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Учебное пособие

Издание второе

ББК81.2 Англ.
Л 33

Лебедева Э.В., Торбан И.Е.

Л 33 Временные формы английского глагола: Учебное пособие -
М . : Г И С , 2 0 0 2 . - 112с.

ISBN 5-8330-0139-0

Данное пособие предназначено для лиц, изучающих английский язык. Пособие

может быть использовано на занятиях в учебных классах, а также для самостоятель­
ной работы.

ББК81.2 Англ.

Художник В.Б. Сонкин

Издание подготовлено совместно с

ЗАО «Издательско-коммерческий домъ «Детектив»

© Лебедева Э.В., Торбан И.Е. 2000 г.

ISBN 5-8330.0139-0 © Издательство ТИС", 2000 г.

Методические рекомендации
к пособию для самостоятельной работы
при изучении временных форм английского глагола

Пособие предназначено для самостоятельной работы

при изучении временных форм английского глагола.
Пособие ставит своей целью дать возможность обу­
чающимся проделать наибольшее количество упражне­
ний в единицу времени и, таким образом, интенсифици­
ровать процесс изучения временных форм.
Материал пособия может быть использован как сред­
ство самоконтроля, систематизации, обобщения и повто­
рения пройденных тем и имеет обучающий характер.
Упражнения пособия могут выполняться как дома так
и в аудитории с самостоятельной проверкой выполнения
по ключу. Предложенный вариант выполнения тестов
очень прост и удобен. Каждый тест выполняется на при­
лагаемых бланках.
Выполнение тестов требует предварительной подго­
товки к ним. Всего в пособии 12 тестов. Каждый тест со­
стоит из 50 вопросов, к каждому из которых предлагается
три варианта ответов: а, Ь, с.
Необходимо выбрать правильный вариант и поставить
в клетке бланка крестик против буквы выбранного вами
Для выполнения тестов предлагаются бланки №1-12.
Перед началом работы с тестами подумайте, сколько
раз Вы будете писать каждый тест:
- напишите каждый тест один раз?
- напишите тест до и после самоконтроля по ключу?
- напишите тест спустя один месяц после первого на­
писания, чтобы убедится, насколько прочно Вы усвоили
Для этого рекомендуется сделать несколько копий ка­
ждого бланка на ксероксе.
Для самоконтроля выполненного теста предваритель­
но подготовьте бланки-ключи с правильными ответами
(они даются в конце пособия). Номер бланка-ключа со­
ответствует номеру теста (Тест N 1 и бланк-ключ N 1).
Правильные ответы в бланках-ключах отмечены крести­
ком. Необходимо только вырезать в них клетки с крести­
Затем по мере выполнения тестов, сверяйте правиль­
ность вашего выбора ответа по бланку-ключу, путем на­
ложения его на ваш тест-бланк. Там, где в вырезанных
клетках не будет ваших ответов в виде крестиков, будут
ваши ошибки. Отметьте пустые клетки красными галоч­
Сосчитайте количество красных галочек и умножьте
их на 2, т.е. на процент одной ошибки из 50 вопросов (он
равен 2%). Допустим,вы допустили 3 ошибки, умножьте
2% на 3 = 6%. Вычтите из 100% - 6% =94%. Вы получили
94% знаний по данному материалу.
Проанализируйте свои ошибки, чтобы впоследствии
их не допускать.
Выполняя тесты не спешите заглянуть в правильные
ответы, это не в ваших интересах, потому что вы не смо­
жете самостоятельно выяснить, что вы не усвоили или не
поняли. Наберитесь терпения и выполняйте каждый тест
до конца.
Пособие может быть использовано при работе в груп­
пах и для самостоятельной работы в аудитории и дома.

английского глагола

Времена группы Indefinite/Simple

в Active Voice

Эти времена констатируют факт совершения действия или ряд

последовательных действий в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем.

Настоящее время группы Indefinite/Simple

(The Present Indefinite/Simple Tense)

Образуется из

основы глагола*
*(+ -(e)s в III лице ед.ч.)

Основа глагола это I форма глагола без частицы "to"

(to go идти,ехать= go; to speak = speak

Окончание -s-произносится
[S] [Z] [IZ]
после глухих после звонких после ce,ge,se:
согласных: согласных и He/she dances
He/she works. гласных: Он/она танцует
Он/она работает. He/she travels. The Sun rises in
Он/она путешествует. The East.
He/she sees. Солнце всходит
Он/она видит. на востоке
He/she manages.
Он/она заведует.
Окончание -es- принимают глаголы, оканчивающиеся на:
1) шипящие (ch, sh, ss, х):
He/she teaches Он/она обучает.
[IZ]: He/she wishes Он/она желает.
He/she dresses Он/она одевается.
He/she foxes Он/она хитрит.
2) на -у- с предшествующей согласной:
I study Я учусь.
[Z]: He/she studies Он/она учится.
I сапу Я несу.
He/she carries Он/она несет.

Ho! I play Я играю.
He/she plays Он/она играет,
(play - оканчивается на -у- с предшествующей гласной)
3) на - о:
I go/do Я иду/делаю.
He/she goes/does Он/она идет/делает.

Утвердительная форма
I/we/you/they speak English. Я/мы/вы/они говорю ...
He/she/ speaks English. Он/она говорит...

Вопросительная форма
Do I/we/you/they speak English?
Does he/she speak English?

Отрицательная форма
I/we/you/they do not (don't) speak English.
He/she does not (doesn't) speak English.

1. Для обозначения привычных или регулярных действий (обыч­
но с наречиями always всегда, often часто; usually обычно, some­
times иногда или с выражениями типа every day/morning/week/-
month/year каждый день/каждое утро/каждую неделю/каждый ме­
сяц/каждый год):
I read newspapers every Я читаю газеты каждое утро,
Не usually gets up at 7. Он обычно встает в 7 часов.

2. Для обозначения фактов и явлений действительности:

The Sun rises in the East. Солнце поднимается на востоке.

3. С глаголами, выражающими чувства, мысли, мнения и т.п. Эти

глаголы не имеют форм времен группы Continuous/Progressive: to
like нравиться, to know знать, to love любить, to think думать, to want
хотеть и др.
Do you like this music? Вам нравится эта музыка?
I know what you mean. Я знаю, что вы имеете в виду.
I think that you are quite Я считаю, что вы совершенно
right. правы.
4. Для обозначения запланированных будущих действий (обычно
с указанием точного времени):
The shop closes at 7 o'clock. Магазин закрывается в 7 часов.
Hurry up, please. Пожалуйста, побыстрее.
We leave tomorrow at 6 and Мы уезжаем завтра в 6 часов и
arrive in London at 10. прибудем в Лондон в 10 часов.
1. Он работает в офисе. Не works in an office.
2. Мне нужна твоя помощь. I need your help.
3. Вода кипит при 100 Water boils at 100 degrees
градусах (Цельсия). (to Centigrade).
4. Поезд уходит в 8 часов. The train leaves at 8
5. Мой друг не любит собак. My friend doesn't like
6. Подростки любят ходить Teenagers like to go to
на дискотеки. discos.
7. У меня много друзей. I have (got) a lot of
8. Вы принимаете теплый или Do you take a warm or a
холодный душ каждое cold shower every mor­
утро? ning?
9. Когда вы обычно просыпае­ When do you usually wake
тесь? щ>?
10. Вы всегда встаете так рано? Do you always get up so
Прошедшее время группы Indefinite/Simple
(The Past Indefinite/Simple Tense)

II форма глагола
Правильные глаголы Неправильные глаголы
во II форме +(e)d (особые формы)
(для всех лиц ед. to see - saw видел
и мн.ч.) to speak - spoke разговаривал
[t] после глухой согласной:
to help- helped помог
[d] после звонкой согласной
или гласной:
to love- loved любил
to play- played играл
[id] после звуков [t,d]:
to want- wanted хотел
to decide-decided решил
Утвердительная форма:
I/he/she/we/you/they saw him Я/он/она/мы/вы/они видел (-a
yesterday. его вчера.
Вопросительная форма:
Did I/he/she/we/you/they see him yesterday?
Отрицательная форма:
I/he/she/we/you/they did not (didn't) see him yesterday.

1. Для обозначения действий, закончившихся в прошлом (часг
то с обстоятельствами времени:
yesterday last week/month/year вчера, на прошлой неделе, в про-
in 1935, 5 days ago. шлом месяце, в прошлом году, в
1935 году, 5 дней тому назад
They came to Moscow Они приехали в Москву
many years ago. много лет тому назад.
I telephoned hinv Я звонил ему час тому назад.
an hour ago.
He wasn't at the club Он не был в клубе вчера.

2. В вопросительных предложениях о времени действия в

When did you see him last? Когда вы видели его в
последний раз?

1. Она нарисовала плакат She painted a poster
вчера. yesterday.
2. Я посадила розы в прошлом I planted roses last
году. year.
3. Он пригласил своих друзей He invited his friends
на день рождения to his birthday party.
4. Вчера утром мы были на Yesterday morning we
пляже. were at the beach.
5. Она не пригласила их на She didn't invite them
вечер на прошлой неделе. to the party last week.
6. Он написал мне письмо He wrote me a letter
несколько дней тому назад. some days ago.
7. Кто открыл окно? Who opened the window?
8. Вы видели ее вчера? Did you see her yesterday?
9. Где вы были позавчера? Where were you the day
before yesterday?
10. Никто не звонил мне Nobody phoned me yesterday.

Будущее время группы Indefinite/Simple
(The Future Indefinite/Simple Tense)

will + основа глагола

Утвердительная форма:
I/we shall/will/'ll work Я/мы буду/будем
hard. работать усердно.
He/she/you/they will/'U work hard. Он/она/вы/они.

Вопросительная форма:
Shall/will I/we work hard?
Will he/she/you/they work hard?

Отрицательная форма:
I/we shall not (shan't)/ will not (won't) work hard.
He/she/you/they will not (won't) work hard.

Употребляется для обозначения действия в будущем, часто с
обстоятельствами будущего времени: tomorrow завтра, the day
after tomorrow послезавтра, in a week через неделю, next
week/month/year на следующей неделе/ в следующем месяце/ в бу­
дущем году, in some days через несколько дней и др.

В придаточных предложениях времени и условия, вводимых

as soon as как только, provided that при условии если
as long as пока, till/until до тех пор пока ....не
before прежде чем, unless если не
if если when когда
вместо будущего времени употребляются формы настоящего вре­
When/If the weather clears, Когда/Если погода прояснится,
we'll go for a walk. мы пойдем погулять.
Но! В дополнительных придаточных предложениях (отвечают на
вопрос что?) и подлежащих и сказуемых - будущее время не
заменяется настоящим.
Не didn't tell me when he will come. Он не сказал мне, когда придет.
When he will come is not known. Когда он придет, еще не ясно
The question is when he will come. Вопрос в том, когда он придет.

1. Я помогу вам. Ishall/will/'Uhelpvou.
2. Мы встретимся завтра. We shall/will/*!! meet tomorrow.
3. Он поможет мне с багажом. He will/41 help me with my
4. Футбольный матч состоится The football match will take
послезавтра place the day after tomorrow.
5. Мы поедем как только вы We shall/will go as soon as you
будете готовы. are ready.
6. Как только ты купишь кни­ As soon as you buy the book
гу, я одолжу ее у тебя. I'll borrow it from you.
7. Я окончу школу в 2008 году. Г11 finish school in 2008.
8. Я поступлю в институт в ГИ enter the Institute in
2008году. 2008.
9. Мы закончим институт в We shall/'ll graduate from the
2010 году. Institute in 2010.
10. Кто полетит в Великобри­ Who will fly to Great Britain
танию на зимние каникулы? on winter vacations /
holidays (Brit.)?

ТЕСТ №1 на времена группы

Выберите форму глагола, эквивалентную русской:
1. We always (обедаем) at this canteen.
a) have dinner b) has dinner c) had dinner
2. The boys usually (приходят) home together,
a) comes b) come c) to come
3. Mike always (играет) hockey in winter,
a) plays b) play c) played
4. Ask him when he (придет) home.
a) will come b) comes c) come
5. When he (придет) home, he will call you.
a) come b) will come c) comes
6. When he (придет) home?
a) will come b) shall come c) come
7. My brother (говорит) three languages.
a) speak b) spoke c) speaks
8. When ... you (изучали) English?
a) did ... study b) do ... study c) does... study
9. When (были) you at the theatre last?
a) was b) were c) be

10. Where ... you (провели) your holidays/vacations?
a) did ... spend b) do ... spend c) does... spend
11. How long ... you (жили) in the Far East?
a) lived b) did ... live c) do... live
12. If I (закончу) this translation, I shall be able to see
the film.
a) shall finish b) will finish c) finish
13.1 (не сделал) any mistake in the dictation yesterday,
a) didn't make b) hadn't make c) haven't made
14. When ... you (поздравили) him?
a) congratulated b) did...congratulate c) congratulate
15. When ... you (потерял) your watch.
a) had...lost b) have...lost c) did...lose
16. When you (придете) I shall meet you.
a) shall come b) came c) come
17.1 (напишу) this equation tomorrow,
a) shall be writing b) shall write c) shall have written
18. We (просмотрели) the article yesterday.
a) have looked through b) looked through c) had looked through
19. They (работают) in the library every day.
a) are working b) have worked c) work
20. It (шел дождь) yesterday.
a) was raining b) had been raining c) rained
21. He (видел) her an hour ago.
a) saw b) have seen c) had seen
22. When ... you (сказали) her about it?
a) did...tell b) have...told c) had told
23.1 (сказал) you about it a minute ago.
a) have told b) had told c) told
24.1 (закончу) working in the garden when you come.
a) shall finish b) finish c) shall have finished
25. She-(закончила) her work and went home.
a) was finishing b) has finished c) finished
26. The director (подписал) the letter and I sent it at once,
a) signed b) have signed c) has signed
27. When ... you (ездили) to the Caucasus?
a) did...go b) have ...gone c) were...going
28. We (купили) a new TV set two days ago.
a) had bought b) have bought c) bought
29.1 always (жду) him here.
a) wait for b) am waiting for c) have waited for
30. When I came to Moscow he (встретил) me.
a) met b) had met c) has met

31.... he (говорит) French?
a) Does ... speak b) Is...speaking c) Has...spoken
32. If he (будет учиться) hard, he will know French well,
a) will study b) studies c) is studying
33. Ask him if he (придет) to our place tonight.
a) comes b) will come c) will have come
34.1 usually (сплю) in the open air in summer,
a) have slept b) am sleeping c) sleep
35. I'd like to know when he (вернется) back.
a) comes b) will come c) will be coming
36. Every day they (плавают) before breakfast.
a) swim b) are swimming c) have been swimming
37.1 seldom (прихожу) home late.
a) have come b) come c) am coming
38. We (переехали) to a new flat in 1975.
a) have moved b) moved c) had moved
39. Ask him when he (сделает) his report.
a) will be making b) makes - c) will make
40. After he (сделает) his report we shall discuss it.
a) will make b) makes c) will be making
41. We (пойдем) to the picture gallery tomorrow,
a) shall be going b) shall have gone c) shall go
42. When I come home my son usually (делает) his lessons,
a) is doing b) does c) do
43. We shall have a talk after we (закончим) our work.
a) will finish b) finish c) will have finished
44. You must have breakfast before you (начнете) working,
a) begin b) will begin c) shall begin
45. If I (буду) free, I shall join your group,
a) shall be b) will be c) am
46. When I (закончу) reading the book, I'll give it to you.
a) finish b) shall finish c) will finish
47. Ask her when she (закончит) reading the book,
a) finishes b) finish c) will finish
48. When I was a child I (играл) different games,
a) was playing b) played c) had played
49.1 know that she (получает) letters from Mike.
a) receives b) is receiving c) has been receiving
50. A few days ago I (видел) an interesting play.
a) had seen b) saw c) has seen

Времена группы Continuous/Progressive
в Active Voice
(to be) + основа глагола + ing
(Participle I)

Обозначают действия, происходящие в определенный момент

в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем времени.

Настоящее время группы Continuous/Progressive

(The Present Continuous/Progressive Tense)
is + основа глагола + ing
Окончание -ing- присоединяется к основе глагола:
work работать working
При прибавлении окончания -ing- глаголы, оканчивающиеся:
1) на -е, теряют ее:
take брать - taking
give давать giving
2) односложные глаголы, оканчивающиеся на одну согласную с
предшествующей гласной, удваивают согласную (чтобы сохранить
краткость гласной):
plan - planning
stop - stopping
3) двусложные или многосложные глаголы, оканчивающиеся на
одну согласную с предшествующей гласной, удваивают согласную,
если ударение падает на последний слог:
refer ссылаться на - referring
permit разрешать - permitting
Но! open - opening
order заказывать - ordering
4) глаголы, оканчивающиеся на 1 -, удваивают ее:
travel путешествовать - travelling
'cancel отменять - cancelling
5) на - ie меняются на -у + ing:
die умирать - dying
lie лежать - lying
tie связывать - tying
Утвердительная форма:
I am working Я работаю сейчас (в наст, время)
He/she is working Он/она работает
We/you/they are working Мы/вы/они работаем (-ете; -ют)

Вопросительная форма:
Am I working?
Is he/she working?
Are we/you/they working?
Отрицательная форма:
I am not (I'm ... not) working
He/she is not (he ... isn't) working
We/you/they are not (we .,. aren't) working
1. Для обозначения действия, происходящего в момент речи:
What are you doing? - Что вы делаете? (сейчас)
- I'm doing my homework. - Я делаю домашнее задание.
2. Для обозначения действия, совершающегося в определен­
ный период времени и, не обязательно в момент речи:
She is knitting a sweater. Она вяжет свитер.
3. Для обозначения действия, которое представляется говорящему
повторяющимся и вызывает его недовольство, раздражение и т.п.:
She's always complaining. Она постоянно жалуется.
4. Для выражения запланированного в ближайшем будущем
действия (преимущественно с глаголами, обозначающими движение,
а также с глаголами do, have, see в значении встречать, всегда с
обстоятельством времени):
What are you doing Что вы делаете сегодня
tonight? вечером?
I'm seeing my friend Завтра я встречаюсь с
tomorrow. другом.
Некоторые глаголы не употребляются в форме Continuous:
а) глаголы, выражающие ощущения: hear слышать,
see видеть, feel чувствовать, smell пахнуть, notice замечать и др.
Do you hear anything? Ты что-нибудь слышишь?
б) некоторые глаголы-связки (за ними следуют прилагатель­
appear/seem казаться, feel чувствовать, look выглядеть, smell
пахнуть и др.:
She looks well/ill. Она выглядит хорошо/плохо.
The soup tastes good. Суп вкусный.
в) глаголы, выражающие эмоции и чувства: care for любить,
dislike не любить, fear бояться, hate ненавидеть, like нравиться,
love любить, mind возражать, иметь что-л. против, want хотеть и др.:
Do you mind my smoking? Вы не будете возражать,
если я закурю?
-1 don't mind it a bit. - Нет, нисколько.

г) глаголы, обозначающие умственную деятельность:
believe верить, полагать, know знать, mean иметь в виду,
remember помнить, think (have an opinion) думать (иметь мне­
Do you believe him? Вы верите ему?

д) глаголы, обозначающие принадлежность: belong принадле­

жать, own владеть, иметь, обладать и др.:
тл .1 • 1
Who owns this house?Г» ТЛ
Кто владеет этим домом?

1. Не is speaking over the Он говорит по телефону
telephone now. сейчас.
2. Who is calling,please? Кто звонит?
3. What number are you calling? По какому номеру вы звоните?
4. I'm calling to invite you Я звоню пригласить Вас
to dinner tomorrow. пообедать завтра.
5. What are you saving? Что Вы говорите?
6. Who are you calling? Кому вы звоните?
7. This is Olga speaking. Это Ольга (говорит).
8. I'm putting your call Я соединяю вас.
9. From where are you talking Откуда вы говорите
now? сейчас?
Ю. Your voice is fading. Ваш голос пропадает/
Прошедшее время группы Continuous/Progressive
(The Past Continuous/Progressive Tense)

ед.ч. - was
+ основа глагола + ing
мн.ч. • were
Утвердительная форма:
I/he/she was working... Я/он/она работал/-а
We/you/they were working... Мы/вы/они работали
Вопросительная форма:
Was I/he/she working...?
Were we/you/they working...?
Отрицательная форма:
I/he/she was not (wasn't) working.
We/you/they were not (weren't) working.

1. Для выражения действия, происходившего в определенный
момент или в промежуток времени в прошлом иногда одновремен­
но с другим действием:
At 9 o'clock I was having В 9 часов я ужинал.
When I came into the room Когда я вошел в комнату,
they were discussing the они обсуждали программу
program for the day. дня.

2. Для обозначения постоянного развития, усиления действия

в прошлом:
It was getting darker. Темнело.

3. Для описания действий, длившихся в прошлом:

I was reading, my son was Я читала, мой сын смотрел
watching TV. Suddenly we телевизор. Вдруг мы услышали
heard some strange noise какой-то странный шум
outside the door. за дверью.

1. When I came home, the Когда я пришла домой,
teenagers were dancing. подростки танцевали.
2. They were studying at school Они учились в школе
at 12:00 o'clock yesterday. в 12 часов дня вчера.
3. He was riding a bicycle Он катался на велосипеде
at 3:00 p.m. yesterday. в 3 часа дня вчера.
4. We were washing up dishes Мы мыли посуду, когда
when our parents came home. наши родители пришли домой.
5. They were looking through Они просматривали г а з е т ы / '
newspapers all day long. весь день.
6. What were you doing at this Что вы делали в это
time yesterday? время вчера?
7. We were baking a cake while Мы пекли торт в то время
you were driving home. как вы ехали домой.
8. He was taking a shower while Он принимал душ в то вре­
she was cooking dinner. мя как она готовила обед.
9. We were having supper while Мы ужинали в то время как
our Mom was watching TV. мама смотрела телевизор.
10. They were talking when their Они беседовали, когда их
Dad came into the room. папа вошел в комнату.

Будущее время группы Continuous/Progressive
(The Future Continuous/Progressive)

shall be
will be + основа глагола + ing
•11 be

. Утвердительная форма:
I/we shall be/ will be/'ll be working Я/мы буду/будем работать
He/she/you/they will be/'ll be working Он/она/вы/они будет/
будут работать

Вопросительная форма:
Shall/Will I/we be working...?
Will he/she/you/they be working...?

Отрицательная форма:
I/we shall not (shan't)/will not (won't) be working...
He/she/you/they will not (won't) be working...

1. Для выражения действия, которое будет совершаться в ука­
занный момент или период в будущем:
Next month they will be repairing В следующем месяце они
the school. будут ремонтировать школу.
This time on Sunday I'll be В это время в воскресенье
bathing in the sea. я буду купаться в море.

2. Для обозначения ожидаемого в будущем действия, не имеюще­

го оттенка намерения (в отличие от форм будущего времени группы
Indefinite/Simple). Ср.:
Не won't be driving us to the Он не повезет нас в аэропорт,
airport. Не is unwell. Он плохо себя чувствует.
Не won't drive us to the airport. Он не повезет (не намерен,
не хочет везти) нас в аэропорт.

1. What will you be doing at Что вы будете делать в
this time tomorrow? это время завтра?
2. She will be walking her dog Она будет прогуливать
at 11 o'clock tomorrow. свою собаку в 11 часов завтра.

3. What time will you be В какое время вы будете
getting up? вставать?
4. Where will you be sleeping? Где вы будете спать?
5. ГЦ be teaching you English Я буду учить тебя
tomorrow at 3. английскому языку завтра в 3.
6. Will he be travelling at Он будет путешествовать
this time next month? в это время в следующем месяце?
7. Will you be giving a party Вы будете устраивать
at 6 o'clock next Saturday? вечер в 6 часов в следующую
8. How soon will you be leaving? Когда вы уезжаете?
9. When will you be going back Когда вы возвращаетесь
home? домой?
10. We'll be waiting for you at Мы будем ждать вас в
3 p.m. tomorrow. - 3 часа дня завтра.

ТЕСТ № 2 на времена группы


Выберите форму глагола, эквивалентную русской:

1. Where is he? - Не (обедает).

a) has dinner b) is having dinner c) have dinner
2.The boy's brother (учит) him to play chess now.
a) are teaching b) is teaching c) teaches
3. Look! All the children (играют) hockey now.
a) play b) is playing c) are playing
4. Listen! What languages ... they (разговаривают)?
a) speak b) are ...speaking c)do...speak
5.1 (переводил) five sentences from 5 till 6.
a) translated b) was translating c) had translated
6. What game ... they (играют) now?
a) are...playing b) have been playing c) play
7. They (играют) golf the whole evening.
a) are playing b) have been playing c)play
8. Where were you at three o'clock yesterday?
- 1 (работал) in the library.
a) worked b) was working c) were working
9. What... you (ищите)?
a) do...look for b) are...looking for c) have...looked for
10. He (искал) his copy-book all day long yesterday.

a) was looking for b) has been looking for c) looked for
11.1 (жду) my brother here.
a) wait for b) have been waiting for c) am waiting for
12.1 (ждал) him when he came.
a) waited for b) was waiting for c) had waited for
13. What... you (делаете) here now?
a) have...been doing b) are...doing c)do...do
14. He (работал) at home at that moment.
a) worked b) was working c) had worked
15. They (шли) to the station when we met them.
a) walked b) were walking c) have been walking
16. Let's wait for her. She (покупает) a new dress now.
a) has bought b) buys c) is buying
17. They (слушали) to the tape when I came.
a) were listening b) listened c) have been listening
18. He (делает) his exercises at this moment.
a) is doing b) does c) has been doing
19. My brother (переезжал) to a new flat when we came to see him.
a) has been moving b) moved c) was moving
20. We (обедали) when he came.
a) had dinner b) were having dinner c) had had dinner
21.1 (буду ждать) for you downstairs.
a) shall have waited b)shall be waiting c) shall wait
22. John (играет) tennis at the moment.
a) has played b) plays c) is playing
23. He (играл) tennis when I saw him.
a) was playing b) played c) had played
24. They (будут слушать) to the tape at noon tomorrow.
a) shall listen b) will be listening c) will have listened
25. We (будем читать) funny stories from 4 till 5 tomorrow,
a) shall read b) shall be reading c) shall have read
26. Hello, Bob! Where ... you (идешь) from?
a) do...go b) are ... going c) does...go
27. When we came to the station, our friends (ждали) us there,
a) have been waiting for b) waited for c) were waiting for
28. Pete (спал) when he got a telephone call.
a) was sleeping b) had slept c) slept
29. When I came home he (спал).
a) has slept b) was sleeping c) slept
30. Where is Nick? He (работает) at the library.
a) works b) is working c) has been working

31. They (играют) chess in the hall at the moment.
a) play b) are playing c) have played
32. The Sun (сияло) brightly at that moment.
a) shone b) had shone c) was shining
33. We (переезжали) to a new house when he called us.
a) were moving b) moved c) had moved
34. My son (смотрел) TV all day yesterday.
a) has watched b) was watching c) watched
35. What book ... you (читаешь) now?
a) rea;d b) are ... reading c) do ... read
36. Where ... you (работаете) now?
a) do work b) has worked c) are working
37.... you (строите) a new country house now?
a) Are building b) Do build c) Have built
38. Who ... you (ищите) ?
a) do ...look for b) are looking for c) have looked for
39. Look! She (кусает) her nails because she is nervous,
a) bites b) has bitten c) is biting
40. Excuse him. He (зевает) because he is tired.
a) yawn b) has yawned c) is yawning
41. Look! Somebody (голосует) on the road.
a) hitchhike b) is hitchhiking c) hitchhikes
42. Why ... you (плачете)? - 1 was offended (Меня обидели),
a) is ...crying b) are ...crying c) do...cry
43. Don't bother (мешай) him! He (работает на) the computer,
a) operate b) is operating c) operates
44. He is busy now. He (ищет) a job as a computer programmer,
a) look for b) looks for c) is looking for
45. Don't be in a hurry Г He (покупает) the tickets at the
booking office.
a) buy b) buys c) is buying
46. She is busy now. She (присматривает) the children.
a) look after b) looks after c) is looking after
47. When she (мыла) the dishes, she broke the plate.
a) washed up b) was washing up c) has washed up
48. Come to see me. I (отдыхаю) now.
a) have a rest b) am having a rest c) had a rest
49. Why ... you (куришь) here?
a) are ...smoking b) do...smoke c) does...smoke
50. She (стирала) the linen (белье), when he came.
a) washed b) was washing c) has washed

Времена группы Perfect
в Active Voice
правильные глаголы
(to have) + III форма глагола +ed
(Participle II)
неправильные глаголы
(особые формы)
Настоящее время группы Perfect

+ III форма глагола

Утвердительная форма:
I/we/you/they have worked/won... Я/мы/вы/они работал/выиграл
He/she/ has worked/won... Он/она работал/выиграл

Вопросительная форма:
Have I/we/you/they worked/won...?
Has he/she worked/won...?

Отрицательная форма:
I/we/you/they have not (haven't) worked/won...
He/she has not (hasn't) worked/won...

1. С наречиями настоящего времени: today сегодня, this
week/month/year на этой неделе/в этом месяце/в этом году и др.:
The postman has come Почтальон приходил
this morning. в это утро.
2. С наречиями неопределенного времени: just только что, not yet
еще не, ever когда-нибудь, never никогда, recently недавно, lately
последнее время и др.:
The train has just arrived. Поезд только что прибыл.
I have never been to Scotland. Я никогда не был в Шотландии.

При указании точного времени с наречиями прошедшего вре­

мени (yesterday вчера, last week/month/year на прошлой неделе/в

прошлом месяце/в прошлом году, some years ago несколько лет то­
му назад обязательно употребление The Past Indefinite/Simple:
The train arrived five Поезд прибыл пять минут
minutes ago. тому назад.

3. Как результат действия:

Не has broken his pencil. Он сломал карандаш,
(результат - нечем писать)

4. Для связи прошлого с настоящим (часто с предлогами since с, с

тех пор, как; for в течение):
I have lived in Moscow Я живу в Москве (в течение)
for twenty years. 20 лет.
Since - с тех пор (наречие)
She finished school Она окончила школу много лет тому
many years ago and I назад, и я не видела ее с тех пор.
have not'seen her since.
Since - с (предлог), указывает на начальный момент действия, на­
чавшегося в прошлом и продолжающегося в момент речи.
I have been ill since Я больна (болею) со среды (и сейчас
Wednesday. еще больна).

1. Не has left today. Он уехал сегодня.
2.1 have seen him this week. Я видела его на этой неделе.
3. They have not done their Они не сделали домашнюю ра­
homework today. боту сегодня.
4. She has just gone out. Она только что вышла.
5. We have never been to Мы никогда не были в
America. Америке.
6. Have you ever been to Вы когда-нибудь были в
Great Britain? Великобритании?
7. Have you begun the talks Вы уже начали переговоры?
8. How long have you been Сколько вы уже здесь?
9. We have set up a joint Мы создали совместное
venture. предприятие.
10. Have you lived here all Вы живете здесь всю жизнь?
your life?

П р о ш е д ш е е в р е м я г р у п п ы Perfect
( T h e P a s t Perfect T e n s e )
I had + Ш форма глагола 1
Утвердительная форма:
I/he/she/we/you/they had worked/won...
Я/он/она проработал/победил...
Вопросительная форма:
Had I/he/she/we/you/they worked/won...?
Отрицательная форма:
I/he/she/we/you/they had not (hadn't) worked/won...
1. Когда указан момент времени, к которому закончилось дейст­
вие в прошлом:
By 9 o'clock we had (we'd) К 9 часам мы закончили
finished the work. работу.
2. Когда действие в прошлом имело место ранее другого дейст­
When we arrived, he had Когда мы прибыли, он уже
left. уехал.
3. В косвенной речи для передачи настоящего времени группы
Perfect и прошедшего группы Indefinite/Simple.
Не said he had studied Он сказал, что изучал
English for two years. английский язык два года.
1. We had arrived by 10 o'clock.Мы прибыли к 10 часам.
2. The train had already left Поезд уже ушел, когда мы
when we came to the station, приехали на станцию.
3.1 realized that somebody Я понял, что кто-то
had been there. был там.
4. Mom had made dinner when I Мама уже приготовила обед,
came home. когда я пришла домой.
5. The children had decorated Дети украсили стол к
the table by the time we тому времени, когда мы
returned. вернулись.
6. They had done shopping by Они сделали покупки к
the end of the day. концу дня.
7. He spoke English much better Он говорил по-английски
after he had visited England,гораздо лучше после того
как посетил Англию.
8. She had watered the flowers Она полила цветы прежде
before she left home. чем ушла из дома.

9. The workers had built school Рабочие построили школу
by the 1 st of September. к 1 Сентября.
10. They had bought flowers Они купили цветы перед
before they visited their тем как навестили своих
friends. друзей.

Будущее время группы Perfect

(The Future Perfect Tense)

shall have —.
will have I + III форма глагола
41 have J

Утвердительная форма:
I/we shall have/will have/'ll have worked/won
Я/мы.... поработаю/завоюю...
He/she/you/they will have/'ll have worked/won

Вопросительная форма:
Shall/will I/we have worked/won...?
Will he/she/you/they have worked/won...?
Отрицательная форма:
I/we shall not (shan't)/will not (won't) have worked/won...
He/she/you/they will not (won't) have worked/won...
1) когда указан момент времени, к которому совершится дейст­
вие (часто с обстоятельствами времени): by then к тому времени, by
the end of к концу, by... o'clock к ...часу:
By 2 o'clock we'll have К двум часам мы уже обсудим
discussed all the problems. все проблемы.
2) когда есть другое действие, более позднее (в Present
When you come I shall have Когда ты придешь, я уже буду
been ready. готова.
Будущее время группы Perfect часто заменяется будущим
временем группы Indefinite/Simple.
1.1 shall have taken a shower Я приму душ к 9 часам завтра
by 9 o'clock tomorrow тог- утром,
2. Не will have decorated the Он украсит стол к 6 часам,
table by 6 o'clock.

3. When you come I'll have Когда вы придете, я уже .
taken the linen ['linin] отнесу белье в прачечную.
(белье) to the laundry.
4. By the end of June the К концу июня студенты уже
students will have taken сдадут экзамены.
their exams.
5.1 won't have finished the Я не закончу доклад к
report by Wednesday. среде.
6. She will have cooked dinner Она приготовит обед к
by your coming. вашему приходу.
7. When you come I shall have Когда вы приедете, я
booked the tickets for you. уже закажу билеты для вас.
8. The workers will have built Рабочие построят школу к
school by the 1st of Sep­ 1 сентября.
9. We shall have watered the Мы польем цветы перед тем
flowers before we leave как уйдем из дома.
10. He'll have come to the Он приедет в аэропорт к
airport by 8 o'clock. 8 часам.

ТЕСТ № 3 на времена группы PERFECT

Выберите форму глагола, эквивалентную русской:
1.1... already ... (пообедал),
a) has...had dinner b) have...had dinner c) had...had
2. Nick (пришел) from the Institute by 5 o'clock.
a) has come b) have come c) had come
3.1... never (играл) hockey. .
a) have played b) had played c) has played
4.1 (был) in the theatre two times this month.
a) had been b) has been c) have been
5. By 10 o'clock I... already (вернулся) from the theatre,
a) have come b) had come c) came
6.... you ever (бывали) there?
a) were b) was c) have...been
7.1 (перевел) five sentences by 3 o'clock.
a) translated b) had translated c) have translated
8.1 (перевел) five sentences before he returned.
a) translated b) had translated c) have translated
9. By 6 o'clock I (перевел) only two sentences.

a) had translated b) have translated c) translated
10. You (сделали) five mistakes in the dictation.
a) made b) had made c) have made
11. This week I (прочитал) 20 pages of home reading.
a) had read b)read c) have read
12.... you (поздравили) Mike today?
a) did:. .congratule b) have.. .congratulated c) had.. .congratulatedi
13.1 (поздравил) him before he came to the Institute.
a) congratulated b) was congratulating c) had congratulatedi
14.1 (потерял) my watch.
a) lost b) have lost c) had lost
15. He said that he (потерял) his watch.
a) had lost b) lost c) has lost
16.1 (работал) in the library this week.
a) worked b) was working c) have worked
17. By noon the rain (прекратился).
a) stopped b) had stopped c) has stopped
18. He showed us the picture which we ... never (не видели),
a) did see b) have...seen c) had...seen
19.... you (видели) a new film?
a) did...see b) have...seen c) had seen
20.1 (не видел) it yet.
a) haven't seen b) didn't see c) hadn't seen
21.1... just (сказал) him about it.
a) had told b)told c)havetcld
22.... you already (просмотрел) all the material?
a) had... looked through b) have ... looked through c) did... look
23.1 (просмотрел) all the material before I began writing
the composition.
a) had looked through b) looked through c) have looked
24. He said that he (нашел) the copy book.
a) has found Б) found c) had found
25. He said that he (не видел) his key.
a) didn't see b) hadn't seen c) hasn't seen
26.1... (не читал) the book yet.
a) didn't read b) haven't read c) was not reading
27.1 (закончил) my work.
a) have finished b) finished c) had finished
28. The director (подписал) the letter. Can you send it?
a) had signed b) signed c) has signed
29. He (не получил) any letters from her this week.

a) hadn't received b) didn't receive c) hasn't received
30. He (получил) some letters from her this week.
a) received b) have received c) has received
31.... you ever (были) to the Caucasus?
a) had ... been b) were c) have ... been
32.1 (пришла) home by 6 o'clock.
a) came b) had come c) has come
33. He told me that he (купил) a radio set.
a) bought b) had bought c) has bought
34. The train (уйдет) by the time we get to the station.
a) will be leaving b) will have left c) will leave
35. By 2006 they (переедут) to a new flat.
a) will move b) will have moved c)move
36. What books ... you (прочитали) this year?
a) were... reading b) have...read c) did...read
37. He (вернулся) home by 6 o'clock.
a) returned b) has returned c) had returned
38. How many books ... you (прочитали) this summer?
a) have...read b) did., .read c) had...read
39. By the end of the year the writer (закончил) to write his new book,
a) had finished b) was finishing c) finished
40. He (прочитал) a hundred pages already.
a) read b) had read c) has read
41. The teacher asked the students if they (сделали) their homework,
a) had done b)did c) were doing
42. My sister (переехала) to a new flat by the end of the year,
a) had moved b) moved c) has moved
43.1... (не обедал) dinner today.
a) haven't had b) didn't have c) hadn't had
44. They (пообедают) dinner by 6 o'clock.
a) will have b) will be having c) will have had
45. He ... just (сделел) his report.
a) was making b) made c) has made
46. He ... never (делал) such interesting reports.
a) was...making b) has...made c) has...been making
47. By the time you come we (вернемся).
a) shall have returned b) shall be returning c) shall return
48.... you ever (играли) cricket?
a) Did...play b) Havc.played c) Were playing
49. He (сыграл) two games of tennis when I came.
a) played b) had played c) was playing
50. We (прочитали) three funny stories this week.
a re
) ad b) have read c) had read

Времена группы Perfect Continuous/Progressive
Образуются по формуле:

(to have) been + основа глагола + ing

(IV форма глагола)

Настоящее время группы Perfect Continuous/Progressive

в Active Voice
Образуются по формуле:
•+ been+ основа глагола + ing
Утвердительная форма:
I/we/you/they have been working... Я/мы/вы/они работаю ...
He/she has been working... Он/она работает...
Вопросительная форма:
Have I/we/you/they been working...?
Has he/she been working...?
Отрицательная форма:
I/we/you/they have not (haven't) been working...
He/she has not (hasn't) been working...
Употребляется для обозначения действия, которое началось в
прошлом и все еще продолжается (часто со словами since с, for в
Oh, here's my umbrella. О, это мой зонтик.
I've been looking for it Я ищу его давно.
for a long time.
He has been living here Он живет здесь с
since his childhood. детства.
Present Perfect Continuous/Progressive может заменяться Preser
I have worked/have been Я работаю на этой фирме
working for this firm 15 лет.
for 15 years.

Past и Future Perfect Continuous/Progressive употребляются

редко. Их вытесняют слова: then затем, потом, afterwards потом,
позже и др.

1. Не has been studying Он учится в институте
at the Institute since с 1998 года.

2. They have been learning Они учат английский язык
English for 5 years. пять лет.
3. He has been driving for Он водит машину тридцать
30 years. лет.
4. She has been teaching Она преподает в институте
at the Institute for сорок лет.
40 years.
5.1 have been knitting the Я вяжу свитер в течение
sweater for 2 months. 2-х месяцев.
6. They have been speaking Они говорят на английском
English since their языке с детства.
7. How long have you been Сколько вы учите английский
studying English? язык? /
8. She has been writing Она пишет стихи с детства.
poems since her
9. He has been working at Он работает на одном (и том же)
the same plant for 35 заводе тридцать пять
years. лет.
10. They have been solving Они решают задачу три
the problem for 3 hours. часа.

ТЕСТ № 4 на времена группы PERFECT


Выберите форму глагола, эквивалентную данной:

1. How long ... you (читаешь) this book?

a) are ...reading b) do ... read c) have ...been reading
2. Since when ... they (играют) golf?
a) have...been playing b) do...play c) are...playing
3. He (ищет) his copy book since morning.
a) is looking for b) has been looking for c) looks for
4.1 (жду) my sister for a long time,
a) am waiting for b) have been waiting for c)wait for
5. He (живет) in Moscow for five years.
a) is living b) lives c) has been living
6. The students (слушают) the tape for half an hour.
a) have been listening to b) had listened to c) are listening to
7. He (делает) his report for an hour.
a) is making b) has been making c) has made
8. How long ... he (делает) his report?
a) has been making b) have been making c) is making

9. How long... he (спит)?
a) does ... sleep b) has...been sleeping c) is sleeping
10. Since when... he (работает) there?
a) dees... work b) has...been working c) is working
11.1 (жду) you since morning,
a) am waiting for b) have been waiting for c) wait for
12. Some people all over the country (жалуются) of the cost of food >
a) are complaining b) complain c) have been complaining
13. The only trams still in use in Britain are in Blackpool.
They (ходят) along the sea front for more than a hundred years,
a) are running b) have been running c)run
14. Scotland (теряет) population to emigration for decades.
a) have been losing b) has been losing c) are losing
15.1 (пользуюсь) this shampoo for a long time,
a) use b) have been using c) am using
16. In the USA and Britain there are soap operas that (идут) for 20
years or more.
a) has been running b) have been running c) are running
17. Big Ben, the voice (голос) of London, (говорит) the time to the
second since 1859.
a) have been telling b) has been telling c) tells
18. The people of Ireland (борются) against English domination (roc
подства) for over 800 years.
a) are struggling b) have been struggling c)struggle
19. He (работает) for this firm for 14 years.
a) works b) is working c) has been working
20.1 (рисую) since I can remember.
a) am painting b) paint c) have been painting
21. He (переводит) the article since morning.
a) translate b) translates c) has been translating
22.1 (собираю) coins for 5 years.
a) collect b) am collecting c) have been collecting
23. Tourists (посещают) Niagara Falls in large numbers since the
a) has been visiting b) have been visiting c) are visiting
24. It (идет дождь) since Monday. .
a) have been raining b) has been raining c) is raining
25. How long... you (учите) English?
a) are learning b) has been learning c) have been learning;
26. You look hot.
- Yes, I (бегаю) for half an hour.
a) have been running b) has been running c) am running
27. You are very late.
- Yes, I (еду) here for an hour and a half.

a) am going b) have been going c) has been going
28.1 (лежу) in bed since Sunday,
a) am lying b) have been lying c)lie
29. You look tired.
- 1 (печатаю) letters since morning.
a) type b) am typing c) have been typing
30. Are you busy?
- Yes, I (работаю в саду) for some hours.
a) am gardening b) garden c) have been gardening
31. Aren't you hungry?
- No, I (ем) all day long.
a) have been eating b) am eating c) eat
32. You look tired.
- Yes, I (крашу) the house since morning.
a) paint b) have been painting c) am painting
33. Are you thirsty?
- Yes, it is very hot and I (пью) all day long.
a) have been drinking b) am drinking c) drink
34. He (играет) cricket professionaly for 10 years.
a) plays b) is playing c) has been playing
35. She (стирает) clothes for two hours.
a) has been washing b) is washing c) washes
36. We (строим) the house for a month.
a) have been building b) are building c) build
37. We (строим) the house since last year.
a) build b) have been building c) are building
38. We (мечтаем) about buying a new car for many years.
a) dream b) are dreaming c) have been dreaming
39. Where are the buses?
-1 (жду) for 30 minutes.
a) wait b) am waiting c) have been waiting
40. Hammer, a famous rap singer, (дает) concerts all over the world
for some years.
a) has been giving b) gives c) is giving
41.1 (не сомкнул глаз/ не сплю) all the night.
a) was not sitting up b) have not been sitting up c) didn't sit up
42. It (идет дождь) every day since we came here.
a) is raining b) has been raining e) rains
43. Charli Chaplin (заставляет) us laugh ever since his first film in
a) make b) have been making c) has been making
44.1 (с нетерпением жду) to it for a long time.
a) look forward b) am looking forward c) have been
looking forward
45. Hammer, a rap singer, took his name and (пользуется) it ever since.

a) has been using b) is using c) use
46.1 (занимаюсь) aerobics for 5 months.
a) have been doing b) am doing c) do
47. He (соблюдает диету) for 3 months.
a) diets b) is dieting c) has been dieting
48. My grandson (чистит) his teeth with Colgate tooth paste since he
was a child.
a) has been brushing b) is brushing c) brushes
49. He (не курит) since last month.
a) isn't smoking b) doesn't smoke c) hasn't been smoking
50. We (повторяем) all English Tenses for three weeks.
a) revise b) are revising c) have been revising
А теперь для закрепления и систематизации времен, еще раз
ознакомьтесь с таблицами и выполните следующие тесты, употреб­
ляя разные времена.
Таблица I. Система времен в английском языке
Indefinite/ Continuous/ Perfect Perfect
Simple Progressive Continuous/
Группы Progressive
Неопределен­ Длительные Совершенные Совершен­
ные ные/
Длительные E
Времена I II III
Настоящее write (writes) am-S haven have-IV I
PRESENT is H-writing +written +been+J
are-* has—* writing
has —
1. usually, 1. now, 1. ever, never, 1. for 5 years,
always, at this already, yet, for a week/
often, seldom moment lately, just, month/year
2. после if, after
when, after, 2. в настоя­ 2. today, 2. since
before, till, щий this week/ yesterday,
as soon as период month/year since 5
(в обстоят. времени (если время o'clock
предлож. не истекло)
времени и
3. с глаголами: 3. с глаголами: 3. How long?
to see, to be, to know, Since
hear, want (вместо when?
leave, start Perfect

Прошед­ wrote was
шее +writing had written had
PAST were been+writing
1. yesterday, 1. at noon, 1. by the end l.for5
last week/ at that of the year, years
month/year, moment, by that time,
in 1980 at 5 o'clock by 5 o'clock
2. с вопрос. 2. all day 2. when you 2. for
словом long, came several
"when" the whole hours
all day
3. для выраже­ 3. when he 3. для выраже­
ния ряда по­ came ния предше­
следователь­ ствующего
ных действий действия в
Будущее shall/will + shall be/ shall have/ shall have/
FUTURE write will be + will have + will have +
writing written been +
1. tomorrow, 1. at 5 o'clock 1. by 5 o'clock 1. for 7 hours
next week/ tomorrow (tomor­ when you
month/ year, row) come
in 2015
2. in a year, 2. all day 2. by the
in 2 days long, 2. by the 1st of June
from 5 time you
till 6 come
3. when you
ТЕСТ № 5 на все времена:
Выберите обстоятельство, которое можно употребить в данном
1. The students are writing a dictation
a) now b) every morning c) every day
2.1 have finished my work
a) today b) yesterday c) last week
3. He gets up early
a) always b) already c)just
4.1 shall be working
a) tomorrow b) next week c) when you come

5. He received a letter
a) today b) yesterday с) this week
6.1 was doing my homework
a) yesterday b) for 2 hours c) at 3 o'clock yesterday
7. It was raining
a) yesterday b) last week c) all day long
8. It has been snowing
a) yesterday b) since 3 o'clock c) at 3 o'clock
9. It has stopped raining
a) always b) just c) by 3 o'clock
10. The workers had built a new school
a) last year b) last month c) by the New Year
11. They have been studying in Moscow
a) for 5 years b) 5 years ago c) now
12. We have been here.
a) now b) all day long c) since early morning
13.1... get up early
a) seldom b) now c) at 9 o'clock
14. We shall go to the cinema
a) tomorrow b) by 6 o'clock c)now
15.1 have ... been to London
a) never b) in 1980 % c) usually
16. We shall have translated the text
a) at 3 b) at 3 o'clock c) by 3 o'clock
17. They are having breakfast
a) always b) since 8 o'clock c) at this moment
18. They came to Moscow
a) already b) last week c)just
19. The train had left
a) an hour ago b) when you came c) yesterday
20. He-has been reading the book
a) just b) for 2 days c) yesterday
21. The children play football in the yard
a) usually b)now c)just
22. We shall go to the country
a) tomorrow b) by 3 o'clock c) now
23.1 shall be writing my exercises
a) tomorrow b) since 2 o'clock c) all day long
24. Have you received a letter from her?
a) already b) always c) yesterday
25. What are you doing?
a) now b) always c) since early morning
26.1 shall send him a letter
a) tomorrow b) tomorrow at 3 c) by 3 o'clock
27. The boys were fishing
a) yesterday b) lately c) at that time

28. We have had dinner
a) often b) half an hour ago c)just
29. They have been getting ready for the lesson
a) yesterday b) since 5 o'clock c) all day yesterday
30. We were walking along the river
a) yesterday b) a minute ago c) at that moment
31. Mike was working in the garden
a) for 3 hours b) all day long c) yesterday
32.1 have read a newspaper
a) now b) today c) an hour ago
33. Mom had come home
a) just b) by that time c) at that time
34. Tom has been doing his homework
a) today b) since morning c)now
35. We went to the cinema
a) today b) this week c) last week
36.1 was reading
a) yesterday b) from 5 till 7 c) for 2 hours
37. The writer will have finished writing his play
a) tomorrow b) next month c) by the end of the month •
3 8. He has been at his work
a) at 9 b) since 9 o'clock c) all day long
39.... have you known him?
a) when b) since when c) since
40.1 have been watching TV ...
a) by 5 b) for 5 hours c) the whole evening
41. We had finished our work
a) at 5 b) by that time c) at that moment
42.1 saw this film
a) this week b) 2 days ago c) this month
43. We shall be having dinner
a) tomorrow b) when you come c) by the time you come
44. We have listened to the radio
a) just b) always c) usually
45.1 saw my friend
a) today b) yesterday c) just
46. We shall have had dinner
a) tomorrow b) at that time c) by the time you come
47. They will be discussing the question
a) tomorrow b) for 2 hours c) when you come
48. They have been playing chess
a) now b) since 5 o'clock c) at 5 o'clock
49. They had had dinner
a) yesterday b) by 5 o'clock c) from 5 till 6
50. He was listening to the radio
a) yesterday b) at 4 o'clock c) since 4 o'clock yesterday
Таблица II. Временные формы английского глагола
I. Indefinite/ II. Continuous III. Perfect IV. Perfect
Группы Simple /Progressive Continuous/

Неопределен­ Длительные Совершенные Совершенные/

ные/простые Длительные
(факт, регу­ (действие в (действие, (длительное
Времена лярное дейст­ процессе) завершенное действие)
вие, свойст­ к опреденно-
венное под­ му моменту)
Настоящее write, writes
am/is/are + have/has + have/has +
PRESENT writing written
been + writing
Что делает? Что делает? Что сделал? Что делаЭ^'
(вообще) (в момент (к настояще­(в течение
разговора, в му определен­
настоя-щий моменту) ного периода
период вре­ времени
мени) в прошлом)
Прошедшее wrote was/were + had written had been +
PAST writing writing
Did you Что делал? Что сделал? Что делал?
write? (в опреде­ (к опреде­ (в течение
Что делал, ленный ленному определен­
сделал? момент в моменту в ного
(в прошлом) прошлом) прошлом) периода вре­
в прошлом)
Будущее shall(will) + shall(will) be shall(will) shall(will)
FUTURE write + writing have writ­ have +
ten been +
Что будет Что будет Что сделает? Что будет
делать? делать? делать?
(в будущем) (в опреде­ (к опреде­ (в течение
ленный ленному определен­
моменте моменту в ного периода
будущем) будущем) времени
в будущем)

Определите в каком Предложении, нужно поставить глагол при
переводе предложения на английский язык.
1. Если я буду свободен, я пойду с вами.
a) shall be free b) will be free c) am free
2. После того как я выполню упражнение, я буду свободен,
a) shall do b)do с) will do
3. Спросите Пита, поедет ли он с нами.
a) will go b)goes с) go
4. Вы обсудили план похода со своими друзьями?
a) did you discuss b) have you discussed c) had you discussed
5. Мы уже обсудили план похода, когда вы нам позвонили,
a) discussed b) have discussed с) had discussed
6. Они обсуждали план похода, когда мы пришли.
a) discussed b) were discussing с) have discussed
7. Как долго вы обсуждаете план похода?
a) do you discuss b) are you discussing c) have you been dis­
8. Мы обсудим план похода завтра.
a) shall discuss b) shall be discussing c) shall have discussed
9. Я только что закончил писать письмо.
a) have finished b) had finished с) finished
10. Я писал письмо с 2-х до 3-х.
a) had written b) wrote с) was writing
11. Я написал письмо к 11 часам.
a) had written b) have written с) wrote
12. Я писал письмо, когда он пришел.
a) wrote b) was writing с) had written
13. Я пишу письмо с 2-х часов.
a) am writing b) write с) have been writing
14. Когда ты писал письмо?
a) did you write b) were you writing c) have you written
15. Я хочу узнать, когда придет председатель.
a) will come b) comes с) has come
16. Когда председатель придет, я поговорю с ним.
a) comes b) will come с) has come
17. Как только вы придете, мы обсудим этот вопрос,
a) will come b) have come с) come
18. Почему вы надели пальто? Сегодня тепло.
a) did you put on b) have you put on c) had you put on
19. Я жду своего друга сейчас.
a) wait for b) am waiting for c) have been waiting for
20. Как долго вы его ждете?
a) do you wait for b) are you waiting for c) have you been waiting for

21. Я знаю его с детства,
a) know b) have known с) knew
22. Я ждал вас в три часа вчера,
a) waited for b) was waiting for с) have been waiting for
23. Я ждал вас весь день,
a) waited for b) have waited for c) was waiting for
24. Кто это разговаривает с директором?
a) speaks b) has spoken с) is speaking
25. Он разговаривал с директором, когда я вошел.
a) spoke b) had spoken с) was speaking
26. Когда вы разговаривали с директором?
a) did you speak b) have you spoken c) were you speaking
27. Позвоните ему. Он еще не спит,
a) does not sleep b) isn't sleeping с) hasn't been sleeping
28. С каких пор он живет в Москве?
a) has been living b) lives с) is living
29. Он приходит сюда раз в неделю,
a) is coming b) comes с) has come
30. Майк изучает французский,
a) has studied b) is studying с) studies
31. Он изучает французский с детства,
a) has studied b) has been studying c) studies
32. Мы изучали французский в школе,
a) studied b) has studied с) had studied
.33. Мы уже пришли домой, когда пошел дождь.
a) have come b) had come с) came
34. Он сказал, что они уже пришли домой
a) came b) have come c) had come
3 5. Они пришли домой?
a) have they come b) did they come c) had they come
36. Мой брат живет в Киеве,
a) has lived b) lives c) is living
37. С каких пор он там живет?
a) has been living b) lives с) had lived
38. Он живет там три года,
a) lives b) has been living c) had lived
39. Он работает с 5-ти часов,
a) has been working b) works c) is working
40. Он работает весь день,
a) is working b) has been working c) works
41. Он работает на заводе,
a) is working b) has been working c) works
42. Мызакончим работу к 5-ти часам,
a) shall finish b) shall have finished c) shall be finishing
43. Мы закончим работу, если вы нам поможете.
a) will help b) help с) will have helped

44. В это время мы будем плыть по Волге.
a) will be sailing b) will sail c) will have sailed
45. Я еще буду работать, когда вы вернетесь.
a) shall work b) shall be working c) shall have worked
46. Я буду работать в два часа.
a) shall work b) shall be working c) shall have worked
47. Подождите меня, я скоро вернусь.
a) shall have come back b) shall be coming back c) shall come back
48. Если он не придет завтра, пошлите ему телеграмму,
a) will not come b) does not come c) has not come
49. Он пришел до того, как мы пришли.
a) has come b) came с) had come
50. Телеграмма пришла, когда я выходил из дома,
a) left b) had left с) was leaving

Таблица III. Соотнесенность обстоятельственных слов и словосоче­

таний с временными формами глагола

I Indefinite/ II. Continu- III. Perfect IV. Perfect

Группы Simple ous/Progressi Continuous/
ve Progressive
Неопределен­ Совершенные
Времена ные Длительные Совершенные Длительные
Настоящее 1. usually, 1. now, 1. ever, never, 1. for 5 years,
PRESENT always, at this mo­ yet, already, for a month,
often, seldom ment lately, just for two weeks
2. после if, (в настоя­ 2. today, this 2. since
when, щий week/month/ yesterday,
before, after, период year (если since 5
as soon as, времени) период не o'clock
till (в прида­ истек) 3. how long,
точных об­ 3. с глагола­ since when
стоятельст­ ми to be, (в вопросах)
венных пред­ to know
ложениях) (вместо
3. с глаголами Perfect
to see, hear, Continuous)
want, under­
4. с глаголами
to leave, start
(о будущем

Прошед­ 1. yesterday, 1. at 5 O'clock, 1. by the end 1. for 5
шее last week, at noon, of the year, years,
PAST an hour ago, at that mo­ by that time for a long
in 1980 ment, 2. when you time
2. с вопрос. at that time came
словом 2. all day long, 3. для выра­
"when" all day жения
3. для выраже­ yesterday предшест­
ния ряда по­ the whole вующего
следователь­ evening действия в
ных действий 3. when you (he) придаточ­
в прошлом) came ных до­
Будущее 1. tomorrow, 1. at 5 o'clock 1. by 5 1. for 7 hours,
FUTURE next week, tomorrow o'clock when you
next year 2. all day long 2. by the time come
2. in a year, tomorrow, you come 2. by the 1st
• in a week from 5 till 6 of June
3. в придаточ­ 3. when you
ных допол­ come
I don't know
when he will

ТЕСТ № 7
Заполните пропуски глаголами в требуемом по смыслу време­
ни. Выберите соответствующую форму.

1. Не ... tennis well.

a) plays b) is playing с) has played
2. Look! He ... tennis so well. •
a) play b) is playing c) will play
3. How long ... he ... tennis?
a) is... playing b) has ...been playing c) plays
4. How long ... you ... English?
a) have ... studied b) did ... studied c) have ... been studying
5. When ... you ... studying English? ,
a) have ... begun b) did... begin c) had begun

6.... you ... English at school?
a) Did ... study b) Have ... studied c) Were... studying
7.1... already ... a thousand English words.
a) have been...learning b) have... learnt c) has... learnt
8. How long ... you (учите) English words?
a) did ... learn b) have... learnt c) have ... been learning
9. How many words ... you ... last year?
a) have ... learnt b) did ... learn c) had ...learnt
10. We ... ready for our exam early morning tomorrow.
a) shall get b) shall be getting c) shall have been getting
11. When ... you ... your examination?
a) will... have b) will.. .have had c) will...be having
12. At 3 o'clock I... still... my examination,
a) shall have b) shall have had c) shall be having
13.1 don't know when I... him.
a) shall have seen b) see c) shall see
14. When I... him, I shall speak to him.
a) see b) shall see c) shall have seen
15. If he ... we shall discuss this question,
a) will come b) comes c) has come
16. I shall go to bed when I... my work.

a) shall finish b) finish c) shall be finishing

17. He will give you the book as soon as he ... it.
a) will read b) reads
18.1 shall stay here till he ... c) will be reading
a) will return b) returns
19.1... to him yesterday. c) will be returning
a) had spoken b) have spoken
20.1...just ...to him. c) spoke
a) have spoken b) had spoken
21. When ... you ... to him? c)spoke
a) was ... speaking b) have ... spoken
22. He ... the hotelan hour ago. c) did...speak
a) has left b) left
23. When ... he ... the hotel? c) was leaving
a) did ... leave b) has ... left
24. When I saw Trim he ... the hotel. c) had left
a)left b) had left
25.1... in London last year. c) was leaving

a) was b) have been c) had been
26.1... never... him.
a) had... seen b) did... see c) have ...seen
27.... you... him tomorrow?
a) will... meet b) will... have met c) will be meeting
28. Don't make noise! He ...
a) works b) is working c) has been working
29. Since when ... he...?
a) does work b) is ...working c) has... been working
30. He always ... in the morning.
a) works b) is working c) has been working
31.1... a very interesting story now.
a) am reading b) read c) have been reading
32.1 often... interesting stories.
a) am reading b) have read c)read
33.1... an interesting story today.
a) read b) am reading c) have read
34. How long... you ... the story?
a) have read b) do ... read c) have...been reading
35.1... the story when he came.
a) read b) was reading c) had read
36. By the time he came I... the story,
a) was reading b)read c) had read
37. He... TV at midnight.
a) watched b) has watched c) was watching
38.1... this film yet.
a) haven't seen b) hadn't seen c) didn't see
39. When she came I TV.
a) was watching b)watched c) had watched
40. What... you ... when I came?
a) did... do b) were... doing c) had done
41.1... a letter from 5 till 6.
a) was writing b) wrote c) had written
42. Since when ... you ... it?
a) was writing b) wrote c) have ...been writing
43. It... when I left the house.
a) was raining b) rained c) had rained
44. The rain ... when I left the house,
a) has stopped b) stopped c) had stopped

45. Don't go out! It...
a) has been raining b) rains c) is raining
46. It... since early morning.
a) rained b) has been raining c) was raining
47. It... for 3 hours.
a) had rained b) has been raining c) was raining
48. Yesterday at noon it cats and dogs.
a) had rained # b) was raining c) rained
4 9 . 1 . . . in the garden at 5 o'clock tomorrow.
a) shall be working b) shall have been working c) shall work
50.1... in the garden when you come.
a) shall be working b) shall work c) am working


Заполните пропуск глагогом в требуемом по смыслу времени:

1.1... for my friend. He'll come soon.

a) am waiting b) have been waiting c)wait
2 . 1 . . . for him every day after classes.
a) am waiting b) have been waiting c)wait
3. How long ... you ... for him?
a) wait b) are ...waiting c) have... been waiting
4. A telegram ... for you. Here it is.
a) arrived b) has arrived c) is arriving
5.1... busy this week.
a) was b) had been c) have been
6. When I saw him, he ... for somebody.
a) waited b) was waiting c) had waited
7 . 1 . . . 10 pages by 5 o'clock.
a) read . b) had read c) have read
8. He... 15 pages today.
a) had read b) read c) has read
9. She... 20 pages by the end of the week.
a) will read b) will have read c) will be reading
10. We ... to the country for the weekend every Friday,
a) go b) are going c) have gone
11.1... him since childhood,
a) know b) have known c)knew

12. When I... home I'll have dinner first,
a) shall come b) have come c) come
13. He ... to the canteen an hour ago.
a) had gone b)went c) has gone
14. They... a test since 10 o'clock,
a) have been writing b) write c) are writing
15. When ... they ... home?
a) did... leave b) have ... left c) had ... left
16. What... you ... at 4 o'clock yesterday?
a) did... do b) were ... doing c) had ... done
17. We ... this story since last week.
a) had read b) have been reading c) were reading
18. The train ...just...
a) has... arrived b) arrived c) had arrived
19.... you ... to the radio today?
a) did... listen b) have ... listened c) had ...listened
20. He ... home by 5 o'clock.
a) had come b) came c) has come
21. They ... TV the whole evening.
a) had watched b) watched c) were watching
22. When I came home the family ... already ...supper,
a) had b) had had c) has had
23. The workers ... a new house by the New Year.
a) will have built b) will be building c) will build
24.1... never... St.Petersburg.
a) visited b) have ... visited c) visit
25. If the rain ... we shall go out.
a) will stop b) has stopped c) stops
26. What... he ... at this moment?
a) is ... doing b) does ... do c) has done
27.1... not... my homework yet.
a) did... finish b) have ... finished c) had ...finished
28. Look! It... heavily!
a) is snowing b) snows c) snowed
29. It... all day yesterday.
a) snowed b) was snowing c) had snowed
30. It... since yesterday.
a) snowed b) had snowed c) has been snowi
31.... you ... your book?

a)Did... find b) Have ... found c) Had... found
32.1... my book an hour ago.
a) had found b) found c) have found
33.1... for it since yesterday,
a) looked b) have been looking c) have looked
34. He... school in 1970.
a) has finished b) had finished c) finished
35. When ... you... school?
a) did...finish b) have...finished c) had...finished
36. When we moved to this town I... already ...school,
a) had finished b) have finished c) finished
37. When I saw him he ... tickets to the theatre.
a) bought b) was buying c) has bought
38. Mother... dinner when you come.
a) will have cooked b) will cook c) cooks
39. Tom ... from 5 till 7.
a) skated b) was skating c) had skated
40. Who ... in that room?
a) is speaking b) speaks c) has spoken
41. We usually ... breakfast at 8.
a) are having b) have c) has had
42.1 ...just... my homework.
a) have ... done b) did c) am doing
43. She ... English at the Institute.
a) has taught b) is teaching c) teaches
44. Since when ... she ... English at the Institute?
a) did... teach b) had... taught c) has... been teaching
45. My brother... school next year.
a) will finish b) has finished c) finishes
46. When you entered the Institute she ... there,
a) taught b) had taught c) teach
47. He seldom ... to bed so late.
a) has gone b) goes c) is going
48. When ... you ... a new flat?
a) did... get b) have ... got c) had...got
49. We ... here for 2 hours.
a) were b) have been c) had been
50. Hello! Where ... you...?
a) are ... going b) have ... gone c) do ... go
Пассивный залог (The Passive Voice)
Времена группы Indefinite/Simple, Continuous/Progressive и
Perfect помимо активного залога имеют форму пассивного залога.

Времена группы Indefinite/Simple в пассивном залоге

Пассивный залог времен группы Indefinite/Simple образуется из:

(to be) + III форма глагола (Participle II)

Пассивный залог употребляется, когда лицо или предмет дейст­

вия очевидны или несущественны, либо когда действие или его
результат более интересны, чем исполнитель.
Подлежащее в предложении с глаголом в пассивном залоге не
совершает действие, а является объектом ч.-го либо действия. Ср.:

Активный залог Пассивный залог

The workers built the house The house was built (by the
last year. workers) last year.
Рабочие построили дом в прош­ Дом (был) построен (рабочими)
лом году. в прошлом году.

Подлежащее (рабочие) активно, Подлежащее (дом) обозначает

т.е. само производит действие, объект, созданный строителя­
поэтому сказуемое (built) вы­ ми, т.е. оно пассивно (не
ражено глаголом в активном за­ само производит действие),
логе. поэтому сказуемое (was built)
выражено глаголом в пассивном

Вернемся к формуле пассивного залога. Глагол (to be) изме­

няется по лицам, числам и временам:

формы настоящего времени: формы прошедшего времени:

I am ед. ч. мн.ч.
He/she/it is
We ' I " We


You are He You were

They J She was They
формы будущего времени:
I/we shall be ('11 be)/will be ('11 be)
He/she/it you/they will be ('11 be)

В III форме правильные глаголы прибавляют окончание +ed,
как и во II форме: to help, helped, helped (помогать),
неправильные глаголы образуют II и III формы по-разному:
to take, took, taken (брать)
to give, gave, given (давать)

Present Indefinite/Simple Passive

is + III форма глагола
are J

Утвердительные предложения:
Мне помогают (обычно, всегда, каждый день).
I am helped. Объектом действия являюсь "я" -это подлежащее.
Ему/ей помогают. "Он"/ "Она" - подлежащие.
He/she is helped.
Нам/вам/им помогают. "Мы7"Вы7"Они"- подлежащие.
We/you/they are helped.

Вопросительные предложения:
Am I helped? Is he/she helped? Are we/you/they helped?
(Формы глагола "to be" - am, is, are - выносятся перед

Отрицательные предложения:
I am not helped. He/she is not helped.
We/you/they are not helped.
(Отрицательная частица "not" стоит после формы глагола
"to be" - am, is, are).

Для закрепления материала потренируйтесь в переводе предло­

жений. Убедитесь, что прежде всего,надо знать формы глагола
"to be" - am, is, are и три формы неправильных глаголов:

1. Книги не продаются здесь,
to sell, sold, sold (продавать)
Books are not sold here.
2. Много писем посылают каждый день,
to send, sent, sent (посылать)
A lot of letters are sent every day.

3. Их всегда видят на собраниях,
to see, saw, seen (видеть)
They are always seen at the meetings.
4. Его видят здесь каждый день.
Не is seen here every day.
5. Ему обычно переводят статьи,
to translate (переводить)
Не is usually translated the articles.
6. Нам обычно рассказывают интересные истории,
to tell, told, told (рассказывать)
We are usually told interesting stories.
7. Меня часто спрашивают о вас.
to ask (спрашивать)
I am often asked about you.
8. Их обычно информируют сразу,
to inform (информировать)
They are usually informed at once.
9. Дверь закрыта, to close (закрывать)
The door is closed.
10. Этот дом построен из камня,
to build, built, built (строить)
This house is built of stone.

Past Indefinite/Simple Passive

was —I
+ III форма глагола
were —•
Утвердительные предложения:
I/he/she was asked. Меня/его/ее спросили.
We/you/they were asked. Нас/вас/их спросили
Вопросительные предложения:
Was I/he/she asked?
Were we/you/they asked?
Отрицательные предложения:
I/he/she was not (wasn't) asked.
We/you/they were not (weren't) asked.
1. Мне принесли молоко час тому назад,
to bring, brought, brought (приносить)
I was brought milk an hour ago.
2. Ему купили бумажник на прошлой неделе.

to buy, bought, bought (покупать)
He was bought a wallet last week.
3. За детьми присматривали взрослые,
to look after (присматривать)
The children were looked after by grown ups.
4. На эту книгу часто ссылались,
to refer to (ссылаться на)
This book was often referred to.
5. Ему предложили новую работу,
to offer (предлагать)
He was offered a new job.
6. За ней следовал он.
to follow (следовать за)
She was followed by him.
7. Эта книга была написана известным писателем,
to write, wrote, written (писать)
This book was written by a famous writer.
8. Дом был построен из камня,
to build, built, built (строить)
The house was built of stone.
9. Радио было изобретено много лет тому назад,
to invent (изобретать)
The radio was invented many years ago.
10. Первая радиостанция была построена в 1895 году,
to construct (строить,сооружать)
The first radio station was constructed in 1895.

Future Indefinite/Simple Passive

shall be -
will be + III форма глагола
'11 be

Утвердительные предложения:
I/we shall be/ will be/'ll be asked. Меня/нас спросят.
He/she/you/they will be/'ll be asked. Его/ее/вас/их спросят.
Вопросительные предложения:
Shall/will I/we be asked?
Will he/she/you/they be asked?

Отрицательные предложения:
I/we shall not (shan't)/ will not (won't) be asked.
He/she/you/they will not (won't) be asked.
1. Мне позвонят завтра,
to call (звонить)
I shall be/ will be/11 be called tomorrow.
2. Нас пригласят на вечер послезавтра,
to invite (приглашать)
We shall be/will be/'ll be invited to the party the
day after tomorrow.
3. Наш разговор прервут, если нам позвонят,
to interrupt (прерывать)
Our talk will be/'ll be interrupted if we are called.
( В условном предложении сказуемое должно стоять в
настоящем времени вместо будущего)
4. Книга будет обсуждена нами,
to discuss (обсуждать)
The book will be/'ll be discussed by us.
5. Новую школу скоро откроют на нашей улице,
to open (открывать)
A new school will soon be opened in/on our street.
6. Его встретят на станции.
to meet, met, met (встречать)
He will be/'ll be met at the station
7. Цены будут отрегулированы,
to settle (регулировать, решать)
The prices will be settled.
8. Контракт будет подписан скоро,
to sign (подписывать)
The contract will be signed soon.
9. Когда будет подписан контракт?
When will the contract be signed?
10. Когда будет доставлена почта?
to deliver (доставлять)
When will the mail be delivered?

Выполните тест на бланке и проверьте его по ключу:

TEST № 9

Найдите форму глагола, эквивалентную русской:

1. Music (любят) by many people.

a) is loved b) was loved c) loves
2. Jazz (был изобретен) by Afro-Americans.
a) was invented b) is invented c) invented
3. He (приняли) very well.
a) received b) was received c) were received
4. She (попросили) to translate the text.
a) asked b) is asked c) was asked
5.1 (попросили) to come early,
a) am asked b) asked c) was asked
6. We (пригласили) to the party.
a) are invited b) invited c) were invited
7. They (платят) a lot of money.
a) is pay b) are paid c) pays
8. Golf (играют) by both men and women,
a) is played b) are played c) play
9. (На) He (посмотрели).
a) to look at b) were looked at c) was looked at
10. She (слушали) with great attention.
a) listen to b) was listened to c) are listened to
11. (3a) The doctor (послали).
a) was sent for b) send for c) were sent for
12. (O) The article (говорили).
a) is spoken about b) were spoken about c) was spoken about
13. Festivals (посещаются) by a lot of people.
a) are attended b) attend c) is attended
14. (Будет) the translation (сделан) tomorrow?
a) will be done b) shall be done c) will do
15. Alaska (была продана) to the United States in 1867.
a) is sold b)sell c) was sold
16. Some holidays in America (празднуют) every year,
a) celebrate b) is celebrated c) are celebrated
17. A lot of people (обучаются) in Moscow,
a) is taught b) are taught c) teach
18. Newspapers (приносят) every morning.
a) bring b) is brought c) are brought
19. This book, (продают) in every shop of Moscow,
a) sold b) is sold c) are sold
20. It is probable that in a few year's time Blue Whales (киты) (не
увидят) on our planet.
a) won't be seen b) doesn't see c) won't see
21. Washington,D.C. (расположен) on the East Coast,
a) is located b) are located c) will be located
22. George. Washington (был избран) the first President of the United
a) is elected b) were elected c) was elected
23. The Declaration of Independence (была написана) by Thomas
a) is written b) was written c) will be written
24. The Capitol (окружен) by a beautiful garden with many trees and
a) are surrounded b) is surrounded c) was surrounded
25. Stamps (были введены) in 1840.
a) was introduced b) introduced c) were introduced
26. Britain's name (не было написано) on first Britain stamps,
a) was not written b) were not written c) did not write
27. A new car (был изобретен) in 1885.
a) invented b) were invented c) was invented
28. The first car (был изобретен) by Karl Benz.
a) is invented b) was invented c) were invented
29. The tallest skyscraper (небоскреб) (расположен) in Chicago,
a) is located b) was located c) located
30. The Statue of Liberty in New York (была построена) in 1886.
a) build b) built c) was built
31. Central Park (используется) by thousands of New Yorkers and
visitors every day.
a) is used b)are used c)use
32. Boston, the 5th largest city in the United States (расположен) on
the Atlantic Ocean.
a) locates b) is located c) locate
33. Boston, the capital of Massachusetts, (был заселен) originally by
people from England.
a) was settled b) is settled c) settled
34. The oldest running race (соревнование по бегу) in the United
States, the Boston Marathon (проводят) in Boston each April,
a) hold b) is held c) are held

35. Some of the best known Universities (расположены) in Boston,
a) locate b) located c) are located
36. The oldest University in the United States, Harvard University
(был основан) in 1636.
a) was founded b) is founded c) founded
37. Boston, Massachusetts (был основан) in 1630.
a) was founded b) were founded c) founded
38. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or MTI, (расположен)
in Cambridge, just across the Charles River from Boston.
a) is located b) was located c) located
39. "The Old Man and the Sea", "The Sun Also Rises", and "A
Farewell to Arms" by Hemingway (были сделаны) into films,
a) are made b) were made c) made
40. Wait Disney's Mickey Mouse (был нарисован) in 1928.
a) was drawn b) is drawn c)drew
41. Walt Disney's films (показывают) regularly at the cinema.
a)show b) are shown c) is shown
42. After the Fire of 1666, London (был перестроен),
a) were rebuilt b) was rebuilt c) rebuilt
43. In the Great London Fire of 1666, 3,000 houses and 97 churches
(были разрушены).
a) destroyed b) are destroyed c) were distroyed
44. More than 50 new churches and a large number of houses (были
спроектированы) by Christopher Wren.
a) design b) was designed c) were designed
45. St. Paul's Cathedral (был создан) by Christopher Wren in the
Gothic style.
a) is designed b) was designed c) were designed
46. Westminster Abbey (было основано) in the 11th century,
a) was founded b) were founded c) founded
47. Many of Great Britain's famous men (похоронено) in Westminster
a) bury b) buried c) are buried
48. Oxford University (был создан) in the 12th century,
a) is established b) was established c) established
49. Most of colleges in Oxford (построено) of grey stone,
a) is built b) built c)were built
50. The English language, like all languages, continues to grow. New
words (добавляются) from the dialects and languages of different
a) add b) was added c) are added

Времена группы Continuous/Progressive в пассивном залоге

1 (to be) being + III форма глагола (Participle II)

Present Continuous/Progressive Passive

am — ш
is I + being + III форма глагола
are -J

Утвердительные предложения:
I am being asked Меня спрашивают (сей­
He/she is being asked Его/ее/- спрашивают -"-
We/you/they are being asked Нас/вас/их спрашивают

Вопросительные предложения:
Am I being asked?
Is he/she being asked?
Are we/you/they being asked?

Отрицательные предложения:
I am not being asked. Меня не спрашивают.
He/she is not being asked. Его/ее не спрашивают.
We/you/they are not being asked. Нас/вас/их не спрашивают.

1. Книгу читают сейчас,
to read [ri:d], read [red], read [red] (читать)
The book is being read.
2. Обед готовят сейчас,
to cook (готовить)
Dinner is being cooked.
3. Ее обучают английскому языку сейчас,
to teach, taught, taught (учить, обучать)
She is being taught English.
4. Меня сейчас ждут,
to wait for (ждать)
I am being waited for.
5. Вам сейчас звонят.
to ring up, rang up, rung up (звонить)
You are being rung up.
6. Им сейчас объясняют новое грамматическое правило.
to explain (объяснять)
They are being explained a new grammar rule.
7. Ему сейчас дает частный урок опытный преподаватель,
to give, gave, given (давать)
He is being given a private lesson by an experienced
8. Счеты все еще используются в некоторых частях мира,
to use (использовать, употреблять)
Abacus is still being used in some parts of the world.
9. Его доклад слушают с большим вниманием сейчас,
to listen to (слушать кого-либо; что-либо)
His report is being listened to with great attention.
10. Их сейчас экзаменует комиссия,
to examine (экзаменовать)
They are being examined by the commision.

Past Continuous/Progressive Passive

ед. ч. was
~ J + being + III форма глагола
мн. ч were
Утвердительные предложения:
I/he/she was being asked Меня/его/ее спрашивали в это
We/you/they were being asked Нас/вас/их спрашивали в это

Вопросительные предложения:
Was I/he/she being asked?
Were we/you/they being asked?

Отрицательные преедложения:
I/he/she was not being asked.
We/you/they were not being asked.
1. Его искали вчера весь день,
to look for (искать)
Не was being looked for all day long yesterday.
2. Фильмы смотрели с утра до вечера вчера,
to see, saw, seen (смотреть)
Films were being seen from morning till evening yesterday.
3. Их экзаменовал преподаватель, когда я вошел,
to examine (экзаменовать)
They were being examined by the teacher when I came in.

4. Их инструктировал тренер в то время вчера,
to instruct (инструктировать)
They were being instructed by the trainer at that time yesterday.
5. Статью переводили, пока я готовился к докладу,
to translate (переводить) to prepare (готовиться)
The article was being translated while I was preparing for the report.
6. Этот вопрос обсуждался, когда я вошла в комнату.
This question was being discussed when I entered the room.
7. Товары осматривали, когда мы приехали.
The goods were being examined when we came.
8. Когда они вошли в кабинет, их контракт подписывался дирек­
When they entered the study their contract was being signed by
9. Письмо печаталось секретарем, когда мы вошли в приемную.
The letter was being typed by the secretary when we entered the re­
10. Заказчики принимались менеджером, когда мы позвонили ему.
The customers were being received by the manager when we called

Future Continuous/Progressive Passive (I'll being asked) и др. упот­

ребляются редко и заменяется Future Indefinite/Simple Passive:
I'll be asked - Меня спросят.

Выполните тест на бланке и проверьте его:

TEST № 1 0

Выберите форму, эквивалентную русской:

1. The house (строят) now.

a) is building b) is being built c) is built
2. The student (экзаменуют). Don't enter the room.
a) is being examined b) are being examined c) is examining
3. The plan (обсуждали) when we entered the room.
a)were being discussed b) was being discussed c) was discussing
4. The newspaper (просматривалась) by the students at that time,
a) is being looked through b) was being looked through c) was
looked through
5. New books (печатали) when we came into the hall.
a) were printed b) were being printed c) was being printed

6. The letters (пишут) in the hall now.
a) are being written b) are writing c) write
7. The key (ищут) everywhere, but nobody can find it.
a) look for b) are being looked for c) is being looked for
8. Exercises (пишут) now by the students,
a) write b) are writing с) are being written
9. The roof (красят) now.
a) paints b) is being painted c) are being painted
10. The grass (стригут) now.
a) cut b) is cutting с) is being cut
11. The trees (красили) when they came there.
a) were painted b) were being painted - c) was painted
12. The children (отводят) to the kindergarten now.
a) are taking b) are being taken c) are taken
13. Don't bother them now. Bicycles (ремонтируются) by them,
a) are repaired b) are being repaired c) are repairing
14. Messages (сообщения, поручения) (оставляются) by them now.
a) leave b) are left c) are being left
15. New computers (используются) by them now.
a) are used b) are being used c) use
16. Children (охраняются) at school now.
a) are secured b) secure c) are being secured
17. Letters (доставляются) at the moment,
a) are being delivered b) are delivered c) deliver
18. The radio set (ремонтируют) now.
a) is repaired b) is being repaired c) are being repaired
19. My favourite song (поют) now.
a) sing b) is sung c) is being sung
20. The flowers (поливают) now.
a) are being watered b) water c) are watered
21. A new hotel (строят) in our street now.
a) is built b) is being built c) are being built
22. Tickets for this film (продавались) here from 12 till 13.
a) was being sold b) were being sold c) were sold
23. The report (готовится) by our group now.
a) is being prepared b) is preparing c) is prepared
24. His report (обсуждался) when I came to the meeting.
a) was discussing b) was discussed c) was being discussed

25. New underground lines (строятся) in Moscow now.
a) are building b) are built ,c) are being built
26. Be attentive. The new grammar rule (объясняется) by the teacher,
a) is being explained b) is explained c) is explaining
27. Listen carefully, the report (читается) by our engineer at the
a) speaks b) is being spoken c) is spoken
28. The patient (больной) (оперируется) on by a well-known doctor now.
a) is being operated b) is operating c) operates
29. Not all the people (оплачиваются) at present.
a) are being paid b) are paid c) are paying
30. The lamp (чинят) now.
a) are being fixed b) is being fixed c) is fixed
31. Do you like the way you (обслуживают)?
a) are being served b) is being served c) serve
32. Our luggage (несет) by a porter. Follow him.
a) carries b) are being carried c) is being carried
33. Suddenly I realized that I (говорят) about.
a) were talking b) were being talked c) was being talked
34. Look! Our compartment (купе) (занимают).
a) is being occupied b) are being occupied c) is occupied
35. Who (экзаменуется) now?
a) are being examined b) is being examined c) is examining
36. What (обсуждалось) at that time?
a) were discussed b) discussed c) was being discussed
37. New proposals (рассматриваются) by the committee.
a) are considering b) are being considered c) consider
38. The other members of the group (звонил) by Sasha.
a) called b) were calling c) were being called
39. The documents (доставляются) to the department by her at this
a) are being delivered b) deliver c) are delivering
40. The villa (строится) now.
a) build b) is building c) is being built
41. Excuse the mess (беспорядок): the house (красят),
a) is being painted b) is painting c) paint
42.1 felt I (наблюдают),
a) was watched b) watched c) was being watched

43. Whose car (ремонтируется) now?
a) are being repaired b) is being repaired c) are repairing
44. Your application ( все еще рассматривается) by directors,
a) is still considering b) are still considering c) is still being
45. A new film (показывают) at our local cinema now.
a) are being shown b) are showing c) is being shown
46. A new ring road (строится) around Moscow now.
a) is built b) is building c) is being built
47. A new hotel (строится) in our street now.
a) is building b) is being built c) build
48. New equipment (оборудование) (устанавливается) in our lab
a) is installing b) is being installed c) install
49. This question (обсуждался) two days before the meeting,
a) was being discussed b) was discussing c) discussed
50. At that time the Titanic was the largest ship.
2207 people (перевозилось) by it when tragedy happened,
a) were carrying b) were being carried c) carried
Времена группы Perfect в пассивном залоге
1 (to have) been +III форма глагола

Present Perfect Passive

have —i
+ been + III форма глагола

Утвердительные предложения:
I/we/you/they have been seen today. Меня/нас/вас/их видели сего­
He/she/it has been seen today. Его/ее/неодуш. видели сего­

Вопросительные предложения:
Have I/we/you/they been seen?
Has he/she/it been seen?

Отрицательные предложения:
I/we/you/they have not /haven't/ been seen
He/she/it has not /hasn't been seen

1. Его имя упоминалось недавно, (to mention - упоминать)
His name has been mentioned recently.
2. Ее имя только что упомянули.
Her name has just been mentioned
3. Эту пьесу ставят в течение нескольких лет. (to stage)
This play has been staged for some years.
4. Эту книгу никогда не давали мне.
This book has never been given to me.
5. Его никогда не сопровождали его друзья.(1о accompany)
Не has never been accompanied by his friends.
6. Новое оборудование еще не доставлено, (to deliver)
The new equipment has not been delivered yet.
7. Нашу делегацию встретили сегодня.
Our delegation has been met today.
8. Ее никогда не видели на собрании.
She has never been seen at the meeting.
9. Новый телевизор только что куплен.
A new TV set has just been bought.
10. Недавно нас навестили наши друзья.
Recently we have been visited by our friends.

Past Perfect Passive

I had been + III форма глагола |

Утвердительные предложения:
I/he/she/it/we/you/they had been learned ...
Меня/его/ее/неод./нас/вас/их научили...

Вопросительные предложения:
Had I/he/she/it/we/you/they been learned...?

Отрицательные предложения:
I/he/she/it/we/you/they had not (hadn't) been learned...

1. Меня уже проэкзаменовали, когда вы пришли.
I had been examined when you came.
2. Обед был приготовлен к 2 часам.
Dinner had been cooked by 2 o'clock.

3. Школа была окончена ими к 17 годам.
School had been finished by them by 17.
4. Цветы не были политы ею к тому времени.
The flowers had not been watered by her by that time.
5. Дом был уже продан, когда мы приехали туда.
The house had been sold when we came there.
6. Машину уже отремонтировали, когда он вернулся.
The car had been repaired when he returned.
7. Все было подготовлено к 5 часам.
Everything had been prepared by 5 o'clock.
8. Доклады были просмотрены к вечеру.
The papers had been looked through by the evening.
9. За врачом послали до того, как я пришла.
The doctor had been sent for before I came.
10. Дом не был еще отремонтирован, когда мы приехали туда.
The house had not been repaired yet when we came there.

Future Perfect Passive

shall have —i
will have + been + III форма глагола
'11 have J

Утвердительные предложения:
I/we shall have/will have/'ll have been told Мне/нам уже расска­
He/she/it/you/they will have/'ll have been told Ему/ей... уже расска­

Вопросительные предложения:
Shall/will I/we have been told...?
Will he/she/it/you/they have been told...?

Отрицательные предложения:
I/we shall not (shan't)/will not (won't) have been told...
He/she/it/you/they will not (won't) have been told...

1. Открытки отошлют к празднику.
The post cards will have been sent by the Holiday.
2. Товар будет доставлен к началу месяца.

The goods will have been delivered by the beginning of the month.
3. Все вопросы обсудят, до того как он приедет.
All the questions will have been discussed before he comes.
4. Соглашение не будет подписано к началу совещания.
The agreement will not have been signed by the beginning of the
5. Доклад будет подготовлен к конференции.
The report will have been prepared by the conference.
6. Программа будет напечатана к началу собрания.
The program will have been typed by the beginning of the meeting.
7. Рекомендательное письмо будет дано ему его другом к его при­
A letter of recomendation will have been given to him by his friend
by his arrival.
8. Очень интересная работа будет рекомендована ему к новому
A very interesting job will have been recommended to him by New
9. Канцелярские принадлежности будут куплены для нашего офи­
са, к его открытию.
Stationary will have been bought for our office by it's opening.
10. Билеты уже закажут к нашей поездке.
Tickets will have been booked by our trip.

Выполните тест на бланке и проверьте его:

TEST № 11

Выберите форму, эквивалентную русской:

1. The house (построили) this year.

a) is built b) had been built c) has been built
2. The house (построят) by the Holiday.
a) will build b) will have been built c) shall have been built
3. The article (напечатали) by 5 o'clock.
a) printed b) was printed c) had been printed
4. The letter (отошлют) tomorrow by 7 o'clock.
a) will be sent b) will have been sent c) will sent
5. This film (показали) this year.
a) has been shown b) have been shown c) had shown
6.1 am sure that the film (покажут) by the New year.
a) will be shown b) will show c) will have been shown
7. This film (уже показали) when I came here,
a) has been shown b) had been shown c) had shown
8. This film (показывают) for five months,
a) has been shown b) is shown c) have been shown
9. All the texts (уже перепечатаны),
a) have retyped b) have been retyped c) has been retyped
10. All the texts (напечатаны) this week,
a) has been typed b) have been typed c) had been typed
11. The Statue of Liberty (построили) by the end of 1886.
a) was constructed b) was being constructed c) had been
12. This book (возьмут) before you come,
a) will have been taken b) will be taken c) will take
13.1 (пригласили) to the meeting today,
a) have been invited b) has been invited c) was invited
14. New houses (были построены) this year,
a) were built b) have been built c) had been built
15. He (видели) before he came home,
a) had been seen b) have been seen c) has been seen
16. The work (была сделана) today,
a) have been done b) has been done c) had been done
17. Recently a new tradition фодилась) in Britain,
a) have been born b) has been born c) had been born
18. Christmas Day (празднуют) since Pagan times (языческие вре­
a) had been celebrated b) has been celebrated c) have been
19. The work (будет сделана) by the end of the week.
a) will be done b) will have been done c) will do
20. When I opened my eyes the sky (не было покрыто) by the clouds
a) wasn't covered b) haven't been covered c) hasn't been covered
21. Something (было сделано) since that time.
a) has been done b) had been done c) have been done
22. We (не давали) never ...such an interesting book.
a) had been given b) has been given c) have been given
23.1 know I (забыли).
a) have been forgotten b) forgot c) have forgotten
24. Everything (сделают) by Tuesday.
a) will be done b) will have been done c) will do
25^ His anniversary (годовщина) (празднуются) all over the world
this year.

a) has been celebrated b) have been celebrated c) had been
26. Easter (пасхальные) eggs (покрашены).
a) has been painted b) have been painted c) had been painted
27. The newspapers (еще не доставлены).
a) have not delivered yet b) has not been delivered yet c) have not been
delivered yet
28. (3a) The doctor ... just (послали).
a) was sent for b) has been sent for c) have been sent for
29. The film... just (показали).
a) had been... shown b) have been... shown c) has been... shown.
30. He (видели) there before he came here.
a) has been seen b) had been seen c) was seen
31. The report (был сделан) properly (правильно).
a) had been made b) have been made c) has been made
32. He (сопровождал) by his friend.
a) has been accompanied b) have been accompanied c) had been
33. He (не прерывался) by me.
a) have not been interruped b) has not been interrupted c) had not
been interrupted
34. (3a) the children (присматривали) by grown-ups (взрослые).
a) have been looked after b) had been looked after c) has been
looked after
35. Nothing (было слышно) of him since that time.
a) have been heard b) has been heard c) had been heard
36. He... just (дали) a cup of tea.
a) have been... given b) has been ... given c) was... given
37. The work ... already (сделана).
a) was ...done b) have been... done c) has been ... done
38. Football (играют) in one form or another for hundreds of years.
a) has been played b) has played c) have been played
39. The rule (объяснено) very well by the teacher.
a) have been explained b) has been explained c) has explained
40. My money (украли).
a) has been stolen b) have been stolen c) had stolen
41. Her passport (украли).
a) have been stolen b) has been stolen c) had been stolen
42. Her luggage (потерян).
a) had been lost b) have been lost c) has been lost
43. The letters (не были доставлены) in time.
a) have not been delivered b) has not been delivered c) had not been
44. The flight (был задержан).

a) have been delayed b) had been delayed c) has been delayed
45. A new play (будет поставлена) by the New Year.
a) will have been staged b) will be staged c) shall be staged
46. He (рассказали) this news before he left.
a) told b) was told c) had been told
47. Our house (будет восстановлен) by the time you come.
a) will be renovated b) will have been renovated c) will
48. The calculator (был продан) before we entered the shop.
a) was sold b) had been sold c) has been sold
49. The message (будет оставлено) by his coming.
a) will leave b) will be left c) will have been left
50 The seats (были заняты) by our coming.
a) were taken b) have been taken c) had been taken
Если вы допустили ошибки в предыдущих тестах, проанализи­
руйте их и приступайте к последнему тесту на все времена в пассиве.
ТЕСТ № 1 2
1. TV sets and radios (производят) in Birmingham.
a) produce b) is produced c) are produced
2. Lots of things such as clothes, food, planes and cars
(делают) in and around London.
a) is made b) are made c)make
3. Computers and electronic equipment (производят) in Manchester,
a) produce b) are produced fcc) is produced
4. Coal-mining is important in South Wales, but many of the mines
(были закрыты) there.
a) is closed b) closed c) have been closed
5. Wheat (пшеница) (выращивается) in the east of England,
a) is grown b) are grown c) grow
6. Potatoes (выращивается) everywhere in the British Isles.
a) grow b) is grown c) are grown
7. The members of the House of Lords (не выбираются) by the
a) is not elected b) are not elected c) do not elect
8. The members of the House of Commons (выбираются) for a period
of five years.
a) is elected b) elect c) are elected
9. The Tower of London stands today almost unchanged since first it
(был построен) in the 11th century.
a) was built b) were built c) is built
10. Westminster Abbey (было основано) in the 11th century.
a) founded b) were founded c) was founded

11. StPaul's Cathedral (был открыт) in 1697 but was finished only in
a) were opened b) was opened c) had been opened
12. Many of Great Britain's famous men (похоронено) in Westminster
a) is buried b) are buried c) buried
13. The English language, like (как) all languages, continues to grow.
New words (добавляются) from the dialects and languages of dif­
ferent peoples.
a) was added b) are added c) add
14. Oxford University (был создан) in the 12th century.
a) establish b) is established c) was established
15. There were no railways in England before 1825, and if people
wanted to travel, they (предлагалось) to go by road, either on foot,
on horseback, or in a coach.
a) offer b) offered c) were offered
16. One of the oldest Cambridge Universities (был основан) in 1288.
a) to be founded b) was founded c) is founded
17. The work (не закончена) yet.
a) has not been finished b) had not finished c) is not finished
18. This question (обсудят) tomorrow.
a) will discuss b) will be discussed c) shall be discussed
19. They (дадут) a new flat by the beginning of the year.
a) will give b) will be given c) will have been given
20. This work (будет сделана) as soon as possible.
a) will do b) will be done c) will have been done
2 1 . The traditional English Sunday lunch is roast beef and Yorkshire
Pudding. It (делают) with flour (мука), eggs and milk.
a) make b) are made c) is made
22. Young men (представляют) to older men and young girls to
older women.
a) introduce b) are introduced c) is introduced
23. (Ha) English (говорят) in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Can­
ada, India and in many countries of the world.
a) speak b) are spoken c) is spoken
24. British children (обучают) "the value (ценности) of money",
a) teach b)is taught c) are taught
25. Today houses (строят) all over southern England which are bril­
liantly designed but cover less area than many Russian three-room
a) are building b) are being built c) are built
26. At moments of great danger Britain (спасалась) from danger by
its surrounding seas.
a) was saved b) was saving c) has been saved
27. (Ha) English language (сильно повлияли) by other languages,
such as French and German.
a) is greatly influenced b) was greatly influenced c) were greatly
28. (Ha) English (говорят) in at least 45 countries now.
a) is speaking b) is being spoken c) is spoken
29. He (звонят) now.
a) is calling b) are calling c) is being called
30. The goal (цель) (была достигнута) at last.
a) is reached b) was reached c) have been reached
31. London (делится) into two parts by the river Thames.
a) divide b) is divided c) is dividing
32. He (разыскивается) by the police.
a) want b) are wanted c) is wanted
33. What subjects (преподают) you now?
a) teach b) are teaching c) are being taught
34. English (учат) in Russia not for fun and not as a luxury (рос­
кошь), but because it is the international means (средство) of
exchange of information and experience.
a) learn b) is learning c) is learned
35. The tasks of foreign languages teaching (должны быть сформули­
рованы) from the very (с самого) beginning.
a) must formulate b) must be formulated c) must have been
36. Foreign language teaching (ориентируется) towards
mastering skills for professional communication and teaching
language for special purposes (цели).
a) orient b) is being oriented c) is oriented
37. Very often grammar (преподают) on complicated grammar struc­
a) teach b) is teaching c) is taught
38. Some grammar structures (используются) ... hardly ever...
a) use b) are... used c) are... using
39. Basic general English words must (быть выучены) before the In­
a) have been learned b) be learned c) has been learned
40. Enjoyment (увлечение) of games (не ограничивается) by age.
a) is not restricted b) doesn't restrict c) are not restricted
41. Shakespeare (переводят) into Russian more frequently (чаще) than
any other foreign writer.
a) are translated b) have translated c) has been translated
42. The first Russian adaptation of Shakespeare - Hamlet (была
опубликована) in 1748.
a) published b) is published c) was published

43. By the end of 1917 "A Cloud in Trousers" by V.V.Majakovsky
(было already написано).
a) have ...been written b) has ... been written c) had ... been written
44. You (уволены).
a) fire out b) are fired out c) were fired out
45 this seat (занято)?
a) occupy/take b) are occupied/taken c) is occupied/taken
46. Musicals (исполняются) by the students.
a) perform b) is performed c) are performed
47. A dog (обучают) to obey (повиноваться,подчиняться).
a) learn b) is learned c) are learned
48. The bike (отремонтировали).
a) repaired b) was repairing c) has been repaired
49. Your car (ремонтируют) now.
a) is repairing b) repair c) is being repaired
50. The station (модернизирована).
a) modernized b) has been modernized c) have been modernized



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а + + + + + .+
b + +
с + +
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а +
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с + +
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а + + +
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b + + + + + +
с +
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а +
b + + + + + +
с + + +


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а + +

+ + + +
с + + + + "
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a + +
b + + + + +
с + + +
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a + +
b + + +
с + + + + +
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
a + +
b + + + + -+
с + + +
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a + + + +
b + + + +
с + +


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а + + +
b + + + + +
с + +
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b + + + + + + +
с + + +
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а +
b + + ,+ +
с + + + + +
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а + + + + +
b + +
с + + +
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а + + +
b + +
с + + + + +


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а + + +

+ + +
С + + + +
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
а + + + +
b + + +
с + + +
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
а + + + + +
b +
с + + + +
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+ + + + + + + +
С + +
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а +
+ + + + + + +
с +


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b + + +
с + + + +
И 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
а + '+ +
b + + + +
с + + +
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а + +
+ + + +
с + + + +
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а + + + + +
b + + + +
с +
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а +
b + + + + +
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b + + + + +
с + +
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с + + + + +
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b + + +
с + + + + + + +

Список неправильных глаголов

Инфинитив Причастие II Значение
1. arise arose arisen возникать,
2. awake awoke awoke/awaken будить,
3. be was, were been быть
4. bear bore born носить, рожать
5. beat beat beaten бить
6. become became become становиться
7. begin began begun начинаться)
8. bend bent bent сгибать(ся)
9. bet bet bet держать пари
10. bid bid/bade bid/bidden предлагать
11. bind bound bound связываться
12. bite bit bitten кусаться
13. bleed bled bled кровоточить
14. blow blew blown дуть
15. break broke broken ломать
16. breed bred bred разводить
17. bring brought brought приносить
18. broadcast broadcast broadcast транслировать
19. build built built строить
20. burn burnt burnt гореть, жечь
21. burst burst burst взрываться,
22. buy bought bought покупать
23. cast cast cast бросать
24. catch caught caught ловить
25. chide chid chidden бранить
26. choose chose chosen выбирать
27. cling clung clung цепляться
28. come came come приходить
29. cost cost cost стоить
30. creep crept crept ползать
31. cut cut cut резать
32. deal with dealt dealt иметь дело с

33. dig dug dug копать
34. do did done делать
35. draw drew drawn рисовать
36. dream dreamt dreamed мечтать
37. drink drank drunk пить
38. drive drove driven везти, гнать
39. eat ate eaten есть
40. fall fell fallen падать
41. feed fed fed кормить
42. feel felt felt чувствовать
43. fight fought fought бороться
44. find found found находить
45. fit fit fit подходить
46. flee fled fled убегать,
47. fling flung flung швырять
48. fly flew flown летать
49. forbear forebore forborne воздерживать­
50. forbid forbad(e) forbidden запрещать
51. forecast forecast forecast/
forecasted предсказывать
52. foresee foresaw foreseen предвидеть
53. forget forgot forgotten забывать
54. forgive forgave forgiven прощать
55. forsake forsook forsaken оставлять
56. freeze froze frozen замерзать
57. get got got получать,
58. give gave given давать
59. go went gone идти, ехать
60. grind ground ground молоть
61. grow grew grown расти,
62. hang hung hung вешать
63. have had had иметь
64. hear heard heard слышать
65. hide hid hidden прятать(ся)
66. hit hit hit ударять
67. hold held held держать

68. hurt hurt hurt причинять
69. keep kept kept держать,
70. kneel knelt knelt стоять
на коленях
71. knit knit knit вязать
72. know knew known знать
73. lay laid laid класть
74. lead led led вести
75.learn learnt/learned learnt/learned учить(ся)
76. leave left left оставлять
77. lend lent lent давать взаймы
78. let let let позволять
79. lie lay lain лежать
80. light lit lit зажигать
81. lose lost lost терять
82. make made made делать
83. mean meant meant значить
84. meet met met встречать
85. mislay mislaid mislaid затерять
86. mistake mistook mistaken ошибаться
87. oversleep overslept overslept проспать
88. pay paid paid платить
89. put put put класть
90. read read read читать
91. rid rid rid освобождать
92. ride rode ridden ехать верхом
93. ring rang rung звонить, зве­
94. rise rose risen подниматься
95. run ran run бегать
96. say said said говорить, ска­
97. see saw seen видеть
98. seek sought sought искать, стре­
99. sell sold sold продавать
100. send sent sent посылать
101. set set set помещать
102. sew sewed sewn шить

103.shake shook shaken трясти
104. shed shed shed лить
105. shine shone shone сиять
106. shoot shot shot стрелять
107. show showed shown показывать
108. shrink shrank/shrunk shrunk садиться
(о материи)
109. shut shut shut закрывать
110. sing sang sung петь
111. sit sat sat сидеть
112. sleep slept slept спать
113. slide slid slid скользить
114. slink slunk slunk красться
115. slit slit slit разрезать в
длину; рваться,
116. smell smelt smelt пахнуть
117. speak spoke spoken говорить
118. speed sped sped спешить
119. spend spent spent тратить
120. spin spun spun прясть, кру­
титься), разг.
быстро дви­
121. spit spit/spat spit/spat плевать
122. spread spread spread распростра­
123. spring sprang sprung вскакивать,
124. stand stood stood стоять
125. steal stole stolen красть
126. stick stuck stuck приклеивать
127. sting stung stung жалить
128. stink stank stunk вонять
129. strive strove striven стараться,
прилагать уси­
130. strike struck struck ударять(ся),
бить (о часах)

131. string strung strung завязывать,
132. swear swore sworn клясться
133. sweep swept swept мести, подме­
134. swim swam swum плавать
135. take took taken брать
136. teach taught taught обучать
137. tear tore torn рвать
138. tell told told сообщать
139. think thought thought думать
140. throw threw thrown бросать
141. thrust thrust thrust толкать, ко­
лоть, пронзать
142. undertake undertook undertaken предпринимать
143. upset upset upset опрокидывать,
срывать планы
144. wake woke waken просыпаться
145. wear wore worn носить (одеж­
146. weave wove woven ткать
147. weep wept wept плакать
148. win won won выиграть
149. wind wound wound заводить часы;
150. write wrote written писать


Времена группы Indefinite/Simple в Active Voice 5

Настоящее время группы Indefinite/Simple 5
Прошедшее время группы Indefinite/Simple. 7
Будущее время группы Indefinite/Simple 9
Тест № 1 на времена группы Indefinite/Simple Active. 10
Времена группы Continuous/Progressive в Active Voice 13
Настоящее время группы Continuous/Progressive 13
Прошедшее время группы Continuous/Progressive. 15
Будущее время группы Continuous/Progressive 17
Тест № 2 на все времена Continuous/Progressive Active 18
Времена группы Perfect в Active Voice 21
Настоящее время группы Perfect 21
Прошедшее время группы Perfect 23
Будущее время группы Perfect 24
Т е с т № 3 на времена группы Perfect 25
Времена группы Perfect Continuous/Progressive. 28
Настоящее время группы Perfect Continuous/Progressive 28
Тест № 4 на времена группы Perfect Continuous/Progressive. 29
Таблица № 1. Система времен в английском языке.... 32
Тест № 5 на все времена 33
Таблица № 2. Временные формы английского глагола. 36
Тест № 6 37
Таблица № 3. Соотнесенность обстоятельственных слов и
словосочетаний с временными формами глагола 39
Тест № 7 40
Контрольный тест № 8 43
Пассивный залог The Passive Voice 46
Времена группы Indefinite/Simple в пассивном залоге 46
Present Indefinite/Simple Passive. 47
Past Indefmite/SimplePassive. 48
Future Indefinite/Simple Passive. 49
Тест № 9 Indefinite/Simple Passive. 51
Времена группы Continuous/Progressive в пассивном залоге. 54
Present Continuous/Progressive Passive. 54
Past Continuous/Progressive Passive. 55
Тест № 10 Continuous/Progressive Passive 56

Времена группы Perfect в пассивном залоге 59
Present Perfect Passive. 59
Past Perfect Passive 60
Future Perfect Passive 61
Тест № 11 Perfect Passive 62
Тест№ 12 65
Приложения 69
Бланки-тесты №№ 1-12 70
Бланки-ключи тестов №№1-12 82
Список неправильных глаголов

Учебное издание

ЛЕБЕДЕВА Эльвита Викторовна

ТОРБАН Инна Ефимовна


Подписано в печать 14. 11.0! г. Формат 84x108/32.

Бумага газетная. Объем 3,5 пл. Тираж 5 ООО экз. Заказ № 548

Гигиеническое заключение № '77.ФЦ. 15..953.П.000021.01.01

ИД № 0 5 3 6 3 от 12 июля 2001 г.

Издательство «ГИС»
129090, Москва, а/я 31
т. (095)281 6760
E-mail: gi shook ^ mail.ru

Отпечатано в типографии Патриаршего

гадатель ско-полиграфического центра
г. Сергиев Посад

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