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Bibliography 545

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Language journals

Вопросы языкознания
Русистика сегодня
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Русский язык за рубежом
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Русский язык в школе
Филологические науки

Journal of Russian Studies
546 Bibliography

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Литературная газета
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Независимая газета
Сельская жизнь
Экран детям
Юный натуралист
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Moscow, 1986.
Pecheritsa, T. (compiler), Дороги. Рассказы советских писателей,
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Russian government website
Russian Presidential website
Website for the daily newspaper Izvestiia
Website for the Interfax news agency
Website for the daily newspaper Kommersant
Website for the RIA news agency
Website for the Itar-Tass news agency

Some quotations in this book have been taken from standard grammars
of the Russian language.
Subject Index

Note: references are to page numbers. When English and Russian words
appear together in a list, account is taken of the order of letters in both

Accusative case (see also after collective numerals 222

Declension of nouns): after 2–4 215
after negated verbs 112–15 Adjectives:
after verbs which also take the indeclinable 177–8
dat. 119 long and short 168
after verbs which also take the post-positive 179
gen. 105–6, 115 –18 Long:
as an object 105 hard declension 168–9
denoting cost 105 mixed declension 169–70
denoting measure 105 soft declension 170–1
denoting progress through adjs. with long forms only 183
space 105 attributive use of 178–9
denoting progress through derived from nouns 172–3
time 105, 456 in -ивый, -мый, -атый,
denoting repetition 105 -астый, -истый, -чий
denoting weight 105 173 – 4
in impersonal constructions in -н-, -ск- and -ов-/-ев- 172 –3
105, 327–8 nouns from which more than
pl. after 4 214 one is derived 174
Acronyms: formation of position in sentence 179, 527
gender of 60–1 possessive 174–6
Adjectival nouns: predicative use of 179–80, 187,
categories 181–2 189 – 90
550 Subject Index

separated by commas 21 derived from adjs. and parts.

sing. and pl. usage 180 –1 395 –7
taking the dat. 120 derived from gerunds 399
taking the gen. 107 derived from nouns 398–9
taking the instr. 125 derived from numerals 400
with кт-то 161 derived from pronouns 400–1
with mountain ranges 425 длго, давн,
with нчто 165 недвно/[в/за] послднее
with weeks/months/years врмя 405 – 6
450–1 ещё cf. другй 404
with что 145 ещё (не/нет) 404 –5
with чт-то 162 ещё раз cf. снва, опть
Short: 405
as adverb 202 in н- 412
as introductory word 202 in ни- 411–12
as pl. predicate to subject interrelating 407
containing a numeral 228 in -то, -нибудь, -либо, кbе-
as predicate to infins. and 409 –11
verbal nouns 192–3 of manner and extent 406–7
attributive usage of 201 of place 401–2, 407
buffer vowel 184–5 of time 298, 402–3, 407
cf. long form 187–8 position of 522, 528 –9, 532
comparative of cf. adverbs рньше 458
413–14 separation by commas 21–2
delimitation by oblique case, superlative 415
prepositional phrase, тже/ткже 407– 9
subordinate clause or тлько 455
infin. 190 –3 уж (не/нет) 403 – 4
denoting dimension 189–90 used to distinguish aspect
denoting temporary state 188 271
formation from adjs. in used to reinforce aspect 294,
-енный 186 298 – 9
formation of 182–3 with же 513 –14
in generalized statements 193 with particle -то 516
n. form cf. adverb 395–6 Adverbial clauses: replaced by
paired opposites 188–9 gerunds 390–2
position in sentence 193, 531 Adverbial expressions:
special forms 185–6 denoting route, time, manner
stress in 186–7 122–3
Adverbs: Age:
introductory comments 395 giving someone’s age 236–7,
comparative 202, 413–14, 414 453
denoting frequency 299 with dative of person 121
Subject Index 551

Agent nouns: 36–42, 44, 46 – 8, Alphabet:

50–3, 57 Cyrillic 1–2
Agreement: International Phonetic 2–4
adj. with noun 54 –5, 58, 66 –7, Alphabetisms:
178–9 declension of 99
adj. with numeral and noun 181 gender of 61–2
все 156 Animals:
вы 138 in animate accusative 68, 70
comparative adj. with noun 194 pronoun что 145
compounds in пол- with adjs. Animate accusative: 68–70
232 of adjs. 178
fractions/decimals with noun 231 of два/две, три, чет"ре,
in telling the time 234 ба/бе 217–18
котрый 146 of indefinite numerals 226
кто 144–5, 147 of m. nouns 74 –5
кт-то 162 of ‘one’ 212
long-form part. with noun Apposition:
(cf. котрый) 380 absence of with как 104
мы 137 in titles, names 97–8, 104,
никт 157 127– 8
numeral subject with predicate of сам with other pronouns 155
226–8 use of commas to mark off
oblique cases of cardinals with words in 22
noun 216–19 Aspect (see also Imperfective/
oblique cases of indefinite Perfective Aspect):
numerals with noun 225 introductory comments 268–9,
од!н 212–13 293 – 5
он, он, он, он! 138 – 9
ordinal numerals with noun 230 biaspectual verbs 270–1
past tense with noun 54 consonant mutation in
predicate with multiple subject secondary impfs. 278–9
54, 486, 489 differentiation of by conjugation
pronoun with noun 54 281–2
ряд, большинств,
мнжество, часть 100 –1 formation of 271–2, 275–6,
сам 155 277– 80
superlative adj. with noun 203 functions of pf. prefixes 272–3
time expressions with predicate impfs. from compounds of
234 -лож!ть 283
ты 137–8 in questions 309–10
ты/вы 137–8 in the present tense 295–7
т"сяча 219 mutations e/ë, o/a in
я 136–7 secondary impfs. 277–8
552 Subject Index

of verbs governing partitives Augmentative nouns:

108, 110 gender of 56
pf. with particle было 511 plural of 87
reflexive in impf. only 282–3 suffixes 132–3
secondary impfs. 276–8,
279–80 Buffer vowel:
semantic differentiation of 274 in compound verbs of motion
verbs with only one 269–70 360
with different roots 282 in conjugation 267–8
in f. gen. pl. 89 – 90
in the future 306 – 9 in n. gen. pl. 85, 87– 8
in the infinitive: in short-form adjs. 184–5
introductory comments 314–15
Capital and small letters:
after не хоч$ 319 Вы 138
after пор 319 in titles and names 16–18
after verbs of beginning, Cardinal numerals:
continuing and concluding list 207–8
316–17 declension of 208–11
after verbs of motion 320 declension of compounds 219
in denoting advisable or oblique cases of 216–18
inadvisable actions 317–18
in denoting habitual actions agreement with sing./pl.
315–16 predicate 226–8
in denoting repeated or as ‘labels’ 220
continuous actions 315 два/две, три, чет"ре 214 –16
in denoting single completed in arithmetic 238
actions 314 in compound nouns/adjs. 238 – 9
in requests to perform/not to in fractions and decimals 230–2
perform an action 318–19 in giving someone’s age 236–7
in giving the date 235–6
in the past: in telling the time 232–5
general 298–306 ноль/нуль 211–12
ба/бе 214 –16
emphasis on identity of subject од!н, одн 212–14, 215
303–4 полтор/полтор" 214
impf. denoting a forthcoming пять to 999 216
event 305 раз in counting 212
impf. denoting an action and its т"сяча to триллин 218 –19
reverse 302–3 with дти 223
impf. denoting a ‘statement of with ‘plural only’ nouns 221–2
fact’ 300–2 Causal expressions: in а/я, у/ю
of a negated verb 305–6 110 –11
Subject Index 553

Collective nouns: Compound hyphenated nouns:

followed by gen. 107 declension of 100
inanimacy of 69 gender of 63–4
used only in sing. 71 Concessive constructions:
Collective numerals: categories 340–1
agreement of with predicate with interrogative/relative
226–7 pronouns 149 –50
declension of 221 Conditional mood:
in idioms 224 introductory comments 333
with adjectival nouns 222 expressed by без 334 –5
with animate m. nouns 222–3 expressed by imperative 334
with дти etc. 223 formation of 333–4
with gen. pl. 221 used with -нибудь 163
with pl.-only nouns 221–2 Conjugation of the verb:
Comparative adjs: endings of first and second
introductory comments 193–4 conjugations 241
buffer vowel in 267–8
attributive use of short forms deficiencies in 256–7, 343
201 1st: consonant stems 244–50
compounds with блее/мнее 1st: infinitive endings 241
194, 196, 198 1st: mobile stress 250–1
constructions with 199–201, 1st: vowel stems 242–4
467–9 2nd: consonant change 253–4
дальнйший 205 2nd: mobile stress 254–5
impersonal use of 202 2nd: present-future endings 252–3
in -е 197–9 2nd: present-future stems 251
in -ее 195–6, 197 – 8 Conjunctions:
in -ей 196 introductory comments 484
one-word long forms 194–5
predicative use of forms with adversative 486–8
блее 196 a ткже 408
predicative use of short forms causal 492–3
199 cf. и/а/но 487– 8
prefixed ло-201 comparative 497–8
short forms as adverbs 202 concessive 497
short forms as introductory conditional 496–7
words 202 connective 485–6
with ещё 405 co-ordinating 485–9
with no short forms 196 disjunctive 488–9
Comparative adverb: explanatory 489–91
cf. short-form comparative adj. of purpose 494–5
202 of result 495–6
не пзже in telling the time 234 replaced by pf. gerund 501
554 Subject Index

subordinating 489–504 Declension of nouns:

temporal 498–504 introduction 67–8
to in conditional constructions
334 declension chart 73
use of commas between clauses
1st m. 74–6
1st n. 84 – 8
with impf. 293
2nd 88 – 92
with pf. 295
3rd 92–4
Consonant mutation:
of alphabetisms 99
in adjs. from nouns 172, 175
of дти, л'ди 95
in augmentatives 132–3
of дит 95
in comparative adjs. 197–8
of first names and
in diminutives 129–31
patronymics 95–6
in first conjugation 246–8, 250
of hyphenated nouns 100
in impfs. formed by
of nouns in -ия/-ие 94
conjugation change 281–2
of nouns in -мя 94
in лгать 245
of place names 97
in pf. passive parts. 373–5
of путь 94 –5
in possessive adjs. 175
of surnames 96–7
in secondary impfs. 277–9
of titles and names 97–8
in second conjugation 253–5
Demonstrative pronouns:
in suffixation 36–48, 50, 52–3
declension of 150–1
in superlative 204–5
in verbs in -чь 250 не тот 152
Consonants: differentiation of примр том$ 153
meaning through hard and сей/*кий 154
soft 9 такй 153 – 4
Countable nouns 73 такй же 154
тот 151–3
Date 235–6 тот же (смый) 152, 156
Dative (see also Declension of with же 514
nouns): *тот/*то 151
after adjs. 120 Desire:
after verbs/verbal nouns 119–20 бы and infm. 335, 508
as indirect object 118–19 бы and past tense 335–6
as logical subject of infin. Determinative pronouns:
121, 160 –1, 412 declension of 154–5
in impersonal constructions
120–1, 327, 328 – 9 весь in concessive
in indicating age 236–7 constructions 472
with примр etc. 153 весь/цлый,
Deaffixation: in f. soft-sign nouns вский/кждый/
57 любй 156 –7

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