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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего


«Тихоокеанский государственный университет»

А. Р. Вершинина



Издательство ТОГУ

УДК 811.111(075.8)
ББК У050.2я7


кафедра «Иностранные языки и межкультурная коммуникация» (и.о. зав.

кафедрой «Иностранные языки и межкультурная коммуникация» директор
Социально-гуманитарного института ДВГУПС, кандидат педагогических
наук Ю.В. Агранат)

доцент кафедры иностранных языков и межкультурной коммуникации

Хабаровского государственного университета экономики и права канд.
пед. наук, доц. Н.Ю. Павлова

Научный редактор канд. соц. наук, доцент И.Ф. Уманец

Вершинина А.Р. Regional Administration : учеб. пособие / А.Р.

Вершинина ; [науч. ред. И.Ф. Уманец]. – Хабаровск : Изд-во Тихоокеан.
гос. ун-та, 2019

Цель учебного пособия – развитие умений и навыков устной

профессиональной речи на английском языке. Основными задачами
работы являются расширение терминологического словарного запаса и
развитие коммуникативных навыков в профессиональной и научной
Учебное пособие соответствует государственному образовательному
стандарту и требованиям программ по английскому языку для неязыковых

УДК 811.111(075.8)
ББК У050.2я7

Учебное пособие “Regional Administration” составлено в

соответствии с рабочей программой «Иностранный язык в
профессиональной сфере» и рассчитано на обучающихся 2 – 3 курсов
высших учебных заведений, занимающихся подготовкой студентов по
направлению подготовки 38.03.04 Государственное и муниципальное
управление, (уровень бакалавриата, профиль подготовки Региональное
управление). Также данное учебное пособие может быть рекомендовано
для студентов и магистрантов, изучающих экономические дисциплины.
Учебное пособие соответствует требованиям многоступенчатой системы
образования и может использоваться для развития языковых навыков
чтения, говорения и письма.
Цель данного учебного пособия – развитие профессионально-
ориентированных навыков устной и письменной коммуникации.
Учебное пособие состоит из четырех юнитов, грамматических тестов
и словаря ключевых терминов. Основу каждого юнита составляют
аутентичные тексты и многочисленные упражнения к ним. При разработке
системы упражнений к текстам использовался компетентостный подход в
обучении иностранным языкам. Предложенная система упражнений
способствует успешному изучению, систематизации и закреплению
профессионально ориентированного материала.
Учебное пособие имеет модульную систему, то есть каждый юнит
может изучаться независимо друг от друга и представляет собой
законченную учебную единицу. Юниты могут изучаться в любой
последовательности, что дает преподавателю свободу для творчества, а
учебное пособие делает универсальным в использовании.



1. Read the words. Translate them into Russian. Add them into your
active vocabulary
1. accounting (n)
2. Investment (n)
3. finance(n)
4. insurance (n)
5. mortgage (n)
6. profitability (n)
7. securities (n)
8. technique (n)
9. budget (n)
10. funds (n)
11. tax (n)
12. expenditure (n)

2. Create and write five sentences using the words above



Finance is the science of managing money. It is the function in a business

responsible for acquiring funds for the firm and managing funds within the firm
(preparing budgets, doing cash flow analyses) and planning for the expenditure
of funds on such assets as plants, factories, equipment, and machinery.

This science integrates accounting, marketing, economics and
management in the same business course. The central position of finance in
relation to the other business disciplines gives the finance student the
opportunity to gain some useful knowledge of those disciplines regardless of the
student’s background or career plans.
Finance consists of three interrelated areas:
(1) money and capital markets, which deals with securities markets and
financial institutions;
(2) investments, which focuses on the decisions of both individual and
institutional investors as they choose securities for their investment portfolios;
(3) financial management, or “business finance”, which involves the
actual management of firms. The career opportunities within each field are many
and varied, but financial managers must have knowledge of all three areas if
they are to do their jobs well.
Some finance graduates go to work for financial institutions, including
banks, insurance companies, mutual funds, and investment banking firms. They
need knowledge of valuation techniques, the factors that cause interest rates to
rise and fall, regulations to which financial institutions are subject, and the
various types of financial instruments (mortgages, auto loans, certificates of
deposit, and so onб A common entry-level job is a bank officer trainee. You
might also become a specialist in real estate, and be authorized to make loans or
in the management of trusts, and pension funds. Similar career paths are
available with insurance companies, investment companies, credit unions, and
consumer loan companies.
Finance graduates who go into investments often work for a brokerage
house either in sales or as a security analyst. Others work for banks, mutual
funds, or insurance companies in the management of their investment portfolios;
for financial consulting firms which advise individual investors or pension funds
on how to invest their funds; or for an investment banker whose primary

function is to help businesses raise new capital. There are three main functions
in the investments:
1) sales,
2) the analysis of individual securities,
3) determining the optimal mix of securities for a given investor.
Financial management is the broadest of the three areas, and the one with
the greatest number of job opportunities. Financial management is important in
all types of businesses, including banks and other financial institutions, as well
as industrial and retail firms. Financial management is also important in
governmental operations, from schools to hospitals. Financial managers have the
responsibility for deciding the credit terms under which customers may buy,
how much inventory the firm should carry, how much cash to keep on hand, and
how much of the firm’s earnings should go back into the business or pay out as
Basically, a financial manager is a decision-maker, while the best course
of action to the financial manager. In some cases, the financial manager is also a
financial analyst. The influence of the financial manager has increased
substantially in recent years, so that today the chief financial officer (CFO) is
second only to the chief executive officer (CEO) in the corporate hierarchy in
many corporations.
Every business manager faces the need to understand financial
management, either because of direct participation in financial decisions or
because the manager is directly affected by the financial decisions of others
within the firm.
3. Agree or disagree
1. Finance is the field of study that integrates accounting, marketing,
economics and management.
2. Financial managers are familiar with such areas as money and capital
markets, investments and financial management.

3. The most common job for any finance graduate is a bank manager.
4. Finance graduates need knowledge of valuation techniques the various
types of financial instruments and factors that cause interest rates to rise
and fail.
5. Financial management is important in all types of businesses.
6. Financial managers never face the need to understand financial
7. Financial managers are responsible for advertising campaigns.
8. The financial managers and financial analyst have the same
responsibilities in a company.

4. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations

1. страховые компании
2. инвестиционные банковские предприятия
3. кредитные союзы
4. недвижимость
5. финансовые институты
6. предоставлять кредит
7. определять условия кредита
8. цены на акции
9. ценные бумаги

9. Match the words from the text with their definitions

1) securities a) a business that sells goods to members of the public,

markets rather than to the shop
2) interest rate b) markets where exciting securities are traded
3) retail firm c) an amount at which a particular sum of money is

borrowed and lent
4) mortgage d) a bank employee who transact business with customers
over the window
5) a teller e) an agreement where someone lends money to another
person so that he can buy a property
6) chief f) a business executive in charge of the financial division
financial officer or operations;
7) cash g) a sum of money that you borrow
8) loan h) money in the form of notes and coins

6. Read the text again and answer the questions

1) What is the science of managing money?
2) What disciplines does finance integrate?
3) What opportunity does finance give to a student?
4) What areas does finance consist of? What do they deal with?
5) Where can finance graduates go to work?
6) What knowledge do finance graduates need to acquire in this field?
7) What job-related things do you learn, working as a bank officer trainee?
8) Why is it necessary for you to know something about related areas?
9) Why is it necessary for any business student to know the basics of finance?



The financial analyst is a staff member who diagnoses the valuation

effects of management proposals and decisions on the financial health of the
firm. Acting as an internal consultant, the financial analyst studies profitability,
cash flows, and business operations, interprets information concerning these
areas, and designs the appropriate controls. The analyst does not set policy or
make decisions. The analyst’s job is to define, clarify, and evaluate alternative
courses of action.
The financial analyst performs many routine tasks, such as analyzing the
company’s liquidity and profitability and supervising day-to-day financial
operations. The analyst also engages in longer projects, such as analyzing the
firm’s capital structure, evaluating major investment alternatives.
The analyst studies how the economic environment affects the company
or, more specifically, how changes in tax policy will affect the company’s value.
However, most of the financial analyst’s projects are specific to a given situation
and are usually requested by managers outside of the financial area.
Planning is a significant part of the financial analyst’s work. By planning
we mean preparing for and attaining both short and long-term strategic goals.
The analyst integrates these goals into the financial analysis. Hence, much of the
analyst’s work deals with company policy and planning in relation to the firm’s
financial well-being.
The financial analyst’s position in the corporate structure varies
depending on the type of business, the size of the firm, and the organizational
philosophy of the senior managers. Small firms may have just one analyst, while
giant multinational corporations may have a staff of hundreds, with the financial
analyst reporting directly to senior management through the financial vice-

2. Work with your partner ask him/her three questions to the text

3. Write an essay on the theme “The science of managing money”.

Use about 150-200 words to cover the following issues:

-the subject-matter of the discipline;

-what issues and problems of finance the discipline studies;
-where the graduates can apply their knowledge;
-the importance of the discipline is in the modern world.



1. Read the words. Translate them into Russian. Add them into your
active vocabulary

1. aggregate (n)
2. analysis (n)
3. business enterprises
4. consequence (n)
5. consumption (n)
6. discipline (n)
7. economic (a)
8. economics (n)
9. economy (n)
10. efficient (a)
11. employment (n)
12. expenditure (n)
13. individual markets
14. macroeconomics (n)
15. microeconomics (n)
16. theory (n)

2. Create and write five sentences using the words above

3. Try to predict if the sentences below are true or false


Economic theory or economics is a social science concerned with the

production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services. One
of the major uses of economics is to explain how economies work and what the
relations are between economic players in society.
While wants of people are growing constantly, the economic resources
required to satisfy these wants are scarce. Scarcity of resources makes it
necessary to save them. As a result any economic system is trying to find most
effective and efficient ways of utilizing resources for the production of goods
and services. Economists try to solve this problem analyzing and focusing on the
way how individuals, business enterprises, and governments seek to satisfy their
unlimited wants with limited resources. The rational solution of the problem
brings about the maximum economic growth, full employment, stable prices and
zero inflation rate, equitable distribution of revenues, and social stability.
Economic theory is divided into two major fields:
- microeconomics;
- macroeconomics.
Microeconomics is called price theory. It examines the economic behavior
of individual units and their interactions through individual markets. It is like
looking through a microscope to focus on the small parts of the whole economy.
Micro economists are concerned with effective production, «optimal» sales level
and product pricing strategies, supply and demand relationship and profit
maximization strategies for a particular firm, industry or sector of production.
Their decisions will permit the firms to achieve success and will lead to an

increase in profits of the firm. In other words, the theories of microeconomics
provide the basis for effective operation of business firms. Economists working
in private business must be familiar with the theories of microeconomics.
Modern economists use microeconomic analysis as the basis for
Macroeconomics considers the economy as a whole. It deals with
economy wide phenomena such as long term changes in unemployment, the
general price level, and national income and production. Macroeconomists also
study such economic aggregates as gross national product (GNP), total
employment, total expenditure, tax revenues and government spending, money
supply, and so on.
Economic laws cannot be changed. But the idea that governments can
influence the economic development through their economic policies has
recently become widespread. That is why politicians often consult economists
before enacting policy. The proper conditions for market forces of supply and
demand can be created with the help of macroeconomic research and analysis of
economic data and phenomena. Besides, economists study the country’s
economic interactions with the rest of the world by analyzing foreign trade
flows. So at a practical level, macroeconomics attempts to accomplish three
- to explain the changes in economic aggregates;
- to predict the consequences of certain recent developments;
- to guide policymakers in their attempts to influence future events.
The vast majority of economic issues are in terms of either macro or
micro economics. However, economics can be also divided into numerous sub
disciplines including international economics, labor economics, industrial
organization, public finance, econometrics and so on.
Economics is a part of sciences and as such is closely bound up with other
sciences such as psychology, sociology, statistics, mathematics, history.

Economists who study and analyze consumers’ behavior use social psychology
methods and concepts. Mathematical economics represents economic theories
with simplicity in figures. Econometrics applies statistical methods to analyze
economic data. Economic issues have occupied people’s minds throughout ages.
Hence economic history studies the economic change and economic phenomena
in the past.
Most universities have departments of economic theory at their economics
faculties. Professionals having an academic degree in the theory of economics
can work in academia, in government and in the private sector, where they study
data and statistics in order to spot trends in economic activity or consumer
attitudes and in order to help in economic planning. They assess this information
using advanced methods of statistical analysis, mathematical analysis and
computer programming.
A graduate with a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in economic theory can
be employed in banking and finance, commerce and business administration.
Economists are traditionally popular as policy advisors or economic consultants.
Heads of governments should have advisors who were schooled in the major
economic issues and can propose solutions to the problems of the day. Many
statesmen working in various government departments and agencies have
academic degrees in economics.

3. Agree or disagree

1) Economic theory is looks at different economic systems and

economic theories in the past.
2) The goal of economics is to explain the changes in economic
3) The main parts of economic theory are macroeconomics and

4) Microeconomics is a part of economic theory which examines
economic system as a whole.
5) Macroeconomic analysis helps to describe, explain and forecast
economic behavior of society.
6) For good careers specialists in economic theory don’t need
thorough knowledge of other economic sciences and disciplines.

4. Divide the text into four parts; give a title to each part

5. Give English equivalents to the following words and word


1. ограниченные ресурсы
2. макроэкономика
3. микроэкономика
4. справедливое распределение доходов
5. сводные показатели
6. валовой национальный продукт
7. ценообразование
8. соотношение спроса и предложения
9. национальный доход
10. денежный запас
11. государственные расходы
12. нулевой уровень инфляции
13. экономика общественного сектора
14. политический советник

7. Read the words and word combinations and decide if these
economic issues are studied by microeconomics or macroeconomics

1. government spending
2. sales level
3. inflation rate
4. product pricing strategies
5. economic growth
6. taxation
7. explanation the changes in economic aggregates
8. profits
9. unemployment

8. Write why these economic issues are important for

micro/macroeconomics, the following structures will help you

The problem of ... , is of great importance for micro/

macro economics.
Micro/macro economics deals with the issue of ... .
One of the main issues of micro/macro economics is ... .
Among other problems micro/macro economics studies the issue of ... .
In micro/macro economics great importance is also attached to ... .
I find the question of ... very important because ... .
I think that ... should be mentioned here because ... .

9. Read the text again and answer the questions

1) What is economic theory as a science?

2) How is economic theory subdivided?

3) What economic issues does microeconomics study?
4) What economic phenomena does macroeconomic analysis deal with?
5) Why is macroeconomics important for policymaking?
6) What other economic disciplines does economics integrate?
7) How does economic theory rely upon data and methods of other social
8) What economic courses does the curriculum of the department of
economic theory include?
9) Financial management is important in governmental operations, isn’t


1. Read the text below and decide what the role of economic analysis
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) promotes a better understanding
of the U.S. economy by providing the most timely, relevant, and accurate
economic accounts data in an objective and cost-effective manner. BEA is an
agency of the Department of Commerce. BEA is part of the Department’s
Economics and Statistics Administration. BEA produces economic accounts
statistics that enable government and business decision-makers, researchers, and
the American public to follow and understand the performance of the Nation’s
economy. To do this, BEA collects source data, conducts research and analysis,
develops and implements estimation methodologies, and disseminates statistics
to the public. BEA is one of the world’s leading statistical agencies. Although it
is a relatively small agency, BEA produces some of the most closely watched
economic statistics that influence the decisions made by government officials,

business people, households, and individuals. BEA’s economic statistics, which
provide a comprehensive, up-to- date picture of the U.S. economy, are key
ingredients in critical decisions affecting monetary policy, tax and budget
projections, and business investment' plans. The cornerstone of BEA’s statistics
is the national income and product accounts (NIPAs), which feature the
estimates of gross domestic product (GDP) and related measures. Today, BEA
prepares national, regional, industry, and international accounts that present
essential information on such key issues as economic growth, regional economic
development, interindustry relationships, and the Nation’s position in the world

2. Write an essay on the theme «I specialize in Economic Theory».

Use about 100-120 words to cover the following issues:

- why you decided to become a specialist in economic theory;

- the subject-matter of your discipline;
- what issues of economics economic theory studies;
- what economic disciplines economics integrates:
- why economic theory is important in the modern world.



1. Read the words. Translate them into Russian. Add them into your active

1. accountant (n)

2. assets (n)
3. bookkeeping (n)
4. budget(n)
5. current assets
6. expenses (n)
7. fixed assets
8. liabilities (n)
9. liquidity (n)
10. owners’ equity
11. record (n)
12. record (v)
13. revenue (n)
14. statement (n)
15. stock
16. transaction (n)

2. Create and write four sentences using the words above



Accounting is the recording classifying, summarizing, and interpreting of

financial events and transactions to provide management and other interested
parties with the information they need to make better decisions. Transactions
include the buying and selling of goods and services, acquiring insurance, using
supplies, and paying taxes. Transactions can be recorded by hand, or they may
be recorded in a computer system.

After the transactions have been recorded, they are usually classified into
groups that have common characteristics, For example, all purchases are
grouped together, as are all sales transactions: the business is thus able to obtain
needed information about purchases, sales, and other transactions that occur
over a given period of time. The methods used to record and summarize
accounting data into reports are called an accounting system.
Accounting can be divided into two major categories: managerial
accounting and financial accounting. An accountant working for a firm is likely
to do both.
Managerial accounting is used to provide information and analyses to
managers within the organization to assist them in decision making. Managerial
accounting is concerned with measuring and reporting costs of production,
marketing, and other functions (cost accounting); preparing budgets (planning);
checking whether or not units are staying within their budgets (controlling); and
designing strategies to minimize taxes (tax accounting). Top-management
decision making is based on managerial accounts.
Financial accounting differs from managerial accounting because the
information and analyses are for people outside of the organization. This
information goes to shareholders, creditors and lenders, customers,
governmental units, and the general public. These external users are interested in
the organization's profits, its ability to pay its bills, and other financial
information. Much of the information is contained in the annual report, a yearly
statement of the financial condition and progress of the firm. Various quarterly
reports keep the users more current.
Bookkeeping involves the recording of economic activities. It is a rather
mechanical process that does not demand much creativity. Bookkeeping is a part
of accounting, but accounting goes far beyond the mere recording of data.
Accountants classify and summarize the data. They interpret the data and report
them to management. They also suggest strategies for improving the financial

condition all and progress of the firm. Accounting involves the periodic
preparation of financial statements. Accountants use five major accounts to
prepare financial statements. They are assets, liabilities, owners' equity,
revenues and expenses.
Assets include productive items (such as equipment, the building, land,
furniture, and motor vehicles) as well as intangibles such as patents or
copyrights. Asset are listed according to their liquidity. Liquidity refers to how
fast an asset can be converted to cash. For example, land is considered nonliquid
because it takes much time and paperwork to sell land. On the other hand, stock
is considered highly liquid because it can be sold within minutes. Based on
liquidity, assets are divided into three categories:
- current assets - items that can be converted to cash within one year
- fixed assets - items such as land, buildings, and fixtures that are
relatively permanent;
- other assets - items such as patents and copyrights.
2. Liabilities. Another important term in accounting is liabilities.
Liabilities are what the business owes to others. Liabilities are reported on
financial statements. In other words, the assets of a company are its economic
resources and the liabilities are its economic obligations.
3. Owners' equity. Owners' equity is assets minus liabilities.
4. Revenues. The revenue account is where revenues from all sources are
recorded. That includes sales revenues, rental revenues commissions, royalties,
and other revenue sources. Revenues are included in a financial statement called
an income statement.
5. Expenses. The expense account is where the expenses of running the
business are recorded; including such items as gas, rent, travel, insurance,
supplies, advertising and utilities Expenses are recorded with revenues on the
income stamen.

There are three major financial statements of a company provided by
accountants to report the success and position of a firm. They are: the income
statement, the balance sheet, the statement of cash flows.
1. The income statement (once called the profit and loss statement or P&L
statement) reports revenue and expenses for a specific period of time, showing
the results of operations during that period.
2. The balance sheet reports the financial position of a firm specific date.
The balance sheet shows a balance between assets and liabilities plus owners'
Assets =liabilities + owners' equity
3. The statement of cash flows summarizes the cash inflows and cash
outflows for a period of time (generally a year).
Financial statements tell the health of a company. That is why they are of
interest to stockholders, banks, investors and, of course, the internal managers.

3. Agree or disagree

1) Transactions can be recorded only by hand.

2) There are three major financial statements of a company provided by
3) External users are the company managers who are responsible for the
planning and controlling the company's operations.
4) Accounting is mechanical process that does not demand creativity.
5) Liquidity is what the business owes to others.
6) A balance sheet summarizes the company's financial position on a
particular date.
7) Owners' equity is assets minus liabilities.
8) There are two major financial statements of a company the balance
sheet and the statement of cash flow.

4. Give equivalents to the following words and word combinations

1. бухгалтерский баланс / балансовый отчет

2. активы и пассивы
3. основные средства
4. оборотные средства / текущие средства
5. подводить итог
6. принимать решение
7. ежегодный отчет
8. финансовый отчет
9. отчет о наличности
10. собственный капитал компании
11. отчет о результатах хозяйственной деятельности
12. управленческий учет
13. ведение бухгалтерских книг / бухгалтерский учет

5. Make sentences of your own using the words above

6. Read the text again and answer the questions

1) Accounting is interpreting of financial events, isn’t it?

2) How does managerial accounting differ from financial accounting?
3) What is the difference between bookkeeping and accounting?
4) What are five major accounts in accounting?
5) How many categories are assets divided into?
6) Where are liabilities reported?
7) What is owners' equity?
8) Where are revenues included?
9) Where are expenses recorded?

10) How many most important financial statements are there in
11) What formula is used to prepare the balance sheet?
12) What does the income statement report?
13) What does the statement of cash flow summarize?

8. Summarize the text using the questions above as a plan.


Read the text below and tell the class how accounting jobs in Britain
differ from those in Russia. Which career in accounting would you prefer?
Explain why

Every business needs systematic and up-to-date records of accounts and

business transactions. Bookkeepers and accounting clerks maintain these records
in journals and ledgers or in the memory of a computer. They also prepare
periodic financial statements showing all money received and paid out. The
duties of bookkeepers and the «tools of the trade» vary with the size of the
business. However, virtually all of these workers use calculating machines and
many work with computers.
Accountants and auditors prepare, analyze, and verify financial reports
that provide information to managers in all business, industrial, and government
organization. Four major fields public, management, and government and
internal audit. Public accountants have their own businesses or work for

accounting firms. Management accountants, also called industrial or private
accountants, handle the financial records of their company. Government
accountants and auditors maintain and examine the records of government
agencies and audit private businesses and individuals whose dealings are subject
to government regulations. Internal auditors verify the accuracy of their firm's
financial records and check for waste or fraud.

10. Write an essay on the theme “Specialization in Accounting”. Use

about 100-150 words to cover the following issues:
 The subject-matter of the discipline;
 What issues and problems of accounting it studies;
 Where the graduates can apply their knowledge;
 Why this discipline is important in the modern world



1. Read the words. Translate them into Russian. Add them into your
active vocabulary

1. accomplish (v)
2. administration (n)
3. authority (n)
4. executive (n, a)
5. hierarchy (n)
6. management (n)
7. managerial (a)

8. organizational (a)
9. performance (n)
10. responsibility (n)
11. supervisory (a)

2. Create and write five sentences using the words above


One of the exciting things about studying management is that it prepares

you for a career in any organization. Managers are needed in schools,
government organizations, unions, associations, and all other organizations is in
Management is attractive to students because it represents authority,
money, prestige and so on. But few students are able to describe what managers
are, what they do, and how they do it.
Management could be called the art of getting things done through people
and other resources. Managers are one of the key figures in every organization.
A well-known management consultant, Peter Drucker, says managers give
direction to their organization, provide leadership, and decide how to use
organizational resources to accomplish goals.
The definition of management is as follows:
Management is the process used to accomplish organizational goals
through planning, organizing, directing, and controlling people and other
organization resources.
This definition spells out the four key function of management:
1) Planning (that is, setting organizational goals and developing
strategies to reach those goals);

2) Organizing (allocating resources, assigning tasks, preparing a
structure (organization chart) showing the lines of authority and responsibility;
recruiting, selecting and training employees);
3) Directing (leading, guiding and motivating employees to work
effectively to accomplish organizational goals, giving assignment, explaining
4) Controlling (monitoring performance relative to standards, taking
corrective actions).
There are several levels of management in an organization.
Top management is the highest level of management and consists of the
president and other key company executives who develop strategic plans. Two
terms you are likely to see often are chief executive officer (CEO) and chief
operating officer (COO). The CEO is often the president of the firm and
responsible for all the top-level decisions in the firm. CEOs are responsible for
introducing changes into an organization. The COO chief operating officer is
responsible for putting those changes into effect. His or her tasks include
structuring, controlling, and rewarding to ensure that people carry out the
leader’s vision.
Middle management includes branch and plant managers, deans, and
department heads who are responsible for tactical plans.
Supervisory (first-line) management includes people directly responsible
for assigning specific jobs to workers and evaluating their daily performance;
they are often known as first-line managers because they are the first level above
Management is also differentiated according to the types of management
as a form of activity in directing people. There are for main types of
management: production, marketing, financial and innovation ones. Some
people add information management and personnel direction into the group. The
term “management” can also be treated as a field of human knowledge. As a

science it has its own subject, object, internal, and external laws and a short, but
very rich history.
Management as a science and organization phenomenon came into being
in 1911 after the issuing of Frederick Taylor’s book “Principles of Scientific
Management”. In it Taylor expressed the idea that the most important thing one
should do in any organization is to set up a system by special people called
organizers of managers. This idea was well received by some other scientists
and businessmen.
In 1926 the Rockefeller Fund (at Harvard University) started researching
the problems of organization or management. The world famous company of
that time, “Western Electric Co”. spent lots of money on the research in that
Various famous specialists and scientists continued working on exploring
managerial problems and their application in practice. Those were: Henry Ford,
Peter Drake, James Mooney, Alan Keiley and others.
The period of the fastest development in the managerial science covered
the 50s and 60s.
Managerial Education may be of two basic types:
1. Business Administration – the management in private (commercial)
2. Public Administration – the management in non – profit organizations
(such as public companies and organizations, political parties, public hospitals,
schools, churches, and others).
The term “management” can be used for both of the above, whether you
are talking about business or public organizations.

3. Agree or disagree

1) Management is attractive to students because they know what
managers are, what they do, and how they do it.
2) The COO is responsible for assigning specific jobs to workers and
evaluating their daily performance.
3) Management is used to accomplish organizational goals through
4) The term «management» can be used for both commercial and non-
profit organizations.
5) There are four main functions of management: planning, organizing,
directing and controlling.
6) The function of planning includes preparing a structure showing lines
of authority and responsibility.

4. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combination

1. менеджмент дает возможность трудоустройства

2. среднее административное звено
3. главный исполнительный директор
4. главный операционный директор
5. высшее руководство

6. схема структуры организации

7. некоммерческая организация
8. управление частными предприятиями и компаниями
9. управление государственными и местными органами
10. руководство кадрами
11. управление финансовой деятельностью
12. управление производством

13. производить набор, отбор, обучение и подготовку кадров

Make sentences of your own using the words above

8. Answer the questions

1) What are the four functions of management?
2) How are these functions performed?
3) Can you explain the role of each management level in the corporate
4) What are the four main types of management?
5) How may the term «management» be treated?
6) When did management as a science come into being?
7) What idea did Frederic Taylor express in his book «Principles of
Scientific Management»?
8) Who continued working on exploring managerial problems?
9) When did the managerial science develop fast?
10) What the two basic types of managerial education?

9. Summarize the text using the questions above as a plan.


Now we can look at the skills you will need to be a good manager. In all
managerial jobs, there are the skills that are in greatest demand: writing skills,
verbal skills, computer skills, human relations skills, and technical skills.

1) Verbal skills. The bulk of your duties as a manager will involve
communicating with others. You will have to give talks, conduct meetings,
make presentations, and generally communicate your ideas to others.
To prepare for such tasks, you should take speech courses and become
active in various students groups.
Half or better of communication is skilled listening. A good manager
mingles with other managers, workers, and clients. He or she listens to
recommendations and complaints and acts on them. Active listening requires the
asking of questions and feeding back what you have heard to let others know
you are truly interested in what they say.
2) Writing skills. Managers must also be able to write clearly and
precisely. Much of what you want others to do must be communicated through
memos, reports, policies, and letters you must write. Organizations everywhere
are complaining about the inability of many graduates to write clearly. If you
develop good writing skills, you will be miles ahead of your competitors. With
this skill, you will be more ready for a career in management.
3) Computer skills. Memos, charts, letters, and most of your other
communication efforts will involve the computer. The truly efficient manager
will be able to compose on a word processor and send messages electronically
throughout the world. You will have to know what software is available and
how to use it.
4) Human Relations skills. A manager works with people, and that means
that good managers know how to get along with people, motivate them, and
inspire them. Human relations skills are learned working with people. That
means you should join student groups, and get involved in different
organizations. Try to assume leadership positions where you have the
responsibility for contacting others, assigning them work, and motivating them.

Be aware of how others react to you, and if you cause negative feeling or
reaction, learn why. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and upset others. That is
how you learn to be a more effective and attractive leader.
Managers will have to learn how to deal effectively with people from
many different cultures. The more skilled you can become in other languages
and in working with diverse cultural groups, the better off your will be when
you become a manager.
To rise up through the ranks of accounting, marketing, finance,
production, or any other functional area, you will have to be proficient in that
area. Therefore you should study hard to become a good specialist in the area of
specialization you have chosen.

1. Look at the table below and evaluate your managerial potential

Evaluating your managerial potential

Personal evaluation
Skills needed
Excellent Good Fair Need work
Verbal skills
Writing skills
Computer skills
Human relations
Other technical

Work in pairs. Exchange the completed forms with your partner. Tell your
partner what he/she should do if you find that he/she needs improvement in any
of the skills. Give your reasons.

The Changing Role of Managers

An early management scholar, Mary Parker Follett, defined management

as «the art of getting things done through people». At one time, that meant that
managers were called bosses, and their job was to tell people what to do and
watch over them to be sure they did it. Bosses tended to reprimand those who
didn’t do things correctly and generally acted stern and bossy. Many managers
still behave that way. Perhaps you have witnessed such managers yelling at
employees at fast-food restaurant or on shop floors.
Today, management is changing from that kind of behavior. Managers are
being educated to lead, guide and coach employees rather than to boss them
around. Modern managers emphasize teamwork and cooperation rather than
discipline and order giving.
Managers in some high-tech and progressive firms dress more casually,
more friendly, and generally treat employees as partners rather than unruly
In general, therefore, management is experiencing a revolution. A concept
called management by walking around (MBWA) encourages managers to get
out of their offices and mingle with workers and customers. This does not mean
that managers are becoming mere cheerleaders. It does not mean, though, that
managers are working more closely with employees in a joint effort to
accomplish common goals.
What this means for tomorrow’s graduates is that managerial careers
demand a new kind of person. That person is a skilled communicator as well as
a planner, coordinator, organizer, and supervisor. Many managers today believe
that they are part of a team and enjoy the new responsibility and flexibility that
comes with more open and casual management systems.
1. Agree or disagree

1) An early management scholar, Mary Parker Follett, introduced the

concept called «management by walking around».
2) Today there are still many managers who act stern and «bossy».
3) Modern managers emphasize discipline rather than teamwork.
4) «The art of getting things done through people» means that
managers need to get out of their offices and personally interact with employees
and customers.
5) Managers are now being trained to lead, guide and coach
employees rather that boss them.

2. In pairs or in small groups, discuss the questions with your partners

1. When selecting a career in management a student has several
decisions to make:
2. What kind of organization is most attractive? That is, would
you like to work for government, business, or some nonprofit
3. Would you like to work for a large or small firm?
4. Would you prefer to work for a relatively new firm or an
established one?
5. What type of industry appeals to you – computer, auto,
construction, or anything else?
6. What kind of management are you best suited for: personnel,
marketing, finance, accounting, production, credit, or any other?

3. Write an essay on the theme «I specialize in Management». Use

about 100-150 words and cover the following issues:
– the subject – matter of the discipline;

– what issues and problems of management are studied in this
– where graduates can apply their knowledge;
– why you think the discipline is important in the modern world.

Grammar Tests for Self-Checking

To be

Choose the correct answer

1. My mum ___ born in 1969.

1. will be
2. was
3. is
4. were
2. Do you know these men? What ___ their names?

1. are
2. were
3. was
4. will be
3. What ___ your favourite color?

1. were
2. are
3. is
4. am
4. How old ___ you?

1. are
2. is
3. was
4. were
5. ___ there letters in the box?

1. Are
2. Is
3. Was
4. Will be
6. There ___ many birds on the roof.

1. are
2. is
3. was
4. be
7. Many years ago there ___ many dinosaurs on the Earth.

1. are
2. is
3. was
4. were
8. There ___ some lessons in English next week.

1. are
2. is
3. will be
4. were
9. ___ there any lessons yesterday?

1. Are
2. Is

3. Were
4. Was
10. There ___ much snow this winter.

1. are
2. is
3. was
4. were
Present Tenses

Choose the correct answer

1. They must be at the sports ground now. They usually __ basketball on


1. play
2. are playing
3. have played
4. have been playing
2. I __ my work already. I'm ready to go for a walk with you.

1. finish
2. am finishing
3. have finished
4. have been finishing
3. I __ breakfast right now. Can you call a little later?

1. cook
2. am cooking
3. have cooked
4. have been cooking

4. I __ this book. Can I borrow it for a week or so?

1. don't read
2. am not reading
3. haven't read
4. haven't been reading
5. Maria is good at languages. She __ French, Spanish and German.

1. speaks
2. is speaking
3. has spoken
4. has been speaking
6. So far, he__ five stories for children.

1. writes
2. is writing
3. has written
4. write
7. We __ for their answer for two months already.

1. wait
2. are waiting
3. have been waiting
4. waits
8. She __ since Monday.

1. is sick
2. is being sick
3. has been sick
4. has been being sick
9. She __ since noon. Should we wake her up?

1. sleeps
2. is sleeping
3. has been sleeping
4. sleep
10. She can't come to the phone now because she __ for tomorrow's test.

1. studies
2. is studying
3. has studied
4. has been studying

Present Perfect / Past Simple

Choose the correct answer

1. We __ (go) to the theatre last week.

1. went
2. go
3. have gone
4. gone
2. Yesterday I __ (have) dinner with a friend.

1. had
2. will have
3. have had
4. has
3. I __ (never / taste) champagne.

1. tasted
2. have tasted

3. had tasted
4. have been tasted
4. When I __ (be) a child, I __ (love) ice skating.

1. was/loved
2. was/have loved
3. were/loved
4. were/have loved
5. I __ (not/ have) any coffee today – I feel very sleepy!

1. didn’t have
2. have not had
3. will not have
4. had not had
6. I __ (not / drink) any coffee yesterday.

1. did not drink

2. have not drunk
3. did not drunk
4. had not drunk
7. I __ (read) all his books – I think he’s a wonderful writer.

1. read
2. has read
3. had read
4. have read
8. What __ (do) you at the weekend?

1. did you do
2. have you done
3. has you done
4. will you do

9. I __ (always / love) tea – I drink it every day.

1. has loved
2. was loved
3. have loved
4. loved
10. What subject __ (she / study) at university?

1. do
2. did
3. does
4. has studied
11. John __ (lose) his bus pass – can he borrow some money?

1. loses
2. lost
3. have lost
4. has lost
12. How long __ (you / know) Susie for?

1. do you know
2. did you know
3. have you know
4. have you known
13. He __ (be) married for ten years (but he got divorced).

1. is
2. have been
3. has been
4. was
14. __ (you / ever / go) to Central Park in New York?

1. Did you ever go
2. Have you ever go
3. Have you ever gone
4. Have you ever went

15. How many books __ (she / write) so far?

1. do she write
2. does she write
3. did she write
4. has she written
16. He __ (wash) the dishes, __ (clean) the living room and __ (cook) dinner last

1. washes, cleaned, cooks

2. washed, cleaned, cooked
3. has washed, cleaned, cooked
4. had washed, cleaned, cooked
17. My great-grandfather never __ (leave) Scotland.

1. left
2. lived
3. have left
4. has left
18. She __ (come) to London in 1997.

1. have come
2. came
3. comes
4. has come
19. She __ (never / see) snow before.

1. did never see
2. have never seen
3. never saw
4. has never seen

20. He __ (be) married for thirty-five years (and he’s still married now).

1. been
2. was
3. were
4. has been

Modal Verbs

Choose the correct answer

1.__bring me a glass of cold water? (Request)

1. Could you
2. Can't you
3. Would you mind
4. Why don't you
2. I__give you a lift to the station. My car broke down yesterday. (Ability)

1. must not
2. should not
3. may not
4. can't
3. I don't know what to do. – You__your father for advice. (Suggestion)

1. are able to ask
2. could ask
3. must ask
4. have to ask

4. He didn't go to the park with us yesterday because he__write a report.


1. should
2. must
3. had to
4. could
5. I left my bag here just five minutes ago. You__it! (Strong probability)

1. may have seen

2. must have seen
3. were able to see
4. could see
6. You__the bills two weeks ago. (Advice)

1. had better pay

2. should pay
3. ought to pay
4. should have paid
7. I don't know how to help you. Try asking Anton for help. He__be able to find
a solution. (Possibility)

1. must
2. has to
3. might
4. will

8. I__play tennis every day when I was younger. (Repeated action in the past)

1. had to
2. was able to
3. used to
4. could

9. You want to call them now? It's already after midnight! They__. (Strong

1. must sleep
2. should sleep
3. may sleep
4. must be sleeping
10. Too __to say anything, he just closed the door and left.

1. being surprised
2. not surprising
3. surprised
4. surprising


Choose the correct answer

1. You have the right __ it.

1. doing
2. done
3. of doing

4. to do
2. The idea __ there alone scares her.

1. being gone
2. going
3. of going
4. to go
3. I warned you __anything here.

1. not to touch
2. not touched
3. not touching
4. to touch not
4. There is only one question __. Let's discuss it quickly.

1. for remaining
2. remained
3. remaining
4. to remain
5. They look forward __ you.

1. having seen
2. seeing
3. to see
4. to seeing
6. __ the door, he put the key into his pocket.

1. Being locked
2. By locking
3. Having locked
4. To lock
7. I don't mind __ a few questions. What do you want to know?

1. asking
2. being asked
3. having asked
4. to be asked

8. We have no reason __ that he will come back.

1. having believed
2. believing
3. of believing
4. to believe
9. She dropped the flowerpot, and it broke into pieces. Her husband rushed into
the room, __.

1. looked alarmed
2. looking alarmed
3. looking alarming
4. to look alarming
10. Too __ to say anything, he just closed the door and left.

1. being surprised
2. not surprising
3. surprised
4. surprising


abandon (v) 1) отказываться, оставлять, покидать;

2) самовольно уходить (с поста и т.д.)

accomplish (v) выполнять, завершать

account (n) счёт, отсчёт

accounts расчёты, отчётность, финансовый,

бухгалтерский отчёты

accountant (n) бухгалтер, счетовод

accounting (n) бухгалтерский учёт, анализ финансовой


achieve (v) достигать

acquire (v) приобретать, покупать

advance (n) 1) прогресс, улучшение;

2) рост, увеличение, повышение

advanced (a) 1) передовой;

2) продвинутый, близкий к завершению

advantage (n) 1) преимущество, превосходство;

2) выгода, польза

advertise (v) создавать рекламу товару, рекламировать

advertisement (n) рекламное объявление, реклама

advertising (n) 1) реклама, рекламирование;

2) рекламное дело, публикация объявлений

aggregate (a, n) 1) совокупный, суммарный, общий;

2) множество, совокупность

agriculture (n) 1) сельское хозяйство;

2) земледелие, агрономия

agricultural (a) 1) сельскохозяйственный;

2) земледельческий, агрономический

annual (a) годовой, годичный

application (n) 1) заявка, заявление;

2) применение, использование,

apply (v) 1) подавать заявление;

2) применять, использовать

applied (a) прикладной, практический

arable (a) пахотный, обрабатываемый

area (n) 1) площадь, район, участок, зона;

2) область (применения)

argue (v) 1) доказывать, утверждать,


2) служить доказательством

argument (n) доказательство, утверждение,

ascertain (v) устанавливать, определять

assertion (n) заявление, утверждение

asset (n) утверждать, заявлять

assets (n) 1) актив(ы) баланса;

2) имущество, средства, актив(ы), капитал,


assumption (n) предпосылка, предположение, допущение

average (a) средний, обычный, нормальный

banking (n) банковское дело, банковские операции

barrel (n) баррель (мера жидких/ сыпучих


behavior (n) 1) поведение;

2) свойства, характеристики

benefit (n) 1) прибыль, выгода;

2) полезность, благо;

3) пенсия, пособие

benefit (v) приносить прибыль, получать выгоду

bookkeeper (n) счетовод, бухгалтер, счетный работник

bookkeeping (n) ведение бухгалтерских книг, бухгалтерский

учет, бухгалтерия

budget (n) бюджет, финансовая смета

career (n) карьера, род деятельности, служба

cash (n) наличные деньги, монеты и бумажные


commerce (n) торговля, коммерция

commodity (n) 1) товар;

2) предмет широкого потребления

comparative (a) сравнительный

compete (v) соревноваться, конкурировать

competitive (a) конкурирующий, конкурентный,


competitor (n) конкурент, соперник

concrete (a) конкретный

conspicuous (a) видный, заметный, бросающийся в глаза

consequence (n) последствие, вывод, заключение

consume (v) потреблять

consumer (n) потребитель

consumption (n) потребление, расход

contemporary (a) современный

contribute (v) 1) содействовать, способствовать;

2) вносить вклад
contribution (n) содействие, вклад

convert (v) конвертировать, перестраивать

corn (n) зерно, (англ.) пшеница, (амер.) кукуруза,


cost (n) 1) расходы, издержки, затраты;

2) цена, стоимость, себестоимость
cost (v) стоить, назначать цену

crop (n) 1) урожай;

2) сельскохозяйственная культура
cultivate (v) возделывать, выращивать

currency (1n) деньги (наличные), валюта

customer (n) покупатель, заказчик, клиент

dairy (a) молочный

decline (n) падение, снижение, спад, понижение

decrease (n) уменьшение, сокращение

decrease (v) уменьшать(ся), сокращать(ся)

defense (n) 1) мероприятия оборонного (военного)

2) защита, оборона
deliver (v) 1) доставлять, передавать;
2) поставлять, снабжать
delivery (n) доставка, поставка

demand (n) 1) спрос;
2) потребность, нужда;
3) требование
deposit (n) вклад, депозит, взнос

disseminate (v) распространять, сеять

distinguish (v) различать, отличать

efficiency (n) эффективность, продуктивность

efficient (a) эффективный, действенный,


employ (v) 1) предоставлять работу, держать на


2) использовать, применять

employee (n) служащий, рабочий

employer (n) работодатель, наниматель

employment (n) 1) работа по найму, служба, занятость;

2) использование, применение

engineering (n) машиностроение, техника

enhance (v) увеличивать, повышать

ensure (v) обеспечивать, гарантировать

enterprise (n) 1) предприятие, фирма, компания;

2) предпринимательство;

3) предприимчивость, инициатива

entitle (v) давать право

equal (a) равный, одинаковый, соответствующий

equilibrium (n) равновесие, сбалансированность

equip (v) оборудовать, оснащать

equipment (n) оборудование, оснащение

equitable (a) справедливый, беспристрастный

equity (n) 1) справедливость, беспристрастность;

2) обыкновенная акция, доля акционера в

капитале предприятия

exceed (v) превышать, превосходность

excess (n) избыток, излишек, превышение

expand (v) расширять(ся), расти

expansion (n) расширение, рост, экспансия, подъем

(экономической активности)

expenditure (n) затраты, расход(ы), расходование

expense (n) трата, расход, цена

expenses (n) расходы, издержки, затраты

external (a) внешний, иностранный

failure (n) 1) неудача, провал;

2) банкротство, несостоятельность

favorable (a) благоприятный

flexible (a) эластичный, гибкий

fortune (n) богатство, состояние

goods (n) товар, товары, изделия

graduate (n) выпускник учебного заведения

graduate (v) оканчивать учебное заведение

grain (n) зерно

grocery (n) бакалея, бакалейно-гастрономические


gross (a) большой, крупный, суммарный, валовой

grow (v) расти, увеличиваться, расширяться

growth (n) рост, развитие, увеличение, прирост

hierarchy (n) иерархия

hoard (n) запас(ы)

idle (a) 1) свободный, незанятый, безработный;

2) бездействующий, неиспользуемый,

immovable (n) недвижимое имущество, недвижимость

income (n) доход(ы), прибыль, поступления

increase (v) увеличивать(ся), возрастать

increase (n) увеличение, возрастание

increasingly (adv) в возрастающем размере

indefinitely (adv) неопределенно, неясно, неограниченно

industry (n) 1) промышленность, индустрия;

2) отрасль промышленности, отрасль


industrial (a) промышленный, индустриальный,


influence (n) влияние, воздействие

influential (a) влиятельный, важный

insurance (n) страхование, страховой полис

insure (v) страховать(ся), застраховать(ся)

interest (n) 1) интерес, заинтересованность;

2) (ссудный) процент, проценты

interfere (v) вмешиваться

interference (n) вмешательство

intermediary (n) посредник

invest (v) инвестировать, вкладывать

investment (n) 1) инвестирование, помещение капитала;

2) инвестиции, капиталовложения

issue (n) 1) выпуск, эмиссия, издание;

2) спорный вопрос, проблема

item (n) 1) статья, пункт, позиция;

2) вид товара, товар, изделие

job (n) 1) дело, работа;

2) должность, место службы

joint venture (n) совместное предприятие

labo(u)r (n) 1) труд, работа

2) рабочая сила, рабочие

legitimacy (n) законность

liability (n) 1) ответственность, обязанность, долг;

2) обязательства, долги, задолженность

liquidity (n) ликвидность

machinery (n) машины, станки, оборудование, механизмы

manage (v) управлять, руководить

management (v) 1) управление, руководство, менеджмент;

2) организация производства;

3) дирекция, администрация

manager (n) 1) управляющий, руководитель, директор,


2) заведующий, администратор

manufacture (n) 1) производство, изготовление, обработка;

2) обрабатывающая промышленность

manufacture (v) производить, изготовлять, обрабатывать

manufacturing (n) производство, обрабатывающая


market (n) рынок, биржа

maximize (v) максимизировать, доводить до

максимальной величины

means (n) средство, средства, способы

measure (n) 1) мера, показатель, критерий;

2) мероприятие, мера

measure (v) измерять

merchant (n) торговец, купец

mining (n) добыча полезных ископаемых,

горнодобывающая промышленность

mixed (a) смешанный

money (n) деньги, платежное средство

monetary (a) монетарный, денежный, кредитно-

денежный, валютный

mortgage (n) ипотека, залог, закладная

multilateral (a) многосторонний

nation (n) 1) нация, народ;

2) страна, государство

need (n) 1) надобность, нужда, потребности;

2) недостаток, нехватка

network (n) сеть

numerous (a) многочисленный

occupy (v) занимать, захватывать, оккупировать

oil (n) нефть, масло

operate (v) 1) действовать, работать, производить


2) управлять, заведовать;

opportunity (n) возможность, случай, шанс

output (n) выпуск, продукция, выход продукции

own (v) иметь в собственности, владеть

owner (n) собственник, владелец

ownership (n) собственность, право собственности,


pay (v) платить, оплачивать

payment (n) платеж, оплата, получение денег

payroll (n) 1) платёжная ведомость, фонд заработной


2) списочный состав

perform (v) 1) выполнять, исполнять, осуществлять;

2) демонстрировать

performance (n) 1) выполнение, исполнение;

2) работа, функционирование,

personnel (n) персонал, личный состав, кадры

phenomenon (n) феномен, явление

plant (n) 1) предприятие, завод, фабрика;

2) растение

population (n) (народо)население, жители

prevailing (a) преобладающий, широко

price (n) цена

private (a) частный, личный

process (v) процесс, способ

processing (n) обработка, переработка, изготовление

produce (v) производить, вырабатывать, выпускать

producer (n) изготовитель, производитель, поставщик

production (n) 1) производство, изготовление, добыча;

2) продукт, продукция, изделие

profit( n) 1) прибыль, доход;

2) польза, выгода

profitability (n) прибыльность, выгодность, доходность,


profitable (a) 1) полезный, благоприятный;

2) прибыльность, выгодный, доходный,


profitably (adv) полезно, выгодно, доходно, рентабельно

protect (v) защищать, охранять, предохранять

protectionism (n) протекционизм, политика протекционизма

provide (v) снабжать, обеспечивать, принимать меры

purchase (n) 1) покупка, закупка, купля;

2) купленная вещь, покупка

rate (n) 1) размер, норма, ставка;

2) темп, скорость

3) показатель, степень

realize (v) 1) осуществлять;

2) реализовывать, продавать

recession (n) 1) понижение, уменьшение;

2) спад, рецессия

require (v) 1) требовать, приказывать;

2) требовать, нуждаться в чем-л.

reserve (n) запас, резерв, резервный фонд

resource (n) 1) способ, средство;

2) ресурсы, природные богатства

responsibility (n) ответственность, обязанность,


restoration (n) восстановление

resurgence (n) возрождение, восстановление

revenue (n) 1) выручка, валовый доход;

2) государственные доходы, доходные

статьи бюджета

reverse (v) отменять, аннулировать

reward (n) поощрение, вознаграждение

rise (n) 1) подъем, повышение, увеличение;

2) продвижение по службе, прибавка (к

заработной плате)

rise (v) подниматься, повышаться, увеличиваться,

продвигаться (по службе)

safety (n) безопасность, сохранность

salary (n) оклад, жалование

sale (n) 1) продажа, сбыт, распродажа;

2) торговля, торговая сделка;

3) объем продаж, товарооборот

save (v) экономить, сберегать, копить, накоплять

saving (n) экономия, сбережение

savings (n) сбережения, накопление

scarce (a) недостаточный, скудный, дефицитный

scarcity (n) недостаток, нехватка, дефицит

sector (n) сектор (экономики), сфера, отрасль

security (n) 1) безопасность, надежность, охрана;

2) гарантия, обеспечение, залог;

3) страхование (от риска)

securities (n) ценные бумаги, фонды

service (n) 1) служба, работа, сфера деятельности;

2) обслуживание, сервис, услуга, сфера


3) срок службы, долговечность

share (n) 1) доля, часть, участие, доля

собственности, доля участия пай;

2) акция

share (v) делить, разделять, участвовать, быть


skill (n) практический опыт, квалификация,

мастерство, умение

skillful (a) опытный, квалифицированный

societal (a) светский

software (n) программное обеспечение, средства


sovereignty (n) суверенитет, полноправность

spending (n) расходы, расходование, стоимость закупок

statement (n) заявление, утверждение

subordinate (n) подчиненный

subordinate (v) подчинять(ся)

succumb (v) поддаться, уступить

superior (a) 1) высший, лучший, превосходный;

2) высший, старший (по должности)

supervise (v) наблюдать, контролировать,


supervisor (n) инспектор, контролер, лицо среднего

руководящего персонала

supervisory (a) наблюдательный, контролирующий

supply (n) 1) снабжение, поставка;

2) запасы, общее количество;

3) предложение

supply (v) снабжать, поставлять

surplus (a) излишний, избыточный, добавочный

surplus (n) излишек, избыток, превышение

tax (n) налог, сбор, пошлина

taxation (n) налогообложение, взимание налогов

taxpayer (n) налогоплательщик

technique (n) 1) техника, методика, метод, способ;

2) технология

technology (n) 1) техника, технические науки, техника и


2) производственный процесс

tend (v) действовать в определенном направлении,

иметь тенденцию

trade (n) 1) торговля, отрасль торговли;

2) промышленность, отрасль производства,

отрасль промышленности

trade (v) торговать

trading (n) торговля, производственная деятельность

transaction (n) дело, сделка, операция

treasure (n) казначейство

treatise (n) трактат, научный труд

uncertainty (n) неопределенность, сомнительность,

unemployment (n) безработица, незанятость

uneven (a) неравномерный, неровный,


unscrupulous (a) недобросовестный, нечестный

use (v) 1) употребление, применение;

2) польза, выгода

user (n) пользователь, потребитель

value (n) ценность, стоимость, цена

valuable (a) ценный

various (a) разнообразный

vast (a) обширный

vehicle (n) автотранспорт, средства транспорта,


wage (n) заработная плата

want (n) 1) нужда, необходимость, потребность;

2) недостаток, нехватка, отсутствие

wealth (n) 1) богатство, изобилие, благосостояние;

2) материальный ценности, богатства

wealthy (a) богатый, состоятельный, процветающий

welfare (n) 1) благосостояние, благополучие;

2) благотворительность

well-being (n) благосостояние, благополучие,


wood (n) дерево, древесина

wool (n) шерсть

workforce (n) рабочая сила, трудовые ресурсы

worth (n) ценность, цена, стоимость

worth (a) имеющий ценность, стоящий

yard (n) 1) ярд (мера длины);

2) верфь (судостроительная);

3) скотный двор, загон (для скота)

yearly (adv) ежегодно, раз в год

yield (n) 1) урожай, урожайность;

2) добыча, выработка, выход (продукции)

yield (v) давать урожай, производить





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