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Национальный минерально-сырьевой университет «Горный»

Кафедра иностранных языков



Материалы и методические указания для самостоятельной

подготовки к практическим занятиям студентов бакалавриата
направления подготовки 21.03.01

УДК 801:802.0 = 03(07)

Английский язык. Oil and Gas Engineering: Материалы и

методические указания для самостоятельной подготовки к практическим
занятиям / Национальный минерально-сырьевой университет «Горный».
Cост. А.Т. Щетинина. — СПб., 2016. 27 с.

Данные материалы и методические указания предназначены

для студентов бакалавриата направления подготовки 21.03.01
«Нефтегазовое дело», изучающих английский язык. Методические
указания включают аутентичные тексты по направлению
подготовки различного уровня сложности, которые сопровождаются
лексическими заданиями и заданиями на понимание материала. В
грамматическом разделе рассматриваются особенности строя
английского предложения, представляющие сложность при
переводе. Упражнения позволяют закрепить грамматический
материал, развить навык работы со словарем и усовершенствовать
навыки перевода специализированных текстов на русский язык.

Научный редактор: доц. Э. А. Навицкайте

© Национальный минерально-сырьевой университет «Горный»

Данные материалы и методические указания предназначены
для студентов бакалавриата направления подготовки 21.03.01
«Нефтегазовое дело», изучающих английский язык.
Изучение предложенного материала направлено на
формирование и развитие навыков профессионально-
ориентированного чтения и перевода на английском языке. Ряд
аутентичных текстов представляет информацию по темам,
изучаемым в рамках направления подготовки, а также
представляющим интерес для студентов профильных направлений.
Каждый текст сопровождается заданиями и упражнениями, цель
которых – активизация познавательной деятельности студентов,
формирование активного словарного запаса и развитие навыков
аналитического чтения и перевода, а также мотивация интереса
студентов к будущей профессии.
Грамматический блок представляет тему "Перевод
препозитивных атрибутивных словосочетаний" и позволяет усвоить
необходимый грамматический материал и закрепить специальную
лексику, а также усовершенствовать навыки чтения и перевода
специализированных англоязычных текстов.
При изучении данного курса формируются следующие
компетенции: способность к коммуникации в устной и письменной
формах на русском и иностранных языках для решения задач
межличностного и межкультурного взаимодействия (ОК-5), а также
способность к самоорганизации и самообразованию (ОК-7).

A hydrocarbon field has a long life cycle.
From the discovery of a petroleum deposit to the first oil/gas,
exploration and production activities are spread over several decades.
Five main steps can be distinguished in the life of an oil or gas field.
The first two are part of the exploration stage that can take 5 to
10 years. First comes discovery, which means locating the field, and then
evaluation, when the amount of reserves and project feasibility are
Then comes the production stage taking a total of 15 to 30 years.
It is divided in its turn into three subsequent processes. Firstly, it is
development which takes 1 to 5 years and includes the production
facilities design and implementation. Secondly, there is a production
stage comprising 15 to 30 years. And finally, the abandonment stage
which involves site restitution.
Oil and gas are trapped in reservoir rocks buried underground (on
shore/off shore). To locate hydrocarbon accumulation, geoscientists
analyze images of the earth’s subsurface produced by seismic
echography. They build a model of geological layering of the subsurface,
and then identify potential reservoirs called «prospects». Then
exploration wells need to be drilled to check if the identified prospect
does indeed contain hydrocarbons. These wells are typically several
kilometers deep.
Once discovery has been confirmed, 3D numerical reservoir
simulation models are built to a _______ of oil and gas in the reservoir
and to simulate the reservoir fluid flow behavior and b _______ (the
number, type and location of wells, level of field production, etc).
Appraisal wells are drilled to c _______ through further data
An economic assessment is performed taking into account
revenue according to production forecasts and the estimated development

costs. If the required economic criteria are met, the field is developed and
then produced.
A field development plan establishes the following:
the number of wells to be drilled d _______,
the recovery techniques to be used e _______,
the type and cost of installations, f _______, depending on the marine
environment (tides, storms, waves, winds, corrosion, ...),
the g _______ for gas and fluids,
the treatment systems needed h _______.
N.B. Rotary drilling is the most widespread drilling technique
and has been constantly upgraded: deviated wells, horizontal wells and,
more recently, multi-drain wells. Those new technologies allow to
mitigate the surface footprint of the project and to increase well
The time period over which hydrocarbons may be extracted
varies between 15 to 30 years and may be extended up to 50 years or
more for «giant fields».
The lifetime of a reservoir is composed of different successive
a period of i _______,
a j _______ or «plateau»,
injection phases (water, gas or chemical products) k _______ and thus
maintain a satisfactory volume of produced resources,
l _______ when hydrocarbon production declines progressively.
N.B. Significant technological developments have been recently
made in exploration and production deep offshore (more than 1000m
water depth). Many wells have already been drilled in this range of depth
but producing deep offshore fields remains particularly complex and
expensive and still represents, today, a technological challenge.
When the hydrocarbon production rate becomes non economical,
the reservoir is abandoned.

Before abandoning the field, the oil companies:
m _______ such as platforms,
n _______ in a safe state,
o_______ the field’s residual hydrocarbon reserves,
clean, p _______ the site.

Exercise 1 Read the text and find the English equivalents of the
following words and word combinations
Нефтяное месторождение/ залежь нефти; продолжаться;
несколько десятков лет; осуществимость проекта/ технико-
экономическое обоснование проекта; последовательный;
проектирование и ввод в действие добычных сооружений; включать
в себя; подразумевать; восстановление участка/ территории;
накопление углеводородов/ углеводородная залежь; режим потока
жидкости; экономическое обоснование/ экономическая оценка;
учитывать/ принимать во внимание; роторное/ вращательное
бурение; искривленная/ наклонная/ горизонтальная скважина;
скважина с несколькими горизонтальными участками; воздействие
человека на среду обитания / окружающую среду; продуктивность/
производительность скважины; последовательные стадии/ этапы;
сохранять достаточный объем добычи/ производства; постепенно
снижаться; технологические разработки/ развитие технологий;
пределы/диапазон/порядок; оставаться; технологический вызов;
производительность/ нефтеотдача/ дебет нефтеотдачи.

Exercise 2 Some word combinations were removed from sections

PRODUCTION) and 5 (FIELD ABANDONMENT) and mixed up. Put
them back in place. The numbers of sections are given
SECTION 2 (a-c) optimize the field development scenario; improve the
field description; estimate the initial volume;
SECTION 3 (d-h) to extract the fluids within the reservoir; to preserve
the environment; to reach production objectives; such as platforms;
separation systems
SECTION 4 (i-l) the depletion period; to «assist» the hydrocarbon
recovery; stabilization phase; production increase
SECTION 5 (m-p) put the well; depollute and rehabilitate; dismantle
facilities; preserve

Exercise 3 Answer the questions

1 How long is a life cycle of an oil/ gas deposit? What five stages does it
2 What is the necessity of drilling exploration wells? How deep are they?
3 For what purpose are appraisal wells drilled?
4 What is the reason for upgrading the process of rotary drilling?
5 What is the advantage of extracting oil from giant fields?
6 What does “deep offshore” mean?
7 When is the reservoir abandoned?

Exercise 4 Give an oral or written translation of the text

Well abandonment is nothing new to the oil and gas industry —it
is an activity that has been associated with well construction since the
very beginning of the search for hydrocarbons. One thing that is
changing, though, is the volume of wells and fields that are currently
shut-in, suspended, or reaching the end of their economic life.
Worldwide, governments and legislative authorities are encouraging the
oil and gas industry to seal and permanently take offline unproductive
wells to prevent them from impacting the environment.
In certain mature basins the decommissioning of aging
infrastructure is creating such a significant volume of wells to be
abandoned that these are now being treated as standalone projects rather
than the responsibility of existing contract models.
The decision to plug and abandon (P&A) a well or field is
invariably based on economics. Once production delivers less than the
operating expenses, it is time to consider abandonment. In fact, in some
cases the decision is made with the knowledge that considerable reserves
remain, but the cost to extract these resources is more than the projected

The cost to P&A a well can vary by many millions of dollars
depending on location, and whether the well is offshore or onshore. In the
UK, abandonment from a fixed platform will be around USD 2 million,
whereas abandonment from a semisubmersible or dynamic positioning
drilling unit can be USD 10 million.
The basics of a permanent well abandonment (PWA) operation
will vary little whether the well is on land or offshore. You begin by
removing the completion or production string, then set the necessary
plugs and cement barriers at specified depths across the producing and
water-bearing zones to act as permanent barriers. It sounds so simple, but
it is crucial to remember that the key to a successful operation will be a
solid plan. Unfortunately, many times this is restrained by lack of data
and/or outdated files. The wellhead and subsea hardware (if applicable)
are removed last.
In all parts of the world, regulatory bodies have, to varying
degrees, defined procedures and responsibilities for a PWA. Despite
disparities around the world, the intent of all abandonment operations is
to achieve the following: 1) isolate and protect all freshwater zones, 2)
isolate all potential future commercial zones, 3) prevent leaks from or
into the well once for all, and 4) cut pipe to an agreed level below seabed
and remove all surface equipment.
Within the scope of well abandonment, many techniques used
today can be considered evolutions of those employed for many years.
Cement is still used as the primary barrier. Logs generated by cement-
bond logging tools are still used to evaluate cement quality. Milling and
fishing tools remain similar in nature.
With the continued increase in the volume of wells to be
abandoned, it is reasonable to suggest that the pace of technology
development and deployment around abandonment operations should and
indeed must accelerate in order to increase the efficiency of abandoning
wells. Opportunities exist for the development of alternatives to milling
and for alternative isolation materials and long-term monitoring solutions
to provide proven evidence of lasting isolation.
The industry globally is facing its busiest period ever in relation
to abandonment work. With drilling activity adding thousands of wells
per year, the volume of this type of work will only continue to grow. The
perception that well abandonments involve just a simple reverse-
engineering workflow and require only the most basic of tools is far from
reality. Well abandonment represents a true challenge that will be here
for decades.

Exercise 1 Read the text and find the English equivalents of the
following words and word combinations
Разведочные работы на нефть и газ; непродуктивная
скважина; оказывать воздействие на окружающую среду; изученный
и разрабатываемый бассейн; демонтаж/ ликвидация устаревшей
инфраструктуры; соответствовать (требованиям); значительное
количество/ значительный; на шельфе; на суше / наземный;
полупогружная буровая платформа/ морская буровая установка;
буровая установка с динамическим позиционированием; колонна
заканчивания; промысловая/ обсадная/ эксплуатационная колонна;
цементировочная пробка; нефтегазопродуктивная зона/
продуктивный интервал; водоносная зона; регулирующий/
контролирующий орган; в той или иной степени; определить
границы ответственности; несоответствие/ расхождение/ разница;
пресноводная область; предотвратить утечку; ниже уровня морского
дна; наземное оборудование/ поверхностная аппаратура; приборы
для контроля цементирования; инструмент для фрезеровочных
работ в скважине; ловитель/ ловильный инструмент; развитие и
внедрение/ использование технологий; повысить уровень качества;
долгосрочный/ в долгосрочной перспективе; в отношении; буровые
работы; не соответствовать действительности.

Exercise 2 In the text find the words that are similar in meaning
to the following:
Number/amount; now; independent; at all times/ without exception;
when/ as soon as; estimated/forecast; fixed/certain; shortage; aim;
sphere/area/ field; much the same; growth; speed/rate; actually; strong/
stable/ durable; worldwide; opinion; process.

Exercise 3 Are these statements true or false?

1) Well abandonment is an entirely new phenomenon for oil and gas
2) Sometimes the well is abandoned when it still contains a substantial
amount of hydrocarbons which are not feasible to extract
3) The cost of plugging and abandonment depends on a number of factors
and may differ.
4) There is a wide difference between the principles of an offshore and an
onshore well abandonment
5) There is a uniform procedure for a PWA that all countries follow.
6) A lot of methods of well abandonment used today are based on older
7) There are good prospects for further development of well
abandonment technology.

Exercise 4 Give an oral or written translation of the text

Exercise 1
Before you read:
1. Answer the question: Why is it necessary to reduce the
viscosity of heavy oil?
2. Read Paragraph 1 of the text below and check if your answer
was correct. Are there any other reasons mentioned in Paragraph 1?


A multidisciplinary scientific team improved such physical
properties of heavy and extra heavy oil as viscosity, surface tension and
density by applying chemicals. The purpose is to facilitate its
management and profitability during the stages of extraction,
transportation and processing, says the head of research, Miguel Ángel
Vázquez Guevara, at the Laboratory of Organic Synthesis, of the
Department of Chemistry, at the University of Guanajuato, in center
 "60 percent of the oil extracted in Mexico has characteristics of
heavy and extra-heavy, generating different economic problems by the
high costs of extraction, transportation and processing. The participation
of the research group at the University of Guanajuato was to meet this
demand. We focus on the design, synthesis, optimization and scaling of
organic compounds, which are applied at the end of the synthesis to
reduce the viscosity of heavy and extra-heavy crude oil," says Vázquez
The specialist said that this design took into account the
conditions of some crude oil wells in which the compounds were applied
in order to be certain of its functionality.
Likewise, security and availability of raw materials in Mexico
were considered to reduce costs; product stability and the reduction or
elimination of waste from the synthesis process are essential challenges
to meet the functional need of the product and protect the environment.
In the research scientists from the Mexican Petroleum Institute,
the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi, the Institute of Ciudad
Madero Tamaulipas and from the Guanajuato Technological University
"The work began in 2010 and concluded in 2013, resulting in the
design and synthesis of organic molecules for laboratory and industrial
scale with economic and safe raw material. No byproducts are generated
by the design, which beneficially impacts the environment," says
Guevara Vázquez adding that the compounds were excellent viscosity
reducers at laboratory level and well (reservoir) in pipe, where a
reduction of viscosity greater than 90 percent was observed.
Decreasing the viscosity of heavy oil during transport was also
achieved, via the dispersion of the asphaltenes which prevents caking and
negative consequences in the operation; for example, stopping production
because of plugging and additional operating costs (pipelines, pumping
systems and storage tanks, etc.).
Vázquez Guevara says that when analyzing the process in the
field, where a downhole oil transportation study was conducted during
the 8:00 am production, 1.50 cubic meters of extracted oil (9.43 barrels of
oil) were obtained.
"Previously, we treated it with the chemical compound from
10:00 until 18:00 when there is an average extraction of 3.62 cubic
meters of oil. This translates into 13.34 barrels of oil per day yielding an
average of one hundred thousand dollars a day on average per field."
Exercise 2 Read the whole text (including Paragraph 1) and
answer the following questions:
1) What physical properties of heavy and extra heavy oil can be improved
as a result? How is it possible to do?
2) What are the economic problems connected with heavy and extra-
heavy oils in Mexico?
3) What did the research team do to check the functionality of the design?
4) What factors were considered in order to reduce the costs, to meet the
functional need of the product and protect the environment?
5) In addition to its safety and availability, what is another advantage of
the raw material used?
6) How many years did the work take?
7) At what stages did the design prove to be successful?
8) What negative consequences are caused by asphaltenes?
9) What did the researchers do before they conducted the downhole oil
transportation study?
10) How much additional money does the new technology yield?
Exercise 3 What do these numbers and figures from the text refer
60% 2010 2013 90% 8:00 am 1.50 9.43
10:00 18:00 3.62 13.34 $100,000
Exercise 4
A Match the words and word combinations from the text with
their synonyms
1 to be certain of a effectiveness
2 to beneficially impact b earlier / before
3 scientific team c to think about/ consider
4 to take into account d to have no doubt about
5 previously e side products
6 functionality f to have positive effect (on)/ be good for
7 byproducts g research group
B Find the English equivalents of the following words and word
combinations in the text
Многопрофильный/многофункциональный; физические свойства;
вязкость; поверхностное натяжение; плотность; добыча/ извлечение/
разработка месторождения; транспортировка / перекачивание по
трубопроводу; (первичная) переработка; затраты/ себестоимость;
отвечать/ соответствовать требованию; органические соединения;
наличие/ доступность/ возможность использования; уменьшение
объема или утилизация отходов; основная/ ключевая задача; в
лабораторных условиях; спекание; негативные последствия;
засорение; насосная система/ установка; резервуар для хранения
нефтепродуктов; на месте / в производственных условиях;
проводить исследование; обрабатывать; средние показатели
извлечения/ добычи; в день; в среднем; с одного месторождения.

Exercise 5 Give an oral or written translation of the text

Exercise 6 Give an oral or written summary of the text

Препозитивные атрибутивные сочетания (сочетания
определяемого слова с одним или несколькими предшествующими
ему определениями) широко распространены в английском языке,
поскольку их использование предоставляет возможность для
экономии языковых средств. Именно по этой причине они часто
встречаются в англоязычных научно-технических текстах. В
английском языке в состав препозитивного атрибутивного
сочетания в качестве определений (первых компонентов) могут
входить не только прилагательные, но и другие части речи,
например, существительные, включая сложные слова (oil reservoir,
gas-to-oil ratio), неличные формы глагола (refining technology,
refining methods) и т.п., поэтому они представляют определенную
сложность для перевода. Это происходит не только потому, что в
русском языке такие сочетания не имеют структурного
соответствия, но и потому, что смысловые отношения между
компонентами в их составе могут быть очень разнообразными.
Даже будучи одинаковы по структуре, такие англоязычные
сочетания часто переводятся на русский язык разными по структуре
и смыслу сочетаниями. Например, сочетание cable tool drilling
переводится как ударно-канатное бурение, а сходное с ним по
структуре oil drilling означает бурение на нефть и газ.
В русском языке определение, как правило, указывает на то
или иное качество следующего за ним определяемого слова, в то
время как в английских препозитивных атрибутивных сочетаниях
определение может характеризовать не качество второго
компонента сочетания, а качество иного, даже не названного
предмета или явления, например:
petroleum landman брокер по продаже и аренде
нефтегазоносных участков
exploration strategy стратегия разведочных работ
mud swivel вертлюг для бурения с промывкой буровым
reservoir engineer специалист по разработке (нефтяных и
газовых) месторождений
fossil content содержание окаменелостей в породе
Поэтому перед тем, как переводить подобные сочетания,
необходимо проанализировать отношения между их элементами –
как структурные, так и смысловые. Прежде всего необходимо
перевести определяемое существительное, которое является
последним словом как в двухкомпонентных (drill pipe), так и в
многокомпонентных (major shale gas and minor shale oil potential)
препозитивных атрибутивных сочетаниях. Как правило, основную
трудность для перевода таких сочетаний представляет их первый
компонент (для двухкомпонентных сочетаний) или компоненты,
предшествующие определяемому слову (для многокомпонентных
Двухкомпонентные английские препозитивные
атрибутивные сочетания лишь в очень немногих случаях могут
переводиться на русский язык сочетаниями прилагательное +
существительное, например:
drilling assembly буровая компоновка, буровой
cement slurry цементный раствор
exploration and production operations поисковые и добычные работы
production platform эксплуатационная платформа
shock wave ударная (взрывная) волна
Первый компонент подобных сочетаний также может
переводиться на русский язык следующими способами:
1) существительным в родительном падеже:
oil deposit месторождение нефти
bit type тип (бурового) долота
refinery manager менеджер НПЗ
oil seepage выход/ просачивание нефти
mud weight плотность/ масса бурового раствора
2) существительным с предлогом:
oil and gas drilling бурение на нефть и газ
production revenues доходы от добычи
3) причастным оборотом:
upstream area область, связанная с геологоразведкой
и добычей
Перевод многокомпонентных атрибутивных препозитивных
сочетаний включает следующие этапы:
1) найти в тексте границы атрибутивной группы и перевести
опорное слово - определяемое существительное
2) проанализировать и раскрыть смысловые связи между
отдельными определениями внутри словосочетания (при этом может
помочь мысленная постановка вопросов к определениям). В случае
достаточно большого количества определений необходимо
выделить внутри сочетания отдельные смысловые группы (ход
анализа: с начала к концу словосочетания).
Примеры перевода многокомпонентных препозитивных
атрибутивных сочетаний:
producing oil field разрабатываемое / эксплуатируемое /
действующее месторождение нефти
natural energy source природный источник энергии
enhanced oil recovery добыча нефти усовершенствованными
(первое из определений по смыслу связано с группой,
состоящей из второго определения и определяемого слова; при
переводе третьего сочетания также возникла необходимость в
перестановке его компонентов)
product quality standards стандарты качества продукции
drilling mud circulation циркуляция бурового раствора
oil-bearing rock outcrop обнажение нефтеносной горной
(определяемое слово по смыслу связано с группой,
состоящей из первого и второго определений, причем второе
определение одновременно является определяемым словом для
mineral assay coring отбор кернов для химического
анализа минерала
(схема смысловых связей соответствует пункту 2; при этом
определяемое слово переводится двухкомпонентным
словосочетанием; при переводе также возникла необходимость
перестановки компонентов сочетания)
steel storage tank стальной резервуар для
хранения нефтепродуктов
(второе определение по смыслу связано с группой,
состоящей из первого определения и определяемого слова; при
переводе также возникла необходимость перестановки компонентов
underground fuel storage tank подземный резервуар для
хранения ГСМ
(группа, состоящая из первого определения, связана по
смыслу с группой, состоящей из второго и третьего определений).
При этом необходимо учитывать то, что варианты перевода
препозитивных атрибутивных сочетаний в научно-технических
текстах также могут представлять собой:
1) терминологические соответствия:
surface casing первая технологическая колонна;
устьевая колонна обсадных труб
(natural) reservoir drive естественный режим пласта/залежи
straight-run gasoline бензин прямой гонки/ прямогонный
free gas cap газовая шапка
cement job цементаж
mud motor забойный турбинный двигатель
well log диаграмма геофизических
исследований скважины/ буровой
2) соответствия, обусловленные контекстом и нормами языка
petroleum economist экономист в сфере нефтяной
oil and gas law законы о разработке нефтяных и
газовых месторождений/
нефтегазовое законодательство
refinery products продукты нефтегазопереработки/
переработки нефти и газа
bit rotational speed частота вращения бурового долота
При переводе многокомпонентных сочетаний также
возможно одновременное использование обоих указанных выше
типов соответствий:
organic-rich hydrocarbon нефтегазоматеринская порода,
source rock богатая органическими веществами

Exercise 1
A Read the sentences, find attributive combinations (both
related to oil and gas industry and not), translate them and analyse their
meaning and structure.
B Translate the sentences into Russian
1. These ancient petroleum hydrocarbons are complex mixtures
and exist in a range of physical forms – gas mixtures, oils ranging from
thin to viscous, semi-solids and solids. 2. As the name hydrocarbon
implies, petroleum is comprised of carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms
bonded together; the carbon has four bonds and the hydrogen has one. 3.
The more complex hydrocarbons have intricate structures, consisting of
multiple carbon-hydrogen rings with carbon-hydrogen side chains. 4.
Rather, it [oil] will be found nearby, in reservoir rock. 5. There is a
hydraulic motor (turbine or positive-displacement mud motor) mounted
in the bottom-hole assembly near the bit. 6. Carbonate rocks, limestones
(calcium carbonate) and dolomites (calcium-magnesium carbonate) are
sedimentary rocks and are some of the most common petroleum
reservoirs. 7. Organic-rich source rocks were also in proximity to supply
oil and gas to these reservoir rocks. 8. Another carbonate rock, dolomite,
exhibits matrix permeability that allows fluid migration and entrapment.
9. Dolomites also have fracture and vugular porosity, making dolomite
structures attractive candidates for oil deposits. 10. A significant portion
of oil and gas production is associated with salt domes which are
predominantly classified as piercement-type salt intrusions and are often
mushroom-shaped. 11. By matching rock layers between wells, they
[geologists] can draw cross sections to find petroleum traps. 12. Modern
aerial and satellite surveying is more sophisticated allowing a number of
features to be evaluated, including thermal anomalies, density variations,
mineral composition, oil seepage and many others. 13. Observation by
trained geologists of oil-bearing rock outcrops (where subsurface layers
reach the surface), road cuts and canyon walls can identify lithology and
assess the potential for hydrocarbon source rocks, reservoir-quality rocks
and trapping mechanisms in an area under study. 14. When the top end of
the kelly is level with the bushing (at rig floor level), the kelly is broken
out from the drill pipe, raised while another joint is added, and the
process of drilling down is repeated. 15. Petroleum engineers work as
drilling engineers to confirm the presence of oil and gas by drilling an
exploration well. 16. This information helps petroleum engineer
determine if it is financially feasible to drill deeper, produce the well
from explored zones of interest or take additional measurements. 17. As
early as 1100 AD, brine wells as deep as 3500 ft were drilled in China,
using methods similar to cable tool drilling. 18. This was the method used
by pioneer wildcatters in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and
is still used today for some shallow wells. 19. The cable tool method is
simple, but it is effective only for shallow wells. 20. Rotary rigs are used
for a variety of purposes – drilling oil, gas, water, geothermal and
petroleum storage wells, mineral assay coring, and mining and
construction projects. 21. In the rotary method (introduced to oil and gas
drilling in about 1900), the drill bit is suspended on the end of a tubular
string (drill stem) which is supported on a cable/pulley system held up by
a derrick. 22. Drilling takes place when the drillstring and bit are rotated
while the weight of the drill collars and bit bears down on the rock. 23.
To keep the bit cool and lubricated, and to remove the rock cuttings from
the hole, drilling fluid (mud) is pumped down the inside of the drillstring.
24. [Drilling mud] moves up in the annulus (the space between drillstring
and wellbore wall) with the cuttings suspended in it. 25. Drilling mud
circulation brought efficiency to rotary drilling that was missing from
cable tool drilling – the ability to remove cuttings from the hole without
making a trip to the surface. 26. The BHA (bottom-hole assembly) is
located just above the bit and consists of drill collars combined with one
or more bladed stabilizers, possibly a reamer, and other tools. 27.
Petroleum landman works closely with their exploration, production,
financial and legal counterparts within these companies to formulate and
implement exploration strategies and to negotiate a wide variety of
exploration, production, joint venture and other related arrangements. 28.
Drill collars are thick-walled, heavy joints of pipe used in the BHA to
provide weight to the bit. 29. These threaded couplings (tool joints) must
be strong, reliable, rugged and safe to use. 30. But it was not until 1859
that Colonel Edwin Drake drilled the first successful oil well, for the sole
purpose of finding oil. 31. The reservoir engineer develops complex
computer-based mathematical programs to model the fluid flow and
formation pressures. 32. Regardless of bit type, it must be rotated in order
to drill the rock. 33. Some of these refineries lasted only a few years,
while most managed to survive declining supplies from nearby oil fields,
increased competition, and the evolution of refining technology for ten
years or more. 34. The sound energy bounces off sedimentary rock layers
and returns to the surface to be recorded by the detector. 35. In order for
the drilling mud to get into the drillstring, a rotary hose and mud swivel
are attached to the top of the kelly to supply mud from the mud pumps.
36. A top drive unit has important advantages over a kelly/rotary drive.
Due to these advantages, top drive units are being installed on most deep
rigs and offshore rigs. 37. Mud motors can achieve much higher bit
rotational speeds than can be achieved by rotating the entire drillstring.
38. Enhanced oil recovery involves pumping fluids that are not natural to
the reservoir, such as carbon dioxide and steam, down injection wells to
obtain more production. 39. Sometimes, however, these formation fluids
do enter the wellbore under great pressure. 40. The surface casing is run
and cemented at a depth to protect freshwater aquifers and to avoid mud
seepage into shallow sand and gravel beds. 41. After a string of casing or
a liner has been properly landed in a hole, a cement slurry is mixed and
quickly pumped down the inside of the casing (or liner). 42. Once the
cement job has passed the pressure test, drilling can resume. 43. This is
called an open hole completion. 44. If the producing formation is strong
enough, as in the case of limestone, a length of casing can be cemented
immediately above it, leaving the producing formation unsupported. 45.
The production engineer will determine the most efficient means to
develop the field considering the viscosity of the crude oil, the gas-to-oil
ratio, the depth and type of formation, and the project economics. 46.
Reservoir engineers determine the fluid pressure distributions throughout
the reservoir, the natural energy sources available, and the methods most
useful in recovering the maximum amount of oil and gas from the
reservoir. 47. Chemical engineers are involved in many aspects of the oil
and gas industry. 48. Chemical engineers work in developing and running
the plants that manufacture chemicals such as polyethylene and polyvinyl
chloride from natural gas liquids and crude oil. 49. In the United States
and Canada, the land must be leased from the landowner that owns the
subsurface oil and gas. 50. Accountants working in the upstream area
need specialized training and experience in accounting for exploration
and production expenses and revenues in addition to their basic training.
51. Formal training in economics provides a good basis for students
considering a career of a petroleum economist. 52. The shales of the Paris
Basin are thought to have major shale gas and minor shale oil potential.
53. As fluids are produced from the subsurface reservoir, the pressure on
the remaining fluids drops. 54. After the natural reservoir drive has been
depleted in an oilfield, water-flood and enhanced oil recovery can be
attempted to produce some of the remaining oil. 55. The first oil well in
the pioneering oil fields in Pennsylvania was not drilled until 1859. 56.
These sources may eventually more than triple the potential reserves of
hydrocarbon fuels. 57. In the subsurface, the path of least resistance is
along a reservoir rock layer. 58. The gas is lightest and goes to the top of
the trap to form the free gas cap. 59. The oil goes to the middle to form
the oil reservoir. 60. How are subsurface deposits of gas and oil located?
61. By early 1900s, the principles of subsurface gas and oil deposits were
becoming better known. 62. Oil companies realized that by mapping how
the sedimentary rock layers crop out on the surface of the ground, the
rock layers could be projected into the subsurface, and traps could be
located. 63. Sound echoes are used to make an image of the subsurface
rock layers. 64. Offshore wells are drilled the same as on land. 65. Once
an offshore field is located, a production platform is them installed to
drill the rest of the wells and produce gas and oil. 66. To evaluate the
well, a service company runs a well log. 67. Kansas has never been the
most important petroleum producing state, but our history reflects the
advancement of the American petroleum industry from its most primitive
form to the highest system of it today. 68. Once the Civil War ended,
Kansas entrepreneurs wanted to follow the lead of the booming
Pennsylvania oil business and look for oil in Kansas as well. 69. The
company was well-capitalized and could afford to install steel storage
tanks and pipelines to gather crude oil from the fields, and negotiate
favourable railroad freight rates. 70. They had an experienced marketing
staff and the most experienced and innovative refinery managers in the
business. 71. Kansas oil producers were enthusiastically expecting the
company to purchase all the oil they could pull out of the ground. 72.
Small businessmen and entrepreneurs were critical of the company’s
influence in the Kansas oil industry. 73. To get past a constitutional ban
on the state government engaging in commerce, it was proposed that
prison inmates be employed as refinery workers. 74. The residue,
approximately half of the volume of unprocessed crude oil, was too
heavy to vaporize under normal conditions and could be stored in tanks
until it was shipped out to be processed into lubricating oils and greases,
or sold as fuel oil. 75. For the first time more petroleum products were
delivered by pipeline than by rail or barges. 76. This approach proved so
powerful that it is still being used in oil exploration today. 77. World War
I proved the utility of gasoline engines for automobiles and trucks, and
gasoline became more important as a refinery product. 78. These stations
used underground fuel storage tanks, because they were out of the way
and the cool earth helped prevent gasoline from evaporating. 79. The
crude oil coming into the refinery would be tested for its specific gravity,
proportions of paraffin compounds to asphalt compounds, type and
amount of contaminating materials, and other features. 80. The refinery’s
chemists would also experiment with new equipment and processes to
discover better, more efficient refining methods, and develop new high
value products. 81. Independent pipeline companies encouraged product
quality standards, because it was easier to schedule the delivery of a
quantity of fuel of a standard quality, rather than a specific batch of fuel
from a specific refinery. 82. Gasoline can be extracted from crude oil by
distillation (straight-run gasoline), or by thermal or catalytic cracking,
and can also be condensed from the products of natural gas wells – this is
called casigenated gasoline.

Exercise 2
A Make as many combinations as possible from the words given
below (there can be two-word or three-word collocations). Use Exercise
1 AND/OR a dictionary for reference if necessary. You can use the words
given more than once, and as first, second or third components of the
collocations as well. Translate the collocations.
atom production landman assembly bottom
rock drilling carbon oil floor
flow engineer motor(s) drill fuel subsurface
product(s) pump producing rig hole pore hydrogen
trap(s) source formation mud reservoir
fluid pipe space petroleum field(s)

B Fill the gaps with some of the collocations you made in A. The
first letters of the words you need are given. Translate the sentences.
1 Both crude oil and natural gas are mixtures of molecules
formed by c_______ and h_______ a_______. 2 There must be a
separate s_______ r_______ r_______ to hold the gas or oil, and there
must be a trap in the r_______ r_______ to concentrate the gas or oil into
commercial quantities. 3 The seawater that once filled the p_______
s_______ is partially displaced by oil and gas that squeezed from the
s_______ r_______ into the sandstone. 4 The magnetometer and gravity
meter are used to locate hidden, subsurface p_______ t_______. 5 MWD
tools and m_______ m_______ are generally located low in the
b_______-h_______ a_______, usually just above the bit. 6 If gas and oil
flowed up onto the floor of the d_______ r_______, it could catch fire. 7
A rotary table is a gear-and-chain-driven turntable mounted into the
r_______ f_______ that has a large open center for the bit and drillstring.
8 Rather than drilling with separate joints of the traditional, large-
diameter rigid d______ p_______, the drillstring is smaller-diameter,
flexible tubing. 9 The d_______ m_______ keeps the fluids back in the
surrounding rocks. 10 This transmission of hydraulic horsepower from
the m_______ p_______ to the bit is a very important function of the
mud. 11 If the p_______ f_______ is weak or poorly consolidated, sand
and other solids will be carried into the well as the oil or gas is produced.
12 The p_______ e_______ is also responsible for developing a system
of surface equipment that will separate the oil, gas, and water. 13 The
chemical engineer must also understand other processes such as
separation, heat transfer, and f_______ f_______. 14 P_______ l_______
needs a fundamental understanding of oil and gas law and exploration
and production operations. 15 It made sense to build simple refineries
within or near the producing o_______ f_______. 16 To handle the new
production, new refineries were built, particularly to fill the need for
f_______ o_______ and gasoline to help the American war effort in
World War II. 17 Hardware and grocery stores stored barrels of kerosene
and other p_______ p_______ in the back of the store; a customer would
bring their own container to be filled from the barrel.

Exercise 3 Fill the gaps with the collocations given below. Use
Exercise 1 AND/OR a dictionary for reference if necessary. Translate the
colied-tubing drilling rig; drill pipe; drill stem; drilling mud; drilling
sites; fuel oil; mud weight; oil fields; oil wells; petroleum engineers;
petroleum industry; petroleum landman; petroleum products; petroleum
traps; reservoir drive; shale gas potential; shock waves; source rock;
subsurface deposit

1The economic crisis of the 1930s did affect the ________ ________ ;
however, demand for fuels remained relatively steady throughout the
decade. 2 First, there must be a ________ ________ in the subsurface of
that area that generated the gas or oil at some time in the geological past.
3 Knowing that _______ _______ exist is one thing, but pinpointing the
traps far below the earth’s surface is quite another. 4 Chief among these
techniques is seismic exploration in which_______ _______ , generated
at the surface and aimed downwards, are reflected back to the surface as
echoes off the strata below. 5 The method employs a heavy steel _______
_______ with a bit at the bottom, suspended from a cable. 6 This method
employs a continuous string of coiled tubing and a specialized,_______
_______ _______ _______ . 7 Each joint of _______ _______ is
approximately 30 ft long. 8 The _______ _______ is pumped down the
inside of the drillpipe where it jets out from nozzles in the bit and returns
up the outside of the drillpipe to the surface. 9 A drilling mud should
have sufficient density ( _______ _______ ) to prevent hydrostatically
any gas, oil or saltwater from entering the wellbore uncontrolled. 10
_______ _______ work with geologists and geophysicists to analyze data
to locate _______ _______ where oil and gas may have accumulated in
commercial quantities. 11 The _______ _______ is responsible for
obtaining permission to drill a well. 12 The only other mainland western
European country with significant _______ _______ _______ is the
Netherlands. 13 Kansas law at the time said that the oil producer could
lay claim to all the oil he could pump out of the ground, and this
encouraged overproduction from a forest of closely spaced _______
_______. 14 Because the drilling mud keeps gas and oil back in the
rocks, a _______ _______ of gas or oil can be drilled without any
indication of the gas or oil. 15 The shape of the decline curve and the
ultimate amount of oil or gas produced depend on the_______ _______ ,
the natural energy that forces the oil and gas through the subsurface
reservoir and into the well. 16 The Kansas oil industry began a new boom
in 1914 when the rich _______ _______ near El Dorado were discovered.
17 Ocean-going steamships converted from using coal as their primary
fuel to using heavy _______ _______ , which had the advantage of being
pumped into the engine rather than being shoveled. 18 When we think of

_______ _______ today we usually think of gasoline that we put in our

1. Прозоров В. Г. Основы теории и практики перевода с
английского языка на русский: Урок 2. Перевод
препозитивных атрибутивных сочетаний / kspu-
oc - https://www.hitpages.com/doc/5129918602018816/1/,
2. Aspen Junge. Petroleum Refining: A 125 Year Kansas
Legacy / http://www.kdheks.gov/remedial/articles/refining_
history.pdf , June 30, 2010
3. Kenny Campbell, Rod Smith. Permanent Well Abandonment
/ The Society of Petroleum Engineers – Vol.9, No.3, 2013 –
pp 25-27.
4. Scientists reduce viscosity of heavy oil by 90 percent /
phys.org › Chemistry › Materials Science http://phys.org/new
s/2015-04-scientists-viscosity-heavy-oil-percent.html, April
8, 2015.

1. Препозитивные атрибутивные сочетания /https://books.go
ogle.ru/books?isbn, 2008
2. Hussein K. Abdel-Aal, Mohammed A. Aggour, Mohammed
A. Fahim. Petroleum and Gas Field Processing (Chemical
Industries) . – CRC Press, 2003, 364c.

ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ ……………………………………………….3
STEPS …………………………………………………………...4
BY 90% …………………………...……………….……….….10
СЛОВОСОЧЕТАНИЙ …………………………………..……13


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