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В начале

На Рождество 1710 года над Европой появилась Великая Комета, такая большая и яркая, какой не
помнили на протяжении всей письменной истории человечества. В народе пошли слухи о
знамении Второго пришествия и конце света. Учёные астрономы объявили хорошо заметное даже
на дневном небе светило, следствием движения отдалённых небесных тел, ссылаясь на
вышедшую пятью годами ранее книгу «О подвижных звёздах», принадлежащую английскому
королевскому астроному Эдмону Галлею. В народе пошли слухи о близящемся конце света.
Христианская церковь вела долгие диспуты о символическом значении появившейся звезды, но
официальной позиции не высказала.

Людовика XIV, бывшего тогда господином половины Европы, волновала лишь судьба его династии
недавно ставшей править за Пиренеями. Королю-солнцу приходилось вести долгую и очень
тяжелую войну за право утвердить Бурбонов в Испании. Его враг, император Священной Римской
империи — Иосиф I воевал с французским королем, считался большим либералом, и был далек от
проблем теологии. Фридрих I, тогда ещё курфюрст Бранденбургский, как раз собирался стать
королем Пруссии отчего немедленно объявил, что «комета сия знаменует блеск и славу Пруссии,
что пребудут в этом веке и в последующие времена». После такой декларации курфюрст заказал
президенту Прусской академии Готфриду Лейбницу трактат «О возвышении государств», где автор
проводил параллели политической истории с движением небесных светил. В России Пётр
Великий, очень не любивший, когда дела духовные мешают делам государственным, приказал
всех распространителей слухов о конце времён «вешать повыше, дабы оная комета была лучше
видна». В Османской империи султан Ахмед III издал высокий фирман, имевший целью, успокоить
начавшиеся было волнения. Впрочем, содержание его за цветистостью восточных фраз
исчерпывалась одним словом — «Insha’Allah» — всё в руках Аллаха.

Продержавшись в небе несколько месяцев, комета необычайно выросла в размерах, сравнявшись

сиянием с солнцем. Ночью было светло как днем. Никто не понимал, что происходит и чего
следует ожидать. Крестьяне прекращали пахать землю и проводили дни в церквях, замаливая
грехи перед грядущим Страшным судом, который ожидали совсем скоро, может быть даже уже
завтра. Паника внезапно прекратилась после того, как 17 апреля 1711 года комета взорвалась
поблизости от поверхности Земли, осыпав всё небо огненным дождем. В пожарах, вызванных
огненным дождем, как будто сгорел страх перед неведомым. В этот день в пылающей Вене умер
император Иосиф I.

В этот день началась новая эпоха.

После взрыва Великой кометы прошло совсем немного времени, как начали распространяться
слухи, что теперь некоторые люди способны на то, что в прошлые времена считалось либо
деяниями праведников, творимыми силой божией, либо кознями Диавола, совершаемыми ради
его торжества в нашем мире. В аристократических салонах просвещенное общество говорило о
чудесах, как о курьезе, не отличающемся от обещаний очередного алхимика продемонстрировать
превращение свинца в золото. Священники проклинали чудотворцев как соблазнителей
маловерных и простодушных. Простой народ не понимал, что происходит, готовый или
благословлять носителей мистического дара как святых, или казнить их как еретиков.

Слухи о необычайных способностях носились по всей Европе год. Несмотря на предприимчивость

фокусников и шарлатанов реальных доказательств чудес пока не было. Всё это продолжалось до
тех пор, пока 23 июля 1712 года, в самый тяжелый день, к маршалу де Виллару не явился
невзрачный француз, представившийся адвокатом Франсуа Бонне из Безансона. Он пообещал
маршалу победу. Маркиз де Виллар почемуто поверил незнакомцу и двинулся к Денену, где в это
время его ждал лучший полководец Австрии — генералиссимус принц Евгений Савойский с
сильнейшей армией, разбить которую не было никакой надежды.

Ранним утром 24 июля, Франсуа Бонне в сопровождении маршала де Виллара и нескольких

офицеров свиты, выехал на поле боя и осмотрел позиции принца Савойского. Затем он уединился.
Спустя несколько часов Бонне вернулся в шатер маршала. Адвокат дрожал, как будто вокруг был
лютый холод. Весь вид его показывал чрезвычайное изнеможение, словно после долгих дней
голода. Из последних сил Бонне склонил голову и прошептал маркизу: «Ваше сиятельство, дело
сделано. Сегодня вы победите».

Так и произошло: действия де Виллара были решительны, оборона австрийских войск пала от
неожиданной атаки, а непобедимый Евгений Савойский — никак не мог понять, что происходит на
поле боя.

Победа досталась французам, которые не верили в неё всего один день назад.

На службе королю
Маркиз де Виллар после сражения при Денене немедленно поехал в Версаль, где получил
секретную аудиенцию у короля, на которой, вопреки обычаю, не было никого кроме Людовика
XIV. После этой встречи, король вызвал к себе Бонне. Тот сообщил Людовику XIV, что знает других
людей со способностями похожими на его собственные. Немедленно были подписаны несколько
королевских ордонансов: «О создании Особого совета в Версале», «О пожаловании Франсуа
Бонне владениями и титулом виконта де Мальпьер», а также тайный приказ: «О поиске людей,
способных особым образом служить королю и Франции». Людовик XIV стал первым монархом,
признавшим современных «магов» и создавшим систему, узаконившую их деятельность на благо

Франсуа де Мальпьер был назначен секретарём Особого совета, получив чрезвычайные права для
поиска людей со сверхъестественными способностями. Уже через год он доложил королю, что в
землях короны по его расчетам обитает не менее двух тысяч человек всех сословий, годных к
«новой службе», то есть сверхъестественные способности пробудились приблизительно в одном
из десяти тысяч подданных его величества. Людовик XIV, в конце жизни оказался со всех сторон
окружен врагами, которые угрожали Франции. Его Франции! Король решил, что любые средства
хороши для блага династии и Франции. В 1714 году он подписал ордонанс, который обязывал
волшебников служить королю в армии, на флоте и в канцеляриях, обещал защиту от обвинений в
темном колдовстве и безумства черни и гарантировал всем, у кого пробудился дар, получение
должного образования за счет казны. Умышленное сокрытие своего дара признавалось изменой
королю и каралось смертью. Для многих людей из низов, в ком пробудилась мистическая сила,
королевский указ стал возможностью достичь невиданных ранее вершин, но для дворянства и
богатых буржуа воля монарха означала тяжелую службу, от которой невозможно отказаться.

Людовик XIV был стар и измучен ударами судьбы. Но за долгое время правления короля-солнца,
все французы хорошо поняли — что такое нарушить волю короля. Как глава галликанской церкви
Людовик объявил, что силы, полученные верными подданными Его Величества, проистекают от
благословения Господа, которое тот дарует Франции. Поэтому любой обвиняющий этих людей в
измене христианству, становится врагом короля Франции, лишается имущества и изгоняется из

В последний год жизни Людовика новые порядки, касающиеся «магов», были установлены во
Франции с такой жестокостью и непреклонностью, что даже смерть короля в 1715 году не
остановила начатые им перемены.
В это же время нечто подобное происходило в других странах Европы. Там постепенно
выдвигались те, кто мог делать то, что в сказках и легендах называли магией. Где-то их сжигали на
кострах фанатики, считающие людей со сверхъестественными способностями орудием Сатаны,
где-то они тайно входили в окружение принцев и становились влиятельны и могущественны.
Прошло несколько лет и тайное стало явным. Указы Людовика XIV постепенно стали известными
во всём мире, а успехи Франции, первой поставившей обладающих сверхъестественными
способностями на государственную службу, стали примером для подражания во всех остальных

Наука, а не магия
В 1718 году известный ученый Николя Фатио де Дюилье опубликовал трактат «О движении эфира,
именуемом эфирокинезом и науке эфирокинетике, изучающей это необычайное явление». Книга
имела небывалый успех. Она описала мистические силы с точки зрения рационального мышления
и дала имя главному феномену современности, который отныне получил название эфирокинез.
Де Дюилье единодушно провозгласили гением, наконец-то ответившим на вопрос, будоражащий
всю Европу: что такое современная магия. В склонную к рациональности эпоху Просвещения
научное объяснение чуда оказалось незаменимым.

Де Дюилье связал пробудившиеся способности некоторых людей с приближением к земле

огромной кометы. Это вызвало сильнейшие колебания разлитого по вселенной эфира. Волны
эфира воздействовали на некоторых людей, чьи органы чувств, как писал автор, «оказались более
тонко настроены», подарив им возможность чувствовать эфирные потоки и управлять их
движением. Эфир со времен Декарта признавался наполненной энергией субстанцией,
заполняющей всё пространство материального мира, следовательно, теория нашла логичное
объяснение тому, что еще недавно считали чудом.

Де Дюилье провел ряд опытов с теми, кого назвал эфирокинетами и выяснил, что эти люди
действительно ощущают эфир как незримые, а порой даже видимые потоки некоей
нематериальной сущности. Такими потоками можно управлять, используя заключённую в них
силу. Де Дюилье, опираясь на практику эфирокинеза доказал, что эфир может влиять на материю.
А поскольку отрицать очевидное было невозможно, теория эфирокинеза была принята без каких-
либо сомнений.

Теперь, тех, кто получил уникальный дар стали называть не магами, а ЭФИРОКИНЕТАМИ, науку же,
изучающую эфир — ЭФИРОКИНЕТИКОЙ, способность применять силы эфира — ЭФИРОКИНЕЗОМ

Ну а падение Великой кометы связали с самым важным событием эпохи — Пробуждением


Эфирная война 1721-1722 годов

Многие эфирокинеты, происходящие из знатных фамилий, были недовольны тем, что их
заставляли служить королям. Поэтому к 1721 году созрел заговор, во главе которого стояли
несколько сильнейших эфирокинетов Англии и Франции. Они начали большой мятеж, который
получил название Эфирной войны, продолжавшейся больше года и охватившей почти всю Европу.
В то время Европа сильно пострадала от большой эпидемии чумы, народ испытывал тяготы и
лишения, поэтому, действия восставших эфирокинетов оказались особенно успешными.

Мятежники желали установить правление лучших, то есть тех, кто обладает силами эфира,
неподвластными большинству людей.

В столице восставших — городе Винчестере было провозглашено создание Вольной Гильдии

эфира, объединяющей всех эфирокинетов-отступников. У них было мало войск, ведь армия с
недоверием относилась к обещаниям эфирокинетов. Зато их поддерживали некоторые дворяне,
недовольные абсолютной властью королей. Поддержал мятежников и простой люд,
соблазненный обещаниями свободы и освобождения от гнета. Но самое главное, что даже
немногочисленные эфирокинеты оказались великой силой. Иногда, чтобы взять целый город,
защищаемый большим войском, оказывалось достаточно нескольких человек со
сверхъестественными способностями. Это было тем более просто сделать, потому что среди
мятежников оказалось много тех, чьи способности пробудились в числе первых. Такие
эфирокинеты отличались особой мощью.

Однако, даже самые могущественные эфирокинеты не могли долго сопротивляться всей мощи
государства. Верные своим командирам армии разметали небольшие отряды восставших.
Охотники за головами разыскивали отступников и доставляли их в тюремные казематы. Прошел
год и, еще недавно торжествующие победу мятежники, обнаружили, что под их властью осталось
лишь несколько городов, да и те держатся лишь на страхе перед могуществом самозваных
повелителей эфира.

Третьего июня 1722 года, видя, что поражение близко, лорды Вольной Гильдии эфира провели
таинственный ритуал, после которого Винчестер вместе со всеми находившимся там мятежниками
исчез с лица земли, оставив на месте города пустошь, где удивительным образом прекратили
действие привычные законы мироздания.

Битвы продолжались, но ценой больших жертв и уступок недовольным эфирокинетам, мятеж

удалось подавить.

1737 год
Сейчас в мире «Авантюрного века» идет 1737 год. После великой Смуты, в цивилизованных
странах приняли законы, дающие эфирокинетам множество привилегий, если те готовы
добровольно поступить на государственную службу. Эфирокинеты имеют возможность получить
достойное образование и обладают правом служить государству (то есть приравнены к
дворянскому сословию), которое исправно платит жалованье, соответствующее их рангу

Впрочем, совсем не каждого эфирокинета удается отыскать. Способности многих дремлют в

глубине сознания, оставаясь не разбуженными, лишь порождая ночные кошмары, медленно
сводящие с ума. Некоторые боятся признать себя носителями сверхъестественных способностей,
скрывают тайну и живут как прежде. Иные используют свои силы только для себя и собственной
выгоды. А кто-то предпочитает вольную жизнь обязательной службе и выполнению чужих

Но не все люди относятся к эфирокинетам благосклонно. Несмотря на исключительную полезность

эфирокинетов, представители знати порой считают их выскочками. В рядах церкви многие
иерархи подозревают, что способности управления эфирными потоками это дар темных сил, а не
новая форма науки. Ну а простонародье попросту боится «колдунов».

Читатель, именно в эту реальность возродившейся магии, которую теперь считают наукой, тебе
предстоит отправиться во время своих путешествий и приключений.

Это почти та же история, которую мы отлично знаем.

Но XVIII столетие, прославленное как век авантюристов, здесь наполнено мистическими силами. В
мире, который считается одной из самых прекрасных эпох в истории, всё так же скрещиваются
шпаги во славу королей и красавиц, но герои сражаются не только клинком, но и силами эфира. В
этом мире они изменяют реальность и открывают возможности, которые еще недавно казались
неподвластными человеку.
Perks are divided into several groups:

1) Origin - reflecting what the character studied or what was inherent in him from birth
2) Combat - demonstrating the hero’s impressive capabilities in battle
3) Social - describing the hero’s capabilities in the confrontation between reason and cunning
4) Supernatural - relating to extraordinary opportunities available only to a few.

Origin Perks
Runner | Беглец | 141
The hero has fled from enemies or the law more than once and therefore has very useful skills: removing
shackles, breaking bars, sneaking past guards, etc.

The character receives a +2 modifier to all non-combat skill checks used to escape or free himself from

Fast Recovery | Быстрое выздоровление | * to ** | 141

The hero's wounds heal much faster than those of other characters.

NATURAL RECOVERY increases to 1 point per 4 hours at the first level

To 1 point per 2 hours at the second level.

Also, for each level of this perk, the character takes an additional card when determining the duration of
natural recovery after receiving an INJURY and can choose any of the cards received.

Physician | Врач | 141

The hero is a true professional in the field of medicine, he studied in a university and comprehends all
modern knowledge about healing.

When a physician prepares MEDICINE or an ANTIDOTE, the Science check receives a +1 modifier. When a
physician uses SURGERY, the modifier to the Medicine check is reduced to -1.

Language: In addition to the languages they already know, physicians study Latin, considered the
language of science from the XVIIIth century.

Always in the Saddle | Всегда в седле | 141

The hero is an excellent rider and is well trained in horse fighting.

He can mount or dismount as a FREE ACTION.

Heroic Characteristic | 141

The hero has surpassed the capabilities given to him from birth.

He can upgrade one of his CHARACTERISTICS, including reaching a value of 5 (the character’s HEALTH or
COMPOSURE also increase after this).

This perk can only be taken once, and it costs 20 experience points if the characteristic increases to 5 and
15 experience points if the characteristic increases to 3 or 4.
If the characteristic is 1, then it is impossible to increase it, because this is the character's weakness.

Hardened | Закалка | 141

The hero is no stranger to natural disasters and other life-threatening situations: cold, sandstorms, the
heat of an open flame, etc.
The character is half as likely to receive damage from COLD and HEAT, and makes HEALTH checks half as
often when SWIMMING long distances, and also gains an automatic success on an ACROBATIC FALL

Protection from the Supernatural | Защита от сверхъестественного | 142

The hero has a rare gift: he can occasionally avoid the hostile influence of SUPERNATURAL FORCES.

The reasons for this are unknown to science, but each time the character is the target of such an
influence, the character must draw a card. If he gets a figured card (jack, queen, king), then he
completely avoids danger.

This perk cannot be taken by a character with supernatural abilities.

Common Sense | Здравый смысл | 142

The hero instinctively avoids bad decisions and actions.

If he is about to do something that will clearly harm him, the GM must stop him by telling him about the

Treasure Hunter | Искатель сокровищ | 142

The hero took part in many expeditions for ancient artifacts, which is why he knows well what kind of
wonders they are and how best to look for them.

He receives a +1 modifier to Science and Occult checks that involve searching for and studying antiquities
or artifacts. The same modifier is added to checks for TRANSLATING ancient texts (see the book “Secrets
of the Adventurous Age”), reading treasure maps, solving other similar problems (at the discretion of the
GM), as well as to Perception checks related to finding traps.

Captain | Капитан | * to *** | 142

The hero learned how to control a ship at a nautical school or by going from cabin boy to captain.

He has knowledge of navigation, can plot a ship's course, knows how to use navigational instruments,
and is well acquainted with geographic nautical charts.

A character with this perk can control a ship of any size: from a light brigantine to a majestic multi-
cannon battleship. Also, the captain can use the Navigation skill along with the MIND characteristic,
instead of POWER.

Ship. The captain receives a ship (the ship is at his complete disposal, regardless of him being its owner
or not).

At the first level of this perk, it is a light vessel, usually a schooner, fully crewed.
The second level of the perk will bring the character a brig.
The third level will bring a frigate or a galleon.

Who’s paying? The GM has the right to decide how the ship fell into the character’s possession. If the
character does not have the funds to buy it, then the ship will belong to an NPC, and the captain will
either have to carry out his orders and instructions or pay for the renting of the ship.

Crew. It must be remembered that the ship's crew are not slaves or bodyguards of the hero and
therefore their service is limited to the normal duties of the ship's crew. The parameters of the crew
members are determined by the GM. You need to maintain your own ship and regularly pay the crew.
Usually, at the beginning of the game, the ship's crew has already received a month's salary in advance,
and the ship is in good condition. If the perk is bought with experience points, then the GM must decide
exactly how and under what conditions the character received his ship.
Bravery | Отвага | * to ** | 143
The hero learned to fight fear and to not be afraid of the terrible creatures that flooded the earth.

When a character is affected by fear and fails a self-control check, he draws an additional card for each
level of the perk and can choose the better result.

Pet | Питомец | 143

The hero owns a PET - an animal or bird (it can be a raven, parrot, cat, dog, horse, or small monkey, as
well as other animals, if the host agrees to it, for more details, see the book “Secrets of the Adventurous
Age”), which accompanies him everywhere, remaining faithful to him in any situation.

The pet understands two or three simple commands, willingly carries them out, but may resist if the
character sends him to certain death. For example, a horse, after a special signal, will come running to
the place where the character is, and a dog will try to pick up the trail.

The pet uses the normal animal parameters given in the book "Secrets of the Adventurous Age", but
receives one additional point of HEALTH and the SIXTH SENSE perk. If the pet dies, then after 1d6+1 days
the character will be able to find and tame a new one.

Polyglot | Полиглот | 143

The hero mastered many languages, surprising those around him with his abilities. This helped him more
than once in his adventures.

The character can additionally learn three foreign languages. This perk can be taken as many times as
necessary; you must indicate which languages each level gives. If a character wishes to learn rare or
arcane languages (at the GM's discretion), this perk will grant him knowledge of only one such language.

Natural Merchant | Прирождённый торговец | 143

This hero is a true master of profitable deals, who will be able to extract income from the most hopeless
commercial operation.

A character who decides to INVEST his funds in a commercial project (see the book “Secrets of the
Adventurous Age”) is not subject to the effect of DRAMATIC FAILURE when investing and receives 10%
more profit from WHOLESALE TRADE (ibid.). Also, the perk gives one membership in the Merchants’
Guild and, therefore, the right to conduct wholesale and retail trade.

Caesar’s Follower | Последователь Цезаря | 143

The hero follows the precepts of the Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar and tries to take a nap for 15-
20 minutes several times a day.

This allows him to always be considered rested (does not get the TIRED state), easily going without the
sleep most people need. But if you knock a character out of such a rhythm, which is quite easy in the
hectic life of an adventurer, then he immediately receives a -2 modifier on all checks until he has had a
good rest.

Trade | Ремесло | 144

The hero has skills in one trade: he can sew clothes, forge iron, make carts, build ships, make weapons,
or do dozens of other things.

By choosing this perk, the character gets the opportunity to practice a trade professionally. The character
must indicate what trade he is trained in.
By taking this perk, the character also receives membership in the Craftsmen Guild and a set of tools
corresponding to the chosen trade.
Rules. Using a trade requires no checks. The GM will simply say how long the job took and how many
materials were used. If a character wants to complete a trade task of extraordinary complexity (for
example, create a masterpiece), the GM has the right to require him to additionally spend FORTUNE
TOKENS, in an amount corresponding to the character’s goal.

Examples of Trade: tailor, shoemaker, barber, coach maker, blacksmith, gunsmith, tanner, shipwright,
watchmaker, printer, mechanic, builder, sculptor, artist, jeweler, cook, lumberjack, miner, glassblower.

Priest | Священник | 144

If you want your hero to be a priest of one of the denominations common in the world of the
“Adventurous Age”, then take this perk.

Only priests can accept confession, give communion, perform funeral services, perform weddings and
perform other church rites.
The will of higher powers gives the hero the opportunity to say a short prayer three times during a game
meeting, blessing an ally for heroic deeds (consumes a QUICK ACTION). The blessing grants the ally a
FORTUNE TOKEN, which must be used before the end of the scene. Priests also receive a +1 STATUS
modifier when speaking to people of their faith.

Vow of non-violence. Most churches accept the principle of nonviolence for the priesthood, so take the
Merciful flaw.

Trappings: the robes of a priest, the sacred symbol and holy book of his faith.

Language. Catholic and Protestant priests additionally know Latin, Orthodox priests additionally know
Ancient Greek, representatives of other faiths study the languages in which the holy books of their faith
are written.

Swiftness | Стремительность | 144

The hero is always ready to act significantly ahead of his opponents.

In a pursuit this allows him to get a +1 modifier to the skill used in the pursuit and having an advantage
of 1d3 PURSUIT TOKENS. When an event occurs during the chase that involves receiving a joker, the
owner of this perk does not take the card, but immediately defeats the opponent. If both the pursuer
and the pursued have this perk, then they will still have to draw a card.

Luck | Фортуна | * to *** | 145

Luck invariably favors the hero, giving him another chance to win.

For each level of this perk, the hero receives an additional FORTUNA TOKEN at the beginning of the

Carouser | Умение пить | 145

A hero with this perk can drink much more beer, wine, or brandy without experiencing the negative
effects of intoxication.

When determining the effect of ALCOHOL, it removes one SUCCESS from each roll.

The GM has the right to decide that the owner of this perk wins any drinking and outdrinks anyone who
doesn’t possess the perk without using intoxication rules.

Resilience | Упорство | 145

The hero has an extraordinary sense of purpose, which allows him to overcome any enemy resistance.

In an OPPOSED CHECK, a draw is considered a victory for the owner of this perk, even if he is the
attacking side. This perk does not work with DEFENSE.
Scientist | Учёный | 145
Esteemed professors, dedicated students and passionate enthusiasts devote themselves to the study of
various sciences. In the XVIIIth century, science was divided into philosophy and logic (all disciplines
listed in the same group are considered one science); theology; history and law; mathematics and
physics; geography and astronomy; biology.

The character chooses any of the listed branches of knowledge. Science checks related to selected
disciplines now receive a +2 modifier. Scholars have encyclopedic knowledge, so ERUDITION checks
receive a +1 modifier.

Language. In addition to the languages studied, scientists study Latin, considered the language of science
in the XVIIIth century.

Sixth Sense | Шестое Чувство | 145

The hero has the ability to instinctively sense an ambush.

He receives a +2 modifier on Perception checks when he might become ambushed or the target of a

Combat Perks
Ambidextrous | Амбидекстр | 145
The hero controls his off-hand as freely as his main-hand.

This ensures that he does not suffer a -2 modifier when attacking or parrying with an off-hand weapon.

Battement | Батман | 145

The fencer delivers a powerful attack directly to the enemy's weapon.

If two additional successes were obtained when dealing damage, you can choose to deal additional
damage or DISARM the enemy. This perk can be used with any other fencing TECHNIQUE.

Boxing | Бокс | 146

Although unarmed combat is not considered a noble activity, it is studied not only by commoners, for
whom it serves as a good defense against robbers, but also by nobles, who consider such battles to be
relatively safe and very funny entertainment.

A character trained in boxing is a skilled fighter, which means he can parry attacks while unarmed
(Athletics check), and when fighting unarmed, he is no longer considered an UNARMED TARGET.

Combat-Improvisation | Боец-импровизатор | 146

Heroes often have to fight using pieces of furniture, dishes, or other items completely not intended for

The character is adept at using IMPROVISED WEAPONS, receiving a +1 modifier to the combat skill
checks, while using such a weapon. In addition, it becomes much easier for the character to find an
improvised weapon, even where there seems to be no suitable item.

Always Vigilant | Всегда настороже | * to ** | 146

The hero is always ready for a fight.

Readying a weapon (as well as putting it away) becomes a FREE ACTION.

At the second level of this perk, the character always begins combat with a weapon in his hands,
regardless of his initiative value.
Cunning Commander | Военная хитрость | 146
The hero read and carefully studied many books on the art of war from antiquity to the present day.

When commanding his allies, he relies on his quick wits, making a Warfare check with the WITS attribute
instead of the MIGHT attribute.

War Leader | Военный лидер | 146

The hero has the charisma of a true leader, who is willingly followed into battle, even if the result seems

By successfully passing a QUICK ACTION Warfare check, a character can, if successful, remove the
DISTRACTED and SHOCKED status from an ally at MIDDLE DISTANCE.

Volt | Вольт | 146

Some heroes prefer not to parry a blow with a blade, but to gracefully dodge such an attack.

This perk allows you to use DODGE by expending a QUICK ACTION.

Cut them down | В рукопашную | 146

Once per scene, immediately after firing a pistol, a character can use a FREE ACTION to put it away and
then use a FREE ACTION to ready a melee or improvised weapon.

Double Parry
The hero knows how to defend from multiple blows in one move.

During the round, by spending a QUICK ACTION, he can PARRY two different attacks, each with a -2

Duelist | Дуэлянт | * to *** | 147

The hero studied dueling tactics especially well.

At the first level of this perk, the fencer receives an additional ACTION POINT in each round of combat. It
can be used to move, to ready a weapon, or to rise from the ground. The character also receives a +1
modifier when performing the techniques SPANISH KISS, BLADE INTERCEPTION and REMISE.
At the second level, the fencer gains the ability to use SOCIAL MANEUVERS in combat once per scene as
a QUICK ACTION, and also spend an additional ACTION POINT on them.
At third level, the fencer gains the ability to spend an additional ACTION POINT on DEFENSE, and also
decides when to act, regardless of the value of the initiative card. If both opponents have this perk, then
the initiative is determined by the card received. The benefits of this perk only apply in one-on-one

Graceful fencing | Изящное фехтование | 147

In the XVIIIth century, a graceful style came into fashion, favored by more dexterous rather than stronger

Using a LIGHT WEAPON, such as a rapier, sword, colichemarde, or other similar weapon, the character
attacks and parries, using a DEXTERITY and Fencing check.

Sharpshooter | Меткий выстрел | 147

The hero is able to hit the target even in the heat of battle.

When shooting at characters in CLOSE COMBAT, the hero ignores the rules of hitting an ally.

Trickster | Ловкач | 147

The hero not only has excellent control of his weapons, but also takes every opportunity to gain an
advantage in a fight.
After a successful melee attack, if the hero has an ACTION POINT left, he can spend it on a DISTRACT
TECHNIQUE, which counts as a QUICK ACTION.

Experienced Fighter | Опытный воин | * to ** | 147

The hero participated in many battles and learned well to take advantage of any opportunity to get
ahead of the enemy.

When determining INITIATIVE, the character receives an additional card for each level of the perk and
can choose any of them. This is handled before any other modifiers or perks that affect initiative take

Experienced Commander | Опытный командир | 147

The hero has gone through a good officer school and knows how to help his allies win the most difficult

Once per combat scene, a character can use an ORDER without spending a FORTUNA TOKEN.

First Strike | Первый удар | * to ** | 147

The hero learned to predict the actions of the enemy, striking him even before he was about to attack.

At the first level of this perk, the character receives a FREE ATTACK with melee weapons, improvised
weapons, or fists with a -2 modifier against an enemy who comes within CLOSE COMBAT range.
At the second level of this perk, the attack is carried out with a -1 modifier.

Sniper | Снайпер | * to ** | 148

The hero is able to hit a flying bird in the eye at a distance of a hundred steps.

At the first level of this perk, making an AIMED SHOT, the character receives a +3 attack modifier, and the
effective range of the weapon increases, allowing you to hit opponents beyond LONG DISTANCE.
At the second level, the shooter is able to take advantage of any opportunity to hit the enemy, he
increases the aimed shot modifier to +4, and also ignores 2 points of cover.

This perk does not work with LIGHT ranged weapons.

Wall of Steel | Стена стали | * to ** | 148

By going into DEFENSE and spending a FORTUNA TOKEN, the character can additionally parry as many
enemy blows as the level of this perk until the end of the battle scene.
Also in DEFENSE, the fencer receives a +1 modifier to parry at the first level of the perk; +2 at the second
If a character leaves DEFENSE, then in order to resume the effect of the perk, he will have to spend a
FORTUNA TOKEN and go into DEFENSE again.

Still Hand | Твёрдая рука | 148

The hero knows how to fence and shoot while in the saddle, on the deck of a ship in a storm, carefully
walking along the ledge, or standing on the roof of a carriage rushing at full speed.

The character ignores the negative modifier for UNSTABLE FOOTING.

Monster Slayer | Убийца чудовищ | * to ** | 148

The hero has a special talent - finding weak points in dangerous creatures that have spread throughout
the world after the Aether Awakening.

When attacking monsters with any appropriate skill (or using supernatural powers), the character
receives a +1 modifier for each level of this perk.
Disengage | Уворот | 148
The hero is so dexterous and fast that he always gets the opportunity to get out of CLOSE COMBAT
without becoming the target of an enemy's FREE ATTACK.

Feint | Финт | 148

This perk gives the hero knowledge of a special technique. The fencer distracts the enemy with a feint
blow, after which he attacks the target with exceptional precision.

The opponent cannot use DEFENSE against such an attack. Using a feint is a STANDARD ACTION; the
technique consumes a FORTUNA TOKEN.

Fencing School | Школа фехтования | * to *** | 149

This perk gives the hero knowledge of one of the FENCING SCHOOLS.

Training at a fencing school has three skill levels: student, fighter and master.

Social Perks
Friendly | Доброжелательность | 149
In public, the hero knows how to look sweet and friendly, even if in reality he is not. The initial attitude
of the GM’s characters towards him will always be one level higher than towards his allies.

Thanks to this perk, the character will be able to try to resolve the matter peacefully even with those
who wish death for him and his friends. When the battle begins, the character has the opportunity to
exchange a few phrases with the enemy leader and, possibly, stop the bloodshed.

Iron Will | Железная воля | * to ** | 149

The hero has an unyielding personality; it is almost impossible to lead him astray from his chosen path.

At the first level of perk, a character receives a +1 modifier to self-control checks when resisting
INCULCATION, INTIMIDATION, and TAUNT (including in combat). During the INTERROGATION, consider
that such a character has a self-control value of 1 point higher.
At the second level, the modifier increases to +2, as does the composure calculation during

Silver Tongue | Златоуст | 149

Speaking in front of many people (if they are, of course, willing to listen), the hero delivers a speech that
is memorable for his oratory skills. If he managed to find the key to the hearts of the listeners, then the
effect of the speech turns out to be much greater than expected

Success always brings an additional success

Innocent-Looking | Невинный вид | 149

The hero gives the impression of a person incapable of bad deeds, so any mistakes usually do not carry
serious consequences.

This perk significantly reduces the suspicion of other characters towards the hero (such checks receive a
-2 modifier). Without any special reasons, the character will never be suspected of anything
reprehensible, and even if he is noticed among a group of criminals, there is a high chance that he will
be mistaken for a hostage or a random passerby (the final decision is at the discretion of the presenter).

Sharp Tongue | Острый язык | 149

The hero's sharp tongue allows him to easily respond to any ridicule and threats.

If a character wins an OPPOSED CHECK in combat by resisting INTIMIDATION or TAUNT, his opponent
becomes confused and DISTRACTED.
Instigator | Подстрекатель | 149
The hero is accustomed to using the art of words, addressing many people.

This perk is especially useful in combat, when doing the DISTRACT TECHNIQUE using the Manipulation
Deception or Perform skills, the character affects not only the selected target, but also all opponents who

Attractive | Привлекательность | 150

The hero is very handsome, which can both attract other people to him and cause envy.

A character with this perk receives a +2 modifier on SEDUCE checks and a +1 modifier on Perform,
Manipulation, and Deception checks (only in cases where appearance can play a role).

Remember that an attractive character will inevitably receive increased attention from people of the
opposite sex. This perk can only be taken when creating a character.

Courtier | Придворный | 150

The hero is part of the high society of the world of the “Adventurous Age” and knows how to present
himself in this society from the most advantageous side.

The character receives a +1 STATUS modifier when interacting with members of the noble class.

King of Thieves | Принц воров | 150

The hero not only feels at home at the lowest echelons of the “Adventurous Age” society, he has
considerable authority among representatives of the criminal world and the lower social classes.

The character receives a +2 STATUS modifier when interacting with thieves, robbers, beggars, vagabonds
and other antisocial elements, as well as a +1 modifier to Streetsmarts checks. At the same time, the
character, due to his criminal habits, receives a -1 modifier on Manipulation, Deception, and Etiquette
checks if he associates with law-abiding people. Paying close attention (a successful Perception check) to
the hero will make it easy to understand that he is part of the criminal underworld.

Honorable Burgher | Почтенный бюргер | 150

The hero was born into the family of a respectable city dweller, and even though his manners are not as
refined as those of an aristocrat, among the burgher estate such people enjoy considerable respect and

When interacting with a bourgeois, the character receives a +1 STATUS modifier.

Infiltrator | Свой среди чужих | 150

This hero is a specialist in carrying out various secret assignments. He was able to study foreign
languages so well that he is able to appear to the Spaniards as a real son of Castile, and to the English as
a native Londoner.

The character will never be identified as a foreigner by ACCENT or writing style. The character is also
proficient in a number of specific skills: he receives a +2 modifier to IMPERSONATION, BRIBERY and
FORGERY checks (see the book “Secrets of the Adventurous Age”).

Slimy | Скользкий тип | 150

The hero’s cunning is so great that it has gotten him out of trouble more than once.

Once per session, if caught doing something illegal or morally unacceptable, he can prove that the
evidence is too flimsy to be considered. The perk will not work if the character's enemies want
retribution at any cost and are not interested in the validity of the accusations.
Ally | Союзник | * to *** | 151
The hero has a very useful acquaintance. This is a person influential enough for his help to be significant,
but not too powerful to solve absolutely all problems with his help.

At the first level of this perk: At the start of the adventure, the character gains 3 points of DUTY
associated with that ally.
At the second level: the number of ally's DUTY points increases to 6.
At the third level: the number of ally's DUTY points increases to 9.

DUTY points are updated as soon as a new CHAPTER of the adventure begins. This perk can be selected
repeatedly, each time specifying a new ally.

Companion | Спутник | 151

The hero travels with a companion. This could be a bodyguard, scientist, doctor or other useful
specialist. Such a character is either an old friend of the hero, ready to accompany him on adventures, or
his faithful servant. He is unconditionally devoted to the hero and will fight to save his life, including at
the risk of death.

The Companion is a MINION character and receives half (rounded down) of the experience earned by
the hero. If a companion dies, then in order to get a new one, you will have to take this advantage again.

Creating a companion. Create a minion using the following rules:

1) The character receives no character creation bonus from his social class
2) 9 Characteristic points
3) 2 Skills = 2; 3 Skills =1
4) The character has 1 perk
5) The maximum amount of flaws is 1
6) The companion has no WEALTH of his own, all his needs are paid for by the hero

GM controlled. The player who chooses a companion for his character does not receive full control of
him (with the exception of combat scenes), although he can always ask for help (or order, depending on
what connects them). At the same time, the companion remains a full-fledged person with his own
interests, preferences and free time.

Miraculous Rescue. A player character may, by spending his FORTUNA TOKENS, use the MIRACULOUS
RESCUE rule on his companion.

Title | Титул | 151

A hero who has this perk is not a simple nobleman, he belongs to the top of the noble class, which gives
him the right to use the aristocratic title accepted in his homeland (for example, count, viscount, or
baron - in agreement with the GM). Due to origin, the hero receives a +3 STATUS modifier, and is also
honored and respected where high origin is valued. Many doors will be open to the titled person that
are closed to characters of lower social status. This perk is only available to characters with noble origin.
This perk can only be taken when creating a character, or received as a reward from the GM.

Empathy | Эмпатия | * to ** | 152

Heroes with well-developed empathy are much more sensitive to the motivations of others than
ordinary people.

At the first level of this perk, he can make a Perception check, to guess about the PERKS and FLAWS of
another character, as well as to understand the goals that he is pursuing. The number of successes
determines the amount of information received. If the check is unsuccessful, then the character will
have to be looked at much more closely and therefore the check can only be made again in the next
CHAPTER. In a small adventure, the host has the right to allow you to use the advantage in the next

At the second level of this perk, a character can “read” the emotions that dominate the mind of the
interlocutor. To do this, a Perception test is done. If successful, the character receives information about
the most powerful emotion that controls the mind of his interlocutor. Each additional success allows the
character to understand (choose):

1) What weaker emotions does the character have?

2) How does the character feel towards the hero?
3) Does the character need help?
4) What common interests does the character have in common with the hero?

An IMPRESSIVE SUCCESS provides complete information about the emotions and motives of the
interlocutor. A DRAMATIC FAILURE provides false information that the character is fully confident is true.

Lip Reading | Чтение по губам | 152

The hero has the rare ability to understand what other people say without hearing their conversation,
only catching minor movements of the lips.

The character must know the language in which the conversation is taking place and clearly see the face
of the speaker. Using the advantage requires a Perception check. The number of successes determines
the amount of information received. If something interferes with the view, then the check will be carried
out with a negative modifier (the character uses a fan to cover his face or covers his mouth with his hand
-3, the conversation is at a LONG DISTANCE -2, the character experiences strong emotions, grimaces -1).

School of Rhetoric | Школа риторики | * to *** | 152

There are several SCHOOLS OF RHETORIC that allow the hero to be stronger where cunning is more
important than strength, and the word cuts like a sword.

Each school of rhetoric has three ranks of excellence: student, orator, and master.

Supernatural Perks
Only an Aetherkinetic Hero may purchase these perks.

Power over the Aether | Власть над эфиром | ** | 153

Aetherkinetic hero uses a precisely developed, very careful technique for controlling aetheric currents.

The hero is not subject to the effect of DRAMATIC FAILURE when using aetheric powers.

This perk costs 10 experience points.

Mind Over Matter | Дух сильнее плоти | 153

Aetherkinetic hero can, through an effort of will, overcome fatigue and subjugate aetheric currents,
ignoring the rule of receiving aether points only after a good rest.

Concentration | Концентрация | 153

Aetherkinetic hero concentrates his will on the already casted powers of the aether.

The casted aetheric forces continue to work after receiving DAMAGE, even if the character became

Projection of Force | Проекция силы | 153

Aetherkinetic hero has the ability to use the powers he knows at a much greater distance.
Aetheric forces operating at CLOSE DISTANCE can be applied at MIDDLE DISTANCE.
Aetheric forces operating at MIDDLE DISTANCE can be applied at LONG DISTANCE.
Aetheric forces operating at LONG DISTANCE can be used at VISIBILITY DISTANCE.

Ritualist | Ритуалист | 153

Aetherkinetic hero gains the ability to perform special RITUALS, described on page 272.

Stable Current | Стабильный поток | * to ** | 153

Some aetherkinetic characters have the ability to hold the current of aether in a more stable state and
are able to maintain the aetheric forces that last 3 rounds for 1 round longer.

At the second level of this perk, the character chooses one such power, which will now remain in effect
until the end of the scene. The choice is made after the force has been successfully cast.

Aetheric Domain | Сфера эфира | * to *** | 153

This perk allows the aetherkinetic hero to study one AETHERIC DOMAIN, beginning the path to its
mastery and comprehending increasingly powerful forces. By acquiring this perk, the character indicates
which particular AETHERIC DOMAIN he is studying. Before a character can begin to study the next

The Price of Power. When this Perk is taken by a character for the first time, a Flaw must be selected.

Trappings. Aetherkinetic hero receives a ring with an Aetheric Prism.

Language. In addition to the languages they learn, aetherkinetic characters study Latin, the language in
which most occult treatises are written.

Will Triumphant | Триумф воли | 154

Aetherkinetic hero learns to use the aether relying on the strength of his will alone. But for such an
opportunity you have to pay a considerable price.

A character, using aetheric forces can spend COMPOSURE points instead of AETHER points. Using this
perk, the aetherkinetic character gains a +3 modifier to the WILL check. If the aetherkinetic hero receives
three additional successes on this check, he does not lose his composure.

Control of the Current | Управление потоками | * to ** | 154

The aetherokinetic hero learns how to become much more sensitive to the currents of aether around

When determining how many aether points he receives after a rest, the character draws an additional
card for each level of this perk and chooses the best result. If the character gets a joker, then he
combines the 2 best results.

Current Concentration | Усиление потоков | 154

Aetherkinetic hero is trained to obtain maximum energy from even the weakest of aetheric currents.

If a character, when determining the number of restored AETHER points, draws a card with a value from
2 to 6, then he receives 6 AETHER points.

Aetheric Search | Эфирный поиск | 154

The aetherkinetic character can use his sensitivity to aetheric currents in order to see or feel the recent
use of SUPERNATURAL FORCES at a MEDIUM DISTANCE (the more powerful the force used, the longer its
trace remains), detect active SUPERNATURAL FORCES (for example, invisibility, or illusion) , feel if there
When using this ability, the aetherkinetic character makes a WILL check with a RANK modifier, expending
QUICK ACTION and 3 points of AETHER. The GM decides how many successes are needed, how long it
takes for the aetherkinetic character to feel the previously applied force, and whether the character can
sense the presence of artifacts.

Aetheric Focus | Эфирный фокус |154

This perk allows the aetherkinetic hero to expend his own luck, transforming it into the power of
aetheric currents. By spending a FORTUNA TOKEN, the character will receive 7 AETHER points. This perk
can be used no more than once per SESSION.

Venice Sourcebook Perks

True Faith | Истинная вера | 58
If a character has the TRUE FAITH perk, then during the SCENE, he can turn to God once with a prayer for
a miracle. Praying is a serious spiritual effort, so a character who wishes to appeal to a higher power
must spend a QUICK ACTION to pray and use a FORTUNA TOKEN.

Praying for a miracle causes one of four effects:

1) I SHAN’T FALTER: For three rounds the character becomes completely protected from the effects
of FEAR. All of the hero's companions, seeing his resilience, receive a +1 modifier to self-control
checks when exposed to FEAR.
2) I PUT MY TRUST IN THEE, O LORD: Any subsequent check made by a character with true faith
scores two guaranteed successes.
any SUPERNATURAL POWERS against a character with TRUE FAITH, draw a card. The power will
only act if the suit is red, but if it’s black, then the character using such powers faces a
DRAMATIC FAILURE. May divine wrath befall the wicked sorcerers!
4) BUT YOU, LORD, ARE A SHIELD AROUND ME: A character with true faith receives the REPULSION
EFFECT (-3 attack modifier) for all supernatural beings or villains for 3 rounds (the final decision
is at the discretion of the GM).

Everything is in the hands of the Almighty.

The GM can independently apply any of the effects of TRUE FAITH on a character where, in his opinion,
this is justified by the plot of the game, because miracles happen according to a higher will and do not
depend on a person’s vain desires. In this case, the GM spends a MALUM TOKEN.

Divine secret.

True faith, in addition to the effects described above, has another permanent hidden effect that only the
GM should know.

Bravi | Брави | 61
Heroes with this perk engage in activities that are most often dubious from the point of view of the law.
Bravi are hired where justice does not apply, or where it is necessary to take revenge without resorting
to the services of servants of the law.

The character is trying to intimidate his victim. Once per scene, when using INTIMITADE in combat, he
gains an automatic success.

Double Personality | Двойная личность | 61

The hero has become so accustomed to the role he plays that he is able to take on his chosen (only one)
role once per session, almost instantly and without an IMPERSONATION check, while the effect of
impersonation does not disappear when receiving damage or other similar circumstances. It is much
more difficult to expose such a master of disguise, which is why the Perception check when trying to
identify him receives a -2 modifier. If you take this perk again, you can choose another person to
impersonate, but the use of the perk will still be limited to once per session.

Mind Over Matter | Дух сильнее плоти | 61

A Mesmer character can now take this perk, described in the book The Adventurous Age, to regain
willpower points (WPP) even if he did not get a good rest.

Mesmer | Месмер | 61
The hero has a supernatural gift that gives him the ability to control the consciousness of intelligent
beings. The talents of the Mesmers awakened along with the abilities of the aether, but unlike the power
over the currents of the aether, the mesmers have the ability to control what is called "animal
magnetism", influencing it as a magnet influences iron.

A character with this perk at the start of an adventure gains a choice of three level 1 mesmer powers.
Each new mesmer power is acquired by the character using experience points, as a separate perk, but
costs slightly less. To select this perk, you must take a flaw for the character, just as you do to take the
aetherkinetic perk.

Spanning the spanless.

A character can only have one supernatural perk. Therefore, a hero who decides to become a mesmer
cannot possess other supernatural powers.


Mesmers additionally know Latin.

Knife Thrower | Метатель кинжалов | 62

Small blades appear in the hero's hands with such speed that it seems like a miracle, and his throwing
attack is characterized by extraordinary accuracy.

Drawing a dagger or knife becomes a FREE ACTION, and due to the accuracy of the throw, the thrower
ignores 1 point of the target's DEFENSE or ARMOR.

Poisoner | Отравитель | 62
The art of the poisoner is not very noble, but it is irreplaceable when diplomacy does not work and
victory by force of arms is unattainable.

Having chosen this perk, the hero learns to work with poisons. He can manufacture them, apply them to
weapons, and measure doses sufficient to poison an enemy. The poisoner gains a +2 Stealth modifier
when attempting to secretly add poison to a victim's food or drink. A character with this perk gains the

Psychic Energy | Психическая энергия | * to *** | 62

This mesmer has much more willpower than other heroes who practice animal magnetism. Thanks to
this, the number of his WPP increases by 1 WPP at the first level of perk, by 3 WPP at the second level
and by 5 WPP at the third level.

Glory | Слава | 62
The hero's past turned out to be very rich in various events. He may be a famous warrior, scientist, or
become famous in other fields of activity. The player gets the opportunity to invent and describe the
fame his character has previously earned. The GM has the right to limit the possibility of obtaining this
Strange Beauty | Странная красота | 62
There is something about a hero that always attracts members of the opposite sex to you. This is not like
the effect of the ATTRACTIVE perk described in the book “The Adventurous Age” and does not provide a
modifier to social checks, but the character can always benefit from attention paid to him (or her).
However, sometimes strange beauty can turn into its opposite, turning into a reason for inexplicable
hostility. The interpretation of the effect of this perk is left in the hands of the GM.

Secret Society: Trading Company Agent | Тайное общество: агент торговой компании | 62
The hero became a secret agent of a global trading company (for example, the West India Company).
The character who has this perk receives special funding issued for individual missions and the
COMPANION perk, who is paid for by the company. Immediately add the OATH flaw to the character,
which binds him to the secrets of the company.

The companion is the player's assistant, he is absolutely loyal to the company and will be ready to act
against his master if they betray the company. If a companion dies, the company will send a new one to
its agent in 1d6+1 days, but they will have to answer for the death of a valuable employee.

Secret Society: Inquisitor | Тайное общество: инквизитор | 62

Requirements: when creating a character, the player must consult the GM his character’s position in the
Jesuit Order and the desire to become a member of the Holy Inquisition. Then he must prove himself in
service and choose this perk, only paying for it with experience points during the adventure. The GM will
tell you when this can be done. Immediately add to the character the OATH flaw, which connects him
with the secrets of the Jesuits.

The hero became a junior inquisitor, a faithful servant of the society of Jesus. He receives extraordinary
powers to arrest and interrogate suspects when officially acting on behalf of the Inquisition, special
funding issued for individual missions and the ability to call for the assistance of two or three assassins
(see the book “Secrets of the Adventurous Age”) who serve the Inquisition. Calling mercenaries must be
justified by the character and will take some time. The decision whether to give the inquisitor help, and
when to do it, is left to the discretion of the GM.

Secret Society: Masonic Lodge Apprentice | Тайное общество: подмастерье масонской

ложи | 63
The hero passed the junior levels of initiation into the Freemasons and became an apprentice of the
lodge. The holder of this perk receives access to Masonic lodges around the world, knowledge of the
secret Masonic code, passwords and secret signs by which Freemasons recognize each other, and also
receives contact with one of the Masonic lodges operating where the adventure takes place. This does
not give the hero the full effect of the ALLY perk, but he can count on help from his brothers wherever he
meets them. Other Freemasons, in turn, also always count on the character’s help. A full member of the
Masonic lodge will find refuge and help in almost any city in Europe and most of the colonies. After all,
Masonic lodges have spread throughout the world, covering all parts of it where a European has set foot.

Secret Society: Knight Hospitaller | Тайное общество: рыцарь-госпитальер | 63

Requirements: When creating a character, the player must choose an ARISTOCRATIC origin and agree
with the GM on his background in the Maltese Order. He must then prove himself in service to the order
and take this perk during the adventure, paying for it with experience points. The GM will tell you when
this can be done. Immediately add to the character the OATH flaw, which connects him with the secrets
of the Order of Saint John.

The hero receives the rank of junior knight in the Order of Saint John. He receives special funding for
individual missions and access to the ARTIFACT Vault (ask the GM about this). And, once you are a
Maltese Knight, you can wear the beautiful red uniform and black cloak of a knight of the Order of the
Hospitallers. This will bring honor and respect to those around you, but will immediately inform your
enemies of the need to hide.

Secret Society: Scientist of the Unseen College | Тайное общество: учёный Незримой
коллегии | 63
Requirements: the player must have the SCIENTIST perk, and when creating a character, he must agree
with the GM that his character will be in the Unseen College, prove himself as a researcher of the secrets
of the universe, and then choose this perk during the adventure, paying for it with experience points.
The presenter will tell you when this can be done. After being accepted into the society, add the OATH
flaw to the character, linking him to the secrets of the Unseen College.

The hero becomes a member of the Unseen College - a secret society of the most outstanding European
scientists. He gains access to the libraries of the Unseen College, accessible only to initiates, full of books
containing the most secret knowledge, studies the almost indecipherable cipher of the Unseen College,
and also has access to SECRET TECHNOLOGIES (ask the GM about this). Please note that the libraries of
the Unseen College are located only in the largest cities.

Blade Dancer | Танец с кинжалом | 64

Engaging an enemy armed with a longer weapon is a very dangerous experience. But not for those who
have mastered the Italian “Blade Dance” technique. The character receives a +1 PARRY modifier if he
fights with a LIGHT melee weapon (dagger, knife, etc.) against an enemy armed with a long-bladed
weapon (saber, sword, etc.). This advantage does not work against opponents armed with bulky two-
handed weapons.

Killer | Убийца | 64
This character knows how to kill quickly and surely; to do this, he only needs to covertly approach the

The killer receives a +2 modifier when attacking a victim from an AMBUSH, or using a SURPRISE ATTACK.

Cheater | Шулер | 64
The hero not only knows how to gamble well, but also professionally uses the, so called, not entirely
worthy methods.

When gambling, a character can use this perk to deceive other players using a Sleight of Hand check with
a +2 modifier. His actions usually do not raise suspicions of foul play and are therefore much less likely to
raise suspicions of foul play. Characters with the CHEATER perk are well-versed in such techniques and
receive a +2 modifier to Perception checks when trying to catch the hand of another cheater.

Exorcist | Экзорцист | 65
The hero is a priest trained to expel various evil creatures from the world of the living: ghosts, demons
(and other otherworldly monsters, as agreed with the GM). Exorcism is an Occult check, with a modifier
depending on the degree of danger of the otherworldly entity (at the GM's discretion), and also
requiring the expenditure of a FORTUNA TOKEN. This perk is available only to priest characters.

St. Petersburg Sourcebook Perks

Alchemist | Алхимик | 92
Alchemy is the study of the transmutation of substances, which makes it possible to create various
elixirs, ointments and powders that significantly expand human capabilities. Alchemical potions are
much more reliable than the powers of aether, and their use is available to any character. The aspiring
alchemist knows three recipes for level 1 alchemical potions and can learn new recipes that are
purchased as separate perks, but cost slightly less.
The price of power.

Having taken this perk, the character must choose a FLAW for himself.

Spanning the spanless.

A character can only have one supernatural perk. Therefore, a hero who decides to become an alchemist
cannot wield the aether or turn out to be a mesmer (see: “Adventurous Age: Venice”).


Each character with this perk at the beginning of the adventure receives a free traveling alchemical
laboratory that fits in a saddlebag or a small suitcase. The character begins the adventure with 1
alchemical potion, the recipes of which he knows.


Alchemists additionally know Latin, a language common to XVIIIth century science and widely used to
record the results of alchemical research.

Safe Transmutation | Безопасная трансмутация | 93

Requirements: ALCHEMIST Perk

Most alchemists take risks whenever they set out to create their mysterious potions. But a skilled
alchemist uses the technology of safe transmutation and therefore, when determining the consequences
of FAILURE, during the manufacture of alchemical elixirs and bombs, the character takes two cards and
chooses one of them.

Fearless | Бесстрашие | ** | 93
The hero is somehow accustomed to a certain type of monster that causes fear.

When choosing this perk, you must choose a group of creatures for which the hero has developed a
sense of fearlessness. The hero becomes completely protected from the effects of FEAR when meeting
that group of supernatural creatures. The perk can be taken again by specifying a new group of

Groups of creatures:

Ancient races, vampires, giants and magical creatures, demons, dragons, werewolves, the living dead
and ghosts, creatures of the aether and terrible beasts.

During the start.

The perk costs 10 experience points. It can be taken at the beginning of the adventure, instead of the
usual two advantages.

Rapid Transmutation | Быстрая трансмутация | 94

Requirements: ALCHEMIST Perk

Some alchemists are able to use rapid transmutation technology, which significantly speeds up the
change in matter during the alchemical process, which allows the production of alchemical potions much

The time required to craft alchemical elixirs and bombs is reduced to 30 minutes per recipe level.

Hardened Traveler | Ветеран экспедиций | 94

The hero has been on many EXPEDITIONS and therefore knows how to travel in such a way as to
encounter as little dangers as possible.
When the GM draws a card to determine events that occur during an EXPEDITION, dangers overtake the
character and his allies only if a black suit card is drawn. Useful events occur much more often - not only
if the joker was drawn, but also when the GM draws an ace.

Discriminatory Qualities | Избирательное действие | ** | 94

Requirements: ALCHEMIST Perk

Area of effect compounds created by an alchemist with this perk no longer affect the character's allies.
The perk costs 10 experience points. It can be taken at the beginning of the adventure, instead of the
usual two advantages.

Grenadier | Гренадёр | 94
Grenadiers are soldiers who are the first to storm enemy positions, throwing hand grenades at the

Grenadiers are trained to use bombs so well that they ignore the effect of DRAMATIC FAILURE when
throwing them. The art of grenadier combat is sometimes taught to ALCHEMISTS in order to fight better
using the bombs they make.

Hand mortar.

Reloading the hand mortar becomes a STANDARD ACTION. The grenadier character receives such a
mortar as equipment. This weapon is considered IMPROPER. Figure out how to explain such training and
the fact that the hero has weapons available only to professional soldiers.

Dabble | Дилетант | * to ** | 95
The hero is an outstanding dabbler who understands a little of everything, albeit not very well.

A character at the first level of this perk is considered to have one point in all GENERAL skills.
At the second level of this perk, he is considered to have one point in all SPECIAL skills. If the owner of
the perk decides to learn new skills for experience, then their cost in experience points is doubled, and
the value cannot be higher than 3.

Outlaw | Разбойник | 95
Fighting fairly is almost never part of this character's plans. He tries to enter the fight on his own terms,
striking when it is most advantageous. An ambush strike is the best way to deal with the enemy, isn't it?

When a character AMBUSHES or uses SURPRISE ATTACK, he gains an automatic success on stealth

Cuirassier | Кирасир | 95
Thanks to the military reform of Graf von Münnich, cuirassier regiments appeared in Russia - plate
horsemen capable of inflicting a fatal blow on the enemy. Special training in the art of using armor is a
mandatory skill for a heavy cavalry warrior in any European country.

The hero does not suffer any negative effects from wearing armor while fighting on horseback.

Coolspeak | Клёвое гуторенье | 95

The hero somehow managed to learn the secret “language of the ofenyas,” as they themselves say: he
began to “talk cool.” Thanks to this, he will easily understand what robbers and thieves, rebellious Old
Believers, wandering merchants and beggars are talking about, and will also be able to speak to them
like an inveterate criminal.

In some cases, the GM may require a Streetsmarts test to determine how accurately a character speaks
the FENYA language and how well they understand the complex web of relationships in the Russian
criminal underworld.
Master Custodian | Мастер-кустодий | ** | 96
Requirements: ALCHEMIST Perk

A character with this perk can create and repair Custodian armor.

The perk costs 10 experience points. It can be taken at the beginning of the adventure, instead of the
usual two advantages.

Marksman | Меткий лучник | 96

The steppes of south and southeast of Russia are inhabited by tribes of nomads who improve their
archery skills, preferring ancient weapons to modern rifles and pistols.

The character shoots accurately with his bow, often passed down to him from a distant ancestor, gaining
an attack modifier of +1 and the weapon's ARMOUR PIERCING property of 1.

Northman | Северянин | 96
Heroes born or who have lived for a long time in the north, over time, acquire the ability to move
without any problems where pampered southerners would be forced to stop.

Snow is not considered ROUGH TERRAIN for him, and deep snow and ice are considered ROUGH

Stable Essence | Стабильная эссенция | * to ** | 96

Requirements: ALCHEMIST Perk

Some alchemists have the ability to keep their concoctions in a more stable state and are able to
maintain their effect for one round longer (4 rounds).

At the second level, you can stabilize the elixir being made so that it will last until the end of the scene. A
character can only impart this property to one elixir of his choice. The perk only affects alchemical elixirs
that have a duration of 3 rounds.

Secret Society: Knights of Liberty | Тайное общество: Рыцарь свободы | 96

The hero became one of the revolutionaries fighting for the overthrowing of tyrants and justice
throughout the world.

The character gains access to secret society cells around the world, knowledge of the secret code of the
“Knights of Liberty”, passwords and secret signs by which the knights recognize each other, and also
becomes connected with one of the secret cells of the society operating where the character’s
adventure takes place. This does not give the hero the full effect of the ALLY perk, but he can count on
some help from members of the secret society wherever he meets them. Other knights, in turn, also
always count on the character’s help.

Add the OATH flaw to your character, linking him to the secrets of the Knights of Liberty.

Secret Society: Ushkuyniki | Тайное общество: Ушкуйник | 97

The hero was either born in Mangazeya, or was able to get to this mysterious city and there win the trust
of the local residents. In any case, he became a member of the Ushkuiniki military brotherhood. Your
adventures will not necessarily be connected with Siberia, as some ushkuiniki go to the mainland to
become adventurers and return home covered in glory and with rich booty.

Ushkuiniki are well-trained pioneers who know how to survive in the vastness of wild lands. They receive
a +1 modifier on Athletics, Acrobatics, and Survival checks when outside the civilized world, as well as a
+3 modifier on Lockpick checks used to CREATE TRAPS (see: "Secrets of the Adventurous Age").
Add to the character the OATH flaw, which connects him with the secrets of Ushkuiniki. And remember
that members of the military fraternity do not trust strangers too much.

Flaws are a great way to reflect the characteristics of the hero’s beliefs, motives, and habits. The player
must remember the selected flaws, and if he forgets about them, the GM will remind you of the flaws
inherent to his character. The final decision on whether a flaw has become a problem for the hero at one
point or another in the game is given to the GM.
Adventurous Age Flaws
Merciless | Безжалостность | 155
Wanted | В Розыске | 155
Enemy | Враг | 155
Hedonism | Гедонизм | 155
Long-Tongued | Длинный язык | 155
Bully | Задиристость | 155
Impulsive | Импульсивность | 155
Oath | Клятва | 156
Conservative | Консерватизм | 156
Mark of Aether | Метка эфира | 156
Merciful | Милосердие | 156
Illiterate | Неграмотность | 156
Nihilist | Нигилизм | 156
Loner | Одиночка | 156
Distinguishing Mark | Особая примета | 157
Cautious | Осторожность | 157
Bad Manners | Плохие манеры | 157
Poor Eyesight | Плохое зрение | 157
Honest | Правдивость | 157
Frightening Appearance | Пугающая внешность | 157
Empty Pockets | Пустой карман | 157
Debauchery | Распутство | 157
Old Bones | Старик | 158
Debts of Old | Старые долги | 158
Dark Secret | Тёмная тайна | 158
Injury | Увечье | 158
Stubborn | Упрямство | 158
Sensitive | Щепетильность | 158
Young’un | Юнец | 158
Venice Sourcebook Flaws
Thirst for Power | Жажда господства | 65
Requirements: MESMER Perk
Xenophobia | Ксенофобия | 65
Alien | Чужак | 65
Eccentric | Эксцентричность | 65
St. Petersburg Sourcebook Flaws
Volatile | Непостоянство | 97
Volatile characters have difficulty controlling their emotions. In a stressful situation (the GM will inform
you when it arises), the hero may either be overwhelmed by an irresistible urge not to take any
important actions, or, on the contrary, become extremely aggressive and consciously seek quarrels with

Perfectionism | Перфекционизм | 97
Absent-mindedness | Рассеянность | 98

Fencing Schools
Alfieri School | 241
Destreza School | 242
Liancour School | 243
Viva School | 244
Slechterig School | 246
Mensur School | 247
Di Mazo School | Venice | 67
Baratero Cloak and Dagger School | Venice | 68
Skerma Dagger School | Venice | 69
Van Swieten Monster Slayer School | St. Petersburg | 100
Illing Marksmanship School | St. Petersburg | 101
Shermitsii Mounted Combat School | St. Petersburg | 103
Schools of Rhetoric
Du Vair School | 250
De La Rochefoucauld School | 251
De Montaigne School | 252
Machiavelli School | Venice | 70
Von Leibniz School | St. Petersburg | 104

Aetheric Domains
Light Domain | 262
Ice Domain | 263
Illusions Domain | 266
Portals Domain | 268
Weather Domain | Venice | 79
Time Domain | St. Petersburg | 126

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