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Учебные пособия издательства «Легион» допущены к использованию в
образовательном процессе приказом Минобрнауки России № 729 от 14.12.2009

А. С. Юрин

Школьный, муниципальный и
региональный этапы
Книга для победителей и призёров
9-11 классы

Учебно-методическое пособие

ББК 81.2Англ

Бодоньи МЛ., кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Пятигорского
государственного лингвистического университета.

Юрин А. С.
Ю72 Английский язык. 9-11 классы. Сборник олимпиадных
заданий: школьный, муниципальный и региональный этапы.
Книга для победителей и призёров: учебно-методическое
пособие / А. С. Юрин. — Ростов н/Д : Легион, 2014. — 160 с. —
(Готовимся к олимпиаде).

ISBN 978-5-9966-0569-9
Издание адресовано учащимся 9 -1 1-х классов и предназначено
для подготовки к олимпиадам по английскому языку различных
этапов — школьного, муниципального, регионального. Пособие даёт
представление о тематике олимпиад, их структуре, форме входящих
в них заданий.
Сборник включает методические рекомендации для подготовки
к олимпиадам, теоретический материал по словобразованию и
грамматике и алгоритмы выполнения заданий, предлагаемых
на олимпиаде. Также в пособии приводятся четыре варианта
олимпиадных работ (школьный и муниципальный этапы) и критерии
их оценки.
Пособие предназначено любознательным школьникам,
интересующимся английским языком, творческим учителям, готовым
использовать предлагаемый материал на своих уроках, методистам,
организаторам школьных олимпиад.

ISBN 978-5-9966-0569-9 © ООО «Легион», 2014

Всероссийская олимпиада по английскому языку.............................. 5
Порядок проведения Всероссийской олимпиады школьников... 6
Общие методические рекомендации..........................................11

Словообразование........................................................................... 12
Рекомендации по выполнению заданий на словообразование .. 12

1]рамматика...................................................................................... 27
Задания на употребление правильных грамматических форм. .. 27
Задания на употребление правильных форм слова
(грамматика и словообразование)................ .............................. 33
Упражнения на поиск и исправление ошибок в тексте .............37
Упражнения на подстановку слов......................... ..................... 47
Упражнения на выбор пропущенного слова в тексте................ 52
Упражнения на подстановку предлогов.......................................55
Задания на множественный выбор............................................. 70
Ttests......... .....................................................................................78
TEST 1 .........................................................................................78
TEST2 ................ ............................................................. 91
TEST 3 .................... ........................................ ........................ 103
TEST 4 .......................................................................................119
j 4 j____________ Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы |

Критерии оценивания............................................................................ 135

Критерии оценивания конкурсов................................................. 135
Шкала критериев оценивания задания
в разделе «Письменная речь»............................................. .......... 136
Шкала критериев оценивания задания
в разделе «Письменная речь» ....................................................... 138
Шкала критериев оценивания заданий
в разделе «Устная речь» ................................................................. 141

КЛЮЧИ............................... ................................................................. 145

Словообразование........................................................................... 145
Грамматика....................................................................................... 147
Задания на употребление правильных форм слова
(грамматика и словообразование)..................................................148
Упражнения на поиск и исправление ошибок в тексте ............149
Упражнения на подстановку слов..................................................151
Упражнения на выбор пропущенного слова в т е к с т е ................152
Упражнения на подстановку предлогов........................................153
Задания на множественный выбор................................................154

КЛЮЧИ К ЗАДАНИЯМ....................................................................155
TEST 1 ............................................................................................... 155
TEST 2 ............................................................................................... 156
TEST 3 ............................................................................................... 157
TEST 4 ..................................................................................... ......... 158
Всероссийская олимпиада
по английскому языку
Первая Всероссийская олимпиада школьников по английскому
языку прошла в Смоленске в 1998 году. Олимпиады проводились
во Владимире (1999), Нижнем Новгороде (2000, 2007, 2008), Орле
(2001), Рязани (2003), Элисте (2006), Смоленске (2009), Великом
Новгороде (2010), Пятигорске (2005, 2011), Иркутске (2012) и
Санкт-Петербурге (2013), а финал 2014 года — в Великом Новгороде
(21—27 апреля).
Всероссийская олимпиада школьников проводится в четыре
этапа. Задания олимпиады составляются на основе примерных
основных общеобразовательных программ основного общего и
среднего (полного) общего образования. Победители и призёры
заключительного этапа олимпиады имеют льготы при поступлении
в вузы Российской Федерации.
Задания олимпиады проверяют как рецептивные навыки
(чтение, аудирование), так и продуктивные навыки (письменная и
устная речь). Отдельно проверяется знание лексики, грамматики и
социокультурная компетенция учащихся.
Оценивание устной части олимпиады проводится двумя членами
жюри, один из которых во время ответа даёт задания участникам,
а второй, находясь вне поля их зрения, делает пометки по ходу
ответа. В последнее время для собеседования приглашаются по
два участника одновременно. Всё собеседование записывается
на магнитофон для последующего обсуждения итогового балла в
широком составе жюри.
Олимпиада проводится на основании Приказа Министерства
образования и науки Российской Федерации (Минобрнауки
России) от 18 ноября 2013 г. № 1252 г. Москва «Об утверждении
Порядка проведения всероссийской олимпиады школьников».
Ниже приведены выдержки из данного Приказа.
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Порядок проведения
Всероссийской олимпиады школьников
I. Общие положения
1. Олимпиада проводится в целях выявления и развития у
обучающихся творческих способностей и интереса к научной (научно-
исследовательской) деятельности, пропаганды научных знаний, отбора
лиц, проявивших выдающиеся способности, в составы сборных команд
Российской Федерации для участия в международных олимпиадах по
общеобразовательным предметам.
2. Олимпиада включает школьный, муниципальный, региональный
и заключительный этапы.
3. Организаторами олимпиады являются:
• школьного и муниципального этапов — орган местного
самоуправления, осуществляющий управление в сфере образования;
• регионального этапа —орган государственной власти субъекта
Российской Федерации, осуществляющий государственное
управление в сфере образования;
• заключительного этапа —Министерство образования и науки
Российской Федерации (далее - Минобрнауки России).
4. Организаторы олимпиады вправе привлекать к проведению
олимпиады образовательные и научные организации, учебно­
методические объединения, государственные корпорации
и общественные организации в порядке, установленном
законодательством Российской Федерации.
5. Индивидуальные результаты участников каждого этапа
олимпиады заносятся в рейтинговую таблицу результатов участников
соответствующего этапа олимпиады по общеобразовательному
предмету, представляющую собой ранжированный список участников,
расположенных по мере убывания набранных ими баллов (далее —
рейтинг). Участники с равным количеством баллов располагаются в
алфавитном порядке.
6. Олимпиада проводится на территории Российской Федерации.
7. Рабочим языком проведения олимпиады является русский язык.
проведения олимпиады

8. Взимание платы за участие в олимпиаде не допускается.

9. Во время проведения олимпиады участники олимпиады
должны соблюдать настоящий Порядок и требования, утверждённые
организатором школьного, муниципального этапов олимпиады,
центральными методическими комиссиями олимпиады,
к проведению соответствующего этапа олимпиады по каждому
общеобразовательному предмету.
10. В случае нарушения участником олимпиады настоящего
Порядка ... представитель организатора олимпиады вправе удалить
данного участника олимпиады из аудитории, составив акт об удалении.
11. Участники олимпиады, которые были удалены, лишаются права
дальнейшего участия в олимпиаде по данному общеобразовательному
предмету в текущем году.'
12. В целях обеспечения права на объективное оценивание работы
участники олимпиады вправе подать в письменной форме апелляцию
о несогласии с выставленными баллами в жюри соответствующего
этапа олимпиады.
13. Рассмотрение апелляции проводится с участием самого участника
II. Организация проведения олимпиады
14. Олимпиада проводится ежегодно в рамках учебного года
с 1 сентября по 30 апреля.
15. Координацию организации и проведения олимпиады
осуществляет Центральный оргкомитет олимпиады под
руководством председателя.
16. Организационно-техническое, информационное обеспечение
деятельности Центрального оргкомитета олимпиады осуществляет
Минобрнауки России.
17. Для научно-методического обеспечения олимпиады создают­
ся центральные предметно-методические комиссии олимпиады.
18. Составы центральных предметно-методических комиссий
олимпиады формируются по предложению Центрального
оргкомитета олимпиады из числа педагогических, научных, научно­
педагогических работников и утверждаются Минобрнауки России.
19. Для объективной проверки олимпиадных заданий,
выполненных участниками олимпиады, на каждом этапе олимпиады
8 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

формируется жюри олимпиады по каждому общеобразовательному

предмету (далее — жюри всех этапов олимпиады).
20. Жюри всех этапов олимпиады:
• принимает для оценивания закодированные (обезличенные)
олимпиадные работы участников олимпиады;
• оценивает выполненные олимпиадные задания в соответствии
с утверждёнными критериями и методиками оценивания
выполненных олимпиадных заданий;
• определяет победителей и призёров олимпиады на основании
рейтинга по каждому общеобразовательному предмету и в соответствии
с квотой, установленной организатором олимпиады соответствующего.
• представляет организатору олимпиады результаты олимпиады
(протоколы) для их утверждения;
• составляет и представляет организатору соответствующего эта­
па олимпиады аналитический отчёт о результатах выполнения олим­
пиадных заданий по каждому общеобразовательному предмету.

I II. Проведение ш кольного этапа олим пиады

21. Школьный этап олимпиады проводится по разработанным
муниципальными предметно-методическими комиссиями олим­
пиады заданиям, основанным на содержании образовательных
программ основного общего и среднего общего образования углуб­
лённого уровня и соответствующей направленности (профиля), для
5-11 классов (далее — олимпиадные задания).
Срок окончания школьного этапа олимпиады — не позднее
15 октября.

IV . Проведение м униципального этапа олим пиады

22. Конкретные сроки проведения муниципального этапа олим­
пиады по каждому общеобразовательному предмету устанавлива­
ются органом государственной власти субъекта Российской Фе­
дерации, осуществляющим государственное управление в сфере
Срок окончания муниципального этапа олимпиады — не позднее
25 декабря.
проведения олимпиады

V . Проведение регионального этапа олимпиады

23. Региональный этап олимпиады проводится по разработанным
центральными предметно-методическими комиссиями олимпиады
24. Конкретные сроки проведения регионального этапа олим­
пиады устанавливает Минобрнауки России.
Срок окончания регионального этапа олимпиады — не позднее
25 февраля.
25. Организатор регионального этапа олимпиады:
• устанавливает формат представления результатов участников
муниципального этапа олимпиады по каждому общеобразовательному
• формирует оргкомитет регионального этапа олимпиады
и утверждает его состав;
• формирует жюри регионального этапа олимпиады по каждому
общеобразовательному предмету и утверждает их составы;
• формирует региональные предметно-методические комиссии
по каждому общеобразовательному предмету и утверждает их соста­
• устанавливает количество баллов по каждому общеобразова­
тельному предмету и классу, необходимое для участия на региональ­
ном этапе олимпиады;
• обеспечивает хранение олимпиадных заданий по каждому
общеобразовательному предмету для регионального этапа
олимпиады, несёт установленную законодательством Российской
Федерации ответственность за их конфиденциальность;
• заблаговременно информирует руководителей органов мест­
ного самоуправления ... о сроках и местах проведения регионально­
го этапа олимпиады по каждому общеобразовательному предмету,
а также о настоящем Порядке и требованиях к организации и прове­
дению регионального этапа олимпиады по каждому общеобразова­
тельному предмету;
• определяет квоты победителей и призёров регионального этапа
олимпиады по каждому общеобразовательному предмету;
• утверждает результаты регионального этапа олимпиады...
и публикует их на своём официальном сайте в сети «Интернет», в том
10 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

числе протоколы жюри регионального этапа олимпиады по каждому

общеобразовательному предмету;
• публикует на своём официальном сайте в сети «Интернет»...
олимпиадные работы победителей и призёров регионального
этапа олимпиады с указанием персональных данных участников
• передаёт результаты участников регионального этапа олимпиа­
ды по каждому общеобразовательному предмету и классу организа­
тору заключительного этапа олимпиады в формате, установленном
Минобрнауки России;
• награждает победителей и призёров регионального этапа
олимпиады поощрительными грамотами;
• осуществляет из средств бюджета субъекта Российской Фе­
дерации и (или) средств юридических лиц организационное и фи­
нансовое обеспечение участия в заключительном этапе олимпиады
участников регионального этапа олимпиады, ... для участия в за­
ключительном этапе олимпиады, а также сопровождающих их лиц
(страхование жизни и здоровья участников заключительного этапа
олимпиады, проезд участников заключительного этапа олимпиады
и сопровождающих их лиц к месту проведения заключительного
этапа олимпиады и обратно, оплата питания, проживания, транс­
портное и экскурсионное обслуживание сопровождающих лиц).
26. Составы предметно-методических комиссий регионального
этапа олимпиады по каждому общеобразовательному предмету фор­
мируются из числа педагогических, научных, научно-педагогиче­
ских работников.
VI. Проведение заключительного этапа олимпиады
27. Конкретные сроки и места проведения заключительного эта­
па олимпиады по каждому общеобразовательному предмету уста­
навливает Минобрнауки России.
Срок окончания заключительного этапа олимпиады — не позд­
нее 30 апреля.
|Порядок проведения олимпиады______ ________________________________ | 11 |

Общие методические рекомендации

Выполняя экзаменационные задания, всегда сначала читайте
формулировки заданий, чтобы понять основную задачу, и только
потом текст.
Прочитайте весь текст (предложение), вдумайтесь в него.
Не пытайтесь механически подставить слово в пропуск,
подумайте, какое слово или какая грамматическая форма поможет
Вам передать нужный текст.
Проговорите предложение про себя —хорошо ли оно звучит.
Помните, что ответ, вписанный в бланк ответов с орфографи­
ческими ошибками, будет признан неверным. Пишите разборчиво
и аккуратно. Оставьте время на проверку ответов.

Рекомендации по выполнению заданий

на словообразование
Бегло прочитайте весь текст, стараясь понять общее содержание.
Запишите слова, в правильности которых вы уверены.
Определите, какая часть речи нужна, чтобы заполнить пропуск.
Обратите внимание на слова, стоящие до и после пропуска, кото­
рые помогут определить часть речи — предлог, артикль и т. д., задайте
вопросы к пропущенному слову.
Определив часть речи, вспомните, какие суффиксы и префиксы
характерны для данной части речи.
Определите по смыслу, имеет ли слово положительное или отри­
цательное значение, единственное или множественное число.
При изменении прилагательного или наречия посмотрите,
есть ли в предложении сравнение или это превосходная степень,
подсчитайте количество слогов, подумайте, не является ли это слово
Произнесите слово про себя, не режет ли оно вам слух, а затем
впишите слово в пропуск.
После выполнения задания снова прочитайте весь текст, чтобы
убедиться, что вставленные слова образованы и написаны правиль­
но и делают предложение и весь текст осмысленным.
Убедитесь, что вы:
• образовали те части речи, которые требуются по контексту;
• не употребили несуществующие слова;
• использовали необходимые отрицательные префиксы или суф­
• не сделали орфографических ошибок.
Перенесите ваши ответы в Бланк ответов.

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with the necessary word form.


This world is full of strange and 1 things. The usual
hunger for 2 new things never slows down. I would discover
say since evolution man has come a long way, humans have
set a benchmark in making new 3 and trying to invent
make the world a better place to live. The factor which has
not been discovered vet 4 is nature. We still are far entire
away from understanding the beautv and its 5 and function
animals who make nature their habitat. Animals have been
in this world for more than a million years now. You must
be knowing most of them but you still haven't seen them all.
benchmark ['benfma.k] мерка; мерило; критерий; стандарт

Fill in the blanks with the necessary word form.

One summer night a man stood on a low hill 1 look

a wide 2 of forest and field. Bv the full expand
moon hanging low in the west he knew what he might not
have known otherwise: that it was near the hour of dawn.
A light mist lay along the earth, partly veiling the lower
features of the 3 , but above it the taller trees land
showed in well-defined masses against a clear sky. Two or
three farmhouses were visible through the haze, but in none
of them, 4 , was a light. nature
Nowhere, indeed, was any sign or 5 of suggest
life except the barking of a 6 dog, which, distance
repeated with mechanical 7 , served rather iterate
to 8 than dispel the 9 of the scene. accent
"a resumed identity" lonely
by Ambrose Bierce
expand [ik'spcend], растягиваться, расширяться;
veiling ['vertiij] вуаль
iterate [’it(d)reit] повторять
dispel [di'spel] разгонять; рассеивать
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Exercise 3
Fill in the blanks with the necessary word form.

A hundred yards away was a straight road, showing

white in the moonlight. Endeavouring to orient
himself, as a 1 or navigator might say, the survey
man moved his eves slowlv along its 2 vision
3 and at a distance of a quarter-mile to the long
south of his station saw, dim and grey in the haze, a group
of 4 riding to the north. Behind them were men horse
afoot, marching in column, with dimlv 5 rifles gleam
aslant above their shoulders. They moved slowly and in
silence. Another group of horsemen, another regiment of
infantry, another and another - all in unceasing motion
toward the man's point of view, past it, and beyond. A
batterv of artillerv followed, the 6 riding with cannon
7 arms on limber and caisson. And still the fold
interminable 8 came out of the obscurity to process
south and passed into the obscurity to north, with never a
sound of voice, nor hoof, nor wheel.
"aresumed identity"
by Ambrose Bierce
survey [ ’s3:vei] 1) опрос, анкетирование 2) обзор, обозрение
gleam [gli:mj 1) слабый свет, проблеск, вспышка 2. светиться; мерцать
limber [ЧтЬэ] передок (орудия)
caisson [ ’keison] зарядный ящик
obscurity [ab'skjudriti] неизвестность, безвестность; незаметность
Словообразование 15

Exercise 4
Fill in the blanks with the necessary word form.

The man-apes of the veldt were none of these

things, and they were not flourishing. Indeed, they
were already far down the road to _______ 1 race
_________ 2 . About fifty of them occupied a group of caves extinct
__________3 a small, parched valley, which was divided look
by a sluggish stream fed from snows in the mountains two
hundred miles to the north. In bad times the stream vanished
completely, and the tribe lived in the_________ 4 of thirst. shade
It was always hungry, and now it was starving. When the
first faint glow of dawn crept into the cave, Moon-Watcher
saw that his father had died in the night. He did not know
that the Old One was his father, for such a _______ 5 was relate
_______ 6 beyond his understanding, but as he looked at utter
the emaciated body he felt dim________ 7 that was the quiet
ancestor of sadness.
The two babies were already________ 8 for food, but whimper
became silent when Moon-Watcher snarled at them. One of
the mothers,________ 9 the infant she could not properly defense
feed, gave him an angry growl in return; he lacked the energy
even to cuff her for her presumption.
"2001: A Space Odyssey"
by Arthur C. Clarke
veld(t) [velt]; вельд, южноафриканская степь
sluggish ['skgiJJ а) пассивный, вялый; б) медлительный; инертный
utter If'Ats] издавать звук; произносить
emaciated[I'meifieitid], [i:- ], [-si-] истощённый, изнурённый; худой, чахлый
snarl [sna.i] рык, рычать
whimper [ ’w/трэ]хныкать, ныть
16 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Exercise 5
Fill in the blanks with the necessary word form.

Behind everv man now 1 stand thirty live

ghosts, for that is the ratio bv which the dead 2 number
the living. Since the dawn of time. 3 a hundred rough
billion human 4 have walked the planet be
Now this is an interesting number, for
bv a 5 coincidence there are curiosity
6 a hundred billion stars in our local universe, approximate '
the Milky Way. So for every man who has ever lived, in
this Universe there shines a star.
But every one of those stars is a sun, often
far more brilliant and 7 than the small, glory
8 star we call the Sun. And many—perhaps near
most—of those alien suns have planets circling them.
So almost 9 there is enough land in the sky certain
to give every member of the human species, back to the
first ape-man, his own private, world-sized heaven—or
"2001: A Space Odyssey "
by Arthur C. Clarke
ratio [ ’reifidu]; ratios 1) отношение, пропорция;
coincidence [kdu’m(t)sid(d)n(t)s] 1) точное совпадение.
рловообразование 17

Exercise 6
Fill in the blanks with the necessary word form.

The man could not rightly understand: he thought him­

self deaf; said so, and heard his own voice, although it had
an _________ 1 quality that almost alarmed him; it dis- familiar
appointed his ear's___________ 2 in the matter of timbre expect
and resonance. But he was not deaf, and that for the mo­
ment _________ 3 . sufficient
Then he remembered that there are natural phenomena
to which some one has given the name 'acoustic shadows.' If
you stand in an acoustic shadow there is one________ 4 direct
from which you will hear nothing. At the battle of Gaines's
Mill, one of the fiercest conflicts of the Civil War, with a
hundred guns in play, 5 a mile and a half away spectate
on the opposite side of the Chickahominy Valley heard
nothing of what they clearly saw. The ___________6 of bomb
Port Royal, heard and felt at St. Augustine, a hundred and
fifty miles to the south, was_________ 7 two miles to the audition
north in a still___ ________ 8. A few days before the sur- sphere
render at Appomattox a thunderous engagement between
the commands of Sheridan and Pickett was unknown to the
latter commander, a mile in the rear of his own line.
"a resumed identity "
by by Ambrose Bierce
timbre ['toembra] тембр
sufficient [s9fif(a)nt] достаточный; обоснованный
18 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Exercise 7
Fill in the blanks with the necessary word form.

“Mr. Hoffmann,” the Colonel had begun, in

his best ________ 1 manner, “I’ve just had some office
__________ 2 _______ 3 from Washington. It's top secret, of alarm
course, but we've decided to break it to the_______ 4 staff inform
so that they’ll realize th e__________ 5 for speed.” He engineer
paused for effect, but the gesture was wasted on Reinhold.
Somehow, he already knew what was coming. necessary
“The Russians are _________6 level with us. They've
got some kind o f_________ 7 drive — it may even be near
more__________ 8 than ours, and they're building a atom
ship on the shores of Lake Baikal. We don't know how efficiency
far they’ve got, b u t___________ 9 believe it may be intelligent
launched this year. You know what that means.”
"Childhood’s End”by Arthur C. Clarke

Exercise 8
Fill in the blanks with the necessary word form.

A mile beyond the reef, the “James Forrestal” had

switched on her searchlights and was sweeping the dark
waters. The sun had now vanished_________ 1, and the complete
swift tropical night was racing In from the east. Reinhold
wondered, a little_________ 2 , if the carrier expected to sardonic
find Russian________ 3 so close to shore. marine
The thought of Russia turned his mind, as it always did,
to Konrad, and that morning in the_________ 4 spring cataclysm
of 1945. More than thirty years had passed, but the memory
of those last days when the Reich was crumbling beneath
the waves from the East and from the West had never faded.
He could still see Konrad's tired blue eyes, and
the golden stubble on his chin, as they shook hands and
parted in that ruined Prussian village, while the______ 5 refuge
streamed________ 6 past. end
рловообразование 19

It was a ______ 7 that symbolized everything that had part

since happened to the world —the________ 8 between cleave
East and West. For Konrad chose the road to Moscow.
Reinhold had thought him a fool, but now he was not so
________________ "Childhood’s End" by Arthur С Clarke
stubble f'stAbl] а) коротко остриженные волосы б) щетина

Exercise 9
Fill in the blanks with the necessary word form.

The farm lay in a hollow among the Somersetshire

hills, an __________ 1 stone house, fashion
_________ 2 by bams and outhouses. Over the round
__________ _3 the date when it was built had been carved, way
1673, and the house, grey and weather-beaten, looked as
much a part ofthe________ 4 as the trees that surrounded land
it. An avenue of________ 5 elms led from the road to the splendour
garden. The people who lived here were as stolid, sturdy
and___________ 6 as the house.______ 7 only boast pretend
was that ever since the house was built from father to son They
they had been born and died in it. For three hundred years
they had farmed the surrounding land.
George Meadows was now a man of fifty, and his wife
was a year or two _______ 8. They were both fine, young
____________ 9 people in the prime of life; and their stand
children, two sons and three girls, were handsome and
strong. I have never seen a more united family. They
were merry, ._____ 10 and kindly. Their life was industry
_______ 11. They were happy and they deserved their patriarch
"Home"by Somerset Maugham
carve [Ica. v] 1)резать, вырезать (no дереву или кости); гравировать; высекать
(из камня)
elm [elm]; вяз
plendour [ ’splends] 1) блеск, сверкание 2) великолепие, богатство, пышность,
20 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9—11 классы

Exercise 10
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary word form.
In submitting Captain Carter's strange________ 1 (script) to you
in book form, I believe that a few words____________ 2 (relate) to
this_____________ 3 (remark)___________ 4 (person) will be of
My first_________ 5 (collect) of Captain Carter is of the few months
he spent at my father’s home in Virginia, just prior to the________
6 (open) of the civil war. I was then a child of but five years, yet I well
remember the tall, dark, smooth-faced,________ _ 7 (athlet) man whom
I called Uncle Jack.
He seemed always to be laughing; and he entered into the sports of the
children with the same hearty good______ 8 (fellow) he displayed toward
those pastimes in which the men and women of his own age indulged;
or he would sit for an hour at a time_________ 9 (entartain) my old
grandmother with stories of his strange, wild life in all parts of the world.
We all loved him, and our slaves fairly worshipped the ground he trod.
"aprincess of mars "
By Edgar Rice Burroughs
prior I['praid] прежний, бывший; предшествующий
indulge [iriddd$] потворствовать, потакать; баловать, не отказывать себе
read [tredj (trod; trod, trodden) идти, ступать, шагать

Exercise 11
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary word form.
According to traditional lore,______ 1 (philosophy) investigation
of the problems o f______ 2 (exist), knowledge,_______ 3 (reason)
and values began with the Ancient Greeks.______ 4 (special) important
were Plato and Aristotle of fourth century BC Athens. Although Plato was
interested in logic, it was his pupil Aristotle who developed the earliest
______ 5 (logic) theory, called the syllogism.
Aristotle’ssyllogistic logical theory remained largely______ 6 (change)
for over two thousand years, until the middle of the nineteenth century. A
few______ 7 (philosophy), such as Rend Descartes and Immanuel Kant,
thought that Aristotelian logic was in some sense complete or finished!
Other philosophers, like Gottfried Leibniz, tried_____ 8 (valiant) to

introduce new ideas into logic, but these efforts led t o _______ 9 (fail),
mainly because they failed to discover the central idea of quantificational
variables and quantifiers.
lore [lo:] практические или профессиональные знания в какой-либо области
valiant ['vcehdnt] храбрый, отважный, доблестный
quantificational logic логика предикатов
variable ['уеэпэЫ] изменчивый, изменяющийся, непостоянный

Exercise 12
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary word form.
H is _____ __1 (horse), especially after hounds, was a marvel and
delight even in that country of magnificent horsemen. I have often heard
my father caution him against his wild________ 2 (reckless), but he would
only laugh, and say that the tumble that killed him would be from the back
of a horse yet _________3 (foal).
When the war broke out he left us, nor did I see him again for some
fifteen or sixteen years. When he returned it was without warning, and I was
much surprised to note that he had not aged apparently a moment, nor had
he changed in any other_______ 4 (ward) way. He was, when others were
with him, the same _________ 5 (genius), happy fellow we had known of
old, but when he thought himself alone I have seen him sit for hours gazing
off into space, his face set in a look of wistful longing a n d ______ 6
(hope) misery; and at night he would sit thus looking up into the heavens, at
what I did not know until I read his manuscript years________ 7 (ward).
He told us that he had been prospecting and mining in Arizona part of
the time since the war; and that he had been very successful was evidenced
by th e ______ _8 (limit) amount of money with which he was supplied. As
to the details of his life during these years he was very reticent, in fact he
would not talk of them at all.
"a princess of mars "
By Edgar Rice Burroughs
hound [haund}-охотничья собака; гончая; борзая
reckless ['rekhs] необдуманный, безрассудный; опрометчивый, беспечный
tumble ['tAmbl] tumble down / off падать; падение
foal [fdul] 1. жеребёнок; ослёнок; гл. жеребиться
wistful ['wistf(d)l ], [-ful] 1) тоскующий; томящийся, горящий желанием Syn:
longing 2) задумчивый
prospect 1. [’prospekt] изыскание, разведка; исследовать; делать изыскания
22 I Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Exercise 13
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary word form.
He remained with us for about a year and then went to New York, where
he purchased a little place on the Hudson, where I visited him once a year
on the_____ _ 1 (occasionally) of my trips to the New York market—my
father and I owning and operating a string of general stores throughout
Virginia at that time. Captain Carter had a small but beautiful cottage,
situated on a bluff_____ 2 (look) the river, and during one of my last
visits, in the winter of 1885,1observed he was much occupied in writing, I
presume now, upon this manuscript.
He told me at this time that if______ 3 (any) should happen to him he
wished me to take charge of his estate, and he gave me a key to a ______ 4
(compart) in the safe which stood in his study, telling me I would find his
will there and some personal______ 5 (instruct) which he had me pledge
myself to carry out with absolute fidelity.
After I had retired for the night I have seen him from my window
standing in th e______ 6 (moon) on the brink of the bluff overlooking
the Hudson with his arms stretched out to the heavens as though in appeal.
I thought at the time that he was praying,_______ 7 (though) I never
understood that he was in the strict sense of the term a ______ 8 (religion)
bluff [bUJ] 1 1. 1) почти вертикальный, крутой; отвесная скала, крутой обрыв,
утёс; отвесный берег
presume [prizjw.m] 1) предполагать, полагать; допускать 2) отважиться,
compart [кэт 'pa:t]; делить на части; перегораживать
pledge [pledf] 1• 1) а) залог; заклад; давать торжественное обещание; заверять,
обещать, клясться
fidelity [ fi'dehti, fi'deliti] верность; правильность, точность
appeal[э'рЫ] 1.1) призыв, обращение, воззвание (к кому-л.)

Exercise 14
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary word form.
During the Crusades of the 11th Century, the Knights of St. John
received______ 1 (instruct) in_______ 2 (aid) treatment from Arab and
Greek doctors. The Knights of St. John then acted as the first emergency
workers, treating soldiers on both sides of the war of the 3 (field)
and bringing in the wounded to ______ 4 (near) tents for______ 5 (far)
treatment . The concept of ambulance______ 6 (serve) started in Europe
with the Knights of St. John, at the same time it had also become common
practice for small rewards to be paid to soldiers who carried the wounded
bodies of other soldiers in for medical_______ 7 (treat).
The Suigeon-in-Chief of the French Grand Army, "Baron Dominiquie
Larrey" created the first official army medical corp. in 1792. Trained
attendants with______ 8 (equip) moved out from the field hospitals to
give first-aid to the wounded on the battlefield and/or carried them back by
stretcher,______ 9 (carts) and wagons to the field hospitals.
Motorized ambulance vehicles have been in use since the beginning
of the 20th century. In the 1950s the United States pioneered helicopter-
ambulances during the Korean War. In 1968, St Vincent's Hospital in New
York City started the first mobile_______ 10 (coronaria) care unit.
Ambulance History By Mary Beilis
wound [wu.nd] I. 1) рана; ранение; woundedраненый
attendant [a'tendant] 1.1) обслуживающее лицо, служитель
stretcher ['strefa] 1) распялка; растягивающее приспособление 2) преувеличение,
натяжка 3) носилки
coronaria венечная артерия сердца, коронарная артерия сердца

Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary word form.

For many women inventors in years past, the invention process was
_____ 1 (two) as difficult because, in addition to th e______ 2 (hard)
of inventing, they also faced the skepticism of a world that didn’t believe
women could create something of_____ 3 (valuable). Fortunately, over the
years, that perception has been blown out of the water by women inventors
like Maigaret E. Knight, who were willing to fight for the accolades and
recognition-they 4 (question) deserved.
Bom in Maine in 1838 and raised by a widowed mother, Maigaret Knight
showed a proclivity toward inventing from a very young age - a ______ 5
(character) of many of the world's famous inventors. After observing an
accident at a textile mill at the age of 12, Maigaret went to work producing
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

her first real invention. Knight conceived a device that would______ 6

(auto) stop a machine if something got caught in it. By the time she was a
teenager the invention was being used in the mills.
After the Civil war, Margaret Knight went to work in a Massachusetts
paper bag plant. While working in the plant, Knight thought how much
easier it would be to pack items in paper bags if the bottoms were flat (they
were not at the time). That idea inspired Margaret to create the machine
that would_____ 7 (transformation) her into a famous woman inventor.
Knight's machine automatically folded and glued paper-bag bottoms -
creating the flat-bottom paper bags that are still used to this very day in
most grocery stores.
Of course, no story of triumph would be complete without a villain. In
this case, the villain was a man named Charles Annan —who attempted to
steal Knight's idea (he spied on the woman hired to make her______ 8
(type) and receive credit for the patent. Not one to give in without a fight,
Margaret took Annan to court to vie for the patent that rightfully belonged
to her. While Annan argued simply that a woman could never design such
an_______ 9 (innovate) machine, Knight displayed actual evidence that
the invention indeed belonged to her. As a result, Margaret Knight received
her patent in 1871.
Knight’s invention immediately had a huge impact on the paper industry
- and paper bags began to proliferate throughout the retail_____ 10
(land). To this very day, thousands of machines based on Margaret Knight's'
idea are still used to produce flat-bottom paper bags. Knight didn't stop
there though; throughout her lifetime she would receive over 20 patents and
conceive almost 100 different inventions - including a rotary engine, shoe-
cutting machine and a dress and skirt shield. At the time of her death, an
obituary described Knight as a "woman Edison.” In_______ 11 (actual),
she was something greater —she was a woman inventor named Margaret
perception [pa'sepffajn] 1) восприятие, ощущение
accolade ['ceksleid] 1) похвала, хороший отзыв, одобрение
proclivity [pra'klivsti] (proclivity to, proclivity towards) склонность, наклонность
conceive [kan'si:v] постигать, понимать; дать начало чему-л.
villain [ ’vihn] злодей, негодяй
proliferate [ргэ 'hf(a)reit] 1) а) распространяться
rotary ['гэШ(э)п] а) вращательный; вращающийся, поворотный б) ротационный,
obituary [я 'bifujri] = obituary notice некролог, газетное объявление о чьей-л. смерти

Exercise 16
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary word form.


Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled a ______ 1 (prosper)
country. One day, he went for a trip to some______ 2 (distance) areas of
his country. When he was back to his palace, he complained that his feet
were very ______ 3 (pain), because it was the first time that he went for
such a long trip, and the road that he went through was very rough and
stony. He then ordered his people to cover every road of th e _____ 4
(entirely) country with leather.
_________ 5 (Definite), this would need thousands of cows’ skin, and
would cost a huge amount of money.
Then one of his wise_____ 6 (serve) dared himself to tell the king,
“Why do you have to spend that______ 7 (necessity) amount of money?
Why don’t you just cut a little piece of leather to cover your feet?”
The king was surprised, but he later agreed to his______ 8 (suggest),
to make a “shoe” for himself.
There is actually a _____ 9 (value) lesson of life in this story: to make
this world a happy place to live, you better change yourself - your heart—
and not the world.
dare [<кэ] 1.; dared, durst; прич. dared; 3-е настоящего времени dares, отваживаться,
осмеливаться, сметь; иметь наглость (как модальный глагол, обычно в
вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях)
26 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Exercise 17
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary word form.
_______ 1 (connect) the USB cable_______2 (proper) may cause
serious damage to the device or USB power_______ 3 (adapt).
Any damage caused by______ 4 (use) is not covered by the______ 5
Plug the USB power adapter into a power outlet. If the device receives
a n ______ 6 (stability) power supply while 7 (chaige), the
touch screen may not function. If this happens,_______ 8 (plug) the
USB cable from the device.
The device may heat up while chaining. This is normal and should not
affect your device’s______ 9 (span) or_______ 10 (perform).
damage ['deemid;] вред, повреждение; дефект, поломка; убыток, ущерб, урон
device [di’vais] устройство, приспособление; механизм; аппарат, машина, прибор
warrant [ ’ж>ф)ш] предписание; приказ; гарантировать, обеспечивать
outlet ['outlet] выход, проход; штепсельная розетка
charge [fa.dj] заряжать (оружие; аккумулятор)
plug [pUg] пробка, затычка; вставить, воткнуть вилку в розетку
span [spcen] промежуток времени; период времени

Задания на употребление
правильных грамматических форм
Внимательно прочитайте весь текст/предложение, определите
по обстоятельствам времени или по имеющимся глагольным фор­
мам, в каком времени написан текст/предложение.
Подумайте, какую форму глагола имел в виду автор: личную, ин­
финитив, герундий или причастие.
Посмотрите, нужна ли Вам форма активного или пассивного
Определите, относится ли действие, выраженное глаголом,
к настоящему, прошедшему или будущему, описывает ли оно то, что
случилось до других событий.
После этого поставьте нужную для этого предложения форму гла­
Произнесите про себя предложение и убедитесь, что оно не режет
Вам слух.
Завершив выполнение задания, убедитесь, что Вы:
• образовали формы от данных на полях опорных слов;
• образовали форму, которая выполняет нужную роль
в предложении, не нарушает общего смысла и подходит по контексту;
• не допустили орфографических ошибок.
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Exercise 1
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary grammar forms.
A nightingale sat on a farm-yard gate. He_____ 1 (see) many hens
and cocks in the farm-yard. Suddenly he saw a cock who walked proudly
among the hens as though the whole farm-yard belonged to him.
A little later the nightingale began______ 2 (sing), and all the birds
except the cock gathered round and listened attentively.
They______ 3 (be) glad to hear such beautiful music. The cock was
angry, because nobody 4 (pay) attention to him. So he began______
5 (crow) loudly, and after each crow he flapped his wings.
A small bird who______ 6 (happen) to be near asked the nightingale:
“What’s the matter with the cock?”
“Oh,” answered the nightingale, “this cock______ 7 (try) to sing, but
nobody applauds him, so he has_______ 8 (clap) his own hands!”

Exercise 2
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary grammar forms.
The storm _____ 1 (go) on for six days. We were so far from the right
course that no one on board_____ 2 (know) where we were. Our courage
______ 3 (sink). The m asts______ 4 (cut) down. The boat sprang
several leaks a n d _____ 5 (begin) to fill with water. My four sons, Fritz,
Ernest, Jack and young Francis,______ 6 (cling) to me in fright. My wife,
Elizabeth, wiped the tears from her cheeks. We all _____ 7 (fall) to our
knees and began to pray.
At this moment a cry of, “Land! Land!” _____ 8 (hear) through the
roaring of the waves. Instantly, the ship______ 9 (strike) against the rock.
Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss

Exercise 3
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary grammar forms.
An old man, while_____ 1 (travel) alone in the desert, met two riders,
who were very sad. “_____ 2 you (lose) a camel?” he said,“Indeed we

“Was he not blind of his right eye, and lame of his left hind leg?”
______ 3 (continue) the old man. “Yes, yes, he was.”
“He had no front teeth, either?"
“Oh, that is him!”
“And he______ 4 (carry) honey on one side and wheat on the other?”
“That is our camel. Bring him here, and we______ 5 (pay) you.”
“Not so fast, my friends,” said the old man. “I never_____ 6 (see) your
“It’s a lie!” cried the riders. “You know all about him! You have stolen
our camel!” They_____ 7 (seize) the old man and brought him to the
The old man said that he wanted to speak to the judge.
“I have lived long,” he said, “and I always______ 8 (use) my eyes.
While travelling in the desert, I______ 9 (see) the track of a camel. ‘This is
the track of a stray camel, thought I, as there______ 10 (be) no marks of
human footsteps on the same path.
“Besides the camel was blind of one eye, as he ate the grass on one
side of the path only. And he must be lame of one leg. This I_____
11 (understand) from the faint mark of one of his hind feet on the sand.
‘He must have no front teeth either,’ thought I, ‘because there______
12 (be) a small tuft of grass in the middle of each bite.’
“And the ants on one side of the path, and the flies on the other______
13 (tell) me about the load of the camel.
“So these two men______ 14 (be) wrong when they say that I have
stolen their camel. I know how to look and see things, that is all.”
The judge_______ 15 (satisfy) and set the old man free.

Exercise 4
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary grammar forms.
The planks and beams of the ship_____ 1 (separate) with horrible
crashes. We thought of the life boats and feared they m ust_____ 2 (sink)
under the foaming water.
We 3 (prepare) a small meal. The boys ate, but Elizabeth
and I had little appetite. The children 4 (go) to bed and, exhausted,
soon______ 5 (snore) soundly. Elizabeth and I sat up, afraid and anxious.
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

We passed this awful night and welcomed with joy the first gleam of
light in the morning. The winds____ в (die) down, the sky had become
peaceful, and hope throbbed in my chest.
But how would we get to land? Ernest wanted to build a raft.
“That 7 (be) a good idea, ” I answered, “if we had the materials to
make one. But come, my boys, look around the ship and see what you can
find that might help us.”
"Swiss Family Robinson "by Johann Wyss

Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary grammar forms.
“He______ 1 (walk) here,” Albert, his great nephew, told me. “When
he got to the gate, he made me stop the car and said he_______ 2 (want)
to walk.”
“And mind you, I ________ 3 (not be) out of my bed for two years.
They carried me down and________ 4 (put) me in the car. I thought I
_________ 5 (not walk) again, but when I _________ 6 (see) those elm-
trees, I felt I _______ 7 (can) walk. I walked down that drive fifty-two
years ago when I went away and now I 3 (walk) back again. ”
“Silly, I call it,” said Mrs. Meadows.
“It________ 9 (do) me good. I feel better and stronger than I have felt
for ten years. I _______ 10 (see) you out yet, Emily!”
“Don’t be too sure, ” she answered.
I suppose no one_______ 11 (call) Mrs. Meadows by her first name
for a generation. It gave me a little shock, as though the old man were
taking a liberty with her. She_______ 12 (look) at him with a shrewd
smile in her eyes and he,______ 13 (talk) to her, grinned with his toothless
gums. It was strange______ 14 (look) at them, these two old people who
____ 15 (see) one another for half a century, and_______ 16 (think)
that all that long time ago h e _______ 17 (love) her and she had loved
another. I wondered if they______ 18 (remember) what they had felt
then and what they had said to one another. I wondered if it_______ 19
(seem) to him strange now that because of that old woman he______ 20
(leave) the home of his fathers, and lived an exile’s life.
by Somerset Maugham
(Грамматика I 31

Exercise 6
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary grammar forms.
If you had seen little J o _____ 1 (stand) at the street corner in the
rain, you hardly_______ 2 (admire) him. It was apparently an ordinary
autumn rainstorm, but the water which_______ 3 (fall) upon Jo (who
was hardly old enough to be either just or unjust, and so perhaps_____ 4
(not come) under the law of impartial distribution) appeared to have some
property peculiar to itself: one 5 (say) it was dark and adhesive —
sticky. But that_____ 6 (can) hardly be so, even in Blackburg, where
things certainly did occur that were a good deal out of the common.
For example, ten or twelve years before, a shower of small frogs_____ 7
(fall), as is credibly attested by a contemporaneous chronicle, the record
______ 8 (conclude) with a somewhat obscure statement to the effect that
the chronicler____ 9 (consider) it good growing-weather for Frenchmen.
Exercise 7
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary grammar forms.
“Jane, I_____ (go) 1 mad —that is it. ” He spoke thickly and hurriedly.
“You should______ (tell) 2 me; you must________ (observe) 3 my
symptoms before they became so pronounced that I have observed them
myself. I thought I _____ (pass) 4 Deemer’s store; it _ _ _ _ _ (open)
5 and lit up —that is what I thought; of course it____ (be) 6 never open
now. Silas Deemer stood at his desk behind the counter. My God, Jane,
I saw him as distinctly as I see you._______ (Remember) 7 that you
__________ (say) 8 you wanted some maple sirup, I went in and_______
(buy) 9 some —that is all —I bought two quarts of maple sirup from Silas
Deemer, who ______ (be) 10 dead and underground, but nevertheless
_______ (draw) 11 that sirup from a .cask and handed it to me in a jug.
"AJug of Syrup"by Ambrose Bierce

Exercise 8
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary grammar forms.
I taught a little country school near Brownville, which, as everyone
knows who 1 (have)_______ the good luck to live there, is the capital
of a considerable expanse of the finest scenery in California. The town is
32 I Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

somewhat frequented in summer by a class of persons whom it is the habit

of the local journal 2 (call)______ “pleasure seekers,” but who by a juster
classification 3 (know)__________ as “the sick and those in adversity.”
Brownville itself might rightly enough 4 (describe)_________ , indeed, as
a summer place of last resort. It is fairly well 5 (endow)___________ with
boarding-houses, at the least pernicious of which I performed twice a day
(lunching at the schoolhouse) the humble rite of 6 (cement)_______ the
alliance between soul and body. From this “hostelry” (as the local journal
preferred to call it when it did not call it a “caravanserai”) to the schoolhouse
the distance by the wagon road was about a mile and a half; but there was a
trail, very little used, which 7 (lead)_______ over an intervening range of
low, heavily wooded hills, considerably 8 (short)______ the distance. By
this trail 19 (return)____________ one evening later than usual. It was the
last day of the term and 110 (detain)____________ at the schoolhouse
until almost dark, preparing an account of my stewardship for the
trustees —two of whom, I proudly reflected, 11 (can)______________
to read it, and the third (an instance of the dominion of mind over matter)
12 (overrule)__________________ in his customary antagonism to the
schoolmaster of his own creation.
"AnAdventure at Brownville"by Ambrose Bierce

Exercise 9
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary grammar forms.
The volcano that had reared Taratua up from the Pacific depths
_____ 1 (sleep) now for half a million years. Yet in a little while, thought
Reinhold, the island_______ 2 (bathe) with fires fiercer than any that
had attended its birth. He glanced towards th e ________ 3 (launch)
site, and his gaze climbed the pyramid of scaffolding that still surrounded
the Columbus. Two hundred feet above the ground, the ship’s prow
_________ 4 (catch) the last rays of the descending sun. This was one of
the last nights it would ever know: soon it________ 5 (float) in the eternal
sunshine of space.
It was quiet here beneath the palms, high up on the rocky spine of
the island. The only sound from the Project was the occasional________ 6
(yammer) of an air compressor or the faint shout of a workman. Reinhold
had grown fond of these clustered palms; almost every evening he______ 7
(come) here to survey his little empire. I t______ 8 (sadden) him to think

that they •____ 9 (blast) to atoms when the Columbus_____ 10 (rise)

in flame and fury to the stars.
"Childhood’s End”by Arthur C. Clarke

Задания на употребление правильных форм

слова (грамматика и словообразование)
Exercise 1
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks
with the necessary forms of the words.
I was at a dinner in London 1 (give) in honour of one of
the most ______ 2 (celebrate) English military men of his time.
I ______ 3 (not want) to tell you his real name and titles. I just
_____ 4 (call) him Lieutenant General Lord Arthur Scoresby.
I can not describe my 5 (excite) when I saw this great and
_______ 6 (fame) man. There he sat. The man______ 7 (he), in person,
all covered with medals. I could not take my eyes off him. He seemed
_______ 8 (show) the true mark o f_____ 9 (great). His fame had no
effect on him. The hundreds of eyes 10 (watch) him, the worship
of so many people______ 11 (not seem) to make, any difference to him.
*Luck» by Mark Twain.

Exercise 2
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks
with the necessary forms of the words.
The Shoshone Indians under their great and wise chief, Washakie,
cooperated_____ 1 (enthusiasm) with the US cavalry in the wars against
the Sioux, a much more______ 2 (power) tribe, who______ 3 (be)
their sworn enemies. Today some of the Indians, especially those of mixed
blood, run cattle on the rich_______ 4 (reserve) which they______ 5
(receive). Tlieir ancient culture is______ 6 (proper) to the modem scene
and, particularly those with purely Native American blood and family
background______ 7 (have) a hard time adjusting to a situation which
has so totally changed. These people were nomads, warriors and hunters.
Except for hunting, these pursuits______ 8 (frown) upon by our society
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9—11 классы

and even hunting has to b e ______ 9 (care) controlled in these days of

repeating_______ 10 (fire).
Exercise 3
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks
with the necessary forms of the words.
One of the best parts about_____ 1 (work) at FiftyThree is how
often we______ 2 (inspire) by our users. We love being at the heart of
creation’s ______ 3 (nascent), those early stages where ideas_____ 4
(not form) and full of possibility. Sometimes notes and sketches stay as just
that,______ 5 (wonder) and crazy ideas, and sometimes they continue to
take shape and_____ 6 (event) evolve into finished products. We____ 7
(have) designers sketch ideas for what became clothing and accessories, UX
designs that became______ 8 (web) or iPhone and Android apps, playful
______ 9 (create) that became children’s toys,_____ 10 (architect)
sketches that became foundations for houses, the list goes on.
Exercise 4
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks
with the necessary forms of the words.
Although carrots are available ____ 1 (through) the year, locally
_____ 2 (grow) carrots are in season in the summer and fall when they
are the freshest and_____ 3 (flavour). Carrots belong to the Umbelliferae
family, named after the umbrella-like flower clusters that plants in this family
produce. As such, carrots_____ 4 (relate) to parsnips, fennel, parsley,
anise, caraway, cumin and dill. Carrots can be as small as two inches or as
long as three feet,_____ 5 (range) in diameter from one-half of an inch to
over two inches. Carrot roots have a crunchy texture and a sweet and minty
______ 6 (aroma) taste, while the greens are fresh tasting and_____ 7
(slight) bitter. While we usually associate carrots with the colour orange,
carrots can actually______ 8 (find) in a host of other colours including
white, yellow, red, or purple. In fact, purple, yellow and red carrots were
the only colour_______ 9 (various) of carrots to ______ 10 (cultivate)
before the 15th or 16th century.
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks
with the necessary forms of the words.
This works as follows: the digital input signal with a maximum word
length of 24 bit w hich______ 1 (receive) and processed by the digital
receiver is now first of a l l______ 2 (go) an 8-tim es______ 3 (sample)
Now follows the key step, as this signal is now scanned parallel thus exactly
simultaneously by the means of the integrated 26 multiplying______ 4
(process). From these 26 single values the processors then compute an
absolutely precise digital signal with th e ______ 5 (resolute) of true 32 bit
by the usage of the so ______ 6 (call) mean value method.
The accuracy achieved by this method i s ______ 7 (signify) superior
to the upsampling principle. I n ______ 8 (add) to that nearly no high
frequency noise is generated, which is why there is no need to use high
frequency filters, which would_______ 9 (interference) and change the
music signal in the high frequency range and have a bad influence on the

Exercise 6
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks
with the necessary forms of the words.
The history of the United States Postal Service is an_____ 1 (go) story
of enormous depth and breadth, rooted in a single, great principle: that
every person in the United States —no matter who, no matter where —has
the right to equal access to secure, efficient, and_____ 2 (afford) mail
service. For more than 231 years, the Postal Service______ 3 (deliver)
on that promise,______ 4 (transform) itself to better serve its customers.
For centuries, our universal mail system______ 5 (strong) the bonds
o f ______ 6 (friend), family, and community. Our system______ 7
(courage) civil discourse, disseminated information, and bolstered the
national economy — both as the hub of a vital industry and as a trusted
courier of the nation’s and world’s _____ 8 (busy).
The Postal Service has seized upon and immediately investigated new
______ 9 (technique) to see if it would improve service —mail distribution
cases in the 18th century; steamboats, trains, and______ 10 (mobile) in
the 19th century; and planes, letter sorting machines, and automation in
36 I Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

the 20th century. Today, computerized equipment helps sort and distribute
hundreds of millions of pieces of mail each day.
Exerc ise 7
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks
with the necessary forms of the words.


A ceremony _______ 1 (hold) to mark the beginning of the
construction and______ 2 (electricity) of the second railway line from
PanCevo Bridge in Belgrade to the Panfievo Main Station.
The ceremony was held on 25 March 2014 in Pan6evo in Serbia.
«We are grateful that Russian Railways has been_____ 3 (trust) to
participate in the project, together with Serbian Railways, which should
form the basis for the______ 4 (far) development of the Serbian economy.
And this______ 5 (be) only the beginning of our work,» said Vladimir
Yakunin during the ceremony.
«______ 6 (communicate) links, ______ 7 (special) railway lines,
are the basis of our economic cooperation and future relations,» said the
Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.
According to Maxim Sokolov, this project is historically and politically
significant for the development and______ 8 (strong) of good_____ 9
(neighbour) economic and historical ties between Serbia and Russia
In January 2013, an agreement________ 10 (sign) in Moscow to
provide a Russian state export credit to the Republic of Serbia to finance
the________ 11 (modern) of Serbian Railways.
Exercise 8
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks
with the necessary forms of the words.
Sure, I lacked enough energy to get me through the day, but with all
th e _______ 1 (commerce) on T V _____ 2 (tout) energy drinks for
America’s tired masses, I always assumed I _____ 3 (be not) the only one
suffering. And sure, everyone in my family dreaded the coming cold and flu
season, but again, I thought come January everyone develops some degree
of 4 (germ).
|Грамматика________________________________________________________ j 37 j

At least, that’s what I thought until I _______ 5 (hear) some disturbing

new information about the effects of sugar. According to several experts,
sugar is the thing that________ 6 (make) so many Americans fat and sick.
The more I thought about it the more this made sense to me — a lot of
_______ 7 (sensitive). One in seven Americans has metabolic syndrome.
One in three Americans is obese. The rate of diabetes is _______ 8
(skyrocket) and______ 9 (cardio) disease is America’s number one killer.
According to this theory, all of these maladies and more can_______ 10
(trace) back to one large toxic presence in our diet... sugar.

Упражнения на поиск и исправление ошибок

в тексте
Exercise 1
Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct and some have a word that mustn't be there. Put (+) if the line is
correct in space on the right. If a line has a word that should not be there,
write the word in the space on the right.

A father had a family of sons who were perpetually +

quarreling among themselves. When he failed in to in
1. heal their disputes by his exhortations, he was determined
2. to give them a one practical illustration of the evils of
3. disunion; and for this purpose he one day told them
4. to bring him a bundle of sticks. When they had done
5. so, he placed the faggot into the hands of each of
6. them in a succession, and ordered them to break it
7. in pieces. They tried with all their strength, and till
8. were not able to do it. He next then opened the faggot,
9. took the sticks separately, one by after one, and
10. again put them into his sons’ hands, upon which they
11. broke them enough easily. He then addressed them in
12. these words: «My sons, if you are of one in mind,
13. and unite to assist each other, you will be as this
14. faggot, uninjured by all of the attempts of your
15.enemies; but if you are divided among yourselves,
16. you will be broken as easily as these sticks could.»
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Exercise 2
Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct
and some have a word that mustn’t be there. Put (+) if the line is
correct in space on the right. If a line has a word that should not be
there, write the word in the space on the right.

The Herdsman and the Lost Bull

A herdsman tending his flock in a forest lost out out_
a Bull-calf from the fold. After a long and +
1. fruitless search, he has made a vow that, if he
2. could only discover the thief who had stolen
3. the Calf, he would offer a lamb in order sacrifice
4. to Hermes, Pan, and the Guardian Deities
5. of the forest. Not long afterwards, as he was
6. ascended a small tall hillock, he saw at its foot
7. a Lion feeding out on the Calf. Terrified at the
8. sight, he lifted his eyes down and his hands to
9. heaven, and said: «Just now I vowed to you
10. offer a lamb to the Guardian Deities of the
11. forest if I could only find out who had robbed
12. me; but now that I have discovered who the thief,
13.1would willingly add a full-grown Bull to the
14. Calf I have had lost, if I may only secure my
15. own safe escape from him in safety.»
Exercise 3
Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct and some have a word that mustn’t be there. Put (+) if the line is
correct in space on the right. If a line has a word that should not be there,
write the word in the space on the right.

A predominant vein connecting the majority of the +

stories from in this volume from Washington Irving from /in_
1. and William Austin through to our contemporaries,
2. is the quest, in some cases for a distinctly
3. American quest, for one’s place in the our world;

4. one’s cultural and spiritual identity, in terms

5. of self and others. For ours is the nation, of so rare
6. in human history, of self-determination; like a
7. theoretical experiment in newness, exploration,
8. discovery. In theory at least, who are our ancestors
9. have been, what languages they have spoken, in
10. what religions they believed —these bogus factors
11. cannot really help to define us. And it has been
12. often noted that, once in the NewWorld, history itself
13. has moved with extraordinary rapidity. Each
14. generation constitutes from a beginning-again,
15. a new discovery, sometimes of language itself.

Exercise 4
Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct and some have a word that mustn't be there. Put (+) if the line is
correct in space on the right. If a line has a word that should not be there,
write the word in the space on the right.

One of the biggest ‘tourist traps’ of China, maybe of +

the world. But still, it isjust such awesome to see such
1. it with your own eyes, and on my second visit to
2. the great wall, I was again very quite impressed ____
3. with its grandeur niche and atmosphere. I don’t _
4. like to go twice to the same place, because you
5. when revisiting a place, the magic of the first _________
6. time visit is gone, you compare with last time, etc... _________
7. and of course there is simply not enough spent _________
8. time in one lifetime to go there more than once ____
9. to the same places. But with regards to the Great
10. Wall, the story is different. I visited it two times,
11. but I went to different sections of the wall, myself
12. which-gave me different views and only increased
13. my awe for this masterpiece. And as I experienced
14. even more of the Great Wall as I travelled along
15. it with the Trans-Mongolian suburb train.
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Exercise 5
Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct and some have a word that mustn’t be there. Put (+) if the line is
correct in space on the right. If a line has a word that should not be there,
write the word in the space on the right.

Ulan Bator ‘suburbs’ begin about 50 km before +

the city, in the valleys of the hills surrounding in it. in
1. These are settlements, consisting of very basic
2. wooden houses, and gers. The roads are of dust
3. tracks, and the dust is been blowing over these
4. their settlements all of the time. Unbelievable...
5. that was my first thought when seeing these
6. suburbs. Horses, old trucks and old cars
7. are the main means of the transport here.
8. Horses can also be seen in the center of the town,
9. but this is becomes more rare these days.
10. The center of the town a soviet
11. atmosphere, and it seems that painting the
12. walls has also stopped with the end of soviet times.
13. A lot of construction is going on, but there are yet
14. more ‘half constructed buildings’ than finished
15. ones. People are dressed in western clothing,
16. seemingly by following the fashion trends from
17. a couple of decades ago, but from now and then
4A 1 1 A t •л • 1 1 .1 • 1 f
18. people dressed in traditional clothing can also be seen.

Exercise 6
Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct and some have a word that mustn’t be there. Put (+) if the line is
correct in space on the right. If a line has a word that should not be there,
write the word in the space on the right.

1. A head teacher is making his rounds of the

2. his school when he hears a terrible commotion
3. coming from one of the classrooms. He sluggishly
4. rushes in and spots over one boy, taller than
|Грамматика 41

5. the others, who seems to be making the most noise.

6. He seizes out the lad, drags him to the hall,
7. and tells him to wait there until he is excused,
8. Returning to the classroom, the main head teacher
9. restores an order and lectures the class for half
10. an hour about the importance of good behaviour.
11. ‘Now,’ he says, ‘are there any farther questions?’
12. One girl stands up timidly. ‘Please us sir,’
13. she asks, ‘may we have our teacher back?’

Exercise 7
Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct and some have a word that mustn’t be there. Put (+) if the line is
correct in space on the right. If a line has a word that should not be there,
write the word in the space on the right.

1. A 106-year-old Norwegian woman received an offer from

2. local authorities for a free bus rides to the school
3. which she is supposed to attend next autumn. Ingeborg
4. Thuen, was bom in 1897’when the Klondyke gold rush
5. was going strong, actually had started school just before she
6. turned six in 1903. Computers in the Os township near
7. Bergen, Norway, read the ‘97 year of her birth year as
8.1997, meaning she would be starting the first class
9. grade during the next autumn.
10. She welcomed the free ride, was saying that the
11. last time she started school, she had to walk in
12. for an hour every morning. The letter from the
13. township also encouraged Ingeborg’s parents try to
14. list the children she would like to have in her class.
15. ‘Since I can already read, maybe I should skip on a
16. couple grades, ’ she joked to us.

Exercise 8
Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct and some have a word that mustn’t be there. Put (+) if the line is
42 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

correct in space on the right. If a line has a word that should not be there,
write the word in the space on the right.

1. Don’t start smoking, you won’t stop. Don’t

2. go out with that nice guy out from English
3. class, he’s not your friend. Read a lot. Start
4. writing at journals today, trust me on this.
5. Pay attention in English class. Exercise on
6. your legs, get the muscles nice and too
7. strong so you don’t fall down and wind
8. up in a wheelchair. Love your sisters, very
9. one of them is going to leave you in a
10. most horrendous way. Be extra kind with
11. to your nephew, it might make a difference,
12. it might not, but it’s anyhow worth a try.
13. Your mom is still the most amazing and
14. strongest woman you’ll ever have had the
15. pleasure of knowing. You’ll already meet a
16. girl in grade 9 —make sure to keep with
17. her as a friend, she’s a good one and will
18. nonchalant stand byyou through everything.
Exercise 9
Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct and some have a word that mustn’t be there. Put (+) if the line is
correct in space on the right. If a line has a word that should not be there,
write the word in the space on the right.

1. Know that anything is possible—even in time travel! ____________

2. Since I’m soon to be in the midst of Hurricane ____________
3. Irene and you’re about to be in the midst of middle ___________ _
4. Hurricane David, I wonder if breeze tropical storms
5. are the cause reason of this great temporal magic? ____________
6.1know how hard you try and often feel like the goal ____________
7. is somehow always been out of your ____________

8. grasp. Let that be okay, don’t let anxiety joy

9. and disappointment eat you up inside out and
10. paralyze you. Ask for help and reach out
11. to friends. A decade or two from now, when
12. looking at different career opportunities, try
13. trust the feelings in your stomach, and to
14. know that when you’re roiling out in knots
15. inside, this is a warning and not just the rich
16. food; heed these are warnings and who knows
17. what greatness will befall you.

Exercise 10
Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct and some have a word that mustn’t be there. Put (+) if the line is
correct in space on the right. If a line has a word that should not be there,
write the word in the space on the right.

1. This book like most of my books and stories,

2. was a surprise. I just began to learn the nature
3. of such surprises, thank God, when I was already
4. fairly young as a writer. Before that, through like
5. every beginner, I thought you could beat, fondle,
6. pummel, and thrash an idea into the existence.
7. Under such treatment, of course, any decent idea
8. folds up its paws, turns on its back legs,
9. fixes its eyes on eternity, and dies.
10. It was with great relief, then, that in my
11. early twenties I floundered into a
12. word-association process in which I was simply
13. got out of bed each morning, walked to my
14. desk, and put down any word or series of words
15. that now happened along in my head.

Exercise 11
Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct and some have a word that mustn’t be there. Put (+) if the line is
44 Английский язык; Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9—11 классы

correct in space on the right. If a line has a word that should not be there,
write the word in the space on the right.

1. In the end, it was the Sunday afternoons this he

2. couldn’t cope though with, and that terrible
3. listlessness which starts to set in at exactly
4. about 2.55, when you know that you’ve had all
5. the baths you can usefully have that day, even
6. that however hard you stare at any given shared
7. paragraph in the papers you will never be actually
8. read it, or use the revolutionary new pruning
9. technique it describes, and that as you stare at the
10. clock on the hands will move relentlessly on to
11. four o’clock, and you will enter the long dark
12. teatime of the soul. So things began to pall for him.

Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct and some have a word that mustn't be there. Put (+) if the line is
correct in space on the right. If a line has a word that should not be there,
write the word in the space on the right.

1. There was a war between the British and the __________

2. French for the possession of whole American ___________
3. lands. Opponents often used feuding regiments __________
4. Indian tribes. It was violent a hard and cruel time. __________
5. Danger lurked at every turn. Two sisters Cora and Alice __________
6. Munro were going to their father. As they were __________
7. accompanied himself by Major Duncan Heyward. ______ _
8. With them was an Injun Magua known as the Cunning ______ _
9. Fox. Injun himself offered led to conduct a group by
10. the safe path. But as soon Major Duncan began to
11. worry that the group had would got lost.
12. Soon, the travellers met Hawkeye, who exposed out
13. the traitor. Magua led a group to the ambush.
14. Hawkeye was a great person. With the help of his
15. friends he saved indigenous travellers funneling
16. them to a small rocky hard-to-reach island.
Exercise 13
Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct and some have a word that mustn't be there. Put (+) if the line is
correct in space on the right. If a line has a word that should not be there,
write the word in the space on the right.

1. The house was three rooms in depth from front to back,

2. giving it is six rooms in all on the main floor, and in the
3. first of these, to the left of the hallway, we found
4. Great Nananne, under a layer of handsewn quilts in an one
5. old plantation four-poster, without a canopy, of simple
6. mahogany design. I say plantation bed when I refer to this
7. species of a furniture because the pieces are so huge, and so
8. often crammed into small city rooms that one immediately
9. envisions more space in the country for which this kind of
10. furnishing must have been designed. Also, the iron
11. mahogany posts, though the artfully tapered, were
12. otherwise plain. "Merrick" by Anne Rice

Exercise 14
Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct and some have a word that mustn't be there. Put (+) if the line is
correct in space on the right. If a line has a word that should not be there,
write the word in the space on the right.
1. Doing a Great Wall of China Tour is a must
2. for first-time visitors to Beijing. Most all
3. of the travellers are puzzled in which section
4. ofthe wall they should visit? Opposite to the wrong
5. conception that the Wall is running in an unbroken
6. line across north China, the Great Wall of the
7. China doesn’t form a present continuous line —
8. the Waif is in bits, same as the Wall around
9. Beijing. The Great Wall was being built in
10. different times and dynasties. All these bits
11. and pieces overlap in time and around place.
12, So, which section ought to go to ifyon plan a Great
13. Wall Tour?
46 I Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

14. Actually you have your own privately

15. sections of the Great Wall to choose, which is
16. largely depends on your time been, tolerance
17. for laige crowds, personal interest and budget etc.

Exercise 15
Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct and some have a word that mustn’t be there. Put (+) if the line is
correct in space on the right. If a line has a word that should not be there,
write the word in the space on the right.

1. Being straddled over among two tectonic plates and

2. sitting on the Pacific ocean ‘ring of fire’ can have its
3. disadvantages in the form of volcanoes, earthquakes
4. and other natural accidents hazards. However, this
5. subterranean activity also blesses at New Zealand
6. with some spectacular geothermal areas and relaxing
7. hot springs, as well as providing electricity and central
8. heating in some areas. Rotorua is the middle centre
9. of geothermal tourist activity, with many plenty of
10. mud pools, geysers, and hot springs in its active thermal
11. areas —not to mention its trademark ‘Sulphur City’ is
12. smell. First settled by Maori who used the hot springs as
13. for cooking and bathing, Rotorua soon attracted
14. European residents. The reputed health benefits is of
15. its hot pools quickly earned the area the name of ‘Cureland’.
[Грамматика I 47

Exercise 16
Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct and some have a word that mustn’t be there. Put (+) if the line is
correct in space on the right. If a line has a word that should not be there,
write the word in the space on the right.

1. Crayola brand crayons were the first kids

2. crayons ever been made, are invented by cousins,
3. Edwin Binney and C. Harold Smith. The brand’s
4. first box of eight Crayola crayons have made its
5. debut in 1903. The crayons were sold for at a
6. nickel and the colours were black, brown, blue, red,
7. purple, orange, yellow, and green. The word Crayola
8. was created by Alice Stead Binney (wife of Edwin
9. Binney) who took out the French words for chalk
10. (craie) and oily (oleaginous) and combined with them.

Упражнения на подстановку слов

Exercise 1
Complete the missing words in the text.
We didn’t own anything much and there wasn’t anything major to
u_______ k 1 so while the kids and I were ad____ _ng 2 the view and
exploring the garden Rich snuck off q____ ly 3 to christen the loo in the
en-suite bathroom off the master bedroom.
The house was totally private, su_____ ed 4 by jungle and opening
out on to huge views over the Pacific Island. After five months on the road I
felt like doing a happy dance because we fi__ _y 5 had a place of our own
but I couldn’t fully enjoy the moment because someone was missing. Rich.
Where on earth could he be?
Exercise 2
Complete the missing words in the text.
The Dead Sea is the lowest b__ у 1 of water on the planet. It averages
1,000 feet deep. N______ ng 2 grows or lives in its salty water. Trying to
swim in it, a person bobs like a с____ k 3. Trying to wade in it, a person
48 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

could slip on the salty glaze that covers its shore. It is like nowhere else on
Su______ ed 4 by the Jordan River, plus other smaller streams and
springs, the Dead Sea has no exit point and is located in Israel and Jordan.
It is near the famous are_______ al 5 sites of Masada and Qumran.
Exercise 3
Complete the missing words in the text.

The Common Octopus eats many types of sh_____ sh 1, and they
are particularly fond of crabs. They usually leave the re____ ns 2 of their
meals lying around close to their hiding place, and these ‘middens’ give a
good idea of exactly what the in_______ al 3 has eaten lately. All octopus
are opportunistic hunters, and there are occasional surprises (watch
this video of a shark-octopus en______ er 4!).
The Common Octopus can be caught by bottom trawls, or by using
special unbaited ‘octopus pots’ (which the animal presumably uses as a
hiding place). More than 20,000 tonnes are caught each year, and there is
concern that this might eventually begin to r_______ ce 5 their numbers.
Exercise 4
Complete the missing words in the text.
There was a light br_____ e 1just enough to whisper through the leaves.
Furtig lay belly down on the broad 1 b 2 of the tree, hunter-fashion,
but his claws were still in his belt loop, not strapped on. No sn____ f 3 of
that breeze brought any useful sc t 4 to his expanded nostrils. He
had climbed the tree not for a base from which to make a good capture-
leap, but to see what lay beyond. However, now he knew that he must climb
higher still. The leaves were too thick a sc___ n 5 here.
Breed to Come by Andre Norton.
Exercise 5
Read the text. Fill each gap with a suitable word.
I had gone not more than a q er 1 of the way when, finding an
interest in the antics of a family of lizards which dwelt thereabout and
рГрамматика I 49

seemed full of re_____ an 2 joy for their immunity from the ills incident
to life at the Brownville House, I sat upon a fallen tree to ob ve 3
them. As I leaned wearily a_____ st 4 . a branch of the gnarled old trunk
the twilight deepened in the somber woods and the faint new moon began
casting visible sh____ ws 5 and gilding the leaves of the trees with a tender
but ghostly light.
"An Adventure at Brownville " by Ambrose Bierce

Exercise 6
Complete the missing words in the text.
W_______ r 1 you own just a few Phalaenopsis hyrids as «house
plants» or are r_____ у 2 to begin the w_____ ul 3 hobby of orchids, we
have all the information you need to keep your orchids he____ у 4 so that
they will b______ m 5 bigger.and better next year!
Exercise 7
Complete the missing words in the text.
Take your beef out of the fridge 30 minutes before it g_____ s 1 into
the oven. Preheat your oven to 240°C/475°F/ gas 9. There’s no need to peel
the ve_____ les 2 .— just give them a wash and r lv 3 chop them.
Break the garlic bulb into cloves, leaving them unpeeled.
Pile all the veg, garlic and herbs into the mi le 4 of a laige roasting
tray and drizzle with olive oil. Drizzle the beefwith olive oil and s_____ on
5 well with salt and pepper, rubbing it all over the meat. Place the beef on
top of the vegetables.
50 I Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Exercise 8
Complete the missing words in the text.
There are several reasons why the PDF file f____ at 1 is so popular
for exchanging all sorts of documents including pre________ ns 2., CAD
drawings, invoices and even legal forms.
PDF files are generally more с_____ t 3 (smaller in size) than the
source document and they preserve the original formatting.
Unlike Word and other popular document formats, the content of a
PDF file cannot be m_____ d 4 easily. You can also prevent other users
from printing or copying text from PDF documents.
You can open a PDF file on any computer or mobile device with free
software like Adobe Acrobat Reader. Google Chrome can r___ d 5.PDFs
without requiring plugins and it can create PDFs.
Exercise 9
Complete the missing words in the text.
What is a CV?
Curriculum Vitae: an outline of a person's educational and professional
hi___ у 1, usually prepared for job applications (L, lit.: the course of one's
life). Another name for a CV is a r______ 6 2.
A CV is the most fl_____ le 3 and convenient way to make applications.
It conveys your p_____ al 4 . details in the way that presents you in the best
possible light. A CV is a marketing document in which you are marketing
something: yourself! You need to "sell" your skills, abilities, qualifications
and experience to e s 5. It can be used to make multiple applications
to employers in a specific career area. For this reason, many large graduate
recruiters will not accept CVs and instead use their own application form.
Exercise 10
Complete the missing words in the text.


As part of an ex_____ d 1 interview/selection centre you may be asked
to give a s_____ 12 presentation. Usually you choose the topic from a list
w___ h 3 may include your hobbies, a recent holiday, a с____ 14 affairs
topic or one of your achievements, or sometimes you may be asked to
make a presentation on a case study you have previously done as part of
the extended interview. The purpose is not to test your subject knowledge,
but to see how well you can speak in public. T_____ ly 5 you will be asked
to talk for five minutes, and will be given 20 or 30 minutes beforehand to
Exercise 11
Complete the missing words in the text.
Body Language — technically known as kinesics — is a si____ t
1 aspect of modem communications and relationships.
Body Language is th re 2 very relevant to management and
leadership, and to all aspects of work and business where communications
can be seen and p______ ly 3 observed among people.
Body language is also very r_____ nt 4 to relationships outside of work,
for example in dating and mating, and in families and parenting.
Communication includes listening. In terms of observable body
language, non-verbal (non-spoken) signals are being exchanged whether
these signals are ac_____ ed 5 by spoken words or not.
Exercise 12
Complete the missing words in the text.
Birds need habitat to s____ e 1. Exactly what type and how much
depends on a species’ f__ d 2 preferences, foraging strategies, and nest site
Some birds can live in s_____ an 3 and even urban environments. Species
whose habitat r________ ts 4 are specific, especially area-sensitive birds
requiring large tracts of woodland or grassland, have more difficulty finding
suitable ha at 5 amidst our ever-developing human landscape.
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9—11 классы

Упражнения на выбор пропущенного слова

в тексте
Exercise 1
Read the text. Fill each gap with a suitable word:
drove lost things learned succeed friendship verbal hammered
holes dwindled pull Water passed nails temper


There once was a little boy who had a bad____ 1. His Father gave him
a bag of____ 2 and told him that every time he_____ 3 his temper, he
must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.
The first day the boy_____ 4 thirty seven nails into the fence. Over the
next few weeks, as he_____ _ 5 to control his anger, the number of nails
_____ 6 daily gradually 7 down. He discovered it was easier to
hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence...
Finally the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. He
told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now 8
out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The day
_____ 9 and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the
nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the
fence. He said, “You have done well, my son, but look at the______ 10 in
the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say______ 11 in
anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and
draw it out. It won’t matter how many times you say I’m sorry, the wound is
still there. A______ 12 wound is as bad as a physical one.
Friends and loved ones are a very rare jewel, indeed. They make you
smile and encourage you to _____ 13. They lend an ear, they share a word
of praise, and they always want to open their hearts to us._____ 14 your
relationships with kindness... and they will grow. So be careful little lips
what you say...! And you won’t chase______ 15 away”
|Грамматика I 53

Exercise 2
Read the text. Fill each gap with a suitable word:
around all glass about feel tightly spread
scared nasty anxiously
Higher and higher rushed the Great Glass Elevator until soon they
could see the countries and oceans of the Earth_____ 1 out below them
like a map. It was______ 2 very beautiful, but when you are standing on a
______3 floor looking down, it gives you a _______4 feeling. Even Charlie
was beginning t o ______5 frightened now. He hung o n _______6 to
Grandpa Joe’s hand and looked up_______7 into the old man’s face. ‘I’m
_______8, Grandpa,’ he said.
Grandpa Joe put an arm_________9 Charlie’s shoulders and held him
close. ‘So am I, Charlie,’ he said.
‘Mr Wonka! ’ Charlie shouted. ‘Don’t you think this is_______10 high
"Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator" by Dahl Roald

Read the text. Fill each gap with a suitable word:

feet successfully extraordinary inside shaped equipped normally
height orbiting nobody gigantic blasting


Mr Wonka’s Great Glass Elevator was not the only thing______ 1 the
Earth at that particular time. Two days before, the United States of America
had________2 launched its first Space Hotel, a _______ 3 sausage-____
____4 capsule no less than one thousand_______5 long.
It was called Space Hotel ‘U.S.A.’ and it was the marvel of the space
age. It had_______6 it a tennis-court, a swimming pool, a gymnasium,
a children’s playroom and five hundred luxury bedrooms, each with a
private bath. It was fully air-conditioned. It was also________7 with a
gravity-making machine so that you didn’t float about inside it. You walked
This__________ _9 object was now speeding round and round the
earth at a _______10 of 240 miles. Guests were to be taken up and down by
a taxi-service of small capsules_______ 11 off from Cape Kennedy every
hour on the hour, Mondays to Fridays. But as yet there was_______ 12 on
54 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

board at all, not even an astronaut. The reason for this was that no one
had really believed such an enormous thing would ever get off the ground
without blowing up.
" Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator”by Dahl Roald

Exercise 4
Read the text. Fill each gap with a suitable word:
laughed extent obey will bring generally from young
awaited shrewd famous
As she turned t o _____1 he called after her, ‘Tell them I’m going
t o ______2 a young man with me — such a nice_____3 man, and an
excellent dancer. All the girls______4 like him.’ Then h e ______5 and
closed the door.
Her father______6 kept his doings secret_______7 everybody, but
she had a pretty______8 suspicion of what he had been planning, and so,
to a certain_______9, was able to prepare the guests for what was coming.
Anticipation ran high, and the arrival of the 10 mechanist was
" The Dancing Partner" by Jerome K. Jerome

Exercise 5
Read the text. Fill each gap with a suitable word:
next fewer chat bosom naturally one criticizing
absorbed dropped notice
During the afternoon of the______1 day some three or four of Olga’s
___ 2 friends, who had also been present at the b a ll,______3 in to
have a _______4 about it. They_______5 fell to discussing the men, and
to _______ _6 their dancing. Old Geibel was in the room, but he appeared
to be________7 in his newspaper, and the girls took n o______8 of him.
‘There seem to be_____9 men who can dance at every ball you go to,’
said_______10 of the girls.
Read the text. Fill each gap with a suitable word:
gone thoughtful prone workshop himself then
through bearing enjoying couple
After the girls were______1, he went into his______2, where Olga
heard him walking up and down, and every now and______3 chuckling
to ______4; and that night he talked to her a good deal about dancing and
dancing men, asked what dances were most popular what steps were gone
_____ _5, with many other questions________6 on the subject.
Then for a ______ 7 of weeks he kept much to his factory, and was very
8 and busy, though _______ 9 at unexpected moments to
break into a quiet low laugh, as if 10 a joke that nobody else knew of.
Exercise 7
Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary grammar forms:
twisted conceived remarked inclined pleasure again
Lieutenant impression appeared back askance
The old gentleman_____ 1 one of the buttons at th e ______ 2 of his
coat, and immediately Fritz opened his mouth, and in thin tones that
_______3 to proceed from the back of his head,_______4 suddenly,
‘May I have the______5?’ and then shut his mouth______6 with a snap.
«That_____ 7 Fritz had made a strong 8 on the company was
undoubted, yet none of the girls seemed______ 9 to dance with him. They
looked______ 10 at his waxen face, with its staring eyes and fixed smile, and
shuddered. At last old Geibel came to the girl who had_____ 11 the idea.

Упражнения на подстановку предлогов

Предлоги можно разделить на три грамматические категории:
1. Существительное и предлог
a demand for (спрос на что-либо), an objection to (возражение
против чего-либо),
Особую сложность представляет употребление предлогов перед
существительными со значением (времени, пространства, причины
и в устоявшихся словосочетаниях):
56 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

At — at the weekend (в выходной день недели), at Christmas (в

Рождество), at the bottom (на дне), at the seaside (на море) и т.д.
In — in the morning (утром), in an hour (через/за час), in vain
(напрасно, тщетно), in a hurry/haste (в спешке), in person (лично) и
On —on Sunday (в воскресенье), on Christmas day (в Рождественский
день), on the 1st of May (первого мая) и т.д.
By - by mistake (по ошибке), by birth (от рождения, по призванию),
by name (по имени) и т.д.
2. Прилагательное и предлог
eager for (сильно желающий, жаждущий чего-либо, стремящийся
к чему-либо), envious of (завидующий кому-либо или чему-либо)
и т.д.
3. Гяагол и предлог
Некоторые глаголы, которые требуют наличия предлога в
английском языке, используются без него в русском, и наоборот:
wait for (ждать кого/что-либо), leave for somewhere (уезжать куда-
либо), object to (возражать против). Существуют фразовые глаголы,
смысл которых меняется в зависимости от предлога, который стоит
после них: look for (искать), make up (сочинять, наносить макияж,
Ниже приведён список существительных и прилагательных с
предлогами и глаголов с предлогами и без них:
access to accustomed to
in advance afraid of
advice on accused of
agreement about / on acquainted with
allusion to addicted to
answer/reply/ to annoyed about/with/at
arguments for / against allergic to
on application amazed at/by
attitude to /towards anxious about
association of smb with smth appreciated for
addiction to ashamed of
advantage of associated with
admiration for astonished at/by
alternative to aware of
anger at angry with
anxiety about afraid of
application for attached to
attack on bad at
authority on/over based on
awareness of beneficial to
ban on boastful for
belief in bored with
bond between brilliant at
on business busy with
at your convenience capable of
cruelty towards careful with/about/of
case for / against certain about
58 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

chance of characteristic of
cheque for clever at
choice between connected with
comparison between conscious of
contrast with content with
control over crazy about
cost of crowded with
credit for curious about
characteristic of dissatisfied with
danger of doubtful about
out of date delighted at/about
debate about / on derived from
decision about / on different from
dedication to disappointed with
demand for eager for
desire for eligible for
difficulty in/with enthusiastic about
doubt about excellent in/at
effect on excited about
exception to experienced in
excerpt from exposed to
experience of/in envious of
fall in of faithful to
fondness for familiar with
in general famous for
grudge against fed up with
habit of free of/from
hold on frightened of
on holiday friendly with
|Грамматика 59

in a hurry fond of
increase/decrease in, of furious about
information about furnished with
interest in full of
involvement with generous with/about
knowledge of guilty of/about
lack of gentle with
link with good at
on loan grateful to
for lunch happy about
method of hopeful of/about
medicine for identical with/to
memory of immune to
to my mind impressed with
notice of inferior to
in my opinion indifferent to
order for innocent of
out of order interested in
on the phone involved with
possibility of incapable of
preference for jealous of
price of kind to
at a good price keen on
problem of late for
protection from limited to
quarrel With lucky at
reaction to nervous of/about
recipe for notorious for
reference to opposed to
60 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

regret for patient with

relevance to pessimistic about
report on pleased with
resistance to polite to
responsibility for popular with
result of presented with
by return proud of
risk of punished for
room for puzzled by/about
for sale qualified for
search for ready for
smell of related to
in stock relevant to
sympathy for/with respectful for
talent for responsible for
taste of rid of
thirst for sad about
in/on time safe from
on a trip satisfied with
use of scared of
victims of sensitive to
way of serious about
in writing sick of
on the whole similar to
shocked by
skilful at
slow at
sorry for/about
successful in
[Грамматика I 61

suitable for
sure of/about
superior to
surprised at
suspicious of
sympathetic with
terrible at
terrified of
tired of
thankful to/for
thrilled with
troubled with
typical of
unaware of
upset about
used to
wrong with/about
worried about
62 I Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы


affect - влиять на
answer - отвечать на
ask FOR просить
accuse/suspect OF обвинять/подозревать в чём-н.
agree WITH соглашаться с кем-н./чем-н.
ABOUT соглашаться по поводу чего-н.
TO соглашаться на что-н.
apologise TO извиняться перед кем-н.
FOR извиняться за что-н.
approve/disapprove OF одобрять/не одобрять что-н.
ask FOR спрашивать что-н.
believe IN верить во что-н.
belong TO принадлежать кому-н.
blame FOR винить за что-н.
ON возлагать вину на кого-н.
doubt - сомневаться в
enter - входить в
care ABOUT беспокоиться по поводу чего-н.
climb - подниматься на
cross - переходить через
collide WITH столкнуться с кем-н./чем-н.
complain TO жаловаться кому-н.
ABOUT жаловаться по поводу чего-н.
OF жаловаться на что-н. (болезнь)
congratulate ON поздравлять с чем-н.
consist OF состоять из чего-н.
crash/drive/bump/ INTO врезаться во что-н.
[Грамматика I 63

depend ON зависеть от кого-н./чего-н.

die FROM/OF умереть от чего-н.
divide/cut/split INTO разделять на сколько-н. частей
dream ABOUT видеть сон о ком-н./чем-н.
ABOUT/OF мечтать о ком-н./чем-н.
explain/describe/ TO объяснять/описывать/говорить
say кому-н.
fight/struggle WITH сражаться с кем-н./чем-н.
follow следовать за
happen TO случаться с кем-н.
hear ABOUT слышать о чём-н. (произошедшем)
OF слышать о ком-н./чём-н.
insist ON настаивать на чём-н.
join - присоединиться к
know/read/tell ABOUT знать/читать/рассказывать о чём-н.
laugh AT смеяться над кем-н./чем-н.
leave - уехать из
FOR уехать в
listen TO слушать кого-н./что-н.
look AT смотреть на кого-н./что-н.
FOR искать кого-н./что-н.
AFTER присматривать за кем-н./чем-н.
need - нуждаться в
pay FOR платить за что-н.
play - играть в/на (инструменте)
protect FROM защищать от чего-н.
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

remind ABOUT напоминать что-н. (сделать)

OF напоминать кого-н./что-н. (из
shout/yell AT кричать на кого-н.
TO кричать кому-н.
smile AT улыбаться кому-н.
speak/talk TO говорить с кем-н.
ABOUT говорить о чём-н.
specialise IN специализироваться в чём-н.
spend ON тратить (деньги) на что-н.
succeed IN преуспевать в чём-н.
suffer FROM страдать от чего-н.
thank/forgive FOR благодарить/прощать за что-н.
think ABOUT/OF думать о ком-н./чём-н.
throw AT кидать в кого-н./что-н.
TO кидать кому-н.
translate FROM... переводить с одного языка на
INTO другой
wait FOR ждать кого-н./что-н.
warn ABOUT предупреждать о ком-н./чём-н.
write TO писать кому-н.

Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with the correct preposition or particle.
1. Please excuse me_______ 1 being rude. I won’t do it again
2. Do you expect good work_____2 Kate? Sometimes she is so careless.
3. She is a promising writer. How do you feel_____3 her new book?
4. My cousin g o t______ 4 his quinsy very quickly. Tomorrow he’s
coming to school.
5 .1 wonder how she managed to get_______5 college, she has always
been a bit stupid, to put it mildly.
6. Good bye! My best regards______6 your parents.
7. Just look at him! What’s he hinting_______7?
8 .1 heard somebody knocking______8 the door.
9. Peter lagged________ _9 again. Shall we carry some of his things?
10. Deer live_______10 grass.
Exercise 2
Complete the sentences with the correct preposition or particle.
1. Butter is made________ 1 milk.
2. The house is made_______2 wood.
3. You may write_______3 a pencil.
4. We moved_______4 a new flat two years ago.
5. Mr. Finch objected_____5 your plan and I think he was right.
6 .1 have always preferred tea________6 coffee.
7. The chairman reported_______7 home affairs.
8. Have you heard the latest news? He is going to run______8 President.
9. Hurry up! We are running_______9 of time.
10. You won’t deceive me! I see you ___________ 10
Exercise 3
Complete the sentences with the correct preposition or particle.
1. I’m awfully sorry I took you______1 a porter.
2. Though she is very stubborn he talked her______2 buying a vacuum
cleaner. He is the best shop assistant.
3. You will have to wait. The committee are looking_______3 the
4 .1think I could borrow some money_________4 my granny!
I Й? I' Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

5. My younger brother is keen_________5 cartoons.

6. The article was translated__________6 German.
7 .1 don’t like the idea. I’ll vote________7 the resolution.
8. Don’t worry_________8 you children, we’ll look after them.
9. She is so strict. I wonder if she has ever smiled_______9 her pupils.
10. Everybody was disappointed_______10 the result of the test.
Exercise 4
Complete the sentences with the correct preposition or particle.
1. You warned me____ __1 watching that film! And you were right!
2. Parents can stop their children________2 making serious mistakes.
3 .1 could tell_______3 her smile that she was puzzled a bit.
4. The meeting was long, so we touched_______4 many questions.
5 .1 am still wondering________5 his winning the elections.
6. Success depends__________6 being well-informed, well equipped
and a little bit of luck.
7. With the battery removed the car was incapable_________ 7 being
8. They lived happily since Liz was married_________8 Andrew.
9 .1 see you don’t trust her? Why are you suspicious______ 9 her?
10. —Why? Are you bored________10 the show?
Exercise 5
Complete the sentences with the correct preposition or particle.
1. The factory closed down as there wasn’t any demand______ 1 the
stuff they produced.
2 .1 sent the invitations__________ 2 the party to everybody long ago.
3 .1 hope you have a reason_______ 3 telling him that!
4. The expedition has been driving _ ____ 4 the desert for nearly a week
5. Walking_________5 the thick forest was not an easy task.
6. We are expecting a fall________6 prices recently.
7. Your attitude_________ 7 your colleagues won’t make them respect
8. His connections_________8 the mafia must be proved.
9. Alex asked Polly______ 9 the other day. They went to a sushi bar.
10. The man threatened to blow_______10 himself.

Exercise 6
Complete the sentences with the correct preposition or particle.
1. At last I’m ______ 1 with this work! Now I may have a little rest.
2. Don’t worry, I’ll back you_______ 2 at the meeting.
3. The woman you are asking for checked_____3 in the morning.
4. — Listen students. Who wants to attend extra classes in Maths? — I
do. Count me______4.
5 .1 can’t figure______5 how it all happened and why.
6. It’s too late. I must be_________6 now.
7. There is little contact_______7 the partners. That’s why their
business is falling_________8.
8. It was already late when the train pulled ________ 9 so we had to take
a taxi to get home.
9. A bill_______ 10 electricity came three days ago and it is still unpaid.
Exercise 7
Complete the sentences with the correct preposition or particle.
1. He thinks the cause________1 our problems is a low temperature.
He is sure we must heat the liquid.
2. Put_______ 2 your cigarette sir. You mustn’t.smoke in here.
3. The concert was called_______ 3 because the actor got ill.
4 .1waited for him in the morning but he showed_____4 at noon.
5 .1 don’t think your attitude_______5 your sister is very good.
6. There was a very interesting film yesterday so I sat______6 too late.
7. Sorry, I took your bag_______7 mistake.
8. We are going to the caf6. Will you come_______8?
9. The director went__________9 a short business trip to London.
10. Your essay isn’t good. You must do it________10.
Exercise 8
Complete the sentences with the correct preposition or particle.
1. Her bright red dress stood_______1 on the white and blue garments
of her companions.
2. We usually eat_________2 when it is warm and the weather is nice.
3. They say Alexander the Great knew all his soldiers________3 name.
4. The boy suspected his classmate_______4 cheating at the maths
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

5. She spends much money________5 perfume and clothes.

6. The teacher blamed the accident________6 him, though it was his
7. He did not agree___________ 7 indulging the children.
8. The criminal threatened his victim__________8 a revolver.
9. My friend is so unbearable sometimes! She thinks she is right
9 everything.
10. Elder children are often jealous________10 their younger siblinjs.
Exercise 9
Complete the sentences with the correct preposition or particle.
1. I’m getting on weight. I must cut_______on chocolate and sweets.
2. Henry, somebody is knocking on the door I’ll call you back______
some minutes.
3. The decrease______profits is due to the bad management of the
4. There is a real demand_________well equipped managers.
5. We have great abundance________fresh water in this area.
6. His colleagues don’t approve_______what he does, but what can
they do?
7. Some great inventions were made________accident.
8 .1 am not a guide, I know nothing_______this place.
9. They say Alexander the Great knew all his soldiers_______name.
10. The expedition travels________the desert.
Exercise 10
Complete the sentences with the correct preposition or particle.
1. Some parents believe that only they can prepare their children
grown up life.
2. His success depends________her being persistent and willing.
3. The headmaster told us to comment________the results of the test.
4. The judge accused the witness________telling lies.
5. Let’s concentrate_____doing the work or the boss will make it hot!
6. The king warned you_________talking too much, too quickly and
too silly.
7. Jill always borrows books________the school library.
8 .1 must insist_______your acting your age! You are not a toddler,
you know.
9. I sometimes try not to agree________my mother, but she is so
10. To tell the truth, I’m thinking________joining the army.
Exercise 11
Complete the story with the correct preposition or particle.
One ______1 the most successful modem English writers is
J. K. Rowling. She is known all ______2 the world. Her books
about Harry Potter, which are re a d _____ 3 children of different
countries and of different ages, have become the bestsellers.
“Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” is my favourite modem book.
But most______4 my friends dislike it and the whole series. I wondered why.
Then I noticed: those who read the Russianversionofthebookdislike it; those
who read it_______5 English, like it very much. So, what’s the difference?
I read the English version and decided_______6 look through the Russian
one. I discovered that it there is only a paraphrase ofevents. The charm ofthe
original book is missing. So the Russian version is only a ghost of the original.
J. K. Rowling has written a good book for children. I don’t think she
expected i t _______7 become something great or important. She simply
collected together all the attributes of a good book _______8 kids,
all the features, which modem children like. The characters are taken
________9 the real life. These are people whom the writer remembers
,_______ 10 her childhood.
Exercise 12
Complete the sentences with the correct preposition or particle.
Without, the night was cold and wet, but_____1 the small parlour of
Lakesnam Villa the blinds were drawn and the fire burned brightly. Father
and son were_____2 chess, the former, who possessed ideas_____3 the
game involving radical changes, putting his king______4 such sharp and
unnecessary perils that it even provoked comment______5 the white
-haired old lady knitting placidly______6 the fire.
“Hark ______7 the wind,” said Mr. White, who, having seen
a fatal mistake _______8 it was too late, was amiably desirous
9 preventing his son_______10 seeing it.
I Ж) Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

“I’m listening, ” said the latter, grimly surveying the board as he stretched
11 his hand. “Check.”
“I should hardly think that he’d come tonight,” said his father, with his
hand poised______12 the board.
“Mate,” replied the son.
"The Monkey’s Paw"
by W.W. Jacobs

Задания на множественный выбор

Exercise 1
Choose the correct variant to fill in the blanks

1. He reports a new star.

A observed С having observed
В being observed D had observed
2. The Minister was annoyed. . criticism in the paper.
A about Con
Bon Dby
3. The suspect claimed he__ the law.
A haven’t broken С hadn’t broken
В was not breaking D wouldn’t breaking
4. 1was pleased___ __ the present you gave me.
A about С for
Bon D with
5. The old lady____ . at the naughty boy irritably.
A looked С saw
В glared Dgazed
6. Lunch was served. _____the plane during the flight.
A on В by С in Dat
|Грамматика Ж И

7. Mary looks ____ her mother.

A as В like С how D likes
8. Will you pick me _ ____ at the station?
A up В in С on D out
9. I’m very bad_________mathematics.
A with Bin С at D about
10. Everybody believed _ ____ a decent fellow.
A him to be В him be С he be D him was
11. The child was unable to stand for a moment.
A quiet С still
В motionless D unmoving
12. I’m worried__ . making mistakes in the test.
A about В of С for D on
13.1 wish I ______younger when I was trying to catch a bus yesterday.
A had been В would be С were D have been
14. We know this young man. . on his parents.
A depends С depend
В depended D to depend
15. She is afraid__ . speaking in public.
A at В of Con D about
Exercise 2
Choose the correct variant to fill in the blanks

1. Nick is furious with me ____ dating with Kitty.

A for В on С about D of
2. I’m not very good ____ . repairing things.
A at В in С on D for
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

3.1 . this box for days and haven’t even tried to open it.
A was carrying С am carrying
В carried D have been carrying
4 . I’ll see you as soon as I back.
A will have come С came
В will come Dcome
5. You______Daze yesterday. She is still out of town.
A couldn’t see С couldn’t have seen
В cannot see D cannot have seen
6. Did your husband really let your son_____ there?
A went В goes С go Dtogo
7. Everyone was surprised_______the news.
A about В at С because Dof
8. Sam is known_ . causing problems for everybody.
A of В for С at D with
9. Would you mind_________ the window?
A my open С me open
В my opening D my to open
10. Your problems are similar______ours.
A like В on С to Dwith
11. My papers aren’t on the table. But I remember _ them there.
A put С having put
В putting D to put
12.1 could never be bored______football.
A with Bat Con D about
13. Heathrow and Gatwick are the two airports___ London.
A about В of С for D next to
|Грамм»тика___________________________________ _____________________j 71

14. Не called to say he_______his passport at home.

A has forgotten С had left
В forgot D has left
15. I am sorry_______the job.
A about В of С for D at
Exercise 3
Choose the correct variant to fill in the blanks

1. Let me congratulate you • your wedding.

Awith Bat Con D about
2. Linda is married______an American.
A on В to С with D—
3 .1was too happy_______to sucha sad song.
A listening С listened
В listen D to listen
4. The clothes are so dirty. I should wash______.
A them В their С it Dthey
5. Have you ever been_____Liverpool?
A into В at С to D in
6. He said that he would come back_____I finished my lunch.
Awhile В until С till Dbefore
7. A cold wind_______for the last three days.
Ablows С has been blowing
В blew * D is blowing
8 .1 spent a lot of time______to unlock the door.
A to try В trying С having tried D try
9. The baby is_____asleep.
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

A still В yet Сjust D recently

10. The man is very old and he can’t ______well.
A stare В see С look D gaze
11. I’m sorry_____shouting at you yesterday.
A at В of С on D for
12. I’m a bit short______money.
A for В on С in D of
13. Can I have a _____of potato chips with onion?
A carton Вjar С bag Dtin
14. Scientists have discovered medicines______many diseases in this
A for Bon С from Dof
15. I’d like to buy a ______of biscuits.
A packet В tin С slice D piece
Exercise 4
Choose the correct variant to fill in the blanks

1. The children were not happy_____seeing a dentist.

A of В about С on D with
2. I t______for the last three days.
A has been snowing С is snowing
В snows D snowed
3. As soon as you ' homework, you may go for a walk.
Awill do С will have done
В did D have done
4. He was dedicated______his family.
A to Bon Cat Dby
|Грамматика I 75

5. The actors had to change costumes several times,______?

A had they С hasn’t they
В didn’t they D did they
6 .1 cannot make up my_______where to go next week.
A decision С idea
В opinion D mind
7. He didn’t deny______them that morning.
A having being seen С having seen
В being seen D seeing
$. I didn’t see this film, but if I had seen it I am sure I. it.
A enjoy С enjoy
В enjoyed D would have enjoyed
9. She______her mother, she is tall and she has got her eyes.
A takes off С takes after
В takes down D takes on
10. It is______real winter!
Aa В the C— Dan
11. My piano______at the moment. I’ll begin in a minute, please!
A was tuned С is being tuned
В is tuned D has been tuned
12. Are the papers in the bag? Yes, I ________yesterday.
A put them there С puts it there
В put it there D puts them there
13. My aunt usually has_____bed.
A the breakfast in the С the breakfast in
В breakfast in D breakfast in the
14. I’m afraid I don’t like______of these stories.
A either В none С no Dany
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

15. You______play computer games for so long.

A don’t have to С mustn’t
В didn’t have D needn’t
Exercise 5
Choose the correct variant to fill in the blanks

1. How much money do you spend______sweets each month?

A on В for С at D to
2. Aunt Polly has always been very kind_______me.
Aon Bto Cat Dwith
3 .1want those earrings. Can you buy______to me?
A these В they С them D those
4. Are there any alligators in _______Amazon?
Аа В— С an D the
5. He would translate the article if he________a dictionary.
A had В has С would have D has had
6. Would you like to come_______a walk with me?
A on В for С to D in
7. Their baby_____ walk in a month, I think.
A— В could С will be able to D is to
8. Have you seen Rose______chance?
A of В for С in Dby
9. The picture______is hanging on the wall is my mum’s present.
A which В than С who Dthis
10. Let me know if you______interested in arranging a meeting.
A are В would be С were D will
|Грамматика___________________________________ •____________ ________j 77

11. They may feel jealous______your success.

A of Bon Cat Din
12. It was unusual_____him to go away so late.
A on В to С with D for
13. They’re getting pretty fed up - him.
A with Bon Cat Dto
14. This way is_______than the other.
A more safer С safer
В safe D the safest
15. The pupils were excited______making their own cartoon.
A at В in С about D on

Listening Comprehension

Task 1. Listen to the instructions: “ Giving Directions” and put the titles in
order you will hear them (there is one extra title):
A. Outline the entire route.
B. Give them a drop dead point.
C. Specify distance.
D. Have them repeat the directions to you.
E. Indicate turns.
F. Simplify the directions.
G. Think of the simplest route.
H. Say which side of the street their destination is on.
I. Warn them about any confusing parts of the route.
Task 2. Listen to the instructions again and write in description of which
step you can hear the following phrases:
1. Shortcuts may be faster_______
2. There are several different ways to tell them:________
3. poor navigation skills__________
4. Give a few extra details.________
5. This works better in a city than in the country.______
6. or a road they need to turn onto is small or hidden,________
7. the route you laid out for them._________
8. Detailed directions are useless________
9. Try to sound naturally________

10. is good with cardinal directions________

11. must be right about the number ________
12. give them directions with minimal turns________
13. Name a landmark that tells them that they’ve gone too far

Reading Comprehension

Task 1. You are going to read an article. Five sentences have been removed
from it. Choose from sentences A-F the one that fits each gap.
There’s one extra sentence which you don't need.
A. whilst they themselves lived a free and merry life on the tolls they
B. the keeping of the peace and the maintenance of justice had been
left largely to private and family enterprise
C. these bold stories was probably based on a desire to give Robin a
pedigree as old as Romul’s
D. the older chivalry was slowly breaking up, and a new, wealthy burgher
and trading community
E. though as yet the king had to depend in large measure upon the
co-operation of his barons
F. soon acquired heroic reputation and was credited with every daring
ENGLAND during the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth centuries
was slowly taught the value of firm administrative government. In Saxon
England,_________ 1 and to local and trading communities. In Norman
England, the royal authority was asserted throughout the kingdom,
_______ 2 and the help of the burghers to supply the lack of a standing
army and an adequate police. Under the Plantagenets,_______ 3 was
rapidly gaining influence in the land; whilst the clergy, corrupted by excess
of wealth and power, had strained, almost to breaking, the controlling force
of religion was therefore natural that in these latter days a class of men
should arise to avail themselves of the unique opportunities of the time —
men who, loving liberty and hating oppression, took the law into their own
hands and executed a rough and ready justice between the rich and the poor
which embodied the best traditions of knight-errantry, _______4 from
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

their wealthy victims. Such a man may well have been the original Robin
Hood, a man who, when once he had captured the popular imagination,
_______5 and every magnanimous action in two centuries of‘freebooting.’

Task 2. Find words and phrases in the text which mean the same as the
t . a means of support; livelihood_______________
2. to insist upon (rights, claims, etc.)______________
3. the collective body of men and women ordained as religious ministers,
esp of the Christian Church_______________
4. to be of use, advantage, profit, or assistance (to)______________
5. to give a tangible, bodily, or concrete form to (an abstract concept)

6. robbing_________________
7. a citizen of a town or city, typically a member of the wealthy
Task 3.The paragraphs in the text are mixed. Restore the text and put the
letters in the correct order.
I smiled and shook my head. “I can quite understand your thinking
so.” I said. “Of course, in your position of unofficial adviser and helper
to everybody who is absolutely puzzled, throughout three continents, you :
are brought in contact with all that is strange and bizarre. But here” — I
picked up the morning paper from the ground — “let us put it to a practical
test. Here is the first heading upon which I come. ‘A husband’s cruelty to
his wife.’ There is half a column of print, but I know without reading it
that it is all perfectly familiar to me. There is. of course, the other woman,
the drink, the push, the blow, the bruise, the sympathetic sister or landlady.
The crudest of writers could invent nothing more crude.”
“And yet I am not convinced of it, ” I answered. “The cases which come
to light in the papers are, as a rule, bald enough, and vulgar enough. We
have in our police reports realism pushed to its extreme limits, and yet the
result is, it must be confessed, neither fascinating nor artistic.”

He held out his snuffbox of old gold, with a great amethyst in the centre
of the lid. Its splendour was in such contrast to his homely ways and simple
life that I could not help commenting upon it.
“Ah,” said he, “I forgot that I had not seen you for some weeks. It is a
little souvenir from the King of Bohemia in return for my assistance in the
case of the Irene Adler papers.”
“My dear fellow.” said Sherlock Holmes as we sat on either side of the
fire in his lodgings at Baker Street, “life is infinitely stranger than anything
which the mind of man could invent. We would not dare to conceive the
things which are really mere commonplaces of existence. If we could fly
out of that window hand in hand, hover over this great city, gently remove
the roofs, and peep in at the queer things which are going on, the strange
coincidences, the plannings, the cross-purposes, the wonderful chains of
events, working through generation, and leading to the most outre results,
it would make all fiction with its conventionalities and foreseen conclusions
most stale and unprofitable. ”
“A certain selection and discretion must be used in producing a realistic
effect, ” remarked Holmes. “This is wanting in the police report, where more
stress is laid, perhaps, upon the platitudes of the magistrate than upon the
details, which to an observer contain the vital essence of the whole matter.
Depend upon it, there is nothing so unnatural as the commonplace.”
“And the ring?” I asked, glancing at a remarkable brilliant which
sparkled upon his finger.
“It was from the reigning family of Holland, though the matter in
which I served them was of such delicacy that I cannot confide it even
to you, who have been good enough to chronicle one or two of my little
“And h^ye you any on hand just now?” I asked with interest.
“Indeed, your example is an unfortunate one for your argument,” said
Holmes, taking the paper and glancing his eye down it. “This is the Dundas
separation case, and, as it happens, I was engaged in clearing up some small
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

points in connection with it. The husband was a teetotaler, there was no
other woman, and the conduct complained of was that he had drifted into
the habit of winding up every meal by taking out his false teeth and hurling
them at his wife, which, you will allow, is not an action likely to occur to
the imagination of the average story-teller. Take a pinch of snuff, Doctor,
and acknowledge that I have scored over you in your example.”
"A Case o f Identity"
by Arthur Conan Doyle


1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.
8. 8.
9. 9.
10. 10.
11. 11.
12. 12.
13. 13.
14. 14.
15. 15.
16. 16.
17. 17.
18. 18.

19. 19.
20. 20.

Use of English

Time: 45 minutes

Task 1. For questions 1— 10 fill in the gaps with the correct words. Use
only one word for each gap.
I’m here to talk to you about changing your life. A lot of people I
talk to treat their life like it’s some sort of sentient machine that moves
continuously, independently, (1) _______its own pace. They feel like cogs
in that machine, watching passively as it takes its course. They don’t (2)
________ just how much control they actually have over their lives.
What I need you to do is look at your life as (3) _ _ _ _ _ it is a movie
and you are the director. This is your movie. You choose the actors and
the scenes. There can be as many plot twists (4) _______you want and, if
David Lynch is (5)______proof, your movie doesn’t have to make sense
at all. It can be as wild or as calm as you want, and it is never ever too late to
turn the film (6)_______its head, scream “CUT,” and start from scratch.
So your life’s in a rut. Maybe you do the same thing every day and
the (7 ) _______is slowly driving you crazy. Maybe you’re (8)_______ a
point where you just want peace and quiet, but (9)________you have
is instability and stress. Very often, I hear people tell me they just need a
good vacation. The problem with that lies in the fact that you are taking a
vacation from your life. You do not want to be in a position where you are
trying to get (10)_______from your life. If you’ve begun to feel like this,
it’s time to think about introducing real change.
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Task 2. For questions 11— 15 think of one word only which can be used
appropriately in all three sentences. Here is an example:
A) How'much money did you___________ last year?
B) At the moment he’s got to ____________a great effort to pay o ff his
C) W hat____________is his car? — I guess it's Nissan.

A) The girl_______her eyes down modestly.
B) It was the last______of the dice for the old party of the aristocracy.
C) His countenance assumed a deeper______of dejection.
A) The troops retreated through enemy______
B) Then from the_______menu on the bottom of the window, click
"Show speaker notes".
C) It’s extremely important that you take_______to prevent your site
from infecting others.
A) I returned hungry, weary and_______.
B) I let my hair________naturally.
C) During the____season, we had four hours of water every fourth day.
A) A cat may______at a king
B) Themes allow you to customize the______and feel of your Google
Mail account.
C) So take a long, hard______at your contribution to the company.
A) The girls______their hair short.
B) Her shock began to ______off.
C) My patience is beginning to ______thin.

Task 3. Read the text. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that
fits in the space on the same line.
In submitting Captain Carter’s strange_______16 (script) to you in
book form, I believe that a few words relative to this remarkable______17
(person) will be of interest.
My first_______18 (collect) of Captain Carter is of the few months he
spent at my father’s home in Virginia, just prior to the opening of the civil
war. I was then a child of but five years, yet I well remember the
tall, dark, smooth-faced, athletic man whom I called Uncle Jack.
He seemed always to be laughing; and he entered into the sports of the
children with the same______19 (heart) good_______ 20 (fellow) he
displayed toward those______21 (time) in which the men and women of
his own age indulged; or he would sit for an hour at a time entertaining
my old grandmother with stories of his strange, wild life in all parts of the
world. We all loved him, and our slaves______22 (fair) worshipped the
ground he trod.
He was a splendid specimen o f _____23 (man), standing a good
two inches over six feet, broad of shoulder and narrow of hip, with the
carriage of the trained fighting man. His features were regular and clear
cut, his hair black and closely cropped, while his eyes were of a steel gray,
reflecting a strong and loyal character, filled with fire and initiative. His
manners were perfect, and h is_______24 (court) was that of a typical
southern_______25 (man) of the highest type.
"aprincess of mars"
By Edgar Шее Burroughs

Task 4. Read the text. Complete the missing words in this text.

The Common Octopus eats many types of sh_______sh 26, and they
are particularly fond of crabs. They usually leave the r e _____ns 27 of
their meals lying around close to their hiding place, and these ‘middens’
give a goodjdea of exactly what the i n _______al 28 has eaten lately.
All octopus are opportunistic hunters, and there are occasional surprises
(watch the video of a shark-octopus en _______er 29!).
The Common Octopus can be caught by bottom trawls, or by using
special unbaited ‘octopus pots’ (which the animal pr ______ ly 30 uses as
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

a hiding place). More than 20,000 tonnes are caught each year, and there is
concern that this might eventually begin to reduce their numbers.

5 - .J * • л ■

[TESTS_________________ __ ______________________ __________________ | *7 I


Write an essay under the title “ Watching Sport or Doing It”.
You should write 250— 300 words.
Time: 45 minutes
88 I Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы


There are two basic ways to give directions, the “route perspective”
characterized by landmarks, and the “survey perspective” characterized by
references to cardinal directions (north, south, west, east). The system you
use depends on where you are and who you’re giving directions to. Most of
the time it’s best to use a combination. The most important thing is to be
brief and clear!
First think of the easiest way. Shortcuts may be faster, but they can also
be more complicated! If the person is lost or has poor navigation skills to
begin with, give them directions with minimal turns.
Second tell how far along a particular road does the person need to go?
There are several different ways to tell them:
How many blocks or streets they’ll pass. This works better in a city
than in the country. How many traffic lights they’ll pass. This is good, but
you must be right about the number! For example: “You are going to pass
three traffic lights before the turn.”, or: “Go 3 miles on Holypoke Road”
Third. Name a landmark that tells them that they’ve gone too far and
have missed their turn. For example: “If you see the library, you have gone
too far.”
Fburth. Give a few extra details. Otherwise, tell them to make a
left or right. Give them a street name and one landmark (a traffic light,
a particular store). If the person you’re giving directions to is good with
cardinal directions (north, south, west, east) and/or the city you’re in is
laid out like a grid (with all the streets perpendicular, running east-west or
north-south) indicate the direction, too. For example: “Turn a left at the
traffic light onto Foster, heading east.”
Fifth. Try to sound naturally, don’t be too bookish or too colloquial. For
example: “Turn left onto Baker Street” instead of “At Baker Street, turn
Sixth. If a lane ends or is right turn only, or a road they need to turn
onto is small or hidden, you might want to mention that. If there’s a turn
that you know people tend to miss, tell them how they’ll know they’ve
gone too far. For example: “The lane is going to теще before the turn, and
Baker street will become Forest Street. But you will want to keep travelling
down it once it becomes Forest Street.”
Seventh. Remember to be concise. Detailed directions are useless if you
give so many details that the person driving gets confused. For example:
“Make a left on Baker street, then a right at the second light, and go straight
all the way down that road until you get to the highway, it should be about
three miles. Stay on the highway for three minutes and then get off on exit
7. We are the third house on the left. If you see the library, you have gone
too far.”
Eighth. Whether or not they’ve written them down, make sure they
heard you correctly and understand the route you laid out for them. For
example: “So you said left on Baker street, then a right at the second light,
and go straight all the way down that road until you get to the highway. Get
off on exit 7. And it’s the third house on the left. If I pass the library, I went
too far.”
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы I

Student 1

Task 1.
(Monologue; Time: 1,5— 2 minutes)
In a minute you will have to speak on hobbies. What do you think a
hobby is. Do you think it can help you in your life? What hobbies are the
most popular in your country/among your friends?
Task 2.
(Dialogue; Time: 3— 5 minutes)
Discuss with your partner whether you can call playing computer
games a hobby or not. You think that they are hobbies. Give arguments
and examples in support of your opinion. You may or may not come to
an agreement with your partner. Remember it is a discussion and not a

________________________ Student 2________________________

Task 1.
(Dialogue; Time: 3— 5 minutes)
Discuss with your partner whether you can call playing computer
games a hobby or not. You think that they are not hobbies. Give arguments
and examples in support of your opinion. You may or may not come to
an agreement with your partner. Remember it is a discussion and not a
Task 2.
(Monologue; Time: 1,5— 2 minutes)
In a minute you will have to speak on hobbies. What do you think a
hobby is? Why do people take up hobbies? How hobbies can help people in
their life?


Listening Comprehension

Task 1. Listen to the story about modern gadgets and fill in the blanks:
1. Modem gadgets have made us__________________ to machines.
2. but also made them more comfortable and_____________.
3. No cooking without LPG cylinder or_________________ .
4. If electricity fails,_______________________ to a standstill
5. are operated with it be it AC, TV, computer, a telephone,

6. ...be it___________________ to far off places.

7. we can’t ascend the stairs without feeling a _________________ .
8 . that our dependence on modem gadgets has
made us
9. we have lost our spirit to work and___________...
10. no more good health and_____________________.
11. We no longer_________________ work
12 . , human nature is now short-sighted
Task 2. Write whether the statements are true (T), false (F) or not
mentioned (NM) in the text:
13. Machines are used everywhere.
14. Only hi tech gadgets have made our lives more comfortable and
15. Without electricity life for each one of us will stop.
16. Those people who could walk for miles without rest were tough.
17. Nowadays we can easily go upstairs.
18. We no more have good health because we have become slaves to
19. The development of machines has resulted in increased irritation,
tensions, worries and anger.
20. People don’t care for comforts of their lives.
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Reading Comprehension

Time: 45 minutes


Task 1. You are going to read an article. Five sentences have been removed
from it. Choose from sentences A-G the one that fits each gap.
There’s one extra sentence which you don’t need
A. it became a natural centre for the road system and roads from all the
great towns
B. The foresight of its founders gave London several advantages.
C. There were important trading posts strung out along it and such
places as at Egham, and Brentford.
D. a highway for seaborne raiders into the heart of the land or a defensive
border in a war zone
E. that it was practicable to build a bridge
F. without being dependent on the vagaries of the wind
G. The bank had also been fortified with sharp stakes fixed along it
H. for long periods the boundary between tribes
The fame and fortune of London is based quite simply on its position
along the Thames. 1 _______. Firstly, it offered an ideal route into the
heart of Britain for sea borne trade. Here boats could shelter from storm,
and can take advantage of the tides to float up and down the Thames
2________. The cost of transporting goods by boat before the 19th
Century was considerably cheaper than by land and so the extra miles of
sea transport were valuable.
Secondly, the City was the furthest downstream 3 __________. On the
North Bank there was high ground and although the South Bank was prone
to flood, there were two eyots (islands) of sand and gravel for the approach
road to the first London Bridge across a generally marshy area.
Thirdly, the two hills on the north bank, Comhill and Ludgate offered
an ideal site for a City as it was south facing, well supplied with water, had
good supplies of local building materials, and was above the flood plan.
jTESTS _________________________________________________________ j 93 |

Once the bridge was put in place 4 ___________in all comers of

Britain headed to London. The combination of a port, bridge and centre of
the road system was a winning combination.
But the history of London shows us that it is not a totally infallible
recipe for success because these geographic advantages count for little if the
country is disunited. For the broad highway that is the Thames has another
face. In times of strife, the Thames becomes 5 ________.
These facts explain much of London’s history. For example in the
prehistoric period the Thames was 6 and although the Thames
was still an important trade route it did not lead to the development of a great
City. 7_______. But in the absence of a unified communications network
no one site had a monopoly of geographic advantages and therefore did not
develop into an international City.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Task 2. Find words and phrases in the text, which mean the same as the
1. make or become united__________
2. a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favourable or superior
3. make (something needed or wanted) available to someone; provide

4. an area of low-lying land which is flooded in wet seasons or at high

tide, and typically remains waterlogged at all times_______
5. likely or liable to suffer from, do, or experience something unpleasant
or regrettable ______
6. the state of being known by many people__________
7. incapable of making mistakes or being wrong_______
8. a group or system of interconnected people or things_________

Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Task 3. The paragraphs in the text are mixed. Restore the text and put the
letters in the correct order.


Use the lenses of a magnifying glass or even your glasses to start a fire.
Use dry wood and sticks to start your fire. Fire is started using three kinds
of wood: tinder, kindling, and fuel. Tinder is any kind of flammable wood
shaving; usually light and wispy. Kindling is used for coaxing the flame into
larger form, and fuel is for fuel.
You can take two pieces of dry wood, sharpen one of them and use it to
drill into the other piece. Place any highly flammable objects you can find
next to the drill bit. The moment the flammable object catches a spark, use
a rock to swiftly tip the smouldering object onto a nest of leaves/twigs/dry
If you ever find yourself stranded in the wild, certain things can mean
the difference between life and death. These instructions will help in staying
out of harms way.
Quickly think about all possible options and be decisive about what the
best survival course of action is. For example, if you think the best survival.
course of action is to seek out help and civilization, don’t wait 4 or 5 days
before you come to this conclusion. Take action on the 1st or 2nd day if
possible while you still have strength and endurance working for you.
Build a shelter with branches and (bamboo works best) with rope.
Form an angular shape with it. Use as many branches as possible for added
stability and protection against the wind and weather.
If you are in a desert environment, try to build an underground shade
shelter to avoid prolonged sun exposure.
A third type of shelter is a lean-to; for this you need something solid like
a log or large rock. Lay longish branches against it thickly, and criss-cross
smaller branches and shrubbery on top to provide sufficient insulation. The
ITS 95

smaller your shelter is, the better it will insulate you. Shelters in low, dense
shrubbery is often home to many insects.
A fourth type of shelter is the bog-bed; if your environment is perpetually
damp or mushy, use branches laid and criss-crossed on top of one another
to create a solid and dry foundation for a lean-to or open bed pad. Raise
above ground level as much as possible.
It’s also very important to find water in the first days. Signs accompanying
dehydration are dry tongue, burning throat and dark-brown urine, at
first instances. Water can set the line between life and death. Remember
you can only survive for maximum of 3 days without water.
Set a trap if you can’t go out to hunt. Arrange a few sticks in somewhat
half a tee pee. Use 2 more sticks to hold up the “tee pee”, similar to your
shelter. Place an item of your choice you think an animal will come after. If
you’re lucky, the animal will be trapped. Use pitfall traps for larger prey. Set
as many traps as you can.
Go after fish first if you go hunting.
Carve a knife for hunting. Get an ordinary block of wood and hit with
a blunt rock repeatedly until the wood sharpens. Sharpen like any other
knife, but in this case, use the rock as your sharpener. You could also take a
rock and break off some of the edges and then use another rock and some
water like a wetstone and sharpen. In an ideal situation, obsidian stone
(black, translucent lava rock) would be used for its infamous sharpness.

1. *- 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
96 I Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.
8. 8.
9. 9.
10. 10.
.11. 11.
12. 12.
13. 13.
14. 14.
15. 15.
16. 16.
17. 17.
18. 18.
19. 19.
20. 20.

Use of English

Time: 45 minutes

Task 1. For questions 1— 10 fill in the gaps with the correct words. Use
only one word for each gap. The first sentence is given for you as
an example.
In the early 20th century, women relished in the liberation provided
by Coco Chanel’s relaxed designs, which allowed for movement that had
previously been restricted by corsets and over-the-top embellishments.
In the 1930s, Marlene Dietrich and Katharine Hepburn scandalized
polite society 1________wearing trousers in public, which gave women
STS 97

2 _________ more freedom in the realm of fashion. The 1940s brought

war 3__________Europe and wartime cutbacks to the fashion world.
Thanks to cloth rationing, men were suddenly rid 4___________
traditional three-piece suits, and fashion became a lot 5_____casual. In
the 1970s, new laws required that women be treated the same 6__________
men in the professional and educational realm, making dresses and skirts a
nonessential item for many.
7 _____ ' if you just grab what’s comfortable and throw it on
8_________you run out the door, the clothing you wear was designed for
you based 9__________the culture you live in, and your style choices tell
the world 10 _________kind of person you are. When you create, you give
the people wearing your clothing the power of expression. Whether it’s on
the sale rack at Target or in the Chanel vault, someone will find a way to
make that piece their own, and it will make them feel like a million bucks.
Task 2. For questions 11—15 think of one word only which can be used
appropriately in all three sentences. Here is an example:
A) How much money did you last year?
B) At the moment he’s got to . a great effort to pay off his
C) What____________is his car? —I guess it’s Nissan.

A) The jeans _ _ _ _ _ ill on her.
B) Please don’t ask me to ______on any more committees this year.
C) The storehouses ______ back from the main street.
A ) from within made geysers erupt - that is how the oceans
were bom.
B) The game did not _ _ _ _ _ up until the second half.
C) The oppressive____made us change our plans for summer holidays.
A) A word spoken is recalling
98 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

B) Oliver looks so nice! You won’t believe it, but he is______seventy.

C) One should learn from the mistakes of the_______.
A) The citizens________off the first attack but later were defeated.
B) They shall____ _ their swords into ploughshares, and their spears
into pruning hooks... (Old Testament)
C) He would not answer yes or no, but_______about the bush.
A) The girl_______her eyes down modestly.
B ) not pearls before swine
C) Jim is always so sad. He has a melancholy_______of mind.
Task 3. Read the text. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that
fits in the space on the same line.
A hundred yards away was a straight road, showing white in the
moonlight. Endeavouring to orient himself, as a _________ 16 (survey) or
navigator might say, the man moved his eyes slowly along its__________17
(vision)____________18 (long) and at a distance of a quarter-mile to the
south of his station saw, dim and grey in the haze, a group of_______19
(horse) riding to the north. Behind them were m en_________20 (foot),
marching in column, with dimly________21 (gleam) rifles aslant above
their shoulders. They moved slowly and in silence. Another group of
horsemen, another regiment of infantry, another and another — all in
unceasing motion toward the man’s point of view, past it, and beyond.
A battery of artillery followed, th e ___ _____ 22 (cannon) riding with
_____23 (fold) arms on limber and caisson. And still th e _______24
(terminate) procession came out of th e ____________25 (obscure) to
south and passed into the obscurity to north, with never a sound of voice,
nor hoof, nor wheel.
"a resumed identity"
by Ambrose Bierce
:sts 99

Task 4. Read the text. Complete the missing words in this text.
There was a light b r ______e 26 just enough to whisper through
the leaves. Furtig lay belly down on the broad 1______b 27 of the tree,
hunter-fashion, but his claws were still in his belt loop, not strapped on.
No sn______f 28 of that breeze brought any useful scent to his expanded
no______Is 29. He had climbed the tree not for a base from which to make
a good capture-leap, but to see what lay beyond. However, now he knew
that he must climb higher still. The leaves were too thick a sc _______n
30 here.
"Breed to Come"
Andre Norton



Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы


A website chooses the Wonders of the World and asks you to write an
essay about 2 wonders of Russia. You should write an essay and give
your reasons why the things you choose are real wonders.
You should write 250— 300 words.
Time: 45 minutes

Modem gadgets have made us complete slaves to machines. There is
no work which cannot be done without the assistance of machines and
there is not a single area of human activity where machines don’t have to
be used. No one can deny the fact that gadgets have not only simplified
our lives but also made them more comfortable and luxurious. But on the
contrary man’s dependence on them has increased so much that we just
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

cannot do without them at all. If cabs go off the road we cannot reach
our destinations. No cooking without LPG cylinder or cooking flame.
No, we can’t do even simple calculations, what to talk of washing without
washing machine or electricity. If electricity fails, life for each one of
us comes to a standstill as all gadgets are operated with it be it AC, TV,
computer, a telephone, or any other modem appliance. Perhaps there were
times when every work was done with hands be it grinding or travelling
far off places. People were tough who could walk for miles and work
ceaselessly. In modem times we can’t ascend the stairs without feeling a
burden over our stamina. Modem gadgets have completely transformed
the human life and health to a great extent. It is a fact that machines
have become like servants without which life comes to a standstill.
Thus we can say that our dependence on modem gadgets has made
us complete slaves to machines and that we have lost our spirit to work
and vitality, vigor and stamina and therefore no more good health and
cheerfulness and endurance prevails. This dependence on machines has
transformed the very human psychology. We no longer have the capacity
to hard work or bear pains or suffer inconveniences. This all has resulted
in increased irritation, tensions, worries and anger. Consequently, human
nature is now short-sighted in human values and aspects. Thus ‘slavery’
has made us pleasure-seeking ‘animals’ who care only for animal comforts.

Student 1

Task 1.
(Monologue; Time: 1,5— 2 minutes)
In a minute you will talk about holidays. Talk about active holidays.
Why do people go to the mountains, boating or do any other activities?
What would you prefer? Why?
Task 2.
(Dialogue; Time: 3— 5 minutes)
Discuss with your partner what the best way of spending holidays is. You
think the best way is going to museum. Why? Quided tours are the best way
to spend a week or two. Why? Give arguments and examples in support of
your opinion. You may or may not come to an agreement with your partner.
Remember it is a discussion and not a monologue.
:sts_____________________________________ ____________________| юз |

Student 2

Task 1.
(Dialogue; Time: 3— 5 minutes)
Discuss with your partner what the best way of spending holidays is.
You think the best way is doing sports —skiing, hiking or mountaineering.
Why? Does such way of life help you to relax. Why? Give arguments
and examples in support of your opinion. You may or may not come to
an agreement with your partner. Remember it is a discussion and not a
Task 2.
(Monologue; Time: 1,5— 2 minutes)
In a minute you will talk about holidays. Give your reasons for quided
tours. Why would people prefer to go sightseei, visiting different cities and
places of interest. What would you prefer? Why?


Listening Comprehension

Task 1. Listen to the Lecture on Note Taking and fill in the blanks:
NOTE TAKING. Why take notes in class?
1. Organized notes w ill___________ 1 of important ideas in the
2. A __________2 you to learn and remember later.
3. The lecture may contain information___________3. This will be
your only_________4 it.
4. Lecture is where you learn what your__________5, and he makes
up the exams.
5. 6 are usually given in the lecture.
6. The ___________7 of the lecture will become clear ________ 8.
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы


Make some preparation for the lecture so that you will be
__________9 the organization of the lecture.
CHECK THE COURSE OUTLINE to see if the lecturer has
___________10 or key ideas in the __________ 11. If so, convert
this information into questions_________12 in the lecture.
BEFORE THE LECTURE,_________13 or reference assignments.
REVIEW THE TEXT ASSIGNMENT and any reading notes taken.
REVIEW NOTES_________14.
Sit_________15 the front of the room as possible________ 16.
Copy everything on the blackboard and___________17.
Have a _________18. Listening well is a __________ 19 close
attention. Be prepared to be open-minded to what the lecturer may say
__________20 with it.

Reading Comprehension

Time: 45 minutes

Task 1. Fountains
Read through the text fairly quickly and then choose suitable headings
from the list below (0—9) for each section. There is one extra heading
which you do not need.
0. The fountain which provided the town with water
1. The fountain shows a giant creature
2. You should observe the whole fountain
3. You can only see a copy of this fountain in the square
4. Such fountains were popular in the 16th century
5. The fountain that was rebuilt
6. A fountain dedicated to an animal
7. A nice place makes the fountain look better
8. The fountain introduced a new era in art
9. The fountain people could bathe in hot weather
:sts 105

A. The Beginning of the Congregation for the Fountains

The restoration of the Acqua Vergine was inaugurated on August 30,
1570. This was done in the presence of Pope Pius V, as well as the cheering
town’s people. The previous water source was known as the Acqua di
Salone, because this is where the supplies for the original aqueduct had
come from. During this opening the “Congregation of the Most Illustrious
and Most Reverend Cardinals for the conveyance of water from Salone”,
shortened their title to the “Congregation for the Fountains”.
B. The colorful ogre fountain
The Ogre Fountain is acurious water feature located in Bern, Switzerland.
It was built in 1544, and attracts tourists by the thousands each year. The
gaudy carnival-like figure sits on top of the fountain. The Bernese people
say it is simply a light hearted carnival figure. The sculptwe of this unique
fountain was created by Hans Gieng. His style is reminiscent of Swabian
art. The gothic creation of religious art is combined with traditional details.
The style is forceful and realistic in. Gieng is the sculptor that created most,
if not all, of the public fountains erected in Bern from 1442 to 1546.
C. A Fountain in the Marketplace of Nuremberg
This stunning fountain is located in the main marketplace of
Nuremberg, and was created by stonemason Heinrich Beheim. A trip
through Germany would not be complete without visiting this fountain!
The original fountain was believed to be built between 1385 and 1396.
The first restoration of the fountain took place in 1822-1824, conducted
by sculptor Jacob Daniel Burgschmiet. The Beautiful Fountain was
replaced with a replica in 1912, and parts of the original were moved into
the Germanisches National Musesum in the 20th century.
D. The disappearing fountain: The Fountain of the Sow
A small and modest fountain that no longer exists was the fountain in via
della Scrofa (meaning sow). It probably disappeared after 1870. There is a
carving of &.sow that can still be seen there today. In 1832 water was still
running from the fountain into a small basin. Unfortunately this fountain
was in the way of the pedestrians, so it was moved a few yards to the corner
with Via dei Portoghesi, but the sow still sits at the same place with a
dry spout. The idea behind the sow was to bring prosperity for whoever
dedicated it. The Sow was, after all, a symbol of power and prosperity to
106 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

the ancient Romans. Unfortunately, no scientific study has been made on

this relief yet.
E. A Small Roman Fountain: Trinita de Moniti Fountain
I the small fountain, the Trinita dei Monti Fountain, located where
the Viale della Trinita de Monti stretches out between the imposing walls
at the 16th century Villa Medici, is hard to discuss. This simple fountain
has an ancient basin created from red granite, which sits on the octagonal
baluster emerging from the water pool, also in an octagonal shape. It is a
garden of Eden of sorts, full of beautiful exotic flowers, creating a serene
and stunning environment. Writers, to their defense then, found the area
to be so beautiful, that the fountain was also extremely beautiful because it
was part of the garden.
F. Fontana Maggiore
One of the most beautiful and interesting fountains of the entire 13th
century, the Fontana Maggiore, is a Perugia masterpiece. The name of the
fountain means major fountain in Italian. Standing in the center of the
square of Perugia, Italy, it is considered to be one of the great fountain
masterpieces in all of history. Nicola and Giovanni Pisano designed and
sculpted the fountain in the 13th century. This marked the beginning of the
Renaissance period, when fountains and wall fountains were important to
the people, but also were an important contribution to the arts.
G. Early Italy: Single Niche Wall Fountains
Single niche wall fountains remained popular in Italy. Early masters
lavished upon delicate carving in low relief but architectural members
were forgotten with the new interest in wall fountains with rounded
shape. Sculptors concentrated on creating classical style wall fountains,
with recessed areas, in which, the shape was completely round. Basins on
these new single niche fountains were typically oblong shaped, resembling
troughs that mimicked the ancient sarcophagi or the great bathtubs of
Roman times. Drawings preserved in the Uflizi indicate that these types
of fountains were known to exist in Italy during the late fifteenth century.
Full development of these single niche fountains can be traced back to the
Cinquecento and many Italian towns still showcase these simple fountains
along roads and paths.
[TESTS__________________________________ '_____________________ | 107 J

H. An Insignificant Water Feature: The Neptune Fountain

Across the square from the “Fountain of the Moor” sits a fountain
that used to be named “The Boilermakers Fountain”, called the Neptune
Fountain now. The fountain was not an impressive work, as it only released
a few stream of water from the four insignificant statuary pillars, while a jet
of water from the center ball placed over a stumpy marble column. It would
not be until 300 years later that alterations were finally made to this poor
little fountain, which featured no ornamentation in comparison to its sister
fountain at the other end of the street!
I. Fountain of the Tortoises: A Work Of Jacopo della Porta
An old French book discussed that viewing the Coliseum and her
enchanting fountains should be done by being faced with the monument
all at once instead of taking in the views gradually. This was important
because it would create a lasting and unforgettable experience for
the viewer. This theory is exactly how the Fountain of the Tortoises should
be celebrated in little Piazza Mattei. It was named for the four creatures
that are about to climb in the upper basin. This fountain is easily one of
the most favoured fountains by the Romans. The first impression of the
fountain is full of beautiful character, almost taking you by surprise as you
find yourself upon it.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Task 2. Find words and phrases in the text, which mean the same as the
9. very elaborate and impressive with a lot of money spent on it

10. a bridge or viaduct carrying a waterway over a valley or other gap

11. a short decorative pillar forming part of a series supporting a rail or

coping___________ _
12. a shallow recess, especially one in a wall to display a statue or other
13. a long, narrow open container for animals to eat or drink out of
108 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

14. a rapid stream of liquid or gas forced out of a small opening

15. delightfully charming or attractive___________

16. a person walking rather than travelling in a vehicle_____________
17. suggesting something by resemblance____________
Task 3. Read the article. Choose the best answer to each question.


The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright are credited with
building and flying the first heavier than air aeroplane. They achieved the
first recorded flight on 17 December 1903. Over the next 10 years they
continued to develop the aircraft making a significant contribution to the
development of the modem aeroplane.
Their particular contribution was in the effective control of an airplane,
through their three-axis control system. This basic principle is still used
today. It was for this control mechanism that they received their first US
patent 821,393.
Their father worked as a minister in various churches, and as a
consequence the family frequently moved around. Their father encouraged
his children to read widely and discuss issues. This climate of intellectual
creativity and stimulus encouraged the Wright brothers to pursue a range
of interests and studies. When they were young, their father bought them
a small ‘helicopter’ built in France. They later commented that this
helicopter sparked an interest ,in flight and they sought to build similar
models themselves.
In 1885—1886, Wilbur became withdrawn after sustaining a facial injury
during a game of ice-hockey. This injury and the resulting depression caused
Wilbur to give up his dreams of studying at Yale. Instead he remained close
to home, helping his father with ministerial tasks and looking after his ill
However, Orville was determined to try new things, and his enthusiasm
helped draw his brother Wilbur into new projects. In 1889, they designed and
built a printing press which, for a short time, published a daily newspaper.
In 1892, they capitalised on the ‘safety bicycle’ boom and opened a
bicycle shop. This was commercially successful, but also enabled them to
develop their skills as designers and engineers.
STS 109

Around the turn of the century, there was great interest in the possibility
of flight. Most of this centred on gliders. But, the Wright brothers began to
explore the possibility of mechanised flight with heavier than air aircraft.
They concentrated on a building a more powerful, but light engine and
worked on an innovative design for controlling the plane once airborne.
They used funds from the bicycle shop to start testing at Kitty Hawk,
North Carolina a rural place where it was more windy which helped give
planes lift off. They made extensive tests and also recorded a range of data
about possible flights.
On December 17, 1903, the Wright Brothers made the first historic
airplane flight, where Orville piloted the plane (called ‘the Flyer’) with
Wilbur running at the wing tip.
The first flight, by Orville, of 120 feet (37 m) in 12 seconds, at a speed
of only 6.8 miles per hour over the ground, was recorded in a famous
photograph. The next two flights covered approximately 175 feet (53 m)
and 200 feet (61 m), by Wilbur and Orville respectively. Their altitude was
about 10 feet (3.0 m) above the ground. The following is Orville Wright’s
account of the final flight of the day:
“Wilbur started the fourth and last flight at just about 12 o’clock. The
first few hundred feet were up and down, as before, but by the time three
hundred ft had been covered, the machine was under much better control.
The course for the next four or five hundred feet had but little undulation.
However, when out about eight hundred feet the machine began pitching
again, and, in one of its darts downward, struck the ground. The distance
over the ground was measured to be 852 feet; the time of the flight was
59 seconds. The frame supporting the front rudder was badly broken, but
the main part of the machine was not injured at all. We estimated that the
machine could be put in condition for flight again in about a day or two.”
Over the next few years, they continued to develop their aircraft.
However, they were conscious of needing to gain successful patents to
make their aircraft commercially viable. They became reluctant to reveal
too much about their flights and disliked reporters taking photos of their
designs. Their secret approach and competing claims by other aircraft
designers meant that for many years their inventions and flights were met
with either indifference or scepticism. However, in 1908, Wilbur began
public demonstrations in Le Mans, France. His ability to effortlessly make
turns and manoeuvre the aircraft caused a sea change in public opinion,
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

10. 10.
11. 11.
12. 12.
13. 13.
14. 14.
15. 15.
16. 16.
17. 17.
18. 18.
19. 19.
20. 20.

Use of English

Time: 60 minutes

Task 1. Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary word
I have a friend who is afraid of spiders. This isn’t very____ _ 1 (usual);
a lot of people are afraid of spiders. I don’t _______2 (real) like spiders
much myself. I don’t mind them if you see them ________3 (side), in
the garden, as long as they’re not too big. But if one comes in the house,
especially if it’s one of those really big spiders with_______ 4 (fur) legs and
little red eyes, then I go “yeeucch” and I try to get rid of it. Usually I’ll use
a brush to get rid of the spider, but if I feel brave then I’ll put a glass over
the top of it, slide a piece of paper under the glass and then take it outside.
This is quite normal, I think. But my friend isn’t afraid of spiders in
any normal way. She isn’t just afraid of spiders, she is totally, completely
and utterly terrified of them. When my friend sees a spider she doesn’t just
go “uurgghh!” or run away, or ask someone else to get rid of the horrible
________5 (creep) crawly. No: she screams as loud as she possibly can.
She screams so loud that her neighbours worry about her, and think about
calling the police. When she sees a spider, she shivers all over, and sometimes
she freezes________6 (complete) —she can’t move at all because she is so
terrified. Sometimes she even faints.
But my friend had a surprise for me when we met for coffee last week.
“Guess what?” she asked me.
“What?” I said.
“I’ve got a new pet!”
“Great,” I said. “What is it? A dog? A cat?”
“A budgie?”
“A rabbit?”
“What then?”
“I’ve got a pet spider. ”
“I don’t believe you!”
“It’s true! I decided that it was time I did something about my phobia
so I went to visit a doctor, a special doctor. A psychiatrist. This psychiatrist
specialised in phobias —helping people who had _ _ _ _ _ 7 (rational) fears
to get better, and live normally. He told me I suffered from ‘arachnophobia’.”
“It’s an irrational fear of spiders,” he said. “About one in fifty people
suffer from a severe form of arachnophobia. It’s not very________8
“Thanks” said my friend. “ But that doesn’t help me much... ”
“There are lots o f_________9 (differ) ways we can try to cure your
phobia,” said the - 10 (psychiatry). “First, there is traditional
“A Serious Case ”By Chris Rose

Task 2. Choose the correct variant to fill in the blanks

21 . Thank you it was very nice_______you to help me.

A for В of С to D about

22. Hardly________the door when it flung open.

A he has knocked at С had he knocked on
114 j____________ Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

В had he knocked D he had knocked at

23. Oliver is said______the window.

A to have broken С have broken
В to break D breaking

24. When we were in London we visited______British Museum.

Аа В— С the D an

25. Never put_______till tomorrow what you can do today.

A away В out С on D off

26. Nick didn't come to see the film with us because he___it before.
A saw В had seen С has seen D was seen

27. He was happy_______winning the lottery.

A with Bon С because D about

28. Donald_______when the lesson started.

A wasn't arriving С hadn’t arrived
В hasn't arrived D wasn't arrived

29. Y ou_______the flowers yesterday morning.

A have not been watering С have not watered
В didn’t water D hadn’t watered

30. They were not ashamed______what they had done.

A of Bon С for D about
31. By July I _____all my exams, I hope.
A pass С will be passing
В will have passed D have passed

32. Have you ever been to ______Museum of Modem Art?

Аа В— С the D an

33. Next month, we will_____ _ for twenty years.

STS 115

A marry С be married
В have married D have been married

34. A pickpocket is someone who______purses, handbags and wallets.

A borrows В asks for
В steals D packs

35. This was the first ship made________iron.

A of В from С with D in

Task 3. Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary grammar
And at noon the student opened his window and looked out. “How
wonderful!” he cried. “Here is a red rose! I ______36 (see) any rose like
this in all my life. It is so beautiful that I _______37 (be) sure it has a long
Latin name,” and h e ______38 (bend) down and picked it with joy in his
Then he put on his hat, and ran to the Professor’s house with the rose in
his hand.
The daughter of the Professor_______39 (sit) in the doorway and her
little dog was lying at her feet.
“You said you_______40 (dance) with me if I _______41 (bring) you
a red rose,” cried the student. “Here is the reddest rose in all the world.
You_______42 (wear) it tonight next to your heart, and when we dance
together it_______43 (tell) you how I love you.”
But the girl answered.
“I am afraid it_______44 (not go) with my dress, and besides, another
m an_______45 (send) me some real jewels, and everybody knows that
jewels cost far more than flowers. ”
"the nightingale and the rose"
by O. Wilde

Task 4. For questions 41—55, read the text and look carefully at each line.
Some of the lines are correct and some have a word that mustn’t
be there. Put (+) if the line is correct in space on the right. If a line
116 I Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

has a word that should not be there, write th6 word in the space on
the right. Transfer your answers to your answer-sheet.

The concept of unusual animals has been known >

0. to man for a quite some time now.
1. The term unusual animals consists of animals +
2. with common strange shapes and characteristics a
3. which also include a few hybrid animals just.
4. This world is full of strange and unusual things.
5. The hunger for discovering new things being
6. never slows down. I would have say sin’ce
7. evolution man has come a long way, humans
8. have been set a benchmark in making new
9. inventions and trying to make the world a
10. place to live. The factor which has not been
11. discovered yet entirely, is a nature. We still are
12. far away from understanding the beauty and its
13. functionality and this animals who make
14. their habitat. We can mention are some most
15. rare animals and their different characteristics

This is the end of a letter that a friend of yours has written you. What
are your friend's problems?
...and now actually I ’m thinking of starting some sport. I have been so
busy with my school work, preparingfor exams spending hours sitting at the
table that my favourite jeans are a bit tight on me. Do you go in for sport?
What sport would you recommend? What do you think of taking a diet?
Hope you are doing well! Write soon.
Best wishes,
Write a letter to Jessica advising her what to do. Don’t forget the rules
of letter writing.
You should write 120—150 words in an appropriate style.
______________________ Time: 45 minutes_______________
118 I Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы


Lecture Note Taking
Why take notes in class?
1. Organized notes will help you identify the core of important ideas in
the lecture.
2. A permanent record will help you to learn and remember later.
3. The lecture may contain information not available anywhere else.
This will be your only chance to learn it.
4. Lecture is where you learn what your instructor thinks is important,
and he makes up the exams.
5. Class assignments are usually given in the lecture.
6. The underlying organization and purpose of the lecture will become
clear through note taking.
Make some preparation for the lecture so that you will be more likely to
predict the organization of the lecture.
CHECK THE COURSE OUTLINE to see if the lecturer has listed the
topic or key ideas in the upcoming lecture. If so, convert this information
into questions to be answered in the lecture.

BEFORE THE LECTURE, complete outside reading or reference

REVIEW THE TEXT ASSIGNMENT and any reading notes taken.
REVIEW NOTES from the previous lecture.
Sit as near to the front of the room as possible to eliminate distractions.
Copy everything on the blackboard and transparencies, especially the
Have a proper attitude. Listening well is a matter of paying close
attention. Be prepared to be open-minded to what the lecturer may say
even though you may disagree with it.”

Student 1

Task 1.
(Monologue; Time: 1,5—2 minutes)
In a minute you will talk about four temperaments (four fundamental
personality types): sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. Give
a short characteristic of each type. Say whether there is the possibility of
mixtures of the types. Say what type of person you are.
Task 2.
(Dialogue; Time: 3—5 minutes)
Discuss with your partner learning styles: visual, aural, reading/writing,
kinesthetic. What do you think typical features of each type are? Consult
with your partner and think what advice you would give to your common
friend who is a kinesthetic learner. He has problems with taking in
the information and completing a study package. You may or may not
come to an agreement with youf partner. Remember it is a discussion and
not a monologue.
120 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Student 2

Task 1.
(dialogue; Time: 3—5 minutes)
Discuss with your partner learning styles: visual, aural, reading/writing,
kinesthetic. What do you think typical features of each type are? Consult
with your partner and think what advice you would give to your common
friend who is a kinesthetic learner. He has problems with taking in
the information and completing a study package. You may or may not
come to an agreement with your partner. Remember it is a discussion and
not a monologue.
Task 2.
(Monologue; Time: 1,5—2 minutes)
In a minute you will talk about four temperaments (four fundamental
personality types): sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. Give
a short characteristic of each type. Say whether there is the possibility of
mixtures of the types. Say what type of person you are.


Listening Comprehension

Task 1. Listen to the text. Write whether the statements are true (T),
false (F) or not mentioned (NM) in the text:
1. The best way to explore life on the road is to do it legally.
2. The thought of getting your driver’s^license can be a little bit of fun.
3. Pick up the driver who will guide you in the state.
4. Every state has different traffic rules.
5. Ask somebody quiz you after eatfh chapter.
6. Don’t move on to the next chapter unless you can answer no less than
8 of 10 questions.
7. If you read the book three times in three weeks you will remember
80% of it.
8. Some states make allowances for taking accredited driving courses
only through school.
[TESTS____________________________________________________________ [ 121 [

9. Student drivers must always have a licensed driver with them.

10. Practicing all the maneuvers is not necessary —practice only basic
11. Don’t be afraid of the car —that won’t do you good.
12. If you don’t make rude mistakes, you can count on retaking the test.
Task 2. Finish the sentences, use the ideas of the text:
13. If you want to drive a car______________________ .
14. First of all_____________________ .
15. When you finish reading the booklet ask someone____________.
16. There are some advantages___________________ in some states.
17. Find out where you will be taking the practical test

18. Stopping, starting, signaling, backing up, parking and others are
called______________ .
19. The examiner will pay attention how you___________________ .
20. If you want to know the rules and be fine_______________ .

Reading Comprehension

Time: 45 minutes


Task 1. Read through the text fairly quickly and then choose suitable
headings from the list below (A — I) for each section. There is one
extra heading which you do not need.

A. Bobcat nutritive habits
B. Bobcat description
C. Bobcat conservation
D. Nocturnal life
E. Bobcat biology
F. Bobcat range
G. General information
Bobcat threats
122 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

I. Bobcat habitat

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Carnivora
Family Felidae
Genus Lynx
Also known as bay lynx, red lynx.
French: Chat Sauvage, Lynx Roux.
Spanish: Lince, Lince Rojo.
Size: Head-body length: 65—105 cm
Shoulder height: 45—58 cm
Tail length: 9—11 cm
Weight: 5.8-13.3 kg
Owing its common name to its short ‘bobbed’ tail, the bobcat (Lynx
rufus) has the widest distribution of any native cat in North America.
Like other lynxes, it has long legs relative to its body size, a small head
and a ruff of fur that extends from the ears to the jowls. The ears are
large, but the black tufts at the tips are less conspicuous than those of its
congeners, and may be absent entirely. The coat is short, soft and dense,
and is generally various shades of buff brown, although some may have a
rufous tint, and marked with dark streaks and spots. The undersides are
lighter in colour with black spots, and the short tail has a black tip on the
upper side but is white underneath. Males are typically larger than females,
and there is also significant geographic variation in size, with bobcats in the
north tending to be larger than those in the south. Twelve subspecies of the
bobcat are currently recognised.
Although the bobcat is generally most active around sunset and sunrise,
in some parts of its range it is more nocturnal, while in other areas it is
commonly seen during the daytime, particular over winter, when prey is
more scarce. An exclusive carnivore, the bobcat’s diet is dominated by
rabbits and hares, but it will also take a wide variety of other prey, ranging in
:sts I 123

size from mice to deer. It is capable of taking prey with a weight at ten
times its own body weight. Being a patient hunter, it either sits and waits in
ambush along game trails and at burrow entrances, or will patrol its range
stealthily, all the time looking and listening for prey, which is captured with
a short burst of speed.
Like most other cats, the bobcat has a primarily solitary lifestyle,
with individuals generally avoiding each other except during the breeding
season. Home territories are widely variable depending on the habitat, and
range from 6 to 325 square kilometres. Males and females both maintain
their territories by scent-marking, using faeces, urine, scrapes and anal
secretions. Male home ranges generally overlap with those of other males
as well as females.
Normally, a mature female bobcat will produce a single litter each year,
with a peak breeding season between February and April. The gestation
period lasts around 63 days, with the average litter size being around three
kittens, but up to as many as six. At three to five months old, the young
begin to travel with the mother, and typically remain dependant until
around seven months of age, but eventually disperse outside of the natal
range. Females are ready to breed when just a year old, while males do not
mate until their second year.
5 /
The bobcat has a wide distribution stretching from British Columbia,
east through southern Canada to Nova Scotia, and south through most of
the United States to central Mexico. Its range is increasing northward with
forest clearance. Although it once occurred throughout the contiguous
United States, it was extirpated from the intensively cultivated midwest
and the heavily populated east coast. Populations in these areas now seem
to be increasing, and the bobcat is reported as living in every state except
It inhabits an extremely wide variety of habitats, including boreal and
coniferous forests, scrubland, swamps, deserts and mountains. However,
the bobcat tends to prefer areas with dense cover, or uneven broken terrain,
providing both concealment and relief from inclement weather.
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

7 __________ ___
Despite being the most traded felid in the international skin trade,
thanks to good management, trade is not currently thought to threaten the
survival of the bobcat. Instead the greatest perceived threat to this species is
habitat loss. In addition there is some concern over the threat of increased
competition with expanding coyote populations in parts of the bobcat’s
range as well as the localised persecution of the bobcat as a pest on domestic
8 __________________
Since 1975, the bobcat has been listed on Appendix II of CITES, which
prohibits trade in this species without a permit. Efforts have also been made
to reintroduce the bobcat to parts of its original historical range, including
New Jersey and Cumberland Island, Georgia.
Task 2. Find words and phrases in the text, which mean the same as the
9. done, occurring, or active at night________________________
10. extend over so as to cover partly___________________
11. a hole or tunnel dug by a small animal as a dwelling

12 become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or
13. relating to or characteristic of the climatic zone south of the Arctic,
especially the cold temperate region dominated by taiga and forests
of birch, poplar, and conifers____________
14. distribute or spread over a wide area____________
15. a principal taxonomic category that ranks above class and below
kingdom, equivalent to the division in botany__________
16. the lower part of a person’s or,animal’s cheek, especially when it is
fleshy or drooping___________
17. a thing or person of the same kind or category as another (animal or
plant of the same genus as another)____________
STS 125

Task 3. You are going to read an article. Nine sentences have been
removed from it. Choose from sentences A-J the one that fits
each gap. There’s one extra sentence which you don’t need.
A. invented the telephone continues to be debated
B. came of a family associated with the teaching of elocution:
C. could transmit its music to a distance by means of electricity
D. published more than one treatise on the subject at Washington
Ei was educated at the Royal High School of Edinburgh, from which
he graduated at the age of thirteen
F. is said to have turned his attention to the science of acoustics,
G. came of a family of famous circus actors, working in different cities:
H. endeavoured to produce a telephone which would not only send
musical notes
I. declined the post in favour of his son
J. explains his ingenious method of instructing deaf mutes,
Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. H e______18 his grandfather in
London, his uncle in Dublin, and his father, Mr. Alexander Melville Bell,
in Edinburgh, were all professed elocutionists.
The latter has published a variety of works on the subject, several ofwhich
are well known, especially his treatise on Visible Speech, which appeared in
Edinburgh in 1868. In this he_______19 by means of their eyesight, how
to articulate words, and also how to read what other persons are saying by
the motions of their lips. Graham Bell, his distinguished son,_______20.
At the age of sixteen he secured a position as a pupil-teacher of elocution
and music in Weston House Academy, at Elgin in Morayshire. The next
year he spent at the University of Edinburgh. From 1866 to 1867 he was
an instructor at Somersetshire College at Bath, England. While still in
Scotland he______21 with a view to ameliorate the deafness of his mother.
In 1870 he moved with his family to Canada where they settled at
Brantford, Ontario. Before he left Scotland, Alexander Graham Bell
had turned his attention to telephony, and in Canada he continued
an interest" in communication machines. He designed a piano which
22. In 1873 he accompanied his father to Montreal, Qu
where he was employed in teaching the system of visible speech. The elder
Bell was invited to introduce the system into a large day-school for mutes at
Boston, but he_______23, who soon became famous in the United States
for his success in this important work. Alexander Graham Bell_______24,
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

and it is mainly through his efforts that thousands of deaf mutes in America
are now able to speak almost, if not quite, as well as persons who are able
to hear.
At Boston he continued his researches in the same field, and______25,
but articulate speech. With financing from his American father-in-law,
on March 7, 1876, the U.S. Patent Office granted him Patent Number
174,465 covering “the method of, and apparatus for, transmitting vocal or
other sounds telegraphically... by causing electrical undulations, similar in
form to the vibrations of the air accompanying the said vocal or other
sound.”, the telephone. (It should be noted that the question of who
______26. It is clear that several people were researching similar devices.
However, supporters of Bell claim that his was the first fully working
design. After obtaining the patent for the telephone, Bell continued his
experiments in communication, which culminated in the invention of the
photophone-transmission of sound on a beam of light — a precursor of
today’s optical fiber systems.

Use of English

Time: 60 m inutes

Task 1. Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary word .
If you want to make someone special feel like_____1 (royal), why not
treat him or her to breakfast in bed? There’s something______2 (special)
______3 (luxury) about waking up to a tray of delicious food and drinks to
_______4 (easy) you into the day. No need to climb out from under the
covers; just tuck a napkin in your________5 (night) and feast away.
It does take a little planning to pull off breakfast in bed,______ 6
(how). You have to check that the person you’re pampering doesn’t have
______7 (any) to be in the morning and that the menu suits his or her
tastes. For instance, if someone’s watching his waist, don’t haul in a tray
laden with high-calorie sticky buns and bacon.
Speaking of breakfast trays, don’t attempt an in-bed m eal______8
(with) one. Sturdy trays ensure against scalding coffee spills,_______9
(fortunate) egg yolk_______ 10 (drip) and toast crumbs littering the
_______11 (bed) —and the person dining in it. A versatile tray also allows
you to add a special touch to the occasion.
Task 2. Choose the correct variant to fill in the blanks

12. Fix was showing unmistakable signs of impatience, nervously

up and down the quay.
A crawling В pacing С leaping D hopping
13. Who heard the boss _ _ _ _ _ him that?
A told В tells С had told D tell
14. We’ll meet in April when I ______back home.
A came В will come С be D come
15. He was shocked_______the hostility they had shown.
A at В with С by D about
16. . lake Baikal is the deepest freshwater lake.
A the Вa C— Dan
17. The Export Manager is responsible_____the Sales Director.
Awith В to С by Dfor
18. No sooner_______than the child fell asleep.
A had mother come С mother came
В mother had come 0 mother would come
19. It’s difficult for young people to live______their own.
A— В by С on D at
20. The detective ordered to ______every passenger who arrived at the
port that morning.
A look В observe С see D stare
21. She promised she______to me, but she didn’t.
Awrites С would write
| 128 |____________ Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы j

В will have written D will write

22. He was involved_______making the movie.
A in В with С at D about
23. 1 on a raincoat if it rains.
A put В have put С will put 0 would put
2 4 .1 don’t know when Kris______.
Awill come В comes С would come Dcame
25. My dream is to spend a couple of weeks on ____Bahamas.
A— Вa Can Dthe
26. Would you mind_______one more question.
A answering С in answering
В to answer 0 he answers
Task 3. Open the brackets to fill in the blanks with the necessary grammar
Rudolf Steiner, a young piano salesman, was a true adventurer. Few
were the evenings when h e ______ 1 (not go) to look for the unexpected.
It _______ 2 (seem) to him that the most interesting things in life might lie
just around the corner. H e_______3 (always dream) of adventures.
Once when h e ______4 (walk) along the street his attention_____5
(attract) by a Negro_______ 6 (hand) out a dentist’s cards. The Negro
slipped a card into Rudolfs hand. He turned it over and looked at it.
Nothing________7 (write) on one side of the card; on the other three
words were written: “The Green Door”. And then Rudolf saw, three steps in
front of him, a man throw away the card the Negro 8 (give) him
as he passed. Rudolf picked it up. The dentist’s name and address______9
(print) on it.
Task 4. For questions 41—55, read the text and look carefully at each line.
Some of the lines are correct and some have a word that mustn’t
be there. Put (+) if the line is correct in space on the right. If a line

has a word that should not be there, write the word in the space on
the right. Transfer your answers to your answer-sheet.
0. "Short Stories" includes eleven vivid short stories +
written between
1. the nineteenth century and the present day. Due up
to their
2. powerful impact, these stories suggest many
possibilities for
3. creative activities in upper-intermediate and advanced level
4. classrooms and can therefore be used to stimulate
reading and
5. fluency of skills, as well as to explore literary aspects of
6. English. "Short Stories” features: “ memorable stories by
7. a wide variety of authors from a very different
8. including in Leonora Carrington, Alisdair Gray and
Peter Carey;
9. “creative activities both before and after reading and in
10. between parts of the longer stories; “ a ‘Creative
11. section at the end of each unit to extend the themes
and the to
12. reader’s involvement with the story; “ notes on the
13. and stories, and notes for the teacher on using the
14. “an Audio CD with recordings of all the stories as well
15. as extra material for listening audition activities.


130 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

18 1
27 .


Here is the beginning of the story. Complete the story.
Do you like fishng? I personally don’t. You ask me why. I’ll tell you the
story. I was quite young. Actually I was a pupil of the first form. I went to
my grandparents to the country. My grandpa told that the next day we’ll
get up at 5 a. m. So we did. Rather my grandpa did. A s for me I got up
_but I didn, t wake up. That was the beginning...
Write 220—250 words.
Time: 60 minutes
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы


There comes a time in everyone’s life where they feel the need to get out
and explore life on the road; of course, it’s best done legally, so you are going
to need your papers. The thought of getting your driver’s license can be a little
bit intimidating, but with a few simple guidelines, you’ll be well on the road to
Pick up the driver’s guide for your state. Every state has them, and that’s
where you’ll find everything that will be on both the written and the actual
driving test.

You’ll learn the basic rules of the road, when to pull over for
emergency vehicles (always a favorite on driving exams), speed limits in various
zones (another favorite), how to handle accidents, and more.
Read it chapter by chapter, make notes if that helps you remember, and
have somebody quiz you after each chapter. If you can answer 80% of the
questions, move on to the next chapter.
At the end of the booklet, ask to be quizzed on the whole manual. Any
chapters you don’t do well on, revisit. Ifyou go through the book three times in
three weeks, your chances of passing —even acing —your test are very high.
Practice driving. Most states have regulations regarding how much
experience you have behind the wheel. Some states make allowances for taking
accredited driving courses, either through school or professional instruction.
Some states also make allowances for top students. While it won’t directly
help you pass your driving test, being a good student will often make it easier to
meet the requirements.
Student drivers must have a licensed driver with them at all times. In some
states, having a license is all your passenger needs. In some states there are age
restrictions, or restrictions based on how long the person has been licensed.
You will learn these rules and restrictions in the driver’s manual that you’re
going to study.
Practice driving on the test routes. Find out in advance where you will be
taking the practical test (the actual driving part). While it may be illegal in your
state (read the manual), unless you’re following specific routes, there should be
no problem driving in the general neighborhood.
That’s not generally necessary, unless you are such an inexperienced driver
that you need an advantage. If that’s the case, you’re better off not rushing into
getting a license.
Practicing all the basic maneuvers —stopping, starting, signaling, backing
up, parking, obeying the speed limit and all traffic control signs and signals are
all good things to practice.
One of the biggest things the examiner will look for is whether or not
you have full command of your vehicle. If you are intimidated by the car,
make jerky starts and stops, and generally show a lack of confidence in your
driving, that will count against you.
If you speed, run a light or a stop sign, or make other egregious errors, you
can pretty much count on retaking the test.
134 I Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Be familiar with signage. Knowing street signs, hand gestures, when to

pass, how and when to pull over for emergency vehicles will count. Read that
manual! Know the rules and you’ll be fine.

Student 1

Task 1.
(Monologue; Time: 1,5—2 minutes)
In a minute you will talk about classical music. Why do people listen
to this music. What famous composers and musicians do you know? What
role does this music play in your life?
Task 2.
(Dialogue; Time: 3—5 minutes)
Discuss with your partner the role of music in the modern world. You
think that classical music is not very popular nowadays. Why? You think
pop music has the future. Why? Give arguments and examples in support of
your opinion. You may or may not come to an agreement with your partner.
Remember it is a discussion and not a monologue.

__________________________Student 2__________________________
Task 1.
(Dialogue; Time: 3—5 minutes)
Discuss with your partner the role of music in the modem world. You
think that though pop music is very popular nowadays there are still a lot
of people who enjoy classical music. Why? Classical music will survive and
people will listen to it. Why? Give arguments and examples in support of
your opinion. You may or may not come to an agreement with your partner.
Remember it is a discussion and not a monologue.
Task 2.
(Monologue; Time: 1,5—2 minutes)
In a minute you will talk about pop music. Why do people listen to this
kind of music? What famous composers and musicians do you know? What
role does this music play in your life?
Критерии оценивания

Критерии оценивания конкурсов

1. Listening (аудирование) — от 20 до 30 баллов (за каждый
правильный ответ дается 1 балл, всего от 20 до 30 вопросов).
2. Use of English (лексико-грамматический тест) —
от 20 до 30 баллов (за каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл, всего
от 20 до 30 вопросов).
3. Reading (чтение) — от 20 до 30 баллов (за каждый правильный
ответ дается 1 балл, всего от 20 до 30 вопросов).
4. Writing (письмо) — 20 баллов (оценивается по Критериям
оценивания конкурса письменной речи).
5. Speaking (устная речь) — 20 баллов (оценивается по Критериям
оценивания конкурса устной речи).
Для каждого участника баллы, полученные за каждый конкурс,
суммируются. Победителем является тот участник, который набрал
наибольшую сумму баллов. Призёрами являются участники,
следующие за победителем в рейтинге (о количестве победителей
и призёров см. Регламент).
136 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы I

я л а

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(яошгвд 01 иХииэяви) ЯИН31ГШ0Ф0

ритерии оценивания 137

Максимальное количество баллов —20

i f i i s i i l f l

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1 балл 0 баллов
В тексте присутствуют В тексте присутствуют
орфографические и/или многочисленные
пунктуационные ошибки, орфографические и/или
которые не затрудняют общего пунктуационные ошибки,
понимания текста. затрудняющие его понимание
2 балла 1 балл 0 баллов
Участник демонстрирует В тексте присутствуют В тексте присутствуют мно­
грамотное и уместное грамматические и/или гочисленные грамматические
употребление структур, синтаксические ошибки (более ошибки, затрудняющие его
необходимых для раскрытия 2), не затрудняющие общего понимание.
темы. понимания текста. Или:
В работе имеются используются простые,
1—2 незначительные однообразные грамматические
грамматические ошибки. конструкции.
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы I
2 балла 1 балл 0 баллов
Участник демонстрирует В целом лексический состав Участник демонстрирует
богатый лексический запас, текста соответствует заданной крайне ограниченный сло­
необходимый для раскрытия теме, однако имеются варный запас. Или: имеются
темы, точный выбор слов неточности в выборе слов многочисленные ошибки
и адекватное владение и лексической сочетаемости в употреблении лексики,
критерии оценивания

лексической (более 2), затрудняющие понимание

сочетаемостью. В работе которые не затрудняют текста.
имеется несколько (1—2) понимания текста. Или:
незначительных лексических используется стандартная,
ошибок. однообразная лексика.
1 балл 0 баллов
В целом текст имеет чёткую структуру, соответствующую Текст не имеет чёткой
заданной теме. Текст разделён на абзацы. В тексте присутствуют логической структуры.
связующие элементы. Допустимы незначительные нарушения Отсутствует или неправильно
структуры, логики или связности текста. выполнено абзацное членение
Имеются серьёзные наруше­
ния связности текста и/или
многочисленные ошибки
в употреблении логических
средств связи.
140 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы I

§I *
ЙЧ( к '?
§ a s *
Н S Sа Sв


s' | о 1 а ж
I ”§ С I О
- § I 1 в о
i £ s 1 15
е S I В 1®
£ &!§ 2 2 £ Б
142 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы I

S я

5—6 Коммуникатив­ 3 балла 1 балл 1 балл 1 балл
ная задача В целом участ­ Словарный за­ В речи участ­ Речь участни­
выполнена ник способен пас участника ника ка в
не полностью: логично и связ­ в основном присутствуют целом понятна,
цель общения но вести беседу: соответствует грамматиче­ участник
в основном участник поставленной ские допускает
рСритерии оценивания

достигнута, од­ соблюдает задаче, однако ошибки, не отдельные

нако тема очередность наблюдается затрудняющие фонетические
раскрыта при обмене некоторое за­ понимания или ошибки.
не в полном репликами, труднение при используются
объёме: но не всегда подборе слов однообразные
высказанные проявляет ини­ и/или имеются грамматиче­
положения недо­ циативу в неточности в их ские
статочно поддержании употреблении. конструкции.
аргументирова­ беседы.
_____ '

3—4 Коммуникатив­ 2 балла

ная задача Участник не спо­
выполнена ча­ собен
стично: цель логично и связно
общения достиг­ вести беседу:
нута не не начинает
полностью, тема ине стремится
раскрыта поддерживать ее,
____________ j 143

в ограниченном в значительной
объёме: степени зави­
высказанных сит
144 I

положений от помощи
мало и они не со стороны
аргументированы. собеседника.

Коммуника­ 1 балл 0 баллов

0 баллов 0 баллов

тивная задача Участник диало­ Словарного за­ В речи участни­ Понимание
не выполнена: га не способен паса не хватает ка присутству­ речи участника
цель общения вести беседу. для общения в ют грамматиче­ затруднено
не достигнута, соответстви и ские ошибки, из-за большого
содержание не с заданием. затрудняющие количества
соответствует понимание. фонетических
коммуникатив­ ошибок.
ной задаче.

Отказ от ответа 0 баллов
Отказ от вы­
полнения зада­
ния по диалогу
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4
1. unusual 1. overlooking 1. surveyor 1. racial
2. discovering 2. expanse 2. visible 2. extinction
3. inventions 3. landscape 3. length 3. overlooking
4. entirely 4. naturally 4. horsemeil 4. shadow
5. functionality 5. suggestion 5. gleaming 5. relationship
6. distant 6. cannoneers 6. utterly
7. iteration 7. folded 7. disquiet
8. accentuate 8. procession 8. whimpering
9. loneliness 9. defending

Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Exercise 7 Exercise 8

1. alive 1. unfamiliar 1. official 1. completely
2. outnumber 2. expectancy 2. alarming 2. sardonically
3. roughly 3. sufficed 3. information 3. submarines
4. beings 4. direction 4. engineering 4. cataclysmic
5. curious 5. spectators 5. necessity 5. refugees
6. approximately 6. bombardment 6. nearly 6. endlessly
7. glorious 7. inaudible 7. atomic 7. parting
8. nearby 8. atmosphere 8. efficient 8. cleavage
9. certainly 9. intelligence
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Exercise 9 Exercise 10 Exercise 11 Exercise 12

1. old-fashioned 1. Manuscript 1. philosophical 1. horsemanship
2. surrounded 2. relative/related 2. existence 2. recklessness
3. doorway 3. remarkable 3. reasoning 3. unfoaled
4. landscape 4. personality 4. Especially 4. outward
5. splendid 5. recollection 5. logical 5. genial
6. unpretentious 6. opening 6. unchanged 6. hopeless
7. Their 7. athletic 7. philosophers 7. afterward
8. younger 8. felldwship 8. valiantly 8. unlimited
9. upstanding 9. entertaining 9. failure
10. industrious
11. patriarchal

Exercise 13 Exercise 14 Exercise 15 Exercise 16

1. occasions 1. instruction 1. twice 1. prosperous
2. overlooking 2. first-aid 2. hardships 2. distant
3. onything 3. battlefield 3. value 3. painful
4. compartment 4. neaiby 4. unquestionably 4. entire
5. instructions 5. further 5. characteristic 5. Definitely
6. moonlight 6. service 6. automatically 6. servants
7. although 7. treatment 7. transform 7. unnecessary
8. religious 8. equipment 8. prototype 8. suggestion
9. hand-carts 9. innovative 9. valuable
10. coronary 10. landscape
11. actuality

Exercise 17
1. Connecting
2. improperly
3. adapter
4. misuse
5. warranty
6. unstable
7. charging
8. unplug
9. lifespan
10. performance
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4
1. saw 1. had been going 1. travelling 1. separated
2. to sing 2. knew 2. Have you lost 2. must have sunk
3. were 3. was sinking 3. continued 3. prepared
4. paid 4. had been cut 4. carried 4. went
5. to crow 5. began 5. shall/will/’llpay 5. were snoring
6. happened 6. clung 6. have never seen 6. had died
7. is trying 7. fell 7. seized 7. would be
8. to clap 8. was heard 8. have always used
9. struck 9. saw
10. were
11. understood
12. is
13. told
14. are
15. was satisfied
16. overruled

Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Exercise 7

1. walked 1. standing 1. have gone
2. wanted 2. would hardly have 2. have told
3. have/’ve not been 3. admired 3. have observed
4. put 4. fell 4. was passing
5. would not walk 5. did not come 5. was open
6. saw 6. would have said 6. is
7. could 7. could 7. Remembering
8. have/Ve walked 8. had fallen 8. had said
9. has/'s done 9. concluding 9. bought
10. will/ll see 10. considered 10. is
11. had called 11. drew
12. looked
13. talking
14. to look
15. had not seen
16. to. think
17. had loved
18. remembered
19. seemed
20. had left
148 Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Exercise 8 Exercise 9
1. has had 1. had been sleeping
2. to call 2. would be bathed
3. would be known 3. launching
4. be described 4. was catching
5. endowed 5. would be floating
6. cementing 6. yammering
7. led 7. had come
8. shortening 8. saddened
9. was returning 9. would be blasted
10. had been detained 10. rose
11. would be able •
12. would be overruled

Задания на употребление правильных форм

слова (грамматика и словообразование)
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4
1. given 1. enthusiastically 1. working 1. throughout
2. celebrated 2. powerful 2. are/’re inspired 2. grown
3. do not want 3. were 3. nascency 3. most flavorful
4. will (just) call 4. reservation 4.aren*t fullyformed 4. are related
5. excitement 5. received 5. wonderful 5. ranging
6. famous 6. inappropriate 6. eventually 6. aromatic
7. himself 7. are having 7. have/’ve had 7. slightly
8. to show 8. are frowned 8. websites 8. be found
9. greatness 9. carefully 9. creations 9. varieties
10. watching 10. firearms 10. architectural 10. be cultivated
11. did not seem
Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Exercise 7 Exercise 8
1.hasbeenreceived 1. ongoing 1. has been held 1. commercials
2. undergoing 2. affordable 2. electrification 2. touting
3. oversampling 3. has delivered 3. entrusted 3. wasn’t
4. processors 4. transforming 4. further 4. germophobia
5. resolution 5. has strengthened 5. is 5. heard
6. called 6. friendship 6. Communication 6. is making
7. significantly 7. has encouraged 7. especially 7. sense
8. addition 8. business 8. strengthening 8. skyrocketing
9. interfere 9. technology 9. neighbourly 9. cardiovascular
10. automobiles 10. was signed 10. canbe traced
11. modernisation

Упражнения на поиск и исправление ошибок

в тексте
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4
1. was 1. has 1.+ 1. +
2. one 2.+ 2. for 2. quite
3. + 3. order 3. our 3. niche
4.+ 4.+ 4.+ 4. you
5.+ 5. was 5. of 5.+
6. a 6. tall 6. like 6.+
7. till 7. out 7.+ 7. spent
8. then 8. down 8. Are 8. there
9. after 9. you 9. + 9.+
10.+ 10.+ 10. bogus 10.+
11. enough 11.+ 11.+ 11. myself
12. In 12. who 12. once 12.+
13.+ 13.+ 13.+ 13. as
14. Of 14. Had 14. from 14.+
15.+ 15. safe 15.+ 15. suburb
16. could
150 I Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Exercise 7 Exercise 8

1.+ 1.+ 1.+ 1.+
2. of 2. his 2. a 2. out
3. been 3. sluggishly 3. + 3. +
4. their 4. over 4. was 4. at
5.+ 5. + 5. had 5. on
6. + 6. out 6. + 6. too
7. the 7.+ 7. year 7.+
8.+ 8. main 8. class 8. very
9. is 9. an 9. during 9.+
10.+ 10.+ 10. was 10. with
11.+ 11. farther 11. in 11.+
12. has 12. us 12.+ 12. anyhow
13. yet 13.+ 13.try 13.+
14.+ 14, on 14. had
15. + 15.+ 15. already
16. by 16. with
17. from 17.+
18.+ 18. nonchalant

Exercise 9 Exercise 10 Exercise 11 Exercise 12

l.in 1.+ 1. this 1. +
2.+ 2. just 2. though 2. whole
3. middle 3. already 3. exactly 3. regiments
4. breeze 4. through 4.+ 4. violent
5. reason 5. fondle, 5. even 5.+
6. + 6. the 6. shared 6. As
7. been 7.+ 7. be 7. himself
8. joy 8. legs 8.+ 8.+
9. out 9.+ 9.+ 9. led
10.+ 10.+ 10. on 10. as
11.+ 11.+ 11.+ 11. would
12. try 12. was 12.+ 12. out
13. to 13.+ 13.+
14. out 14.+ 14.+
15. the 15. now 15. indigenous
16. are 16.+

Exercise 13 Exercise 14 Exercise 15 Exercise 16

1.+ l.+ 1. among 1.4-
2. is 2. all 2. ocean 2. are
3.4- 3. in 3.4- 3.4-
4. one 4.+ 4. accidents 4. have
5.4- 5.4- 5. at 5. at
6.4- 6. the 6. 4- 6.4-
7. а 7. present 7. central 7.+
8.+ 8.4- 8. middle 8.4-
9.+ 9. being 9. many 9. out
10. iron 10. 4- 10.4- 10. with
11. the 11. around 11. is
12.+ 12. ought 12. as
13. private 13.4-
14. is 14. is
15. been 15.4-
16. 4-

Упражнения на подстановку слов

Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4
1. unpack 1.body 1. shellfish 1. breeze
2. admiring 2. Nothing 2. remains 2. limb
3. gnietiy 3. cork 3. individual 3. sniff
4. surrounded 4. Supplied 4. encounter 4. scent
5. finally 5. archeological 5. reduce 5. screen

Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Exercise 7 Exercise 8

1. quarter 1. Whether 1.goes 1. format
2. reptilian 2. ready 2. vejetalles 2. presentations
3. observe 3. wonderful 3. roughly 3. compact
4. against 4. healthy 4. middle 4. modified
5. shadows 5. bloom 5. season 5. read

Exercise 9 Exercise 10 Exercise 11 Exercise 12

1. history 1. extended 1. significant 1. survive
2. resume 2. short 2. therefore 2. food
3. flexible 3. which 3. physically 3. suburban
4. personal 4. current 4. relevant 4. requirements
5. employers 5. Typically 5. accompanied 5. halitat
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Упражнения на выбор пропущенного слова

в тексте
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4
1. temper 1. spread l.oibiting 1. obey
2. nails 2. all 2. successfully 2. bring
3. lost 3. glass 3. gigantic 3. young
4. drove 4. nasty 4. shaped 4. will
5. learned 5. feel 5. feet 5. laughed
6. hammered 6. tightly 6. inside 6. generally
7. dwindled 7. anxiously 7. equipped 7. from
8. pull 8. scared 8. normally 8. shrewd
9. passed 9. around 9. extraordinary 9. extent
10. holes 10. about 10. height 10. famous
11. things 11. blasting 11. awaited
12. verbal 12. nobody
13. succeed
14. Water
15. friendship

Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Exercise 7

1.next 1.gone 1.twisted
2. bosom 2. workshop 2. back
3. dropped 3. then 3. appeared
4. chat 4. himself 4. remarked
5. naturally 5. through 5. pleasure
6. criticizing 6. bearing 6. again
7. absoibed 7. couple 7. Lieutenant
8. notice 8. thoughtful 8. impression
9. fewer 9. prone 9. inclined
10. one 10. enjoying 10. askance
11. conceived
Упражнения на подстановку предлогов
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exerciser Exercise 4
1. for 1. from 1. for 1. against
2. from 2. of 2. into 2. from
3. about 3. with 3. into 3.Ьу
4. over 4. into 4. from 4. on
5. through 5. to 5.on 5. about
6. to 6. to 6. from/into 6. on
7. at 7. on 7. against 7. of
8. on/at 8. for 8. about 8. to
9. behind 9. out 9. at 9. of
10. on 10. through 10. with 10. with

Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Exercise 7 Exercise 8

1. for 1. through l.o f l.out
2. to 2. up 2. out 2. out
3. for 3. out/in 3. off З.Ьу
4. across 4. in 4. up 4. of
5. through 5. out 5. to/towards 5. on
6. in 6. off 6. up 6. on
7. to 7. between 7. by 7. with
8. with 8. apart 8. along 8. with
9. out 9. in 9. on 9. about
10. up 10. for 10. over 10. of

Exercise 9 Exercise 10 Exercise 11 Exercise 12

1. down on 1. for l.o f 1. in
2. in 2/on 2. over 2. at
3. in 3. on З.Ьу 3. about
4. for 4. of 4. of 4. into
5. of 5. on 5. in 5. from
6. of 6. about 6. to 6. by
7. by 7. from 7. to 7. at
8. about 8. on 8. for 8. after
9. by 9. with 9. from 9. of
10. across 10. about 10. from 10. from
11. out
12. over
154 I Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Задания на множественный выбор

Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise 5
1.С 1. А 1.С 1.В 1. А
2. А 2. А 2. В 2. А 2. В
з .с 3.D 3.D 3.D З.С
4.D 4.D 4. А 4. А 4.D
5. D 5. С 5. С 5. В 5. А
6. В 6. С 6.D 6. D 6. В
7. В 7. В 7. С 7. С 7. С
8. А 8. В 8. В 8.D 8.D
9. С 9. В 9. А 9. С 9. А
10. А 10. С 10. В 10. С 10. В
И.С 11.С 11. D 11.С 11. А
12. А 12. А 12. D 12. А 12. D
13. А 13. В 13. С 13. В 13. А
14. D 14. С 14. А 14. D 14. С
15. В 15. А 15. А 15. С 15. С

Task 1 Task 2 Task 1 Task 2 Task3
1. G 1.1 l.B 1. maintenance l.D
2. С 2.2 2.Е 2. assert 2. В
З.В 3.1 3. D 3. clergy 3. E
4. Е 4.4 4. A 4. avail 4. A
5. F 5.2 5. F 5. embody 5. G
6.1 6.6 6. freebooting 6. С
7. А 7.8 7. burgher 7. F
8.D 8.7

Ik skl Task 2 Task3 Task 4
1.at 1.cast 1. manuscript 1. shellfish
2. realize 2. action 2. personality 2. remains
3. if 3. dry 3. recollection 3. individual
4. as 4. look 4. hearty 4. encounter
5. any 5. wear 5. fellowship 5. presumably
6. on 6. pastimes
7. repetition" 7. fairly
8. at 8. manhood
9. all 9. courtliness
10. away 10. gentleman
Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

Task 1 Task 2 Task 1 Task 2 Task3
1. complete slaves l.T l.B 1. unified l.B
2. luxurious 2. NM 2. F 2. advantage 2. С
3. cooking flame 3.T 3. E 3. supply 3. D
4. life for each one ofus comes 4. T 4. A 4. marsh 4. E
5. oranyothermodemappliance 5. F 5. D 5. prone 5. A
6. grinding or travelling 6.T 6.H 6. fame 6.H
7. burden over our stamina 7. TM 7. С 7. infallible 7.G
8. Thus we can say 8. F 8. network
9. vitality, vigor
10. cheerfulness andendurance
11. have the capacity to hard
12. Consequently

Task 1 Task 2 Task3 Task 4
l.by 1. sit 1. surveyor 1. breeze
2. even 2. heat 2. visible 2. limb
3. to 3. past 3. length 3. sniff
4. of 4. beat 4. horsemen 4. nostrils
5. more 5. cast 5. afoot 5. screen
6. as 6. gleaming
7. Even 7. cannoneers
8. before 8. folded
9. On 9. interminable
10. what 10. obscurity
ночи к заданиям

Task 1 Task 2 Task3
1. help you identify the core 1. A 1. lavished l.B
2. permanent record will help 2. В 2. aqueduct 2. С
3. not available anywhere else 3.1 3. baluster 3. D
4. chance to learn 4. С 4. niche 4. A
5. instructor thinks is important 5. G 5. trough 5. A
6. Class assignments 6.H 6. jet 6. В
7. underlying organization and purpose 7. D 7. enchanting 7. С
8. through note taking 8. E 8. pedestrian 8. В
9. more likely to predict 9. F 9. reminiscent
10. listed the topic
11. upcoming lecture
12. to be answered
13. complete outside reading
14. from the previous lecture
15. as near to
16. to eliminate distractions
17. transparencies, especiallythe outline
18. proper attitude
19. matter of paying
20. even though you may disagree

1 2 3 4
1. unusual l.B 1. have never seen 1.+
2. really 2. С 2. am 2. common
3. outside 3. A 3. bent 3. just
4. furry 4. С 4. was sitting 4.+
5. creepy 5. D 5. would dance
6. completely 6. brought
7. irrational 7. will wear
8. uncommon 8. will tell
9. different 9. will not go
10. psychiatrist 10. has sent
158 I Английский язык. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. 9-11 классы

6. В 5. being
7.D 6. have
8. С 7. +
9. В 8. been
10. А 9.+
11. В 10.+
12. С 11.а
13. D 12.+
14. В 13. this
15. А 14. are

Task 1 Task 2 Task 1 Task 2 Task3
l.T 1. do it legally/get your l.G 1. nocturnal l.B
2. F 2. driver’s license 2. В 2. overlap 2. J
3. NM 3. buy the driver’s guide 3. A 3. burrow 3. E
4. NM 4. to quiz you 4. E 4. perceive 4. F
5. T 5. for top students. 5. F 5. boreal 5. С
6.T 6. and try to drive there 6.1 6. disperse 6.1
7. NM 7. basic maneuvers 7. H 7. phylum 7. D
8. NM 8. drive your vehicle. 8. С 8. jowls 8. H
9. T 9. read the manual 9. congener 9. A
10. NM
12. F
ЦСлючи к заданиям______________________________ _____________________ | 159

Ik sk l Tksk2 М 3 Task 4
1. royalty 12. В 1. did not/didn’t l.up
2. especially 13. D 2. seemed 2.+
3. luxurious 14. D 3. was always dreaming 3. +
4. ease 15. С 4. was walking 4.+
5. nightgown 16. С 5. was attracted 5. of
6. however 17. В 6. handing 6. +
7. anywhere 18. A 7. was written 7. a
8. without 19. С 8. had given 8. in
9. unfortunate 20. В 9. were printed 9. in
10. drippings 21. С 10.+
11. bedding 22. А 11. To
23. С 12.+
24. А 13.+
25. D 14.+
26. А 15. audition
Готовимся к олимпиаде

Учебное издание

Юрин Александр Сергеевич

Книга для победителей и призёров.
9—11 классы

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Компьютерная верстка Я. Коновалова, В, Махчанян
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осуществляющих издание учебных пособий, которые допускаются
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образования образовательных учреждениях. Приказ Минобрнауки России
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Наша книжная серия "Готовимся к олимпиаде" создана в помощь учащимся, которых
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В помощь школьникам в серии "Готовимся к олимпиаде"

предлагаем следующие книги:
Математика. 9-11 классы. Подготовка к олимпиадам: основные идеи, темы, типы задач.
Под редакцией Ф.Ф. Лысенко. С.Ю. Нулабухова
Обществознание. 9-11 классы. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. Школьный,
муниципальный, региональный этапы. Р.В. Пазин
История. 9-11 классы. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. Школьный, муниципальный,
региональный этапы. Е.В. Шандулин, М.В. Пятинова
Химия. 9-11 классы. Сборник олимпиадных задач. Школьный, муниципальный,
региональный этапы. В.Н. Доронькин, А.Г. Бережная, Т.В. Сашнева, В.А. Февралева
Физика. 8-11 классы. Сборник олимпиадных задач. Школьный, муниципальный,
региональный этапы. Под редакцией Л.М. Монастырского
Русский язык. 8-11 классы. Сборник олимпиадных заданий. Школьный, муниципальный,
региональный этапы. Н.А. Сенина, СВ. Федотенко

Издательство включено в перечень организаций, осуществляющих издание учебных посо

бий, которые допускаются к использованию в образовательном процессе в имеющих госу­
дарственную аккредитацию и реализующих образовательные программы общего образо­
вания образовательных учреждениях. Приказ Минобрнауки России № 729 от 14.12.2009,
зарегистрирован в Минюст России 15.01.2010 № 15987

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