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Преподаватель: Маслова Анна Владимировна
Тема занятия: Тема «Sports». Предлоги, обозначающие место и
направление движения. Тренировочные упражнения.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.
Good morning! I am glad to see you? How are you? I’m fine too/What date is it today? What is
the weather like today?
Are you ready to start work?
2. Речевая зарядка.
Before we pass on to our main topic, I’d like to ask you some questions.
Do you like our town?
Where do you like to walk?
What’s your favourite place in our town?
Who likes to walk in the park?
3.Проверка домашнего задания. Повторение ранее изученных степеней сравнения
прилагательных. Учащиеся составляют предложения.
3. Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся
There are many museums, palaces and fountains and very beautiful places in London.
Today we have an unusual lesson. We’ll have a travelling along the Park in London.
What are the most popular places in London?
Do you like Big Ben?  - Ответы учащихся.
Today I want to meet you with Katty. We are going to travel in the Hyde Park.
Look at the screen! What can you see there? You can see some pictures (просмотр нескольких
What can you see in the pictures?
What prepositions do you know?
What are you going to do now?  - Ответы учащихся.
Сообщение целей и задач урока 
What is the theme of our lesson?  We are travelling in London
with Prepositions of Place and Prepositions of Movement.
What is the target of the lesson? We are going to learn prepositions.
4. Изучение нового материала
Prepositions of Place
We use prepositions of place to say where somebody or something is. They are:
Prepositions of Movement
We use prepositions of movement to show the direction in which somebody or something is
moving. They are:
Работа со слайдами: учащиеся отрабатывают употребление предлогов на примерах.
Повторяют предложения и отвечают на вопросы. После этого учащиеся повторяют все
изученные предлоги и стараются составить предложения, которые они запомнили или
свои собственные.
Look at the screen. There are some prepositions on it. Let’s read them.
Now children let’s repeat our prepositions and make up as many sentences as you can.
Let’s see how well remember them.
Учащиеся вспоминают предлоги и отвечают на вопрос учителя:
Where is it?
Учащиеся работают в парах и задают вопросы друг другу Where is the…? Обращаясь к
карте Лондона.
5.Физкультминутка:  Now, let’s have a rest.  Song “Come on everybody”. Учащиеся встают
и выполняют движения.
6. Закрепление нового материала 
I want you to divide into two groups. We work in groups and make up sentences with
prepositions. If you give right answer you get scores. You must be active and friendly.
 I’d like you to give marks with scores on board. You can see your marks.
You’ll have five minutes to do the task. Then you’ll listen to your answering.

Учащиеся выполняют задание в группах, и кто получает большее количество баллов, тот
выигрывает. Учащиеся сами оценивают правильность выполнения задания.
7.Оценивание учащихся
 You worked well and as a result I’d like to give you only good and excellent marks.
 I’ll give you marks into the register after checking up your works but I can show you the marks
for your work with this Smile.
8. Анализ и самоанализ урока. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.
I think this lesson was interesting and useful for you. What have we learn today? We have learnt
to use the prepositions of place and movement in your speech and have got fun time in the
Lower Park.
What was the target of the lesson?
Do you like our lesson?
Say about your work at the lesson completing the sentences.
The lesson was
All the students are
I feel
Thank you for your work. You worked well during the lesson. Now let’s repeat our rhyme!
Mind the clock
And keep the rule:
Try to come
In time to room
7. Домашнее задание: You should write 12 sentences about our town using the prepositions
of Place and Movement

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