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VERB TENSES II��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3

SIMPLE PRESENT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
USOS DO SIMPLE PRESENT����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
LET’S TRY GUYS!������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
ATIVIDADES DE APRENDIZAGEM����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
EXERCÍCIOS�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
GABARITO������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8

ͫ Negative & Interrogative forms
Na Negativa e Interrogativa usa-se o auxiliar “ To Do ”
I ; We ; You ; They  Do/Don’t
He ; She ; It  Does/Doesn’t
- Nestes casos são auxiliares, ou seja, auxiliam para indicar que a frase é interrogativa ou
negativa e para indicar o tempo verbal das frases, aqui, presente;
- Não têm tradução específica na sentença;
- Sem eles “não saberíamos” o tempo verbal das frases, o presente. Portanto, são essenciais
para indicar que a frase é Simple Present.

» Interrogative sentence
Do you enjoy your job?
Do they have a meeting at 10 o’clock?
» Negative sentence
We don’t live in Italy.
I don’t work at the hotel.

» Interrogative sentence

Does he enjoy his job?

Does she have a meeting at 10 o’clock?
» Negative sentence
He doesn’t live in Italy.
She doesn’t work at the hotel.

Quando o auxiliar é usado o verbo principal volta para Simple Form:

She studies a lot.
Neg: She doesn’t study a lot.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I try I don’t try Do I try?
You try You don’t try Do you try?
He tries He doesn’t try Does he try?
She tries She doesn’t try Does she try?
It tries It doesn’t try Does it try?
We try We don’t try Do we try?
You try You don’t try Do you try?
They try They don’t try Do they try?

Limited vocabulary knowledge can negatively impact the development of a student’s
reading comprehension skills.
CLD: effective-vocabulary-instructions

1. CLD: effective-vocabulary-instructionsMatch the columns:

a) How refers to… ( ) people
b) What refers to… ( ) things in general
c) When refers to… ( ) location
d) Where refers to… ( ) manner
e) Who refers to… ( ) reason
f) Why refers to… ( ) time
2. Match the columns according to the meaning of the words:
1- search ____ disturb
2- upset ____ subway
3- tube ____ rest
4- ease ____ try to find
5- despair ____ lose hope
1- take for ( ) encontrar por acaso
Let’s try guys! 5

2- come about ( ) adiar

3- come across ( ) decolar ; tirar roupa
4- put off ( ) escrever
5- take off ( ) acontecer
6- take down ( ) confundir


1. Rewrite these sentences into the given form.
a) He copies his exercise at home.
Negative: ________________________________________________
b) Does he drive well?
Affirmative: ______________________________________________
c) Does the nurse wash her hands after the work?
Affirmative: ______________________________________________
d) Does the young painter obey all the instructions?
Affirmative: ______________________________________________
e) She prefers to have dinner with me.
Interrogative: _____________________________________________?

2. Leia as frases e faça o que se pede:

01.She doesn’t goes to school by bus. She takes a ride with her neighbor.
02. Steve and Peter like comedies but Paul like horror films.
03. Jane and Mary study together for their tests.
04. My brother is a musician. He plays the violin.
05. Carol has lunch at school because she have classes in the afternoon, too.
Assinale a alternativa correta com relação às frases anteriores:
a) As alternativas 03 e 04 estão erradas.
b) As alternativas 02; 03 e 04 estão corretas.
c) As alternativas 01; 02 e 05 estão corretas.
d) As alternativas 01 e 02 estão corretas.
e) As alternativas 03 e 04 estão corretas.

Choose the right alternative to complete the sentences below.

1. The old man __________ every word that you are saying.
a) are understanding
b) understanding
c) understands
d) is understand
e) understand
2. (UNESP) He doesn’t __________ anymore.
a) smoking
b) no smoking
c) smokes
d) smoked
e) smoke
3. (PUCPR) When Carlos has a headache, he __________ some tea.
a) is drinking
b) drank
c) used to drink
d) drinks
e) would drink
4. (VUNESP) He doesn’t __________ anymore.
a) smoking
b) no smoking
c) smoke
d) smokes
e) smoked
5. (UNITAU-SP) My girl often __________ when we __________ a joke.
a) laugh – tell
b) laughs – tells
c) laugh – tells
d) laughs – tell
e) laughes – tell

6. She ____________ go to school on Saturdays. She only ________________ on weekdays.

And you? ___________ you study on weekends?
a) is/studying/Do
b) doesn’t/studies/Do
c) don’t/studies/Does
d) doesn’t/study/Do
e) doesn’t/studys/Do
7. (CEFET-PR) “The feeling of failure persists.” A forma negativa correspondente a esse verbo é:
a) doesn’t persist
b) don’t persist
c) don’t persists
d) doesn’t persisting
e) doesn’t persists
8. (UEL) In the text bellow, the word “nearly” means:
After 20 years of scientific advances, ‘nearly’ three out of four infertile couples seeking medical
assistance to have a child still go home to an empty crib.
a) almost.
b) hardly.
c) close.
d) far.
e) over.
9. (ITA) O termo “seldom”, entre aspas no trecho adiante, poderia ser substituído por:
As an American Express Card member, you will enjoy a relationship with us that goes beyond
the ordinary. You will be treated as a MEMBER, not a number. And you will receive the respect and
recognition ‘seldom’ found today.
a) occasionally.
b) rarely.
c) often.
d) usually.
e) always.
10. (PUCSP Adapted) Na sentença “Although American youth are more likely to use the Internet
every day”, a palavra LIKELY indica:
a) preferência.
b) desejo.
c) similaridade.
d) probabilidade.
e) superioridade.

1. C

2. E

3. D

4. C

5. D

6. B

7. A

8. A

9. B

10. D

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