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- 2010

1-6 . . (1,2,3), . A1 Which instrument does the boy play now? 1. a piano 2. a guitar 3. a violin What time does the museum shut on Saturdays? 1. 16.15 2. 17.30 3. 17.45 Which programme is on first this evening? 1. wildlife 2. space 3. music Where do they decide to go? 1. art gallery 2. exhibition of photos 3. sculpture exhibition What does the woman buy? 1. a guitar 2. a video cassette 3. a book Which is the first programme after the news? 1. nature documentary 2. food programme 3. sport event .






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- 2010 2 . . 1- 6 . , . ! 17 ( ). . DANCING AT LUGHNASA, BY BRIAN FRIEL General information Performed at the 21st (B1) _______________ in Galway. The play was first (B2) _______________ in Abbey Theatre in Dublin. The Plot Set in the 1936 in (B3) _______________ Northwest. One of the sisters is afraid of (B4) _______________. Sisters got their first (B5) _______________ set that year. Evaluation of play Overall fantastic! After laughter, the moments of incredible (B6) ______________ come. 3 . . B7 1-6 , . (True), , F (False), . , , , , . B7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Alex found it easy to get used to being famous. Alex has performed in several plays. Alex wants to get a part in another film. Alex hasnt seen all of Robert de Niros films. The interviewer asks Alex about the private life. The interviewer is interested in how he feels about being famous.

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- 2010

. 8 A G 1 6. . . , , , , . 8 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Childhood on wheels Best creative years Influence of church Fathers foreseeing Short life immortal fame Early talent Downsides of profession

1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was certainly the greatest celebrity of the 18 th century. He was born in Salzburg, Austria in 1756. His father, who was a violin teacher, soon recognized that his son was special. 2. Mozart started playing the violin when he was three, composed short pieces of music at the age of five and was writing complete operas by the time he was twelve. 3. Mozart travelled a lot. When he was six, his father took him on his first concert tour of Europe. In those days people travelled in horse-drawn carriages that were freezing cold in winter and far too hot in the summer. There were not any luxury hotels either. Mozart used to stay in dirty, uncomfortable inns. Despite this, Mozart spent nearly 4,000 days travelling. Thats over ten years of his childhood on the road! 4. From the age of about twelve to twenty-five, Mozart lived in Salzburg and was employed by the Archbishop. However, although people recognized Mozart as genius, he wasnt paid a lot of money. The truth is that in Mozarts day, a musician was seen as a servant who was hired to write and play music. This made Mozart unhappy. He began to hate his life in Salzburg and dreamed about moving on. 5. It was only after 1781 when Mozart moved to Vienna and composed his most famous operas including The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni and Cosi Fan Tutte, that his situation improved. He began to earn more money and gain more respect. Despite this, Mozart always spent far too much, with the result that he and his family were often very poor. 6. Mozart died almost penniless at the age of thirty-five. However, in his short life, he composed over 600 pieces of music. Thats about 200 hours of entertainment. Today, more than 250 years after he was born, Mozarts music is enjoyed worldwide and he is still the most popular classical composer in history.
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- 2010

7 12 1 4 . 7 12 . , . ! . Who says 7 8 9 the government should exercise some control? it is up to the individual to be responsible? people all over the world can exchange information with each other? 10 there is no check on what goes on in the Internet? 11 the whole life can be spent in front of the computer screen? 12 the Internet offers us new ways of learning? 1 No one can doubt the great value of the Internet, but I do worry about the fact how easy it is to get the access to the ambiguous information. We can already see the difficulty of controlling the material put on it. Of course you can choose what to read and what not to read. But it is a public medium, and as such, we need laws to protect people, particularly children, from unsuitable material. 3 The Internet is the major invention of the 20th century. It presents a whole new way of doing things. In the next century it will be a major tool for education and communication. For young people it is a never-ending source of new facts, new ideas and new experiences. When you see the World Wide Web to access information, or when you log on to a chat forum and exchange ideas with someone youll never meet, its like opening a window on the world. 2 We seem to have produced a generation who can only function through a computer. As a result many young people today are neither literate nor numerate. Some are so lost in the fantasy world of computer games that they are barely aware of the real world. Reality has become so virtual that they can experience almost all their lives from the computer screen.

4 I dont see why people get so worried by the Internet. I cant see the point of restricting the flow of any Internet information through censorship. My children cannot access the Net without my password and there are easy ways to install parental controls. My advice is to leave it for individuals and families to censor.

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- 2010

. 13 20 (1,2,3,4), . . 1998 was the centenary of the birth of one of the greatest American composers, George Gershwin (1898-1937). To mark the occasion, Jack Gibbons, the worlds leading authority on Gershwin and his music, gave a centenary concert in Londons 5Queen Elizabeth Hall. The concert included Gibbons unique arrangements of Gershwins celebrated concert works such as Concerto in F, An American in Paris, Cuban Overview and excerpts from the musical Porgy and Bess. 10 When I met Jack Gibbons, I wondered where the interest in Gershwin had come from. Getting into Gershwin started relatively recently, because I was brought up as a classical pianist and had a career as a classical musician long before I knew any Gershwin. Apart from a few bars of Rhapsody in Blue, I didnt know a thing about him, 15and I didnt know any of his songs. Just by chance I was asked by an orchestra to play his Concerto in F. I thought the music was wonderful. I then found a recording of Gershwin playing the tunes of his own songs and I was very impressed by it. I didnt know the words to these songs; I just heard them as instrumental pieces. I 20remember hearing Someone to watch over me and thinking Thats a really nice melody but I had no idea how well-known his songs were. I tried to buy the music but realized that none of the actual tunes had been written by Gershwin. So almost for fun I started doing it. I listened to the tunes and wrote them out note by note. At that stage I had no idea I would end up performing them in a concert. At the first all-Gershwin 25concert I gave at the Queen Elizabeth Hall my wife was petrified with nerves because she had no idea how the audience would react to his music. Gershwin himself started playing and writing music when he was very young. Piano playing was just an instinctive talent he had. When he was a young man, he was asked 30to play songs in every single key imaginable and that lead to his many improvisations. He wrote a lot of piano pieces and classical music but for a long time he didnt know which direction he was going on. At one point he studied music compositions under Ruibin Goldmark, a well-known 35teacher, but didnt get on with him. He had a few lessons and then brought in his Lullaby for string quartet, which he had written several years before he met Goldmark. Goldmark said, I see you have learned a lot from my tuition, after which Gershwin stopped his lessons. 40Although Jack Gibbons occasionally tires of the music of other composers, he never does with the music of George Gershwin. His music is so intelligent. People are constantly surprised by it

2009-2010 .., 2

- 2010 A13 The year 1998 was the year in which 1. Gibbons wrote his first composition 2. Gibbons started to give Gershwin concerts. 3. Gibbons gave a centenary concert for Gershwin. 4. Gershwin was first played in the Queen Elizabeth Hall. The 1998 concert 1. consisted of Gershwins classical music. 2. included Gibbons own works. 3. contained Extracts from Porgy and Bess. 4. involved a mixture of Gershwins music. Gibbons started to play Gershwin 1. when he grew tired of playing classical music. 2. when he came upon his music by chance. 3. because he felt the need for a new challenge. 4. because he had heard so much about his music. Gibbons couldnt buy the music for Gershwins songs because 1. the music had never been written down. 2. he couldnt afford it. 3. he couldnt find a shop which sold the music. 4. he didnt know the words of the songs. Gershwin was a good pianist because 1. he had music lessons. 2. he practiced a lot. 3. he was born with a natural ability. 4. he liked playing improvisations. He worked hard at learning Gershwins music because 1. it was difficult to understand his works. 2. he liked the music very much. 3. he had to give a concert. 4. it was a good practice for his other concert performances. The word that in line 30means 1. a tune 2. an imaginative performing 3. Gershwin 4. a song The word centenary in line 2 means 1. a very important event 2. a one hundred anniversary 3. an occasion 4. a meeting








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- 2010

21 24, (1, 2, 3, 4). . A 21 I knew that she _____ to the performance alone. 1) will go 2) has gone 3) had gone 22 A fantastic party _____ by George and Sarah. 1) was arranged 2) were arranged 3) arranged A23 This magazine is _____ boring for small children. 1) lot 2) enough 3) such 4) has been going 4) was arranging

4) too

A24 She told us that they _____ to the cinema two weeks before. 1) have been 2) are 3) had been 4) were going

. 9 11 , , , . . ! 17 . , , . 00. : Dear Julie, I (B00)_____ to thank you for my birthday present. I love this bright bag! When all the presents (B9) _____, I went for a meal with some friends and afterwards we (B10) ____ all night long at that new club on Purple Street. It was tremendous! My friends said that they (B11) _____ to such a great club before. If you havent been t this place yet, its certainly worth going there. See you pretty soon. WRITE RECEIVE DANCE NOT/BE 00 A M W R I T I N G


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- 2010

. 25 30 (1,2,3,4). .

Mary Astell, who was born in 1668, was one of the first people in England to say women should be educated. As a child, she was so clever that her uncle (A25)_____ to give her lessons in French, Latin and Maths. In 1696 she wrote a book in which she (A26) _____ that a special college for women should be built. Some rich women (A27) _____ her idea and gave her money to start the college. However, important people in the church were against the plan and she never (A28) _____ to do what she wanted. It (A29) _____ another 200 years before the first womens college was built in Cambridge. Mary went on studying and writing all her life. If people (A30) _____ on her door when she was working, she looked out of the window and said, Mrs Astell is not at home. She died in 1731. A25 1) could 2) suggested 3) taught 4) decided A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 1) told 1) agreed 1) managed 1) lasted 1) hit 2) offered 2) supported 2) must 2) passed 2) looked 3) suggested 3) helped 3) could 3) took 3) clapped 4) informed 4) allowed 4) arrived 4) delayed 4) knocked

. 12 15, , , , . . ! 17 . 00. : 00 P E R F O R M E R PERFORM SUCCESS DIFFER CONFIDENCE PREPARE

You need the right songs and a good voice to be a pop star, but also you need to be a great (B00) performer. To be (B12) _____, you have to be special kind of person as well as a good singer. People will only notice you if you have a (B13) _____ look. You must be (B14) _____ because youll be meeting lots of new people regularly. You have to want to be famous, and be (B15) _____ to work extremely hard at it. Its not going to be easy!

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- 2010

16 20 , , . 2 5 , , . . . ! 17 . . 00 . : 00 B16 00 B E T T E R A T G O L F T H A N

I'm not as good at golf as he is. He is _better at golf than I am. Lets try that new Chinese restaurant in King Street, Susie told me. Susie _____ that new Chinese restaurant in King Street. Unfortunately, I dont have enough money to go on holiday this year. I _____ afford to go on holiday this year. George says that hell complete making his presentation at the weekend.

than suggested





George says that his presentation _____ completed by the weekend. B19 B20 If you dont work harder, you will fail your test. _____ harder, you will fail your test. I ordered this suitcase on-line and they delivered it very soon. I ordered this suitcase on-line and _____ very soon. unless had

120-180 , .

The internet is a waste of time, and that's exactly what is right about it. (William Gibson)

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