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Г. Г.




МОСКВА • «ВАКО» • 2011

УДК 372.881.111.1
ББК 74.268.1
Кулинич Г.Г.
К95 Предметные недели и открытые уроки английского
языка: 2–4 классы. – М.: ВАКО, 2011. – 224 с. – (Мастер-
ская учителя иностранного языка).
ISBN 978-5-408-00485-0
Внеклассная работа по английскому языку необходима для рас-
ширения и углубления знаний, развития умений и совершенствования
навыков коммуникативной деятельности, раскрытия творческих спо-
собностей учащихся. В книге приводится материал для организации
кружковых занятий, проектной работы, проведения недели англий-
ского языка: стихи, сказки, песни, диалоги, игры и многое другое.
Книга будет полезна учителю английского языка в начальных клас-
сах для организации как урочной, так и внеурочной деятельности.
УДК 372.881.111.1
ББК 74.268.1

Учебно-методическое пособие
Кулинич Галина Григорьевна


2–4 классы

Дизайн обложки Амгалана Ринчинова

Налоговая льгота –
Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93-953000.
Издательство «ВАКО»
Подписано к печати 15.02.2011.
Формат 84×108/32. Печать офсетная. Гарнитура Таймс.
Усл. печ. листов 11,76. Тираж 5000 экз. Заказ №
Отпечатано в ОАО ордена Трудового Красного Знамени
«Чеховский полиграфический комбинат»
142300, г. Чехов Московской области
Сайт: www.chpk.ru, e-mail: marketing@chpk.ru
Факсы: 8 (49672) 6-25-36; 8 (499) 270-73-59
Отдел продаж услуг: 8 (499) 270-73-59 (многоканальный)
ISBN 978-5-408-00485-0 © ООО «ВАКО», 2011
Все больше ребят стремится уже с малых лет совершенство-
вать свою речь на иностранном языке. Необходимость использо-
вать иностранный язык в будущей профессии порождает интерес
к странам изучаемого языка (их истории, политике, литературе,
жизни детей и молодежи и т. д.), а также желание понять друг друга
и быть понятыми, готовность рассказать о жизни людей своей стра-
ны, своем «я», обсудить свое видение культуры, мира и проблемы
взаимопонимания – все мотивы деятельности ребят должны быть
учтены и в полной мере использованы учителями иностранного
языка как в учебной, так и во внеклассной работе.
Внеклассная работа по иностранному языку является необхо-
димым условием для расширения и углубления знаний предмета,
развития умений и совершенствования навыков коммуникативной
деятельности, раскрытия творческих способностей учащихся.
К сожалению, на уроках учитель не всегда может учитывать
индивидуальные особенности учащихся: память, слух, логиче-
ское мышление и т. д., – ведь у каждого они находятся на разном
уровне развития. Внеклассная работа в этом отношении имеет
свои преимущества: учитель получает возможность установить
более тесный и дружеский контакт с детьми, что снимает многие
трудности в общении, помогает активизировать коммуникативную
и творческую деятельность учащихся. А такой подход обеспечи-
вает успех, который дает ребенку возможность самоутвердить-
ся. Успех, самоутверждение, поощрение достижений являются
необходимыми условиями для дальнейшей мотивации учащихся
в учебной и внеклассной работе по иностранному языку.
Однако любой вид деятельности должен быть занимательным
и интересным. Конечно, и во внеклассной работе ребятам не обой-
4 От автора

тись без приложения умственных и физических усилий. Учитель

должен готовить их к такому повороту дел: ведь без труда не бы-
вает ни успеха, ни отдыха, ни веселья.
Изучение даже самого интересного материала может стать
в тягость (например, если оно будет перегружено новым лексиче-
ским или грамматическим материалом). Учителю не следует пре-
ступать определенную черту трудности, за которой удовольствие
превращается в обычную урочную нагрузку, которая очень часто
вызывает скуку и неприятие.
Наиболее интересный и доступный для ребят вид деятельно-
сти, выбранный с учетом уже сформированных речевых и грам-
матических навыков, преемственности этапов изучения языка,
уровня языковой подготовки, личностных особенностей учащихся,
обусловит необходимый языковый материал, позволит определить
наиболее эффективные методы и формы работы.
Использование материала по темам программы, активизация
умений и навыков, приобретенных на уроках, усиливает потреб-
ность в общении на иностранном языке, дает ребятам возможность
применять на практике то, чему они уже научились, углубляет имею-
щиеся знания, рождает желание постоянно узнавать что-то новое.
Внеклассная работа поможет учителю устранить и те пробелы
в знаниях учащихся, с которыми иногда просто невозможно справ-
ляться на уроке из-за недостатка времени и большого количества
учащихся в группах. Ведь если учитель не пройдет определенный
объем нового материала на уроке, то к концу учебного года даже
при правильной коррекции планирования со всем непройденным
материалом будет очень сложно справиться.
Правильное планирование внеклассной деятельности, с учетом
отдельных недоработанных моментов (но не повторения урока!),
даст вам возможность ненавязчиво и интересно, изменив методы
и формы подачи материала, справиться, казалось бы, с неодоли-
мым. Не заостряйте внимание ребят на негативе фразами типа
«вы это плохо поняли» или «у вас это не получается, поэтому мы
сейчас повторим и т. д.», заранее настраивая их ум и внимание
на извлечение из памяти именно того момента, когда у них что-то
не получилось.
Подобрав для внеклассной работы материал, близкий к про-
граммным темам, учитель, таким образом, обеспечит преемст-
венность урочной и внеклассной деятельности учащихся. Причем
именно внеклассная деятельность позволяет более эффективно
формировать связь изученного языкового материала с реалиями –
благодаря мониторингу событий в нашей стране и за рубежом,
От автора 5

в своем городе, районе, школе, организации встреч с носителями

языка, с людьми, которые используют иностранный язык в своей
профессиональной деятельности.
При организации внеклассной работы в большей степени, чем
при организации урочной, по иностранному языку в начальной
школе необходимо учитывать психофизиологические особен-
ности развития младших школьников. В частности, детей этой
возрастной группы интересует сам процесс получения знаний.
И чем он разнообразнее по форме и ярче по содержанию, чем
меньше напряжен и обязателен, тем эффективнее будет восприятие
предлагаемого материала. У младших школьников больше развита
механическая память. Они мыслят конкретно и образно. Для них
характерны быстрая утомляемость и потеря и нтереса, чаще всего
вследствие недостатка двигательной активности, что и следует
учитывать при планировании форм и методов работы. Также необ-
ходимо учесть и то, что младшие школьники очень любят ролевые
игры, подражание взрослым, а в сказках – и животным. Диалоги,
хороводы, считалочки, физкультминутки, подвижные игры, сказки,
различные движения под музыку, пение (а также своевременное
поощрение успешной деятельности!) помогут не только избавить
детей от страха перед неизвестным, трудным и обязательным, удер-
жать и развить интерес, но и будут способствовать повышению
качества знаний.
Из постоянных форм внеклассной работы (КВНы, клубы
по интересам, кружки) наиболее целесообразна организация ра-
боты кружка. Это особенно удобно, если дети посещают группу
продленного дня. Занятия необходимо построить так, чтобы дети,
пришедшие после напряженного учебного дня, переключились
на другие виды деятельности, смогли отвлечься и отдохнуть.
Ребята, конечно, посещают занятия кружка добровольно.
Но следует помнить, что для того, чтобы подготовить с ними что-
то действительно интересное и полезное, необходим постоянный,
заинтересованный в результатах работы состав.
Среди периодических форм внеклассной работы наиболее
приемлемыми для младших школьников являются утренники,
концерты, конкурсы, викторины, а также недели иностранного
языка, которые дают учащимся возможность продемонстрировать
положительный результат многих периодических форм внекласс-
ной деятельности.
Занятия кружка комбинированного типа могут включать раз-
учивание песен, стихов, игр, хороводов, инсценировку сказок, под-
готовку реквизита, составление викторин, загадок и т. д.
6 От автора

Утренники обычно красочно оформляются. Исполняются но-

мера художественной самодеятельности, проводятся конкурсы,
подвижные игры, викторины; ребята поощряются за разгаданные
кроссворды и загадки, организуются хороводы с участием всех
ребят. Все это плюс поздравления и награждения сделают праздник
и веселым, и полезным.
При подготовке отчетного концерта – в программе утренника
или праздника, в рамках недели иностранного языка – должно
учитываться разнообразие жанров: стихи, песни, танцы, инсце-
нировки, сказки, диалоги ведущих и т. д. Это даст ребятам воз-
можность продемонстрировать свои умения и таланты как можно
большему количеству ребят. Детям всегда интересно не только
посмотреть на других, но и себя показать (каждый любит себя
в действии; не стоит забывать и об огромном интересе родителей).
Тем самым учитель помогает самоутверждению ребят, формирует
их самооценку. Ребенок всегда должен быть уверен в том, что если
он не смог что-то сказать так же хорошо, как кто-то из его друзей,
то он всегда сможет сделать на хорошем уровне что-то другое, что
поднимет его в глазах взрослых и детей: споет, станцует, сыграет
и т. д.
Особый интерес вызывает у ребят проведение недели ино-
странного языка. Эта форма работы относится к периодической
и объединяет отдельные внеурочные мероприятия. В рамках не-
дели могут проходить и открытые уроки. Цель всех мероприя-
тий – демонстрация достижений в изучении предмета, привлечение
внимания всего коллектива (и родителей) к изучению учащимися
иностранного языка, повышение уровня владения иностранной
речью, развитие творческих способностей учащихся и в целом
формирование многосторонней личности.
Раздел 1

Занятие 1
1. Приветствие.
2. Зарядка (лексический материал, словосочетания).
3. Отработка грамматических структур.
4. Прослушивание текста по теме.
5. Физкультминутка (с лексическим наполнением по теме).
6. Фонетическая отработка текста с последующей драмати-
7. Исполнение знакомой песни.
Занятие 2
1. Приветствие.
2. Лексико-грамматическая зарядка.
3. Ознакомление с дополнительным лексическим материалом
по теме и его фонетическая отработка.
4. Физкультминутка (зарядка-игра).
5. Подбор лексики для высказывания (какие существитель-
ные вам необходимы, какими глаголами вы можете выразить
и т. д.)
6. Составление плана высказывания по отработанному тексту.
7. Исполнение песни.
Занятие 3
1. Приветствие.
2. Зарядка.
3. Озвучивание плана высказывания.
4. Высказывание (с использованием плана, опорных словосо-
8 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

5. Физкультминутка (песня-игра).
6. Подбор рифмы для слов.
7. Презентация и составление своих загадок.
Занятие 4
1. Приветствие.
2. Лексико-фонетическая зарядка.
3. Работа с рифмами.
4. Физкультминутка (зарядка-танец).
5. Составление рифмованных строк.
6. Тренировка спеллинга.
7. Работа с загадками.
Занятие 5
1. Приветствие.
2. Отработка лексики для аудирования.
3. Прослушивание текста.
4. Физкультминутка.
5. Повторное прослушивание текста.
6. Работа над содержанием (тесты).
7. Прослушивание песни.
Занятие 6
1. Приветствие.
2. Отработка лексико-грамматического материала.
3. Просмотр видеофильма.
4. Физкультминутка.
5. Повторный просмотр (стоп-кадр и работа над содержанием).
6. Прослушивание песни (из видеофильма).
7. Работа над содержанием и исполнением.
Занятие 7
1. Приветствие.
2. Отработка текста песни.
3. Озвучивание песни.
4. Физкультминутка.
5. Ознакомление с лексическим и грамматическим материалом
6. Отработка стихов.
7. Озвучивание песни.
Занятие 8
1. Приветствие.
2. Ознакомление с лексико-грамматическим материалом (снять
трудности по восприятию содержания).
Тема «Спорт» 9

3. Распределение ролей.
4. Физкультминутка.
5. Работа с текстом пьесы (фонетическая отработка, микро-
6. Чтение стихов.
7. Озвучивание песни.

Phonetic and Lexical Training
I, I – we can fly.
A, a – we can play.
O, o – Do you know?
E, e – Let me see.
U, u – I love you.
Y, y – Don’t cry.
Moving Activity
– Выполняем команды и частично проговариваем.
Для разучивания упражнений зарядки в начале работы все действия
могут быть проиллюстрированы картинками на магнитной доске или спе-
циальными плакатами. Учитель, произнося команды, обращает внимание
ребят на изображения на доске.
Variant 1
T e a c h e r. Now, children, stand up!
C h i l d r e n. Stand up, stand up!
T e a c h e r. Now, children, hands up!
C h i l d r e n. Hands up, hands up!
T e a c h e r. Now, children, hands down!
C h i l d r e n. Hands down, hands down!
T e a c h e r. Thank you, children, and sit down!
C h i l d r e n (turning twice to each other).
Thank you and sit down!
Variant 2
T e a c h e r. Now, children, stand up!
C h i l d r e n. Stand up, stand up!
T e a c h e r. Right (left) hand (leg) up!
C h i l d r e n. Right hand up (left hand up)!
Right leg up (left hand up)!
T e a c h e r. Right (left) hand (leg) down!
10 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

C h i l d r e n. Right hand down (left hand down)!

Right leg down (left leg down)!
T e a c h e r. Thank you, children and sit down!
C h i l d r e n (turning to the left and to the right).
Thank you and sit down!
Variant 3
T e a c h e r. Now, children, have some fun!
C h i l d r e n (turning to the left and to the right).
Have some fun, have some fun!
T e a c h e r. Cross your legs and cross your arms!
C h i l d r e n. Cross your legs, cross your arms!
T e a c h e r. Breathe in deeply through your nose!
Stand a little on your toes!
Put your hands on your chest!
Thank you, have a rest!
C h i l d r e n (turning to the left and to the right).
Thank you, have a rest! (Twice.)
Lexical and Grammar Training (numerals, the verb can, some
verbs on the topic “Sport”)
One, one – we can run.
Two, two – what can you do?
Three, three – I can ski.
Four, four – he can go.
Five, five – it can fly.
Six, six – we can skip.
Seven, seven – he can travel.
Eight, eight – she can skate.
Nine, nine – he can ride.
Ten, ten – try it again!
Moving Activity
Практика умения выполнять команды, повторение употребления
глагола саn.
Variant 1
Stand up and sit down.
Hands up and hands down.
Stand up, touch your toes,
Then put your hands
On your knees.
Thank you,
And sit down, please!
Тема «Спорт» 11

Variant 2
Stand up and look around.
Nod your head and turn around.
Stamp your feet upon the ground.
Clap your hands and count to ten.
Thank you and repeat again!
Variant 3
I can walk, I can run,
I can have a lot of fun.
I can hop, I can jump.
If you can’t, you’ll be plump.
I can go, I can hop.
Tell me, if I can hop off.
Plump – пухлый.
Hop off – взлететь, оторваться от земли.
Выполнение команд. Работа учащихся на доске цветными мелками.
Монологическая и диалогическая речь.
Variant 1
T e a c h e r. Pick up a red crayon. Draw a ball.
P u p i l 1. My ball is red. My name is Ted. I can play basketball.
I can play. Can you, Ann?
A n n. Yes, I can. (No, I can’t.)
T e a c h e r. Take a white crayon. Draw a ball.
P u p i l 2. My ball is white. My name is Guy. I can play volleyball.
I can play. Can you, Nan?
N a n. Yes, I can. (No, I can’t.)
T e a c h e r. Choose a green crayon. Draw a ball.
P u p i l 3. My ball is green. My name is Tim. I can play
T e a c h e r. Can you, Tim?
P u p i l 3. Yes, I can. Can you, Pam?
P a m. Yes, I can. (No, I can’t.)
T e a c h e r. Pick up a blue crayon. Draw a ball.
12 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

P u p i l 4. My ball is blue. My name is Sue. I can play tennis. Can

you play tennis, Jane?
J a n e. Yes, I can. Let us play, Jane!
T e a c h e r. Take a white crayon. Draw a ball.
P u p i l 5. My ball is white and black. My name is Jack. I can play
football. And you, Ben?
B e n. Yes, I can. It’s a nice day. Let us play!
T e a c h e r. Choose a yellow crayon. And draw a ball.
P u p i l 6. My ball is yellow. I can’t play football. I can’t. And
you, Bart?
B a r t. I can’t.
Variant 2
Use the pictures or photos of the famous sportsmen of your
a. Teacher’s or a pupil’s story
His name is Victor. He is a pupil of our school. He is a sportsman.
He can play football. He is not a swimmer. Victor is a football player.
He can play football well. He is a champion. He likes to play football.
He plays football after his lessons. He plays football on the sports
ground (at the stadium).
Questions for dialogues ((T > P1, P2, P3); (P1 > P2); (P1 >< P2))
What is his name? Is he a pupil of our school? What is he? What
sports games can he play? Is he a swimmer? Who is a football player?
Can he play football well? Is he a champion? Does he like to play
football? When does he play football? Where does he play football?
b. Look at the picture and say
His name is Nick. He is a pupil of our school. He is a sportsman. He
can swim. Nick is a swimmer. He can swim very well. He is a champion.
He likes to swim. He swims after his lessons. He swims in the swimming
Questions for dialogues
What is his name? Is he a pupil of our school? What is he? Can he
play football or swim? Is he a football player or a swimmer? Can he
swim well? Who is a champion? Does he like to swim? When does he
swim? Where does he swim?
c. Look and say
Her name is Kate. She is a pupil of our school. She is a sportsman.
She can skate. Kate is a skater. She can skate very well. Kate is
Тема «Спорт» 13

a champion. She likes to skate. She skates after her lessons. She skates
on the skating-rink.
Questions for dialogues
What is her name? Is she a pupil of our school? What is she? Can
she swim or skate? Is she a swimmer? Can she swim well? Who is
a champion? Does she like to swim? When does she skate? Where
does she skate?
d. What can you see in this picture?
In this picture I can see a girl. Her name is Polly. She is a pupil of
our school. She is a sportsman. She can run. Polly is a runner (sprinter,
long distance runner). She can run very well. Polly is a champion. She
likes to run. She runs after her lessons. She runs at the stadium.
Questions for dialogues
Can you see a girl or a boy in this picture? What is her name? Is
she a pupil of our school? What is she? Can she run or jump? Is she
a jumper? What is she? Can she run well? Who is a champion? Who
likes to run? When does she run? Where does she run?
Poems for Learning
He can jump, I can run,
She can skip. It is fun.
I am a little girl.
I have a bouncing ball.
Up and down, hop, hop!
It wouldn’t like to stop.
Frogs can jump.
Rabbits can run.
Boys can play football.
Oh, it is fun!
I can swim and skip and swing.
Would you like to sing?
Can you swim?
Yes, I can,
With my legs, with my hands.
Don’t boast, little boy.
Better play with your toys.
When you grow,
You’ll be a man.
And you’ll try
To cross again.
14 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

Funny Rhymes
Ride a Cock-Horse
Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross,
To see a fine lady upon a white horse;
Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes,
She shall have music wherever she goes.
From “English Nursery Rhymes”
Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle came to town,
Riding on a pony.
He stuck a feather in his cap,
And called it macaroni.
Brown Watson
To stick – stuck – stuck – втыкать, вонзать.
Feather – перо.
I can
“I can skip,” says Molly Dick.
“I can run,” says Willy Dun.
“I can ride,” says Little Mike.
“You can boast,” says Billy Groats.
Puzzle Time
Variant 1
s 1. Цифра 7. (Seven.)
p 2. Яблоко. (Apple.)
o 3. Коричневый. (Brown.)
4. Рассказ. (Story.)
5. Короткий (Short.)

Variant 2
t 1. Колготки. (Tights.)
e 2. Письмо. (Letter.)
n 3. Карандаш. (Pencil.)
4. Сигнал. (Signal.)
5. Кролик. (Rabbit.)
i 6. Шорты. (Shorts.)

– How many words can you find in this chain?

runotennisportesthiswim (7.)
Тема «Спорт» 15

Games for Competitions

Variant 1
Эту игру-соревнование желательно проводить в спортивном зале или
в школьном дворе. Ребята делятся на 2 команды. В каждой команде есть
те, кто выполняют действия, и те, кто эти действия озвучивают. Участники
из команды Ducks выступают в роли судей. Участники из команды Frogs
начинают игру-соревнование. У каждого судьи – карточка с заданием
и колокольчик.
Первый участник получает карточку с заданием walk. Он (при условии
понимания задания) начинает ходьбу вдоль определенного отрезка дорож-
ки. Двое других (говорящих) участников (из его команды) произносят:
What is he (she) doing? – He (she) is walking.
Если действие правильно понято и выполнено, а фразы произнесе-
ны без ошибок (за этим следит учитель), то звучит колокольчик судьи
на пункте и уже следующий участник получает карточку с очередным
Если со стороны учителя были подсказки или поправки, то команда
получает штрафные баллы. После выполнения всех заданий членами
первой команды звучат колокольчики всех судей, что означает завершение
первого этапа. Команды меняются ролями. Иногда к судейству учителя
привлекают учащихся средних классов.
Варианты заданий:
1 – walk; 2 – jump like a frog; 3 – swim; 4 – fly; 5 – hop; 6 – skip (use
a skipping rope); 7 – swing (use a swing); 8 – walk (like a duck); 9 – dance
(like a pop star); 10 – ride (use a toy car or a chair).
При подведении итогов каждый успешно пройденный этап оценива-
ется по пятибалльной шкале. Штрафные баллы минусуются. Обе команды
награждаются (с учетом большего и меньшего количества баллов). Могут
быть награждены отдельные участники (победители в личном зачете; воз-
можно, что некоторые из ребят будут выступать на нескольких этапах).
Variant 2
Ребята делятся на группы. Члены одной группы бегают (на опреде-
ленное расстояние), другой – прыгают (с места, кто дальше), третьей –
прыгают через скакалку (на время, до сбоя), четвертой – прыгают на одной
ноге (на определенное расстояние и время), пятой – объезжают пластмас-
совые препятствия (на детском велосипеде или автомобиле) и т. д. Среди
ребят могут остаться и просто болельщики, так как группы участников
формируются по желанию.
Как только очередная группа заканчивает свой вид соревнований,
учитель (а потом и учащиеся) беседует с другими участниками и болель-
Dialogues and Interview
T e a c h e r. Who runs faster, Nick or Paul?
P u p i l 1. Nick runs faster than Paul.
16 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

T e a c h e r. Who is the best sprinter?

P u p i l 2. Nick is the best sprinter.
T e a c h e r. Who is the winner?
P u p i l 3. Nick is the winner. He is the champion.
T e a c h e r. Who jumps longer, Victor or Peter?
P u p i l 1. Victor jumps longer than Peter.
T e a c h e r. Who is the winner?
P u p i l 2. Victor is the winner.
T e a c h e r. Who will get the prize?
P u p i l 3. Victor will get the prize.
P u p i l 1. Who skips better, Kate or Ann?
P u p i l 2. Ann skips better than Kate.
P u p i l 1. Who is the best sportsman?
P u p i l 3. Ann is the best sportsman. She is a winner.
T e a c h e r. Who hops on one leg better, Masha or Dasha?
P u p i l 4. Masha hops better on one leg than Dasha.
T e a c h e r. Who is the best sportsman?
P u p i l 5. Masha is the best sportsman.
T e a c h e r. Who is the winner?
P u p i l 6. She is the winner.
P u p i l 2. Who rides better, Sasha or Pasha?
P u p i l 4. Sasha rides better than Pasha.
P u p i l 2. Who is the best carting-driver?
P u p i l 5. Sasha is the best carting-driver.
P u p i l 2. Who will get the prize?
P u p i l 6. He will get the prize.
Болельщики исполняют песню для победителей (она подготовлена
на предыдущих занятиях).
You Are the Winners
You are the winners,
We are sport fans.
You’ll get your prizes,
You are strong men.
Тема «Спорт» 17

You are adroit,

You are great stayers,
You are the winners,
You are great players!
Adroit – ловкий.
To be a great stayer – быть выносливым.
Победители получают призы. Если кто-то из ребят принимал участие
в нескольких этапах соревнования и одержал в них победу, он объявляется
чемпионом и получает специальный приз. Дети скандируют: You are the
winners! You are the champions! Congratulations! Выбраный репортером
ученик берет у чемпиона интервью.
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. Hi! My name is Pete.
B o y. Hi! I am Mike. Are you a school correspondent?
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. Yes, I am. Can you answer some questions?
M i k e. With great pleasure!
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. Do you like sport?
M i k e. Yes, I do. I like sport.
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. Do you skate or swim?
M i k e. I neither skate nor swim. I can run very well.
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. Are you a champion?
M i k e. Yes, I am. I am a school champion.
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. Thank you, Mike. I wish you success!
M i k e. Thanks, Pete.
With great pleasure – с большим удовольствием.
Success – успех.
We Сan Do It
This is my family. *I have a big family. We are five. This is my
Father. His name is Alex. *He can play chess. He plays chess well. *He
is a champion. He wants to play hockey. But he can’t do it well.
This is my Mother. *Her name is Kate. She can play tennis. *She
plays tennis well. She wants to skate. But she does not skate well.
This is my sister. Her name is Polly. *I like my sister. She is kind. She
can swim well. *She swims in the swimming pool. She is a champion.
She wants to play volleyball well. But she doesn’t do it well.
This is me. My name is Alexander. I am a strong boy. I can play
football. I can play football well. *I play football with my friends.
*My friends and me like to play football after lessons. *We play at
the stadium. I am not a champion. *I must play better. I want to play
18 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

chess well. But I can’t. *I have little time for chess. And sometimes
I am lazy.
Variant 1
a) read the text;
b) ask your own questions (as many as possible) to the text.
Variant 2
a) read the text;
b) ask questions to the sentences with mark*.
Variant 3
a) read the text;
b) ask questions beginning with:
1. who; 2. can; 3. what; 4. what; 5. does; 6. do; 7. where; 8. who…
with; 9. when; 10. where; 11. must; 12. have.
Variant 4
a) read the text;
b) ask questions beginning with:
1. Who is; 2. Can he; 3. What is; 4. What is; 5. Does she; 6. Do I;
7. where does; 8. who do I… with? 9. when do; 10. where do; 11. must I;
12. have I.
1. Who has a big family?
2. Can he play chess?
3. What is he?
4. What is her name?
5. Does she play tennis well?
6. Do I like my sister?
7. Where does she swim?
8. Who do I play tennis with?
9. When do we like to play football?
10. Where do we play football?
11. Must I play better?
12. Have I got a lot of time for it? (little)
Mary Has Fun
Have a look at Mary’s ball,
Mary’s ball, Mary’s ball.
Can it stop and stop at all,
Can it stop at all?
Yellow, green and blue and red,
Blue and red, blue and red.
Тема «Спорт» 19

It is bouncing in the flat,

In a cozy flat.
Have a look at Mary’s rope,
Mary’s rope, skipping rope.
It is flying up and high,
High up in the sky.
Have a look at Mary’s swing,
Mary’s swing, Mary’s swing.
She is swinging hardly seen,
She is hardly seen.

I Can Do It
I can swim in my water,
Water and water,
I like, I like my water,
Where I can swim.
I can kick in my water,
Water and water,
I like, I like my water,
Where I can kick.
I can splash in my water,
Water and water.
I like, I like my water,
Where I can splash.
I can swim in my water – я могу плавать в воде.
I can kick in my water – я могу болтать ногами в воде.
I can splash in my water – я могу плескаться в воде.
20 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

Do It with a Smile
Hold up your hands, hold up your hands,
Hold up your hands and dance.
Dance and dance, dance and dance
With a smiling face.
Now walk and walk, walk and walk,
On your little toes.
Walk and walk, walk and walk
With a little noise.
Now march and march, march and march,
March and march again,
Turn to the left, to the right
With a smiling face.
To dance around – танцевать в хороводе.
To hold up hands – поднимать руки.
To walk on toes – ходить на цыпочках.
To march – маршировать.
Turn to the left – повернитесь налево.
Turn to the right – повернитесь направо.

Wake Up, Children!

Wake up, wake up, you, boys and girls.
Wake up and stretch your arms.
Stretch your hands, stretch your toes, *
Little girls and boys. *
Wake up, wake up, wake up and wash
Your sleeping eyes and face.
Have a look, outside, *
It’s a sunny day! *
* Repeat twice.
What Is Your Favourite Sport?
C h i l d r e n. What is your favourite sport, Mary?
What is your favourite sport?
Тема «Спорт» 21

M a r y. I like swimming, I like swimming, *

When it is very hot! *
C h i l d r e n. Do you like swimming, Willy?
Is it your favourite sport?
W i l l y. I like watching, I like watching, *
When it is cold and hot! *
* Repeat twice.

It is round, nice and bright,
It can fly high to the sky.
It can bounce with me and Paul.
What is this? It is my (ball)!
What can turn fast and slow?
Do you know, do you know?
What can you play with outside,
Long and bright, long and bright?
What can help you jump so high?
Don’t you know? You don’t. But why?
Then you’ll guess, I very hope,
That it is… (a skipping rope)!
It is large
And high and light.
We’d like to play there
Day and night.
It helps us to be
And strong and slim.
And it is our
School… (gym).
We’d like = we would like.
Slim – стройный, изящный.
22 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

Reading Poems and Rhymes

Sports are good for all:
Swimming, skating, basketball,
Football, tennis, volleyball…
They are useful, and for all.
We can run and jump, and ski,
It is fun for you and me!
Ребята получают кассы, в ячейках которых находятся карточки с бук-
вами английского алфавита. Количество букв в ячейках должно соот-
ветствовать количеству букв для составления нескольких слов по теме
«Спорт». Например, для того, чтобы составить слова football, badminton,
basketball необходимо следующее количество букв: d – 1, e – 1, i – 1,
n – 2, k – 1, m –1, l – 4, s – 1, f – 1, o – 3, t – 3, b – 4, a – 4. Все буквы соот-
ветственно занимают свои карманчики. Те ребята, которым будет трудно
справиться с этим заданием, получают дополнительно карточки-подсказки
c изображением этих видов спорта.
Reading for Comprehension
Sport in Our Life
Sport is very important in our life. Many people like sports. They
do morning exercises, train in clubs and sections, take part in sports
competitions. Physical training is an important subject at school. Boys
and girls run and jump, play volleyball, basketball, football. They take
part in different competitions. Sport helps people to have good health.
There are summer and winter sports.
My favourite kind of sport is swimming. I go to the swimming
pool every week. My friend Peter likes playing football. He is a good
football player.
Variant 1
a. read the text; b. ask questions to each sentence.
Variant 2
a. read the text; b. ask questions; c. begin the questions with:
1. what; 2. who; 3. what; 4. what; 5. what; 6. who; 7. what; 8. are;
9. what; 10. what; 11. what; 12. what.
Variant 3
a. read the text; b. ask questions; c. begin the questions with: 1. what
is; 2. who likes; 3. what do; 4. What subject; 5. what do; 6. who takes;
7. what helps; 8. are there; 9. what is; 10. where do; 11. what does;
12. what is…
Listening for Comprehension
1. The Olympic Games have a very long history.
2. They began many years ago.
Тема «Спорт» 23

3. The Greeks liked music, plays and physical exercises.

4. The Olympic Games took place every four years.
5. The strongest athletes came to run, jump, box and throw the
6. The competitions lasted five days.
7. In 1952 the Soviet Union sent athletes to the Olympic Games in
Helsinki, Finland for the first time.
8. In the summer of 1980 the Olympic Games took place in
9. The Olympic Games are always a great festival of sport.
10. In 2014 the Olympic Games will take place in Sochi, Russia.
Variant 1
Listen to the text and write the translation in Russian.
Variant 2
Listen to the text and answer the questions.
1. What has a very long history?
2. Did the Olympic Games begin many years ago?
3. What did the Greeks like?
4. Who came to run, jump, box and throw the discuss?
5. Did the Olympic Games take place every four years?
6. Did the competitions last four or five days?
7. Where did the Soviet Union send athletes in 1952?
8. In the summer of 1980 the Olympic Games took place in Moscow,
didn’t they?
9. What is always a great festival of sport?
10. Where will the Olympic Games take place in 2014?
Variant 3
Mark the sentences below as “true” or “false”.
1. The Olympic Games have a very short history.
2. The Olympic Games began some years ago.
3. The Greeks like music, plays and singing.
4. The Olympic Games took place every four years.
5. The strongest athletes came to run, jump, box and throw the
6. The competitions lasted four days.
7. In 1952 the Soviet Union sent athletes to the Olympic Games in
Moscow for the first time.
8. In the summer of 1980 the Olympic Games took place in
9. The Olympic Games are always a great festival of sport.
10. In 2014 the Olympic Games will take place in Moscow.
24 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка


Moving Activities
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, show your shoe.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, that will do!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say your prayers.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, switch off the light.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say “goodnight”.
From Ya. A. Maslyko
Phonetic and Lexical Training
Cats, cats, cats
Wear little hats.
Dogs, dogs, dogs
Don’t like frogs.
A little crocodile
Doesn’t like to smile.
And a little pig
Wants to grow so big.
And a long giraffe
Likes to have a scarf.
And a fluffy rabbit
Has a funny habit.
Red, red foxes
Have many small boxes.
Hens, hens, hens
Like to sit on a fence.
Little, funny monkeys
Like to ride on donkeys.
Bears can’t earn money,
But they like sweet honey.
Habit – привычка.
Fence – забор.
To earn money – зарабатывать деньги.
Honey – мед.
Lexical and Physical Training
Who can run?
Horses and dogs.
Who can jump?
They are funny frogs.
Who can flap?
Ducks and birds.
Тема «Домашние питомцы, животные и птицы» 25

What’s about fish?

They can’t say a word.
(Clap your hands or march.)
One, two, three, one, two, three,
I can count very well.
Will you follow me?
Four, five, six, four, five, six,
Don’t be late, do it quick!
Seven, eight, seven, eight,
Let us count, clap and play.
Nine and ten, nine and ten,
Let’s begin again!
Dialogues and Interview
B i r d. I am a bird, I’m going to fly.
G i r l. You aren’t afraid of it, are you? Why?
B i r d. Because I am happy, I am flapping my wings.
Faster and faster, it’s a wonderful thing!
G i r l. You are so brave! I wish you all the best.
B i r d. But now, I’m so tired. I’d like to have a rest.
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. Hello! My name is Kate. I am a school
G i r l. Hi, Kate! Nice to meet you. My name is Nanny.
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. I would like to ask you some questions. They
are about pets.
N a n n y. Oh, it is very interesting for me!
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. Have you got a pet?
N a n n y. Yes, it is my cat.
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. What is its name?
N a n n y. Her name is Dolly.
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. Is she nice?
N a n n y. Yes, she is. She is white and fluffy.
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. What does she like to eat?
N a n n y. She likes to lap milk.
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. What does she like to do?
N a n n y. She likes to say “mew-mew” and to sing. She doesn’t
like to stay at home alone.
26 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

C o r r e s p o n d e n t. Thank you, Nanny. You have got a nice pet!

Poems and Rhymes
Младшие школьники любят не только заучивать небольшие стихо-
творения, но и рисовать то, о чем они говорят. Поэтому ребятам можно
предложить нарисовать своих любимых животных, о которых они выучи-
ли стихи. Оформляется выставка рисунков. Ребята подходят к своему ри-
сунку и читают стихи, показывая при этом указкой на то, о чем говорят.
P u p i l 1. Cows have some milk for us,
Eating grass, tasty grass.
Their milk is white and warm,
Making us so nice and strong.
P u p i l 2. This is Peter’s funny pet.
And he likes to wear a hat
With a bow and a feather
In a sunny weather.
P u p i l 3. Once I found a grasshopper.
Where was it ? In the grass.
That grasshopper hopped and jumped,
So it wasn’t very plump!
P u p i l 4. This is a kitten,
That is a cat.
The kitten is fluffy,
The cat is fat.
P u p i l 5. Dogs like bones,
Cats likes mice.
Bones are tasty,
Mice are nice.
P u p i l 6. Cocks have a clear, clear voice,
But Granny says, they make so much noise.
P u p i l 7. Sheep are nice and soft , and curly.
They like grass and get up early.
P u p i l 8. They are stubborn, naughty, grey,
Can stop moving on the way!
Donkeys always say “e-a”.
Oh, how wonderful they are!
P u p i l 9. Horses run quickly,
They are so fast.
They like to eat
Tasty, green grass.
P u p i l 1 0. There is a nice pond
With a Mother duck on.
Тема «Домашние питомцы, животные и птицы» 27

And the Mother calls, “Quack, quack,

Little children, all come back!”
P u p i l 1 1. I like cows,
They give us some milk.
Their horns are sharp,
Their looks are like silk.
P u p i l 1 2. This is Peter’s funny pet.
And he likes to wear a hat,
With a bow or a feather
In a sunny weather.
P u p i l 1 3. My dog can jump,
My dog can run.
We can do it together,
We have lots of fun!
P u p i l 1 4. My dog can swim,
My dog can play.
We do it together
In a sunny warm day.
T e a c h e r. Name five things, my children,
That have milk in them.
C h i l d r e n. Ice-cream, cheese and butter,
And five cows to them!
T e a c h e r. What kind of animals, my dear,
Can jump higher than a house.
Is it a cat, a dog or tiger,
Maybe a very little mouse?
Caterpillar walks and walks.
Caterpillar asks the frogs:
“Oh, shall I be a butterfly,
Shall I be pretty,
And shall I soon fly?”
Caterpillar – гусеница.
The Zoo
Little Loo went to the Zoo,
Said “How do you do?”
To the kangaroo,
And, “You make laugh,”
To the tall giraffe;
And “Oh, what a smile,”
To the crocodile.
28 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

But little Loo went no more to the Zoo,

For “Boo,” said the animals,
“We don’t like you.”
From “English Nursery Rhymes”
Smile – улыбка.
The King’s Breakfast
The King asked the Queen,
And the Queen asked the Dairymaid?
“Could we have some butter
For the Royal slice of bread?”
The Queen asked the Dairymaid,
The Dairymaid said,
“Certainly, I’ll go and tell
The cow now
Before she goes for bed?”
From “English Nursery Rhymes”
My Pussy
I love little pussy, her coat is so warm,
And if I don’t hurt her, she’ll do me no harm.
I’ll sit by the fire and give her some food,
And pussy will love me because I am good.
Pussy cat
Pussy cat, pussy cat,
Where have you been?
I’ve been to London
To visit the Queen.
Pussy cat, pussy cat,
What did you there?
I frightened a little mouse
Under the chair.
From “English Nursery Rhymes”
To visit the Queen – в гости к королеве.
Frightened a little mouse – напугал мышонка.
Whose is this house?
It’s the house of the mouse.
It is so small and very nice,
And it is hidden in the grass.
Is hidden – спрятан, скрыт.
What is Better?
I would like to have a pet.
– Will it be a budgie or will it be a rat?
Тема «Домашние питомцы, животные и птицы» 29

Budgies are nice but they make so much noise.

– Will it be a goldfish? It is nice and calm.
Let it be a goldfish. There won’t be any harm.
Budgie – волнистый попугайчик.
Goldfish – золотая рыбка.
Calm – тихий, спокойный.
Harm – вред, зло.
What is a Whale?
– A whale is not as small as us.
Most whales are bigger than a bus!
A whale is not like a fish in the sea.
A whale breathes air like you and me.
A whale can’t walk upon the ground.
A whale must swim to get around.
A whale is a mammal just like me.
But its home is in the deep blue sea.
To get around – путешествовать (где-либо).
Mammal – млекопитающее.
Whale – кит.
My Dog
Come to me, my dear Tom.
Would you like to have a bone?
It is tasty, it is sweet.
Will you come to me and eat?
It is tasty, it is fine.
Will you come to me and try?
My Dear Pussy Сat
My dear, dear pussy cat
Doesn’t like to catch a rat.
He likes to catch a little bird.
A poor bird can’t say a word.
And yesterday he cought a few.
I said to him, “Oh, shame on you!”
Can You?
Cats can skip, but can’t swim.
Dogs can run, but can’t sing.
Birds can sing, they can jump.
They can fly, they are fine!
You can run, you can jump.
You can skip, you can swim.
What about a nice song?
Can you? Let us sing!
30 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

Ladybird, ladybird,
Fly away home.
Your house is on fire,
Your children are gone;
All except one,
And that’s little Ann,
And she crept under
The warming pan.
Brown Watson
Ladybird – божья коровка.
Crept (creep) – уползла.
Pan – сковорода.
The Lion and the Unicorn
The lion and a unicorn
Were fighting for the crown;
The lion beat the unicorn
All around the town.
Some gave them white bread,
And some gave them brown;
Some gave them plum cake,
And drummed them out of town.
Brown Watson
Unicorn – единорог (мифическое животное).
Were fighting – сражались.
Plum – слива.
Ding, Dong, Bell
Ding, dong, bell,
Pussy’s in the well.
Who put her in?
Little Johnny Thin.
Who pulled her out?
Little Tommy Stout.
What a naughty boy was that
To try to down pussy cat,
Who never did him any harm,
But killed all the mice
In his Father’s barn.
Brown Watson
Well – колодец.
Naughty – непослушный, шаловливый.
Harm – вред, зло.
Barn – амбар.
Тема «Домашние питомцы, животные и птицы» 31

Poems for Lexical and Grammar Activities

Goats, goats, goats,
Please, don’t boast.
Dogs, dogs, dogs,
Don’t touch frogs.
Birds, birds, birds,
Let us sing some words.
Mice, mice, mice,
You are so nice.
And you, little crocodile,
Can you speak, can you smile?
And you, milky, milky cows,
Do you like to eat green grass?
Monkeys, funny monkeys,
Can you ride on donkeys?
Red, red foxes,
Do you live in boxes?
Hare, little hare,
What do you like to wear?
Rabbits, fluffy rabbits,
Are you eating carrots?
Sheep, sheep, sheep
Don’t like to sweep.
Mouse, little mouse,
Show me, please, your house.
Funny Riddles
– Cats have something fluffy,
That no other animals have.
Is it a scarf or mittens?
– No, they are… (pussy kittens)!
Fluffy – пушистый.
Mittens – варежки.
He is very angry. Why?
Because it is a… (crocodile)!
I am little, I am grey,
I like cheese and have a long tail. (A mouse.)
I am grey, I say, “Th! Th!”
When you pass me by.
Don’t touch me, boys and girls,
Or I’ll make you cry. (A goose.)
– I am red and cunning,
I am not a dog.
32 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

I can steal hens and cocks.

What am I?
– You are a… (fox).
– Who likes sitting in the rain
Day and night, night and day
With her house in the bog?
Who’s she?
– It’s a little… (frog).
– Why does a stork
Stand on one leg on a bog?
– If he took both legs off the ground,
Be sure, he would fall down.
Stork – аист.
Bog – болото.
To fall down – падать.
– What kinds of dogs have no tails?
Can you answer, my dear friends?
– Maybe a dachshund or a buldog?
No, it’s a tasty… (hot dog).
– What has a tail but is not an animal?
1 _ 11 9 20 5

Key: a kite – бумажный змей.

– How many words can you find in this word chain?
catigeredogirlittlelephanthree (8)
We Play and Learn
Для работы необходим набор картинок. В наборе для каждого необ-
ходимо иметь картинки или рисунки кота, рыбы, собаки и птицы.
– Играем, учимся выполнять команды, запоминаем лексику
по теме, союза и.
Pick Up the Animals Up
1. Look at the cat and the dog.
2. Pick up the cat and the dog.
3. Put the cat and the dog down.
4. Pick up the fish and the cat.
5. Don’t let the cat get near the fish.
6. Put the cat and the fish down.
7. Pick up the fish and the bird.
8. Put the fish down.
9. Pick up the cat.
10. Look at the cat and the bird.
Тема «Домашние питомцы, животные и птицы» 33

11. Don’t let the cat eat the bird!

12. Put the cat and the bird down.
13. Oh, that’s better.
Caroline Linse
The Farm
Каждый учащийся для работы должен иметь в наборе вырезанные
из картона фигурки трех коров, двух собак, двух свиней, а также картинки
сарая и загона для скота.
– Играем, учимся аудированию, выполняем команды, запоми-
наем лексику, изучаем формы глагола to be (is/are), употреб-
ление предлога in.
1. Pick up the animals.
2. Put a dog in the dog house.
3. A dog is in the dog house.
4. Put the other dog in the dog house.
5. The dogs are in the dog house.
6. Put the cows in the barn.
7. The cows are in the barn.
8. Put a pig in the pig pen.
9. A pig is in the pig pen.
10. The other pig is lonely.
11. Put the other pig in the pig pen.
12. The pigs are in the pig pen.
13. The animals are happy!
Caroline Linse
Barn – сарай.
Pig pen – загон для скота.
Fish in a Fish Bowl
Можно рисовать цветными карандашами на листе (листах) бумаги,
которая прикреплена на доске, или на доске цветными мелками. Ребята
могут также сидеть по одному и рисовать на своих листах.
– Рисуем, учимся аудированию, выполняем команды, запоми-
наем лексику, употребление предлога in.
1. Pick up a black crayon.
2. Draw a fish bowl.
3. Put the crayon down.
4. Pick up a green crayon.
5. Draw a fish in a fish bowl.
6. Put the green crayon down.
7. The green fish is in the bowl.
8. Pick up an orange crayon.
9. Draw a fish in the fish bowl.
10. Draw another fish in the fish bowl.
34 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

11. Put the orange crayon down.

12. The orange fish are in the fish bowl.
13. Pick up a purple crayon.
14. Draw a fish in the fish bowl.
15. Put the purple crayon down.
16. A purple fish is in the fish bowl.
17. Draw some water in the fish bowl.
18. The fish like the water.
Caroline Linse
Bowl – кубок, чаша.
The Bird
– Вырезаем из цветного картона силуэты дерева, большой
птицы, маленькой птички, четырех яиц, гнезда, солнышка
и кота. Выполняем команды, учимся аудированию, повто-
ряем лексику, употребление предлога under.
1. Tape a tree to the chalkboard.
2. Tape a big bird under the tree.
3. The bird is under the tree.
4. Tape an egg under the bird.
5. Tape another egg under the bird.
6. Tape another two eggs under the bird.
7. There are four eggs under the bird.
8. Tape a nest under the eggs.
9. There is a nest under the eggs.
10. Tape a sun to the chalkboard.
11. Tape a cat under the nest.
12. The cat is looking up at the nest.
13. Tape some grass under the cat.
Caroline Linse
Tape – закрепите на ленте (скотче, липкой ленте) или используйте
магнитную доску.
Egg – яйцо.
Nest – гнездо.
Grass – трава.
In the Zoo
Would you like to go to the Zoo?
Why, why, why?
We would like to see a kangaroo,
High, high, high.
Bears, monkeys are in the Zoo,
And the tallest kangaroo!
Тема «Домашние питомцы, животные и птицы» 35

Who Are You?

Птицы, пчелы и кошки одеты в костюмы.
– Поем, танцуем, выполняем движения.
B i r d s. We are little, little birds,
We are little, little birds.
C h i l d r e n. You are nice and little birds,
What can you do, afterwards?
B i r d s. We can say, “Tweet, tweet,”
And we can fly
Up, up, high, high,
High up in the sky!
B e e s. We are little, little bees,
We are little, little bees.
C h i l d r e n. You are nice and little bees.
Do you make honey or cheese?
B e e s. So, we make honey,
And best of all,
For, for everybody, till,
Till afterglow.
C a t s. We are little, little cats,
We are little, little cats.
C h i l d r e n. You are little pussy cats.
What can you do, afterwards?
36 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

C a t s. We can say, “Mew, mew,”

And can lap milk.
Our skins, our skins,
Our skins are like nice soft silk.
Afterwards – потом, впоследствии.
Till afterglow – до вечерней зари.
To lap – лакать.
Skin – кожа.
Soft – мягкий.

Hickory Dickory Dock

Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one, the mouse ran down,
Hickory dickory dock.
Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck two, the mouse said, “Boo!”
Hickory dickory dock.
Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck three, the mouse said, “Whee!”
Hickory dickory dock.
Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck four, the mouse said, “No more!”
Hickory dickory dock.
Sing and Play
Ребята по очереди исполняют роль ведущего и птичек. Ведущий за-
певает, хотя ребята могут запевать и сами. Птичка надевает яркие крылья
Тема «Домашние питомцы, животные и птицы» 37

и выполняет следующие действия в процессе своего пения: летает, поет,

хлопает крыльями.
– Активизируем двигательную активность, употребление гла-
голов и структур в Present Continuous.
P u p i l (p u p i l s).
Little bird, little bird,
Can you fly and sing?
Can you fly, can you flap
With your pretty wings?
B i r d. I am flying, I am singing,
I am flapping with my wings.
I am flying in the sky.
You can’t do it. Why?

Sing and Go Around

Игра-хоровод сопровождается пением и танцевальными движениями.
– Активизируем употребление выражений с Let us и вопросы
типа Will you…?, повторяем лексику по теме, употребление
Will You
Little monkey in the tree,
In the tree, in the tree.
Please, jump down, come to me.
Will you come to me?
(Спрыгивает, становится в хоровод вместе с ребятами, выполняет
вместе с ними движения.)
38 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

Let us clap, let us dance,

Let us look around,
Let us have lots of fun
In a merry round.
Little mouse, little mouse,
In the grass, in the grass.
Please, go out of your hole.
Will you come to us?
(Выбирается из укрытия, становится в хоровод, выполняет движе-
ния вместе с ребятами.)
Let us sing, let us dance,
Let us look around.
Let us have a lot of fun
In a merry round.
Little frog, little frog
Look at me, look at me.
Please, jump out of your bog.
Will you jump to me?
(Выпрыгивает из обозначенного круга, становится в середине хоро-
вода, выполняет движения вместе с ребятами.)
Let us jump, let us jump
In a merry round.
Let us clap, let us clap,
And then turn around.
Little bird, little bird
In the tree, in the tree.
Fly away, please, from your tree.
Will you fly to me?
Тема «Домашние питомцы, животные и птицы» 39

(«Птичка» машет крыльями, прилетает в хоровод, выполняет дви-

жения вместе с ребятами.)
Let us fly, let us fly,
Let us look around,
Let us dance, let us dance
In a merry round!
Puzzle Time
Variant 1
A 1. Жаркий континент. (Africa.)
n 2. Животное. (Animal.)
i 3. Шофер. (Driver.)
4. Лето. (Summer.)
5. Множественное число. (Plural.)
a 6. Школа. (School.)

Variant 2
h 1. Праздник. (Holiday.)
a 2. Январь. (January.)
m 3. Тыква. (Pumpkin.)
4. Русский. (Russian.)
5. Театр. (Theatre.)
t 6. Погода. (Weather.)
e 7. Свитер. (Sweater.)

– Find as many animals on the board as you can. They are written
across, down and backwards.
x a l y l f r e t t u b
r b a n w e i p x o i t
e c s q u i r r e l s i
l f r u b y a s t v s g
e o e c o w b r u l h e
p i g s n u b f h h e r
h r i s r b i r d y e x
a z t l a o t l y v p o
n l h i p p o d c s p f
t w l o y e k n o m a m
e m a n p a r r o t t a
r s g i r a f f e b u r
40 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

Key: tiger, fox, butterffly, pigs, squirrel, bird, cow, hippo, parrot,
and so on.
Alphabet Connect
– It is the largest of the land mammals. It lives in the forest and
savannas of Africa, India, Southeast Asia. Who is this? To answer
the question connect the letters of the alphabet in order (A, B,
C…), first the capital, then the small letters.

Listening for Comprehension

Для контроля понимания можно использовать набор картинок: кот,
собака, лиса, мышь, петух, кролик. Чем раньше кто-то из детей догадается
и поднимет картинку, тем выше его рейтинг. Можно провести данный вид
работы как соревнование и предусмотреть награждения.
1. It can run and jump. It can’t swim. Sometimes it is fluffy. It is
black and white, grey and red. It is neither big nor small. It likes to play,
sleep and lap milk. It is kind and nice. It is my pet. It doesn’t like dogs.
It can’t speak, but can sing. It sings, “Mew, mew.” (A cat.)
2. It can run and jump. Sometimes it is fluffy. It is black and white,
red, grey and brown. It can be big and small. It can swim. It likes
running. It likes to eat sweet bones. It doesn’t like cats. It is my pet.
Тема «Домашние питомцы, животные и птицы» 41

It is kind. But sometimes it can be angry. It can’t speak or sing. It can

only say, “Bow-wow, bow-wow.” (A dog.)
3. It can run and jump. It is fluffy. It has a long tail. It is neither
big nor small. It is nice, but cunning. It lives in a hole. It can be silvery
or red. It can’t speak or sing. It likes hunting. It likes to eat hens and
cockerels. (A fox.)
4. It can run and climb. It is not fluffy. It is small. It is grey. It has
a long tail. It likes to go for a walk at night. It doesn’t like cats. It lives
in a hole. It likes to eat cheese. It can’t speak or sing. It can only say,
“Pee-pee.” (A mouse.)
5. It can run and jump. But it can’t swim. It is neither big nor small.
It can be black and white, black and red. It likes to go for a walk in the
yard. It likes to eat green grass and corn. It can’t speak. But it likes to
sing in the morning. It sings, “Cock-a-doodle-doo!” (A cockerel.)
6. It can jump. But it can’t swim. It is neither big nor small.
Sometimes it is fluffy. It may be black, white and grey. It can’t neither
speak nor sing. It can eat green grass, cabbage and carrots. It has long
ears. Its tail is not long. It is nice and soft. (A rabbit.)
a. Ask questions and guess.
b. Ребята (некоторые из них) получают индивидуальные карточки
с подсказкой: Does it…? Can it…? Is it…? Has it…? What does it…?
c. Ребята получают вопросы:
Variant 1
1. Can it run or jump?
2. Can it swim?
3. Is it black or white?
4. Has it a tail?
5. Is it long?
6. Is it a dog or a horse?
7. Are its ears long?
8. What does it like to eat?
9. Can it speak?
10. Is it a pig?
1. It can run.
2. It cannot swim.
3. It can be black, white, black and white.
4. It has a tail.
5. It is not long.
6. It is neither a dog nor a horse.
7. Its ears are not very long.
42 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

8. It likes to eat much.

9. It can’t speak. It can only say, “Grunt, grunt.”
10. Yes, it is. It is a pig.
Variant 2
1. Can it run or jump?
2. Is it fluffy?
3. Has it a tail?
4. Is it black or white?
5. Can it fly?
6. Is it big or small?
7. Can it speak or sing?
8. Is it green?
9. Does it live in a bog?
10. Is it a frog?
1. It can jump.
2. It is not fluffy.
3. It hasn’t a tail.
4. It is neither black nor white.
5. It cannot fly.
6. It is small.
7. It can neither speak nor sing. It can only croak.
8. Yes, it is. It is green.
9. Yes, it does. It lives in a bog.
10. Yes, it is. It is a frog.
Variant 3
1. Is it big or small?
2. Is it black or white?
3. Has it a tail?
4. Is it a long tail?
5. Is it a dog or a fox?
6. Can it jump?
7. Can it flap?
8. What does it like to eat?
9. What does it like to do?
10. Is it a bird?
1. It is small.
2. It can be black and grey.
3. It has a tail.
4. It is neither long nor short.
5. It is neither a dog nor a fox.
Тема «Домашние питомцы, животные и птицы» 43

6. Yes, it can. It can jump.

7. Yes, it can. It can flap.
8. It likes to eat mosquitoes.
9. It likes to fly and sing.
10. Yes, it is. It is a bird.
Puppy’s Morning
Today I woke up very early in the morning and saw that it was
rainy outside. So I did not want to go out. But my Mother asked me
to do some shopping. I put on a pair of boots and a raincoat, took my
umbrella and went out.
While I was walking I saw my uncle. He said he saw me frowning
and asked, “Why are so unhappy?” I told him, “I don’t like rainy
weather. When it is rainy, I fell sleepy and I can’t play outside.”
My uncle looked at me with a smiling face and I asked him why
he was so happy? He said, “I feel so happy when it is so rainy. It is my
favourite kind of weather because rain helps my plants to grow fast.”
Rana Yildirim
Questions to text
1. What was the weather like?
2. What will she put on?
3. What did Puppy tell her uncle?
4. Why is she so unhappy?
5. Why is Puppy’s uncle happy?
6. Does Puppy’s uncle like rainy weather?
7. How does he feel when it is rainy?
8. Why does he feel happy?
Fun Time
Who Can Catch the Sun?
Сцена неярко освещена. На сцене находятся персонажи действия:
собака, птица, жираф, лиса, крокодил. Они опечалены.
D o g. It is cloudy. I can not see the Sun. Oh, it is cold. I would like
a warmer place. Is it time to go to bed? I want to sleep.
F r o g. Don’t forget to clean your teeth and wash your hands, ears
and face. I always wash my hands and face before breakfast or going
to bed. I wash them every day.
F o x. Because you live in a bog. You have much water. Well,
Giraffe, do you want to sleep?
G i r a f f e. No, I don’t. I don’t want to sleep. I would like to play
with you, my friends. I have a lot of fun playing under the Sun. But
I can not see the Sun. Where is it?
44 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

F o x. Some days ago somebody stole the Sun. (In a whisper.)

I think, it was our Crocodile.
D o g. May be the Loch Ness Monster did it. It is the largest
C r o c o d i l e. I am sure, the Fox did it. She is the most cunning
B i r d. Don’t quarrel with each other. Be polite! Better, let us write
a letter to the Sun. Who is the cleverest animal?
G i r a f f e. The Dog is. It must write!
Собака берет большой лист бумаги и большую ручку. Все пер-
сонажи говорят свои предложения.
D o g. Our dear Sun!
F r o g. We are in the wood now.
C r o c o d i l e. We are here with our friends.
F o x. We would like to play. But it is cold and duck.
B i r d. We know, you live in the sky. Where are you now? We can
not see you. Please, come back! We love you.
D o g. Best wishes. Your animals and birds.
F r o g.Who will fly with the letter to the Sun?
F o x. The Bird will. It is the fastest of all. And it can fly up high
in the sky.
B i r d. Oh, I can’t. I am a small grey bird. And it is very dark.
F o x. Oh, shame on you! You are afraid of darkness.
D o g. Can you, Giraffe, get the Sun from the sky? You are the
tallest animal.
G i r a f f e (trying). No, I can’t. I can not get the Sun from the sky.
It is very difficult.
F r o g. I can do it. I can catch the Sun in the sky. I can jump very
high. I do it best of all. I am a champion. I will try to jump as high as
possible! (It tries.) (After trying.) Oh, I can’t!
C r o c o d i l e. You can only boast. Nobody can catch the sun. What
a pity!
Из-за занавеса постепенно показывается большое рисованное сол-
нышко. На сцене поочередно включаются софиты. Все животные ярко
освещены. Они улыбаются и хлопают в ладоши.
D o g. We can not catch the Sun. Nobody can catch the Sun. But
the Sun can catch us! Can touch us.
Тема «Школа» 45

A l l t o g e t h e r.
We are happy!
G i r a f f e. Oh, the day is sunny!
F o x. Oh, the day is funny!
B i r d. Let us dance, let us sing,
Let us flap the wings!
C r o c o d i l e. Who will begin singing?
F o x. The Bird will. It has the sweetest voice.
B i r d (sings). The Sun is warm,
The Sun is bright,
The Sun is very high.
I see the Sun high in the sky,
And it is yours and mine!
A l l t o g e t h e r.
Yours and mine, yours and mine,
The yellow Sun, the yellow Sun.
Yours and mine, yours and mine
The Sunny Sun!

Lexical and Moving Activities
(Clap your hands or march.)
One, two, three, one, two, three,
I can count very well.
46 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

Will you follow me?

Four, five, six, four, five, six,
Don’t be late, do it quick!
Seven, eight, seven, eight,
Let us count, clap and play.
Nine and ten, nine and ten,
Let’s begin again!
Make one eye wink, wink, wink.
Make two eyes go blink, blink, blink.
Make two fingers stand just so;
Then ten fingers in a row.
From Ya. A. Maslyko
To wink – моргать.
To blink – мигать.
In a row – в ряд.
From One to Ten
Numbers are fun, whatever you do.
First comes one, and then comes two.
After two comes three and four.
Then comes five. Now count once more!
One, two, three, four, five.
You can count to five. That’s fine!
Number six is next in line.
Then comes seven, eight, nine, ten.
Now let’s stop and count again.
One, two, three, four, five,
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
It is fun to count again!
– Повторяем английские гласные.
C h i l d r e n (говорят и ритмично хлопают в ладоши).
A, E, I, O, U, Y,
We can read, we can write.
Говорит учитель, дети в это время могут маршировать, то есть риф-
мовка может использоваться для физической зарядки.
T e a c h e r. They can help you, boys and girls.
To read books and texts.
Are you tired, little children?
Oh, now have a rest!
– Активизируем употребление предлогов.
What can you see, what can you see?
What can you see in the box?
Тема «Школа» 47

I see a red fox in the box.

I see a nice red fox.
What is there under the chair?
What is there under it?
There is a little sweet
Under it.
in the middle of
What is there in the middle
Of our green school yard?
There is a high tree,
That you can see and me.
What is there between the sofa
And our standard lamp?
There’s a dog between them,
On a cozy map.
What can you see behind the armchair?
What can you see behind?
I see my dog behind the chair,
And it’s as black as night.
What can you see above the table?
What can you see above?
A fly is sitting on the ceiling.
I don’t know why.
Put your pens on your desks.
Dear children, have a rest!
We can go, go, and go
Very fast and very slow.
We can stamp our feet.
Let us do it, Mike and Pete!
We can clap our hands,
We can turn and we can dance.
Try to do it all the best.
Dear children, have a rest!
One potato (tomato), two potato,
Three potato, four,
Five potato, six potato,
Seven potato more.
48 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

One little boy has got a nice toy.
Two little girls have got fair curls.
Three little cats have got nice hats.
Four little girls have got nice dolls.
Five little kittens have got nice mittens.
Six little hares have got grey hair.
Seven little brothers have got seven puzzles.
Eight little sisters have got eight whistles.
Nine little pies have got eggs and rice.
Ten little chicks have got little breaks.
They are the numbers from one to ten.
And we begin to count again.
Whistle – свисток.
Pie – пирог.
Break – клюв.
Poems and Rhymes
It’s Time to Go to School
When it’s time to go to school,
When it’s time to go to school,
When it’s time to go to school at eight,
You must never stop to blubber,
If you cannot find your rubber
Before you stop your sniffing
You’ll be late.
To blubber – реветь.
Rubber – резинка.
Sniffing – шмыгание носом.
You’ll be late – ты опоздаешь.
Clocks have two hands and a face.
They are always very busy.
And what time is it now?
I can answer very easy!
It is eight, then nine and ten,
It will be time for school again!
Learning English… It is easy!
Try to learn it, Liz and Kate!
I like reading, writing, spelling.
Is it boring? No, it’s great!
Hi, my name is Billy.
Hi, my name is Kat.
Тема «Школа» 49

My friend’s name is Willy.

My girlfriend is Beth.
What do you see in front of it?
That’s a tree. This is Pete.
This is me. That is Ben
With a big book in his hand.
Get up early, dear children!
Make your bed and wash your face.
Go to school and learn hard subjects,
And you’ll have a useful day!
We are together every day.
Together, girls and boys.
Together work, together play,
Together make some noise!
Our classroom is best of all,
With green flowers and clean walls,
With the windows which are wide,
And the pupils who are bright!
Lessons are over.
We can play hopscotch.
Do you like to play?
I would like to watch!
Twelve good hours in every day,
Time for work and time for play,
Twenty-four for day and night,
Some for darkness, some for light.
Darkness – темнота.
Light – свет.
Thirty days has September,
April, June and November,
All the rest have thirty-one
Excepting February alone.
The rest – остальные.
Excepting – кроме, за исключением.
Morning Clock
I can hear the morning clock:
“Tick and tock, tick and tock.”
50 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

Is it time for me to walk?

Tell me, dear morning clock!
Is it time for me to play?
But the morning clock, “No, no,
It’s a working day!”
What is your name?
Where are you from?
Are you from London?
Are you from Rome?
No, my name is Masha (Sasha, Pasha, and so on),
And I am from Russia.
Be good to books,
They are friends.
Turn over pages
With your clean hands.
Duty of Children
A child should always say what’s true,
And speak when he is spoken to,
And behave mannerly at table:
At least as far as he is able.
Robert Louis Stevenson
When he is spoken to – когда к нему обращаются.
As far as he is able – в меру своих способностей.
Hearts like doors will open with ease
To very, very little keys.
And don’t forget that two of these
Are “I thank you” and “If you please”.
From “Mother Goose Rhymes”
Hearts like doors will open with ease – сердца, как двери, открываются
с легкостью.
Don’t forget – не забывай.
Funny Alphabet
A is for apple.
An apple’s in the tree.
We like to eat apples,
You like and me.
B is for book,
So thick and clever.
Can you learn it?
You’ll be clever forever!
Тема «Школа» 51

C is for cat,
So fluffy and nice.
It is very quick,
Be careful, mice!
D is for dog,
My favourite pet.
It likes to eat bones,
And sleep on a mat.
E is for egg,
So white and oval.
Do you like it to eat?
It’s useful as meat.
F is for flower.
It’s coloured and bright.
And I can smell it
From morning till night!
G is for garden.
It is full of trees.
The garden gives apples,
We count them with Liz.
H is for hats.
Girls like them.
As for me, I like caps.
So does my friend Sam.
I is for ice-cream,
So cold and white.
It helps us on hot days.
I’m right, am not I?
J is for jam,
So tasty and sweet.
We like to eat jam,
And drink tea with it.
K is for kitchen,
That is in the flat.
I put a cattle there,
To drink some tea with Pat.
L is for letter
With a stamp and address.
Who wrote this letter?
That’s my sister Bess.
M is for mitten,
So fluffy and warm.
For whom are those mittens?
For my brother Tom.
52 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

N is for newspaper,
That is full of news.
There are some photos.
Can you tell us whose?
O is for ocean,
That is large and blue.
I like the ocean very much.
And what about you?
P is for piano,
So black and white, as you can see,
I like to play the piano,
And Murka likes to listen to me.
Q is for queens.
They are very nice.
Their crowns are brilliant,
Their dresses are bright!
R is for roses,
White, yellow and red.
“They smell so sweet,”
Says my sister Pat.
S is for shop.
It is full of things.
We like to go shopping,
To buy things and bring.
T is for tennis.
Who likes to play it?
My Dad, and my Mother,
And my brother Pete.
U is for umbrella.
It helps us when it rains.
It doesn’t help in windy weather,
And on a foggy day.
V is for village
With houses within.
In winter it’s white,
In summer it’s green.
W is for weather.
And when it is hot,
We like to go swimming,
And go in for sports.
X is for xylophone.
It makes a nice sound,
That people can hear
Up, down, around.
Тема «Школа» 53

Y is for year,
That has twelve months.
Nine months are for studies,
The rest are for fun!
Z is for Zoo.
Such a wonderful sight!
I’d like to be there
From morning till night!
Lexical and Grammar Practice
– Тренируем употребление глаголов в 3 лице единственного
числа, вопросы с will you.
Pick up a piece of chalk, –
Says our teacher Mister Broke.
Give me, give me a pen, –
Says our little sister Ann.
Let us draw with a crayon, –
Says our elder sister Helen.
Will you pass me a hat? –
Asks my girlfriend Beth.
Will you play in the yard? –
Asks my boyfriend Bart.
Are you going to write homework? –
Asks our teacher Mister Black.
– Тренируем употребление предложений в Present Indefinite
Tense (положительных и отрицательных) в 3 лице единствен-
ного числа.
Для работы необходимо иметь картинки, демонстрирующие действия
или состояние персонажей.
Little Miss Funny
Likes, likes honey.
Little Miss Greet
Likes, likes sweets.
Little Mister Chatterbox
Likes to go for a walk.
Little Mister Bright
Likes to write and write.
Little Mister Mason
Likes to do his lessons.
Little Miss Sunshine
Doesn’t like to cry.
Little Mister Lazybones
Doesn’t like his homework.
Little Mister Ball
Doesn’t like to work at all.
54 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

– Тренируем команды с отрицанием, повторяем числительные.

One, one , one and two,
I see, I see, I see you.
Two, two, two and three,
Dear Mary, come to me.
Three, three, three and four,
Don’t sit, sit on the floor!
Four, four, four and five,
Don’t cry, oh, don’t cry!
Five, five, five and six,
Don’t touch, that’s not your stick.
Six, six, six and seven,
Don’t touch, that’s not your crayon.
Seven, seven, seven, eight,
Don’t bother sister Kate!
Eight, eight, eight and nine,
Don’t touch, that’s Mary’s pie!
Nine, nine, nine and ten,
Will you try to count again?
One eye – two eyes,
One hand – two hands,
One foot – two feet,
Whom can you meet?
A head and hair,
A curious nose.
Who is this girl?
It’s our Rose!
Dialogues and Interview
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. Hello! My name is Boris. May I ask you
some questions?
B o y. Hi, Boris. What are you?
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. I am a school correspondent. I am in the
seventh form. What form are you in?
B o y. I am in the fourth form. My name is Nick.
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. Do you like to read?
N i c k.Yes, I do. I like to read books about animals, especially
about dolphins.
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. Do you have English lessons?
N i c k.Yes, I do. I like to speak English. I would like to visit foreign
Тема «Школа» 55

C o r r e s p o n d e n t. What marks do you have in English?

N i c k. I get good marks. They are “four” and “five”.
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. Thank you, Nick. You are a good pupil. I wish
you all the best!
N i c k.Thank you, Boris. Bye!
Этот диалог можно использовать во время проведения организаци-
онного момента.
– Oh, I am sorry. May I come in?
– Tell me, what happened,
And we’ll begin,
We’ll begin to write the date.
You, next time
Don’t be late!
– Играем, повторяем цвета, тренируем употребление будущего
неопределенного времени, предложений с I would like to (I’d
like to)…, this и that.
Ребята могут рисовать цветными карандашами на прикрепленном
к доске большом листе бумаги или это же можно проделывать при помощи
цветных мелков на доске (crayon = pencil или цветной мелок). Если детям
трудно что-то нарисовать или на это уходит слишком много времени,
а вы им не располагаете, то можно использовать заранее заготовленные
силуэты для их обводки на бумаге или доске.
I’d like to pick up a red crayon.
I will draw a fox.
This is a fox.
And that is a box.
I’d like to pick up a green crayon.
I will draw a tree.
This is a high tree.
And that is a small bee.
I’d like to pick up a yellow crayon.
I will draw a flower.
This is a nice flower.
That is a big bowl.
I’d like to pick up a black crayon.
I will draw a box.
56 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

This is a black box.

That is a nice dog.
I’d like to pick up a grey crayon.
I will draw a mouse.
This is a grey mouse.
That is a hole, it’s house.
I’d like to pick up a blue crayon.
I will draw a river.
This is a blue river.
That is a nice deer.
Funny Riddles
So, what makes a loud sound,
Up and down and around?
So, what is it? Will you tell?
This is our school… (bell).
Who can write and draw and count
Better than Liz, better than Houp,
Better than Arthur, than Mister Broke?
Oh, that is our school… (chalk)!
What can sing so loud, well?
This is our school… (bell)!
Why can I
Be so happy and smile?
Guess, my dear.
Can’t you, why?
That’s because
I’ve got… (a “five”)!
Tell me, please, what makes more noise,
Than a cat struck in a tree?
The answer is so easy:
My brother, friend and me!
Little children, are you well,
Are you well, are you well?
Little children, are you well?
Here comes the bell!
Are you tired? Have a rest,
Have a rest, have a rest.
School is over, all the best.
Wish you all the best!
Тема «Школа» 57

Let us sing and let us dance,

Let us dance, let us dance.
And we’ll have a lot of fun.
Have a lot of fun!
Now it’s time to read and write,
Read and write, read and write,
To learn English, read and write,
And to get a “five”!

We Are at School
We read and write, and draw and count,
And then we play and run about.
R e f r a i n: School life, school life.
It’s our, our life.
School life, school life,
So we like our, our life.
And we make friends, and learn together,
And then we play in sunny weather.
58 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

After the lessons we go home.

Merrily singing, walking along.
Hey, hey, hurray, hurray!
We have a sunny day.
Hey, hey, hurray, hurray,
So we have our sunny, warm day!
Best of All
What d’you like to do best of all,
At your English lessons?
R e f r a i n: To read texts, and that is all.
I like to do it best of all!
Put instead of to read texts the following expressions: to write words; to
ask questions; to answer questions; to learn by heart; to play games; to sing
songs and so on.
What must you do, and do best of all
At your English lessons?
R e f r a i n: Learn my English and that’s all.
I like to do it best of all!
Puzzle Time
Variant 1
p 1. Проблема. (Problem.)
i 2. Кухня. (Kitchen.)
3. Диктовать. (Dictate.)
4. Перо (птицы). (Feather.)
t 5. Обсуждать. (Discuss.)
u 6. Сестры. (Sisters.)
6 7. Пример. (Example.)

Variant 2
l 1. Письмо, буква. (Letter.)
e 2. Карандаш. (Pencil.)
3. Плакат. (Poster.)
4. Время года, сезон. (Season.)
s 5. Школа. (School.)
o 6. Варежка. (Mitten.)
Тема «Школа» 59

Variant 3
b 1. Начинать. (Begin.)
r 2. Хлеб. (Bread.)
3. Платье. (Dress.)
4. Мечтать; сон, мечта. (Dream.)
a 5. Черный. (Black.)

– How many words can you find in this word chain?

penotextablelevenotebook (8.)
1. Jane came home after her first day at school. “Well, darling,”
asked her Mother, “what did they teach you?” “Not much,” answered
the child. “I’ve got to go again.”
2. T e a c h e r. Which is farther away, France or the moon?
J o h n n y. France.
T e a c h e r. France? Why do you think so?
J o h n n y. Because we can see the moon and we can’t see France.
From “English for Everyone”, V. S. Shakhnasarova
– Развиваем интерес к стране изучаемого языка, учимся чи-
тать, работать со словарем, отвечать на вопросы по тексту.
Primary Schools in England
Children in Great Britain begin to go to school at (the age of) five.
The school year begins in September. They never begin a school year
on Monday. They don’t have any books with them on the first day.
Classes usually begin at nine. Pupils draw and play games. At
eleven o’clock pupils have a glass of milk or a glass of orange juice.
Pupils like to listen to a teacher. Teachers tell them many interesting
stories. Pupils often watch the animals. They have got animals and birds
at school. English pupils often play outdoors.
Questions to the text
1. When do the English children begin their school year?
2. Do they begin it on Monday?
3. Do they have any books on the first day?
4. What time do classes usually begin?
5. What do they do at school?
6. What do they have at eleven o’clock?
7. Who tells them many interesting stories?
60 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

8. Have they got animals and birds at school?

9. Who often plays outdoors?
10. Do you like English schools?
School Rules
– Тренируем употребление must and mustn’t.
• We must go to school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
Thursdays and Fridays.
• We must do our homework every day.
• We must take our books and pens at the lesson.
• We must listen to our teachers.
• We must answer the teachers’ questions.
• We must keep our desks and classrooms clean.
• We must water plants in the classroom.
• We must feed fish.
• We mustn’t speak aloud and cry in the classroom.
• We mustn’t talk with our friends at the lesson.
• We mustn’t draw on the walls of our classrooms.
• We mustn’t be late for school.
Here Comes a Robot!
P e t e. I don’t want to clean the classroom.
A n n. Then, water the flowers.
P e t e. I like neither clean the classroom, nor water the flowers.
K a t e. Shame on you! You are our classmate. But you are a lazy
boy! What do you like to do?
P e t e. I would like to be a teacher! Let us play school. You will
be my pupils.
A n n. You can not teach. Your marks are not very good. You
know very little. You must know very much as our teacher… You
can’t teach!
P e t e. Well, I can ask you.
K a t e. But we must finish to clean the classroom. Can you help
us? Then we’ll play school.
P e t e. Well, let us work.
So, pupils work for some time.
P e t e. That’s all at last!
A n n. Well, that will do!
K a t e. The classroom is clean now.
Pete sits at the teacher’s desk.
Тема «Школа» 61

P e t e. So, I am a teacher. Ann, go to the blackboard. Are you ready

for the lesson?
A n n. Yes, I am.
P e t e. Then, write down the word school.
Ann writes, makes a mistake, then corrects quickly.
P e t e. Oh, you are not ready. You are a bad pupil. Your mark is
only “three”.
A n n. But I know this word.
P e t e. Don’t be a bad girl. Go back to your place. And give me your
recordbook. Now, Kate, go to the blackboard. Write the word lesson.
Kate writes, makes a mistake, tries to correct.
P e t e. Oh, you are not ready for the lesson. You are a bad pupil.
I will give you today a bad mark. Your mark is “two”!
K a t e. But I know this word! I am ready. I will try again!
P e t e. No, give me your recordbook. I will put you a bad mark!
Both girls cry. Robot appears in the classroom.
C h i l d r e n. Oh, who are you?
R o b o t. I am a robot. I am a robot. I am a robot.
C h i l d r e n. What is your name?
R o b o t. My name is John.
C h i l d r e n. Where are you from?
R o b o t. I am from Mars.
C h i l d r e n. What are you doing at school?
R o b o t. I am a teacher (3 times). Pete, go to the blackboard
(3 times).
Pete is afraid of robot. He doesn’t want to answer.
P e t e. I don’t want. I don’t want to go to the blackboard.
Robot takes Pete by the hand and makes him go to the blackboard.
P e t e (following robot). I don’t want. I don’t want to answer.
R o b o t. Write the word blackboard.
Pete takes a piece of chalk and tries to write. He makes a lot of mistakes,
tries to clean, to correct, but can’t write the word in a proper way.
R o b o t. Oh, you are a bad pupil. Give me your recordbook.
Pete gives his recordbook, robot opens it and looks through it.
R o b o t. What is your homework? Oh, you don’t know. You don’t
write? Why? You are a bad pupil. I will give you a “two”! Your parents
must come to school.
P e t e. But they can not come to school. They are very busy.
62 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

R o b o t. Then, let us fly to Mars with me. We have very strict

teachers there. They will make you learn your lessons. Our Marsian
children know English very well. So, our rocket is ready.
P e t e. No, I would like to be here with my parents, friends and
R o b o t. Then you must learn!
P e t e. I will learn well!
G i r l s. He will! He will!
R o b o t. So, we’ll see. See you later.
Robot leaves the classroom.
P e t e. I’m sorry, girls. I was not right. You are my real friends.
G i r l s. See you later, Pete.
Girls leave the classroom. Pete understands that it was only a dream.
P e t e. Oh, it was only my dream! I am a good pupil. I like to learn
English. I know English well! And you, my friends? Do you like to learn
English? Do you like to sing English songs? Let us do it together!
A l l t o g e t h e r.
If you feel like singing,
Listen to music and sing.
If you feel like singing,
Don’t wait and begin.
La-la-la, oh, hey!
We have a nice and funny day.
La-la-la, oh, hey!
We are singing. Hurray!
Тема «Мой дом, моя квартира» 63

Если объем пьесы слишком велик для ваших детей, практикуйте

выход на сцену нескольких составов, предварительно разделив текст
на части.


Lexical and Physical Training
– We can count and clap hands, or count and march.
One, two – it’s a house;
Three, four – that’s a mouse;
Five, six – it’s a flat;
Seven, eight – that’s a cat;
Nine, ten, nine, ten,
Will you count things again?
Ten, nine – it’s a bed;
Eight, seven – that’s a flat;
Six, five – they are flowers,
Four, three – are they ours?
Two and one, two and one,
Little children, have a fun!
My House
The roof is red, the windows are wide.
This is my house, so big and bright!
– Обучаем устной речи и реакции на сказанное предложение.
– This is our hall.
– It’s neither large nor small.
– The living room is nice and light.
– I can see, it’s rather bright.
– There is a TV-set and a very big armchair.
There is a window and a door…
– And what’s so coloured there?
– There’s a picture on the wall.
– It is so nice. Who’s there small?
– It’s our funny pussy cat,
And it is drawn by brother Bert.
It is drawn – нарисована.
I Can Show You My Flat
There is a carpet on the floor.
Look at the carpet and open the door!
There is a mirror in the bathroom.
And what is there in the living room?
64 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

There is a sofa, armchairs in it,

Where you, dear children, can sit.
When it is rainy, the weather is bad,
We like to stay in our flat.
When it is warm, there is much of sun,
We go out and have lots of fun!
Some people live in the villages,
Where the houses are cozy, but small.
Some people live in the towns and cities,
Where the houses are big and so tall!
Funny Riddles
I have two legs with which I walk.
I have no tongue, but I can talk.
And I can say, “It’s time to school,
It’s time for dinner, for a walk.”
So, can you guess?
It’s our… (clock)!
It can be round, can be square.
We can see it anywhere:
In the kitchen, living room…
There’s one for little Mabel.
What is this?
It’s our… (table)!
There’s a place near the wall,
Which our cat likes best of all.
He likes to be there at nights and days,
Because it is our… (fireplace)!
Houses are nice, windows are wide.
Do you know, children, who lives inside? (People.)
This house is for Billy,
This house is for Pat,
That house is for Willy.
And whose is this so little flat? (It’s a doll’s flat.)
– What has no legs but goes? Put the appropriate letters instead of
the numerals.
a. 1 _ 3 12 15 3 11

Key: часы (a clock).

b. 18 1 9 14

Key: дождь (rain).

Тема «Мой дом, моя квартира» 65

– How many words can you find in this chain of words?

bedooroomorninguitaredressitable (10.)
There was a little house,
There lived a little mouse,
Running, playing with a cat,
And that cat was very fat!
There lived a little puppy,
Very clever, very fluffy,
Running, playing with a cat,
That liked sleeping in a flat!
There lived a little kitten.
And he had a pair of mittens,
Running, playing with small Ted,
Who didn’t like to go to bed!

We Have Got a Flat

We have got a flat, a flat,
One room’s for me,
One is for Beth.
There is a kitchen inside,
With a lamp so nice and bright.
We have got a flat, a flat.
The bedroom’s for Mummy,
And for my Dad.
There is a hall inside
With a mirror nice and light.
We have got a flat, a flat,
The nice place for kittens,
And for my cat.
There is a map for fun.
Our flat is the best one.
66 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

Обучение неподготовленной речи (реакция на сказанное предложение).

– This is my bed.
Is it yellow or red?
– This is my fireplace, I say.
Do you make fire every day?
– This is my sofa, where I can sit.
Is there a big lamp near it?
– This is my clock.
Does it sing like a cock?
– This is my picture on the wall.
Are there any pictures in the hall?
– So, we live in this nice and cozy flat.
Who are you?
– My Mother, my sister, me and my Dad.
Reading for Comprehension
The House in the Clouds
The house in the clouds is an amazing place! People live in it now
but it was a water tower in the past. It’s got five bedrooms and three
bathrooms, a sitting room, dining room, kitchen and table tennis room.
The kitchen and dining room are downstairs. The kitchen is on the
left of the front door and the dining room is on the right. The sitting
room is upstairs, above the kitchen and dining room. There’s a bedroom
and bathroom on the second floor, two bedrooms and a bathroom on
the third floor, two bedrooms and a bathroom on the fourth floor and
the table tennis room is on the top floor.
Amazing – изумительный.
Tower – башня.
Upstairs – наверху, на верхнем этаже.
Downstairs – расположенный в нижнем этаже.
Top – верхний.
Variant 1
Answer the questions.
1. What is an amazing place?
2. What was it in the past?
3. How many bedrooms are there in the house?
4. How many bathrooms are there in the house?
5. Where is the kitchen?
6. Where is the dining room?
7. What is there on the top floor?
8. What is above the kitchen and dining room?
9. What is there on the second floor?
10. What is there on the third floor?
11. What is there on the fourth floor?
Тема «Мой дом, моя квартира» 67

Variant 2
Write a similar description about this house in your copybook.
Variant 3
Write a similar description about your house or flat in your
Puzzle Time
Variant 1
h 1. Сердце. (Heart.)
o 2. Океан. (Ocean.)
u 3. Союз. (Union.)
s 4. Конфета. (Sweet.)
e 5. Восемь. (Eight.)

Variant 2
p 1. Люди. (People.)
a 2. Дворец. (Palace.)
n 3. Карандаш. (Pencil.)
t 4. Маленький. (Little.)
r 5. Пустыня. (Desert.)
y 6. Симпатичный, приятный. (Lovely.)

Variant 3
c 1. Морковь. (Carrot.)
a 2. Отвечать. (Answer.)
r 3. Кролик. (Rabbit.)
p 4. Картошка. (Potato.)
e 5. Восьмой. (Eighth.)
t 6. Теннис. (Tennis.)

Fun Time
We Are Friends Now
На сцене декорации. Дверь расположена наискосок, а сцена оформ-
лена как комната домика. Появляется мышка, стучит в дверь домика.
M o u s e. Who lives in this house? Oh, nobody. I will live in it!
The house is nice,
The room is light.
I will live here
From morning till night!
Появляется котенок. Он продрог, держит в лапе одну варежку. Стучит
в дверь.
68 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

M o u s e. Who are you?

K i t t e n. I am a little kitten.
I have lost my mitten.
It is cold, and it is dark.
So, I can’t sleep in the park.
M o u s e. Do you like to eat grey mice?
K i t t e n. No, grey mice are very nice. I can’t eat mice. I am a poor
little kitten.
M o u s e. But what do you like to eat?
K i t t e n. I like to lap tasty milk.
M o u s e. Well, come in and have a rest.
Мышка начинает подметать пол. Котенок ходит вокруг нее и наблю-
K i t t e n. What are you doing, little mouse, in your cozy house?
M o u s e. I am sweeping the floor now. The house is cozy, because
I can sweep.
K i t t e n. I am going to help you. I can help you to sweep the floor.
(Подметает, мурлычет песенку.)
Mew, mew, I can sweep,
Mew, mew, I like milk.
I like sweep, I like help.
I will grow as brother Cat.
Мышка в это время начинает “мыть” посуду. Раздается стук в дверь.
За дверью маленький щенок.
M o u s e.Who are you?
P u p p y. A little puppy is at the door.
Open, please, I can’t any more,
I can’t find the right way.
I am hungry all the day.
K i t t e n. Do you like to eat little kittens?
P u p p y. No, I don’t. I like to eat other things.
K i t t e n. What do you like to eat?
P u p p y. I like to eat tasty bones.
M o u s e. Well, come in and have a rest.
Щенок заходит в дом.
P u p p y. What are you doing?
M o u s e. I am washing up.
P u p p y. But the plates are clean.
Тема «Мой дом, моя квартира» 69

M o u s e. They are clean, because I have washed them up. I like

to wash up.
P u p p y. You can wash up very well. I would like to help you.
Помогает “мыть” кошке чашки. К ним присоединяется котенок. Ра-
ботают и поют.
We are happy in the house:
Puppy, Kitten, Mouse.
We like wash, we like clean.
When we finish, we’ll begin.
M o u s e. What else can we do?
K i t t e n. I can clean the walls.
P u p p y. I can wash the window.
M o u s e. I would like to help you.
Раздается стук в дверь. У двери лиса и волк. Они стараются в ответах
подражать щенку и котенку.
M o u s e. Who are you?
F o x a n d W o l f.
We are little, little kittens,
We have lost our mittens.
We have no place for sleeping.
We are poor little kittens.
M o u s e. What do you like to eat?
F o x. We like to eat cocks and rabbits.
W o l f. We like to eat little silly puppies, kittens and mice. May
we come in?
M o u s e. Oh, no, you can’t come in. (To Puppy and Kitten.) We
must save our house! We must save ourselves!
P u p p y a n d K i t t e n. But what can we do?
M o u s e. Can you say “mew-mew”?
K i t t e n. I can say it.
M o u s e. Can you say “bow-wow, bow-wow”?
P u p p y. I can say it.
M o u s e. And I can say “pee-pee-pee”. Well, let us begin!
Все начинают громко издавать характерные для них звуки. Лиса
и волк пугаются и убегают. Малыши в домике, радостные, начинают
петь и танцевать.
We are clever, we are brave.
And we made them go away!
We would like to live together,
And to play in sunny weather! (Twice.)
70 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

Но вдруг снова раздается стук в дверь. Малыши напуганы, но стара-

ются кричать наперебой.
Go away! Go away!
Don’t come another day!
You are angry, you are bad.
You can eat us. We can’t forget!
Но за дверью оказывается добрый волшебник.
W i z a r d. I am not bad. I would like to help you.
M o u s e. But who are you?
W i z a r d. I am a wizard.
M o u s e. What can you do?
W i z a r d. I have already done! I have changed the cunning fox
and the angry wolf. Now, they are a kitten and a puppy.
Появляются котенок и щенок.
K i t t e n 2, P u p p y 2 (together). May I come in?
M o u s e, K i t t e n 1, P u p p y 1 (together). Yes, please!
K i t t e n 1 t o K i t t e n 2. Can you sweep the floor?
K i t t e n 2. Yes, I can.
P u p p y 1 t o P u p p y 2. Can you wash up?
P u p p y 2. I like to do it.
M o u s e. Can you sing and dance?
K i t t e n 2, P u p p y 2 (together). Yes, we can!
W i z a r d. Let us do it together!
Все становятся в круг, танцуют, поют, хлопают в ладоши.
There is a merry round.
We are happy, happy friends.
We like dancing to nice music,
And to clap with our hands.
La-la, la-la-la.
We can clap with our hands.
La-la, la-la-la,
We are happy, happy friends!


Lexical and Phonetic Training
Winter, winter, winter comes,
Days are frosty, snowflakes dance.
Spring is here, spring is there,
And snowdrops are every where.
Тема «Времена года» 71

Summer, summer, summer walks,

And we all play outdoors.
Autumn is so gold and bright
With the apples red and ripe.
To dance – танцевать.
Here – здесь.
There – там.
Snowdrop – подснежник.
Outdoors – на открытом воздухе.
Ripe – спелый, зрелый.
– What is nice and very white?
Winter, it’s so white and bright.
– What is nice, what is green?
It is spring, it is spring.
– Summer is nice. Am I right?
Summer is nice and very bright.
– What is yellow, so nice and gold?
It is autumn, when it is not cold.
One, one, one,
Apples grow in the sun.
Two, two, two,
Two apples are for Sue.
Three, three, three,
Three apples are on the tree.
Four, four, four,
There are four on the floor.
Five, five, five,
Some of them are for Mike.
Six, six, six,
Give me an apple, Nick.
Seven, seven, seven,
Give me some more, eleven!
Eight, eight, eight,
These apples are for Kate.
Nine, nine, nine,
These apples are so fine!
Ten, ten, ten,
Let us count them again!
Poems and Rhymes
My Favourite Season
Spring and summer, autumn, winter.
What’s the weather like today?
72 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

Is it sunny? Is it rainy?
Is it a nice and lovely day?
I like autumn, spring and winter.
But summer is the best of all.
I have holidays in summer,
And everyday can play football!
When it is slippery, we ski and skate.
When it is rainy, put on raincoats.
When it is snowy, we make snow balls.
When it is cold, we stay at home.
When it is rainy, when it is wet,
Take your umbrella. Don’t forget!
The sky in summer’s very blue.
In autumn it is grey.
The days are short.
The nights are long.
And birds fly, fly away.
Winter fish sleep, sleep.
In the water deep, deep.
But in summer fish is merry,
Swimming, playing with friend Harry.
In summer the sun rises early,
Warming birds and animals,
Flowers and trees.
We can play outdoors in summer,
Breathing the warm summer breeze.
When it is warm, we wear light clothes.
When it is rainy, we wear raincoats.
When it is cold I wear mittens
And go for a walk with my dear kittens.
We make snowballs, large and round.
And then we throw them up and down,
To the left and to the right.
Don’t touch me, brother Mike!
It is rainy, dark and wet.
Let us hope for better weather.
Тема «Времена года» 73

When it’s sunny, warm and bright,

We shall play and run together.
Look! The flowers are so nice!
And the sun’s high in the sky.
We like walking in the garden:
Father, Mother, Nick and I.
I like dogs and dogs like me.
We like playing. Do you see?
When the weather’s nice and hot,
I like swimming with my dogs.
The rain is raining all around,
It falls on field and tree,
It rains on the umbrellas here,
And on the ships at sea.
From “English Nursery Rhymes”
All around – везде, вокруг.
It falls – он падает.
Umbrella – зонтик.
Ships at sea – корабли в море.
The Apple Tree
The sun is shining bright.
The apple tree is white.
Oh, spring has come!
Spring’s here today!
So warm, so lovely day!
Merry little snowflakes,
Dancing through the street,
Don’t frees the faces,
Jim and Liz and me.
You are pretty, snowflakes,
Falling from the sky.
You are dancing, snowflakes,
And then stop and lie.
Snowflakes – снежинки.
Dancing through the street – танцующие на улице.
Four Seasons of the Year
Everything is white, so white and clean,
Because snow falls and falls.
74 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

The world is white, the days are bright.

And we can play snow balls.
Everything is fresh, so fresh and green,
Because spring comes to us.
The world is green,
The birds can sing
And we can see much grass.
Everything is bright, so bright and warm,
Because my summer comes.
So lovely days,
Sometimes it rains.
The sunshine is for us.
Everything is gold, so gold and cool,
Because my autumn comes.
The barn is full,
We start to school
In autumn as a rule.

The Merry Month of May

C h i l d r e n. In the merry month of May
All the violets are gay.
They all dance and sing and say,
V i o l e t s. “Winter days are far away,
Winter days are far away,
Welcome, welcome, merry May.”
C h i l d r e n. In the merry month of May
All the little birds are gay.
They all dance and sing and say,
B i r d s. “Winter days are far away,
Winter days are far away,
Welcome, welcome, marry May.”
Тема «Времена года» 75

C h i l d r e n. In the merry month of May

All the children are so gay.
They all play and sing and say,
“Winter days are far away,
Winter days are far away,
Welcome, welcome, merry May.”
From “Merry English”, S. Gomza
The Weather Song
Singing and action activities. Sing to the tune of “Clementine”. If you
don’t know or don’t like the tune, choose another one or compose your own.
What’s the weather?
What’s the weather?
What’s the weather like today?
Tell us, Mary (and so on),
What’s the weather?
What’s the weather like today?
Is it sunny?
Is it cloudy?
Is it rainy out today?
Is it snowy?
Is it windy?
What’s the weather like today?
Teach this song using actions, showing pictures or making the appropriate
gesture (жест, мимика).
Puzzle Time
Variant 1
w 1. Oкно. (Window.)
i 2. Колготки. (Tights.)
n 3. Воскресенье. (Sunday.)
4. Сестра. (Sister.)
5. Ластик. (Rubber.)
e 6. Зеркало. (Mirror.)

Variant 2
s 1. Школа. (School.)
p 2. Появляться, показываться. (Appear.)
r 3. Морковь. (Carrot.)
4. Африка. (Africa.)
5. Вокруг. (Around.)
n 6. Бокс. (Boxing.)
76 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

Variant 3
s 1. Время года. (Season.)
u 2. Осень. (Autumn.)
m 3. Семья. (Family.)
4. Животное. (Animal.)
5. Сестра. (Sister.)
e 6. Масло. (Butter.)

Variant 4
a 1. Третий летний месяц. (August.)
u 2. Гитара. (Guitar.)
t 3. Бутылка. (Bottle.)
4. Вокруг. (Around.)
5. Осень. (Autumn.)
m 6. Сад. (Garden.)

– How many words can you find in this word of chain?

springreeniceveningameightag (7.)
Funny Riddles
In autumn they are good,
Yellow, red and sweet.
“And they are very good to eat,”
Says my brother Pete. (Apples.)
Days are cool, apples are ripe.
What season is it? Do you know, Mike? (Autumn.)
It is snowy, it is cold.
What season is it, dear girls? (Winter.)
Trees are green. Birds come back.
What season is it? Do you know, Jack? (Spring.)
We go swimming as a rule, and don’t go to school.
It is sunny, it is warm. What’s the season, Tom?
It can fly with coloured wings.
It can not speak and doesn’t sing.
It can fly high in the sky.
And we call it… (butterfly).
In summer it is grey, in winter it is white.
We call it Brother… (Rabbit).
Children, am I right?
Тема «Времена года» 77

What can rises early, earlier than Mum?

It’s Granny or Grandfather.
No, it is the… (Sun)!
They are nice and grow in the sun.
They can smell and give us fun.
In the morning they are wet.
They are blue and white and red. (Flowers.)
It’s red or rosy. In summer it grows.
It’s a beautiful flower.
What is it? Who knows? (It’s a rose.)
It is little, busy, funny.
And it brings the sweetest honey. (Bee.)
– What apples never grow in the apple tree? Put the appropriate
letter instead of the numerals.
16 9 14 5 1 16 16 12 5 19

Key:ананасы (pineapples).
Can You Guess?
N i c k. Is it a person or an animal?
K a t e. It is neither a person nor an animal.
N i c k. Is it a thing?
K a t e. Yes, it is. It’s a thing.
N i c k. Is it in the room or in the yard?
K a t e. It is in the yard.
N i c k. Does it lie on the ground?
K a t e. Now, it does not. It doesn’t lie on the ground.
N i c k. Does it stand in the yard?
K a t e. Yes, it does. But it can stay not only in the yard.
N i c k. Where does it stand?
K a t e. It usually stands in the garden.
N i c k. Is it big or small?
K a t e. It is big and high.
N i c k. What colour is it?
K a t e. In winter it is grey. In spring it is light green. In summer it
is green. In autumn it is yellow and brown.
N i c k. Are there any flowers in it in spring?
78 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

K a t e. Yes, there are. There are many flowers in it in spring.

N i c k. Are there any apples in it?
K a t e. Yes, there are. In autumn there are many apples in it.
N i c k. Is it an appletree?
K a t e. You are right. It’s an appletree.
Reading for Comprehension
The Seasons of the Year
Winter, spring, summer and autumn are the seasons of the year.
December, January and February are winter months. In winter it is cold.
The sky is grey. The days are long and the nights are short. The sun is
not bright. Snowflakes cover the ground. The trees and streets are white
with snow. It is often frosty. Children can go skating and skiing. When
it is snowy they can make a snowman and snowballs.
Night – ночь.
Snowflakes – снежинки.
To cover – покрывать.
Ground – земля.
Spring is a nice season. March, April and May are spring months.
It is warm in spring. The weather is fine. The forest is green. The sun
is often bright. We can see many flowers. The birds come back from
the warm countries. Rabbits wear grey coats. Children can play much
outdoors. They run, jump, skip and play football.
Fine – прекрасный, превосходный.
Outdoors – на открытом воздухе.
June, July and August are summer months. The days are long and
the nights are short. It is sunny. The sky is blue. The weather is warm and
hot. The forest and gardens are green. Birds like to sing their summer
songs. There are many bright flowers. The pupils don’t go to school.
They have got their summer holidays. They can swim in the river and
play outdoors.
Outdoors – на свежем воздухе.
September, October and November are autumn months. The weather
is not fine. It often rains. Sometimes it is cloudy and foggy. The sky is
grey. The sun is not bright. The birds fly to warm countries. The trees
are yellow, red and brown. The apples are yellow and red. People gather
the autumn harvest. In September pupils go to school.
Тема «Времена года» 79

To gather – собирать (урожай).

Harvest – урожай.
Questions to the text
1. What are the seasons of the year?
2. What are winter months?
3. Is it cold in winter?
4. What colour is the sky?
5. Are the days long or short?
6. Is the sun bright?
7. What covers the ground?
8. What is white with snow?
9. Is it frosty in winter?
10. What can children do?
11. What can they make?
1. What is a nice season?
2. What are spring months?
3. Is it warm in spring?
4. Is the weather fine or bad?
5. Is the forest green?
6. What is often bright?
7. What can we see in spring?
8. Where do the birds come back from?
9. What coats do rabbits wear?
10. Where can children play much?
11. What do they do outdoors?
1. What are summer months?
2. What is long and what is short?
3. Is it sunny in summer?
4. What colour is the sky?
5. Is the weather warm or hot?
6. What is green?
7. Who likes to sing?
8. Are there many bright flowers?
9. Do pupils go to school?
10. Who has got summer holidays?
11. What can children do in summer?
1. What are autumn months?
2. Is the weather fine?
80 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

3. Does it often rain?

4. Does it often cloudy and foggy?
5. What colour is the sky?
6. Is the sun bright?
7. Where do the birds fly?
8. What colour are the trees?
9. What colour are the apples?
10. What do people gather?
11. When do pupils go to school?
You may use these questions as a plan for the text retelling.
Listening for Comprehension
The English Weather
In England people like to speak about the weather every day.
England is not a large country. There are no long rivers. The towns in
England are not far from the sea. There are no large forests. There are
many meadows and fields.
Spring in England is a nice season. It is warm. The trees and grass
are green.
The English summer is sunny but not very hot. Sometimes there
are cool winds.
Autumn is a cool season. It is windy and foggy. But it is a season
of apples.
Winter is not very cold. There is not much snow in winter. It is rainy
and foggy. Sometimes it is sunny and people have got nice days.
Variant 1
Mark the right sentences.
1. England is a large country.
2. There are many rivers in England.
3. There are no large forests.
4. The English summer is hot.
5. In autumn it is windy and foggy.
6. Summer is a season of apples.
7. There is not much snow in winter.
8. Winter is rainy and foggy.
9. In winter people have got nice days.
10. It is sunny in winter.
Variant 2
Finish the sentences.
1. England is not a large…
2. There are no long…
Тема «Времена года» 81

3. There are no large…

4. Spring in England is a nice…
5. The trees and grass are…
6. The English summer is not very…
7. Autumn is windy and…
8. Winter is not very…
9. There is not much snow in…
10. Sometimes people… nice days.
All Seasons Are Nice and Beautiful
Scene 1
Two boys appear. Pete has skates in his hands.
N i c k. Hello, Pete. Where are you going?
P e t e. Hi, Nick! I am going to the skatingrink. Let us go
N i c k. Oh, no, thank you. It is cold and snowy. I don’t like winter.
P e t e. I like winter very much. I like skiing and skating in
P e t e. I like summer sports. I don’t like winter.
Snowflakes appear.
S n o w f l a k e 1. Why don’t you like winter?
S n o w f l a k e 2. Winter is a very beautiful season.
S n o w f l a k e 3. You can ski and skate, play snowballs.
S n o w f l a k e 4. You can have a very good time in winter.
S n o w f l a k e s (altogether, dancing and singing).
Winter is white, winter is nice.
Snowflakes fall down,
The trees sleep around.
Winter, winter is the best.
Everything can have a rest.
Winter appears.
W i n t e r (singing and dancing).
I am winter, I am winter,
Snowy, cold and white.
Why don’t you like me, dear boy?
Can you tell me, why?
Take warm things, put on your mittens,
Take your skis or skates.
And make snowballs, play outdoors,
Have a lovely day!
All actors make a round, dance and sing together.
82 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

A l l t o g e t h e r.
Beautiful winter, we ski and skate.
And have a funny and lovely day! (Twice.)
Scene 2
Girls appear. One of them, Lena, has a skipping-rope in her hand.
K a t e. Hеllo, Lena. Where are you going?
L e n a. Hi, Kate! I am going to the school stadium. I would like
to skip there.
K a t e. I like skipping in summer. Spring is not a hot season.
L e n a. I like spring. Everything is green. Birds come back and
sing. And it is warm and sunny.
Spring appears.
S p r i n g (dancing and singing).
I am spring, I am spring.
Everything is fresh and green.
I am warm and I am sunny.
Birds come back,
And bees make honey.
I am spring, I am spring,
When everything is fresh and green.
Birds appear.
B i r d s (dancing and singing).
We like spring, we like spring,
When everything is fresh and green.
And we fly back,
We fly back home,
And build the nests
Of our own.
All actors make a round, dance and sing together.
A l l t o g e t h e r.
Beautiful spring,
We go for a walk.
We skip in the yard,
And play with a dog.
Spring is warm,
And spring is bright.
And the days are lovely and nice.
Scene 3
Boys appear. One of them, Alex, has a bag in his hand.
V l a d. Hello, Alex! Where are you going?
A l e x. Hi! I am going to the park. I would to play there. I like to
play football with my friends in summer.
Тема «Времена года» 83

V l a d. I don’t like summer. It is very hot. I like autumn more.

A l e x. But in summer we don’t go to school! We can swim, play
and have a lot of fun!
Flowers appear.
Flower 1. We like summer very much.
Flower 2. It is hot and warm. And we can grow in summer.
Flower 3. The sun shines brightly.
Flower 4. In summer the days are long and the nights are
Summer appears together with the Sun.
S u m m e r (dancing and singing). I am summer, I am summer.
And the Sun is my best friend.
Let us have a rest in summer.
Give us, give us, friends, your hands.
Everybody stretches out a hand for Summer and the Sun. The Sun and
Summer are in the circle.
A l l t o g e t h e r.
Summer comes, and it is hot.
Days are long and nights are short.
Birds can sing, we can swim.
Flowers grow. Lots of fun, oh!
Scene 4
Girls appear. They have their school bags. One of them, Masha, has an
umbrella. They are going to school.
D a s h a. Hello, Masha. Are you ready for the lessons?
M a s h a. Hi! Yes, I am. I am ready for my lessons. I like to do my
homework. But I don’t like autumn. It is often rainy.
D a s h a. But today the weather is fine. I like autumn. Sometimes
it is very warm. The trees are yellow and red. We can see apples in the
gardens. Autumn is a tasty and beautiful season.
M a s h a. Can you see a beautiful lady there?
Autumn music sounds, leaves fall down, Autumn dances. Then all actors
appear and make a round.
A l l t o g e t h e r.
Autumn comes in September,
And children go to school.
What will it be in November?
Holidays will be as a rule.
Beautiful, beautiful season!
And children start to school.
84 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

And we like learning and playing.

And we make friends as a rule!
Every season has its beauty!
Если предлагаемый постановочный материал слишком сложен для
ваших учащихся, следует обратить внимание на то, что каждая из частей
имеет законченную мысль и может быть представлена самостоятельно.

Lexical and Moving Activities
This is my Mother.
Clap, clap, clap.
This is my Father.
Step, step, step.
This is my sister.
Turn to the left.
This is my brother.
Nod your head.
This is my aunt.
Stretch your arms.
This is my uncle.
A dog is behind. (Turn heads to the right.)
And this is me.
Shake your hands.
This is my classroom. (Stretch left hands.)
And you are my friends. (Stretch right hands.)
“Where is the apple jam?”
Asks Grandmother little Sam.
“I don’t know. Let me see.
I am sure, knows Pussy!”
Pussy says, “Mew-mew, oh!
I don’t know. I don’t know!
Wait a minute. I’m sure, then.
Dogs must know. They like jam.”
Then the dogs say, “Bow-wow-wow.
Can we eat it? But how, how?”
And then Granny says, “Oh, Sam,
You have eaten this sweet jam.
It is good and sweet to eat.
But it was for you and Pete!”
– Your Father likes to watch the stars. – He likes to do it together
with us.
Тема «Семья» 85

– Your Granny plays computer games. – She likes to do it every

– GrandFather makes so funny toys. – This one is for me. And that
is yours.
– Your sister plays different puzzles. – Oh, yes, she does. She’s
got a dozen.
– Your Mother likes to read cookbooks. – They are so coloured.
Have a look!
– Your little brother likes to play. – He likes to do it every day.
– What do you like to do, I say? – I learn my English every day!
– What does your Mother like to do? – She likes knitting.
– What does your Father like to do? – He likes fishing.
– What does your brother like to do? – He likes riding.
– What does your cockerel like to do? – He likes fighting.
– What does your sister like to do? – She likes training.
– And what do you like to do? – I like playing.
– Have you got a Mother?– Yes, I’ve got.
– Have you got a Father? – Yes, I’ve got.
And I am their dear son.
The family is a happy one!
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. Hello! I am a school correspondent. My name
is Lena.
P u p i l. Hello, Lena. Glad to meet you. My name is Mike.
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. I would ask you some questions.
M i k e. What are they about?
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. They are about your family. Will you answer
M i k e. Yes, with great pleasure.
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. Have you got a big family?
M i k e. My family is neither big nor small.
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. What are the members of your family?
M i k e. They are my Father, Mother, sister and me.
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. Do you like to be together?
M i k e. Yes, we do.
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. When do you like to be together?
86 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

M i k e. We like to be together on Saturdays and Sundays.

C o r r e s p o n d e n t. What do you like to do?
M i k e. We like to go to the country. We like working and playing
C o r r e s p o n d e n t. Thank you, Mike. Have a nice time in the
M i k e. Thank you. Bye!
Reading for Comprehension
My Family
My name is Polly. I am nine. I am a schoolgirl. I go to school. I like
learning English and playing puzzles. I would like to tell you about my
family. It is neither big nor small. There are four of us.
I have got a Mother. She is a teacher. She likes singing and shopping.
I have got a Father. He is a doctor. My Father likes playing chess. My
brother Nick is small. He is only four. He likes playing toys.
Yesterday my Father, brother and me helped Mummy about the
house. Father washed his socks. Then he washed the sink in the kitchen.
Nick and me tidied our room. We swept up the floor and polished the
On Saturdays and Sundays we like to be together. Last Saturday
we went to the country. In the country we worked and played. We had
a good rest.
Next Sunday we’ll go to the Zoo. We’d like to see funny monkeys
and a kangaroo.
Variant 1
Answer the questions on the text.
1. What is the girl’s name?
2. What is her Mother?
3. What is her Father?
4. Is her family big or small?
5. What does her brother like doing?
6. What does she like doing?
7. Who likes to be together on Saturdays and Sundays?
8. What did they do yesterday?
9. How old is her brother?
10. Who tidied up the room?
Variant 2
Mark the statements below as “true” or “false”.
1. Her Mother is a doctor.
2. Her brother Nick is a pupil.
Тема «Семья» 87

3. Her family is big.

4. Her brother Nick is small.
5. There are five in the family.
6. Polly is nine.
7. Her Mother likes playing chess.
8. Polly likes playing puzzles.
9. Yesterday they helped about the house.
10. They will go to school.
Variant 3
Card 1
Choose and underline in the text the appropriate English
1. Мне девять лет.
2. Он врач.
3. Она не большая и не маленькая.
4. Моя мама любит петь и делать покупки.
5. Нам нравится быть вместе по субботам и воскресениям.
6. …помогали по дому.
7. …подметали пол.
8. …приводили в порядок нашу комнату.
9. …мы пойдем в зоопарк.
10. Нам хочется увидеть…
Card 2
Check yourself.
1. I am nine.
2. He is a doctor.
3. It is neither big nor small.
4. My Mother likes singing and shopping.
5. We like to be together on Saturdays and Sundays.
6. …helped about the house.
7. …swept up the floor.
8. …tidied up our room.
9. …we’ll go to the Zoo.
10. We’d like to see…
A teacher throws a ball to a pupil.
T e a c h e r. I throw the ball to Polly and ask, “Are you a doctor?”
P o l l y. No, I am not. My Mother is a doctor.
T e a c h e r. I throw the ball to Pete and ask, “Are you an
88 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

P e t e. No, I am not. My Father is an engineer.

T e a c h e r. I throw the ball to Nick and ask, “Are you
a student?”
N i c k. No, I am not. My brother is a student.
T e a c h e r. I throw the ball to Nelly and ask, “Are you a pupil?”
N e l l y. Yes, I am. I am a pupil.
T e a c h e r. I throw the ball to Paul and ask, “Am I a pupil?”
P a u l. No, you are not. I am a pupil. And you are a teacher.
If somebody can’t answer the question or makes mistakes, he pays a forfeit
(['fɔ:fit]; штраф).
He (she) recites a poem or rhyme or sings a song.
Puzzle Time
Variant 1
f 1. Палец. (Finger.)
a 2. Фермер. (Farmer.
3 3. Простой. (Simple.)
4. Весна. (Spring.)
i 5. Результат. (Result.)
l 6. Симпатичный, приятный. (Lovely.)

Variant 2
s 1. Время года. (Season.)
i 2. Сигнал. (Signal.)
3 3. Плакат. (Poster.)
4. Письмо, буква. (Letter.)
t 5. Мама. (Mother.)
e 6. Ластик. (Rubber.)

Variant 3
f 1. Палец. (Finger.)
a 2. Фермер. (Farmer.)
t 3. Письмо, буква. (Letter.)
4. Мама. (Mother.)
h 5. Сестра. (Sister.)
e 6. Зеркало. (Mirror.)
Тема «Семья» 89

Variant 4
m 1. Зеркало. (Mirror.)
o 2. Помидор. (Tomato.)
3 3. Картошка. (Potato.)
4. Отец. (Father.)
h 5. Фермер. (Farmer.)
e 6. Зима. (Winter.)

Poems and Rhymes

Are you eight, my boy, or nine?
Do you like to sing or cry?
I am nine, I am nine.
And I don’t like to cry.
Little Billy, come along.
I will sing you a nice song.
If this song’s about dream,
Let us sing for brother Jim.
She is eight. Her name is Kate.
She is a clever, pretty girl
With a nice and fair curl.
Are you well, me dear daughter?
Did you drink very cold water?
Now, it was my brother Tim.
Yesterday I ate ice-cream.
I would like to go to the South,
To the very, very Black blue sea.
Are you going to the South, Mummy?
Are you going with my Dad and me?
Polly is my sister.
Polly likes to draw.
Now she’s drawing windows,
And carpets on the floor.
Steven is my brother.
He has got a book.
He does not like drawing.
He’d like to have a look.
90 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

– What are you doing, my little girl?
– I am writing a letter to my friend Paul.
– But you can’t write, my dear girl.
Neither read nor write can my friend Paul.
When I was ill, I lay in my bed.
Mum was full of care.
So was my brother Bert.
Mother likes flowers, Dad likes football.
Brother likes fishing. I play basketball.
I have got a little brother,
And his name is Ted.
He likes to play with our cat,
That is sitting on a mat.
My parents called us to go to bed.
I was called and sister Pat.
So, we had to have a rest.
We wished goodnight
And all the best.
My Mother came to say goodnight.
And I was happy, I was fine.
I am a girl of seven.
And soon I’ll be eleven.
I can read, write and sing.
And my name is Nelly Green.
Mother’s day is a happy one.
I love you, Mummy.
It’s me, your son.
I love my Mother and you love yours.
He loves his Mother, and she loves hers.
Father, Mother, sister Rose –
We are very, very close!
They are flowers: fresh and white,
Red and rosy, yellow, blue.
Тема «Семья» 91

Oh, these flowers are so nice!

Dear Mum, they are for you.
Johnny, Sam, would you like some jam?
“With great pleasure,” says the boys.
Apple jam is the best choice!
I like to sit with my cat Pit.
My Granny likes sitting with her knitting.
My Father likes watching football.
My brother Tim likes playing ball.
May I have a piece of pie?
Are you sure? Are you right?
You ate yesterday with Jenny.
And this pie’s for our Granny.
May I go for a walk?
Will you take your little dog?
No, I’m busy, after all.
I would like to play football.
Yesterday I swept the floor,
Yesterday I cleaned the door.
And my sister washed the sink.
And my Mother gave us a drink.
It was sweet and tasty juice.
And we drank for our use.
I like skating, reading, drawing.
Cats like sitting on my knees.
What do you like to do, my dear?
Will you tell us? Please!
Nothing. I like climbing trees!
I Can Help My Mummy
The dearest person is Mummy.
She always says to me “honey”.
I can help her in many ways
Every day, every day.
I can help her in many ways
Every, every day!
I can take the broom,
92 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

I can tidy my room.

I can sweep the floor.
I can clean the door.
I can wash, wash my hands and face.
I can do it every day.
I must wash my hands and face
Every, every day.
Our Family Likes
We like to go to the country,
When Saturday comes, when Saturday comes.
I like to stay there together
With my brother, Dad and my Mum. (Twice.)
We like to work, we like to play,
And have a nice and lovely day.
We like to help and have a rest,
And wish each other all the best.
My Son John
G i r l s. Deedle, deedle, dumpling, my son John.
And he went to his bed in his trousers on.
B o y s. And I went to my bed in my trousers on.
G i r l s. One shoe off and one shoe on.
Deedle, deedle, dumpling, my son John!
G i r l s. You are so lazy, my son John.
Why do you go to your bed in your trousers on?
B o y s. Yes, I went to my bed in my trousers on.
G i r l s. One sock off and one sock on.
Deedle, deedle, dumpling, my son John!
B o y s. I am so tired, please, don’t cry.
And the trousers and shoes are not yours but mine.
And the trousers and socks are not yours but mine.
G i r l s. Dear son had too much fun.
So, you are tired, dear son!

Lexical and Moving Activities
We like going to the shop.
Clap and hop, clap and hop!
We like buying pretty things.
Тема «Покупки» 93

Flap your wings, flap your wings!

We like trying clothes on.
Clap and hop, and let’s go on!
One and two and clap and hop.
I am going to the shop.
Turn to the left and clap and hop.
Who is going to the shop?
Turn to the right and clap and hop.
Are you going to the shop?
Bend a little, bend a little,
Stretch a little, stretch a little,
Nod your head,
Sleep a little, sleep a little
In your bed.
Do you like to go to the shop?
Clap and hop, clap and hop.
Do you like to go to the shop?
Clap and hop, hop, hop!
Would you like to buy some cheese?
Clap and hop, and flap your wings.
Would you like to bring some cheese?
Flap and flap your wings!
Would you like to buy a tin of corn?
March and go, march and go.
Would you like to bring a tin of corn?
March and march and go!
Reading for Comprehension
My name is Kate. I have got many toys. I like to buy toys and play with
them. Yesterday I went shopping with my Mother. The weather was fine
and we walked. We came into the shop. My Mother bought a loaf of bread,
a litre of milk, a tin of corn, a slice of meat and two bars of chocolate.
Then we went to buy toys. My Mother bought a nice doll for me
and a funny teddy bear for my little brother Mike. Then we went to
the book shop. In the book shop my Mother bought a cookery book
for herself and a book about gardening for my Father. Then we bought
two books with coloured pictures for my brother and me. We liked our
shopping very much.
Variant 1
Answer the questions to the text.
1. Who has got many toys?
94 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

2. When did Kate and her Mother go shopping?

3. What food did her Mother buy?
4. What toys did they buy?
5. What did her Mother buy for herself?
6. What kind of books did they buy in the book shop?
Variant 2
Can you retell the text? The following statements will help you.
1. Ann has got…
2. Yesterday her Mother and she…
3. Her Mother bought…
4. …for me and… for my little brother.
5. In the book shop we…
6. …for herself and… for my Father.
Variant 3
Tell your own story. Use the following constructions.
1. I have got…
2. Last week…
3. …shoes and mittens…
4. …a puzzle, a toy car…
5. …a book about England…
6. My Mother bought… for herself and…
My Mother’s Birthday
My name is Kate. Tomorrow it will be my Mother’s birthday. My
brother and me will go shopping together with our Father. We’ll buy
two tins of corn, a bag of sweets, a cake, some slices of meat, some
bottles of water, two kilos of apples and a kilo of tomatoes. Mother
will buy other things.
Then we’ll go to buy a nice scarf for Mother. She would like to
have a white one. And we shall buy flowers for her.
Tomorrow we’ll lay the table. We won’t be lazy. Father will help
us. Then we’ll make our kitchen clean and bright. We would like our
Mother to be happy!
Variant 1
Answer the questions to the text.
1. What will it be tomorrow?
2. Who will go shopping?
3. What will they buy?
4. Who will buy other things?
5. What would Mother like to have as a present?
6. Will they buy flowers for her?
7. Who will lay the table?
8. What will they do in the kitchen?
Тема «Покупки» 95

Variant 2
Guess the meaning of the following words and expressions.
1. Two tins of corn –
2. Slices –
3. Will buy –
4. A scarf –
5. Would like to have –
6. Lay the table –
7. Lazy –
8. Happy –
Variant 3
Mark the sentences below as “true” or “false”.
1. It will be Father’s birthday.
2. Kate, her Father and brother will go shopping tomorrow.
3. They will buy a tin of corn, a bag of sweets, a cake, some slices of
meat, a bottle of water, a kilo of apples and a kilo of tomatoes.
4. Mother will buy everything.
5. They will buy a nice dress for Mother.
6. She would like to have a white one.
7. Mother will lay the table.
8. Father will help her.
9. They won’t be lazy.
10. Mother would like to be happy.
Listening for Comprehension
They Went Shopping
It was Saturday. Tanya and her Mother went shopping. In the nearest
shop they bought the newspaper. Then they went to the shop opposite
their house. They bought a loaf of bread and some cakes for tea. They
left the shop and turned to the right. At the post office Tanya bought
a stamp and sent a postcard to her penfriend.
Then they spent two hours in her favourite shop. Tanya tried on
many dresses, skirts and jackets. And they bought a wonderful new
jacket for Tanya. Tanya was happy.
Choose any task you like.
1. Listen to the story and complete the statements with A, B or C
A. This story is about…
a. a Saturday evening;
b. shopping;
c. the post office.
96 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

B. They went to the post office because Tanya wanted to buy…

a. a stamp;
b. a postcard;
c. a pen.
2. Listen to the story and answer the questions.
a. Who went shopping?
b. Where did they go?
c. What did they buy?
d. What did they buy for Tanya?
e. Who was happy?
3. Mark the sentences below as “true” or “false”.
a. It was Sunday.
b. Tanya went shopping.
c. At the post office Tanya bought a stamp.
d. Tanya tried on many coats and jackets.
e. They bought a jacket for her and her Mother.
f. Tanya was happy.
Do You Like to Work?
Who goes shopping, who goes shopping?
Father, Mother, brother Mike.
And I like, and I like
Neither going nor to buy!
Who goes playing, who goes playing?
This is me, without Mike.
And I like, and I like
I like playing, riding a bike.

What Does My Dear Cat Like?

I like to drink a glass of milk
With white and tasty bread.
A glass of milk for me,
Some milk for Pussy сat.
My dear cat
Doesn’t like eating bread!
Тема «Покупки» 97

I like to drink a cup of tea

With honey or some sweets.
A cup of tea for me,
Some chocolate for my cat.
My dear cat
Doesn’t like eating bread!
Poems and Rhymes
English Chant
Handy Spandy, Jack-a-dandy,
Loves plum cake and sugar candy.
He bought some at a grocer’s shop
And came out, hop, hop, hop!
Handy Spandy, Jack-a-dandy – начальные строки считалок.
Grocer’s shop – бакалейная лавка.
Candy – леденец.
Sister Sonya, a sweet tooth,
Tell me, tell me, tell the truth.
How many sweets are there in the house?
How many sweets are there in your mouth?
Oh, your cat is nice and fat!
He likes eating gingerbread.
Last week I bought a kilo,
He ate them under a pillow.
Gingerbread – имбирные пряники.
Pillow – подушка.
Yesterday we went to the shop,
And we bought, so much we bought:
A new and warm cap for my Father,
A very nice hat for my Mother,
Shoes and boots, a new suit,
The jeans for me. Do they suit?
We often buy warm rubber boots,
Because of rainy weather.
It is so cozy splash and splash.
And we can splash together.
To splash – шлепать (по грязи, воде).
What is there in the shopping bag?
There is a teddy bear for my sister Mag.
98 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

Shoes for Mother, boots for Father,

And a rubber ball for Nick,
And a tasty cake for me!
When you go to the shop,
You have to have some money
To buy some bread and milk and meat,
And so tasty honey!
I like to go shopping
To buy a bag of sweets,
Then apples, bars of chocolate
For Jimmy, Liz and me.
Fruit is juicy, fruit is sweet.
Would you like to buy and eat?
What do you like to eat?
Will you tell me, little Pete?
I like milk and white bread.
So does my little brother Fred.
My Shopping Bag
Three pieces of cake and a cup of tea,
They are for me, they are for me.
A tin of fish and a tin of corn,
They are for our brother John.
Two bars of chocolate and a bag of sweets,
They are for our sweet-tooth Liz.
A litre of milk and a slice of meat,
They are for our lazy cat Pete.
Then a kilo of apples for Paul.
The bag is full. And that’s all.
Who Are They?
Who likes tea?
I like tea.
Who likes carrots?
You and me.
Who likes meat?
My brother Pete.
Who likes sweets?
My sister Kit.
Who likes candies?
Bob and Wendy.
Тема «Покупки» 99

Who likes rolls?

We do all!
Candies – леденцы.
The Apple
First it was a pretty flower,
Pretty so, so pink and white.
Then it became a small green ball.
You can see them in the tree,
Can you see them all?
Round and green and large it grew,
Tasty, sweet for me and you!
Shop Windows
Look! Shop windows are so bright!
They are coloured, they are light.
Window-shopping says, “Oh, Hi!
Would you like to come in and buy?”
Christmas Comes!
Look! It’s Christmas everywhere!
I would like to buy a teddy bear.
Window-shopping is so bright.
Here comes a holiday night.
Mum goes shopping every day.
Christmas comes. Hurray! Hurray!
We often buy some milk and pies
For our breakfast. Pies are so nice!
We always buy a loaf of bread,
Because likes eating it my Dad.
We all like drinking orange juice,
And best of all my brother Bruce.
Will you have some milk or tea
For your breakfast, sonny?
I would like a cup of tea
With the sweetest honey.
A green, green frog
Likes to wear small blue socks.
It bought them yesterday in the shop,
And went away to a very deep bog.
It is so funny and silly frog!
Why to wear blue socks in the bog?
Deep – глубокий.
Bog – болото.
100 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

Yesterday our cat
Bought a nice red hat.
Poor funny cat,
He went to bed in his hat!
Bought (форма прош. времени от buy) – купил(-а).
Poor – бедный.
Dialogues in Rhymes
– Where are you going, my dear little Pat?
I am going to buy a nice new hat.
– Do you have some money, my fashionable girl?
– Don’t disturb me. I am busy, after all.
Fashionable girl – модница.
To disturb – беспокоить.
After all – в конце концов.
– Hello, my dear kittens!
What would you like to put on in winter?
– We would like to put on warm mittens.
– Really? But kittens don’t wear mittens.
– But there is a special shop for fashionable kittens!
– Can I help you?
– Yes, you can.
I would like to buy a pen.
– Anything else?
– I’ll have a look.
I will buy an English book.
– Anything else?
– Oh, let me see.
Will you give some cards to me?
– Anything else?
– Oh, let me see.
Thank you. That is all.
How much will it be?
I’ll have a look – я посмотрю.
– What’s the matter, dear kittens?
– We would like a pair of mittens.
– What is wrong, my dear kittens?
– They are too small for the grown-up kittens!
Too – слишком.
Grown-up – взрослый.
Тема «Покупки» 101

– What do you wear, what do you wear,
What do you wear every day?
– I can tell you, I can say
What I wear every day.
Socks and boots or shoes and tights,
When the weather is not very nice.
Puzzle Time
Variant 1
s 1. Тот же самый. (Same.)
h 2. Показывать; представление. (Show.)
o 3. Скоро. (Soon.)
p 4. Остановка; останавливаться. (Stop.)

Variant 2
b 1. Перемена. (Break.)
r 2. Коричневый. (Brown.)
e 3. Спать. (Sleep.)
a 4. Замечательно. (Great.)
5 5. Облако. (Cloud.)

Variant 3
b 1. Яркий. (Bright.)
o 2. Бокс. (Boxing.)
t 3. Масло. (Butter.)
t 4. Гитара. (Guitar.)
5 5. Маленький. (Little.)
6. Апельсин. (Orange.)

Funny Riddles
It is tasty, it’s white and brown.
It can be square, oval and round. (Bread.)
They are coloured and sweet like honey.
I like to buy them. Mum, give me some money.
It is tasty, cold and white.
We can lick it like an ice. (Ice-cream.)
It is nice. I eat a piece or three.
And we like with it
Drinking tea. (A cake.)
102 Раздел 1. Материал для занятий кружка английского языка

They can splash and they can walk,

They like rain. But they are not frogs. (Rubber boots.)
Fun Time
Who Will Go Shopping?
M o t h e r. Who will go shopping? Go shopping, please! Go
shopping! Will you go shopping?
F a t h e r. I am sorry, dear, but I can’t. I am very busy with my car.
Something is wrong with it. And we are going to visit the country.
B o b. I am sorry, Mum, but I can’t. I have only one pair of legs and
one pair of hands. I can’t go and run everywhere every time. And I did
shopping some days ago. Then I am busy with my English lessons.
M o t h e r. Look! I am cleaning the rooms. I can’t go shopping.
I would like our rooms to be cozy!
G r a n n y. And I can’t go shopping every day. I am too old to do
it every day.
A n n. Well, well, I will go shopping. I will take Helen with me.
She will help me with the shopping bag. I am sure it will be too heavy
for me. Well, Helen let us go together.
H e l e n. I like shopping very much. I usually do it with great
M o t h e r. My dear daughters, you are so kind.
F a t h e r. Good for you, girls!
B o b. Well, well, they are so kind. They are so kind because it is
their turn to go shopping!
M o t h e r. Don’t be so angry, Bob. Shame on you! Well, girls, here
is the shopping bag. And here is the money. Be attentive, please!
G i r l s. We don’t know what to buy.
M o t h e r. Buy a litre of milk, two tins of corn, two tins of fish, two
kilos of apples and a loaf of bread.
G r a n n y. Don’t forget about a bottle of water for me.
Girls leave the room. Everybody is busy. Mother is cleaning the room.
Bob is reading his English book. Father is busy at his table. Granny is knitting.
Then the girls return.
M o t h e r. Oh, girls, you have come back! But where is the shopping
Girls look at each other. They are surprised very much.
G i r l s. We have left it in the shop!
Everybody laughs.
Раздел 2

Организация периодических форм работы дает возможность

принять в них участие и ребятам с невысоким уровнем владения
языком, т. к. они могут взять на себя только организационные,
рабочие и вспомогательные роли. Общение с ребятами, которые
хорошо владеют английским языком, общение длительное, не-
формальное, развивает интерес менее подготовленных учащихся
к языковой деятельности.
Такая периодическая форма работы, как утренники, всегда
вызывает у ребят живой интерес. Ведь в утреннике успеха может
достичь любой: в играх и конкурсах, стихах и песнях, загадках
и викторинах. Викторина может быть, к примеру, такой:
1. На каком языке говорили три мушкетера, Том Сойер, Шер-
лок Холмс?
2. Кто ваш любимый литературный герой, на каком языке он
говорит, в какой стране живет?
3. Из какого иностранного языка пришли в русский язык сле-
дующие слова: тайм, кросс, футбол, медаль, стадион, гим-
настика, старт, финиш?
4. В каких странах английский язык является государственным?
5. Как вы думаете, людям каких специальностей необходимо
знать английский язык?
6. Каких английских или американских писателей вы знаете?
7. Какие книги на английском вы уже читали?
Очень яркие впечатления оставляет у ребят посещение уро-
ков иностранного языка в средней и старшей параллелях. Здесь
для младших значимо все: и то, что они приглашены к старшим,
и то, что эти старшие говорят так быстро и много, и то, что урок
так отличается от их собственного. Иногда, по договоренности
с учителем и старшеклассниками, малышей привлекают к работе
на определенных стадиях урока. Например, в процессе беседы
104 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

с дежурным, в игровых моментах и т. д. У младших появляется

чувство гордости, своей значимости, желание стать такими же
умными, как старшие школьники.
Сильные эмоции вызывает и экскурсия в школьный музей,
если группу младших школьников сопровождают англоговорящие
(старшие школьники) гиды и переводчик. Англоязычная среда, тем
более понятная, всегда увлекает и завораживает младших.
Некоторые учителя для развития интереса к языку, а также
творческих способностей начинают с начальных классов вести
литературный альманах, в котором отражается первая проба «ан-
глийского пера». В таком альманахе они приветствуют появление
даже рифмовок из двух строк. Со временем там появляются первые
стихи, загадки, лучшие домашние сочинения и рассказы, а затем
уже и что-то специально написанное для альманаха.
Например, начиная с простых рифмовок в две строки:
My Pussy cat is nice,
He likes to catch grey mice.
What can bounce from the floor to the wall?
Look! It’s my funny, red and green ball.
Ребята постепенно переходят к более сложным:
My name is Kate, I am eight.
I like to skip, to run and jump,
But best of all I like my Mum.
What keeps your teeth.
So strong and white?
Red and green apples
So juicy and bright!
Оформление стенгазет тоже вызывает у ребят большой интерес.
Ведь многие дети очень любят наклеивать, вырезать, раскраши-
вать, конструировать, подписывать и т. д. Газеты можно оформлять
к праздникам, дням рождения и другим значимым для ребят и шко-
лы событиям. Стенгазета может быть и постоянной со сменным
материалом в рубриках («Our Holiday», «Happy Birthday to You!»,
«It’s Interesting to Know», «Our Pets», «A Letter to a Foreign Penfriend»
и т. п.) – с учетом возраста и интересов ребят. Например, в рубрике
«My Letter to a Foreign Penfriend» может быть такое письмо:
I am a girl. My name is Helen. I am nine. I am a pupil. I live in town.
I have got a Father, a Mother and a brother. My Father is clever and
strong. He is a manager. My Mother is nice and kind. She is a doctor.
My brother is small and noisy. He is only three.
I’ve got a cat. Her name is Murka. She likes to sleep and to lap milk.
I have got a dog. His name is Spot. He likes to run and jump with me.
Периодические формы работы по английскому языку 105

I can sing and play tennis. But I cannot swim. I like skipping.
I have got a friend. Her name is Natasha. She is a nice girl and
a good pupil and friend. We like to walk and sing together.
Natasha and me would like to have some English penfriends. My
address is…
Please, write back.
Your Helen and Natasha.
Стенгазета может быть тематической. Например: «Hello! Here
We Are!» В такой стенгазете можно поместить фотографию группы
(класса), отдельных учащихся, которые показывают лучшие ре-
зультаты по английскому языку. Здесь отражается и мир увлечений
ребят (подписи на английском: Dasha likes playing tennis. Denis likes
playing football. Pete likes hiking, and so on.)
Во многих школах работает школьный радиоузел. Для про-
грамм школьного радио учитель английского языка всегда может
подготовить свою «Минутку младшего школьника». Это может
быть поздравление с праздником, выступления по темам: «Защита
животных», «День Земли», «Наши успехи» и т. д. Ребята выступают
с небольшими сообщениями, стихами, песнями, поздравлениями,
объявлениями и т. д. Например:
Attention, attention! On Saturday the pupils of the fourth forms will
sing, play and dance at our English party! You are welcome!
При необходимости следует перевести сказанное.
Для младших школьников можно организовать посещение
выставки наглядных пособий по иностранному языку, экспонаты
которой подготовлены учащимися средних и старших классов.
А некоторые из младших и сами могут принять участие в подготов-
ке такой выставки. Ведь многие из них посещают занятия кружка
по изготовлению мягкой игрушки или конструированию.
Младших школьников может привлечь также и выставка лите-
ратуры на английском языке. Сами ребята могут продемонстриро-
вать свои английские книжки-малышки, которые состоят из детских
рисунков и подписей к ним. В качестве подписей могут выступать
и небольшие, доступные младшим по смыслу и грамматике расска-
зы. В этом случае над книжкой может работать как один ученик,
так и целая группа или даже весь класс. Главное, чтобы процесс
вовлечения детей в иноязычную речь состоялся, увлек их, вызвал
желание узнать больше. На выставке могут быть представлены
и детские проекты по изученным ими темам (материал проектов
представлен в разделе «Предметные недели»).
Недели, декады и месячники – это отдельные внеурочные
мероприятия, целью которых является как развитие интереса
106 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

к изучению иностранного языка, формирование познавательных

интересов, так и повышение уровня владения иноязычной речью.
При этом полученные на уроках знания расширяются и совершен-
ствуются. Решается и такая немаловажная задача, как развитие
творческой активности учащихся.
К подготовке и проведению недели английского языка и т. д.
следует также привлекать родителей, учителей, других сотрудни-
ков школы, учащихся других параллелей.
В программе недели можно организовать и выставку лучших
тетрадей и словарей по английскому языку. Это хорошая возмож-
ность заявить о себе тем ребятам, которым не по силам принимать
участие в подготовке и защите проектов.
Участие в мини-олимпиадах тоже помогает ребятам осознавать
свою значимость вообще и в учебно-воспитательном процессе
в частности. Они всегда с гордостью заявляют о том, что являются
участниками школьных олимпиад.
Помимо аудирования, чтения и лексико-грамматических зада-
ний ребята могут соревноваться в описании картинок, составлении
рассказа по заданной теме, собеседовании, в процессе которого
проверяется их реакция на заданный вопрос или их умение зада-
вать вопросы. При этом ребята приобретают навык спокойного
общения с другими людьми на английском языке. Ребята учатся
не смущаться, не бояться, т. е. учатся искусству общения.
Достойное место в рамках проведения недели английского язы-
ка занимают и открытые уроки. Несовершенство и однообразие
обычных уроков, на которых ученики скорее пассивные слушате-
ли, чем активные участники процесса общения, вызывает у ребят
потерю интереса к дальнейшему изучению предмета. Открытый
урок призван продемонстрировать умение учителя общаться
с учениками, разнообразить материал, сделать познавательное
интересным. От этого во многом зависит становление морально-
психологического климата, уровень увлеченности предметом,
а значит, и последующая познавательная деятельность учащихся
и дальнейшее совершенствование их знаний.
Творческий подход учителя, его выдумка и изобретательность,
умение активизировать знания и черты характера ребят способ-
ствуют тому, что ребята, даже те, кто раньше не проявлял особого
интереса к изучению иностранного языка, становятся активными
«соавторами» в проведении интересных и познавательных уро-
ков. Именно внеклассная работа оказывает наибольшую помощь
и поддержку в таких начинаниях учителя, помогая раскрепощать
и увлекать ребят.
Материал для олимпиад 107

Нетрадиционный подход к проведению занятия, его яркость,

красочность, необычность дают возможность активизировать ум-
ственную деятельность учащихся, их творческие возможности,
пробудить интерес к учебе. Ведь именно интерес делает человека
любознательным, побуждает его повышать свой уровень развития,
дает ему возможность осознать важность обучения.


Listening for Comprehension
Mother of Donkeys
Once there lived an old woman. She had two donkeys. Every
morning she went with them down the street to the fields. One morning
two young men saw the old woman with her donkeys and shouted,
“Good morning, Mother of donkeys!” “Good morning, my sons,” the
old woman answered and smiled at them.
My dear friend, think before speaking!
Donkey – осел.
Shout – кричать.
Answer the questions.
1. Who had two donkeys?
2. When did two young men see the old woman?
3. What did they shout?
4. What did the old woman answer?
5. Why is it necessary think before speaking?
The Two Frogs
Once two frogs fell into a pot of cream. They could not get
out of the pot. So they swam round and round in the cream. “Oh,
this is the end of my life, said one of them.” It stopped swimming
and died.
But the second frog swam and swam and beat the cream with its
little feet. The cream became a ball of butter. The frog jumped on the
ball of butter and got out of the pot!
Don’t be afraid of difficulties! Struggle for your life!
Pot – горшок.
Cream – сметана.
To die – умирать.
Butter – масло.
To beat – бить.
To get out – выбираться.
To struggle – бороться.
108 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

Answer the questions.
1. Who fell into a pot of cream?
2. Could they get out of the pot?
3. What did they do in the pot?
4. Why did one of the frogs die?
5. What did the second frog do?
6. Why could she get out of the pot?
Peter and Tim
Peter and Tim are school friends. Listen to their conversation. What are
they talking about?
P e t e r. Tim, you’ve got different socks. One’s blue and the other’s
T i m. Does it matter?
P e t e r. No, it doesn’t really matter. It just looks funny.
T i m. I can never find my clothes in the morning. My room’s always
P e t e r. Doesn’t your Mum clean it for you?
T i m. No, of course she doesn’t. She says it’s my problem. Does
your Mum clean your room?
P e t e r. Yes, she does sometimes. But I make my bed. Do you help
at home?
T i m.Yes, of course I do.
P e t e r. Well, what do you do?
T i m. I put my dirty clothes in the washing machine.
1. Choose the correct answer.
a. Peter and Tim are talking about their mums.
b. Peter and Tim are talking about their rooms.
c. Peter and Tim are talking about their housework.
2. Right or wrong?
a. Tim’s Mum cleans his room.
b. Peter makes his bed.
c. Tim doesn’t care about his clothes.
d. Tim really helps at home.
e. Peter likes to do his housework.
3. Listen to the conversation again and tick who is this information
a) Peter; b) Tim.
Материал для олимпиад 109

1. He has different socks.

2. Sometimes his Mum cleans his room.
3. He makes his bed.
4. His room is always messy.
5. He puts dirty clothes in the washing machine.
Key: 1. c. 2. a. wrong; b) right; c. right; d) wrong; e) wrong.
3. 1) – b; 2) – a; 3) – a; 4) – b; 5) – b.
What’s your score?
Mistakes 0 1–2 3–4 >5
Score 5 4 3 2
Примерные лексико-грамматические задания*
1. Расставьте знаки препинания в предложениях.
a. He cannot swim
b. Does he read every day
c. I can play tennis
d. Do you play football every day
e. He does his homework every day
Key: a. . b. ? c. . d. ? e. .
2. Выберите характерный цвет для каждого из животных.
Animals: a. frog; b. fox; c. bear; d. pig; e. tiger; f. lion; g. rabbit.
Colours: black, white, red, yellow, brown, green.
Key: a. green; b. red; c. brown; d. white; e. red and black; f. yellow;
g. grey, white.
3. Выделите в предложениях слова в притяжательном падеже.
a. They are cats.
b. This is Nick’s book.
c. He’s a pupil.
d. She’s got an apple.
e. Ann’s cat’s big.
Key: Nick’s, Ann’s.
4. Замените выделенные слова соответствующими местоиме-
a. Nick can swim.
b. Alice and Kate like to skip.
c. Mum can sing.
d. This cat is white.
e. My friend and me like to play football.
f. Nick’s cat is grey.
g. Mary’s teddy bear is nice.
Key: a. he; b. they; c. she; d. it; e. we; f. his; g. her;
* По учебнику «Enjoy English 1».
110 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

5. Найдите и выпишите лишнее слово в предложении.

a. Little Roo lives is in the forest.
b. I have got a little the cat.
c. I can to help Winnie.
d. He eats does his cakes every day.
e. They are am dogs.
f. I would you like some cabbage.
Key: a. – is; b. – the; c. – to; d. – does; e. – am; f. – you.
6. Дополните предложения по-английски.
a. This is a brown… (медведь).
b. Is it a big… (морковь)?
c. I can… (бегать) and… (прыгать).
d. His Mother is a… (учительница).
e. (Где)… is this house?
f. I like… (есть) apples.
g. (Кто)… is this?
h. We… (должны) read and… (писать).
Key: a – bear; b – carrot; c – run, jump; d – teacher; e – where;
f – to eat; g – who; h – must.
7. Переведите на английский язык.
a. Можно войти?
b. Можно выйти?
c. Не стоит благодарности.
d. Все в порядке.
e. Как жаль.
f. Вы хотели бы…?
g. Угощайтесь.
i. Желаю удачи.
a – May I come in? b – May I go out?
c – My pleasure. d – That’s all right!
e – That’s a pity. f – Would you like…?
g – Help yourself. h – Good luck!
8. Употребите глагол в нужном времени. Заполните пропуски
вспомогательными глаголами.
a. There (to be) a video in our classroom.
b. Kate and her Mother (to go) for a walk yesterday and they (to
see) a lot of yellow trees.
c. In two hours they (to play) football.
d. …you (to ask) many questions at the last lesson?
e. What… you (to buy) yesterday?
f. …you (to do) your lessons every day?
Материал для олимпиад 111

Key: a. – is; b. – went, saw; c. – will play; d. – did, ask; e. – did,

buy; f – do, do.
9. Проверьте свое умение писать.
а. Вставьте пропущенные буквы: r_bbit, j_mp, w_rite, sh_rt,
c_eese, cabb_ge, fo_est, eigh_, j_ans, whi_h, se_son, sm_ll,
h_use, w_lk, dr_w, f_m_ly, c_unt_y, Mos_ow, s_hool, cl_v_r.
b. Переведите полученные слова с английского на рус-
ский язык.
Reading Comprehension
How the Dog and the Hen Became Domestic Animals
There was a time when some birds and some animals lived in the
sky. The Dog and the Hen lived there too.
One day it was very cold and rainy in the sky. The birds asked the Dog
to go down to the earth and bring some fire to make the sky warm.
The Dog went down and came to a man’s house. He saw many
bones near the house. He began to eat the bones and forgot the birds
and the fire…
The birds waited and waited for the Dog, but he did not come back.
He decided to live with the man.
As it was still cold, the birds sent the Hen down to bring some fire.
The Hen went to a man’s house and saw some seeds near the house.
She liked the seeds very much.
The Hen did not think about the fire, but ate up the seeds. And she
decided to live with the man too.
That’s why the birds and the animals do not like the Dog and the
Hen: they left their friends in the cold for the sake of good food.
Now you know how the dog and the hen became domestic animals.
Domestic – домашний.
For the sake of – ради (чего-то), из-за (чего-то).
1. Найдите в тексте и выпишите:
a) Два слова с открытым слогом.
b) Два слова с закрытым слогом.
c) Два слова со звуком [au].
2. Восстановите предложения из текста (поставьте точки).
One day it was very cold and rainy in the sky the birds asked the
Dog to go down to the earth and bring some fire to make the sky warm
the dog went down and came to a man’s house he saw many bones
near the house.
3. Исправьте предложения в соответствии с текстом.
a) One day it was very sunny in the sky.
112 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

b) The girls asked the Dog to go down to the earth and bring
some fire to make the sky warm.
c) The Dog came back.
d) The fox decided to live with the man.
e) The birds and the animals like the Dog.
4. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
a) Who lived in the sky?
b) Why did the Dog go down to the earth?
c) Who decided to live with the man?
d) Why did they decided to live with the man?
e) Why do the birds and the animals do not like the Dog and
the Hen?
5. Отметьте соответствуют ли предложения тексту (+ / –).
a) There was a time when some birds and animals lived in the sky.
b) The birds asked the cat to go down to the earth.
c) The Hen decided to bring some fire.
d) The Dog saw the fire near the house.
e) They left their friends in the cold for the sake of good food.
Why the Crocodile Does Not Eat Hens
A Hen came to the river every day. She drank water there. One day
the Crocodile saw her and came up to her. He wanted to eat her up.
But she cried, “Oh, don’t eat me, my dear brother!” And the
Crocodile let her go: he could not eat his sister.
The next day, when the Hen came to the river again, the Crocodile
decided to eat her up. But again the Hen cried, “Oh, don’t eat me, my
dear brother!” And again the Crocodile didn’t eat her.
But he thought “How can I be her brother? I live in the water, and
she doesn’t.” Then the Crocodile went to his friend, a Lizard.
“Oh, my friend! A big Hen comes to the river every day and when
I want to catch her, she says that I am her brother. How can that be?”
“Oh, my silly friend!” the Lizard answered. “Don’t you know that
the Hen, the Turtle, the Lizard lay eggs as Crocodiles do, my dear? So
we all are brothers and sisters. Do you understand?”
“Oh, thank you very much!” said the Crocodile.
Now you know why crocodiles never eat hens!
Let her go – отпустил ее.
Lay eggs – кладут яйца.
To decide – решать.
To catch – ловить.
1. Найдите в тексте и выпишите:
a) Три слова со звуком [ei].
Материал для олимпиад 113

b) Слово со звуком [ɔ:].

c) Два слова со звуком [ai].
d) Два звука со словом [е].
2. Восстановите предложения из текста.
A Hen came to the river every day she drank water there one day
the crocodile saw her and came up to her he wanted to eat her up.
3. Исправьте предложения в соответствии с текстом.
a) A Hen came to the river in the evening.
b) The crocodile didn’t want to eat her up.
c) Tigers lay eggs as crocodiles do.
d) Tigers and crocodiles are brothers and sisters.
e) Crocodiles eat hens and turtles.
4. Отметьте, соответствуют ли предложения тексту (+ / –).
a) A Hen came to the river every day.
b) The Crocodile let the hen go.
c) The Crocodile lives in the water.
d) The Hen lives in the water.
e) The Crocodile couldn’t understand anything.
5. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
a) Who came to the river every day?
b) Who wanted to eat the Hen up?
c) Where does the Crocodile live?
d) Whom did the Crocodile ask the questions?
e) Did the Crocodile understand everything?
Jimmy lives in England, in a little town near the ocean. He has
a Father, a Mother and a sister. His sister’s name is Polly. They live
in a little white house. Polly is a big girl and she goes to school, but
Jimmy doesn’t go to school. He is only six years old. Polly can read and
write, but Jimmy cannot. All day long he plays either with his friends
or with his toys. He has many different toys. He often gets presents
from his parents.
But Jimmy is not a very good boy. He is lazy and sometimes tells lies.
His sister calls him Simple Simon because he does not know the simplest
things, though Jimmy’s little friend Lily thinks that he is very clever.
1. Восстановите предложения из текста.
He has a mother, a father and a sister his sister’s name is Polly they
live in a little white house Polly is a big girl and she goes to school.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
a) Where does Jimmy live?
b) Has he got a sister?
114 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

c) Does she go to school?

d) How old is Jimmy?
e) Can Jimmy read and write?
3. Отметьте, соответствуют ли предложения тексту (+/–).
a) Jimmy lives in England in a little town near the river.
b) They live in a little yellow house.
c) Polly doesn’t go to school.
d) Jimmy cannot read and write.
e) He has many different toys.
– Read this text. There are a lot of spelling mistakes in it. Write
the text correctly.
This is John’s day. He gets upp at halfe past seven. He gets dressed
and he has his breakfast. Then he catchs the buss to schol. He comes
home at for o’clock and then hi watchs television and dos his homework.
On Thursday evning he gos swiming.
Key: up, half, catches, school, watches, evening, goes, swimming.
Weather Word Search
Find the weather words listed below. When you find the word in the
puzzle, circle it. Words can appear vertically, horizontally, diagonally,
or even backwards.
o s s b t t d f i t e q h f e f k w s
u x l a e l j h r r w i f o o l f z t
c r l a o a f r u m w v k r q d s k o
d h a c d w b t a z g i e r a r n k o
s z n i b n a i p l b c n y w o n s b
k l c k n r a w g i a m d d p x n e g
a m q e e c f s i s m d w e y o t r c
h b m p q o o h t n o r r g w o t c b
l a m t g c l a u n d a a t v u v q u
k e a g s f l g t a y i i i a m t o n
t p y s r p k r j i d n n f r b i u y
l a b t q p x l v m u b y u u r y b c
r z b k k e x u j x o u m d p e g s f
s u n g l a s s e s l f d u u l o r x
r e h t a e w y e y c u r q s l f a o
s u n n y c w p l g o n p a x a u n e
x r e n m c q b f l h l x c c o u o k
a x l y z o a t c f y u w s e s f q t
j f w a r m b t k w d k w k b l q t f
Неделя английского языка 115

Key: boots, cloud, cloudy, cold, fog, foggy, forecast, hot, rain,
raincoat, rainy, sandals, scarf, snow, snowy, sunglasses, sunny,
temperature, umbrella, warm, weather, wind, windy.
Masha Ford


Первый день. Welcome to the World of English!
Цели: развитие интереса к изучению иностранного языка; ак-
тивизация познавательной деятельности.

2 класс. Who Knows the ABC Better?

Задачи: активизация знаний по теме «Алфавит»; развитие твор-
ческих способностей.
Форма проведения: турнир знатоков (по одной команде от каж-
дого класса-параллели).
Оборудование: столы; стулья; карточки с заданиями; разрезной
алфавит; кассы; ручки; бумага для выполнения заданий; призы;
наборы картинок; оформление сцены или кабинета; перфокарты;
демонстрационные или магнитные доски.
Время проведения: внеурочное время (или объединенный урок
в параллели).
Место проведения: актовый зал (или комната психологической

Ход мероприятия
Oh! Well, you see, now I know the ABC!
В е д у щ а я (далее – Leader, учитель или ученица старших
классов). Hi, how are you?
У ч а щ и е с я (далее – Pupils). Fine, thank you!
L e a d e r. Are you ready?
P u p i l s. Yes, we are!
Звучит музыка, ведущая представляет состав жюри. Это учителя
старших классов и учащиеся – победители олимпиад. Гости турнира –
родители и члены школьной администрации.
Ведущая приглашает на сцену команды знатоков. Каждая команда
(по жребию) имеет свою букву: А, В или С. ведущая объявляет начало
представления команд.
Команда А
P u p i l 1. I am A.
116 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

P u p i l s. And I am A.
We are happy.
And hurray!
Команда В
P u p i l s. B is for bare, B is for bee.
We are so strong! Can you see?
Команда С
P u p i l s. We are cats, pussy cats.
We are nice in red hats!
Оценивается представление команд и костюмы. Далее ведущая объяс-
няет задание 1. Каждая команда получает комплект разрезного алфавита.
Необходимо как можно быстрее расположить буквы в алфавитном порядке.
Работает представитель от команды. Лучше, если карточки с буквами раскла-
дываются не на столе, а располагаются на специальной демонстрационной
доске. Учитывается время и правильность (не ставьте малышам 1–2 балла;
победитель получает 5 баллов, 2 место – 4 балла, 3 место – 3 балла).
Задание 2: каждая команда исполняет песенку об алфавите. Более
сложный вариант оценивается выше. Варианты:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,
Q, R, S ,T, U, V, W,
X, Y, Z.
Oh! Well, you see,
I can sing the ABC!
The ABC Song
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,
Q, R, S and T, U, V, W,
And X, Y, Z.
This is called the alphabet,
Which we never will forget.
Letters twenty six in all,
Backwards now we’ll sing them all:
Z, Y, X, and W, V,
U, T, S and R, Q, P,
O, N, M, and L, K, J,
I, H, G, F, E, D, C, B, A.
It is great! Well, now you see,
I can sing the ABC!
This is called – это называется.
Which we never must forget – который мы никогда не должны забывать.
Backwards now we’ll sing – теперь мы будем петь в обратном порядке.
Неделя английского языка 117

The Alphabet Song

A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,
Q, R, S, and T, U, V,
W, X, and Y, and Z.
Happy, happy we shall be
When we learn our ABC’s.
Page 11, yellow
The Musical Alphabet
Pupils should say before singing: “Know the letters as they come. Say
and sing them. It is fun!”
Page 43, green
A, B, C, D,
E, F, G,
H, I, J, K,
L, M, N, O, P,
Q, R, S,
T, U, V,
W, X,
Y, and Z.
That’s an alphabet you see,
It’s as easy as can be.

Задание 3. Конкурс капитанов. Если ребята не знают слов before and

after, то их помещают на демонстрационную доску с переводом.
L e a d e r. Captain Alex, say to me
What’s the letter before B?
Captain Mary, say to me
What’s the letter after C?
Ведущая повторяет задания по несколько раз, меняя предлоги, под-
ставляя все новые буквы.
Задание 4. По жребию ребята получают несколько ранее изученных
слов, они должны их прочитать, затем назвать каждое слово по буквам
(желательно подобрать слова с неповторяющимися буквами).
118 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

L e a d e r. Do you know the ABC well?

Can you read it? And can you spell?
После выполнения задания и сообщения результатов ведущая прово-
дит физкультурную разминку со всеми участниками мероприятия.
Stand up and sit down.
Hands up and hands down.
Turn to the left, turn to the right,
Now turn round,
Clap your hands behind.
Nod your head,
Shake your hands.
Good for you, dear friends!
Good for you – молодцы!
Задание 5. Команды получают письменное задание. Ведущая диктует
буквы алфавита вразброс. Все члены команды пишут.
Для того чтобы проверка задания не отняла много времени, члены
жюри могут использовать перфокарты, которые заранее подготовлены
учителями (выбор задания тоже можно решить путем жеребьевки).
Во время проверки заданий команды отдыхают и наблюдают за кон-
курсом, который проводится среди болельщиков команд. Болельщики
могут добавить баллы своим командам, правильно отвечая на постав-
ленные вопросы:
1. Сколько букв в английском алфавите?
2. Сколько в английском алфавите гласных и согласных?
3. Назовите английские гласные. (a, e, i, o, u, y.)
4. Назовите как можно больше слов, которые содержат букву
a (затем b, c и т. д.).
5. Какие английские имена, начинающиеся с этих букв, вы
6. Кто может спеть английский алфавит? И т. д.
После конкурса болельщиков команды получают задание 6.
• Половина членов команды, используя кассы с разрезным англий-
ским алфавитом, должны составить как можно больше слов, со-
держащих гласные a, e, i, o, u, y.
• Другая половина команды получает на карточках несколько русских
слов, которые необходимо перевести на английский и составить
из букв разрезного алфавита (слова подбираются в соответствии
с пройденным материалом и уровнем знаний учащихся).
Команды выполняют задание, а учащиеся средней параллели гото-
вятся к показу скетча-шутки.
The ABC Lesson
F a t h e r (shows his son the card with a letter A). Well, Tom. Look
at this card. This is the letter A.
S o n. How do we know that this is a letter A?
Неделя английского языка 119

F a t h e r. This is a letter A and this is a letter B (shows the card

with a letter B).
S o n. But how do we know that this is a letter B and not a letter A?
The Father is angry. He puts his hand on the son’s ear and pulls it.
S o n. Oh, my ear, my ear!
F a t h e r. How do you know that this is an ear?
S o n. It is an ear. Everybody knows that this is an ear.
F a t h e r. Well, my boy. And everybody knows that this is a letter
A and this is a letter B.
To pull – тянуть, тащить, дергать.
Задание 7. Ребята представляют символ своей команды (домашнее
Команда А – apple (корзинка с яблоками или рисунки).
Команда В – ball (выходят с разноцветными мячами).
Команда С – cat (выходят с мягкими игрушками).
Команда А
Apples are green, apples are red.
Take some apples, take, dear Ted.
Take some apples, dear Pete,
They are tasty, they are sweet!
Команда В
We like ball games, we like ball games,
We like ball games to play.
And now we start to play in the yard,
Where we play every day.
Команда С
Cats are funny, cats are nice.
They like to play,
And milk, and mice!
Ребята средней параллели могут выступить с представлением за-
нимательного алфавита (по мере выступления ребята демонстрируют
картинки, отображающие смысл сказанного).
A is for apples some green, some red.
A is for airplane that flies overhead.
A is for apricot that grows on a tree.
A is for adding one, two, three.
B is for baker who makes crusty bread.
B is for blanket that covers your bead.
B is for beaker for drinking your tea.
B is for binoculars for miles you can see.
C is for cat with its whiskers long.
C is for cart pulled by a horse so strong.
120 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

C is for carrot crunchy and sweet.

C is for cars that you see in the street.
D is for dancing so light on your feet.
D is for drinking orange juice so sweet.
D is for dog wagging his tail.
D is for dinghy with a bright blue sail.
E is for eggs that chicks hatch out/
E is for excitement when we all laugh and shout.
E is for elephant so gentle but strong.
E is for ending the show with a song.
F is for farm with fresh milk and cheese.
F is for fingers the toothpaste to squeeze.
F is for fan a cool breeze to make.
F is for fish that swim in the lake.
G is for grapes some green, some black.
G is for garbage that’s put in a sack.
G is for garden where flowers grow.
G is for gum boots to wear in the snow.
H is for hedgehog who cleans up the garden.
H is for hiccup. I beg your pardon!
H is for hymn that is sung in a church.
H is for hen asleep on her perch.
I is for island surrounded by sea.
I is for iguana a lizard you see.
I is for inn a welcoming sight.
I is for ivory so smooth and so white.
J is for jug full of water so cool.
J is for jumping into the pool.
J is for jam to spread on your bread.
J is for jet that roars overhead.
K is for king so stately and tall.
K is for kitten who plays with the ball.
K is for kitchen where cooking is done.
K is for keeping a secret, it’s fun.
L is for lion so noble and strong.
L is for the lark and merry birdsong.
L is for leopard known for his spots.
L is for lemon to squeeze lots and lots.
M is for mouse that lives in a barn.
M is for minstrel who sings his own yarn.
M is for mask that hides your face.
M is for marathon, a very long race.
Неделя английского языка 121

N is for nurse so patient with care.

N is for nightingale with its song so rare.
N is for nut so crunchy to eat.
N is for navy and ships in the fleet.
O is for orange as round as a ball.
O is for ostrich with its neck so tall.
O is for oblong longer than a square.
O is for orchid a flower so rare.
P is for parrot, a beautiful bird.
P is for pasture and glazing a head.
P is for parachute that floats to the ground.
P is for pumpkin, oval and round.
Q is for quack, it’s the way a duck talks.
Q is for queen who smiles as she walk.
Q is for quilt, so warm yet so light.
Q is for quail in migratory flight.
R is for robin with its bright red breast.
R is for rook, high in his nest.
R is for roses that grow down the lane.
R is for rainbow after the rain.
S is for sparrow, to the garden he comes.
S is for starling, looking for crumbs.
S is for snow cold, crisp and white.
S is for stars that shine in the night.
T is for target at which we take aim.
T is for teddy bear, he’s good for a game.
T is for ticket to ride on the train.
T is for teatime, it’s jelly again.
U is for universe, the planets and stars.
U is for Uranus, a planet like Mars.
U is for uniforms , the guards in a row.
U is for under the arches we go.
V is for vase, heavy with fruit.
V is for valet preparing a suit.
V is for Vikings who sailed the high seas.
V is for vegetables: potatoes, parsnips and peas.
W is for water we use to make tea.
W is for wahle that swims in the sea.
W is for willow that grows by the stream.
W is for waking from a beautiful dream.
X is for X-rays used in hospital you know.
They can see through you from your head to your toe.
122 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

X is for xylophone, an instrument to play.

X is for axe, the old roman way.
Y is for yellow and daffodils so pale.
Y is for yacht under full sail.
Y is for yeast that helps make bread dough.
Y is for yearling, a young horse you know.
Z is for zebras with their black and white coats.
Z is for zither playing musical notes.
Z is for Zoo and the animals there.
Z is for zig-zag in a car beware.
После выступления объявляются результаты. Все знатоки получают
призы. 1 место – значки с буквой А, 2 место – с В, 3 место – с С. Всех
приглашают на чаепитие с печеньем в виде букв алфавита.

3 класс. The World of Sounds

Задачи: активизировать познавательный интерес; повторить
транскрипцию; организовать познавательный отдых; развивать
разноуровневое сотрудничество.
Участники: команда от каждого класса-параллели; болельщики
(учащиеся параллели, родители, учителя, зам. директора – куратор,
представители от учащихся средней параллели).
Оформление: сцена оформлена различными транскрипцион-
ными знаками и транскрипцией слов.
Форма проведения: встреча-соревнование.

Ход мероприятия
L e a d e r. Can you read? Can you write?
Can you say, pronounce?
You are welcome, dear friends,
To our Sound House!
Лучший ученик параллели может выступать в роли переводчика.
Пишешь, учишься, читаешь,
Произносишь, говоришь?
Это – полезная наука.
Добро пожаловать, друзья,
В волшебный мир, где живут звуки!
Ведущая указкой показывает на различные звуки и слова в транс-
крипции. Например: английские эквиваленты звуков [ш], [дж], [тш] и др.,
слова: cluck (hens), grunt (pigs), moo (cows), mhe (goats), tweet (birds),
cock-a-doodle-doo (cocks), mew (cats), bow-wow (dogs) и т. д. Все это озву-
чивается в микрофон за сценой разными участниками.
Ведущая приглашает команды на сцену. Идет представление команд
(участники каждой выбрали свои любимые звуки и подготовили костюмы,
карточки со звуками они держат в руках).
Неделя английского языка 123

Команда Cats
We are cats, we say, “Mew-mew.”
And we like the sound [ju:].
Команда Dogs
We are dogs, we say, “Bow-wow-wow”
And we know well the sound [au].
Команда Mice
We are grey and little mice,
We have got the sound [ai].
Задание 1. На сцене установлены три переносные доски. Выполня-
ется «алфавитный ручеек». Члены команды выходят по очереди к дос-
ке и стараются как можно быстрее записать очередную букву алфавита
(начинают с А и т. д.). Если буква не написана, ставится прочерк. После
подсчета баллов пробелы заполняются ведущей или болельщиками.
Задание 2. По правилам «алфавитного ручейка» выполняется «транс-
крипционный ручеек»: пишется транскрипция каждой буквы. После подве-
дения итогов пробелы восполняются активными болельщиками. По итогам
двух туров самый активный и результативный болельщик награждается
(детям неинтересно ждать награду до конца мероприятия, к тому же ре-
альное и быстрое поощрение поможет активизировать других).
Задание 3. Каждая команда вместе с учителем подготовила и оттрени-
ровала произношение своей скороговорки (c учетом первого звука в назва-
нии команды, например: Dogs – d. Представитель от команды произносит
скороговорку. Затем вся команда демонстрирует свои умения: повторяет
ее до первого сбоя.
Команда Dogs
Deedle, deedle, dumpling, do, deedle, deedle,
dumpling, do.
Dear, dear, dear David, what do you like to do?
Команда Cats
Kitty is Kate’s cat,
It likes to catch mice,
And sleep on a map.
Команда Mice
Many mice and a little mouse
Like to sleep in their house.
Затем каждая команда вручает двум другим тексты скороговорок,
с которыми в течение нескольких минут будут работать помощники ве-
дущей. Они подготовят ребят к воспроизведению ими поговорок своих
Время подготовки к выступлению, время для проверки работ (в жюри
могут быть приглашены старшеклассники, которые помогут с провер-
кой) используется ведущей для работы с болельщиками. Они отвечают
на вопросы:
1. Как обозначаются английские звуки? (Специальными знач-
124 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

2. Как эти значки называются и каковы особенности их изобра-

жения? (Они называются транскрипцией, пишутся в квад-
ратных скобках.)
3. Назовите звуки, которые при изображении имеют сходство
с маленькими буквами английского алфавита. ([m], [s], [z],
[t], [k], [d], [w], [r], [f], [a], [b], [e], [g], [h], [i], [j], [k], [l], [n],
[u], [v]; указывают разницу.)
4. Почему нам необходимо знать транскрипцию? (Она помо-
гает читать слова.)
5. Назовите английские звуки, которые по произношению
похожи на русские. ([b], [g], [k], [m], [j]; называют другие
звуки, которые имеют небольшое отличие; например, анг-
лийское [ш] немного мягче, чем русский; два русских звука
[дж] произносятся в английском слитно, как единый звук;
английский звук [r] произносится как русский [р], но без
дрожания кончика языка; звуки [l], [t], [d], [n] произносятся
на альвеолах и др.)
6. Назовите звуки, которые очень отличаются от русских.
(Межзубные, носовой сонант, сдавленный звук [е].)
7. Почему так важно иметь чистое и правильное произноше-
ние: соблюдать долготу звука, не оглушать согласные и т. д.?
(Может измениться смысл слова; например: sheep – ship,
eat – it, seat – sit, cheeks – chicks, red – rat rate, bed – bad –
bird и т. п.)
Команды проговаривают скороговорки, предложенные их соперни-
ками. Жюри обсуждает результаты. Команды и болельщики вместе с ве-
дущими занимаются зарядкой.
We can fly like a bird,
We can swim like a fish,
We can run like a dog,
We can jump like a frog.
We can jump, we can run,
We can get a lot of fun.
We can shake our hands.
(Берутся за руки и размахивают ими.)
We are friends, we are friends!
Задание 4. Проводится в два этапа.
Этап 1. Ведущая или учитель произносят слова, а учащиеся пишут
транскрипцию на слух. Например: bee, zoo, how, snow, white, chess, she,
this, thin, song.
Этап 2. Учащиеся получают карточку со словами и пишут транс-
крипцию на подготовленных для них листках. Например: Kate, Pete, my,
stone, car, but, bird, tube, again, family.
Неделя английского языка 125

Помощники ведущей работают с залом по вопросам (см. выше) и на-

граждают самых активных и грамотных болельщиков. Во время проверки
работ все ребята смотрят выступление старших ребят.
Задание 5. Проводится конкурс инсценирования небольшой песенки.
Команда Dogs
We are dogs, bow-wow-wow-wow.
How to catch some cats, oh, how?
We are singing, singing now.
We can sing, “Bow-wow-wow-wow.”
(They make some movements illustrating their
Команда Cats
(All hats are of different colours.)
We are fluffy pussy cats,
We like to wear coloured hats.
Dear children, wave your hands.
Do you like our coloured hats?
(They take off their hats, make a general bow.)
Команда Mice
(“Cat” is sleeping on a mat.)
Cat is sleeping, so be quick.
We are grey mice, squeak, squeak, squeak.
Hush, you, children, hush, you, chicks.
We’d like to catch a piece of cheese.
Жюри подводит итоги, а перед ребятами выступают учащиеся сред-
ней параллели.
Everybody can hear “cluck-cluck” (behind the stage). While saying the
pupils show the spectators the toys or big pictures.
P u p i l. Who says “cluck-cluck”? Is it a dog? Is it a duck?
Hens appear.
H e n s (sing or say).
We are hens, we say “cluck, cluck”.
We can’t sing, and we can’t bark.
Sounds “grunt-grunt”.
P u p i l. Who says “grunt-grunt”? Is it a bear or an elephant?
Pigs appear.
P i g s. We are pigs, we say “grunt, grunt”.
We can’t speak as an elephant.
Sounds “moo-moo”.
P u p i l. Who says “moo-moo”? I don’t know. Is it a cat? Is it an
Cows appear.
C o w s (sing). We say “moo-moo”. We can’t say “mew”.
126 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

Sounds “tweet-tweet”.
P u p i l. Who says “tweet-tweet”? Is it a mouse? Is it a bee?
Birds appear.
B i r d s (sing). We say “tweet-tweet”. And we can sing.
We can sing in summer and spring.
Sounds “cock-a-doodle-doo”.
P u p i l. Who says “cock-a-doodle-doo”? Is it an angry wolf in
the wood?
Cocks appear.
C o c k s. We say “cock-a-doodle-doo”.
In the morning we sing as a rule,
“Dear children, it’s time to school!”
Sounds “Bow-wow, bow-wow”.
P u p i l. Who says “bow-wow”? Do you know it? But how?
Dogs appear.
D o g s (sing). We say “bow-wow”. And we bark hard,
When we can see cats in the yard.
Sounds “buzz, buzz, buzz”.
P u p i l. Who says “buzz, buzz, buzz”? Who says it to us?
Bees appear.
B e e s (sing). We say “buzz, buzz, buzz”.
We make honey for you.
Do you like honey, Mary and Sue?
Sounds “mew-mew”.
P u p i l. Who says “mew-mew”? I can’t understand. Is it a dog?
Is it a frog?
Cats appear.
C a t s (sing). We say “mew-mew”.
We like to sing
For Mary and Sue.
L e a d e r. Наши кошечки любят петь для Мэри и Сью. А вы, ре-
бята, любите петь для своих друзей? Давайте споем вместе. (Обра-
зуют большой круг или несколько малых, водят хоровод, поют.)
A l l t o g e t h e r.
Hey, mister! Will you say?
Can you sing, can you play?
Can you sing and play with us
In a merry round?
Вместо слова sing можно использовать: dance, jump, run, skip, smile
и т. п. Несколько человек могут побыть в роли мистера. Каждый из них
выполняет действие (поет, танцует, прыгает и т. д.), а веселый хоровод
сопровождает его действия словами или пением:
Неделя английского языка 127

He (she) can sing. He can play.

He can turn about. (Повернуться кругом.)
He is singing, he is singing
In a merry round.
Заключительная часть: награждения команд и отдельных участ-
ников, сладкий стол.

4 класс. Meet Missis Grammar!

Форма проведения: грамматический конкурс.

Ход мероприятия
На сцене появляются ведущая и миссис Грамматика (ее наряд расшит
глаголами, вопросительными знаками и т. д.).
L e a d e r. Oh, hello, but who are you?
M i s s i s G r a m m a r.
I’m missis Grammar,
I have got many rules.
And everybody
Must know me at schools!
Конкурс 1. Ведущая приглашает на сцену команду 1. Ребята выхо-
дят с карточками глаголов, табличками «Yes» и «+». Они представляют
утвердительное предложение.
We like English, we go to school.
We must learn many grammar rules.
They speak English.
My friend has got a dog.
He is a pupil.
You can jump like a frog.
I’ve got a mother.
I am her son.
Grammar is easy.
We study it like fun.
Команда 2 выходит с карточками со вспомогательными глаголами,
отрицаниями «No», «Not» и знакоми «–». Они представляют отрицатель-
ное предложение.
I have no brother.
He has not many friends.
They don’t like each other.
This isn’t my hand.
She doesn’t like meat.
My friend is not Pete.
My mom doesn’t skate.
Grammar is not easy.
But grammar is great!
128 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

Команда 3 выходит со вспомогательными глаголами и вопроситель-

ными знаками и представляет вопросительное предложение.
Do you like English?
Can they speak and read?
Must we read the dialogue?
Does she play with Pete?
Are the brothers doctors?
Has she got a son?
Is Grammar so difficult?
Would you like to have some fun?
На сцене появляется неизвестный господин. Он в черном цилиндре,
на котором закреплен вопросительный знак.
L e a d e r. Ой, ребята, посмотрите, какой-то новый господин
пожаловал к нам. Сейчас я постараюсь узнать, кто это. (Обраща-
ется к господину.) Здравствуйте, уважаемый господин. Можем мы
узнать, кто вы и зачем к нам пожаловали?
Господин молчит.
L e a d e r. Молчит, наверно, не понимает меня. Попробую спро-
сить его на английском.
Oh, hello. My name is Sue.
Dear mister, who are you?
M i s t e r Q u e s t i o n. I am clever mister Question.
And I would like to ask some questions.
L e a d e r. You are welcome, mister Question. I will try to answer.
I listen to you attentively.
M i s t e r Q u e s t i o n. What form are you in?
L e a d e r. I am in the… form.
M i s t e r Q u e s t i o n. Do you like English?
L e a d e r. Yes, I do. I like English very much.
M i s t e r Q u e s t i o n. What marks have you got at English
L e a d e r. I have got “fives”!
M i s t e r Q u e s t i o n. Good for you, dear girl. My next question
L e a d e r. No, no, dear mister Question. There are so many nice and
clever boys and girls here. They would like to answer your questions.
Some of them will try to do it now.
Конкурс 2. Ведущая приглашает на сцену капитанов команд. Мистер
Вопрос задает им вопросы. Капитаны отвечают без подготовки. Они могут
взять помощь команды. Но в этом случае количество полученных за ответ
баллов уменьшается вдвое.
Неделя английского языка 129

Вопросы капитанам
Команда 1
– What language would you like to speak well? (I would like to
speak Russian and English well.)
– What country would you like to visit? (I would like to visit
England and America.)
– What pet would you like to have? (I would like to have a dog.)
Команда 2
– Who plays computer games every day? (My friend plays computer
games every day.)
– Who speaks good English? (My teacher speaks good English.)
– Who writes letters very often? (Hobbit writes letters every day.)
Команда 3
– When do you like to play computer games? (I like to play
computer games in the evening (after lessons).)
– What do you like to do in the evening? (I like to go for a walk
with my dog (I like to read books).)
– Where do you like to go in summer? (I like to go to the village
(country, sea).)
Конкурс 3. Каждая команда получает набор карточек со словами
и с заданиями.
Put the words in the correct order.
Команда 1
– Have/ for/ yesterday/ what/ breakfast/ did/ your/ you? (What did
you have for your breakfast yesterday?)
– Summer/ where/ last/ you/ go/ did? (Where did you go last
Команда 2
– Yesterday/ lesson/ did/ songs/ you/ the/ what/ sing/ at? (What
songs did you sing at the lesson yesterday?)
– See/ a/ Granny/ you/ did/ ago/ your/ week? (Did you see your
Granny a week ago?)
Команда 3
– Two/ did/ swim/ you/ to/ ago/ go/ days? (Did you go to swim
two days ago?)
– His/ Sunday/ books/ did/ put/ where/ last/ he? (Where did he put
his books last Sunday?)
Задания выполняются одновременно (на демонстрационных досках).
За выполнением следят ведущая и мистер Вопрос. Если предложение
составлено правильно, то мистер Вопрос размещает перед ним карточку
с зеленым вопросительным знаком. Если нет – карточку с красным во-
просительным знаком.
130 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

В это время учащиеся 5–6 классов (или группа болельщиков) высту-

пают с песенкой о грамматике. Если участвуют три группы болельщиков,
то они могут добавить своим исполнением по несколько баллов своим
командам. Конкурс судит миссис Грамматика.
We Know Grammar Very Well
How do you do? What is your name?
What do you do every day, every day?
And do you like Grammar?
And what can you tell?
Now, you see, you see, missis Grammar,
You see, missis Grammar, we know you well!
I like to read. I read every day.
It’ll be Sunday tomorrow. Hurray, hurray!
And we like you, Grammar.
How much can you tell?
Now, you see, you see, missis Grammar,
You see, missis Grammar, we know you well!
Конкурс 4. На большом листе картона (на специальной доске) распо-
ложено 12 карманов в три ряда. В четырех карманах первого ряда нахо-
дятся соответсвенно карточки со словами: everyday; yesterday; tomorrow;
now (крупным шрифтом).
В четырех карманах второго ряда – карточки с предложениями
в Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Future Indefinite и Present Continuous.
1. Who goes to school…?
2. He doesn’t do his lessons…
3. She plays the guitar…
4. They usually drink juice…
1. We didn’t play chess…
2. They went to the swimming pool…
3. What did he see in the classroom…?
4. I posted my letter…
1. Who will help me…?
2. He won’t phone me…
3. Shall we read this text…?
4. She’ll invite her friends…
1. Who is reading a letter…?
2. We aren’t sitting…
3. He isn’t playing football…
4. They are talking…
Карточки с предложениями перемешаны. Командам необходимо рас-
пределить их по пустым карманам третьего ряда в соответствии со вре-
менами под словами-спутниками этих времен. Контроль подсчета баллов
Неделя английского языка 131

может производиться при помощи зеленых восклицательных и красных

вопросительных знаков. Или схематично изображенных лиц: «улыбка»
и «разочарование».
Команды отдыхают вместе с болельщиками и ведущей, выполняя
действия зарядки:
Can you run? So, let’s run.
Can you jump? Let us jump!
Can you fly high in the sky?
Left and right, left and right!
Can you clap, clap your hands?
So, clap, clap and dance, dance!
Can you bounce like a ball?
Thank you, children!
And that’s all.
Конкурс 5. На сцене два лототрона. Один содержит вспомогательные
глаголы: am, is , are, have, has, can, may, must, do, does, shall, will; другой –
глаголы: ask, answer, begin, break, bring, buy, read, write, speak, go, run,
jump, skip и т. д. (исходя из уровня изученного материала и подготовки
Представители команд тянут по очереди глаголы из обоих лототронов
и задают вопросы в соответствии с этими глаголами. Чем быстрее состав-
лен верный вопрос, чем больше лексическое наполнение этого вопроса,
тем выше оценочный балл.
Жюри подводит итоги, ведущая и ее помощники работают с болель-
щиками. Можно провести викторину с последующим награждением.
Вопросы викторины
– Назовите слова-подсказки, сопутствующие временам гла-
голов в:
1. The Present Simple (every year (summer, day, week, minute),
usually, generally, always, never, often, seldom, sometimes, from
time to time).
2. The Past Simple (last week (year, month, summer), yesterday,
two days (years, weeks) ago, in 1812, а также по отношению
к прошлому: always, sometimes, often, seldom, never).
3. The Future Simple (next year (summer, month, week), tomorrow,
in a day, in four days, in 2021).
4. The Present Continuous (now, at present, at the moment).
L e a d e r. Are you ready to listen to me, Freddie?
I know at last irregular verbs in the past:
Went and sent, cut and shut,
Saw and wore, had and sat,
Brought and thought,
Caught and taught,
Cost and lost and grew and flew.
And what, my dear, about you?
132 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

Ведущий предлагает ребятам назвать первую и вторую формы из-

вестных им глаголов.
Игра для команд болельщиков
Команды могут возглавлять учителя или учащиеся старших классов.
Каждая команда получает большой картонный лист, который раз-
бит на квадраты. В каждом квадрате помещен рисунок. Под рисунком –
предложения, отражающие суть данного рисунка (например, бегущий
мальчик – The boy is running; девочка на рисунке – Her name is Kate. She
is eleven. She is a pupil. And so on.)
У ведущего находятся маленькие разрезные карточки с предложе-
ниями. Ведущий зачитывает предложение(-я) своей карточки (можно
повторить несколько раз). По первой поднятой руке (ситуация определена
ребятами на своей большой карте) ведущий отдает карточку команде.
Ребята закрывают карточкой соответствующий квадрат своей карты. Они
должны зачитать предложения на карточке (воспринимают на слух, узна-
ют, понимают, находят, воспроизводят в чтении).
Выигрывает та команда, которая закрыла большее количество квад-
ратов и правильно зачитала большее количество предложений. Таким
образом болельщики могут добавить балл своей команде.
Итоги, награждения, поощрения, сладкий стол и развлекательная
программа (участие старших ребят, родителей, учителей, педагога-
Самые результативные участники (в том числе и болельщики) мо-
гут быть поощрены высокими оценками с занесением их в дневник
и журнал.

Второй день. In the World of Poetry

2–4 классы. Poetic Festival
Задачи: развитие познавательных интересов; тренировка про-
износительных и интонационных умений; развитие умений вос-
приятия речи на слух; развитие творческого потенциала; органи-
зация полезного отдыха.
Форма проведения: фестиваль поэзии.
Оборудование: карточки для жюри; техническое оборудование;
выставка стихотворных произведений английских авторов; детские
альманахи стихов «We Like to Rhyme».
Участники: чтецы-представители от классов; члены жюри
(с привлечением учащихся старших классов); представитель ад-
министрации; учителя английского языка; зрители (учащиеся, ро-
дители); корреспондент школьного радио (интервью победителей,
запись лучших исполнителей); лаборант ТСО.
Место проведения: актовый зал школы.
Ответственные: учителя 2–4 классов.
Неделя английского языка 133

Ход мероприятия
We can read, we can write.
We can speak and recite.

Каждая параллель выбрала свою поэтическую тему:

2 класс: «Toys».
3 класс: «Pets, Birds and Animals».
4 класс: «Seasons and Weather», «School and Friends».
Материалы для 2 класса
My Cats
These are my cats,
They are four.
I like my toy cats,
I’d like to have some more.
My Ball
I have a ball. It’s bright and round.
I can jump high, and it can bounce.
Up and down, in the air, to ground.
We like together to jump and bounce.
Do You Like Your Toys?
Dear girls and boys, do you like your toys?
Do you brush them, do you clean?
Where do you put them in?
Do you throw them on the floor?
Do they lie near the door?
If you don’t like them all,
Don’t waste money, after all!
My Teddy Bear
I have got a teddy bear.
It hides from me everywhere.
I look for him and call and call.
Where is it, after all?
I can’t find it. Let me see,
It’s in my schoolbag,
Ready to go with me!
My Chicks
I have six nice and fluffy chicks.
But they cannot say “chick and chick”.
And they can’t eat so tasty seed!
They are plump and they can jump.
They are my lovely, pretty toys!
134 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

Материалы для 3 класса

Little Tommy Tittle-Mouse
Little Tommy Tittle-Mouse
Lives in a little house.
He catches fishes
In other men’s ditches.
Ditch – канава.
In Far-Off Days
In far-off days when roads were stony,
Man travelled round on a small pony.
This was too slow and so, of course,
One day he learned to use a horse.
From “From Pony to Rockets” by James S. Tippett
Bears and Children
It was very hot in summer.
Bear didn’t like the weather.
He decided to go swimming
With his brother Jim together.
So they left the Town Zoo.
The cows saw them and said, “Moo.”
The children saw them, said, “Look here!
Would you like to swim so near?”
Then continued: “Oh! Hurray!
To swim with bears? It is great!”
I think mice are rather nice.
Their tails are long, their faces small,
They haven’t any chins at all.
Their ears are pink, their teeth are white.
They run about the house at night.
They nibble things they shouldn’t touch,
And no one seems to like them much.
But I think mice are nice.
Rose Fyleman
As I went home on the old wood road,
With my basket and lesson book,
A deer came out of the tall trees
And down to drink at the brook.
Twilight was all about us,
Twilight and tree on tree;
Неделя английского языка 135

I looked straight into its great strange eyes,

And the deer looked back at me.
Rachel Field
Материалы для 4 класса
We feed the birds in winter,
And outside in the snow
We have a tray of many seeds
For many birds of many breeds
And one grey squirrel named Joe.
But Joe comes early, Joe comes late,
And all the birds must stand and wait.
And waiting there for Joe to go
Is pretty cold work in the snow.
David McCord
Christmas Wish
God bless the master of this house,
Likewise the mistress, too,
And all the little children,
Who round the table go,
And all the other people,
Who live both far and near.
I wish you a Merry Christmas,
And a Happy, Happy Year!
This Is My Rock
This is my rock and here I run
To steal the secret of the sun.
This is my rock and here come I
Before the night has swept the sky.
This is my rock, this is the place
I meet the evening face to face.
David McCord
Who Has Seen the Wind?
Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you:
But when the leaves hang trembling,
The wind is passing through.
Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I:
But when the leaves bow down their heads,
The wind is passing by.
Christina Rossetti
136 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

A Child’s Wish
I want to live and not to die!
I want to laugh and not to cry!
I want to feel the summer sun,
I want to sing, when life is fun.
I want to fly into the blue,
I want to swim as fishes do.
I want to stretch out friendly hands
To all the young of other lands.
Tom Botling
Life is fun – жизнь прекрасна.
Into the blue – в небо.
To stretch out – протянуть.
Walking in the Fog
Out in the fog, out in the fog
All grey and misty white,
I hear some muffled scraps of sound,
But no one is in sight.
Only a voice, only a step.
I strain my eyes to see.
Then suddenly, suddenly from the frog
My friend steps out at me.
Margaret Hillet
I am a friend of him.
And we are like two brothers.
We are friendly and close
And talk and talk to each other.
Every morning we go
To our school with pleasure.
And after lessons we walk and talk,
Especially when it’s the weather.
My Friend
I’ve got a friend, we like to play.
We play together every day.
He always helps me when I’m in need.
For he’s my friend, good friend indeed.
I. Vereshchagina
When we came to school today,
There was snow on the roof,
Snow on the boxes,
Snow on the blocks,
Snow on the boards,
Неделя английского языка 137

Snow on the stairs.

There was snow around us,
But nobody cared.
Blocks – бревна.
Stairs – ступеньки.
But nobody cared – никто не волновался.

Третий день. You Are Welcome to Our Lessons

Вариант 1. Shopping
Enjoy English 1, lesson 72
Aims: to practise vocabulary (the lexical material of the topic); to
practise grammar (structures with the verb can, answers to different
kinds of questions); reading (children will be able to read the text
“Dick’s Bird” at home); to prepare children for shopping.
Fitting out and equipment: flashcards (transcription, pictures,
grammar, lexical material); a toy bird; a tape; dolls; a show-desk;
“happy faces”; a multimedia projector.

Ход мероприятия
I. Organization of the lesson
T e a c h e r. Good morning, boys and girls! How are you?
P u p i l s. We are fine, thank you. And you?
T e a c h e r. Fine, thanks! Are you ready for the lesson?
P u p i l s. Yes, we are!
T e a c h e r. Let us begin our lesson. Who’s on duty today?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I am on duty today.
T e a c h e r. Ask him questions, please.
P u p i l 1. What is your name?
P u p i l o n d u t y. My name is Nick.
P u p i l 2. How old are you?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I am seven.
P u p i l 3. Where do you live?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I live in town.
P u p i l 4. What do you like?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I like football.
P u p i l 5. Do you have a dog?
138 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

P u p i l o n d u t y. Yes, I do. I have a dog.

P u p i l 6. Can the dog swim?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Yes, it can.
P u p i l 7. Can the dog fly?
P u p i l o n d u t y. No, it can’t.
T e a c h e r. Can you speak English?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Yes, I can.
T e a c h e r. Are you ready for the lesson?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Yes, I am.
T e a c h e r. What is your homework?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Exercise 4, exercise 5.
T e a c h e r. Thank you. Good for you!
Use in the conversation with a pupil on duty the phrases which have
been learned before. First your pupils begin learning only one their personal
question. When there are no difficulties with the pronunciation of these personal
questions, change the question (practise with the pupil the question of his
neighbour and so on). Some time later they will be able to ask and answer all
the necessary questions (questions depend on the phrases which have been
learned before).
II. Vocabulary practise (textbook activities). Phonetics and
reading practise
T e a c h e r. Look into your books (exercise 2), listen to the words
(tape recorder), then read the words after the announcer.
Pupils listen and read.
T e a c h e r. Here is a magic box (shows). There are many pictures
in it. Take a picture out of the box and put it in a suitable shop.
The so-called “shops” are arranged on a special board. Pupils (1, 2, 3…)
come to the teacher’s table, take a picture out of the magic box, name it and
put it into a suitable shop (use small magnets or a board for demonstration).
For example: meat – in the butcher’s, milk – in the dairy, cabbage – in the
greengrocer’s, sweets – in the confectioner’s and so on. Then put an adjective
before a noun and practise.
T e a c h e r. Listen to my reading and follow.
Pupils read after the teacher.
T e a c h e r. Look into your books and read the words.
The pupils one after another read the words, exercise 3, page 109, L. 72.
T e a c h e r. Look at the picture, listen to me, repeat after me.
The teacher shows one picture after another while pronouncing the words
in order to recycle the meaning of the words. Then the teacher shows a picture
to the pupils (nouns), the pupils look through the words of the exercise and
Неделя английского языка 139

make a word combination, they find the appropriate adjective to the noun. One
of the pupils answers, the rest of the pupils work with the flashcards, red and
green. If the word combination is right, they raise a green card. If it is wrong,
they raise a red card. They correct the mistake (give their own variants). If they
can’t the teacher does it. Then they repeat the right variant in chorus.
III. Pronunciation and Phonics
1. Letter secret: recycling of the rule “the reading of the letter
y as [ai] at the end of the word if the word has no other vowels”
The flashcards with the words my, why, fly, buy are arranged on the board.
T e a c h e r. Who can read?
Pupils read. If there are some difficulties teacher should say the
T e a c h e r. Follow my reading, then repeat after me (points to the
Pupils listen to the teacher, then repeat the words after her.
2. Structure presentation and practice
T e a c h e r. These are shops. (It’s nice to use multimedia projector).
What can you see in shop 1? (For recycling colours.)
P u p i l s. I can see the blue jeans (the green shirt, and so on).
T e a c h e r. I think I can buy… (Points to the pupils.)
P u p i l s. I think I can buy… (Two or three times if they need.)
T e a c h e r. I think I can buy the blue jeans in shop 1.
Pupil 1 with a puppet on his fingers holds up his hand.
T e a c h e r. Oh, look! This is a new pupil. What is your name?
P u p i l 1. My name is John.
T e a c h e r. What do you think you can buy?
If your pupils have some difficulties with answers, pay their attention
from time to time to the flashcard with this structure or to their textbooks,
exercise 1, L. 72.
P u p i l 1 (points). I think I can buy the red socks in shop 1.
Put or timber the flashcard with the verb bye on your show-board. Give
flashcards with the structure I think I can bye… in shop… to the pupils for
individual work. The same kind of work may be done with other pictures.
IV. Grammar and writing practice
T e a c h e r. Let us check up our homework. Open your copybooks,
exercise 4, page 107. Prepare your pens and flashcards.
The pupils one after another write the sentences (only the negative variants
of the pattern):
– Cats don’t eat corn.
– Horses don’t like meat.
140 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

– Dogs don’t drink tea.

– Birds don’t like milk.
– Pigs don’t eat fish.
The sentences on the blackboard must be right. The teacher or the best pupil
follows writing and corrects the mistakes. The pupils look at the blackboard
and check up their own sentences. If the sentence in their copybooks is right,
they raise green flashcards. If the sentence is wrong, they raise red flashcards.
Teacher comes up to the pupils with the red cards. She can correct (or underline)
the mistakes at once (especially if you have 8 or 10 pupils in your group).
If you don’t have enough time for writing prepare the sentences beforehand.
Write them on the inside part of the blackboard. Then open it before the moment
you start your work on exercise 4.
V. Moving activities
T e a c h e r. Boys and girls, you are the best!
Are you tired? Have a rest.
One and two and clap and hop!
Who likes going to the shop?
One and two and clap and hop!
I like going to the shop.
One and two, clap and hop!
You don’t like going to the shop.
Clap, clap, clap, fly and fly!
You don’t like but why?
Sweets are here, cakes are there,
Sweets and cakes are everywhere!
If your children can’t learn so much, say some sentences yourself. Your
children can pronounce the lines which have been learned before. Pay attention
to the moving activities of your pupils.
VI. Shared speaking (home exercise 5)
T e a c h e r. Let us speak now. Can you be polite? (Yes, we can.)
Well, show us an example of politeness.
Children speak.
Variant 1
– May I have some tea, please?
– Here you are.
– Thank you.
– You are welcome.
Variant 2
– Would you like some cabbage?
– Yes, I would like some.
– Here you are.
– My pleasure.
Неделя английского языка 141

VII. Reading practice

1. Pre-reading
Pupils hear the sounds of a song. This is a budgie’s song, being reproduced
by a tape recorder.
T e a c h e r. Who is this? Who can sing well? Who can speak well?
A girl stands up. She has got a puppet on her fingers. It is a nice budgie
(a bird).
B i r d. I can.
T e a c h e r. What is your name?
B i r d. My name is Silva.
T e a c h e r. You are welcome! You can sing well. Let us sing
C h i l d r e n (singing). Dear bird, can you sing?
B i r d. Yes, I can!
C h i l d r e n. Dear bird, can you fly?
B i r d. I can fly!
C h i l d r e n. Can you read, can you write?
B i r d. Sorry, children, but I can’t.
T e a c h e r. But we can read. I can. Listen to me and follow my
2. Listening (exercise 4, page 110, L. 72)
3. Reading
T e a c h e r. Now, repeat after me.
Pupils read.
VIII. Speaking
T e a c h e r. Can the bird sing?
P u p i l 1. The bird can sing.
T e a c h e r. Can the bird fly and jump?
P u p i l 2. The bird can fly and jump.
T e a c h e r. Can the bird read?
P u p i l 3. The bird cannot read.
IX. Grammar and speaking practice
If you would like your children to do their homework well, try to prepare
them for it at the lesson.
T e a c h e r. Would you like to be a member of a Nature Circle? You
can be. But for it you must answer the questions of exercise 5 best of
all. Use the models (p. 110).
Children choose the questions.
142 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

Model 1
– Can birds speak? (Birds can speak.)
– Can birds read? (Birds cannot read.)
– Can you teach a pig to fly? (I cannot teach a pig to fly.)
– Must we help animals? (We must help animals.)
Model 2
– Do dogs eat corn? (Dogs don’t eat corn.)
– Do rabbits like meat? (Rabbits don’t like meat.)
– Do dogs drink milk? (Dogs drink milk.)
– Do crocodiles live in the park? (Crocodiles don’t live in the
Model 3
– Are dogs brave? (Dogs are brave.)
– Are crocodiles strong? (Crocodiles are strong.)
– Are pigs clean? (Pigs are not clean.)
If you have enough time at the lesson, try to practise speaking to be sure
your pupils will be good with their answers at home.
X. Follow-up activities (homework)
T e a c h e r. Open your recordbooks, please! Write down exercises
6 and 7, page 110. Dear boys and girls, your marks for today are…
Good for you!
Put the marks (grades) the children have received in their recordbooks at
the lesson, if you have a minute for it.
T e a c h e r. Are you happy today?
P u p i l s. Yes, we are!
T e a c h e r. You get today “happy faces”.
Children glue them in their special copybooks. The quantity of these
“happy faces” is transformed then in quality (a good mark).
T e a c h e r. Dear boys and girls, do you go to the shop with your
Mother (sister and so on)?
P u p i l 1. Yes, I do.
T e a c h e r. What can you buy in this shop? (Points to one of the
“shops” on the board.)
P u p i l 2. I think I can buy…
T e a c h e r. Have you got a pet?
P u p i l 3. Yes, I have got a pet.
T e a c h e r. Can your pet sing (swim, jump, and so on)?
P u p i l 3, P u p i l 4. My pet can… My pet cannot…
T e a c h e r. Now, say “bye-bye” to our bird.
Неделя английского языка 143

P u p i l s. Bye-bye, dear bird! Bye-bye, Marina Alexandrovna!

T e a c h e r. Bye-bye, boys and girls. See you on Wednesday.

Вариант 2. My Favourite Animal

Enjoy English 1, lesson 73
Aims: to practise pronunciation and phonics; to practise speaking
skills using the definite patterns; to prepare for the description of
animals; to prepare for polite communication.
Fitting out and equipment: flashcards (words, structures, coloured
cards); toys and puppets; a show-board; a tape recorder; TV-set.

Ход мероприятия
I. Organization of the lesson
T e a c h e r. Good morning, boys and girls! How are you?
P u p i l s. We are fine, thank you. And you?
T e a c h e r. Fine, thanks! Are you ready for the lesson?
P u p i l s. Yes, we are!
T e a c h e r. Let us begin our lesson. Who’s on duty today?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I am on duty today.
T e a c h e r. Ask him questions, please.
P u p i l 1. What is your name?
P u p i l o n d u t y. My name is Natasha.
P u p i l 2. How old are you?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I am seven.
P u p i l 3. Where do you live?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I live in town.
T e a c h e r. What is your homework?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Exercises 6 and 7.
P u p i l 4. What do you like to do?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I like singing.
P u p i l 5. Do you have a pet?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Yes, I do. I have a pet. It is my cat Murka.
P u p i l 6. Can Murka swim?
P u p i l o n d u t y. No, she cannot.
P u p i l 7. Can she fly?
P u p i l o n d u t y. No, she can’t.
144 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

T e a c h e r. Can she sing?

P u p i l o n d u t y. Yes, she can. We like to sing together.
T e a c h e r. What is your song?
N a t a s h a (sings).
Mew-mew-mew, I am nice,
I like milk, I like mice.
I am fluffy, I am white.
I can sing. And I am bright!
T e a c h e r. Thank you, Natasha. Such a nice song! Do you like it,
boys and girls? (Yes!) So, let us sing together.
Switch on your tape recorder and sing together with your children.
T e a c h e r. Thanks, boys and girls. Good for you!
II. Recycling things and colours
Timber the flashcards of the pictures of exercise 1 (p. 111, L. 73) on
a show-board or put some toys on your desk.
T e a c h e r (pointing to the flashcards or toys). What is your
favourite colour?
P u p i l 1 (P u p i l 2, P u p i l 3 ). It’s green (yellow, red, and
so on).
T e a c h e r. What is red (yellow, black, and so on)?
P u p i l 2. The ball is red.
P u p i l 3. The hat is yellow (and so on).
T e a c h e r. Look at the picture of exercise 1. You have a minute.
Try to memorize so many things and their colours as you can.
Pupils work.
T e a c h e r (after a minute). Shut the books, please. Name the
things and their colours. Begin your sentence with I think the…
Timber or put the beginning of this structure on your show-board. Give
the cards with the example: I think the fox is red – to the pupils. Don’t forget
about individual work, help your children.
P u p i l s (pointing to the flashcards or the toys). I think the bird
is green (red and yellow and so on).
III. Checking-up the homework
1. Warm-up
One of the boys holds up his hand with a puppet.
T e a c h e r (pointing at the puppet). Oh, who are you? I don’t
know you. Are you a new pupil? What is your name?
B o y. My name is Znaika.
P u p i l s. Are you a good pupil?
Неделя английского языка 145

Z n a i k a. Yes, I am. I am a good pupil.

P u p i l s. Do you do your homework?
Z n a i k a. Yes, I do. I do my homework every day.
Every day, every day
We must do the homework.
If the homework is ready,
Let us go for a walk!
T e a c h e r. Thank you, Znaika. I think our boys and girls do their
homework very well. (To the pupils.) Are you ready?
P u p i l s. Yes, we are!
T e a c h e r. First of all, let us change our copybooks. Pass me your
copybooks with the home exercise.
Children pass the teacher their copybooks beginning with the pupil at
the last desk.
2. Book activities
T e a c h e r. Now, let us begin our reading. Open your textbooks,
page 110, exercise 4. What is the name of the text?
P u p i l 1. The name of the text is “Dick’s Bird”.
T e a c h e r. Now listen to my reading and follow it.
By the way, don’t forget to correct mistakes after reading.
T e a c h e r. Are there any mistakes?
If there are some, pupils correct them, hold up their red flashcards. Then
they read the words in a proper way. If it is necessary to repeat the right
variant of pronunciation, they do it in chorus. While the pupils’ are reading
write the marks in your teacher’s notebook you will tell them at the end of
the lesson.
Don’t disturb your pupils’ spirit. Let them continue their work without
trouble. You have to do too much by the end of the lesson!
IV. Moving activities
T e a c h e r. Boys and girls, it’s a rule –
The time comes and we…
Must move!
P u p i l s (or teacher).
We can run like a dog,
We can jump like a frog,
We are monkeys, we can climb.
We’re giraffes and they are high!
We can run and jump and walk.
We are tired, we can stop.
Pupils may pronounce only the last line.
146 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

V. Reading
1. Letter secrets, pre-reading activities
Put or timber the flashcards with the words black, must, drink, sleep, tea,
girl in lines on the blackboard.
T e a c h e r. Look at the blackboard! You can see the words… on
it. Repeat them after me.
Pupils repeat.
T e a c h e r. Now, open your textbooks, page 112, exercise 4. Silent
reading, please. While reading try to find the words which are resembling
(alike) in reading those on the blackboard. We’ll begin with number 1
(then 2, 3, 4).
Pupils read, hold up their hands, go to the blackboard and write the similar
words (don’t forget to practise pupils’ writing).
Black (1 – cannot; 2 – can, and; 3 – has; 4 – cabbage, carrots,
It is not necessary to double the words. Let your children find only the
new ones.
Must (1 – but, cunning, jump, run; 2 – funny; 3 – ; 4 – ugly).
Drink (1 – it, is, big, cunning, sing; 2 – skip, in; 3 – swim; 4 – its).
Sleep (1 –; 2 – sweets, tree; 3 – ; 4 –).
Tea (1 – speak, meat; 2 –; 3 – ; 4 –).
Girl (1 – ; 2 – ; 3 – girls; 4 –).
If the children of your group are rather slow in writing, prepare the
flashcards with these words. Put them on the teacher’s desk (according to
the letters of the alphabet). Let your children look for the suitable words and
timber them in the right row.
2. Book activities
T e a c h e r. Look through the text again (a minute more).
Then show your pupils the flashcards number 1 (4, 3, 2) and ask them to
read the suitable description.
T e a c h e r. Have you got a favourite animal? Can you describe it?
Use the sentences of exercise 4 as a pattern.
Prepare your pupils for doing their homework. One of the pupils describes.
Other pupils listen to him.
T e a c h e r. Can you guess what animal it is?
P u p i l s. Is it a tiger? (No, it is not.) Is it a bear? (Yes, it is.)
T e a c h e r. Do the same task at home. But while speaking at the
lesson you must not look into your books. Now open your recordbooks
and write down your homework. Exercise 5, page 112. Shut your
recordbooks and put them aside.
Неделя английского языка 147

VI. Speaking
1. Pre-listening activities
Put the flashcards of the expressions on your show-board. Read them.
Remind the translation if it is necessary. Help your pupils to make up their
own sentences with these expressions. Write on the blackboard the unknown
words and translate them. Be sure they understand everything.
T e a c h e r. Now, boys and girls, be ready to see an animated
cartoon. The name of this cartoon is “A Polite Kitten”.
K i t t e n. Hello, Missis White!
M r s. W h i t e. Hello, my dear! Nice to meet you.
K i t t e n. Excuse me, may I ask you?
M r s. White. Sure.
K i t t e n. Do you have some milk?
M r s. W h i t e. Yes, we have today a lot of milk.
K i t t e n. May I have some milk?
M r s. W h i t e. Here you are.
K i t t e n. Thank you, Mrs. White.
M r s. W h i t e. Would you like some meat?
K i t t e n. Yes, please. I like to eat meat.
M r s. W h i t e. Here you are.
K i t t e n. Thank you, Mrs. White. Goodbye!
M r s. W h i t e. Goodbye, dear. You are welcome.
If you haven’t any chance to show your children this cartoon, prepare it
like a sketch with the help of your pupils or the pupils of senior classes.
2. Shared speaking
T e a c h e r. Who would like to play these roles?
Two pupils speaks. Help them. Put the flashcards with the expressions in
a proper way. Pay their attention to the expressions.
3. Activities without assistance
T e a c h e r. Now, try to make up a dialogue of your own.
Prepare for the pupils’ dialogues some things: sweets, some books and so
on in order they use them while speaking.
VII. Follow-up activities
Comment the pupils’ marks. Write down them in their recordbooks. Give
your pupils “happy faces”.
Finish the lesson encouraging your pupils to sing a song. This song is about
a monkey. It includes the sentences and expressions of the lesson.
Put a toy monkey on your desk. If your pupils don’t know the words of the
song well, timber the big poster with the text of this song on the blackboard. Be
sure, the singing of your little chorus will be more harmonious and happier!
148 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

T e a c h e r. Look at the poster and let us sing our song.

It is clever, it is funny.
It likes sweets and perhaps honey.
It can skip, but cannot ski.
And we like it, you and me.
It’s a monkey, you can see.
Bye-bye, monkey, bye-bye, dog.
Bye-bye, tiger, bye-bye, frog.
Bye-bye, boys and girls and class,
Would you like to come to us?
You are welcome, come to us!

Вариант 3. What Shall We Do Tomorrow?

Enjoy English 2, page 68
Aims: to practise vocabulary and grammar; to practise reading; to
practice speaking skills using the definite patterns; to prepare for the
explanation of the proverb; to teach the pupils to behave in a proper way.
Fitting out and equipment: flashcards; toys and pictures; a show-
board; a tape recorder; test cards; a costume.

Ход мероприятия
I. Organization of the lesson
T e a c h e r. Good morning, boys and girls! How are you?
P u p i l s. We are fine, thank you. And you?
Неделя английского языка 149

T e a c h e r. Fine, thanks! Are you ready for the lesson?

P u p i l s. Yes, we are!
T e a c h e r. Let us begin our lesson. Who’s on duty today?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I am on duty today.
T e a c h e r. Ask him questions, please.
P u p i l 1. What is your name?
P u p i l o n d u t y. My name is Mike.
P u p i l 2. How old are you?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I am eight.
P u p i l 3. Where do you live?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I live in town.
T e a c h e r. What is your homework?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Exercise 19, page 67.
P u p i l 4. What do you like to do?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I like playing football.
P u p i l 5. Do you like sport?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Yes, I do. I like sport very much.
P u p i l 6. Will you play football tomorrow?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Yes, I shall. I shall play football tomorrow.
P u p i l 7. Can your Father play football?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Yes, he can. He plays football very well
T e a c h e r. Do you know a poem or a rhyme about football?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I know a rhyme about sport.
T e a c h e r. What is it? Can you recite it for us?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Yes, I can.
I like football, I can run.
I like skipping, it is fun!
I like skiing and to skate.
When it’s winter – every day!
I like swimming in the sea.
I’m a sportsman, you can see.
T e a c h e r. Thank you, Mike. We know, you are a good sportsman
and a good pupil.
II. Warm-up
T e a c h e r. Mike will play football tomorrow. What will you do?
P u p i l s. I shall read a book (play hockey and so on) tomorrow.
150 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

III. Grammar presentation and practice

1. Pre-rule activities
Put the flashcards with the words will, will not, won’t and the guide-words
tomorrow, next week, next year, in a minute, in an hour on a show-board. Make
up some sentences using other words.
Pay attention of your pupils to the different (positive and negative)
meanings of sentences because of the words will and won’t, to the place of
these words in sentences.
Change the place of the flashcard (and symbols) with will making an
interrogative sentence.
Let some pupils do it themselves, using the flashcards and symbols.
Practise the pronunciation of these sentences in such a way: you, you –
pupils, together, only pupils, pupils one by one.
2. Negative structure practice. Checking up the homework
T e a c h e r. Open your copybooks with exercise 3, page 73. Read
the first sentence. Other pupils will change your sentence into a negative
3. Pair activities
T e a c h e r. Now you know what our boys and girls can promise to
do or not to do tomorrow. And would you like to know what they will
do tomorrow indeed? So ask them, please. Use a pattern of exercise 24,
page 69.
P u p i l s. Will you play football (read a book, write a letter and so
on) tomorrow? (Yes, I will. No, I won’t.)
Pupils work: P1 → P2; P2 → P1; P3 → P4; P4 → P3.
IV. Reading activities
1. Silent reading (textbook activities)
T e a c h e r. Now, boys and girls, open your textbooks exercise 27,
page 71. Read the text about two nice rabbits.
2. Grammar task
a. Choose the sentences in the Future Indefinite Tense, stick (*)
them and translate.
1. It’s not snowy today.
2. I’ll go and see my friend Small White Rabbit. (Я схожу наве-
стить своего друга Маленького Белого Кролика.)
3. I’m Small White Rabbit, your old friend.
b. Answer the question:
Why is Small Rabbit’s coat grey? (Find the sentence in the text.)
Why does Small White Rabbit think it’s autumn now? (I’m not white
because it’s not winter, it’s autumn now. Я не белый, потому что
сейчас не зима, а осень.)
c. Exercise 28, page 71.Choose the write answer a) or b).
Неделя английского языка 151

1 – b. Большой Белый Кролик.
2 – a. Сейчас осень.
3 – b. Они старые друзья.
Prepare the cards with these tasks for your pupils, give them your pupils
after reading. Let them do these tasks in their copybooks. After the lesson you
will see the result (of different kinds of work) and you will be able to give
your pupils more marks.
V. Moving activities
We shall fly tomorrow,
Fly, fly, fly. (Demonstrate.)
We shall fly like a bird
High up in the sky. (Raise their hands higher and
We shall swim tomorrow,
Swim, swim, swim.
We shall swim like a whale
Day and night, night and day.
We shall march tomorrow,
March, march, march.
We shall march like my Dad,
Like my brother Fred.
We shall run tomorrow,
Run, run, run.
We shall jump, we shall run.
We shall have a lot of fun!
VI. Pre-speaking activities
A boy appears. He is dressed like a little fluffy puppy.
T e a c h e r. Oh, one more guest to us! Who are you? What is your
B o y. I am a fluffy puppy. My name is Bingo. I am your friend.
And you are my friends. I can do much for my friends.
T e a c h e r. What will you do for your friends?
B i n g o. Boys and girls, I will play with you. I will help you. I will
dance for you. (Dances.) I will jump for you. (Jumps.) I will bark for
you. (Bow-wow-wow.)
P u p i l 1. Will you sing for your friends?
B i n g o. I am sorry, but I can’t. I will not sing.
P u p i l 2. Don’t be sad, Bingo. We shall sing for you.
T e a c h e r. You are a real friend, Bingo. This song is for you. Try
to sing with us.
152 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

Page 29, yellow

There was a farmer, he had a dog,
And Bingo was his name,
And Bingo was his name, o!
B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O,
And Bingo was his name, o!
There was a farmer, he had a dog,
And Bingo was his name,
And Bingo was his name, o!
(Clap) B-I-N-G-O,
(Clap) B-I-N-G-O,
(Clap) B-I-N-G-O,
And Bingo was his name, o!

VII. Speaking activities

T e a c h e r. Real friends can do much. Have you got a friend?
P u p i l. Yes, I have.
T e a c h e r. Are they real friends? Say, please, what your friends
will do for you. Exercise 21 at page 68 will help you to do it.
P u p i l s (using pictures and structures).
– She will share sweets (chocolate) with me.
– He will play hockey with me.
– He will clean the room with me.
– She will feed the fish for me.
– She will write a letter to me.
– He will give a puppy to me.
Prepare the flashcard with some sentences (perhaps with the translation)
for less prepared pupils in order they will be able to read them, to understand
and then to pronounce something.
Неделя английского языка 153

T e a c h e r. Now you know what real friends will do for you.

There is an English proverb: “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
The translation of this proverb is «Друг познается в беде». Can you
explain this proverb?
Pupils say some explanation.
T e a c h e r. Do you know other Russian proverbs or sayings about
friends and friendship?
Pupils say, «Не в службу, в дружбу», «Дружба дружбой, а служба
службой» и др.
VIII. Homework activity
The homework is exercise 29, page 71. Think of your own end of
the story in exercise 27, then tell it to your friends.
Comment the marks, write them down into their recordbooks.
IX. Round-up
Share your pupils into two groups.
G r o u p 1. In winter we can skate. (Clap.)
We shall skate, we shall skate. (Clap-clap-clap, clap-
G r o u p 2. In winter they will clap. (Slowly: clap-clap-clap.)
Then: in summer we shall swim and so on. (“Hop” instead of
“clap” and so on.)
You can finish the lesson with a song.
Make New Friends
Make new friends, but keep the old;
One is silver, and the other gold.
154 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

Вариант 4. Animals and Weather

Enjoy English 2, pages 70–72
Aims: to practise and recycle grammar; to practise shared reading
and speaking; to bring up pupils to act in a proper way.
Fitting out and equipment: flashcards; costumes and things; a board;

Ход мероприятия
I. Organization of the lesson
T e a c h e r. Good morning, boys and girls! How are you?
P u p i l s. We are fine, thank you. And you?
T e a c h e r. Fine, thanks! Are you ready for the lesson?
P u p i l s. Yes, we are!
T e a c h e r. Let us begin our lesson. Who’s on duty today?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I am on duty today.
T e a c h e r. Ask him questions, please.
P u p i l 1. What is your name?
P u p i l o n d u t y. My name is Olga.
P u p i l 2. How old are you?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I am nine.
P u p i l 3. Where do you live?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I live in town.
T e a c h e r. What is your homework?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Exercise 29, page 71.
P u p i l 4. What do you like to do?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I like skipping very much.
P u p i l 5. Do you like reading books?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Yes, I do. I like reading books.
P u p i l 6. Will you read a book tomorrow?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Yes, I shall. I shall read an interesting book
P u p i l 7. What is this book about?
P u p i l o n d u t y. It’s about animals.
T e a c h e r. What animal do you like best of all?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I like dolphins best of all.
Неделя английского языка 155

T e a c h e r. What do you know about dolphins?

P u p i l o n d u t y. They are very clever. On Sunday we’ll go to
the Zoo to see dolphins.
T e a c h e r. And what is it in your hands?
P u p i l o n d u t y. It’s a picture. I like to draw dolphins. (Shows
to the pupils.)
T e a c h e r. Oh, it is very nice! Thank you, Olga. Now we know
you are a good painter.
II. Warm-up
T e a c h e r. Olga will go to the Zoo on Sunday. And what will you
do? Will you go to the Zoo?
P u p i l s (sing).
We shall go to the Zoo,
We shall go on Sunday.
We shall go to the Zoo,
And then will come Monday.
And we’ll go, go to school,
We shall go on Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday,
And then will come Sunday!

T e a c h e r. Now I know what you will do in a week.

III. Pre-speaking and grammar activities
Little Hobbit appears.
T e a c h e r. Oh, here is Little Hobbit!
156 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

L i t t l e H o b b i t. Hello, hello. How do you do? I will tell you

what I will do.
T e a c h e r. You see, Little Hobbit is not a pupil. He doesn’t go to
school. So, he doesn’t know much. But you are the pupils. You know
much. Let us listen to Little Hobbit and correct him. But first of all,
look at the board. Pay attention to the flashcards. They will help you
while speaking.
Put or timber the flashcards with will, will not, won’t.
Before the pupils’ reaction to the sentences show the flashcards with the
words and structures: 1. it will be…; 2. be busy; 3. catch a cold; 4. nobody…
receive; 5. give only.
Practise the pronunciation and translation when it is necessary for your
Little Hobbit pronounces (or reads) the examples from exercise 25, page 70
sentence by sentence.
1. No, you won’t swim in the river in spring. It will be cold in
2. No, Frank Craggins won’t visit Moscow in November. He will
be busy in November.
3. No, you won’t eat ice-cream on a cold day. You will catch
a cold.
4. No, your Mother won’t send her letter to Antarctica. Nobody
will receive it.
5. No, Piglet won’t give you ten sweets next week. Piglet will give
you only three.
L i t t l e H o b b i t. Thank you, boys and girls. Now I understand
everything well. I won’t swim in the river in spring. I won’t eat ice-
cream on a cold day.
IV. Speaking activities
A little girl with a rucksack on her back and a trunk in her hand appears.
Remind your pupils the rule about the order of the words in questions
including the words will, where, who, what, why, when. Put the flashcards with
these words on the board (and the symbols of the patterns from exercise 26,
page 70 if it is necessary for your pupils).
G i r l. Hello, I am Mary. I like to travel.
T e a c h e r. Well, boys and girls. I don’t know this girl. Do you
know her? Who is this?
P u p i l s. This is our friend. Her name is Mary.
T e a c h e r. Would you like to know about her trip? So, ask Mary
questions, please.
Неделя английского языка 157

P u p i l s.
– Will you go to Antarctica?
– Where will you go?
– When will you go to London?
– Will you write to me?
– What will you see there?
– Why will you go to London?
M a r y.
1. I won’t go to Antarctica.
2. I will go to London.
3. I will go in an hour.
4. I will write to you.
5. I will see Hobbit there.
6. I will go to learn English.
P u p i l s (sing).
Mary will go to London,
Oh, oh, oh!
Mary will go to London,
She will be clever so!
Mary, Mary, farewell,
Try to learn your English well.
Farewell, says our class,
Mary, Mary, write to us.
158 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

V. Checking up the homework

T e a c h e r. I am sure, Mary will write a very interesting story about
her visit to London. And what about you? Do you like to tell stories?
Who would like to tell the end of the story about two rabbits?
The pupils tell their stories. Some variants:
1. Small Grey Rabbit will ask a magician to make autumn again.
The magician will do it. Autumn will come. It will be warm. And
the magician will give Small White Rabbit a grey coat.
2. Small White Rabbit will ask Santa to give Small Grey Rabbit
a white coat. Santa will give it to Small Grey Rabbit. And Small
Grey Rabbit will say “thank you” to Santa and will wear his nice
warm coat.
If you have not enough time to listen to all the pupils’ stories, you can
collect their copybooks with the texts or listen to them at your next lesson. But
it’s better to listen to everybody.
VI. Moving activities
T e a c h e r. Oh, we know, magicians can do much. And what about
you? What can you do? Can you run?
P u p i l s. We can run, run and run.
And we have a lot of fun.
We can shake, we can dance,
That’s not difficult to us.
We shall look at the floor,
We shall turn to the door.
We shall go round, round.
And we’ll clap so loud, loud.
A teacher may pronounce some lines of the rhyme. It is necessary for
pupils to carry out all the actions.
VII. Book activities
T e a c h e r. Good for you! Are you as good at your reading as at
moving activities? Let us see it. Read exercise 30, page 72. It is the
end of the story “Two Rabbits”. If you have any questions, hold up
your hands.
Tell your pupils about the roles for reading. Share them. Read yourself
sharing the roles with the best reader of your group. Then comes the pupils’
reading (ex. 33, p. 72).
VIII. Pre-listening activities
T e a c h e r. Our friends Big White Rabbit and Small White Rabbit
met some days ago. I was outdoors and saw them. I had my videocamera
with me. Let us watch them and listen to their conversation. I’ll switch
on our video. Listen to our friends attentively. And then you will ask
and answer questions.
Неделя английского языка 159

IX. Listening for comprehension

Two pupils – rabbits appear on the screen. They have very long rabbits’
ears on their heads and white clothes. They begin their conversation/
Prepare the dialogue before with the pupils from your group. It will be
more interesting for them.
S m a l l W h i t e R a b b i t. Hello, Big White Rabbit! How are
B i g W h i t e R a b b i t. Hello, I’m fine. And you?
S m a l l W h i t e R a b b i t. Fine, thanks.
B i g W h i t e R a b b i t. Do you like your new white coat?
S m a l l W h i t e R a b b i t. I like it very much. It is very warm.
B i g W h i t e R a b b i t. Our holiday will come soon. What will
you do?
S m a l l W h i t e R a b b i t. I shall ski, skate and play snowballs.
And what will you do?
B i g W h i t e R a b b i t. I shall go to London.
S m a l l W h i t e R a b b i t. Why will you go to London?
B i g W h i t e R a b b i t. I will go to visit my friend Hobbit.
S m a l l W h i t e R a b b i t. Oh, it’s great! Have a nice time!
B i g W h i t e R a b b i t. Thank you. Goodbye.
S m a l l W h i t e R a b b i t. Bye! See you after our holiday.
X. Speaking activities
Put the flashcards with do, does and s-ending on the board (there are other
cards with shall, will and the interrogative words on the board); the flashcards
will help your pupils to ask questions in the Present Indefinite Tense and the
Future Indefinite Fense.
Pupils’s questions:
1. Does Small White Rabbit like his new coat?
2. Why does he like his new coat?
3. What will come soon?
4. What will Small White Rabbit do?
5. Where will Big White Rabbit go?
6. Why will he go to London?
P1 – Q > P2 – A; P2 – Q > P3 – A and so on.
XI. Follow-up activities
Comment your pupils’ answers and marks. Write down the homework
(ex. 31, p. 72; ex. 9, p. 75).
XII. Round-up
You may finish your lesson with the song.
160 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

T e a c h e r. Do you like winter? What season do you like?

Pupils answer.
T e a c h e r. I see, you like all the seasons of the year. Let us sing
about it.
P u p i l s (sing).
We like spring, we like spring,
Trees are green, birds can sing.
Children skip, children run.
We can have a lot of fun!
Winter’s snowy, winter’s white.
Days are frosty, days are bright!
We can ski, we can skate,
We play snowballs every day.
We like summer, days are warm.
There is no storm.
We can play, we can swim,
We are happy, laugh and sing!
We like autumn, it is nice,
Trees are yellow, apples are ripe.
We prepare as a rule,
It is time to go to school!

Вариант 5. What Do We Do at School?

Enjoy English 2, pages 140–141
Aims: to practise grammar and vocabulary; to practise shared
speaking; to teach pupils to study well.
Fitting out and equipment: flashcards; costumes and things for
drama; a board; cards for filling in; video.
I. Organization of the lesson
T e a c h e r. Good morning, boys and girls! How are you?
P u p i l s. We are fine, thank you. And you?
T e a c h e r. Fine, thanks! Are you ready for the lesson?
Неделя английского языка 161

P u p i l s. Yes, we are!
T e a c h e r. Let us begin our lesson. Who’s on duty today?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I am on duty today.
T e a c h e r. Ask him questions, please.
P u p i l 1. What is your name?
P u p i l o n d u t y. My name is Polly.
P u p i l 2. How old are you?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I am nine.
P u p i l 3. Where do you live?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I live in town.
T e a c h e r. What is your homework?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Exercise 3, exercise 6 , page 138.
P u p i l 4. What do you like to do?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I like skipping very much.
P u p i l 5. Do you like reading books?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Yes, I do. I like reading books.
P u p i l 6. Will you read a book tomorrow?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Yes, I shall. I shall read an interesting book
P u p i l 7. What is this book about?
P u p i l o n d u t y. It’s about school life.
T e a c h e r. What do you like at school very much?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I like our English lessons very much.
T e a c h e r. Do you think that learning English is very difficult?
P u p i l o n d u t y. No, I don’t. I think it is great!
Learning English… It is easy!
Try to learn it, Liz and Kate.
I like reading, writing, spelling.
Is it boring? No, it’s great!
T e a c h e r. And what is there in your hand?
P u p i l o n d u t y. There is a piece of chalk in my hand.
T e a c h e r. Oh, that’s good! Would you like to write a date?
Pupil on duty goes to the blackboard and writes the date.
II. Warm-up
T e a c h e r. We begin our school day with…
P u p i l s. A morning clock!
162 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

P u p i l 1. I can hear the morning clock:

“Tick and tock, tick and tock.”
Is it time for me to walk?
Tell me, dear morning clock!
Is it time for me to play?
But the morning clock, “No, hey!
It’s a working day!”
T e a c h e r. Do you like to get up in the morning? Do you like the
time to go to school?
P u p i l 2. We don’t like but we must.
P u p i l 3. When it’s time to go to school,
When it’s time to go to school,
When it’s time to go to school at eight,
You must never stop to blubber,
If you cannot find your rubber
Before you stop your sniffing
You’ll be late.
III. Book activities
T e a c h e r. You are not late today. Good for you! You like your
school and your lessons. Open your textbooks , page 140. Look at the
picture. Do you know all the words?
Put the flashcards on the board. Remind the rules of reading, pronounce
the words.
T e a c h e r. Now, look at the picture and read the words.
Pupils read.
T e a c h e r. Do you like your classroom? Compare your classroom
with the classroom in the picture.
Put the flashcards with there is, there are on your board. And some children
may use the pattern in the text book.
P u p i l s. There is a goldfish in the picture. There is no goldfish in
our classroom. There are many desks in the picture. There are many
desks in our classroom. And so on.
IV. Pre-speaking activities
T e a c h e r.
a. Listen to my reading of the words in exercise 2, page 141.
b. Read the words after me.
c. Choose and read the activities you usually have in your
P u p i l s. Draw, clean, read, help, smile, count, write, listen, speak,
ask questions, learn, sit, stand, answer questions, discuss, tell, copy,
retell, translate, watch, feed, learn.
Неделя английского языка 163

V. Speaking activities
T e a c h e r. And what do you usually do at the lesson? What do
you usually do during the break?
Pupils answer using the example of exercise 3, page 141.
VI. Grammar presentation and practice
T e a c h e r. Good for you! You know what to do at the lesson and
during the break. Does Neznaika know what to do? Look at the screen.
They see: Neznaika climbs on the teacher’s table, plays with his pet in
the classroom, then he sleeps on his desk, begins to talk at the lesson, speaks
loudly in the classroom during the break and tries to draw faces on the walls
of the classroom.
At this moment it is necessary to stop the sequence (кадр). Put the
flashcards with must and mustn’t on the board. Together with your pupils
choose the sentences with climb, pet, speak loudly, sleep, talk, and draw from
exercise 4, page 141.
Neznaika appears in the classroom.
N e z n a i k a. May I come in? Hello. Sorry, but I am late.
T e a c h e r. Come in. But you mustn’t be late! Well, boys and girls,
let us tell Neznaika what he mustn’t do.
Train the structure Neznaika mustn’t… with the sentences of exercise 4.
T e a c h e r. Then train we mustn’t… What must he (we) do?
Pupils answer using the rest of the sentences of exercise 4.
N e z n a i k a. Now I know what I mustn’t do and what I must do
at school. But we are tired. We must have a short rest.
T e a c h e r. Now you are right!
VII. Moving activities
T e a c h e r. Put your pens on your desks.
Dear children, have a rest!
We can go, go, and go
Very fast and very slow.
We can stamp our feet.
Let us do it, Mike and Pete!
We can clap our hands,
We can turn and we can dance.
Try to do it all the best.
Dear children, have a rest!
T e a c h e r. And let’s do exercises for our eyes.
Make one eye wink, wink, wink.
Make two eyes go blink, blink, blink.
Make two fingers stand just so;
Then ten fingers in a row.
164 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

To wink – моргать.
To blink – мигать.
In a row – в ряд.
VIII. Checking up the homework
T e a c h e r. Do you remember, my dear boys and girls, the famous
English proverb: “Business before pleasure?” So, let us work again. It’s
time to check up your homework. Open your copybooks, please.
One of your pupils has done his homework excellently (look through his
copybook before the lesson). This pupil (in front of your teacher’s desk) holds
up the flashcards with the right variant.
Exercise 3, page 138. 1. some – some; 2. some; 3. any – some; 4. any – not
any; 5. some – no.
Pupils hold up their red or green flashcards. If some sentences are wrong
(pupils hold up their red flashcards), stop, read the right variant, correct and
comment (remember, it’s better your pupils do it).
IX. Writing activities
Exercise 6, page 138. Play a game (if you have enough time). There are
two teams. Your pupils one by one go to the blackboard and write the questions
to the sentences of exercise 6. Two pupils write at the same time. But on the
different sides of the blackboard standing face to face. The blackboard separates
them (if a part of your blackboard move).
1. When did Tin Woodman go shopping?
2. What will Hobbit wear tomorrow?
3. Who buys two bars of chocolate and three bottles of orange juice
every Friday?
4. What are Alice and her friends happy to do?
5. Where was Piglet yesterday?
The winners will get better marks.
X. Group activities
It’s better to have three pupils in a group.
T e a c h e r. Imagine that you are English teachers. What would
you do with your pupils at the lesson? Use the example in exercise 8,
page 142.
Practise the pronunciation of this example, comment this structure.
Pupils write their proposals (give them some sheets of paper for this
purpose), then read them.
P u p i l s. If I were a teacher, I would.
– play more games at the lesson.
– sing more songs at the lesson.
– translate more from English into Russian.
XI. Creative activities
T e a c h e r. You would like to play more games at the lesson. Let
us try to do it now. Do you know the rhyme to the word bell?
Неделя английского языка 165

P u p i l s. Spell, well…
T e a c h e r. Let it be well. (Writes the words bell and well into two
lines on the blackboard.)
T e a c h e r. Do you know the rhyme to the word ring?
P u p i l s. Bring, sing.
T e a c h e r. Let it be sing (writes down). Some words are yours and
some of them are mine.
Then word by word they make a rhyme. It is a funny riddle:
What can sing so loud, well?
It is our school… bell!
XII. Homework
T e a c h e r. But before the bell, please, open your recordbooks.
Comment and write down their marks.
T e a c h e r. Write down your homework: exercise 1, page 148, in
written form; exercise 7, page 141, fill in the table.
Prepare the cards to this lesson before and then give them to your pupils
at the end of the lesson (don’t forget to write down their homework on the
XIII. Round-up
T e a c h e r. Now let us sing!
Learn the words of the song before. Timber the poster with these words
on the board. Switch on your tape.
At the lesson you must read,
At the lesson you must write.
You must answer and translate
And do homework every day.
But you mustn’t sleep and talk,
And draw faces on the wall,
Mustn’t put your caps and hats,
Mustn’t take your toys or pets.
T e a c h e r. Thank you! Good for you! Goodbye!

Вариант 6. You Can Use So Many Things!

Enjoy English 2, pages 142–144
Aims: vocabulary and practice; to practice and recycle grammar;
to practise shared speaking; to teach pupils to take care of their school
Fitting out and equipment: flashcards; costumes and things for
drama; a board; a librarian; English books.
166 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

Ход мероприятия
I. Organization of the lesson
T e a c h e r. Good morning, boys and girls! How are you?
P u p i l s. We are fine, thank you. And you?
T e a c h e r. Fine, thanks! Are you ready for the lesson?
P u p i l s. Yes, we are!
T e a c h e r. Let us begin our lesson. Who’s on duty today?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I am on duty today.
T e a c h e r. Ask him questions, please.
P u p i l 1. What is your name?
P u p i l o n d u t y. My name is Alexander.
P u p i l 2. How old are you?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I am nine.
P u p i l 3. Where do you live?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I live in town.
T e a c h e r. What is your homework?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Exercise 7, page 141, exercise 1, page 148.
P u p i l 4. What do you like to do?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I like skipping very much.
P u p i l 5. Do you like reading books?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Yes, I do. I like reading books.
P u p i l 6. Will you read a book tomorrow?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Yes, I shall. I shall read an interesting book
P u p i l 7. What is this book about?
P u p i l o n d u t y. It’s about school life.
T e a c h e r. What do you like at school very much?
P u p i l o n d u t y. I like our school library.
T e a c h e r. Do you take any books from the library?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Yes, I do. I like reading very much.
T e a c h e r. And what is there in your hand?
P u p i l o n d u t y. There is a book in my hand.
T e a c h e r. Is it an English book?
P u p i l o n d u t y. Yes, it is. It is a book of African tales and
Неделя английского языка 167

T e a c h e r. Is it interesting for reading ?

P u p i l o n d u t y. I like reading very much. I think, that books
are our friends.
Be good to books,
They are friends.
Turn over pages
With your clean hands.
II. Warm-up
T e a c h e r. Let me introduce our guest. This is our school
L i b r a r i a n. Hello, boys and girls. Glad to meet you.
P u p i l s. Hello! You are welcome!
L i b r a r i a n. You will need many books during your school life.
Be good to books. They are your friends. They will help you to learn
much. I would like you to know some rules.
The Library Rules
– Don’t lose books.
– Don’t tear pages.
– Wash your hands before reading.
– Don’t make dog’s ears in books, use bookmarks.
– Don’t cut out pictures in books.
– Don’t colour pictures in books.
Print the cards with the Library Rules before the lesson and give one to
L i b r a r i a n. You are welcome to our school library. We have got
many English books for children.
P u p i l s. Thank you!
III. Vocabulary presentation
1. Letter secret
Put the flashcards with the sounds of exercise 10 on your board. Remind
the reading of the er, e, i, oo. Then switch on a tape recorder. Your pupils listen
to the words, repeat the words then read (ex. 10, p. 142).
2. Presentation
T e a c h e r. At school we need so many things. (Znaika and
Neznaika appear.) Oh, who are you?
Z n a i k a, N e z n a i k a. Hello! We are your new pupils.
T e a c h e r. You are welcome. But are you ready for the lesson?
Have you got all the things you need?
N e z n a i k a. I don’t know.
168 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

Z n a i k a. I think, I have. (Takes out things from his school rucksack

and name them.) At school I need: a pen, a pencil sharpener, a ruler,
felt-tip pens, pencils, paints, a rubber, some exercise books and some
T e a c h e r. Good for you! But at the lesson we need some more
things. They are (shows): a blackboard, a video, a computer, a tape
recorder, a dictionary. Why do you need a dictionary?
P u p i l s. We can read and translate any word with the help of
a dictionary.
T e a c h e r. Can you find the verb need in your dictionaries?
Pupils look for the verb in their dictionaries, hold up their hands.
T e a c h e r. Go to the blackboard and write down this word with
the transcription and translation.
Pupils do. Put after it the verb will in front of need on your board.
IV. Speaking and book activities
N e z n a i k a. I never take these things (shows to the teacher’s desk
with things) with me to school. I don’t know why I need them.
T e a c h e r. But our pupils know. Would you like to ask them?
N e z n a i k a. Well, Boris, why will you need a pen (a textbook,
a tape recorder, and so on$ use ex.11, p. 143)?
P u p i l s. I’ll need a pen for writing (a text book for reading and
so on; pupils use ex 11, p. 143, some of them speak, some of them read
the sentences from their textbook).
For individual work: prepare the flashcard with the necessary lexical
material. If there are some problems with knowledge timber the pictures
opposite every word.
The last question will be: Why will you need your exercise books?
The answer will be: I will need my exercise book to check up our
T e a c h e r. Oh, you are right. Let us do it. Open your exercise
Pupils take their flashcards, red and green, hold up them. Znaika can read
the right variants of the verbs: 1 – is; 2 – will have; 3 – went; 4 – did, didn’t;
5 – will go.
Don’t forget to comment mistakes. Let your pupils do it.
V. Recycling activities (grammar and vocabulary)
T e a c h e r. Are you ready with your cards? What do you like best
to do at the English lesson? What don’t you like to do at the English
lesson? What does your friend like to do best at the English lesson?
What doesn’t your friend like to do at the English lesson?
Don’t forget to collect the exercise books of your pupils.
Неделя английского языка 169

VI. Moving activities

T e a c h e r. Who is the best pupil in our English group?
P u p i l 1. I think, it is Olga.
T e a c h e r. You are right. But I know Olga is a good sportsman
too. Will you help me, Olga, with our moving activities?
O l g a. With great pleasure! Are you tired? So, stand up!
Shake your hands,
And then hands up!
Do you need to jump?
So, jump!
Don’t make much noise and harm.
Wink your eyes,
One, two, three, four,
More and more, more and more.
Run, run, run,
Fly, fly, fly.
Fly as high as in the sky!
Turn and turn,
And clap, clap, clap.
Shake your hands and nod your head.
Turn around, turn around.
Thank you, children,
And sit down.
If it is too much for your children, so extract some lines or say some of
them yourself.
VII. Recycling activities
T e a c h e r. What did you do a minute ago?
P u p i l s. We stood (shook, jumped, ran, flew, drew and so on).
Sherlock Holmes appears.
T e a c h e r. Oh, is something wrong?
S h e r l o c k H o l m e s. Don’t worry. Everything is all right. But
I would like to know what your pupils did at the last English Lesson.
What did you do at your last lesson of English?
Did you read?
Did you write?
Did you answer the teacher’s questions?
Did you listen to your friends?
Did you draw pictures?
VIII. Shared speaking activities
H o l m e s. Would you like to be my pupils? So, you must learn.
170 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

T e a c h e r. Now, boys and girls, our future detectives will try to

find out what things their neighbours have in their school bags.
Pupils work: P1 > P2, P2 > P1, P3 > P4, P4 > P3.
Prepare two school bags with some school things. Pupils ask each other
questions and answer them. The pupil who answers has a flashcard with the list
of the things of bag 1. When they change their roles P2 will get the flashcard
with the list of the things of bag 2.
Pupil 1. Is it long?
Pupil 2. Yes, it is. It is long.
Pupil 1. Is it red?
Pupil 2. Yes, it is. It’s red.
Pupil 1. Have you got a red pencil in your bag?
Pupil 2. No, I haven’t.
Pupil 1. Have you got a red ruler in your bag?
Pupil 2. Yes, I have got a red ruler in my bag.
Follow the conversation. The pupil who the first will find out all the things
in bag 1 (then in bag 2) can get a good mark.
H o l m e s. Oh, you are so good pupils and detectives! Can you
guess some riddles more?
Why can I
Be so happy and smile?
Guess, my dear.
Can’t you, why?
That’s because
I’ve got…
P u p i l s. A “five”!
H o l m e s. I am sure many pupils will get excellent marks. Now
listen to one more riddle.
What a magic thing
There is in our class.
There wasn’t anything,
Then some writing with white chalk…
It can so much bring! (Holmes can write or draw
while speaking.)
P u p i l s. It’s our blackboard.
IX. Grammar activities
T e a c h e r. We can write on the blackboard. And we can use our
computer for it.
Use if you have a chance to do it. If you haven’t, prepare for your pupils
the flashcards with the task of exercise 16, page 144.
Неделя английского языка 171

T e a c h e r. Put down the words which the computer has cleaned

by mistake.
Follow the printing, check up; then comes pupils’ reading and your
X. Follow-up (homework)
T e a c h e r. And what must we open at the end of our lesson? Where
must we have a look at?
P u p i l s. At our record books!
T e a c h e r. Open your recordbooks and write down your homework:
exercise 13, page 143, exercise 5, page 147.
Put down the marks and comment them.
XI. Round-up
T e a c h e r. Don’t forget what you will need tomorrow. Help your
friend to remember what he will need.
P u p i l s (sing).
You will need, you will need,
You will need a pen,
You will need a pen for writing,
Don’t forget a pen again!
You will need, you will need,
You will need a book,
You will need a book for reading,
Have you got it? Have a look!

T e a c h e r. So, what makes a loud sound,

Up and down and around?
So, what is it? Will you tell?
P u p i l s. This is our school bell!
T e a c h e r. Goodbye! See you!
172 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

Четвертый день. Our Projects

О методе проектов
Метод проектов как один из видов самостоятельной работы
все больше увлекает как учителей, так и учащихся разных стран.
В разработке проекта могут принимать участие как отдельные
учащиеся (индивидуальные проекты), так и целые группы ребят
(групповые проекты). Период подготовки работы может быть раз-
личным – в зависимости от целей работы, а также от возможностей
Что же так привлекает в проектной методике? Во-первых, учи-
тель не только передает учащимся определенную сумму знаний,
но еще и обучает их тому, как можно и нужно знания приобретать
и пополнять самостоятельно и использовать их для решения новых
задач, как познавательного, так и практического характера.
Использование проектной методики дает возможность обучать-
ся в процессе сотрудничества, развивать столь необходимые в наше
время коммуникативные навыки. Ведь в процессе подготовки
и презентации проектов учащиеся задействованы в разнообразных
группах. Они выполняют при этом различные виды работ, исполняя
всевозможные социальные роли. Они являются исполнителями
и посредниками, лидерами и подчиненными, корреспондентами
и исследователями, писателями, поэтами и оформителями и т. д.
Рассматриваемая в проекте проблема всегда предусматривает ши-
рокий круг контактов, взаимодействие с людьми различных про-
фессий, возраста, точек зрения на проблему и даже людей разных
стран и культур.
Работая над проектом, учащиеся познают методику исследова-
тельской работы. Они собирают факты, совершенствуют свои знания,
получают дополнительную информацию по проблеме. Ребята учатся
анализировать полученные сведения, сопоставлять данные, делать
свои выводы, приходить к определенному заключению. Таким об-
разом они готовят себя ко взрослой жизни, совершенствуя при этом
свои языковые знания. Некоторые ребята именно в процессе само-
стоятельной деятельности по осуществлению своего проекта раскры-
вают свои возможности и способности, что иногда является новым
и неожиданным не только для учителей, но и для них самих.
В процессе работы над проектом могут преобладать различ-
ные виды деятельности. Эта деятельность может быть поисковой
и творческой, исследовательской и практико-ориентированной,
т. е., прикладной. Проект может находиться в одной области зна-
ний, но может затрагивать и межпредметные связи.
Неделя английского языка 173

Готовясь к защите своего проекта, ребята могут взаимодейство-

вать с учащимися своей школы или только своего класса. Но работа
над проектом может предусматривать и более широкий круг обще-
ния и взаимодействия (учащиеся других школ, учителя, родители,
учащиеся других регионов и даже стран).
Обсуждая с учащимися тематику проектов, поручая им опре-
деленные задания, учитель всегда ставит перед собой и ребятами
определенные цели. Например, обучение исследовательской са-
мостоятельной работе, привлечение внимания к актуальной теме,
расширение кругозора и ряд других. И, конечно же, повышение
интереса к изучаемому предмету, совершенствование владения
иноязычной речью (так как в данном случае мы говорим об учи-
телях иностранного языка).
В процессе подготовки и оформления развиваются творческие
способности ребят. Но форма представления проекта обсуждается
и утверждается заранее. Продумывается и предлагается также план
представления материала.
Для ознакомительно- и практико-ориентированных проектов
очень важна хорошо продуманная и тщательно спланированная
деятельность участников проектов, обсуждение, координация
и коррекция работы. А также организация презентации и способов
внедрения результатов (прикладные проекты) непосредственно
в жизнедеятельность учащихся или других людей (в зависимости
от целей проекта).
Проекты лингвистические, особенно те, которые касаются из-
учения иностранных языков, становятся все более популярными.
Они вызывают большой интерес в связи с актуальностью про-
Учитывая реалии нашей жизни, осознавая возможности по-
лучения хороших результатов проектной деятельности учащихся,
учителя начинают применять проектную методику уже на началь-
ном этапе обучения ребят иностранному языку. Роль учителя как
координатора и консультанта при этом очень важна.
Чаще всего весь проект разбивается на отдельные задания
(учитываются и обсуждаются предложения и пожелания как учи-
теля, так и учащихся). По каждому заданию работает определенная
группа ребят (можно работать в паре или одному, но только в том
случае, когда не только ученик, и вы тоже уверены в его способ-
ностях, возможностях и его чувстве ответственности; в противном
случае постарайтесь ненавязчиво подвести ребенка к мысли о не-
обходимости, больших возможностях и лучшей результативности
его работы в группе). При парной и групповой работе следует учи-
174 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

тывать интересы ребят, их возможности и способности (с учетом

дополнения определенных качеств друг друга и уровня их знаний
и взаимодействия). Продолжительность выполнения работы зави-
сит от темы, количества и сложности заданий, языкового уровня
подготовки учащихся и их способностей выполнять определенный
вид работы.
Над проектом могут работать как учащиеся одного класса,
так и вся параллель. Классы параллели могут разрабатывать свои
проекты по единой теме. В этом случае защита проектов может
носить соревновательный характер.
Лучшие работы-презентации могут быть отмечены высокими
оценочными баллами и памятными сувенирами. После презента-
ции оформляется выставка проектов. Работы на выставке распо-
ложены под номерами. Посетители выставки (учащиеся средних
и старших классов, учителя, родители и другие представители)
получают специально карточку, на которой они (по желанию) про-
ставляют номер проекта (мини-проекта), который им больше всего
понравился (появляется возможность дополнительных поощре-
ний, активизации интереса к дальнейшей работе по данному виду
деятельности; это также явится одним из способов повышения
самооценки детей, что немаловажно как для развития интереса
к изучению предмета, так и для развития и становления форми-
рующейся личности).
После подсчета результатов лучшие работы отмечаются спе-
циальными дипломами и грамотами. А награжденные получают
свои поощрения во время проведения общешкольной линейки.
Для оформления проектов используются альбомы, папки с фай-
лами. Ребята могут создать свой рисованный фильм с текстом
и комментариями во время презентации. Или оформить книжку-
раскладушку (a fold-up book). Для ее изготовления используется
длинная полоса бумаги (a long strip of paper) или соединяются
отдельные альбомные листы. Поиск, получение дополнительных
сведений, оригинальность и аккуратность оформления обязательно
В школьной практике чаще всего лучшие результаты наблю-
даются в процессе работы и защиты смешанных проектов. В этом
случае есть большая возможность удовлетворить интересы в опре-
деленном виде деятельности учащихся разного уровня подготовки
и возможностей и способностей (нисколько не ущемляя их са-
молюбие, самооценку). А значит, велика и вероятность не только
не загубить интереса к теме и продолжению исследовательской
деятельности, а, наоборот, усилить этот интерес и к работе и, по-
Неделя английского языка 175

средством успешной деятельности, развивать интерес к изучае-

мому языку. В результате всего этого учащиеся будут успешно
познавать окружающий мир самостоятельно, а не только путем
получения определенной суммы знаний на основе материала, под-
готовленного для них учителем.
Если определение целей проекта – это дело учителя, то в во-
просе определения проблемы исследования желательна инициа-
тива самих учащихся. При этом важно умение учителя оказать
помощь ребятам в анализе пройденного материала, подвести их
к определенным мыслям и выводам. Ребята обычно стремятся
предложить способы решения проблемы, вопросы, которые не-
обходимо включить в разработку проекта, способы оформления
и презентации и т. д. В этом случае учитель должен вести себя
как методически грамотный организатор познавательной и дру-
гих видов деятельности учащихся: поисковой, исследовательской,
коммуникативной, творческой и др.
Работа над проектом начинается с выбора темы. Определяется
тип проекта (для деятельности младших школьников в большин-
стве своем это проекты смешанного типа). Обсуждается состав
участников и сроки исполнения, определяются задания для групп
(и для отдельных участников в этих группах). Продумываются
методы исполнения заданий. В процессе самостоятельной работы
ребят проводятся обсуждения, консультации. Результаты работы
При оценке проекта учитывается актуальность проблемы, ее
соответствие изучаемому материалу, активность участников и ре-
зультативность их работы (при этом не следует забывать об ин-
дивидуальных особенностях и способностях каждого участника
и в соответствии с этим соизмерять уровень его вклада в общее
дело), умение ребят объединить свои усилия для достижения успе-
ха; значимость собранного ими материала, уровень его оформления
и подачи, а также умение использовать дополнительный материал
и делать выводы.

Project “Animals”
Aims: to practise vocabulary and grammar; to practise writing and
speaking; to develop creative activities; to bring up children in the spirit
of love to animals and care of them.
Если вы сформируете группу из сильного ученика, среднего
и более слабого, то получите возможность дать ребятам несколько
176 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

заданий, каждое из которых будет соответствовать их возможно-

стям и способностям.
Task 1
Conduct a survey “Your favourite animal”.
a. Interview:
• your classmates;
• students of other classes;
• your relatives.
b. Fill in the table:
Tiger Horse Lion Bear Monkey
Classmates 2 4 … … …
Students of other 6 7 … … …
Relatives 1 6 … … …
Other variants … … … … …

c. Build a diagram to show your results.

In my survey:
• nine people like tigers;
• seventeen people like horses;
• … … like lions (and so on).
Conclusion: many people like animals.
Task 2
Conduct a survey “What pets would you like to have?”
a. Interview:
• your classmates;
• students of other classes;
• your relatives.
b. Fill in the table:
Cat Dog Hedgehog Parrot Hamster
Classmates 7 5 2 4 2
Students of other 12 … … … …
Relatives 3 … … … …
Other variants … … … … …

c. Build a diagram to show your results.

In my survey:
• twenty-two people like cats;
• twenty-nine people like dogs;
• … … … hedgehogs;
Неделя английского языка 177

• … … … parrots;
• … … … hamsters (and so on).
Conclusion: many people would like to have pets.
Task 3
Conduct a survey “What pets have you got?”
a. Interview:
• your classmates;
• students of other classes;
• your relatives;
b. Fill in the table:
Cat Dog Hedgehog Parrot Hamster
Classmates 8 6 1 9 4
Students of other 16 21 … … …
Relatives 2 3 … … …
Other variants … … … … …

In my survey:
• thirty-six people have got dogs;
• twenty-nine people have got cats;
• … … … hedgehogs;
• … … … parrots;
• … … … hamsters (and so on).
a. Many people have got pets.
b. All my classmates have got pets.
c. Some of my classmates have got two pets.
Task 4
What animals do you know (write as many as you know)? (A bear,
an elephant, a mouse, a fish, a camel, an owl, a cockerel, a pig, a dog,
a crocodile, a fox, a cat, a lion, a tiger, a turtle, a hedgehog, a dinosaur,
a panda, a koala, a wolf, a kangaroo, a monkey…)
Task 5
a. Think and write. What animals are:
• strong. (An elephant, a tiger, a lion, a bear, a horse…)
• funny. (A monkey, a kitten, a puppy, a koala, a panda…)
• ugly. (A frog…)
• big. (An elephant, a bear, a whale, a horse, a camel, a whale,
a crocodile…)
• small. (A mouse, a cat, a frog…)
• cunning. (A fox…)
178 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

• nice. (A cat, a dog, a horse, a parrot, a horse, a zebra…)

• fluffy. (A cat, a dog, a lion, a bear…)
• clever. (A dog, a horse…)
• friendly. (A cat, a horse, a panda…)
• fast. (A hare, a fox, a wolf…)
• angry. (A wolf, a crocodile…)
• slow. (A turtle…)
• tall. (A kangaroo, an elephant, a camel…)
b. Conclusion:
I know five strong animals.
I know five funny animals.
I know one ugly animal.
I know seven big animals. (And so on.)
Task 6
a. Choose a suitable adjective.
What colour are these animals:
• cats. (Black, white, yellow, grey, red…)
• dogs. (Black, white, brown, grey…)
• bears. (Brown, white…)
• frogs. (Green…)
• foxes. (Red, grey, silver…)
• horses. (White, grey, black, brown…)
• mice. (White, grey…)
• tigers. (Red and black…) (And so on.)
Conclusion: Many animals are black, white, grey and brown.
b. Where do they live?
• pigs. (In the forest, in the barn…)
• snakes. (In the grass…)
• frogs. (In the water…)
• camels. (In the desert…)
• turtles. (In the water, in the grass…)
• horses. (In the fields, in the stable…)
• whales. (In the water (in the ocean)…)
• fish. (In the water, in the river, in the sea…) (And so on.)
Conclusion: Many animals live in the forest and in the water.
Task 7
What do they eat:
• foxes. (Cockerels, hens, hares, rabbits…)
• frogs. (Mosquitoes…)
• horses. (Oaks, grass…)
• hares. (Grass…)
• rabbits. (Carrots, cabbage, grass…)
Неделя английского языка 179

• cats. (Meat, milk, fish…)

• dogs. (Meat, fish, bread, bones…)
• pigs. (Potatoes, grass…)
• cows. (Grass…)
• pandas. (Grass…) (And so on.)
Conclusion: many animals like to eat grass. They are: horses,
Task 8
Who takes care of your pets? Who feeds, washes and cleans the
pets in your family?
a. Interview:
• your classmates;
• students of other classes.
Father Mother Children Granny Grandpa
Classmates 4 12 2 1 1
Students of other 6 18 7 3 4
Other variants … … … … …

Conclusion: сhildren don’t take care of pets much. Mothers usually

take care of pets.
b. Who walks about with your pet?
• your classmates;
• students of other classes.
Father Mother Children Granny Grandpa
Classmates 6 6 2 3 3
Students of other 14 10 6 8 7
Other variants … … … … …

Conclusion: fathers, mothers, grannies and grandpas walk about

with the pets. Children don’t do it much.
Task 9
Can you guess who it is?
Here’s a dot and there’s a dot.
May not look like an awful lot –
Now draw a line from dot to dot…
Aren’t you amazed by what you have got?
Dot – точка.
Awful lot – ужасно большое количество, слишком много.
Aren’t you amazed – разве ты не удивлен.
180 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

Task 10
What poems do you know about bears?
Little Bears
Once two little brown bears
Found a pear-tree full of pears;
But they could not climb up there
For the trunk was smooth and bare.
“If I only had a chair,”
Said the elder brown bear,
“I would get the biggest pear
That is hanging in the air.”
“If you do not soil my hair,”
Said the younger little bear,
“I will serve as a chair
And you can get the biggest pear.”
Polly Dale
Task 11
It’s easy to make a finger puppet. Here’s how:
1. Colour the puppet. Be sure to include the feet.
2. Carefully cut out the puppet and its feet.
Неделя английского языка 181

3. Cut out the two black circles at the bottom of the puppet. That
will create two holes which you can put your fingers through.
4. Using the 2-side tabs of each shoe scotch-tape a circle so that
your fingers will fit through.
5. Put your index finger and middle finger through the two holes
and then attach the shoes to your fingertips. (Somebody in your
family can help you.)
Now your fingers are legs and your fingertips are feet! Can you
make your finger puppet walk and dance? What else can your finger
puppet do?

I am a bear,
I’ve got brown hair.
I don’t live in the forest.
I like to live in the Zoo.
I like children, I like honey.
I can dance.
Oh, look, it’s funny! (Dances.)
Task 12
a. Do you know a poem about your pet?
There are my pussy kittens,
They didn’t have any warm mittens.
Yesterday I bought some mittens
For my dear pussy kittens!
b. Can you sing a song about your pet?
I am a cat, I am not a giraffe,
I put on warm mittens
And a very warm scarf.
I can sing, “Mew-mew, mew-mew.”
182 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

My song is so nice,
Though it is not so new!
c. Do you have a poem of your own about your pet?
I’ve got a cat,
My cat is good.
I give it some milk.
It’s so tasty food!
Conclusion: we must take care of our pets more.

Project “Hello! It’s Me!” (A book about myself)

Aims: to practise vocabulary and grammar; to practise writing
and speaking; to develop creative activities; to teach how to introduce
Page 1. “My Childhood”
Look at the photo. It’s me. My name is Nelly. I am two (three).
I am very small. I like to smile. I am happy!
Page 2. “Let Me Introduce Myself”
Look at the photo. It’s me. I am together with my classmates. Now
I am… years old. I am in the… form (class). I can read and write
English. I am a good pupil (student). I get good marks.
Page 3. “Let Me Introduce My Family”
Look at the photo (picture) of my family. My Mother’s (Father’s,
brother’s, and so on) name is Olga. My Mother (Father, brother, sister,
granny, grandpa, and so on) is a doctor (teacher, pilot, student, and so
Page 4. “Let Me Introduce My Friend”
Look at the photo. This is my friend and me. My friend’s name is
Mary. She is my classmate. She is… years old. She is nice. Mary likes
to read and play the piano. She can speak English well. Mary can help
me. She is a good pupil and friend.
Page 5. “My Appearance”
I can draw a picture of my own. Look at this picture. It’s me. My
hair is dark and long. My eyes are blue. My nose is short. My face is
oval. (And so on.)
Page 6. “My Pet”
This is a picture of my pet. My pet is a hamster. He is very fat. His
name is Sam. I feed him and clean his “flat”. He likes to eat seeds and
to run. He likes to sleep very much. I like my pet.
A pupil may make an applique (аппликация) or embroidery (вышивка)
of his favourite pet.
Page 7. “My Hobby”
I like singing and dancing. Look at me (at my photo). I am on the
stage. I sing my favourite song. Here it is:
Неделя английского языка 183

One, Two, Buckle My Shoe

One, two, buckle my shoe.
Three, four, shut the door.
Five, six, pick up sticks.
Seven, eight, lay them straight.
Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one,
All done!
From “Mother Goose’s Melodies”
To buckle – застегивать пряжкой.
To pick up – собирать.
Sticks – палочки.
All done – все сделано (все готово).

I like to draw. Sometimes I draw my self-portrait. I put a mirror on

the table in front of me. Then I begin to draw what I see. Look at my
self-portrait. I am surprised by the result. Are you? I think it is fun!
And I know a poem about the painters like me.
My Picture
I’m painting a picture, a beautiful one,
But no one can see it until it is done.
184 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

It isn’t an engine, it isn’t a rose.

And when I’ll finish it
Nobody knows.
Page 8. “My Room”
I have got a room of my own. This is a picture of my room. It is
not very big but nice. There is a table, a chair, a bed in my room. There
are some flowers in it. There is a warm carpet on the floor. These are
my toys. We can play with my friend in a room of my own. My friend
likes to come to me. It is very nice. We can have a lot of fun. I like to
clean my room.
Page 9. “My Dreams”
I would like to be a singer. I would like to visit London. This is
a picture of London. London is the capital of England.
I would like my relatives to live long!
Page 10
I hope you like my story.
The End. (Or: to be continued.)

Project “Our Friends”

Aims: to practise the lexical material and grammar; to practise
writing and speaking; to develop creative activities; to bring up children
in the spirit of friendship.
Task 1. What do you know about your friend?
a. Her personal identification
Her name is Kate. Her surname is Petrova. She is… years old.
The 25th of December is my friend’s birthday. Her address is 12, 24,
Gagarin street, Novgorod. She lives with her Mom and Dad, Grandma and
Grandpa. She has a room of her own. She would like to be a film star.
b. Her appearance
I like to draw my friend. This is a picture of my friend. Her eyes
are grey. Her hair is short. She is blond. She is tall and slim. Kate’s face
is round. She looks like her Mother. She is a nice girl.
c. Her character
My friend Kate is:
• clever. (She knows much. She gets only good marks.)
• curious. (She reads much.)
• energetic. (She is always busy.)
• friendly. (She is not cunning. She often helps me.)
• merry. (She is not sad. She likes to smile. She is often funny. She
likes to make tricks.)
Неделя английского языка 185

• kind. (She gives me presents. She always says “Help

• not lazy. (She helps her Mother to cook.)
• polite. (She always says, “Hello! Sorry. Thank you!”)
• quick. (She likes to run, jump, skip and ride a bike.)
d. Her likes and dislikes
She likes singing, swimming, playing games.
She likes to eat apples.
She likes to drink orange juice.
She likes dogs.
Her favourite colour is blue.
She doesn’t like cats and cleaning rooms.
She doesn’t like to drink milk.
She doesn’t like chocolate. She hasn’t a sweet tooth.
Task 2. Your penfriends.
– Have you got any penfriends?
– I have got a penfriend. Her name is Lena. We usually meet in
summer. I like to get letters, to read them and to write. This is
my letter to Lena.
Dear Lena,
Thank you for your letter. I would like to meet you in summer.
I go to school, study and meet my friends at school. At home I do my
homework and help my Mother. On Saturdays and Sundays I walk about
with my dog July.
What about new stamps for your collection? Is your pet all right
Please, write back,
Your Sonia.
Task 3. Would you like to have any interplanetary friends?
I would like to have some interplanetary friends. I can write a letter
to my interplanetary friend.
Dear friend,
My name is Yana. I am… years old. I am a pupil. I have got a mother,
a father and a little brother Mike. We are friendly.
I live in town. My town is very nice. There are many green trees
and flowers in our town.
What is your name? What do the houses and towns look like in your
town? Do you go to school? Have you got any friends? Do you like to
go shopping? Do you play computer games? What is your hobby?
Please, write back,
Your Yana.
186 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

Task 4. You have got a good friend. What do you like to do together?
– We like to help each other at school. (We revise our lessons at
breaks. Look at this photo.)
– We like to walk. (We often go to the park after lessons. This is
a picture of our park.)
– We like to talk. (We discuss sports questions. Our favourite
football player is… We are football funs. Our favourite team is
– We like to read books. (Our favourite books are about animals).
We like to read about whales. We would like to tell about
Blue whales are the largest animals in the world. They live in the
oceans. They are larger than dinosaurs. Whales’ babies drink mother’s
milk. Whales eat fish, crabs, plankton, and seals. Some whales are
meat-eaters. Whales live in water, but they need air.
Men like to hunt whales. They would like to have meat and oil.
There aren’t many whales in the world now.
Conclusion: we must save whales.
Task 5. Proverbs or sayings about friends or friendship.
– A friend in need is a friend indeed.
– It is interesting to have friends.
– We can help each other.
– We can have a lot of fun together.
Task 6. Funny time.
Any problems with your friends?
Yes, friend Mike ruined the fence.
What can you say about Asia?
She’s always late for our classes.
And what about your friend Bart?
He doesn’t like to work too hard.
And what about Molly, Kate?
Like watching TV, and so late.
And where are you,
When they all are so bad?
Sure, with them,
‘Cause I’m the best friend!
‘cause = because – потому что.

Project “Our Pets”

Aims: to practise vocabulary and grammar; to practise writing and
speaking; to teach children to take care of pets.
Неделя английского языка 187

Task 1
a. Do you like to visit a toy shop?
b. What toy animals can you see in it?
c. What toy animal would you like to buy?
d. What toy pets have you got?
e. What games can you play with your toy pets?
f. Do you know any songs or rhymes about toy pets?
I like to visit a toy shop.
I can see many toy animals there. They are: pigs and frogs, cats
and dogs, rabbits and crocodiles (and so on).
I would like to buy a giraffe. It is yellow and tall.
I have got many toy pets at home. They are: three dogs, a tiger, two
frogs, a lion, a rubber crocodile, four small mice, a parrot, a bear and
a snake. They are black, white, yellow, grey, brown and red.
I can play many games with my toy pets. My friend and me often
play Zoo. We feed and clean our pet animals.
My Teddy Bear Has a Sweet Tooth!
My teddy bear so likes honey,
It needs for honey Mother’s money,
So Mother gives us a little money,
And we go shopping to buy honey,
Happy we are!
Task 2
a. Do you go to a pet shop?
b. What can you see in a pet shop?
c. What colour are the pets?
d. What can they do?
e. Why do you go to pet shops?
f. Who do you go with?
Sometimes I go to a pet shop. I like to go to pet shops. We can buy
a pet in a pet shop.
In a pet shop I can see cats and dogs, rats, tortoises, budgies,
kittens, puppies, guinea-pigs, fishes, birds, monkeys.
They are of different colours: black, white, grey, brown, red, gold
and blue.
The pets can run, jump, bark, sing, swim, fly.
I go to the pet shops to see and watch different pets.
188 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

I often go with my friends. Sometimes I go with my Father and

Mother. We like to buy a pet as a present.
– It’s interesting to see and watch pets.
– Pets are nice and funny.
– A pet is a good present.
Task 3. Your pet.
a. Have you got a pet?
b. Can you draw your pet?
c. Can you describe it?
d. What can your pet do?
e. Who takes care of your pet?
f. Do you like your pet? Why?
g. Do you know any songs or rhymes about your pet?
I have got a pet. It is a puppy. My puppy’s name is Bim. My Father
and Mother gave me this present.
I can draw my puppy.
This is a picture of Bim. He is small. Bim is black. He is plump
and fluffy.
Bim can run, jump. He often plays with a ball and our cat. Bim can
say “bow-wow-wow”.
My pet likes to eat meat and fish, milk and sweets. He likes bones
very much. My Mother and me feed and clean my puppy. I go for a walk
with my pet.
I like my pet. Bim is very clever. He meets me at the door after
lessons. He likes to play with me. Bim likes to sit on my knees. He sleeps
on a mat in the hall.
I know a rhyme about puppies.
Some pets are fluffy,
They are so funny.
If they are bears,
So they like honey.
I can’t have a bear,
I have got a puppy.
It is so clever, so warm,
And so fluffy.
It likes meat and fish,
It gnaws even a stone.
So yesterday’s evening
We bought a rubber bone.
To gnaw [n :] – грызть.
– Pets are nice and funny.
Неделя английского языка 189

– Dogs are nice and clever.

– It’s interesting to have a pet.
– Dogs are our friends.
– I can learn to take care of somebody.

Пятый день. We Are Actors

Short Plays
Who Is My Mother?
Сцена оформлена как лесная поляна. На сцене макет большого дерева.
Появляется ведущая в костюме волшебницы.
L e a d e r. Hello, my dear little friends! Здравствуйте, мои доро-
гие маленькие друзья! Вы знаете, кто я? I am a kind enchantress.
Я добрая волшебница. Do you like fairy tales? Вы любите сказки?
Конечно, любите. И поэтому я сейчас взмахну своей волшебной
палочкой (на указке закреплены блестки или светящиеся огоньки),
и мы с вами отправимся в мир сказки. Взмах палочкой, но слы-
шится стук падения.
Ой, кажется, что-то случилось! (Из-за дерева показывается
маленькая птичка.) Кто ты, малыш? Что случилось?
П т е н е ц. I am a little Baby Bird.
Dear lady, please, help me!
I can’t see my Mother.
May be you can see.
E n c h a n t r e s s. Бедный малыш. Давайте поищем его маму
вместе. Споем для нее песенку. Возможно, мама ее услышит.
A l l t o g e t h e r.
Where are you, Mother Bird?
Would you like to say a word?
Baby Bird, your little son,
Is very sad and has no fun.
E n c h a n t r e s s. Поверь нам, малыш, мы очень старались.
Но твоя мама нас не слышит, ее нет в этом зале. Ребята, если ма-
лыш умеет летать, то он полетит в свое гнездышко и будет там
ожидать маму. Давайте спросим, может ли он летать. Can you fly,
my little bird?
A l l t o g e t h e r. Can you fly, my little bird?
B a b y B i r d. I cannot fly, but I can walk.
I can jump and hop, hop, hop. (Demonstrates.)
I am going to find my Mother.
190 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

E n c h a n t r e s s. Оказывается, что малыш многое умеет: хо-

дить, прыгать, скакать. И он отправляется искать свою маму. Да-
вайте пожелаем ему доброго пути и удачи.
A l l t o g e t h e r (держат в руках разноцветные ладошки
и размахивают ими).
Farewell, little bird, farewell, farewell.
You can walk, you can jump.
Farewell, farewell,
Everything will be well!
Baby Bird, Baby Bird, you can walk, you can jump.
Jump and jump, walk and walk.
Walk and walk, jump and jump.
You must find dear Mum.
Во время исполнения песни актера-птенца можно заменить на сле-
дующего исполнителя.
Baby Bird sees a donkey.
B a b y B i r d. Hello, are you my Mother?
D o n k e y. I am not your Mother.
B a b y B i r d. Who are you?
D o n k e y. I am a donkey. I bray “hee-haw.” I am not your Mother.
I can’t be it.
E n c h a n t r e s s. Малыш не знает, как выглядит его мама. Пото-
му что он проклюнул яйцо и выбрался из него, когда мамы не было
дома. Она улетела добывать пищу для малыша. Но ослик не может
быть его мамой. Он не может кормить птенцов. Давайте спросим
ослика, что он может делать. Dear donkey, what can you do?
A l l t o g e t h e r. Dear donkey, what can you do?
D o n k e y. I can ride children.
Ведущая проводит игру-соревнование. Используются пластмассовые
детские коляски или самокаты. В одну коляску впрягается «ослик», в дру-
гую – желающий посоревноваться зритель. В обеих колясках находятся
пассажиры. Начинаются веселые старты. Поездки повторяются несколько
раз. Победитель получает сувенир от волшебницы или ослика, если он
оказался победителем.
Baby Bird sees a dog.
B a b y B i r d. Hello, are you my Mother?
D o g. No, I am not your Mother.
B a b y B i r d. Who are you?
D o g. I am a dog. I say “bow-wow-wow.”
I often bark at little cats and cows.
Неделя английского языка 191

L e a d e r. Can you feed little birds?

A l l t o g e t h e r. Can you feed little birds?
D o g. No, I can’t.
L e a d e r. What can you do?
A l l t o g e t h e r. What can you do?
D o g. I can run, I can jump.
Look at me, my dear, please.
In the morning I can do
My morning exercises.
Ведущая говорит, дети отвечают на ее вопросы, все выполняют уп-
ражнения зарядки.
L e a d e r. Can you run?
C h i l d r e n. Yes, we can.
L e a d e r. Can you jump?
C h i l d r e n. Yes, we can.
L e a d e r. Can you dance?
C h i l d r e n. Yes, we can.
L e a d e r. Can you swim?
C h i l d r e n. We can swim.
L e a d e r. Can you fly?
C h i l d r e n. We can fly.
L e a d e r. Is it nice?
C h i l d r e n. Yes, it’s nice.
L e a d e r. You can run, you can jump. Is it fun?
C h i l d r e n. Yes, it’s fun.
Baby Bird sees a cuckoo.
B a b y B i r d. Hello, are you my Mother?
C u c k o o. No, I am not your Mother. I am a grey cuckoo. (Flaps
the wings.)
B a b y B i r d. My Mother can fly. You are my Mother.
C u c k o o. I am a grey, a grey cuckoo.
I can fly. That is true.
But I can’t feed little birds.
I don’t like them afterwords.
L e a d e r. Малыш, мы знаем, что кукушки оставляют своих
птенцов в чужих гнездах. Их вскармливают другие птицы. Кукуш-
192 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

ка не может быть твоей мамой. Ведь твоя мама улетела добывать

пищу для тебя.
L e a d e r. What can you do, cuckoo?
A l l t o g e t h e r. What can you do, cuckoo?
C u c k o o. I only can say “cuckoo-cuckoo”.
I like singing in sunny weather.
Oh, let us sing together!
A l l t o g e t h e r.
“Cuckoo-cuckoo”, I sing, I say.
What a wonderful day!
I fly and sing from morning till night.
I fly away. Goodbye, goodbye!
Дети, прощаясь, машут ей разноцветными ладошками.
Baby Bird sees a lamb.
B a b y B i r d. Hello, are you my Mum?
L a m b. Am I your Mum? Oh, it is fun!
B a b y B i r d. Who are you?
L a m b. I am a curly little lamb. I like children. I like to play with
L e a d e r. Ребята, маленький ягненок хочет поиграть с вами.
Как вы думаете, наш малыш-птенец устал? А еще он и проголо-
дался. Ведь ему, такому маленькому, пришлось уже столько пройти
в поисках своей мамы. Давайте попробуем передать ему что-нибудь
очень вкусное.
Ягненок вручает последнему зрителю в последнем ряду конфету. Эта
конфета передается из рук в руки по цепочке (играет левое крыло зри-
тельного зала). Передавая конфету? необходимо произнести следующую
фразу: This is a sweet for Baby Bird.
Помощники ведущей следят за соблюдением правил игры. Веду-
щая засекает время. Последний играющий должен вручить эту конфету
малышу-птенцу. Затем все действия игры повторяют зрители правого
крыла зрительного зала.
Объявляются победители. Для них и для всех зрителей поет благо-
дарный малыш-птенец.
B a b y B i r d. Here is my hand, here is my hand.
Now I am your friend. And you, and you’re my friends.
I can say to you “thank you!”
I can say to you, to you.
I can sing and say to you,
“Children, my thank you!”
Thank you, dear children. Now I am not hungry. And I must go.
Baby Bird sees a cat.
Неделя английского языка 193

B a b y B i r d. Hello, are you my Mother?

C a t. Oh, my dear Baby Bird,
It’s a pity, but I am not.
B a b y B i r d. Who are you?
C a t. I am a kind and clever cat.
I like milk and like you, Bird.
Let us play with me. Come here.
Close your eyes. I will be near.
My fur is nice.
It is soft as silk.
(In а whisper.)
First I’ll eat you,
And then my milk.
(Walks to the Baby Bird.)
But there are the sounds behind the stage: “Tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet,
tweet-tweet.” And Mother Bird appears.
M o t h e r B i r d.
Oh, my little silly bird.
Don’t listen to the cat.
They like to catch
And eat us, birds.
Don’t listen to his words!
M o t h e r B i r d (to the cat).
You, cunning cat, you, go away!
And don’t come some other day.
My Baby Bird doesn’t want to play.
B a b y B i r d. You love me. You can defend me. Now I know who
you are. You are my Mother!
A l l t o g e t h e r (sing).
Who is my Mother? Oh, she is so nice!
She is so brave and she is so wise!
She can defend me, she’s always right.
My Mother loves me, kisses me at night.
Mummy, Mummy, so kind you are.
The dearest person my Mummy you are!
Определяется победитель конкурса зрительских симпатий. На сцене
большой плакат с именами исполнителей. Под каждым из них расположен
квадрат определенного цвета. У ведущих коробки с цветными квадра-
тиками или кружочками. Все желающие проголосовать берут кружок
определенного цвета и опускают его в специальную коробку. Ведущая
(ее помощники, учителя) подсчитывает количество опущенных фишек
по цвету и определяет победителя, которому вручается приз.
194 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

Aunt Mary’s Visit

Scene 1
C o u n t r y M o u s e (appears, dances and sings).
I’m a little, little mouse.
It’s my cozy country house.
And my yard is full of grass.
Will you come to visit us?
But where are my children? My little mice. My little grey children.
Where are you? What are you doing?
L i t t l e m i c e (behind the stage). Dear Mummy, we are in a hurry.
We are running. (Appear.) Here we are! Good morning, Mum!
M o t h e r M o u s e. Do you remember what good children must
do every morning? You must wash your hands and face. You must
clean your teeth.
C h i l d r e n. To comb our hair, to make our bed and to do our
morning exercises.
M o t h e r M o u s e. Let us do our morning exercises together.
The actors and the spectators may do it together.
M o t h e r M o u s e.
Do you know, do you know?
In the morning you must go!
C h i l d r e n. Yes, we know. Yes, we know,
And we go, go, go.
M o t h e r M o u s e.
Is it fun, is it fun,
When you jump, when you run?
C h i l d r e n. We can jump, we can run.
And we have a lot of fun!
M o t h e r M o u s e.
Do you have any chance
In the morning to dance?
C h i l d r e n. Certainly, we have a chance.
And we dance and dance and dance!
Then the little mice dance. You may use the melody of the song “Three
Pigs”. Mother Mouse may sing.
M o t h e r M o u s e.
They can dance and they can clap,
Mike and Fred, Mike and Fred.
They can dance and they can clap,
Mike Mouse and Fred.
Неделя английского языка 195

They can dance and they can run,

Dance and run, dance and run.
They can dance, and they can run.
Oh, it is so nice and fun!
L i t t l e m i c e.
We are grey little mice.
Our Mother is so nice.
She likes to work
And we can help.
We live in the country very well!
Dear Mummy, what can we do for you?
M o t h e r M o u s e. Can you, children, sweep the floor?
C h i l d r e n.Yes, we can. Yes, we can.
M o t h e r M o u s e. Can you polish our door?
C h i l d r e n.Yes, we can. Yes, we can.
M o t h e r M o u s e.
Can you water our flowers?
Can you clean our house?
C h i l d r e n. Yes, we can. Yes, we can.
Certainly, we can!
Be sure, dear Mummy. We are glad to help you. We’ll do everything
with great pleasure.
M o t h e r M o u s e. Good for you, my dear boys and girls. Let’s
begin our work.
Scene 2
Everybody is busy with the work about the house. Suddenly they hear
somebody’s knock at the door.
M o t h e r M o u s e. Wait a minute, please. I am coming. But who
is this?
C h i l d r e n (looking through the window). This is Mister Grey,
our postman.
P o s t m a n. Hello, hello! And how are you?
I’m a postman. I’m glad to see you.
C h i l d r e n. Here comes a postman.
With many letters: one, two, three, ten!
P o s t m a n. There are many letters for Jim, Liz and Sue.
And here is one for you!
M o t h e r M o u s e. Thank you, dear Mister Grey. Thank you and
have a pleasant way. (The postman leaves the room.) But what is the
196 Раздел 2. Периодические формы работы по английскому языку

letter about? (Opens the letter and reads.) Oh, dear children, your city
aunt is coming!
C h i l d r e n. Aunt Mary is coming. Hurray!
We’ll have, we’ll have a wonderful day.
We’ll have, we’ll have a wonderful day,
A lot of cheese and sweets, hurray!
M o t h e r M o u s e. I am going to make a tasty cake. Will you
help me?
C h i l d r e n. Yes, Mummy, with great pleasure!
Scene 3
Everybody is busy. The little mice try to help the Mother. The cake is
ready. The Mother puts it on the table. The little mice put the cups. Everything
is ready to meet Aunt Mary.
Aunt Mary appears. She wears “the city clothes”.
A u n t M a r y. Hello, my dear. How are you?
M o t h e r M o u s e. Thank you. We are well. And you?
A u n t M a r y. Fine, thanks!
C h i l d r e n. You are welcome, dear Aunt Mary. We are glad to see
you! (Run and jump around Aunt Mary and the Mother.)
Mother, put the kettle on,
Mother, put the kettle on,
Mother, put the kettle on.
We all want tea.
(To Aunt Mary.)
Would you like a piece of cake?
Will you have a piece of cake?
Take a piece of our cake
And try it again!
They sit at the table, drink tea and eat some cake.
L i t t l e m o u s e 1. Dear Aunt Mary, do you like our house?
A u n t M a r y. Oh, your house is nice. And your yard is green.
I am sure, you work hard.
L i t t l e m o u s e 2. Our Mother works hard. And we try to help
A u n t M a r y. Your life in the country is nice. But city life is
better. I live in a big house. Our flat is very big and nice. I have a lot
of food there. In the city I don’t have much work to do. I can find my
food on the table.
C o u n t r y M o u s e. Well, now let us have a rest. Tommy, switch
on the TV-set, please.
Неделя английского языка 197

There is an imitation on the stage, something square with a big hole. This
hole is a screen of the TV-set. Suddenly a cat appears on the screen.
C a t. Hello! There is a new programme “Who Likes to Be My
Dear mouse, dear mouse,
Will you come to my house?
I will catch you, we shall play.
And we’ll have a wonderful day! (Twice.)
A u n t M a r y (trembling with fear). Oh, don’t believe him!
Those are cats, cunning cats.
They like eating mice and rats!
There are two fat cats in the house where I live. I am afraid of them. They
are great and cruel hunters! Those fat cats like to sit near my hole waiting for
me. Sometimes I can’t even leave my hole. I am afraid to be eaten.
C o u n t r y M o u s e. So, easy food is not good! Country life is
better. We work hard to have our food. But we aren’t afraid of cats.
Come to live to the country.
A l l t o g e t h e r.
Dear aunt, come to us.
Go by train or by bus.
Leave the city, city flat,
You won’t be afraid of cats!
Cunning cats, so cruel are,
So unfortunate you are.
Leave the city, city flat.
You won’t be afraid of cats!

A Cunning Fox
Part 1
There lived an old man and an old woman. They lived not far from
the forest. The old man liked fishing and the old woman liked cooking.
There lived a fox and a wolf in the forest. They were often hungry.
One day the old woman begins making pies. And the old man goes
to the river to fish for dinner. The old man fishes much. Then he rides
home. Suddenly he sees a fox on the road. The old man comes to the
fox. It lies like dead. The old man is happy. He thinks that it is a good
fox for a collar. He puts the fox into his cart. But the fox is not dead.
She is hungry. And she is very cunning. She takes the fish and throws
it on the road. Then the cunning fox jumps out of the cart.
Part 2
The old man comes home. He tells his wife about the fish and the
fox for her collar. The old woman comes to the cart. She is surprised.
She is angry. She sees neither the fish nor the fox.
The fox sits on the road and eats the fish. It is very tasty. The wolf
walks along the road. He sees the fox eating fish. The wolf is also
hungry. He asks the fox to give him some fish. The fox tells him to go
to the river, put his tail into an ice-hole and to fish.
The wolf is hungry and angry. But he is not cunning. He believes
the fox. He goes to the river, puts his tail into an ice-hole and waits.
Time passes. Night passes. The wolf tries to stand up, but can’t. He
thinks there is much fish on the tail.
Part 3
In the morning he sees many women coming to the river. They
would like to bring some cold water from the river. But they see the wolf
and begin to shout. They beat the poor wolf with sticks and buckets.
Fairy Tales 199

He tries to stand up but can’t! It is winter. It is very cold. And his tail
is frozen. The poor wolf jumps and jumps. And he loses his tail! There
is neither fish nor the tail.
Well, don’t listen to cunning foxes. Don’t believe them!
Road – дорога.
Like dead – как мертвая.
To throw – бросать, швырять.
To be surprised – удивляться.
To be angry – злиться.
To ask – спрашивать.
To believe – верить.
Stick – палка.
Bucket – ведро.
They Are Friends Now
Part 1
Once there lived a fox and a rabbit. They had their own small
houses. The fox was cunning and lazy. She didn’t like to work and
had an ice house. And the rabbit was clever and hardworking. He had
a wooden house.
Spring came. The wooden house didn’t melt. And the ice house
melted. There was no place for the fox to live. She asked the rabbit to
have a rest in his house. The fox began to live in his house. She didn’t
want the rabbit to live in his own house. There was no place for the
rabbit to live.
Part 2
One day the rabbit walked along the road and saw a dog. The rabbit
told the dog about his trouble. The dog wanted to help the rabbit. They
came to the house and the dog said, “Bow-wow, bow-wow. Leave the
house. It is not yours. Go away!” The fox was very angry. She answered,
“I am strong. I am brave. You, go away!” The dog was afraid of the fox
and ran away. The rabbit cried.
Then the rabbit saw a bear. The rabbit told the bear about his trouble.
The bear wanted to help the rabbit. They came to the house. And the
bear said loudly, “Leave the house. It is not yours. Go away!” The
fox was very angry. She answered, “I am strong. I am brave. You go
away!” The bear was strong but not brave. He was afraid of the fox
and ran away. The rabbit cried. There was no place for him to live and
sleep. The night was dark and cold. And the rabbit slept in the forest
under a big tree.
Part 3
In the morning the rabbit walked along the road to the village. He
saw a cockerel. The cockerel was very big and nice. The rabbit told
the cockerel about his trouble. The cockerel wanted to help the rabbit.
200 Приложения

They came to the house. The cockerel said loudly, “Cock-a-doodle-doo!

Live the house. It is not yours. Shame on you. Go away!” The fox was
very angry. She answered, “I am strong. I am brave. You, go away!”
But the cockerel was clever and brave. He was not afraid of the fox.
The cockerel began to flap with his wings and said again, “I am strong.
I am brave. Go away! Go away!” The fox was afraid of the cockerel
and ran away. The rabbit was very happy and thanked the cockerel. He
began to live in his own wooden house. The house was warm and cozy.
The cockerel lived in the village. They made friends and visited each
other. Try to help when somebody is in trouble!
Own – свой, собственный.
To melt – таять.
To ask – спрашивать.
To leave – оставлять, покидать, уходить.
Trouble – беда.
To be afraid (of) – бояться.
To be angry – злиться.
To flap – хлопать.
Wings – крылья.
To make friends – подружиться.
A Kind Buffalo
Part 1
A buffalo walked in the forest and saw a sheep. The sheep asked the
buffalo, “Where are you going?” The buffalo answered, “It is winter. It
is cold. I would like to find summer. Let us go together.”
They walked and walked and saw a pig. They asked, “Where are
you going?” The pig answered, “I don’t like winter. It is very cold in
winter. I would like to find summer.” The buffalo and the sheep said,
“Let us go together.”
They walked and walked and saw a cockerel. Thy asked, “Where
are you going?” The cockerel answered, “I would like to find summer.”
They said, “Let us go together.” So they walked together.
Part 2
They walked and walked and were very tired. They tried to find
summer but couldn’t. The buffalo said, “We walk and walk but can’t
find summer. The weather is bad. It is getting colder and colder. It is
time to build our own house.” But the animals didn’t want to help
the buffalo. The sheep said, “I don’t want to build a house. I have got
a warm coat. It is my wool. I am not afraid of winter and cold weather.”
The pig said, “I am fat. It will warm me. I am not afraid of winter and
cold weather.” Then the cockerel said, “My wings are very long and
warm. They will help me. They will warm me. I am not afraid of winter
and cold weather.”
Fairy Tales 201

Part 3
Only a hardworking buffalo began to build a house. So the house
was ready. It was very warm and cozy in it. The buffalo was not afraid
of winter and cold weather.
And the weather was getting colder and colder. The sheep came
to the house. She wanted to live in the house because it was frosty.
But the buffalo said, “You can’t live in my house. You are not afraid
of winter. You have got a very warm coat.” The pig came. But the
buffalo said, “You are so fat. It will help you in cold weather.” Then
the cockerel came. But the buffalo said, “Your wings will warm
The animals were very cold and cried at the door. But the buffalo
had a very kind heart. He let them come in. And they began to live
Part 4
It was warm and cozy in the house. The animals worked together.
One day they worked and the cockerel began to sing his songs. A fox
heard his singing. She told a wolf and a bear about the house and the
animals in it. They didn’t have a house of their own. It was winter. The
weather was frosty and snowy. They were very hungry and didn’t have
a place for sleeping.
The fox was very cunning. She wanted to eat the animals and to
live in their house. They came to the house. The bear said, “I would
like to eat the buffalo because I am the biggest of all.” The wolf said,
“I am hungry. I would like to eat the sheep.” The fox said, “Best of all
I like eating cockerels.”
So they tried to open the door and come in. But the animals liked
their house. It was so warm and cozy. They began to fight with the fox,
bear and wolf. And they shouted, “It is our house! We are friends! We
are brave! Go away! Go away!”
They fought together. They were friends! The fox, bear and wolf
were afraid of them. They ran away to the forest. Our friends were
happy. Friendship helped them to win!
Buffalo – буйвол.
To be afraid (of) – бояться.
Wings – крылья.
To build (built) – строить.
А sheep – овца.
Their – их.
Own – свой, собственный.
It is getting colder – становится холоднее.
To fight (fought) – сражаться.
Wings – крылья.
202 Приложения

A Winter Fairy Tale

Part 1
It is winter. The weather is cold and frosty. Father Frost walks in
the forest. He would like to see if everything is all right in his winter
country. He watches the trees and the animals in his forest. Are the trees
white with snow? Do the hares wear their white warm coats? Do the
bears sleep in their cozy winter dens? Do the birds have enough frozen
berries for eating? Is there much snow in the forest? Is the wind strong?
Is the nearest river covered with ice? He walks and thinks about it.
Part 2
Suddenly he hears some very strange sounds. It is neither his wind
nor his frost. He walks and walks and sees a little girl. Her coat is
poor and has many holes. It is cold and frosty, but she hasn’t got even
the mittens on her hands. She sits and cries. Father Frost comes to
her. He asks, “What’s the matter, my dear girl? Why are you crying?
What is wrong?” The girl tries to explain but can’t. Her eyes are full
of tears. Then she begins to tell, “My stepmother ordered me to bring
ten snowdrops from the forest.” “But it is too early for snowdrops. My
sister Spring will come with snowdrops only in April. And now it is
January. I can’t help you, my dear girl. I am very old. I can’t do much.”
Then the girl says, “ Dear grandfather, I can help you! I can do much.
I do all work about the house. I can do everything.”
Part 3
So they come to a nice white house. The girl helps Father Frost. She
sweeps up the floor, washes his clothes and cooks dinner. It is warm and
cozy in the house. And the dinner is tasty. Father Frost is happy. He says,
“Thank you, dear girl. You have a very warm heart. Your heart melts the
snow. Look! Ten snowdrops are growing near my house.” The girl sees the
snowdrops. She is very happy. She says, “Thank you, dear grandfather!
My stepmother won’t be angry.” Then Father Frost says, “And for your
help I would like to give you a nice warm coat and shoes.” “Thank you.
You are very kind. It is too much for my modest help,” says the girl.
Part 4
Three nice white horses bring the girl back home. The people in
the village are happy to see the girl and her nice presents. But her
stepmother and her sister are not happy. They are angry. They would
like to get much more from Father Frost.
So the daughter goes to the forest, sits and waits. But her coat is
warm. And she doesn’t cry. She eats a piece of a tasty pie! Father Frost
comes to her. He would like to ask the girl questions. But she doesn’t
like to listen to him! She says, “You, old man, let us go to your house.”
Fairy Tales 203

They walk and come. Father Frost asks the girl to help him. She tries
to do something but she can’t work well. The floor is dirty. The dinner
is not tasty. The girl doesn’t care of it. She says, “Give me my flowers.
Give me my nice coat and shoes. Where are my nice white horses?”
Part 5
Father Frost gives her ten snowdrops, a nice coat and a pair of
warm shoes. The girl doesn’t say “thank you”. She is in a hurry. She
would like to show the presents to her mother. She would like to boast
of her presents. Three nice white horses bring her home. Her Mother
goes out. Many people come to see the girl and her nice presents. But
what’s the matter? They can’t see the horses. They can see only three
dirty pigs! They can’t see the snowdrops. They can see only ten grey
sticks! And her coat and shoes have many holes! All people laugh. The
mother and her daughter cry. But people say, “Don’t be greedy. Help
people. Try to work well. It will help you in your life!”
Everything – все.
Strange – странный.
To be full of something – быть полным чего-либо.
Stepmother – мачеха.
Snowdrops – подснежники.
To melt – таять.
To be angry – злиться.
Too much – слишком много.
Pie – пирог.
To boast – хвастать.
Greedy – жадный.
The Boy and his Magic Brush
Part 1
Once there lived a boy. His family was very poor. The boy had no
warm clothes, but he had a brush. One day he helped a painter. He worked
very hard. The painter liked the boy and presented him that brush.
The boy liked to paint birds. His birds were beautiful. No one had seen
birds so beautiful! They were so beautiful that all people liked them.
And the king liked them. One day he said, “I want all the birds
that you can paint. I want you to paint birds just for me!” But the boy
said, “I will not paint for the king. You are not good to your people.
You are very cruel.”
The king became very angry. He put the boy in jail. He said, “Here
is your brush. Here is your paint. When you have painted birds for me,
you can get out of jail. Paint for me or my dragon will eat you!”
Part 2
The princess saw the boy in jail. She liked the boy. She sat with
him and brought him food. And the boy liked the princess. He said,
204 Приложения

“I will not paint birds to the king. But I will paint some nice birds for
you. I have my brush, but I haven’t paper. So I will paint the birds for
you on the wall.”
And the boy painted three beautiful birds on the wall.
Part 3
The princess went away. And the boy decided to hide under the bed.
He did not want the dragon to find him. The dragon came into the jail.
But it couldn’t see the boy, because the boy stayed under the bed. The
dragon made much noise. It was very angry. The noises it produced
were very loud. Then there were no noises at all. The boy was surprised.
He decided to come out and see why.
Part 4
The boy didn’t see the birds on the wall! He saw them flying over
the dragon. Oh, the brush was magic! The birds tried to peck the dragon.
They hurt it! The dragon was afraid. And it went away. The birds helped
the boy to open the jail. The jail was opened and the boy went out. He
ran away together with the princess. He took his magic brush with
him. And he painted many beautiful pictures for good people. The kind
princess helped him. And people liked them and their paintings.
Questions to the text
1. Why did the king want all the birds the boy painted?
2. Why didn’t the boy want the king to have his birds?
3. Who helped the boy in jail?
4. How did the birds help the boy to go out?
A Sly Cat
When he was a strong young cat, he caught many mice. The mice
were afraid of him then. But in time he grew old and could not catch
mice any more.
One day he decided to play a trick on the mice. He lay on his back
and did not move at all. A mouse saw him and thought he was dead. She
ran to her friends and said, “The cat is dead! Let us dance and play!”
And all the mice began to dance and play. They were very happy.
They danced and danced round the cat, and the cat did not move. Then
one of the mice jumped on the cat’s head.
“Look at me! Come nearer, all of you! The bad cat is dead! Let us
dance on its head!”
But suddenly the cat jumped up and caught the silly mouse. The
other mice ran away as quickly as they could.
Mice! Don’t forget! Never believe a cat!
From “Tales and Legends of Africa”
Games 205

Sly – хитрый.
Silly – глупый.
Grew old – стал стар.
To play a trick – подшутить, перехитрить.
Why the Hare Has No Tail
Long, long ago the animals have no tails or very small ones. One
day the Lion asked all the animals to come to him to get good tails. It
was cold that day, and it was raining. The hare had only a short little
tail but he did not like to go out and said to the other animals, “Please,
bring me a tail. I can’t go anywhere when it rains.”
“What tail do you want to have?” the animals asked him.
“Oh, any tail will be good for me. But it must not be too long or
too short.”
Some time later the animals came back, and each animal had
a beautiful tail. But nobody brought a tail for the hare.
I think that some of them forgot about the hare, some had no time,
some could not find a good tail for the hare.
But I know this: if you must do something, don’t ask others to do
it for you. Don’t forget about the hare with his short little tail!
Old African legend
To forget (forgot, forgotten) – забывать.
Long, long ago – давным-давно.

Игры с карточками
Игра 1
В игру входит 9 больших карт, 6 карт с маленькими карточками.
Перед началом игры карты с маленькими карточками нужно разре-
зать по линиям. Должно получиться 72 карточки. На картах и кар-
точках даны рисунки и текст на английском и русском языках.
Играть могут от 2 до 9 человек. Учитель может выступать
в роли ведущего.
Ведущий раздает участникам игры большие карты, а малень-
кие карточки оставляет у себя. Затем он берет одну карточку, по-
казывает ее играющим и читает по-английски то, что на ней на-
писано. Участники игры ищут на своих картах такой же рисунок,
как на маленькой карточке. Тот, кто его найдет, должен прочитать
по-английски текст, который дан на рисунке. Этот текст такой же,
как на маленькой карточке. После этого ведущий отдает играю-
щему маленькую карточку, а тот закрывает ею такую же картинку
на своей большой карте. Игра заканчивается, когда все ее участ-
206 Приложения

ники закроют карточками картинки на больших картах. А выиг-

равшим считается тот, кто сделает это первым.
Игра 2
Ведущий раздает играющим большие карты, а маленькие остав-
ляет у себя. Затем он берет одну карточку и читает по-английски
первую часть диалога, написанного на ней. В этой части диалога
заключен либо вопрос, либо просьба, либо обращение.
Участники игры ищут на своих картах картинку, на которой
был бы дан весь диалог. А тот, кто первым сумеет по-английски
правильно ответить ведущему на первую часть диалога, получает
карточку и закрывает ею такую же картинку на своей карте.
Выигрывает тот, кто первым закроет маленькими карточками
все картинки на больших картах. Когда играющие усвоят диалоги
на английском языке, игру можно усложнить.
Игра 3
Для этой игры нужны только маленькие карточки. Они нахо-
дятся у ведущего. Ведущий берет одну карточку, читает диалог
по-русски и отдает карточку тому играющему, который правильно
произнесет этот диалог по-английски.
Выигрывает тот, кто наберет больше карточек. По окончании игры
можно проиграть эти диалоги в парах, меняясь при этом ролями.
Wrong Words
Каждый участник игры получает набор карточек, на которых
отпечатаны слова по определенной теме. Среди них одно-два слова,
которые не подходят по своему значению этой теме. Дети должны
отложить карточки с такими словами в сторону.
Например, из слов по теме «Одежда»: dress, jacket, trousers,
suit, pound, shirt, size, jeans, coat, shoes, mittens, boots, umbrella,
raincoat, shorts – они должны убрать карточки со словами pound,
size, umbrella.
Can You Remember?
Участники игры получают карточки с картинками (можно
по определенной теме), они смотрят на картинки, читают назва-
ния предметов, стараются запомнить все слова (ранее изученные).
По команде ведущего картинки переворачиваются обратной стороной
(можно расположить картинки все на одном альбомном листе). Каж-
дый участник старается воспроизвести как можно больше слов.
Make a Sentence
Ребята получают карточки 2–3 предложений. Каждое сло-
во: существительные, глаголы, местоимения, артикли, предлоги
Games 207

и т. д. – дано на отдельных карточках. Необходимо составить из них

Можно карточки сделать в виде паровозика и вагонов. В этом
случае будет подсказка, как начать предложение. Ведь паровозик-
подлежащее должно будет стоять обязательно впереди.
Where Is My Pair
Участники получают по одной карточке. На каждой из них
распечатана часть слова. По команде ведущего участники игры
начинают общаться с целью найти того человека, у которого на-
ходится карточка со второй половиной слова.
Подобную игру можно проводить, используя карточки, на ко-
торых распечатаны только отдельные буквы алфавита. Буквы раз-
даются таким образом, чтобы ребята после общения (для этого
определяется время) смогли собраться в слова.
Если задача для ребят слишком проста, можно ее усложнить:
придумать дополнительно слово на полученную букву; составить
новые слова, используя буквы, которые собрались в группу (на сто-
ле у учителя должны быть дополнительные стопки карточек с бук-
вами и специально помеченные карточки, например, со звездоч-
кой и т. д. для обозначения наиболее повторяющихся букв). Если
игра проводится в группах, то участники могут просто обменяться
По истечении определенного времени подводятся итоги (каж-
дый тур игры контролируется учителем по мере выполнения зада-
ний). Суммируются результаты всех туров (можно отметить успехи
отдельных участников).

Игры без карточек

Your Refrigerator
На магнитной или демонстрационной доске закрепляется
контур холодильника (можно просто его обозначить, используя
длинные полоски бумаги).
Соревнуются 2 команды. Учитывается количество использо-
ванной лексики и правильность построения предложений. Коман-
ды работают поочередно. Более сильная команда может начать
игру первой.
T e a c h e r. What would you like to have in your refrigerator?
P u p i l 1. I would like to have a slice of meat, a litre of milk, two
bottles of mineral water, a kilo of cucumbers… and so on.
T e a c h e r. What have you got in your fridge?
208 Приложения

P u p i l 2. I have got a slice of meat…

T e a c h e r. What has he (she) got in his (her) fridge?
P u p i l 3. He (she) has got a slice of meat… in his (her) fridge.
Подобную игру можно провести, используя лексику других тем.
“Clothes”. What would you like to have in your wardrobe?
“Flat”. What would you like to see in your flat (in the room of
your own)?
“Seasons”. What would you like to see in your garden in
Если ваши ученики достаточно хорошо справляются с задания-
ми, то эти задания можно усложнить следующими вопросами: Is
he right? Is he wrong? What is wrong? Can he put it into his fridge?
Why can’t he?..
How Many Sentences Can You Make?
Каждый участник игры получает несколько стопок карточек.
Среди них стопка существительных, глаголов, прилагательных,
артиклей, обстоятельств времени и места. Ребята раскладывают эти
стопки перед собой в колонки (для более быстрой ориентации).
Учитель называет слово (существительное или глагол). Каж-
дый участник составляет с этим словом предложение, используя
карточки со словами. Ученик поднимает сигнальную карточку,
учитель контролирует правильность составления предложения.
Учет личных достижений ведется при помощи специальных
фишек, которые учитель вручает за каждое правильно составлен-
ное предложение. Особо поощряется составление дополнительных
предложений по каждому из заданий. Вручаются дополнительные
фишки. Выигрывает тот, кто наберет больше фишек. Вручаются
поощрительные призы.
Can You Help Robert (Carol)?
На магнитную или демонстрационную доску крепятся фигурки
людей (можно использовать набор картонных детских кукол и их
T e a c h e r. It’s Monday today. Robert would like to put on grey
Pupil 1 helps Robert to put on.
P u p i l 1. Robert is putting on a grey shirt (trousers, suit,
T e a c h e r. What does Robert like to put on?
P u p i l 2. Robert likes to put on his grey suit…
T e a c h e r. What does Robert put on Mondays?
Games 209

P u p i l 3. On Mondays Robert usually puts on his grey suit…

T e a c h e r. It’s Tuesday today. Carol would like to put on red
The game is going on, you may use a toy as a prize.
Make a Bunch of Flowers (a bouquet)
На магнитной или демонстрационной доске закрепляется
«ваза». Ребята составляют букет. Используя цветы различных рас-
цветок (картон, раскраски, аппликация и т. д.), они закрепляют
цветок, проговаривая фразы: This is a red (blue, yellow, white, pink,
orange…) flower.
Приз получает ученик, который составил самый «правильный»
букет. Приз вручается и тому, у кого получился самый красивый
букет (при условии небольшого количества ошибок).
Am I Right?
Один ученик находится у стола учителя. Другие ребята –
за своими столами. Перед каждым из них сигнальные карточки
(красная и зеленая) и карточка с правильными ответами по зада-
нию. Игра проводится не с целью поймать ребенка на незнании,
а с целью отработать определенные слова, фразы, предложения
с опорой на слуховое восприятие и наглядность. Это могут быть
вопросы, лексика и т. д. Ученик отвечает на поставленный учи-
телем вопрос (перед учителем такая же карточка, как и у ребят).
Ребята сверяют правильность ответа по карточке. Отвечавший
ученик говорит: Tell me, please am I right? Если ответ правильный
ученики поднимают зеленую сигнальную карточку и говорят: You
are right, you are right. Now you get a “five”! При неверном ответе
ребята поднимают красную сигнальную карточку и говорят: You
are wrong, you are wrong, you are wrong, dear John!
Зачитывается правильный вариант ответа. Ребята хором повто-
ряют правильное предложение (фразу, слово и т. д.)
Фразы You are right. You are wrong легко заучиваются ребята-
ми в рифмовке. Впоследствии они легко применяют эти фразы
в разговорной речи.
Word Chain
Ребята садятся в кружок. Тот, кто водит, называет слово. Услы-
шав последний звук названного слова, следующий участник про-
износит свое слово, которое начинается с этого звука. В этой игре
важно четкое произнесение последнего звука слова. Например,
не оглушать звук [d] в конце слова red и т. п.
Если кто-то произносит слово с нейтральным звуком в конце, то
следующий участник может начинать с артикля а (letter – a cat).
210 Приложения

Цель игры – освежить в памяти учащихся как можно большее ко-

личество лексических единиц (игру можно сделать тематической).
Тот, кто прервет цепочку слов, получает фант. В конце игры
каждый фант читает стихотворение (говорит рифмовку) на анг-
лийском или исполняет песню.
Thе Alphabet Streamlet
Ребята делятся на две команды. Учитель называет буквы алфа-
вита (не по порядку). Представитель от каждой команды выходит
к доске и пишет эту букву. Если кто-то из ребят не справляется
с заданием или делает ошибку в написании (учитель следит, выде-
ляет ошибку), то следующий представитель команды имеет право
выполнить предыдущее задание, а затем и свое. При подсчете ре-
зультатов учитывается правильность выполнения заданий (коли-
чество ошибок), быстрота выполнения и количество учащихся,
допустивших ошибки.
Задание можно усложнить, добавив транскрипцию. Такую же
игру можно проводить со словами, фразами, предложениями и т. д.
Two Boxes
В двух шкатулках находятся карточки со словами. В шкатулке
1 – существительные, в шкатулке 2 – прилагательные.
Участник из команды 1 тянет по карточке из каждой шкатулки
для участников команды 2. Члены команды 2 за определенный
промежуток времени стараются придумать предложение даже
в том случае, если прилагательное и существительное не очень
подходят друг другу.
Например, заданы слова red, cat. Предложение: Cats are not red.
За каждый правильный ответ команда получает карточку
со знаком «+», за неправильный – со знаком «–».
Если члены одной команды делают ошибку, а другой – готовы
ответить правильно, то им предоставляется такая возможность
и добавляется жетон со знаком «+».
Выигрывает команда имеющая большую разницу после под-
счета положительных и отрицательных жетонов.

The capital of the United Kingdom is London. Over eight million
people live in London. It is one of the largest cities in Europe. It stands
on the Thames river. Millions of tourists visit this city every year.
They like going sightseeing. Everybody would like to see the House
of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the National
England in Brief 211

Gallery, Trafalgar Square, the British Museum, the Tower and others.
The Tower is an old castle. Now it is a museum. Trafalgar Square is
the geographical centre of London. The famous clock of London is Big
Ben. Six streets meet in Picadilly Circus. The famous park of London
is Hyde Park. London is one of the most beautiful cities of the world.
More Things to See in London
Hide Park is the largest park in London. It was once a royal hunting
forest. There are restaurants and bars at each end of the lake.
The Tower of London is the oldest building. They built it in the
eleventh century.
There is the Natural History Museum in Kensington. There is
a great collection of animals and plants. There is a quarter of million
butterflies and a blue whale in the collection of this museum.
Madame Tussauds is a museum too. It has many waxworks. They
are models of famous people.
Big Ben
In England they call Big Ben the big clock on the tower. It is the
biggest clock bell in Britain. It weighs 13.5 tons.
The clock tower is 318 feet high. People go 374 steps to reach the
top. The face of the clock is 23 feet wide. The minute hand is 14 feet
long. The hour hand is 9 feet long.
They called Big Ben after Sir Benjamin Hall. Sir Benjamin Hall was
a big man. First it was a joke. But now we know the clock by that name.
The Great Fire of London
It happened many years ago in London. The streets of London were
dirty and narrow. On the second of September 1665 the fire started in
one of the shops.
At first people didn’t think about the fire seriously. But that summer
in England was very hot and dry. There was not much water in the city.
And there was a strong wind. The fire burned for five days. Many people
left without their houses. Many houses stood in ruins. The fire destroyed
the greater part of London. The famous architect Sir Christopher Wren
took part in rebuilding the city. Now London is one of the most beautiful
cities of the world.
Admiral Nelson
Admiral Nelson (Horatio Nelson, 1758–1805) is a British hero.
He was a famous admiral. When he was a child he was small and not
strong. But he loved the sea very much. In his childhood he spent much
time on the river. And he became a sailor.
When he was 21 he became a captain. In battles he lost his arm and
eye. In the battle at Trafalgar the British fleet destroyed many French
212 Приложения

and Spanish ships and won. It was the greatest hard victory in British
history. Nelson was wounded and died in this battle.
There is a monument to Nelson in Trafalgar Square in the centre
of London.
The British Museum
There are many museums in London. The British Museum is the
most important and popular. It is a great grey building. It is one of the
greatest libraries in the world. There are about seven million books in
it. The reading Room of the British Museum is a circle.
Many famous people worked in the British Museum. It is also
a great Natural History Museum. The Museum has a wonderful art
gallery. There are many collections of sculptures, ceramics, drawings
and painting in it. Many people visit this museum every day.
English Schoolchildren
School begins at nine o’clock. English schoolchildren come
to school by bus, on bicycles or they walk. They wear their school
There are some breaks during a school day. They drink their milk
at eleven o’clock every day. One o’clock is time for lunch. School
lunches cost only a shilling. Pupils eat meat, potatoes, vegetables and
At two o’clock the girls begin to type, sew and cook. The boys do
metalwork or woodwork. Three o’clock is time for games. They play
hockey, tennis, football and cricket.
School is over at four o’clock. And schoolchildren go home to do
their homework.
London Buses
Buses in London are of different colours. The red buses go in
London. The green ones usually go from London to the country.
People don’t stand in London buses. Buses in London are often
double-deckers. In the centre of London buses don’t move very fast. It
is cheaper to go by bus. People like to travel by bus.
The bus-stop sign is red. In England they drive on the left side of
the road.
Sherlock Holmes
Conan Doyle is a famous English writer. He wrote about Sherlock
Holmes. This hero first appeared in his book in 1882. Sherlock Holmes
lived in London in Baker Street. Doctor Watson was his friend.
Sherlock Holmes was a very clever detective. He found many
criminals. His famous words are, “Elementary, my dear Watson…”
England in Brief 213

Many people like to use these words. People like to read books about
Sherlock Holmes and like to see films about him.
April Fool’s Day
The first of April is April Fool’s Day. On this day people usually
play harmless jokes on friends and family members. This custom came
from France.
Children like April Fool’s jokes very much. They often put salt in
the sugar bowl. They like to set the clock back an hour. Sometimes they
say to their friends, “Oh, I can see some holes in your coat!” But they
mean button-holes. It is fun for children to call to the Zoo and ask to
speak to Mr. Lion, for example. English children like to play jokes.
Robin Hood
Many years ago there lived a man in England. His name was Robin
Hood. He always helped the poor people of England. And the poor
people loved him.
The rich people of England didn’t like Robin Hood because he took
money from the rich people and gave it to the poor people. The sheriff
of a big town wanted to catch Robin Hood and to kill him.
Robin Hood was a very good shot (стрелок). He took part in the
contest. A lot of people came to the contest. Robin Hood and his men
had always green coats. The sheriff looked for green coats. But he didn’t
see them. There was nobody in green. The sheriff was very angry. He
couldn’t catch Robin, because Robin Hood and his men were in red.
Jerome K. Jerome (1859–1927)
Jerome K. Jerome is a well-known English writer. He was born in
a poor family. His father died when the boy was twelve. Jerome did
not finish school. He went to work to help his family.
He tried different professions. And then began to write articles for
newspapers. He wrote some plays for the theatre and short stories. In
1886 Jerome K. Jerome wrote his novel “Three Men in a Boat”. This
novel was published and became famous.
Francis Drake (1540–1596)
Francis Drake was a famous English sea-captain. He was born in
Plymouth – one of the largest seaports of England. The boy spent much
time near the sea. He looked at the ships and listened to the stories of
the sailors. At fifteen he became a sailor. Francis did his work well. At
twenty-five he began to help the captain of the ship.
English ships in the Atlantic Ocean often attacked Spanish ships and
took the gold. Francis became one of the pirate captains. Those English
pirate captains gave much gold to their country. With the Spanish gold
England built many good strong ships.
214 Приложения

James Cook (1728–1779)

James Cook was a great English sailor. He discovered many new
lands. James Cook was born in a small village near the sea. At thirteen
he left school. And began to help his father on the farm.
At seventeen he decided to be a sailor. He got work on a ship and
learned his profession. Then he began to learn astronomy.
He crossed the Atlantic Ocean. And in 1768 Captain Cook sailed to
the Pacific Ocean. For many years the sailors did not see land. Captain
Cook found a strait between two islands (Cook Strait).
In April 1771 the sailors saw land. It was Australia. Captain Cook
put up the English flag there.
English Holidays
England has some public holidays. They call them Bank Holidays. The
offices and banks are closed on Monday and nobody works in them.
On Bank Holidays Londoners like to go out of the city. They have
a rest in the open air. They go to the seaside or to one of the big parks.
Many families take a basket and put their lunch in it. They like sitting
on the grass under a tree. Good weather is very important.
Londoners like to visit a fair. There are a lot of interesting things
for children at these fairs. Many little shops work for them.
Some people try to have all over their dresses and suits as many
pearl buttons as possible. The people who have the most beautiful
costumes become Pearly King and Queen.
English Traditions
Every country has its traditions. In England they are very important
in the life of the people.
On Sundays they don’t open theatres and shops. People don’t get
letters and newspapers.
The very interesting place of English homes is the fire-place. They
like to sit round the fire in the evening.
In old England there was a tradition to celebrate May Day. It was
the first Sunday of May. People put up a maypole. They decorated it
with flowers and ribbons. Then they sang songs, danced around it and
played games.
English Meals
There are four meals a day in an English home. They are breakfast,
lunch, tea and dinner. They have breakfast about eight o’clock. They
eat porridge with milk or salt, eggs, bread and butter. Some people like
to drink tea, coffee or juice.
One o’clock is the time for lunch. They have soup or fruit juice,
potatoes with meat or poultry. Then a pudding comes and coffee, juice
or lemonade. Water is usually on the table.
It’s Interesting to Know 215

Tea is between four or five o’clock. They usually have tea, milk,
bread and butter, cakes and jam.
Dinner is about seven o’clock. They have soup, fish and meat
with vegetables, potatoes, green beans, carrots and cabbage. Then
comes sweet pudding, fruit salad, ice-cream or cheese, black or white
But sometimes they have dinner in the middle of the day. And in
the evening they have supper.
Towns and Suburbs
People in Britain don’t like to live in the centre of a town. They
would like to live in suburbs. And most people don’t live in flats. They
usually live in a house with a garden. There are trees and flowers in
the garden.
There are offices and shops in town centres. They are furniture
shops, clothes shops and shoe shops. But there are some small shops
in suburbs too.
A Day at the Seaside
People of Britain like to have a rest at the seaside. Britain is an island.
Many people go to the sea only two hours. They go to Brighton and
Blackpool. They go by train or by car. When the weather is fine people
sit near the water. The children play in sand. Some people are very brave.
They can swim in the sea. But the water in the sea is often very cold.
About Football
Football was born in England. The English like to play football
very much. Many years ago the football field was the land between two
villages. The game was very dangerous. People often killed each other.
One of the kings (Henry VIII) forbade football in England.
Boys in the United States began playing football in the 1860s.
American football was quite different. It was a rough game. Rugby is
a kind of football. There is an oval ball in rugby. And there are fifteen
players. They can carry a ball in their hands.
Football is the most popular game in the world. Many people like
watching football on television and at the stadiums.


In the World of Interesting Facts
There are many interesting birds in the world. The lyre bird is one
of them. It lives in Australia. It has a large beautiful tail. People name
this tail as a “musical” tail. It has the form of a musical instrument.
This instrument is a lyre.
216 Приложения

There is a strange fish in the Atlantic Ocean. It lives with only one
left eye. But all people and animals, you know, have got two eyes.
The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. Its neck is very long.
But the giraffe can’t make a sound. We cannot hear its voice.
Some butterflies can fly more than nine hundred kilometres from
America to Bermudas. How do they know where to fly? Scientists
cannot answer this riddle. Would you like to know the answer?
It’s a Long Way
It is a not very big bird. It is only six inches (sixteen centimetres).
It has got a bright red beak. It is small, but can fly very far. It can make
a journey about 12,000 miles. It is about 18,000 kilometres.
What bird is it? It is an Arctic tern. The tern spends the summer
in the Arctic. It cannot spend the winter there. It is very cold. And
there is no food. When spring comes the tern comes back again to
the Arctic.
How can these small birds make this long journey? Do they use the
sun, the moon and the stars as a compass? Perhaps. We don’t know the
answer. Would you like to know it?
Sleep and Sleep
Why do we sleep? Do you know? In a normal life a person sleeps
for about twenty-five years. Children need more sleep. A baby sleeps
for about ten hours. A teenager sleeps for eight or nine hours. An adult
sleeps for seven or eight hours. Old people need only five or six hours
for sleeping.
When you sleep your temperature falls and your body relaxes.
Sometimes people talk or walk in their sleep. They can open doors and
windows. They ride bicycles and even drive cars. They can cook, clean
their teeth, dig the garden and so on.
Sleepwalkers are asleep, but they have their eyes open. So they can
see. But they can’t remember anything after waking up.
Do you ever sleepwalk?
Crisps or Chips?
Do you like potatoes? Do you know that people make crisps from
People discovered potatoes in Peru. It was in the 16th century. The
Spanish brought potatoes to Europe.
People in the United States began to make crisps. They like to
eat crisps very much in America. But in America they use chips for
Well, crisps or chips? Do you like to eat crisps (chips)? What is
your favourite flavour?
It’s Interesting to Know 217

Blue Whales
Blue whales are the largest animals in the world. They live in the
oceans. They are larger than dinosaurs.
Whale’s babies drink mother’s milk. Big whales eat fish, plankton,
crabs and seals. Some whales are meat-eaters. They hunt other animals.
Whales live in water but they need air.
Men like to hunt whales. They would like to have meat and oil from
them. There are not many whales in the world now.
Do you like blue whales? Would you like to see them?
About Stamps
People all over the world collect stamps. A Belgian teacher started
collecting stamps in 1850. Then his pupils began to decorate their atlases
with stamps. They wanted to know more in geography.
Collecting stamps became one of the most interesting hobbies.
A stamp collection is a good textbook of history and geography. It gives
us much information on many subjects. This hobby helps people from
many countries to become friends.
The first Russian stamps appeared in 1857. And the first Soviet
stamps appeared in 1921. The “Penny Black” is the name of the first
postage stamp in the world. It is a very famous stamp.
Animal Secrets
Many baby animals can go from the moment they appear in this
world. Why? Because they feed on grass. They eat a lot of grass. So
they must move from place to place to find their food.
The parent birds bring the food to their babies. Young babies
are not ready to fly. Kangaroo babies sit in special mother’s pockets
The parent lions and wolves catch food and bring it to their
When Indian elephants want to sleep, they lie on the ground. When they
stand sleeping, they are ill. African elephants always sleep standing up.
There is an interesting fish in Australia. It can walk. It walks out of
the water, climbs the trees and stays there for hours.
The word umbrella is Italian. We can translate it as “a little shade”.
The Italians did not invent the umbrella. People used it many years
ago in the East.
We can use umbrellas as a protection against the sun. But in England
they use them more as a protection against the rain.
The name of the first man who appeared in the streets of London
with an umbrella was Jonas Hanway. It was more than a hundred
218 Приложения

and fifty years (150) ago. People can see a monument to this man in
Every day we open bottles of mineral water or lemonade and we
don’t think much about it. But there was a time in Britain when people
had no right to do it. Why?
Sometimes people found a bottle with a cork in it. Those bottles
were from the sea. Did you hear anything about it?
It was one hundred and thirty years ago. Only one person had
the official right to uncork the bottles from the see. Thy called him
“Uncorker of Bottles”.
The bottles had important official letters inside. Sailors of British
ships threw them into the sea. Those days they didn’t have other way
to send letters.

Do you know what word becomes shorter if you add two letters to
it? You think there is no answer to that question. Can you make a word
shorter if you add two letters to it? You are sure, you can’t. But you
can. Add er to the word short. It becomes shorter.
And what about the longest word? Do you know it? Oh, it is smiles.
Why? Because there is a mile between the first and the last letters.
Some children think that the best time to gather fruit is the time
when there is no dog in the garden.
Some children think that the moon is nearer to us than America.
Why? Because they can see the moon and they cannot see America.
S a m. Now, Jimmy, put a penny there on the table next to my
Jimmy puts a penny on the table.
S a m. I am now going to ask you some questions. If you answer
‘yes’ or ‘no’, your penny is mine, otherwise my penny is yours. Do
you know this joke?
J i m m y. No.
S a m (taking Jimmy’s penny). See, you have lost.
At the Arithmetic Lesson
“Lily, if I give you two pennies and your father gave you three
pennies, how much would you have?”
“Seven,” Lily replied.
Proverbs and Sayings 219

“You did not understand, Lily. Now listen, I shall repeat the question.
If I give you two pennies and your Father gave you three, how much
would you have?”
“Seven, “ Lily answered again.
“I am surprised at you, Lily, the teacher said.” “How on earth would
you have seven?”
“I have two pennies in my pocket already,” Lily said.


A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Друг познается в беде.
My home is my castle.
Мой дом – моя крепость.
There is no place like home.
В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
Home, sweet home.
Дом, милый дом.
East or West, home is best.
В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
Live and learn.
Век живи, век учись.
It’s never too late to learn.
Учиться никогда не поздно.
Men learn while they teach.
Уча других, учишься сам.
Early to bed and early to rise
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Кто рано встает, тому и бог дает.
You are never too old to learn.
Учиться никогда не поздно.
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Чтение для ума все равно что упражнение для тела.
Choose a book as you choose a friend.
Выбирай книгу, как ты выбираешь друга.
Like father, like son.
Каков отец, таков и сын.
Яблоко от яблони недалеко падает.
Quick at meal, quick at work.
Кто быстро ест, тот быстро и работает.
220 Приложения

Better late than never.

Лучше поздно, чем никогда.
Health is above wealth.
Здоровье выше богатства.
April showers bring May flowers.
Апрельские ливни приносят майские цветы.
Business before pleasure.
Гулять гуляй, а работу знай.
Делу – время, а потехе – час.
Everything is good in its season.
Все хорошо в свое время.
Всякому овощу свое время.
Дорога ложка к обеду.
There is a time for all things.
Всему свое время.
Lost time is never found again.
Потерянное время не вернешь.
Every season has its beauty.
Любая пора года (любой возраст) хороша (хорош) по своему.
У природы нет плохой погоды.
As the baker so the bun, as the father so the son.
Какой пекарь, такая и булка, каков отец, таков и сын.
Яблоко от яблони недалеко катится.
A tree is known by its fruit.
Дерево познается по плодам.
От яблони – яблоки, от ели – шишки.
Never put till tomorrow what you can do today.
Никогда не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать се-
The wind cannot be caught in a net.
Ветер нельзя поймать в сеть.
Ищи ветра в поле.
A good beginning makes a good ending.
Хорошее начало делает добрую концовку.
When the cat is away, the mice will play.
Кошка из дома, мыши на стол.
She is busy as a bee.
Она занята, как пчела.
Трудолюбива, как пчелка.
Proverbs and Sayings 221

That’s another pair of shoes.

Это совсем другое дело.
The tailor makes the man.
Одежда красит человека.
В уборе и пень хорош.
Good clothes open all doors.
Хорошая одежда открывает все двери.
По одежке встречают (, а по уму провожают).
All is well that ends well.
Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.
Two heads are better than one.
Одна голова хорошо, а две – лучше.
Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Кто рано ложится и рано встает, будет здоров, богат и умен.
Кто рано встает, тому и бог дает.
Keep your mouth shut and your ears open.
Держи свой рот закрытым, а уши открытыми.
Many men, many minds.
Сколько голов, столько умов.
Tomorrow never come.
После дождичка в четверг.
A place for everything and everything in its place.
Делу время, потехе час.
As red as a cherry.
Кровь с молоком.
The race is got by running.
Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда.
Silence gives consent.
Молчание – знак согласия.
A sound mind in a sound body.
В здоровом теле здоровый дух.
Think today and speak tomorrow.
Сначала подумай, потом скажи.
When there is a will, there is a way.
Где хотенье, там и уменье.
We shall see what we shall see.
Поживем – увидим.
After a Christmas comes a Lent.
Не все коту Масленица.
222 Приложения

As the call, so the echo.

Как аукнется, так и откликнется.
Better to do well than to say well.
Хорошие дела лучше хороших слов.
Barking dogs seldom bite.
Лающие собаки редко кусают.
Та собака, что лает, редко кусает.
Every dog has its day.
Будет и на нашей улице праздник.
Dump dogs are dangerous.
Немые собаки опасны.
В тихом омуте черти водятся.
A bargain is a bargain.
Сделка есть сделка.
Уговор дороже денег.
The more the merrier.
Чем больше, тем веселее.
В тесноте, да не в обиде.
You can’t eat your cake and have it.
Нельзя есть пирог и иметь его.
Один пирог два раза не съешь.

Give the pigs six big chips.
Carol, Carol, take a carrot.
Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.
Feed the bees with three sweet peas.
Pat’s black cat is in Pat’s black hat.
My black cat likes to sit in my black hat.
Cob is Dob’s dog, Tob is Mob’s dog.
Jiggety-jig, jiggety-jig, Pete’s dog is big.
Mary sees three big grey geese.
Nine, nineteen and ninety.
Here is my rose, there is his nose.
Snow is so snowy, when it is snowing.
Sid sees, Sid sees six trees, six trees.
Биболетова М.З. и др. Enjoy English 1. Обнинск: Титул, 2004.
Биболетова М.З. и др. Enjoy English 2. Обнинск: Титул, 2004.
Кортес Л.П. Mary Had a Little Lamb. Минск: Вышэйшая шко-
ла, 1978.
Закс С.Б. Сказки и легенды Африки. М.: Просвещение, 1984.
Савина С.Н. Внеклассная работа по иностранному языку
в школе. М.: Просвещение, 1991.
Конышева А.В. Современные методы обучения английскому
языку. Минск: ТетраСистемс, 2005.
English Teaching forum. 1. 2005.
English Teaching forum. 2. 2007.
От автора . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Примерное планирование кружковых занятий . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Тема «Спорт» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Тема «Домашние питомцы, животные и птицы» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Тема «Школа» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Тема «Мой дом, моя квартира» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Тема «Времена года» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Тема «Семья». . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Тема «Покупки» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Материал для олимпиад . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Неделя английского языка . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Первый день. Welcome to the World of English! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Второй день. In the World of Poetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Третий день. You Are Welcome to Our Lessons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Четвертый день. Our Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Пятый день. We Are Actors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Fairy Tales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
England in Brief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
It’s Interesting to Know . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Humour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Proverbs and Sayings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Литература . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223

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