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Г.Г. Бондарчук
Е.А. Бурая



Учебное пособие
3-е издание, стереотипное

Рекомендовано Учебно-методическим объединением

по образованию в области лингвистики
Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации
в качестве учебного пособия для студентов,
обучающихся по специальностям направления
«Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация»

Издательство «ФЛИНТА»
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

УДК 811.111(075.8)
ББК 81.2Англ-923

Бондарчук Г.Г.
Б81 Основные различия между британским и американским английским [Электронный
ресурс]: учеб. пособие. / Г.Г. Бондарчук, Е.А. Бурая. – 3-е изд., стер. – М. : ФЛИНТА,
2013. – 135 с.

ISBN 978-5-9765-0002-0

В пособии описаны основные различия между британским и американским английским в области

правописания, произношения, грамматики и лексики, а также некоторые различия в чтении чисел и
оформлении писем. При рассмотрении лексических особенностей в ряде случаев даны комментарии на
английском языке, что позволяет более точно и полно описать специфику употребления лексических единиц
в том или ином территориалном варианте английского языка, а также помогает избежать ошибок и/или
недоразумений при общении представителей разных лингвокультур.
Для студентов и преподавателей вузов.
УДК 811.111(075.8)
ББК 81.2Англ-923

ISBN 978-5-9765-0002-0 © Издательство «ФЛИНТА», 2013

Учебное издание
Бондарчук Галина Григорьевна
Бурая Елена Анисимовна


Учебное пособие

Подписано в печать 01.08.2013.

Электронное издание для распространения через Интернет.

ООО «ФЛИНТА», 117342, г. Москва, ул. Бутлерова, д. 17-Б, комн. 324.

Тел./факс: (495) 334-82-65; тел. (495) 336-03-11.
E-mail: flinta@mail.ru;
WebSite: www.flinta.ru.

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Тел.: (495)958-19-00 (доб. 111); (495)234-43-15.
E-mail: publish@col.ru
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Основные различия в правописании…………………………………………….5
Основные различия в произношении…………………………………………..10
Основные различия в грамматике………………………………………………49
Основные различия в лексике…………………………………………………..63
Основные различия во фразеологии…………………………………………..129
Некоторые различия в чтении чисел………………………………………….131
Особенности оформления писем……………………………………………...133
Библиографический список……………………………………………………135

Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»


Общеизвестно, что британский английский и американский английский

являются вариантами одного языка, тем не менее, между ними существует
целый ряд различий. Хотя число их постепенно сокращается с появлением и
развитием, так называемого Transatlantic English, оно все еще значительно и
не может не учитываться при овладении английским языком.
В данном пособии описаны основные различия между британским и
американским английским (далее - BrЕ и АmЕ) в области правописания,
произношения, грамматики и лексики, а также некоторые различия в чтении
чисел и оформлении писем.
При рассмотрении лексических особенностей в ряде случаев даны
комментарии на английском языке, что позволяет более точно и полно
описать специфику употребления лексических единиц в том или ином
территориальном варианте английского языка, а также помогает избежать
ошибок и/или недоразумений при общении придставителей разных
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1. Некоторые слова оканчиваются на -ogue в ВrЕ и на -og в AmE.

analogue analog
catalogue (+)1 catalog
dialogue dialog

2. Ряд слов оканчивается на -our в ВrЕ и на -or в AmE. Например:

armour armor
clamour clamor
colour color
enamour enamor
favour favor
favourite favorite
fervour fervor
flavour flavor
honour honor
humour humor
labour labor
neighbour neighbor
parlour parlor
rumour rumor

Символ (+) означает, что данное «британское» правописание известно и в США.

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vigour vigor

3. Некоторые слова оканчиваются на -re в ВrЕ и на -ег в AmE.


ВrЕ АmЕ Commentary

centre center

fibre fiber

metre meter British usage meter is for a

measuring device and metre for the
unit of length. The US military
prefer metre.
theatre theater

4. В ВrЕ глаголы, оканчивающиеся на -l, удваивают ее перед -ing, -ed и

-er независимо от того, находится их последний слог под ударением или нет.
В AmE буква l удваивается только в том случае, когда ударение падает на
последний слог:

travel: travelling / travelled / traveller traveling / traveled / traveler
cancel: cancelling / cancelled canceling / canceled
equal: equalling / equalled equaling / equaled

5. В BrE большинство глаголов, оканчивающихся на -ise, пишется и

через -ize (исключение составляют двусложные глаголы, например surprise и

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глаголы advertise и analyse, которые в BrE пишутся только через -ise). В

AmE эти глаголы пишутся с суффиксом -ize. Например:
apologise / apologize apologize
computerise / computerize computerize
criticise / criticize criticize
mechanise / mechanize mechanize
organise / organize organize
realise / realize realize
specialise / specialize specialize

6. Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -nce в ВrЕ, имеют окончание

-nse в AmE. Например:
BrE AmE Commentary
defence defense
licence license British spelling is license
for the verb and licence
for the noun.

7. Некоторые индивидуальные различия в написании слов:

BrE AmE Commentary

aesthetic esthetic
[ Js'TetIk ] [ es'TetIk ]

aluminium aluminum
[ˌxljq'mInIqm ] [ q'lHmInqm ]

anaesthesia anesthesia
[ˌxnqs'TJzIq] [ˌxnqs'TJZq ]
archaeology archeology
borough boro Boro is informal and is sometimes

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seen in British road markings.

bye law bylaw
cheque check from a bank
cigarette cigaret(te)
doughnut donut Donut is informal and is quite
commonly used in BrE to suggest
that the bun is of a typical
American character.
draught draft
encyclopaedia encyclopedia
[ InˌsaIklq'pJdIq ] [enˌsaIklq'pJdIq ]
fulfilment fulfillment
gauge (+) gage
grey gray
gynaecology gynecology
haulier hauler
jail, goal jail
jewellery jewelry
kerb curb Edge of a roadway or pavement.
Curb in the sense of restrain is
used in BrE and AmE.
manoeuvre maneuver
marvellous marvelos
mould mold
moustache (+) mustache
[mq'stRS] ['mAstxS]
night nite Nite is informal in both AmE and
no-one no one
omelette (+) omelet
plough plow
to practise to practice British usage is practise for the
verb and practice for the noun.
programme program British usage is program for
computers and programme for

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radio and TV.

pyjama [pI'GRmq] pajama [pq'GRmq]
routeing2 routing
speciality specialty
storey story of a building
sulphur (+) sulfur
telegramme telegram
through (+) thru American usage is obsolescent but
may still be seen on road signs etc.
tyre tire on a car
vice vise a tool

Исключения из вышеуказанных правил:

1. В AmE пишется glamour, а не glamour и advertising, а не advertizing.
2. В BrE слова honorary и honorific пишутся без u.
3. Британское написание слов center и theatre вытесняет в США
американское, особенно когда хотят показать, что речь идет о высоком
4. Обратите внимание на то, что tonne – это не британское написание
слова ton, а наименование совершенно другой весовой единицы,
равной 1000 кг, в то время как британская тонна (the British ton) равна
2240 фунтам, или 1016,96 кг.

В AmE у глаголов конечная буква -e перед окончанием -ing опускается, и это становится все более
популярным и в BrE.

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Фонетические различия между британским и американским типами

литературного произношения проявляются на сегментном, то есть звуковом,
акцентном и интонационном уровнях. В данном разделе межвариантные
различия будут рассмотрены, главным образом, на сегментном и акцентном

В специальной литературе по британскому варианту английского языка

за понятием «литературное произношение» закрепился термин Received
Pronunciation (сокращенно RP), что означает «принятый в высшем
обществе». Нормой американского произношения принято считать General
American (сокращенно GA), то есть общеамериканский произносительный

К наиболее ярким фонетическим особенностям, отличающим GA от RP,

следует, прежде всего, отнести чрезмерную назализацию американской

речи, то есть такую артикуляцию, при которой воздушная струя выходит

не только через полость рта, но и частично через полость носа, окрашивая
звуки носовым тембром. В специальной литературе это явление получило
название American twang.

Как известно, в RP звук [ r ] произносится лишь в положении перед

гласными звуками, то есть для RP характерно «безэрное» произношение. В
американском стандарте звук [ r ] произносится во всех позициях, где
пишется буква r, то есть для GA характерно «эрное» произношение, и такие
слова как car, corn, girl произносятся в GA соответственно [ ka:r ], [ kLrn ],
[ gE:rl ]. «Эрный» тип произношения является еще одной яркой
особенностью, в которой проявляется своеобразие американского акцента.

Вследствие «эрного» типа произношения, гласные, за которыми следует

звук [ r ], имеют в американском варианте ретрофлексный характер. Это

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означает, что они произносятся с оттенком звука [ r ]. То же можно сказать и

о нейтральном гласном [ q ], если он соответствует на письме диграфам er
(mother ['mADqr ]), or (doctor ['dPktqr ]), ur (survive [ sqr'vaIv ]) или другим
буквенным сочетаниям, содержащим букву r, как, например, в слове nature
['neICqr ]. Однако нейтральный звук не имеет ретрофлексного оттенка и
произносится одинаково в RP и GA в тех случаях, когда он представлен в
орфографии другими буквами или буквенными сочетаниями, не
содержащими r, как, например, в словах agree [ q'grJ ], melon ['melqn ],
vicious ['vISqs ].
Гласный [ E: ] всегда имеет ретрофлексный характер в GA, так как он
произносится в словах с диграфами, содержащими букву r: er (term [tE:rm ]),
ir (bird [ bE:rd ]) и ur (turn [ tE:rn ] ). Примечательно, что даже слово colonel,
не содержащее букву r, произносится с ретрофлексным [ E: ]. Тем не менее
некоторые французские заимствования произносятся в GA с чистым, не
«эризованным» звуком [ E:a], например:

RP GA Russian

chef d’oeuvre [ˌSeI 'dE:vrq ] [ˌSeI 'dE:vrq ] шедевр

pas de deux [ˌpRdq'dE: ] [ˌpRdq'dE: ] па-дэ-дэ

prie-dieux [ˌprJ'djE:z ] ['prJdjE:z ] скамеечка для


roman fleuve [ rqVˌmRN'flE:v ] [ roVˌmRN'flE:v ] многотомный

роман, несконча-
емая история

Для обозначения ретрофлексных [ q ] и [ E: ] используются специальные

транскрипционные символы ([ ɚ ] и [ ɝ: ] соответственно). Например:

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major [ 'meIGq ] ['meIGɚ ]

mother ['mADq ] ['mADɚ]

picture ['pIkCq ] ['pIkCɚ ]

survive ['sqvaIv ] [ sɚ'vaIv ]

fern [ fE:n ] [ fɝ:n ]

girl [ gE:l ] [ gɝ:l ]

fur [ fE: ] [ fɝ: ]

Наличие ретрофлексных гласных является яркой особенностью

американского варианта английского языка, хотя степень проявления
эризованности в речи может быть различной: от легкого оттенка до полного,
четкого произнесения звука [ r ].

Практически все гласные звуки в GA имеют иную тембральную окраску,

чем соответствующие им гласные в RP. Это обусловлено различием в
положении и форме языка при их артикуляции. Приведем для наглядности
таблицы гласных звуков для стандартного британского и американского
типов произношения, составленные на основе последних экспериментальных
данных известным современным фонетистом П. Ладефогедом (P. Ladefoged,

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Таблица 1.
Качественные значения британских гласных звуков

Таблица 2.
Качественные значения американских гласных звуков

Примечание 1:
Таблицы приводятся с небольшими изменениями, а именно: в них
отражено только положение монофтонгов, и символы некоторых гласных
даны так, как это принято в британской фонетической традиции.

Примечание 2:
Гласный [ q ] занимает в системе английских гласных звуков особое
положение: он никогда не встречается в ударном положении, и его качество

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определяется позицией в слове. По этой причине этот звук часто не

включают в таблицу гласных.

Примечание 3.
Гласный [ ɝ: ] в GA всегда имеет имеет ретрофлексный характер, что
обеспечивается сложной дополнительной артикуляцией. По этой причине
автор таблицы не счел возможным включить в нее этот звук.

К специфическим чертам американского произношения в области

консонантизма можно отнести особую артикуляцию согласного [ t ]. В
положении между гласными этот звук озвончается и произносится очень
быстро и слабо. Вследствие этого слова типа writer и rider, latter и ladder
могут в GA стать фонетическими омонимами, то есть звучать одинаково.

В GA во всех позициях в слове используется «темный», или твердый,

оттенок звука [ l ], при артикуляции которого задняя часть языка
поднимается к мягкому небу. В RP «темный» оттенок звука [ l ]
употребляется лишь перед согласными звуками и на конце слова. Перед
гласными употребляется «светлый», или мягкий, оттенок этого звука, при
артикуляции которого передняя часть языка поднимается к твердому небу.

Описанные артикуляционные различия в производстве отдельных звуков

придают американскому акценту особую окраску, составляющую его
своеобразие. Но фонетические различия между двумя вариантами
английского языка проявляются не только в этих особенностях. Большое
количество слов в американском варианте произносится иначе, чем в
британском. Основные тенденции в произношении некоторых приставок,
суффиксов, буквенных сочетаний, не совпадающие в RP и GA, сводятся к
следующим пунктам.3

В качестве источника для сопоставления произношения отдельных слов в двух вариантах английского
языка использовалось 16-е издание английского произносительного словаря Д. Джоунза (D.Jones. English
Pronouncing Dictionary, 16th edition, Cambridge University Press, 2003). В случаях, если слово имеет более
одного варианта произношения в пределах нормы, анализировались лишь те варианты, которые в словаре
отмечены первыми, так как именно они являются наиболее часто употребляемыми.

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1. Как ясно видно из Таблицы № 2, в американском вокализме нет

краткого гласного [ P ], поэтому такие слова, как dog, hot и многие другие
произносятся в американском варианте иначе. Около 80% слов, содержащих
в RP гласный [ P ], произносятся в GA с гласным звуком, близким по тембру
к звуку [ R ]. Например:
dog [ dPg ] [ dRg ]
hot [ hPt ] [ hRt ]
wash [ wPS ] [ wRS ]

Около 10% слов произносятся со звуком [ L ], который, как правило,

реализуется в тех случаях, когда в RP за [ P ] следует [ r ]. Например:
foreign [ 'fPrIn] [ 'fLrIn ]
orange [ 'PrInG ] [ 'LrInG ]
warrant [ 'wPrqnt ] [ 'wLrqnt ]

Однако слова borrow, sorry, sorrow в GA произносятся с гласным,

близким по тембру к звуку [R]:
borrow ['bPrqV ] [ 'bRroV ]4
sorry ['sPrI ] [ 'sRrI ]
sorrow ['sPrqV ] ['sRroV ]

Около 8% слов произносятся с дифтонгом [ oV ]. Это, главным образом,

заимствованные слова и иностранные имена собственные:

В RP и GA по-разному произносится гласный звук в таких словах как go, home, over. В RP этот гласный
звук обозначается [ qV ] и произносится с начальным элементом, близким по тембру к звуку [ E: ]. В GA он
обозначается [ oV ] и произносится с начальным элементом, близким по тембру к звуку [ L ].

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cognac ['kPnjxk ] ['koVnjxk ]

Moliere [ 'mPlIeq ] [ˌmoVl'jer]
polka ['pPlkq ] ['poVlkq ]
Rossini [ rP'sJnI ] [ roV'sJnI ]
yoghurt ['jPgqt ] ['joVgɚt ]

Среди собственно английских слов, произносимых в GA с [ oV ], вместо

[ P ], можно в качестве примера привести следующие:
scone [ skPn ] [ skoVn ]
shone [ SPn ] [ SoVn ]

Небольшое количество слов произносится со звуками [ A ] и [ x ]. Вот

некоторые из них:
amok [q'mPk ] [q'mAk ]
hover ['hPvq ] ['hAvɚ ]
hovel ['hPvl ] ['hAvl ]
What [ wPt ] [ wAt ]
quagmire ['kwPgmaIq ] ['kwxgmaIɚ ]
wrath [ rPT ] [ rxT ]

2. Дифтонги [ Iq ], [eq ], [Vq ]5 , реализуемые в RP в ударном

положении, как в словах near, hair, sure, заменяются в GA на [ Ir ], [ er ],
[ Vr ] соответственно. Например:

Фонетисты отмечают все более ярко выраженную тенденцию к замене дифтонга [ Vq ] монофтонгом [ L ] в
RP. Произносительные словари рекомендуют произносить некоторые наиболее часто употребляемые слова,
типа poor, sure как [ pL ] и [ SL ] соответственно. Дифтонт [ Vq ] сохраняет свое качество после звука [ j ],
как в слове pure [ pjVq ] и в более редко употребляемых словах, как, например, moor [ mVq ], dour [ dVq ].

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fear [ fIq ] [ fIr ]
here [ hIq ] [ hIr ]
care [ keq ] [ ker ]
there [ Deq ] [ Der ]
poor [ pVq ] [ pVr ]
sure [ SVq ] [ SVr ]

Однако, если дифтонг [ Iq ] встречается в ударном положении внутри

слова, то в GA он может реализоваться как [ Jq ]. Например:
idea [ aI'dIq ] [ aI'dJq ]
theatre ['TIqtq ] ['TJqtɚ ]
theory ['TIqrI ] [ 'TJqrI ]

3. Большинство слов, содержащих в орфографии букву a + две

согласные, за исключением буквы l, произносятся в RP со звуком [ R ], а в
GA - со звуком [ x ]. Например:

class [ klRs ] [ klxs ]
dance [ dRns ] [ dxns ]
last [ lRst ] [ lxst ]

Исключение составляет слово father, которое произносится одинаково в

обоих вариантах, т.е. как ['fRDq ].

4. В GA звук [ x ] в словах с последующим [ r ] и любым гласным

заменяется на [ e ]. Например:

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arrow ['xrqV ] ['erouV ]
carry ['kxrI ] ['kerI ]
marry ['mxrI ] ['merI ]

5. Сочетание гласного [ A ] с последующим [ r ] в ударном положении,

реализуемое в RP в таких словах, как hurry, worry, в GA меняется на [ ɝ: ].

currency ['kArqnsI ] ['kɝ:qnsI ]
current ['kArqnt ] ['kɝ:qnt ]
hurry ['hArI ] ['hɝ:I ]
worry ['wArI ] ['wɝ:I ]

Тем не менее, слово courage ['kArIG] произносится одинаково в обоих


6. В RP в словах tune, duty, new и многих других после [ d ], [ t ], [ n ], [

s ], [ T ] произносится сочетание [ jH ]. В GA эти слова произносятся без [j].
duty [ 'djHtI ] ['dHtI ]
new [ nju: ] [ nu: ]
tune [ tjH:n ] [ tu:n ]
assume [ q'sjHm ] [ q'su:m ]
enthusiast [ In'TjHzIxst ] [ en'THzIxst ]

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В начальном положении в слове и после других согласных сочетание

[jH] сохраняется как в RP, так и в GA. Например:

beauty ['bju:tI ]
cube [ kjHb ]
few [ fjH ]
music ['mjHzIk ]
pupil ['pjHpl ]
view [ vjH ]
use [ jHz ]

7. Большинство слов, оканчивающихся на -ile, произносится c конечным

[aIl] в RP и конечным [ l ] в GA. Например:
agile ['xGaIl ] ['xGl ]
hostile ['hPstaIl ] ['hRstl ]
missile ['mIsaIl ] ['mIsl ]
mobile (adj) ['mqVbaIl ] ['moVbl ]

Однако следующие слова, оканчивающиеся на -ile, произносятся и в RP,

и в GA иначе:
automobile ['LtqmqVbJl ] ['RtqmqVbJl ]
camomile ['kxmqVmaIl ] ['kxmqmi:l ]
crocodile ['krPkqdaIl ] ['krRkqdaIl ]
domicile ['dPmIsaIl ] ['dRmIsaIl ]
imbecile ['ImbqsJl ] ['ImbqsIl ]

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mobile (n) ['mqVbaIl ] ['moVbJl ]

reptile ['reptaIl ] ['reptaIl ]
senile ['sJnaIl ] ['si:naIl ]
textile ['tekstaIl ] ['tekstaIl ]

8. Слова, оканчивающиеся на -ization, произносятся с гласным [ aI ] в

RP и с гласным [ I ] в GA. Например:
americanization [ qˌmerIkqnaI'zeISn ] [ qˌmerIkqnI'zeISn ]
civilization [ˌsIvlaI'zeISn ] [ˌsIvlI'zeISn ]
organization [ˌLgnaI'zeISn] [ˌLrgnI'zeISn ]

9. Безударные приставки em-, en- произносятся [ Im ], [ In ] в RP и [ em ],

[ en ] в GA. Например:
embezzle [ Im'bezl ] [ em'bezl ]
embrace [ Im'breIs ] [ em'breIs ]
employ [ Im'plOI ] [ em'plOI ]
endure [ In'djVq ] [ en'dur ]
engage [ In'geIG ] [ en'geIG ]
enjoy [ In'GOI ] [ en'GOI ]

10. Ударный компонент aqua- произносится ['xkwq ] в RP и ['Rkwq ] в

GA. Например:
aquamarine [ˌxkwqmq'rJn ] [ˌRkwqmq'rJn ]
aquarelle [ˌxkwq'rel ] [ˌRkwq'rel ]
aquanaut [ˌxkwq'nLt ] [ˌRkwq'nLt ]

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11. В некоторых словах наблюдается тенденция к замене [ L ] на [ R ]:

а) в словах с диграфом au:
author ['LTq ] ['RTɚ ]
autumn ['Ltqm ] ['Rtqm ]
cause [ kLz ] [ kRz ]

б) в словах с диграфом aw:

claw [ klL ] [ klR ]
draw [ drL ] [ drR ]
lawn [ lLn ] [ lRn ]

в) в некоторых других случаях:

broad [ brLd ] [ brRd ]
Gibraltar [ GI'brLltq ] [ GI'brRltɚ ]
water ['wLtq ] ['wRtɚ ]

12. Суффиксы -ary, -ery, -ory, -ony, -berry, в GA произносятся с гласным

полного образования. В RP предпоследний гласный в этих словах либо
редуцируется, либо полностью выпадает. Например:

dictionary ['dIkSnqrI ] ['dIkSqˌnerI ]
secondary ['sekndrI] ['seknderI]
monastery ['mPnqstrI ] ['ma:nqˌsterI ]
cemetery ['semqtrI ] ['semqˌterI ]
category ['kxtqgrI ] ['kxtqˌgLrI ]

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territory ['terItrI ] ['terIˌtLrI ]

ceremony ['serImqnI ] ['serIˌmoVnI ]
testimony ['testImqnI ] ['testIˌmoVnI ]
blackberry ['blxkbrI ] ['blxkˌberI ]
['strLbrI ] ['strRˌberI ]

Некоторые фонетисты считают, что эти слова произносятся в GA с

двумя ударениями: главным и третичным.
Большое количество отдельных слов и словосочетаний различается по
качеству ударного и/или безударного гласного, имеет иную акцентную
структуру или характеризуется другими отличиями. Ниже в алфавитном
порядке приведены наиболее часто употребляемые слова, различия в
произношении которых проявляются наиболее ярко.

abhor [ qb'hL ] [ xb'hLr ]
absorb [ qb'zLb ] [ qb'sLrb ]
academician [ qˌkxdq'mISn ] [ˌxkqdq'mISn ]
accent (n) ['xksnt ] ['xksent ]
accent (v) [q'ksent ] [xk'sent ]
accomplice [ q'kAmplIs ] [ q'kRmplIs ]
accomplish [ q'kAmplIS ] [ q'kRmplIS ]
acumen ['xkjVmqn ] [q'kjHmqn ]
address (n) [ q'dres ] ['xdres ]
adsorb [ xd'zLb ] [ xd'sLrb ]
adult ['xdAlt ] [ q'dAlt ]
adverse ['xdvE:s ] [xd'vɝ:s ]
advertisement [qd'vE:tIsmqnt ] [ˌxdvɚ'taIzmqnt ]
aesthetic [ Js'TetIk ] [ es'TetIk ]
albino [ xl'bJnqV ] [ xl'baInoV ]

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alveolar [ˌxlvI'qVlq ] [ xl'vJqlɚ ]

amateur ['xmqtq ] ['xmqCɚ ]
amenity [q'mJnqtI ] [q'menqtI ]
amnesia [ xm'nJzIq] [ xm'nJZq ]
anaesthesia [ˌxnqs'TJzIq ] [ˌxnqs'TJZq ]
Anno Domini [ˌxnqV'dPmInaI ] [ˌxnoV'dRmqnJ ]
aphasia [ q'feIzIq ] [ q'feIZq ]
a priori [ˌeIpraI'LraI ] [ˌRprJ'LraI ]
aquiline ['xkwIlaIn ] ['xkwIlqn ]
aristocrat ['xrIstqkrxt ] [q'rIstqkrxt ]
aristocratic [ˌxrIstq'krxtIk ] [ qˌrIstq'krxtIk ]
artisan [ˌRtI'zxn ] ['Rrtqzn ]
asphalt ['xsfxlt ] ['xsfRlt ]
assay (n) [ q'seI ] [ 'xseI ]
asthma ['xsTmq ] ['xzmq ]
ate (from eat) [ et ] [ eIt ]
attaché [ q'txSeI ] [ˌxtq'SeI ]
aunt [ Rnt ] [ xnt ]
authoritarian [ˌLTPrI'teqrIqn ] [qˌTLrq'terIqn ]
aversion [ q'vE:Sn ] [ q'vɝ:Zn ]
ballet ['bxleI ] [ bx'leI ]
baptize [ bxp'taIz ] ['bxptaIz ]
barricade [ˌbxrI'keId ] ['berqkeId ]
beret ['bereI ] [ bq'reI ]
bestial ['bestIql ] ['besCl ]
blouse [ blaVz ] [ blaVs ]
Bolshoi [ bPl'SOI ] ['boVlSOI ]
bourgeois ['bLZwq ] ['bVrZwq ]
brassiere ['brxsIq ] [ brq'zIr ]
brochure ['brqVSq ] [ broV'SVr ]
buffet ['bVfeI ] [ bq'feI ]

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bullheaded [ bVl'hedId ] ['bVlhedId ]

burgh ['bArq ] [ bɝ:g ]
['kxbqreI ] [ˌkxbq'reI ]
cafe ['kxfeI ] [ kx'feI ]
caffeine ['kxfJn ] [ kx'fJn ]
calvados ['kxlvqdPs ] [ˌkxlvq'doVs ]
capsize [ kxp'saIz ] ['kxpsaIz ]
capsule ['kxpsjHl ] ['kxpsl ]
cashmere ['kxSmIq ] ['kxZmIr ]
celestial [ sq'lestIql ] [ sq'lesCl ]
champignon ['SxmpJnjõ ] [Sxm'pInjqn ]
chateau ['SxtqV ] [Sq'toV ]
chauffeur ['SqVfq] [ SoV'fɝ: ]
chimpanzee [ˌCimpqn'zJ ] [CIm'pxnzJ ]
cicada [ sI'kRdq ] [ sI'keIdq ]
clerk [ klRk ] [ klɝ:k ]
cliché ['klJSeI ] [ klJ'SeI ]
codify ['kqVdIfaI ] ['kRdIfaI ]
communal ['kPmjVnl ] [ kq'mjHnl ]
communiqué [ kq'mjHnIkeI ] [ kqˌmjHnI'keI ]
compatriot [ kq'mpxtrIqt ] [ kq'mpeItrIqt ]
complex (adj) ['kPmpleks ] [ kRm'pleks ]
composite ['kPmpqzIt ] [ kqm'pRzIt ]
constable ['kAnstqbl ] ['kRnstqbl ]
conversion [ kqn'vE:Sn ] [ kqn'vɝ:Zn ]
coquette [ kP'keI ] [ koV'ket ]
coyote [ kOI'qVtI ] [ kaI'oVtI ]
credo ['kredqV ] ['krJdoV ]
cremate [ krI'meIt ] ['krJmeIt ]
croissant ['kwxsãN ] [ kwR'sã ]
cuckoo ['kVkH ] ['kHkH ]
cyclamen ['sIklqmqn ] ['saIklqmqn ]

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debut ['deIbjH ] [ deI'bjH ]

depot ['depqV ] ['dIpoV ]
detail ['dJteIl ] [ dI'teIl ]
diabetes [ˌdaIq'bJtJz ] [ˌdaIq'bJtqs ]
diagnose ['daIqgnqVz ] [ˌdaIqg'noVs ]
dictate (v) [ dIk'teIt ] ['dIkteIt ]
disintegration [ dIˌsIntI'greISn ] [ˌdIsIntq'greISn ]
dissatisfaction [ dIsˌsxtIs'fxkSn ] [ˌdIssxtqs'fxkSn ]
diverse [ daI'vE:s ] [ dI'vɝ:s ]
docile ['dqVsaIl ] ['dRsl ]
donate [ dqV'neIt ] ['doVneIt ]
downgrade [ˌdaVn'greId ] ['daVngreId ]
dynasty ['dInqstI ] ['daInqstI ]
eagle-eyed [ˌJgl'aId ] ['JglaId ]

ecumenic [ˌJkjV'menIk ] [ˌekjV'menIk ]

eggnog [ˌeg'nPg ] ['egnRg ]
either ['aIDq ] ['JDɚ ]
electricity [ˌelIk'trIsqtI ] [Iˌlek'trIsqtI ]
electronic [ˌelekt'rPnIk ] [Iˌlek'trRnIk ]
encephalitis [ˌenkefq'laItIs ] [ enˌsefq'laItIs ]
epoch ['JpPk ] ['epqk ]
erase [ I'reIz ] [ I'reIs ]
escalope ['eskqlPp ] [ˌeskq'loVp ]
evolution [ˌJvq'lHSn ] [ˌevq'lHSn ]
excursion [ Ik'skE:Sn ] [ Ik'skɝ:Zn ]
explicatory [ ek'splIkqtrI ] ['eksplIkqtLrI ]
falcon ['fLlkqn ] ['fxlkqn ]
fantasia [ fxn'teIzIq ] [ fxn'teIZq ]
fiancé [ fI'ãnseI ] [ˌfJRn'seI ]

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figure ['fIgq ] ['fIgjɚ ]

filtrate [ fIl'treIt ] ['fIltreIt ]
fixate [ fIk'seIt ] ['fIkseIt ]
forasmuch [ frqz'mAC ] [ˌfLrxz'mAC ]
forehead ['fLhed ] ['fLred ]
forever [ fq'revq ] [ fL'revɚ ]
frustrate [ frA'streIt ] ['frAstreIt ]
gala ['gRlq ] ['geIlq ]
garage ['gxrRZ ] [gq'rRZ ]
geyser ['gJzq ] ['geIzɚ]
glacier ['glxsIq ] ['gleISɚ]
goddam(n) ['gPdxm ] [ˌgR'dxm ]
harass ['hxrqs ] [ hq'rxs ]
harem ['hRrJm ] ['herqm ]
heaven-sent [ˌhevn'sent ] ['hevnsent ]
herb [ hE:b ] [ ɝ:b ]
hoof [ hHf ] [ hVf ]
hospitable [ hPs'pItqbl ] ['hRspItqbl ]
hygienic [ haI'GjnIk ] [ˌhaIGI'enIk ]
Idyllic [ I'dIlIk ] [ aI'dIlIk ]
illustrative ['IlqstrqtIv ] [I'lAstrqtIv ]
implicative [ Im'plIkqtIv ] ['ImplIkeItIv ]
impregnate (v) ['ImpregneIt ] [ Im'pregneIt ]
improbability [ ImˌprPbq'bIlItI ] [ˌImprRbq'bIlItI ]
improvisation [ˌImprqvaI'zeISn ] [ ImˌprRvI'zeISn ]
inapplicable [ˌInq'plIkqbl ] [ I'nxplIkqbl ]
ineligibility [ IˌnelIGq'bIlqtI ] [ˌInqlIGq'bIlqtI ]
inexplicable [ˌInIk'splIkqbl ] [ˌIn'eksplIkqbl ]
inherence [ In'herns ] [ In'hIrns ]
inhospitable [ˌInhP'spItqbl ] [ In'hRspItqbl ]

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interface [ˌIntq'feIs ] ['IntɚfeIs ]

interlope [ˌIntq'lqVp ] ['IntɚloVp ]
invasive [ In'veIsIv ] [ In'veIzIv ]
inversion [ In'vE:Sn ] [ In'vɝ:Zn ]
jackal ['GxkLl ] ['Gxkl ]
jaguar ['GxgjVq ] ['GxgwRr ]
jalousie ['ZxlVzJ ] ['GxlqsI ]
junta ['GAntq ] ['hVntq ]
juxtapose [ˌGakstq'pqVz ] ['GAkstqpoVz ]
lamentable ['lxmqntqbl ] [lq'mentqbl ]
leisure ['leZq ] ['lJZɚ ]
liaison [ lI'eIzn ] ['lJqzRn ]
lieutenant [ lef'tenqnt ] [ lH'tenqnt ]
limousine [ˌlImq'zJn ] ['lImqzJn ]
lingerie ['lxnZrI ] [ˌlRnZq'reI ]
liqueur [ lI'kjVq ] [ lI'kɝ: ]
loath [ lqVT ] [ loVD ]
locate [ lqV'keIt ] ['loVkeIt ]
lowborn [ˌlqV'bLn ] ['loVbLrn ]
lukewarm [ˌlHk'wLm ] ['lHkwLrm ]
magazine [ˌmxgq'zJn ] ['mxgqzJn ]
margarine [ˌmRGq'rJn ] ['mRGɚIn ]
massage ['mxsRG ] [ mq'sRG ]
mathematics [ mxT'mxtIks ] [ˌmxTq'mxtIks ]
matinee ['mxtIneI ] [ˌmxt'neI ]
mayonnaise [ˌmeIq'neIz ] ['meIqneIz ]
medieval [ˌmedI'Jvl ] [ˌmJdI'Jvl ]
metallurgy [ me'txlqGI ] ['metlɝ:GI ]
migrate [ maI'greIt ] ['maIgreIt ]

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milliard [ˌmIlI'Rd ] ['mIljɚd ]

mirage ['mIrRZ ] [ mI'rRZ ]
mistranslate [ˌmIstrxn'sleIt ] [ˌmIs'trxnsleIt ]
morality [ mq'rxlqtI ] [ mL'rxlqtI ]
moustache [ mq'stRS ] ['mAstxS ]
mulatto [ mjH'lxtqV ] [ mq'lxtoV ]
Muslim ['mVzlIm ] ['mAzlqm ]
narrate [ nq'reIt ] ['nereIt ]
necessarily ['nesqsrlI ] [ˌnesq'serlI ]
Newfoundland (dog) [ njH'faVndlqnd ] ['nHfqndlqnd ]
newspaper ['njHspeIpq ] ['nHzpeIpɚ ]
niche [ nJS ] [ nIS ]
nonchalant ['nPnSlqnt ] [ˌnRnSq'lRnt ]
notate [ nqV'teIt ] ['noVteIt ]
nougat ['nHgR ] ['nHgqt ]
obsolete ['PbsqlJt ] [,Rbsq'lJt ]
occult (adj) ['PkAlt ] [ q'kAlt ]
onerous ['qVnrqs ] ['Rnqrqs ]
oregano [ˌPrI'gRnqV ] [ L'regqnoV ]
outgoing [ˌaut'gqVIN ] ['autgoVIN ]
paprika ['pxprIkq ] [ px'prJkq ]
parent ['peqrqnt ] ['perqnt ]
parlay ['pRlI ] ['pRrleI ]
participle [ pR'tIsIpl ] ['pRrtIsIpl ]
pastel ['pxstl ] [ px'stel ]
patriotic [ˌpxtr'IPtIk ] [ˌpeItr'IRtIk ]
patroness [ˌpeItrq'nes ] ['peItrqnIs ]
pharyngeal [ˌfxrIn'GJql ] [ fq'rInGIql ]
physiognomist [ˌfIzI'PnqmIst ] [ˌfIzI'RgnqmIst ]
placate [ plq'keIt ] ['pleIkeIt ]
plastic ['plxstIk ] ['plRstIk ]

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plebiscite ['plebIsIt ] ['plebqsaIt ]

poem ['pqVIm] ['pqVqm]
poetess [ˌpqVI'tes ] ['poVItIs ]
polysemy [ pq'lIsImI ] ['pRlIsJmI ]
predecessor ['prJdIsesq ] ['predqsesɚ ]
predisposition [ˌprJdIspq'zISn ] [ prJˌdIspq'zISn ]
premature ['premqCq ] [ˌprJmq'tVr]
premise (v) [ prI'maIz ] ['premIs ]
presage (v) ['presIG ] [ prI'seIG ]
prescience ['presIqns ] ['preSns ]
pretense [ prI'tens ] ['prJtens ]
princess [prIn'ses ] ['prInsIs ]
privacy ['prIvqsI ] ['praIvqsI ]
process (n) ['prqVses ] ['prRses ]
profanity [ prq'fxnqtI ] [ proV'fxnqtI ]
progress (n) ['prqVgres ] ['prRgres ]
prolix ['prqVlIks ] [ proV'lIks ]
promenade ['prPmqnRd ] [ˌprRmq'neId ]
provost ['prPvqst ] ['proVvoVst ]
pulsate [ pAl'seIt ] ['pAlseIt ]
quasi ['kweIzaI ] ['kweIsaI ]
quinine ['kwInJn ] ['kwaInaIn ]
real [ rIql ] [ rJl ]
recess [ rI'ses ] ['rJses ]
recluse [ rI'klHs ] ['reklHs ]
reconcilable ['reknsaIlqbl ] [ˌrekn'saIlqbl ]
reconnoiter [ˌrekq'nOItq ] [ˌrJkq'nOItq ]
refutability [ˌrefjVtq'bIlqtI ] [ rIˌfjHtq'bIlqtI ]
refutable ['refjVtqbl ] [ rI'fjHtqbl ]
registrar [ˌreGI'strR] ['reGIstrRr]
reify ['reIIfaI ] ['rJqfaI ]

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rejuvenescence [ˌrJGHv'nesns ] [ rIˌGHv'nesns ]

remit (n) ['rJmIt ] [rI'mIt ]
remonstrate ['remqnstreIt ] [rI'mRnstreIt ]
Renaissance [ rq'neIsns ] [ˌrenq'sRns ]
repatriation [ˌrJpRtrI'eISn ] [rIˌpeItrI'eISn ]
reportage [ˌrepL'tRZ ] [ rI'pLrtIG ]
reprise (in music) [ rI'prJz ] [ rI'praIz ]
research (n) [ rI'sE:C ] ['rIsɝ:C ]
resourceful [ rI'zLsfl ] [ rI'sLrsfl ]
restaurant ['restrLN ] ['restqrRnt ]
reunification [ˌrJjHnIfI'keISn ] [ rJˌjHnqfI'keISn ]
rotate [ rqV'teIt ] ['roVteIt ]
sachet ['sxSeI ] [ sx'SeI ]
sadism ['seIdIzm ] ['sRdIzm ]
salve (to sooth) [ sxlv ] [ sxv ]
sandwich ['sxnwIG ] ['sxndwIC ]
sardonyx ['sRdnIks ] [ sRr'dRnIks ]
satrap ['sxtrxp ] ['seItrxp ]
sauna ['sLnq ] ['saVnq ]
savant ['sxvqnt ] [ sq'vxnt ]
saxophonist [ sxk'sPfnIst ] ['sxksqfoVnIst ]
scaffold ['skxfqVld ] ['skxfld ]
schedule ['SedjHl ] ['skeGHl ]
seamstress ['semstrIs ] ['sJmstrIs ]
segment (v) [ seg'ment ] ['segment ]
septuple ['septjVpl ] [ sep'tApl ]
shepherdess [ˌSepq'des ] ['SepqdIs ]
simultaneous [ˌsIml'teInIqs ] [ˌsaIml'teInjqs ]
sloth [ slqVT ] [ slRT ]
slough (bog) [ slaV ] [ slH ]
smithy ['smIDI ] ['smITI ]
solitaire [ˌsPlI'teq ] ['sRlqtɚ ]

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sommelier [ sPm'elIq ] [ˌsAml'jeI ]

sonorous ['sPnrqs ] [ sq'nLrqs ]
spoor [ spL ] [ spVr ]
squirrel ['skwIrl ] ['skwɝl ]
stagnate [ stxg'neIt ] ['stxgneIt ]
stalactite ['stxlqktaIt ] [ stq'lxktaIt ]
stirrup ['stIrqp ] ['stɝ:qp ]
subaltern ['sAbltqn ] [ sq'bLltɚn ]
submarine [ˌsAbmq'rJn ] ['sAbmqrJn ]
suggest [ sq'Gest ] [ sqg'Gest ]
superb [ sH'pE:b ] [ sq'pɝ:b ]
surmise (n) ['sE:maIz ] [ sɚ'maIz ]
testator [ te'steItq ] ['testeItɚ ]
thither ['DIDq ] ['TIDɚ ]
tirade [ taI'reId ] ['taIreId ]
tiramisu [ˌtIrqmI'sH ] [ˌtIrq'mJsH ]
tomato [ tq'mRtqV ] [ tq'meItoV ]
tournament ['tVqnqmqnt ] ['tɝ:nqmqnt ]
tourniquet ['tVqnIkeI ] ['tɝ:nIkIt ]
toward (prep) [ tq'wLd ] [ tLrd ]
transliteration [ˌtrxnzlI'treISn ] [trxnˌslItq'reISn ]
trefoil ['trefOIl ] ['trJfOIl ]
trespass (v) ['trespqs ] ['trespxs ]
troth [ trqVT ] [ trRT ]
truncate [ trAN'keIt ] ['trANkeIt ]
turquoise ['tE:kwRz ] ['tɝ:kwOIz ]
unaccented [ˌAnqk'sentId ] [ An'xksentId ]
unnecessarily [ An'nesqsrlI ] [ Anˌnesq'serlI ]
uptown [ Ap'taVn ] ['AptaVn ]
urinal [ jVq'raInl ] ['jVrnl ]

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usurious [ jH'zjVqrIqs ] [ jH'ZVrIqs ]

usurp [ jH'zE:p ] [ jH'sɝ:p ]
vacate [ vq'keIt ] [ veI'keIt ]
vaccine ['vxksJn ] [ vxk'sJn ]
valet ['vxleI ] ['vxlIt ]
various ['veqrIqs ]a ['verIqs]
vase [ vRz ] [ veIs ]
vermouth ['vE:mqT ] [vɚ'mHT ]
version ['vE:Sn ] ['vɝ:Zn ]
vibrate [ vaI'breIt ] ['vaIbreIt ]
viola (flower) ['vaIqlq ] ['vJqlq ]
violoncello [ˌvaIqlqn'CelqV ] [ˌvIqlRn'CeloV ]
waltz [ wPls ] [ wLlts ]
weekend [ˌwJk'end ] ['wJkend ]
worldwide [ˌwE:ld'waId ] ['wɝ:ldwaId ]
wroth [ rqVT ] [ rLT ]
yours [ jLz ] [ jVrz ]
yourself [ jL'self ] [ jVr'self ]
zebra ['zebrq ] ['zJbrq ]

По-разному произносятся некоторые географические названия:

Abu Dhabi [ˌxbH'dRbI ] [ˌRbH'dRbI ]
Amazon ['xmqzn ] ['xmqzRn ]
Amsterdam [ˌxmstq'dxm ] ['xmstɚdxm ]
Amur [ q'mVq ] [ R'mVr ]
Asia ['eISq ] ['eIZq ]
Azores [ q'zLz ] ['eIzLrz ]
Baghad [ˌbxg'dxd ] ['bxgdxd ]
Baikal ['baIkxl ] [ baI'kxl ]
Belfast [ bel'fRst ] ['belfRst ]

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Belgrade [ bel'greId ] ['belgreId ]

Bucharest [ˌbHkq'rest ] ['bHkqrest ]
Budapest [ˌbjHdq'pest ] ['bjHdqpest ]
Buenos Aires [ˌbweInPs'aIqres ] [ˌbweInqs'erJz ]
Byzantine [ bI'zxntaIn ] ['bIzntJn ]
Calais ['kxleI ] [kx'leI ]
Cheviot ['CJvIqt ] ['SevIqt ]
Copenhagen [ˌkqVpqn'heIgn ] ['koVpqnheIgn ]
Croatia [ krqV'eISq ] ['kroVeISq ]
Galapagos [ gq'lxpqgqs ] [ gq'lRpqgoVs ]
Genoa ['GenqVq ] ['Genqwq ]
Glasgow ['glRzgqV ] ['glxskoV ]
Guiana [ gaI'xnq ] [ gI'xnq ]
Helsinki [ hel'sINkI ] ['helsINkI ]
Hiroshima [ hI'rPSImq ] [ˌhIrq'SJmq ]
Ibiza [ I'bJTq ] [ I'bJzq ]
Indonesia [ˌIndq'nJzIq ] [ˌIndq'nJZq ]
Iran [ I'rRn ] [ I'rxn ]
Laos ['leIPs ] [ laVs ]
Los Angeles [ lPs'xnGIlJz ] [ lRs'xnGqlqs ]
Malaysia [ mq'leIzIq ] [ mq'leIZq ]
Maldives ['mLldJvz ] ['mxldaIvz ]
Moscow ['mPskqV ] ['mRskaV ]
Neva ['neIvq ] ['nJvq ]
Oslo ['PzlqV ] ['RsloV ]
Pakistan [ˌpRkI'stRn ] ['pxkIstxn ]
Panama [ˌpxnq'mR ] ['pxnqmR ]
Paraguay ['pxrqgwaI ] ['perqgweI ]
Persia ['pE:Sq ] ['pɝ:Zq ]
Port Said [ˌpLt'saId ] [ˌpLrtsR'Id ]
Rio de Janeiro [ˌrJqVdqGq'nIqrqV ] [ˌrIoVdeIZq'neroV ]

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Rumania [ rV'meInIq ] [ roV'meInIq ]

Sahara [ sq'hRrq ] [ sq'herq ]
Salzburg ['sxltsbE:g ] ['sLlzbɝ:g ]
San Remo [ˌsxn'reImqV ] [ˌsxn'rJmoV ]
Siam [ˌsaI'xm ] [ saI'xm ]
Silesia [ saI'lJzIq ] [ saI'lJSq ]
Singapore [ˌsINq'pL ] ['sINqpLr ]
Slovakia [ slqV'vxkIq ] [ sloV'vRkIq ]
Stockholm ['stPkhqVm ] ['stRkhoVlm ]
Strasbourg ['strxzbE:g ] ['strxsbVrg ]
Sudan [ sH'dRn ] [ sH'dxn ]
Suez ['sHIz ] [ sH'ez ]
Tahiti [ tR'hJtI ] [ tq'hJtI ]
Tunisia [ tjH'nIzIq ] [ tH'nJZq ]
Uruguay ['jVqrqgwaI ] ['jVrqgweI ]
Versailles [ veq'saI ] [ vɝ:'saI ]
Vietnam [ˌvjet'nxm ] [ˌvJet'nRm ]

Различается произношение некоторых имен, как английских, так и

иностранных, а также названий некоторых компаний:
Adidas ['xdIdxs] [q'dJdqs ]
Adolf ['xdPlf ] ['eIdRlf ]
Adonis [ q'dqVnIs ] [ q'dRnIs ]
Adrienne [ˌeIdrI'en ] ['eIdrIqn ]
Amadeus [ˌxmq'deIqs ] [ˌRmq'deIVs ]
Amalia [ q'mRlIq ] [ q'meIljq ]
Anastasia [ˌxnq'steIzIq ] [ˌxnq'steIZq ]
Anthony ['xntqnI ] ['xnTqnI ]
Balzac ['bxlzxk ] ['bLlzxk ]
Beethoven ['beIthqVvn ] ['beItoVvn ]

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Buddah ['bVdq ] ['bHdq ]

Cartier ['kRtIeI ] [ˌkRrtI'eI ]
Cathleen ['kxTlJn ] [ kxT'lJn ]
Cezanne [ seI'zxn ] [ seI'zRn ]
Chopin ['SPpxN ] ['SoVpxn ]
Cleopatra [ˌklIq'pxtrq ] [ˌklIoV'pxtrq ]
Clothilde ['klPtIld ] [ kloV'tIldq ]
Dante ['dxntI ] ['dRnteI ]
Debussy [ dq'bHsI ] ['deIbjHsI ]
Diderot ['dJdqrqV ] [ˌdJdq'roV ]
Don Carlos [ˌdPn'kRlPs ] [ˌdRn'kRrloVs ]
Don Quixote [ˌdPn'kwIkset ] [ˌdRnkJ'hoVteI ]
Faberge ['fxbqZeI ] [ˌfxbqr'ZeI ]
Georgiana [ˌGLGI'Rnq ] [ˌGLr'Gxnq ]
Irene ['aIrJn ] [aI'rJn ]
L’Oreal ['lPrIxl ] [ˌlLrI'xl ]
Lufthansa ['lVfthxnsq ] [ lVf'tRnzq ]
Manet ['mxneI ] [ mx'neI ]
Marlborough ['mLlbrq ] ['mRrlbqroV ]
Maupassant ['mqVpxsãN ] ['moVpqsRnt ]
Moliere ['mPlIeq ] [ˌmoVl'jer]
Monet ['mPneI ] [ moV'neI ]
Nissan ['naIsxn ] [ nJ'sRn ]
Nostradamus [ˌnPstrq'deImqs ] [ˌnoVstrq'dRmqs ]
Oedipus ['JdIpqs ] ['edIpqs ]
Picasso [ pI'kxsqV ] [ pI'kRsoV ]
Poirot ['pwRrqV ] [ pwR'roV ]
Pontius ['pPntIqs ] ['pRnCqs ]
Prokofiev [ prq'kPfIef ] [ proV'kLfIef ]
Richelieu ['rJSljE: ] ['rISlH ]
Turgenev [ tE:'geInjev ] [ tur'geInqf ]

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Van Gogh [ vxn'gPf ] [ vxn'goV ]

Xavier ['zxvIq ] ['zeIvjɚ ]
Xenia ['zenIq ] ['zJnjq ]

Некоторые устойчивые словосочетания, а также сложные слова,

произносятся с главным ударением на разных компонентах. Например:

RP GA Commentary

ˌable-'bodied 'able-ˌbodied physically strong and active

aˌbove 'board a'bove ˌboard completely honest and legal

Aˌchilles’ 'heel A'chilles’ ˌheel a weak feature of someone or

something that could cause failure or
be attacked
ˌAdam's 'apple 'Adam's ˌapple the front part of the throat which sticks
out, especially on a man, and which
moves up and down when he swallows
an a'ddress ˌbook an 'address ˌbook
ˌage-'old 'age-ˌold having existed for a very long time

ˌapple 'sauce 'apple ˌsauce

ˌballroom 'dancing 'ballroom ˌdancing a formal kind of dancing done in pairs
or groups to special music, such as the
waltz or the foxtrot. It is usually done
by older people, and concidered old-
fashioned by many young people.
the ˌbest of 'both the ˌbest of ˌboth a situation where you have the benefit
'worlds of two very different types of
advantage at the same time
ˌblue 'jeans 'blue ˌjeans
ˌbold-'face 'bold-ˌface a way of printing letters that makes
them thicker and darker than usual

a ˌboy 'scout a 'boy ˌscout a boy who is a member of the Boy

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Scouts, which is part of the Scout

Association, an organization that
encourages young people to learn
practical skills and help other people
ˌbrandy 'butter 'brandy ˌbutter a thick sweet brandy-flavoured sauce
that you eat with Christmas pudding
a ˌbrussels 'sprout a 'brussels ˌsprout a small round vegetable consisting of
many green leaves wrapped tightly
around each other
a ˌcarbon 'copy a 'carbon ˌcopy someone or something that is almost
exactly like another person or thing.
The original meaning of carbon copy
was a copy made using carbon paper.
a ˌcaretaker a 'caretaker a government which holds office for a
'government ˌgovernment usually short period between the end of
one government and and the
appointment of a new government
a ˌcity 'slicker a 'city ˌslicker (informal) someone who lives and
works in a city. This word is usually
used by people from the countryside
who dislike people from the city.

ˌclear-'headed 'clear-ˌheaded able to think in a sensible and calm


ˌclear-'sighted 'clear-ˌsighted able to judge the situation quickly

and accurately and make sensible

com'munity ˌchest comˌmunity 'chest an amount of money collected by the

people and businesses of an area to
help people in need

ˌcountry 'dancing 'country ˌdancing a traditional type of dancing in which

people dance with a partner, moving in
lines and circles as part of a larger
ˌcreature 'comforts 'creature ˌcomforts food, clothes, warmth, and other things

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that increase physical comfort

ˌcriminal 'law 'criminal ˌlaw the law concerning crimes and their
ˌcrocodile 'tears 'crocodile ˌtears insincere tears or other insincere signs
of sorrow or sympathy
a ˌcruise 'missile a 'cruise ˌmissile a nuclear missile that is controlled by a
computer and can travel very long
ˌdeep 'freeze 'deep ˌfreeze an apparatus for keeping food at very
low temperatures
a 'devil’s-food a kind of rich chocolate cake often
a ˌdevil’s-'food eaten in the US
a ˌdisciplinary a 'disciplinary connected with punishment or the
'action ˌaction encouragement of obedience

a ˌdot-matrix a ˌdot-'matrix an old-fashioned type of printer that

'printer uses very small spots of ink to produce
to ˌdouble-'check to 'double-ˌcheck to examine something twice or again
for exactness or quality
a ˌdouble-'decker a 'double-ˌdecker BrE: also a double-decker bus. A
bus that has both an upper and a lower
level where people can sit – the typical
British bus.
AmE: a club sandwich which is a
thick sandwich that consists of three
slices of bread with two layers of meat
or cheese in between.
a ˌdouble 'take a 'double ˌtake to do a double take - to react after a
slight pause, because you are surprised
by what you’ve just seen or heard

a ˌdress 'circle a 'dress ˌcircle the seats in the front part of the upper
floor in a theatre

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a ˌdress 'coat a 'dress ˌcoat a man’s formal jacket that is short at

the front and has two long pointed
parts that hang down at the back

a ˌdress re'hearsal a 'dress reˌhearsal the last rehearsal of a play when the
actors wear the special clothes
prepared for public performance of the
a ˌdrum 'major a 'drum ˌmajor the leader of a military marching band

ˌdry 'goods 'dry ˌgoods BrE: goods such as tea, coffee, and
flour that contain no liquid;
AmE: things made of cloth, for
example, sheets and curtains.
a ˌdumb 'waiter a 'dumb ˌwaiter a piece of equipment like a small lift
used for moving food and dishes up
and down between the floors of the
kitchen and dining area of a restaurant

an ˌEaster 'bonnet an 'Easter ˌbonnet a bonnet (= type of women’s hat) worn

at Easter. Traditionally, women used
to buy a new hat to wear in church on
Easter Day.
a musical instrument (английский
an ˌEnglish 'horn an 'English ˌhorn рожок)
in all possible ways
ˌevery ˌwhich 'way 'every which ˌway
the ˌevil 'eye the 'evil ˌeye the supposed power to harm people by
looking at them. To give somebody
the evil eye – to look at someone in
an unpleasant way, especially because
you are angry with them.
a ˌfield 'hospital a 'field ˌhospital
a ˌfield 'marshal a 'field ˌmarshal an officer of the highest rank in the
British army
ˌfootloose and 'footloose and able to travel around and behave as
ˌfancy-ˌfree you like because you are not married

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ˌfancy-'free or involved in a relationship with

ˌFrench 'fries 'French ˌfries chips

a 'garage ˌsale a ga'rage ˌsale an occasion when someone sells

furniture, clothes, books, toys etc that
they do not want any more
ˌgolden 'age 'golden ˌage a period of time, either real or
imaginary, when everyone was happy;
when something was the most
ˌgrade point 'grade point the average of a student’s marks over a
'average (GPA) ˌaverage (GPA) period of time. It is used to decide
whether a high school student will be
accepted into a particular college or
a ˌgrandfather a 'grandfather an old-fashioned clock in a tall
'clock ˌclock wooden box placed on the floor

a ˌgreen 'bean a 'green ˌbean

ˌgreen-'eyed 'green-ˌeyed
the ˌGunpowder the 'Gunpowder a plan in 1605 by Roman Catholics in
'Plot ˌPlot England to destroy Parliament in an
explosion. The plan failed, but is
remembered in Britain every year on
Guy Fawkes’ Night.
the ˌgutter 'press the 'gutter ˌpress newspapers that contain a lot of
shocking stories about crime, sex, and
famous people. This word shows that
you do not approve of these
a ˌhalfway 'house a 'halfway ˌhouse something that has some features of
one thing and some features of another
a ˌhead'master a male teacher who is in charge of a
a 'headˌmaster school

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ˌhollandaise 'sauce 'hollandaise ˌsauce a smooth sauce made with the yolks of
eggs, butter, and lemon juice
the ˌhome 'front the 'home ˌfront the activities and living conditions of
the people who stay at home during a
ˌhot-'headed 'hot-ˌheaded becoming angry or excited easily and
tending to do things without thinking
about the result
an ˌinside 'job an 'inside ˌjob (informal) a robbery done by someone
connected with the place, organization
etc which has been robbed
inˌsider 'dealing (or ˌinsider 'dealing the illegal practice of buying and
'trading) (or 'trading) selling business shares by people (such
as company directors) who take
advantage of their special knowledge
of the plans and business affairs of the
companies for which they work
an inˌternal an inˌternal
com'bustion comˌbustion
ˌengine 'engine
ˌjob 'lot 'job ˌlot several separate things that are sold or
accepted together
a ˌjumping 'jack a 'jumping ˌjack a toy consisting of a jointed figure that
is made to jump, move or dance by
pulling a string or stick attached to it
a ˌlandscape a 'landscape
'gardener ˌgardener
ˌlawn 'tennis 'lawn ˌtennis
ˌlevel-'headed 'level-ˌheaded behaving in a calm and sensible way,
even in a difficult situation
a ˌlife-su'pport a 'life-suˌpport 1) a set of machines that keep
someone alive when they are very ill;

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ˌsystem ˌsystem 2) a set of equipment that keeps people

alive in space or under water
a ˌlong week'end a ˌlong 'weekend a weekend when you have one or two
extra days free in addition to the usual
Saturday and Sunday
a ˌmail 'order a 'mail order a way of buying goods in which you
order them by post or by telephone
and they are posted to you
to ˌmake ends 'meet to ˌmake 'ends to manage with the money one earns

ˌmarket re'search 'market ˌresearch the process of collecting information
about what people buy and why
a 'massage ˌparlour a mas'sage 1) a place where one can pay to have a
ˌparlour massage; 2) a euphemism for brothel
– a place where men pay to have sex
ˌMickey 'Mouse 'Mickey ˌMouse
ˌmint 'sauce 'mint ˌsauce
ˌnatural 'resources
ˌnatural re'sources
to ˌneed smth like something you don’t need
to ˌneed smth like a
a 'hole in the ˌhead
ˌhole in the 'head
ˌnight 'blindness 'night ˌblindness inability to see things in bad light

a ˌnight 'porter a 'night ˌporter

a ˌnuclear-free a ˌnuclear-'free
'zone ˌzone
ˌodd-'jobs 'odd-ˌjobs small jobs of various types done in
your home, such as repairs and fitting
ˌopen-'handed 'open-ˌhanded generous

ˌopen-'hearted 'open-ˌhearted
a ˌparting 'shot a 'parting ˌshot a last remark, special look etc, made at

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the moment of leaving, especially as

the last reply in an argument
ˌpeanut 'butter 'peanut ˌbutter
the ˌPickwick the 'Pickwick a book by Charles Dickens about the
'Papers ˌPapers adventures of the members of the
Pickwick Club, who include Mr
a 'pith ˌhelmet a large hard round hat worn in the
a ˌpith 'helmet tropics to protect the head from the
sun, especially in the past
a ˌpolar 'bear a 'polar ˌbear
a poˌlice 'state a po'lice ˌstate a country in which most activities of
the citizens are controlled by (secret)
political police
ˌpop-'eyed 'pop-ˌeyed having the eyes wide open, especially
with surprise or excitement
ˌpop ˌmusic ˌpop 'music
a ˌprimary 'colour a 'primary ˌcolour any of three colours (red, yellow, and
blue) from which all other colours can
be made by mixing
the ˌprivate 'sector all the businesses, industries, and
the 'private ˌsector services that are not owned or
managed by the government

the ˌPromised the 'Promised a place where someone will be happy

'Land ˌLand and successful

a ˌpromissory 'note a 'promissory a document giving the details of your

ˌnote promise to pay someone a particular
amount of money by a specific date
the ˌpublic 'sector the 'public ˌsector those industries and services in a
country that are owned and run by the
state, such as (in many countries) the
education service and the railways

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ˌrace re'lations 'race reˌlations the relationships between people of

different races who live in the same
country. Race relations, especially in
the large cities, are often a problem.
ˌRobin 'Hood 'Robin Hood
'Rockefeller Rockefeller a large group of buildings in New-
ˌCentre 'Centre York City, which includes offices,
concert halls, shops, and works of art
the ˌRound 'Table the 'Round Table the table at which King Arthur and his
knights sat, according to old stories.
As it was round, all the places at it
were equal.
ˌsatellite 'television 'satellite
a ˌsausage 'roll a 'sausage ˌroll a small piece of sausage meat in a
tubelike covering of pastry
a ˌscrew 'top a 'screw ˌtop a cover which is made to be twisted
tightly onto the top of a bottle or other
a ˌsea 'breeze a 'sea ˌbreeze
a 'season ˌticket a ˌseason 'ticket a ticket for a number of journeys,
performances etc during a particular
period, sold at a lower price than you
would have to pay for each journey etc
to ˌsell like ˌhot to ˌsell like 'hot if an article sells like hot cakes it sells
'cakes well
a ˌset 'piece a 'set ˌpiece an especially effective scene in a play,
work of art etc, carefully planned
using a well-known formal pattern or
a ˌset 'point a 'set ˌpoint (in tennis): the point that is won would
enable the scorer to win the set

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a ˌsheet 'lightning a 'sheet ˌlightning a type of lightning that makes the

whole sky look very bright
a ˌshop 'steward a 'shop ˌsteward a worker who represents other workers
in a particular union in meetings with
ˌshort-'sighted 'short-ˌsighted
ˌshort-'term 'short-ˌterm
a 'silicone ˌchip a small piece of silicone with a set of
a ˌsilicone 'chip complicated electronic connections on
it, used especially in computers
ˌsilver 'foil 'silver ˌfoil very thin sheets of aluminium (a metal
that looks like silver) that is used in
cooking and for wrapping food
ˌsilver 'plate 'silver ˌplate a thin layer of silver covering the
outside of an object
a ˌsingle 'bed a 'single ˌbed for the use of only one person

the'small ˌhours the ˌsmall 'hours the early morning hours just after
the 'small ˌprint the ˌsmall 'print something that is purposely made
difficult to understand or is easy not to
notice, such as part of an agreement or
ˌsmall-'scale 'small-ˌscale smaller or less important than other
things of the same kind
a 'smart-ˌaleck a ˌsmart-'aleck (informal) a person who annoys others
by claiming to know everything and
trying to sound clever
a ˌsneak 'thief a 'sneak ˌthief a thief who steals things quietly and
quickly and without using force,
especially from public places

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a 'social ˌclimber (derogatory) a person who spends

a ˌsocial 'climber money or tries to make friends in order
to be accepted by a group of people of
a higher class
ˌsocial 'science 'social ˌscience the study of people in society, usually
including history, politics, economics,
sociology, and anthropology
a ˌsocial 'service a 'social ˌservice one of the services provided by a
government or local council for people
with social problems
a ˌsoft 'drink a 'soft ˌdrink a drink which contains no alcohol and
is served cold
a ˌsoft 'spot a 'soft ˌspot a feeling of special kindness or liking;
ˌsoy 'sauce 'soy ˌsauce
a ˌspring 'roll a 'spring ˌroll a Chinese food consisting of a small
roll of pastry filled with meat or fish
and vegetables, cooked in hot oil and
eaten hot or cold
a ˌstraw 'poll (or a 'straw ˌpoll (or an unofficial test of opinions before an
election, to see what the result is likely
ˌstraw 'vote) 'straw ˌvote)
to be
ˌstreet credi'bility 'street crediˌbility (informal) popular acceptance and
approval among young people
a ˌstreet 'theatre a 'street ˌtheatre the presentation of plays by travelling
companies in the streets, in parks etc,
often with the use of temporary or
mobile stages
a ˌstudio 'flat a 'studio ˌflat a small flat that has only one room

a ˌsweet po'tato a 'sweet poˌtato a vegetable which looks similar to a

potato but has bright orange flesh, and
is the root of a tropical plant, often
eaten at Thanksgiving in the USA
a ˌsweet 'tooth a 'sweet ˌtooth someone who has a sweet tooth likes
to eat sweet food

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a 'symphony a ˌsymphony
ˌorchestra 'orchestra
a ˌtop 'hat a 'top ˌhat a man’s tall hat shaped like a tube with
a narrow brim, worn on formal
ˌtrade(s) 'union 'trade(s) ˌunion
ˌTwelfth 'Night 'Twelfth ˌNight 1) the evening before the epiphany (6
January), which represents the end of
the Christmas period. Christmas cards
and decorations are usually taken
down on Twelfth Night; 2) a
humorous play by W. Shakespeare
ˌventure 'capital 'venture ˌcapital money lent to start up a new business
company, especially a risky one
ˌvital 'signs 'vital ˌsigns the signs that show you are alive, for
example your breathing
a ˌV-'neck a 'V-ˌneck a neck opening of a dress, shirt etc,
with the front cut in the shape of a V
ˌvосаl 'cords 'vосаl ˌсоrds
ˌwellington 'boots 'wellington ˌboots rubber boots which keep water from
the feet and lower part of the legs
ˌWest 'Point 'West ˌPoint the usual name for the US Military
Academy, at West Point in New-York,
next to the Hudson River. West Point
is the oldest military college in the US,
where students earn a university
degree while they are trained to
become army officers. It is greatly
respected, and many famous US
military leaders and presidents
attended West Point.
a ˌworking 'day a 'working ˌday
ˌYellow 'Pages 'Yellow ˌPages a type of telephone directory that
contains the telephone numbers and

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addresses of businesses, shops, and

other organizations in a city or area,
arranged according to the type of
service they provide
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1. Если местоимение one является подлежащим, то в ВrЕ в предложении

употребляются one, one's, oneself, а в AmE - he, him, his, himself:

(BrE) One should try to get to know one's neighbours.

(AmE) One should try to get to know his neighbors.
(BrE) One cannot succeed at this unless one tries hard.
(AmE) One cannot succeed at this unless he tries hard.
(BrE) One should be careful in talking to one's colleagues.
(AmE) One should be careful in talking to his colleagues.

2. С личными местоимениями 1-го лица (I/we) для образования форм

будущего времени в ВrЕ употребляется либо вспомогательный глагол shall,
либо will; в AmE shall, как правило, не употребляется:

(ВгЕ) I shall / will be late this evening.

(AmE) I will be late this evening.

3. В настоящем времени глагол have в значении «иметь» в ВrЕ

эквивалентен выражению have got. В AmE в данном значении чаще
используется выражение have got:
1) (ВrЕ) I have / have got two brothers.
(AmE) I have got two brothers.
2) (BrE) Do you have a red pen? В значении “Do you own or possess at this
(AmE) Have you got a red pen?

4. Для выражения прошедшего действия, результат которого имеется

налицо в настоящем времени, в ВrЕ употребляется время Present Perfect, а
в AmE - либо Present Perfect, либо Past Simple:
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1) (BrE) I've lost my key. Have you seen it?

(AmE) I've lost my key. Have you seen it? Или: I lost my key. Did
you see it?
2) (BrE) Sally isn't here. She's gone out.
(AmE) Sally isn't here. She's gone out. Или: She went out.

5. С наречиями just, already и yet в ВгЕ обычно употребляется время

Present Perfect, а в AmE - либо Present Perfect, либо Past Simple:
1) (BrE) I'm not hungry. I've just had lunch.
(AmE) I'm not hungry. I've just had lunch.
Или: I just had lunch.
2) (BrE) - What time is he leaving? - He has already left.
(AmE) - What time is he leaving? - He has already left.
Или: - Не already left.
3) (BrE) Have you finished your work yet?
(AmE) Have you finished your work yet?
Или: Did you finish your work yet?

6. С наречиями неопределенного времени ever и never в ВrЕ обычно

употребляется время Present Perfect, а в AmE - либо Present Perfect, либо
Past Simple:
1) (BrE) Have you ever ridden a horse?
(AmE) Have you ever ridden a horse?
Или: Did you ever ride a horse?
2) (BrE) I don't know who she is. I've never seen her before.
(AmE) I don't know who she is. I've never seen her before.
Или: I never saw her before.

7. После ряда глаголов, например demand, insist, suggest, propose,

recommend, command, order, request, ask, advise, в BrE в придаточном

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предложении употребляется should, а в AmE - сослагательное наклонение, то

есть конструкция без should.
1) (BrE) I demanded that he should apologise.
(AmE) I demanded that he apologize.
2) (BrE) We insisted that something should be done about the problem.
(AmE) We insisted that something be done about the problem.
3) (BrE) What do you suggest I should do?
(AmE) What do you suggest I do?
4) (BrE) The chairman proposed that the matter should be decided at the next
(AmE) The chairman proposed that the matter be decided at the next
5) (BrE) The committee recommended that the company should invest in new
(AmE) The committee recommended that the company invest in new

To же правило соблюдается, когда употребляются существительные

demand, suggestion, proposal, recommendation, command, order, request,
advice и некоторые другие, а также конструкции «it is important /vital/
necessary /desirable/essential that...» и «I /he/... am /is/... anxious /eager/
concerned that...»:
1) (BrE) What do you think of Jane's suggestion that I should buy a car?
(AmE) What do you think of Jane's suggestion that I buy a car?
2) (BrE) His demand was that I should leave for Paris at once.
(AmE) His demand was that I leave for Paris at once.
3) (BrE) It's essential that you should be here on time.
(AmE) It's essential that you be here on time.
4) (BrE) It's important that you should meet him on Friday.
(AmE) It's important that you meet him on Friday.

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5) (BrE) I am anxious that nobody should be hurt.

(AmE) I am anxious that nobody be hurt.

He следует, однако, забывать, что в разговорной речи обоих вариантов

английского языка в указанных случаях будет скорее всего употреблена либо
какая-то более простая конструкция (если это возможно), либо одно из
настоящих или прошедших времен. Например:
1) The committee recommended the company to invest in new property.
2) It's essential that you are here on time.
3) I demanded that he apologised.
4) Was it necessary for my uncle to be informed?

8. Ряд глаголов имеют как правильные, так и неправильные формы.

burn → burned или burnt,
dream → dreamed или dreamt [ dremt ],
lean → leaned или leant [ lent ],
learn → learned или learnt,
smell → smelled или smelt,
spell → spelled или spelt,
spill → spilled или spilt,
spoil → spoiled или spoilt и другие.

В ВrЕ данные глаголы употребляются как неправильные, а в АmЕ - как

(ВrЕ) I leant out of the window.
(AmE) I leaned out of the window.
(BrE) The dinner has been spoilt.
(AmE) The dinner has been spoiled.

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Глагол get имеет форму Past Participle got в ВrЕ и gotten в AmE (за
исключением выражения to have got «иметь»):

(BrE) Your English has got much better.

(AmE) Your English has gotten much better.

Глагол wake может быть правильным в AmE, а в ВrЕ употребляется как

неправильный и имеет формы wake - woke - woken:
(ВrЕ) She woke me up very early.
(AmE) She waked me up very early.

Глаголы fit, quit и wet - правильные в ВrЕ, но неправильные в AmE,

причем имеют все три одинаковые формы: fit - fit- fit, quit - quit - quit, wet -
wet -wet.
(BrE) He quitted the job a week ago.
(AmE) He quit the job a week ago.

Глагол dive - правильный в ВrЕ, но неправильный в AmE (dive [ daIv ] -

dove [ doVv ] - dived [ daIvd ]):

(BrE) He dived into the warm sea.

(AmE) He dove into the warm sea.

9. Отрицание с модальным глаголом need в ВrЕ имеет либо форму

needn't (do) либо don't need to (do); в AmE употребляется только форма
don't need to (do).

(BrE) We needn't hurry. Или: We don't need to hurry.

(AmE) We don't need to hurry.

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Чтобы показать отсутствие необходимости что-либо делать, в AmE чаще

всего употребляются отрицательные формы don't have to и haven't got to:

(AmE) You don't have to tell George. Или: You haven't got to tell George.
(= You can if you like but it isn't necessary).

10. В вопросах, задаваемых с целью получить совет или информацию, в

ВrЕ употребляются shall I ...? и shall we ...?, а в AmE употребляются
should I...? и should we...?

(ВгЕ) Shall I read this book?

(AmE) Should I read this book?
(BrE) Which way shall we go?
(AmE) Which way should we go?
11. В вопросительно-отрицательных предложениях в ВrЕ для 1-го лица
единственного числа употребляется сокращение aren't I, а в AmE - ain't I.
(BrE) I'm late, aren't I?
(AmE) I'm late, ain't I?
(BrE) Aren't I clever?
(AmE) Ain't I clever?

Тем не менее, хотя форма ain't и не употребляется в литературном

британском варианте, она используется в британских диалектах, а также в
британском и американском просторечьи как сокращенная форма «am not»,
«are not», «is not», «have not» и «has not». Например:
I ain't going to tell him.
Don't talk to me like that - you ain't my boss.
I ain't got any more cigarettes.
Bill ain't been here for days.
It's raining. - No, it ain't.

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12. Существительное hospital в своем основном значении, т.е. как

«место для лечения больных", употребляется в ВrЕ без артикля:

to be / stay in hospital,
to go /come / take /send to/from hospital,
to admit into hospital

В AmE слово hospital в указанном значении употребляется с

определенным артиклем:

(ВrЕ) Three people were injured and taken to hospital.

(AmE) Three people were injured and taken to the hospital

13. Существительные toothache, earache, stomachache и back-ache,

обозначающие название боли в разных частях тела, могут употребляться как
исчисляемые и неисчисляемые. В ВrЕ они обычно употребляются как
неисчисляемые существительные, то есть без неопределенного артикля и в
единственном числе. Например:

(ВrЕ) I've got toothache.

I' ve had toothache three times this week.
В AmE названия приступов боли употребляются как исчисляемые
существительные. Например:

(AmE) Toothache is horrible. I have a toothache.

Исключение из данного правила составляет слово headache, которое в

обоих вариантах употребляется как исчисляемое существительное:
(ВгЕ / AmE) I have a headache.

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14. Целый ряд существительных с обобщенным значением, таких как the

aristocracy, the clergy, the bourgeoisie, the elite, the gentry, the intelligentsia,
the proletariat, the public, government, Parliament, (the) Congress, army,
class, committee, crew, team, delegation, crowd, staff, family, group,
company, firm, jury, audience, majority, minority, board, herd, flock и
некоторые другие в ВrЕ согласуются с глаголом либо в единственном числе,
когда некая группа рассматривается как единое целое, либо во
множественном числе, когда она представляется нам как собрание
индивидуумов. В AmE глагол с данными существительными обычно стоит в
единственном числе:

(ВгЕ) The team is / are playing well.

(AmE) The team is playing well.
(BrE) The government want / wants to increase taxes.
(AmE) The government wants to increase taxes.

To же правило относится к названиям спортивных команд, фирм,

компаний. Например:

(ВrЕ) Scotland is / are playing France next week (in a football match).
(AmE) Scotland is playing France next week (in a football match).
(BrE) Shell has / have increased the price of petrol.
(AmE) Shell has increased the price of gas.

15. Для обозначения вещи и имени человека, который ею пользуется, в

ВrЕ обычно используется притяжательный падеж, а в AmE -
существительное в общем падеже. Например:
a doll's house a doll - house

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a baby's bottle a baby bottle

a baby's pram a baby carriage

16. В телефонном разговоре британцы употребляют this, чтобы

представиться, и that, чтобы спросить, с кем они разговаривают.
Американцы часто употребляют в обоих случаях this.

(BrЕ) Hello. This is Elizabeth. Is that Ruth?

(AmE) Hello. This is Mr Brown. And who is this speaking?

17. В AmE ones не употребляется после these и those. В ВrЕ такое

употребление возможно:

(ВrЕ) I don't think much of these (ones).

(AmE) I don't think much of these.

18. В разговорном АmЕ после глагола go опускается and перед

инфинитивом, обозначающим цель:

(ВrЕ) Go and jump in the river.

(AmE) Go jump in the river.

19. В AmE вместо наречия slowly употребляется slow после глагола go и

некоторых других, а также на дорожных знаках, например, "Slow, dangerous
bend". Tипичныe выражения: go slow, drive slow.

20. В разговорной речи, особенно в АmЕ, перед прилагательными и

наречиями вместо really употребляется real:

That was real nice. You cook real well.

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21. Вопросительные предложения могут использоваться в качестве

восклицаний. Это особенно типично для AmE.

Am I hungry!
Did he look annoyed!

22. В AmE для выражения значения "cause smb or smth to do smth» очень
часто употребляется «Сложное дополнение» с инфинитивом без to после
глагола to have, т.е. модель: глагол to have + дополнение + инфинитив без to:

(AmE) Have Mr Smith come in now, please.

I had everybody fill out a form.

23. Для передачи значения «кто-то не может не сделать чего-либо» в

разговорном ВгЕ употребляется конструкция can't help doing, в
официальном ВгЕ - cannot but do, а в разговорном АmЕ - can't help but do:

(ВrЕ разг.) I couldn't help laughing.

(ВrЕ офиц.) I couldn't help laugh. Я не мог не рассмеяться.
(AmE разг.) I couldn't help but laugh.

24. Существует целый ряд различий в употреблении союзов, предлогов и

наречных частиц в ВrЕ и АmE:
1) В ВrЕ предлог but имеет особое употребление со словами next и last:
I was next but one in the queue to see the doctor (= not the next one but the
one after).
My friend Jackie lives next door but one (=two houses from me).
I was last but one in the race yesterday (= the one before the last).

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2) В коррелятивном союзе as...as в разговорной речи, особенно в AmE,

первое as опускается:
She is hard as nails.

3) В AmE и разговорном ВrЕ с названиями дней недели предлог on

может опускаться:
See you (on) Tuesday.
You can start work (on) Friday morning.

4) С названиями улиц в ВrЕ обычно используется предлог in, а в AmE

(BrE) She lives in Hazel Avenue.
(AmE) She lives on Hazel Avenue.

5) В выражениях at the side of и at the edge of может употребляться

предлог on, особенно в AmE:
on the edge of a cliff

6) В AmE в выражении at home предлог at обычно опускается:

(BrE) Is anybody at home?
I stayed at home all day yesterday.
(AmE) Is anybody home?
I stayed home all day yesterday.

7) Предлоги around и round обозначают круговое движение или движе-

ние по кривой, но в AmE гораздо чаще употребляется предлог
around. Например:

(a) round the corner around the corner

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to sit (a)round a table to sit around a table

to rock (a)round the clock to rock around the clock
to turn (a)round to turn around
to sleep (a)round the clock to sleep around the clock

Предлоги around и round употребляются также, когда речь идет о

распространении вещей среди группы людей или осмотре частей
помещения. В этом случае в AmE обычно употребляется предлог
around, а в BrE - round.

Will you hand round the papers? Will you hand around the papers?
Can I look round? Can I look around?
Would you like to walk round the Would you like to walk around the
University this afternoon? University this afternoon?

8) В значении «here and there», «in lots of places», «in various parts of»
в BrE употребляются три предлога - around, round, about, а в AmE -
только предлог around:

wandering (a)round / about, rushing (a)round / about London, scattered

(a)round / about the room, standing (a)round / about и т.д.

9) В BrE about и в AmE around употребляются в целом ряде

выражений, описывающих неорганизованную, бессмысленную,
бесполезную деятельность:

(BrE) Stop fooling about.

I spent the day messing about in the garden.
(AmE) Stop fooling around.

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I spent the day messing around in the garden.

10) В разговорном AmE вместо союза as обычно употребляется like.

Это становится характерным и для разговорного BrE, хотя данное
употребление до сих пор считается неверным в официальных языках
США и Великобритании:
Nobody loves you like I do, baby.

В разговорном языке, особенно в АmЕ, like употребляется также

вместо as if:

She sat there eating cream cakes like there was no tomorrow.
He sat there smiling like it was his birthday.
She started kissing me like we were on our honeymoon.

11) В следующем списке перечислены некоторые другие различия в

употреблении предлогов и наречных частиц или их отсутствие в ВrЕ
и AmE. Например:

to meet smb to meet with smb
to visit smb to visit with smb
to speak to / with smb to speak with smb
to talk to / with smb to talk with smb
to write to smb to write smb
to protest against smth to protest smth
to fill in a form to fill in / out a form
to check smth to check smth out
to do smth again to do smth over
Monday to Friday Monday through Friday

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at the weekend on the weekend

at weekends on weekends
different from / to different from / than
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1. Употребление «Excuse me», «Pardon» и «Sorry».

1) В BrE «Excuse me» означает нечто другое, чем «Sorry»: «Excuse me»
обычно употребляется перед тем, как мы сделаем или скажем что-то,
что может вызвать у собеседника раздражение, или когда мы
собираемся кого-то побеспокоить или прервать во время речи.
«Sorry» употребляется после нашего действия, когда мы хотим

(ВгЕ) Excuse me, could I get past?

Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the station?
Oh, sorry, did I get on your foot?

В более официальной обстановке в ВrЕ можно при извинении

употребить фразу «I beg your pardon»:

(ВrЕ) I beg your pardon, I didn't realize this was your seat.

В АmE при извинении употребляются выражения «Excuse me» и

«Pardon me»:
(AmE) Excuse me / Pardon me, I hope you haven't been waiting long.

2) Если кто-то не расслышал или не понял, что ему сказали, в ВrЕ он

скажет «Sorry?», «What?» (разговорный стиль) или «I beg your
pardon?» с повышающейся интонацией. Американцы кроме этих
фраз в подобном случае могут сказать также «Pardon me?»:

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(BrE / AmE) – It's the plumber at the door. – Sorry? – I said it's the
– See you on Tuesday. – What? – See you on Tuesday.
– You're going deaf. – I beg your pardon?
(AmE) – It' s time to go. - Pardon me? – I say it's time to go.

2. В ВrЕ при знакомстве обычно говорят «How do you do!», а когда

хотят справиться о чьем-либо здоровье, обычно используют фразу «How are
В AmE в обоих указанных случаях говорят «How are you?»

3. В ВrЕ и AmE не совпадают названия этажей:

1-й этаж ground first
2-й этаж first second
3-й этаж second third и т.д.

4. В значении «окончить, завершить, довести до конца что-либо» в ВrЕ

употребляется выражение to go through with smth, а в AmE - to be through
with smth:

(BrE) He was determined to go through with his work whatever happened.

(AmE) When will you be through with your work?

5. Глагол to bath [ bRT ] в значении «мыться (обычно в ванной)»

встречается только в официальном ВrЕ и вообще не употребляется в АmЕ. В
разговорной речи обычно употребляются выражения to have a bath (BrE) и to
take a bath (ВrЕ/AmE). Например:
I'm feeling hot and sticky. I think I'll take a bath.

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В ВrЕ to bath может употребляться с прямым дополнением:

It's your turn to bath the baby.

В AmE в этом случае употребляется глагол to bathe [ beID ]:

It's your turn to bathe the baby.

6. Глагол to bathe в значении «to swim» не употребляется в AmE и встре-

чается только в официальном ВrЕ. В разговорном английском употребляются
выражения to have a swim, to go for a swim, to go swimming или to swim. На-
Let's go for a swim in the river.

7. Глаголы to hire и to rent имеют два основных значения: «to pay for the
use of smth» и «to sell the use of smth». В ВrЕ to rent используется в основном,
когда речь идет о длительном сроке аренды (one rents a house, a flat, a TV
etc), a to hire употребляется, когда говорят о краткосрочной аренде (one hires
a boat, а саг, a bicycle, an evening dress, a hall for a meeting), хотя в последние
годы в ВrЕ становится все более популярным выражение to rent a car.
В AmE в случае как краткосрочной, так и длительной аренды употребляется
глагол to rent. To hire имеет основное значение to give a job to smb.

8. В BrE существительное vacation обычно означает студенческие кани-

кулы. В AmE vacation употребляется для обозначения любого длительного
отдыха, причем такое употребление становится все более популярным и в

9. Говоря о плохом здоровье, американцы употребляют прилагательное

Peter is sick.

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В ВrЕ в этой ситуации используются и sick и ill, но sick употребляется в

роли определения к существительному, a ill обычно является именной частью
составного именного сказуемого:

(ВrЕ) Не spent years looking after his sick mother.

Sorry I didn't phone you: I've been ill.

10. Для выражения согласия в ВrЕ обычно употребляют certainly, of

course, а в AmE - sure или surely.

(BrE) - Can I borrow your tennis racket? - Certainly / Of course.

(AmE) - Could you help me for a moment? - Sure / surely.

11. В разговорной речи в обоях вариантах sort of и kind of

употребляются с различными частями речи (существительными, глаголами,
прилагательными, т.д.) для выражения неуверенности. Однако для АmE
более характерно выражение kind of:

(BrE) I sort of thought you might forget.

Sometimes I sort of wonder whether I shouldn't sort of get a job, or
(AmE) Her eyes were kind of greenish-gold.

12. В BrE farther и further употребляются как синонимы, когда речь

идет о расстоянии. В AmE в этом случае употребляется только farther.

(ВrЕ) Inverness is farther / further away than Glasgow.

(AmE) New York is farther away than Atlanta.

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13. В ВrЕ для некоторого изменения значения прилагательных и

наречий, наряду со словами fairly, rather и pretty, употребляется quite:

(BrE) This hat looks quite nice.

He did the translation quite well.
В AmE quite в данном значении употребляется крайне редко.

14. Существительное Britisher используется в AmE и других вариантах

английского языка для обозначения жителя Великобритании. Слово Briton в
этом же значении употребляется в заголовках британских газет. Например:
«Three Britons Die in Air Crash»

15. В значении «сдавать экзамен» в обоих вариантах употребляются

выражения to take аn exam и to do an exam. Кроме того, в ВrЕ используется
выражение to sit an exam.

16. Аттестат о среднем образовании в Великобритании называется the

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), а в США - a high school

17. В следующей таблице суммируются некоторые другие различия в

употреблении лексики. Речь идет о тех случаях, когда разные слова
используются для обозначения одного и того же предмета или понятия. В
ряде случаев для понимания особенностей употребления даются

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BrE AmE Russian Commentary

to abseil to rappel To descend a steep slope
using a rope.
accelerator gas pedal педаль
pedal акселератора
Access Master Card Credit card company. The
British branch has been called
Master Card since 1998, but
many British people still refer
to Access.
accommodations facilities удобства
action replay instant replay Use of radio recordings to
replay highlights immediately
after the event particularly
during TV coverage of
sporting events
action stations battle stations боевые The US Navy now refers to
(US)6 установки general quarters.
aerial antenna антенна Electronics. AmE uses aerial
for rod type antennae such as
rabbit ears sometimes used
with TV sets.
aeroplane airplane (US) самолет
afternoon tea high tea (obs)7 A light meal taken in the late
afternoon. Widely available
in British restaurants and tea
shops which specialize in this
sort of meal. In BrE, high tea
refers to a more substantial

Обозначение US свидетельствует о том, что слово практически не известно в Великобритании.
Обозначение obs свидетельствует о том, что «американское» слово устарело или выходит из употребления,
и американцы используют «британское» слово.

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meal taken at the same sort of

time but with at least one
cooked course.
alsation German восточно-
shepherd европейская
American native американские
Indians Americans индейцы
American War (American) Война за
of Independence Revolutionary независимость
War (конец 18
angry mad cердитый
anorak parka анорак; теплая In British usage, the word
куртка на anorak is also used
молнии с pejoratively to refer to
капюшоном somebody with a seemingly
obsessive hobby interest in
something mechanical.
ante-natal pre-natal утробный, пе-
риода утроб-
ного развития
anywhere Any place где угодно
articulated lorry semi-trailer полугрузовик
aubergine egg-plant, баклажан
eggplant (US)
autocue teleprompter автоподсказ- Device that saves politicians
чик and actors the chore of
memorizing their lines. US
term is proprietary and should
be TelePrompTer.
autumn fall осень
avocado alligater pear авокадо

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baby cot baby crib детская
balaclava ski mask головной убор
– маска
, грабителей)
bandstand bandshell эстрада для British bandstands do not
оркестра have sound reflecting shields
or enclosures and are just
fenced, roofed and raised
enclosures in public parks.
banger beater (US, изношенная AmE also has clunker,
obs) машина jalopy (obs), hooptie and
junker. Both BrE and AmE
have lemon in this context.
bap, roll bun булочка BrE buns are often sweet and
deliciously sticky and there
are many varieties such as the
hot cross buns traditionally
served on Good Friday.
bat paddle игра, где For ping-pong and similar
применяется games.
bath bathtub ванна
bed-settee davenport, диван-кровать The AmE term hidabed is
hidabed, probably proprietary. It may
hideaway also be called daybed in both
BrE and AmE. In BrE, a
davenport is a type of desk.
bed-sitter studio однокомнат-
(apartment) ная квартира
beggar panhandler нищий,
(US) попрошайка

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benefit welfare пенсии, A variety of state payments to

пособия the poor and needy
bespoke, made custom made одежда, This refers to clothing,
to measure сшитая на otherwise custom made is
заказ normal British usage. BrE
also has bespoke software
(for computers).
bicarbonate of baking soda питьевая сода Sodium bicarbonate
soda (Na₂CO₃) used in cooking.
Biro ball-point pen шариковая The BrE term is proprietary.
ручка Invented by the Hungarian
Laszlo Jozzef Biro in the
biscuit (sweet) cookie сладкое In British usage, cookie is
печенье sometimes used to refer
specifically to a biscuit with
chips of chocolate included
known as a chocolate chip
cookie in AmE.
biscuit (dry, cracker несладкое In British usage, cracker can
unsweetened) печенье, refer to a particular type of
крекер biscuit used with cheese or
the usage crackers can imply
that somebody is mentally
deranged. BrE speakers
would be unaware of any
offencive connotations.
black pudding blood sausage кровяная The AmE term chorizo has a
колбаса similar meaning.
Black or white? With or Вам кофе с
without? молоком или
без молока?
black treacle molasses черная патока
blackleg scrab штрейкбрехер
blind shade штора, Specifically shade in

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жалюзи American usage refers to a

continuous piece of fabric
that can be rolled or unrolled,
known as a roller blind in
British usage. The
arrangement of adjustable
horizontal slats is known as a
venetian blind in British
usage. There is no specific
BrE term for the vertical slats
known, apparently, as
verticals in AmE. BrE also
has shades as a colloquial
reference to dark sun-glasses.
blinkers blinders защитные
block of flats, apartment многоквартир-
dwelling house house/building ный дом
block of flats condominium, кондоминиум, Both BrE and AmE use
condo (US) совладение condominium to refer to a
territory governed jointly by
two nations. In referring to a
block of flats BrE does not
distinguish between rented
flats and individually owned
flats. Condominium usually
means that the flats are
individually owned rather
than rented.
boarding billboard рекламный
Bobby cop полицейский
to book to reserve, to заказывать
make a заранее,
reservation бронировать

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booking reservation заказ

booking-office ticket-office, билетная
ticket-window касса
bonnet hood капот (авто-
boot trunk багажник (ав-
bootlace, shoestring шнурок Both BrE and AmE have
shoelace (obs.) (ботинка) “doing something on a
shoestring” to mean “with the
least expenditure of
bottom drawer hope chest нижний ящик Where a woman keeps
комода garments etc, against the
possibility of matrimony.
braces suspenders подтяжки (для In British usage, suspenders
брюк) are used to keep ladies’
stockings in the right place.
Both BrE and AmE use
brace to refer to a device for
supporting something or
holding components at a
precise distance in both
dentistry and general
branch line spur line Charactful and uneconomic
part of railway system.
break recess перемена,
перерыв (в
breve double whole (муз.) бревис
briefs shorts шорты

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(British) daylight летнее время In AmE, summer time refers

summer time saving(s) time to any period of time during
the summer.
Briton Brit британец
The word Brit is rapidly
coming into popular use.
broad bean fava bean кормовые
бобы (Vicia
brown bread wheat bread черный хлеб It isn’t white. There are many
(US) variants some of which are
just coloured, most of which
are whole meal meaning that
all the wheat including the
husks is used in making the
bread, not just the grain.
Buck’s Fizz mimosa (US) название A drink made by mixing
напитка champagne and orange juice.
building society savings and жилищно- An organization originally
loan trust строительная devoted to making loans to
кооперация help members purchase their
own houses.
bulldog clip binder clip зажим для Spring loaded device for
бумаги holding sheets of paper
bum bag fanny pack Small bag worn around the
waist and resting on the
bottom. In BrE, bum is a
slightly vulgar word for
bottom and fanny is a
distinctly vulgar word for the
female genitalia.
to burgle, steal to burglarize украсть Steal is now the commoner
AmE usage.
butter bean lima bean бобы

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cable lead электро- Cable meaning TV
проводка distributed by cable is
common to both BrE and
café diner небольшое Strictly there is no British
кафе, equivalent of the traditional
«забегаловка» 12’ wide American diner. In
British usage, the spelling
caff (and pronunciation) is
used to indicate a rather lowly
call-box telephone телефонная
booth будка
candy floss cotton candy сахарная
canteen cafeteria, cafe cтоловая BrE also uses canteen for a
(особенно в small water bottle used by
школах и на soldiers and campers and also
производстве)for a collection of cutlery.
car auto, машина, The word auto is still
automobile автомобиль sometimes seen in notices
(obs) and road signs. The
American usages would
sound strange to British ears.
caravan trailer, house- домик-прицеп Mobile living
trailer (US), accommodation towed behind
trailer home, a vehicle. Caravans,
mobile home sometimes called just plain
vans by their users, are
subdivided into touring
caravans which are towed by
people travelling from place
to place and static caravans
which stay more or less
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permanently on a site but can

be moved on the back of a
lorry. AmE trailer park is
equivalent to BrE caravan
caretaker janitor дворник
car-park parking lot стоянка
carriage car вагон поезда
carrier bag shopping bag сумка, поли-
пакет для
cashier teller кассир (в
cashpoint automated банкомат,
teller machine встроенный в
(ATM) стену здания
catapult slingshot катапульта
cattle grid cattle guard загородка для System of bars let into
скота surface of road to prevent
passage of animals whilst
allowing free passage of
cellar basement подвал
cent penny монетка в 1 Referring to a 1 cent coin as a
цент penny confuses British
central heating furnace (US) котел In BrE, furnace is industrial.
boiler центрального
(только в

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жилых домах)
central median (strip) разделитель- Dividing strip down the
reservation ная полоса middle of a dual carriageway.
Also called median strip in
changing room locker room гримерная
chap guy парень (разг.)
chemist, druggist (obs) аптекарь, The word chemist is more
pharmacist фармацевт common in BrE.
chemist’s, drugstore, аптека Pharmacy refers specifically
pharmacy to a place where medicines
can be obtained both on and
off prescription. A chemist’s
shop as well as incorporating
a pharmacy will also sell a
variety of personal products
such as soap, tooth brushes,
toothpaste, combs etc.
cheque check (US) банковский
chest, hutch сервант A piece of furniture with
Welsh dresser open shelves, a flat surface
and a single row of drawers,
usually used for storage and
display of plates etc. In BrE,
a hutch is a small, usually
outdoor, structure where
rabbits, ferrets or similar
animals live.
a chest of bureau (obs) комод (для In BrE, bureau refers to a
drawers белья) piece of furniture typically
found in old-fashioned offices
with both drawers and a fold-
down writing surface.
a chest of dresser женский A dressing table is a table,

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drawers, туалетный usually with 2-3 small

dressing table столик drawers and a large
adjustable mirror used by
ladies for doing their make-
chinagraph grease pencil карандаш для
pencil макияжа
chips French fries хрустящий Sometimes just plain fries in
картофель AmE. The variants home
fries, steak fries and
shoestring fries don’t map
into BrE, they are thick-cut
chips, thin-cut chips and
whatever you get in
chum pal, buddy приятель
cigarette-end cigarette-butt окурок
the cinema, the the movies кинофильм, Cinema is also used in both
pictures, film кино BrE and AmE to refer to the
art and culture of films.
city centre downtown центр города
clingfilm plastic wrap, пищевая Saran wrap is a US
Saran wrap пленка (для proprietary term.
cloakroom check room гардероб (в
м месте)
cloakroom hat check girl, гардеробщик,
attendant propriety -ца
check (girl)
closing down closing out распродажа Sale of goods when shop or
товаров company ceases regular
trading. AmE also uses this
to refer to stock clearance of

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particular line of
clothes peg clothes pin прищепка
coach bus, междугород-
Greyhound ный автобус
coast line seaboard береговая Coastline is apparently now
линия also common to AmE usage.
cock rooster петух
coffin casket гроб The American style casket
looks very elaborate and in
rather poor taste to British
eyes. Coffins are invariably
very plain affairs.
collar stud collar button пуговица на
compere master of конферансье BrE uses master of
ceremonies ceremonies for the person
‘orchestrating’ a wedding
reception or similar social
occasion (тамада).
condoms rubbers презервативы Rubbers is colloquially
archaic. «Durex» is a BrE
brand name. «Trojan» is an
AmE brand name. Rubbers
is, apparently, used for rubber
boots in New England.
conscription (the) draft всеобщий It was also called “national
призыв в service” in the UK but was
армию abolished in the 1950’s.
consession discount скидки на Advertisements often quote a
билеты (в regular admission price and a
кино, театр и price for concessions. Other
т.д.) для uses of discount are the same
студентов, in BrE and AmE.

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constable patrolman констебль,

convoy caravan (obs) конвой машин The American usage
caravan is rare/archaic
except when the vehicles are
camels. In BrE, a caravan is
a mobile home or trailer.
American estate agents
(realtors) refer to groups of
viewers of properties as
cooker, oven stove, range кухонная Used for cooking not heating.
плита In British usage, a domestic
cooker comprises both a
heated hob comprising
burners or hotplates on the
top of the cooker (cooktop in
AmE) and a heated oven
which forms the main part of
the cooker.
cookery book cookbook кулинарная
cool box cooler, холодильник A well insulated box used for
ice chest (US) food, etc. Both BrE and
AmE also use cooler as a
slang word for a detention
coriander cilantro кориандр
corn, wheat wheat зерно;
corn flour corn starch кукурузная
corpse cadaver труп AmE seems to increasingly
reserve the word cadaver for

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medical and forensic use.

cot crib детская
cotton thread нитка (для In British usage, thread is
шитья) sometimes used in this
context to identify something
stronger than the normal
cotton bud cotton swab шарик из ваты Q-Tip is a proprietary US
cotton wool absorbent вата
counterfail stub корешок In British usage, a stub is a
(чека, shortened end of something,
квитанции, often implying that the rest of
билета и т.д.) the object has been broken
off. The usage stub one’s
foot means “to bring the foot
into sudden, often accidental,
contact with some obstacle”.
Counterfail is becoming
uncommon in BrE.
courgette zucchini цуккини
course class предмет, курс Both in BrE and AmE a
занятий class is usually a group of
students who are learning
together. In BrE, you can
also use class to mean a
group of students who all
finished school or university
in a particular year.
court shoe pump женская A low-cut slip-on woman’s
туфля- shoe. In British usage, pump
лодочка is a regional name for what is
now called a trainer or

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running shoe. In Scotland

pump, apparently, means “to
pass wind”.
cow pat cow pie «коровья
crash wreck авария
crisps chips жареный
crossroads, intersection, перекресток
junction four way (stop)
crude oil petroleum «сырая» As it comes out of the
нефть ground.
cul-de-sac dead end дорожный BrE also has no through
тупик road, meaning a road that
just stops. Cul-de-sac is
largely confined to suburban
roads and usually implies a
turning ciricle at the end,
often with houses built round
it. People live in cul-de-sacs
not on them. No outlet is also
sometimes seen in North
curator, guide docent (US) экскурсовод (в Docent implies a volunteer
музее, and curator usually refers to
художествен- the director or administrator
ной галерее и of a museum in AmE.
current account checking текущий счет The American facility is
account (в банке) technically called a demand
deposit account.
curtains drapes (US) шторы,
cutlery flatware, ножи, вилки, Modern AmE reserves

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silverware ложки silverware for the best

curriculum vitae résumé автобио- Document prepared to
(CV) графия impress prospective
employers. Curriculum vitae
is sometimes used by
American academics. In
British usage, a résumé is
used to mean a summary or
summing up in any context.

daddy-long-legs crane fly долгоножка Insect with long legs (Tipula
(насекомое) Maxima). AmE uses daddy-
long-legs to refer to
something called a
harvestman (Order Opilones)
that lives in leaf litter and is a
sort of spider with very long
daily cleaner charwoman уборщица
darling honey дорогой, -ая
delicacies delicatessen деликатесы
dialing code area code код города The obsolescent BrE phrase
STD (Subscriber Trunk
Dialling) code may be
digestive graham печенье из Biscuits made from whole
biscuits crackers цельного wheat flour. Also available
зерна partly coated with chocolate
or as a pair sandwiching a
cream filling.
dinner jacket tuxedo смокинг Tuxedo refers to the jacket
and trousers combination.

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diversion detour объезд (на

to do sums to add up, суммировать
to total
docker longshoreman докер Longshoreman is apparently
a West Coast term.
docket stevedore 1) ярлык, эти-
кетка (с адре-
сом грузопо-
2) квитанция
об уплате та-
dog biscuit canine cookie печенье для
(obs) собак
dole, unemployment пособие по Money paid via state run
unemployment compensation/ безработице insurance schemes for those
pay/benefit insurance out of work. Unemployment
pay is the official title.
double cream heavy cream жирные
drain sewer сточная труба
drapery, dry goods store галантерей-
haberdashery ный магазин
draughts checkers шашки
draw tie игра вничью,
drawing pin thumbtack чертежная
dressing gown bathrobe домашний
driving licence driver’s licence водительские
(US) права
dual divided дорога с

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carriageway highway разделитель-

ной полосой
duck goose egg (US) ничья в игре The British usage is confined
со счетом 0:0 to cricket.
dummy pacifier детская соска,
dungarees overalls рабочие In British usage, an overall
брюки is a one-piece sleeved
garment used to cover one’s
normal clothes when working
in a dirty place or job. In
British usage, dungarees
often refer to such a garment
worn by children or women,
especially when pregnant. It
consists of trousers integral
with a bib-like top.
(dust) bin, garbage мусорное
rubbish-bin bag/can, ведро
dustman garbage мусорщик BrE computer scientists talk
collector (obs) about garbage collection.
Political correctness has now
given AmE sanitation
engineer. In BrE, this word
would refer to somebody who
designs and builds sewers and
associated facilities, a
specialized form of civil
Dynamo generator генератор It converts mechanical energy
to electrical energy. The
American usage would be
familiar to British ears. A
dynamo only generates DC
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whereas the machine that

generates AC is called an

earth ground (электр.)
earth wire ground wire заземление
economy coach экономичес- Inexpensive class of
кий (класс) accommodation on a train or
aeroplane. In BrE, a coach is
a single decker bus-like
vehicle that carries booked
passengers or is booked for a
party of passengers. Unlike a
bus it does not stop to pick up
passengers at the road-side.
elastic band rubber band резиновый
electricity pylon transmission электрический
tower столб
endive chicory эндивий
engaged tone busy signal короткие гуд-
ки в телефоне,
вующие о том,
что линия
engine motor мотор
engine driver engineer машинист Otherwise BrE uses engineer
(локомотива) in the same way as AmE.
Eskimo Inuit эскимос
Esso Exxon нефтяная Now ExxonMobil.

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estate agent realtor (US), агент по про- Realtor implies membership

real estate даже недви- of a professional body, the
agent жимости, National Association of
риэлтор Realtors or its local branches.
estate agency realty (US) агентство по
excess deductible избыток, Of insurance payouts.

(face) flannel wash cloth полотенце для
fairy cake cupcake маленькое
fellow guy парень (разг.)
filling station gas station автозаправоч-
ная станция
fire engine, fire fire truck (US) пожарная Professional fire fighters
appliance машина deprecate the usage fire
engine and refer to fire
appliances (BrE) or fire
apparatus (AmE). The
phrase fire engine is also
used in America.
fire fly lightning bug жук-светляк
fire lighter fire starter взрывной
fire station firehouse пожарная
first name, Christian имя
Christian name name, given
first-year freshman первокурсник

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first speed low gear первая
fish slice pancake turner лопатка для
ния пищи на
fitted wardrobe closet встроенный Especially a walk-in
шкаф wardrobe or small storage
room that is a permanent
fixture, not a piece of
flag pole flagstaff (obs) флагшток Flagpole as a single word is
common American usage.
flat apartment квартира A flat occupying more than
one floor is called a
maisonette in BrE and a
duplex in New York. AmE
uses townhouse to refer to a
multilevel apartment. AmE
reserves the word apartment
to refer to rented
accommodation. BrE does
not distinguish between
owned flats and rented flats.
flick knife butterfly blade, нож с
switchblade выдвижным
knife лезвием
football soccer футбол In AmE, football is a game
rather like rugby played with
an egg-shaped ball that the
players can throw or kick. In
BrE, this game is called
American football.

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form grade класс (в

fortnight two weeks две недели
forwards offence players нападающие,
(напр., в
fourth-year senior четверокурс-
student ник
foyer lobby фойе, лобби
freezer deep freeze морозильник
french beans string beans фасоль
fringe bangs челка In BrE, a fringe is hair
hanging straight down
beneath the normal hair line
and usually trimmed to a
straight edge. Bangs refers to
a fringe at the side with
sharply swept forward ends.
full stop period точка (знак Punctuation at the end of a
пунктуации) sentence, otherwise it is just a
dot or decimal point.
funny bone crazy bone (анат.) внут-
(US, obs) ренний мыще-
лок плечевой
кости, локте-
вой отросток

gallery balcony балкон (в
gangway aisle проход (в
garden yard двор (за In British usage, yard means
домом) an area of ground adjacent to

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a building with a hard surface

adapted for use by vehicles
and horses. A garden is a
place where plants are grown.
In American usage, yard
covers both, referring to that
part of the property where
crops, especially vegetables,
are grown for private
domestic use. This would be
a vegetable garden or a
kitchen garden in BrE.
gauze cheese cloth марля
gear lever gear shift, gear рычаг Stick shift/stick can also
stick, stick переключения refer to a car with manual
shift скоростей transmission.
gentleman’s chifforobe шкаф для A wardrobe with hanging
wardrobe (US) мужской space on one side and
одежды drawers on the other.
girl guides girl scouts девочка-скаут
to give a lift to give a ride подвезти
Give way! Yield! Уступи
goalkeeper goaltender вратарь,
goose flesh, goose bumps гусиная кожа,
goose pimples мурашки
gradient (slope) grade подъем или
graduate alumnus выпускник
gravy dish gravy boat соусник

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greaseproof wax paper вощеная

paper бумага
great coat overcoat пальто
green fingers green thumbs садоводческое
to grill to broil жарить (на
grill broiler гриль
ground floor first floor первый этаж In British usage, the floors of
a building are numbered
starting at zero rather than
one. So an American
reference to the second floor
would correspond to a British
reference to the first floor.
guard conductor проводник на
guard’s van caboose (US) служебный A caboose traditionally
вагон в товар- includes sleeping and
ном поезде messing facilities, is painted
red and has a sort of H-
shaped chimney, a guard’s
van does not.
guide dog seeing eye dog собака- AmE term is proprietary.
(US) поводырь для AmE also sometimes refers
слепых to a dog guide.

haberdashery notions галантерей- In BrE, haberdashery also
ные товары refers to a shop selling such
(пуговицы, things.
«молнии», и
hair grip, Kirby bobby pin (US) заколка Kirby Grip is proprietary.

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Grip, pin «невидимка»

(для волос)
hair slide barrette (US) заколка-
пряжка (для
hairpin bend switchback резкое изме- In BrE, a switchback refers
нение направ- to a road that goes up and
ления дороги down a lot, also known as a
на обратное roller-coaster.
hall of residence dormitory, общежитие
hand cart, dolly lorry (obs) ручная
handbag purse женская In BrE, a purse is used by
сумочка women to carry currency
notes, credit cards etc (in
AmE it is called a coin-
purse), whereas a handbag is
used by women to carry a
vast assortiment of oddments
including their purses.
hard shoulder breakdown твердая моще- Lane at edge of multi-lane
lane, paved ная или бето- limited access road.
shoulder нированная Breakdown lane is specific
обочина to the North East of the US.
hash mark, number sign, знак номера To British people a pound
hash sign pound sign (#) sign is, of course, the
currency symbol £.
Confusion is hightened by the
fact that the # symbol appears
in the same place on
American keyboards as the £
symbol on British keyboards
(above the 3).

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to have a bath to take a bath принять ванну

to have a shower to take a принять душ
headlight headlamp (obs) фара
headteacher, principal директор
headmaster / школы
Heath Robinson Early 20th century humorists
Rube Goldberg
and cartoonists specializing in
drawings of implausible and
eccentric machines tied
together with string and
sticky tape.
Hessian burlap мешочная
high street main street главная улица A common name for the most
города important road in a town or
city. Often used to refer
generally to the shops and
retail outlets of a town or city.
to hire to rent брать на In Britain you hire
прокат something if you are paying
to use it for a short time, but
if you are using something for
a longer period of time you
rent it. You can also hire a
person for a job that will last
only a short time, but you
employ them for a permanent
job. In AmE, you always hire
people and rent things,
whether it is for a short or a
long period of time.

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hire purchase installment схема A scheme for paying for

plan кредитования something by a series of
payments after you have
obtained the item.
hoist, goods lift freight elevator грузовой лифт
holiday vacation праздник, In British usage, a holiday,
выходной often called your holidays, is
день a period of time during which
you do not go to school or
work, and usually you go to a
place away from home to
relax. American speakers
call this period a vacation.
In the US, holiday refers to a
single day fixed by law when
people do not have to go to
school or work. In BrE, it is
usually called a bank holiday
(because banks are not open
for business). AmE uses a
legal holiday with the same
meaning. Both British and
American speakers also call
this a public holiday. When
American speakers say the
holidays or the holiday
season, they are referring to
the period of time that
includes Christmas,
Hanukkah (a period in
November or December when
Jewish people remember a
time when an important
ancient church was given to
their people), and New Year’s
Day. In BrE, the verb is to go

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on holiday.
holidaymaker vacationer отдыхающий
hoover vacuum пылесос The BrE term is proprietary
(cleaner) but it is surprisingly common.
house boat float home лодка-дом
housing estate housing жилой район

ill sick больной In BrE, if someone is sick,
the food they have eaten
suddenly leaves their stomach
through their mouth.
immersion water heater кипятильник
indicator switch, turn signal указатель по- In BrE, blinkers are used on
indicator (US), blinker ворота (авто- horses to prevent them from
машины) being distracted by things
going on either side. Very old
British cars used trafficators,
which were small illuminated
mechanical arms that
emerged from the top of the
door pillar.
industrial estate industrial park территория BrE also has trading estate.
вокруг заво-
дов, фабрик
inquiry (оffiсе) information справочное
insulating tape electrician’s изоляционная Sometimes called electrical
tape лента tape or even sticky tape.
inverted quotation кавычки
commas marks
interval intermission перерыв (во Intermission sounds rather

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время меро- old-fashioned to British ears.

приятия, спе-
ктакля, т.д.)
ironmonger hardware store магазин

jacket potato baked potato картофель «в
jelly jello, Jello-o фруктовое The US term Jello-o is
желе proprietory. A wobbly edible
gelatine based substance
often flavoured with fruit and
used as a dessert. In British
usage it is often served with
ice cream and is a children’s
jersey, jumper, sweater свитер
jug pitcher кувшин
junction exit пересечение Usually numbered location
дорог where you enter (BrE) or
leave a limited access
highway. In North America,
exit numbering normally
reflects the distance in miles
(US) or kilometres (Canada)
from the start of the highway
except on the East Coast. In
the UK, junctions are
numbered successively with
new junctions built since the
road was first laid out having
numbers such as “7a” and
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kiosk newsstand газетный
kipper smoked копченая
herring селедка
knickers panties, панталоны
knickers (женские)
knock up warm up разминка (в

label tag этикетка
ladder run спущенная
петля (на
lager beer пиво The drink referred to as beer
in American usage would not
be recognized as such by
many British drinkers. In
British usage, beer is a
mildly alcoholic beverage
served at a temperature that
does not freeze your taste
buds. Real Ale is beer
prepared with the minimum
of chemicals in a traditional
fashion, usually in small local
breweries. In BrE, lager is
beer brewed using low
temperature fermentation. It
is typically lighter and clearer
than normal beer and often
served chilled. The word
lager has some negative
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connotations being associated

with drunken youths known
as lager louts. The word ale
is slightly archaic and now
means the same as beer. The
word stout describes a strong
dark beer brewed with
roasted malt or barley and
particularly popular in Ireland
(Guinness is the best known
larder pantry кладовая
lavatory, loo, bathroom, туалет In BrE, a bathroom usually
toilet, bog, WC toilet, john, means a room with a bath, a
restroom basin to wash your hands in,
and sometimes a toilet. In
AmE, a bathroom may have
a bath in it, but when
American speakers ask to go
to the bathroom they usually
mean they want to use the
toilet. In the UK, you would
just ask to go to the toilet.
lay-by turn-out съезд (на
lead, flex cord подводящий Flexible electrical cable
провод joining an electrical appliance
or telephone to a socket. For
power connections British
practice uses the same
colours as are used in Europe,
brown for live, blue for
neutral and green with yellow
stripe for earth. Older British
practice still used for
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permanent cables is red for

live, black for neutral and
green (or bare copper) for
earth. American practice is
black for live, white for
neutral and green for earth,
although it is not normal for
the cord from the outlet to the
appliance to have colour
coded wires.
leader editorial передовая An article in a newspaper or a
статья magazine expressing the
opinions of the editor. The
American usage is not
uncommon in BrE.
leading or first concert master первая
violin, leader скрипка (в
to leave school to graduate окончить
from school школу
left luggage baggage room, камера
(office) check- room хранения
level crossing grade crossing пересечение
(US) дорог, ж/д
licensing laws excise laws законы о ли-
lesson class занятие, урок
lift elevator лифт It is for goods only BrE has
the word hoist. A grain
elevator is called a silo in
limited (Ltd.) incorporated объединен-
(Inc.) ный, зарегист-

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(об органи-
зации, фирме
и т.п.)
long jump broad jump прыжок в
lorry, van truck грузовик
lost property lost-and-found бюро находок

mackintosh, raincoat плащ
mac, raincoat
mad crazy сумасшедший
made-to- custom-made изготовленная
measure/order по заказу
main course entrée основное In British usage, entrée
блюдо means “the first course”
sometimes known as a
starter or in posher circles
hors d’oeuvre.
main road highway, главная In British usage, the word
expressway дорога highway is confined to
formal and legal contexts.
main subject major subject профилирую-
щий предмет
(в универси-
maize corn кукуруза
magistrate justice of мировой судья
marriage lines marriage свидетельство
certificate о браке
marrow squash кабачок
match game матч

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maths math(s) математика

Medium Wave AM средние Radio stations broadcasting
волны using amplitude modulation
on frequencies in the range
555-1600 kHz. In Europe
(and the UK) the actual
frequency range is 531 to
1611 kHz with 9 kHz channel
spacing. Stations do not have
distinctive callsigns. There
are (in the UK) a number of
national stations (not all
operated by the BBC) that
can be heard anywhere in the
merry-go-round carousel карусель
methylated denatured метиловый Ethanol (C₂H₅OH) that has
spirits, meths alcohol спирт been made unfit for drinking
by the addition of methanol
(C₃HOH), pyridine and
purple colouring.
minced (meat) ground (meat) фарш, But mincemeat is something
рубленое мясо completely different
composed mainly of fruit and
used for making delicious
small pies at Christmas time.
mincer meat grinder мясорубка
minerals soda, pop газированная
minim half note (муз.) поло-
винная нота
mobile phone cell phone, мобильный Often just called the mobile
cellular phone телефон in BrE and cell in AmE.
motorway expressway, шоссе Freeway often implies that it
freeway, is not a toll road or turnpike.

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parkway, Apart from a few bridges, toll

turnpike, roads are currently unknown
highway, in the UK, although the
beltway, country’s first toll motorway
causeway is opened north of
Birmingham in 2004.
mudflap mudguard, щит от грязи
splash guard (автомобиля)
mudguard fender крыло (мото-
цикла, вело-
multiple shop chain-store магазин с
Mum Mom мама
muslin cheesecloth муслин

nail varnish nail polish лак для ногтей
nappy diaper детская
nasty, vicious, mean злобный, In BrE, mean usually
bad-tempered недоброжела- describes someone who is
тельный (о stingy, unwilling to spend
человеке) money. In AmE, mean
usually describes someone
who or something that is
unkind, cruel, or violent. It
can also mean good but this
is probably obsolete.
neat drink straight drink неразбавлен-
ный спирт-
ной напиток
net curtains sheers, under занавески
drapes (тюлевые)

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nightclothes nightgown ночное белье

nightjar goatsucker козодой
nob big shot человек,
высокий пост,
normal, regular общеприня-
ordinary, тый,
standard стандартный
note bill банкнота British currency notes
currently in general
circulation are £5, £10, £20
and £50. The £5 and £10
notes are frequently called
fivers and tenners.
nоwhere noplace нигде
number plate licence plate номерной знак
nursing home private частная
hospital, clinic больница

off-licence liquor store винный
off the peg ready to wear готовая
old age senior citizens’ клуб для
pensioners’ center пенсионеров
(ophthalmic) optometrist окулист
oven holder, pot holder «прихватка»
oven glove, (для горячей

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kettle-holder посуды)
overfly, flyover overpass эстакада
overtake pass обгонять

pack (of cards) deck (of cards) колода (карт)
packed lunch brown bag ланч, который Lunch obtained from
lunch берут с собой supermarkets or, more
на работу usually, made at home and
taken to work. In US practice,
supermarkets and grocery
stores give/sell customers
brown paper bags to take the
groceries home in. In UK,
practice plastic bags, with
handles, are used, a practice
now becoming common in
North America.
pants shorts мужские
parcel package посылка
paraffin (-oil) kerosene керосин
passage hall, hallway коридор,
pavement, sidewalk тротуар In AmE, a pavement means
footpath the hard surface of a road, not
the hard raised level surface
at the side of a road that
people can walk on as in BrE
(See entry for BrE road and
road surface).
pedestrian crosswalk пешеходный Specially marked part of
crossing переход, roadway used by pedestrians
«зебра» crossing the road. The British
usage “zebra crossing” is

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obsolescent. Many such

crossings are controlled by
traffic lights, some are still
uncontrolled but indicated by
large orange globes on
stripped posts known, after
the presiding minister who
first installed them, as Belisha
personal call person-to- междугород-
person call ный телефон-
ный заказ с
вызовом опре-
peep peek быстрый
petrol gas бензин In BrE, gas usually refers to
a clear inflammable substance
such as methane or carbon
monoxide piped to domestic
and industrial premises as a
fuel to cook food or to heat
the house. Gas can also have
this meaning in AmE, but
when American speakers say
gas they are often referring to
a type of liquid fuel that is
used to produce power in
cars. In BrE, you call this
fuel petrol. The word
gasoline would not be widely
understood in Britain.
Petroleum is sometimes seen
in legal and official notices.
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British aeroplanes are fuelled

with avgas however.
petrol tank gas tank бензобак
pig hog свинья In British usage, a hog is a
person that claims exclusive
use of something, i.e. hogs it.
Farmers use hog to mean a
male pig and sow to mean a
female pig, the use of hog to
mean a pig of either gender is
probably obsolescent.
pillar box mailbox почтовый
pitch field спортивное
pizza place pizza parlor пицерия
plait braid коса (волос) British geographers would
refer to braided streams and
British electronic engineers
would refer to braided
poloneck turtleneck свитер
(sweater) «водолазка»
porridge oatmeal овсяная каша
porter red-cap носильщик
post mail почта
post box mailbox почтовый
postal code zip code почтовый
postgraduate graduate аспирант The words are used to refer to

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someone who has finished

their Bachelor’s Degree and
is studying for an advanced
poste restante general до
delivery востребования
postman mailman, почтальон
power point electric outletштепсельная
socket розетка
pram, baby carriage, детская
perambulator baby buggy коляска
press-stud snap-fastener кнопка
primary school elementary начальная Attended by children from
school школа about 5 to 10.
prison penitentiary, тюрьма
pub, bar бар, паб In BrE, a bar is either a
public house room within a public house,
café, club, hotel etc, where
drink is sold or the actual
counter over which drinks are
sold. Public houses often
have several rooms with
differing standards of
furnishing and comfort and
prices to match. In order of
increasing facilities these are
quite commonly called the
public bar, saloon bar and
lounge bar, although there
are many variations. The
AmE terms tavern,
roadhouse and saloon

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referring to various types of

drinking establishment have
no direct British equivalent.
public comfort station общественный
convenience, (obs) туалет
public district общественный The procurator fiscal in
prosecutor attorney обвинитель Scotland. Many state
variations in the US.
public school private school частная школа In BrE, a public school is a
private institution for young
people between the ages of 13
and 18 whose parents pay for
their education. The students
often live at the school during
the school year. American
speakers usually refer to this
as a private school. In AmE,
public school refers to a
school that is paid for from
taxes and provides free
education to local children
between the ages of about 5
and 18. This is called a state
school in BrE.
pudding dessert десерт Course after the main course
of a meal other than
breakfast. Pudding usually
implies that it has been
cooked, otherwise dessert is
often used. Calling the course
afters is thought rather
common by most British
people. It is also sometimes
called a sweet in BrE. AmE
uses pudding with the same
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meaning as the BrE jelly. See

entry for BrE Jelly.
puncture, flat flat прокол колеса
pupil student ученик, In BrE, a student is someone
школьник who is studying at university
or college. In AmE, it can
refer to anyone who is
studying at school or
push-chair stroller детская
to put through to connect соединять (по

eighth note (муз.) восьмая
quay wharf, pier причал,
queue line очередь
quilt, comforter одеяло Warm covering on top of a
eiderdown, bed that is made up
bedspread traditionally using sheets and
blankets as distinct from a

racecourse racetrack дорожка (для
гонок, скачек)

radiator electric heater электронагре-

railway railroad железная

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railway station railroad depot железнодо-
randy horny (слэнг) жела- Americans called Randolph
ющий занять- should not introduce
ся сексом themselves in British circles
by saying ‘Hi, I’m Randy.’
rates, taxes taxes налоги
ratepayer taxpayer налогопла-
rear light tail light, rear хвостовой
light фонарь
reception (in a front desk (in a портье (в
hotel) hotel) отеле)
receptionist desk clerk администра- Both BrE and AmE use
тор receptionist to mean the
(гостиницы) person in a commercial office
who greets visitors.
record-player, phonograph проигрыва-
gramophone тель
red pepper, bell pepper сладкий перец There is some evidence of US
green pepper (US) обычно крас- regional variations. In AmE,
ного или a red pepper is usually hot
зеленого whereas a red bell pepper is
цвета mild.
reel spool шпулька
reel of cotton spool of thread катушка
region, district neighborhood, район
refrigerator icebox (obs) холодильник In BrE, icebox refers to the
part of the refrigerator kept
below freezing point and a

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cool box is a well-insulated

box for carrying food and
drink. The American practice
of garages and supermarkets
selling ice to replenish a cool
box is unknown in Britain.
registration licence number номерной знак
number (автомобиля)
relative relation родственник
removal man moving man грузчик
return (-trip) round-trip билет туда и
ticket ticket обратно
(reverse / collect call телефонный
transfer) разговор,
charge call оплачиваемый
reversing lights back up lights свет заднего
ring book looseleaf откидной
notebook блокнот
ring binder binder папка для
ring road, beltway, loop окружная There are various other
circular road кольцевая до- regional and local North
рога (вокруг American names.
to ring smb up to call smb, звонить кому-
to phone smb либо по
rise raise повышение
road pavement мостовая
road surface pavement дорожное

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rocket arugula ночная
roll hoagie (US) подводная The alternative AmE usage
лодка submarine or sub is not
uncommon in British usage.
Grinder (mid-west esp.
Pittsburgh), hero or poor boy
(New Orleans) are regional
US variants. The usage
hoagie is more specific to the
Philadelphia area.
roof, hood top, hood крыша
rosé blush легкое вино
roundabout merry-go- карусель
roundabout traffic circle система одно-
rubber eraser ластик The British pronunciation is
[I’reIzq ], the American one
is [ I’reIsq ].
rubbish, refuse garbage, trash мусор
rucksack backpack, рюкзак

saloon sedan кузов легково-

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го автомобиля
с четырьмя
sanitary towel feminine медицинская The word tampon has the
napkin прокладка same meaning in both British
and American usage. Maxi
Pad is an American
proprietary term.
scone biscuit ячменная или
scrapeyard boneyard (obs) свалка,
scribbling pad, scratch pad, блокнот,
writing pad notebook записная
sea ocean In BrE, the salty water that
covers most of the Earth’s
surface is usually called the
sea. Ocean is used only in
place names: the Pacific
Ocean. In AmE, the water
covering the Earth’s surface
is usually called the ocean.
But American speakers
sometimes call this water the
sea when they are talking
about travelling in a boat or a
ship. In AmE, sea can also
mean a large area of salty
water that is smaller than an
second hand consignment подержанные The American term refers to
goods (US) вещи goods sold on commission, a
concept unknown in the UK.

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second-year sophomore второкурсник

semi-detached duplex (house) один из двух The single-storied version,
house attached home особняков, which is very unusual, is
(obs) имеющих called a semi-detached
общую стену bungalow in BrE. An
apartment with two floors
would be called a maisonette
in BrE.
semolina cream of wheat манная крупа
service flats apartment hotel гостиница
service repair service station станция
station техобслужи-
serviette napkin салфетка
settee love seat диван на
shop store магазин
shopping arcade mall торговый
show fair ярмарка There is no direct British
equivalent of a state or
country fair. The nearest are
agricultural shows held in
rural districts. In BrE, a fair
is a travelling collection of
rides and amusements that is
set up for a few days in a
convenient location.
sideboard buffet буфет
sideboards sideburns бакенбарды

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silencer muffler глушитель

single ticket one-way ticket билет в один
sitting room, family room, гостиная
living room, living room
drawing room
(to be) situated (to be) located находиться,
skip dumpster (US) загрузка и AmE term is proprietary.
skipping rope jump rope скакалка
skirting board baseboard плинтус In BrE, a baseboard is a
board on which something,
such as a model railway
layout, is built. Cove is
sometimes used with the
same meaning in AmE but in
BrE, this refers to a curved
moulding between wall and
skittle-alley bowling-alley площадка для
игры в шары
sledge sled, sleigh сани
sleeping car Pullman, спальный
sleeper вагон
the small hours wee hours первые часы The hours in the middle of
после the night, after midnight.
small print fine print The details of something such
as a contract that are printed
in very small letters and often
contain conditions that limit

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your rights.
smart stylish модный, In AmE, smart usually
нарядный means “clever”.
smart aleck smart-ass самоуверен-
(slang) (slang) ный человек
socket jack телефонная In BrE, jack plugs and jack
розетка sockets are particular types of
multi-pole electrical
sofa couch диван
somewhere someplace где-то, где-
sparking plug spark plug свеча
spectacles, eyeglasses очки Usually just plain glasses in
specs both BrE and AmE.
spirit level carpenter’s спиртовой
level уровень,
spirits liquor спиртной
spring onion scallion, green зеленый лук
stalls orchestra seats партер (в
to stand for to run for выставлять
standard lamp floor lamp торшер
starter, appetizer закуска Hors d’oeuvre is rather posh.
hors d’oeuvre
stick cane трость
sticking plaster adhesive tape, пластырь The American term Band
Band Aid Aid is proprietary. The word
bandage referring to an ad-

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hoc wound dressing made of

cloth, gauze etc is common to
AmE and BrE.
stock cube bouillon cube бульонный
stone pit, seed косточка
stone 14 pounds четырнадцать
фунтов, стоун,
(мера веса)
stores groceries запасы пищи
stream, brook creek ручей In British usage, a creek is a
small inlet of the sea. The
American word can also be
spelt crick, reflecting
common pronunciation,
although this would be
considered uneducated.
straightaway right away сразу
subsidiary elective факультатив-
ный предмет
(в универси-
subway underpass подземный In BrE, a subway is an
переход underground tunnel that
people can walk through to
get to the other side of a busy
road. In AmE this is called an
underpass. A subway in
AmE is an underground.
sugar-basin sugar-bowl сахарница
sultana raisin изюм,
sump oil-pan маслосборник

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surgery doctor’s / кабинет врача Contrary to the usage actual
dentist’s surgery is only done by
office surgeons in hospitals. British
senior surgical staff are often
referred to as Mr. rather than
Dr no matter how highly
qualified. This probably dates
back to the time when doctors
were qualified but surgeons
were little more than barbers
unworthy of the honorific
title. British dentists and
veterinarians never use the
title Dr.
surgical spirit rubbing медицинский
alcohol спирт
suspender garter belt пояс (для In British usage, a garter is a
женских band, usually elastic, that
чулок) goes around the leg to support
a sock or stocking. There are
no gender specific
sweet corn, corn сахарная ку-
maize, corn-on- куруза, слад-
the-cob кая столовая
sweets candy конфеты The word candy refers to a
particular crystallized sugar
confection in British usage.
sweetshop, candystore кондитерский
confectioner магазин
swiss roll jelly roll рулет с
switchback- roller-coaster аттракцион

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railway «американс-
кие горки»

tap faucet кран (водо-
tap spigot кран, вентиль
ta-ta, bye-bye пока
taking the taking проверка
register attendance посещаемости
tallboy highboy комод
tanker delivery tanker A vehicle that transports and
delivers liquids such as milk
and petroleum products.
tarmac asphalt асфальт The BrE term is proprietary.
The American usage Tarmac
is used to refer to surface of
airport runways etc.
taxi cab такси
tea towel dish towel кухонное
tea trolley tea-cart столик (на
term semester семестр
I think… I guess… Думаю, что…
third-year junior третьекурсник
thousand billion миллиард The old British usage in
million which a billion was a million²
is now largely obsolete and
most British speakers would
assume the American
meaning. Careful users avoid

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the words altogether and use

exponent notation. The usage
1) trillion = tri +
(m)illion³ = 10¹⁸
2) quadrillion = quad
+(m)illion=million⁴ =
3) centillion = cent +
(m)illion = million¹⁰⁰
= 10⁶⁰⁰
The American naming seems
to work on the principle
10³⁺(number ³)
tights pantyhose колготки
time-table schedule расписание
tin can консервная
tin-opener can-opener консервный
to tip to dump выкидывать Also the place where things
(ненужные are thrown away.
titbit tidbit 1) лакомый
кусок, 2) пи-
toll motorway turnpike дорога, где
to top up to refill заправить

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torch flashlight фонарь (элек-

traffic offence traffic violation нарушение
tennis-shoes, sneakers кроссовки
town city небольшой In American usage, city is
город used for any incorporated
area, which seems to mean
that it has some form of local
government, as such the
population may be only a few
hundred. There are state-by-
state regional variations in the
precise meaning of the
American term. In British
usage, an urban area is only a
city if it has a cathedral or has
a royal warrant saying it is a
city. If it is not a city it is a
town (or a village).
town centre downtown центр города The word center is,
apparently, common usage in
New England.
track, unpaved dirt road проселочная
road дорога
tram streetcar трамвай
tramp hobo (US) бродяга, Some AmE speakers use
попрошайка, hobo to mean a casual or
бомж itinerant worker as distinct
from a bum or tramp who
lives by begging and
handouts. There is no word in

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BrE to convey this precise

travelling fair or carnival ярмарка (с In British usage, a carnival
circus шапито) is a period of widespread
public celebration often
associated with street
processions, this also applies
to a few American cities such
as New Orleans. A fair is
travelling entertainment with
sideshows and rides such as
dodgems, ferris wheels,
helter-skelters etc. A circus
has seating round a ring (or
several rings) where clowns
and animals perform. The tent
covering the ring of a circus
is called the big top.
treacle syrup сироп
trilby fedora мужская мяг-
кая фетровая
trolley cart тележка для BrE does not use the word
покупок (в cart in this context reserving
супермаркете) it for a wheeled trailer pulled
by a vehicle or horse.
trousers pants, slacks брюки
trouser suit slack suit, pant брючный
suit костюм
trunk call long-distance междугород-
call ный телефон-
ный звонок
tube, subway метро
turn-ups cuffs манжеты Shirts (with long sleeves) in

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(внизу на both BrE and AmE have

брюках) cuffs.

underpants shorts шорты
underwear intimate нижнее белье
United England Велико- The American habit of
Kingdom британия saying England when the
United Kingdom is meant is
mildly annoying to people
who live in England and
extremely annoying to people
who live in Wales, Scotland
and Northern Ireland. This
American habit is becoming
less common.

valve bulb лампочка
valve tube радиолампа
verge shoulder обочина
vest undershirt нижняя In AmE, a vest is a piece of
рубашка clothing with buttons on the
front and no sleeves that men
often wear over their shirt as
part of a suit. British speaker
call this a waistcoat

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wages sheet pay-roll платежная

wallet billfold (obs) бумажник, The AmE term is becoming
портмоне obsolescent and being
replaced by wallet.
waste paper trash макулатура
waste paper trashcan корзина (для
basket ненужных
wardrobe closet платяной
wash(-hand) washbowl раковина
basin (умываль-
washing up dish pan блюдо для
bowl мытья посуды
to wash up to do the dishes мыть посуду
way out exit выезд (из
wellingtons, galoshes резиновые
wellington сапоги
boots, welly,
white wax paraffin парафин
windscreen windshield лобовое
wing fender крыло
workmate coworker товарищ по

zebra crossing pedestrian пешеходный

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crossing переход типа

zip zipper застежка

18. Некоторые слова используются для обозначения одного и то же

предмета или явления, однако в одном из вариантов они могут иметь более
широкое значение, чем в другом, или отличаться по употреблению.

BrE/AmE Commentary
Asian In British usage, Asian usually refers to British people
whose families originally came from the countries of South
Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka). In AmE,
it usually refers to people from countries in East and
Southeast Asia, such as China, Japan, Thailand, or Korea.
border In BrE, the border often refers to the border between
England and Scotland. In AmE, it usually refers to the border
between the US and Mexico.
college In BrE, a college usually means a place where students over
age 18 are trained in a particular subject or skill, earning a
qualification that is not usually an academic degree. People
studying for an academic degree go to a university. In AmE,
a college is place where students can earn a bachelor’s
degree (=first degree), and a university offers both bachelor’s
degrees and advanced degrees.
county American usage would, typically, be “Orange County”.
Apart from “County Durham” the word would not be used in
referring to a British administrative division. The suffix
-shire means that it is a county anyway. The use of the word
county is normal referring to Irish administrative divisions.
They are called parishes in Louisiana. In British usage, a
parish is the lowest level unit of government (rural areas
only) or ecclesiastical organization. There are no standard
geographical subdivisions between the nations of the UK and

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the counties. Unlike the states of the USA and the provinces
of Canada there are no standard postal abbreviations for
British counties, and their names are frequently omitted from
addresses, a practice that is accepted by the Post Office if a
post code is included.
couple In BrE, a couple of things or people nearly always means
two of them. In AmE, a couple of may also mean two, but it
often means any small number.
doctor In the UK, a doctor who works in a local community, not in
a hospital, is called a GP or a general practitioner (or
sometimes a family doctor), and has the title Dr. But
surgeons, dentists and vets are all referred to by the titles Mr,
Mrs, or Miss. In the US, however, all of these doctors use
the title Dr.
federal In BrE, federal is sometimes used in referring to issues that
relate to all the countries in the European Union. It is never
used in referring to the countries of the UK (England,
Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) or to the central
British government. In AmE, federal refers to the US
government or to national laws, taxes etc, to recognise that
they are different from the government or laws of a particular
US state.
lawyer In both the UK and the US, lawyer is the general word for a
trained legal adviser. In BrE, a lawyer who usually works in
an office but may also work in some courts of law is called a
solicitor. Lawyers who do most of their work representing
people in court trials are called barristers in England and
advocates in Scotland. In both BrE and AmE, counsel is the
formal legal word for a lawyer who is representing people in
court, and in a US court, you might call them counselor. A
lawyer in the US, is also sometimes referred to as an
attorney, especially in formal speech or official letters.
professor In British usage, a professor is a university teacher of the
highest status, usually one who is in charge of the other
teachers of their subject. In American usage, a professor is
any full-time teacher at a university.
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school In both BrE and AmE, school usually means a place where
children are taught from the age of 4 or 5 until they are 18.
American speakers also use school to refer to a university.
In BrE, you say that children are at school during the day. In
AmE, you usually say they are in school, but American
speakers also use in school when they mean studying at a
school or university rather than having a job.

19. Некоторые американские лексические единицы не имеют аналога в


birdcage сетка над бассейном

boxcar A covered railway wagon with a door for loading.
British railways use either open trucks, wagons built for
specific loads such as oil or, most commonly, container
flats which are flat trucks with no side panel adapted to
carry the ubiquitous containers.
brewpub British usage would simply refer to a pub that brewed
its own beer although the word microbrewery is now
becoming common in both BrE and AmE.
busboy In British restaurants the waiter cleans tables.
cuban Floridan term for a sandwich with roast pork, ham, and
swiss cheese.
deck A part of a house consisting of wooden boards on the
outside of the building at ground or first floor level (or
higher) allowing people to walk around. British houses
simply do not have such things. The nearest equivalents
are patio meaning an unroofed area adjacent to a
building paved with slabs, verandah – a covered and
glassed walkway along the side of a building and
conservatory – a room-like extension entirely walled
and roofed in glass. Wooden decking for use in gardens
was introduced to the British market in 1998 and is being
heavily promoted as decking.
dime A 10-cent coin. For notes on British money see the

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entries for nickel and loonie.

freshman Новичок. In BrE freshman or fresher is sometimes
used to refer to a first year undergraduate at a university.
fridge pack Ящик пива
gurney (мед.) Каталка. It is not that wheeled stretchers are
unknown in British hospitals, it is just that there is no
common name for them.
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Расхождение между BrE и AmE наблюдается и в сфере

фразеологических единиц (ФЕ) - устойчивых словосочетаний, хотя и не
носит системного характера. Можно привести целый ряд случаев
варьирования одного из знаменательных или незнаменательных слов,
входящих в ФЕ, в зависимости от террирориального варианта:
BrE AmE Russian
on the cards in the cards быть возможным, веро-
ятным; можно ожидать,
не исключено, что
to set one’s cap at to set one’s cap for завлекать кого-либо,
someone someone охотиться за женихом,
вешаться кому-либо на
to be (look) white above to be (look) white aroundиметь нездоровый,
the gills; to be (look) the gills; to be (look) бледный вид, выглядеть
green and yellow above green and yellow around больным
the gills the gills
to beat about the bush to beat around the bush бить баклуши, ничего не
by fits and starts in fits and starts урывками
to take the bun to take the cake быть лучше, превзойти
всех, получить приз
to keep smb in suspense to keep smb guessing держать кого-либо в
to lock the stable door to lock the barn door принимать меры
after the horse has been after the horse has been предосторожности
stolen stolen слишком поздно; быть
крепким задним умом
not to care a brass not to care a red cent (мне) это совершенно
farthing (continental) безразлично
not worth a farthing (a not worth a continental выеденного яйца не
bean, a halfpenny etc) (a cent, a red cent) стоит

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enough to make a cat enough to make a horse курам несмех, умора,

laugh laugh потеха
up (down) one’s street up (down) one’s alley по чьей-либо части
to get into trouble to get into a jam попасть в беду; попасть
в неприятное, тяжелое
to turn King’s/Queen’s to turn State’s evidence выдать своих
evidence сообщников, стать
свидетелем обвинения
to be as fit as a fiddle to be as fit as a fiddle / to быть в отличной
be as fine as (a) fiddle физической форме

Иногда в AmE встречаются ФЕ, отличаюшиеся по своему лексическому

составу от общеанглийских ФЕ, например:

общеанглийский AmE Russian

to get/have the swelled to get/have the big head важничать, зазнаваться,
head задирать нос
to blow one’s own horn to toot one’s own horn хвастаться, восхвалять
to cross smb’s path to cross smb’s track стать поперек дороги
to put up one’s horses to hitch one’s horses 1) дружить, ладить;
together together 2) пожениться
too big for one’s too big for one’s зазнаваться, важничать,
trousers/breeches pants/britches быть слишком высокого
мнения о себе, задирать

Общеанглийский фразеологизм to throw smth into the wastepaper basket

(выбросить что-либо за ненадобностью, выбросить что-либо на помойку, в
мусорный ящик) имеет свои локальные варианты:
BrE: to throw smth into the dustbin
AmE: to throw smth into the wastebasket

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1. В BrE перед последними двумя цифрами числа (названиями десятков и

единиц) употребляется and. Для AmE это не характерно.

325 three hundred and twenty-five three hundred twenty-five
719 seven hundred and nineteen seven hundred nineteen
3,077 three thousand and seventy-seven three thousand seventy-seven

2. Цифра «0» в BrE обычно называется nought [ nLt ], а в AmE - zero

0.5 nought point five zero point five
Или: point five

3. При чтении по цифрам какого-либо числа 0 обычно читается как буква О -

[ qV ] в обоих вариантах (My account number is four one three two six о six
nine), а при указании величины или размера, например температуры, «0»
читается zero.

Zero degrees Fahrenheit ==17.8 degrees below zero Centigrade.

4. Нулевой счет в спортивной игре в BrE обычно называется nil, а в АmЕ -

(BrE) Manchester three; Liverpool nil.
(AmE) Boston seven; Chicago zero.

5. При произнесении телефонных номеров двойные цифры читаются каждая

отдельно в AmE; британцы говорят double:

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Tel 307-4922.
(ВrЕ) three о seven - four nine double two.
(AmE) three о seven - four nine two two.
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1. Справа, вверху, в письме пишется дата, ко в BrE сначала пишут число, а в

AmE - месяц:
(BrE) 6.4.99 = 6th April 1999.
(AmE) 6.4.99 - June 4,1999.

При этом в BrE существует две формы произношения даты:

March the twenty-first nineteen ninety.
Или: The twenty-first of March, nineteen ninety.
Американцы обычно говорят:
March twenty-first, nineteen ninety.
April third. July seventeenth.

2. После обращения в письме в AmE обычно ставится двоеточие (Dear Mr.

Hawkes:) или, в неформальном стиле, запятая (Dear Mr. Hawkes,). В BrE
используется либо запятая, либо вообще не ставится никакой знак.

3. В BrE при обращении к группе людей пишут «Dear Sirs», в AmE -


4. В конце письма в АmЕ не используется фраза «Yours faithfully». Обычно

употребляются Sincerely, Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely или Yours truly.

5. Американцы часто подписывают письма, употребляя полную форму

своего первого имени и фамилию, а между ними - инициалы своего второго
имени (Keith S. Parker). В ВrЕ это не принято, британцы обычно ставят ини-
циалы обоих имен (K.S. Parker) или дают полностью лишь свое первое имя
(Keith Parker).

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6. Британцы в отличие от американцев не ставят точку после таких титулов,

как Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr, Ms. Ms [ mz ] употребляется при обращении к женщине
в тех случаях, когда нет необходимости уточнять замужем она или нет. Это
сокращение широко распространено в АmЕ и становится все более
характерным для ВrЕ.
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1. Бараблина Т. А. и др. Учебник английского языка: Для 2 курса педаго-

гических институтов и факультетов иностранных языков. / В.И. Бозылева,
И.P. Гальперин, Т.Н. Маляр, Нефедова Л.Б.; Под ред. проф. И.Р. Гальперина.
3-е изд. М.: Высшая школа, 1982.
2. Т.И. Шевченко, Е.А.Бурая. О фонологическом статусе и фонетической
реализации фонемы / Q / в американском варианте английского языка.
Вестник МГЛУ, вып. 476. М., 2003. с. 80-91.
3. Jones, D. English Pronouncing Dictionary, 16th edition. Cambridge University
Press, 2003.
4. Ladefoged, P. A Coursre in Phonetics. 4th edition. Heinle & Heinle, Boston,
5. Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. 2000.
6. Macmillan English Dictionary. 2002.
7. Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use, 3rd edition. Cambridge University Press,
8. The Random House College Dictionary. N-Y, 1980.
9. Swan, M. Practical English Usage, 3rd edition. Oxford University Press, 2004.

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