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12 unit

1. (breathing) apparatus
2. (household) appliance
3. (labour-saving) device
4. (internal combustion) engine
5. (computer) equipment
6. (clever) gadget
7. (cash) machine
8. Technological
9. Technology
10. Technophobe
11. Cutting edge - very modern and with all the newest developments ультрасовременный
12. Durable - remaining in good condition for a long time прочный, долговечный
13. Easy to use
14. Environmentally friendly
15. Green
16. Handy - useful or easy to use удобный (для пользования)
17. Hard-wearing - зносостійкий
18. Long-lasting - довготривалий
19. Non-polluting
20. Obsolete - not used now вышедший из употребления
21. Old-fashioned - not modern старомодный
22. Out-of-date - old and not useful or correct any more устарелый
23. Practical
24. State-of-the-art - using the newest ideas, designs, and materials новейший,
25. User-friendly - A machine or system that is user-friendly is easy to use or understand.
удобный в употреблении
26. Dislike
27. Inaccurate - not correct or exact неточный, неправильный
28. Inappropriate not suitable неуместный, несоответствующий
29. Inconvenient неудобный
30. Ineffective неэффективный
31. Inefficient Inefficient people or things waste time, money, or effort, and do not achieve as
much as they should. неумелый, недейственный
32. Inequality a situation in which some groups in a society have
more advantages than others неравенство
33. Insensitive not noticing or not caring about other people's feelings равнодушный,
34. Mismanagement плохое управление
35. Mistrust недоверие
36. Misunderstanding
37. Unable быть не в состоянии делать что-либо
38. Unlikely маловероятный
39. Unnecessary

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40. Anniversaries річниця
41. Architecture
42. Attitudes ставлення
43. Civil wars
44. Climate
45. Commemorations святкування
46. Cuisine кухня
47. Customs звичаї
48. Dialects
49. Faith/belief systems
50. Geography
51. Heritage спадщина
52. Historical events
53. Institutions установи
54. Invasions вторгнення
55. Language
56. Manners
57. Monarchy
58. Political system
59. Revolutions
60. Religion
61. Rituals
62. Rules of behavior
63. Rules of etiquette
64. The arts
65. Sects
66. Staple diet основна
67. Specialities местная достопримечательность, фирменное блюдо
68. Superstitions забобони
69. Terrain місцевість
70. Traditions
71. Values
72. Disappointed розчарований
73. Excited зворушливий/ схвильований
74. Frustrated розчарований
75. Hostile ворожий
76. Inadequate
77. Interesting
78. Insufficient недостатній
79. Intriguing
80. Isolated
81. Lonely
82. Stimulated возбуждение, стимуляция
83. Unfriendly
84. Antisocial
85. Communication
86. Counterculture
87. Development
88. International
89. Misunderstanding
90. Multicultural including people of different races and religions относящийся к разным
91. Postwar післявоєн
92. Predate существовать, происходить ранее чего-либо
93. Responsible
94. Sexism
95. Sociology
96. Subculture a group of people with beliefs, interests, etc that are different from
the rest of society
97. Timeless вічний
98. Valuable цінний

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99. Break up
100. Fall out(with) сваритися
101. Get down to to start doing something seriously and with a lot
of attention and effort
102. Get on(with) ладить (с людьми)
103. Get used to(+-ing) звикати
104. Put up(with) терпеть кого-либо/что-либо
105. Ambitious
106. Ambition
107. Authoritative
108. Authority
109. Conscientious добросовісний
110. Conscientiousness свідомість
111. Controlling
112. Control
113. Creative
114. Creativity
115. Diplomatic
116. Diplomacy
117. Dynamic
118. Energetic
119. Energy
120. Enthusiastic
121. Enthusiasm
122. Fair справедливий
123. Impatient нетерплячий
124. Indecisive нерішучий
125. Inflexible жосткий
126. Knowledgeable
127. Knowledge
128. Objective only influenced by facts and not by feelings объективный,
129. Objectivity
130. Observant good or quick at noticing things наблюдательный
131. Outgoing общительный, дружелюбный
132. Practical
133. Practicality
134. Responsible
135. Resourceful винахідливий
136. Resourcefulness
137. Approve
138. Approval
139. Associate
140. Association
141. Behave
142. Behavior
143. Conform
144. Conformity
145. Continue
146. Continuity
147. Define
148. Definition
149. Disable
150. Disability
151. Propose
152. Proposal
153. Refuse
154. Refusal
155. Save
156. Savior
157. Secure
158. Security
159. Suggest
160. Suggestion
161. Be in two minds сумніватись
162. Be out of(your) mind крейзі
163. Keep an open mind не спішити
164. Make up(your) mind десайд
165. Peace of mind душевний спокій
166. Assessment оцінка
167. Case file матеріали справи
168. Deduce робити висновок
169. Motive
170. Profile
171. psychiatrist

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172. abstract
173. artist художник
174. art lover
175. cave painting наскельні мал
176. ceramics
177. collector
178. critic
179. contemporary сучасний
180. controversial суперечливий
181. groundbreaking новаторський
182. landscape(painting)
183. masterpiece шедевр
184. modern
185. mural фреска
186. naturalistic
187. painter живописець
188. performance art
189. preview
190. portrait(painting)
191. pottery гончар
192. realism
193. realist
194. retrospective a show of work done by an artist over many years
195. sculptor
196. sculpture
197. thought-provoking заставляющий задуматься (film/book)
198. traditional art
199. video art
200. absolutely unique
201. completely different
202. completely wrong
203. deeply moving глибоко зворушливий
204. entirely unexpected зовсім несподівано
205. heavily criticized підається жорст критиці
206. highly praised
207. highly qualified висококваліфікований
208. painfully shy
209. really excellent
210. totally different
211. totally unbelievable
212. totally unjustified невиправдано
213. utterly impossible неможливо
214. utterly useless марно
215. absorbing very interesting захватывающий (book/game)
216. absurd
217. antique
218. appalling жахливий
219. bronze
220. charming
221. classical
222. critical
223. compelling very exciting or interesting and making you want to watch, listen, etc
224. conservative not trusting sudden changes or new ideas
225. devastated very shocked and upset раздавленный горем
226. dismissive зневажливий
227. dreary boring and making you feel unhappy
228. dreadful extremely bad or unpleasant ужасный, страшный
229. enormous extremely large
230. exhausted very tired
231. exhilarating making you feel very excited and happy
232. fabulous extremely good
233. fascinating extremely interesting (movie)
234. gripping If something is gripping, it is so interesting that
it holds your attention completely. (story)
235. heart-breaking
236. heat-resistant
237. hilarious extremely funny
238. intellectual
239. laughable If something is laughable, it is stupid and you cannot believe it
or respect it
240. monotonous If something is monotonous, it is boring because it stays the same.
241. nail-biting
242. outstanding excellent and much better than most
243. passionate
244. picturesque A picturesque place is attractive to look at.
245. productive
246. radical
247. rectangular прямокут
248. repetitive doing or saying the same thing several times, especially in a way that
is boring
249. respectful
250. restful
251. ridiculous нелепый
252. shiny
253. stainless-steel нерж сталь
254. starving dying because there is not enough food
255. tedious boring
256. touching трогательный
257. trendy
258. witty дотепний

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259. creates competition ств конкуренц
260. damage the natural environment завдати шкоди
261. destroy local culture(s) знищити
262. encourages better standards заохоч
263. exploit workers
264. increase wealth збільшити багатство
265. improves the quality of manufacturing
266. promote global understanding сприяти
267. reduce poverty зменшити бідність
268. widen the gap збільшити розрив
269. child labour
270. climate change
271. consumer choice споживчий вибір
272. corporate greed жадібність
273. fair trade чесна торгівля
274. free markets вільні ринки
275. global warming
276. human rights
277. multinational companies
278. natural resources
279. single economy
280. working condition
281. adaptability адаптованість
282. curiosity цікавість the feeling of wanting to know or learn about something
283. consensus a situation in which all the people in a group agree about something
284. intuition
285. sensitivity чуткий, отзывчивый
286. collaborate співпрацювати
287. cutting edge very modern and with all the newest developments
288. dynamic full of ideas, energy, and enthusiasm
289. phenomenon something that exists or happens, usually something unusual
290. profound If an effect is profound, it is extreme. глубокий, серьезный
291. push the boundaries
292. synergy a situation in which two companies or groups work together
and achieve more success than they would separately совместная деятельность

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