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You Believe You’re Called To


Rory Mole
So, You Believe You’re Called To

Copyright © 2016 by Rory Mole

All rights reserved. This book is protected by the copyright

laws of South Africa. This book may not be copied or re-
printed for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quota-
tions or occasional page copying for personal or group study
is permitted and encouraged. Permission will only be granted
upon request.

Printed in South Africa.

For information contact:

Rory Mole Ministries

Book Cover Design & Layout by Rory Mole Publishing

Printing by Clinmar, Branding Solutions

ISBN: 978-0-620-73535-3

Rory Mole
First Published, 2016
Cape Town, South Africa

First Edition: November, 2016


Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������� ix
How Do You Know If You Are Called?������������������������������ 13
Your Brook Cherith������������������������������������������������������������� 21
Time to Start Your Apprenticeship������������������������������������� 27
Understanding Mantles and The Anointing������������������������ 31
Independence is Your Enemy���������������������������������������������� 39
Understanding Itinerant Ministry��������������������������������������� 43
Celebrated Or Tolerated������������������������������������������������������ 49
God’s Preparation of His Prophets�������������������������������������� 55
The Importance of Spiritual Fathering�������������������������������� 63
Discerning False Prophets��������������������������������������������������� 71
Prophets and The Ministry of The Laying on Of Hands����� 79
The lifestyle of A Prophet���������������������������������������������������� 85
Prophets and Transition������������������������������������������������������ 91
Prophets and Kingdom Culture������������������������������������������ 95
The Function of Modern-Day Prophets���������������������������� 101
How to Develop a Prophetic Ministry������������������������������ 109
Divine Alignments������������������������������������������������������������ 115
Grace & Judgement From a Prophetic Perspective����������� 119
Prophets and Etiquette������������������������������������������������������ 127
Titles?�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 133
Apostles, Prophets & Teachers������������������������������������������ 137
The Prophet’s Authority���������������������������������������������������� 143
Conclusion������������������������������������������������������������������������ 147
About Rory Mole�������������������������������������������������������������� 153

y first acknowledgement definitely goes to my Lord
and Saviour, Jesus Christ who stands with me to
inspire and encourage me to press on for the greater
things. His calling upon my life has led me through many
seasons and places of learning so that I could be whom He
called me to be. He gave me the inspiration, idea and title of
this book.
I’d like to acknowledge secondly, my family, Cathi (my
wife), Kelly & Glen (My daughter and son In-Law), Matthew
& Jessica (My son and daughter In-Law), who are a testimony
to me of God’s goodness and faithfulness. Also, my spiritual
father, William Bath (deceased), who put so much into my life
in those early days and who recognised the call of God upon
my life. Further acknowledgements worth mentioning are Ju-
lian Adams who prophesied about me writing books which
would inspire the next generation.

rophets are a unique breed, and they come in all shapes
and sizes. Some are rough and tough and others are
soft and gentle. Many years ago, I learnt to make Jesus
the inspiration of my life and to follow His example of what it
means to be a Prophet.
Ever since I started out on my journey in the Pro-
phetic, thirty-one years ago, I knew that I was on a road with a
huge learning curve. During this walk I’ve had very few com-
panions, just a handful to be exact! One thing I know is, that
this journey has had many “ups” and “downs,” and with lots of
dangerous challenges lurking around some corners, but it is
obvious that I have never been alone.
Every now and again, I get to meet new people on
this journey, and each one has a story to tell. Some spoke of
great accomplishments, and others emphasised difficulties and
almost impossible odds stacked against them. Some have spo-
ken of their need for a spiritual “father” who could help them
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
develop and grow into their calling. Without fathering, the
going gets really tough at times, but there is always a way to
find encouragement.
I decided to write this book in the hope that those
who believe they are called by God to be one of His Prophets
or Prophetic People, would see this book as a guide or hand-
book to help them make visible progress, and find encourage-
ment on their journey into their calling.
Within these pages you will find some stories that
might be similar to your own. You will also find parts where I
refer to some bible characters, whom God gave me some un-
derstanding of. In other parts of this book, you will also find
testimonies to God’s dealings and His intimate involvement
in my life.
God is not into the “fast delivery” method of doing
things. You and I may think, “Concorde”, but God thinks,
“Camel.” You get what I mean, don’t you? He is constant-
ly involved in our process. This journey is about a process of
growing into the calling to be a Prophet of God. This calling
is no small thing. If it were possible to understand the process
involved to grow into being one of God’s Prophets, I would
have made better choices along the way.
Many years ago, I had the privilege of serving “un-
der” two great men of God, who both taught me by example.
One was a Prophetic Teacher and the other is an International
Prophet, to this day. The Prophetic Teacher, William Bath,
since deceased, was a true spiritual father in the faith, who led
a local church. He had amazing insight and revelation, which
he taught us in the early days. He also understood how to hear
the still small voice of God, and to correctly interpret what He
was saying. I learned a lot from William, to whom I am for-
ever grateful. The International Prophet, Ed Traut, who now
lives in the USA, was responsible for removing the spooky,
super-spiritual part of Prophecy. He was probably the first
Prophet who didn’t prophesy using “Old King James” lingo.
He brought the Prophetic “down to earth,” but at the same
time, through great accuracy and authority, made a huge im-
pact on how I flow prophetically today. If it were not for him,
I would probably have been a very strange individual. When I
met him, I had a lot to learn.
God is revealing and unveiling a new understanding
of intercession and intercessors. These people are very closely
connected with Prophetic things in general, but with an em-
phasis on prayer and armour-bearing. I’ve met quite a few
intercessors over the years, some having incredible understand-
ing of the realm of the Spirit of God. Some of these people
have helped us a lot on our journey, especially after Cathi, my
wife, and I responded to the call of God to “go” into full-time
One of them, Anne Puren, of Sun Valley, Fish Hoek,
Cape Town, received the “burden” and heart to pray for us. This
she did, for a long season. She encouraged us so many times
with “The Word of the Lord,” after being woken up at odd
hours of the night. She is one of those rare saints who come
into your life once in a lifetime, and who seeks to understand
the heart and mind of God on your behalf.
Along this journey into the calling of a Prophet
of God, Cathi and I travelled to many places here in South
Africa and also abroad. We know what it means to itinerate
in ministry. We’ve seen and learnt a lot during these many
years. We know the importance of a good reputation and
We also know the devastation other men and women of
God have experienced from initial unwise choices which led
them to “fall” by the wayside and lose just about everything
they had worked for. What usually takes decades to build,
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
comes crashing down in a very short time if we decide to
“play with fire.”
To treat the call of God with contempt is dangerous.
If someone is called to be a Prophet of God, the price is great,
but there is grace for the journey. Let this book be an inspira-
tion as you press forward into your call to be a Prophet of the

How Do You Know If You Are Called?

bout fifteen years ago, just after preaching in a church
here in Cape Town, I was approached by a young man
who spoke to me and said, “I just heard that I am a
Prophet.” I then asked him what he meant by his statement.
He told me that a visiting Prophet had come to town, and had
given him a word from God that he was called to be a Prophet.
I then told him that it was even more important to hear from
God for himself about this. This is where the Prophetic word
from a Prophet would need to be confirmed by God Himself,
especially when the prophecy speaks of a person being called
to a five-fold ministry.
According to Numbers 12:6; (NKJV), it reads, “Then
He said, “Hear now My words: “If there is a prophet among you,
I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him
in a dream.”
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
Here we read that God “reveals” Himself to His Prophets
in a very unique way. This is connected with how He calls them.
The call of God to a person, to be one of His Prophets, is by a di-
rect revelation. This revelation is God actually revealing Himself
to that person. It is not something vague that would leave the
person in doubt, but a revelation that will result in an unshakable
resolve that he/she is called to be one of God’s Prophets.
The call of God is definite. He never makes a mis-
take, no matter how qualified or unqualified we may feel. A
person who feels he/she does not fit the profile is actually cor-
rect, they don’t. It will take some intense processing for them
to be shaped so that they can fit God’s mould for them. God
will through His Spirit, work within that person over many
years, so that they fit what God originally called them to. An
encounter with God is where your journey begins. You can-
not begin to think that you are called to be a Prophet of God,
without a life-changing encounter with Him.
Encounters are not cheap. Most of the time, encoun-
ters with God happen when we least expect it. For example,
after forty years in the wilderness, Moses saw a bush on fire
and went near to see what was happening. Suddenly, God
spoke to him from the midst of the fire. This is how God in-
troduced Himself to Moses, and so it is with others whom He
calls to be His Prophets.
Encounters with God are for the purpose of revealing
who He is to us. Without this initial revelation, those whom
God calls will never be able to endure to the end. If we ever
needed a wake up call, an encounter with God would do that
more than anything else. It’s how God gets our attention. It’s
also how He introduces Himself and reveals His plans and
purposes for our future walk with Him.
One morning recently, God told me that we, the Body
of Christ had entered into a time of encounter. I was excited

How Do You Know If You Are Called?
to receive this message, but I was interested to know what He
was actually saying.
This is what I believe He told me. He said, that every
generation needs a personal encounter with Him, so that we
are able to carry His Presence in an excellent way. It is impos-
sible to carry the presence of God in an effective way without
a close encounter with Him.
I’ve discovered over the years the importance of an
encounter with God. There is nothing that can substitute hav-
ing met with Him and hearing His message to you. An en-
counter with God will change your life in a very dramatic way.
Throughout the bible, we read stories of people who encoun-
tered God. On just about every occasion those who encoun-
tered the Lord went on to do great and mighty exploits.
The Prophet Samuel is another example of a person
experiencing the Person of God in a unique, but life-chang-
ing way. Samuel, as a young boy, was sleeping when he heard
a voice calling his name. He got up, and ran to Eli the high
priest of God, at that time, thinking the voice calling his name
was Eli’s.
There are many realms of encountering God. I would
like to discuss just a few of them here with you.
First is a direct promise from God into a very difficult
or impossible situation.
Second is an encounter through association with
someone else anointed of God. God’s anointing upon another
person, brings us into the place of encountering Him.
The third incidence of encountering God is by an
impartation through church leadership. Church leaders are
anointed of God, to help God’s people to experience Him.
Most impartation comes through the laying on of hands.
The forth realm of encountering God is through the
testimony of another person. When people testify of God’s

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
touch upon their lives, it releases a hunger and desire for us to
receive a similar experience.
The fifth realm for us to encounter God is through
visions, dreams or even a trance. The apostle Peter fell into a
trance so that God could communicate something vitally im-
portant to him.
The sixth realm of encountering God comes through
receiving an emotional, physical or spiritual healing. The power
of God experienced when a healing takes place, is sometimes
one of the most powerful ways in which people encounter
Sometimes, the call of God is misunderstood by us.
We often don’t recognise it. At first we think that we have
heard wrong, or that it was the voice of someone else.
Isn’t it remarkable, that often our hearing is tuned into
hearing other voices, instead of the voice of God.
Not only does God communicate with those whom
He calls, He gives them spiritual gifts and equipment to ac-
company His calling. To begin the Prophet’s journey, a person
must first have heard God’s call and also received His gifts and
equipment together. God always equips those whom He calls.
He doesn’t call those who are already equipped. When a per-
son is called of God, he/she is never ready to be sent. People
who are called need training and equipping first. The process
of equipping, training and developing is the hard part. Most
of the time, it’s on the job training.
When a man or woman first hears the call of God to
be a Prophet, they usually don’t know what to do. They need
someone to help them “learn the ropes.”
At the time of an encounter with God and the subse-
quent call which accompanies it, usually something very pro-
found happens. Every encounter is different. In some cases,
people will see something in a spiritual way. Others will hear

How Do You Know If You Are Called?
the audible voice of God. This is known as a “call encounter.”
Not every encounter is a call encounter. Some encounters with
God will be for the purpose of healing a person of a terminal
illness or disease. After such an encounter, sometimes God
will call that person into a ministry of healing. Encounters and
callings from God are for different purposes.
The call of God is not initiated by a person, nor is it
sought for. It comes from God because of His divine will.
When someone hears the call of God, He births a
passion in their heart for the ministry He will assign to them.
If there is the call to be a Prophet of God, then passion and
motivation to prophesy will come along with it. This passion
and motivation is the driving force in developing the Prophetic
Gifts. Without passion and motivation, people will not have
the courage or conviction to step out and prophesy the word
of the Lord.
If you are called of God, He will certainly and defi-
nitely communicate this to you.
Immediately after a person hears the call of God, there
will be an immediate desire to find and connect with other
people who are called in a similar way. Those called as Proph-
ets will naturally gravitate towards others who are Prophets or
those who flow in the Prophetic Gifts. Also there will be a
desire to pray more and even acquire teaching material to start
learning about Prophecy and Prophets.
Those who hear the call of God to become one of His
Prophets will also begin to have Prophetic dreams or visions.
This is the beginning of much more to come. From that point
onwards, it will be mostly about growing and developing in
maturity, wisdom, stature and the knowledge of who God is.
Some individuals even enrol at a bible college to get
an education in the word of God. This is also sometimes nec-
essary for development into the call of God to be a Prophet.

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
Bible college does not qualify us, God’s calling and prepara-
tion does. Never think that one can attend a bible college to
become a Prophet. Only God’s calling and preparation can
qualify a person.
When a person has heard a call from God and has be-
gun to pursue it, God will begin to confirm it. He may possi-
bly confirm His call through another Prophet of God, or even
through their church leadership. In one way or another, God
will begin to encourage those whom He calls to pursue their
destiny to become a Prophet.
If you receive a calling from the Lord, to be a Prophet,
but there is no-one, not even your local church leadership to
give their agreement, it is important not to be discouraged. If
you show a heart of servant hood, and you are diligent to “stir
up” the Prophetic gifts, sooner or later the time will come when
others will notice your progress. As your gift grows, so will
the level of accuracy. In the book of Proverbs 18:16; (NKJV),
it reads, “A man’s gift makes room for him, And brings him before
great men.” A true Prophetic gift will not go unnoticed, but
will create opportunities for advancement.
Shortly after receiving a call from God, not only will
there be a passion for the Prophetic, but those called will begin
stepping out and prophesying that which God shows them.
In many cases, those called might “miss the mark” but they
will begin developing their spiritual perception to receive more
communication from heaven. As this happens, those who are
connected with them through relationships will begin to rec-
ognise or discern that God’s knowledge or revelation is flowing
through them.
For others to recognise the evidence of a calling is
very important for growth. It is extremely important that gift-
ing and maturity develop together within a local church con-
text. This is where giftedness is honed and polished. The local

How Do You Know If You Are Called?
church should be where we are permitted to make mistakes.
Making mistakes is part of the growth process. When those
called to be Prophets start out, usually there are mistakes they
make during development and growth. As time goes on, fewer
mistakes are made, which means they are growing and devel-
oping into the call.
The first thing that happens after a calling is heard and
received, is separation. Separation is about focus and pursuit.
In order to grow into God’s calling, it is important to eliminate
distractions that will come. Separation is also about under-
standing the seriousness of what we are called to. Separation
will often cost us. This cost often manifests through the prun-
ing of friendships and acquaintances, or conviction of sin and
bad habits.
In the next chapter, I will share more with you about
the separation that happens after receiving the calling to be a
Prophet of God.


Your Brook Cherith

f you’ve heard about Elijah the Prophet, then you’ve prob-
ably heard about the Brook Cherith.
In the book of 1 Kings 17:1-6; (NKJV), it reads as fol-
lows, “And Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitants of Gilead, said to
Ahab, “As the LORD God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there
shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word.” Then the
word of the LORD came to him, saying, “Get away from here and
turn eastward, and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the
Jordan. And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have
commanded the ravens to feed you there.” So he went and did accord-
ing to the word of the LORD, for he went and stayed by the Brook
Cherith, which flows into the Jordan. The ravens brought him bread
and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening; and
he drank from the brook.”
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
Elijah is my favourite Prophet, simply because I can
identify with his life’s journey. This guy stood out from the
rest because of How God worked in him and through him, all
at the same time.
After God sent him to Ahab, to deliver the “word
of the Lord,” He told him to turn Eastward and hide by the
brook Cherith. The Hebrew meaning of Cherith is, “To cut, or
to cut a covenant.”
In the lives of God’s Prophets, He will require them
to spend time, going through a Cherith experience. God is the
God of covenant, and He wants His Prophets to know what it
means to be in covenant with Him. Without a complete un-
derstanding of a covenant with God, Prophets will not under-
stand the grace, mercy and compassion of God. It is one thing
to deliver a prophecy of judgement, and another thing to bring
it with grace, mercy and compassion. Understanding God’s
covenant with His people, is to understand His heart for them.
It means that God is completely committed to them. He will
never leave us, nor forsake us.
Apart from knowing the God of covenant, God’s plan
for His Prophets is to teach them greater or deeper things to
do with their calling and gifting. Cherith is just the place for
The first thing God wanted Elijah to learn at this
place of cutting and covenant, was what it meant to be hidden
in Him for a season. There are seasons of “going” and there
are seasons of “hiding.” Cherith was the place God chose for
Elijah to find Him and to hide there.
Before great exploits, there are times and seasons of
hiding. During times of hiding, God prepares us for a coming
assignment. If we can’t obey His strange instruction of going
to Cherith, then we won’t be ready for the coming assignment.
Hiding is about waiting upon the Lord to synchronise with

Your Brook Cherith
Him. As we wait upon God, during a season of hiding, we get
to sharpen our spiritual senses to hear God more accurately.
The time spent at the brook Cherith was not long,
perhaps a matter of months, probably about three. During his
stay at the brook Cherith, God taught him a couple of very
important lessons.
The first lesson at school Cherith was “Trust for provi-
sion.” God told Elijah that He had commanded the ravens to
feed him there. The ravens would not go anywhere else, only
to Cherith. No matter where God will send us, He has com-
manded His provision to arrive there. This is how He does
things. He will never send us to a place where there is no pro-
vision. This is how He operates.
With every place God assigns us to, there is grace for
that place. Cherith had the grace of God in different ways.
Commanded provision was God’s responsibility. All Elijah
needed to learn was that God would somehow, make a way
where there was no way at all.
Understanding God’s way of providing is most prob-
ably one of the biggest lessons any young man or woman, who
is called to be a Prophet, will need to learn. This learning curve
of understanding God’s kind of provision, is on-going . The
purpose is so that God’s prophets will never have a price tag.
God’s prophets should never minister for money. This is a huge
mistake. The lesson here to learn, is that God is our source, but
He uses man, or in this case, birds. God is the one behind our
provision, we just need to know where to go, to get it.
Every place God sends us to, has His commanded
The brook Cherith is a place of learning some im-
portant lessons for future situations. Not only is the brook
Cherith a place to come into hiding and learning about God’s
provision, it is also a place where the Prophets learn the “flow”

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
of the Spirit of God. Elijah was commanded by the Lord, to
turn Eastward, and hide by the brook Cherith and to drink
from it. God also mentioned that it “flows” into the Jordan.
The word “flows” sticks out for me here. It is an indication that
there is a lot more going on at Cherith that we care to admit.
Drinking from the flow of God is what sustains the anointing
of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Prophet of God. Know-
ing how to flow with the direction of the Holy Spirit is vitally
important, so important that it will bring a distinction between
the true Prophets, and those who are false.
The flow of the Holy Spirit is learned. It requires a
sensitivity to His leading and His voice. Without a sensitivity
to this “flow” the Prophet will not have great accuracy, but a hit
and miss ministry. The flow of the Spirit of God is about dis-
cerning people’s hearts and the atmosphere that results from
that. What I mean is that if people’s hearts are sceptical, then
the atmosphere to heal or perform miracles is affected in a
negative way. It’s all about honouring those God sends. With-
out the Presence of the Lord, manifest in the atmosphere, to
perform the miraculous, the Prophet is helpless. Knowing the
flowing and moving of the Holy Spirit is so important for mi-
raculous things to happen.
As I said before, Cherith is only a temporary place of
preparation and learning. This necessary step which Elijah was
required to take, enabled him to be prepared for his next assign-
ment. There is always a brook Cherith in the life of a Prophet
of God, before his next series of exploits for the Lord.
When the time and season was coming to an end, the
brook which was sustained the “man of God,” began to dry up.
This was the first sign that it was time to move on. But without
a word to command or instruct him to move, he had to stay
put at Cherith. First the brook died up, then the Lord spoke
to him about the next place. Cherith was a place of hiding, but

Your Brook Cherith
the next place was to go and do. Assignments are about hear-
ing God’s instructions and doing them.
In 1 Kings 17:7-10; (NKJV), it reads, “And it happened
after a while that the brook dried up, because there had been no
rain in the land. Then the word of the LORD came to him, saying,
“Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there.
See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.” So he
arose and went to Zarephath.”
First the brook dried up, then the word of the Lord came
to Elijah, commanding him to arise and go. The man of God
could not go anywhere until he heard the word of the Lord
instructing him. Too many people are motivated by a crisis
instead of an instruction. Whenever God says arise, it means
that it is time to step into the next assignment. God’s grace
had moved from Cherith to Zarephath. The grace and em-
powerment of God had shifted. It was time to go.
It’s amazing how we would like to side step a season at
the brook Cherith, but always be on the cutting edge of God’s
assignments. Before Zarephath is Cherith, a time to learn the
ways of God. Prophets need to know how God operates. This
is the purpose of the brook Cherith.


Time to Start Your Apprenticeship

here are some things that you are able to learn on your
own, in the Presence of God, but there are other things
that He will require you to receive through a Prophet
who has walked the road you are about to embark on. Like a
normal apprenticeship to learn a trade, so there are similarities
to learn what it means to be a Prophet, but with one difference,
Spiritual fathers are few and far between. In 1
Corinthians 4:16; (NKJV ), it reads, “For though you might
have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have
many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through
the gospel.”
Serving an apprenticeship and being spiritually fathered
is a wonderful opportunity for a young man or woman. The
benefits will become evident later on in your journey.
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
Throughout the bible there are many instances of
this. For example, God chose to continue the blessing upon
Abraham to his son Isaac and grandson Jacob. Abraham being
a pioneering father of none, journeyed to Canaan to pursue
God’s destiny for him, and this included becoming the “fa-
ther of many nations.” Moses was called by God to lead the
children of Israel from slavery into freedom, but never made
it to the promised land, but died on the wilderness side of the
Jordan river. Nevertheless, Joshua, his servant and son in the
faith, was chosen by God to lead Israel into the promised land.
The assignment before them was to conquer territory already
occupied by formidable enemies. He had trained up a whole
new generation of warriors. By the time they began the con-
quest of Canaan, Joshua was about eighty-years-old.
When you respond to the call of God to be one of
His Prophets, your journey will firstly start with servant-hood
without any prominent position or status. A Prophet of God,
cannot afford to pursue position or status. These are worldly
values that have no Kingdom purpose. In order to grow in
stature and favour with God and man, those who are serving
an apprenticeship, must be truly humble and wear the cloak of
humility, otherwise it will be, “game over” for them.
When a spiritually young person embarks on a long
season of fathering, mentorship and apprenticeship, they will
wear the two garments of servant and son combined.
Another wonderful example of a spiritual father and
son relationship for the purpose of raising up the next genera-
tion to inherit the position of, “Man of God”, and “Prophet of
God”, is Elijah and Elisha.
Before Elijah was ready to impart all his knowledge,
anointing and understanding of God’s ways to Elisha, he had
to first undergo his own training exclusively under the hand of
God. Biblically speaking, there is no history of Elijah’s journey

Time to Start Your Apprenticeship
and process during his growing up years, that would indicate
he served an apprenticeship under a “Man of God.” Although
there were many Prophets in those days, Israel was under a
time of spiritual crisis where the kings had departed from God
and His ways, and had embraced idolatry. Most of the exist-
ing Prophets had been massacred by the evil Jezebel, married
to king Ahab who was a very weak leader with no righteous
convictions. Fathering Prophets were scarce in those days, so
God equipped and raised many of them up Himself. Elijah
was most probably one of them.
God had already called Elisha many years before He
spoke to Elijah about fathering him to take his place as the
next Prophet of God. Even though God makes no mistakes
when He calls people, it is up to them to respond and accept
the journey, training and process ahead. We read in Matthew
22:14; (NKJV), “For many are called, but few are chosen.” The
choosing comes much later on, but before then, there is a proc-
ess which follows the call.
Spiritual fathers in the faith, look for certain qualities
in those who seek their expertise and input. Spiritual fathers
are looking for these important qualities:- servant-hood, a
teachable attitude, understanding submission to leadership and
authorities, willingness to not just do what is required, but for
their apprentice/son to serve without complaining or expecting
privileges. These are just a few qualities candidates should have
in order to be trained, mentored, fathered and equipped into
their calling. Without these attributes and attitudes, a per-
son called to be a Prophet, will not be chosen when their time
comes to be sent. They will just be called, but never graduate
and be commissioned by God Himself.
As I mentioned before, the journey of a Prophet/ap-
prentice is about servant-hood. You might be surprised how
much you can learn just by serving. While serving you will

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
automatically begin “following.” This next scripture is a won-
derful example of “following.” In 1 Kings 19:21; (NKJV), We
read, “So Elisha turned back from him, and took a yoke of oxen and
slaughtered them and boiled their flesh, using the oxen’s equipment,
and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he arose and followed
Elijah, and became his servant.”
In this portion of scripture, I see three very important
key words, “arose”, “followed” and “served.” The word “arose”,
speaks of a change of position or task. “Followed,” tells us that
Elisha was completely committed to watch, observe and learn
how Elijah lived out the life of God’s Prophet. Lastly, the
word “became,” indicates that a transformation came during
the process of following. He first took on the role of a servant,
but at the same time, a spiritual son who would later inherit
what Elijah was walking in. Many want to become, “The man
or woman of power for the hour” without serving any appren-
ticeship at all. This will never happen. To become a Prophet of
God, is to be in a position where God will trust you with His
power, authority and words. When God trusts an individual
to carry out His instruction, He will also give His support,
endorsement, approval, authority and visibility.
Remember, when you are in the stage of serving an
apprenticeship to a Prophet of God, only concentrate on how
you can assist him/her to further God’s cause instead of yours.


Understanding Mantles and The Anointing

hen Elijah journeyed from Mt Horeb to Abel Me-
holah where Elisha lived, he had stepped into a new
time and season. He was to acquire a friend and
companion with whom to share his journey and life. He was
also acquiring a new assignment. This assignment involved
equipping and preparing the next generation to carry out the
great exploits of God and to represent Him.
When he eventually found Elisha, his first act was
to “throw his mantle” upon him. This was customary in those
days. When a Prophet of God “threw his mantle” upon a young
man, it was a sign that his life was about to change, in a huge
way, and his apprenticeship to become a Prophet of God was
about to begin.
A mantle is another word for “outer garment.” This
outer garment that Elijah wore, was a type of “uniform.”
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
He wore it to indicate to God’s people, that he was a “Prophet
of God.” Not only did Elijah wear the physical “mantle,” he
also carried the Presence and authority of God Himself. God’s
authority is closely connected with an assignment and area of
responsibility to represent Him.
The mantle represents an assignment, but the anoint-
ing is the actual power and authority to carry it out. When
a Prophet is clothed outwardly, he/she is clothed inwardly as
well. The inward clothing of God is called the anointing. To
anoint means to smear or to rub with oil. Oil is a symbol rep-
resenting the power and presence of God upon a person.
Elijah threw his mantle on Elisha to indicate that he
was drawing him into a close relationship and connection with
himself. Elisha was going to be “covered” by the Presence of
God while in relationship with Elijah. This meant, that the
same authority and power would begin to stir within Elisha’s
When a young man/woman comes under the mantle
of a Prophet of God, his/her gifts get activated. These gifts
might probably have been within their lives all along, but at
the commencement of apprenticeship and serving, activation
of those gifts begins.
The anointing of God upon his Prophets, activates the
prophetic gifts in the apprentice, if they are not already active.
Today, in the church, one of the functions of God’s
Prophets is to impart and activate Prophetic gifts in His peo-
The anointing of God comes into our lives by these
different ways, which are: Environment, Association, Influence
and Inheritance.
If we are part of a church where there is a frequent
occurrence of miracles, then there should be an environment
and spiritual atmosphere of the miraculous, to be readily acces-

Understanding Mantles and The Anointing
sible to us. This environment will begin to affect those who are
hungry and thirsty for miracles. As people believe and open
up their hearts to the anointing of God present amongst God’s
people, they could easily be used by Him to work miracles, at
times, even though, on an individual level, they are not actually
called as workers of miracles.
Association by relationship or the divine joining of
God, will be another means by which the anointing of God
is transferred to others or imparted. Those we associate with,
who have learned how to operate in the anointing of God, will
be vessels whom God will use to stir the spiritual gifts in God’s
people. The closer the association, the more spiritual stirring
will happen. Even though there may be a spiritual stirring of
God’s anointing, those being stirred also need to exercise their
faith with regard to ministering with the supernatural gifts of
the Holy Spirit.
The influence that our favourite ministries have over
us, will determine the level of their anointing that will be im-
parted and captured by us.
About fifteen years ago, Cathi and I were in need of spir-
itual growth in a certain area of our lives. We were in much
need of change in those days. One day, we decided to watch
a popular Christian television station, who were broadcasting
in our area. We were particularly drawn to a certain man in
ministry who was actively involved on that network at that
time, and still is to this day. We began to watch his broad-
cast every morning at the same time. As time went by, our
frequent viewing of the broadcast began to minister power-
fully into our lives, to the point where we experienced a huge
breakthrough. The influence of his anointing and ministry and
what he preached, imparted the necessary power and anointing
to us, for positive transformation and change. We are forever
grateful to God for him. His name is Creflo Dollar.

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
The anointing upon a Prophet is unique. It’s an anoint-
ing that opens up a dimension of revelation and understanding
of the Kingdom of God. It’s an anointing that enables people
to see beyond the natural world and to see into the spiritual
world of God.
In 1 Samuel:18-24; (NKJV), it reads, “So David fled
and escaped, and went to Samuel at Ramah, and told him all that
Saul had done to him. And he and Samuel went and stayed in Nai-
oth. Now it was told Saul, saying, “Take note, David is at Naioth
in Ramah!” Then Saul sent messengers to take David. And when
they saw the group of prophets prophesying, and Samuel standing
as leader over them, the Spirit of God came upon the messengers of
Saul, and they also prophesied. And when Saul was told, he sent
other messengers, and they prophesied likewise. Then Saul sent mes-
sengers again the third time, and they prophesied also. Then he also
went to Ramah, and came to the great well that is at Sechu. So
he asked, and said, “Where are Samuel and David?” And someone
said, “Indeed they are at Naioth in Ramah.” So he went there to
Naioth in Ramah. Then the Spirit of God was upon him also, and
he went on and prophesied until he came to Naioth in Ramah. And
he also stripped off his clothes and prophesied before Samuel in like
manner, and lay down naked all that day and all that night. There-
fore, they say, “Is Saul also among the prophets?”
The above portion of scripture emphasises and reveals
the power of the anointing upon the Prophets of God. Dav-
id, before he became king, was fleeing for his life from King
Saul. Saul hated him and wanted to kill him. When David
fled, he went to Samuel the Prophet and found refuge there.
Later, Saul learned that David was at Naioth with Samuel, and
a company of other Prophets. Saul decided to send a “SWAT”
team in, to arrest David and bring him back. When the men
arrived where the group of Prophets were, the anointing of
the Holy Spirit came upon them, disabled them from arrest-

Understanding Mantles and The Anointing
ing or harming David, and gave them supernatural prophetic
utterances to the point where they became overwhelmed by
God’s presence. This happened to three different groups of
messengers, until Saul decided to go and capture David him-
self. When he arrived, the very same thing happened to him.
His bold move was overturned and he prophesied among the
Prophets. This is how powerful the anointing is upon God’s
When one or more Prophets are gathered together,
there will be a tangible Prophetic atmosphere present. It is like
stepping into a building on fire and becoming overwhelmed
by the smoke present there. An illustration comes to mind
of a burning building, which has heat and smoke which easily
overcomes anyone trapped inside, so it is with a gathering of
God’s Prophets.
In the book of 2 Kings 2:9-14; (NKJV), it reads, “And
so it was, when they had crossed over, that Elijah said to Elisha,
“Ask! What may I do for you, before I am taken away from you?”
Elisha said, “Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.”
So he said, You have asked a hard thing. Nevertheless, if you see me
when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you; but if not, it shall
not be so.” Then it happened, as they continued on and talked, that
suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire, and separated
the two of them; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.
And Elisha saw it, and he cried out, “My father, my father, the
chariot of Israel and its horsemen!” So he saw him no more. And he
took hold of his own clothes and tore them into two pieces. He also
took up the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, and went
back and stood by the bank of the Jordan. Then he took the mantle
of Elijah that had fallen from him, and struck the water, and said,
“Where is the LORD God of Elijah?” And when he also had struck
the water, it was divided this way and that; and Elisha crossed

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
Elisha had followed and served Elijah his spiritual
father, and the time had come after many years, for him to
receive his commission and assignment, to complete the work
that Elijah started. True “fathers” in the faith should have
something special to pass onto spiritual sons/daughters. Elijah
had more than a mantle, he had conquered territory. Every
victory or great exploit that God wrought through his ministry,
became a platform for the next generation to walk on. Great
men and women of God, who contend for spiritual truths and
deeper demonstrations of the Holy Spirit, have something to
share with a worthy generation. The secrets they learned from
the Spirit of God should not go to the grave with them. They
should be passed on to the next generation.
Elijah asked Elisha a very important question, which
went like this, “Ask, what may I do for you before I am taken away
from you?”
He did not ask for Elijah’s mantle, he asked for a dou-
ble portion of the anointing. He used the word “spirit.” This
word actually means, “breath.” The Spirit of God upon God’s
people, is their spiritual breath of life. Without the power-
ful anointing breathed upon Elisha, he would never have been
able to step into the unfinished assignment of Elijah. Without
that anointing he would not be able to stand boldly before
hard-hearted people and proclaim, thus says the Lord.
The Prophet’s call may sometimes lead them into situa-
tions where there is no honour given, because of unbelieving peo-
ple. Jesus Himself was not received in His home town of Naza-
reth because of the lack of honour towards Him or His office.
A Prophet stands in an office, or better known as an appointed
place of authority to speak on God’s behalf. If the listeners have
an “ear to hear”, then the Word of the Lord through Prophets
will greatly benefit them. Honouring the “office” of the Prophet,
is to honour God Himself. The “Word of the Lord” through

Understanding Mantles and The Anointing
the Prophets has the backing of God Himself. The anointing of
God is His ability upon a person, to carry out His instructions
and to stand boldly and proclaim what He wants said.
God’s anointing in manifestation upon a Prophet,
carries actual power to make a huge impact on those he is sent
to. This anointing is the evidence that God is with His man/
woman. God will never appoint someone to an office with-
out empowering them to stand boldly in it. That is why it is
important for Prophets to have had one or more encounters
with the Lord. Encounters convince us that God has called us
and is with us. An encounter with God will enable the young
man/woman to stand amidst opposition.
Sometimes the Prophetic Anointing will manifest
purely in the realm of revelation, or seeing. The Prophet is
then empowered to see into the realm of the Spirit of God.
This is where the heart of God is revealed. Other times the
Prophetic Anointing will even manifest by an act of power,
meaning, miracles, signs and wonders. The Prophet is not only
anointed to speak, but to perform miracles and to even heal the
sick. This manifestation of miraculous power is different from
the anointing to see. Another manifestation of the Prophetic
Anointing is the combination of both seeing and miraculous
power. Throughout the Old Testament, we see Prophets speak-
ing and performing miracles. This is evidence of the office of
the Prophet.
The anointing is God releasing a measure of our in-
heritance through being endowed with His power. Power is
the ability that God gives us to deliver someone else from the
work of the devil. Without this power, we cannot deliver any-
one from the clutches of evil. This is why Jesus came as the
anointed one, to undo heavy burdens and destroy yokes of op-
pression. Only the power (anointing) of God is available to
do this.

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
This anointing cannot be bought, it is received by
There are as many different kinds of Prophetic anoint-
ings as there are Prophets. What this means is, that no two
Prophetic anointings are the same. The anointing of God
upon a person’s life is tailor-made to who he/she is. Even
though we serve others in ministry and even receive a portion
of their anointing, we will never really be the same as them.
God anoints individuals.
No matter what ministry a person is called to, they
will have an anointing for it. God anoints us for the specific
ministry He has given us. The anointing that comes upon us
for our particular ministry can either be impactful or mini-
mal. This means that we actually have something to do with
the measure or amount of anointing that manifests during a
time of ministry. If a person is anointed to preach, there will
be times when that anointing will be greater and other times
it will be lesser. Many factors might determine how much or
little the anointing will manifest upon us, but the factor that
influences the intensity of a person’s anointing is how well they
prepare themselves beforehand.
Having constant, ongoing fellowship with the Lord,
studying His word and praying in other tongues is the primary
way in which we prepare ourselves for the anointing to come
upon us. Without the anointing coming upon us, there will
be no anointing in manifestation to remove the burdens and
destroy the yokes of the enemy’s oppression.


Independence is Your Enemy

he Prophet of the Old Testament dispensation is very
similar to that of the New Testament, but there are
some differences. The main difference is that they are
not the “main” voice of God to His people. In Old Testament
times, Israel, then God’s people, did not have the indwelling
Holy Spirit, because they did not have the New Birth experi-
ence. They were people under the Law, but nevertheless God’s
During the wilderness wonderings, Israel did not
want direct communication with God, they wanted Moses to
hear from God and then relay His message to them.
Jesus said these words in John 10:27; (NKJV), “My
sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”
Everyone of God’s people is able to hear His voice for
themselves. Prophets of the New Testament are no longer the
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
means to find spiritual direction. God will direct His people
Another very important difference between Old and
New Testament Prophets, is that today, Prophets are a gift to the
church, firstly to equip them for the work of the ministry and
then to build up or edify them. All of God’s people are called to
His ministry. There is a difference between the equipping five-
fold ministries and the serving ministries of God’s people.
Prophets are called to use the Prophetic anointing
to train and equip God’s people and to confirm their callings,
gifts and ministries.
I believe that New Testament Prophets should serve in
their local church at some stage of their development. God is
compassionate towards His people, so He requires His Proph-
ets to be compassionate too. Serving in their local church is
how Prophets gain God’s heart for them.
In Old Testament times, Prophets were loners. They
were called to stand apart from the people of God and to stand
in the counsel and Presence of God. Often when God’s time
for them came to speak His message, they would bring it to the
people. Today, Prophets are still separate, but not isolated or
independent. They are meant to be in relationship with church
leadership. Some ministries are “called to” the local church
and others are “called through.” The credibility of Prophets is
built from within the Body of Christ on the local church level.
Even though God sends His Prophets, they are also sent from
somewhere. They are meant to be accountable to God’s lo-
cal leadership structures. This accountability is always through
strong relationships and alignments. A man or woman in au-
thority, needs to be under authority, otherwise they are “rebels
without a cause.”
A good reputation is more important than accurate
“words of knowledge.” Serving in a local church and building

Independence is Your Enemy
meaningful relationships there, will give a young person, called
to be a Prophet, the necessary credibility which others will hon-
our. A person with a bad reputation will not carry God’s honour
or endorsement upon their ministry. God is looking for “behind
the scenes” behaviour, which is the true reflection of maturity.
The gifts we possess make room for us, but honour goes before
us. Just having a Prophetic gift is not enough to sustain a per-
son’s ministry, they need a good reputation and credibility.
In 2 Kings 3:11-12; (NKJV), we read,”But Jehoshaphat
said, “Is there no prophet of the LORD here, that we may inquire
of the LORD by him?” So one of the servants of the king of Israel
answered and said, “Elisha the son of Shaphat is here, who poured
water on the hands of Elijah.” And Jehoshaphat said, “The word of
the LORD is with him.” So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat and
the king of Edom went down to him.”
King Jehoshaphat teamed up with the kings of Israel
and Edom to go to war against the king of Moab. After em-
barking on their campaign of war, some time later, they ran out
of water. Because of the crisis, the king of Israel was concerned
that God had led them into a position that would cause them
to lose the battle. King Jehoshaphat of Judah, asked if there
was a Prophet of the Lord present whom they might enquire
of. Then one of the servants of the king of Israel revealed that
Elisha was there. This servant confirmed Elisha’s reputation
and credibility, recommending him as one who would bring
the “True and accurate” word of the Lord. Elisha’s character of
servant-hood was the necessary credibility that gave him hon-
our in the sight of Jehoshaphat. The servant said that Elisha
had “poured water on the hands of Elijah.” This was the report
confirming his credibility.
Serving others shows submission to God’s process
and reveals our hearts so that we are trustworthy and believ-

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
Because most Prophets are “called through” the local
church, there will come a time when they will be “sent” to other
places to fulfil their ministry. A Prophet cannot just assume to
go somewhere without being “sent” by God Himself. We see
this principle in the life of the Apostle Paul who was part of
the leadership of the church of Antioch. While the team of five
leaders sought the Lord, during a time of fasting and prayer,
the Holy Spirit spoke to them and instructed them to separate
both Barnabas and Saul (Paul), to the work He had chosen
for them. The work was to spread the gospel of the Kingdom
of God among the gentiles in nearby foreign countries. This
separation was for their apostolic work. Both Barnabas and
Paul teamed up for this assignment. Before Paul was sent by
the Spirit of God into Apostolic work, he stood in the offices
of both Prophet and Teacher.
Only faithful servants of the Lord are sent, not just
gifted people. There are too many gifted ministries, but few
faithful servants of the Lord. Serving in the local church will
reveal servant-hood in a person. God promotes servant-hood,
not giftedness.
The Prophet of the New Testament is not to walk an
isolated and lonely life. They are to develop among their fel-
low brothers and sisters, and to grow into their calling with the
protection and validation of the local church leadership.
I’m sure you might have heard this saying, “It’s not
what you know, but who you know.” When people, called to be
Prophets, serve a time in their local church, the leadership will
be quick to recommend them to other local churches, because
they would have built relationships of credibility.


Understanding Itinerant Ministry

hen a young Prophet is ready for promotion and
expansion of their ministry into other parts of their
country or even abroad, this means that they will
begin travelling extensively. This is for the purpose of carrying
God’s Prophetic word to other churches in regions where the
“word of the Lord” is needed.
To begin a new journey that encompasses travelling
to churches in distant places, is completely different to local
church ministry.
When it is time to itinerate into other regions, honour
goes before a Prophet. In Mark 6:4-6; (NKJV), it reads, “But
Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honour except in his
own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house.” Now
He could do no mighty work there, except that He laid His hands
on a few sick people and healed them. And He marvelled because of
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
their unbelief. Then He went about the villages in a circuit, teach-
ing.” Without honour, no-one will listen to a Prophet’s words.
Honour comes by a good reputation, demonstrations of God’s
power and accurate words of Prophecy, which come to pass.
It is in my opinion that to travel alone for extended
periods of time, is not God’s best, nor is it ideal. Sometimes,
travelling alone is unavoidable. Often Prophets need to leave
their families behind in order to take God’s word to churches
in far off places. I believe that if Prophets are married, their
spouse needs to accompany them on their travels. Also, if they
have children, then they should travel with their parents too.
My wife and I did this for many years with our kids when they
were young. As they got older, and their schooling got more
demanding, they were not able to join me for most of my trips,
and Cathi made the choice to stay at home with them. This
was a wise choice and paid off in the long run. We also man-
aged to make up for my travels without them, by also planning
trips during school holidays. This enabled our kids to enjoy
holidays away from home in other places. A couple of ex-
amples of this happened on different occasions, when both of
our kids were with us in England, France and Austria, during
winter and also in summer. This is so important.
I am fortunate to be married to a wife who is just
as much called to the Prophetic office as I am. Her ministry
compliments mine perfectly. It is a joy to team up together,
and to carry out the assignments of God. Now, our kids are
married and are busy pursuing God’s purposes for their lives,
which frees us even more to come and go as God directs with
hardly any hindrance or restraint.
To begin as an itinerant ministry is not easily accom-
plished if you don’t know how to start. Many years ago, before
we travelled, I thought that to begin travelling, one would sit
at home and wait for the phone to ring, with church leaders

Understanding Itinerant Ministry
inviting us to minister in their churches. This kind of thinking
was very naive of me. No-one told me how to get started in an
itinerant ministry.
The following is my advice that will help those who
feel strongly called to itinerate in their ministry.
Firstly, you should buy yourself a diary which contains
a year planner with months neatly laid out. With a year plan-
ner, clearly showing the whole year, it will be much easier to see
what months you are able to be away from home. Also take
into consideration, school and public holidays.
An obvious next priority, would be to have at least
two hundred business cards made up so that you can have all
your contact details readily available to those who might need
them. Also consider having your banking information printed
on the reverse side of the card. This will give your hosts who
want to bless you with offerings and donations, easy access to
those details.
Aim first to plan your ministry trips up to three months
in advance. Each trip should not be less than seventeen days,
which normally works out to be three possible weekends for
ministry, and then to return home on the last Monday. Three
Sundays in a row may sound like a lot, but that only adds up
to two weeks and two days. If for a local trip, you leave by air
on a Friday around lunch time, taking into account that your
flying time could be up to three hours, you would arrive at
your destination during that same afternoon, and you could be
ready for your first meeting in the evening. The best practice
is to work towards booking full weekends for ministry, initially.
As the weekends fill up, with meetings planned for all your
Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, you could start to work on
even extending mid-week evening meetings, and even a couple
of morning ones too. Sometimes, churches would like to have
you for both Sunday morning and evening, and extend your

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
time over into Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, for
additional sessions of either equipping or impartation.
As you plan with this strategy in mind, you will begin
to maximise your time.
It is very important that you ask your local church
leaders to recommend your ministry to other churches in their
network, providing they understand, that your time has come
to be sent to other places. Usually, your own church leaders will
be pleased to make contact with their friends on your behalf.
Your priority for travelling is not to generate an
income, but to make your ministry available to churches in
other places and to serve them. In so doing, you will need
to build relationships with key leaders by keeping in touch
with them, while you are in their city, town or even other
parts of their country. Staying in touch with them should be
high up on your priority list. Once you have completed your
two weeks of ministry in an area, before you depart, enquire
whether your hosts would consider having you again, after a
period of about six months for more ministry. If they agree,
ask them to suggest appropriate dates that they could have
you. A really sensible thing to do, would be to have dates
booked and confirmed with them, which makes planning in
advance so much easier.
The way most churches work with offerings, dona-
tions and honorariums, is normally to ask you what you expect
to receive from them after your ministry. You should never
feel awkward about this. First work out your budget for each
month and look to see if a complete seventeen-day trip would
cover your costs. You will be surprised how generous church-
es are. Also, there will certainly be individuals approaching
you, to honour you for your ministry. This should be consid-
ered as bonuses and blessings for you and your family. If it is
the Lord’s will for you to itinerate, then there should be no

Understanding Itinerant Ministry
problem living well through the generosity of His people.
A bad practice, which you should never do, is to send
out letters of appeal for finance. This will cheapen your au-
thenticity and give you a bad reputation. Churches are very
aware of this kind of behaviour. Rather learn God’s way of
providing and believe Him to take care of you.
As I mentioned before, it would be ideal if your family
could accompany you on your trips. If this is possible, consider
driving if your destination is local, and is not too far away. By
doing this, you will save a substantial amount of money on
travelling costs.
Remember, if a church initiates an invitation for you
to minister with them, it should be their responsibility to carry
all your travelling costs, together with accommodation and to
bless you with an offering or honorarium. If you invite yourself,
then you are responsible for travelling costs and arranging your
own accommodation. Most of the time, even if you’ve initi-
ated the request for them to have you for ministry, the hosting
church’s people are normally happy for you to stay over with
them, often free of charge. In that case, make sure you offer to
pay them something towards hosting you, or even offer to pay
for meals. If someone lends you their car, have it washed and
then return it with a full tank of fuel before you leave. This is to
show honour and respect to your hosts. They will not hesitate
to have you back for more ministry at a later date.
When you arrive for ministry at a local church while
itinerating, always meet with one or more of the leaders, and
politely ask how much time you have to deliver your message,
and to flow in any ministry afterwards. Also ask if they mind
that you Prophesy over their people. In some places, I’ve expe-
rience a lack of openness to the gifts of Prophecy, due to other
ministries who caused problems for them in the past. This is
how you can show submission to their authority. It is more

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
important than trying to prove you can Prophesy. Remember,
the bible says that, “The spirits of the Prophets are subject to the
I thought that the following last few important prin-
ciples for this section were worth mentioning.
When you arrive in the city where you will be minis-
tering, make sure you are never late for ministry engagements.
If your accommodation is on the North side of town, and your
ministry is on the South Side, leave with ample time to get
there, and with at least fifteen minutes to spare before the
meeting starts. Remember, constant excuses for being late will
not be good for your reputation. If you have an unforeseen cir-
cumstance that prevents you from arriving on time, please call
your hosts to inform them. This is good manners.
Understanding itinerant ministry is to know that you
are representing the community and church you are a part of.
You should also remember that you are also opening up the
way for other Prophetic ministries to function because of the
fruit that will follow your ministry. If your ministry creates
controversy and confusion, this means, that you did not man-
age to build according to God’s Kingdom. God’s Kingdom
always represents light, life, love and truth, never confusion and
trouble. Accurate ministry should also expose and “trouble” the
activity of the enemy, but never trouble the people of God.


Celebrated Or Tolerated

or any itinerant ministry, the question of honour is of
utmost importance, especially if you are called to be a
Prophet. In Matthew 10:40-41; (NKJV), it reads, “He
who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him
who sent Me. He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet
shall receive a prophet’s reward. And he who receives a righteous
man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s
reward.” What Jesus meant here is about how Prophets are
received by those to whom they are sent.
If God sends a Prophet, he carries with him a reward.
The prophet’s reward is, “a word from God” and, “an imparta-
tion of prophetic gifts and anointings.”
As Prophets mature over time, so the anointing of God
upon their lives grows and they have more to impart. Prophets
who are at the stage of being sent by God, carry God’s word
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
and heart. In order to release what they carry, it is impera-
tive for those who receive them to honour them. Honouring
those whom God sends, unlocks the anointing and spiritual
gifts. Dishonour towards a Prophet will shut him down before
he/she is even able to get started. This will grieve the Holy
Spirit and the atmosphere will lack liberty and the freedom
He brings.
The Prophet is heavily reliant on the Holy Spirit’s
liberty in order to flow in the revelation of God. The crowd sit-
ting before a Prophet is mostly responsible for the atmosphere
they create. Even Jesus was shut down in His home town of
Nazareth, due to the unbelief and dishonour of the townsfolk.
A prime example of honouring a “man of God” is
seen in 2 Kings 4:8-10; (NKJV), “Now it happened one day that
Elisha went to Shunem, where there was a notable woman, and
she persuaded him to eat some food. So it was, as often as he passed
by, he would turn in there to eat some food. And she said to her
husband, “Look now, I know that this is a holy man of God, who
passes by us regularly. Please, let us make a small upper room on the
wall; and let us put a bed for him there, and a table and a chair and
a lampstand; so it will be, whenever he comes to us, he can turn in
The woman of Shunem was a woman of honour.
She understood the principle of honouring those who were
also honourable. When Elisha was in Shunem on God’s busi-
ness, she instantly recognised, spiritually, who he was. People
of honour are able to discern others who are honourable. A
person who does not honour others will not be able to spiritu-
ally discern the value of those God sends. Honouring is to
understand the value God places on people whom He sends.
The woman told her husband what she felt and de-
cided to ask his permission to do something special for the
Prophet of God. This involved spending a small fortune to up-

Celebrated Or Tolerated
grade their home to accommodate Elisha. It is no wonder that
when Elisha passed through the Shunem area, he would stay
at this couple’s home. When the room was built, he accepted
it as something very special set aside only for him and no-one
else. The honour this woman and her husband showed Elisha,
ministered to him and “washed his feet.” Such honour to visit-
ing ministries refreshes and gives them time to recharge.
In the verses following our passage of scripture above,
we read how Elisha responded to the woman’s honour and
serving. He wanted to find out what he could do for her or
her husband. His servant made a suggestion that she had no
children and her husband was old. Based on this information,
Elisha was able to release the reward of Prophecy to her. He
declared that within a year, she would embrace a son. This
happened just as he prophesied. Wherever people honour
God and those whom He sends, great rewards follow.
When God puts honour on His Prophets, He is rais-
ing the level of favour too. Honour and favour go together.
Without favour, Prophets cannot go through doors that God
brings to them. Favour is about accomplishing a purpose of
God. When God puts favour into a person’s heart, He seeks
to accomplish something through them. The door for access
into Shunem came through that notable woman who received
God’s favour in her heart towards Elisha, so that he could visit
that area to accomplish God’s purpose there.
Honour is another form of celebrating the value on
another person. Everyone carries God’s value, no matter who
they are or what their standard of living may be. To honour a
person, is to unlock their potential. Whosoever we honour, en-
ables us to draw out of them those things that we may need.
I was told a story once, by a leader of a significant
church, who invited a prominent Prophetess to minister. He
explained that during her ministry time, the prophecies that

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
she spoke lacked accuracy. It ended up with some disappoint-
ment to them as a church. Afterwards, during a time of reflec-
tion, this leader asked the Lord what had happened during her
visit with them. The Lord then told him that they did not truly
“receive” her whom He had sent. Instead, their response was
to “check her out.” In so doing, their heart was not fully “open”
to her, which ultimately caused her ministry to be hindered to
such a degree that a struggle began in the Spirit, which caused
the inaccuracy of her Prophecies. Immediately he understood
what God told him, repented for not honouring her and pro-
ceeded to phone her to apologise. He then asked her to con-
sider coming back for another time of ministry. On the second
visit, because of the honour the church extended to her, she
was enabled to operate on a very high level of accuracy in her
Prophecies to the people. He told me that this was one of the
most important lessons they learnt as a congregation.
I have found in the past, when it is very difficult to
“hear” the voice of God during a time of ministry to a church,
invariably the cause would be either “dishonour” or not being
“received.” If itinerant Prophets would learn how to discern the
spiritual atmosphere in places, they would understand what it
means to be celebrated. The big lesson to learn here is, to go
where you are celebrated, not where you are tolerated.
The example of the Shunemite woman honouring Eli-
sha, was through her and her husband’s giving to him. When
they “invested” their money in honouring him, they were giv-
ing to God. Honouring those whom God sends, through giv-
ing, opens up harvest fields of blessings. This is one of the
principles of reward in the Kingdom of God. Without honour,
there is no heavenly reward or blessing.
If a Prophet has a very good reputation, because of an
accurate Prophetic gift, he/she will also need an excellent repu-
tation with regard to their character. Character and gifting go

Celebrated Or Tolerated
hand in hand. Church people are very wary of overbearing
ministers, who may have an accurate gift, but often embarrass
those they minister to. Prophets need to understand that when
ministering to the needy, imparting God’s heart to them is as
important as accurately discerning their needs.
People honour gifting, but God honours Character.
Character is what we present to God as worship, but honing
our gifts is for the benefit of others. People are astounded
when a Prophet, who does not know them from Adam, speaks
the secrets of their hearts.


God’s Preparation of His Prophets

part from serving an apprenticeship with a “man of
God”, the Lord has designed a life-long set of meth-
ods He uses to prepare His Prophets. For the most
part, many of these methods are His standard set for all. When
we look through the bible, we discover many similarities of
how God led and worked with men and women.
One of the most important “spiritual places” God
will lead his Prophets into, is the wilderness. In today’s times,
a physical wilderness is quite unlikely to be a place God
would lead one into. Instead, the “spiritual wilderness” is
a time or season of preparation and teaching. In natural
terms, a wilderness is a place of restriction, not abundance.
As one would need survival skills to conquer such a place,
so a Prophet of God would need spiritual skills in God’s
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
The main lesson to learn in God’s wilderness is “depend-
ence” on Him. By nature, human beings would rather choose
to be self-sufficient. With God, it’s different. He takes delight
in our expectation and dependence upon Him. Whenever we
stray from this, we are in danger of focussing on other things
as our source instead of God. The wilderness is an experience
of training and learning to focus our attention on Who our
source is.
During wilderness seasons, it seems as though life has
suddenly become stressful and complicated. Some “Prophets
in training” often feel their weakest, not their best. This is how
we learn to lean on God. Consider the following scripture,
Song of Songs 8:5; (NKJV), which reads, “Who is this com-
ing up from the wilderness, Leaning upon her beloved?” When
a young man or woman in training enters “God’s wilderness,”
they will later leave having “learned to lean” on the Lord.
A wilderness season is not as a result of a personal
crisis which we have initiated, nor is it a forty-year experience.
Like “the brook Cherith,” it is only a short period of time. I’ve
met some people who have indicated, and proudly too, that
they have been in a wilderness for many years. This is a com-
pletely wrong way of thinking. Often when I asked why they
believed they were experiencing this, they would say they didn’t
know. They would also speak of the dreadful suffering they had
to endure for so many years.
A spiritual wilderness experience is not about how
well one can endure suffering, it’s about learning “the ways of
God.” God takes no delight in our ability to endure suffer-
ing, because He is not the author of it. Sometimes people fall
on “hard times” because this is part of living in a fallen world.
The only suffering we are meant to endure for the sake of the
Kingdom of God is persecution, temptation or any form of
opposition. The bible teaches us that the devil goes about like

God’s Preparation of His Prophets
a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. It is not God’s
will for Christians to be devoured by satan, but to stand, resist
and overcome him.
In order for the Lord to be able to trust His Prophets
with His Presence and power, they need to be proven. A time
of proving is about undergoing times of testing. This testing is
to reveal durability and strength. It also shows up weaknesses
Recently I read the words of Jesus in the book of Rev-
elation, concerning His letters to the seven churches. In many
of the letters, Jesus commends them for their love, patience
(longsuffering) and their intolerance of evil. We, the people
of God, living in this fallen world are meant to influence those
around us with the Presence and power of God. The gospel is
“the power of God” unto salvation, and being able to stand and
shine in a hostile environment is testing and proving enough.
In every letter to those seven churches is a promise to the over-
Part of the preparation of Prophets is to become ma-
ture enough to guard and keep information God shares with
them. Usually, when we start out, we want to prophesy to eve-
ryone, but as time goes on, the need to prove that we are able
to do so, ceases. Knowing what to do with the secrets of God
is part of what it means to “stand before the Lord.” Prophets
are called to stand in God’s counsel and wait for His instruc-
tion to go. Often, God will speak, but will not allow us to go
and relay the message. Rather, He will require us to wait for
His perfect timing. In the waiting time, we carry the “burden”
of the word. The burden is “how” God feels about something.
It is our privilege when God shares His burden with us, and we
carry it for a season before the time of delivery. The Prophetic
word is sown like a seed into the hearts of His Prophets and is
carried until the time of birthing.

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
During the carrying time is where the test happens.
Another way in which Prophets are trained is when
there seems to be nothing to do. Actually, spiritually speaking,
there is always something of eternal value that we can do, on a
daily basis. It’s not about keeping busy, but about being spiritu-
ally productive. We tend to be goal orientated, and that’s not a
bad thing.
The problem with us is that we don’t understand God’s
processes. A typical example of this is when Joseph, the son
of Jacob, spoken of in the book of Genesis, received the call
of God through two dreams. He had no details, but only a
view into the end result. Joseph knew nothing of the process it
would take to get him there.
Part of the proving and testing time is when every-
thing goes opposite to what God revealed to us. For Joseph
he was first sold as a slave to traders going down to Egypt.
Then he was bought by Potiphar, captain of Pharaoh’s guard.
The way up for him, was the way down. From the time he got
God’s dream for his life, circumstance took him on a down-
ward path into very difficult places.
At the time of receiving the call of God, Joseph was
not ready to rule. He was far from being ready. It took thir-
teen years of preparation before he stepping into his destiny.
Much of the time in between was about waiting. While in the
dungeon, it seemed as though his chance of moving up had
come when the chief baker and cup-bearer arrived. They both
had a dream on the same night and Joseph interpreted them
accurately. The baker was executed, but the cup-bearer was
promoted as Joseph said. When this happened, he asked him
to remember him when he got out of the dungeon, but sadly,
the cup-bearer forgot about him for two more years. Some-
times waiting longer is too inconvenient for us, but it is part of
God’s plan to prepare us for His glorious plan.

God’s Preparation of His Prophets
I’ve experienced also, after receiving Prophecies
about greater things to come and open doors for ministry,
that shortly afterwards, everything went opposite. It often
happens that way. Just before a great promotion comes, there
is a huge delay where we can do nothing but wait. To wait is
a kind of a dying process. Everything in us screams, “Come
on, make something happen!” I remember, a couple of years
ago, Cathi and I felt that God was about to do something
amazing through us, which entailed us travelling to the places
of our dreams. Shortly afterwards, it seemed as though eve-
rything turned against us. Doors didn’t open as we thought,
we began to experience financial struggles too. I’m not say-
ing it was God who did this, but I am saying, that opposition
normally arises because of a promise from God. During that
time, we had to stand and endure until it was over. You know
when that season comes to an end, when there is a change
and things start flowing the way God wants them to. Often,
if God gave us his promises when we thought it was time, we
would probably make unwise choices leading to loss and suf-
fering. To walk in wisdom requires obedience and patience
with the things of God. One of them is about waiting.
Obscurity is the testing ground for ambition, es-
pecially when the Lord has promised someone would rise to
great heights. It doesn’t feel good when others are being pro-
moted and we feel as though we are stuck somewhere. Selfish
ambition is our enemy, and the devil is able to use it against us
and God’s Kingdom plans. Selfish ambition is when people
will think nothing of stepping over others to accomplish their
goals. It is when we are more important than anyone or any-
thing else.
I’ve come to more of an understanding about a quote
I’d like to share with you. It goes like this, “Death is the life
of a Prophet of God.” It doesn’t mean that we might die any

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
time and go to heaven. It means, to experience the life of God,
dying to lesser important things is imperative. Another quote
I’ve come to cherish goes like this, “The more God uses you,
the thinner the ice becomes under you.” This means that there
is a price to pay for operating in the realm of the supernatural
of God. Even though there is a great amount of grace, there
is the risk of falling while experiencing the “glory of God.”
So many people called to the Prophetic want to rise up to the
“top.” Instead, how about aiming for the “bottom.” Things in
the Kingdom of God work rather differently to the system of
the world. The prophetic insight into all of this is, that if you
strive so hard to make it to the top of the heap, you’re actually
at the bottom, but if you seek to take the lowest place of serv-
ing, you actually are higher up than you think.
We read in 1 Timothy 6:6-7; (NKJV), “Now godliness
with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this
world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.” I believe that a
good place to come to in our walk with the Lord is to “content-
ment.” To be contented is to be at rest with the process we are
in. It also speaks of surrender to the will of God. Surrender is
often a struggle, but when we enter into rest, the battle is over
and contentment is the result.
When we are content, we are no longer compar-
ing ourselves with others who we think are more successful.
Comparing ourselves to other Prophets, is to allow temptation
to compete to enter our hearts. Competition leads to feelings
of failure when we feel we don’t measure up to someone else’s
gifting. We are not meant to compete with one another in the
Kingdom of God. This attitude of heart should not be toler-
ated. This is where the secret flames of pride burn.
God loves us to never leave us the way we were when
we first started out. He will work within us to bring forth the
likeness of Christ. Death is the only way to reveal Christ. Dy-

God’s Preparation of His Prophets
ing to ambition, fame, always being right or always being the
best. Death is the life a Prophet signed up for.
God has every one of His people on a journey of
transformation, by the working of His Holy Spirit. Testing
and proving are part of the process of dying daily. This is the
work of God and the results give glory to Him.


The Importance of Spiritual Fathering

hen Cathi and I started our relationship with Wil-
liam & Sharon Bath, our church leaders during the
years of 1985 to 1989, we entered into a time of fa-
thering. William was amazing and even as the years went by, and
we had moved on from his church and he had also moved from
Cape Town, he was still very much involved in our lives. There
were times when we received phone calls from him, asking how
we were, and these seemed to come at just the right times.
Many times Cathi and I were facing circumstances and
situations where we didn’t know what to do next, and just then,
William would phone us. He always spoke words of wisdom,
and we had the sense that we were never facing all our problems
I remember once, in the early days, when we were
struggling financially, and both of us were unemployed, that we
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
were in need of serious guidance. We approached William for
help and he visited our small apartment ready to speak into our
lives. Without saying too much, William looked at both of us
and said these words, “Both of you should go out and get a job,
God is not going to rain money down on you just because you
are in need.” He then reached into his pocket and took out a
bundle of cash and put it in our hands and said that he and his
wife wanted to give us the money to help tie us over until we
both got employment. This wisdom and practical help was the
type of fathering we both desperately needed.
I also remember a time when God called me to pray
for William, with regard to direction. This happened over a
period of two years. Our church was growing and there were
many changes happening and William had started a Friday
night coffee bar to reach out to the surrounding community.
There was also, a group of musicians who had offered to per-
form each weekend to attract people who walked by. William
agreed to allow them to play, so they started their first Friday
night gig at the coffee bar.
One afternoon, in prayer, the Lord showed me that
it was not in His perfect will for the band to play their kind of
music in the coffee bar, and that it could be a possible distrac-
tion from the true purpose of the outreach. I then phoned
William that same afternoon, to give him the message. The
Lord told me, that the band was not going to stay long, and
would soon move to somewhere else. They played for one more
Friday night, and then informed us, that they were offered a
better opportunity elsewhere. William remembered the mes-
sage the Lord gave me for him, and told me a number of years
later, that my phone call that afternoon, prepared him for the
changes to come.
William loved the Lord with all of his heart, and this
was very evident through the signs that followed his minis-

The Importance of Spiritual Fathering
try and the level of wisdom he possessed. Attending church
in those days was an adventure for us. Time and time again,
we experienced God moving in the Sunday meetings and also
during mid-week gatherings. God had anointed William in
three main areas: Teaching, Prophecy and Healing.
Many years later, we heard the following story from
one of the founding members of the church. One Sunday, a
husband and wife brought their very ill baby to the evening
service. The child had a head deformity, which was about twice
the normal size. At the time, no-one knew what the actual
problem was, but it was an awfully serious, debilitating con-
dition. A similar condition is called hydrocephalus, which is
an excess of water on the brain, causing the head to swell to
double the size.
The story revealed that the couple asked William to
pray for their child after an invitation to come forward. Wil-
liam very gently laid his hands on the little boy’s head, and
began to pray. Almost immediately, his head began to shrink
as the power of God descended. By the end of the service the
child’s head had returned to normal. God had performed this
through the hands of his servant.
During the years we were being “Fathered” by Wil-
liam, the Presence and power of God would come during
church services, while he was ministering, and this is where we
learnt to watch and follow.
As I served and followed William Bath’s ministry,
God activated the gifts of: Teaching and Prophecy in me. I
received a very strong impartation of the anointing through
him. People who remember his ministry often remark on the
similarity of our ministries. Others who have heard me teach,
say that my ministry reminds them of him.
In the book of Malachi 4:5-6; (NKJ), there is a very
strong reference to “spiritual fathering”, which reads, “Behold, I

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and
dreadful day of the Lord. and he will turn the hearts of the fathers
to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I
come and strike the earth with a curse.” The main emphasis of
this passage of scripture is, that upon Elijah’s return, he will
possess the ability to turn the hearts of the fathers to their
children and the hearts of the children to their fathers. This is
an indication that during the “end-times”, re-establishing the
practice of “spiritual fathering” will be high on God’s priority
list. There has been an increase in teaching on this subject
over the years, but more is needed to bring greater clarity and
There are four different character traits that one can
find in churches. These comprise of the following: “Son”,
“Prodigal”, “Orphan” and “Vagabond.”
Firstly, let us explore the traits of the “Son.”
The word Son, means the following: - Builder of the fam-
ily name, one who is anointed and appointed, one who is born.
To understand sonship and succession, we need to
see the purpose of legacies and inheritances that are passed
on from one generation to the next. This is what God has or-
dained for natural and spiritual families. God has ordained it
so, that from one generation to another, inheritances and man-
tles would pass on by means of covenant and promises. This is
very clearly shown in the book of Exodus 3:6; (NKJV), where
Moses met God at the burning bush. In this first encoun-
ter, God introduced Himself to Moses through the following
statement, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the
God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” Here He mentioned to Mo-
ses, His plan of succession, from one generation to the next.
Here we can see the importance of every generation
encountering the God of their fathers. It is not enough to hear
of the God whom your father served, but imperative to encoun-

The Importance of Spiritual Fathering
ter Him for yourself. Also, a responsibility rests on the shoulders
of the fathers, to carry the presence of the Lord in an excellent
manner. Thus, their sons and daughters will be able to receive
the instruction of Proverbs 1:8-9; (NKJV), which reads, “My son,
hear the instruction of your father, And do not forsake the law of
your mother; For they will be a graceful ornament on your head, And
chains about your neck.”
I believe spiritual fathering and sonship is God-given
and inspired. This means that God is involved with choos-
ing whom we are to have connections with, and those who
impart, unlock and awaken our destiny. Remember how God
told Elijah to anoint Elisha to be the prophet who would take
his place? By this, God’s plan of succession and inheritance is
clearly demonstrated.
From that time onwards a relationship of servant-
hood and companionship developed between Elijah and Eli-
sha. Nothing was to separate them, nor were they to separate
from each other. God was the One who would bring Elijah’s
season to a conclusion and begin Elisha’s ministry. The les-
sons Elisha learnt were through the God-given “father and
son” connection with Elijah. It was a God appointed tradition
that a “firstborn son” would inherit a “double portion” from his
father. Even though Elisha had his natural father, God be-
stowed upon him twice as much spiritual empowerment for
the assignment ahead.
After Elisha stepped into his assignment, he most
probably had the next generation in mind. A man by the name
of Gehazi came along, but wasn’t to be a “spiritual son”, but
only a servant. There is a distinct difference between “sons” and
“servants.” Gehazi did not understand that there was more to
it, than being a servant. When testing times came along, he
failed miserably and gave into covetousness and greed. He
was more interested in himself than his future of representing

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
God’s Kingdom as a Prophet of God. His problem was, that
he couldn’t “see” or discern the value of sacrifice and surrender.
A true son sees God’s plans and purposes.
Sonship leads to succession, enabling the next genera-
tion to enter into conquered territories, and inherited realms
of the previous generation. Conquered territories are areas of
influence and favour enabling us to be agents of change and
transformation. Inherited realms are also revelations and in-
sight leading to great spiritual exploits and accomplishments.
Inheriting mantles and anointings enables us to co-labour with
God, thus honouring our spiritual fathers and mothers.
All legitimate “sons and daughters” receive correction,
discipline and adjustment whilst undergoing their development
and training, but almost impossible to bond with those who do
not have the attitude and heart of a “son” or “daughter.”
The privilege of “spiritual fathers” is to unlock vision
and reveal purpose in those they lead. They are called to inspire
and motivate their spiritual sons and daughters to press into
their destiny.
There are three remaining “syndromes” to be discussed
further, which comprise of: Prodigal, Orphan and Vagabond.
For time’s sake, I will not delve into the traits of the prodigal,
due to readily available material, but will concentrate focus on
the remaining two.
Those who possess the character traits or syndrome of
a “spiritual orphan” comprise of a vast number of church-go-
ing people. This is one of the greatest tragedies in the church
today. This often happens as a result of “father wounding.”
We have too many “wounded and damaged” fathers, doing
their best at trying to lead from places of brokenness, instead
of wholeness. An old saying comes to mind here, “If you stay
hurt, it is likely that you will hurt others.” This might be quite
true in this regard.

The Importance of Spiritual Fathering
The orphan syndrome often emerges through a trau-
matic experience in a church, such as a “split” leading to an
insecure environment where people are not nurtured correctly.
Orphans have a destructive way of thinking, which manifests
through the need to do everything on their own to succeed.
This breeds an independent spirit and isolates them from true
connections and community. The orphan will avoid any form
of relationship conflicts, because they harbour hurt that has
never actually been healed and restored. An orphan lives in
survival mode. This attitude will cause huge limitation on every
level of life. Even though they have a limited success, they
often don’t believe in themselves. Inferiority is very prevalent
in their lives because they have lacked positive mentoring and
encouragement in their formative years. These are people who
would rather work alone than in a group or team. They lack
people skills and the ability to communicate with others.
The orphan strives for approval because they lack
identity. Identity comes when sons are accepted for who they
are, not for what they can do for others. The orphan is striv-
ing to do enough to obtain approval, but never getting it. They
actually don’t believe that a healthy “family” environment is
possible or genuine. They almost always carry a burden of
condemnation, believing that they are worthless. The correct
loving environment of spiritual fathering and mentoring will
greatly contribute to their healing and restoration.
The “Vagabond” syndrome is the most dangerous
condition of these last two. In the book of Genesis 4:8-12:
(NKJV), it reads, “Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it
came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against
Abel his brother and killed him. Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where
is Abel your brother?” He said, “I do not know. Am I my broth-
er’s keeper?” And He said, “What have you done? The voice of your
brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground. So now you are

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your
brother’s blood from your hand. When you till the ground, it shall
no longer yield its strength to you. A fugitive and a vagabond you
shall be on the earth.”
The vagabond syndrome is a very serious condition.
There could be various factors that will cause a person to de-
velop this condition, but from the example above, it is as a
result of attacking someone who God approves of.
The vagabond syndrome is bred out of spiritual jeal-
ousy, offence, hatred and competition. It also comes about by
a refusal to forgive. Unforgiveness unchecked, will become a
breeding ground for this problem.
The word vagabond means, a fugitive and a wanderer
who is on the run from the law. The bible is very clear concern-
ing gossip, slander and evil speaking. People who slander others
without any thought of the damage it causes, are in danger of
committing spiritual murder. Over the years, I’ve seen how of-
fence, jealousy, unforgiveness and competition have been used
to try and destroy other people in their ministries.
Here we observe how Cain saw God received Abel’s
offering, but rejected his. Without going to the Lord and ask-
ing what the problem was, Cain began to harbour an insane
kind of jealousy towards his brother. Cain’s real problem was
about his relationship with the Lord. He did not know how
to love God with all his heart. Abel loved God and offered his
offering out of love and faith, not out of duty. Cain did not of-
fer his offering to the Lord in the same way. Cain did not walk
with God through relationship and faith, but through a kind
of religion. A religious person cannot understand the heart of
God. Cain’s jealousy towards Abel developed over time to the
point where Cain was capable of performing murder. Such is
the heart of one who eventually becomes a spiritual vagabond.


Discerning False Prophets

he Spirit of God is at work within the church, to bring
her to the place, where she is without spots, wrinkles
or blemishes. The five-fold ministry was invented by
God for the purpose of equipping God’s people for works of
service. As long as there have been true prophets, the false
have emerged at the same time. As the church grows into ma-
turity and adulthood, so will the ability to discern that which is
false, but if we are not watchful and awake, we might be caught
In Matthew 7:15-20; (NKJV), it reads, “Beware of
false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly
they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do
men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles, even so,
every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A
good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown
into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.” In this
scripture, Jesus explained that in order to spot a false Prophet,
you cannot look at the outward appearance, but at the fruit
that follows them. The false prophet is either someone who
is completely deceived or has arrived at a place where they are
so blind they cannot see the truth. By the way, the Truth is a
person, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
One of the facts about false Prophets, is that they
have never been “sent” by the Lord Himself. Only those whom
God sends will have His mark of authenticity, which is, that
He will not let any of their words fall to the ground. This was
the case with Samuel the Prophet and all the others whom
God sent. In 1 Samuel 3:19-21; (NKJV), it reads, “So Samuel
grew, and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fall
to the ground. And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba knew that
Samuel had been established as a prophet of the LORD. Then the
LORD appeared again in Shiloh. For the LORD revealed Himself
to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the Lord.”
To correctly recognise a false Prophet, one needs to
associate with those who are true. Some years ago, a bank teller
told me about how he had learned to tell the difference be-
tween true and false bank notes. He said that after handling
the true notes for so long, when a false one came along, he
could, just by feeling the paper, know that it was not real. So
it is with false prophets. We need to be involved with God’s
prophets on a regular basis in order to be able to “feel” or dis-
cern when the false arrives.
A true Prophet of God is someone whom God trusts.
He trusts them because He trained and proved them through-
out a process. When the right time comes for God to send
them, He will let the world know that He is endorsing them.
A prophet is someone called to die in order to live the high-

Discerning False Prophets
er life of God and to represent Him to His Bride and to the
world. A true Prophet of God is like a Eunuch who is not
capable of abusing or raping a woman. During Old Testament
times, kings had Eunuchs who looked after the women in the
False Prophets have never been proved by God, be-
cause He never called or approved of them in the first place.
Their disapproval came long before they arrived on the scene,
because they were never called, then processed and eventually,
commissioned by the Lord.
A very obvious sign of false Prophets is that they
strive to attract “disciples” to bolster their reputation. These
“disciples” usually have some issues that need “stroking”, and
the false Prophet will oblige, but with much cost. At first, the
“disciples” will feel, at last they are accepted and have been giv-
en a place to express themselves, but sooner or later, they will
have to pay a hefty price.
Often, false Prophets, because of the magnitude of their
deception, will even begin a secret emotional and/or sexual af-
fair with a disciple of the opposite sex. They will then justify
this behaviour by some “strange” revelation they got. This un-
godly activity usually emerges later on.
It is the responsibility of local church leaders to protect
God’s people. They should be the ones most likely to discern
that which is blatantly false. As long as the “saints” are strongly
connected with the local church, and honour and respect their
leaders, they need not fear false Prophets.
A false prophet is not someone who has just started
flowing in the gift of Prophecy, and then “misses it” or makes
a mistake. This is someone who is learning to be a blessing to
the Body of Christ. They should never be accused of being
false. Without making mistakes, God’s people will not grow
in their gifts.

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
Any Prophet who teaches or says, that a recipient
should never test his Prophecies, is false. In 1 Thessalonians
5:17-22; (NKJV), the bible teaches us to, “test all things.”
The apostle Paul taught the following: “Pray without ceasing,
in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ
Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise proph-
ecies. Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every
form of evil.” If immediately after receiving a Prophecy from
someone, and the witness of the Holy Spirit within the heart
of a believer indicates a caution, then it is very probable, that
confusion, fear, oppression or guilt will follow. Under normal
circumstances, this could happen if a brother or sister makes
a mistake while sharing a “word” with someone else. This
doesn’t automatically make them a false Prophet, but proves
that they are willing to step out in the gifts of the Spirit even
though they might make a mistake. This is courageous.
Jesus taught that everything about a false Prophet
comes from inward corruption. Their motives, attitudes and
behaviour towards God’s people is mostly to devour. The devil
is a devourer and so are his agents. Any Prophet, whose fruit
shows the handiwork of the devourer is being used by the en-
emy, without them even knowing it.
A false Prophet hides behind a “mask” and “clothing”
that resembles the outward appearance of a true “man or wom-
an of God.” They will always operate alone, without any con-
nection with any spiritual local church leadership. No-one will
know where they are from, or who they actually are. Normally,
their past is shrouded in mystery and covered up in deception.
When challenged, they will never admit to any wrong doing,
but will embark on a scheme to discredit or destroy those who
confront them.
Proven false Prophets who fit this profile, should be
exposed for who they are, and marked by the collective group of

Discerning False Prophets
local church leaders. This report should be circulated to other
churches in their area and beyond. By so doing, leaders and
shepherds will protect the people of God from being beguiled
by these “charlatans.”
Another dangerous sign contributing to our list, are
the strange revelations that false Prophets use to manipulate
others. These revelations are used primarily to control those
who are gullible or ignorant. Weak minded individuals are
prone to believing these to be true. As these “revelations” cir-
culate among their disciples, so they become more and more
bizarre. Anyone who knows the bible, and has a devoted rela-
tionship with the Holy Spirit, will instantly recognise this kind
of deception. So strong is the deception, that some people
would even surrender their financial livelihood to help the false
Prophet’s cause.
False Prophets dominate and control others. Some
have also been known to extort finance out of unsuspecting
people, who are convinced of their authenticity. Those who
lack understanding, of how to “handle” prophetic matters, and
to discern God’s Prophets, often will fall prey to this kind of
deception. Occasionally, these charlatans even have money-
making “rackets” or “shady” business deals going on behind
the scenes. They might even have been involved in one or
more law-suits to do with past business dealings. If people
“dig” enough, they’ll find the bad fruit which Jesus warned us
Another aspect of a false Prophet worth mentioning
is seen in Acts 13:6-8; (NKJV), It reads, “Now when they had
gone through the island to Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a
false prophet, a Jew whose name was Bar-Jesus, who was with the
proconsul, Sergius Paulus, an intelligent man. This man called for
Barnabas and Saul and sought to hear the word of God. But Elymas
the sorcerer (for so his name is translated) withstood them, seeking

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
to turn the proconsul away from the faith.” As Paul and Barnabas
travelled on their first ministry journey from Antioch, they en-
countered this false prophet on the island of Cyprus. From our
scripture above, we see how Elymas tried to turn the proconsul
away from the truth of the gospel. False prophets always op-
pose the truth of God’s word. They will even twist the word of
God for their own purposes and use it to bring guilt, condem-
nation and manipulation upon unsuspecting people.
We read further on in Acts 13:9-12; (NKJV), “Then
Saul, who also is called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked
intently at him and said, “O full of all deceit and all fraud, you son
of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease per-
verting the straight ways of the Lord? And now, indeed, the hand
of the Lord is upon you, and you shall be blind, not seeing the sun
for a time.” And immediately a dark mist fell on him, and he went
around seeking someone to lead him by the hand. Then the proconsul
believed, when he saw what had been done, being astonished at the
teaching of the Lord.”
When dealing with the false prophet, Paul did not act
according to his natural mind or in the flesh. Paul was filled
by the Holy Spirit when he dealt with this agent of the devil.
What followed was nothing short of miraculous. The Hand
of God came upon the false prophet and he was struck with
blindness. Paul spoke the word of the Lord over Elymas and a
dark mist fell upon him.
Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, this is what Paul
revealed about Elymas. He was full of all deceit and fraud, he was
a son of the devil, an enemy of all righteousness and he was per-
verting the straight ways of the Lord. This is the typical agenda of
the false prophet. Deception and fraud were at the top of the
list. False prophets are walking in deep, dark deception. Everything
about their works is to pervert God’s ways. They are so blinded by
their own deception that they believe they are doing “God’s work.”

Discerning False Prophets
In conclusion, be wise and vigilant so that you won’t
be beguiled into following a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Always
listen to the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit as He guides
you into all truth. Any child of God who loves Jesus and is in
tune with Him will be able to discern the false from the true.
Having a solid foundational knowledge into the word of God
is an essential part of testing whether someone is operating as
either a true Prophet or a false one.


Prophets and The Ministry of The Laying on Of


he laying on of hands is one of the least performed
ministries in the church today. You may ask why we
need to actually lay hands on people as a regular min-
istry? The answer is simple, because the bible teaches that it
was widely practiced in Old Testament times and during early
church history.
In Hebrews 6:1-3; (NKJV), we read, “Therefore, leav-
ing the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on
to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from
dead works and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, of
laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judg-
ment. And this we will do if God permits.” Here we read that
one of the elementary doctrines or teachings of Christ is the
ministry of the laying on of hands.
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
Another familiar scripture about this ministry is
found in Mark 16:17-18; (NKJV ), it reads, “And these signs will
follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons;
they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and
if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they
will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Here we see
the laying on of hands is practiced for the purpose of recovery
for the sick. Notice, it says that they will recover. This is differ-
ent from a miracle being performed. When hands are laid on a
sick person, in faith, they should recover, not grow worse.
Another reason for the laying on of hands was to
ordain a person into an office. This is clearly seen in the life
of Joshua who served Moses for many years, and later became
the next man who led Israel on many conquests in Canaan.
In Deuteronomy 34:9; (NKJV), it says, “Now Joshua the son of
Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands
on him; so the children of Israel heeded him, and did as the LORD
had commanded Moses.”
In 2 Timothy 1:6-7; (NKJV), we see another reason
for the ministry of the laying on of hands through the teach-
ing of the Apostle Paul, which reads, “Therefore I remind you to
stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my
hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and
of love and of a sound mind.” Here we see clearly that Paul was
hugely instrumental for young Timothy to receive an imparta-
tion of spiritual gifts, which he was exhorted to stir up.
Another scripture confirming our thought about the
laying on of hands for imparting spiritual gifts, is seen in 1
Timothy 4:14; (NKJV), “Do not neglect the gift that is in you,
which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands
of the eldership.”
There are many other instances where the laying on of
hands was practiced throughout the Old and New Testaments,

Prophets and The Ministry of The Laying on Of Hands
but one of the least understood is the role of the Prophets in
connection with spiritual gifts, callings and impartation.
Prophets are called not only to equip the saints for the
work of ministry, but also to perform the function of confirm-
ing callings and gifts of God’s people. This particular practice
is not performed by any of the other five-fold ministries as
frequently as through the Prophets. Throughout the Old Tes-
tament, Prophets were involved with revealing and confirming
God’s calling to His kings. Samuel was very involved with
Israel’s first king, Saul. He coached and mentored him in the
early days of his reign. Throughout king Saul’s life, Samuel
taught, advised and even rebuked him. This was one of the
responsibilities of God’s Prophets. Today, Prophets should be
more involved in helping church leadership with direction, ad-
vising and even identifying ministries in the local churches.
Another word for elders is presbytery. This is a group
of mature men and women who are involved in leading and
governing in the church. Amongst these elders are those who
are Prophetically gifted, and called to minister through revela-
tion and wisdom to the church. Many of these Prophets have
their jurisdiction in the local church, and are called to minister
prophetically to church members. Their ministries are vital for
the edification of the Body of Christ. From time to time, itin-
erant Prophets visit for Prophetic equipping and impartation.
Sometimes they may even form a “Prophetic Presbytery” for
the purpose of the ministry of the laying on of hands. If this
is performed by a mature group of Prophets, it will prove to be
a great blessing.
It is my belief that this ministry of the laying on of
hands should be performed primarily by Prophets, not by lo-
cal shepherds. Shepherds are called by God to keep and tend
the flock. Their gifting is not to replace the need for visiting
Prophets. Prophets are focused on receiving revelation from

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
heaven, but shepherds are focused on the people. These are
distinctly different anointings.
In Romans 1:11-12; (NKJV), we read the following:
“For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift,
so that you may be established-- that is, that I may be encouraged
together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.” We
understand from scripture that Paul stood in three different of-
fices-apostle, prophet and teacher. This is seen from his many
epistles throughout the New Testament. Because of the Pro-
phetic realm he also operated in, he was able to confidently say
how much he desired to visit the church at Roman in order
to impart spiritual gifts to them. This ministry of imparta-
tion happens through the laying on of hands together with
Prophecy. The Prophetic flow reveals what is being imparted
and there is subsequent evidence of what was imparted. This
means that almost immediately after a person receives this
ministry, they should be encouraged to step out and minister
through whatever gift they believe they received.
In all of our prophetic schools, we have designated
sessions for the purpose of impartation and activation. Straight
after people have received the laying on of hands with proph-
ecy, they are asked to minister to other people right on the spot.
Sometimes through impartation, gifts of healings are revealed,
and the recipient is asked to immediately minister to someone
The role of visiting Prophets is of great importance with
regard to this often neglected ministry, and should be requested
more and more in these last days. This ministry is performed
primarily by Prophets and elders who also possess Prophetic
gifts. No-one else who does not fall within Prophetic ministry
parameters should assume that their ministry can perform this
function adequately. In the past, I’ve witnessed many issues aris-
ing through those who presumed they were called as Prophets.

Prophets and The Ministry of The Laying on Of Hands
Lastly, a word of caution is worth mentioning at this
point. If you or someone you know, has ever been in a situa-
tion where hands have been laid on them by a false Prophet,
or words of presumption were spoken over them, then you or
they could be experiencing some spiritual problems as a result.
There are good impartations and there are bad ones. Someone
speaking by a spirit of divination or a familiar spirit, is likely to
impart oppression and unnecessary spiritual bondages to peo-
ple. The ministry of the laying on of hands needs to be con-
ducted publicly and in the presence of leadership. In this way,
there is accountability and protection for all involved. Mature
responsible leaders are available to discern that which is true or
false, and they help the people of God to work through what
was imparted and prophesied.
If for some reason, there were no leaders present,
and you visited a church gathering of sorts, receiving Prophecy
from people who are not well known is risky. I’m not saying
that God’s people are unable to discern for themselves, but I
am saying, that there is definite safety having your leaders in-
volved to either agree or disagree with what was spoken and
imparted. Agreement or disagreement is very powerful when
it is enforced by one’s oversight. Their God-given authority is
vital in this regard.
If a false ministry of the laying on of hands has oc-
curred over you, it is vital to have your overseers to pray with
you and “unsay” what was said or spoken. Your agreement with
their prayers and ministry is needed for you to be set free, and
for subsequent spiritual “doors” and demonic assignments to
be closed and cut off. This process should not take a long time,
nor do you need hours of counselling. Local church leaders
possess God’s authority to deal with such matters.


The Lifestyle of A Prophet

here is no reason why Prophets should have strange or
weird behaviour, but somehow over the years, I’ve met
many who do. Strange or weird mannerisms reveal some-
thing about a person. A mature Prophet who has undergone
God’s refining process, should not act in a strange or weird way.
The lifestyle of Jesus should be our only example to emulate.
Lifestyle is developed out of values and habits which
we learn over time. Our parents, both natural and spiritual are
also involved in this. Leaders who are followed closely, make
a very strong impression on the spiritually young and imma-
ture, and many good and bad behavioural patterns are passed
on to them. On a positive note, good habits and customs are
also learned from those whom we imitate.
In the early days of my calling, no-one was present
to teach me about the Prophet’s lifestyle. One of the strongest
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
motivations that I had was to pray. I wanted to spend as much
time with God as possible. Because of my zeal for the things
of God, I fasted often and waited upon Him. During those
times, I received a lot of spiritual communication in the form
of visions, dreams and “inward” impressions. In those days I
was also very “intense” about what God was revealing to me. I
think I irritated a lot of people, but this was all part of growing
up spiritually.
After a few years of being “fathered” and mentored
by the two men of God I mentioned earlier on in this book,
I began to show signs of spiritual growth. During growing
times, we learn a lot of valuable lessons. It is also quite easy
to develop bad habits and false perceptions of what God may
or may not be expecting of us. That is why staying connected
with our leaders and mentors is important for growth.
Prophets are also known as seers, and it is no wonder
that they see and hear things that others do not. As we de-
vote ourselves to the study of God’s word and maintaining a
strong fellowship connection with Him, the revelation Proph-
ets receive is understood and applied in a positive, constructive
manner. A sound, stable and balanced understanding of bible
doctrines is essential to their lifestyle.
Many Prophets that I know of, are comfortable with
spending many hours alone. This is important with regard to
receiving first-hand revelation from the Lord. They also need
to develop “people skills.” It is not enough for a Prophet to
be comfortable being alone, but not to fellowship with others.
The bible teaches us that “iron sharpens iron.” Friendships and
strong connections with leaders and those of similar calling is
In Ephesians 4:7-8; (NKJV), we read, “But to each
one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.
Therefore, He says: “When He ascended on high, He led captivity

The Lifestyle of A Prophet
captive, and gave gifts to men.” Here we read of God’s grace
that is given when His ministers receive gifts and callings.
This grace is given for a good reason. Firstly, the word grace
means, “empowerment” or “enablement.” Those called are
empowered and enabled by God to stand and function in
their callings and gifts. For one person, the grace given to
them, empowers and enables them to pray for four hours a
day without striving. Grace is undergirding them for this.
To another, their grace enables and empowers them to pray
throughout their day, without much structure. We should
never compare these two individuals, and judge that the
one who prayed for four straight hours is more effective and
anointed than the other. Grace is given to each one to func-
tion as God intended. There is no formula to become more
powerful. The only thing is that we strive to be obedient to
the Lord and sensitive to His leading. In this way, we live the
life He wants for us.
A Prophet’s lifestyle is one of intense focus, dedica-
tion and surrender to God’s agenda. To stay on the “cutting
edge”, they need to continually be seeking Him and searching
for that which is relevant and “in season.” Distraction is one of
the enemies of a Prophet. To stay focused, they need to allow
the Lord to prune and deal with the diversions that come. All
Prophets are looking for God’s word concerning the current
time and season the church is entering into. One of the major
characteristics of God’s Prophets is that they experience a type
of intercession for where the church is going. This means that
the Prophet will go through a transition and preparation for
the season the church is yet to come to, way before anyone else.
Prophets will experience a foretaste of the coming season for
the church in their country, and therefore will begin to reveal
it way ahead of time. When they preach or reveal what is to
come, the church in their location will often not understand

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
what they are proclaiming, but might discard it or shelve it
because they misunderstand its meaning.
Some Prophets are called to carry the “burden” of the
Lord. This “burden” is not heaviness or sorrow, but how God
feels about something very important to Him. This is a kind
of intercession. God’s heart is to be lifted up during the season
it is carried. When the purpose is accomplished at the end of
the carrying time, the burden will be lifted from the Prophets
Prophets are sent with God’s message to the church
or to the nations of the world. This involves much travel and
sacrifice. As I mentioned earlier, they learn the principles of
God’s provision system and many times, experience His mi-
raculous supply. To be a worker of miracles, one must live a
life in the realm of the supernatural of God. This is not easy,
nor is it for everyone. Most of us like to have financial security
so that our future is taken care of. Sometimes, for very long
seasons, the Prophets are “walking on the water” in the areas of
trusting and believing God.
There are long seasons for the Prophet to develop spir-
itual endurance which builds character. Many of the demands
placed on them would make a lay person cringe just thinking
about what it might be like to walk in their shoes. Most peo-
ple have no clue about what this kind of calling costs. After
saying all of this, the price the man or woman of God pays,
while following His plan has huge rewards. God’s favour is to
be desired above all else. Favour is how we move forward into
God’s will and purpose. Without favour, we would not experi-
ence God’s best. God’s unmerited favour can never be earned,
but there is favour that comes because of obeying Him. This
favour is like promotion to steward much more. This promo-
tion comes because of faithfulness. Prophets must be faithful
above all else. Faithful to God’s call and commission and also

The Lifestyle of A Prophet
to His people. A Prophet must honour the Lord by respecting
and honouring His authority structures.
No matter how accurate or respected Prophets might
be, they are subject to local church leadership. The ability to
work together with churches is vital to building credibility and
growing in honour. Because they bring the “word of the Lord”
to the church, doesn’t mean that Prophets can usurp the lo-
cal church elders’ authority. Someone who cannot submit to
God’s ordained leaders is not fit to represent Him and speak
on His behalf.
Preparation before ministry trips and engagements is
very important, that is why Jesus emphasised prayer in secret
with a reward that follows. We read in Matthew 6:6; (NKJV),
“But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have
shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and
your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.”
Over the years, I’ve come to understand the importance
of spending time “waiting” upon the Lord before stepping into
the realm of supernatural ministry, which includes Preaching,
Teaching and Prophesying. Most church people don’t under-
stand what it entails to flow in a dimension of supernatural
ministry, especially when there is impartation with the spir-
itual gift of “the word of knowledge” in operation. Praying in
“other tongues” is a very necessary part of preparation before
this kind of ministry takes place.
Not only should the Prophet be prepared, but so
should those who will attend the meetings. When people hear
that a Prophet is visiting their church, there are many differ-
ent responses. Some people hope that they will get a “word”
through the speaker. Others are sceptical that God even speaks
today, while there are those who genuinely expect that the Lord
will be present through the one whom He sent. The latter are
people who know how to honour His ministers. They have

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
their own excellent walk with God and spend quality time in
His Presence. These people are valuable to their local church-
es. When a church has many more of these types of people
present, it becomes much easier for the visiting Prophet to step
into the realm of supernatural ministry. Sceptical attitudes and
closed hearts will shut down any supernatural flow of the Holy
Spirit like nothing else can.
When God’s Prophets prepare themselves for a day or
more before the actual ministry is to take place, this will enable
them to be more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.


Prophets and Transition

or many years, I’ve heard about transition to the point
where I have wanted to scream into my pillow. I’ve
heard teaching after teaching and a lot of it is helpful,
but very few have ever been able to reveal where and what we
are moving towards.
One very important thing I have learned about this is
that it’s all about “change.” I’ve also discovered that the Latin
word for transition is: “Transire,” which means, “To go across.”
I see this to mean that we have stepped out of a place, into a
corridor and are walking towards a new place, but we have not
yet “fully arrived.” It’s about God transforming the church to
be relevant according to His plan.
Prophets are called to help the Body of Christ “get
across” to the other side of the corridor. Prophets understand
what this is all about. Without prophetic words about the fu-
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
ture, people will give up before they even get there. I’ve dis-
covered over the years that no transition is easy, but a rather
intense process of change.
The responsibility of God’s Prophets is to interpret
times and seasons so that the Body of Christ will know what
to do. Prophetic words spoken way ahead of time give us the
chance to get ready. God is always in total control of what is
coming and He is also revealing His secrets to His servants, the
Prophets. With every transition there is a promise. Focussing
on that promise will enable us to cross over to the other side.
Every generation faces their opportunities and chal-
lenges. Hopefully, challenges come disguised as an opportunity
to shine. During the season of Elijah and Elisha, the transmis-
sion of knowledge and understanding needed to impact the
next generation was being released to Elisha who knew that
there was double opposition coming, but also a double portion
of God’s empowerment reserved for him. Transition times en-
able the next generation to count the cost of their call and to
be ready to step into the place prepared for them. Elisha was
about to step into the conquered territories of Elijah and to
spread it even further for the Kingdom of God.
A Prophet cannot afford to have his own agenda.
God’s Kingdom agenda is the only thing that they are com-
manded to pursue. Transition times enable them to focus on
Kingdom pursuits. Even though spiritual territory is invisible
to the naked eye, Prophets are keenly aware of it. Part of the
Prophet’s call is to win battles for spiritual territory. The time
of the “lone ranger” mentality that many Prophets have had, is
over. It is time for Prophets to team up with others and focus
on the agenda at hand.
One of the things God does during transition times
is to break down those things that keep Prophets isolated,
independent and limited. God wants to increase the effec-

Prophets and Transition
tiveness of His men and women, and this can only be done
through the correct alignments and divine connections. There
is a transition happening at present to do with this. Much
needs to change in order to integrate and connect the genu-
ine Prophets together.
Some of the things keeping Prophets isolated are:
Not understanding the Prophets’ role in the church and world
during the twenty-first century; Immaturity and misunder-
standing God’s Kingdom agenda; Not partnering with local
churches; Competing for position and prominence; Support
and financial struggles, to name just a few. God is using this
time of transition to enable His people to break out of the
things that bring limitation.
Transition is a process whereby the Lord enables
people to let go of old ways of thinking and habits that hinder
them from coming into much more, so that they can get a hold
of God’s way.
When Jesus told the parable of the new wine and
wineskins, He was referring to those things that He is pour-
ing out in these last days. The church is like a wineskin which
should be prepared to capture and contain what the Lord is
pouring out. If the church does not go through times of transi-
tion, we will not be able to become the vessel that God needs
to contain Him. God is always on the move and what He is
doing is unusual. Just when we think that we have it all figured
out, God will come and do something extraordinary. Tran-
sition prepares the Prophets to showcase the extraordinary
things of God so that the church will believe the possibility of
carrying it to their generation.
Transition is also a time to give birth to the promises
of God. When the word of the Lord comes to the Prophets, it
is sown as a seed in their hearts. This “seed” is carried and incu-
bated sometimes for years until it is ready for delivery. Transi-

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
tion is the time and process that the Prophets and the church
are busy birthing God’s prophetic promises.
In conclusion, God is at work through transition to
break moulds that people have been locked into. Moulds have
something to do with identity. When a mould of wrong iden-
tity is broken, people begin to walk in who they actually are.


Prophets and Kingdom Culture

t is clearly obvious that the function and role of God’s
Prophets today, has begun to be re-defined over the past
thirty years. When the “Prophetic Movement” started in
the mid 1980’s, it was in its infancy. Since then it has grown
and developed into a mature movement with many Prophets
who have emerged from years of processing and refining. Those
who have come through, and carry the heart of God, to “father”
the next generation, have begun to do this. Now, the next gen-
eration of Prophets and Prophetic people are emerging on the
scene, with a need to move on to the next level.
The next level is to have all of God’s people flowing in
the supernatural ministry of Jesus, not just a few “professionals”
who are doing it. The need to cultivate Prophetic environments
where young Prophets and prophetic people can develop and
grow, is screaming to the leadership of local churches. It is
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
time to grow a Kingdom Culture within the local church. The
time has come to move from the usual “bless me” mentality to
“equip me” way of thinking, and this has been happening, and
is gaining momentum. The Body of Christ is crying out for
equipping in the “Prophetic” and “Apostolic” like never before.
It is time for God’s people to move from the comfort of their
local church building out into the market place where God’s
glory is waiting to be revealed.
With the emergence of the “Apostolic” grace in the
church, a Kingdom culture has been released with a much
greater impact than in past seasons. Apostles have begun to be
revealed so that the church can move from maintenance mode
to mobilisation on a huge scale.
As the office of Apostle has come, so has the need to
embrace a greater understanding of the “Kingdom of God.”
This understanding has begun to shake all that which is stag-
nant and old. Through the shaking, God is revealing a church
which is ready for action on all levels.
In this season there is a process of “realignment” and
“order” happening, so that Apostles and Prophets will emerge
into their God-give place and honour in the Body of Christ.
This is for the purpose of presenting a mature bride on “The
Day of the Lord.”
Not only are we hearing the message of the Kingdom
of God again from a fresh perspective, but we are also see-
ing a demonstration of His power through ordinary people.
The Lord has begun to shift our focus from the four walls of
the church to strategic positioning of market-place ministries.
This shift has come for the purpose of a global harvest of huge
proportions, and many of God’s people are beginning to find
their place.
Lately, the emphasis has been on the Presence and
Power of God. There have been gatherings of God’s people

Prophets and Kingdom Culture
expressing their love and worship to Him and in return re-
ceiving refreshing and empowerment for the task ahead. In
many places these gatherings have resulted in a desire to “get
out there” and take God’s Presence with them so that signs
and wonders are performed in His Name. Demonstrations of
God’s Power are being seen in many different places, all around
the world, and on the forefront of this army are young people.
As I mentioned before, “spiritual fathers” are needed
to help raise up and train the next generation so that the min-
istry of Jesus can progress in great power. The Kingdom of
God is exploding in the hearts of men and women and even
whole communities are being visited by the Holy Spirit as He
brings about Transformation. What good is it, if the gospel is
preached, but without signs that follow. The church was des-
tined from the beginning to demonstrate the Power and Glory
of God in every generation.
Well seasoned and mature Prophets are now being
sent to many places, to mobilise the army of God. The message
that they bring is of a higher calibre than in previous seasons.
Clarity about the present spiritual season is being revealed and
many of God’s people are hearing the call to arise. This season
is about the church arising out of places of defeat and discour-
agement, and into glorious outpourings of God’s power and
love. The church is not on the retreat, but is advancing in the
face of darkness and opposition, and The Power of the Holy
Spirit is at work in His people to enable them to represent the
Person of Jesus.
The most important characteristic of the Prophets
is that they hear and receive instructions from heaven, which
they are committed to carrying out as God directs. The King-
dom of God is His system or “way of doing things,” and it
also has another very strong component which is expressed as
God’s army in the earth. In order for an army to win the war,

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
it needs to operate like a proper army. Understanding divine
“order” and godly structures and protocols is vital to this end.
As church leaders seek to come into “divine align-
ment” with God’s Apostles and Prophets, so they will begin
to understand the “new mandates” and “marching orders” that
are coming from heaven. When these mandates are given to
churches, often they are not fully understood, but the Prophets
of God are there to help bring clarity and understanding in this
regard. It is my belief that during this time of re-alignment,
God is broadening the capacity of understanding His “King-
dom Army” in the local church. In order for the Kingdom of
God to achieve the impact that He desires, it is crucial for the
process of Kingdom alignments with Apostles and Prophets to
take place as quickly as possible.
At this point I’d like to emphasise the need for “di-
vine alignments” at this time. This is happening right now as
I write this book. Divine alignments are so important, that if
anyone is “left out in the cold” they may not survive the op-
position that is coming. With advancement there is also op-
position. The enemy is aware that God and His church are on
the move, but to not recognise or come into this alignment
is a dangerous place to be. As you begin to come into align-
ment with those whom God has chosen for you, so you will
experience some things that will confirm that it is of Him.

• They will “speak your language.”

• They will come at the right time.
• They will “perceive” or discern who you are.
• They carry the same “spiritual DNA” as you.
• They will impart value to your assignment.
• There will be no striving or competition in the relationship.
• God will use them to bring increase to you.

Prophets and Kingdom Culture
Realising “Kingdom culture” is necessary in bring-
ing about a shift in the mindset and understanding of God’s
people, and is the right step towards a new way in which we
“do church.” This culture demands change in so many different
areas. If this change does not take place, then God’s plan of a
global harvest is frustrated.
God’s Kingdom culture will bring forth that which
is new. Besides the obvious things, there will be new songs
and new sounds amongst His people. It is time to “sing a new
song.” For too long, people have produced sounds of defeat
and discouragement, but this is changing. Prophetic musicians
are declaring the new season through their songs. Many of
them are declaring God’s message of hope to a generation who
are busy in battle.
To finish off the idea of Kingdom culture, I would
like to share some thoughts about the Prophet Daniel. In the
early days of Israel’s captivity under the Babylonians, Daniel,
together with three close friends, were able to resist the influ-
ence of a wicked and ungodly environment. To top this all,
they found themselves in the courts of King Nebuchadnezzar
and were faced with a dilemma. Their challenge was whether
to bow to the demands of their overseers or to submit to God’s
Law. They chose to honour God by not defiling themselves
with the Kings delicacies, which comprised of the food he ate,
and the wine he drank, which was forbidden for them to par-
take of under God’s Law. In the end, honouring God was the
best choice for them resulting in their promotion.
The reason for this victory was that these four young
men had grown up in a nurturing environment which built
within them the necessary habits and customs which enabled
them to overcome the darkness that was ahead. They grew up
in strong family environments, where they learned the ways of
God. This was the secret to their success in Babylon. Today,

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
too many children, instead of growing up in a strong nurtur-
ing family, are living within a hostile environment where their
family is in constant crisis. They have not been taught the
ways of God, neither have they been equipped to overcome the
temptations of the darkness of the world system.
It is extremely important for young people to be
equipped and trained within a godly environment where the
presence of God is tangible. With God’s presence so strong
and their united parents following Him, they will be nurtured
into God’s Kingdom culture. This was the case with Daniel
and his three friends. Even when he was an old man during
the Persian era, he still maintained the custom of obedience to
the Lord and daily prayer.
Cultivating God’s Kingdom culture begins in our
homes, not in the church. If it is not working at home, it won’t
work in our churches. We need this nurturing at home and in
church in order to display the glory of the Kingdom of God.


The Function of Modern-Day Prophets

ecause Prophets are one of the five-fold equipping min-
istry gifts that God has given to the church, the or-
der of their importance is seen in 1 Corinthians 12:28;
(NKJV), “And God has appointed these in the church: first apos-
tles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of
healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.”
In this portion of scripture we see a clear indication of
God’s order to do with Apostles, Prophets and Teachers.
Notice that not all of the five-fold ministries are listed
here, only three. I believe the reason for this is concerning
God’s particular kind of order of how things should flow in the
Body of Christ. Apostles are listed as first, second are Prophets
followed by Teachers. These three equipping ministries need
to occupy a greater role of influencing, motivating and giving
direction to the church. These three combined equipping min-
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
istries are builders. They build into the structures and foun-
dations of the Body of Christ. The only foundation that the
church has is Christ Himself. He is the Chief Cornerstone
upon which everything else stands. Without Him we have
nothing but religion.
Besides equipping the saints for the work of ministry,
Prophets are gifted and called to unlock hidden biblical mys-
teries. These mysteries are not hidden from the church, but for
the church. Prophets just help us find the secrets of God much
quicker. When a biblical mystery is unlocked for the church, it
is not unlocked by one person, but there will be others who will
also have discovered what God wanted to reveal.
Prophets function best alongside Apostles and Teach-
ers. Teachers deal with information and the practical aspect of
how and why. Prophets bring understanding into how God
operates and why He does what He does. Because true Proph-
ets are called into the place of “standing before the Lord,” they
need to understand His heart.
As mentioned earlier, Prophets are builders, but they
are also demolishers of all that which is false. A Prophet has
the gifting and ability to discern that which is false or to per-
ceive if something in the church is out of God’s order. That
which needs demolishing are things that hinder the building
up of God’s people and the things that hinder the advance-
ment of the Kingdom of God. We read in Jeremiah 1:9-10;
(NKJV), “Then the LORD put forth His hand and touched my
mouth, and the LORD said to me: “Behold, I have put My words
in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and
over the kingdoms, To root out and to pull down, To destroy and to
throw down, To build and to plant.” Here the Lord revealed to
Jeremiah that He had “set” him over the nations and kingdoms
for the purpose of demolishing in three different ways: root
out, pull down, destroy and throw down. This is part of the

The Function of Modern-Day Prophets
function of God’s Prophets. They have razor sharp discern-
ment where they spot things that need to be destroyed. Proph-
ets do not tolerate the things God hates. To tolerate is to allow
the enemy to steal, kill and destroy. He must not be given any
place in the life of the church.
Prophets are also called to sow the seed of the Life
of God through prophecy. When prophecy is spoken through
them into the lives of God’s people, spiritual conception takes
place. With our cooperation, God determines how long the
“seed” of His word is incubated for, until it is ready to be birth-
ed. Unfortunately, at times, the enemy sows his seeds of de-
struction in the hearts of men and women, therefore when the
time of birthing or harvest comes, they begin to reap what they
didn’t want unless they root it out beforehand. Prophets are
called and anointed to root things out before they even hap-
pen providing those afflicted agree with God’s plan and walk
uprightly before the Lord.
Today’s Prophets are not meant to hear from the Lord
for people as a primary function, even though they do bring
Prophetic words of direction, confirmation or even correction.
During Old Testament times, God’s Prophets heard what God
was saying and declared it to His people, because they were the
primary means by which God spoke to Israel. Today, God’s
people are responsible to hear from Him directly, not through
any Prophet. The direct communication from the Lord to one
of His children supersedes prophecies through anyone else.
Through ignorance some people still think that in order to find
direction for their lives, they need to consult a Prophet. This
way of thinking is completely wrong. It is absolutely wrong
to assume to contact a Prophet for a “word from God.” This
shows ignorance about such things. Only those who hold onto
strong religious ideas concerning Old Testament Prophets will
seek out and consult modern day Prophets for a “word.”

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
A true Prophet of God who knows his/her assign-
ment should not be expected to “pastor” a group of people, ex-
cept when they are in training and only for a short season. The
function of a five-fold ministry Pastor is to firstly take care
of God’s people in the local church. Pastors are focussed on
building a place of safety and security for God’s people, hence
the need for a church building and/or house churches. The
Pastoral anointing enables them to spend hours counselling
and visiting their people. Sitting with the same person who
needs attention, counselling and care on a regular basis would
drain a Prophet quicker than anything else. They are not called
by God to hold people’s hands when something goes wrong, so
don’t expect that to happen.
A Prophet’s function will often be connected with
their assignment. If God sends them to equip churches
through prophetic schools, then they will function with the
gift of Teaching and Prophetic gifts of impartation. God will
release the right equipment for a specific task. There are some
who hold onto an idea that somehow, after some years of serv-
ice, they have somehow graduated to becoming an Apostle.
This seems to be a popular belief and practice with some Char-
ismatic ministries. It is a dangerous thing for anyone to as-
sume an office that God has not called or commissioned them
to. In Revelation 2:1-2; (NKJV), it reads, “To the angel of the
church of Ephesus write, ‘These things says He who holds the seven
stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden
lampstands: I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that
you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who
say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars.”
In this portion of scripture Jesus commended the
church of Ephesus for testing those who claimed to be Apos-
tles. He went on to say that they were liars. Anyone claiming
to stand in an office which God has not called them to is con-

The Function of Modern-Day Prophets
sidered by him to be a liar. This kind of thing is rife in many
places at the moment.
Another function of modern day Prophets, worth
mentioning, is their calling to be watchmen. This role requires
great wisdom and tact. When Prophets are given great honour,
they also have a platform to address sensitive and controversial
issues in the church and also in other spheres of their influence.
To get to a place where a Prophet has a platform to speak to a
government, from the position of a watchman, is a very great
accomplishment. It would require having the right alignments,
connections and relationships in place where their voice has al-
ready been heard. Too many young men and women who do
not have this kind of honour and platform to address issues
think that somehow their Prophetic words should be heard
and acted upon. I’ve met too many “prophets” who actually
are not in that office with this kind of idea in mind. A typical
biblical example of a Prophet influencing and speaking into
government issues is seen through the life of Daniel. From the
start God enabled him to be positioned close enough to certain
kings in order to speak His word to them. In every single situ-
ation where Daniel spoke God’s heart and word, he had His
backing. God upheld every word his servant spoke. He was
a true watchman who spoke into the governments of his day
and was willing to even face death while staying faithful to the
Lord. The position of being a watchman carries the endorse-
ment of God Himself, but it will also attract opposition or
persecution from the enemy’s camp.
Another function of God’s Prophets is that of an in-
tercessor and prayer warrior. As the Lord reveals His heart to
His servants, “the burden” of the word of the Lord is also im-
parted. This “burden” is how God shares not only His will, but
His feelings. The Prophet is then called to carry this burden
for a time. As the burden is carried so a unique process begins

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
in the realm of the Spirit of God. Behind the scenes, many
things begin to take place. The Prophet might then receive
warnings or promises to be spoken to God’s people at a cer-
tain time, but while the burden is to be lifted up, the Prophet
must wait for the right timing. The more serious the word of
the Lord, the more intense will be the “burden” of the Lord.
Jesus is the chief intercessor for the whole of the human race,
especially the church. The bible tells us that He ever lives to
intercede for us.
During the season of the ministry of Moses, he often
interceded for the people he led. A prophet is not only an
intercessor, but often times, a leader. Leaders are called upon
to approach the Lord with God’s people on their hearts. He
is not meant to criticise or accuse them before God’s throne,
but to often times, plead on their behalf. The Prophet will
often call upon or cry out to the Lord concerning those whom
he/she is called to minister to, especially if there is a crisis that
needs to be resolved.
It is one thing to prophesy a word of rebuke to a certain
community of God’s people and another thing to carry the
burden of God for them. In the New Testament context, it
is God’s first choice to have His elders bring correction, ad-
justment, discipline and even rebuke to the household of God,
rather than to send a Prophet to do it. If local church elders
and leaders fulfil their role to govern and lead, it would not
be necessary for a Prophet to intervene with the word of the
If a visiting Prophet has a word of discipline, correc-
tion or rebuke for a local church, the correct procedure would
be to speak to the leadership privately. This does not happen
often. God is able to communicate directly with leaders in-
stead of sending a Prophet to them. The Spirit of God lives
in and among His church and is very capable of bringing cor-

The Function of Modern-Day Prophets
rection through leaders. Prophecy should exhort, edify and
comfort the people of God, and should never be corrective,
overbearing or embarrassing. Prophets should be humble,
submissive, approachable and positive in their ministry to the
Another function of God’s Prophets is to interpret the
signs of the times. Too many of God’s people are busy with
good activities and often don’t recognise or discern something
that is coming their way. When Prophets interpret or discern
certain signs that will definitely benefit or hinder God’s people,
they are called upon by Him to reveal it sometimes way ahead
of time. I remember about eighteen months before the world-
wide financial crisis came during 2008, the Lord gave me a
very clear word about it even with details of what was about
to happen. This was intended to prepare the church to be able
to ride the coming storm and to come out the other side with
minimal or no ill effects at all.
Part of the word of the Lord warned that even financial
institutions would go bankrupt overnight and the economies
of nations would become unstable. The Lord also showed me
some time afterwards, that the international gold price would
rise from $850 to $1200 an ounce and that it would happen
within eighteen months. This actually happened which ben-
efitted some of my close friends.
Another function of Prophets is to have some involve-
ment with the appointment of certain ministries, especially if
they had a role to play in training or equipping them. When
there is a ceremony planned to confirm God’s appointment,
which we call “ordination,” it would be very beneficial to have
one or more prophets present. This allows for Prophetic rev-
elation and impartation to happen. Predictions and Prophetic
words are spoken during those times that become important
later on for those being ordained.

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
There are times when Prophets operate alone, but they
are also meant to team up with other ministries to impact areas
and regions that have specific purposes or great spiritual need.
Having a group of Prophets flowing together is a very power-
ful way of establishing God’s people through His Prophetic


How to Develop a Prophetic Ministry

n Romans 12:6-8; (NKJV), it reads, “Having then gifts dif-
fering according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them:
if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; or min-
istry, let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching;
he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he
who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.”
Here we read of different gifts or spiritual endowments given
to people by the Lord.
We also see that along with these different gifts comes
grace to be able to operate in them. The first gift mentioned
in the list is Prophecy. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the
person with this gift is actually called to be a Prophet. Anyone
who knows that they have a Prophetic endowment or gift, will
also know that along with it they have a strong motivation to
operate in it.
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
Without a gift with a strong motivation, no-one will
be able to develop any ministry. If someone is convinced that
they have a motivational gift of Prophecy, it is likely that they
are already receiving communication from the Holy Spirit in
the form of dreams, visions, impressions and other kinds of
revelation. This is a strong indication that the Prophetic gift is
within that person’s life.
Prophetic people are “wired” up in a really unique
way. They will have certain traits and characteristics which
indicate that they are prophetic, but not necessarily called to
be a Prophet. Some of these characteristics are: a motivation
to pray and prophesy; always attending prophetic gatherings
and conferences; they regularly receive dreams, vision or other
types of revelation; they subscribe to websites and prophetic
ministries to stay informed of the latest prophetic season; dur-
ing church services, they will usually approach leaders because
they have a prophetic word to declare to the congregation.
Over the years, many of these Prophetic people who
we have met have a common frustration which is that they
need to share what they have received from heaven, but have
not had much opportunity in their local churches. Normally,
when a Prophetic person shows up in a church they are viewed
with a bit of suspicion. Along with some of the characteristics
mentioned is an unconventional way of doing things. I used the
word “unconventional” instead of weird. This unconventional
way of doing things is often misunderstood and brushed off as
being strange. Much of it is a bit off and strange, but some of
it is inspired by the Holy Spirit. The only problem is how to
encourage and motivate those people to develop further so that
they can contribute powerfully to their local churches.
Receiving a gift is the easy part, but developing a
ministry is much more difficult, but very possible. The first
thing to consider when starting out is to be sure that you have

How to Develop a Prophetic Ministry
a prophetic gift in the first place. Once that is established, you
will find yourself embarking on a process to grow in it. You’ll
be on the lookout for books and material to learn as much as
you can about the Prophetic. You’ll also want to attend all or
most of the prayer meetings at your church. Find a leader who
you are comfortable with and start building a relationship not
based on demands, but on how you can serve them and the
church. Make yourself available to help out with any practical
things around the church, even if it means offering to clean the
toilets. The main thing is to get involved in the life of your lo-
cal church. In the meantime, be patient in the process of your
gift being recognised by leaders and key people there.
When your gift has been recognised or identified by
leaders in your local church, then encouraged and nurtured in
the right context and environment, you’ll most likely be re-
leased or endorsed to flow in it freely and without suspicion.
This is the beginning of a prophetic ministry. Very quickly
those who have a prophetic gift will develop a reputation,
hopefully a good one. There are many lessons to be learned
about a prophetic ministry. It’s not just about having freedom
to minister, but having the kind of character that is credible.
Learning lessons like, submission to God’s authorities; taking
responsibility for mistakes; being teachable and also preferring
others before yourself are qualities that give weight to a min-
istry. Even though someone may have a very strong Prophetic
gift, if they display immaturity of character, eventually, no-one
will want to listen to them.
It takes many years to develop a credible, believable
Prophetic ministry. Here are a couple of things that you might
need to watch out for when you start out in your ministry: in-
dependence, feeling rejected, drawing people to yourself, com-
peting with others, and lastly offences and misunderstandings
with people over prophecies you’ve given. Many of these issues

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
will definitely arise as you progress in your ministry. This is all
a part of character growth. The only thing is that if you are bat-
tling with these things, it is vitally important to get help. The
more powerful a person’s gift is, the more people might view
them as “never having issues.” No-one is invulnerable or im-
mune to attack or opposition from the enemy. So often mis-
understandings with leaders if not resolved, could lead to much
hurt and unnecessary conflict. If a person has a track record
of conflicts in other churches or places, the chances are huge
that they will surface elsewhere. Over the years I’ve met many
young Prophetic people who had issues that they could never
overcome, purely because they never stayed in any church for
long enough. In the past this has been a major problem around
many Prophetic people.
A prerequisite for developing in a Prophetic ministry is
about growing in accuracy in the gift. At first, many Prophetic
people think that in order to get known they need to prophesy
as much as possible. With this way of thinking it is easy to get
to a place where no-one wants to listen anymore. Accuracy
in the gift requires Prophetic people to prophesy only when
prompted by the Holy Spirit, giving heed to timing and con-
text. The timing of a prophecy is very important. Sometimes a
prophecy is not meant for everyone, but only to a certain group
of people in their context of life. If a true prophecy is spoken
into the wrong context, it would be considered to be inaccu-
rate. Also, when spiritually immature prophetic people start
out, there is a haziness in the prophecies they speak and much
of what is shared is considered irrelevant. As people practice
in their Prophetic gift, the inaccuracy gives way to clarity and
definition in the words they speak.
To step into the shoes of a true Prophet of God, is
to understand what it means to actually equip the saints. A
ministry that equips is mostly what New Testament Prophets

How to Develop a Prophetic Ministry
do. A prophet should have a very sound overall knowledge of
God’s word. Without deep insight into the Old and New Tes-
taments, any prophetic ministry will be shallow. In Ephesians
4:12 it speaks of the main purpose of the five-fold ministries,
which is to equip. This word equip is derived from the Greek
word, “katartizo,” which has the following meanings: the word
is taken from two other words, (kata) and a derivative of (ar-
tios); which means to complete thoroughly, i.e. to repair (literal
or figurative) or adjust :- fit, frame, mend, (make) perfect (to
perfectly join together), prepare and restore.
Prophets together with the other four ministries focus
most of their attention on equipping God’s people. Part of this
equipping process is restoration and reformation. Prophets are
reformers. Their ministry is to reform and challenge every-
thing that does not look like God’s way. It requires dedication
and commitment to the Lord to be able to restore and reform
the church over an extended period of time. Every other min-
istry is not anointed or called to equip God’s people like His
five-fold ministries.
Prophetic people wishing to occupy a place of minis-
try should do so through their local churches.
There are many types of Prophetic ministries besides
that of a Prophet. These ministries often operate outside of
the local church in the market place. The main focus of these
other ministries in the market place is to connect unsaved peo-
ple with God and His love. When someone gets on a bus or
train to travel to work, this should open up an opportunity
for the Lord to speak through them to anyone He will show
them. Being available for this is the key to experiencing the
revelation and power of the Holy Spirit outside the church.
Much more of this market place Prophetic ministry should be
happening, but isn’t because of ignorance among God’s people.
Many people don’t feel that they qualify to be used of God in

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
this way. They somehow feel that only those who are especially
called and gifted may do so. God is shifting the emphasis away
from all ministry happening during church gathering times.
The people of God gather together for the following reasons:
worship, fellowship, prayer, equipping and to bring unsaved
friends to church. It is wrong to only focus our attention and
involvement with the Sunday morning and evening gatherings
and the home groups during the week and then to neglect the
everyday opportunities to be used of God to touch people in
the world. Market place Prophetic ministry can make a huge
impact on people, showing them that God’s power is not lim-
ited to church meetings.
Psalmists, Song Writers, Dancers, Teachers, Preachers,
Intercessors, Artists and even poets could have a very strong
prophetic anointing enabling them to bring forth God’s mes-
sage through their given gifts. At this time the Prophetic min-
istry is being expressed through many different ways.
A couple of years ago, some groups from our church,
being prompted of the Lord, decided to “set up camp” at a
psychic fare once a month. They felt a very strong call from
the Lord to share Jesus through Prophecy and Dream Inter-
pretation right in that occultic environment. Over a period of
time they managed to win many people for the Lord, but at the
same time, received favour from the organisers. Many times
they shared testimonies of people coming to their “stall” to re-
ceive the touch of God and to hear more about Jesus. Their ap-
proach was powerful, but not obtrusive or offensive. They de-
veloped a method of attracting people to the Lord even though
it was a very harsh environment. Power evangelism through
Prophetic ministry was experienced by many people during the
time the prophetic groups were at the psychic fare.


Divine Alignments

s I mentioned earlier on in this book, walking an iso-
lated and lonely walk is not God’s best for His Proph-
ets. Up until now, most churches have room only for a
handful of ministries to function, let alone having one or more
Prophets. In many places where Cathi and I have traveled,
we’ve been called “pastor” which has been quite frustrating to
say the least. It seems that so many churches are stuck in tra-
ditions that have been handed down from one generation to
another. If a church leadership invites a visiting Prophet for
a weekend of ministry, their expectation is normally for just
about everyone, if not all church members, to receive a Proph-
ecy which they hope will change and fix everything in their
people’s lives.
Most churches that have a pastoral setup have no
room to cultivate a prophetic culture for God’s people even
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
though they might desire to. They simply have no clue how to
do this. In most churches, having a “Prophetic Department”
is asking for trouble. Many leaders don’t understand how to
accommodate the many Prophetic people who come and go. If
many more churches made room for the Prophetic, they would
attract more five-fold ministry Prophets who would not just
visit, but stay. In the past, because many pastorally focussed
churches here in the city of Cape Town, didn’t know how to
accommodate the Prophets, most of them didn’t stay for very
long. Many local church leaders would rather “import” Proph-
ets from abroad instead of the local ones, and this has contrib-
uted to why there are so few mature, well-seasoned Prophets
in our city.
Prophets and other itinerant ministries have a need
for divine connections and alignments. There are differences
between connections and alignments. A connection is quite
flexible and “open ended” in terms of what’s expected. Any-
one from any church flow can come together and connect for
various reasons, but an alignment is about identifying with
mandates, methods and assignments. A definition of the word
alignment is: “A state of agreement or co-operation between
persons, groups or nations.” To form alignments people need
to find a common goal or interest. This is more than starting
a club. Finding the right alignment is about being connected
with people who carry the same kind of spiritual DNA. Align-
ments and divine connections show that we need one another
so that we can accomplish our purpose. No-one can success-
fully accomplish their purpose alone. Alignments open us up
to various perspectives. It’s like building a puzzle. One person
has one piece and another has the other piece.
As I mentioned earlier on, spiritual Fathering is a vital
part in finding the right spiritual alignments, because it enables
us to carry a definition of who we are and what we are called to

Divine Alignments
do. Spiritual Fathers are called to create legacies and inherit-
ances for the next generation. Without the right alignment,
these will not be passed on.
Apart from local church alignments, there are also
Apostolic and Prophetic alignments that churches need to be
a part of. The five-fold ministry, who are solely responsible
for equipping the saints, also are needed to be aligned with.
Local church elders need to build strong, productive relation-
ships with God’s five-fold ministries. As those relationships
are built, so will the right alignment develop too. Alignments
allow cross pollination between ministries and churches. If all
a church has is to be part of a denomination, then all they will
have is a name. Alignments are much more important than
having a secure denomination. Denominations can sometimes
cause limitations in how the church of the twenty-first century
is perceived by the world around them.
Since Cathi and I entered into full-time ministry, we’ve
desired to be aligned with those whom God wants for us.
About ten years ago, we aligned ourselves with a ministry that
was not specifically prophetic in nature, but it was God’s will
for us. Very shortly after this alignment started, we began to
experience increase. We noticed that our prayer life went to a
whole new level, we also began to hear the Lord in a way that
we hadn’t experienced yet and there was a sense of purpose that
we hadn’t had before.
We also began to experience favour with ministries we
never thought would want to connect with us. This all hap-
pened without us telling anyone. We got invited to minister in
churches who wanted our particular prophetic emphasis. This
increase definitely did not come because we worked harder or
prayed more. I came because of the right alignment.
We also experienced a “spiritual visiblity” that we hadn’t
had before. People started noticing us without us doing much.

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
What we also experienced was a very powerful momen-
tum that began to “move us forward.” Not only did we recog-
nise this, but other people around us did as well. The evidence
of this was that many younger people wanted to “partner” with
us and be a part of what God was doing with and through us.
Since those days, we’ve come into alignment with other
ministries and churches that have continued to contribute to
who we are.
Some alignments also help us to recognise areas that
God has called us to. They impart God’s heart for us to experi-
ence more of Him that we never knew existed.


Grace & Judgement From a

Prophetic Perspective

ver the years Cathi and I have encountered many dif-
ferent view points to do with the subjects of Grace
and Judgement. We believe in the grace and good-
ness of God towards His people. We believe that Jesus loves
the church, but if we are without discipline we are illegitimate
and not His sons and daughters.
There are those who don’t believe that God corrects,
chastises, disciplines and rebukes His own people. They be-
lieve that God overlooks certain things because of His unmer-
ited favour. The Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever.
He never changes. Lately, because of the grace message teach-
ing, some proponents have strayed beyond what is truth and
reasonable into error. They claim the following: “The Holy
Spirit does not convict the church of sin because we are already
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
forgiven”; “If we sin after salvation, we do not need to repent
again, because we are already, eternally forgiven.” These are just
two of the strange doctrines that are coming out of this latest
“hyper-grace” message.
Without me needing to write a whole counter ar-
gument against what is being taught, I would like to discuss
Grace and Judgement from a Prophet’s perspective.
We understand that God’s grace is His unmerited
favour. This means that we could never earn it or work for it.
It is given to us because of the finished work of Jesus on the
cross. We cannot earn our salvation, it is a free gift given to all
who believe that Jesus is the only way. We also understand that
everything God does for us operates out of grace and faith. We
are not required to physically pay for anything God has made
provision for, we simply believe what His word says, by faith,
and we are able to receive.
God never uses sickness, poverty, oppression or ca-
lamities to teach His children. He will never hire a bully to
beat His children up so that they can learn a lesson or learn to
love Him more. Cathi and I don’t believe that God uses lack
to train or teach us either. God is good, all the time and eve-
rything He does is always for our good, even though we might
walk through difficult or trying circumstances. We also believe
that it is His will to prosper us in all areas of our lives. We also
believe that there is a difference between prosperity and mate-
rialism. The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. We
are to love God more than money and material possessions.
Our focus and motives for doing things is not for financial
gain, but our primary purpose is to obey the Lord and to fulfil
His purposes in our lives.
In the process of growing up, God trains, disciplines
and teaches us many things through His word. Under the Old
Testament Law, God required Israel to keep it and obey it.

Grace & Judgement From a Prophetic Perspective
When His people broke His laws, there were consequences.
We believe that to break God’s Laws and principles brings
about consequences, because what we sow, that we shall also
reap. We do not believe that God is standing over His peo-
ple with a big stick, waiting to dish out punishment for their
wrongs. The grace of God is seen in how He gives us time to
“change” our course or our motivation.
When we look throughout the bible, starting in Gen-
esis, before the Law of Moses was given, we see accounts of
God bringing an end to wickedness through judgement. Dur-
ing the days of Abraham, God visited him to discuss the out-
come of Sodom and Gomorrah, because Lot was at that time,
living in Sodom. I believe that God allowed Lot to move into
Sodom in the hope that somehow, he might have influenced
them to turn from their wickedness. Unfortunately, he was
not able to break through to them. Through consultation with
Abraham, God decided to do two things. The first was to ex-
clude Lot from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and
to deliver him to a place of safety before His Judgement fell.
The second decision was to destroy those cities. In the process
of doing this, God had brought Abraham into a place of inter-
cession for the wicked. Not only did he intercede, but he also
reminded God about the righteous. The conclusion of all of
this is that God does not judge the righteous and the wicked in
the same way. In John 5:24, (NKJV); we read, “Most assuredly,
I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent
Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has
passed from death into life.” A child of God has side-stepped the
condemnation and has been connected to the life of God.
The word “judgement” in the Greek language is the
word, “Krisis,” which means the following: decision (subject
or object, for or against); by extension a tribunal; by implica-
tion justice (specially divine law) :- accusation, condemnation,

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
damnation, judgement. Here we see judgement is connected
with accusation, condemnation and damnation. These are very
strong words.
Jesus is not only the Advocate, but the Judge as well.
God’s Kingdom has His divine order and nothing that is con-
trary will be permitted to exist there.
In Revelation 2:1-7; (NKJV), it reads, “To the angel
of the church of Ephesus write, ‘These things says He who holds the
seven stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven
golden lamp-stands: I know your works, your labor, your patience,
and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested
those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them li-
ars; and you have persevered and have patience, and have laboured
for My name’s sake and have not become weary. Nevertheless I have
this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember there-
fore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or
else I will come to you quickly and remove your lamp-stand from its
place--unless you repent. But this you have, that you hate the deeds
of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. He who has an ear, let him
hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes
I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the
Paradise of God.”
In this portion of scripture we get a glimpse of how seri-
ous Jesus views sin of any kind. This letter is directed at the
“messenger” of the church and its members. Firstly, Jesus com-
mended them for many good things that he found in the church
of Ephesus, including testing those who say they are apostles.
Amazing how this was important enough to be mentioned as
something He was impressed about. In spite of that, He said
He had something against His messenger, that he had left his
first love. I believe Jesus was talking about the man’s wife as his
“first love.” Being in a place of leadership with a crisis at home
would quickly affect the whole church to the degree that the

Grace & Judgement From a Prophetic Perspective
church’s witness to the world would not represent the Lord.
Leaving one’s wife is of such great importance that Jesus went
on to say that if the messenger did not repent, he would have
his “lamp-stand” removed from its place. What Jesus was say-
ing here is that there would be a consequence if his messenger
did not change the course his marriage and life was headed and
actually return to his wife and love her again.
Don’t let anyone fool you, there are consequences in
this life for sin in the church, especially in the lives of leaders.
Another example of Jesus giving a warning and conse-
quence of tolerating ungodliness and wickedness in the church
is seen again in another letter. Revelation 2:18-23; (NKJV),
“And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write, ‘These things says
the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet like
fine brass: I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience;
and as for your works, the last are more than the first. Nevertheless I
have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jez-
ebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants
to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols. And
I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not
repent. Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit
adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their
deeds. I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall
know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts. And I will
give to each one of you according to your works.”
Here we see an even more serious situation that God’s
messenger to the church of Thyatira had allowed to develop
to the point where Jesus was about to step in and deal with it
in the harshest possible way. He said that He had given “that
woman Jezebel” time to repent, but she had refused. Here we
see grace in action. Jesus didn’t deal with this false prophetess
immediately, he had given her time to change her ways. This is
always the case with the Lord. No matter how bad our sin may

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
be, He always gives people time to amend their ways. From
this portion of scripture we see grace and mercy first, then swift
Judgement. Jesus even went on to say that He would “kill” her
children with death. This means that even her followers would
come under His Judgement. These are rather harsh words, but
they are recorded by John the beloved while on the island of
Patmos, and they are for our benefit.
It would be wrong for us to assume that the Lord
never deals with sin, wickedness or ungodliness in the church
or in the world during this dispensation. We also have the
situation of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-10, who actu-
ally lied to the Holy Spirit and died right on the spot. Does
this sound like a church where anything goes. No way, Jesus is
Lord of His church and His people need to walk in His light
and be separate.
Right throughout the Old Testament there are in-
stances where God not only chastised Israel, but other nations
too. A really amazing example is that of the Babylonian em-
pire under Nebuchadnezzar who the Lord used to chastise
His people who had departed from Him. This evil king was
a means of God’s judgement for sin. If you read through the
book of Daniel, you’ll find many stories of Nebuchadnezzar’s
wickedness and how he served his gods in spite of being in
close proximity to Daniel and his three friends. In Daniel 4:1-
31; we read of how the king himself had a dream which needed
an interpretation. The dream was warning to him personally,
of the judgement of God that was about to come upon him.
Daniel was called to interpret the dream which was a very seri-
ous revelation of how God’s power was going to fall upon him
and he would be driven from men and would become like an
animal, eat grass like an ox and be given the mind of a beast.
In verse 29 of Daniel chapter 4, the bible tells us that a year
had gone past before anything happened. God had given that

Grace & Judgement From a Prophetic Perspective
wicked king twelve months to sort his heart out and to make
changes. He failed to do this during that period of time, and
then the time of judgement fell. God is patient, kind and good.
He even spelled out the trouble that would come upon Neb-
uchadnezzar and gave him a year to make changes. This is the
wonderful God we serve. God doesn’t just pounce on a person
with a huge stick to judge and sort them out for their wicked-
ness, He always gives people a chance to change.
God’s judgement always comes with great mercy, but
He will eventually step in to bring about justice.


Prophets and Etiquette

ver a period of thirty years, I’ve seen many so called
Prophets come and go. I’ve also seen many well-
meaning men and women of God who presumed to
step into the Prophetic Office, and with consequences that fol-
lowed. It is very dangerous to presume that one is a Prophet. If
you are called by God, you will certainly know it very clearly.
Many years ago, Cathi and I heard a story about a
man who attended a huge conference with well known speak-
ers from all over the world. The conference lasted for several
days and nights with as many as five thousand people in at-
tendance. At one of the evening meetings, while the worship
was still in progress, a man got up and went to the front of
the huge auditorium to deliver a prophetic word. Apparently
the “word” went something like this, “Thus saith the Lord, As
Noah stood before the Red Sea to divide it so that the children
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
of Israel could pass through, so I am standing at your Red Sea
to divide it so that you may cross over in like manner.” All of
a sudden, most of the people present began to laugh. The man
also realised that he had made a huge mistake and decided to
go back to correct it. He was handed the microphone again
and said the following words, “I the Lord have made a mistake,
it was not Noah, but Moses, saith the Lord.” Everyone in the
building began to laugh even more. The man, clearly embar-
rassed, made a hasty exit. This is a typical example of how
the Prophetic ministry has acquired a bad name. It is for this
reason that people despise Prophecy.
Not only does God never make a mistake, but He ex-
pects us to be accountable for the ones we make in His name.
In the above story, the man’s intention was good, but the con-
tent of the “word” he brought was completely wrong.
Right “off the bat” I would like to say the following:
Never run ahead on just one prophecy no matter who prophe-
sied it to you. The Holy Spirit dwells within the lives of believ-
ers, therefore, He gives them direction and leads them. God’s
children are led by the Holy Spirit, not Prophecy. Any proph-
ecy spoken as a word of direction and is not yet a confirmation,
needs to be scrutinised and tested. The way the word is tested
is to firstly see if your “Helper,” the Holy Spirit gives a “wit-
ness” in your heart that this particular word is Him speaking
through someone else. If you have not received this witness,
you are not obliged to do anything about it. The second test is
to see if the prophecy lines up with God’s character of grace,
mercy, goodness and love. If the prophecy does not reveal
these characteristics of God, it should be tested further. Very
rarely does God speak a prophecy of rebuke and chastisement
to a person. He will first convict us of whatever wrong doing
is present in our lives. This conviction will lead us to become
“troubled” about what we have done and this leads us to being

Prophets and Etiquette
convinced that we have missed the mark. If we continually
harden our hearts to this initial conviction, then the Lord will
speak to someone who is close to us, whom we trust to bring us
His correction or rebuke. If we further harden our hearts, the
Lord will continue, for a season to speak to us. Only at the very
end of a long period of time, will He send a reputable Prophet
or even a church Elder or Leader to speak to us. When all else
fails, God will step in Himself to bring us to a place of repent-
ance and change. Thus, prophecy from those who are not well
seasoned, mature Prophets should be exercised with extreme
caution when it comes to words of correction and rebuke.
Cathi and I have witnessed many situations where
sincere, but sincerely wrong people used a prophecy to either
discipline or sort someone out. This is completely wrong.
Another caution concerning how the ministry of
prophecy should be handled is when a visiting speaker speaks
into the direction of the local church. Local church elders
and leaders have been placed there by God, to lead, oversee
and shepherd God’s flock. As a team, they carry within their
hearts, God’s wisdom for decisions pertaining to direction for
their local church. In conjunction with other five-fold minis-
try gifts, God will direct those leaders as they continue to seek
Him. No Prophet should presume to usurp authority over
local church leadership. Any ministry visiting a local church
should comply with their protocols and authority. Any word
of direction a visiting Prophet has, should be submitted to the
leadership in private and recorded either audibly or by writ-
ing it down. In this way, the word can be subject to testing
and weighing up. A Prophet’s responsibility after delivering
a prophecy ends after it has been spoken, unless God requires
him/her to “pray it through,” by receiving God’s burden (His
heart) about a matter. The Prophet is responsible to pray into
what was prophesied after receiving God’s burden. In the past,

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
Cathi and I have witnessed Prophets getting upset and angry
with God’s people who wanted to first test their prophecies. In
1 Thessalonians 5:19-22; (NKJV), it reads, “Do not quench the
Spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast what is
good. Abstain from every form of evil.” The word test in the orig-
inal Greek language is: dokimaso, which means to try, prove,
discern, distinguish, approve. It has the notion of proving a
thing whether it is worthy or not. The bottom line is that all
prophecies are subject to testing, even those spoken by mature
It is possible for a person to stand in more than one
five-fold ministry. In Acts 13:1-3; (NKJV), it reads, “Now
in the church that was at Antioch there were certain prophets and
teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene,
Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and
Saul. As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said,
“Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I
have called them.” Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands
on them, they sent them away.”
Here we see two five-fold ministries mentioned, Proph-
ets and Teachers. From many of Paul’s writings, we see the
Teacher in action. From the scripture above we can see Paul
and Barnabas stepping into their Apostolic call. In 2 Corin-
thians 12:1-2; (NKJV), we read, “It is doubtless not profitable
for me to boast. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord:
I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago--whether in the
body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God
knows--such a one was caught up to the third heaven.”
Another ministry we see Paul operating in is that
of the Prophet. Paul not only functioned as an Apostle and
Teacher, but also as a Prophet.
When people step beyond that which they have been
called to, they step out of the grace of God given to them and

Prophets and Etiquette
into territory that will bring them into trouble, but if someone
is called of God to function in a certain five-fold ministry, they
will have His endorsement and support.
Prophets should be trustworthy, approachable, hum-
ble and honourable, not obnoxious, bombastic and overbear-
ing. Remember that earlier on in this book, I mentioned that
Prophets should never be weird and strange in their behav-
Another issue that many young Prophets need to learn
is about their attitude and motivation towards money. Often
when churches have visiting speakers, many of them “negoti-
ate” costs and honorariums beforehand. In all our twenty-
seven years of ministry, churches have always been generous
and accommodating during our ministry with them. It is
not good practice for visiting speakers to “latch” onto church
members who have money. This can often happen. Sometimes
church members are blessed by the ministry received by visit-
ing Prophets, and they want to bless them in return. It is right
practice to ask them to inform their church leaders of their
intention to bless you. Leaders do not mind this happening,
as long as it is done the right way. When the visitor leaves,
they should not try and continue communication with the per-
son who blessed them, without communicating this to those
church leaders. Trying to stay in contact for financial gain will
not be good for the Prophet’s reputation. A good reputation is
better than a moment of gain. Remember, God is our source,
not people, even though He uses them from time to time.
Another issue that should be common knowledge for
those travelling to other churches, is counselling or consulting
with church members without local church leaders knowing
about it. Many times, over the years while on ministry trips
to certain cities, some church members have wanted a “private
consultation” with Cathi and I. This should not happen. Some

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
people still believe that they need Prophets to direct them, in-
stead of learning how to hear from God for themselves. Un-
less, church leaders ask a visiting Prophet to accompany them
to minister to someone in need, please don’t “consult” with
people who are under the care of their local church ministries.
This is very important because most of the time, confusion is
the result.
There are many other instances where a visiting min-
istry needs to behave in an honourable manner towards church
elders and leaders. A rather serious issue is when people from
a local church approach the visiting ministry and ask them to
mentor them for a period of time. People are usually impressed
by someone’s knowledge and anointing, and they would like to
learn more. Mentoring people into a ministry even though
they are called, requires trust and communication with their
leaders. Mentoring and Fathering is much more intense than
teaching people in a class, it involves imparting your life to
others. This will often include all your successes and failures.
My advice is to be careful in this regard, and communicate
with church leaders of any interest for mentoring shown by the
people under their care.



ow, I’ve come to a section in this book which I feel
warrants our attention and this is the issue of titles in
the church. In many places where Cathi and I have
travelled to, we’ve come across this. Often as soon as we enter
the doors of a church, people often come up to us and greet
us saying, “Good morning Pastor.” To start off with, we are
not five-fold ministry pastors, but we understand that this is a
way in which people show their respect to people in full-time
ministry. You may be surprised how many church people don’t
understand the difference between the five-fold ministries.
Many of them classify everyone who is called to the
ministry as a pastor. This seems to be a standard practice in
many places.
In other places there is no mention of titles at all,
rather an absolute aversion to this practice. I must say that
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
personally, I am not opposed to either calling or not calling
people by a title. The reason why titles are used in many of the
churches we’ve visited is to foster respect and honour. In most
cultures, people understand authority structures and honour-
ing people.
One of the Ten Commandments is to “honour your fa-
ther and your mother.” This is built into the nature of God.
It would be considered dishonouring to call your mother and
father by their first names. To honour someone is to celebrate
their value as a human being. Treating people with dignity and
respect is necessary in this day and age. When I was a child,
it was considered disrespectful to interact with your parents
in a way that was too familiar. Sometimes this kind of thing
promotes abuse of power and authority, but in many cases this
was the right way to instil a culture of respect towards those
older than oneself.
When I read through the Old Testament, I see certain
“titles” conferred upon people. Have a look at 1 Kings 13:1;
(NKJV), which reads, “And behold, a man of God went from Ju-
dah to Bethel by the word of the Lord, and Jeroboam stood by the
altar to burn incense.”
Here the bible refers to this person as “a man of God.” I
believe that this is because he was called as a Prophet and sent
to bring His message. Another reference to this “title” is seen
in 2 Kings 4:8-9; (KJV), “And it fell on a day, that Elisha passed
to Shunem, where there was a great woman; and she constrained
him to eat bread. And so it was, that as often as he passed by, he
turned in thither to eat bread. And she said unto her husband, Be-
hold now, I perceive that this is an holy man of God, which passeth
by us continually.”
Again we see an instance where the words, “man of God”
are used. The woman at Shunem said to her husband that she
perceived that Elisha was a “holy man of God.”

Another astonishing “title” is seen here in 2 Kings
2:19; (NKJV), which reads, “Then the men of the city said to Eli-
sha, “Please notice, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord
sees; but the water is bad, and the ground barren.”
Here the men who I believe where Elders of the city of
Jericho called Elisha, “my lord.” I believe that this was a way of
expressing their attitude of honouring towards Elisha.
In every case where people honoured those whom
God sent, they received miracles. We also see here that none
of these we’ve looked at had called themselves by this title. I
believe that God is the one who confers titles upon people,
never the other way round.
I also see the opposite happening when people call
themselves by a title that they actually are not. Have a look
at Revelation 2:1-2; (NKJV), which reads, “To the angel of the
church of Ephesus write, ‘These things says He who holds the seven
stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden
lampstands: I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that
you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who
say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars.”
Here we see Jesus commending the church of Ephesus
for testing those who claimed to be Apostles and were not, but
were actually liars. Anyone who calls themselves an Apostle or
Prophet needs to be tested. They need to bear the fruit of the
calling and ministry that God has given them. If someone is
not a Prophet, there will be no fruit in that area. Anyone call-
ing themselves what they are not, is actually false and a liar.
When we call someone a “man of God” or a “Prophet”
we are actually drawing on the anointing they carry in that of-
fice. Jesus said the following words in Matthew 10:41; (NKJV),
“He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a
prophet’s reward. And he who receives a righteous man in the name
of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward.”

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
Part of receiving a person by referring to them as a
prophet is extremely important when receiving the reward they
carry. If a person or church does not receive that person ac-
cording to the way God has sent them, they will not receive the
reward they carry. They might hear the word they bring, but
they won’t be able to partake of it in any significant way.
Having a good reputation is much better than having
a title. The important thing here is to ensure that we are not
hung up on titles. People who push a title might have a prob-
lem with their identity. If a person is secure in their identity in
Christ, they will not need to focus on a title. If someone wants
to honour a true Prophet of God by referring to them as either
“Man of God” or “Prophet,” then this is acceptable if done with
the right intention in mind.


Apostles, Prophets & Teachers

et us begin this chapter by looking at 1 Corinthians
12:28-31; (NKJV), which reads, “And God has appoint-
ed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third
teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, adminis-
trations, varieties of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are
all teachers? Are all workers of miracles? Do all have gifts of heal-
ings? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? But earnestly
desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way.”
In this portion of scripture it is interesting to see that
Paul emphasises the words “first”, “second” and “third”. He
also uses the word “appointed” which is derived from the Greek
word, “Tithemi,” which means to set in the proper place.
Apostles, Prophets and Teachers are mentioned here
to do with a certain kind of order of how God does things
in the local church. Without these three five-fold ministries
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
influencing, motivating, equipping and edifying the church,
there will not be much progress. Yet, over a very long period
of time the church has emphasised the one five-fold ministry
office of the “Pastor.” It is important to have the pastoral office
in place because this anointing is responsible for safety, secu-
rity, shepherding and the well-being of God’s people. If the
church has their primary ministry of Pastor and very little of
the three offices mentioned above, then there will be very little
or no growth at all.
In Ephesians chapter 4, Paul mentions all five offices.
This is God revealing His equippers for the church, who are
also given as gifts to the Body. In the scripture quoted above,
Paul is revealing God’s order of importance in the growth of
the “Body of Christ” to do with time, place and importance
of function. These three ascension gift ministries of Christ
are essential in the building processes of God in the life of
His Body. The combined flow of these three ministries will do
much more than if they operated individually.
God’s design is for teams to flow and operate together.
He never intended for ministries to operate alone or outside
of a team, but there are times when this is not always possible.
When Jesus started His ministry here on earth, he called twelve
disciples together to whom He gave His power and authority
to affect the world around them. This team of twelve began to
turn the world upside down. After Judas fell away, God raised
up many other ministries in the early church, but it was with
the eleven apostles and other disciples that the early church
was born. Later on in the book of Acts we see teams being
formed between Apostles and Prophets. In Acts 11:27-28:
(NKJV), we see a group of Prophets traveling together from
Jerusalem to Antioch for a specific purpose. It reads, “And in
these days prophets came from Jerusalem to Antioch. Then one of
them, named Agabus, stood up and showed by the Spirit that there

Apostles, Prophets & Teachers
was going to be a great famine throughout all the world, which also
happened in the days of Claudius Caesar.” Here God’s design of
a team flowing together is seen even among the Prophets.
In Acts 15:22; (NKJV), we also see a team consist-
ing of two Apostles and two Prophets sent by the leaders and
elders of the Jerusalem church to Antioch, who travelled and
ministered together. It reads, “Then it pleased the apostles and
elders, with the whole church, to send chosen men of their own com-
pany to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas, namely, Judas who was
also named Barsabas, and Silas, leading men among the brethren.”
In verse 32 we see a reference to Judas and Silas being
Also in Acts 13:1-4; (NKJV), it reads, “Now in the
church that was at Antioch there were certain prophets and teachers:
Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Ma-
naen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.
As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said,
“Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I
have called them.” Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands
on them, they sent them away. So, being sent out by the Holy Spirit,
they went down to Seleucia, and from there they sailed to Cyprus.”
In this portion of scripture we see a group of five
men occupying the different gift ministries of Prophets and
Teachers. These were men from different cultures who were
connected together as five-fold equipping ministries in the
church of Antioch. The time had come for Paul and Barna-
bas to enter into the time and season of their Apostolic min-
istry and needed to be released to itinerate as “Sent Ones”
from Antioch. It was through the laying on of hands of those
Prophets and Teachers that Paul and Barnabas were ordained
by God as Apostles.
The five-fold ministry offices are involved in how
people are ordained into ministry and this includes ordaining

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
other five-fold ministries. Throughout the bible we see God’s
pattern of using Prophets to “set” people apart for ministries
and offices that God had called them to. The ministry of the
laying on of hands with Prophecy by Prophets is vitally impor-
tant in the process of ordination.
It is my opinion that Apostles and Prophets flow
and operate best when they are together. The one office com-
plements the other in this combination really well. Another
important point to note here is that these joinings and con-
nections need to be inspired and brought together by the Lord
Himself. Prophets are called by God to identify and recognise
those whom God has called to stand in any particular five-fold
ministry. Only God can call a person. If a Prophet proph-
esies to someone about a five-fold ministry that God has called
that person to, and he/she has not heard the call yet, then the
Prophet’s prophecy is subject to confirmation. The call of God
directly to a person takes priority over any prophecy given by
a Prophet. Directional prophecies need to be confirmed no
matter who prophesied them.
An example out of the Old Testament concerning
the importance of the three anointings of Apostles, Prophets
and Teachers is seen in Proverbs 24:3-4; (NKJV), which reads,
“Through wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is es-
tablished; By knowledge the rooms are filled With all precious and
pleasant riches.”
In this scripture we see these three words, “wisdom”,
“understanding”, “knowledge.” Wisdom to build according to
God’s original pattern and design comes through the Apostol-
ic call. Prophets receive and interpret God’s will in the church
which results in understanding the timing, purpose and plans
of God.
Lastly, as Teachers teach, knowledge is revealed to the
church which can be applied practically. Without wisdom, un-

Apostles, Prophets & Teachers
derstanding and knowledge, God’s house cannot be built ac-
cording to His design and pattern.
The only five-fold ministry that has the ability to
operate in all of the five-fold ministries is that of the Apostle.
As Apostles are sent forth to plant churches, there might not
be enough of the other five-fold ministries available, therefore
God will permit them to step into any one of the other minis-
try gifts. The ministry of Apostles should never replace any of
the others, otherwise God would never have mentioned them
in Ephesians 4.
Today, the ministry office of Apostle seems to be on
the rise. Also, there are so many people wearing the “badge” of
Apostle. Some of those who have been in ministry for some
time seem to be declaring themselves as Apostles. The only
way to test if anyone is a certain ministry is to look for the
fruit that accompanies them. Apostles have a “grace” to attract
one or more of the other five-fold ministries. This attraction
is for the purpose of building in God’s Kingdom. Apostles are
“fathers” to other ministries. Their heart is to “father” and raise
up others. The Apostle is a pioneer. God often calls them to
re-locate to another city or country to begin a new “work.”
In conclusion, we can safely say that these three five-
fold offices flowing together should be high up on the priority
list of local churches.


The Prophet’s Authority

uring Old Testament times, God dealt with Prophets
and prophetic matters in a particular way. Not just
anyone could presume that they were going to operate
as a Prophet. God actually instructed His people about Proph-
ets in general through the following scripture.
In Deuteronomy 18:22; (NKJV), It reads, “When a
prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not hap-
pen or come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken;
the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of
Here we see the Lord warning His people about prophets
who speak presumptuously in His name. This means that God
only watches over His word to perform it, instead of perform-
ing the words of men. It is therefore the Prophet’s responsi-
bility to speak only what God shows him/her. The Prophet’s
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
authority is based on the boundaries of his/her assignment and
not on the office alone. The office of the Prophet is the assign-
ment God gives them to represent Him.
There is only so much a Prophet can do while operat-
ing from his/her office. When God calls a Prophet to speak
in His name, He will back that prophet up with regard to His
word which He gave them to speak. An office and assignment
carry certain responsibilities. The Prophet is meant to fellow-
ship and wait before God so that he/she can carry out what
God says.
In 1 Kings 17:1, (NKJV); it reads, “And Elijah the Tish-
bite, of the inhabitants of Gilead, said to Ahab, “As the Lord God
of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain
these years, except at my word.” Here we see Elijah confronting
wicked Ahab and declaring war on Baal. He also introduced
himself to the king by the following statement - “As the Lord
God of Israel lives, before whom I stand.” In this statement, the
Prophet shows us his positioning in God, which is standing
in His presence. True Prophets of God stand before Him in
two ways, firstly, to minister to Him and also to intercede for
His people. Another typical example is seen through the life
of Samuel the Prophet who coached Saul to become the first
king of Israel. In order to meet the demands of his ministry
assignment, he had to spend time in the presence of God. As
Prophets stand in the presence of God, they are empowered
and refreshed to carry out the commands of God and to stay
accurate and in tune with the Holy Spirit. Accuracy comes
from a heavy dependence on the Spirit of God. Without this
vital connection a Prophet will have a hit and miss reputation.
The Prophet is called to die to many things, includ-
ing pressure to prophesy. Unless the Holy Spirit inspires or
prompts a Prophet to speak, it will just be his opinion instead
of “The word of the Lord.” At times, the Prophet will be called

The Prophet’s Authority
upon by God to only speak His word and not to do anything
else. At other times the Prophet will be given a burden along
with the prophecy. This burden is another anointing which
will enable him/her to pray and intercede about the prophecy
spoken. In James 5:17, (NKJV); it reads, “Elijah was a man
with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not
rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months.”
The authority to declare God’s Prophetic word was given to-
gether with responsibility to pray it through. Sometimes in-
tense prayer and intercession are required by the Prophet to
bring the word to pass at the right time and other times not.
Obviously, authority and responsibility go hand in hand.
In the New Testament, Prophets are not to operate
alone, but are to be integrated into the Body of Christ and
connected with local church leadership. No Prophet is permit-
ted to usurp the authority of the local church. This is a defi-
nite no-no. Since Cathi and I have been in full-time ministry,
we’ve encountered ill-informed people who thought that they
could seize authority over local church leaders, because they
thought they were Prophets. Whenever visiting Prophets ar-
rive at a church for ministry to the congregation, the normal
thing to do is to submit themselves to the local church leader-
ship. Gifting does not give any ministry the right to assume
authority over anyone. God delegates His authority to local
church eldership who care for His people.
If a Prophet has any prophetic word to release to a
church, it would be helpful to share it with the local church
leadership team before speaking it out in a public gather-
ing, especially if the word is concerning new direction for the
Prophets do not have authority to “send” anyone any-
where. If a Prophet should prophesy to a person that they are
to pack their bags and move to India, and that person has not

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
heard this directly from the Lord first, then the prophecy is
subject to confirmation. If confirmation does not come, and
the timing for the word is not understood, then under no cir-
cumstances should the person move to India. Prophets should
not give God’s people direction, they should receive direction
through their own relationship with the Holy Spirit. In the
past I’ve met quite a few gifted people in ministry who pre-
sumed that they were called to stand in the Prophets’ office,
trying to “send” or call people to certain places. So many of
these ministries are completely ignorant of the protocols sur-
rounding the ministry of the Prophets. One guy recently got
upset with me after I refused to act upon his word to me that I
was to become a member of their team. God had not first told
me so, therefore I said that I needed to first test his word to see
if it was in fact the Lord speaking to me or just his own ideas.
Up until this day, God has not told me to join their network,
nor has He confirmed that guy’s word, therefore it was a word
spoken presumptuously.
The Prophet’s authority is connected with the assign-
ment that God has given him/her to carry out. Within this
assignment, there are specific instructions. This authority is for
the purpose of establishing God’s word and being instrumental
in bringing it to pass in many cases. There are some prophecies
that God has decreed Himself and brings them to pass with-
out anyone’s involvement. As we read earlier on in this chap-
ter, Elijah was instructed by God to tell king Ahab that there
would not be dew nor rain for a number of years. Elijah also
said that this would be according to his word, when he said
so. This looks like Elijah might have been presumptuous, but
what he meant here was that God gave him authority and the
responsibility to work together with Him to bring the word to
pass at the right time.



o be prophetic is to be in tune with the heart of God.
The Spirit of God dwells within the life of the believer
for the purpose of connection with the Father and the
Son. Without His involvement and interaction with us, we
will be powerless and religious. The Prophetic anointing upon
God’s people enables them to see, hear, feel, taste and smell
things in the realm of the Spirit of God. As we have five phys-
ical senses, so we have five spiritual counterparts in our “inner
man.” We were never meant to flow in the gifts of the Spirit
by the “outer man”, but by the “inner man.” The problem with
most people, is that they have never learned how to operate the
supernatural gifts of the Spirit of God by their “inner man.”
The Holy Spirit dwells within our inner man and He
is there to help us in ever area of our lives, especially when it
comes to operating in His gifts.
So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
The Prophetic anointing is synonymous with super-
natural experiences in the Spirit. Most times, others who don’t
understand this realm will think we are mad or deluded. When
Ezekiel wrote these words, in Ezekiel 37:1; (NKJV),”The hand
of the LORD came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the
LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full
of bones,” he spoke of a supernatural experience that happened
to him so that he would receive a message from God for Israel.
This message did not come in the “normal” way, it came by an
unusual working of the Spirit of God upon his life.
When God’s hand comes upon us, this actually means
that a special anointing is in manifestation upon us for a very
good reason. God wanted Ezekiel to received His word in an
unusual way.
He went on to say that God’s hand “brought him out.”
What this means is that the Holy Spirit enabled him to enter
into the spiritual realm so that he could see things for what
they actually were at that time. The spirit world is as real as our
natural world around us. During Ezekiel’s experience, he was
able to prophetically declare God’s word to Israel’s brokenness
and prophesy resurrection life to them, and also see it happen-
ing via his spiritual eyes.
If we are not grounded in the written word of God,
too many spiritual experiences will have an negative affect
upon us. The Spirit of God and His word is what enables
us to experience supernatural things without being adversely
For any believer to be spiritually powerful, they would
need to cultivate a huge dependency upon the Spirit of God.
We were designed to fly with eagle’s wings, not scratch around
on the ground like chickens. The Prophetic anointing is syn-
onymous with the eagle. The eagle was designed to fly on the
air currents high above the earth. The Prophetic anointing en-

ables us to do so with minimum effort. All that is required of
us is to learn how to wait upon the Lord. Waiting upon the
Lord is not meant for us to be inactive or passive for that mat-
ter. But waiting upon the Lord means to intertwine ourselves
with Him. As we do so, we will begin to renew our strength
and then be able to mount up with wings like eagles.
Some important things to consider when entering into
the realm of the Prophetic is firstly that it does tend to at-
tract opposition and even persecution. If a person can push
through theses negative things, he/she will be able to develop
a good reputation and a ministry that will be a blessing to oth-
ers. There are so many people out there who claim to have a
valid prophetic gift, but who fail somewhere during the process
of character development. If we fail during God’s process, we
will find it difficult to grow in our gifting. God is concerned
about both the gift we carry and who we are growing up to be
in Him.
A really good foundational knowledge in the Word of
God is essential when we are growing into our calling and gift-
ing. Without knowledge and understanding we become very
unbalanced in the Prophetic gift. In most cases, even attend-
ing a bible school for a year or more, will give Prophetic people
that necessary word foundation, even though many subjects
may not equip them in their gift.
I’ve known many Prophetic people over the years who
became very super-spiritual and unbalanced in the Prophet-
ic because of a weak Word foundation in their lives. Staying
grounded in the Word of God is the remedy for that problem.
Having friends who are prophetically gifted also helps
Prophetic people to develop at a steady pace. Relationships are
very important, because other people can help them see their
blind spots so that they don’t keep making the same mistakes
over and over again.

So, You Believe You’re Called to The Prophetic
Speaking of mistakes.... Be willing to make mistakes
while exercising the Prophetic gifts, because this is the way we
learn and grow. No-one ever grew without making mistakes
and the Prophetic is no exception. If we get to the place where
we begin to “play it safe,” we’ll diminish in the faith necessary
to flow in the Prophetic gifts.
The more time we spend “waiting upon the Lord,” the
more we will receive revelation from Him and increase in the
anointing that flows from a deep relationship with Him.
Another point I would like to stress at the end of this
book, is about knowing the difference between the Power,
Might and Strength that comes from a sensitivity to the Holy
Spirit of God. Strength is for one day at a time. The bible tells
us that strength comes from waiting upon the Lord from day
to day. What is the use if someone flows powerfully in the gifts
of the Holy Spirit, but they don’t have the personal strength
to overcome the enemy who attacks them at home. Spiritual
strength is very important for Christians.
Power comes as a gift from the Lord upon our lives, to
enable us to help or deliver someone else from the enemy. This
power is to do with the calling, gifting and assignment of the
Lord. When we read in the bible about how Jesus healed the
sick, fed more than five thousand people with five loaves and
two fish, we can obviously see supernatural power at work here.
Jesus operated in this power as a normal man. The power upon
Jesus’ life was not because He was God, but because he func-
tioned as a man anointed of the Holy Spirit. He was tempted
in every way, but without sin.
To flow in the power of God, we need a deep depend-
ence upon Him. This was the secret of the power that operated
through Jesus.
Might is given for a moment or a season where there is
an enemy that will destroy us if God does not intervene. Sam-

son was anointed with “Might” to defeat the enemies of Israel.
Might is always given to defeat God’s enemies, while power is
given to help people. God will never permit us to use might to
defeat people. In many instances, there are demonic forces at
work behind the actions of people, and might is given to defeat
those forces, never human beings.
I know what many of you are thinking at this point. You
probably are thinking that Samson killed many Philistines
with the might of God. Yes, that is true. During Old Testa-
ment times where the enemies of Israel were hostile and were
set on destroying them. God permitted Israel to enter into
battles with people who were against His purposes for them in
the land that He had given them.
Today, in New Testament times, we are called upon by
the Lord to extend grace and mercy to others. Our weapons
are spiritual, not carnal. We don’t need to carry a sword around
with us to kill people. Our Sword is the Word of God. If we
encounter a person who wants to kill us, God will have a way
for us to escape or deal with the situation at hand. He may
even release the Might of the Holy Spirit to withstand an at-
tacker, but never for the purpose of killing them just because
we can. God would rather uses us to speak His message of
salvation to hostile or violent people.
It is my prayer that you will seek to grow in the Prophetic
gifts of God and to represent Him in an excellent way.

About Rory Mole

ory Mole has been actively involved in Prophetic
ministry for the past 31 years. He began training and
equipping God’s people through Prophetic Schools in
South Africa just over twenty-five years ago.
Rory has travelled extensively around South Africa since
he and his wife Cathi were ordained into their ministry in
September, 1989 and also internationally to England, Austria,
Australia, France and Holland.
Over the past twenty years, Rory & Cathi have hosted
and conducted many Prophetic Schools around the city of Cape
Town in areas such as :- Fish Hoek, Constantia, Lansdowne,
Retreat, Pinelands, Meadowridge, Table View and also in Som-
erset West. They have also hosted and conducted Prophetic
Schools through local churches in Port Elizabeth, East Lon-
don, Amanzimtoti, Bloemfontein, Johannesburg and Pretoria.

or the past 27 years, Rory & Cathi have concentrated
their focus on training and equipping God’s people
through Prophetic Schools, Seminars and Gatherings.
They started the first Prophetic School in September 2001.
Since then their Prophetic Schools have spread to many
parts of South Africa and also abroad.
For more information please visit their website.

Understanding Anointings Parts 1&2

Impartation & the Laying on of Hands
Local Church Protocol for Prophecy
Prophetic Fulfilment
Prophetic People
Dreams & Visions
Understanding Times & Seasons
Practical Steps to Developing in Your Ministry
Old & New Testament Prophets and Prophecy
The Raising up of a Prophet
Hearing the Voice of God
Divine Guidance Parts 1&2
Different Levels of Prophecy and the Prophetic
Waging War with Prophecy
Proper Response to Prophecy
Evaluating and Judging Prophecy
Finding Your Calling and Gifting
Understanding God’s Authority Structures
Prophetic Ministerial Etiquette
Pitfalls of The Prophetic
True & False Prophets
Prophetic Presbytery
Understanding Prophetic Places

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