word processing files.
5. Collaboration software used to display a personal computer's desktop
environment remotely on a separate client device.
screen sharing software
5 вопросов для подбора
1. video conferencing software
E. Collaboration software used to allow two or more locations to com-
municate by simultaneous two-way video and audio transmissions.

2. tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
C. A file format for storing raster graphics images, popular among
graphic artists and the publishing industry, the specification of
which is controlled by Adobe Systems.
3. pdf (Portable Document Format)
D. A document file format used to present documents in a manner
independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems.
4. gif (Graphics Interchange Format)
B. A bitmap image format that was introduced by CompuServe.
5. Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack
A. A set of add-ins that allow Microsoft Office 2000, XP, and 2003 to
open, edit, and save files using the file format of Office 2007 and
later versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
5 вопросов с выбором ответа
1. A file extension used for MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 audio and video
compression files.
1. mpg
2. An inter-connected environment in which all the participants in
dispersed locations can access and interact with each other just as inside a
single entity.
1. collaborative workspace
3. Application software dedicated to producing information, such as
documents, presentations, worksheets, databases, charts, graphs, digital
paintings, electronic music and digital video.
1. productivity software
4. A file extension and commonly used method of lossy compression for
digital images, particularly for those images produced by digital photography.
1. jpg
5. A document file format used for presentation software files.
1. ppt/pptx
5 вопросов «верно-неверно»
1. A collection of bundled productivity software intended to be used by
knowledge workers. → software firewall
Правильный ответ: → office suite

2. A file extension used to indicate Flash Video files. → flv
3. Productivity software used to perform the organization, analysis and
storage of data in tabular form. → presentation software
Правильный ответ: → spreadsheet software
4. Productivity software used to run a personal computer's desktop
environment remotely on one system while being displayed on a separate client
device. → remote desktop software
5. A file extension used to indicate a Microsoft Windows Installer (software
installation) file. → dmg
Правильный ответ: → msi

Ответы к варианту 2

5 вопросов для письменного ответа

1. A mobile operating system (OS) based on the Linux kernel and currently
developed by Google.
2. An operating system made as a collection of software based around the
Linux kernel and often around a package management system, typically
based on either Red Hat's package manager (rpm and yum) or Debian's
package manager (dpkg and apt).
distro (Linux distribution)
3. A computer architecture that supports integer values to over 18 quintillion
and memory addresses to 16 EiB (exbibytes).
4. A mobile operating system developed by Apple Inc. and distributed
exclusively for Apple hardware, including iPods, iPhones, and iPads.

5. A Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of
free and open-source software development and distribution.
5 вопросов для подбора
1. mobile operating systems
D. Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and Blackberry.
2. Linux distributions
A. Red Hat, Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and Google's Android.
3. computer operating systems
C. Windows, OS X, Linux, and Chrome OS.
4. based on Unix
E. OS X, Linux, Android, Chrome OS and iOS.
5. device driver
B. A computer program that operates or controls a particular type of
device that is attached to a computer.
5 вопросов с выбором ответа
1. A type of interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices
through graphical icons and visual indicators such as secondary notation, as
opposed to text-based interfaces, typed command labels or text navigation.
1. GUI (graphical user interface)
2. An operating system that operates a smartphone, tablet, PDA, or other
mobile device.
1. mobile operating system
3. A series of Unix-based graphical interface operating systems developed
and marketed by Apple Inc. designed to run on Mac computers.
1. OS X
4. A memory management technique that is implemented using both
hardware and software that maps memory addresses used by a program, called
virtual addresses, into physical addresses in computer memory.
1. virtual memory
5. A proprietary mobile operating system developed by BlackBerry Ltd for
its BlackBerry line of smartphone handheld devices.
1. Blackberry OS

5 вопросов «верно-неверно»
1. A memory management scheme by which a computer stores and
retrieves data from the secondary storage for use in main memory. → virtual
Правильный ответ: → paging
2. Computer software with its source code made available with a license in
which the copyright holder provides the rights to study, change and distribute
the software to anyone and for any purpose. → Chrome OS
Правильный ответ: → open-source software
3. Computer software licensed under exclusive legal right of the copyright
holder with the intent that the licensee is given the right to use the software only
under certain conditions, and restricted from other uses, such as modification,
sharing, studying, redistribution, or reverse engineering. → proprietary
4. An operating system component that manages input/output requests from
software, and translates them into data processing instructions for the central
processing unit and other electronic components of a computer. → kernel
5. Provides an interface between the user and the system, coordinates
hardware components, provides an environment for software applications to
function, monitors system health and functionality, and provides a file structure
for data management. → operating system

Ответы к варианту 3

5 вопросов для письменного ответа

1. Processes graphics output from the motherboard and transmits it to the
video card

2. A fast storage area that is directly accessible by the CPU, and is used to
store the currently executing program and immediately needed data.
main memory
3. Data storage device using integrated circuit assemblies as memory to
store data persistently.
solid state drive
4. A unit of digital information equal to 10^6 (1 million) bits.
5. Data storage device used for storing and retrieving digital information
using rapidly rotating platters coated with magnetic material.
hard disk drive
5 вопросов для подбора
1. MHz
D. A unit of frequency defined as 10^6 (1 million) cycles per second.
2. GHz
E. A unit of frequency defined as 10^9 (1 billion) cycles per second.
3. NIC
C. A computer hardware component that connects a computer to a
computer network.
4. PC
B. A personal computer running Microsoft Windows, used in contrast
with Mac.
5. CPU
A. The part of a computer which executes software program
5 вопросов с выбором ответа
1. A device inside or attached to a computer case used for active cooling.
1. computer fan
2. The basic unit of information in computing and digital communications
which can have only one of two values, most commonly represented as either a
0 or 1.
1. bit

3. Converts general purpose electric current from the mains to direct
current for the other components of the computer.
1. PSU
4. A unit of digital information in computing and telecommunications that
consists of eight bits, permitting the values 0 through 255 and used to encode a
single character of text.
1. byte
5. A device that modulates signals to encode digital information and
demodulates signals to decode the transmitted information, used with phone
line and cable connections.
1. modem
5 вопросов «верно-неверно»
1. The primary circuit board within a personal computer. → video card
Правильный ответ: → motherboard
2. A series of personal computers manufactured by Apple Inc. and running
the OS X operating system. → MHz
Правильный ответ: → Mac
3. A passive heat exchanger. → computer fan
Правильный ответ: → heat sink
4. A class of memory integrated circuits used in computers that makes
higher transfer rates possible by more strict control of the timing of the
electrical data and clock signals. → DDR RAM
5. A computer bus interface that connects host bus adapters to mass
storage devices such as hard disk drives and optical drives, which replaced IDE
/ Parallel ATA. → SATA

Ответы к варианту 4

5 вопросов для письменного ответа

1. A single, cumulative package that is used to address a problem in a
software product. Typically, hotfixes are made to address a specific

customer situation, undergo less regression testing, and have more
limited distribution than patches.
2. Making sure that necessary system requirements are met
Checking for existing versions of the software
Creating or updating program files and folders
Adding configuration data
Making the software accessible to the user
Configuring components that run automatically
Performing product activation,
Updating the software versions
common operations performed during software installation
3. Usually involves more than just erasing the program folder.
4. A legal instrument (usually by way of contract law, with or without
printed material) governing the use or redistribution of software.
software license
5. Refers to the process of loading the basic software into the memory of
a computer after power-on or general reset, especially the operating system
which will then take care of loading other software as needed.
booting (bootstrapping)
5 вопросов для подбора
1. EULA (End User License Agreement)
C. A license agreement for proprietary software that provides a contract
between the licensor and purchaser, establishing the purchaser's
right to use the software.
2. copyleft
D. The practice of using copyright law to offer the right to distribute
copies and modified versions of a work and requiring that the same
rights be preserved in modified versions of the work.
3. control panel
E. A system utility that give the user control over hardware and soft-
ware settings.

4. patch
B. A piece of software designed to update a computer program or its
supporting data, to fix or improve it.
5. portable application
A. A program designed to run on a compatible computer without being
installed in a way that modifies the computer's configuration infor-
5 вопросов с выбором ответа
1. An anti-malware program developed by Microsoft and included in
Windows Vista and later operating systems.
1. Windows Defender
2. A service offered by Microsoft that provides updates for Windows
1. Windows Update
3. Software that becomes perceptibly slower, use more memory / disk space
or processing power, or have higher hardware requirements than the previous
version whilst making only dubious user-perceptible improvements.
1. bloatware
4. A part of the Microsoft Windows graphical user interface which allows
users to view and manipulate basic system settings and controls via applets.
1. Control Panel
5. A means of adapting computer software to different languages, regional
differences and technical requirements of a target market.
1. localization
5 вопросов «верно-неверно»
1. A feature in Microsoft Windows that allows the user to revert their
computer's state (including system files, installed applications, Windows
Registry, and system settings) to that of a previous point in time, which can
be used to recover from system malfunctions or other problems. → System
Правильный ответ: → System Restore
2. Another name for display resolution. → System Preferences
Правильный ответ: → screen resolution
3. An installation method used primarily by Red Hat Enterprise Linux
to automatically perform unattended operating system installation and
configuration. → Kickstart

4. A replacement of hardware, software or firmware with a newer or better
version, in order to bring the system up to date or to improve its characteristics.
→ upgrade
5. A configuration that allows an operating system or application to
automatically download and install system updates. → automated installation
Правильный ответ: → automatic updates

При обучении важным инструментом для проверки знаний выступает
тест. Мощным инструментом для создания тестов можно назвать про-
грамму iSpring Suite.
Причем все материалы, которые созданы с помощью iSpring удобно
использовать не только с компьютеров, но и с телефонов, планшетов на
любой платформе: Android, iOS, и Windows Phone. iSpring Suite – работа-
ющий в интерфейсе Microsoft PowerPoint конструктор презентаций и кур-
сов, используемых в электронном обучении. iSpring Suite интегрирован в
PowerPoint и помогает быстро преобразовать презентацию в электронный
обучающий курс с тестами, тренажерами и другими интерактивными
В iSpring Suite можно создавать до 14 различных типов тестов, а также
создавать уникальный дизайн для каждого задания, добавлять озвучива-
ние к текстам, вставлять изображения и фотографии в тесты.
Для того чтобы создать набор тестов, нужно выполнить определенные
шаги. На первом этапе следует определить тип тестовых вопросов.
В iSpring Suite при составлении тестовых заданий обычно используют
варианты из 11 оценочных вопросов, например, самый простой вари-
ант теста, когда нужно только определить истинность ответа. Обычно
используются два переключателя Верно/Неверно.
Также имеется вариант, когда пользователю нужно выбрать один пра-
вильный вариант ответа из множества предложенных ответов, как на
рисунке 1. На рисунке представлен пример из разработанного авторами
тестового комплекса.

Рисунок 1. Выбор одного ответа

Рисунок 1. Выбор одного ответа (продолжение)

Следующий тип теста, это – выбор нескольких правильных ответов.

Тестовые задания подобного типа сложнее, чем «Одиночный выбор»,
потому что заранее неизвестно количество правильных ответов. Данный
вид теста представлен на рисунке 2.

Рисунок 2. Выбор нескольких вариантов ответа

Имеется в iSpring Suite также тип теста, предполагающий краткий
письменный ответ, то есть списка предполагаемых ответов нет, нужно
ввести свой ответ в текстовое поле. Данный вид теста представлен на
рисунке 3.

Рисунок 3. Ввод ответа в текстовое поле

Следующий вид тестовых заданий предполагает расположение эле-

ментов в нужной последовательности. Например, такие задания можно
использовать, если нужно провести хронологию событий.
Выбор из выпадающего списка. Данный вид тестовых заданий пред-
полагает выбор ответа из ниспадающего списка ответов, пример данного
вида теста представлен на рисунке 4.

Рисунок 4. Выбор из ниспадающего списка

Интересный вариант теста – это перетаскивание слов. То есть поль-
зователю нужно вставить правильные слова из некоторого банка слов и
заменить пропуски словами
Заполнить пропуски – следует заполнить некоторые пропуски, кото-
рые встречаются в тексте. Этот вид теста похож на «Вложенные ответы»
и «Банк слов». Подобный тип вопросов подойдет, если требуется прове-
рить насколько хорошо студент знает определенное правило.
Тип теста «Соответствие» предполагает соединение пары слов или
Оптимальное задание по данному виду теста содержит от 4 до 10
определенных условий. Соответствия следует проводить между: опреде-
ленными понятиями и некоторыми определениями, текстом и изображе-
нием к нему, списком авторов и его цитатами, какими-либо датами и их
событиями, например как на рисунке 5.

Рисунок 5. Тестовый вопрос на соответствие

В начале работы с тестовым комплексом студенту предлагается

пройти авторизацию, где будут указаны имя и электронная почта. Элек-
тронная почта указывается для отправки результатов теста. Если студент
не ввел значение в текстовое поле, то от системы выходит сообщение в
специальном окне, гле указывается ошибка.
После ответа на каждый вопрос в программе предусмотрена возмож-
ность проверки правильного ответа с выводом на экран, как на рисунке 6.

Рисунок 6. Форма сообщений от системы о правильном ответе

Таким образом, конструктор iSpring Suite обеспечивает простоту в

использовании, он совместим с PowerPoint, имеет большое количество
интерактивностей, обеспечивает эстетичный дизайн тестов, позволяет
использовать тесты на мобильных устройствах.


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6. Deitel HM, Deitel PJ., Chofnes DR OS. Part 1: Fundamentals and Principles.
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Компьютерная верстка, дизайн обложки – Любовицкая Елизавета

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