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Викторина по английскому языку для 8 класса

«The World of the English Language»

Цели и задачи:
Образовательные: совершенствование лексических, грамматических и разговорных навыков.
Проверка знаний учащихся по страноведению.
Развивающие: развитие творческих способностей и коммуникативных навыков, умения
работать в группе. Повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка у учащихся.
Воспитательные: формирование уважительного отношение к культуре и традициям стран
изучаемого языка.

Игра состоит из 10 блоков. В каждом из них по нескольку заданий, за которые начисляются

Игра проходит в форме брейн-ринга.
Учащиеся делятся на 2 команды по 5 человек в каждой и выбирают капитана.
В качестве жюри – приглашенные учителя.

Ход игры с заданиями:

1. Начало урока.
Hello everyone! I am glad to see you again and today we are going to show our best!
It’s time for the game and I wish all of you good luck! But first I have some questions: Did you divide
yourselves into teams? Excellent! Did you choose the leader of your team? Very good! What are the
names of your teams? Introduce yourselves, please.
Let’s start our game.

2. Погружение в тему.
1. Opposites (найдите слова с противоположным значением) (10 баллов).
Example: black – white

happy free North smile

clean summer winter
cry South right sad thin
rain fat snow dirty
left light busy dark

happy – sad rain – snow

free – busy fat – thin
clean – dirty light – dark
summer – winter left – right
cry – smile South – North
2. Make up one word out of two (10 баллов).

1. foot a) fast
2. some b) heart
3. break c) man
4. home d) market
5. super e) thing
6. any f) time
7. after g) ball
8. grand h) work
9. sports i) noon
10. sweat j) parents

1.g; 2.e; 3.a; 4.h; 5.d; 6.f; 7.i; 8.j; 9.c; 10.b.

At this stage let’s remember our knowledge about English-speaking countries. What are they?
-The USA
-Great Britain
-New Zealand
Yes, you are right.

3. Do you know Great Britain? (10 баллов)

1. London stands on the …
a) Thames.
b) Severn.
c) Avon.
2. The Queen’s official London home is …
a) the Tower of London.
b) Windsor Castle.
c) Buckingham Palace.
3. What do the English often put in the tea?
a) Jam.
b) Milk.
c) Fruit.
4. Taxis in London are usually…
a) green.
b) black.
c) yellow.
5. Who wrote stories about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes?
a) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
b) Agatha Christie.
c) Daniel Defoe.
6. Where do men wear kilt?
a) In England.
b) In Scotland.
c) In Wales.
7. What are the colours of the British flag?
a) Blue, red, white.
b) Red, green, black.
c) White, blue, brown.
8. Which holydays is on December 25?
a) St. Valentine’s Day.
b) Easter.
c) Christmas.
9. A famous waxworks museum in London is …
a) MOMI.
b) the British Museum.
c) Madame Tussaud’s museum.
10. Daniel Defoe was a famous English…
a) poet.
b) writer.
c) artist.
1. a) 6. b)
2. c) 7. a)
3. b) 8. c)
4. b) 9. c)
5. a) 10. b)

4. What is the message? (Расшифруйте сообщение, используйте ключ к коду) (10

1-a 7-g 13-m 19-s 25-y
2-b 8-h 14-n 20-t 26-z
3-c 9-i 15-o 21-u
4-d 10-j 16-p 22-v
5-e 11-k 17-q 23-w
6-f 12-l 18-r 24-x
13 25 6 1 22 15 21 18 9 20 5 1 14 9 13 1 12 9 19 1 12 9 15 14.
My favourite animal is a lion.

5. Guess the word (Угадай слово) (10 баллов).

1. The first letter of “sometimes”;

2. The second letter of “twenty”;
3. The fourth letter of “interesting”;
4. The second letter of “hamster”;
5. The fifth letter of “right”;
6. The eight letter of “tortoise”;
7. The sixth letter of “favourite”.

6. Quiz (отгадайте загадку и найдите даты рождения этих известных людей) (10
6 June, 21 April, 8 October, 25 January, 3 October.
Sergey Esenin, Alexander Pushkin, Elisabeth II, Marina Tsvetaeva, Vladimir Visotsky.
1) The Queen’s birthday is not in October.
2) The singer’s birthday is in January.
3) A woman’s birthday is not on the third.
4) Pupils must know Pushkin’s birthday.
Sergey Esenin – the 3rd of October.
Alexander Pushkin - the 6th of June.
Elisabeth II – the 21st of April.
Marina Tsvetaeva – the 8th of October.
Vladimir Visotsky – the 25th of Janyary.

7. Do you know the USA? (10 баллов)

1. The USA is divided into … states.
a. 50.
b. 51.
c. 49.
2. Who is the head of the country?
a. The King or the Queen.
b. The President.
c. The Prime Minister.
3. The capital of the USA is …
a. New York.
b. Los Angeles.
c. Washington.
4. … is an American artist and film producer, who was famous for his cartoons.
a. Walt Disney.
b. Charlie Chaplin.
c. Eddie Marphy.
5. A centre of the American film industry is …
a. Disneyland.
b. Hollywood.
c. Disney World.
6. The official home of the president of the USA is …
a. the Capitol.
b. Congress.
c. the White House.
7. Who discovered America?
a. George Washington.
b. Christopher Columbus.
c. Pilgrims.
8. This American state was a Russian territory once. This is …
a. Alaska.
b. Nevada.
c. Pennsylvania.
9. The Statue of Liberty was given to the USA by …
a. France.
b. Great Britain.
c. Germany.
10. The longest river in the USA is …
a. the Severn.
b. the Mississippi.
c. the Amazon.

1.a, 2.b, 3.c, 4.a, 5.b, 6.c, 7.b, 8.a, 9.a, 10.b.

8. Guess the words (10 баллов).


9. Rewrite these sentences correctly (10 баллов).

1. henry lives in london.
2. lima is a very fine city.
3. my birthday is on thursday, the 15th of may.
4. my brother’s name is george.
5. the sudan lies to the south of egypt.
6. we sailed to america on the queen mary.
7. william shakespeare was one of england’s greatest poets.
8. the nile is longer river than the thames.
9. paris is the capital of france.
10. the sphinx is not far from cairo.
1. Henry lives in London. 2. Lima is a very fine city. 3. My birthday is on Thursday, the 15th of May. 4.
My brother’s name is George. 5. The Sudan lies to the south of Egypt. 6. We sailed to America on the
Queen Mary. 7. William Shakespeare was one of England’s greatest poets. 8. The Nile is longer river
than the Thames. 9. Paris is the capital of France. 10. The sphinx is not far from Cairo.

10. Answer the following questions (10 баллов).

(1) Tom is taller than Richard, and Richard is taller than Fred. Which of the boys is the tallest?
Which is the shortest?
(2) It is hotter in Athens than it is in London; it is not as hot in Oslo as it is in London. Which
of the three cities is the hottest? Which is the coldest?
(3) Richard got fewer marks than Fred in the examination. John got more than Richard. Which
boy got most marks? Which boy got fewest?
(4) A train goes faster than a ship but not as fast as an airplane. Which is the fastest? Which is
the slowest?
(1) Tom is the tallest. Fred is the shortest. (2) Athens is the hottest. Oslo is the coldest. (3) Fred
and John got most marks. Richard got fewest marks. (4) An airplane is the fastest. A ship is the

3. Подведение итогов.
Жюри подводит итоги, озвучивает получившиеся баллы, высказывает свое впечатление об игре
команд. Вручаются грамоты победителю и участникам.
Okay, you have done great work. Let’s summarize the results. The team “……..” got ….. points.
The team “………” got …… points. My congratulations, the team “………..” is a winner!
Well done.
Thank you for the lesson, see you next time.

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