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1. Match. rs 20-
fifty twenty 100
sixty a hundred seventy ninety forty thirty eighty

20 – ……………………………………………….
30 – ……………………………………………….
40 – ……………………………………………….
50 – ……………………………………………….
60 – ……………………………………………….
70 – ……………………………………………….
80 – ……………………………………………….
90 – ……………………………………………….

100 – ……………………………………………….

2. Write the numbers.

a) twenty-four ………….. e) thirty-one …………..

b) forty-two ………….. f) fifty-six …………..
c) sixty-five ………….. g) seventy-nine …………..
d) eighty-eight ………….. h) ninety-three …………….

3. Write the numbers in full.

a) 22 ……………………………………… h) 96………………………………………
b) 45………………………………………
c) 63………………………………………
d) 81………………………………………
e) 39………………………………………
f) 58………………………………………
g) 77………………………………………

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