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Уважаемый соискатель!

Ниже приведены три коротких блока заданий.

После прочтения описания, вам необходимо будет ознакомится с примером и

написать схожее по структуре письмо или приглашение в чат. Грамматика на
данном этапе не имеет веского значения.
Опирайтесь больше на свою фантазию и креативность. 

Задание номер 1
«Приветственное письмо мужчине, или письмо – знакомство».

В первом письме девушка должна заинтересовать мужчину своей личностью,

коротко рассказать о себе, задать мужчине вопросы, которые уместны при первом
знакомстве. Подключайте флирт, игривость, старайтесь презентовать девушку
максимально выгодно и интересно, проявляйте интерес к мужчине. В примере
указан достаточно большой объем письма для того того дабы описать как можно
больше тем, которые будут уместны в первом письме. Вы можете сократить ваш
ответ в 2-3 раза от исходного примера. 


I see that your profile is empty. Are you interested in communication? Or are you just
playing on this site?
For me, communication on the Internet is not very standard ... I am focused on live
communication. If you read my letter, can you answer my questions?
I would like to know about your life principles, moral principles, family values   ??
I really love our family dinners. My father is madly in love with my mother.
It is such a man that I am looking for for myself, so that for my husband, the family
comes first. Tell me about your family?
I dream of leaving my country and it hurts me a lot ...
I love my country, but after the coup in 2013, a lot has changed.
And the government absolutely does not allow its people to develop ... It hurts my soul
very much.
My hobby is being an advertising model.
I can easily find a job in any country. It's not a problem for me. What do you work as? Or
are you not working?
Perhaps you have a dream?
 Will you share it with me?
Perhaps you dream of visiting certain travel destinations?
But I really want the truth from you ...
If you are not looking for a serious relationship, then be honest with me.
I am full of energy, tenderness in order to make my life happy.
In general, I still have a lot of questions for you :)
I will wait for an answer from you.
With pleasure, I will answer your questions if you are interested in something about my
P.S. Do you like sports ??
I spend a lot of time taking care of my body.
I will send you a photo of the hall.
I think you will appreciate my forms??

Ваш пример
впечатайте ваше придуманные письмо
Hi, I see that your account is empty. What are you doing on this site, do you want to find your
What are your life principles, what is important in girls? I really love to travel with the whole
family, so I see the true love that my father gives to my mother.
I want to find the same love of my life. How do you feel about it?
Do you love to travel? Personally, I, very much, for me, have a big goal to visit all countries and
corners of the world and take photos in each as I dream of becoming an advertising model!
I also love sports, do you?
Looking forward to your reply so I can get to know you better!

Задание номер 2
«Письмо – рассылка»

Подобные письма отправляются всем мужчинам, с которыми девушка уже

знакома, с некоторыми из мужчин уже завязаны виртуальные отношения.
Содержание писем чаще всего о повседневной жизни девушки, о ее успехах или
неудачах. Также поддержание тем, важных для мужчины. На данном этапе
отношения мужчины с девушкой могут быть более близкими уместны
уменьшительно-ласкательные имена, темы о любви и чувствах. Объем письма-
рассылки должен быть больше чем первое письмо. Письмо-рассылка
используется одинаковое для всех мужчин с которыми есть переписка на сайте.
Но для каждого мужчины добавляются индивидуальные моменты, которые
обсуждались ранее. Ваша задача написать “общее” письмо которое можно было
бы отправить любому мужчине вне зависимости от переписки между девушкой и



how is your morning??

today I woke up from the singing of birds)) and even cold, but the biological clock has
already woken up)) March))
how is your weather??
Do you believe in soul kinship?
I believe. I love the idea that someone, somewhere ... was created especially for you.
soul mate forever. you will not meet her twice in your life. when this happens, the soul
finds its other half on its way home to the source. the stage of reincarnation ends. it is
the highest point leading to perfect harmony.
Sometimes you recognize a person, and from the first seconds it seems that you have
known each other for a hundred years. There are so many common hobbies, such a
unity of beliefs and views of the world that you perfectly understand each other. This is
commonly referred to as soul kinship.
A spiritual partner (soul mate) is the one in which we see our reflection. He understands
us like no one else. He comes as a friend. It helps to relive the mistakes of the past,
heal wounds, and learn from the past.
In a difficult period of life, he appears as if by magic. Many psychologists believe that
the concept of "soul mates" is nothing more than a myth invented by women. No matter
how the partners approach each other, at a certain stage of their relationship, scandals
and quarrels are inevitable.
The fact that a man and a woman at the first meeting understand that they have found a
kindred spirit is a sign of insane love at first sight))
what do you think of the concept of a soul mate ???
Do you know why this happened, that it was during this period that we began to
I cannot admit that I will lose this thread of communication with you ..
I am waiting for you

Ваш пример
впечатайте ваше придуманные письмо
Good morning, how good it is to start the morning with a cup of coffee, wake up and think about
friendship, because in my
life almost all people have some kind of goal, even you! When I met you, I immediately realized
that you were my soul mate, from the first minute of our communication I realized that we were
somehow connected.
What do you think about this? I think you did too

Задание номер 3

Фраза - приглашение в чат.

Приглашение должно быть коротким, интригующим, цепляющим и с открытым
флиртом. Допускается более открытое общение


• Сan I be one of them who wants to bring you love? What do you
•  Come live in my heart, and there is no rent needed (I don't ask
anything of you, just be my darling)
• To fall in love with you is it my power?    
•  Let's flip a coin.   Heads - I am yours.   Tails - you are mine.

Ваш пример
впечатайте ваше придуманные письмо
I want to cuddle up to you and not let go, gently kiss your neck

With every day of communication with you, I understand that I fall in love with you more and more!

I lick your lips and my hand slides lower and lower over the body. I want you, I'll be with you all night.

I'll tie your hands, I'll tie your feet. But first, I'll strip you naked. You can't run away from me, because I'm driving the parade today

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