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a / an
1.Какой-то; какой-то один
He bought a book yesterday
2.Перед существ.есть определение
It happened in a small town
3.При первом упоминании
I watched a car as it came.
НО второе упоминание: The car stopped outside our house
4.Профессии: He is a doctor. He works as a chemist.
5.Когда сущ-е употребляется в общем значении(имеет значение - “every” любой,каждый, всякий)
A child can understand it. A cat is a domestic animal.
6.В значении «один»: A week has passed. The car makes 120 km an hour.
7.В структурах: This is a book. I have a cat. There is a book on the table. What a clever man!
8.После слов: such, quite, rather.
He is such a kind boy. He is quite a young man. It was rather a difficult task.
9. A/AN или нет артикля с названиями болезней: a headache, a stomachache, to catch a cold
НО: mumps(свинка) , measles(корь), blood pressure(кровяное давление) , flu(грипп)
10.Устойчивые выражения с а :
In a hurry to have a good time
It’s a pity to be at a loss
It’s a shame at a glance
It’s a pleasure to tell a lie
As a result to fly into a fury
A few

Zero article

1.Титулы, ранги: professor, doctor, academician, count( граф), colonel(полковник), mayor(майор)

НО! the professor + name; the writer A.Pushkin; the painter Repin
2.Во множ числе, имея общее значение: Cats don’t like cold water. Museums are closed on Mondays.
3.Перед неисчисляемыми сущ-ми: I like coffee .Life is short.
4.Перед названиями наук, языков( если после них не стоит слово language):
We study history at school. Mary speaks English fluently. НО!The French language is spoken in Belgium
5.С именами собственными: улицы, города,страны,площади,континенты, озеро, одна гора, явление
природы: snow, rain, hail(град), lightening( молния), thunderstorm( гром)
6.Места, где проходит деятельность человека: at school, at home, in prison, in church, in hospital
7.Приемы пищи: to have breakfast, dinner, lunch
8.Времена года: in summer, spring, autumn, winter

Устойчивые выражения с нулевым артиклем

by chance on foot at sunrise by name

by mistake on deck at sunset in debt
by bus/car/train on board at dawn from morning till night
for ages at work to play hockey/football ( sports)

1.При повторном упоминании о лице или предмете

2.Когда говорящему и слушающему предмет известен: Where is the key? How did you like the film?
3.Если дальше идут пояснительные слова: This is the house that Jack built. The walls of my room are blue.
4.При определенной ситуации:The wedding looked sad. The bride was too old.
5.С предметами, единственными в своем роде: the sun, the moon, the north, the south
6.Как тип жанра:The tragedy and the comedy appeared in Greece
7.Перед превосходной(superlative) степенью прилагательного: the tallest, the most expensive, the best
8.Перед порядковым числительным: the first; the tenth
9.Со словами:
the same the next, the last
the right/wrong She lives the next door. The last train left the station.
the only (единственный) НО! Next month/ last year Без артикля
the following
the very(тот, та самая-ый)
10.Со словами в собирательном значении:
the old(старики) the rich the dead the blind/deaf/dumb
the young the poor the wounded the sick
11.Кто-то(что-то) один в своем роде:
The President the Government The capital The Times ( назв газет)
The manager the weather The center of the city
The director The captain The French Revolution The Labour Party(назв партий)
12.Со словами:
the cinema the theatre the weekend the police the internet
the country the radio the seaside the army

13.С музыкальными инструментами: Can you play the guitar?

(но не со спортом! Can you play tennis?
14.Вся семья: The Browns; The Ivanovs
15.С национальностями во множ числе: The Russians, The English; The Estonians
16.Устойчивые выражения с the ( Set expressions): in the morning/evening..
НО: at night/at noon/by day
It’s out of the question on the one hand; on the other hand To keep the bed
In the original to tell the truth The other day (на днях)
To keep the house(сидеть дома) at the bottom; on the top on the whole

The with proper names

1.Oceans,rivers, seas, canals :The Atlantic ocean; The Thames; The Baltic Sea ; The Panama Canal
2.Chain of mountains; deserts; countries (with words States; Kingdom) : The Alps; The Urals; The Sahara;
The United States, The United Kingdom
3.Names of ships, hotels, museums, newspapers, some sights.
4.A group of islands :The Bahamas; The British Isles. НО! Saarema

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