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Секция 6.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
49 9/1 6 9 15 {d ——- 1VB
50 10/2 5 8 13 e} –2 2F
51 1/3 9 7 16 {a +3 3P
52 2/4 8 6 14 b –2 4GI

[F2 – IG8] = –4
53 3/5 7 5 12 c –2 5E

5 type days
54 4/6 6 4 10 d} –2 6RP
55 5/7 5 9 14 B*1 {e} +4 7C
56 6/8 9 8 17 {a +3 8IG
57 7/9 8 7 15 b –2 9V
58 8/10 7 6 13 C5 c –2 10R
59 9/11 6 5 11 d –2 11MC
60 10/12 5 4 9 e} –2 12TR
1. Осенний С. А. Новые способы расчета чудесных меридианов. Журнал «Традиционная медицина», № 1 [32] –
Москва. – 2013 – c. 26–32.
2. Цзичжоу Ян. Чжэнь цзю да чэн (Большие достижения чжэнь-цзю). Перевод с китайского Виногродско-
го Б. Б. – М.: П. Стайл – 2003. – 445 c.
3. Стахов А. П. и соавт. Код да Винчи и ряды Фибоначчи. – СПб.: Питер, – 2007. – 320 с.
4. Урманцев Ю. А. Симметрия природы и природа симметрии (философские и естественнонаучные аспек-
ты). – М.: Издательство «Мысль», – 1974. – 229 с.
5. Советский энциклопедический словарь./Научно-редакционный совет: А. М. Прохоров. Изд-во советская
энциклопедия. – М.; – 1981. – 1600 с. с илл.
6. Сороко Э. М. Структурная гармония систем./Под ред. Е. М. Бабосова. Минск, «Наука и техника», 1984 – 264 с.
7. Иванов В. В. Чет и нечет: Асимметрия мозга и знаковых систем. – М.; Сов.радио. – 1978. – 184 с.
8. Уоррен Фрэнк Медицинская акупунктура. Пер. с англ. Киев: Вища школа. Головное издательство, – 1981. – 224 с.
9. Мериэль П.  Предисловие к Ж. С. Де Моран Китайская акупунктура, т. 1. Классифицированная и уточнен-
ная китайская традиция. М.: Издательский Дом «Профит Стайл», – 2005. – 536 с.
10. Сыч Н. Н. Числа, символы, зарядовые знаки «чжоу и» в современной науке о человеке. Журнал «Рефлек-
сотерапия» № 4 (7) – Москва. – 2003 – с. 36–40.
11. Ионичевский В. А., Славин С. З. Хрономедицина Древнего китая. Владивосток: Дальнаука, – 2001. – 120 с.
12. Цзин-ло: Клинико-энергетическая характеристика канальной системы/О. Г. Коган, Е. Г. Гутман, О. В. Куз-
нецова, Ван Вайчэн. – Новосибирск: ВО «Наука». Сибирская издательская фирма, – 1993. – 216 с.

Osennij Sergey Alekcevich,

Sanatorium RZD «Vostok», Novosibirsk, Russia
E-mail: dr.osa@yandex.ru

New methods of calculating the open points-

keys of extraordinary channels
Abstract: In article new ways of calculation of opening of the points keys, the roles of numbers of N based on
the analysis of «heavenly stems” and «earthly branches» binomials hours and days are presented. The differentiated
approach to a six-ten-day cycle on the basis of the allocated five types of days and as some properties of types of days
are given locates. Mathematical communication of new ways of calculation of codes among themselves and with
traditional way that confirms idea about unity of described processes is given.
Keywords: traditional Chinese medicine, reflexotherapy, acupuncture, extraordinary channels, poinst- keys.
Introduction. This article presents two new and Extraordinary Channels (EC). Both methods are math-
reasonable methods for calculating codes of opened ematically related to each other and with the traditional
Section 6. Medical science

method described by Yang Jizhou in 1601 [1, 149–150], the values of EC remainder can match codes diapason:
which speaks about the unity of the described phenome- for odd- days 1 to 9, for even- days to 1 to 6‑is the prop-
na. New methods for calculating EC codes are connected erly codes EC. In the case of over-range codes EC are
with the notion types of days, which is introduced and called EC remainders. In this article, the calculation us-
justified in our work. ing new methods saves both terms: the remainder and
Materials and methods. In the basis of the tradi- the EC code and in the new calculation formula of the
tional ideas of ancient China about cyclic processes code (remainder) EC. If the value of EC remainder
lies the concept of binominals, which are binary way differs from of EC code, then it is necessary to add or
of expressing the recurring series of numbers from one to subtract from it nine or six, depending on the parity
to sixty, and are expressed as a combination of two of the day.
numbers. The first numbers in the binomial represent Research results
one of ten “heavenly stems” (hs), the second — one 1. Method of calculating the open points- keys
of twelve “earthly branches” (eb). The activity of ex- codes EC on daily dynamics numbers N of
traordinary channel appears as the opening points- “heavenly stems” binomials hours (Nhsh)
keys of these meridians and is cyclical, which can be and correction coefficient days CCD (Δ)
calculated by the definitions of N, corresponding to Based on the formulas (1a, 1b), codes of opened EC
the “heavenly stems” and “earthly branches” binomi- can be defined as derivatives of the four variables of num-
als days and hours, described by Yang Jizhou [1, 149]. bers N: Nhsd, Nebd, Nhsh and Nebh (range of changing
Number N of «heavenly stems” binomials days (N hsd) each of the numbers are given above), the corresponding
and “earthly branches” binomials days (N ebd), which to heavenly stems and earthly branches binomials of days
range from 10 to 7, in the sum are the coefficients of and hours.
days (CD). Number N of «heavenly stems” binomials When evaluating the different lengths of time, the
hours (Nhsh) with a range from 9 to 5 and the num- dynamics of each parameter is varied. Thus, the num-
ber N of «earthly branches” binomials hours (Nebh) ber of N days (Nhsd and Nebd) throughout the day
with a range from 9 to 4 in the sum are the coefficients remains unchanged. In contrast to these figures, the
of hours (CH). In the literature, these coefficients are number of N hours (Nhsh and Nebh), change with
described as “coefficients of B days » and «coefficients each passing hour of sixty hour cycle. However, dif-
of C hours » [2, 397–398; 3, 79–80]. To calculate the ferent cycle times and numbers Nhsh end Nebh leads
EC code through the traditional way one need from the to the fact that they are distributed in different ways
sum Nhsd +Nebd + Nhsh+ Nebh subtract from 1 to throughout the day. Thus, the number of Nebh, begin-
4 nines for odd-numbered days and from 2 to 5 sixes ning in hour Zi (hr Zi) (23–01), complete its cycle in
for even-numbered days. The result should match the hr Ssu (09–11) and are repeated from hr U (11–13)
range numbers from 1 to 9 or 1 to 6, depending on the to hr Hay (21–23). Thus, the numbers Nebh divide
parity of the day [1, 150]: the day into equal halves is the same for all days of the
Code EC= Nhsd +Nebd + Nhsh+ Nebh – 9 * n sixty-day cycle. Numbers Nhsh begin in hr Zi (23–01)
(for odd- numbered days),  (1a) of the first day of sixty-hour cycle. At the end of the
Code EC= Nhsd +Nebd + Nhsh+ Nebh – 6 * n day the numbers do not complete cycles, and pass on
(for even- numbered days).  (1b) the next day, and so they go through the whole cycle
In traditional Chinese sources codes are identified of sixty-hour, ending only in the hr Hay (21–23) of
as the remainders of EC, «according to the obtained the fifth day.
remainder, … [corresponded to] figure of the day and In connection with this, the distribution of numbers
the hour … you have already known exactly what the Nhsh is individual for each day of five-day or sixty-hour
point [key] is opened and at what time» [1, 150]. Re- cycles. Thus, within sixty-hour cycle, only numbers Nhsh
searchers use the terms code and remainder [3, 79–80; have distribution for each day, which is comparable to
2, 397–398], and use a different formula for calculating the distribution of codes EC. To clarify the role of num-
the code EC: the sum of day B coefficient and hour C bers in the formation of codes Nhsh EC, the model dia-
coefficient is divided into K coefficient equal to 9 or 6, gram of the indicators for the sixty-day cycle was built.
depending on the parity of the day, in the result there is A fragment of the diagram is shown in Figure 1 in the
a «remainder of division» [2, 397; 3,80]. Leading row number 4.
the calculations with the help of proposed methods,
Секция 6. Медицина

Fig. 1. Model calculation codes (remainder) extraordinary channels by the numbers

N hsh and correction coefficient days CCD (Δ) in the daily dynamics
The lines connecting the numbers Nhsh decreases relationship between numbers Nhsh and EC codes (re-
with the step increments –1 from 9 to 5 and then re- mainder) we can highlight some features.
peated. The lines connecting the EC code in fragments, Firstly, the difference between the numbers Nhsh
indicating time intervals (1–4, 7–10, 13–15, 16–17, and EC codes (remainder) in the periods from hr Zi to hr
21–23 hours), have a decrease in steps — 2. Tending to Ssu and from hr U to hr Hay, linearly increase by one with
decrease, some lines of EC codes, with its follow-up, after each subsequent time period. Secondly, the difference
a minimum values of 1 or 2, tend to the values of –1 or 0, between the number of Nhsh and EC codes (remain-
depending on the parity of code EC in these fragments. der) per hr Zi are equal for each day of the 60‑day cycle.
For example, in the first day, in the time interval from Thirdly, the EC codes (remainder), built in the form of
an hr Zi to an hr Mao, code values EC will be 8–6-4–2. a diagram for the day belong to one of the five selected
In the process of extrapolation of EC codes lines of this types of days (see below).
fragments to EC hr Cheng (5th hour) code should be Figure 1 shows the EC codes (remainder) of the first
equal to 0, in this case we need to add 9. and the second days of the sixty-day cycle, representing
For fragments codes EC, presented in the second day: the first and second type of days. Figures 2 and 3 shows
in hr ssu (code EC = 0 + 6 = 6) and in hr Hay (code EC the EC codes (remainder) of all five types of days (see
= –1 +6 = 5). In all three cases, the codes EC obtained by Fig. 2, Fig. 3). The difference between Nhsh and the EC
extrapolation code fragments EC, which decreases linearly remainders for hr Zi and hr U days is named as Correc-
with step‑2 and tends to 0 or –1 in its continuation — tion coefficient days CCD (Δ). The code of opened EC,
the values of obtained codes EC correspond to traditional designed by a new way, will be equal:
calculations. Composition of codes and EC remainders Code (rem) EC = Nhsh – Δeb,  (2)
for the remaining days of the 60‑day cycle is similar. Dia- where Nhsh — number N «heavenly stems» hours,
grams of EC codes (remainder), may be obtained in the Δeb — correction factor of the day CCD (Δ), endured
same way if during the whole day from the sum Nhsd + circadian dynamics tended to increase by one unit in the
Nebd + Nhsh + Nebh subtract a constant (9*n or 6*n), periods from hr Zi to hr Ssu, and from hr U to hr Hay. If
equal to that required to obtain the code EC in hr Zi. This the remainder EC <1 or> 9 (6 for even days), then we
allows to identify the natural connection between the EC should add or take away from it 9 or 6, depending on the
codes (remainder) and numbers Nhsh, which enables a parity of the day. Table 1 lists all of the CCD (Δ), their
new way to mathematically prove the calculation codes connection with the coefficients days CD, and also shows
(remainder) of opened EC points-keys. In analyzing the the distribution of CCD (Δ) by type of days. Taken into
Section 6. Medical science

account the fact that during the day the CCD (Δ) in- the types of days are five different daily EC remainders
creases linearly, starting from the initial value a1 (hr Zi, distributions, arranged in chronological order of the
hr U) = Δ, to the value of a6 (hr Ssu, hr Hay) = Δ +5, 5‑day or 60‑hour cycle.
daily dynamics Δeb will be expressed by the formula: Each type of the days has  its own range hours  in
Δeb = Δ + n‑1.  (3) the 60 – hour cycle, for example for the first type it is
This numerical sequence is known as positive or in- 1–12 hours, 13–24 hours for the second type, etc. Also
creasing arithmetic progression, progression having the number ranges Nhsh are the same for each type of
difference d = 1 (increasing character arithmetic pro- day: for the first type of days — from 9 in hr Zi to 8 in
gression is determined by the condition d> 0), where hr Hay, and for the second type of day — from 7 in hr Zi
n‑number of members of the progression. Any member to 6 in hr Hay, etc.
of the arithmetic progression an (Δ change in the hours “Heavenly Stems” of binomials of one type day
of the day) is the sum of the first term (a1 = Δ) and the refer to the same symbolic of the elements numbers.
product of the difference of the arithmetic progression Thus, for the first type of days “heavenly stems” are
(d = 1) to the number of members that precedes the 1 and 6, this refers to the element of “Water”. For the
(n‑1) [4, 277]: an = a1 + (n‑1) * d, where n — serial second type of days “heavenly stems” are 2 and 7, it
number of hour in periods from hr Zi to hr Ssu and refers to the element of “Fire.” For the third type of
from hr U to hr Hay. days “heavenly stems” 3 and 8 refer to the element of
Code (rem)EC = Nhsh – (∆ + n – 1).  (4) “Wood”. For the fourth and the fifth day types “heav-
Algorithm for calculating EC code (remainder) by enly stems” of binomials days are 4 and 9 (the element
the proposed method involves the following steps: “Metal”), and 5 and 10 (the element “Earth”), corre-
1) determination of the day in the 60‑day cycle; spondingly [6, 20,62]. Elements are located in the cos-
2) the determination of an hour in 60‑hour cycle mogonic order [6, 62].
or its binomial; Each type has its own days feature distribution of
3) determination or the number Nhsh according to the EC code (remainder) in the daily opposition. For
the binomial hours; example, for all days, belonging to the first type, the dif-
4) determination CCD (∆) in Table 1 at a daily dy- ference codes (remainders) EC, located in the h Cheng
namics (∆eb); and h Hsu, who are in daily opposition, the opposition
5) Code (remainder) EC = Nhsh – ∆eb. or equal to –4. This is reflected in the form of intervals
If the 1>remainder EC >9 (or 6 for the even days), codes (remainders) EC for all five types of days:
then to the result should be added to or taken away [E5 – 11MC] = –4 for 1 type days;
from him 9 or 6, depending on the parity of the day. If [3P – 9V] = –4 for 2 type days, etc … (Fig. 3).For
the remainder is equal to EC range from 1 to 9 for odd all other pairs of codes (remainders) EC, located in the
days and 1 to 6 for the even days, it is the code of the opposite of the daily, the difference will be +1.
EC. The calculation of the CCD (Δ) of the sixty-day 2. Method of calculating the open points- keys
cycle is as follows: CCD (Δ) = A – 9 (odd days) and code EC using coefficients of hours (CH) and
CCD (Δ) = A – 6 (for even days), where A = 9 * 3 – CD. the correction coefficients hours (CCH) N
Of these, 9 * 3 — empirical value obtained by experi- The second method for calculating the opened EC
ment, CD — coefficient of the day. If A> 9 for odd days, keys-points propose to use the coefficients of hours (CH)
or A> 6 for even then the CCD (Δ) = A – 9 (or 6). and introduced in the article- correction coefficients of
1 ≤ A ≤ 9 (or ≤ 6 for even days), CCD (Δ) is equal to A. hours N. As seen in Figure 2, the oscillation of the coef-
Thus, we get the: ficients hours CH repeat the course of codes (remainder)
CCD (Δ) = 9 * 3 – CD – 9 (for odd-numbered days), (5a) EC of five types of days, but it is shifted up to the ordinate
CCD (∆)= 9*3 – CD – 6 (for even- numbered days). (5b) axis towards to the course of EC remainders. The mag-
Types of the days — a concept, introduced in this nitude of this bias lends itself to mathematical analysis
article, which is based on the features of EC remainders and is the basis for another method of calculation codes
distribution during the 60‑hour cycle. For example, EC EC. In Figure 2, the first row shows the number Nhsh, in
remainders distribution of the 1st day of each 60‑hour the second row — coefficients hours, in the third row —
or 5‑day cycle has one type of diagram. The difference codes (remainder) the EC, in the fourth row — codes of
between them is only in the up or down-shift of one the EC, resulted by the additional calculations for values
chart in relation to other on the ordinate axis. Thus, of remainder EC < 1 (see Fig. 2).
Секция 6. Медицина

Fig. 2. Method of calculating the open points- keys code EC using coefficients hours (CH)
and the correction coefficients hours (CCH) N. Symmetry oscillations CH and codes (rem)
EC five types of days: 1 and 31 days (type 1), day 27 (type 2), 23 and 53 days (type 3),
day 9 (4 type), 5 and 35 days (5 days type). Correction coefficients hours N=10
The Oscillation of coefficients hours CH and codes 2) determination of the correction coefficient hour
(remainder) EC have the signs of identity — the dotted N (see Table 2) N = 12;
lines going through the starting and ending points of the 3) determination of hour in 60‑h. c. (see Table 3)- hr
oscillations, and allows to detect the symmetry of graphs ssu, 42  2\6;
and  identify the  individual components of these pro- 4) in Table 3 Nhsh = 8;
cesses — the borders of the amplitude attenuation and 5) Nebh = 4, because hr ssu;
excitation. The convergence of the dotted lines falls on the 6) calculation of code (remainder) EC using formula:
twenty-fifth hr Zi and the fifty- fifth hr U (attenuation) and Code (remainder) EC = Nhsh +Nebh – N = 8 + 4 – 12 = 0.
correspond to CH = 14 and EC code = 4, dashed lines di- Because it even a day, you have to add 6:
vergence begins with the sixth hr Ssu and the thirty-six hr Code EC= 0 + 6 = 6.
Hay (excitation of oscillation amplitude) and correspond Developed by the author calculation methods of dis-
to CH = 13 and EC code = 3. The amount of displace- covery points- keys of “extraordinary channels” between
ment EC remains downshift towards the CH is constant themselves and with the traditional method have a math-
throughout the day and named as correcting coefficient of ematical relationship.
hours CCH (N). All correcting coefficient hours N sixty- The traditional calculation of the opening EC points-
day cycle are calculated and are shown in Table 2. keys can be converted as follows:
Thus, the correction coefficient of N hours allows a) Code EC = CH + [9*3 – Δ – 9 (or 6)] – 9 (or 6)*n =
getting codes (remainders) of opened EC points-keys = CH+9*3 – Δ – 9 (or 6) – 9 (or 6)*n = Nhsh + Nebh –
after subtracting from CH: – Δ – 9 = Nhsh – (Δ+9 – Nebh) = Nhsh – (Δ+n – 1) =
Code (rem) EC = CH — N,  (6) = Nhsh – Δeb,  (2)
where N –correction coefficient hours (CCH). The where n‑ordinal number of hr Zi to hr Ssu, and from
coefficient calculation is made by the formula: hr U to hr Hay;
N = Δ +9.  (7) b) Code EC = CH + CD – 9 (6) * n = CH + [9*3 –
The algorithm for computing the EC code using co- – Δ – 9 (6)] – 9 (6) * n = CH + [9 * 3 – Δ – 9 (6) – 9 (6)*
efficients hours and hours of correction coefficient N in- * n] = CH + [– Δ – 9 (6)] = CH – N.  (6)
volves the following steps (eg date of January 17 2012., Graphically shows three ways to calculate the activ-
time –9.45): ity of EC: Traditional [1, 149–150], and two new ones
1) determination of the day (sixty-day cycle)- on (see Fig. 3).
17.01.12.: 14  4\2 [5, 314];
Section 6. Medical science

Fig. 3. Calculation opening points-keys EC traditional and new ways for example 1–5 days
sixty-day cycle. Distribution of codes (remainder) EC in daily opposition
In all three cases, the symmetry of the conventional code EC = CH – N and represented in the middle part
units oscillation (remainder EC, the coefficients hours of Figure 3.
(CH) and the sum CD + CH), displaced on the ordi- Discussion and conclusions.
nate and represent the basis for the different methods of This article describes two new ways of discover-
calculation codes EC in relation to each of these values: ing opening points-keys of extraordinary channels in
1) traditional — from the sum CH + CD one should the two-hour intervals, which were the basis for a dif-
deduct 9*n (or 6*n), the value of which is chosen in such ferentiated approach to the sixty-day cycle. In addi-
a way that the difference between them, a code EC, to tion, during the analysis of algorithm of the opening
meet the condition 1 ≤ code EC ≤ 9 (or 6), which is re- of points- keys revealed a number of laws relating to
flected in top of Figure 3; the features of distribution of codes (remainder) ex-
2) calculation code EC using the numbers Nhsh and traordinary channels in accordance with the selected
correction coefficients days (CCD (Δ), the daily dynam- five types of days. Application of these methods for
ics undergone by the formula: determining open points- keys extraordinary channels
code EC = Nhsh – (Δ + n – 1) and is illustrated in can be recommended in the practical work of special-
the lower part of Figure 3; ists of traditional acupuncture as alternative canonical
3) calculation code EC using the coefficients hours method described in [1, 149–150].
(CH) and correction coefficients hours N by the formula
Table1. – Correction coefficient days CCD (∆) 60‑d. c.

Odd days and HS binomial of days CCD CCD Even days and HS binomials of days.
(∆) CD (∆)
1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 10
odd even
13,43 25,55 4 14 7 (1) 18,48 30,60
3 15 19,49 3 15 6 (0) 24,54 28 40
33 45 7, 37 39 2 16 5 12,42 4 58 10
1,31 3 23,53 5,35 27 9 1 17 4 52 34 6,36 8,38 20,50
51 57 29,59 9 (0) 18 3 22 14,44 16
21 17,47 8 19 2 2,32 46
11,41 7 20 7 (1) 26,56
1 3 5 2 4 Types of days 2 4 1 3 5

Секция 6. Медицина

Table2. – Correction coefficient of days (CCD) N

Odd days 60‑d. c. odd odd CD even even Even days 60‑d. c.
days days days days
13,43 25,55 13 4 14 7 (1) 10 (16) 18,48 30,60
3 19,49 15 12 3 15 6 15 28 24,54 40
7,37 33 39 45 11 2 16 5 14 12,42 58 4 10
1,31 27 23,53 9 5,35 10 1 17 4 13 6,36 52 8,38 34 20,50
51 57 29,59 9 9 (0) 18 3 12 16 22 14,44
21 17,47 8 (17) 8 19 2 11 46 2,32
11,41 7 (16) 7 20 1 (7) 16 (10) 26,56
1 2 3 4 5 Types of days 1 2 3 4 5
Table 3. – Determining the serial number hour, his binomial and the number N phr 60‑day cycle.

1VB 2F 3P 4GI 5E 6RP 7C 8IG 9V 10R 11MC 12TR

60‑d. c. 23–1 1–3 3–5 5–7 7–9 9–11 11–13 13–15 15–17 17–19 19–21 21–23
a = от 0 до 5
hr Zi hr hr Yin hr hr hr Ssu hr U hr Wei hr hr Yu hr Hsu hrс
Chow Mao Cheng Shen Hay
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
a1 a6
1/1 2/2 3/3 4/4 5/5 6/6 7/7 8/8 9/9 10/10 1/11 2/12
N hsh 9 8 7 6 5 9 8 7 6 5 9 8
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
a2 a7
3/1 4/2 5/3 6/4 7/5 8/6 9/7 10/8 1/9 2/10 3/11 4/12
N hsh 7 6 5 9 8 7 6 5 9 8 7 6
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
a3 a8
5/1 6/2 7/3 8/4 9/5 10/6 1/7 2/8 3/9 4/10 5/11 6/12
N hsh 5 9 8 7 6 5 9 8 7 6 5 9
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
a4 a9
7/1 8/2 9/3 10/4 1/5 2/6 3/7 4/8 5/9 6/10 7/11 8/12
N hsh 8 7 6 5 9 8 7 6 5 9 8 7
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
a5 (a+1)0
9/1 10/2 1/3 2/4 3/5 4/6 5/7 6/8 7/9 8/10 9/11 10/12
N hsh 6 5 9 8 7 6 5 9 8 7 6 5
Notes: 1 а — The first digit in the 60 days d.ts. (register tens).
1. Ян Цзичжоу. Чжэнь цзю да чэн (Большие достижения чжэнь-цзю). Перевод с китайского Виногродско-
го Б. Б. – М.: Профит Стайл, – 2003. – 445 c.
2. Овечкин А. М. Основы Чжень-Цзю терапии. – Саранск: Голос, – 1991. – 417 с.
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