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Отметка времени Баллы Ф/И/О ИИН

10/10/2023 8:31:47 22 / 25 Танирбергенова Айж 840508400240

10/10/2023 10:12:18 22 / 25 Тохтиева Айдана Ма 941109401431
10/10/2023 10:16:14 12 / 25 Мукаш Айзат Бакытк 930518401529
10/10/2023 10:48:04 21 / 25 Тагабаева София Му 810928400625
10/10/2023 12:05:17 21 / 25 Төлегенова Аида Қа 931115401204
10/10/2023 12:23:32 18 / 25 Мусина Ботагоз Бек 890826400566
10/10/2023 12:40:03 17 / 25 Тулеуова Динара Ал 790609403450
10/10/2023 12:51:35 14 / 25 Ибрагимова Наргиза 830220400233
10/10/2023 13:34:49 22 / 25 Жаксибекова Гульсу 830521402751
10/10/2023 14:00:50 23 / 25 Герасимова Елена В 700407402339
10/10/2023 14:16:27 16 / 25 Алимбаева Ардак За 710328400028
10/10/2023 15:15:53 19 / 25 Ибрагимова Гульна 700218400711
10/10/2023 15:47:46 18 / 25 Sharipova Gulvira Ma 830208400091
10/10/2023 16:15:43 20 / 25 Мурзалина Жанаргул 771123402678
10/10/2023 17:45:15 15 / 25 Утенова Динара Жум 840611401962
10/10/2023 17:51:41 22 / 25 Калиева Раиса Саги 700901402146
10/10/2023 18:17:20 21 / 25 Әмірханқызы Нұргүл 920829401112
10/10/2023 18:44:27 18 / 25 Ахмадуллаева Меру010226600832
10/10/2023 19:45:36 13 / 25 Аязбаева Асия Худа 931227450747
10/10/2023 19:52:26 13 / 25 Аженова Аякоз Эмир 820324499038
10/10/2023 21:04:11 20 / 25 Джанбиршиева Айнаг 770628401385
10/10/2023 21:14:22 20 / 25 Амалова Мариан 850306400036
10/10/2023 21:16:18 24 / 25 Багибаева Амина К 990425400252
10/10/2023 21:40:50 19 / 25 Койшибаева Айнура 830831401194
10/10/2023 21:40:58 20 / 25 Амалова Мариан 850306400036
10/10/2023 22:09:22 18 / 25 Нуреденова Назгул 770924400425
10/10/2023 22:17:04 25 / 25 Исаева Майра Сана 960224450208
10/10/2023 22:47:46 15 / 25 Джакумбаева Жазира 920311400366
10/10/2023 22:48:32 20 / 25 Отрокова Анастасия010217600102
10/10/2023 22:59:11 18 / 25 Aitmaganbet Akkenzh 990514400769
10/10/2023 23:00:19 9 / 25 Кабланбаева Айгул 850814400256
10/10/2023 23:22:31 19 / 25 Тамбовцева Елена 890508401076
10/10/2023 23:28:26 18 / 25 Баишева Венера Кур 800925402485
10/10/2023 23:52:40 19 / 25 Баишева Венера Кур 800925402485
10/11/2023 0:26:02 11 / 25 Советова Саяжан Се000701650670
10/11/2023 0:37:20 17 / 25 Садыкбекова Сауле 840102400174
10/11/2023 2:40:58 23 / 25 Көпбергенова Шынар 931128451162
10/11/2023 11:04:06 13 / 25 Мендалиева Акмара 880202401202
10/11/2023 12:59:39 17 / 25 Сарсенбаева Асель 821227400718
10/11/2023 13:39:37 22 / 25 Садуакасова Наталь 800101406110
10/11/2023 14:17:32 22 / 25 Архипова Анастасия 951124400467
10/11/2023 16:42:34 12 / 25 Каирбаева Динара К 821223401378
10/12/2023 15:12:52 20 / 25 Алимбаева Ардак За 710328400028
10/16/2023 10:32:48 24 / 25 Жолдаспаева Гульза 691117400868
10/16/2023 10:47:59 22 / 25 Коптлеуова Кадича 601215402822
10/16/2023 10:49:29 23 / 25 Медеркулова Анара 691112402323
10/16/2023 11:04:57 14 / 25 Сейтбек Динара Асқ 981227400620
10/16/2023 11:38:46 14 / 25 Беридзе Фатима Фах 950710400628
10/16/2023 11:42:11 23 / 25 Тажибаева Аксауле 750816401541
10/16/2023 11:46:40 23 / 25 Касымова Дамира Ад 670123402911
10/16/2023 12:01:45 19 / 25 Жумадилова Айнур 721111400230
10/16/2023 12:23:17 19 / 25 Бесенова Айман Ну 791017402675
10/16/2023 12:28:39 19 / 25 Айткулова Жанар А 780218400924
10/16/2023 12:31:52 22 / 25 Байтерекова Аяна Д000905600673
10/16/2023 12:44:17 19 / 25 Таукенова Аида Сей 850406401956
10/16/2023 13:23:56 22 / 25 Бабаева Карлыгаш 850611400420
10/16/2023 13:25:32 19 / 25 Бейсенова Молдир 940124401331
10/16/2023 13:35:12 19 / 25 Бекбауова Асель Бе 840814401897
10/16/2023 13:53:07 19 / 25 Сланова Зульфия 841017401341
10/16/2023 16:29:14 19 / 25 Якимец Екатерина В 860405450171
10/16/2023 16:43:29 18 / 25 Токушева Динара Да 861226451142
10/16/2023 16:55:05 21 / 25 Якимец Екатерина В 860405450171
10/16/2023 17:32:46 21 / 25 Булекенова Гульсим 931202450874
10/16/2023 18:27:22 25 / 25 Султангереева Наия 820623400541
10/16/2023 18:51:49 25 / 25 Тұрақбай Аяжан Дәу 980713451268
10/16/2023 19:07:38 7 / 25 Алпысбаева Меруерт 840924401904
10/16/2023 19:11:33 22 / 25 Жаулыбаева Айгуль 810331450795
10/16/2023 19:11:33 23 / 25 Әділова Дамиля Еге 961129400703
10/16/2023 19:30:32 20 / 25 Сатыбалдина Алия А 840924400341
10/16/2023 19:32:39 24 / 25 Касымбаева Надира 880425400455
10/16/2023 19:56:24 22 / 25 Халимбетова Индир 820423401570
10/16/2023 20:13:57 10 / 25 Минбаева Акбилек М 670317401294
10/16/2023 20:48:50 19 / 25 Смагулова Сандугаш 830903450212
10/16/2023 20:57:21 19 / 25 Кусаинова Айжан Ас 880218402199
10/16/2023 22:14:43 8 / 25 Аманбаева Келбет К 851113450323
10/16/2023 22:51:57 13 / 25 Аманбаева Келбет К 851113450323
10/17/2023 13:21:28 19 / 25 Гурова Алла Виктор 831124401450
10/17/2023 14:27:37 25 / 25 Булатбекова Жамила 900427451080
10/17/2023 16:30:17 22 / 25 Полянская Елена Ни 950101400161
10/17/2023 21:52:08 20 / 25 Кущанова Алмагул С 750917401510
10/23/2023 8:33:53 22 / 25 Попова Лолита Олег 941230400411
10/23/2023 12:59:25 24 / 25 Кыстаубаева Фарида 940603400743
10/23/2023 13:07:27 23 / 25 Мырзагулова Эльен 981030401569
10/23/2023 13:12:46 23 / 25 Матаева Динара Есе010416000173
10/23/2023 13:14:30 24 / 25 Гаипова Аэлита Ама 900927401092
10/23/2023 13:30:31 24 / 25 Suleimenova Aidana S 980605400632
10/23/2023 13:34:36 18 / 25 Temirbaeva Aizhan 810615402302
10/23/2023 16:09:02 23 / 25 Акилов Марат Асхат 960505350546
10/23/2023 16:12:08 16 / 25 Джеенкулова Гульми 671311499066
10/30/2023 9:59:28 23 / 25 Кадырова Самал Ас 89110450532
10/30/2023 10:30:52 22 / 25 Игликова Аида Пана 770906401841
10/30/2023 10:42:43 23 / 25 Раймкулова Айман К 790529401465
10/30/2023 11:00:46 23 / 25 Самбетова Галия О 900424402244
10/30/2023 11:20:54 22 / 25 Нияз Шолпан 910315400643
10/30/2023 13:19:24 23 / 25 Нысанова Камила За 870701401560
10/30/2023 13:40:34 24 / 25 Уналбаева Динара Б 880703400505
10/30/2023 13:48:05 22 / 25 Дурняк Алёна Михай 890928450795
10/30/2023 14:03:35 24 / 25 Кулыбекова Аксауле 731124400848
10/30/2023 15:06:41 23 / 25 Айтжанова Айым Ну 940521451237
10/30/2023 15:59:28 24 / 25 Бектурганова Акмар001012000267
10/30/2023 16:14:23 20 / 25 Муканова Гульжанат 900703450306
10/30/2023 16:21:09 22 / 25 Тажиева Жанна Жум 840915403436
10/30/2023 16:45:13 23 / 25 Изтлеуова Асем Умб 871028400567
10/30/2023 18:05:23 18 / 25 Жумамуратова Жана 980410451746
10/30/2023 18:06:33 23 / 25 Киранова Елена Ана 810922400236
10/30/2023 18:19:18 18 / 25 Аленова Айымгуль Б 960806450281
10/30/2023 18:25:07 20 / 25 Саидова Юлия Русл 871105401711
10/30/2023 19:01:11 24 / 25 Шабала Валентина Н 831211402203
10/30/2023 19:08:05 23 / 25 Ахметова Гаухар Ба 960312451581
10/30/2023 19:26:21 21 / 25 Шорбасова Олеся Н 820315451064
10/30/2023 19:37:06 9 / 25 Турмухамбетова Аид010227651404
10/30/2023 20:02:26 21 / 25 Мусина Салтанат Ко 820619400141
10/30/2023 20:46:49 13 / 25 Кульниязова Нуржау 670215401408
10/31/2023 11:23:20 23 / 25 Лепесова Алма Мұр 960409451281
10/31/2023 12:16:18 17 / 25 Жаканова Акмарал 860806401546
10/31/2023 12:17:05 17 / 25 Куанышова Динара 990208450890
10/31/2023 13:24:47 9 / 25 Құдайбергенова Сән 960619451570
10/31/2023 14:05:53 24 / 25 Имашева Актолкын Б 841125401190
10/31/2023 15:49:25 14 / 25 Урустимова Айгери 891015451425
10/31/2023 15:57:26 22 / 25 Курманова Айнаш М 671004401740
10/31/2023 16:22:15 22 / 25 Кудинова Альвина А 790719403588
10/31/2023 22:26:08 15 / 25 Переходько Надежда 930604400836
1.Choose the appropriate answer.
Облыс/город/райо Школа Sailors believe that itBoth
is aroads
bad luck
lead (пропущено)
the centre. Youa can
... one.
город Шымкент общая средняя шко B) out A) either
Жетісу облысы. АлаД. Қонаев атындағы A) to A) either
Текели 8 A) to D) every
область Жетысу, горКГУ " СШ № 4" городA) to A) either
Талдықорған 18 A) to A) either
Ақтөбе облысы Шалқ"І.Үргенішбаев аты C) since D) every
город Атырау Средняя школа №8 B) out E) –
г Шымкент 43 A) to C) both
Город Текели 8 A) to D) every
Шымкент общая средняя школA) to A) either
Алматы КГУ ОШ 42 D) in D) every
Актюбинская областКандыагашская гороD) in A) either
Almaty КГУ"ОШ№42" A) to C) both
Актюбинская область Онгарская средняя A) to A) either
Г Шымкент #43 A) to A) either
Атырауская областьсредняя школа именB) out E) –
Актюбинский обл. МуКГУ "КандыагашскаяA) to A) either
г.Алматы №163 школа-лицей A) to A) either
г.Жанаозен Начальная школа №C) since A) either
г.Жанаозен Начальная школа №C) since A) either
Атырауская областьсредняя школа именA) to A) either
Атырау №15 имени Абая A) to D) every
область Жетісу, АлаТеректинская средн A) to A) either
Атырау СШ №15 им. Абая A) to D) every
Атырау СШ №15 имени АбаяA) to D) every
Атырау СШ М.Ломаносов A) to A) either
город Атырау средняя школа именA) to A) either
Город Атырау СШ имени М ЛомоноB) out A) either
Город Алматы КГУ "Школа-гимназиA) to A) either
Kyzylorda region, Kyzy
№101 School A) to A) either
Город Атырау СОШ ба.ЛоманосоваD) in E) –
Атырау средняя школа именE) – A) either
ЗКО, г. Уральск КГУ "Областная спе A) to A) either
ЗКО, г.Уральск КГУ "Областная спе A) to A) either
Алматы Ауэзовский 42 КГУ ОШ E) – D) every
Шымкент ОСШ № 43 A) to A) either
город Атырау Средняя общеобразо A) to A) either
Атырауская обл Мака Ораз Саргунанов A) to A) either
Алматы КГУ ОШ 42 D) in E) –
Жетысуйская областКГУ "СШГ № 1 имениA) to A) either
Город Алматы, АуэзКГУ "Школа-гимназиA) to A) either
Жетысуская, АлакольЛепсинская сш с ДМD) in D) every
Алматы 42 A) to A) either
Астана школа-гимназия №1A) to A) either
Астана Школа-гимназия 10 A) to A) either
Жамбылская обл, МерСОШ 21 A) to A) either
Жамбыл обл,Тараз №29 E) – D) every
Жамбылская область СОШ № 21 B) out C) both
Жамбылская обл., МеСОШ 21 A) to A) either
Жамбылская область общеобразовательнA) to A) either
город Тараз №29 средняя школаA) to E) –
город Тараз №29 им.Ю.ГагаринаA) to E) –
город Тараз №29 им.Ю.ГагаринаA) to E) –
Жамбылская область №8 Гранитогорск A) to A) either
город Тараз №29 им. Ю.ГагаринаA) to E) –
Алматы. АуезовскийКГУ "Гимназия №27"A) to A) either
г.Тараз средняя школа им.ЮA) to E) –
Тараз 29 A) to E) –
Тараз средняя школа 29 A) to E) –
Павлодарская обл., Школа - гимназия №A) to A) either
г. Астана Школа - гимназия №D) in B) neither
Павлодарская областКГУ "Школа- гимназиA) to A) either
Атырауская областьСредняя общеобразA) to D) every
Актобе №51 гимназия A) to A) either
Ақтөбе 51 гимназия A) to A) either
Тараз Сағадат НурмағанбетD) in E) –
Павлодарская областшкола-гимназия №7A) to A) either
Г Астана.Байконыр ШГ10 A) to A) either
г.Актобе 73 имени М.МакатаеA) to E) –
г.Алматы, AуэзовскиКГУ "ОбщеобразоваA) to A) either
Алматы КГУ ОбщеобразоватA) to D) every
Астана школа -гимназия №A) to A) either
Астана 10 A) to E) –
город Астана Школа-гимназия №1A) to E) –
Павлодарская областКГУ школа-гимназияB) out E) –
Павлодарская областКГУ школа-гимназияC) since A) either
Город Тараз Средняя школа №10B) out A) either
Актобе 51 гимназия A) to A) either
Алматы Гимназия 27 A) to A) either
Атырау 26 Сырым Датова A) to A) either
Жамбылская область КГУ средняя школа A) to A) either
Алматы облысы, Қар"Қарасай батыр аты A) to A) either
Алматы облысы , Қа“Қарасай батыр атынA) to A) either
Алматинская область Средняя школа именA) to A) either
Алматинская область средняя школа имениA) to A) either
Алматы облысы, КарКарасай батыр орта A) to A) either
Ақтөбе облысы АлғаМаржанбұлақ орта мA) to C) both
Ақтөбе, Ақтөбе, Аст №72 IT мектеп лице A) to A) either
Жамбылская, МеркенОСОШ №20 имени A) to C) both
Актобе Акбобек A) to A) either
Жамбылская обл. го№17 им. Г.МуратбаеA) to E) –
Жамбылская обл. го№17 им. Г.МуратбаеA) to E) –
Жамбылская обл., г № 17 им. Г.МуратбаеA) to E) –
Т.Рыскуловкий райо №5 с миницентром A) to A) either
Жамбылская обл., г сш.№17 им. Г.МуратA) to E) –
Ақтөбе облысы, Мәр№ 4 Мәртөк жалпы ор A) to A) either
Актюбинская область КГУ "ШевченковскаяA) to A) either
Жамбылская область №17 им.Г.Муратбае A) to E) –
город Актобе КГУ "Средняя общеоA) to A) either
Актюбинская область Курмансайская Обще A) to A) either
Актобе 53 ШКОЛА A) to A) either
Актобе СОШ 53 A) to A) either
Актобе, КаргалинскиСредняя школа именA) to A) either
Актобе СШ №53 C) since A) either
Актобе СОШ№53 A) to A) either
Актобе СШ №53 C) since A) either
Актюбинская обл, МаКГУ "ХлебодаровскаA) to D) every
Актюбинская область КГУ СОШ 53 A) to A) either
Актюбинская область КГУ СОШ 53 A) to A) either
Актобе СОШ№53 A) to A) either
Актобе 28 школа A) to B) neither
Актобе СШ #62 имени Б.Мо A) to A) either
Актобе КСШ №31 C) since E) –
Область Абай ГородСОШ №34 им Б.МомA) to A) either
Актюбинская область Мартукская общеобрA) to A) either
Актюбинская область Ғ.Ақтаев атындағы E) – A) either
город Екибастуз 7 школа гимназия C) since A) either
Актобе СОШ 53 A) to A) either
Абайская область /г КГУ "СОШ им.Б.Мо A) to A) either
Актобе город 62 E) – A) either
Актобе КГУ СШ#22 A) to A) either
Актюбинская область Кызылжарская ОСШC) since D) every
3.Choose the appropriate answer. Justine reminded his younger sister ... her books back to the library.
Beethoven`s life and career
It`s no were
an that
the world
is Indian
a global
but to change
as modern
adjust. So
D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
E) – B) to take B) in March or April
B) communicable B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication A) taking B) in March or April
D) communication A) taking B) in March or April
D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate A) communicate B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication A) taking B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication B) communicable B) to take D) in September
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate A) communicate B) to take B) in March or April
C) communicated E) – B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication C) communicated B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication A) communicate B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
C) communicated A) communicate C) take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
C) communicated D) communication C) take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
E) – D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take D) in September
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
E) – D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
C) communicated D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication D) took B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication C) take D) in September
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take D) in September
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
E) – D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
E) – C) communicated B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication A) taking B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication A) taking B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication C) take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication D) took B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication A) communicate B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
C) communicated A) communicate D) took B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication D) took B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
B) communicable D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication A) communicate B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication A) communicate B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
E) – D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication A) communicate B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication D) took B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
C) communicated D) communication C) take A) on January, 1
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication A) taking B) in March or April
C) communicated D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication A) taking B) in March or April
A) communicate A) communicate B) to take B) in March or April
E) – D) communication B) to take D) in September
A) communicate D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
E) – D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take B) in March or April
A) communicate A) communicate B) to take B) in March or April
D) communication D) communication B) to take A) on January, 1
At last you are at home.
is the
me time
- Yes,
... you
... Were
- She
... you
is Lora,
...? my cousin. They have recently come
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
D) called/has/been E) You are welcome. C) It any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some E) just
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ E) You are welcome. C) It any/some C) long before
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some A) lately
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ E) You are welcome. C) It any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
E) was calling/had/beB) I`m afraid not. I ne A) some/any D) long ago
D) called/has/been E) You are welcome. C) It any/some B) not long ago
D) called/has/been E) You are welcome. C) It any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some A) lately
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some A) lately
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some A) lately
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne D) any/any D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ E) You are welcome. C) It any/some A) lately
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne A) some/any B) not long ago
A) call/had/been B) I`m afraid not. I ne D) any/any E) just
E) was calling/had/beB) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some B) not long ago
E) was calling/had/beB) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ E) You are welcome. C) It any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ E) You are welcome. C) It any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ D) I`d love to. I took i C) any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some E) just
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some A) lately
E) was calling/had/beE) You are welcome. C) It any/some E) just
B) have been calling/ E) You are welcome. C) It any/some C) long before
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some E) just
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some E) just
E) was calling/had/beB) I`m afraid not. I ne A) some/any D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some A) lately
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some A) lately
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some A) lately
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some A) lately
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some A) lately
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some A) lately
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some A) lately
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some E) just
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ E) You are welcome. C) It any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
A) call/had/been D) I`d love to. I took i C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ E) You are welcome. C) It any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some A) lately
A) call/had/been C) Why, you could lend C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ E) You are welcome. C) It any/some C) long before
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some C) long before
E) was calling/had/beE) You are welcome. D) It any/any D) long ago
E) was calling/had/beE) You are welcome. C) It any/some E) just
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
E) was calling/had/beB) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some E) just
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some A) lately
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
C) am calling/will/be B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne A) some/any B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
D) called/has/been C) Why, you could lend A) some/any D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
A) call/had/been B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some A) lately
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne A) some/any D) long ago
C) am calling/will/be B) I`m afraid not. I ne A) some/any B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
A) call/had/been E) You are welcome. C) It any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some B) not long ago
B) have been calling/ B) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some D) long ago
E) was calling/had/beB) I`m afraid not. I ne C) any/some B) not long ago
Yesterday I ... a watch,
A because
fish ... of my
. ... the telegraph What
... by?do you respect most of all in people?
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out A) has/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sC) takes out D) had/been inventedA) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
B) bought/were stolenB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
B) bought/were stolenB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
B) bought/were stolenB) taken out B) had/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sD) taking out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sA) take out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
C) was bought/had beB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out A) has/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
D) had bought/had beC) takes out B) had/invented A) honesty
B) bought/were stolenB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sE) to take out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sC) takes out A) has/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sA) take out C) was/invented A) honesty
B) bought/were stolenB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
B) bought/were stolenB) taken out A) has/invented A) honesty
B) bought/were stolenB) taken out E) were/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out A) has/invented A) honesty
B) bought/were stolenD) taking out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out B) had/invented A) honesty
B) bought/were stolenB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out D) had/been inventedA) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out A) has/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sD) taking out B) had/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out D) had/been inventedA) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sC) takes out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out A) has/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out A) has/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out A) has/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
B) bought/were stolenE) to take out B) had/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out A) has/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
B) bought/were stolenC) takes out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sC) takes out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
B) bought/were stolenB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
B) bought/were stolenB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
B) bought/were stolenB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
B) bought/were stolenB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sD) taking out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sD) taking out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sA) take out B) had/invented A) honesty
C) was bought/had beB) taken out D) had/been inventedA) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
B) bought/were stolenB) taken out B) had/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
B) bought/were stolenB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
C) was bought/had beA) take out C) was/invented A) honesty
C) was bought/had beC) takes out C) was/invented B) cowardness
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sC) takes out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
A) bought/had been sB) taken out C) was/invented A) honesty
- It ... place long before
you wereis born.
a hard-working
I ... myman.
text by 9 o`clock
last evening.
said ... money from him for 6 months but ...
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
B) has taken C) lazy B) have translated A) he has been borrow
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated A) he has been borrow
C) had taken C) lazy B) have translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
E) would take C) lazy A) translated B) he had been borrowi
E) would take C) lazy A) translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken E) polite D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy A) translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
B) has taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
B) has taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy A) translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken D) honest D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
B) has taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy A) translated B) he had been borrowi
D) takes C) lazy B) have translated A) he has been borrow
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy A) translated A) he has been borrow
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
D) takes C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated E) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating A) he has been borrow
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating A) he has been borrow
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
E) would take C) lazy B) have translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
D) takes C) lazy B) have translated A) he has been borrow
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
B) has taken C) lazy A) translated A) he has been borrow
B) has taken C) lazy A) translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
D) takes C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy B) have translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
A) have taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
A) have taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
A) have taken C) lazy D) had translated A) he has been borrow
D) takes C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
B) has taken C) lazy A) translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy B) have translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy C) am translating B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy A) translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
C) had taken C) lazy D) had translated B) he had been borrowi
D) takes D) honest E) was translating B) he had been borrowi
I`ve got a friend. She`s I don`t
a nicelike
but she`s
and you?
a chatter-box.
made herI ask
... to
at Well,
me who
let him
is to...
at night.
theI lt
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
D) A false friend is B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. A) to stay/to go out B) Not Guilty
A) A friend in need is B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur C) I don`t like too. D) to stay/go out A) Father and Son
B) All that glitters is n B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur A) So do I. C) stays/goes out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur E) So I do. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur A) So do I. D) to stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out C) Bad Marks
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
C) Choose an author B a ) Neither do I. D) to stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur C) I don`t like too. D) to stay/go out C) Bad Marks
E) What can`t be cur C) I don`t like too. D) to stay/go out C) Bad Marks
E) What can`t be cur D) Neither I do. C) stays/goes out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur A) So do I. E) stay/go out A) Father and Son
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur A) So do I. E) stay/go out A) Father and Son
E) What can`t be cur A) So do I. E) stay/go out A) Father and Son
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. A) to stay/to go out C) Bad Marks
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out C) Bad Marks
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. A) to stay/to go out C) Bad Marks
C) Choose an author C a ) I don`t like too. C) stays/goes out A) Father and Son
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur C) I don`t like too. D) to stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out C) Bad Marks
E) What can`t be cur C) I don`t like too. D) to stay/go out C) Bad Marks
A) A friend in need is A) So do I. E) stay/go out C) Bad Marks
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur C) I don`t like too. D) to stay/go out C) Bad Marks
D) A false friend is A) So do I. E) stay/go out D) The Boy`s Teache
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out C) Bad Marks
A) A friend in need is B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. D) to stay/go out D) The Boy`s Teache
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur C) I don`t like too. A) to stay/to go out C) Bad Marks
E) What can`t be cur C) I don`t like too. B) stayed/went out C) Bad Marks
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
D) A false friend is A) So do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
D) A false friend is A) So do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
D) A false friend is A) So do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
D) A false friend is A) So do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
D) A false friend is A) So do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
D) A false friend is A) So do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
D) A false friend is A) So do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur A) So do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur C) I don`t like too. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
A) A friend in need is E) So I do. D) to stay/go out A) Father and Son
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur A) So do I. E) stay/go out A) Father and Son
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
A) A friend in need is D) Neither I do. D) to stay/go out E) Mother
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out C) Bad Marks
A) A friend in need is C) I don`t like too. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
C) Choose an author C a ) I don`t like too. B) stayed/went out C) Bad Marks
C) Choose an author C a ) I don`t like too. D) to stay/go out C) Bad Marks
A) A friend in need is B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out C) Bad Marks
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
D) A false friend is B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out C) Bad Marks
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. D) to stay/go out C) Bad Marks
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
D) A false friend is A) So do I. E) stay/go out C) Bad Marks
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur A) So do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur A) So do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
A) A friend in need is B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out A) Father and Son
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
A) A friend in need is B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out A) Father and Son
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
D) A false friend is E) So I do. A) to stay/to go out D) The Boy`s Teache
E) What can`t be cur A) So do I. D) to stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur C) I don`t like too. D) to stay/go out A) Father and Son
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
D) A false friend is A) So do I. E) stay/go out A) Father and Son
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
D) A false friend is C) I don`t like too. B) stayed/went out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
A) A friend in need is C) I don`t like too. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur B) Neither do I. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
E) What can`t be cur C) I don`t like too. E) stay/go out B) Not Guilty
In 1825, Darwin went What
to thedoes
the word
of Edinburgh
If you ...inother
the text
we ... it ourselves.
bur he found the subject boring and sp
A) got on C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up A) collecting C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into B) moving up B) didn`t hire/had done
B) gave up C) caring for A) hire/may have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
A) got on C) caring for B) didn`t hire/had done
D) got into D) lifting for B) didn`t hire/had done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up B) moving up C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for A) hire/may have done
B) gave up C) caring for D) had hired/shall do
E) – C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
A) got on A) collecting C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
A) got on C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into B) moving up E) would have hired/had done
D) got into D) lifting for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into D) lifting for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up D) lifting for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up D) lifting for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up D) lifting for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for E) would have hired/had done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for B) didn`t hire/had done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up B) moving up E) would have hired/had done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for B) didn`t hire/had done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for E) would have hired/had done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into D) lifting for E) would have hired/had done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for B) didn`t hire/had done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up B) moving up E) would have hired/had done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
C) gave out C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for B) didn`t hire/had done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
C) gave out C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for A) hire/may have done
A) got on C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for A) hire/may have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into B) moving up B) didn`t hire/had done
A) got on C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
C) gave out C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into B) moving up E) would have hired/had done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up D) lifting for B) didn`t hire/had done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up D) lifting for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
A) got on D) lifting for D) had hired/shall do
B) gave up B) moving up C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
C) gave out C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for A) hire/may have done
B) gave up D) lifting for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up B) moving up C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up D) lifting for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for B) didn`t hire/had done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up B) moving up C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up D) lifting for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
E) – C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
A) got on B) moving up B) didn`t hire/had done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
A) got on B) moving up B) didn`t hire/had done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up A) collecting C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
E) – C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
B) gave up A) collecting B) didn`t hire/had done
C) gave out D) lifting for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
C) gave out D) lifting for B) didn`t hire/had done
B) gave up C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into B) moving up D) had hired/shall do
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
C) gave out C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done
D) got into C) caring for C) hadn`t hired/could have done

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