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2019 Understanding Russians: Contexts of Intercultural Communication — главная | Coursera

Quiz 1
 Тест, 9 вопроса
3,6/9 баллов (40%%)

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The BARNGA simulation game speci cally enables its participants to (two answers will apply):

realize the pervasiveness of culture in general

правильно, этот вариант не должен быть выбран 

experience the emotional and cognitive reactions similar to being in a new culture, without a common language


realize how much their own native culture determines the way we see and interpret the world around us

Должен быть выбран этот вариант 

enhance their sensitivity to feelings and emotions of people from other cultures

Этот вариант не должен быть выбран 

improve their goal-setting skills

правильно, этот вариант не должен быть выбран 

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 Баллы

Which work laid the foundation for the theory of Intercultural Communications?

Clyde Kluckhohn. Culture and Behaviour

C. Levi-Strauss & D. Eribon. Conversations with Claude Levi-Strauss

Edward T. Hall. The Silent Language

L. Samovar & R. Porter. Intercultural Communication: A Reader

Этот вариант не должен быть выбран 

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14.06.2019 Understanding Russians: Contexts of Intercultural Communication — главная | Coursera

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 Quiz 1
Тест, 9 вопроса
3,6/9 баллов (40%%)

Which of the following do not describe the functional and anthropocentric perspective of ICC? (Choose two).

national mindsets

Должен быть выбран этот вариант 

linguistic expressions

правильно, этот вариант не должен быть выбран 

an individual

правильно, этот вариант не должен быть выбран 

cultural peculiarities

правильно, этот вариант не должен быть выбран 


Этот вариант не должен быть выбран 

all-human universal features

правильно, этот вариант не должен быть выбран 

political systems


linguistic functions

правильно, этот вариант не должен быть выбран 

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 Баллы

Which of the following questions is not explored by the Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis?

Do the climate and geography in uence the way languages develop?

Do polyglots think di erently when speaking di erent languages?

Does learning new languages change the way you think?

Do people who speak di erent languages think di erently about the world?

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14.06.2019 Understanding Russians: Contexts of Intercultural Communication — главная | Coursera

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 Quiz 1
Тест, 9 вопроса
3,6/9 баллов (40%%)

Which of the following is not included in the de nition of intercultural communication?

cultural similarity/distance between the participants

success/failure of encounters

awareness of various discourse genres

belonging to the same discourse community

Этот вариант не должен быть выбран 

1 из 1
 Баллы

Which two names are associated with the Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis?

Otto Espersen

правильно, этот вариант не должен быть выбран 

Herbert Grice

правильно, этот вариант не должен быть выбран 

Émile Benveniste

правильно, этот вариант не должен быть выбран 

Benjamin Lee Whorf


Edward Sapir


1 из 1
 Баллы

Which of the following statements is true?

Speakers of Kuuk Thaayorre conceptualize space in absolute (cardinal) terms.


Speakers of Kuuk Thaayorre conceptualize space in relative terms.

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14.06.2019 Understanding Russians: Contexts of Intercultural Communication — главная | Coursera

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 Quiz 1
Тест, 9 вопроса
3,6/9 баллов (40%%)

Which two of the languages below favour non-agentive expressions?


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Этот вариант не должен быть выбран 

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 Баллы

Which two of the following statements are true?

limiting people’s ability to access their language faculties uently impairs their ability to perform tasks


the categories and distinctions that exist in particular languages interfere with our mental lives to a very limited extent

правильно, этот вариант не должен быть выбран 

“thinking” appears to be a collection of both linguistic and nonlinguistic processes


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