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межмуниципальный дистанционный открытый конкурсе

учителей иностранных языков «От идеи к творчеству»

План-конспект урока:
«Заседание клуба путешественников:
A Visit to Britain»
8 класс

учитель английского языка
МОУ СОШ №3 г.Хвалынска
Аржанухина Ирина Владимировна

Хвалынск 2010

Тема урока: «A Visit to Britain»

Цель урока: закрепление, совершенствование и контроль знаний по теме.
Задачи урока:
социокультурная: увеличить объем знаний об особенностях культуры Великобритании.
развивающая – развитие мышления, воображения, способности к распределению и переключению
внимания развивать умения подавать информацию в виде устных высказываний; расширять
кругозор по теме.
воспитательная – воспитывать уважение к культуре страны изучаемого языка, воспитание
чувства коллективизма: взаимодействие учитель-ученик,
учебная – совершенствование речевых навыков;
сопутствующая задача: контроль уровня развития речевых навыков в говорении и письме,
обобщение и систематизация полученных знаний.
Тип урока: урок совершенствования знаний, умений, навыков
Форма проведения урока: заседание клуба путешественников
Речевой материал:
материал цикла 1,2-Британия и ее люди; путешествие в Британию (Учебник для 8 класса
общеобразовательных учреждений/В.П.Кузовлев и др. 12 изд. – М.: Просвещение, 2007)
Оснащение урока:
учебник, карта-схема центра Лондона, магнитофонная запись, диск с презентацией,
индивидуальный дидактический материал.

План урока:
1. Вступительное слово учителя. Сообщение темы и целей урока учащимсяРечевая зарядка.-
Проверить общие знания о путешествии и стране в режиме T – P1 P2 P3
2. Монологические высказывания учащихся о географическом положении.- Проверить
уровень развития навыков говорения с опорой на наглядность
3. Воображаемый полет.- Развитие навыков диалогической речи с использованием известных
4. Прибытие в аэропорт. Рассказ гида об истории аэропорта.- Развитие навыков
монологической и диалогической речи.
5. Ситуация «На таможне». Развитие навыков диалогической речи
6. Выбор транспортного средства. Знаменитые автобусы.
7. Ситуация в гостинице. Монологические высказывания учащихся. Заполнение бланков –
Проверить умение применить на практике и совершенствование навыков английской
письменной речи.
8. Экскурсия по городу. Дворец Вестминстер, Вестминстерское аббатство, собор Святого
Павла, Тауэр – Проверить уровень развития навыков говорения с использованием видов
10. Рассказ учащихся о метро, площади Пиккадилли.
11.Музыка в жизни англичан. Битлз.
12.У.Шекспир и его творчество. Декламация отрывка.
13.Обобщение с использованием фотографий в режиме T - Cl
14. Подведение итогов урока, объяснение домашнего задания и комментированное выставление

1. Начало урока .
Объявление темы урока и ввод в ситуацию.
T: Hello, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you again. We’ve gathered here to have a usual meeting of
“Travelers club”. We are also happy to see everybody who will take part in our meeting. The aim of our
lesson is to use all the words and word expressions on the topic “Great Britain” and recall them in your
We continue our work. Last year the group of students of our club traveled all over Russia. They
visited the very heart of the country, its capital – Moscow.

This year we have traveled to one of the English speaking countries – Great Britain. Now I want you
to share impressions with our guests. We’ve visited many places of interest in the capital of Great Britain
– London.

2. Речевая зарядка.
Everybody has an opportunity to express his or her opinion. What do you remember about the country
we’ve recently visited?
1. What is the full name of the country?
2. Where is the UK situated?
3. What countries is the UK made up of? Do you know their capitals?
4. What British symbols do you know?
5. What can you say about its climate? Etc.

3. Географическое положение Великобритании.

T: I hope you’ll find out something interesting for yourselves. But before you’ll remember about your
trip to London, we have to recall the geographical position of that country.
Учащийся у карты рассказывает о географическом положении страны. Ниже приведено
примерное высказывание.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of the state. It consists
of four main parts which are: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each part has its capital.
The capital of England is London, Wales has Cardiff, Scotland has Edinburg and the main city of
Northern Ireland is Belfast.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is an island state. It is situated on the
British Isles to the North-west of Europe. The British Isles consist of more than 5,500islands. The biggest
island is Great Britain. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and is separated from the European continent
by the North Sea, the Straight of Dover and the English Channel. The population of the UK is over 57
million people. Great Britain is a country of forests and plains. The rivers of Great Britain are not long.
The longest rivers are the Thames and the Severn. The capital of Great Britain, London stands on the
Thames. Great Britain is a beautiful country with old traditions and good people.

4. Ситуация «На борту самолета» .

Now you have to imagine that we are flying to Great Britain.
Announcement: Ladies and gentlemen, British Airlines welcomes you abroad and hopes you’ll have a
pleasant flight. Fasten your seat belts and kindly refrain from smoking. Have a nice trip.
We are on board the plane of British Airlines. There we meet an English student who has been to
Moscow and now is flying back home.
Примерный образец диалога между пассажирами.
• Hello.
• Hello.
• Are you flying back home?
• Yes, I am.
• I’m going to London on a visit. My name is ….I’m from Russia. I’m an eighth-year student of
secondary school.
• Oh, I’m sure you‘ll enjoy your stay in London. I live in London. My name is John Brown.
• Glad to meet you John. How long did you stay in Moscow?
• For two weeks.
• What places of interest did you like best of all?
• Best of all I liked the Kremlin. When we come to London I’ll take you round the city.
• Thank you.
5. Ситуация «В аэропорту».

Attention please! The group of students from Russia is awaited at the baggage department. Thank you.
We are at the airport Heathrow now. Listen to some facts from the history of this airport.
Примерный образец высказывания.

The fastest and the most comfortable way of traveling to Britain is by air. The major British air company
is British Airways or B.A. If you come to Britain by air, you’ll see Heathrow, one of the world’s biggest
airports. Its official name is London airport. It was opened in 1929 as small base for flights and it became
an international airport in 1946. Over 44 million people pass through Heathrow each year. Heathrow is to
the west of London. There are many robberies from passenger luggage at the airport, and it is sometimes
called “Thiefrow”.

T: I think that some of you want to make information more exact.

A: Is Heathrow and London Airport one and the same thing?
B: Yes, the official name of Heathrow is London Airport.
A: Is it the only Britain’s airport?
B: It’s Britain’s most important airport for passengers, but there are also Gatwick,
Stansted, Luton and London City airports.
A: Are these airports much smaller than Heathrow?
B: Gatwick is also one of the world’s busiest international airports. Other airports are much smaller, but
they quite important.

T: At the international airports all passengers pass through the customs.

6. Ситуация «На таможне» .

• Good – afternoon, Madam. Can I see your passport, please?
• Yes of course. Here you are.
• Is that suitcase yours?
• Yes, it is.
• Could you put your suitcase on the table?
• Certainly, here is the key.
• Can you open your suitcase for me?
• Yes, of course.
• Have you got anything to declare?
• No, nothing special.
• Let me see… that’s all right. Thank you very much, Madam. You can close your suitcase now.
• Good-bye.
T: Now we are through with the formalities.

7. Знаменитые автобусы.
Airport Heathrow is situated far from London. So we had to choose how to get to the hotel.
We decided to take a bus. You know that buses in England are not like buses in our country. They are
double-deckers, one of the symbols of London. Their color is red. We were told that they had a long
history. It was interesting for us to see a lot from the top level of the double-decker bus. On double-
decker buses there are usually conductors who control the number of passenger and collect fares. The
price of the ticket depends on how far you travel. I think that traveling by bus was one of the best ways to
see London.

8.Ситуация «В гостинице»
T: When people travel they almost always stay at hotels. This is the manager of our hotel. She wants to
tell you about the hotel.
Выступление менеджера.

Our hotel is modern and well equipped. We have single rooms and double rooms. The rooms are
comfortable and clean. There is a private bathroom, a TV set and a fridge in each room. The price for a
night is reasonable. Breakfast is between 7 and 10 downstairs in the restaurant. Lunch is from 11 till 1.
30, tea is about 5 p. m. and dinner is at 6 or 7 p.m. but our visitors can also order meals by phone.
There is an information stand in the lobby of the hotel. There are coffee stalls and snack-bars on every
floor of the hotel. Our hotel was specially built for congresses, conferences and business meetings. Now
dear guests, I invite you to come to our hall. Please, try to be polite. Your hotel cards must be filled
immediately on your arrival.
Каждый ученик получает карточку посетителя гостиницы и заполняет ее.(Образец дан в

9. Ситуация «Экскурсия по городу»

T: If you have never been to London before it will not be easy for you to see all the sights. The first
sight to see is the Houses of parliament.
P: The Palace of Westminster, usually known as the Houses of Parliament, was built in the 16-th
century, but the old building was destroyed by the fire. Now you can see a modern palace of 19-th
century. The new palace consists of over 500 rooms. There are two towers in the Palace of Westminster:
the Victoria Tower and the Clock Tower. The British flag (called the union Jack) flying from the Victoria
Tower shows that the parliament is in session. At night the light in the Clock Tower also shows that the
parliament is in session. The Clock Tower, 320 feet high is famous for its hour bell, known as Big Ben. It
is the biggest clock in Britain. It weighs about 14 tons. The clock was called Big Ben after Sir Benjamin
Hall/ one day someone joked in the parliament,” Why not call the Tower Big Ben”. Now the bell is
known all over the world by that name. Tourists always come to see it.

T: Well, we’ve just visited the Houses of Parliament. But it is not only a historical monument. It is a place
where the British government sits.
Рассказ по схеме о политической системе Великобритании.
The United Kingdom is a parliamentary monarchy. But it is well known that the monarchy today has
no power. A parliament is a group of people who make laws of the country. British laws are made in the
House of Lords and the House of Commons. Members of the House of Commons belong to different
political parties. The main political parties in Great Britain are Conservative, Liberal, Social Democratic
T: Are you tired? I think it is not easy to sightseeing on foot. What about a bus excursion?
Ребята отправляются на автобусную экскурсию по городу.

Guide: Hello. I’m your guide. We are going to start our bus excursion near the Houses of Parliament.
Make yourself comfortable. If you have questions, please, ask me after the excursion. We shall see three
most famous buildings in England: Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London and St. Paul’s Cathedral.
Look! In front of you you can see Westminster Abbey. It is a fine gothic building, which stands opposite
the Houses of Parliament. It is the work of many hands and different ages. The coronations of many kings
and queens took place there; many famous people are buried there. Here you see the memorials of Isaac
Newton, Charles Darwin, G. Chaucer and many others.
The next destination of our excursion is St. Paul’s Cathedral, the work of eminent architect Sir
Christopher Wren. A cathedral dedicated to St. Paul has stood on this site since 604 AD. The present one
is the fifth. In 1669 king Charles II appointed Sir Christopher Wren architect of a new cathedral destroyed
by the Great Fire of London in 1666.
Wren devoted more than 40 years of his life to the creation of his masterpiece. Now it is a beautiful
building with many columns and towers. Look! The magnificent classical structure is crowned by the
dome. Inside the dome you can find scenes from the life of St. Paul. Here too is the famous Whispering
Gallery, where the words whispered into the stone wall can be heard right round the other side. Plenty of
outstanding people are buried there, Lord Nelson for example.
Now we are starting to the Tower of London. Look out of the window; you’ll see beautiful sights of
London. The tower of London was built in 1078 by William the Conqueror. But each monarch left some

kind of personal mark on it. It was a fortress, a palace, a prison and a royal treasury. It is now a museum
of arts. The tower is still guarded by the famous beefeaters, who wear a traditional uniform. The ravens
live in the gardens of tower.
Have you got any questions?
Ребята задают вопросы гиду, например:
1. May I take a picture of this monument?
2. What is Westminster Abbey today?
3. What famous writers are buried in Abbey?
4. When was St. Paul’s Cathedral founded?
5. Who is known as “the architect of London”?
6. What is the thickness of tower’s walls?
7. What kind of legend is there about the ravens?
8. How old is the tower of London?

T: Let’s remember what parks and squares we’ve visited.

Cl: We’ve visited Hide Park, Regent’s park, Trafalgar square and Piccadilly Circus.
T: As for me I shall remember for ever Piccadilly Circus and how we got there by the Tube.

T: Travelling on the London underground presents few difficulties for visitors because of the clear
color-coded maps.
По схеме метро Лондона ребята рассказывают о метро и том, как добраться от Тауэра, где
заканчивается автобусная экскурсия до площади Пиккадилли.
The underground in London is called the London Underground or the Tube (as its tunnels look like
tubes). London has the oldest underground train system in the world. Many people choose to travel by the
Tube because it’s cheap, comfortable and fast. The system covers about 300 kilometres and carries over
2,5 million people a day. There 11 underground lines, each with its own color. Fares on the London
underground are not fixed. The price of tickets is not low. It depends on the distance. Some stations are
closed on Sundays. The walls of the Tube are white and grey. There are a lot of advertisements
everywhere. Now we are at the Tower Hill. Let’s take Victoria Line (light blue). In 6 stops we’ll change
to the Piccadilly line (dark blue). In two stops we’ll be at the most beautiful station of the Tube.
Мы выходим из метро на площадь.
T: Look around! What a beautiful sight! We are on one of the famous squares of London - Piccadilly
P: Piccadilly Circus is the heart of the West End. It is called a circus because the square is round.
London’s best known theatres and cinemas and most famous restaurants are on Piccadilly Circus. In the
evening Piccadilly Circus is full of people. It is fantastic with a lot of advertisements and bright electric
signs at night.
Under the circus lies one of the busiest stations of London’s underground. In the square you can see
people of many nationalities and hear a lot of different languages. It was interesting to visit the most
beautiful square in London.
We’ll continue our work. I think that everybody is fond of music. We’ll never forget our visit to one of
the famous halls of London – Albert Hall.
11. Музыка в жизни англичан.
You know that Englishmen are fond of music. They like different types of music: classical, jazz, folk,
rock and pop music. Rock and pop are very popular, especially among young people. In the 60-th and 70-
th groups such as the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Who, Led Zeppelin, and Pink Floyd were at the top
of their fame. The Beatles, with their style of singing became world-wide known group; it was founded in
1959 by four young men from Liverpool. There first album was “Please, please me “(March, 1963).
Many of the famous songs written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney are still popular. In September
the Englishmen celebrated John Lennon’s birthday. When we were in London, we visited the famous
Albert Hall. It is a big concert hall and it is used for concerts and athletic events. We‘ve never forgotten
the concert devoted to the memory of the great musician John Lennon.

12.У.Шекспир и его творчество.

Britain is associated with the name of W. Shakespeare. Shakespeare made his modest fortune in London,
and London has made a considerable fortune out of Shakespeare.
Декламация отрывка из трагедии «Ромео и Джульетта». (слайд 16)
Быстрей, огнем подкованные кони,
К палатам Феба мчитесь! Ваш возница,
Как фаэтон, на запад гонит вас
И ускоряет ход туманной ночи.
Раскинь скорей свою завесу, ночь,
Пособница любви, закрой глаза
Идущим мимо людям, чтоб мог
Ромео мой попасть в мои объятья
Невидимо, неведомо для всех.
…O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I’ll no longer be a Capulet…
13.Обобщение знаний по теме «Великобритания» с использованием фотографий в режиме T – Cl.
Our sitting is coming to the end. Try to guess the sights.
14. Подведение итогов урока, объяснение домашнего задания и комментированное выставление


Name:________________________________ Name:_________________________________
Home Nationality_____________________________
Address_______________________________ Passport_______________________________
Country_______________Code____________ Number
Company______________________________ Issued
Title__________________________________ at________________________________

Method of Payment Next Destination
□ Credit Card
Account Departure Date
to:_____________________________ Departure Time
(By prior arrangement Only)

1.Алешкина Н.П. English: quick and easy. В Великобританию без переводчика М.: 1993
2.Литвинов С.В. Лондон. Экзаменационные темы и тексты: Пособие для
старшеклассников и абитуриентов. – М.: АРКТИ, 2002
3.Матвеева Н.В. Активные формы работы в старших классах. ИЯШ №5, 2000
4.Учебник для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений/В.П.Кузовлев и др. 12 изд. –
М.: Просвещение, 2007)
5.Устные темы, диалоги, упражнения. Учебно-методическое пособие
Е.С Музланова, Е.И.Кисунько – М.: Издательство «Экзамен», 2008
6.Шекспир В. Гамлет. М.: Молодая гвардия,1980 с. 286

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