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Jacob tuvo doce hijos, pero amaba a Jos ms que a sus otros hijos.

Por eso le hizo una capa de muchos colores.

Jacob had twelve sons, but he loved Joseph more than his other sons. Because he loved Joseph so much, he made him a beautiful coat of many colors.

Los hermanos lo odiaban, y ni siquiera le hablaban, pues vean que su padre lo quera ms que a ellos.

Josephs brothers hated him and refused to be friendly to him, because they knew their father loved him more than them.

Un da, unos comerciantes pasaron por all. Los hermanos de Jos lo vendieron en veinte monedas de plata. Entonces los comerciantes se lo llevaron a Egipto.

One day, some traders came by. Josephs brothers sold him to the traders for twenty pieces of silver. The traders then took Joseph to Egypt.

En Egipto, Jos fue metido en la crcel, aunque era inocente y no haba hecho algo malo. Pero aun en la crcel Dios sigui ayudando a Jos y dndole muestras de su amor.

In Egypt, Joseph was thrown in jail, even though he had done nothing wrong. But even in jail God was with Joseph and took care of him.

Some time later, the kings cupbearer offended the king. The king of Egypt was angry and threw the cupbearer in jail. One night the cupbearer had a dream and told Joseph about it. He said, In the dream I saw a grapevine with three branches. I had the kings cup in my hand, so I took some grapes, squeezed the juice into the cup and then gave the cup to the king. Joseph told the cupbearer, The three branches are three days. After three days, the king will free you from prison and give you back your job.

Algn tiempo despus, el jefe de los coperos ofendi al rey de Egipto. El rey se enoj con l y lo puso bajo vigilancia en la crcel donde Jos estaba preso. Una noche el copero tuvo un sueo y lo conto a Jos. En mi sueo yo vea una planta de uvas que tena tres ramas. Yo tena en mi mano la copa del rey, as que tomaba las uvas y las exprima en la copa, y luego se la daba al rey. Jos le dijo, Las tres ramas son tres das. Dentro de tres das el rey te devolver tu cargo, para que vuelvas a servirle como su copero.

En tres das el sueo del copero se cumpli. El rey mand a sacarle de la crcel y le devolvi su cargo.

After three days, the dream came true. The king released the cupbearer from jail and gave him back his job.

Un da, el rey se despert molesto. Tuvo un sueo, pero ninguno de sus hombres sabios poda mostrarle su significado. En un sueo, el rey vio siete vacas, gordas y bonitas. Entonces vio otras siete vacas, flacas y feas. De repente, las flacas y feas se comieron a las gordas y bonitas! One day, the king was upset. He had a dream, but none of his wise men could tell him what it meant. In the dream, the king saw seven fat, beautiful cows. Then seven skinny, ugly cows appeared. The seven ugly, skinny cows ate the seven fat, beautiful cows!

Tambin tuvo otro sueo. So que de un mismo tallo brotaron siete espigas, verdes y llenas de trigo. Tras ellas brotaron otras siete espigas, sin trigo y marchitadas por el viento del desierto. Y las espigas secas se tragaron a las verdes y llenas de trigo! The king also had another dream. In the dream, seven full heads of grain were growing on a single stalk. Later, seven thin heads of grain appeared. The thin heads of grain then swallowed the seven full heads!

Entonces el copero se acord de Jos en la crcel. Le conto al rey acerca de el. El rey mand llamar a Jos, y de inmediato lo sacaron de la crcel.

The cupbearer then remembered Joseph in prison and told the king about him. The king commanded for Joseph to be brought to him and Joseph was immediately released from jail.

Joseph told the king, Your Majesty, both of your dreams mean the same thing, and in them God has shown what He is going to do. The seven good cows and seven good heads of grain stand for seven years. The seven skinny cows that came up later also stand for seven years, as do the seven bad heads of grain. The dreams mean there will be seven years when there won't be enough grain. The king said to Joseph, God is the one who has shown you these things. The king then put Joseph in charge of the whole kingdom of Egypt.

Jos le dijo al rey: Los dos sueos que tuvo Su Majestad son uno solo. Dios le ha hecho saber a usted lo que piensa hacer. Las siete vacas gordas son siete aos, lo mismo que las siete espigas llenas de trigo. Las siete vacas flacas y feas que salieron detrs de aqullas son tambin siete aos, lo mismo que las siete espigas marchitas y resecadas por el viento del desierto. Ellas significan siete aos de hambre. El rey le dijo a Jos: Dios te ha dado a conocer todo esto. Y el rey puso a Jos a cargo de todo su pas.

Jos junt todo el alimento que se produjo en esos siete aos y lo almacen. Cuando ya no haba comida en todo el pas, Jos abri los almacenes y les vendi trigo a los egipcios. Era tanta la escasez de alimentos que de todos los pases iban a Egipto para comprarle trigo a Jos.
For seven years, Joseph gathered and stored all the extra grain. When there was no food in all of Egypt, Joseph opened the storehouses and sold the grain to the Egyptians. The famine was so bad that even people from other countries came to Egypt to buy grain.

Los hermanos de Jos tambin vinieron a Egipto para comprar trigo. No reconocieron a Jos, su hermano. Pero Jos los conoci a ellos. Los hermanos de Jos compraron trigo y se fueron de vuelta a casa. Josephs brothers also came to Egypt to buy grain. They did not recognize Joseph, but Joseph recognized them. The brothers bought grain and then went back home.

Despus de un tiempo, ellos tuvieron que volver a Egipto. Cuando volvieron, Jos le dijo a sus hermanos, Yo soy Jos, el hermano que ustedes vendieron a los egipcios. Sus hermanos se asustaron tanto de verlo vivo que no pudieron responderle.
After some time, the brothers returned to Egypt. This time, Joseph told them, I am Joseph, your brother, who you sold to the Egyptians. The brothers were so surprised that they did not know what to say!

Entonces Jos les dijo: No se preocupen. Dios me envi aqu antes que a ustedes, para salvarles de una manera maravillosa. Jacob, Jos y los hermanos fueron reunidos en Egipto y toda la familia vivi all en paz y abundancia.
Joseph then told them, Dont be afraid. God sent me here ahead of you to save you in a wonderful way. Jacob, Joseph and the brothers were reunited in Egypt. Jacob, Josephs brothers and their families moved to Egypt and lived there in peace and abundance.


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