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Play “A” Game & be the boss at your poker table

Copyright © 2016 by TADAS PECKAITIS

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, cop-

ied, sold or otherwise distributed without the author’s approval.

Visit my site for more info: www.mypokercoaching.com

Table of Contents
Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
Bankroll Management is the Key to Success������������������������������������������� 6
Identify your mistakes�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
Set Your Goals�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
How to prepare for a session�������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
Manage your mental game����������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
Keep your life and poker separate����������������������������������������������������������� 23
Understand the strategy – ​GTO vs Exploitative play�������������������������� 25
Have your tools ready��������������������������������������������������������������������������������28
Do not sleep on success—keep moving forward���������������������������������� 32

LET’S START with a little background info about who I am. My

name is Tadas, and I have been a professional poker player and coach
since 2008. Just like many of you,
I went down a tough road in the
beginning of my carrier, and if I
could go back, I would do many
things differently. One of those
things would certainly be invest-
ing in speeding up my learning
process by getting a coach much
sooner. Had I done that back in the
day, I would have avoided many
of the mistakes that stopped my
progress for a long time.
For almost 10 years I have been
playing poker professionally, and this is my main source of income.
I was lucky enough to win some live tournaments and learn from
the best coaches, which improved my game. However, the one thing
with which I struggled the most was my mental game, and it took
me some time to build the right habits and stop kicking my chair
after a bad session.
Now my state of mind is such that I don’t care much about the
results, since I know that good results follow when you do everything
the right way. Instead, I concentrate very hard on playing my “A” game

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and making the best decisions every chance I get. Everything else
just follows!

Why should you read this book?

This is a short but very powerful guide that will help you to under-
stand your poker mind better. For many years, tilting was the main
issue stopping me from reaching full potential. I knew the theory—I
was already learning from great coaches—but was still struggling
without really understanding why. It took me many years to actually
figure out some of the things that I want to share with you through
this short book. I really hope you will be able to take something out of
it, and if you could change just one or two parameters in your habits,
you will see the results!
We are going to go into the basics without plunging deeply into
topics like meditation, relaxation or hypnosis. Here you will find
simple steps for everyday sessions and situations that you can control.
Therefore, if you are looking to improve your concentration, awareness
and preparation for a session as much as you can, this guide is for you.

Tadas Peckaitis | 5
Bankroll Management is the
Key to Success

ONE THING that we overlook a lot of the time is bankroll manage-

ment. Even good players tend to do this costly mistake, so let us take
a look at some of the most important things you should always take
into consideration.
Firstly, I would highly recommend that you keep your
poker money separately!
If you are able to keep money dedicated just for poker apart from
your everyday balance, you are one-step ahead already. Sticking to
that rule will let you be much calmer and prevent you from going on
tilt when running bad. Moreover, it will influence your life quality in
general – you will feel better and have more confidence in yourself
even at very bad times, and that is what separates winners from losers!
Secondly, it is very important to keep all your money in
the bankroll and not withdraw it, if you are taking your
game seriously.
This strategy will help you build your bankroll faster, without
wasting money on unimportant things. In addition, you will be able
to move up stakes much quicker as well! This will be a big step in
improving your game in general as it will allow you to learn poker
faster and thus implement new strategies in your game at a much
better pace!
6 | Play “A” Game
With these
two basic rules in
place, we can now
clarify how much
money you need to
have in your bankroll
to move up stakes—
or even down, if
necessary. As a
standard, I would
recommend moving up when having 30 Buy-Ins (BI) and moving
down if you drop to the 25 BI mark. (For example, if you are playing
NL25 you need €1500 to move up to NL50, and if you drop to €1250
you need to move down to NL25 again.)
However, if you have all your money on the line and will not be
able to deposit more if needed, you should stick to tighter bankroll
management. In this case, you should consider moving up only
when you have at least 50BI and moving down if you drop to the
40BI mark, just to prevent future losses. This strategy is for players
who make a living with poker, or their main income comes from it,
since busting or having to move down would be much costlier in
these cases.

From nl25 to nl50 Move up Move down

Aggressive strategy 1250 € 1000 €
Standard strategy 1500 € 1250 €
Careful strategy 2500 € 2000 €

Remember that you need to stick to this strategy, not just know
it. It will prevent you from losing a lot or even busting your bankroll;
not to mention, it can keep your motivation up in the most crucial

Tadas Peckaitis | 7
times of your career. Another advantage of this tactic is that if you
move down when you should, rebuilding your bankroll won’t take
too much time. So it’s safe to count this as a winning strategy!

Finally, make sure to understand that money is not the

only factor to consider when moving up.
Even if your bankroll is sufficient, when you are barely beating
the stakes you are currently playing, moving up should not be your
priority. If you don’t feel comfortable in your game, playing at
the higher levels should wait; stay at the lower levels for a while
and concentrate on improving your game instead of randomly
making shots.
If you find yourself in this position, my advice is that you spend
some time analyzing your game, learning new things and going over
poker strategies. This will save you a lot of money and will make you
feel much more confident in your game when you decide to make
that shot.


Keep separate bankrolls!

Do not withdraw money!

Know when to move up!

Make sure you can beat higher levels!

8 | Play “A” Game

Identify your mistakes

THIS IS, perhaps, the most important part of any strategy. It is defi-
nitely a step you do not want to skip. In order to improve your tactics,
you need to fix your leaks, and to do that, you need to find them in the
first place. Every poker player makes mistakes, and more or less, you
do that as well.
So what can we do about it? How can we fix all our poker
mistakes and play perfectly? My answer is – we cannot! However,
understanding what we
do wrong can help us be
aware of our errors. Thus,
continuously trying to fix
our leaks will allow us to
make our poker strategy
much more solid.

In most cases, identi-

fying our own errors
could be very difficult.
We are so used to our gameplay that we do not notice when
we make mistakes. If this is the case with you, I would highly
recommend getting a poker coach and learning with him in the most
effective way possible. Even if you are not planning to keep a poker
coach, you should be able to at least get professional leak finder or
database analysis. This will highlight your weak areas and provide

Tadas Peckaitis | 9
an improvement plan. Doing everything yourself could take a lot of
time, so investing in poker lessons would be a good idea.

When you know your potential leaks, you can move to the
next step and create a list of them.
We will call this step “Poker Mistakes list.” There could be many
different mistakes and in some cases, even a lot of them, so make sure
you write the most important ones first. Your list could go like this:

I am not putting opponents on a range while playing;

I can’t keep my concentration up for long;

I do not do enough 3-bet bluffs;

I fold too much on the river in 3-bet pots;

I start tilting and spewing money after losing few big pots.

You can expand on it as much as you need, but hopefully, you

get the idea. Making a poker mistakes list will help you realize where
you are struggling, and most importantly, it will help you remember
those weak areas while playing. This list is most beneficial when you
incorporate it in your poker strategy and use it to learn poker in the
most efficient way.

Review your list every time before a session begins!

This way you will be able to concentrate on the most important
areas of your game as well as keep your mind on your most common
leaks. You will make much fewer mistakes than you would otherwise.
I would highly recommend concentrating on one or two problem
areas at a time while playing.

10 | Play “A” Game

Let’s say that the first mistake on your list is not putting people
on ranges. If this is something you forget during your sessions, you
can try setting an alarm clock to go off every 10 or 15 minutes to
remind you where your thoughts need to be.
There is a way to fix every issue that you could experience, and
this list is a perfect starting point. If you have any questions that
you cannot find an answer to, I would highly recommend getting
professional poker coaching, since this is the best and fastest way to
take your game to the next level.
Implementing this advice to your poker strategy will help you be
the best you can be!


Identify your leaks!

Write down your poker mistakes list!

Review it before playing!

Concentrate on it!

Fix your leaks!

Tadas Peckaitis | 11
Set Your Goals

IN EVERY endeavor we pursue, we need to know the end result that

we are trying to achieve. Otherwise, we might end up committing to
a long journey to nowhere. In power, too, we need to set our success
goals, and the best way to do that is by having them listed. There are a
few things we need to know
when setting our goals, so
that our list is as efficient
as possible. If we make it
easy to integrate in our
poker strategy, it will help
us succeed.

Your top priority is to

make your goals spe-
cific and measurable.
In order to reach your
goals, you need to construct
them correctly. One of the
most important things you
need to remember is that
you should always be in
control of the outcome of your goals. For example, a goal to win x
amount of money won’t lead you anywhere—you could play very well
and still lose just because of the variance. In this case, you have no

12 | Play “A” Game

control over the outcome, and you should consider setting your goal
A much better example of a goal would be to play x number of
hands, or to pay x amount of rake per month. This way you know
that the outcome only depends on you, and having this knowledge
will keep your motivation up! Moreover, you can plan how to proceed
afterward—when to play more or less—and that could be a big step
in preventing you from tilting. Such careful planning allows you
to improve your game and learn good poker strategy in the most
effective way.
You should apply the same strategy to constructing all of your goals.
For instance, a goal to keep studying and always improve your game
is too general. In order to achieve the desired results, you would need
to make it much more specific and measurable. Thus, a much more
reasonable goal would be devoting 2 hours every week to review your
hands and another 2 hours to study poker strategy. Moreover, you
should add other specifics to your goal, so that it would be even more
attainable, i.e., deciding to review your hands and study theory every
Monday. It is important to choose a day and stick with it.
By following this strategy, you will be able to set very specific
and measurable goals. Furthermore, you will always know whether
you reached them or not, and this is very important for your mental
game preparation.

So be specific:

Playing x amount of hands per month;

Devoting 2h every week to review hands;

Prepare for every session before playing;

Play no more than six tables at a time and so on.

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These are all great goals. I can propose a ton of examples here,
but you probably get the idea by now. Remember that you should be
able to measure all of your goals and keep them as specific as you
can. Otherwise, there is no point in having them at all.

Setting up your goal list will let you:

know what your goals are;

understand when you achieve the desired results;

concentrate on the most important things;

be in full control of the outcome;

make some adjustments if you fail to reach your goal, and
thus, try harder next month!

Be in control of your actions and goals. Put yourself in such a

position where your success depends only on you and your actions!

Remember that all your goals must have a set time frame,
in which you should complete them!

A goal to play a specific number of hands is a very good example

because it depends just on you, and no other factors—such as luck—
can influence it.
• When setting a goal of playing any number of hands, make
sure to give it a deadline. (Playing x hands per month or per
week is a good example.)
• If your goal is to review marked hands, make sure you set
your task the right way: “Every Sunday review hands that
I have marked through the week,” is a good goal in this case.

14 | Play “A” Game

Without scheduling deadlines, you will not be able to stick to
your goals and will find many excuses to abandon them.

Long- and short-term goals

Setting long-term goals is helpful when you want to look at the
bigger picture, e.g., to become a professional poker player in a year.
However, to accomplish your goal you need to understand it first—
what does professional player mean to you? How do you get there?

In order to keep tabs on your progress, you need to break down

your long-term goal into short-term goals. Otherwise, it is going
to be very hard to notice your growth, and you can easily lose
your motivation along the way. A good advice is to break your goal
into monthly and weekly segments and incorporate those in your
poker strategy.

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Your goals could look something like this:
• Play 50k hands per month.
• Mark all the hands that you are not sure how to play.
• Dedicate at least 3 hours every week to review your marked
• Leave at least 3 hours per week to study strategy in the spots
that you are struggling with, and analyze your game.
When you reach your goals after the month is over, you will
be very happy with your accomplishment, and that will keep your
motivation up. It’s important to acknowledge that motivation is a
big factor in becoming a successful poker player. Moreover, when
you continuously see your improving results, you will be able to keep
your concentration longer and motivate yourself to try even harder.
If the first month challenge was too easy, you could set higher
goals next month or stick to the same ones, depending on your
• Maybe play 60k hands per month.
• Mark all the hands that you are not sure how to play.
• Leave at least 3 hours every week to review your marked hands.
• Dedicate at least 4 hours per week to study strategy.
• Get a coach when you reach NL25 (or any other stake that will
be relevant to you)!
Breaking down your long-term goals like this will induce positive
changes in your poker strategy and in your general approach to the
game as well. However, you can take this even further and break it
down to even smaller chunks. You could set some daily goals if you
are struggling to find motivation to achieve them. In my experience
I found that listing goals on a sheet of paper is very beneficial. If you
write down your tasks for the next day, it will be much easier to put
your concentration into those tasks and actually do them.
Implementing this strategy will help you to reach your long-term
goals very fast because you will be able to see improvements along
the way. Visible results are the greatest incentive to keep moving
forward. If you fail to break your long-term goals into shorter ones,

16 | Play “A” Game

it is going to be very hard for you to accomplish them. Furthermore,
if you don’t see much progress in your game development, you won’t
be able to keep faith in yourself.

Make sure that your goals are realistic!

When you set your long-term goals, go for something reasonable.
A goal to play 1 million hands per month sounds tempting, but it is
unrealistic, and you will not be able to reach it! Make it attainable
for your situation. Go for 50k or 100k hands per month—a truly
achievable goal!
Furthermore, I heavily recommend writing down all your goals
in a list since it helps you to stay on track and remember the target
you have set out to reach.
Lastly, it is very important to constantly review your goals. This
will help you to stay on track and reach your goals much faster.
If you take a few minutes to put this in your poker strategy, you
will learn new things in the way and make your life much easier!
These simple steps will lead you to success.


Specific and measurable goals

Set a time frame for each goal

Long- and short-term goals

Choose realistic goals

Write it all down

Constantly review your list

Tadas Peckaitis | 17
How to prepare for a session

EVERYONE KNOWS that poker strategy is important, but do you

know that learning how to warm up and prepare for your poker ses-
sion could be very beneficial as well?
This is one area that where players need to improve, so learning
several important tricks could be a big step towards perfecting our
game and poker strategy in general.

The first thing you should do is take care of your basic

Grabbing something to eat and drink or even going to the bathroom
before you sit down to play could prevent you from interrupting your
session later on. It is also a good idea to keep a bottle of water handy. Having
made these preparations, you will stay concentrated longer, play more
hands, feel more
confident, and most
importantly, you
will be able to make
better decisions on
the go.

18 | Play “A” Game

Next step – turn off all distractions around you:

Close all your messengers;

Mute your phone;

Turn off the TV;

Close all your browser windows.

Getting rid of all possible diversions will help you concentrate

more on your decision making strategies. It will also prevent you
from having your thoughts interrupted by random messages or
emails in the middle of a hand, when every second counts. Thus,
your attention will remain focused for much longer, and you will
learn more while playing.

The third important item when preparing for a poker

game is to review your mistake list.
If you do not have one yet, now is a good time to create it. A
mistake list will help you concentrate on your weak areas, so that
you will be able to recognize these spots while you play and keep
away from repeating the same mistakes again and again. I believe it
is obvious that this handy list could save you a whole lot of money!

Don’t forget to review your goals list.

Before you sit down to play, you must know what your goals are,
so of course, I stress on writing them down. Reviewing your list of
goals before your session will help you see the whole picture and
remind you why you are playing! When you know your goals, your
concentration will be on your game and what you can do to achieve
your target! Your list should include all of your goals, like putting an
Tadas Peckaitis | 19
opponent on the range in every spot or bluffing more, not just the
goals concerning how much you need to play.

Finally, you should do a little brain warm up before play-

This could include reviewing some hand histories or concentrating
on a specific problem from your mistake list. If you introduce these
warm up and preparation steps into your poker strategy, you will
start noticing better results very soon. You will be able to keep your
concentration and A game longer, make better decisions and improve
much faster as well! All of this will lead to achieving your goal of
playing better and winning more!


Take care of basic needs!

Turn off distractions!

Review mistakes list!

Review goals list!

Warm up before playing!

20 | Play “A” Game

Manage your mental game

THERE ARE entire books written on this topic—it is truly extensive—

but I will try to quickly go over the most important ideas. If you stick
to the suggestions I made thus far in this guide, it is going to be quite
easy. Still though, we need to be aware of what we are doing and con-
centrate on the most important things that are
in our control.
Of course, this is very easy
to say but not so easy to do.
However, dealing with difficult
sit u at ions i s a n e s s ent ia l
skill that you have to master.
Even the best players in
t he world e x per ienc e
huge downswings, much
bigger than you can imagine, and you
should be aware that you are going
to go through such periods as well. Knowing that a downswing is
coming and preparing to deal with it mentally is the best thing you
can do for yourself.
If you reach a point when you feel angry or notice that most of
your decisions turn out bad, just stop playing! Take a short break,
think of the mistakes you are making and figure out a strategy to
improve your game right away. In some cases, listing your mistakes
on paper could be very beneficial as well.

Tadas Peckaitis | 21
When you go back to your game, concentrate on making the
right decisions, and put aside the past results. This is a simple matter
of probabilities, if you were running badly before, it does not mean
you will run badly now. The same goes for running or playing good
as well. So do not let past results influence your decisions on the
table, and do everything you can to concentrate on your current
game while looking at the bigger picture.
It is natural to encounter bad luck now and then. How you deal
with it will determine how fast you will be able to learn and improve
your game. Do not judge yourself for making mistakes because
you’re not the only one. Instead, try to improve in the areas where
you are struggling, and think only about making correct decisions—
not the potential results those decisions may bring. If you follow this
advice, the results will come on their own, since success is inevitable
when you are playing good!

22 | Play “A” Game

Keep your life and poker sepa-

WE ALREADY discussed the importance of keeping separate bank-

rolls for poker and everyday life as well as the many advantages of that
strategy. In most cases though, we need to take it even further and
keep our mind separated as well.
Running bad or playing bad
shouldn’t keep you angry after
a session is over. You need to be
able to control your emotions, and
there are different strategies to
lead you there. One very effective
approach is creating a cool down
routine. Mimicking the steps we go
through to prepare for a session,
we should follow a sequence
of steps after the session as
well. This way we can leave
all emotions at the table and
stand up in a good state of
mind no matter how well or
bad we played.
The simplest way to
master your mind is by
keeping a journal in which

Tadas Peckaitis | 23
to evaluate your game. The results aren’t important; what matters is
how well you played.

Answer questions like:

Were you able to stick with your game plan?

Did you pay attention to those mistakes that you had
How much effect did variance had in your session?
Where were you struggling the most?
Give yourself a mark from 1 to 10.

Keeping a journal could be very helpful as it reduces the emotions

that may be induced at the poker table. You can assign a few minutes
every week to go over your notes, so you can clearly see which
areas you are struggling with and improve on them. Applying this
strategy will give you a confidence boost and will help you leave your
emotions at the table even on hard days.
If you are still struggling, you can try listening to a cool down
mp3 tape. I can recommend Elliot Roy’s recordings since they have
the desired effect. His strategy can definitely help you to reduce tilt
and be a lot easier on yourself and everyone around you. You can
also check out his page and find helpful materials there.

24 | Play “A” Game

Understand the strategy – ​
GTO vs Exploitative play

TO BE a successful player these days, you need to learn a different

kind of poker strategy. We often hear about GTO poker but are not
sure how and when to implement it into our strategy to achieve the
best results. You probably have some doubts whether learning GTO
poker strategy is worth it at all. Can it actually help to win? Indeed,
I am confident that it can! As you may already know, GTO stands
for game theory optimal play, which allows you to at least break even
against the best players.
Now, this sounds great! You are probably thinking that GTO
poker is the way to go, and you are right! We should definitely use
it as a starting point, but then we should adapt our game for weaker
opponents and use exploitative play vs them to maximize our
winnings. It’s important to know when to use which strategy.

Tadas Peckaitis | 25
GTO poker strategy is the best choice when:

You are playing against good regulars.

You do not know your opponents.
On anonymous poker games.
In the spots where you are not sure of the approach you
should take!

When you find yourself in one of these situations, there is no

better approach than GTO, so stick to it. Alternatively, if you find
yourself playing against opponents who are making a lot of mistakes,
you really want to take advantage of that and adopt exploitative poker
strategy versus them.
• If they fold too much to a continuation bet, then you should
c-bet very insistently;
• If they fold too much to 3-bets, you need to attack that and
3-bet them a lot;
• What should you do if they do not defend blinds enough?
You get it—you should raise a lot and try to steal their blinds
without compromise.
You will doubtlessly play against opponents who will make a
lot of the above mistakes, so make sure to take full advantage of
it. Learning GTO strategy will help you understand how to win at
poker, which is why I recommend sticking to it until you spot some
mistakes in your opponent’s game! Then, exploit his weak areas
while still playing GTO in all other aspects of your game. This is by
far the most profitable way to go and one that will turn you into a
If you want to learn GTO poker strategy in the most efficient
way, make sure to check out these courses as they will help you build

26 | Play “A” Game

very strong fundaments to your poker strategy! After that, you will
only need to adapt your game when your opponent slips up and
voila—you may as well be printing money! We will cover that as
well 


Learn GTO poker strategy!

Know when to use it!

Make GTO your default strategy!

Learn to exploit others!

Start ‘printing’ money!

Tadas Peckaitis | 27
Have your tools ready

IGNORING the available poker software is never to our advantage,

especially when we know that our opponents use it. If we do not invest
in the proper tools, we will miss out on a ton of value that could
otherwise help us.
Poker software can be divided into three different categories:
• For individual study - PokerSnowie
• For analysis of your game – HM2
• Providing statistics on your opponents - Advanced poker HUD
PokerSnowie is quite a powerful program that will let you learn
how to balance your ranges and how to play effectively in many
spots. Of course, there are limitations to what it can do, but it can
really be a good starting point if you are looking to improve your
game and are just beginning. So take a look at it, get a free trial, and
see what it can do for you!
You probably know what Hold’em Manager 2 is—a program
that tracks your results and enables you to have HUD (Heads Up
Display) while you play. In my opinion, this is by far the best peace
of software available online, and I really recommend using it for its
core features. Having decent statistics on your opponents gives you
enormous advantage over them. There is no better way to gain this
knowledge than to use a powerful poker HUD that enables you to
see your opponents’ mistakes.
I’m going to expand on this topic a bit more, since this could
be the deciding factor whether you will be a winner or not. What
should you be looking to have on your HUD?
28 | Play “A” Game
Of greatest importance to you is to see your opponent’s mistakes
as fast as possible so here are a few things you should know:

Make your HUD color coded

This is imperative to your strategy. Using colors makes it easy for
you to spot your opponent’s leaks in a second. Decide on the colors
you want and stick to them to avoid confusion. On my poker HUD
I use three colors: red - when stat value is too high; green-when it is
too low; and orange-when it is in a normal range. With this running
on the side, I can spare a look at my HUD for a part of a second.
Within an instant, I know where I can put maximum pressure on
my opponent and exactly how to achieve it. Having all these poker
statistics readily at my hand is a huge time saver.

Use vs Hero stats

This is an option only Hold’em Manager 2 supports, and if you
are not using it already, I highly recommend that you start doing so,
since the provided information is priceless. These stats will expose
your opponent’s specific gameplay against you. For example, he is

Tadas Peckaitis | 29
3-betting 20% from SB vs BTN open, but when you open the BTN
he is only 3-betting 5% in that spot. In the first case, you could 4-bet
him light, but if he is 3-betting much less vs you than in general,
4-betting him light would be a mistake. There are many spots where
you can take advantage of this information, and having it on your
side will let you play in the most efficient and profitable way. If you
are not using this feature yet, you are leaving money on the table, so
add this to your poker HUD.

Detailed popups
Having a huge HUD on your screen could be overwhelming. The
best thing you can do is keep only the most important stats on the
main panel and put everything else into pop-ups. This way you have a
ton of information available to you, without it taking the entire screen.
Make sure to take full advantage of this feature, implementing
very detailed pop-ups! It is not enough to view just 3-bet stats, you
would want to know how much your opponent is 3-betting from
each position against all other positions as well. Same goes for folding
stats—general fold to 3-bet do not show anything, and you want to
know how much your opponent is folding from each position.

There are many different areas, in which you would want to

have access to detailed information, such as:

How the opponent is playing vs C-bets;

What he is doing when you do not C-bet;

How much he is folding after checking;

How he defends blinds against BTN or BB vs SB;

And many more!

30 | Play “A” Game

It is not a secret which poker statistics are the most important,
and you can make your HUD very powerful on your own. However,
it took me more than 100 hours to build my advanced poker HUD
with all the features that we discussed as well as many more. You
can check this out and I am absolutely sure that making this small
investment will pay for itself in no time.


Make it color coded!

Use vs Hero stats!

Detailed popups!

Tadas Peckaitis | 31
Do not sleep on success—keep
moving forward

YOU SHOULD be very happy if you have positive results in your

games. However, if you take your eyes from the target even for a
second, you will no doubt fall behind. No one remains fixed in one
place, and if you do not move forward, you will backslide. Your
opponents though, are likely improving and will reach your game
level soon enough, even if you are ahead right now.
Mental game is a huge factor these days, and without managing
it, you will not be able to reach your full potential. I sincerely hope
that you will take some advice from this book, incorporate it in your
game and improve your results.
Once this book has done its job, you should move on to the next
steps, which include learning the more technical aspects of poker
strategy. There are many options you could go with, but the most
effective ones are as listed:

Personal coaching
In my opinion, this is the best option. Working with many
coaches over the years has saved me a lot of time and money. Yes,
you got that right, a good poker coach will save you money. He will
identify your mistakes, make a plan how to fix them very quickly
and help you to improve your game on a personal level.

32 | Play “A” Game

Continuous coaching
This is what I offer at my poker coaching program, which is a
huge success. In my program, I work with my students on a monthly
basis. This is very similar to straight poker coaching, but it continues
longer and at a slightly slower pace.
In a few words, I analyze your game
and make a detailed plan to fix
your potentia l mista kes and
any leaks that I find. Then we
work on a monthly basis and fix
those mistakes one by one; every
month we make HHs reviews,
theory sessions and whatever else
that is needed to improve your
game. Effective learning research
shows that this is one of the most
effective ways to learn, and I notice
wonderful results with many of my
students who have great success.

Video courses
They are a great tool to
improve your game very fast.
They get you almost personal
coaching for a fraction of the
price, and you can choose the topics you want to cover. If you know
where you are struggling, this could be one of the best ways to improve
your game on your own.

Tadas Peckaitis | 33

THIS IS a route that helped me personally, and because of it I can

now play concentrating much more on the things that are of greater
importance: making the right decisions, forcing opponents to make
mistakes and concentrating on how good I played, instead of how
much money I won. This lets me stay ahead of my competition and to
be the healthy winner in my games.
Just remember, we are here for the long run. If you can keep
your eyes on the bigger picture, it will be much easier to deal with
small step backs, take some break when you want and deal with your
mental game!
Make sure to visit my site www.mypokercoaching.com for more
tips or, potentially, even some video courses or private coaching
sessions. I have helped many players to reach their potential and start
beating games that were impossible for them before. In addition, my
coaching techniques helped them build good fundaments of the
game so that they started moving up in stakes and improving win
rates constantly.
Thanks for taking the time to read this guide. If you have any
comments or feedback, please get in touch, and I will be happy to
assist you.
Lastly, if you liked this book, please make sure to
rate it or even put up a short review, and help me
spread the word. I want to share the knowledge I
gained over the years and, hopefully, speed up the
learning process for others.  Good luck in
your sessions and be the best you can be!
34 | Play “A” Game

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