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AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Future Perfect�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Future Perfect – Form���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Future Perfect Continuous���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Future Perfect Continuous – Form�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Future Perfect
O Future Perfect é usado para indicar uma ação que terá se realizado (ou não) em um dado
momento no futuro.
Future Perfect – Form
Para formarmos uma frase no Future Perfect basta usarmos o verbo auxiliar will acrescido de
have, e um terceiro verbo qualquer no passado particípio.

Ex.: I always finish dinner at 8:30 p.m. If you call me at 9:00 p.m., I will have finished it.
˃˃ Affirmative
Ex.: I will have finished dinner when you call me.
˃˃ Negative
Ex.: I won’t have finished dinner when you call me.
˃˃ Interrogative
Ex.: Will I have finished dinner when you call me?
What time will you have finished dinner?
˃˃ Forma Contraída
Ex.: I will have written my report = I’ll have written my report.
˃˃ 1. O Future Perfect é usado para indicar que algo irá ocorrer antes de outra ação no futuro.
Ex1.: Will you have finished your homework by the time your mother arrives?
Ex2.: By the time my father calls me I will have cleaned my bedroom.
Ex3.: By the time I get home my wife will have cooked dinner for us.
˃˃ 2. Indica uma ação que terá ocorrido antes de outro momento no futuro.
Ex1.: I won’t have finished my report by the end of the day.
Ex2.: By the end of the week I will have read my new book.

Future Perfect Continuous

O Future Perfect Continuous é usado para indicar uma ação estará acontecendo até um momento
específico no futuro ou até um evento específico no futuro.
Future Perfect Continuous – Form
Para formarmos uma frase no Future Perfect Continuous basta usarmos os auxiliares will have
been acrescidos qualquer no gerúndio.

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Ex.: She will have been studying French for 3 years next month.
˃˃ Affirmative
Ex.: The baby will have been sleeping for 9 hours by the end of the day.
˃˃ Negative
Ex.: The baby won’t have been sleeping for 9 hours by the end of the day.
˃˃ Interrogative
Ex.: Will the baby have been sleeping for a long time by the end of the day?
Ex.: How long will the baby have been sleeping by the end of the day?
˃˃ Forma Contraída
Ex.: She will have been studying for a long time = She’ll have been studying for a long time.
O uso do Future Perfect Continuous é condizente com seu conceito: Indica uma ação estará
acontecendo até um momento específico no futuro.
Ex.: We will have been working for over 8 hours on this project by the time our boss arrives.
Lily’s anger could not have been more palpable. She awakened Christmas morning and, along
with her brother, ran down to see the gifts under the tree. In the living room sat a magnificent mini
bike. It was red with a pearly white gas tank and side panels. For a brief moment, Lily was filled with
what seemed like insurmountable excitement. She couldn’t imagine anything better than getting
that bike. Then, her eyes caught sight of a baby doll sitting on the couch with a huge bow. She knew.
She knew that the mini bike belonged to her brother and that she had been relegated to that doll. It
was par for the course. Tommy always got cool things: skateboards, gliders, science kits.
The mini bike was just the latest cool thing. Lily always got the boring gifts: a doll with a gown, a
doll with a tutu, a doll with a puppy. This doll seemed unusually blah. The doll wore a petticoat. The
doll had short, straight black hair. Tommy had seen that mini-bike in the front window of Moore’s
Bike Shop, but hadn’t Lily too? Both had begged for the bike. Both had said it was the only thing they
wanted for Christmas. Hadn’t Lily asked for it with as much fervor as her twin brother? Tommy’s
eyes grew wide at the sight of the bike he knew was his—no doll for him.
He ran into his parents’ room and jumped excitedly on the bed. “Thank you, Mama! Thank you,
Papa!” he yelled. Meanwhile Lily simmered in the other room. She was furious. She was enraged.
She was incensed. It took a while for anyone to even realize she was missing. “What’s wrong, Lil?”
Papa asked. “Did you see your pretty doll?” “I saw it,” she said sulkily. “What’s wrong?” asked
Mama. Silence. Lily’s jaw was fixed. Her hands clenched. Her whole body trembled. “Oh, Mama,
you know Lily is never excited by presents!” her brother laughed. “Come out and watch me ride!”
And so they did.
01. In the beginning of the story, Lily’s anger was described as “palpable” because it was:
a) unusual
b) irrational
c) difficult to understand
d) easy to feel
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

02. As used in the beginning of the story, the expression “par for the course” implies that some-
a) is to be expected
b) cannot be undone
c) is sure to cause anger
d) was meant to be hurtful
03. As used at the end of the story, which is the best antonym for incensed?
a) pleased
b) annoyed
c) patient
d) tired
01 - D
02 - A
03 - A

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.

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