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Temptation 4
The City That Never Sleeps �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
Factions at Play ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
The Gauntlet ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
Inspiration Tables ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
Bonus Subclasses 16
Artificer: Grenadier ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
Druid: Circle of Life ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
Psion: Crystalmancer ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 19
Wizard: School of Somnomancy �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
Dynamic Creature Appendix 22

Adventuring Gear 29

Bonus Level Up Perks 32

The Dungeon Coach

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DC Playbook Volume 4 - DECember 2021


The City That Never Sleeps Factions at Play
Population: 50% tieflings, 30% orcs, half-orcs, & goblinoids, 10%
drow & half-elves The Court of Gloomhold
A city fueled by ego, full of ambition and sinful greed. The
For a city to function, it needs rulers. Temptation has a royal
obsidian brick and ashen grey concrete paints a dreary picture
court that makes all the decisions of what goes on within the
when viewed from a distance. Within the thick walls is a lavish
city walls, and what it’s people can expect to happen should the
collection of architecture and cultural designs; from Fiendish
laws be broken.
inspiration with Orcish construction and Drow industry. Both
Arcane and Divine magic fuel the city, and there is no shortage DC Tip: When using the Court, it is important to keep in
of magical items to be found spread through the wide variety mind that not every member of the court is going to play a
of shops and kiosks. key role in your story. Pick and choose who the players will
interact with, give them hints of who is still out there and
The Court of Gloomhold rules over the city, slinging power
you may be surprised by whom they choose to befriend
and wealth to the chosen few who have proved themselves
or treat with.
to their ranks. The Emperor adores seeing ambition in the
citizenry, the Empress is charmed with conviction, and the
others within the Court strive to amass as much power as Emperor Odess
possible. One of the clearest ways to gain power is to have a Appearance: A 10ft tall lithe figure of devilish antics with dark
mortal give ownership of their soul, and the Court will always leathery wings behind his back, wearing a gold-inlaid black suit.
try to snag one if given the leeway in their contracts with
prospective servants. Since souls are worth a hefty amount of Persona: Extremely prideful and confident. Very hostile
gold in the Outer Planes (especially in the Hells) the Nobility towards anyone who disagrees or goes against him in the
are staggeringly wealthy. Gold and platinum circulate freely slightest of ways.
through the trades and exhibitions within Temptation itself. Goals: Empowering his followers to ensure they stay loyal to
his cause, as well as maintaining the flow of coin and souls
While the upper echelon of the city wallows in exuberance, through the city’s veins.
less fortunate residents either trudge through a life filled
with despair, or try to climb the social ladder by all means Resources: The Arch-Devil overlord of the city with all the
necessary - no moral boundaries attached. Hidden under attached connections. Can introduce players to the Nightmares,
a thin veil of lavishness is a hub of backstabbing conmen, his elite guard. If the PCs prove their might in The Pits, he will
greedy thugs and people driven mad by living in constant fear. also grant them a minor Wish.
It is not uncommon to find a poor fellow beaten near-death
in an alleyway, now bereft of all their meager savings, or to
see someone sentenced to execution by one of the
Nightmares for a mere inkling of disobedience.
Elaborate festivities occur every month, and the
bloodsport simply known as The Pits is set in
motion once every year. Tales of Temptation
can be as rampant or secretive as you see for
your world, perhaps you have to be in
the right circles to learn about it, or
perhaps the city is a fable the rest
of society whispers about.


Klarral Blood Patrol
Appearance: Human male with white hair that juts out
Border Liasons of Official
unevenly like multiple spikes. Dressed in fine burgundy
Direction, otherwise known
clothing of pirate fashion with golden thread here and there.
as The B.L.O.O.D. Patrol are the
Persona: A sadistic individual who seeks validation and official guards of Temptation.
confirmation of the quality of his hideous work, and gets They wear long dark mithral
anxiety if not complemented and assured. chainmail, along with deep
Goals: A secret practitioner of necromantic arts, though he’s crimson tabards and black belts,
very far from being proficient. which makes a striking image.
Resources: As a seasoned torturer, he knows how to get The guards who watched the outer
important information, and will do so if there’s something in walls of the city. It is their duty to
it for him. He may be willing to even sell information he’s ensure travellers and tourists have
already gotten to those with the right payment methods. all the information they need when
first arriving. They are stationed
all throughout Temptation to
Vix answer questions, give directions,
Appearance: A very “unhinged” looking goblin with jittery provide medical attention and
movements and twitchy eyes. The shadows they cast seem ensure defensive measures are
larger than their body, and can even move separately. adequately enforced.
Persona: Intensely serious, and completely humourless. A
compact murder machine. City Denizens table
Goals: They would like to be widely known as the most d20 Name Race Persona Quirk
powerful goblin in the world, so that mere mention of their 1 Avanth Half-Drow Dramatic They are always
name causes both strong and weak to tremble. rehearsing for a play

Resources: Vix has siphoned a portion of their soul into the 2 Brunur Duergar Hard-working Would rather eat dirt
than apologize
Shadow Plane, and because of this can freely open a portal to
it, as well as manifest their shadow as weapons. If the party 3 Crain Hobgoblin Shy A broken arm
promises glory and shows respect, the goblin can agree to 5 Evelyn Drow Intuitive Loves to scale buildings
travel with them for a short while. 6 Garrick Half Orc Respectful Collects bugs and likes
to show them off
7 Horus Gnome Melodramatic Haunted by a ghost who
Render lives in his home
Appearance: Onyx black warforged studded with large spikes
8 Ivor Orc Noncompetitive Dreams that one day he
and jagged rubies. His right arm ends in a pair of dangerously may be able to fly
sharp mechanical scissors.
9 Jayruth Goblin Sadistic Definitely has a stolen
Persona: Enjoys the feeling of battle and his baby
own power in relation to the ease he 10 Labrynth Tiefling Pretentious Seems to always be lost
finds in cutting fleshy beings apart. 11 Mello Tiefling Frantic A serial killer who’s
Goals: A world with no one to never been caught
bother him. He’s grimly ready 12 Nillun Fire Inconsiderate Tendency to light
to contribute to his own Genasi random things on fire
ambitions; he’s not one for 13 Obo Bugbear Forgetful Hates his own kind with
sitting around and dreaming. a passion
14 Oxford Minotaur Fatalistic Genuinely
Resources: Is well-respected uncomfortable in small
by the weaponsmiths in rooms
Temptation, and if the PCs 15 Rain Tiefling Whimsical Desperately wants a pet
seem to have a similar love
16 Rylet Drow Money-minded Always has a scam
of violence to Render, he can prepared
set them up with quite
17 Tempus Goliath Brawny Is an apt knitter
the discount.
18 Torth Orc Crude Has deep set
19 Welch Goblin Fun-loving Never been kissed...
20 Xeckter Gnoll Dull Occasionally giggles at
nothing and then gets
annoyed over it


Druid: Circle of Life 10th Level
Druids of the Circle of Life devote themselves to upholding
the sacred connection that binds all living things in a cycle of Reincarnation
life, death, and rebirth. They cultivate the plants and animals You always have Reincarnate prepared, and it doesn’t count
around them, nurturing their growth from generation against the number of spells you can prepare each day. When
to generation. you cast this spell, you can substitute the spell's normal material
components for the corpse of a Beast or Plant that died within
2nd Level the last hour. When you do so, the Beast or Plant must be the
same size as the target, and you can choose the race of the new
body, but it must not be the creature's current race.
Circle Spells
You gain access to additional spells upon reaching certain
levels. Once you gain access to one of these spells, you always 14th Level
have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of
spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that Enduring Rebirth
doesn’t appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a When you create a creature using your Flash Rebirth feature,
druid spell for you. the creature remains under your control until you use the
feature again, after which it stops obeying any commands
Level Spell you've given to it. A creature created in this way also gains
an amount of Temp HP equal to your druid level, which
3rd Animal Messenger, Locate Animals or Plants
replenishes whenever you complete a Long Rest.
5th Conjure Animals, Plant Growth
7th Blight, Dominate Beast
9th Awaken, Commune with Nature

Nature’s Ally
When you cast a spell that normally targets a Beast, you can
instead target a Plant. If a spell you cast conjures a creature
using a Beast's statistics, you can instead use a Plant's statistics
of the same CR. You must otherwise follow the same rules
for conjuring the creature. Additionally, you may assume the
shape of a Plant rather than a Beast when you use Wild Shape.

6th Level
Flash Rebirth
You can capture the life essence of a creature as it dies and use
it to blossom new life. When a creature within 30ft of you that
you can see dies, you can use your Reaction to transform the
creature's corpse into a Beast or Plant. The Beast or Plant must
be of a CR equal to or less than your druid level divided by 3
(rounded down), and at least 1 size smaller than the creature.
On each of your turns, you can use a Bonus Action to mentally
command a creature you made in this way, if the creature is
within 60ft of you. You decide what Action the creature will
take and where it will move during its next turn. If you issue
no commands, the creature only defends itself against hostile
creatures. The creature is under your control for 1 minute,
after which it withers and dies. You can use this ability once
per Short Rest.


Dynamic Creature Appendix

Magically enchanted papers with the names of trusted creatures written on them in invisible ink, arcagami are often found in
libraries, wizard’s towers, and other places of knowledge where they serve as protectors of sacred information. They are often
hidden in shelves, books, and restricted areas, and can fold and reshape their paper bodies to take on different forms such as
cranes, grasshoppers, and fish and work together to fulfill their duties. A unsuspecting thief can quickly find themselves overrun
by several tiny paper sentinels.

Arcagami Pack Tactics: The arcagami has ADV on attack rolls against a
creature if at least one of its allies is within 5ft of the creature
Tiny Construct and the ally isn’t Incapacitated.

AC: 14 (natural armor)
HP: 15
Saves: Dex +6 Flammable: If the arcagami takes Fire damage, its form slowly
Vulnerabilities: Acid, Fire, Slashing begins to shrivel and burn. At the start of each of its turns, it
Resistances: Bludgeoning, Necrotic takes 1d4 Fire damage unless it uses all of its movement, or its
Immunities: Poison, Psychic Action to put out the flames and end the effect.
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Deafened, Frightened,
Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned Actions
— Papercut: Melee Attack, +6 to hit, 1d4+4 Slashing damage.
-2 +4 +1 -5 -3 -5

Bonus Actions
Prof. Bonus: +2 Refold: The arcagami folds its form into a new shape, and gains
Speed: Fly 60ft (Hover) 5 Temp HP.
Senses: Blindsight 60ft (blind beyond this radius)
Languages: Understands one language of its creator but can’t Sharpen: The arcagami folds its form into a new shape, and the
speak next attack it makes before the end of its next turn deals an extra
CR: 1/2 1d4 Slashing damage.

— Reactions
Immutable Form: The arcagami is immune to any spell or effect Flutter: When a hostile creature ends its turn within 5ft of the
that would alter its form. arcagami, the arcagami can move up to 15ft without provoking
opportunity attacks.
False Appearance: While the arcagami remains motionless and
isn’t flying, it is indistinguishable from a normal piece of paper.


Adventuring Gear

Amulet of Justice Barbed Arm

Heroic Amulet (Attunement) +2 Heroic Trinket (Attunement)
This regal amulet of the god of justice shines silver in the This fiendish arm used to belong to a devil or demon of some
sunlight and amber in the moonlight. It bears the insignia of kind and replaces a lost arm or one of your current arms when
his divine judgement and is a cautionary symbol to criminals you attune to it. While attuned to this item, you can throw
everywhere. While attuned to this amulet, you receive the flames up to 60ft as a ranged spell attack using your Strength.
following features: These attacks deal 3d6 Fire damage on a hit and set flammable
• Your Constitution is increased by 2. objects that are not being worn or carried on fire. In addition,
• You gain proficiency in Insight. you have ADV on Strength Checks when using it.
• If you are intimately familiar with a creature, all Insight Cursed: The arm is cursed, and becoming attuned to it extends
Checks are made with ADV when interacting with them. the curse to you. When you start your turn with less than
• You have DisADV on Deception Checks. 1/2 of your HP maximum, you must make a DC 15 Wis Save.
Justice Be Served: As a Reaction when a creature you can Failure: You go berserk, and use your movement and Action
see makes a save, you can force it to roll with either ADV on each of your turns to attack the nearest creature or object
or DisADV (your choice). You can use this feature once that you can see or hear. If you have multiple possible targets,
per Short Rest. you attack 1 at random. You can repeat the save at the start
of each of your turns. Success: You are immune to this effect
until you take damage again.
Armor of Bedazzlement If you ever end the attunement to this item, the arm falls
Wondrous Armor (Attunement) off and you drop to 0 HP as you begin bleeding out. At the
beginning of each of your turns, you fail a Death Save, and
This lavish armor with golden ornaments was created by being stabilized or healed above 0 HP does not reduce the
mischievous fey who commissioned an elven craftsman to number of failed Death Saves. This effect continues until you
make a piece that “one can not resist donning”. While wearing are brought back up to half HP or until a creature succeeds on
the armor, you can cast Color Spray at will, without expending a DC 25 Medicine Check to stop the bleeding.
spell slots.
Curse: When you don this armor, you become cursed. As long
as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to take the armor off,
and attempt to keep it as clean and shiny as possible. A Remove
Curse or Greater Restoration cast on you breaks attunement
with the armor, ending the curse.

Barbed Arm


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