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Е. А. Корнеева, H. В.

Е. П. Чарекова

Сборник упражнений
по устной речи

Издательство «Союз»
Ш л1\^Ц -2^г-А пттГ"
К 32 у/

Р е ц е н з е н т : капл. пел. н аук , л о и . В. В. С о б е с с к а м

Корнссна Е. А м Багримова Н. В., Чарекоиа Е. LI.

К 32 Практика а н г л и й с к о ю языка. С борник уп раж нен ий по устной речи. -
СНГ).: И зда тел ь ство 'чС о ю з ' \ 2003. - 336 с, - (И з у ч а е м и н о с т р а н н ы е
IS B N 5-94033-097-5

Наст оящ ее пособие предназначено для овладения уст ны м английским

язы ком на начальном л и а н е обучения ,
Книга призвана дат ь в р уки преподават елей и учащ ихся язы ковой
м ат ериа л, специально ориент ированны й на одну из гла вн ы х задач обучения
иност ранном у язы ку - р а зв и т и ю навы ков свободной правильной уст ной речи.

Ьт редактор £ . 13, Д м и т р и е в а
Олт редактор М . К. Н е к р а с о в
Художник [I. Л. Гореликон

О ригинал-м акет К. U. О рдоиа

1Г>П\ 5-’>нО^^-0‘>7-5
© К орн еева Е. А., Баграмооа М В.,
Ч а р е к о в а Е. П., 2001
© И з д а т е л ь с т в о “ С о ю з * \ 2003
Елена Александровна Корнеева
Нина Витальевна Багримова
Елена П авловна Чарекова

С б о р н и к у п р а ж н е н и й по устно»! речи

J) П М> 000373 о т 3 0 . 12.3 999 г.

П о д п и с а н о и п е ч а т ь 0S.05,2003 г. Ф о р м а т К4х10К'/.с\
Г а р н и т у р а « Т а й м е » . Б у м а г а т и п о г р а ф с к а я . П е ч а т ь оф сет н ая .
О б ъ е м 10,5 п еч .:] . Д о и . i и р а ж 3000 э к * .о т 26.06.2003 г. З а к а з № 105ES.

И 1д ат ел ь ст в о <<■С о to *j>.
19! ISO. С ' а н к т - П с г с р б у р г , наб. р. Ф о и т н к и . д . 90, к. 4.
F - m ail: soy uz ( ф р р р .d e If; t.nel

Отпечатано с готовые д н а г т л и и ш в и Ф ГУ П И П К « Л е т и д а т »
( т и п о г р а ф и я нм. В о л о д а р с к о г о ) М и н и с т е р с т в а Р Ф п о д е л а м печ ати ,
т е л е р а д и о в е щ а н и я н ср е д с т в м а с с о в ы х к о м м у н и к а ц и и .
191023. С а л к I - П е т е р б у р г , наб. р. Ф о н т а н к и , 59.

Н астоящ ее пособие предназначено для овладения устным

английским язы ком па начальном этапе обучения. В его основу
положен материал учебного пособия тех же авторов English in Prac­
tice, расш иренны й и переработанный с учетом современных м ето­
дических веяний.
К нига призвана дать в руки преподавателя и учащегося,
языковой материал, специально ориентированный на одну из глав­
ных задач обучения иностранному языку - развитию навыком сво ­
бодной правильной устной речи.
П особие состоит из двух частей. В первую входят грам м а­
тические упраж нения, во вторую - лексические. П оскольку и те и
другие имеют своей пелыо обучение звукоЕюй речи, практически
все упражнения, даже такие как перевод с русского па английский,
заполнение пропусков тем и или ины м и словами или грамматичес­
ким и ф орм ам и и т. п., рекомендуется выполнять устно.
П ри работе с пособием без ориентации на какой-либо к о н ­
кретный учебник последовательность прохождения как лексических,
так и грамматических тем может быть достаточно произвольной,
по конечно, лини, в пределах, допускаемых логикой самого м ате­
риала, т. с. движением от более простых явлений к более сложным.
Грамматическая часть пособия состоит из пяти разделов
(Units), которые охватывают такие темы, как предложения с к о н ­
с т р у к ц и ей Iheir is/are, у п о тр еб л е н и е m u c h /m a n y - little/few ,
прилагательное, глагол и построение косвенной речи. Отбор м а­
териала определялся нескольким и моментами. Так. хотя явления,
рассм атри ваем ы е в первых двух разделах, и не представляю т
теоретических трудностей, для их безукоризненного практического
п ри м ен ен и я требуется более н асы щ ен н ая тренировка, чем та, что
дастся во многих учебниках. Материал раздела о прилагательном,
со всеми специфическими особенностями функционирования прила­
гательного в живых речевых структурах, вообще не получил в
практических пособиях адекватного освещ ения. В центральном
разделе первой части, “ Глагол” , разрабатывается ограниченны й
круг вопросов, которые, но м нению авторов, сущ ественны именно
для задач овладения устной речью. Поэтому в разделе представлены
лищ ь наиболее значимы е для устной речи видо-временные ф ормы
глагола и согласование времен, тогда как более сложные видо­
врем енны е формы, а также залог и наклонение в раздел не вклю ­
чены. В разделе “ К освенная речь” разработаны лиш ь самые обгцие

принципы передачи чужой речи, которые также представляются
наиболее необходимыми для свободного владения диалогической
В двух разделах, “ П рилагательное” и "Глагол", для более
удобной ориентации в материале выделены подразделы (Sections).
Как и U nits в целом, так и Sections содержат серии разнообразны х
упражнений, от чисто пассивных до довольно сложных творческих.
Многие Sections начинаются с задания “ П рочитайте вслух” . К ак
правило, )'го упражнения, содержащ ие фразы и предложения, для
которых характерна специфическая акцептация, обычно неправильно
воспроизводимая учащ им ися (например, разного рода сравн и ­
тельные обороты). Н азначение таких упраж нении - предотвратить
возникновение неправильных речевых навыков. В других случаях
такие же задания (многократное произнесение вслух) даются для
предварительной пассивной, тренировки употребления определен! !ых
грамматических структур в типическом для них л ек еи к о -гр ам м а­
тическом окружении. Тренировки такого рода облегчают переход к
активному конструированию предложений, поскольку исподволь
создают в подсознании модели этих структур, обеспечивая тем
самым предпосылки дальнейш его построения правильной собст­
венной речи учащегося.
Лексической основой ф ам магических упраж нений является
нейтральный бытовой вокабуляр, в значительной мерс связанный
с тематикой второй, лексической части пособия.
В заключение надо остановиться еще на одном вопросе.
Дело в том, что в пособии несколько и зм енена бытовавш ая у нас
ло сих пор терминология, связанная с номенклатурой грам м а­
тических форм глагола, которая здесь приведена в соответствии с
более логи чн ой и последовательной, уже получивш ей р а с п р о ­
странение во многих: западных и русских грамматиках английского
языка. Эти изм енения сводятся к тому, что п ом и м о п ротиво­
поставления наименований глагольных форм по л и н и и времени
(Present, Past, Future, Future in the Past), мы столь же после­
довательно противопоставляем их наим енования и по линии вида:
все длич'сльпые формы сохраняю'!' название Continuous, за всеми
недлительными формами закрепляется название Simple. Таким
образом, слово Simple заменяет слово Indefinite в названиях всех
недлительных иеперфектных форм и добашшется к названиям i^cex
недлительных перфектных.
Следу к)! цая таблица, о б л е п и т учащимся, возмож но уже при­
выкшим к старой номенклатуре, идентификацию всех форм глагола
н их новых наименованиях.

Названия Ф орм ы (в 3 -см лице сд. ч.)

Present Simple writes

Present Continuous is writing
Past Simple WTO I С
Past Continuous was writing
Future Simple will write
Future Continuous will be writing
Future in the Past Simple would write
Future in the Past Continuous would be writing
Present PciTccl Simple has written
Present Perfect Continuous lias been writing
Past Perfect Simple had written
Pasl Perfect Continuous had been writing
Future Perfect Simple will have written
Future Perfect C ontinuous will have been writing
Future in the Past Perfect Simple would have written
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous would have been writing

В торая, л е к с и ч е ск а я часть пособия охватывает 16 тем,

представляющих наиболее благоприятны й материал д.та развития
навыков устной речи.
Лексические темы выделены в специальные разделы, каждый
из которых состоит из вводного диалога, упраж нений, списка слов
и вы раж ений по данной теме и материала для дополнительной р а­
боты. Работа над тем ой начинается с диалога. В диалогах авторы
стремились дать тот необходимый лексический минимум, который
затем отрабатывается при выполнении упражнений. Формы работы
с диалогами могут быть самые разнообразные: чтение по ролям,
передача в косвенной речи (на достаточно продвинутом этапе), со ­
ставление диалогов по образцу данного, но с некоторыми изм е­
нениями и т. д. Характер упражнений зависит от целевой установки
каждого. О ни варьируются от тренировочных, направленных на
первичное закрепление лексики, Д О коммуникативно-творческих.
Грамматическую основу лексических упражнений составля­
ют наиболее сущ ественные с точки зрения их роли г устной речи
явления грамматики, разработанные в первой части пособия.
Грамматическая часть написана Е. А. Корнеевой, л е к си ­
ческая - Е. П. Чарековой и Н. В. Ваграмовой.





Exercise 1. Give shoit answers to the following ques


A. P a t t e r n : Is there any water in your cup?

Yes, there is. (No, there isn’t.)

1, Is there any ink in your pen? 2. Is there any milk

in the bottle? 3. Is there any bread on the plate? 4. Is there
any cheese on the table? 5. Is there any wine in your glass?
6. Is there any water in the jug?

B. P a t t e r n: Are there any books on the table?

Yes, there are. (No, there aren’t.)

1. Are there any pencils on the table? 2. Are there

any apples on the apple-tree? 3. Are there any children on
the river? 4, Are there any flowers in your garden? 5. Are
there any pine-trees in the forest? 6. Are there any plates
on the shelf?
С. I . Is there any tea in your cup? 2. Are there any slugs
in your garden? 3. Is there any paper in this box? 4. Are
there any frogs in the pond? 5.1s there any butter on the
plate? 6. Are there any flowers in the vase?

Exercise 2. Ask questions according to the pattern.

P a t t e r n: There is a pencil in my bag.

What is there in your bag?

A. 1. There is a table in the corner of the room. 2. The­

re is a big flowerpot on the table. 3. There is a picture on
the wall. 4. There is a window in the front wall. 5. There
is a jug on the shelf. 6. There is a chair by the window.
B. 1. There are some flowers in the vase. 2. There are
some boats on the river. 3. There are some trees in my
aarden. 4. There are some books on the shelves. 5. There

are some cats in this house. 6. There are some glasses on

the table.

Exercise 3. Ask questions according to tlie pattern.

P a t t e r n: There is a little girl in the room.

Who is there in the room?

1. There is a boy in the yard. 2. There are two w o­

men in the street. 3. There is my aunt in the sitting-room.
4. There are some students in the corridor. 5. There are
some teachers in the hall. 6. There is a pretty girl by the
window. 7. There are my parents in the next room. 8. The­
re is a little boy on the sofa. 9. There is an old man on the
com er of the street. 10. There is a young girl in the gar­
den. 11. There are some people in the car. 12. There are
some school-boys on the playing ground.

Exercise 4. Ask questions according to the pattern.

P a t t e r n : There is a black cat on the sofa.

What kind of cat is there on tlie sofa?

J . There is a red flower in the vase. 2. There is a

blue vase on the table. 3. There is a white dog on the
carpet. 4. There is an English book on the table. 5. There
is an old apple-tree in the garden. 6. There are some red
apples on the plate. 7. There are some beautiful flowers in
the vase. 8. There is some hot milk in the cup. 9, There
is some cold water in the glass. 10, There is a big stain on
his shirt. 11. There are some little mice on tlie floor.
12. There is a white flower in her hand.

Exercise 5. Ask questions according to the pattern.

P a t t e r n : There are two pencils m the box.

How many pencils are there in the

i. There are four glasses on the table. 2. There

live pencils on the desk. 3. There are three cats on the
sofa. 4. There are two dogs in the garden. 5. There are six
chairs in the room. 6. There are ten people in the hall.
7. There are several boys on the ice, 8. There are three
girls on the platform. 9. There are two kittens on the
carpet. 10. There are four men in the car. 11. There are
seven apples on the dish. 12. There are many children in
the yard.

Exercise 6. Extend the statements according to the
patterns. Make use of the nouns in the margin.

A. P a t t e r n: There is a cat in the room. dog

There is a cat in the room, there is
no dog there.

1. There is a cup on the table. a lass

2. There is a jug on the shelf. bottle
3. There is a plate on the table. saucer
4. There is a pencil on the book. pen
5. There is some butter on the plate. cheese
6. There is some tea in the pot. coffee
7. There is some milk in the bottle. water
8. There is some sugar on the table. salt

B. P a t t e r n : There are some books notebooks

on the table.
There are some books on the table,
there aire no notebooks there.

1. There are some pencils in the box. pens

2. There are two chairs in the room, arm-chairs
3. There are some flowers on the table,
4. There are some boys in the yard, girls
5. There are two cats in the garden, dogs
6. There are three glasses on the table, cups
7. There are several spoons in the box.
8. Til ere are two knives on the plate. spoons

Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with suitable noun­
phrases: a big dog; some little plates, some fresh milk, some
cheese, a new ballpoint pen, some children, a little mouse,
a blue vase, two pictures, some English books, a white cat,
ten red apples, some pretty girls, a red rose.
1. There is ... in the yard. 2. There are ... on the
table. 3. There is ... on the shelf. 4. There is ... in the
bottle. 5. There are ... in the park. 6. There is ... on the
floor. 7. There is ... on the bed. 8. There are ... on the
wall. 9. There is ... on the plate. 10. There are on the
dish. 11. There i s ... in my pocket. 12, There are ... on the
dancing-floor. 13. There are ... on the shelf. 14. There is
... in the garden.

Exercise 8, Transform the following sentences accor-

1 1mj- In (he pattern.

P a t t e r n: 1 have an English book in my bag.

There is an English book in my bag.

1. She has many books in her study. 2. I have beau­

tiful llowcis in my garden. 3. He has some mistakes in his
dictation. 4. I have Iwo kittens in the kitchen. 5. She has
much water in her garden, (i. We have some meat in the
kitchen. 7. She has a very good arm-chair in her room.
8. They have a new TV set in their cottage. 9. He has an
old computer in his office. 10. They have a little garden
around their country house. 11. I have a new gas-stove in
my flat. 12. She has a blue vase on the table.

Exercise 9. Add question tags to the following state­
ments and then let your fellow students answer these ques­
P a t t e r n: There is a bright lamp on his table.
There is a bright lamp on his table.
isn’t there?
Yes, there is. (No, there isn’t.)

I. There is a cake on the plate. 2. There is a cat on

the carpet. 3. There are some children in the garden.
4. There are some people in the street. 5. There is a
flower in the glass. 6. There are some apples on the table.
7. There is snow in the street. 8. There are some cups on
the shelf. 9. There is a mouse on the floor. 10. There is
a cat under the bed. 11. There are some girls by the
window. 12. There is milk in the bottle.



Exercise 1. Answer the following questions according

to the pattern.

A. P a t t e r n : Are there many books in this bookcase?

Yes, there are rather many. (No, there
aren’t. There are few.)

1. Are there manv chairs in the room? 2. Are there

many flowers in the vase? 3. Are there many spoons on the
table? 4. Are there many windows in your flat? 5. Are
there many trees in your garden? 6. Are there many child­
ren in the hall?

в. P a t t e r n : is there much snow in the street?
Yes, there is rather much. (No, there
isn’t. There is very little.)

1. Is there much milk in the jug? 2. Is there much

bread 0 1 1 the plate? 3. Is there much wine in the bottle?
4. Is there much water in your glass? 5. Is there much
coffec in your cup? 6. Is there much butter on the plate?
С. 1. Are there very many benches in the park? 2, Is
there much tea in the pot? 3. Are there many trees in your
street? 4. Ls there much sugar in the sugar-pot? 5. Are
there many desks in your classroom? 6. Is there much
chalk on the teacher’s table?

Exercise 2. Insert suitable nouns: apples, books, boys,

bread, flowers, grass, leaves, time, snow, sugar, water (2).
1. I have too much ... in my tea. 2. He has little ...
today. 3. You have veiy many ... in your room, 4. There
is too little ... on the table. 5. I have few ... in my garden.
6. There is little ... on the square. 7. There are not many
... on the trees. 8. There is very much ... in this well. 9. We
have too few ... in our class. 10. There is much ... on the
ground. 11. There is little ... in this ditch. 12. There are
many ... on the plate.

Exercise 3. Insert correct forms of the verb to be.

1. There ... not many people in the street. 2. There ...
too m uch w ater in the ditch. 3. T h ere ... to o little ink
in my pen. 4. T h ere ... few boys on the playground.
5. There ... very many birds on the tree. 6. T h ere ...
too little milk in the bottle. 7. There ... only few desks
in the classroom. 8. T here ... so m uch fresh air here!
9. There ... little grass in his garden. 10. There ... many
children on the ice. 11. There ... m uch paper on her desk.
12. There ... little sand on the beach.

E xercise 4. Insert m uch, m any, little, few , a little,

a few.
1. There is so ... snow on the roof. 2. He has ...
English books. 3. There are too ... flowers in this vase.
T ake ... for your wife. 4. G ive me ... b u tte r, please.
5. Pass me the jug, please. There is too ... milk in my
coffee. 6. There are very ... pies on tlie plate. Take ... for
your children. 7. Now there is quite ... water in the river.
8. Look' There are so ... people on the ice! 9. Open the
window! There is so ... air in the room. 10. I have very ...
books. You may take ... of them . 11. Give me ...
cheese, please. 12. I can’t drink this tea. There is too ...
sugar in it.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

1. У него очень много книг. 2. На улице немно
снега. 3. В саду так много цветов. 4. В этой комнате
слишком мало света. 5. У нее много детей. 6. У них
мало времени. 7. В этом парке очень мало старых
деревьев. 8. На катке сейчас очень много детей. 9. В
этом доме не много стариков. 10, У меня в чае слишком
много сахара. 11. В этом стакане слишком мало мо­
лока. 12. У нее сейчас очень много денег.

Exercise 6. Translate the following questions into

English and answer them.
L Сколько у тебя английских книг? 2.Сколько у
тебя сейчас денег? 3. Сколько сахара в этом пакете?
(packet) 4. С кол ько старых деревьев в этом парке?

C. 1. His book is as interesting as mine. Yum h;nr is
as black as hers. 3. Her watch is as good as Ins I. I heir
family is as large as ours. 5. Our flat is as modem as
theirs. 6. Your task is as difficult as mine. 7. Youi dress
is as pretty as hers. 8. My watch is as slow as yours.
9. Their feet are as wet as ours. 10. Our books arc as easy
as theirs. 11. His answer is as polite as hers. 12. Your
welcome is as hearty as theirs. 13. Her father is as angry
as mine. 14. My hair is as grey as yours.
D. 1. Her smile is as pleasant as her sister’s. 2. His
welcome is as heaity as his wife’s. 3. Our flat is as com ­
fortable as our parents’. 4. His beard is as long as his
brother’s. 5. Their task is as difficult as their friends’.

Exercise 5. Give full answers to the following ques­

A. 1. Is the film as interesting as the book? 2. Is it as
cold today as yesterday? 3. Is the air as fresh here as at
the sea-side? 4. Are they as young as you? 5, Are his
sisters as beautiful as his m other? 6, Are your brothers
as tall as your father? 7.. Are they as careful as their
bi o t h e r ?

It. I as I o n / ’, as (hat o n e ? 2. Is this story

I . llii.1. m a d as
I им и у .г. 111 ,1 1 о m'.’ Г Is t h e n n e w Mat as comfortable as
I he o l d o n e ? 4. Is this forest as thick as th at one? 5. Is
this path as narrow as that one? 6. Is this trunk as heavy as
that one? 7. Is this boy as strong as the tail one? 8. Is
this dress as short as the green one?
С. 1. Is your jacket as warm as mine? 2. Is his book as
easy as hers? 3.1s your house as far as theirs? 4. Is my box
as heavy as his? 5. Is their path as narrow as ours? 6. Is
her hair as black as yours? 7. Is their family as large as
hers? 8. Is your garden as beautiful as theirs? 9. Are your
feet as wet as mine? 10. Are your rooms as light as hers?
11. Are his friends as good as yours? 12. Are their marks
as excellent as his? 13. Are your kittens as pretty as mine?
D. 1. Is her dog as big as her father’s? 2. Is his health
as good as his wife’s? 3. Is their book as interesting as
their friends’? 4. Are the boy’s marks as good as his sister’s?
5. Are their compositions as interesting as their friends1?
6. Are your eyes as grey as your m other’s? 7. Are her
dresses as short as her friend’s? 8. Are your days as busy
as your husband’s?

Exercise 6. Pick out suitable phrases to complete tlie

following sentences. Read the sentences aloud.
A. as red as a rose, as clever as a man, as brave as his
father, as high as a mountain, as pretty as her sister, as
busy as a bee, as bad as his phonetics, as clear as the bell,
as diligent as he, as fu n n y as anecdotes, as blue as the sky,
as bright as a butterfly.
1, This girl is ... . 2. This flower is ... . 3. My dog
is ... . 4. The boy is ... . 5. These houses are ... . 6. He
is ... . 7. Her eyes are ... . 8. Their stories are ... . 9. Her
lips are ... . 10. His brother is .... 11. His voice is ... .
12. His reading is ... ,
B. as interesting as that one, as long as that one, as
beautiful as that one, as large as that one, as high as that
one, as tall as that one, as pretty as that one, as difficult
as that one.
1. This question i s ... . 2. This road i s .... 3. This boy
is ... . 4. This room is ... . 5. This book is ... . 6. This
mountain is .... 7. This girl is .... 8. This garden is ... .

C. as lovely as mine, as dirty as yours, as h e a v y as <>urs,
as short as mine, as interesting as theirs, as big as hers, as
deep as mine, as funny as theirs, as foolish as vours, as
excellent as theirs, as little as hers, as beautiful as theirs.
as sweet as his, as interesting as ours.
1. Her jacket is ... . 2. Their mistake is ... . 3. Hi
hands are ... . 4. Your story is ... . 5. Our lessons arc ... .
6. My children are ... . 7. Their luggage is... . 8. His
marks are ... . 9. My dog is ... . 10. Their work is .,. .
1 1. Her cat is ... . 12. Our garden is ... . 13. His voice
is 14. Her singing is ... .
D. as sad as her m other’s, as good as my friend's, as
noble as his father's, as excellent as their parent's, as sweet
as her sister ’v, as new as his brother ’v.
1. His suit is ... . 2. Her eyes are ... . 3. Her voic
is ... . 4. His face is ... . 5. My watch is ... . 6. Their
health is ... .

Exercise 7. Translate into English.

A. 1. Он такой же способный, как его брат. 2. Она
такая же хорошенькая, как ее сестра. 3. Их сын такой
же умный, как их дочь. 4. Их дети такие же веселые,
как родители. 5. Вечер такой же сырой, к а к утро.
6. Ночь такая же теплая, как день. 7. Она такая же
высокая, как ее брат. 8. Он такой же смелый, как
его отец. 9. Он такой же маленький, как его сестра.
10. День такой же ясный, как утро.
Б. 1. Это правило такое же простое, как то. 2. Этот
цветок такой же красивый, как тот. 3. Этот дом такой
же высокий, как тот. 4. Эта девочка такая же умная,
как та. 5. Эта тропинка такая же узкая, как та. 6. Эта
дорога такая же грязная, как та. 7. Этот лес такой же
тем ны й, к а к тот. 8. Эта птица такая же красивая,
как та. 9. Это р еш ен и е такое же простое, как то.
10. Этот ребенок такой же умный, как тот.
В. 1. Их ребенок такой же способны й, как ваш.
2. Их квартира такая же удобная, как наша. 3. Ее
платье такое же короткое, как мое. 4. Его сынишка
такой же капризный, как твой, 5. Наш сад такой же
густой, как их. 6. У его сестры такие же серые глаза,
как у него. 7. У ее мужа такое же усталое лицо, как
у нее. 8. У нее такие же здоровые дети, как у них.
9. У меня такое же хорошее зрение, как у вас. 10. У
наших соседей такая же большая собака, как у нас.
Г. I. У нее такие же красивые глаза, как у ее матери.
2. У него такая же большая библиотека, как у его
родителей. 3. У моего сына такой же хороший вело­
сипед, как у племянника. 4. У нее такие же черные
волосы, как у ее сестры. 5. У них такая же большая
квартира, как у их друзей. 6. У его племянницы такие
же плохие отметки, как у его дочери.

Exercise 8. Complete tlie following sentences making

use of the pattern “as + adj. + as” .
1. H er composition ’S ... . 2. This tree is ... . 3. His
hair is ... . 4. My dress is ... . 5. Her brother is ... . 6. His
sister is .... 7. Her handwriting is . 8. My phonetics
is ... . 9. This rose is ... . 10. His love is ... . 11. This road
i s ... . 12. Your kitchen is .... 13. My study is ... . 14. Their
dining-room is ... . 15. Her watch is ... . 16. Her parents
are ... . 17. Their voices are ... . 18. My friends are ... .
19. His children are ... . 20. The flowers in my garden
are .... 21. The rooms in my flat are ... . 22. In spring days
are .... 23. Her mistakes are .... 24. Your hands are ... .
25. His eyes are ... . 26. Her lips are ... .
Exercise 9. Read each of these p h ra sc s ;11u iиI
N ot so black as soot; not so bright as lire, гю( \<> lliin
as paper; not so dry as hay; not so red as blond; nni so
white as.snow; not so cold as ice; not so grey ;is \irrl; not
so yellow as gold; not so far as the moon; no! so hiavo as
a lion; not so high as a mountain; not so green as the
grass; not so quick as a cat; not so clear as the sky: not so
lovely as the forest; not so clever as his father; not so bright
as his friend.

Exercise 10. Build ten phrases of your own by ana­

logy with those given in the previous exercise.

Exercise 11. Read the following sentences aloud.

Translate them into Russian.
A. 1. Girls are not so brave as boys. 2. Coats are not so
short as dresses. 3. Cats are not so clever as dogs.
4. Boys are- not so polite as girls. 5. Old houses are not so
comfortable as new ones. 6. Bushes are n o t so tall as
trees. 7. She is not so pretty as her sister. 8. He is not so
young as his wife. 9. His brother is not so tall as he.
10. Her sister is not so gay as she. 11. The evening is not
so warm as the day. 12. The film is not so interesting as
the book. 13. This girl is not so attentive as her neighbour.
14. Spelling is not so easy as reading.
B. 1. This rose is not so red as that one. 2. This room
is not so dark as that one. 3. This flat is not so comfortab­
le as that one. 4. This pencil is not so sharp as that one.
5. This book is not so interesting as that one. 6. This way
is not so long as that one. 7. This puppy is not so big as that
one. 8. This boy is not so tall as that one. 9. This apple
is not so sweet as that one. 10. This dress in not so fine as
that one.

C. 1. My sister is not so young as yours. 2. Her hair is
not so black as mine. 3. Her books not so difficult as his.
4. Their garden is not so large as mine. 5. My dress is
not so short as hers. 6. Her task is not so easy as theirs.
7. Your library is not so rich as ours. S. His voice is not
so deep as yours. 9. Her father is not so famous as his.
10. His dog is not so clever as theirs. 1 1. My children
are not so bright as hers. 12. Their mistakes are not so
bad as ours. 13. Your neighbours are not so nice as theirs.
14. His pupils are not so noisy as mine. 15. Their class­
rooms are not so clean as yours.
D. 1. His hair is not so long as his brother’s. 2. Her task
is not so difficult as her friend’s. 3. My work is not so
important as my husband’s. 4. Her voice is not so sweet as
her sister’s. 5. Their flat is not so lovely as their friends’.
6. Their library is not so rich as their parents’. 7. His work
is not so interesting as his wife’s. 8. Her flat is not so large
as her neighbours’. 9. My pronunciation is not so good as
my teacher’s.

Exercise 12. Give full answers to the following ques­

A. 1. Is she not so pretty as her mother? 2. Is it not so
cold today as yesterday? 3. Is he not so clever as his brother?
4. Is she not so diligent as her sister? 5. Is your friend not
so tall as his father? 6. Are they not so busy as you? 7. Are
the lessons not so interesting as the lectures? 8. Are their
friends not so hard-working as they? 9. Are the cats not so
clever as the dogs?
B. 1. Is this book not so interesting as that one? 2. Is this
road not so long as that one? 3. Is this picture not so
beautiful as that one? 4. Is your new dress not so long as
the old one? 5. Is this rule not so difficult as the previous

one? 6. Is his old flat not so light as the new one? 7. Is the
red pencil not so hard as the green one? 8. Is the long road
not so dirty as the short one?
C. 1. Is her task not so difficult as mine? 2. Is their
work not so good as ours? 3. Is your milk not so Hot as
hers? 4. Is her welcome not so hearty as his? 5. Are their
bags not so full as ours? 6. Are our answers not so ready as
theirs? 7. Are his days not so busy as hers?
D. I. Is his work not so interesting as his father’s? 2. Is
her hat not so lovely as her friend’s? 3. Is my task not so
easy as my sister’s? 4. Is her hair not so long as her m ot­
her’s? 5. Is our flat not so comfortable as your friend’s?
6. Are his eyes not so black as his b ro th e r’s? 7. Are their
rooms not so light as their parents’? 8. Are their apple-
trees not so big as their neighbours’?

Exercise 13. Pick out suitable phrases to complete tlie

following sentences. Read the sentences aloud.
A. so white as snow, so busy as his brother, so quick as
the cat, so young as my cousin, so tall as the tree, so fu n n y
as the kitten, so blue as the sky, so fa r as the sun, so fu ll
as the cup, so tall as my aunt, so little as her sister, so
bright as the sun, so cold as the morning, so warm as the
1. The puppy is not .... 2. The sea is not .... 3. The
m oo n is not ... . 4. She is not ... . 5. T he clouds are
n o t ... . 6. 1 am not ... . 7. The dav is not .... 8. Mv *

m o th e r is not .... 9. He is n ot ... , 10. T he glass is

not ... . 11. Tlie dog is not ... . 12. The bushes are not ... .
13. The water is not 14, The moon is not ... .

B. so thin as that one, so heavy as that one, so beautiful
as that one, so big as that one, so red as that one, so dark
as that one, so large as that one, so clever as that one, so
dull as that one, so short as that one.
1. This string is n o t ... . 2. T his book is not ... .
3. This film is not ... . 4. This trunk is not .... 5. This park
is not ... . 6. This dog is not ... . 7. This house is not ... .
8 . This field is not ... . 9. This rose is not ... . 10. This suit
is not ... .
C. so old as his, so pretty as ours, so difficult as yours,
so fa r as hers, so interesting as mine, so big as hers, so
black as yours, so fam ous as theirs, so large as mine, so
bright as his, so noisy as mine, so fu ll as yours, so comfort­
able as ours, so grey as his.
1. His book is n o t ... . 2. O u r house is not ... .
3. Her cat is not ... . 4. My father is not ... . 5. Your eyes
are not ... . 6. Your family is not .,. . 7. Our puppy is
not ... . 8. His dog is not ... . 9. My mother is not ... .
10. Her ideas are not .... 11. Their children are not ... .
12. Your flat is not ... . 13. My glass is not ... . 14. Their
task is n o t ... .
D. so fu ll as his sister’s, so thick as his son !v, so pretty as
my sister's, so bright as his fr ie n d ’s, so rich as his parents ',
so large as their friends ’ so long as her sister’s, so clever as
her brother’s, so modern as our frie n d s’, so long as her
mother !v.
I, His children are not ... . 2. Our flat is not ... .
3. My dress is not ... . 4. Her dog is not .... 5. Their
family is not ... . 6. Her hair is not .... 7. His library is
not .... 8. Her Lips are not .... 9. Her jacket is not ... .
10. His hair is not ... .
Exercise 14. Translate into English.
A. I. Вечер не такой ясны й, как утро. 2. Этот стул
не такой тяж ел ы й , к а к кресло. 3. Он не такой
способный, как его брат. 4. Она не такая высокая,
как ее сестра. 5. Он не такой молодой, как его брат.
6. Кошки не такие умные, как собаки. 7. Он не такой
смелый, как его отец. 8, О на не такая хорошенькая,
как ее старшая сестра, 9. С егодняш няя ночь не такая
теплая, как вечер. 10. Она не такая стройная, как ее
Б, 1. Эта дорога не такая длинная, как та. 2. Этот
рассказ не такой см еш ной, как тот. 3. Эта квартира
не такая удобная, как та. 4. Эти часы не такие
красивые, к а к те. 5. Это дерево не такое высокое,
как то. 6. Этот мальчик не такой высокий, как тот.
7, Этот котенок не такой маленький, как тот. 8, Эта
чашка не такая большая, как та.
B. 1, Ее работа не такая легкая, как моя. 2. Его отец
не такой молодой, как твой. 3, Этот дом не такой
красивый, как наш. 4. Мой брат не такой высокий,
как его. 5. Наша квартира не такая светлая, как их.
6. М ой братишка не такой вежливый, как твой. 7. Их
семья не такая большая, как наша. 8. Его книга не
такая интересная, как моя. 9. Наши уроки не такие
трудные, как их. 10. Мой отец не такой сердитый,
как твой, 11. Ее платье не такое длинное, как мое.
12. Моя мать не такая молодая, как ее. 13. Мой муж
не такой высокий, как ее.
Г. 1. У него не такой красивый голос, как у его отца.
2. У меня не такая богатая библиотека, как у моей
сестры, 3. У нас не такая удобная квартира, как у
родителей. 4. У него не такая большая собака, как у
его приятеля. 5. У нее не такие длинные волосы, как
3^ ее
сестры. 6. У нее не такой тяжелый багаж, как у ее
брата. 7. У нее не такие красивые глаза, как у ее
матери. 8. У них не такая теплая квартира, как у их
друзей. 9. У нее не такое печальное лицо, как у ее

Exercise 15. Complete the following sentences ma-

Icing use of the pattern “so + adj. + as” .
1. H er face is not ... . 2, Their marks are not ... .
3. His watch is not ... . 4. My children are not .... 5. My
friend is not ... . 6. His hands are not ... . 7. Your phone­
tics is not .... 8. The days are not .... 9. Their flat is
not ... . 10. T he apple-trees are not .... 11. Her dress
is n o t ... . 12. H er eves are not .... 13. My kitchen
is n o t ... , 14. My notes are not ... . 15. Y our ring is
not ... . 16. O ur friends are not ... . 17. H e r hair is
not .... 18. Their parents are not ... . 19. This flower is
not ... . 20. The trees in the park are not ... . 21. My dog
is n ot ... . 22. H er cheeks are not ... . 23. O ur flat
is not ... . 24. Her feet are not ... .

Exercise 16. Insert as ... as or so ... as.

1. He is ... kind to me ... you. 2. His voice is
disagreeable ... his face. 3. She is not ... clever .,. her
friend. 4. Her face is ... pleased ... tlie face of the woman
at the gate. 5. In all the country-side there is no garden ...
lovely ... his. 6. The king i s ... b la c k ... ebony. 7. The Sphinx
is ... old ... the world. 8. She is ... agile ... a jungle cat.
l). I am going to be ... good ... my grandfather. 10. Rela­
tives are never ... good ... friends. 11. No one is ... pretty ...
she. 12. The woman is ... clever ... her husband. 13. This
stuff is not ... good ... that one. 14, The sea is not ... blue ...
the sky. 15. She is ... pink and white ... a milkmaid.
Section 2

T h e C o m p a r a t iv e a n d tiie S u pe r la tiv e D e g r e e s

Exercise I. Form the degress of comparison of the

following abjectives. .
A. Tall, green, new, short, great, warm, fresh,
young, light, cold, full, thick, long, sweet, high,
poor, small, clear, quick, free.
B. Heavy, early, easy, hearty, happy, naughty,
merry, dirty, pretty, fmmv, lovely, angry, busy,
lazy, clever, slender, bitter, simple, noble, stable,
able, narrow, yellow, polite, concise, complete,
sincere, severe.
C. Famous, active, wicked, forlorn, serious, stupid,
splendid, immense.
D. Beautiful, general, careful, interesting, outstan­
ding, pleasant, favourite, attentive, wonderful, com ­
fortable, excellent.
E. Good, bad, little, many, far, near, old.

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

А. Темнее, хуже, ярче, несчастнее, значительнее,
проще, старше, глубже, дороже, умнее, ленивее,
дешевле, веселее, лучше, регулярнее, прекраснее,
серьезнее, радостнее, благороднее, уже.
Б. С а м ы й способный, самый ран н и й, самый горь­
кий, самый глупый, самый любимый, самый удоб­
ный, новейший, удивительнейший, отличнейший,
сч астл и вей ш и й , у м н е й ш и й , д о б р е й ш и й , сам ы й
быстрый, самый интересный.

Exercise 3. Write down the comparative and the su­
perlative degrees of the following adjectives.
A. High, light, cold, tall, full, thick,, quick, young,
deep, sweet, weak, slender, clever, narrow', yellow.
B. Big, sad, red, flat, fat, mad, hot, thin, wet, fit.
C. Fine, brave, pale, large, late, white, nice,
simple, able, noble, stable, free.
D. Heavy, hearty, early, tiny, lazy, angry, busy,
happy, dry, shy, sly, lovely, dirty, funny, pretty,
grey, gay.
E. Good, bad, little, far, near, old.

Exercise 4. Translate into English and spell correctly.

А. Веселее, гущ е, т о н ь ш е , н и ж е, краснее,
зеленее, серее, синее, чернее, больше, тяжелее,
желтее, проще, грязнее, горячее, свободнее, умнее,
благороднее, глубже, белее, суше, хитрее, слаще.
Б. Самый желтый, самый слабый, самый безумный.

самый серьезный, самый сердитый, самый занятый,

самый дальний, самый плохой, ближайший, наилуч­
ший, храбрейший, благороднейший, тончайший,
самый стеснительный, малейший, глупейший, самый

Exercise 5. Read each of these phrases aloud paying

special attention to the phrase stress. Translate them into
stronger than death older than the world
fresher than air hotter than the sun
whiter than snow wiser than a snake
colder than ice sweeter than a song
father than the stars
more wondeifi.il than life
more immense than space
more splendid than fine weather
more thrilling than a detective story
more beautiful than the stars
more comfortable than an easy chair
more generous than a noble heart
more serious than an old professor
more attentive than a good pupil
more pleasant than a summer day

Exercise 6. Build ten phrases of your own by analogy

with those given in' the previous exercise.

Exercise 7. Read the following sentences aloud and

translate them into Russian.
A. 1. He is blighter than his brother. 2. She is taller than
her sister. 3. The kitten is gayer than the puppy. 4. His
eyes are blacker than coal. 5. Her forehead is whiter than
snow. 6. Her lips are redder than a rose. 7. The day is
warmer than the morning. 8. August is hotter than Sep­
tember. 9. April is milder than March. 10. His reading is
better than his spelling.
B. 1. This box is heavier than that one. 2. This house is
higher than that one. 3. This boy is cleverer than that
one. 4. This road is longer than that one. 5. My old dress
is lovelier than the new one. 6. Her blue hat is prettier
than the green one. 7. The new street is broader than the
old one. 8. This book is m ore interesting than that one.
9. He is more attentive than his neighbour. 10. She is
more serious than her sister.

<' 1. My health is worse than his. 2. Your face is paler
' Inn hers. 3. His flat is larger than ours. 4. Her coat is
' inner th an mine. 5. Our river is deeper th a n theirs.
■■ My son is smaller than hers. 7. This room is colder
Hi.in ours. 8. His hair is blacker than mine. 9. Your task
i. easier than his. 10. My glass is fuller than yours.
I I. His voice is deeper than yours.
I). 1. Their fiat is larger than their m other’s. 2. Their
library is richer than their parents’. 3. Our task is easier
ihan our friends’. 4. His feet are larger than his father’s.
■ Her children are younger than her sister’s. 6. His
11 den is more beautiful than his neighbour’s. 7. Your
■inry is more wonderful than your brother’s. 8. My flat is
л юге comfortable than my father’s.

Exercise 8. Read the sentences aloud and translate

i hem into Russian.
Л. 1. Her answer is the best. 2. This apple is the swree-
irsl. 3. My bag is the heaviest. 4. This flat is the largest,
v His room is the warmest. 6. This road is the dirtiest.
I». 1. This is the best answer of all. 2. She is the pretti­
est girl of the group. 3. He is the best friend of mine.
She is the most stupid of our girls. 5. He is the most
famous of our writers. 6. He is the most outstanding of
nur poets. 7. This is the most interesting book of all.
a. She is the busiest of the family. 9. Tiiey are the dearest
friends of my parents. 10. This is the most favourite book
nf hers.
С. 1. This is the shortest way to the tram-stop. 2. This
poem is the longest in the Reader. 3. This news is the most
exciting in the world. 4. This story is the most interesting
in the book.

Exercise 9. Give full answers to the following ques­
A. I. Is your sister taller than you? 2. Is m y room
warm er than yours? 3. Is his flat larger than his sister's?
4. Is she prettier than her mother? 5. Is he stronger than
his father? 6. Is honey sweeter than sugar? 7. Is this path
narrower than that one? 8. fs he cleverer than his brother?
9. Is she more stupid than her sister? 10. Is he more
attentive than his neighbour? 11. Is your flat m ore com­
fortable than mine?
B. 1. Is his work tlie best? 2. Is this bag the heaviest?
3. Is this m onth the hottest? 4. Is this path the shortest?
5, Is he the brightest boy of the group? 6. Is she th e pretti­
est girl o f the group? 7. Is he the best friend o f yours?
8. Is he the most outstanding writer of the world? 9. Is this
the most favourite film of his? 10. Is this the most interest­
ing play of the season? 11.I s he the worst student of the fa­
culty? 12. Is this the coldest room in the house? 13. Is this
story the longest in the book? 14. Is this the shortest way to
the station?

Exercise 10. Translate into English.

1. Ее комната больше моей. 2. Эта книга
тереснее той. 3. Она красивее своей сестры. 4. Это
озеро глубже, чем то. 5. Наш лес гуще, чем их. 6. Ее
ответ лучше, чем мой. 7. Ее платье длиннее твоего.
8. Эта аудитория меньше нашей. 9. Сегодня теплее,
чем вчера. 10. Январь - самый холодный месяц в году.
11. Июль - самый жаркий месяц. 12. Он самый при­
лежный ученик в классе. 13. Мой чемодан легче твоего.
14. Он ленивее своего боата. 15. Она умнее своей
сестры. 16. У нее более темные волосы, чем у ее брата.
17. Эти книги труднее т;х. 18. Их ответы лучшие в

i руппе. 19. Этот диктант труднее того. 20. Н ы н еш ­
нее лето самое сухое. 21. Твое голубое платье краси­
вее. чем белое. 22. О на серьезнее своей подруги,
л. Сегодня утром трава сырее, чем вчера. 24. Сегодня
it.! бледнее, чем. обычно. 25. Сегодня она самая
■частливая девушка на свете. 26. Твой брат выше
моего. 27. Его произношение хуже твоего.

Exercise 1L Fill in the blanks witli the comparative

or superlative degree of the adjectives in the margin.
1. She is ... w om an in the world. lovely
His pride is ... pait of Iris nature. 3. 1 strong
ihink you are ... than any one else. 4. The pretty
"Id Prince is ... stag in the whole forest. big
>. I don’t know a ... lad than his grandson. fine
<*. His cheeks are ... than any one else’s. red
Now they are going at a ... pace. fast
". He i s ... partner I can think of 9. You bad
н е ... man in the world. 10. The June kind
)■[ass is ... than the boy. 11. The last of tail
ihem is ... than any of the others. 12. I big
pond my ... hours with you. 13. This deer happy
Inoks ... and ... than the others. 14 . They tall, proud
■rein ... than the rest. 15. And now ... pretty, wild
veil of all is heard. It is coming from a
г roup of boys. 16. That is ... thing, it is good,
than anything else. 17. He says it is good
one of... times he knows of. 18. Every serious
month his life is growing ... . 19. The interesting
park seems even ... than before. 20. He beautiful
has no doubt that his grandfather is ... of generous
elderly gentlemen. 21. The old stag looks

... than tlie others. 22. By dav the deer
w v1
are ... and ... than at night. 23. It’s one careful, nervous
of ... of all the beaches. 24. Love is ... safe, wise
than Philosophy and ... than Power. mighty

Exercise 12. Answer the following questions.

1. Is Leningrad as big as Moscow? Is it bigger than
Moscow? It is not so big as Moscow', is it? It is as big as
Moscow, isn’t it? Which is bigger, Leningrad or Moscow?
Moscow^ is the biggest of the two, isn’t it? Which is the
biggest of the two? 2. Is your sister as tall as you? Is she
taller than you? She is not so tall as you, is she? She is as
tail as you, isn’t she? Who is taller, your sister or you?
Who is the tallest of the two? 3. Is this road as short as that
one? Is it shorter than that one? It is not so short as that
one, is it? It is as short as that one, isn’t it? Which road is
shorter, this or that one? Which is the shortest road of the
two? 4. Is Newton as famous as Einstein? Is Newton more
famous than Einstein? Newton is not so famous as Einstein,
is he? Newton is as famous as Einstein, isn’t he? Who is
more famous, Newton or Einstein ? Who is the most fa­
mous of the two? 5. Is the moon as far as the sun? Is the
sun farther than the moon? The sun is not so far as the
moon, is it? The sun is as far as the moon, isn’t it? Which
is farther, the sun or the moon? Which of the two is the

Exercise 13. Translate into English.

1. Он сам ы й с п о с о б н ы й м а л ь ч и к в классе.
2. Она такая же стройная, как ее сестра. 3. Он лучший
рабочий на нашем заводе. 4. Она выше своей мате­
ри. 5. У нее не такие красивые глаза, как у ее подру­
ги. 6. Кто самый сильный студент в твоей группе?

Он старший из трех братьев. 8. Она моя старшая
состра. 9. Кто старше, ты или твоя сестра? 10. Это
самый красивый парк из всех, какие я знаю. II. Ян-
марь обычно бывает холоднее февраля. 12. Февраль
обычно бывает не такой холодный, как январь. 13. tie
старший брат учится на пятом курсе. 14. В августе
;рава не такая зеленая, как в июне. 15. Эта девочка -
худшая ученица в классе. 16. Немецкий язы к труднее
н (тлинекого. 17. Кто из вас самьтй смелый? 18. Это
га мая интересная книга из всех, что у меня есть.
19. Это правило такое же простое, как то, которые вы
уже знаете. Возможно, оно даже проще. 20. Эти розы
краснее тех. 2 1. Мой дом дальше от института, чем
гвой. 22. Кто следующий? 23. Эта дорога кратчайшая.
14. У меня такая же красивая собака, как у моего
приятеля. 25. У них не такая большая семья, как у

Exercise 14. Translate into Russian paying special

attention to the phrases italicized.
1. My sister is six years older than 1. 2. Our new
house is five storeys higher than, the one we lived in be­
fore. 3. I am seven centimetres taller than my brother.
4. She is three years younger than her husband. 5. 1 w o n ’t
buy this pair of shoes, it is ten dollars dearer than the
pair you have bought. 6. L e t’s take this way, it’s miles
shorter than that one. 7, This stuff is some dollars cheaper
ilian the one you have got on you. 8. Take this piece of
string, it’s about two metres longer. 9. The tem perature
is rising. It is already four degrees higher than it was in the
morning. 10. This rucksack is some kilos heavier than

.! Злк 105К 33
... than the others. 22. By day the deer powerful
are ... and ... than at (light. 23. It’s one careful, neivous
of ... of ail the beaches. 24. Love is ... safe, wise
than Philosophy and ... than Power. mighty

Exercise 12. Answer the following questions.

I. Is Leningrad as big as Moscow? Is it bigger than
Moscow? It is not so big as Moscow, is it? It is as big as I
Moscow, isn’t it? Which is bigger, Leningrad or Moscow? j
Moscow is the biggest of the two, isn’t it? Which is the i
biggest of the two? 2. Is your sister as tall as you? Is she
taller than you? She is not so tall as you, is she? She is as
tall as you, isn’t she? Who is taller, your sister or you?
Who is the tallest of the two? 3. Is this road as short as that
one? Is it shorter than that one? It is not so short as that
one, is it? It is as short as that one, isn’t it? Which road is
shorter, this or that one? Which is the shortest road of the
two? 4. is Newton as famous as Einstein? Is Newton more
famous than Einstein? Newton is not so famous as Einstein,
is he? Newton is as famous as Einstein, isn’t he? Who is
more famous, Newton or Einstein ? Who is the most fa­
mous of the two? 5. Is the moon as far as the sun? Is the
sun farther than the moon? The sun is not so far as the
moon, is it? The sun is as far as the moon, isn’t it? Which
is farther, the sun or the moon? Which of the two is the

Exercise 13. Translate into English.

I. Он са м ы й с п о с о б н ы й м а л ь ч и к в классе.
2. Она такая же стройная, как ее сестра. 3. Он лучший
рабочий на нашем заводе. 4. Она выше своей мате­
ри. 5. У нее не такие красивые глаза, как у ее подру­
ги. 6. Кто самый сильный студент в твоей группе?
Он старший из трех братьев. 8. Она моя старшая
*естра. 9. Кто старше, ты или твоя сестра? 10. Это
!мы и красивый парк из всех, какие я знаю. 11. Я н ­
варь обычно бывает холоднее февраля. 12. Февраль
обычно бывает не такой холодный, как январь. 13. Ее
п а р т и й брат учится на пятом курсе. 14. В августе
рава не такая зеленая, как в июне. 15. Эта девочка -
чудшая ученица в классе. 16. Немецкий язык труднее
■!нгл и й с кого. 17. Кто и з вас с а мы й с м ел ьl й ? 18. Эт о
i амая и н тересн ая книга из всех, что у меня есть.
19. Это правило такое же простое, как то, которые вы
\же знаете. Возможно, оно даже проще. 20. Эти розы
краснее тех. 21. Мой дом дальше от института, чем
гвой. 22. Кто следующий? 23. Эта дорога кратчайшая.
24. У меня такая же красивая собака, как у моего
приятеля. 25. У них не такая большая семья, как у

Exercise 14. Translate into Russian paying special

attention to the phrases italicized.
1. My sister is six years older than 1. 2. Our new
house is five storeys higher than the one we lived in be­
fore. 3. I am seven centimetres taller than my brother.
4. She is three years younger than her husband. 5. I w o n ’t
buy this pair of shoes, it is ten dollars dearer than the
pair you have bought. 6. L e t’s take this way, it’s miles
shorter than that one. 7. This stuff is some dollars cheaper
ill an the one you have got on you. 8. Take this piece of
string, it’s about two metres longer. 9. The tem perature
is rising, ft is already four degrees higher than it was in the
morning. 10. This rucksack is some kilos heavier than

Так. N j 1 (1 5 ,4 33
Exercise 15, Translate the following phrases into
Russian. Insert suitable ones into the sentences given
Five years older, two months younger, ten miles shor-
№ some metres longer, eight dollars cheaper, twenty dol-
to dearer, some degrees higher, fo u r degrees lower, three
kh heavier, seven pounds lighter, three metres wider, a
mb-e narrower.
1. This street is ... than that one. 2. My son is ... than
Ы. 3. She is ... than her husband. 4. The road through
tic fields is ... than the road through the forest. 5. Today
thetemperature is ... than yesterday. 6. This bag is a b o u t...
than that one. 7. My room is ... than yours. 8. This dress
is... than that one. 9. This piece of road is ... . 10, The
temperatute o f the water is ... today. 11. Her coat is ...
tlm yours. 12. I am ... than you.

Exercise 16, Translate into English.

1. Она вы ш е меня на пять сантиметров. 2. Этот
сир на пять тысяч рублей дороже того. 3. Я старше
сгстры на два года. 4. Эта дорога на восемь километ­
ров длиннее, чем та. 5. Сегодня у него температура
га градус ниже, чем вчера. 6. Мое платье на пятьде­
сят тысяч рублей дешевле твоего. 7. Это платье на
нисколько сантиметров короче того. 8. Она, вероят­
но, лет на пять младше мужа. 9. Не бери этот чемодан:
он тяжелее того на несколько килограммов. 10. Эль­
брус выше Казбека на 586 метров. 11. Монблан ниже
Эльбруса на 2 700 футов. 12. Сегодня температура
воды на два градуса ниже, чем вчера.

E xercise 17. Build som e sen ten ces o f you; own
using the following phrases.
Two years younger, five months older, ten kilometres
lo n g e r , three inches shorter, fo u r pounds lighter, some kilos
heavier, ten degrees lower, ten degrees higher, some dollars
. hcaper, a kilometre wider, about two metres narrower.

Exercise 18. Translate the following phrases into Rus-

i;m. Insert suitable ones into the sentences below.
\. Three times as wide, fo u r times as deep, five times as
int/row, twice as big, ten times as clever, twice as strong,
:r/i times as fascinating, twice as hot, many times as long.
1. The lake we have just crossed is ... as the one we
■lossed yesterday. 2. Now' the road seemed which
ilways happens when you are dead tired. 3. The streets in
ilie new district were ... as in the old one. 4. Have you seen
ilie newr film? To niv mind it is ... as the one vou took me to
* «Г

last week. 5. Take care! This cup is ... as that one. 6. Tom
boasted that he was ... as mvself. 7. She was ... as her
husband, that’s why everybody sought her advice. 8. This
house is ... as that one. 9. The canyon before them was ...
.i t h e one they had so successfully got over the day before,
I». H a lf as strong, h a lf as large, h a lf as wide, h a lf as
:\ood, h a lf as long; h a lf as long again, half as quick again,
hi',If as heavy again.
1. Now he seemed ... as lie used to be before his ill­
ness. 2. Little by tittle the road became ... as it was early in
i he morning. 3. At last the days g o t ... as they were in sum­
mer. 4. The river here is ... as it is in our part of the world,
v The old park was ... as the new one. 6. Due to the lack
of proper training she is ... as she has been. 7. My bag was

... as tlie bag she was carrying on her shoulder. 8. Now the
way seemed ... .

Exercise 19. Translate into English. j

A . 1. Эта дорога в два раза длиннее той. 2. Она во
много раз умнее своего брата. 3, Ночи стали вдвое!
длиннее, чем летом. 4. Температура воздуха нынче в]
три раза ниже, чем вчера. 5. В этом месте Волга]
стала вдвое шире, чем была когда-то. 6. После дли-]
тельных тренировок он стал вдвое сильнее, чем был.]
7. Ее сочинение было в три раза короче моего. 8. Еще]
совсем недавно наша речка была в несколько раз уже,
чем теперь. 9. Она выгладит во много раз лучше, чем]
до поездки на юг. ]
Б. 1. В этом месте речка была вдвое уже, чем около]
моста. 2. Скоро лес стал вдвое реже. 3. Этот каран-j
даш вдвое короче того. 4. Она почти вдвое ниже ме-1
ня. 5. Моя квартира вдвое меньше твоей. 6. После]
болезни она стала вдвое медлительнее. 7. Мой чемо-]
дан вдвое легче твоего. 8. Дорога, по которой мы
пойдем, будет вдвое короче. 9. Это окно в полтора
раза уже того. 10. Их комната в полтора раза меньше]
столовой. 11. Эта ткань в полтора раза дешевле той.
12. Эта веревка в полтора раза короче. ]

Exercise 20. Build some sentences of your own ma- i

king use of tlie following phrases: two times as dear, three'1
times as old, fo u r times as wide, several times as good, j
many times as slow, twice as h c f, ten times as long, twi- \
ce as quick, ten times as witty, three times as heavy.

Exercise 21. Insert the forms older, elder, oldest,
■ !d i ’S t .

I. What is y o u r ... brother? 2. My sister is two years

ihan I. 3. Mary is the ... of the three sisters. 4. He is the
hoy in our group. 5. Moscow is one of the ... towns in
"in country. 6. Her ... sister is five years ... than she. 7.
■lie is the ... of the twro of them. 8. He is the ... of the two
iми!hers. 9. This is the ... oak-tree in the whole park. 10.
11 is ... than any of the trees in the wood. 1 1. My father is
Mian yours. 12. Uncle Billy was the ... man in the village.
I v Children are supposed to be always polite to their ... .
I 1 You see, she is my ..., so H I have to consult her first.
I - Though I am ... than he, still he is my... .

Exercise 22. Translate into Emglish using the words:

ь /г, too, quite, much, rather, far, by far, wherever
i1<111 ired..
1. Она умная студентка. Она довольно умная.
*>иа очень умная. Она умнее своей подруги. Ее подру-
i.i умна, но она еще умнее своей подруги. Она гораз-
|ц умнее своей подруги. Она намного умнее своей
пп.чруги. Она слишком умная для своих лет. О на са-
m.ih умная студентка в группе. 2. Это яблоко спелое.
<>iIо довольно спелое. Оно совсем спелое. Оно очень
‘ пг.'юе. Это яблоко спелее того. Оно еще спелее то-
и> Оно намного спелее того. Оно самое спелое. Оно
| 'шшком спелое. Оно чересчур спелое. Оно самое
(писпелейшее. 3. Это скучная книга. Это довольно
■(.умная книга. Это совсем скучная книга. Это очень
*I.умная книга. Это более скучная книга, чем та. Это
■ик- более скучная книга, чем та. Это гораздо более
и.умная книга, чем та. Это намного более скучная ь*

| мша, чем та. Это слишком скучная книга. Это са-

мая скучная книга. Это наискучнейшая книга. 4. Эт<
трудный текст. Это довольно трудный текст. Это весь
ма трудный текст. Это очень трудный текст. Это
совсем трудный текст, Это слишком трудный тексг
Это самый трудный текст в книге. Это более трудны]
текст, чем тот. Это гораздо более трудный текст, че:
тот. Это намного более трудный текст, чем тот. Эп
наитруднейший текст из всех.

U N IT 4
Section 1

P rese n t S im p le

Exercise I. Give short answers to the following queffl


A. P a t t e r n : Do you know him?

Yes, 1 do. (No, I d on’t.)

1. Do you like her? 2, Do you often see her? 3. Di

you work here? 4. Do you skate? 5. Do you take youi
bath in the morning? 6. Do you go to bed late at nightl

B. P a t t e r n : Does he work here?

Yes, he does. (No, he d o esn ’t.)

1. Does he like me? 2. Does lie often com e to se<

you? 3, Does your brother live here? 4. D oes he kno
about it? 5. Does your friend get up early to o ? 6. Doe:
your husband tell you everything?

< I. Do your friends call on you on Sundays? 2. Does
. (ни friend know your brother? 3. Do you switch off the
lij'lit when you leave the room? 4. Does your sister like
urli weather? 5, Does your grandma wear her slippers
II home? 6. Do you know my sister? 7. Does your father
'<мк at the Institute? 8. Do you take a shower in the
>\ niing? 9. Does your sister learn English at school?
id. Does she like her school? 11. Do your parents watch
I V in the evening? 12. Does youv sister watch it too?

Exercise 2. Give short answers to the following ques-


Л P a t t e r n : You come home early,

d o n ’t you?
Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.)

I. You live in this street, d o n 4 you? 2. You work

ii our Institute, d o n ’t you? 3. You like this family.
>11чi*t you? 4. You get up very early, don’t you? 5. You
a- them veiy often, don’t you? 6. You leave home veiy
<;iгiv. d o n ’t vou?
* +

li. P a t t e r n: He gets up rather late,

doesn’t he?
Yes, he does, (No, he doesn’t.)

1. Your husband works in the morning, doesn’t

he? 2. Your brother lives at home, doesn’t he? 3. He
loves his wife, doesn’t he? 4. Your father takes his bath
in the m orning, doesn’t he? 5. He gets up at seven,
doesn’t he? 6. Your grandfather lives in Moscow, doesn’t
Exercise 3. Add question-tags to the following state
ments and then ask your fellow-students to answer thesi

P a t t e r n : She works at a factory.

She works at a factoiy, doesn’t she?
Yes, she does. (No, she doesn’t.)

1. You get up when the alarm-clock rings. 2. Youi

m other sleeps badly. 3. You go to the Institute in thi
m orning. 4. Your parents come back hom e veiy late;
5. Y our m o th er loves her grandchildren a little to
much. 6. It often rains this summer. 7. Your grandpa'
rents like your husband veiy much, 8. He lives in thi|
street. 9. Your children read English.

Exercise 4. Give short answers to the following ques­


A. P a t t e r n: You do n’t get up early, do you?

Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.)

1. You don’t get up at six o’clock, do you? 2. Yo1

d o n ’t like her, do you? 3. You d o n ’t read very much,
do you? 4. You don’t go to the theatre very often, do you1^
5. You don’t work here, do you? 6. You don’t wear yo1
coat, do you?

B. P a t t e r n: He doesn’t work here, does he?

Yes, he does. ( No, he doesn’t.)

1. Your husband doesn’t know her, does he? 2. Your
IMother doesn’t do his morning exercises, does he? 3. He
doesn’t come home early, does he? 4. He doesn’t live here
inу longer, does he? 5. Your husband doesn’t call on your
parents very often, does he? 6. He doesn’t like me, does lie?

Exercise 5. Add question-tags to the following state­

ments and then let your fellow-students answer these ques-
i ions.

P a t t e r n: She doesn’t study Spanish.

She doesn’t study Spanish, does she?
Yes, she does. (No, she doesn’t.)

1. Your sister doesn’t study English. 2. Your friends

■I.tift have dinner at tlie Institute. 3. Your little sister
■iih'sirt take her bath in the morning. 4. Your mother
doesn’t cook in the evening. 5. Your parents d o n ’t often
i'o to the theatre. 6. It d o esn ’t often snow this winter.
Your brothers don’t dine at home. 8. They don’t have
upper at home. 9, Your sister doesn’t ring you up often
imw, 10. It doesn’t rain much this autumn.

Exercise 6. Give short answers to the following ques-

is beginning them with so according to the pattern.

\ P a t t e r n : I come home early, and what

about you?
(and you?)
So do I.

1. I get up at seven o ’clock, and what about you?

1 1 go to the Institute every day, and what about you?
3. I often go to the theatre, and you? 4. We often come
home late, and you? 5. I often see her in the library, and
what about you? 6.You often go to the skating-rink, and
what about your brother?

P a t t e r n : I like her very much,

and what about him?
(and he?)
So does he.

1. You often call on your parents, and what about

your brother? 2. Your wife likes to swim, and what
about her sister? 3. You know them well and what about
Nick? 4. Mrs Smith likes them very m uch, and what
about her daughter? 5. They get up very early, and
what about their son? 6. Nel.lv studies verv well, and
your sister?

Exercise 7. Add question-tags to the following state­

ments according to the pattern and let your fellow-students
answer these questions.

P a t t e r n: She likes a hot bath.

She likes a hot bath, and what
about vou?
(and you?)
So do I.

1. You always take a cold shower. 2. My son

walks his dog in the park. 3. My children like to play
with the cat. 4. They always watch TV in the evening.
5. Y our hu sb an d often goes to M oscow. 6. His sons

come to see him rather often. 7. Your sister gets up
very early. 8. I like to take a hot shower. 9. Nick likes
iо walk in the park.

Exercise 8. Give short answers to the following ques­

tions beginning them with neither.

A. Pattern: I don’t come home early,

and wliat about you?
(and you?)
Neither do 1.

1. I d o n ’t get up early, and you? 2. I d o n ’t come

home late, and what about you? 3. She doesn’t go to
bed until twelve o ’clock, and you? 4. She doesn’t like to
watch TV, and you? 5. They d o n ’t go to the skating-
rink, and you? 6. 1 d o n ’t often go to the theatre, and

Pattern: You don’t know him well,

and wliat about your friend?
(and you friend?)
Neither does lie.

I. You d o n ’t like t h i s m an. and what about y

husband? 2. You d o n ’t call on the Smiths, and what
.ibout your friend? 3. You d o n ’t want to go to the the­
atre, and what about your daughter? 4. Your friend
doesn’t get up early, and her daughter? 5. Your sister
doesn’t work there any more, and her friends? 6. T h e y
d o n ’t live in Moscow, and their son?

Exercise 9. Add q u e s tio n -ta g s to the following
statem ents acco rding to the p a tte r n and t h e n let y o u r
fellow-students answer these questions.

? a t t e r n: You d o n ’t like him.

You do n’t like him, and wat
about your husband?
(and your husband?)
Neither does he.

1. Betty doesn’t take a hot shower. 2. You do

cook at home. 3. She doesn’t live in Leningrad. 4. Your
mother doesn’t live in the country. 5. Your brother doesn’t
like this boy. 6. His sister doesn’t go to the South in sum­
mer. 7. She doesn’t do her morning exercises. 8. Your
m other d o esn ’t like cats. 9. I d o n ’t like such weather.
10. You never walk in the park on evenings.

Exercise 10. Add question-tags to the following state­

ments according to the patterns to exercises 7 and 9. Then
let your fellow-students answer these questions.
L Nick takes a shower in the morning. 2. Nelly
doesn’t come home very late. 3. I do n’t like such wet
weather. 4. My sister learns English. 5. Our father
works very much. 6. She doesn't like him. 7. I often
come here. 8. You often walk here. 9. We don ’t dine at
home. 10. You get up veiy early. 11. She often comes to
see them. 12. I never see him there.

Exercise 11. Answer the following questions.

A. 1. Who helps you to prepare your lessons? 2. Who
cooks dinner for you? 3. Who wakes you up in the mor-
ning? 4. Who gets up at eight o ’clock? 5. Who takes a
shower? 6.Who comes home early in the evening?
В. 1. When do you get up? 2. When do you leave home?
3. When do your classes begin? 4. When do you leave the
Institute? 5. When does your friend com e to see you?
h. When does your brother get up? 7. When does your
mother come home? 8. Where do you wash? 9. Where do
vou study? 10. Where do you sleep? 11. Where does your
mother cook? 12. Where does your father read his papers?
! 3. Where does your friend live? 14. How many books do
you read a month? 15. How many books do you take from
Ihe library? 16. How many letters do you write? 17. Wliat
hooks do your friends read? 18. What shower does your
imother take? 19. Wliat do you do in the morning? 20.
What does your father do in the evening? 21. What does
your mother do in the kitchen? 22. What do your friends
do at the Institute? 23. What do you do at the library?

Exercise 12. Put questions to all parts of the sen tence.

I. My sister gets up very early. 2. TV programme
begin at ten o ’clock. 3. Our family does not go to tlie
<nuntry in summer. 4. At home Tommy wears his new
slippers. 5. His parents work at a factory. 6. Late at
night Tom walks his dog in the park. 7. There is a cup of
hot tea on the kitchen table. 8. My sister has two little

Exercise 13. Think of questions for which the follo­

wing might be answers.
1. He gets up at seven o ’clock. 2. It is my mother.
i. He does his morning exercises. 4. He does them in the
morning. 5. She gives lessons in English. 6. She gives
(hem to my sister. 7. Tom is my brother. 8. In the mor­
ning he takes a cold shower. 9. She has a dog. 10. Mary
is a stu d e n t. 1 1. T h ere is som e w ater in the bottle.
12. They live in Moscow.
Section 2

P r e s e n t C o n t in u o u s

Exercise 7. Say what is going on in each of the pic­

tures. Make use of the verbs: to rain, to ring, to switch on,
to get up, to wash, to take, to clean, to cook, to switch
on, to lay, to cut, to bring in, to drink, to eat, to read,
to smile, to collect, to look, to p u t on, to clear.

It is seven o ’clock

It ...
The alarm clock ...
Nelly ...
N ic k ...

It is a quarter past seven

Nelly ...
Nick ... a bath.
Mr Smith ... his teeth.
Mrs Smith ... breakfast.
It is half past seven

N i c k ... the radio.

Nelly ... the table.
M r Smith ... bread.
Mrs Smith ... breakfast.

It is a quater to eight

Nick ... tea.

Nelly ... a roll.
Mr Smith ... the newspaper.
Mrs Smith ... at them.

It is eight o ’clock

Nick ... his books.

Nelly ... at herself in the mirror.
M r Smith ... his coat,
Mrs Smith ... the table.
Exercise 2. Looking at the pictures on pages 46, 47
answer the following questions.
I. I t ’s seven o ’clock. I. W hat is Nelly doing?
2. What is Nick doing?
II. I t ’s a quarter past seven. 1. What is Nelly
doing? 2. What is Nick doing? 3. What is Mr Smith doing?
4, What is Mrs Smith doing?
III. It is half past seven. 1. W hat is N ick doing?
2. W hat is N elly doing? 3. W h at is M r Sm ith doing?
4. What is Mrs Smith doing?
IV. It is quarter to eight. 1. W hat is N ick doing?
2. W hat is N elly doing? 3. W hat is M r S m ith doing?
4. What is Mrs Smith doing?
V. It is eight o ’clock. 1. W h at is N ic k doing?
2. What is Nelly doing? 3. What is Mr Smith doing? 4.
What is Mrs Smith doing?

Exercise 3. Looking at the pictures on pages 46, 47

give short answers to the following questions.
I. It is seven o ’clock. 1. Is it raining? 2. Is the
alarm -clock ringing? 3. Is Nelly switching on the light?
4. Is Nick getting up?
II. It is a quarter past seven. 1. Is Nelly getting up?
2. Is Nick cleaning his teeth? 3. Is Mrs Smith washing?
4. Is M r Smith cooking breakfast?
I'll. It is half past seven. 1. Nick is switching on the
radio, is n ’t he? 2. Nelly is laying the table, isn ’t she?
3. Mrs Smith is bringing in the breakfast, isn't she? 4. M r
Smith is cutting bread, isn’t he?
IV. It is a quarter to eight. 1. Nick isn’t wash
is he? 2. Nelly isn’t drinking tea, is she? 3. Mr Smith isn’t
'"-I ing ill the mirror, is he? 4. Mrs Smith isn’t eating a
.-■и ,, she?
V. It is eight o’clock. I . Nick is collecting his book
i a i lie? 2 Nelly is eating her roll, isn’t she? 3. Mr Smith
» 14iuing on his coat, isn’t he? 4. Mrs Smith is smiling at
Hi- т . isn’t she?

Exercise 4. Looking at the pictures on pages 46, 47

1 1 - - .hort answers to the following questions beginning them
'' ll ll ,Vfj.

P a t t e r n: ft is seven o ’clock. I am getting up.

And what about Nick?
(And Nick?)
So is he.

It is a quaiter past seven. 1. Betty is washing, and

“ li.ii about Nelly? 2. I’m taking a bath, and what about
Nn'k? 3. Kitty is cleaning her teeth, and what about
Mi Smith? 4. I am cooking breakfast, and Mrs Smith?
'■ Ann is washing , and Nelly? 6. Tom is taking his bath,
■ииI Nick? 7. M r Benns is cleaning his teeth, and Mr
'.iniih? S. am is cooking breakfast, and Mrs Smith?

Exercise 5. Looking at the pictures on pages 46, 47

rivv short answers to the following questions beginning them
'Mih neither.

P a t t e r n: It is seven o’clock, I am not washing,

and what about Nick?
(And Nick?)
Neither is he.

It is half past seven. I. Nelly is not switching on the
radio, and what about M r Smith? 2. Nick is not taking his
bath, and Nelly? 3. N ick is not cutting bread, and Mrs]
Smith? 4, Betty is not laying the table, and Nick? 5. Nell;
is not cutting bread, and you? 6. Mrs Smith is not readinj
the newspaper, and you? 7. Mother is not switching on
the radio, and Mrs Smith? 8. I am not looking at myself i:
the mirror, and Nelly?

Exercise 6. Looking at the pictures on pages 46, 47]

give short answers to the following questions beginning the
with so or neither.
It is eight o’clock. 1. Bob is collecting his books, am
what about Nick? 2. Roy is not washing, and what about)
Nick? 3. Kitty is not drinking tea, and what about Nelly?
4. Betty is looking at herself in the miiTor, and what aboul
Nelly? 5. Mr Johnson is putting on his coat, and what
about Mr Smith? 6. Mrs Pratt is not cooking breakfast,
and Mrs Smith? 7, M r Johnson is not cutting bread, aiii
M r Smith? 8. Mrs Pratt is clearing the table, and Mrsj
Smith? 9. Nick is collecting his books, and Tom? 10. M
Smith is not washing, and you? 11. Mrs Smith is not]
washing, and you?

Exercise 7. Looking at the pictures on pages 46, 47]

give short answers to the following questions and extend]
them according to the pattern.

P a t t e r n: it is seven o’clock, Is Nick washing?

No, he is not. He is getting up.

I. It is a quarter past seven. 1. Is Nelly switch

on the light? 2. Is Nick getting up? 3. Is Mr Smith cutting
bread? 4. Is Mrs Smith getting up?

II. It is half past seven. 1. Is Nick laying the table?
1 Is Nelly washing? 3. Is Mr Smith cleaning his teeth?
I Is Mrs Smith taking a bath?
III. It is a quarter to eight. 1. Is Nick cutting
in cad? 2. Is Nelly drinking tea? 3. Is Mr Smith eating a
mil? 4.1s Mrs Smith reading a newspaper?
IV. It is eight o’clock. 1. Is Nick clearing the table?
’ Is Nelly collecting her books? 3. Is Mr Smith looking
I I himself in the mirror? 4. Is Mrs Smith putting on her
■ 11; 11 ?

Exercise 8. Looking at the pictures on pages 46, 47

.' ivr short answers to the followmg questions extending them
н ‘ ording to the pattern.

P a t t e r n: ft is seven o ’clock. Are Nick

and Nelly drinking tea?
No, they aren’t. Nick is getting up,
while Nelly is switching on the light.

I. It is a quarter past seven. 1. Are Nick and Nel

i’i nitig up? 2. Are N ick and Mr Smith taking a shower?
'■ Are Nelly and Mrs Smith drinking tea? 4. Are Nelly and
Mi Smith laying the table? 5. Are Nick and Mrs Smith
I*inking at themselves in the mirror? 6. Are Mr and Mrs
' anith washing?
IT. It is a quarter to eight. I. Are Nick and Nelly
*niiing bread? 2. Are N ick and Mrs Smith bringing in
ihr breakfast? 3. Are N ick and Mr Smith watching TV?
I Are Nelly and Mr Smith doing their m orning exer-
i i .cs? 5. Are Nelly and Mrs Smith clearing the table?

Exercise 9. Looking at the pictures on pages 46, 47 ]
answer the following questions according to the pattern. 1

P a t t e r n : It is seven o’clock. What are Nick

and Nelly doing?
Nick is getting up while Nelly is
switching on the light.

I. It is half past seven. I. What are Nick and Nelly !

doing? 2. What are Mr and Mrs Smith doing? 3. What are ]
Nick and Mr Smith doing? 4. What are Nelly and Mrsj
Smith doing? 5. What are Nick and Mrs Smith doing?!
6. What are Nelly and M r Smith doing? -j
II. It is eight o ’clock, 1. What are Mr and Mrsj
Smith, doing? 2. What are Nick and Nelly doing? 3. What]
are Mrs Smith and Nelly doing? 4. What are Mr Smith]
and Nick doing? 5. What are Mrs Smith and Nick doing?]
6. What are Mr Smith and Nelly doing? j

Exercise 10. Answer the following questions. j

1. Where are you doing to? 2.What is she looking at?]
3. What are you telling them about? 4. Where are youj
coming from? 5. W hom are you looking for? 6. Whom]
are they speaking to? 7, What are you asking me about?
8. W hom are you thinking about? 9. Whom is she speaking
with? 10. What is she dreaming about? 11. Whose children]
is she looking after? 12. What are you talking about?

Exercise 11. Put questions to the paits in italics. j

1. 1 am going to my friend. 2. They are talking aboutj
the weather. 3. He is speaking with his sister. 4, 1 am
looking at this beautiful girl. 5. She is telling me about heA
children. 6. They are looking for their dog. 7. They are
■>ч-iiing from the theatre. 8. He is speaking to the dean.
1 She is dreaming about the warm sea. 10. I am asking you
■ your exams. II. She is thinking of her new friends.
I ’ She is looking for her cat.

Section 3
P r e s e n t S im p le - P r e s e n t C o n tin u o u s

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1. Where are you going to? 2. Do you often go to the

ilu-atre? 3. Look into the window - what do you see out-
■itic? 4. What are you looking at? 5. You are reading an
I iifdish book, aren’t you? 6. You read many English books,
-Inn’t you? 7. You don’t like such films, do you? 8. Which
■и ihese films do you like best? 9. Whom are you going to
>nv ite to your party? 10. Why do you have your mackin-
n>:,h on? Is it raining? 11.1 d o n ’t remember this girl, and
\<mi? 12. Are you really sleeping or just pretending to? 13.
uiow her brother perfectly well, and what about you?
. Who is singing in the next room? 15. How many pages
(ll ) you read a day? 16. Why doesn’t your sister come to
() in parties?

Exercise 2. Insert the Present Simple or the Present

< ontinuous forms of the verbs in the margin.
I. a) It is seven o ’clock. to get up, to make,
1 ... , ... my bed, ... and ... to to wash, to go
ihe kitchen to have my break-
b) It is seven o’clock.. 1 ... . to get up, to make,
Nelly ... her bed. F ath er ... . to wash, to go
Mother ... to the kitchen to cook
breakfast .
2. a) It is eleven o ’clock. to stand up, to take,
I ......... a book, and ... to read. to begin
b) It is eleven o’clock. 1 ... , to read, to listen, t
the teacher ... to me, Mary ... to begin
write on the blackboard.
3. a) It is evening. I ... into to walk, to switch о
the room, ... TV, ... in a low ea­ to sit down, to beg'
sy chair and ... watching the pro­
b) It is evening now. I ... to walk, to watch, t
into the room. Father ... TV, Mot­ sew, to sleep
her ... , G randm a ... in an ea­
sy chair.
4. a) It is a hot afternoon. to come, to take off,
Bob ... to the bank of the river, to jump, to call
... Iris things, ... into the water
and ... his dog.
b) It is a hot afterno on. to come, to take off,
Betty ... to the bank of the river. to jump, to call
Some girls ... their things, oth­
ers ... into the water. Bob,who
is already in the water, ... his
5. a) It is five o ’clock. to put, to get, to cut
Mother ... a yellow cloth on the to pour
table, ... out the blue cups, ...
the cake, and ... out hot tea.
b) It is five o ’clock. M o t­ to put. to get. to cut
her ... a yellow cloth on the table. to pour
Nick ... out the blue cups, Father
... tiie cake, Nelly ... out hot tea.
6. a) At six o ’clock I ... to walk
т у dog in the park.
b) It is six o ’clock now . to wraik
I . my dog in the park.

Exercise 3. Trabslate into English using the Present

-imple or the Present Continuous Tense.
1. По вечерам мы смотрим телевизор. 2. Сейчас
in-мер. Мы смотрим телевизор. 3. Я встаю в восемь
■I кчув. 4. Сейчас восемь часов. Я встаю. 5. Посмотри
и <жно! Идет проливной дождь. 6. В Петербурге часто
н ■Iгт дождь. 7. Нелли, иди в столовую - звонит теле­
фон. 8. Звон и т телеф он, и Нелли идет в столовую.
II Я вхожу в столовую, но никто меня не замечает; все
п;яты: мать н а к р ы в а е т на стол, отец вк л ю ч ае т
;'-!свизор, сестра режет хлеб, и даже моя собака не
и -порачинает головы, потому что лижет лапу. 10. Ку-
м ;ы идешь? - Я иду в кино. 11. Ты часто ходишь н
: мпо? 12. Ты любишь кошек?

S ection 4

P resen t P erfect S i mple

Exercise /. Read aloud and translate into Russian

uving special attention to the adverbial modifiers of time.
1. She is so happy today. She has never been so hap-
>\ 2. He is not serious, and never has been. 3. I have
i1vс г needed too many friends. 4. I have never heard this
1.1me before. 5. I know her views on the subject. She has
им told them to me. 6. She walked in saying “Jim lias just
iMived to see us off. He is standing on the dock” . 7. 1
i.ivc just had a terrible fright. 8. She has ju st gone out.

9. Nobody has ever had such good luck. 10. I love her
more than 1 have ever told you. 11. She has not come
down yet. 12. I d o n 4 think he has yet arrived. 13. What
his real nam e is no one has discovered as yet. 14. ( have
not seen him since eleven this morning. 15. My dear,
the world has changed since my young days. 16. I have
known him since he was born. 17. Where have you been
since last Thursday? 18. How quiet you have been all
this time! 19. 1 love this country - this is my home. I’ve
lived here for forty years. 20. Where lias she been all
these years? 2 1 .1 h av e b een out o f tow n for so long!
22. You have always been far too clever. 23. You know,
1 have always loved him, 24. I suppose you have read
the paper this m orning? 25. I have had four wonderful
adventures this morning. 26. f have never been quite
happy with you. 27. My dear, I am so pleased you have
come at last! 28, Go! Go at once! You have done vour *

worst now! 29. I have often remembered your words

this year.

Exercise 2. Give short answers to the following ques- I


P a t t e r n: Have you read the paper today?

Yes, 1 have. (No, I haven’t.)

I. Has the alarm -clock rung? 2. Have you turned

off the tap? 3. Has she switched off the light? 4. Has lie
put on his m ackintosh? 5. Have you taken y o u r u m ­
brella? 6. Have th e rivers frozen? 7. Has the thaw,
begun? 8. Has the rain stopped? 9. Have you ever been
to Moscow''? 10. Has she ever called you up? 11. Have
they never met? 12. Has he never called on you? 13. Ha-;

ve they just arrived? 14. Have you just returned? 15. Have
you seen her since the sum m er? 16. Have they lived in
Moscow since 1960? 17. Have you always lived here?
18. Has she always been weak? 19. Have you known
them long? 20. Has she worked here long? 21. Have you
seen her today? 22. Have they com e this m orning?
23. Has he left tonight?

Exercise J. Give short answers to the following ques­


P a t t e r n: The rain has stopped,

hasn’t it?
Yes, it has.
No, it hasn’t.

1. The- snow has stopped, h asn ’t it? 2. The rain

lias begun, hasn’t it? 3. You have switched off the light,
liaven’t you? 4. She has called this morning, hasn’t she?
> You have seen her today, haven’t you? 6. She lias
1 1ways lived in Petersburg, hasn’t she?

P a t t e r n: The rain hasn’t stopped yet,

has it?
Yes, it has.
No, it hasn’t.

1. She has not turned off the tap, has she? 2. i

■• i f t fallen asleep, have I? 3. You haven’t seen him
\> i . have you? 4. She hasn’t returned yet, has she? 5. We
li.ivcn't met since the spring, have we? 6. You h av en’t
•'■vii h er since the sum m er, have you?

Exercise 4. Add question-tags to the following state-
ments and then let your fellow students answer these ques­

P a t t e r n : 1. You have often seen him of late.

You have often seen him of late,
haven’t you?
Yes, I have. (No, I haven’t.)
2. She hasn’t seen him of late.
She hasn’t seen him of late, i
has she?
No, she hasn’t. (Yes, she has.)

You have always been strong. 2. She has never

,ved in Moscow. 3. The alarm -clock has already rung.
4. у
0,1 haven't been to the pictures tonight. 5, She has
]J ever ln;en strong. 6. You have already finished school.
'■ li'as iust come. 8. It hasn't rained this m orning;
9 Tv ■
' ‘hey have often met this year. 10. She hasn't called me’
L1P today. П . They have just returned. 12. You haven't]
lead th e paper this morning.

Exercise 5. Give short answers to the following ques-j

hotis beginning them with so.

P a t t e r n: He has finished his work,

and what about you?
(and you?)
So have I.

I . You have read the paper this morning, and wh;

а^ о щ m other? 2. You have washed your hands, an^
What £*bout Tom? 3. Nelly li as got up already , and Nick^
4. N ina has made her bed, and you? 5. Father has gone
for a walk, and w'hat about the children? 6. I have seen
this film, and you?

Exercise 6. Add question-tags to the following state­

ments and then let your fellow students answer them.

P a t t e r n : Mary has seen him today.

Mary has seen him today,
and what about you?
(and you?)
So have 1.

1. Father has already gone off. 2. Nelly has

l*vted her books. 3. Nick has already cleaned his teeth.
I f have already taken the medicine. 5. We have just
Г'-n.jrned from tlie park. 6. Tlie children have been to the
I'b Uires today. 7. My sister has always admired this actor.
■ i iiave seen three films,this week.

Exercise 7, Give short answers to the following ques-

iuuis beginning them with neither.

P a t t e r n : She hasn’t finished her book,

and what about you?
(and you?)
Neither have 1.

!. He h asn ’t yet come home, and what about his

i.ii Iut? 2. I haven’t seen him this week, and vou? 3. I ha-
'» li i read this book, and Marv? 4. She hasn’t called on
Ничм these days, and what about her husband? 5. I haven’t'
i' id today’s paper yet, and you? 6. She hasn’t been away
(mi .( week, and her husband?
Exercise 8. Add question-tags to the following state­
ments according to the pattern and let your fellow students
answer these questions.

P a t t e r n: \ haven’t been there since the winter

1 haven’t been there since the winter,
and what about you?
(and you?)
Neither have i.

1. I haven’t seen them since the summer. 2. Y o u *

haven’t told anybody about it. 3. She has not yet come.
4. I ha-ven4 seen him for ages. 5. 1 haven’t chosen my I
topic. 6. I have never dreamed about it. 7. I have never *
seen her of late. 8. She hasn’t called on you this month. .
9. I haven’t been there since last year. 10, I haven’t seen
her these days.

Exercise 9. Answer the following questions.

A. 1. Who has just called? 2. Who has given you the \
book? 3. Who has left behind this umbrella? 4. Who has <
helped you to manage this work? 5. Who has paid for the i
dinner? 6. Who has offered him this work? 7. Who has j
been in my study? 8. Who has upset the glass? 9. Who has
spilled the milk? 10. W ho has written the composition?
11. Who has switched off the light? 12. Who has taken my
towel? 13. Who has read this book? 14. Who has answered i
all the questions?
B. 1. What books have you read this month? 2. What
films has she seen this week? 3. How many pages have you
read already? 4. How m any films have they seen of late?
5, How many trees have they planted? 6. How many letters
have you written tonight? 7. How many English books has j
lie read this year? 8. Where has he lived all this year?
'> Where have you been since last year? [0. Where has she
nrked this mouth? 11. W here have you been so long?
I Where have you been all day long? 13. How long have
\ <ui known her? 14. How long has she been here? 15. How
long haven’t you been in your native town? 16. How long
h ive you tried to get in touch with her?
i 1. Why have you chosen this topic? 2. Why haven’t
\«>u read this book? 3. Why has she changed so much of
I.>ic? 4. Why hasn’t she prepared tea? 5. Why haven’t you
■ut the cake? 6. Why hasn’t she laid the table? 7. Why
ti.iven’t you asked her to tea? 8. Why haven’t they taken
him to the pictures? 9. Why have they quarrelled? 10. Why
II isn’t she come? 11. Why have you come so late? 12. Why
have: you asked them to dinner?

Exercise 10. Put questions to all parts of the sentence.

1. He has told us of his good fortune. 2. I have found
my son now. 3. 1 have put his things in the room next to
. ins. 4, The cat has been asleep most of the day. 5. She
has lived in Petersburg for five years. 6. Her husband has
never seen this awful letter. 7. 1 have written a line to
vour mother to tell her your good news. 8. 1 have fi­
n is h e d my waiting for today. 9, The trees have thrown off
i heir yellow leaves.

Exercise 11. Think of questions for which the follow­

ing might be answers.
1. Mary has cooked wonderfur cake. 2. He has
"one home. 3. She hasn't seen him since the summer.
4. Re has given her a beautiful rose. 5. The alarm-clock has
Шst rung. 6. She has put her umbrella into the corner.

7. It has b e g u n thawing today. 8. The boy has broken tl
icicle. 9. S h e has changed her name. 10. Maiy hi
brought h im borne. 11. She has brought home a whii
kitten. 12. S h e has always tried to stop him.

E xercise 12. Reply to the following commands sayi

that you hav e already done what is required.

P a t t e r n : Switch off the light!

I ’ve already switched it off.

1. G e t o u t of bed! 2. Put on your shoes! 3. Wa:

your face! 4. Turn on the cold water tap! 5. Take
shower! 6. G e t dressed quickly! 7. Turn off the hot wati
tap! S. T ak e o ff your coat! 9. Do your morning exercise!
10. Air y o u r room! 11. Make your bed! 12. Put on yoi
slippers! 13. Do your lessons! 14. Switch on the T
15. Put v o u r room in order!

E xercise 13. Supply subordinate clauses with the ver

in the P resent Perfect Simple.
1. I d o n ’t know why (she - not to come). 2. She as;
why (you - n o t to lay the table). 3, I ’d like to know why (hi
- not to an sw er my letter). 4. Tell me why (you - to quar­
rel). 5. She doesn’t say why (she - to refuse to take till!
work). 6. I c a n ’t guess why (they - to part). 7. She wani
to know w h e re (they - to go to). 8. I wonder where (the;
- to live all t h a t time). 9. He can’t say where (the dog - 1<
appear from). 10. I just ask where (you - to be since Iasi
Saturday). 11. Please, tell me how long (you - to live i]
this town). 12. I wonder how long (she - to work at ouj
Institute). 13. 1 w onder w hat (she - to learn about it)
I -I Hr asks w h at (you - to cook for supper). 15. I ’d like t

1111 *\v what (to happen to the cake). 16. She doesn’t say
'' 11.11 (she - to do to him).

Exercise 14. Choose suitable remarks for each of the

iii г merits on the left side of the page.

I It is dark. The alarm-clock has rung.

' It’s time to get up. Well, he has put on his
; It is cold. It has frozen.
I I he day is dull. She has not slept tonight.
The streets are quite O f course you aren’t, you
white. have taken a shower.
i- I he streets are muddy. A thick fog lias spread over
the city.
She feels so tired. A heavy snow has fallen.
Oh. the water is so hot! It has rained since the
very morning.
,f i don’t hear his steps. Winter has come.
I' ! am tiot tired anyv more. Sure it is. I’ve turned on
tlie hot water tap.
I I 'Look! The ground is like The thaw has begun.
I ' i don’t see my cup. I’ve taken it to the kitchen.

Exercise 15. Combine the following words and word-

f i'.mips into sentences paying special attention to the posi­
tion of adverbs.
1. Everything, she, has, discovered. 2. She, m
lи■:irt. in two, has cut. 3. Yet, has, she, not left, her
mom. 4. Once, only, has, there, been, lie. 5. Just,
mil', he, told, about his friend, has. 6. Up to town.
;■*>11 e . your outfit, she, to buy, has. 7. Never, this
wKTched thing, has, he, seen. 8, About this, from town.

come, I, have, you, to tell. 9. Often, spoken, has,
us, he, on the subject. 10. Returned, have, sooner,
expected, than, I. 11. Never, loved, in the world, ha1
but you, I, any one. 12. To follow his advice, at I;
have, you, made up your mind. 13. Has, since tin
days, she, improved, greatly. 14. Some folly, has, ne'
in her life, she, done? 15. Have, all this time, my bo*
had, you! 16. Here, to tell me, have, about your par
come, you?

Exercise 16. Translate into English using the Presi

Perfect Simple.
1. Что случилось? 2. Куда он ушел? 3. Я у
прочитала эту книгу. 4. Начался дождь, 5. Я его е!
не видела. 6. Мать уже испекла булочки. 7. Ты коп
нибудь каталась на коньках по замерзшей реке? 8. Gj
годня я не была в библиотеке. 9. Реки и пруды
замерзли. 10. В этом году я часто видела их в ,ки:
11. Я не встречала его с весны. 12. Сколько лет
живешь на этой улице? 13. О на давно работает
институте? 14. Я проработала здесь уже пять ле|
15. Будильник уже прозвенел. 16. Дети уже прин;
душ. 17. Ты еще не погасил свет? 18. Ты взяла
собой зонтик? 19. Зима уже наступила. 20. Мэ^
надела плащ?

Exercise 17. Answer the following questions using

phrases in the margin and putting their verbs in the Presei
Perfect Simple.

P a t t e r n: Where is Mary? to go home

She has gone home.

Where is your son? to go to school
Where are your fi'iends? to leave for the m o u n ­
Where is your pen? to leave it behind
Where is the chalk? to put it on the table
Where is your pencil? to break it
h Where are your books? to put them into my bag
Where is vour rubber? to lose it
Why aren’t you writing? to lose my pen
Ч Why aren’t you reading? to leave my book behind
Why aren’t you singing? to catch cold
Why d on ’t you hand in not to write it
your exercise?
Why don’t you clean the not to wet the duster

Section 5

P a s t S im p l e

Exercise 1. Give short answers to the following ques-


Л. P a t t e r n : Did you see him in Moscow?

Yes, I did. (No, I didn’t.)

1. Did she come home late yesterday? 2. Did you get

.к-quainted with him at the paity? 3. Did you tell your
husband about your new acquaintance? 4. Did you invite
vour new friends to your party lask week? 5. Did it rain
vi-sterday? 6. Did it thaw on Sunday?

!.iк . N b 1 0 5 8
в. P a t t e r n : Was he at home in the evening?
Yes, he was. (No, he wasn’t.)

1. Was he at the pictures in the evening? 2. Was s]

at the party with you? 3. Was she a good cook? 4. Was
a doctor? 5. Was she a nurse? 6. Was it cold in tl

C. P a t t e r n: Did you have many friends in the camp!

Yes, I did. (No, I didn’t.)

J . Did you have much spare time yesterday? 2. Di

she have a dog? 3. Did your wife have a headache afti
the party9 4. Did your grandparents have many childre:
5. Did the children have a bath in the evening? 6, Did thi
have many lessons on Wednesday?
D. 1. Did it snow at night? 2. Were you out in £
evening? 3. Did you go to the skating-rink on Saturda;
4. Was your father very busy last week? 5. Did you ha1
many English lessons last year? 6. Were your friends wil
you at that unhappy time? 7. Did your wife like that fil;
8. Did you meet her after the film? 9. Were you at ho:
on Sunday? 10. Did she have many mistakes in her li
dictation? 11. Was your wife pleased with your present
12. Did it thaw at night?

Exercise 2. Give short answers to the following que:


A. P a t t e r n : She asked them to tea. didn’t she?

Yes, she did. (No, she didn’t.)

1. You cam e h o m e early last night, d i d n ’t you?
' You met him at the pictures, didn’t you? 3. You asked
In-т about her children, didn’t you? 4. You came to din­
ner in time, didn’t you? 5. She met them in the street,
•lulii’t she? 6. He wore a mackintosh then, didn’t he?

И. P a t t e r n : She was there too, wasn’t she?

Yes, she was. (No, she wasn’t.)

1. At n ig h t the g ro u n d was like iron, w a s n ’t it?

’ He was late for dinner yesterday, w asn’t he? 3. The
i veiling was warm, w asn’t it? 4. The w eather was bad
wsterday, w asn ’t it? 5. They were pleased to see you,
"■i-ren’t they? 6. They were absent yesterday, w eren’t

P a t t e r n: She had a dog, didn’t she?

Yes, she did. (No, she didn’t.)

1. You had a dinner party yesterday, d id n ’t you?

1 Y’ou had a car last year, d id n ’t you? 3. You had
many English books once, d idn’t you? 4. She had a
'laughter, d idn ’t she? 5. He had many friends then,
didn’t he? 6. He had a watch, d idn’t he?

Exercise 3. Add question-tags to the following state­

ments and then let your fellow-students answer these ques-
i ions,

P a t t e r n: She came yesterday.

She came yesterday, didn’t she?
Yes, she did. (No, she didn’t.)

1. It stopped raining only at 10. 2. You were glad
see your daughter at last. 3. The snow began an hom
ago. 4. You had a good dinner. 5. The icicles sparkled i]
the sun beautifully. 6. At the party he was with his wife;
7. The children had an evening party yesterday. 8. The;
went to the party with their parents. 9. Your parents hai
guests yesterday. 10, You were there too, 11. Tlie guesi
left late at night. 12. You went for a walk rather early i]
the morning.

jExercise 4. G ive short answers to the following ques­


A. P a t t e r n : She d id n ’t ask then to tea, did she?

Yes, she did. (No, she did n ’t.)

1. She d i d n ’t call on them yesterday, did she?

2. She d id n ’t attend school last weer, did she? 3, Sh
d id n ’t cook in tlie m orning, did she? 4. You d i d n ’t as;
her about it yesterday, did you? 5. You d id n ’t see m;
brother there, did you? 6. You d idn ’t ring them up. di-

B. P a t t e r n: She wasn’t at the party, was she?

Yes, she was. (No, she w asn’t.)

1. She w asn’t at h o m e last night, was she? 2. She!

w asn’t ill yesterday, was she? 3. He w asn’t pleased tqj
see them , was he? 4. You w e re n ’t right then, were you?:
5. You w e re n ’t happy with him, were you? 6. She w asn’t]
absent from school yesterday, was she?

C. P a t t e г n: She had no children, did she?

Yes, she did. (No, she d id n’t.)

1. They had no children, did they? 2. You had no
т и с yesterday, did you? 3. She had no guests that
■M-iiing, did she? 4. W hen she was a girl she had no
i" is, did she? 5. I had no mistakes in my last com-
i",sition. did I? 6. When it began raining she had no
mackintosh on, did she?

Exercise 5. Add question-tags to the following state­

ments and then let your fellow' students answer these ques-
I U > I I S .

1. They w e re n ’t late for the train. 2. It d id n ’t ra

\esterday. 3. He had no voice in his youth. 4. Your
iiicnds d i d n ’t know abou t it. 5. They d i d n ’t co m e to
l i e r tea-party. 6. Jo hn and Kitty w eren’t happy to ­
r e ! her. 7. In the sum m er they had no parties. 8. Her
-log w asn ’t clever. 9. He d id n ’t come back. 10. It
ilidn’t thaw last night. 1 1. W hen you met him, he had
Иis m ackintosh on. 12. Your little son skated on the
l»ond yesterday.

Exercise 6. Give short answers to the following ques-

(ions beginning them with so.

Л. P a t t e r n : I read this book last year,

and what about you?
(and you?)
So, did I.

1. I saw this film yesterday, and w h at ab out you?

2 . I met him at the station, and you? 3. 1 got up at seven
o’clock, and you? 4. I did my morning exercises veiy
early, and you? 5. He helped them with their work, and
wliat about you? 6. She saw him last Sunday, and you?

в. P a t t e r n : She was at home at that time,
and what about you?
(and you?)
So was I,

1. She was in Moscow last month, and what aboi

her husband? 2. He was a student at that time, and
brother'? 3. You were at the party, and what about yoi
friend? 4. O f course you were tired, and what about you]
father? 5. She was very beautiful, and her sister? 6. I w;
cold, and you?

C. P a t t e r n : He had many friends, and what

about you?
(and you?)
So did I.

1. They had a party yesterday, and you? 2. She hai

three daughters, and her sister? 3. I had a headache then,]
and wliat about you? 4. We had bad weather last monthj
and you? 5. They still had some time yesterday, and you?
6. My grandma had three sons, and yours?
D. 1. They did enerything very well, and you? 2. My]
daughter was very tired in the evening, and yours? 3. I hai
three lessons on Tuesday, and you? 4. She liked the pictun
very much, and what about her husband? 5. I liked hi:
wife, and you? 6. She was a beautiful woman, and he:
younger sister?

Exercise 7. Give short answers to the following ques-
fKins beginning them with neither,

\. P a t t e r n : I didn't see him in Moscow,

and what about you?
(and you?)
Neither did I.

1. He didn’t come to their party, and what about his

wife? 2. She did not read this book in the sum m er, and
vou? 3. I didn’t see him there last night, and what about
wiu? 4. I didn’t hear his voice, and you? 5. He didn’t call
iliem up last week and you? 6, I didn’t do this exercise at
ilie lesson, and you?

P a t t e r n : I wasn’t well last week,

and what about you?
(and you?)
Neither was I.

1. I w a sn ’t with them then, and what about Tom ?

\ She wasn’t at the party, and you? 3. He wasn’t clever,
and his brother? 4. You weren’t ill at that time, and what
about your family? 5. She wasn’t pretty, and her sister?
h. { wasn’t there yesterday, and you?

P a t t e r n: She had no time yesterday,

and what about you?
(and you?)
Neither did I.

1. I had no guests yesterday, and you? 2. At tha

moment \ had no money about me, and you? 3. She had
no friends there, and what about her husband? 4. Hi*
had no cigarettes about him, and you? 5. My parent
had no pets, and yours? 6. They had no time yesterday
and you?
D. i. She d i d n ’t answer th e ir questions, and h<
2. She w a s n ’t th e re yesterday, and you? 3. I didn*
ask th em to com e, and you? 4. He had no tim e yestei
day, and w hat ab out Jo h n ? 5. You d id n 't know h<
h u sb a n d , and y our brother? 6. They w e r e n ’t preseni
and th e ir friends?

Exercise 8. Add question-tags (and what about ..J

to the following statements and then let your fellow studenj
answer these questions.
1. 1 liked her very much. 2. I had no time on Sunj
day. 3. She was very lovely. 4. She came in time. 5. Shi
d id n ’t say a wrord. 6. She wasn’t in the kitchen the:
7. She was veiy clever. 8. I didn’t like him. 9. She sai
beautifully. 10. I had two lectures yesterday, l i . Shi
wasn’t at home yesterday.

Exercise 9. Answer the following questions,

A. I. Who asked you about it? 2. Who came homi
early that night? 3. Who worked with him? 4. Win
spoke to that man? 5. Who gave him a cup of tea afte:
dinner? 6. Who answered all the questions of the test
paper? 7. Who asked him to that dinner? 8. Who sa1
him at the pictures? 9. Who picked up her bag? 10. Wh
was in Moscow with you? 11. Who had my book? i 2. Wh'
was there?

15. 1. When did you see him? 2. W hen did it stop rai­
ning? 3. When did they come? 4. Where did you live last
Mimmer? 5. Where did you see them? 6. Where did they
.со to in January? 7. How many books did you read last
month? 8. How many films did you see last week? 9. How
many letters did you write to your parents in summer?
10. What books did vvou
* read last term? 11. What films did
you see last year? 12. What dress did she wear at the party?
С. 1. Why did you come yesterday? 2. Why did you call
him up? 3, Why didn’t she answer my letter? 4. Why did
you say all that? 5. Why did you buy that book? 6. Why
didn’t you ask her to dinner yesterday? 7. Why didn’t she
come to your party? 8. Why didn’t she give me her book?
Why didn’t she call on them? 10. Why didn’t she ask me
about it?
П, 1, What did she look for in your room? 2. What did
vou and Tom speak about last night? 3. Where did lie go to
last Sundav? 4. What did she ask vou about when vou met?
5. What did you think of when you saw' them in our town?
6. Whose children did she look after? 7. What did you read
on Sunday? 8.What did you do in the morning?

Exercise 10. Put questions to all parts of the sen­

1. We finished our fish. 2. Soon the maid cam
forward with the second course. 3. She put it on the table
in front of Mike. 4. He put down the carving knife. 5. She
carried the meat into the kitchen. 6. For a few minutes he
stroked the dog’s ear. 7. Two children ran out of the door
of the house. 8. The carriage rolled on and on between the
great beautiful trees. 9. People talked about him at dinner-
tables. 10. She kept him by her side a great part of the

Exercise 11. Think of questions for which the folio
wing might be answers.
1. I saw them yesterday. 2. She told me about h
tea-party. 3. She knew nothing about it. 4. I wanted ti
go to the pictures tonight. 5. She came back just a minuti
ago. 6. She left it in the kitchen. 7. She came from thi
Caucasus. 8. I met him at the theatre. 9. They cami
after dinner. 10. She stayed with them for a month!
11. It was M ary’s brother, 12. He asked me to give hi
your telephone number.

Exercise 12. Finish the following sentences usinj

the phrases in brackets and putting their verbs into the Pas^
Indefinite Tense,
1, When she lived at hom e, she ... . (to be very un-;j
happy) 2. When I got to know her, she ... . (to work a^
a typist) 3. Last week we ... , (to have a picnic on tfo
bank of a beautiful river) 4. Last m outh they ... . (toj
retu rn from th eir tiip ) 5. .In J u n e g ran dm a and the]
kids ... . (to go to the country) 6. in 1996 I ... . (to be^
in England) 7. Last sum m er all of us ... . (to go to
to urist cam p) 8. O ne Sunday m o rn in g I ... . (to wake'
up at five o ’clock) 9. While they were at supper,,]
her husb and ... , (to tell m e th at he needed my a d ­
vice) 10. About three m onths ago their daughter ... .
(to marry a sailor) 11. Two days ago they ... . (to ha­
ve a quarrel) 12. A m inute ago she ... . (to say som e­
thing different)

Exercise 13. Join the following sentences by means
<>f the conjunctions in the margin. Give two variations
where possible.

Pattern: She got my letter. when

She returned home.
1. She got my letter when she
returned home.
2. When she got my letter she
returned home.

. The alarm-clock rang. I got up.

2. Tea was ready. She called the guests
into the dining-room.
3. He received an invitation. He went to
their party. when
4. It got colder. The children went home.
5. [ walked into the hall. I saw Mary.

6 . They played in the garden. It grew' dark.

7. He worked very much. He got tired.
8. She cleaned the room. Every piece of
furniture shone. till

9. They walked in the park. It began raining.

10. He fell in love with her. He sawr her.
11. They stopped talking. The teacher came in, as soon as
12. They left. It stopped snowing,
13. They went home. They learned the news.

14. Mother poured out tea. I cut bread and

butter. while
15. She prepared her lesson. Mother cooked

Exercise 14. Translate into English. 4

1. Когда чан был готов, мать нарезала пирог.;]

2. В пять часов она сделала бутерброды, разлила чай !
по чашкам и пригласила всех к столу. 3. Вчера вечером-1
я была в кино. 4. За ужином все говорили только о |
погоде. 5. В первый раз я увидел ее в театре. 6. В |
прошлом году мои родители были в Англии. 7. Его]
м а т ь не л ю б и л а его ж е н у . 8. К а к ты с н е й !
познакомился? 9. Вчера утром таяло, а вечером стало !
подмораживать. 10. Когда мы познакомились, о н а |
работала в машинописном бюро. 11. Его мать умерла, |
когда ему было семь лет. 12. О н поженились в прошлом \
месяце. 13. Когда это случилось? 14. Я познакомился -3
с ней в прошлом году в туристском лагере. 15. Он j
подошел и сел рядом со мной. 16. “ Когда вы вернулись 1
из М осквы?” - спросил он. 17. У них было двое детей, i
18. Чем он занимался в позапрошлом году? 19. Все это :
произошло случайно. 1

Section 6

P r e s e n t P e r f e c t S i m p l e - P a st S i m p l e *

Exercise 1. Give two answers to each of the ques- j

tions, one in the Present Perfect Simple, the other in I
the Past Simple using appropriate adverbials from the j
brackets. ]

P a t t e r n : When did he call? (yesterday,

not yet)
He called yesterday.
He has n o t called yet.

1. When did she come? (an hour ago, this morning)
2. W hen did you see her? (two m onths ago, this m onth)
3, When did you meet? (in April, never) 4. W hen did he
ring you up? (in the evening, just) 5. When did the alarm-
clock ring? (a minute ago, not yet), 6. When did you get
up? (at seven o ’clock, just) 7. When did the weather
change? (in the evening, today) 8. When did it begin
snowing? (at about ten o ’clock, just) 9. When did he ask
her to come to tea? (last week, this week) 10. When did
lie return? (at noon, not yet) 11, When did it stop raining?
(some time ago, not up to now) 12. When did it all
happen? (a moment ago, just)

Exercise 2. Give short answers to the following q u ­

estions and then extend them using tlie Past Simple and
supplying appropriate adverbials from the list below.
Some time ago, a moment ago, last week, some days
a g o , last year, the other day, a few minutes ago, about an
hour ago, at night, in the morning, yesterday, at the party,
i n summer, about five minutes ago, a minute ago.

P a t t e r n : Have you cut the cake?

Yes, I have, I cut it ten minutes ago.

1. Have you laid the table? 2. Has she poured o

lea? 3. Has he ever taken you to the pictures? 4. Has your
grandma visited you? 5. Have you ever been to the Crimea?
6. Have you met them of late? 7. Have you finished your
composition already? 8. Has it stopped raining? 9. Has it
stopped snowing? 10. Has he called you up? II. Has he
seen this film too? 12. Has he introduced her to his pa­
rents? 13. Have you ever stayed with your grandparents?
14. Has the lecture begun? 15. Has the telephone rung?

Exercise 3. Insert the Present Perfect Simple or the ?
Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets. Change the po- |
sition of adverbs if necessary. 1
1. a) 1 ... this book when I was a child. J
b) I ... this book; it is rather interesting, (to read) I
2. a) I ... him in the summer. 1
b) I ...him since the summer, (not to see) I
3. a) The building of the new theatre ... last spring. 9
b) The building of the new theatre ... already, (to 1
begin) 1
4. a) I ... the letter yesterday. I
b) I just ... the letter, (to post) J
5. a) She ... everything in the evening. |
b) At last she ... everything; now she can go to 4
bed. (to do) j
6. a) My watch was all right at 9. but at 10 it ... . 1
b) My watch was all right at 9. but now i t ... . (to I
stop) j
7. a) Last year he ... in the very centre of the city, j
b) He never ... in the very centre of the city, (to 1
live) j
8. a) He ... the Hermitage two days ago. j
b) I already ... the Hermitage, now I want to go to I
the Russian Museum, (to visit) j
9. a) He ... a moment ago. a
b) He just ... . (to leave) I
10. a) I ... to the dean during the break. I
b) I ... to the dean as yet. (not to speak) I
11. a) They ... on Sunday. 1
b) Ring them up, they ... . (to return) ]
12. a) Yesterday the weather ... . j
b) Put on your coat, the weather ... . (to change) 1
78 I
Exercise 4. Insert predicates in the Present Perfect
Simple or in the Past Simple and other missing paits of tlie
sentence using the phrases in brackets.
A, 1. The doctor ... today, (to visit ten o f his patients)
2. His brother ... that day. (not to go to the pictures) 3. It
... the day before yesterday, (to rain heavily) 4. The pro­
fessor ... two days ago. (to examine him) 5. He ... the
other day. (to call on us)
JB. 1. The tourists ... this week, (to arrive here) 2. Mot­
her ... that week, (to take the children to the Zoo) 3. My
husband and I ... last week, (to be at the theatre) 4. The
children ... a week ago. (to come from the country) 5. My
aunt ... for a week, (to stay with us)
C. 1. She ... this month, (to take eight lessons in English)
2. They ... that month, (to return from England) 3. His
elder brother ... last month, (to meet them at the pictures)
4. I ... a month ago. (to speak to the dean) 5. She ... for
a month, (not to be in town)
D. I. Her husband ... this year, (to graduate from the
Institute) 2. Their friends ... that year, (to live in the
Crimea) 3. She ... last year, (to miss many lessons in
French) 4. They .,. a year ago. (to get acquainted) 5. She
... for a yeaj'. (to stay in England)

Exercise 5. Finish up the sentences choosing appro­

priate adverbial modifiers from the brackets.
1. My cousin did not ring me up ... . (at 10 o ’clo
since 10 o ’clock) 2. 1 have not seen him at home ... . (at
dinner time, since dinner time) 3. He did not say a word
about it ... . (at the beginning of supper, since the begin­
ning of supper) 4. I have been here ... . (yesterday, since
yesterday) 5. It snowed heavily ... . (on Sunday, since
Sunday) 6. They have travelled at tlie Caucasus ... . (in
September, since September) 7. My little child has been
ill ... . (in summer, since summer) 8. My children have
studied English (last year, since last year) 9. He wrote
his last book ... . (in 1970, since 1970) [0. They did not
know anything about each other ... . (when they met, since
they met) 11. The child was frightened ... . (when he saw
the doctor, since he saw' the doctor) 12. My elder sister
lias lived in the country ... . (when she graduated from the
Institute, since she graduated from the institute)

Exercise 6. Translate into English using the Present

Perfect Simple or the Past Simple.
1. Когда приехал твой брат? 2. Ты уже видел его?
3. Дождь уже начался. 4. Вчера шел сильны й снег.
5. Температура понизилась на прошлой неделе. 6. Я
живу в этой квартире с прошлого года. 7. Будильник
прозвонил в шесть часов. 8. Ты уже нарезала пирог?
9. В прош лом году она работала в м а ш и н о п и с н о м
бюро. 10. Я уронила сумку, пожалуйста, подними ее.
11. Она не была в кино с прошлого месяца. 12. В
прошлом месяце я видела ее два раза. 13. Я очень
голодна, я ничего не ела с самого утра. 14. Вчера она
очень устала и легла спать рано. 15. Он пош ел в
свою комнату, включил радио и лег на тахту. 16. Я
еще не сделала бутерброды. 17. Они часто встреча­
лись на улице. 18. В этом году мы встречались не
часто. 19. Зимой они по вечерам обычно ходили в
Section 7

P a s t C o n tin u o u s

Exercise 1. Give fill I answers to the following qucs-

! ions.

1. What were you doing when 1 rang you up? 2. What

was she writing when mother entered the room? 3. Whom
was she speaking to when I saw her? 4. What were you
looking for when I opened the door? 5. What were they
laughing at when I came in? 6. What were you listening to
when the tape-recorder broke? 7. What were they doing
when it began raining? 8. What was she doing when the
light went out? 9, What was she doing when the fire began?
10. What was she eating when 1 brought in the breakfast?
11. What were you playing at when 1 called you home?

Exercise 2. Give full answers to the following ques­

I . W h at were you doing while I was w ashing up?
2. What were you reading while 1 was writing my composi­
tion? 3. What was N ick doing while Nelly was washing?
4. What was mother doing while Nick was taking his bath?
5. What was father doing while Nelly was laying the table?
6. What was mother doing while the children were eating
their breakfast? 7. What was Nelly doing while Nick was
drinking tea? 8, What was Nick doing while Nelly was look­
ing at herself in the mirror? 9. What was Nelly doing while
father was putting on his coat? 10. What was mother doing
while they were leaving home? 11. What were you doing
while it was raining? 12. What were you doing while the
children were sliding on the ice?

Exercise 3. Think of questions for which the following
might be answers.
1. At seven o ’clock he was just getting up. 2. At
time I was seeing my guests off. 3. At ten o ’clock she w;
walking her dog. 4. When I saw him he was opening thp
door of your house. 5. While Nelly was washing Nick was(
taking his bath. 6. She was pouring out tea when I brought!
in the cake. 7. It was raining heavily since morning till-
night yesterday. 8. When the telephone rang they wen
dancing in the sitting-room. 9. While mother was greeting-
the guests Nelly was cutting bread and butter. 10. When
the bell rang they were all sleeping. 11. In the kitchen she
was hurriedly cooking dinner. 12, They were having a wallc
in the park.

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions according

to the pattern. Make use of the phrases in the margin, but
think of suitable subjects for each of the subordinate clauses.

P a t t e r n: When did you come? to dance

I came when they were dancing.

1. When did you cut finger? to cook dinner

2. When did you switch off the light? to leave home
3. When did the alarm-clock ring? already to get up
4. When did you meet him? to walk in the park
5. When did she leave? to dance
6. When did it begin raining? to wash up after
7. When did he ring you up? to cook scones for
my teaparty ■i
8. When did she- arrive? to have dinner <

1 When did you see him last time? to leave after our
п. When did you catch cold? to air the room
i . When did you break the plate? to cany the dishes
into the kitchen
When did she break her arm? to slide on the
frozen pond

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

1. Что ты делала, пока я мыла посуду? 2. Он
позвонил, когда мы обедали. 3. Вчера в это время я
шлько подъезжала к Ленинграду. 4. Пока я накрыва-
i-i на стол, дети умывались. 5. С десяти до пяти я
работал в своей лаборатории. 6. Она разговаривала с
■остями и разливала чай. 7. Она накрывала на стол, а
молодежь танцевала. 8. Пока ребенок спал, она го-
;овила обед. 9, Когда ребенок проснулся, она как раз
кончала мытье посуды. 10. Когда он позвонил, мы
завтракали. II. Она не выходила на улицу, потому
1["го шел сильный дождь. 12. Таяло, и дети не пошли
Iia каток.

Section 8

P a s t S im p l e - P a s t C o n t in u o u s

Exercise /. Fill in the blanks with the Past Simple or

the Past Continuous.
1. A few minutes later a young man ... . (to arrive)
2. But one fine morning as she ... in her room, someone ...
at the door, (to sit, to knock) 3. He ... over to the window
and ... out. Rain ... heavily on the grass, (to walk, to look,
to fall) 4. And he ... out of bed, and ... a cold bath, and
... himself, and ... himself, and ... himself in cold water
because there was no time to wait for the hot. (to spring,
to have, to wash, to dress, to shave) 5. Eveiybody ... after
her as she ... . (to look, to pass) 6. “You speak English
very w e i r 5, said Camilla. She ... past him at Robert, (to
look) 7. Watching her he had the feeling, that she ... a
part, (to play) 8. W hen he ... in, she ... in a big a rm ­
chair by the window, (to come, to sit) 9. He ... something
but I ... him well, (to cry, not to hear) 10. I into the
kitchen. Tom ... bread and butter, Mary ... a cloth on a
little table by the window, (to come, to cut, to put)

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

1. Она разлила чай и пригласила всех к столу.
2. Она разливала чай, когда отец вошел в гостиную.
3. Она разрезала пирог и дала большой кусок гостье.
4. Она разрезала пирог, когда пришли гости. 5. В это
время она печатала на машинке. 6. Я поднимал ее
сумку, как вдруг увидел, что она смеется. 7. Это
случилось, когда умер ее отец. 8. Я стоял у окна и
смотрел на улицу. Шел снег и дух холодный ветер.
9. Когда мы п о до ш ли к дому, б ы ло уже тем н о.
10. Когда мы подошли к дому, уже темнело. 11. Когда
мы подходили к дому, было уже темно. 12. Когда мы
подходили к дому, уже темнело. 13. В прошлом году
он часто ходил в кино. 14. Он шел в кино, когда на
улице что-то случилось. 15. Он жил дома с отцом и
матерью. 16. Она сидела рядом со мной и все время
что-то говорила. 17. Мать накрыла стол скатертью,
достала чашки, нарезала пирог. 18. В гостиной бы­
ло весело: мать накрывала стол скатертью, Китти
доставала чашки, Дж ейн резала пирог.

Section 9

P a st P e r f e c t S im p l e

Exercise 1. Give short answers to the following ques­

]. Had you washed up before the children came
hack from their walk? 2. Had the children returned from
the skating-rink before it grew dark? 3. Had the rain stop­
ped before they came back from school? 4. Had you writ­
ten to your parents before you left for England? 5. You
had seen your brother before you went to tlie Institute,
hadn’t you? 6. She had gone to bed before you switched
off TV, hadn’t she? 7. You hadn’t looked through your
composition before you handed it in, had you? 8. She
hadn’t read the whole of the book before she returned it to
the library, had she? 9. I h a d n ’t seen them on the platform
before the train started, and you? 10. I had come before
their lessons were over, and you? 11.1 hadn’t washed up
before the children returned, and you? 12. I hadn’t cooked
dinner before the family assembled, and you?

Exercise 2. Transform the following before-oXauses into

after-clauses and vice versa, changing the tense of the verbs

P a t t e r n : M other had returned before

1 went for a walk.
Mother returned after f had gone
for a walk.

1. The rain began after we had come from the In­

stitute. 2. She had fallen asleep before her family re-

turned from the pictures. 3. She had cooked the cake be­
fore the guests came. 4. Father rang up after I had finish
ed my lessons. 5. I cam e h o m e after it had grow:
dark. 6. They had gone to the skating-rink before the sno1
stopped. 7. She poured out tea after her husband h
taken the cake from the oven, 8, The storm had stopper
before they left the village. 9, They had left the tow:
before the war began. 10. I visited them after they hai
got their new flat. 11. He went to bed after he had dorij
everything. 12. She had washed up before the childra
came from the pictures.

jExercise 3. Join following pairs of sentences substitute

ing the Past Perfect Simple for the Past Simple in one of thi
clauses according to the sense. Make use of the conjunc'
tions: after, before, when, till, until.

P a t t e r n: They came. She finished her work.

They came after she had finished
her work.

1. The children returned from school. Mother cooke

dinner. 2. They went for a walk. It stopped raining,
3. The frosts began. She made winter things for he:
children. 4. I waited. She did the room. 5. He took hi
bath. His wife laid the table for breakfast. 6. Nick left foi
school. Nelly was ready, 7. The children fell asleep. T h
parents came back from the pictures. 8. Mother waited,
The children wrent to the skating-rink, 9. The bell rang. H<
went to bed. 10. She called on them. They went to th<
pictures. 11. They came to the skating-rink. The sno'
began, 12, It grew' dark. The children went home.
Exercise 4. Translate into English.
I. До того к а к началась война, они ж и л и
'К-нинграде. 2. К этому времени она уже убрала ком-
н.тгы. 3. После того как дети ушли в школу, она
принялась за уборку. 4. К двум часам она уже при-
[ «гтовила обед. 5. Я была т а к один ока, п о ка не
познакомилась с этой семьей. 6. Дети вернулись из
и-су, до того как начался дождь. 7. Они подошли к
• н1 н ц и и } уже после того как совсем стемнело. 8. Снег
|мчался, после того как все ушли в кино. 9. К пяти
■мсам все уже собрались в гостиной. 10. К тридцати
и лам он уже совсем поседел, (to turn grey). 11. Он
■i-.азал, что познакомился с ними в 1990 году. 12. Она
\ счала к родителям до того, как пришла эта теле-
ip;iMMa. 13. О н и ждали, пока не кончился дождь.
М. Он очень жалел, что сказал ей об этом. 15. Он
никогда не жалел, что познакомится с ней. 16. Я был
i d: рад, что они наконец приехали. 17. Мать, которая
- и- давно ушла за покупками, након ец вернулась.
! !>чера позвонила Нелли. Мы не виделись уже две
и> чел и.

Section 10

P a s t C o n t in u o u s - P a s t P e r f e c t S im p l e

Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the Past Conti­

nuous or Past Perfect Simple forms of the verbs in brackets.
1, He ... already ... the door and ... the key. (to reach,
iо iurn) 2. She ... some more steps, and ... at the water, (to
walk, to look) 3. The man ... heavily. He ... all the way
Imm his house, (to breathe, to run) 4. She ... at last, and
now ... something to her mother, (to calm down, to

whisper) 5. The children ... crying, and ... frightfully at
each other, (to stop, to look) 6. She ... dinner and ... now
leisurely ... her cigarette, (to cook, to smoke) 7. Now
they ... , and ... the hills, (to stop, to survey) 8. They ... at
each other, trying to make out what ... . (to look, to hap­
pen) 9. By that time they ... already ... about ten miles and
... worse and worse, (to go, to feel) 10. Now he ... with his
fiancee. Apparently they ... . (to dance, to return from
abroad) 11. His parents, who ... two weeks before ... . (to
leave, to return) 12. She ... where he ... her. (to stand, to

E xercise 2. Think of situations in which you could

give two different answers to each of the following ques­
tions: one with the verb in the Past Continuous, the other
with the verb in the Past Perfect Simple. Think of suitable
conjunctions for each of your answers, Make use of the
phrases in the margin.

P a t t e r n: When did he come?

1. He came when we were having
2. He came after (when) we had
already had breakfast,

1. When did you meet him? to turn the corner

of the street
2. When did he call on them? just to have dinner
3. When did you come into the
room? to ring off
4. When did she ask you about it? to quarrel
5. When did you tell her about it? to cook dinner
6. When did the children return? to have dinner
7. When did they go for a walk? to begin snowing
8. When did it begin raining? to get ready to leave
9. When did you notice this man? to come up to my
0. W hen did you lose your bag? to get out of the bus
1. When did she ring you up? to do the rooms
2. When did he return? to go to bed

Exercise 3. Supply subordinate clauses with the verbs

cither in the Past Continuous or the Past Perfect Simple.
Oive two variations wherever possible.
1. Mary arrived w hen . . . . 2. I met the children
when . . . . 3. She called on me after . . . . 4. She watched.
Iier son while . . . . 5. They w e n t to the cinem a after ... .
(i. 1 didn’t know that ... . 7. Who told you that ...? 8. My
husband returned as soon as ... . 9. The tourists reached the
liver when ... . 10. She called me up and asked what ... .
11. They told me about your illness after . . . . 12. I wonder
w hat....

Section 11

F u ture S im p l e

Exercise 1. Give short answers to the following ques­


A. P a 11 e r n: Will it rain tonight?

Yes, it will. (No, it w o n ’t.)

1. Will it snow today? 2. Will it thaw tomorrow?

3. Will lie do it for me? 4. Will he ring you up? 5. Will he
tell them about it? 6. Will they come too?
B. Patter n: Will you come?
Yes, I shall. (No, I shan’t.)

h Will you ring me up? 2. Will you see her home?

3. Will you give me some supper? 4. Will you help her?
5. Will you stop all this? 6. Will you come home late?
C. 1- Wil] they start tomorrow? 2. Will you give that
letter to her? 3. Will she come in time? 4. Will you see
them tomorrow? 5. Will she stay with us? 6. Will you go
to th e pictures wit.li them? 7. Will it be warm in June?
8. WiH you cook my favourite cake? 9. Will they help me?
10. Will you give me some milk? 11. Will he call too?
12. Will you have a good rest in the summer?

Exercise 2. Give .short answers to the following ques­


A. P a 11 e r n: He will come tomorrow, won’t he?

Yes, he will. (No, he won’t.)

1. She will do it herself, won’t she? 2. Tlie weather will

be fine tomorrow, w on’t it? 3. The days will get longer ve­
ry s o o n , won’t they? 4. It will rain in the evening, w on’t it?
5. Your parents will soon return from abroad, w on’t they?
6. Soon she will become quite a beautiful girl, w on’t she?

B. P a 11 e r n: You will come veiy soon, won’t you?

Yes, 1 shall. (No, I shan’t.)

1. You will carry the box, w on’t you? 2. You will like
that fur, won’t you? 3. You will like fishing, w o n ’t you?

4. You will listen to the nightingale, w on’t you? 5. You will
catch that butterfly for me, w o n ’t you? 6. You will go to
Ihe skating-rink with me, w o n ’t you?

Exercise 3. Add question-tags to the following state­

ments and then let your fellow students answer these ques­

P a t t e r n: She will come soon.

She will come soon, w on’t she?
Yes, she will. (No, she w on’t.)

1. She will fail to catch the dog. 2. You will write

this letter for me. 3. He will play ball with his sisters.
4. You will ski in the afternoon. 5. You will have a hot
bath. 6, They will have plenty of time on Sunday. 7. The
horse will eat some hay. 8. His sisters will laugh at him.
9. You will cook a nice dinner. 10. They will soon hear the
news. 1J . You will introduce me to her. 12. She will give
us a cup of hot tea.

Exercise 4. Give short answers to the following ques­


P a t t e r n: He w on’t come tonight, will he?

No, he w o n ’t. (Yes, he will.)

j. He w on ’t be afraid of the snake, will he? 2. He

w o n ’t fail to catch the fish, will he? 3. The dog w on’t bark
at me, will it? 4. The rat won’t bite me, will it? 5. The
hare w o n ’t run away, will it? 6. The horse won't throw him
off, will it?

P a t t e r n : You w o n ’t see him, will you?
No, I shan’t. (Yes, I shall.)

I. You won’t fail to catch that fish, will you? 2. You

won’t tease the cat, will you? 3. You w o n’t be afraid of the
wolf, will you? 4. You w o n ’t ride this horse, will you?
5. You w on’t say a word of it, will you? 6. You w o n ’t write
to her, will you? 7. You w o n ’t do it, will you? 8. You
won’t go there will you?
С. 1. The weather w on’t change soon, will it? 2. You
won’t dance, will you? 3. The rain w o n ’t stop, will it?
4. You w on’t be late, will you? 5. It w o n ’t stop snowing, j
will it? 6. You w on’t be cruel to her, will you? 7. The ]
tigers w o n ’t come here, will they? 8. He w o n ’t win, will j
he? 9. You w on’t do it, will you? 10. The cows won’t j
butt, will they? 11. You w o n ’t play with them, will you? j
12. Mother w on’t come soon, will she? 13. You w on’t be j
absent long, will you? \

Exercise 5. Add question-tags to the following state­

ments and then let your fellow-students answer these ques- :
tions. j

Pattern: She will come tomorrow.

She will come tomorrow, w on’t she?
Yes, she will. (No, she w on’t.)

1. We shall see each other tomorrow. 2. She

spend summer in Leningrad. 3. She w o n ’t come tonight.
4. You w o n ’t be angry with me. 5. Your friends will be
there too. 6. It will rain in the evening. 7. I shall get the j
ticket too. 8. You will be kind to me. 9. It w o n ’t snow ]
tonight. 10. You w on’t tell her about it. 11. They will
arrive tomorrow. 12. Your brother will be present too.

Exercise 6. Answer the following questions beginning

your sentences with so and neither.
1. She will come in the evening, and what about you?
2. We shall not go to the forest, and what about your
friends? 3. He will go to the Zoo, and what about his little
sister? 4. I shall never part with my pet, and you? 5. He
won’t be afraid of the crocodile, and what about his young­
est sister? 6. I shan’t see much of them this summer, and
she? 7. I shall be frank with them, and you? 8. He will find
lime for it, and what about them? 9. They will be back in
a few minutes, and your friend? 10. 1 shall not stay here
a minute, and you? 11. He w o n’t drink the milk, and you?
12. i ’ll buy some fish, and you?

Exercise 7. Answer the following questions.

1. Who will go to the wood? 2. Who will gather
mushrooms? 3. Who will gather berries9 4. Who will go
and see the elephant? 5. Who will give the rabbit some
;uass? 6. Who will call in the dog? 7. What will you do in
rhe Zoo? 8. What will you see in the country? 9. What will
they see in the forest? 10. What will you write her sister
about? 11 .What will you give your son on his birthday?
12. What will she call her cat? 13. What books will you take
from the library? 14. What cake will she cook? 15. What
dress will you put on? 16. What text will they read? 17. How
many pages will you read for tomorrow? 18. How many
trees will they plant in spring? 19. How much milk will she
drink? 20. Where will you go in the summer? 21. Where
will you live next year? 22. When will she go to the country?
23. When will they go for mushrooms? 24. When will he
come back from the wood? 25. How' long will they stay in
the forest? 26. How long will you work with him?
Exercise 8. Put questions to all parts of the sentenci
1. He will not deceive you. 2. 1 shall leave th
soon. 3. She will try to stop it. 4. We shall not retu;
here till afternoon. 5. He will thank you for it sondj
day. 6. S h e ’ll not leave the boy. 7. I shall waste
words. 8. You’ll find it out veiy soon. 9. A great deal
power will lie in his hands. 10. He will always think f<
others as well as for himself 11. I shall come back to yd
in a few days. 12, The dog will return to his master.

E xercise 9. Finish up th e following s e n te n o

using the phrases in brackets and referring their verbs tj
the future.

P a t t e r n: Next year he ... (to go to England).

Next year lie will go to England,

1. Tomorrow his brother and he ... (to come to see us)

2. In the morning the doctor ... (to visit your child). 3. Nexl
summer our family ... (to live in the country). 4. On Sun­
day my children ... (to go to the Zoo). 5. In the summer a]
the students of our group ... (to work in the country). 6. I:
the evening all of them ... (to gather in the club). 7. To
night my neighbours ... (to come to tea with me). 8. In
week their group ... (to start for the mountains). 9. Nexl
spring we ... (to graduate from the Institute). 10. O:
coming home he ... (to switch on TV). 11. The day aftei
tomorrow my mother and I ... (to go shopping). 12. Ver
soon I ... (to go to the sea-side).

Exercise 10. Think of questions for which the follo-
"m g might be answers.
i. Г 11 stay here for about a week. 2. For your
iniihday I ’ll give you a nice little brooch. 3. My dress will
I" ready in time for the ball. 4. I ’11 leave them at my
nit ice. 5. Tomorrow they will already be in Omsk. 6. She
will not be back till late at night. 7. He will give me a red
mvsc. 8. The rest of them will copy the verse. 9. I’ll put
i hr books on the table. 10. She’ll come in a dav or two.

II. I ii never do it again. 12. H e’ll go to the pictures.

Exercise 11. Read the sentences and translate them

info Russian.
1. So, my son, w e’ll have to stay where we are -
г 1re safe here. 2. I think 1 shall have to go and explain it
I** her. 3. 1 can’t help you, you’ll have to get up yourself.
I. "Oh, well” , he thought, “ I’ll have to ask my mother
Lest” . 5. I think I shall be able to show myself worthy of it.
r ; shall never be able to talk as you do. 7. Will you get
.ill right and be able to fly again, or will you always be a bit
>h a crock? 8. Now we shall be able to have all sort of
interesting discussions. 9. But you see, you just w on’t be
■ihlc to take that good express train to London. 10. Do you
i link you’ll be able to get to the bottom of it? 11. The boy
will be permitted to visit you. 12. You see, Tin sure you’ll
be allowed to have that big ball.

Exercise 12. Refer the predicates in italics to the fu-

inre. Make other changes if necessary.

P a t t e r n : He can do it today.
He will be able to do it tomorrow.

1. Eveiybody can sec that. 2. Now I can finish my*
play. 3. Wait. Гш going to look for a better place w h e r e
we can talk. 4. I’m going up where I can get the sunshinej
5 . 1 can take the things off the table. 6. I menu you can give9
anyone anything. 7. LtOh, I can do it myself’, answered!
the boy. 8. 1 can scarcely describe what the difference is.}
9. You can give some money to her now - enough to pay!
Her rent. 10. I can resist everything except tem ptation.!
11. It is really one of the few houses in London where 1 can\
take Agatha. 12. Here is some money. It’s for you, so yoim
can pay the rent. 13. Mother knows where we are. Let’s !
stay here. She can find us when she comes back. 14. Get !
up! You must get away, my son. 15. You must tell me what IЯ
I did. 16, I think I must go and explain everything to h e r.j
17. You must kiss me on the lips, for I love you. 18. W ei
have been too lax. We must make an example. 19. All! You#
must be at home for me. 20. Arthur, you must let me staym
for five minutes. 21. Robert, you must stop this! 22. O f!
course you must help me in this matter. 23. 1 must go to I
her. 24. It must be done somehow. 25. I must go back - no;
I can't go back. 26. You must have this place at once.
27. Now you may go and look at tlie toys. 28. May I have
it just now? 29. May I pull that little table over here to your
chair? 30. You may call me Jim. 31. May I give it to h e r '
this moment? 32. I may come tonight, m ayn't I? 33.You
may go there after dinner. 34. He may do as he chooses!
now with his life. i

Exercise 13. Translate into English. 9

1. В январе я поеду в Москву. 2. Завтра у н
будет две л е к ц и и . 3. Я уверен а, что он и б у д у т !
хорошими друзьями. 4. После обеда он пойдет в I
библиотеку. 5. Я смогу купить этот словарь т о л ь к о !
послезавтра. 6. Ты придешь ко мне на день р о ж д ен и я?!

А когда он будет дома? 8. Перед экзаменами мне
придется очень много работать. 9. Скажите, пожа-
|\йста, когда у нас будет консультация? 10. Сколько
времени вы здесь пробудете? 11. Ты проверишь меня,
щдно? 12. Куда он поедет летом? 13. Когда она
:акоичит д и ссер тац и ю ? 14. Ты будешь завтра в
институте? 15. Через год она окончит институт и станет
преподавателем. 16. Через 10 минут мы должны будем
ыin и , иначе мы опоздаем к началу. 17. Сколько
человек вы сможете проэкзаменовать за шесть часов?
18. В этом году я подпиш усь егце на два журнала,
i 9. Он не сможет придти к тебе вечером, так как будет
чанят. 20. П омни, лекция начнется ровно в девять.
21. Он будет вам так благодарен за все это. 22. На-
чеюсь, это вам очень поможет.

Exercise 14. Give full answers to the following ques­

tions making use of the phrases in the margin.

P a t t e r n : What will you do when to go to the

you have spare time? pictures
When I have spare time I
shall go to the pictures.

1. What will you do when the lectures to go home

are over?
2. What will she do when she graduates to work at school
from the Institute? .
3. What will he do when he comes home to have dinner
4. Where will they go when summer comes? to the country
5. Where will they live when they are mar­ in Moscow

4 Зак. .Tv j U)5N 97

6. What shall we do after we pass the to go to the
exam? cinema
7. What shall we do before we go to to have a cup
the library? of tea
8. How long will you stay here before about ten days
you leave for the Caucasus?
9. What will you do if you d o n ’t get to go somewhe­
tickets for the new' play? re else
10. What will vou do if vou have much
+ w
to have a long
spare time on Sunday? walk in the co­
unt ly
11. What will you do if you come too to read a page
early? or two of this
12. What will she do if she doesn’t find to ring them up
them at home? the next dav

Exercise. 15. Join the following sentences beginning

the subordinate clauses with the conjunctions in the mar-
gi n •

P a t t e r n: I shall do everything, when

I shall be free.
1 shall do everything when I am free.

1. He will come. He will return from the

2. We shall get there. It will be dark.
3. She will buy this coat, She will have
enough money, when
4. They will tell you everything. They will
come to see you.

5. She will tell you about her job. She will
ring you up.

6. I shall write you all about the children.

1 shall settle there. as soon as
7. He will begin studying Spanish. He will
know English well.
8. I shall give him some milk. He will wake up.

9. She will call you up. She will be through

with her lessons.
0. 1 shall take the children for a walk. It
will stop raining. after
1. You will like her. You will see her.

12. 1 shall do nothing. 1 shall see you.

13. We shall reach home. It will begin raining. before
14. I shall show you everything, f shall leave.
15. M o th er will prepare dinneer, She will
go to her work.

16. I shall cook a cake. You will wash up.

17. She will cut the cake. I shall pour out
tea. while
18. I shall find the way to the tigers. You
will admire the wolves.

19. I shall wait here. She will come.

20. 1 shall read. I shall fall asleep.
21. The alarm-clock will ring. He will wake
up. till
22. She will not get up. Somebody will wake
h e r.

23. She will not come. They will invite her.
24. He will not touch his food. You will go away, until
25. She will not come. You will ask her.
26. I shall stay here. You will help me with my work.

27. I shall buy the stuff. I shall get my money

28. She will ring you up. You will leave your
telephone number for her. if
29. She will look quite beautiful. She will cut her
hair short.
30. It will be a blow to me. They will separate.

Exercise 16. Supply appropriate principal clauses

making use of the phrases in the margin.
J . When she is back home ... to cook dinuer
2. When he is here ... to help me with my
3. When she is married ... to have a flat of her own
4. As soon as I graduate from to leave for the country
the Institute ...
5. As soon as winter is over ... to start for the mountains
6. If 1 see him on the beach ... to be greatly surprised
7. If he doesn’t do it at once .. to consider him a coward
8. If she telephones me tonight... not to find me at home
9. Unless you are careful 1 ... to get into trouble
10. Until vou are serious ... not to listen to vou
11. So long as he behaves ... to let liini stay at the table
12. As long as 1 live ... to remember about it
13. ... when it gets dark. to camp
14. ... unless she returns. not to see her
15. ... till it is too late. to wait for him
16. ... if you hurry a little. to catch the train
Exercise 17. Supply appropriate subordinate clauses
uiking use of the phrases in the margin.
1. I shall see you off if ... to be through with my
2. I shall see you as soon as ... to come to the Institute
3. They will call you up when ... to settle everything
4. You will change your mind to tell you everything
after ...
5. He will understand every­ to know all the facts
thing even before ...
6. I shall wait till ... to receive the letter
7. They will stay in Petersburg to return from her trip
until ...
S. She will leave very soon u n ­ to happen to her
less ...
9. I shall not disturb you while ... to work at your paper
0, I shall buy this bear for you to get some money
when ...
11. 1 shall not see you till ... to pass your exam
12, She will see her grandma to leave for Moscow
before ...

Exercise 18. Insert the Present Simple of the Future

Simple of the verbs in the margin.
1. I ... till spring ... . to wait, to come
2. You ... all about it later when to find
you ... bigger, to be
3. I ... very lonely when you ... . to feel, to be gone
4. Well, as soon as I ... from to hear
Vienne, I ... you know the result. to let
5. We ... to wait till they ... to us. to have, to come

6. When I ... this I ... him. to see, to remember
7. If you ... me run back here, to see
turn round and run as fast as
you can.
8. If you ... what I ask you, I ... to do, to pay
you very handsomely,
9. I ... i f ) ... . to weep, to choose
10. An hour ... before the sun ... up. to pass, to be
11. If that woman ... my threshold, to cross
I ... her across the face, to strike
12. Here is the reddest rose, in all
the world. You ... it tonight next to wear
to your heart, and as we ... to dance
together it ... you how I ... you. to tell, to love
13. How' happy they ... when I ... to be, to come
14. You ... my son as long as I ... . to be, to live
15. It ... a big thing if it ... out all to be. to turn

Exercise 19. Classify subordinate clauses in the fol­

lowing sentences and insert the Future Simple or the Present
Simple of the verbs in the margin.

1. I d on’t know when she... . to come

2. We shall all miss him when he ... to be
3. When he ... , I’ll see him alone. to come
4. You’ll make a mistake if you ... me. not to believe
5. I wonder if they ... me go at all. to let
6. I ’ll let you know in a minute if I ... to want
you again.

7. Nobody knows when they ... back. to be
S. When you ... away, think of me some­ to be
I’m not sure if I ... to fmd it, but I ’m to be able
very grateful anyhow.
0. I don’t know when I ... again. to come
1. She will not dance with me if I ... not to bring
her a red rose.
2. Ask her if she really ... it. to mean

Exercise 20. Answer the following questions and ex-

icnd them according to the pattern. Make use of the
■idverbials in brackets.

P a t t e r n: Do you study Spanish? (next year)

No, { don’t, but ГП have to next

1. Do you cook for yourself? (when m other leaves

tor Moscow next week) 2. Does he do his room him ­
self? (in a day or two) 3. Do you study French? (next
year) 4. Do you read many English books? (when I pass
on to the 4 th course) 5. Does he work? (when he lives in
i he countiy next year) 6. Do you often see your parents?
(tomorrow for they d o n ’t feel well) 7. Does he take
these pills? (if he doesn’t feel better) 8. Does your
daughter attend school? (when she is seven) 9. Do you
spend m u ch time at the Institute? (in a m onth w hen the
(erm comes to an end) 10. Does your father often go to
Moscow? (soon w hen he becomes the head of the office)
11. Does your wife work (when the baby is a little older)
12. Does your wife sew? (when we have a baby)

в. P a t t e r n : Do you read English?
No, I d o n ’t, but I ’ll be able
to by the end of the term.

1. Do you often go to the pictures (when the summi

comes) 2. Do you read much? (when I have more spai
time) 3. Do you sing? (when I learn how to do it) 4. Docj
your b ro th er study G erm an? (when he is a little oldei
5. Does your sister often see you? (during her vacatio]
6. Do you often go to the country? (in summer) 7. Doi
he swim? (if somebody teaches him) 8. Do you spe;
English? (by the end of the year) 9. Does he speak French'
(before the term is over) 10. Can she come today? (tomor­
row) 11. Can your brother do it? (when he is throu)
with his work) 12. Can you help me to wash up? (a litt)

Exercise 21. Translate into English.

1. Когда ты узнаешь его получше, ты измен
свое мнение. 2. Никто из нас так и не узнает, когда
как закончится этот странный эксперимент. 3.
сможешь сообщить ему, когда ему надо будет зайти ]
деканат? 4. Она сообщит вам обо всем сама, когда в:
встретитесь. 5. Она сразу все вспомнит, когда увид]
тебя, 6. Я соверш енно уверена, что она воврем)
вспомнит, когда должна с тобой встретиться. 7.
думаю, когда он позвонит, он сразу все скажет. 8.
не знаю, позвонит ли он сегодня. 9. Я обязательна
дам тебе знать, если он сегодн я п озвон и т. 1
Приходи, когда у тебя будет время. 11. Я все сделаю]
если у меня будет время. 12. Я не могу ничего обещат]
- я не уверена, будет ли у меня время, а если будет,
когда. 13. Я не знаю, когда они вернутся, но, когд!
они вернутся, я передам вашу записку. 14. Когда он
позвонит, спроси у него, пойдет ли он с нами к театр,
и, если он согласится, пусть скажет, когда и где мы
i-може м в стр етить ся.

Section 12

F uture i n the P a s t S i m p l e

Exercise L Read the sentences and translate them

into Russian. Pay special attention to the forms in italics.
1. I never thought I should have a car. v2. fl said I
was sorry and hoped she would soon be hefter. 3. Every­
body thought it would be over in six monthsjf 4. He was
young and hoped that hard work would do great things for
him in the future. 5. He said he could not stay because his
wife would wait for him. 6. I thought that that very night
she would tell the whole story to her father. 7. She said she
would dance with me. 8. The boy understood that his papa
would never come hack, that lie was dead. 9.Г1 told her that
you didn’t know about .their departure and that I should tell
you. 10. She didn’t know what their next step would be.
11. Nobody could foresee what she would do. 12. She
didn’t tell me when she would be back. 13. Did they warn
you that the way would be dangerous? 14. Who told you that
Father w ouldn’t agree? 15.1"Why didn’t she tell anybody
that she would not stay for the week-end?

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

1. Я надеялся, что там вы будете чувствовать с
много лучше. 2. Он не думал, что ты спросишь его о
Мери. 3. Никто не предполагал, что в субботу Бобби
уедет. 4. Ты обещал, что вернешься рано, 5. Мальчик
думал, что будет героем. 6. Новый директор сказал,
что теперь все будет иначе. 7. Я знал, что Джим
скоро придет. 8. Я боялась, что ты не простишь
меня. 9. Я реш ила, что вы опять забудете о своем
обещ ании. 10. Я была уверена, что ты справиш ься
с этой работой. 11. Мы надеялись, что тест будет
н ам н ого проще. 12. Я подозревал, что м альчиш ка
снова обманет меня. 13. Я не думал, что здесь будет
так много народа. 14. Ты за б ы л, что тебе придется
все делать самому? 15. Почему ты не сказал, когда

E xercise 3. Add subordinate clauses with the F u ­

ture in the Past Simple to the clauses in the left-hand
column, making use of the phrases in the left-hand co­

1. She said (she) to come home late

2. They thought (they) to finish everything in
3. I supposed (they) to miss classes again
4. Jack realized (he) to be late for the train
5. I was afraid (Mary) to fail her last exam
6. She promised (ail of them) to be present
7. They were sure (they) to be back by Monday
8. I expected (everybody) to be pleased
9. She hoped (nobody) to miss her
10. They did not expect (you) to be so punctual
11.1 didn’t promise (I) to tell you the truth
12. He decided (he) never to come to that
place again

Exercise 4. Finish up the sentences using the Future
in the Past Simple.
1. She said that she ... . 2. He thought that you ... ,
3. She hoped that they ... . 4. I didn’t know that you ... .
5. He knew that we ... . 6. He realized that they ... . 7. She
understood that ... . 8. I was afraid that ... . 9. They
suspected that ... . 10. He was sure that .... 1 1. I knew
that ... . 12. She told me that ... . 13. Did you know that
they ... . 14. Didn’t they remember that ... . 15. Didn't
you make up your mind when you ... .

Exercise 5. Read the sentences aloud paying special

attention to (he forms in italics. Translate the sentences
into Russian.
[. He said lie would do it when he came back. 2. 1
hoped I’d be free as soon as the exams were over. 3. He was
sure he would pass the exam if he worked hard enough.
4. I realized I’d be late if I lingered a little longer. 5. They
agreed that they would start as soon as the exams were over.
6. He thought he would be able to do everything if he had
time. 7. She promised she would, come and see me before
she left for London. 8. They said they would go on with the
game after it stopped raining, 9. She said she w ouldn’t
come to their party unless T o m apologized. 10. I hoped
!’d be able to get back before it began raining. 11. She
asked me to let them in whenever they came. 12.He thought
he would be able to work in tlie garden till it grew dark.

Exercise 6. Supply subordinate clauses by translating
the phrases in the right-hand column into English.
наступит зима
зайдет солнце
начнется дождь
уедут дети
они все вспомнят
when получат столько денег
у них не будет работы
окончат институт

I did not know what вернутся домой

thev would do ты им все скажешь

отец заболеет
они останутся одни
потеряют все деньги
if не поспеют на поезд
ты не придешь вовремя
опять не сдадут зачет
узнают правду

Exercise 7. Translate into English.

1. Ребята сказали, что придут, когда кончатся
уроки. 2. Он обещал, что принесет книгу, если не
забудет. 3. Я спросила, что они будут делать, когда
сдадут экзамены. 4. Он сказал, что если я это сделаю,
он никогда меня не простит. 5. Ты спросила, что он
будет делать, когда окончит институт? 6. Я ожидала,
что Мери всем понравится, когда вы узнаете ее п о­
лучше. 7. Он сказал, что будет ждать, пока я не приду.
X. >1 обещала, что погуляю с собакой, если не будет
I|,ождя. Он решил, что напишет домой, как только
м.шмп работу. 10. Я знал, что ребята скажут правду,
>* 'in in нонжориш ь с ними. 11. Я думала, что успею
справиться с переводом, пока дети гуляют. 12. Я бо­
ялся, что мне не поверят, если я расскажу все сам.
13. Он не был уверен, что успеет псе сделать, до того
как придет шеф. 14. Том понимал, что если он не
сумеет со всем справиться, у него будут неприятности.
15. Я подозревала, что они ничего не станут делать,
если ты их не заставишь, (6. Он решил, что подождет,
пока все вернутся. 17, Ты отдавал себе отчет в том,
что случится, если ты опоздаешь? 18, Неужели ты не
знал, что их уже не будет дома, когда мы придем?

Section 13

Тип S e q u e n c e ое T en ses

Exercise /. Read the sentences aloud. Sav whether

the verbs in italics denote actions simultaneous with the
action in the principal clause, prior to it, or following it.
Translate the sentences into Russian.
I. ! didn’t remember what they had told me. 2.
said he1'/ done everything. 3. Did you know your friend
had told them all? 4. I hoped youV/ never mention the fact
again. 5. Did they know he was a stranger here? 6. Eve­
rybody thought they were a happy couple. 7. He decided
that Y d he afraid of him, 8. People said he actually lived
there, but nobody had ever seen him. 9. Did he explain
what had made him come there? 10. I suspected that lie
would try to escape. 11. Slie hoped the job wouldn’t take all
her time. 12. I didn’t know she was so touchy. 13. He
suspected the rascals were somewhere nearby and would try
to attack again. 14. The doctor said he had consulted you
about the matter. 15. But I knew he was pleased with his
daughter and would let her do whatever she chose. 16. 1
waited knowing that Jim would come for me. 17. Why did

he say he didn't know you? 18. Why did you say you had
never seen her before? 19. Why didn’t you tell them youV
be back quite soon? 20. 1 believed he was unable to hide his

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

1. Бобби сказал, что в субботу не пойдет в ш
лу. 2. Учительница спросила, кто знает английский
алфавит. 3. Я не знал, что они уже все сделали. 4. Ты
не догадывался, что ребята тебя все еще ждут? 5. Маль­
чик сказал, что у него очень мало денег и он не может
купить эту книгу. 6. Девочки сказали, что они уже
прош ли сущ ествительное и сейчас проходят у п о ­
требление времен. 7. Том сказал, что оставил книгу до­
ма. 8. Я надеялась, что все придут пораньше. 9. Мать
сказала, что дети уже пришли из школы и теперь игра­
ют во дворе. 10. Говорили, что комета появится в
марте. П. Я не ожидала, что концерт будет такой
скучный. 12. Разве ты не знал, что тебя все ждут?
13. Я была уверена, что все будет хорошо. 14. Я даже
не надеялась, что, когда придут гости, все уже будет
готово. 15. Она обещала, что ее брат позвонит, как
только выкроит время. 16. Разве тебе никто не ока­
зал, что они уже все сделали и теперь отдыхают? 17. Я
подозревал, что мальчик лжет, просто потому что
боится сказать, что же произошло на самом деле.



Exercise L Use reported speech instead of direct

speech. Change the pronouns and adverbs if necessary.

A. P a t t e r n: She says, "I get up at seven.”
She says (that) she gets up at seven

She savs, ] '‘He’s my friend.”

2. “She works in a typewriting office.11
3. “The room looks clean and tidy.”
4. “ His name is Jack.”
5. “ We must be there at five.”
6. “ [ can help you.”
7. “ It was cold in the room.”
8. “ I was there myself.”
9. “1 liked him and always felt sorry for him.”
10. ” We first met at the pictures.”
1 1. “Thev asked me to com e to di nner to-
12. “You’ve torn your stocking.”
13. “You’ll find everything in tlie kitchen”
14. “ H e’s told me all.”
15. “ H e’ll never marrv vour daughter/'
16. “ Г т not joking.”
17. “ I’m reading for my lirst exam now.”
18. “ He was passing by when it happened.”
19. “They were watching TV at the tim e.”
20. “ She isn’t in at the m om ent.”
21. “ I’m not hke my brother.”
22. “ Brothers and sisters aren’t always alike.”
23. “ He doesn’t get on with his stepma.”
24. “You don ’t seem to realize you’ve grown
25. “ He didn’t tell me anything.”
26. “ 1 can’t see you.”
27. “You m ustn’t say such things.”
28. “ I wasn’t at hom e.”
29. “ He hasn’t seen the film.”
30. “ I’ll not be able to com e.”
В. Р a t t е г 11: She says. "What is he9
*Ъ ? 1

She asks (me) what he is

She says, 1. “Who is this girl?”

2. “What is it all about?”
3. “ What kind of job is this?
4. “What was it?”
5. “ What colour is your new' hat?”
6. “ Mow much did you pay for it?”
7. “ How many exercises do you do at home?”
8. “When wii! they return?”
9. “What will they call their son?”
10. “Where have you been all this time?”
11. “What can I do to make you stay a little
12. “Where must she go?”
13. “ When did it all happen?”
14. “ How did you get to know them ?”
15. “What does she do?”
16. “Where do you live?”
17. “ When did they wake you up?”
18. “Whom did you meet at the pictures?”
19. “Where am I?”
20. “Who lias done all this?”
21. “Who can help m e?”
22. “Who must do the job?”
23. “Who is going to give a talk?”
24. “Who will come to your party?”
25. “Why are you crying?”
26. “ How are they getting on?”
27. “ How shall we get out of here?”
28. “Why don't you answer?”
29. “Why didn' lyou tell me about it at once?”

30. “Why can’t you do it yourself?'’
31. “What drinks didn’t they hke?”
32. "Who isn't going hiking?”

C. V a t t с r n: He says, "Are you a doctor?”

He asks (me) if/whether I am
a doctor.

Me savs. 1. "Is it all right?”

11 ^
2. "Is it still snowing?
3. “Am I wrong?”
4. “ Must I answer at once?”
5. “ Can you help me?”
6. “ May I use your text-book?”
7. “ Will you come to tlie disco?”
8. “Was she there too?”
9. “ Have you ever been here?”
tO. “ Has he told you the truth?”
1!. “ Will you stay a little longer?”
12. “ Do you get up at seven?”
13. “ Does she know what has happened?”
14. “ Did you tell her about the accident?”
15. “ Did you meet her in Moscow?”
16. “ Do we start early tomorrow?”
17. ' i s n ’t it hot today?”
18. “ Wasn’t I right?”
19. “ C an't I do something for you?”
20. “ Won't you see them on Sunday?”
21. “ Didn’t she see you yesterday?”
22. “ D o ifi you know my brother?”
23. “ D idn’t I tell you about it before?”
24. “ D o n ’t they agree?’
25. “ M usth’t we stop?”

Exercise 2. Convert into reported speech. Use sui­
table verbs and nouns (or pronouns) from the lists below.
Verbs; to tell, to order, to command, to persuade, to
remind, to invite, to forbid, to warn, to advise, to ask,
to beg, to implore.
Nouns: Tom, Mary, the boy, my friend, lus guest,
the manager, both o f them. Mother, one us part her, my
son, her daughter, me, her, him, them, you, us.

A. Pattern: He says, “ Stop talking.”

He tells them to stop talking.

He says, 1. “Get up!’1

2. “Come over here, please.”
3. “ Switch off the light, please.”
4. “Get out of here, please.”
5. “ Please take off your hat and coat.
6. “Listen, please!”
7. “ Please wake me up at eight.”
8. “Turn off the tap at once, please.
9. “ Please get me a pencil.”
10. “ Please have a piece of cake.”
11. “Call me Jack.”
12. “ Please have some tea.”
13. “Give me my papers, please.”
14. “Call the man in. please.”
15. “ Please help yourself.”
16. “Open your books, please.”
17. “ Stop crying.”
18. “G o to the blackboard, please.”
19. “ Let me have any job.”

в. P a t t e r n: He says, “ Please don’t be upset.”
He asks Mary not to be upset.

He says, 1. “ Please don’t go.”

2. “ D o n ’t come nearer!”
3. “ Don’t switch off the power, please.”
4. “ Don’t wake me up so early, please.”
5. “ Please d o n ’t be late.”
6. “ Don’t laugh at them, please.”
7. “ Please don’t call him Bob.”
8. “ Don’t be afraid.”
9. “ Don’t tease the dog, please.”
10. “ Please d o n ’t tell Mother about it.”
11. “ Please d o n ’t ask me any questions.”
12. “ Don’t annoy me, sir.”

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

А. Фред спрашивает, . что ты делаешь по вечерам
2. где жинет твой брат
3. чье фото стоит у тебя на
4. чем за н и м а е т с я отец
твоего приятеля
5. с кем ты только что го­
ворил по телефону
6. сколько сейчас времени
7. когда ребята вернутся из
8. куда ты поедешь на ка-
ни кулы
9. сколько времени ты здесь

10. почему ты не отвечаешь
на его звонки
11. кто приходит к ним вчера
12. почему Энн не была вче­
ра на занятиях
13. сколько времени ребята
тратят на дорогу в институт
14. за кого из кандидат ов бу­
дут голосовать твои друзья
15. от кого Энн узнала, чт о
Боб женился
16. как зовут подругу твоей
17. почему ты не готовишься
к зачетам
18. над чем это ты так с м е ­
19. кто поет в соседней комнате
20. почему брат не сдал э к ­

Б. Мири хочет знать. 1. играет ли Том в теннис

2. говор и шь л и ты п о-ан гли й-
3. п и ш е т л и Б о б в с е е щ е с т и х и
4. зн а е ш ь ли ты д о к то р а
5. читали ли вы последний
роман Мери Стьюарт
6. видел ли ты уже комету
7. бы вали ли твои друзья
в Японии
8. говорил ли Боб вчера с

9. поедешь ли ты завтра, ка
10. будут ли твои родители
зантра у Сидоровых
11. любит ли Джек собак
12. не забудешь ли ты о своем
13. спит ли сейчас отец
14. горит ли еще огонь и к а­

Exercise 4. Use reported speech. Pay special atten­

tion to the tenses. Change the pronouns and adverbs if ne­
A. 1. “ I t ’s a lie,” said the boy. 2. She began, “ On the
whole your answer was quite satisfactory.” 3. He said,
” Г т not going to argue with you.” 4. She remarked,” I’ve
only just returned and d on’t know anything as yet.” 5. At
last she managed to say, “You see, Г in quite satisfied
with what I’ve seen.” 6. “I ’m glad there is someone in the
world who is quite happy,” muttered the man. 7. “ 1 don’t
know what to d o ,” complained the boy. 8. “T onight 1 go
to London,” said tlie man. 9. “ I cannot do th a t,” snapped
the girl. 10. “ I was there last year,” said the boy smiling
happyly. 11. “ Г т afraid they’ll laugh at m e,” said the girl
miserably. 12. “ 1 w on’t talk to you for all the gold of the '
world,” cried she in despair. 13. “You m ustn’t talk to me
hke that,” said the teacher. 14. “ I ’m not your enemy, you
can rely on m e,” said the boy softly.
B. 1. “What are you doing here?” he cried. 2. “ Why are
you weeping?” asked the woman. 3. “ But where is your
com panion?” he inquired. 4. “And what are the duties of
a devoted friend?” asked he. 5. “Who is there?” asked the
frightened doctor. 6. “What do you want, Hans?” asked
the Miller. 7. “What are you going to do now?” said his
lather. 8. “ W hen will you leave me alone?” cried the
girl. 9. ‘"What are you laughing at?” inquired the child.
10. “Where have you been ail these months?” asked his
friend. 11. “When were you last in the city?” said the man.
12. “What did she see there?” wondered the nurse. 13. “ How
long will it take you to get here?” asked she anxiously.
14. “Why are you here? Where have you come from? W'hen
will you leave us?” muttered the poor devil in dismay.
C. 1. “ Is the story about tigers?” the boy said. 2. “ Was
lie very disappointed?” inquired the girl. 3, “ Wasn’t 1
quite light?’1 cried the man. 4. ‘4s that the end?” said lie.
5. “ Have you seen the comet yet?” asked he eagerly. 6. “ Is
there anytliing I can do for you?” asked the man. 7. “ W'iil
you come and have dinner with us some day?” lie said to
the man. 8. “ Have you been here long?” said the woman.
9. “A ren't you speaking about yourself?” wondered the
girl. 10. “ W o n ’t she come at all?” asked the poor lad.
11, “ Isn’t it too late now7” lie said rudely. 12. “ Must 1 go
at once?” cried the man. 13. “Will you be there too?” he
asked eagerly. 14. “Was your son at home last night?”
inquired the stranger. 15. “ Had he actually left by mid­
night?” asked the policeman.

Exercise 5. Use reported speech. Choose suitable

nouns and pronouns from the list below.
The hoy, the girl, o n e ’s sister, o n e ’s son. the teacher,
the dean, one's neighbour, rhe children, Jack, Betty, the
nurse, Father, o n e ’s friend, me, you, him, her, us,

A. P a t t e r n : “Come in, please,” said he.

He told the man to come in

1. “Tell me the truth,” said Mother. 2. “ Stop, stop!”
implored the boy. 3. “Come here,” said the girl. 4. “ Lo­
ok at the sky!” cried the man. 5. “ Hurry up!” said F ath ­
er. 6. “Wake me up early tomorrow,” said (. 7. “ Read
this, please,” said he angrily. 8. “Come n e a r e r / ’ whis­
pered the voice. 9. “ Please listen, to m e ,” asked the girl.
10. “Get out of the room!” shouted the man. 11. “ Plea­
se tell me all about it,” said her friend, 12. “O pen the
box, please,” said the boy. 13. “ Read the text, please”
said the teacher. 14. “Give me your hand, please,” said
the girl.

B, P a t t e r n: “ D on’t stop,” said lie.

He told the children not to stop.

i . “ D on’t mutter, please,” said the teacher. 2. “ Plea­

se d on ’t tell Auntie about it,” implored the girl. 3. “ D on’t
be absurd,” said Jack. 4. “ D o n ’t touch me!” cried Jane.
5, “ Please d o n ’t go.” asked the little man. 6. " D o n ’t
smoke here, please,” said the woman, 7. “ D o n ’t let the
children play in the street,” said Father. 8. “ D o n ’t leave
me alone for long,” said the boy. 9. “ D on’t let the dog
go!” cried the boy. 10. “D o n ’t be so foolish,” said the girl

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

Фред сказал, что занят
что ждет звонка
что уже все сделал
что не видел меня вчера
что приедет в воскресенье

Приятель спросил меня, где живут мои родители
что я сейчас делаю
когда начнется лекция
почему я пропустил столь
ко занятий
почему я не разговариваю
с Тедом
сколько романов Агаты
Кристи я уже прочел

Мери хотела узнать, могу ли я ей сейчас помочь

должна ли она спешить с
этой работой
не знаешь ли ты их адрес
не видели ли мы уже Джека
1',не был л и он вчера у нас
?/буду ли я завтра дома
•;поедем ли мы на дачу, если
будет дождь

Мери попросила Джека, принес мел

чтобы он помог ей с английским
никому ничего не говорил
не пел так громко
закрыл окно
приехал пораньше

У ч ител ь в ел ел детя м сидеть спокойно

сделать первое упражнение
выписать новые слова
не выходить из класса
не разговаривать
не торопиться

Exercise 7. Finish up the sentences.
I . She said that they ... . 2. I wondered if lie ... .
3. 1 just wanted to know whether you ... , 4. She asked me
when I ... . 5. He ordered them ... . 6. They begged him
not ... . 7. The teacher wondered what the students ... .
8. The secretary asked the visitor what she ... . 9. The
young man told his friend where he ... . 10. The manager
told the secretary not ... .

Exercise 8. Compose three-sentence dialogues accor­

ding to the patterns.

A. P a t t e r n : - I’m busy.
- What did you say?
- 1 said I was busy.

1, My boy is a good son. 2. I’ve just seen them all.

3. She has never been to London. 4. Гш leaving. 5.We’ll
be late for classes. 6. I saw them last week. 7. 1 d on’t
know his name. 8. We must hurry. 9. I can’t see anything
inside. 10. I haven’t got your answer yet. I 1. She has to
work overtime tomorrow night. 12. Everything is line.
13. There isn’t much time left. 14. You’ll like her if vou
know' her. 15. Г 1.1 tell yon everything when you come.
16. H e’ll help you as soon as he’s through with his own
work. 17. You may be present too. 18. She wasn’t at the
institute yesterday. 19. I’ll phone you the moment I ’m in.

P a t tern: What’s his name?

What did you say?
I asked what his name was.

1. Who is this girl? 2. W hat’s your brother? 3. W
do you come from? 4. When will you be back? 5. What
are they doing here? 6. How long has he stayed in here?
7. What colour have you chosen? 8. When will you see
them? 9. Is the boy one our students? 10. W ere you in
the room at tlie time? 11. Who has broken the window?
12. Did he phone you yesterday? 13. Where did she spend
her holiday? 14. Can you tell me who it was? 15. Must I
answer their questions? 16. Why didn't you say a word
about his failure? 17. Will you be back soon? 18. Will they
tell you what actually happened yesterday? 19. D on’t you
know where your children are at the moment? 20. How
much time is still left?

C. P a t t e r n: - Begin at once, please.

- What did you say?
- I told you to begin at once

1. Sit down, please. 2. Open your books, please.

3. Guess what I have here. 4. Please tell me your name.
5. Please give me your hand. 6. D on’t open that letter.
7. D o n ’t interfere, please. 8. Please tell m e the truth. ,
9. Answer my question, please. 10. Run! D o n ’t stop!
11. Stay where you are. 12. D o n ’t go, please. 13. Stop
talking. 14. Let me see your license. 15. L e t’s come in. j
16. Let’s go home.



Dialogue 1
Kate: Hello, Ann!
Aim: Hello, Kate! H av en ’t seen you for ages!
Meet my fellow student Lena.
Kate: How do you do! Glad to meet you, Lena.
Are you from St.Petersburg?
Lena: N o, I ’m from Moscow. My family lives
there now.
Kate; Do you live in the hall of residence or rent a
Lena: Neither. I live at my sister’s. She has a mce
three-room flat not far from the centre ot
the city.
Kate: You are lucky. Is your sister married?
Lena: Oh, yes. She is married and has a daughter
Kate: What is her husband?
Lena: He is a manaeer.
Kate: And is your sister also a manager?
Lena: Oh, no, she is a teacher of English.
Kate: Is she fond of her job?
Lena: I suppose, she is. She is fond of children
and is very good at handling them. A nd are
you fond of St. Petersburg, Kate?
Kate: Yes, I am. All my family lives in St. P eter­
Lena: And is it a large family?

Kate: Rather. We are five: my parents, a grand­
mother, my younger brother and me.
Lena: Does your grandmother work9
Kate: No, she is a retired pensioner. She is over
sixty. But site does a lot of housework.
Lena: Is vour brother still at school?
Kate: Yes, he is. He is leaving school this year.
He is seventeen.
Lena: What is he going to be?
Kate: His dream is to be an actor. He is a great

Dialogue 2

Alice: Good evening, Jane!

Jane: Good evening, Alice! What are you going
to do?
Alice: Nothing special.
Jane: Let’s go for a walk. The weather is wonder­
Alice: With pleasure. I like to be in the open. Let’s
go to Summer Gardens. It must be lovely
there now.
Jane: Alice, what do you usually do after classes?
Alice: You see, I live rather far from the Institute
and it takes me about an hour to get home.
1 have dinner, then do my homework.
Jane: And what do you do in the evenings?
Alice: If there is a good film on in our local cine­
ma-house, I go to the pictures. In good
weather I go for a walk in the park. Some­
times I go to the theatre. By the way, do
you know my triend Lena?
Jane: I ’m sorry to say, but I don’t.

Alice: Well, she is a good guitar player. S om e­
times she comes to our place and it’s really
a treat to listen to her playing. Come and
see us some day, say. next Sunday?
Jane: Thanks, most willingly.

Ex ercises

Exercise h Answer the following questions.

I. Have you a family? Is it large or small? How
m any are you in the family? Are you all great friends?
2. Does your mother work? What is she ? Is she fond of
her job? 3. W hat is your father? How old is he? Is he
your mother’s senior? 4. Have you a sister or a brother
(or both)? W hat is your sister? W h a t’s her nam e? How
old is she? 5. Your brother is a student, isn’t he ? What
is he going to be? Is he your senior or junior? 6. Are you
m arried? W ho are you m arried to? Have you any
children? 7. Have you many relatives? Where are th ey 7
8. Your mother’s sister is your aunt, isn’t she? And what
is your m other’s brother? 9. Have you grandparents? Are
they retired pensioners? How' old are they? 10. Have you
any nieces or nephews? Are you fond of them ? Do you
often see them?

Exercise 2. Answer the questions according to the


E x a m p I e: - Is your brother a student or a

- Neither. He is an engineer.

I. Is your mother a teacher or a doctor? 2. Are

vou seventeen or nineteen? 3. Does vour father woik at
a factoiy or in the office? 4. Do you study French or
Spanish? 5. Are you from Moscow or from Minsk? 6. Are
you a doctor or a pianist? 7. Is your friend a student or a
teacher? 8. Do you like to play hockey or tennis? 9. Do
you usually watch T V or read newspapers in th e ev e­
nings? 10. Is your sister married to a manager or to a

Exercise 3. Ask questions so that the sentences below

could be answers.
1. I ’m from Kiev. 2. We are four in the family:
parents, my brother and me. 3. J’m twenty. 4. Neither.
She studies English. 5. My mother is a housewife. She
keeps house. 6. It tak es me 20 m inutes to get to my
otfice. 7. I like to watch TV in the evening. 8. Yes, I
have, I ’ve rather m any relatives. 9. They are retired pen­
sioners. 10. My friend is going to be a manager. 11. She
lives in the hostel. 12. They are four in the room. 13.
Yes, they are. They are all good friends.

Exercise 4. Ask your fellow students:

... if she (he) has a family of her (his) own.
... if she (he) lias children.
... if she (he) is a student.
... if she (he) studies English.
... if her (his) family is large.
... how old she (he) is.
... if she (he) has a sister or a brother.
... if her sister (brother) is her senior or junior.
... if her (his) parents are in St. Petersburg.
... what her (his) father (mother) is.
... where her (his) father (mother) works.

.. if her (his) sister is a schoolgirl.
.. if her (his) brother is a doctor.
.. how old her (bis) brother is.
.. if she (he) has any other relatives.
.. if she (he) is fond of them.
.. what her (his) aunt is.
.. what her (his) uncle is.

Exercise 5. Complete the story given below filling in

the blanks.
My name is ... . f live in ... . I am ... years old. My
family is rather ... . We are five. My father works at ... . He
is ... . My mother works at . She is ... . My grandmother
is ... years old. She doesn’t work. She is ... . My younger
sister goes to school. We are all great friends. We like to
spend our spare time together. In the evening father
mother grandmother ..., my sister I ... . Sometimes
W'C g o ... .

Exercise 6. Mix and match.

1. I am going ... to read a book
2. They are going ... to read a G e rm a n n ew ­
3. My brother is going ... to watch TV
4. You are going ... to help mother about the
5. She is going ... to help him to do his ho­
m ework
6. Are you going ... to speak English
7. Is your father going ... to play the piano
8. Is your husband going to visit my relatives
9. Are your friends going to knit a cap
SO. I'm not going ... to listen to tlie ta p e -re -
со rder
1J. My sister is not going ... to cook dinner
12. They are not going ... to do the flat
13. My grandmother is not to wash up
going ...
14. Alice is going ... to water the llowers

Exercise 7, Answer the following questions.

1. What are yon going to do in the evening? 2. What
is your sister going to be? 3. When are you going to visit
your friends? 4. W hat are you going to knit? 5. W hat
film are you going to see? 6. W hat book are they going
to read? 7. When are you going to speak to her? 8. What
is he going to do after classes? 9. Where are they going
to live? 10. What is she going to watch on TV? 11. What
language are you going to study? 12. When is he going
to come back? 13. When are you going to ski?

Exercise 8. Ask your fellow students according to

the example.

E x a m p 1 e: to switch on the TV set

Will you switch on the TV set,

To make tea; to clean the room; to water the flo­

wers; to air the room; to switch on the light; to help you
with the cooking; to give you the newspaper; to wash up;
to cook breakfast.

Exercise 9. Make up a dialogue using the following
words and expressions.
haven’t seen you for ages: meet my friends; not far
from; to be lucky: to be good at; to go to tlie pictures; by
the way; sorry to say; it's a treat; say; most willingly.

Exercise 10. Complete the following sentences.

I. My mother is good at ... . 2. It’s a treat to ... .
3. Ann is lucky. She has ... . 4. Let’s go to ... on Sunday.
5. By the way , do you know ... ? 6. Sorry to say, but ... .
7. Come to our place ... on Saturday. 8. Will you sing
this song ... ? 9. ... my friend Nick. He is a doctor. 10. My
sister is very good at ... .

Exercise 11. Change the sentences according to the


E x a m p 1 e: I like music. - I’m fond of music.

I don’t like sweets. - I’m not fond
of sweets.

1. I like flowers. 2. She likes dogs. 3. They like

rainy weather. 4. My friend likes English. 5. Kate likes
G e rm a n . 6, T hey d o n ’t like a u tu m n . 7. Do you like
cats? 8. Does your father like skiing? 9. I like hockey.
10. My cousin likes sport.

Exercise 12. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and

postverbal adverbs wherever necessary.
1. My family is n ot large. We are four ... the
family. My mother works ... school. She is a teacher ...
English. My father is an engineer. He works ... a factory.

5 Nh 105n 129
My parents are fond .... spoil. My sister is 22. She is two
years ... my senior. 2. ... the way, do you know Peter?
He is ... Siberia. He is fond ... his native parts. He says
that Siberia is w onderful. He is very good ... w in te r
sports. 3. W hat are you going to do ... Sunday? L e t’s go
... the p ictures or ... the th e a tre . A new film i s our
local cinem a-house. 4. M eet my friend Kate. She lives
... the hostel. 5. What place are you ... ? 6. My married
sister lives ... her mother’s-in-law. 7, Do you help your
■mother ... the house? 8. The weather is lovely, let’s go ...
a walk. 9. W hat do you like to do ... rainy weather? - I
like to watch TV or listen ... good music. 10. ... classes
they are going to visit their friend who is ill

Exercise 13. Answer tlie questions according to the


A. E x a in p 1 e: She is a doctor, and you?

So am 1.

1. She is fond of music, and you? 2. They are goo

at sport, and their friends? 3. She is 21, and her sister?
4. You are a manager, and Peter? 5. Alice is English,
and Mary? 6. She is good at knitting, and you? 7. They
are fond of English, and you?

B. E x a m p 1 e: I like to read, and you?

So do I.

I. My elder sister works at school, and you?

2. I like to spend much time with my family, and you?
3. He [ikes to walk in the park, and his wife? 4. Kate
works at a factory, and Alice? 5. She likes to watch TV
in the evening, and Peter? 6. I help my m other about
the house, and you? 7. She plays the p ian o very well,
and her sister?

C. Example: 1 have a sister, and you?

So have I.

1. She has a family of her own, and you? 2. We

have a flat, and they? 3. Kate has a son and a daughter,
and Lena? 4, My friends have a car, and you? 5. We
have a pet, and they? 6. He has a house of his own, and
you? 7. They have English books, and she?

Exercise 14. Translate into English.

I. Моя сестра школьница. Её подруга тоже. 2. Я
л ю б л ю бы вать за городом. М ои друзья тоже. 3. У
Ж е н и есть брат и сестра. У Кати тоже. 4. У вас есть
кварти ра? - Да. - А у ваш и х друзей? - У них тоже
есть. 5. Вы л ю б и те см отреть тел еви зо р ? - Да. - А
ваш муж? - Он тоже. 6. У неё есть способности к
языкам? - Да. - А у её дочери? - У неё тоже. 7. Они
любят зимний спорт? - Да. - А Вы? - Я тоже.

Exercise 15. Answer the questions according to the


A. E x a m p ! e: She is not a doctor, and you?

Neither am 1.

1. She is not twenty yet, and you? 2. They are not

from Kiev, and their parents? 3. Kate is not fond of cats,

and her sister? 4. We are not teachers yet, and you?
5. I ’m not married, and you? 6. My grandm other is not
a retired pensioner, and what about your grandmother?

B. E x a m p i e: She doesn’t know this song. And you?

Neither do I.

1. She doesn’t like sweets, and you? 2. They d o n ’t

study Spanish, and their friends? 3. I don’t like rainy
weather, and you? 4. We d o n ’t read English books yet,
and they? 5. H e d o esn ’t play hockey, and his brother?
6. She d o e s n ’t com e to see us on weekdays, and her
m other?

C. E x a m p 1 e: She has no friends, and Kate?

Neither has Kate.

1. We have not many English books, and you? 2.

have no relatives in M oscow, and you? 3. A nn has no
TV set at home, and Jane? 4. Mary has no aunts, and
Alice? 5. Peter has no tape-recorder, and Nick? 6. They
have no house, and you?

Exercise 16, Translate into English.

1. Ваш брат женат? - Нет. - А сестра замужем?
Нет (тоже нет). 2. Мой отец ещё не на пенсии. - А
ваш? - Мой тоже нет. 3. О на не очень лю бит м узы ­
ку. - А её подруга? - П одруга тоже не л ю б и т. 4. У
вас есть машина? - Нет. - У нас тоже нет. 5. Я не
лю блю гулять в дож дливую погоду. А вы? - Я тоже
не люблю.
Exercise 17. Insert the missing parts o f the d ia lo ­
1 . Ann: Hello, Lena. Glad to meet you. Where
are you going?
Lena: .....................
Ann: What film is on?
Lena: .....................
2. Ann: Hello, Lena. Haven’t seen you for ages.
How are you getting on?
Lena: .....................
Ann: And what is your husband?
Lena: .....................
Ann: How old is he?
Lena: .....................
Aim: What place is he from?
Lena: .....................
Ann: Are you fond of your mother-in-law?
Lena: .....................

Exercise 18, Translate into English.

1. П о з н а к о м ь т е с ь с м оим другом. Его зовут
Петр, он из Вологды. Его семья живет там. Его ро­
д и тел и р аб о таю т в ш к о л е. П етр тож е со б и р а е тс я
стать учителем. 2. Вы живете в общежитии? - Нет, я
живу у своих родственников. У них больш ая квар ти ­
ра недалеко от института. - Вам повезло. 3. Между
прочим, что ты собираешься делать в воскресенье? -
Ещё не знаю. - Поехали за город. В хорошую погоду
приятно побродить по лесу. - С удовольствием. 4. Ты
зн аеш ь, что А ня вышла замуж (замужем сейчас)? -
За кого? - Её муж инженер. Он работает на большом
заводе. 5. М ой м л а д ш и й брат в этом году з а к а н ­
чивает школу. - Кем он собирается стать? - Его меч-

та - бы ть зн а м е н и т ы м п у т е ш е с т в е н н и к о м (fam ous
traveller). Он собирается поступать (to enter) на гео­
гр а ф и ч е с к и й ф акультет (d ep a rtm en t of geography)


1. Read and translate the text.

An English fam ily

We shall speak about an English family. It is a veiy

big family. In fact there are really three families. Read
about them and then make a ja m ilv tree.
Alice and Arthur Heath are grandparents. They’ve
got one son - Harold. They live with Harold and his wife.
Arthur Heath is 70 years old. He had his birthday last
Fred Beaumont is a widower. He spends a lot of
time with his grandchildren.
Bertha Beaumont died in 1990.
The Beaumonts had two daughters - Jean and Betty.
Jean married Harold Heath.
They’ve got three children - one girl and two boys.
Harold Heath’s father used to work on the railways,
but Harold works for a car manufacturer.
Betty’s husband is John King.
T h e Kings have four children. T he n am es o f the
children are Shirley, Jolmny, Christine and baby Sandra.
Elizabeth Heath is 16, and she is still at school. She
is studying for her exams. Her favourite subject is Spanish.
David and Paul Heath are Arthur H eath’ grandsons.
David spends a lot o f tim e with his grandfather.
They love trains, and old TVlr. H eath is always telling
David about the railways in the old days.
Robert King is Betty K ing’s nephew. His father
G eorge is J o h n K in g’s b ro th e r. R o b ert has a wife
G w en and a little daughter Tracey who is going to be two
years old next month.
R obert K in g ’s sister m arried A lan M arshall last
year. They went to their wedding in an old bus.
Brian King loves cars. Brian is still at school. He
doesn’t like school much. He wants to leave school and
work in a garage. Brian is fifteen, and so h e ’s going to
leave school next year, He loved his sister’s wedding. He
rode in an old bus and learnt about its engine.
2. Draw the family tree of this family and speak
abo ut each member of the family.
3. Read and learn by heart.

How is your mother? She is fine, thanks.

How is your father? He is fine, thanks.
How is your sister? She is fine, thanks.
How is your brother? He is fine, thanks.
And how are you? I am fine too. Thank you.

I have a father,
I have a mother,
I have a sister,
I have a brother,
Father, mother, sister, brother -
Hand in hand with one another.

How do you do, Hatty?

How do you do?
I hope you are well, Hatty.
I hope you are too.
Breakfast in the morning,
Dinner in the day,
Tea comes after dinner,
Then comes time to play,
Supper in the evening
When the sky is red,
Then the day is over
And we go to bed.

Magic crystal, tell me true:

In the future what will I do?
Will I be a writer? No, you w on’t.
Will I be a doctor? Yes, you will.
(a teacher, a sailor, a pilot, a singer, a soldier, a
dancer, an actor, a worker).

List of words and word combinations

/. Names o f Relationship
mother - мать
father - отец
daughter - дочь
son - сын
grandmother - бабушка
grandfather - дедушка
brother - брат
sister - сестра
aunt - тётя
uncle - дядя
cousin - двоюродный брат (сестра)
mother-in-law - свекровь, тёща
father-in-law - свекр, тесть
п ер 1iew - племянник

niece - племянница
sister-in-law - свояченица, золовка
brother-in-law - шурин, деверь
stepmother - мачеха
stepfather - отчим
stepson - пасынок
stepdaughter - падчерица

2. Professions

teacher - учитель
doctor - врач
engineer - инженер
driver - шофер
book-keeper - бухгалтер
worker - рабочий
shorthand typist - машинистка - стенографистка
lawyer - адвокат, юрист
manager - управляющий
painter - художник
builder - строитель
actor - актер, артист
actress - актриса
cook - повар
architect - архитектор
pianist - пианист (ка)
pilot - лётчик
typist - машинистка
clerk - клерк, служащий
plumber - водопроводчик
banker - банкир
secretary - секретарша
policeman - полицейский
saleswoman - продавщица

Word combinations
to meet somebody -познакомиться с кем-либо
to be from some place - быть уроженцем к ак о го -
либо места
to live in a hall of residence - жить в общежитии
to rent a room - снимать комнату
to be m arried to sm b. - быть зам уж ем ( ж е н а ­
тым) за кем-то (на ком-то)
to be single - быть незамужем (неженатым)
to be fond of - любить что-либо, нравиться
to be good at smth. - иметь способности к чему-
to make coffee (tea) - приготовить кофе (чай)
to switch 0 11 (a TV, radio set) - включать (теле­
визор, радиоприемник)
to air the room - проветривать комнату
to wash up - мыть посуду (после еды)
to cook meals - готовить еду
to do one’s room - убирать в комнате
to water flowers- поливать цветы
to keep house - вести домашнее хозяйство
to do housework - делать работу no дому
to leave school - кончать школу
to be ... years old - быть такого-то возраста
I ’m twenty - мне двадцать лет
to be one’s senior (junior) - быть старше (младше)
it takes ... to get to - уходит (о времени), чтобы
добраться до ...
It takes me half an h o u r to get to my office - У
м ен я уходит полчаса, чтобы добраться до работы
by the way - между прочим
sorry to say - к сожалению, жать

Sorry to say but I d o n ’t know this man. - К сожа­
лению, я не знаю этого человека
It’s a treat - Это удовольствие, наслаждение
I t ’s a treat to listen to his songs - У д о во л ьстви е
слуш ать его песни
let’s say - скажем, к примеру
Come and see me, let’s say, on Sunday - Прихо­
дите ко мне, скажем, в воскресенье

Dialogue 1
Ann: I say, Alice, have you got a flat of your own?
Alice: It’s my parents’ flat, but I have a room of my
Ann: Is the fiat large?
Alice: Rather. We have three rooms, a kitchen,
a hall and a bathroom.
Ann: Are there ail modem conveniences in the
Alice: Yes, there are. There is hot and cold water,
centra! heating, gas and electricity, of course.
Ann: What is your room like?
Alice: My room is not veiy large, but veiy comfor­
table. There is not much furniture in it. On
the left, there is a sofa and a small table
near it, at the window' there is my writing-
desk, in the right-hand corner there is a
dressing - table. Near it there is a wardrobe
where I keep my clothes.
Aim: Where do you keep your books?
Alice: There are bookshelves over the sofa.
Ann: Have you got a TV set?
Alice: Yes, we have, but it is in the living-room
where we usually sit in the evenings.
1 39
Dialogue 2
Kate: Pete, have you moved to a new fiat?
Pete: Yes, we have. Our new address is: 16 Lesnaya
Street, flat 22.
Kate: Is it far from the centre of the city?
Pete: It takes me about forty minutes to get to
the University by bus.
Kate: What floor is your flat on?
Pete: It’s on the fourth floor. There are nine store­
ys in the house.
Kate: Is there a lift?
Pete: Of course, there is.
Kate: How many rooms are there in your flat?
Pete: There are two rooms, a kitchen, a hall and
a bathroom in it. One room is 16 sq.m, and
the other is 12 sq.m. The kitchen is rather
large, it serves as a dining-room,
Kate: Are you on the phone?
Pete: Г т sorry to say, we aren’t.
Kate: You have all modern conveniences, haven’t
Pete: Yes, we have, even a chute for refuse. Well,
next Sunday we are going to have a house
- warming party. Come to our place and
see it with your own eyes.
Kate: Thanks, I will.

E xercises

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1. What place are you from? Have you a flat or a
house? How many rooms are there in your flat (house)?
What floor is your flat on? Is it convenient to live on the

ground floor? (on the top floor?). Is there a lift in your
2. W hat m o dern co n v en ien ces are there in your
flat? Is there a chute for refuse? Have you got a gas or an
electric stove? Does it take m uch time to cook breakfast
(to boil the kettle) on a gas stove? What furniture is there
in the kitchen? Do you have your meals in the kitchen or
in tlie dining-room?
3. Which is the largest room in your flat? Whose
room is it? W hat is ther.e in this room ? Is there m uch
furniture in this room? What is there in the centre of tlie
room? Are there any pictures on the walls? What is there
on the floor?
4. You have a room of your own, haven’t you? Is it
warm and light? It is not very large, is it? What pieces of
fu rn itu re are there in your room? W here do you keep
your books? T h ere is a w ardrobe in your room , isn ’t
th ere? What colour curtains are there on the windows?
W hat colour is the w allpaper in your room ? W here do
you sleep? Arc there any arm-chairs in your room?

E xercise 2 . Answer th e questions below using the

following words: at the wall, in front o f in the left (right) -
hand comer, to the right of’ on the left, to the left o f in the
centre o f in the middle o f at the opposite wall, above the
table, on the wall, at the window, between the windows,
round the table.
I. Where is the dining-room in your flat? 2. Where
is the wardrobe? 3. Where are the chairs? 4. Where is the
TV set? 5. W here is the dressing-table? 6. W here is
the sofa? 7. Where is the sideboard? 8. Where are the
pictures? 9. Where is the standard lamp? 10. Where are

the arm-chairs? 11. Where is the lamp? 12. Where is the
piano? 13. Where are the bookshelves?

E xercise 3. M ake up sen ten ces according to the


E x a m p l e : 1. A kitchen - A kitchen is a room

where we cook meals,
2. A dining-table - A dining-table
is a table (a piece of furniture)
at which we have meals.

A bedroom, a study, a wardrobe, a sideboard, a

writing-desk, a bookcase, a bookshelf, a sofa.
To sleep, to w ork, to keep clo th es, to keep
glassware and dishes, to write and read, to keep books.

Exercise 4. Form tag-questions from the following


E x a m p 1 e: There is a sofa at the wall, ...?

There is a sofa at the wall, isn’t

1. Your flat is on the second floor, ... ?

2. There is little furniture in your room, ... ?
3. T he TV set is in th e le ft-h a n d c o rn e r of the
room , ... ?
4. The curtains in your bedroom are light blue, ... ?
5. T h ere are all m o d e rn conv eniences in your
flat, ... ?
6. Tlie telephone is in the hall, ... ?
7. T h e re are m any English and G e rm a n books
on the shelves, ...?
8. The living-room is the best room in your flat, ...?
9. There is much air in your flat, ...?
10. The wallpaper in your study is green, ...?

E xercise 5. D isagree w ith the sta te m e n ts below.

Begin your sen ten ce with one o f the following: / don 7
think so, I ’m afraid you are wrong, on the contrary, i t ’s not
so, far from it.
I . It is very convenient to live on the ground floor.
2, Now your friends live in the centre of the city. 3. It
takes you ab out forty m in u tes to get to th e University.
4. You keep your books on the writing desk, don’t you? 5.
Your sister has a two-room flat, hasn’t she? 6. They are
not on the phone, are they? 7. There are no modern c o n ­
veniences in this house. 8. Ann lives on the top floor.
9. A gas-stove is better than an electric one.

Exercise 6. Choosing tlie words from the list below

furnish your study, b ed ro o m , living room , kitchen,
din ing-room.
A sideboard, a cupboard, a piano, a bed, a night
table, a dressing-table, a sofa, a bookcasc, a wardrobebe,
a small table, a TV set, a tape recorder, a writing desk,
shelves for household things, stools, chairs, armchairs,
refrig erato r (fridge), a kitchen table, books-helves,
a carpet, some pictures, a piano, a vase with flowers.

Exercise 7. Answer the following questions using the

words from exercises 2 and 6.
1. W here are you going to place the piano? 2. In
which c o m e r are you going to place the TV set? 3.What
are you going to put between the window's? 4. What are
you going to hang on the walls? 5. Where are you going
to place the fridge? 6. What are you going to put on
the floor? 7. W here are you going to place the w ard ­
robe? 8. W here are you going to keep all your books?
9. What are you going to place between the sofa and the
w ardrobe? 10. W hat do you w an t to put at th e wall?
11, Where is the place for the standard lamp? 12. What
furniture do you want to have in the kitchen?
Exercise 8, Ask your fellow-students:
... if she (he) lives m the hostel
... how many they are in the room
... if the room is large
... where they keep their books (clothes)
... if there is a TV set ( radio set, tape recorder) in
their room
... what floor their room is on
... what place she (he) is from
... if her parents have a house
... how many rooms there are in their house
... if there is a garden near the house
... if there are modern conveniences in the house
... if she (he) has a flat
... how many rooms there are in the flat
... what they are
... what furniture there is in the bedroom, study,
living room, dining-room
... if they have their meals in the kitchen or in the
... if she (he) has a room of her (his) own; what
furniture there is in her (his) room.
Exercise 9. Complete the following sentences.
1. i ’m fond of our new flat because ... . 2. It’s ver
c o n v e n ie n t to ... , 3. T here are nine storeys in the
house, that’s why it ... . 4. The room looks veiy small
because .... 5. T h e best place for the TV set is ... .
6. T h e re are all m odern conveniences in the flat, such
as .... 7. Our flat is not very large, there are .... 8. Let’s
place the sofa ... .

E xercise 10. W hat will you say if you want your

daughter (son, husband, etc.):
to wash up after dinner; to dust the furniture; to
hang the curtains; to clean the carpet; to scrub the floor; to
put everything in its place; to tidy up; to water the flowers;
to sweep the floor; to air the room.

Exercise 11. Complete the dialogue.

Pete: Hello, Nick, have you moved to a new flat?
Nick: (Answers in the affirmative)
Pete: What is your address?
Nick: (Gives his address and says th a t they live
rather far from the centre of the city)
Pete: How long does it take you to get to the
Nick: (Says that not very much but he has to
change buses)
Pete: What kind of flat is it?
Nick: (Describes his flat and invites Pete to the
house-warming party next Sunday)
Pete: Thanks, most willingly.

Exercise 12. Ask your fellow students some q u e s­
tions from the chart below.
How much you to do the flat
time does it your sister to scrub the floor
take your mother to cook breakfast
your friend to get to the office
your brother to do the shopping
How long your father to wash up after dinner
does it take to make coffee
to dust the furniture
to read a two-page
English text
to do grammar exercises
to knit a sweater
to make a cake
to get to school

Exercise 13. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and

postverbal adverbs wherever necessary*
1. Mv♦* sister is married. She has a family ... her
own. They all live ... her husband's parents. They live ...
Sadovaya street. Their house is ... a five-storey building.
T h e ir flat is ... th e third floor. T here are all m odern
conveniences ... the flat.
2. T here is not m uch fu rn itu re ... the living room.
A square table is ... the middle ... the room. There are six
chairs ... the table. ... the rig h t-h a n d c o rn e r th e re is a
small table ... a TV set ... it. ... it there is a piano, ... the
opposite wall there is a sideboard where we keep dishes
and glassware. There is a beautiful carpet ... the floor. ...
the wall there are some pictures and my g r a n d m o t h e r s

3. My friends have moved ... a new flat. Now they
live rather far ... the cen tre ... the city. T hey live ... a
ten-storey building. There is a Jift ... the house. Their flat
is ... the sixth floor.

Exercise 14. Translate into English the words below

and use them in sentences of your own,
В центре города; переехать в новую квартиру;
обставить квартиру; много (мало) мебели; в правом
углу; у противоположной стены; в прихожей; полки
для посуды; шкаф для одежды; в середине комнаты;
столик для телевизора; спальня; туалетный столик;
вытирать пыль; подмести пол; прибрать квартиру.

Exercise 15. Translate into English.

У моей сестры - о тдельн ая к вар ти р а н ед ал еко
от центра города. Квартира не очень большая, но
удобная. В ней две комнаты, кухня, прихожая, ван­
ная. В доме современные удобства. В кухне стоит
газовая плита, холодильник, стол, несколько табуре­
ток, ш каф и полки для посуды. Кухня очень чистая
и уютная. Она служит одновременно и столовой. На
мытье посуды у сестры уходит мало времени, потому
что есть горячая вода. В прихожей стоит вешалка для
одежды и небольшой столик для телефона. У двери
лежит небольшой коврик (rug). Одна комната служит
гостиной, вторая - спальней. В гостиной стоит круг­
лый стол, шесть стульев, сервант, столик с телевизо­
ром, два кресла и тахта. Над тахтой висят книжные
полют. В спальне стоит кровать, туалетный столик,
платяной ш каф и н о чн о й столик. На полу лежит
большой толстый ковер. Сестра очень довольна св о ­
ей квартирой.

E xercise 16. M ake up dialogues on the following
1) Discussing a new flat.
2) Furnishing a new flat.
I. Read and translate the text below.
A House O f Their Own.
Ann To Mavis

17a Carlyle Street

Chelsea, S.W.3.
3. September 1992
My dear Mavis,
Our new house has its ro o f on now, so Jack and I
are getting very excited about it. W e ’re busy choosing
furniture. Luckily we have wardrobes built in, and even a
sideboard, so we haven’t to spend a fortune. We haven’t
a fortune to spend.
I ’d very much like your advice about curtains and
rugs. I ’m sure you know m uch better th a n I do w hat
colour schemes1would look well.
C o u id you spare a few hours one Sunday next
m o n th to go out to Park Green with us and look at the
house? Y o u ’d want to knowr w hat colour the walls are
before thinking about curtains and rugs, w o u ld n ’t you?
T h e inside decoration will be finished early next month.
Jack tells me he is going to w rite to David about
the garden.
Yours, Ann.

1 choice of colours that go well together

Mavis To Ann

32 Parkway.
Hampstead, N.W.5
5 September (992
Mv^ dear Ana,--
O f course I’d be delighted to help you, if you think
my advice useful, in choosing curtains and rugs. It’ll be
almost as exciting as choosing them for my own house.
You are lucky having a house built for you: David and
I will probably have to wait five years before we can
marry, unless we can get a building society to help us.
I’m very fond of reds - they make a room look warm.
Blues and greens are rather cold colours, d o n ’t you think?
Yellows and cream s are good for walls, but not very
suitable for rugs.
I’m very much looking forward to seeing the house.
Do let me know when the inside decoration is finished,
and w e ’ll fix a date. 1 hope David can jo in us, though
lie’s not really an expert gardener.
Yours, Mavis.
2. Read the poem aloud, learn it by heart.
- Little grey mouse,
Where is your house?
- 1 can show you my flat
If you don’t tell the cat.
My flat has no door,
1 live under the floor.
I come out in the night
And go back when it’s light.

List of words and word combinations

flat - квартира
to be of one’ own - иметь в собственности, владеть
m odem conveniences - современные удобства
hot and cold water - горячая и холодная вода
centra] heating - центральное отопление
gas - газ
electricity - электричество
lift - лифт
chute for refuse - мусоропровод
storey - этаж
floor - этаж
to be on the top floor - быть на верхнем этаже
furniture - обстановка, мебель
to have a liouse-warming party - справлять новоселье
to furnish a flat - обставлять квартиру
in the centre of (in the middle of) - в центре (в
to the right (left) of - справа (слева) от
on the right ( left ) - направо (налево)
near - около, рядом
curtains - занавеси, шторы
carpet - ковер
picture - картина
wallpaper - обои
armchair - кресло
stool - табуретка
refrigerator (fridge) - холодильник
gas-stove - газовая плита
standard lamp - торшер
living room - гостиная
bedroom - спальня
study - кабинет

hall - прихожая, холл
kitchen - кухня
bathroom - ванная
dressing-table - туалетный столик
writing desk - письменный стол
wardrobe - шкаф (платяной)
sideboard - сервант
TV set - телевизор
radio set - радиоприемник
to put, to place - поставить, поместить
to move to a new flat - переехать на новую квартиру
sofa - диван, тахта
bed - кровать
night table - ночной столик
bookcase (bookshelves) - книжный шкаф (книжные



Kate: Hello, Ann! You look very fresh and sun­

burnt. Where have you been?
ц V 1

Ann: I’ve just coitie back from the South.

Kate: . Really? Did you enjoy fine weather there?
Aim: Yes, I did. The weather was lovely. They
say it was even too hot for the end of Sep­
tember. The day temperature was about
30°. Towards evening it fell to 20° but it was
still very warm.
Kate: Did it ever rain?
Ann: Once when we were at sea on a motor boat
we were с alight in a heavy rain. I can’t say
that it was very pleasant. Was it wann here
in September?

Kate: T h e first week was very warm. Fancy the
tem perature rising to 24° in the day time!
But it didn’t keep long. In a few days the
weather turned to worse, it started raining,
the temperature fell to seven degrees. And
this spell of nasty weather has been lasting
already for two weeks.
Ann: But you know, the weather in our parts is
very changeable. It can still turn to better.
Sometimes we enjoy very nice and warm
weather in October.
Kate: Right you are. Let’s hope for the best.


Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

\1 j How' many seasons are there in a year9 What are
they? What is your favourite season? Why? f2.NWhen does
spring b e g in jn your city? In the north of our country?In
the south? (3/ What is the weather like in March? Does it
often snow? What is the temperature in the day time? At
night? (4) W hen does it often rain? What is the w eather
like after a lieavv summer shower? ( 5j What is Indian
summer like? & When do trees become red and yellow?
Is it a beautiful sight? ^7.) When does winter set in in
St. Petersburg? Is it very cold in w inter? Are firs ts very
hard? W hen are trees covered with hoarfrost?-' 8-' Which
is the most unpleasant season in St.Petersburg? 9'. When
does it drizzle? HO/Is the weather in St.Petersburg chan-
geable? j-L, What is the weather like in your home town9
■\2j Does the w eath er usually keep fine in sum m er?
; 13; What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? 1-4. What
is the weather hke today? .'15. What city is famous for its
fogs? 1-<э. Is it often foggy in St.Petersburg? 17. In what

w eath er cbes S t.P etersb u rg look at its best in your
opinion? (\8 i**'4
i When is it slushy? muddy? Ы. When are
th e re th u n d e rsto rm s in S t.P etersburg? In th e South?
Ж W hen does it rain cats and dogs? f21 )'D o you like
rainy weather? 22. What weather is to your taste? 23. Do
you like it when it is hot? w arm ? cold? cool? rainy?
misty? sunny?
Exercise 2. Change the following sentences accor­
ding to the example.
E x a m p 1 e: When the sun shines ...
(the weather is sunny).
When the sun shines we say
(that) the weather (it) is sunny.

1. When it rains ... (rainy). 2. When it drizzles and

sleets ... (nasty). 3. When a cold wind blows ... (windy).
4. W hen th e re is a fine mist over the city ... (misty).
5. W hen a fog is spreading ... (foggy). 6. When the
streets are covered with mud and slush ... (muddy and
slushy). 7. When the frost is hard. ... (frosty). 8. When it
is warm ... (fine). 9. When the temperature is +25° ...
(hot). 10. W hen the te m p e ra tu re has fallen to -22° ...
(very cold). 11. When the air is hot and dfy ... stifling.
12, W hen the sky is covered with clouds ... (cloudy).
13, When the sky is clear ... (cloudless). 14. When the
weather often changes ... (changeable). 15. When the
rivers and lakes are covered with ice ... (frozen). 16. When
there is m uch snow ... (snowy). 17, When we are in for
a spell of good weather at the beginning of September ...
(Indian summer). 18. When it pours with rain ... (beastly).
19. If the weather doesn’t turn to worse ... (to keep fine).
20. When the temperature falls below zero ... (to freeze).

Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences.
1. It looks like ... . Take your umbrella. 2. The
temperature has fallen'to f?. . 3. The weather has turned
' to ... .. It is drizzling. 4. After a hard frost everything is
c o v e r e d '-. /Г'’, 5. W h e n th e snow begins to m elt the
streets ... . 6. The temperature has risen . 7. The sky
is d a rk ? it is covered 8. In au tu m n it often"?!.'v
9. S um m ers are ho t very . 10. L o nd on is fam ous
'for ... .f f l. St.Petersburg looks at its best in ... . 12. Indian
summer is a spell of good weather ... V '

Exercise 4. What will you say if:

it rains cats and dogs; the sun shines brightly; it ’s
w arm ; it pours with rain; everything is covered with
hoarfrost; th e air is cool and fresh; the te m p e ra tu re is
falling; it sleets; the streets are slushy and m uddy; it
drizzles; the sky is overcast; the weather has turned to
Suggestions: it's lovely; the w eath er is nasty; i t ’s
beastly; we are in for a spell of good weather again; the
weather is fine; it’s a lovely day; it’s a nasty day; it looks
like rain; it looks like frost; it’s pleasant to breathe fresh

Exercise 5. When will you say.

1. I t ’s a lovely day, is n ’t it? 2. W hat beastly
w eath er we are having! 3. It looks like rain, d o e s n 't
it? 4. It is freezing hard, isn’t it? 5. What a nasty day it is!
6. We are in for a spell of good weather again. 7. The
w eath er is going to tu rn to worse. 8. It looks like a
thunderstorm , doesn’t it? 9. it’s a fine spring morning,
isn’t it? 10. How lovely the park is looking!

Exercise 6. Ask your fellow students:
... what her (his) favourite season is
... if the climate in her (his) native place is better
than in St.Petersburg
... if she likes it when it is hot
... if she likes to walk in rainy weather
... what Indian summer is hke in St.Petersburg
... if there are often floods in St. Petersburg
.... what the weather is like today
... if she (he) is fond of winter spoil
... if she (he) likes frosty weather
... if the weather is changeable in her home town
... if she (lie) is afraid of thunderstorms
... if there are often thunderstorms in St. Petersburg
... if she (he) knows the weather forecast for
... what she (he) likes to do on a fine summer day
... if she (he) can stand the heat
... if she (he) can stand the frost.

Exercise 7. Agree or disagree with the following.

Extend your sentences wherever possible. Use the following
Agree m ent D isagree me 1it
1 fully agree with you [ don’t think I can agree
You are quite right with you
I'm of the same opinion I’m afraid you are wrong
Right you are It’s not quite so
It’s really so On the contrary
1. It’s hard to stand the heat when it’s damp. 2. In
my opinion St.Petersburg looks at its best in early autumn.
3. It’s not very pleasant to walk about the streets when it’s
slushy. 4. Summers are not very hot and winters are not
very cold in St.Petersburg. 5. Autumn is the best season.
6. The weather in our city is very changeable. 7. The
Baltic Sea affects the climate of St.Petersburg. 8. There
are very many frosty days in our city in winter. 9. The
weather is going to keep fine. 10. Frosty w'eather is very
pleasant when it is not windy.

Exercise 8. Ask questions to the words in italics.

1. The weather is wonderful today. 2, When it rains
people wcivT raincoats and cany umbrellas. 3. In autumn
a thick fog spreads over London. 4. It snows and freezes
in winter. 5. The ground is like iron and rings under the
feet. 6. T h e icicles hang from the roofs o f the houses,
7. The rivers and ponds are frozen over in winter. 8. Many
people are sliding and skating on the frozen riv e rs.
9. Children like to fight with snowballs. 10. In March the
thaw begins. 11. A cold wind is blowing from the North.

Exercise 9. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and

postverbal adverbs wherever necessary.
1. Winter sets the end ... December ... our parts.
. . . a hard frost the rivers and ponds are frozen ... . When
the te m p e ra tu re falls ... tw en ty five degrees ... zero it
gets very cold. 2. L o ndo n is fam ous ... its fogs. They
have fogs especially often ... autumn. When a thick fog
spreads ... the city people can ’ see each other at a m i’s
length. 3. ... heavy rains we a r e a spell ... good
weather again. 4. It looks like rain: the sky is covered ...
dark clouds, a cold wind is blowing ... the sea. 5. It’s a
lovely sight when everything is covered ... hoaifrost and
glistens ... the sun. 6. I prefer to stay indoors ... rainy
w eather. 7. N a tu re looks ... its best ... early spring.
8. Indian su m m e r is a short period ... w arm sunny
w eath er ... the beginning ... autumn. 9. The temperature
has fallen ... zero and it is freezing. 10. If the weather
keeps fine we can go ... the country ... Sunday. 11. Many
people are fond ... winter sports, 12. It’s pouring ... rain.
You’d better stay indoors.

Exercise 10. Use the following sentences in dialo­

gues and situations of your own.
Lovely day, isn’t it? Isn’t it just beautiful? Isn’t it
gorgeous? W onderful, is n ’t it? I t ’s so nice and hot!
Personally I think it’s so nice when it’s hot, isn’t it? Nasty
day, isn’t it? Is n ’t it just dreadful? The rain, I hate the
rain ... I don’t like it at all, do you? Fancy such a day in
July, R ain in the m orning, then a bit of su n sh in e and
rain, rain all day long. Not at all like autumn. I hope it’s
going to keep fine. It seems almost too good to last. We
are in for a spell of good weather again.

Exercise 11. Learn the following proverbs and give

their Russian equivalents.
Every cloud has a silver lining. It never rains but it
pours. To put off for a rainy day.

the words given below.

Spring sets in; n atu re comes to life; the days get
longer and wanner; to break into blossom; the air is fresh
and cool; the leaves in the trees turn yellow' and red; the
air is transparent; the sky is clear; hoarfrost glistens in the
sun; the countryside looks lovely; to be frozen over; the
temperature is rising.

Exercise 13. Some countries have four seasons, and
other countries have only two seasons. The weather during
the seasons is also different in different countries. In
Southwest Asia, for example, the summers are dry and
in th e exercise below, write in the clim ate words
that best describe the seasons in y o u r co u n try (in the
N o rth , in the South, in the East, in the West, in the

winter wet warm rainy

spring dry cool snowy
summer hot windy cloudy
autumn cold calm clear

E x e rc ise 14. D escribe, orally or in w riting, the

climate of another country (England, Germany, France,
Spain, Japan etc.)

Exercise 15. Translate into English.

- К ак ая п рек расн ая погода, не правда ли? С о ­
всем не похоже на осень. - Да, сегодня очень тепло.
И солнце светит ярко. - Вы не знаете, какая сегод­
ня тем п ер атур а? - Я д у м аю , градусов 19-20. - Это
довольно высокая температура для октября. - Да.
такая погода осен ью б ы вает не часто. Если т а к а я
погода п р о сто и т еще пару д н е й , д ав а й те поедем в
в о с к р е с е н ь е за город. - С у д о в о л ьств и ем . Я д у ­
маю, в парках Пушкина и Павловска сейчас очень

- Ты не знаеш ь се го д н я ш н и й п рогн о з погоды?
- Днем обещают дождь. Возьми на всякий случай (to
be on the safe side) зонтик и надень плащ.
- К акая отвратительная погода! С овсем не п о ­
хоже на весну. Небо опять затянуто тучами, похоже,
что будет дождь. В апреле было всего несколько т е п ­
лых солнечных дней.
- К о р о т к и й пери од теп л о й погоды в начале
о сен и н а з ы в а ю т ‘'б а б ь и м л е т о м ’1. М н о г и е р усски е
поэты воспевали это время года.

Exercise 16. Speak on the following topics.

I . Your favourite season. 2. The climate and weather
in your native parts. 3. Summer is the best season for
holidays. 4. Winter and winter sports.

Exercise 17. Tell your fellow students how':

Г) you were caught in a thunderstorm;
2) you lost your way in a snowstorm.
I. Read the following to ng ue-tw isters. Practise
saying them as quickly as possible, learn them by heart.
Whether the weather be tine
Or whether the weather be not
Whether the weather be cold
Or whether the weather be hot
W e’ll weather the weather
Whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.

2. Read and translate the poem.

Afternoon in February
by Henry W.Longfellow

The day is ending,

The night is descending;
The marsh is frozen,
The river dead,
Through clouds like ashes
The red sun flashes
On village windows
That glimmer red.
The snow recommences;
The buried fences
Mark no longer
The road o'er the plain.
3. Read and translate the dialogue below.
Olaf: Why do English people so often say
something about the weather when
they begin a conversation with stran­
Mr. Green: Well, of course, in England the
weather’s always changing. We never
know what to expect. If you were in
a country where the weather doesn’t
change much, it would be difficult
to say much about it. But you asked
why we talk about th e w e a th e r to
strangers. T h a t ’s an in terestin g
question, It’s probably because the
weather’s a subject it’s quite safe to
talk about. I t ’s a way o f reaching

agreement. I begin by saying, “A
cold morning, isn’t it?” The other
man says, “ It certainly is” . 1 say, '‘It’s
been cold all week"’, and the other
man says, “Yes, we’re having a very
cold spring” . So far w e’ve agreed
about everything. Perhaps 1 make a
remark about som ething I ’ve seen
in the newspaper. I say, perhaps, “ I
see the Italians have beaten us at
football again” . The other man says,
“Yes, seven-nil tliis time”. Well, when
we’ve exchanged remarks on subjects
of this kind, on which there can be
no disagreement, we’re beginning to
feel friendly. If w e ’d started with
subjects on which disagreement was
possible, politics, for example, we
might not have become friendly.
Language isn’t used only for giving
or asking for facts.
Mrs. Green: Rem arks about the weather are a
safe way of opening c o m m u n ic a ti­
on with a stranger. When I go abroad,
to a country where I ca n ’t speak the
language, I always try to learn a few
phrases, like “Good morning”, “Good
afternoon” , "Isn ’t it a nice day” ,
“ Please” and “Thank you” . People
are suspicious of strangers who are
completely silent.
Mr.Green: Oh,yes. These words are certainly
useful when you come to this countiy.
(A.S. H ornby. Oxford Progressive
English for Adult Learners)
6 3 lik. ]\1> 1 0 5 K 161
4. Read, and translate the story.
Weather Forecast
Is)G eorge took*the paper, and read us out the w e a t­
h e r forecastVhich promised^'1ram. cold, wet to fine, 6cca-
sional local thunderstorms, east wind, with general'depres-'1
si on over Midland Counties (London and Channel). Bar
'' f think that all this silly,- irritating ftom foolishness
which_piagues us. this ‘‘weather forecast ' I’r aud is the most
aggravating.' it " f o r w 11at happened yesterday or the
day b efore, and just the opposite, of what is going to
ъ I rem em berliow a holidaV^of mine was ^completely
ruined one day late autm nivbecause w e j a a i ^ ^ e u t i o n to
the weather repoit^of tlfe local newsnapeL-4^Heavy sho-
ЛУШЬ thimderstorms^may.^e e x p e c ts today” , it said
on Monday, and so .we £ a v a u p ’ bur picnic, and stopped
in doo rs all day waiting for the rain. And p eo p le passed
the house going off merrily, the sun shone out and there
was not a cloud in the skv." •
4 "A h !” We said, as we stood ippkingJcfut at them
th ro u g h the window., “tl^ey wilLcome home, soaked!”
'CAn d we e liu c k k j/w h e n we th ou ght 1iow wet they
*1 A? / '

were" |o in g to get, and came back and stirred th e /ir e and

got our books. At twelve o ’clock the sun was pouring into
the rooiAjmd the.heat became quite oppressive, and we
w ondered w hen those heavy showers and occasional
thunderstorm s were going to begin. ^
i “Ajij They.lU,)сщпе in the a f ? e r n o o i r \ we said to
each other. u0 h , w on’t those people get w e$ ” , : -
;■ ‘ At one o ’clock the jaildladPy^came in y^id asked if
we weren't going out as it was such a lovely day.
“No, n o ” , we replied with a know in g chuckle, “not
we. We d o n ’t mean to geOwtS - no, n o” .

And when the afternoon was nearly gone, and still
there was no sign of rain, we tried to cheer ourselves up
with the idea that it would come'down: all at once, fust as
t h e ^ e o p J e 'h a d startecf Yor h o m e, and were out of the
■'reach 'of auv- shelter, and that they would bo thus ^aet more
drenched than ever. But not a drop fell, and it was a
grand dtjj^ and a lovely night after it.
T h e"next morning w e^ead that it was going to be a
“warm, fme day; much heat”, and we dressed ourselves in
flimsy things, and w e n / b u t , and, half-an-hour аДет we
started, it began to rain hard, and a^jMtterly cold wind
sprang up and both kegt steadily for the whole day, and we
came h^me with colds and rheumatism all over us and went
to bed. л
The weather is a thing that is beyoncj^me. I never
;can understand
- *- — ‘ itf'The barometer иJ is useless; it is as mis-
leading as the newspaper forecast.
тКеге wras one hanging up* m a hotel at Oxford at
which I was .staying hist spring, and, when I got there it „
ft ^
was pointing to “set f a ir ’. It was simply pouring with rain
outside, and had been^all day; and 1 couldn’t quite mq^e
m atters outb I tappea the barometer, and it jum ped up
a n d p ointed to “ very .d ry ” .\3 Ai, man stopped as he was
*" C j\

passing and said he expected it .meant tomorrow, 1 fan­

cied that maybe it was thinking of the week before last.

аЛ1 tapped it again the next3 morning, and it went up
still highei* and the rain came dowi? faster than e v e r/O n
Wednesday I ^ n t and hjt^ it again, and the pointer w ent^
round towards0“set f a i r , “very dry” , and “much heat’^
until it shopped by the peg, and couldn’t go any further. ^ ^
f ^ e a n w h ile ^ th e rain cam e down in a steady t o r ­
re n t, and the lower part^ of the town was under water as
the river has overflowed. ,
S o m e b o d y ^ id that it was evident we were going to
have a prolonged spell of grand weather some time ...
Sr^va The fine weather never came that summer. I think
that the instrument^erhaps referred to the followmg spring.г
\\% Then there are those new styles of barometers, the
long, straighPones. 1 never can make head or tail of them.
>f\5 But then who wants to know w hat the w eath er is
going to be? It is bad enough when it comes. The prop-40
het we hke is the old man who, on the gloomy-looking
morning of some day when we want it to be fine, looks
round the horizon with a knowing eye, and says:
v>“Oh, 1 1 0 , sir, I think it will clear up all right. It will
break all right enough^sir” .
1-0 aAh, he knows we say as we wish him good m or­
ning, and stait off; “wonderful how these old fellows can
iv And we feel an affection for that m an which is not
at all 1lessened when it does not clear up but continues to
ram steadily all day. “Ah. well”, we feel, “ he did his best” .
1 L For the man that prophesies us bad weather, 011 the
contrary, we entertain only bitter and revengeful thoughts.
"il- “Going to clear up, do you think?” we shout chee­
rily as we pass.
l 4 “Well, no, sir; Гш afraid it's settled down for the
day” , lie replies, shaking his head.
^ “ Stupid old fool!” we ihutter, “what lie knows about
it?” And. if his portent is correct, we come back feeling
still more angry against him and with a vague notion that
somehow or other he has got something to do with it.
It was too bright and sunny 011 this special morning
when George read about “ Bar filling” , “atmospheric dis­
turbance, passing in an oblique line over Southern Hu ro­
pe” , and “pressure increasing” and he could not make us
' wretched. So he sneaked the cigarette that I had carefully
rolled up for myself and went.
(After Jerome K. Jerome)

List of words and word combinations

season - время года -

to snow - идти (о снеге) ь
to ram - идти (о дожде)
to pour with rain - лить, как из ведра
shower - ливень, проливной дождь ,
to freeze - замерзать, морозить •
irost - мороз ч
, frosty - морозный .
to set in - наступать, устанавливаться (о времени
to be covered with snow (ice, hoarfrost) - быть по­
крытым снегом (льдом, изморозью)
to drizzle - моросить
- to melt - таять
to thaw - таять (при оттепели)
to sleet - моросить (о дожде со снегом)
to look at one’s best - выглядеть лучше всего
St.Petersburg Jooks at its best in June - Петербург
выглядит лучше всего в июне
- thunderstorm - гроза
snowstorm - метель, буран -
*■ below (above) zero - ниже (выше) нуля * ■
* Indian summer - бабье лето
turn to worse (better) - ухудшиться,(улучшиться) -
to keep fine - оставаться хорошей (о погоде) .
the weather is still keeping fine - погода всё ещё \
стоит хорошая
to be in for a spell of good (nasty) weather - иметь
период хорошей (плохой) погоды
- it looks like rain (th u n d e rsto rm ) - похож е на «
дождь (грозу)
to affect the/climat^ - влиять на климат
average -temperature/- средняя температура
to stay indoors - оставаться в помещении <
* weather forecast - прогноз погоды
* I9&B.Ум misty - туманный, туманно
muddy - грязный, грязно
slushy - слякотный, слякотно
to rain cats and dogs - лить, как из ведра
* ;msty, (beastly, dreadful) w eather/- ужасная, отвра­
тительная погода
* the temperature falls (rises) - температура падает,,



Robert: Hello, Dan.

Dan: Hello, Robert. Glad to see you.
Robert: So am f. Well, Dan. will you do me a
Dan: Most willingly. What can I do for you?
Robert: You see, my cousin comes today on a visit
from Moscow. I promised to meet her at
the station, but, unfortunately I have an
exam today.
Dan: D on’t worry, I ’ll help you out, How old
is your cousin?
Robert: She is sixteen. She goes to school.
. Dan: Is she tall?
Robert: Neither very tall nor short. I think she is
of medium height .
Dan: Is she dark of fair?
Robert: Her hair is fair but she has dark eyes and
Dan: So she took after your mother, her aunt,
didn’t she?
Robert: Not quite. She resembles our grandmother
with her straight nose and fair complexion.
Dan: I see. T hat means, your cousin is very
good-looking, isn’t she?
Robert: I believe she is, though she is not a regular
Dan: Now, 1 suppose, I can find her in the
crowd, especially if you give me her name
and the number of her carriage.
Robert: Her name is Susan, carriage 5. I’m very
much obliged to you.

E xercises

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1. How old are you? Do you resemble your moth
or father? Is your mother dark of fair? What colour eyes
has your father? Are your parents tall? Who does your
sister (brother) resemble? Are sisters and brothers always
alike? 2. Is your girl-friend good-looking? Is she slender
or plump? tall or short? dark-eyed or blue-eyed? Is her
hair long or short? Is it straight or wavy? What is her
haircut? Does she wear her hair loose or does she have a
hairdo? What is her complexion? 3. Your father is a tall
broad-shouldered man, isn’t he? Does lie wear a beard or
a moustache? 4. What is the most beautiful thing about
youi’ friend’s face? (a dimple in the chin, dimples in the
cheeks, a m ole in the right cheek, fair com plexion,
beautiful eyes). 5. W h at is y o u r ideal of the w om an
(m an)?

Exercise 2, Complete the following sentences.
1. Your sister is a regular beauty ... .
2. He was a handsome young man ... .
3. The woman who opened the door was ... .
4. My niece is such a nice little thing . . . .
5. The most remarkable thing about her face is ... .
6. She looks the very picture of h er m other: she
has the same . . . .
7. The girl charmed everybody: she ... .
8. Can you describe that man? - Sure, he ... .
9. Is your friend still as beautiful as she was some
years ago? - It's a pity, but she is not. She ... .
10. She is twenty five but she looks ... .

Exercise S. Mix and match.

1. She is not so slender as she 1. She looks young her
used to be. age.
2. His hair is not so thick as it 2. Her hair is getting
was in his youth. grey.
3. My mother doesn’t look her 3. She is running too tat.
age. 4. His hair is thinning.
4. She is not so beautiful as she 5. She has put on weight.
was w hen a young girl. 6. He is getting bald.
.5. T h ere is little hair left on 7. She looks older than
his head. her 40 years.
6. She looks the very picture 8. Her cheeks are rosy
of health. and fail' in the colour.
7. I could hardly recognize Jane 9. She looks pale and
w hen I ran into h er in the thin.
street. 10. She has become very
8. She do esn’t wear her hair fat.
loose any more ...

Exercise 4. Ask your fellow-students:
... who she (he) took after
... what her (his) sister looks like
... if her girl-friend is a regular beauty
... what colour hair has her (his) mother (father)
if her (his) brother is tall or short
... if her (his) little sister has a snub or a straight nose
... who of the children took after their mother
... if she (he) and her (his) brother (sister) are alike
... what colour eyes she (he) likes better: dark or blue
... if her (his) mother looks her age (old, young for
her age)
... if she uses make up
... if her parents approve of young girls using make up

Exercise 5. Give English equivalents of the Russian

words in brackets.
1. He was handsome with thin, even features and
(черными густыми1вьющимися волосами). 2. The most
unusual thing about him however was his (темно-голу­
бые глаза). 3. She was a year younger than he; still
(с т р о й н а я и п р и в л е к а т е л ь н а я ). 4. W hen she smiled
tw'o pretty (ямочки) appeared in her cheeks. 5. Johnny
was an easy person to like. He was tall, (широкоплечий)
w ith (густы м и светлы м и во л о сам и ) and blue eyes.
6. You will recognize her by a large (родинка) in her left
cheek. 7. I have never seen such a beautiful (цвет л и ­
ца). S. She was a pretty little girl. Her (золотистые)
hair was (вьющиеся), and her blue eyes were soft and
warm. 9. She wears her hair (распущенными). 10. He
was a man of (среднего роста) with big hands and feet.
Exercise 6. Arrangfc the following words in antony-
mic pairs. Use them in sentences of your own.
a) Dark eyes, snub nose, fair hah', thick hair, wavy
hair, long eyelashes, rosy cheeks, even teeth, slender
figure, dark complexion, full lips, long legs, plump.
b) Short legs, stout figure, blue eyes, fair com p­
lexion, thin lips, slim, straight nose, short eyelas­
hes,uneven teeth, straight hair, pale cheeks, thin hair,
thin lips.

E xercise 7. Use the following questions and s e n ­

ten c es in natural situations of your own.
1. What does she look like now? 2. I could hardly
recognize her. 3. Has she changed much since you saw
her last? 4. Your husband is as handsome as he was two
years ago. 5. Can you describe the m an for the police?
6. I took him for an Italian. 7. She is on a slimming diet
now. (S. You don’t look a day older than you looked five
years ago. 9. He is madly in love with her, - Is she a
beauty? - N o , quite plain. - Well, b ea u ty lies in the
lo v e r’s eyes. 10. She is too beautiful to be clever. - You
know, appearances are deceptive.

Exercise 8. Match the following nouns and adjectives.

a) M outh, teeth, chin, forehead, fingers, cheeks,
waist, shoulders, hair, eyebrows, nose, eyes, features.
b) Deep-set, slender, high, even, round, square,
regular, narrow, curly, broad, shapely, thin, full, uneven,
firm, pencilled, aquiline, hazel, bushy, wide-set, low,
rosy, irregular.

Exercise 9. Translate into English.
1. Её мать невысокого роста, полная, с тем н ы ­
ми волосами и серыми глазами. Дочъ совсем на нее
не похожа. Она высокая блондинка, очень стройная,
с большими голубыми глазами, темными бровями и
ресницами. У нее большой, но красивый рот, пря­
мой нос и прекрасный цвет лица. 2. Мой сосед был
в ы с о к и й худой м у ж ч и н а лет п я т и д е с я т и . Его л и ц о
было не очень п ри влекательн ы м (attractive). У него
был крупный нос, небольшие темные глаза и тонкие
губы. О д н ако (b u t), когда он говорил и у л ы б ался,
л и ц о его сразу же становилось очень приятным. 3. Это
была пожилая (elderly) ж енщ ина лет 60, с седыми
в о л о сам и , д о в о л ь н о п о л н а я , но все ещ е к р аси вая .
4. Д евочка была прелестна с её круглым личиком,
больш им и тем но-голубы м и глазами и вздернутым
Exercise 10. Make up your own dialogues on the topic.

Exercise 11. Describe your favourite film star.

Exercise 12. Take somebody’s photograph or port­

rait and describe it.
[. Read and translate the text below.
“ All Spaniards have dark hair and dark ey es11.
“ P eo p le from Sweden never get excited” . “ Redheads get
angry quickly” . “ People who wear glasses are intelligent” .
“Women are very emotional” . “Truck drivers are tough11.
“ D o cto rs and lawyers are r ic h ” . “A m ericans eat only
hamburgers, hot dogs and ice cream” .
Are these statements accurate? Of course, not. Some
Spaniards have dark hair and dark eyes, but others have

dark hail' and light eyes. Some have light hair and light
eyes, some have light hair and dark eyes. Some redheads
get angry quickly, but many others do not.
Many people who wear glasses are not intelligent.
Many doctors are rich, but others are not. Many Ameri­
cans love hamburgers and hot dogs, but some Americans
hate them.
O f course, everyone likes ice cream!
The statements in the first paragraph are generaliza­
tions. They are general statements about groups of pe­
ople. G eneralizations may be dangerous because not all
the people are the same. If we accept generalizations, we
may judge individuals incorrectly. Judging people before
we know' them is called prejudice. And, if we are prejudi­
ced, we may make mistakes th at will hurt oth er people
and us.

List of words and word combinations

to take after - походить на кого-то

to resemble - напоминать (внешностью)
to look like - быть похожим
to be the picture of health - быть воплощением,
олицетворением здоровья
to look one’s age - выглядить на свои годы
to take smb. for smb. - принять кого-то за
regular beauty - настоящая красавица
good-looking - красивый, интересный (о внешности)
handsome - красивый (о мужчине)
plain - обыкновенный, некрасивый
eyes - глаза
nose - нос
mouth - рот
lips - губы
cheeks - щёки
chin - подбородок
beard - борода
moustache - усы
dimples - ямочки
bald - лысый
features - черты (лица)
aquiline - орлиный (о носе)
wide-set - широкопоставленные (о глазах)
eyebrows - брови
eyelashes - ресницы
forehead - лоб
hair - волосы
teeth - зубы
complexion - цвет лица
dark - темный
fair - светлый
of medium height - среднего роста
broad-shouldered - широкоплечий
stout - полный, плотный
slim - стройный, худой
slender - стройный, изящный
fat - толстый, полный
curly - вьющийся, кудрявый
wavy - волнистые (о волосах)
straight - прямой (о носе, волосах)
snub (turned up) - курносый
hairdo - прическа
mole - родинка
thin - тонкий, худой
even - ровный
uneven - неровный
bushy - кустистые, мохнатые (о бровях)
deep-set - глубокопосаженные (о глазах)
thick - густой, плотный
hazel - карие (о глазах)


Peter: Good evening, Kate.

Kate: Hello, Peter. Glad to see you. Where have
you been?
Peter: I ’ve been veiy busy lately getting ready for
my exams. I say, Kate, you’ve got a very
large collection of books. May I have a look
at the shelves?
Kate: Yes, of course. And I’ll make tea meanwhile.
Peter: Y o u ’ve got m any English books in the
original. Have you read them all?
Kate: 1 can’t say that I know English well enough
to read novels by D ickens or T hackeray
without a dictionary. But I ’ve read rather
m any books by m o d ern English writers.
Their language is easier to understand in my
Peter: And you have many books on art too. These
pictures are wonderful!
Kate: My b ro th e r studies art and reads m u c h
about it. You are right, the pictures are
veiy good.
Peter: As for me, I ’m veiy fond of books 0 11 tra­
velling. When I was ten m y dream was to
be a great traveller and explorer. “The Jungle
Book” by R. Kipling was one of my favou­
Kate: Do you like stories by Twain ?ud Leacock?
Peter: Certainly, I can read them time and again.
Kate: Have you got many books in your collection?

Peter: Rather. Besides English books in the original
I ’ve got many travel books and books about
animals. I could lend you a veiy interesting
book about wolves if such books are to your
Kate: Thanks. I ’ll be delighted.

E xercises

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1. Is there a library at your faculty? 2. Are you a
member of it? 3. When did you join it? 4. How many
books can you borrow at a time? 5. How long may you
keep them? 6. What department lends them? 7. Is there
a reference library too? 8. W hat are reference books?
9, Are they for continuous reading? 10. On what occasions
do you usually consult them ? 11. W here can you read
periodicals? 12. What are they? 13. What daily (weekly)
newspapers do you know? 14. What m onthly magazines
can you read in the reading-hall of the library? 15. What
is your favourite newspaper (magazine)? 16. Who is your
favourite journalist? 17. Do you borrow books from your
friends? 18. Do you like lending books to your friends?
19. D o you have to present any d o c u m e n t to jo in a
library? 20. Does it cost anything to borrow books from
the library? 21. What books are to your taste? 22. Which
do you like better: novels or short stories? poem s or
fables? plays or essays? 23. Who is your favourite English
writer? Have you read any of his books in the original? Is
he a writer of yesterday or of today? 24. What book are
you reading now? How m an y chapters have you read?
25. Do you know any German writers of today? 26. Who is
your favourite writer? Why do you like him (her)?

Exercise 2. Ask your fellow students:
. . . i f there is a public library in her (his) home town
... what books one can borrow there
... how often she (he) goes to the library
... if she (he) always asks the librarian what book to
... what book she (he) borrowed last
... if she (he) has read and enjoyed it
... what reference books she (he) knows
... what reference books she (he) usually uses if she
(he) lias to write a report (an article, an essay)
. . . i f she often uses dictionaries
... where one can get information on science, art,
outstanding people, etc.
... if she (he) reads periodicals regularly
. . . i f she (he) remembers any article which produ­
ced a great impression on her
... if she (he) likes reading in bed
... what books she (he) likes best of all
. . . i f she (he ) has a rich collection of books at home
... how many books she (he) buys monthly
... what books her (his) younger sister (brother) likes
... what books she (he) was fond of when a child
... if she (he) knows any poems by heart
... if she (he) has seen any plays by O.Wilde or
B. Shaw
... w hat books she (he) can re c o m m e n d for light

Exercise 3 . M atch th e titles o f the books and the
names of'the authors.

E x a m p l e: Oscar Wilde, The Ideal Husband

O. Wilde wrote the play “The
Ideal Husband.”
The author of the play “The Ideal
Husband” is 0,Wilde.

a) Authors: Shakespeare, Byron, Stevenson, Dickens,

London, Twain, Galsworthy, Hemingway,
Maugham, Murdoch, Wilde, Shaw.
b) Books: An End of the Chapter, The Sun Also
Rises, Of Human Bondage, The Black
P rin ce, Little D orrit, T he T reasure
Island, H am let, T h e A dventures of
Huckleberry Finn, The Picture of D o­
rian Gray, Childe Harold, Pygmalion,
Martin Eden,

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions.

1. What other books by Galsworthy do you kno
Have you seen th e screened version of “ T he Forsyte
Saga” ? How did you like it? 2. What plays by Shakespeare
were made into films? Which of them did you like best of
all? 3. Who are Am erican writers among those given m
the list above? 4. Are they writers of yesterday or of today?
5. H ave you read any stories by E .H em ingw ay? W hat
story im pressed you? Why? 6. Do y o u like historical
novels? Have you read any novels by W.Scott? 7. B.Sliaw
is a playw right, is n ’t he? Do you know any English
(Am erican) playwrights of today? 8. Did you read “The
A dv en tures of T o m Saw yer” w hen you were a child?
9. “The Treasure Island” is veiy popular with the child-

ren,isn’t it? And why? 10. Can you nam e any other books
by Dickens besides “ Little Dorrit”?

Exercise 5. Choose some writer from those given in

exercise 3. Let your fellow students guess his name. They
may ask you general questions like those given below.
1. Is he (she) a writer of today? 2. Is he (she) a
writer of yesterday? 3. Is he (she) a novelist? 4. Is he
(she) a poet? 5. Is lie (she) a playwright? 6. Is he (she)
English? 7. Is he (she) American? 8. Did he (she) write
historical novels? 9. Were his(her) books made into films?
10. Did he (she) write poems? 11. Did he (she) write only
short stories? 12. Are children fond of iris (her) books?

Exercise 6. Complete the following sentences.

1. If one wants to borrow' books from a library ... .
2. if you want to know the latest news . . . .
3. I’m especially fond of the magazine be­
cause ... .
4. If a magazine comes out every month ... .
5. If you don’t know the pronunciation of a word ... .
6. 1 think it is very useful to consult ... .
7. If you don’t know what book to choose ask . . . .
S. T he books by Chukovsky are very p o p ular w
the children because . . . .
9. The librarian advised . . . .
10. 1 think that the proverb “ Choose an author as
you choose a friend” is ... .
1]. The first book I read on my own was . . . .
12. Whenever I come across (hear of) a good book ... .
13. In my opinion reading is ... .
14. The best way to master a language is ... .

E xercise 7. Ask questions so th a t the sen ten ces
given below could be answers.
1. I can rec o m m en d you “ Fairy T a le s ” by O scar
Wilde for your extra reading. 2. You may borrow three
books at a time: a te x tb o o k an d two fictio n books.
3. You may keep textbooks all year long. 4. I don’t think
N ’s latest boo k is a success w ith the public. I t ’s a bit
dragged out. 5. It w o n ’t be very difficult to understand
the language of the book. I t ’s good colloquial English.
6. You can look through the magazine “ England” in the
reading-hall. 7. No, I haven’t yet finished reading it. 8. The
librarian recommended me some stories by S. Maugham.
1 prefer seeing plays on stage to reading them. 10. The
first English book we’ve read in the original was ‘‘Alice in
Wonderland” , 11. My friend has to spend much time in
the library because she is writing an essay on S hak es­
peare. 12. My brother is fond of books about animals
and nature. 13. The action of the novel ... takes place in
the XIX century. 14. Science fiction books are very po­
pular nowadays because they show new trends and ten­
dencies in the d e v e lo p m e n t o f science and the h u m an
society. 15. I th in k i t ’s very useful to learn poem s by

Exercise 8. Respond to the following beginning with

one of the words below:
yes, please; please, don’t; of course not; yes, of
course; certainly; I fully agree with you; with pleasure;
I’m sony but I can’t; I ’m afraid I can’t let you have it; it
doesn’t matter; never mind; don’t wony. Extend your

Ь х a m p i e : - Shall we go to the library
after classes?
- With pleasure. Fd like to look
through the new books they
have received.

1. May I use your dictionary? i don’t remember the

exact pronunciation of the word “recom m end” . 2. Can
you lend me the book of poems by Byron? I ’ve lost mine.
3. I’m sorry, but I ’ve left the magazine 1 promised you at
hom e. 4. Will you kindly explain to me how' to use
this reference book? 5. I th in k this novel will im press
everyone. It’s a great piece of art, 6. I d o n ’t remember
the title of his latest book. May I consult the a u th o r
catalogue? 7. Do you m ind if 1 bring you the textbook
on Saturday? 8. I ’m nervous about my report on B.Shaw.
I ’ve never made any reports before. 9. Shall J help you
to translate this passage? 10. Will you lend me your
dictio n ary for a couple o f days? 11. May I keep this
book for another week? I haven’t finished reading it yet.
12, Will you kindly rec o m m en d me som e in terestin g
book on art? 1 must write an essay on Russian painting.
13. C an you tell me the .way to the reference d e p a rt­
m ent? 14. Can you showf me a map of England? We are
studying the geographical position of this country. 15. Can
you reco m m en d me some book about English custom s
and traditions?

Exercise 9. Read, translate and use the sentences

below in situations and dialogues of your own.
1. I ’m seriously worried about my son. He does
w ant to read anything b u t books about spies and

detectives. 2. It’s the dullest book I ’ve ever read. It ma­
kes me sleepy. 3. His books are always a great success.
! ie is a great master of psych ological analysis. 4. The plot
of the story is very complicated and it carries you away,
v I’ve greatly enjoyed the language of the book. It’s very
iich and expressive. 6. N. has touched upon important
.s o c ia l problems of younger generation in his latest book.
/. T h e characters of the book are quite vivid and real.
N. Everybody is talking about M .’s collection o f poem s
which has com e out lately. They say that some of them
are great pieces of poetry. 9. The scene in the book is
laid in St.Petersburg, Moscow and Washington. 10. I ’ve
nothing against detective stories if they are good.

Exercise 10. Change the questions of exercise i into

reported speech beginning each sentence with: she (he) asked,
she w o n d e red h e wanted to know, etc.

Exercise 11. Read and translate.

On Reading

An English author once wrote: “ Some books are to

be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be
chewed and digested” . This quotation tells us how to read
books of different kinds. M ost travel books are to be
tasted; i t ’s enough to dip into them and read bits here
and there. If y o u ’re fond of crim e stories (Agatha
C hristie. Simenon and the rest of the m odem favourites),
you will read them quickly, you’ll “swallow” them. And
then there are books that you’ll read slowly and carefully. If
a book is on an important subject, and the subject you are
interested in, you’ll want to chew and digest it. And you’ll
w an t to weigh w h at th e a u th o r says, and consider his
ideas and arguments.
Exercise 12, Put the dialogue (p. 54) into reported

Exercise 13. Situations for free conversation:

1. Y o u ’ve just become a student and want to jo in
the library. Ask your fellow student who is a third-year
student about the library and how to join it.
2. You’ve come to join the library. Ask the librarian
how you can do it, if you have to present any document,
how many books you may borrow, etc.
3. You have to write an essay on Byron. Ask the
librarian’s advice as to what books you must consult and
if they have them in stock.


1. Read and translate the text below.

Dame Agatha: Queen of the Maze
D ^m e Agatha Christie m ad e m ore profit out of
m u rd er than any woman since Lucrezia Borgia.
She published 83 books, 17 plays,9 volumes of short
stories. (I(.'
Her characters were: doctors, lawyers, army officers,
As the g en re’s undisputed queen of the maze, she
i i 'f i '• j* ' *' 1'
laid her plots so precisely and dropped her false leads so
cun n in g ly th at few -,it' any - readers could guess the
identity of the villian.
H er first detective story introduced the 5-ft 4 - in.
dandy and retired Belgian police officer Hercule Poirot.
His egoism, eccentricities and the fact that for a time he
had a Watsonian colleague called Hastings suggest that
Christie was strongly influenced by Sherlock Holmes.

She continued to publish one or two novels a year,
often plotting them in a hot bath while eating apples.
But it was th e elderly, frail sp in ster Ja n e M arple
who remained her favourite detective.
G ifted w ith as m an y “ little gj;ey c e lls” as Poirot,
Miss Marple also posSeses some wisdom and insight that
make her Agatha Christie’s alter ego. Although Poirot is
gone, Miss Marple survives for at least a while longer. An
unpublished manuscript in which she too passes on was
locked in the Christie vault, along with Dame Agatha’s
autobiography. (Abridged and adapted from “ Mozaika”).
2. Read and translate the text below. Get ready to
speak on the similar topic referring to this country.
T h e sum spent on books and m agazines seems
small. M ost families take at least one daily new spaper
and a Sunday paper. They , may take several weekly
magazines, usually in clu ding the “ Radio T im e s ” . This
gives th e m th e weekly program m es of the B.B.C. The
small sum spent on books does not mean that people do
veiy little reading. Millions of cheap, paper-backed books
are bought every month. There are good public libraries
everywhere from w hich books may be borrow ed. Over
one million books are taken out from these libraries every
weekday. In some homes, however, there is less serious
reading now than there was fifty years ago. Many people
prefer to listen to the radio, or look at films on television.
Many people seem to prefer popular picture magazines to
magazines that contain serious reading.
(A.S. Homby. Oxford Progressive English
for Adult Learners)
3. Read and translate the text below'.
T h e re is a public library in every tow n in G re a t
Britain. T h e re are b ran ch libraries in m ost villages.

A nyone may become a member, and it costs nothing to
borrow books. Three books may be borrowed at a time,
but only two may be novels. If there are four persons in
the family, they can, between them ,, take home twelve
books. These books can be kept for a fortnight, so there is
no difficulty in providing the family with all the reading
that is needed. If, at the end of the fortnight, you have
not finished reading a book, you may renew it for anot­
her fortnight. If the book you want is out, you may ask
for it to be kept for you, and if you pay the cost of a
postcard, the librarian will let you know when the book
has been returned and is ready for you.
Most public libraries also have a reading-room and
a reference library. In the reading room there are tables
and desks at which you can sit and read the daily papers
and all the other im p o rta n t periodicals (th e weeklies,
m onthlies and quarterlies). In the reference library there
are encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, and num erous
other books. These may not be taken away.
(A.S. Hornby. Oxford Progressive English
for Adult Learners)

List of words and word combinations

collection of books - коллекция книг

books in the original - книги в оригинале
books in translation - книги в переводе
writers of yesterday - писатели прошлого века
writers of today - современные писатели
books on art (history, linguistics) - к н и ги по и с ­
кусству (истории, лингвистике)
travel books - книги о путешествиях
books about nature - книги о природе
novel - роман
short story - рассказ
poem - стихотворение
essay - очерк, эссе
to read time and again - перечитывать
library - библиотека
librarian - библиотекарь
reference library - справочная библиотека
to join a library - записаться в библиотеку
newspaper - газета
magazine - журнал
encyclopedia - энциклопедия
to come out - выходить из печати
to consult - консультироваться
fiction literature - художественная литература
to be popular with - пользоваться популярностью
detective stories - детективные рассказы
the plot of a book - сюжет
to cany away - увлечь. захватить (о сюжете, интриге)
master of psychological analysis - мастер психоло­
гического анализа
to enjoy - получить удовольствие, наслаждаться
to touch upon important problems - касаться важ ­
ных проблем
play - пьеса
fable - басня
memoirs - мемуары
article - статья
lending department - абонемент
to boiTow books from a library - брать ичиги из
periodicals - периодические издания
atlas - атлас
dictionary - словарь
to publish - публиковать

Kate: Hello, Ann. Haven’t seen you for ages. What
are you doing now?
Ann: I ’m studying in the teachers’ training college.
Kate: Are you, really? What are you doing?
Ann: I ’m doing foreign languages.
Kate: How very interesting! You know my sister
is leaving school this year and her dream is
to enter this college, Will you tell me some
words about your college?
Am: Most willingly. What are you interested in?
Kate: What languages are you doing?
Ann: G erm an and English. G e rm a n is my first
language and English is the second. I have
taken it up only this year.
Kate: Which of them do you find more difficult?
Ann: English grammar is easy but pronunciation
is my weak point. I have to work hard at it
in the language laboratory. On the whole,
English is easier in my opinion.
Kate: How long will your course run?
Am: Five years. In the fourth and fifth years we'll
have our teaching practice at school.
Kate: How many periods do you have daily?
Am: As a rule we have one or two lectures, then
a seminar or a class in English or in German.
Kate: Is it a hard job to do two foreign languages?
Aim: If you don’t miss classes and work regularly
you are sure to make a good progress.
Kate: Do students sometimes fail at the exams?
Am: They do, if they work by fits and staits.
Kate: Thanks a lot for this useful information.
Ann: You are welcome.
E x e r c ise s

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1. You are a student, a re n ’t you? 2. Wliat faculty
do you study at? 3. What foreign languages do you study?
4. What year student are you? 5. How many lectures do
you have weekly? 6. D o you a tte n d th em regularly?
7. What is your favourite subject? 8. Are you good at
languages? 9. How m any exams will you have in s u m ­
mer? In what subjects? 10. Have you ever failed at an
exam? In w hat subject did you fail? 1 1. Do you work
regularly or by fits and starts? 12. Are there any students’
scientific societies at your faculty? Are you a member of
any? W hat research work have you done? 13. Are there
any sport societies and theatrical groups at the faculty?
Have you ever taken part in an amateur performance?

Exercise 2. Ask your fellow students:

... what new subjects she (he) has this year
... how many classes she (he) has eveiy day
... if she (he) attends classes regularly
... what subjects she (he) is especially good at
... if she (he) fell behind the group when she (he)
was ill
... if it took her (him) much time to catch up with
the group
... if she (he) has already begun to read up for the
... if it is difficult to do two foreign languages at the
same time
... if she (he) always comes in time for classes
... what her (his) favourite subject is
... what subjects she (he) had m the first, year.

Exercise 3. Ask the teacher if you must:
read the second passage; translate the sent елее; switch
on the light; turn on the tape-recorder; recite the poem;
render the story; explain the rule; clean the b la c k ­
board; fetch a piece of chalk; wet the duster; get the
books from the library.

E x a m p i e : Shall I open the window?

Exercise 4. What will you say if you want to know:

where you’ll have a lecture on General Linguistics;
what mark you’ve got for the dictation; why your friend
missed the English class; what new subjects y o u ’ll have
next term ; how m any exams y o u ’ll have next w inter;
w hat English books you must read for your exams; how
long your winter holidays will last; how you must p ro ­
n o u n c e th e world “ d ire c t” ; if y our friend has already
passed her exams; what marks she’s got; what exam was
the most difficult.

Exercise 5. What will the teacher sav:

a) if she wants the students to open their textbooks
at page 71; to fetch a piece of chalk; to hand in their test-
papers; to do exercise 15 in written form; to learn the poem
by heart: to listen to the record; to clean th e b la c k ­
board; to speak up; to make up a dialogue on the topic
“Institute Life” ;
b) if the teacher doesn’t want the students:
to speak Russian at the lesson; to prom pt; to talk;
to make noise; to crib; to translate word for word; to use
slang; to retell the stoiy in the first person.

Exercise 6. Use the f o l l o w i n g questions and senten­
ces in a natural conversation.
1. Where is the timetable? 2. What lecture shall we
have on Tuesday? 3. Where can I get this textbook? 4. Is
Ilie library open? 5. I’m very nervous about my exam in
English. 6. Why did you miss classes yesterday? 7. I’m
afraid h e ’ll fail in G erm an. 8. Y ou’И have to work hard
io catch up with the group. 9. D o n ’t worry about him.
lie is very good at English. 10. Was he absent again?
i I. I ’ve m ade rath er m an y m istakes in my dictation.
12. Will you help me with this exercise? 13. Can you
slay after classes? Do you remember that we have a re­
hearsal today?
Exercise 7. Complete the following sentences.
1. She has been ill for a week and now.... 2. My
friend has made a good progress in English because ... .
3. If you work by tits and starts . . . . 4. You will fall be­
hind the group if ... . 5. I’m going to the library, I must
prepare . . . . 6. She is very good at . . . . 7. If you don’t
know the pronunciation of a word . . . . 8. Will you help
Ann . . . . 9. He is veiy weak in ... . 10. Our course of
studies runs . . . .
Exercise 8. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and
postverbal adverbs wherever necessary.
1. T he students ... our group are very good ...
English. They w ork hard ... their p ro n u n ciatio n and
grammar. 2. When Kate fell ... the group ... the History
... the English language everybody was ready to help her
... this subject. It took her a week to catcli ......... the
group. Now she is very strong ... this subject. 3. Peter
makes many mistakes ... ins speech. T hat’s because he

works ... fits and starts. 4. Lectures ... English literature
are veiy popular ... our students. 5. Yesterday we had a
lecture ... history, a seminar ... Stylistics and a class ...
English. 6. ... the end ... th e first te rm we shall have
th ree exams. 7. If I pass my exam ... English I’ll be veiy
happy, Though I work hard English doesn’t come easy ...
me. 8. It’s high time to start reading .......... your exams.
9. D o n ’t miss classes, otherwise you may fail ... English.
10. What subject are you week ...?

E xercise 9. Ask questions so th at the senten ces

below could be answers.
1. She is veiy good at English Grammar. 2. O
course rims for five years. 3, He fell behind the group
because of his illness. 4. The brightest stu d e n t in our
group is Mary. 5. Reading books in the original is one of
the ways of m astering a language. 6. My favourite
subject is English. 7. She c o u ld n ’t stay after classes
because she was very busy. 8. You can get this book at
the library. 9. She has m ade a very good rep o rt on
B y r o n ’s poetry. 10. We shall have a seminar on English
Literature. 11. She has made good progress in English
because she works hard. 12. Ann failed in history.

E xercise 10. C o n su lt a d ictionary an d read the

following words.
Lexicology, theoretical grammar, theoretical p h o n e­
tics, stylistics, psychology, pedagogics, country study,
general linguistics, Latin, teaching m ethods, physical
culture, the history of religion.

E xercise 11, Say what is your tim etable on M o n ­

day, Tuesday, etc. Use the words from exercise 10.
E xercise 12. Say w hat subjects you studied in the
first, second and third years.

Exercise 13. Translate into English.

1. В этом году моя сестра поступила на факуль­
тет иностранных языков педагогического института.
Курс обучения на этом факультете длится пять лет.
2. Кате хорошо даются иностранные языки. Она са­
мая лучш ая студентка в нашей группе. О на регуляр­
но посещает занятия и очень много работает. 3. К а ­
кие новые предметы мы будем изучать на четвертом
курсе? - Я еще не знаю, надо посмотреть расп и са­
ние. 4. З в о н о к уже был? Что у нас сейчас? - Л ек ц и я
по страноведению. Но я не помню ном ера аудито­
рии. Д а в а й п о с м о т р и м р а с п и с а н и е . 5. З и м о й мы
сдали четыре экзамена. Меня очень беспокоит (to
worry) экзамен по стилистике. Я не очень сильна в
этом предмете. 6. Он был болен и отстал от группы.
Давайте поможем ему с английским. Аня, у тебя хо­
рошо с английской грамматикой, объясни ему пер­
ф ектны е времена, пожалуйста. 7. Завтра мы сдаем
последний экзамен. Я думаю, никто не провалится,
хотя предмет очень трудный.

Exercise 14. Situations in free conversation:

1. You are leaving school but you haven’t yet made
up your mind what you want to be. Your sister’s friend is
in the te a c h e r s ’ training college. Ask h er ab ou t s tu ­
d e n ts ’life and her future job.
2. You are a freshman. Say a few words about your
first impressions (your timetable, lectures, eveiyday pro­
gramme, etc.)

3. You are a freshman and your friend is a fou
year student. She has come back from her school prac­
tice. Ask her how she liked it.

Exercise 15. Make up your own dialogues on the

topic “ Institute Life” .

List of words and word combinations

to enter an Institute - поступить в Институт

to take up a subject - начать изучать предмет
to come easy to smb. - легко даваться
to be good at smth. - иметь способности к ...
to be strong in a subject- быть сильным по предмету
to be weak in a subject - быть слабым в чем-либо
the course of studies runs - курс обучения длится
lecture on - лекция по
seminar on - семинар по
class in - урок по
to work regularly - работать регулярно
to work by fits and starts - работать урывками
to make progress - делать успехи
to get good (bad) marks - получить хорош и е
(плохие) оценки
to be at the top of the group - быть лучшим студентом
to fail in a subject - провалиться по предмету
to fail at an exam - провалиться на экзамене
to attend classes (lectures) - посещать занятия (лекции)
to take notes at a lecture - делать записи, записы ­
вать лекцию
students’society - студенческое общество
research work - научно-исследовательская работа
amateur performance - любительский спектакль
to fall behind the group - отстать от группы
to read up for an exam - готовиться к экзамену
timetable - расписание
to hand in - подавать, сдавать
the bell has gone - прозвенел звонок
to take an exam in - сдавать экзамен
to pass an exam in - сдать экзамен

(at a department store)

Dialogue 1

At the Footwear Department

Shop-girl: What can 1 do for you, madam? ,
Customer: I ’d hke a pair, 9 ? of -M
^ s ta lk in>g<'£?:,shoes
C.'UOt- i
tor evcrydafy wear. * ^ *
Shop-girl: What size do you take in shoes?
'' f *
Customer: !Ж My size
J- ■ I.
is 37.,, „ v -
. | Г * * у
Shop-girl: . Will vou trv on these brown shoes, please?, -
1 ° \v. Г: s 'ja j' '* Г и л 4
Customer: D on’t vou think that the heels are a bit
^ «.v; к ,••' ' - • : -’'A
• ' ■ ■ ■ " ' л ' '
too high tor everyday wear/
Shop-girl: Oh. no. such h e e l ^ ,^ . all the fisinOn
now. But you can try orTanother pair..
Here is a pair of nice flat-heeled shoes.
Do they pi'ncTi? ’
Customer: I like th em m u ch b e tte r than those
ones. Will you give me a shoe for the
left foot, pi ease? I t’s a perfect fit. How
much are they? H"
Shop-girl: ... roubles.
Customer: Will you wrap them up, please? Where
is the cash-desk?K‘'
Shop-girl: It’s at the end of the department. Thank
you. ‘ '
Customer: Thank you. Good-bye.
7 За к. До S05 ,s 193
Dialogue 2

At the Ready-M ade Clothes Department

у CP< {

Customer: I ’d like a summer frock.

Shop-girl: Certainly. JjVhat size?
Customer: 46. I’m £tock size.
Shop-girl: The dresses on that rail ^jrc. all size 46.
Look at them and yoifm ay find som e­
thing to yo^ii; taste,
Customer: Мяу Л г у on this cptton dress? Does it
^ fit file? '
Shop-girl: It fits you perfectly b u t I d o n ’t th in k
the colour becomes you. dark.
Customer: Havp-yoii^got anything a s^ui^jj^iiter?
Shop-girl: I ’m afraid, we haven’t. Would you mind
trying on this light-blue?, >*.
. \wefr\ - у * '

Customer: But it's not genuine silk.rIt’s too hot for

summer wear. '
Shop-girl: Will you drop in in a couple of days?
We are expecting most of our summer
stock at the end of the week.
Customer: Yes, of course. Thank you. Good-bye.
Shop-girl: Thank you. Have a nice day.

Dialogue 3

Mr. Wimble: I want a hat, please.

Shopkeeper: What size, sir? Do you know0 ♦
Mr. Wimble: No, I doiKt know the size.
Shopkeeper: Put tfiis hat"on / pleases All, that’s too
•-j <^ f* .■( У■' '

large, isn’t it? That’s size'seven and a

half. Here’s a size seven.
Mr. Wimble: Too small. Have you got a seven and
a quarter?
' 494 'i'
Shopkeeper: Here is a Jseven
and quaiter.
Д.Х' /.* • ,
Mr.Wimble: This is the fight'size. But I d o n ’t like
the colour. Have you got a grey hat
the same size as this? ^
Shopkeeper: H e ^ y o ^ axe, ‘sir. A grey hat, size se­
ven and a quarter.
(A.S. Hornby. Oxford Progressive English
for Adult Learners)

E xercises

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1. W h at is a d e p a rtm e n t store? 2. W hat can one
buy at the footwear department.? 3. What size do you
икс in shoes? 4. What are the best shoes for everyday
wear in your opinion? 5. Do you often wear high heels?
it. When do women wear sandals? 7. What are your eve­
ning shoes like? "S. What are shoes made of? 9. W hen
dn you wear high boots? 10. Do you always try shoes on
before buying them? 11. What shoes are all the fashion
now? 12. Do you buy ready-made clothes or have them
made to measure? Why? 13t. Can you afford expensive
eiothes? 14. Do you wear km \li articles (such as hats,
(’loves, stockings, handbags) to match your dress (coat,
shoes)? 15. Where can one buy a tea-set, a coffee-set.
plates, dishes, etc.? 16. What do you usually buy at the
si ationery? 17. Do you use -make-up? 18. Where are socks,
stockings, tights sold? 19. They sell hats, caps, berets, fur
caps for ladies at the millinery, d o n ’t they? What hats are
in fashion now? Are k n itte d caps in fashion? C an you
knit? H o w im ueh wool,4o£S _it>t)ake*to knit a sm all cap?
20. What did you buy 'for your girl-friend as a birthday
present? 21. W hat do they sell at th e k n itte d goods

departm ent? 22. What is your favourite departm ent?
23. Do you like doing the window-shopping?
Exercise 2. Say what one can buy:
at the hosiery department; at the millinery depart­
ment; at the leather goods department’ at the footwear
d ep artm ent; at the perfum ery departm ent; at the glass­
ware department; at the knitted goods department; at the
stationery department; at the furniture department; at the
ready-made clothes department; at the haberdashery de­
Exercise 3. Say where one can buy:
high-heel eel shoes; a dress: a pair of gloves; stockings
and tights: a sweater; a blouse and a skirt; p ap e r and
pens; a hat; a coffee-set; a dinner-table; a suit-case; scents;
a tea-set; a scarf; strong walking shoes; a coat: lace.
Exercise 4. Ask your fellow students:
... if there are many department stores in her (his)
... if she (he) is fond of shopping
... what her (his) favourite department is
... if she (he) likes to buy ready-made clothes
... if she always tries a dress on before buying it
... what size she takes in dresses
... what shoes she (he) wears every day
... if her shoes go with her coat
... where she buys her hats
... what hats are to her taste
... where one can buy a pair of gloves
... when she wears high heels
... if she likes knitted things
... if she can knit herself.
Exercise 5. Ask questions so that the sen ten ces
b e l o w could be answers to them.

1. No, I can’t afford this dress. It’s too expensive.

'. I w ant to buy a brown handbag to m atch my high
i>oots. 3. She wears 36 size shoes. 4. I want a pair of
liat-heeled shoes for everyday wear. 5. This blouse costs
... roubles. 6. I ’m sorry but we have these dresses only
hi blue. 7. W ide-brimmed hats are all the fashion now.
". This cut is still in fashion but i d o n ’t think it will last
Ion e,. 9. The cash-desk is at the end of the haberdashery
department. 10. I didn’t buy the dress because the colour
was too dark for me.

j Exercise 6. Complete the following sentences.

1. I like the colour but . . . . 2. The hat is very nice
h u t it doesn’t . . . . 3. The dress is very expensive, I ... .
1. What size do you take in ... ? 5. Where can I buy ... ?
п. Mother usually wears low-heeled shoes because ... .
/. At a department store one can buy .. . . 8. At a super­
market one can buy ... 9. 1 think the best present for a
young girl is ... . 10. Will you help me (to) choose ... ?
I I. How much is ... ?

Exercise 7. Use the following questions in situations

of your own.
1. What size do you take in shoes? 2. May I try on
(his coat? 3. Does it fit me? 4. Will the blouse match my
blue skirt? 5. The colour doesn’t becom e me, does it?
(>. How' do you like the cut? 7. Is dark brown in fashion
iliis season? 8. What have you decided on? 9. Is the coat
.shrinkproof and waterproof? 10. How much are these
blouses? I I . How m u ch is a discount? 12. Will you
i educe the price? 13. Do you like to buy things at sales?

Exercise 8. Fill in the blanks with the words “to fit,
to go with, to become, to suit, to m atch” .
i. The dress doesn’t ... me: it is a bit too loose in
the waist and tight round the hips. 2. This colour doesn’t
... you. 3. I w an t a grey jac k et ... my skirt. 4. The
gloves d o n ’t ... with my shoes. 5. At last I have found
the dress which ... me perfectly. 6. The jacket ... you,
but the colour ... you. 7. W hat colour tie will you
reco m m en d ... my light-grey shirt? 8. I don’t think grey
shoes will ... with your brown coat. 9. The dress is to my
taste but the price doesn’t ... me.

Exercise 9. Translate into English paying attention

to the words “гармонировать, быть в тон, идти, хоро­
шо сидеть, устраивать” .
1. О на и скала ш ляп у в тон своему светло-
коричневому пальто. 2. Мне кажется, вам не идет
этот цвет. 3. Ж акет не очень хорошо сидит на тебе,
он узок в плечах, 4. Покрой этого платья ей очень
идет. 5. Какого цвета шарф ты мне посоветуешь ку­
пить, чтобы он гармонировал с моим темно-си ним
пальто? 6. Ей очень идут шляпы с больш им и п о л я ­
ми. 7. Этот цвет мне идет, но сидит это п латье на
мне очень плохо. 8. М еня не устраивает цена этих

Exercise 10. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and

postverbal adverbs wherever necessary.
1. ... the jewellery departm ent they sell beaut
rings and bracelets. 2. May I try this dress ... ? I don’t
th in k it fits me perfectly: it is too tight ... the hips.
3. This hat won’t go ... your coat and besides its colour is
too bright ... you. 4. Have you got these woollen dresses
.. dark-green? 5. What size do you take ... gloves? 6. What
«lues the hosiery departm ent deal ... ? 7. Dresses made
... measure fit one better than ready-made dresses. 8. What
■о lours are ... fashion this season? 9. At last I ’ve decided
... a light-blue sleeveless dress.
Exercise 11. Translate into English.
1. Простите, где отдел готового платья? - На
|’.тором этаже, напротив отдела галанхереи. - Спаси­
бо, - Что бы вы хотели? - П окаж ите мне вон то свет-
|<»~серое ш е р с т я н о е платье, п ож алуйста. - К а к о й
размер вы носите? - 46. М ожно его примерить? -
Конечно. Примерочная направо. - Вам не кажется,
■пчГоно н ем н ого велико?*- Да, пожалуй. П рим ерьте
14 размер. - Нет, боюсь, будет узко. А что еще у вас
1 -сть в серых тонах? - Мне кажется, вам подойдет вот
т о платье с б о л ь ш и м в о р о т н и к о м и к а р м а н а м и . -
! а . это мой стиль. Сидит прекрасно. Сколько оно
Iопт? - ... рублей. - Это чистая шерсть? - Да. - За­
верните. пожалуйста. Я его беру. А где отдел чулок?
К этому п латью н у ж н ы чулки в тон. - На п ер вом
-гаже, справа. - Спасибо.
2. Ч ем я могу вам пом очь? - Мн€ н у ж н ы в е ­
черние туф ли на высоком каблуке. - К акой размер
::м носите? - 35. - Примерьте вот эти черны е лако-
г . ы е туф ли. - Б ою сь, что л е в а я туф ля мне н е м н о го
жмет. - А вот эти? - У них слишком высокий каблук.
По ведь вы хотели вечерние туфли? - Да, конечно,
мо каблук сл и ш к о м вы сок для меня. - Может быть,
т.! прим ерите вот эти тем н о-кр асн ы е кож аны е туф-
ш? - О, к а к о й п р е к р а с н ы й цвет! Я думаю, они п о ­
дойдут к моему вечернему платью. Сидят на ноге
и ел и ко леп н о . С к о л ь к о о н и стоят? - ... рублей. -
I де касса? - В конце отдела направо.
3. Миша, ты помнишь, что скоро Новый г
П о р а подумать о н овогод н и х подарках. - Д авай с о ­
став и м список родных и друзей, кому мы должны
сделать подарки. Начнем с детей. - Я думаю, Пете
нуж но подарить игруш ечны й косм ический корабль.
Он бредит космическими путешествиями. - Очень
хорошая мысль. А Кате? - Для кукол она уже слиш ­
ком большая. Может быть, книгу? Она очень любит
читать книги о животных. - Постарайся найти что-
нибудь и н т е р е с н о е с к р а с и в ы м и к а р т и н к а м и . - С
детьм и все ясно. А что мы подарим твоей маме? - Ей
н у ж н а н о вая х о з я й с т в е н н а я сумка. С тарая сумка
п ро сто ужасна. Вчера на витрине я видела прекрас­
ные сумки и не очень дорогие. - А дедушке? - Я ду­
маю, он будет счастлив, если мы подарим ему набор
^ пластинок. - Прекрасно. А чего бы ты хотела, доро-
гая?~г Я, право, не знаю ... И потом, я хочу, чтобы
это был сюрприз. Полагаюсь на твой вкус.

E xercise 12. Read the dialogue and vender it in

Покупатель: Заверните, пожалуйста, эти пер­
Продавщица: Вы хотите сделать сюрприз своей
Покупатель: О да, это будет для нее большим
сюрпризом, ведь она рассчитывает
на замшевое пальто (suede coat).
E xercise 13. Be ready to talk on one of the follo­
wing topics.
1. Buying things at a department store. 2. How you
were buying presents for your family. 3. At a fo o t­
wear department. 4. Why you prefer to buy ready-made
E xercise 14. M ake up your own dialogues on
the topic “ Shopping” .


1. Read and reproduce the story in the form of a


Mr.Sellyer is selling books

One day 1 went to a bookshop to took through new

books. M r.Sellyer show ed.m e to the back of the b o o k ­
shop where 1 could find some interesting books.
W hile 1 was looking th ro u g h the books, I could
v. a i c i i \ s : .Sdlyer at work and see some of his methods.
A fashionably dressed woman was standing at the
counter and Mr.Sellyer was showing a book to her.
*'You are quite sure it s the latest?” the lady was
saying'to Mr.Sellyer.
*;Oh, yes, Mrs.Rassclyeer” , answered the manager.
"This is Mr. Slush; s latest book. It’s having a wonderful
sale, i t ’s an extremely powerful thing. One says that it’s
perhaps the most powerful book of tlie season” .
I looked;.at the title, the nam e of the book was
“ G o ld e n Dreams".
" A n o th e r lady e n te re d .th e bookshop. She was in
deep mourning and looked likefa widow. She asked.the
manager to show her some new book.
. “ Something new in fiction” , repeated the manager.
”Yesv Madam, here’s a charming thing,. “Golden Dreams” -
a vcry sweet story, exti cmclу sweet. The critics say.-1hat
it’s one of the sw ^tqst things' writteif’by this author” .
“ Ts*H a Jo&l book?” , asked the lady.
“A charming*'one” , said the manager. “ It’s a love
story - veiy simple and sweet and wonderfully charming.
M y .wife was reading it aloud only Last night. She was
crying all the time while she was reading it” .
The lady bought “Golden Dreams” and left the shop.
“ H ave you any good ,lighL reading for vacation
tim e ? ” asked the next customer.
\ “Yes” , said Mr.Sellyer, “Golden D ream s” that is
the m ost hum ourous book of the season. My wife was
reading it aloud only yesterday. She was laughing^all the
time while she was reading it” .
The lady ptyd for the book and w^nt out.
And every c u sto m e r who en te re d the shop w e n t
away'4vith “ Golden Dreams” . To one lady the manager
■'sold “Golden D ream s” as the reading for a holiday, to
another 1\ as the book to read after the holiday,• another
bought it to read on a rainy day and the fourth as the right
book for a fine d a y ^ ,.
•,' When I was leaving the book-shop, I w ent up to
the m anager and asked him. “ Do you like the book
yourself?” . . r
“ Dear me!” said the manager, “ Pve no idea of the
book, l‘Ve no time to read eveiy book Гш selling” ,
ч “And did your Svife really like the book?”
“ I am n o t m arried, sir” , answered the m an ag er
... M
(After Stephen Leacock)
2. Read and dramatize the storv.

On the Art of Making up O ne’s Mind

“ N ow , which w ould you advise, dear? You see,

with the red I shan’t be able to wear my magenta h a t” .
1 “Well, then, why not have the grey*?”
"Yes. yes, I think the grey"will be more'useful” .
“ It’s a good material!”

С*Yes, and it’s a pretty grey. You know what I mean,
dear; not a common grey. O f course1 grey is alway^ an
uninteresting colour” .
'.“ It's quiet” . .
^ “And then again, what I fee] about the red is that it
is so warm-16'oking. Red makes you feel warm even when
vou’re not warm. You knbw what I mean, .dear” . .ч
“Well, then, why not have the red? 4 t suits you -
red” . 1
“No; do you really think so?”
“Well, w hen y o u ’ve got a colour, I m ea n , of
co u rse” ,
“Yes, that is the drawback to red. No, 1 think, on
the whole, the grey is safer” .
“Then you will take the grey, madam”?
“Yes, I think I ’d better; don’t you, dear?”
“ I like it myself very m uch,”
“A nd it is good w'earing stuff. I shall have it
trim m ed with - Oh! You haven’t cut it off, have you?”
“I wras just about to, m adam ”?
4 “ Well, d o n ’t for a m o m e n t. Just let m e have
a n o th e r look at the red. You see, dear, it has just
occurred to me - that chinchilla would look so well on
the red” .
“So it would, dear” .
“And, you see, I ’ve got the chinchilla” .
“Then have the red. Whv* not?” , 1 '

“Well, there is the hat I ’m thinking of “ .

“ You h a v e n ’t an y th in g else vou could w ear with
t h a t” ?
“Nothing at all, and it would go so beautifully with
the grey - Yes, 1 think Г11 have the grey. It’s always a safe
colour - grey” .
“ Fourteen yards I think you said, madam?”

“Yes, fourteen yards will be enough; because J shall
mix it \yith - one m inute. You see, dear, if I take the
grey 1 shall have nothing to wear with my black jacket” .
“W on’t it go with grey?’’
“N ot well - not so well as with red” . Г/
“ I should have the red, then. You evidently fancy it
y o u rself \
“ N o, personally ( prefer th e grey. But th en one
m u st.th in k of everything, and - G ood gracious! T h a t ’s
surely not the right time?”
“ No, madam, it’s ten minutes slow. We always keep
our clocks a little slow”.
“And we were to have been at M adam e Jannaw ay’s
at a q u a rte r past twelve. How long the shopping does
take! Why, whatever time did we start?”
“About eleven, wasn’t it?”
“ H a lf past ten. I rem em b er now; because, you
know, we said w e ’d start at h alf past nine. W e ’ve been
two hours already!”
“And we don’t seem to have done much, do we?”
“ D one literally nothing, and 1 m eant to have done
so m uch . I m ust go to M adam e J a n n a w a y ’s. Have you
got my purse, dear? Oh, it’s all right. I ’ve got it” .
“Well, now you h a v e n ’t decided w h e th e r y o u ’re
going to have the grey or the red.”
kT m sure I don’t know what 1 do want now. I had
made up my mind a minute ago, and now it’s all gone
again - oh, yes, I remember, the red. Yes, Г 11 have the
red, 1 don’t mean the red; I mean the grey” .
“You were talking ab ou t the red last tim e, if you
remember, dear” .
“Oh, so I was; you’re quite right. T h at’s the worst of
shopping. Do you know, I get quite confused s o m e ­
t im e s ” .
“Then you will decide on the red, madam?”
“Yes, yes, I s h a n ’t do any b e tte r, shall I, dear?
What do you think? You haven’t got any other shades of
red, have you? This is such an ugly red” .
The shopman reminds her that she has seen all the
o th e r reds, and th a t this is th e p a rtic u la r shade she
selected and admired.
“Oh, very well” , she replied, with the air of one
from whom all earthly cares are falling, “ I must take that,
then, 1 suppose.
I can’t be worried about it any longer. I’ve wasted
half the morning already” .
Outside she recollects three insuperable objections
to the red, and four u n an sw erab le argum ents why she
should have selected the grey. She wonders would they
change it, if she w ent back and asked to see the s h o p ­
keeper? Her friend, who wants her lunch, thinks not.
“ T h at is w hat i hate about s h o p p in g ” , she says.
“One never has time to really think” .
She says she shan’t go to that shop again.-
(After Jerome K.Jerome)

List of words and word combinations

department store - универмаг

ь consumer goods - товары народного потребления
cloth - ткань
ready-made clothes - готовая одежда
footwear - обувь
knitted goods - трикотажные товары
socks and stockings - носки и чулки
underwear - нижнее белье
ring - кольцо
glassware - стеклянные изделия
skiit - юбка

blouse - блузка
to try on - примерять
high (low) heels - высокие (низкие) каблуки
sandals - босоножки
jewellery - ювелирные изделия
bracelet - браслет
precious stones - драгоценные камни
semi-precious stones - полудрагоценные камни
millinery - головные уборы женщ ин
hosiery - чулочно-носочные изделия
stationery - канцелярские товары
haberdashery - галантерейные товары
pin - булавка
lace - кружево
thread - нитки
button - пуговица
zipper - молния
needle!s') - иголка, спицы
suit-case - чемодан
brief-case - портфель
doll - кукла
shopping bag - хозяйственная сумка
perfume - духи
lipstick - губная помада
powder - пудра
make up - грим, косметика
size - размер
to be all the fashion - быть в моде
to be out of fashion - быть не в моде
to pinch - жать (об обуви)
to be a perfect fit - прекрасно сидеть
to wrap up - заворачивать
cash-desk - касса
cheap - дешевый
frock - платье
^ to be stock size - иметь стандартный размер
cotton - хлопок
silk - шелк
wool(len) - шерсть (шерстяной)
* to fit - хорошо сидеть, быть по размеру
to become - подходить (по цвету)
с to match - подходить, гармонировать
to suit - годиться, быть подходящим
to go with - подходить к чему-то (гармонировать)
* leather - кожа
с suede - замша
to afford - иметь возможность, позволять себе
window-shopping - смотреть на витрины
с to cost - стоить
to decide on - сделать выбор, остановиться на
shrmkproof - не садящийся
waterproof - водоотталкивающий
tight / loose - узкий / просторный, свободный
space ship - космический корабль
set of records - набор пластинок

(buying foodstuffs)


Mother: Ann. will you please, do the shopping

today? Г т vejy busy. ,
Ann: Of course, T shall. What am I to buy?
М other: We are going to have a festive dinner
tomorrow. Your aunt Liza and uncle
Roger promised
• ,.1
to - come
'y ■ /' ‘
see ■,us.
" '

Ann: W hat are you going to cook? Shall we

have anything special?

Mother: For the first course I want to make clear
s o u W i l l you buy some beef; please,
but mind, it shouldn’t be very fat.
Aim: Shall I buy anything else at the butcher's?
Mother: If they have lean mutton, buy 2 kilos,
please. I’ll make mutton chops for the
second course. I’m afraid we’ve run out
/ of potatoes and tomatoes. Drop in at tlie
greengrocer’s and get 2 kilos of potatoes
and one of tomatoes. ,
Ann: l.s that all? Beef, 2 kilos of mutton,
2 kilos of potatoes and 1 of .tomatoes.
Mother: Oh, dear, you won’t be able to carry all
th at, I ’ll ask Mike to help you. Mike,
will you please, go with A nn and help
her with the shopping?
Mike: Certainly, if she buys me ice cream.
Mother: T h a t rem inds me. W iir'you look in at
tlie cake shop >and buy a chocolate'cake?
• ;/< • **'* ' лЧ '/-..О-* '
Aunt Liza is veiy fond, of it. That seems
to be all. Here is the money.
Arm: Mike, take the shopping'bag and off we
E xercises

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

Q . Who does the shopping in your family? -*-2. Where
can one buy meat? 3. What kinds of m eat do you know?
4. Do you prefer beef to pork? veal to mutton? mutton to
pork? 5. How can you cook beef? m utton? С What m e­
at do you usually buy for soup? 7. Do you like white or
brown bread? 8. How m uch bread do you buy daiiy?
9. W hat else can you buy at the b a k e r’s? 10. Are you
fond of sweets? 44. W here do you buy them ? Й- How

often do you buy cakes and biscuits? 13. What shop in
Si.Petersburg is famous for its cakes? 14;. Wlrat does the
'rruiterer deal in? -fcSrWhut fruit can you buy in season?
.ill the year round? 16. Do you prefer apples to pears?
irapes to oranges? peaches to plum s? straw berries to
с berries? U. Where do we buy vegetables? Pfe-What ve­
getables do you usually buy? 19. W hat dishes can we
make of vegetables? W here is dairy p ro d u ce sold?
2 1 . W hat dairy p ro d u ce do you buy daily? 22. Do you
buv bottled or loose milk? 23. Do you *
use sour cream
when cooking? >24. What shop deals in fish? 25. Do you
like fish better than meat? 26. Is there a supermarket not
far from where you live? 27. What departm ents can you
see in the supermarket?
Exercise 2. Ask your fellow' students:
... if she (he) likes shopping
... when she (he) usually does it
... if there are many shops in her (his) street
... what food she (he) buys every day (on Sunday,
for a festive dinner)
... what vegetables she buys for a mushroom soup
... what things she (he) buys for breakfast (supper)
... if she buys cakes or makes them herself
... if she (he) prefers smoked fish to pickled fish
... what kind of meat she usually buys
... where she buys it
... if it is sold ready-weighed and ready-packed
... what fiuit she can buy all the year round (in season)
... what her favourite kind of fruit is
... what dishes she can make of potatoes
... if she knows how to make salads
... what salad she likes best of ail

... if she knows how to make it
... what dairy produce she usually buys
... what bread she prefers: brown or white
... how much bread she buys eveiy day
... how much money she spends on her eveiy day
... what food she buys once a week
... how often she buys flour, coffee, sugar, tea, cereals
... if she prefers to do the shopping at a self-service
shop and why
... if she likes small specialized shops better than

Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences accor­

ding to the examples.

E x a m p 1 e 1: The baker ...

The baker sells bread, buns,
rolls etc.

Say what the following shops and trad esm en sell:

the butcher, the fruiterer, the grocer, the greengrocer, the
confectioner, the daiiy, the fishmonger, the poulterer, the
cake shop.

E x a m p 1 e 2: We buy meat
We buy meat at the butcher’s

Say at what shops you can buy:

ham and sausage; sugar and coffee: beef and m u t­
ton; chickens and geese; smoked and salted fish: p o ­
tatoes. onions and carrots; grapes and pears; milk and
sour cream; cakes and pies; toffees, candies and choco-

lates; curds and sweet cream ; tea, eggs, flour; beetroot
and cabbage; turkeys and ducks; oranges and apples;
cheese and cream; green peas and tomatoes.

Exercise 4. What will you say if you want to know;

th e price of the cake; where the meat counter is;
if the bread is new; if they have bottled milk; how much
a kilo of grapes costs; how much you m ust pay for the
things you have bought; if they have smoked fish on sale;
w here you can buy som e sweets; if. you m ust do the
shopping today.

Exercise 5. What will you do if;

y o u ’ve run out of flour; you are expecting some ­
body for dinner; you w an t to m ake m eat salad; your
husband asked you to cook fish for dinner; the doctor's
advice is to eat m uch fruit and vegetables; you are going
to treat your family to roast chicken; you are going to
cook a Christmas dinner.
' f. . -
4* _ s

Exercise 6. Complete the following sentences.

1. What can 1 do for you? I’d like ..У / 2 . How much
do I pay fo r(.,.? 3. W here can.l^get 4. Is the m u t­
to n ./.? -5. Where do they sell ...? 6. I've run out of
7. Have you got ... ? 8. Where is the nearest .;.? 9. It’s
very convenient to do the shopping ... . 10. If you’ve run
out o f potatoes.you’d bfettet .. . . 11. They sell a lot of
' -•'■V'
nice things at ... . 12. M eat salad is easy to make:
buy 13. If you want to cook clear soup . . . . 14. Every
; i'
day I buy . . . . 15. Once a week we buy ... . 16. They
usually sell fish ... 17. Besides m ilk I w ant you to
b u y '... ".IS. The florist deals in '19. I prefer to do
the shopping at •.f r T "20. Can I have a loaf of ...?
' ‘ "<■■■ 211 ' ' "
Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and
postverbal adverbs wherever necessary.
1, The baker usually deals ... bread, buns and rolls.
He has all kinds ... bread ... sale. 2. J prefer to do the
shopping ... a self-service shop. One takes a basket and
moves ... the counters which are filled ... various food­
stuffs. After you’ve chosen the things you want you come
... the cash-desk and pay ... them . 3. They sell apples
and oranges all the year ... but strawberry is sold only ...
season. 4. ... the fishmonger’s one can buy smoked, sal­
ted, fresh and frozen fish. 5. We go ... a milkshop ...
dairy produce. 6. Bread is sold ... loaves, meat ... kilos,
eggs ... dozens (tens). 7. If you’ve r u n vegetables
you’d better go ... the greengrocer’s now. S. How much
does a bottle ... milk cost? 9. ... the way, have you got
pickled cucumbers or tomatoes? 10. Will you d r o p .........
the baker’s and buy some rolls? 11, Where do I pay ... the
things i ’ve bought? ... cash-desk which is ... the exit.
12. Mushroom soup is made ... mushrooms, potatoes and
onions. 13. This shop is famous ... its biscuits all ... the
city. 14. The poulterer deals ... poultry,
Exercise S. Name some kinds of vegetables, meat,
poultry, fruit, pastry.
E xercise 9. Say w hat you buy to cook beetroot
soup, cabbage soup, meat salad, a cake, vegetable salad,
rissoles, mushroom soup, fish salad, mushroom omelette.
Exercise 10. Translate into English.
1. У нас кончилось масло. Зайди, пожалуйста,
по дороге из школы в магазин и купи двести грам ­
мов. Заодно возьми триста граммов сыра. 2. Я соби­
раюсь испечь торт, для этого м не п он ад оби тся пять
яи ц . стакан песку, двести граммов сметаны, два ста­
кана муки. Сахар, мука и яйца есть, а сметана к о н ­
чилась. Петя, сбегай в молочный магазин и купи
сметану, пожалуйста. Если будет творог, возьми две
пачки. 3. Что нужно купить в овощном Магазине? -
Пакет картошки, килограмм лука, пол кил о соленых
огурцов и банку зеленого горошка. Я хочу сделать на
ужин мясной салат. В холодильнике лежит кусок от­
варного мяса. 4. Когда пойдешь в аптеку (to the che­
mist's), зайди, пожалуйста, по дороге в булочную и
купи полбуханки черного хлеба и два батона. 5. Ря­
дом с н аш и м домом б о л ь ш о й ун и вер сам . Я очень
лю блю делать там покупки. На это у меня уходит не
больше 30-40 минут. 6, Скажите, пожалуйста, у вас
есть разливное молоко? - Нет, только в бутылках. Но
после обеда будет и разливное.

E xercise 11. Be ready to talk on one of the follo­

wing topics.
1. Eveiyday shopping. 2. Doing the shopping at a su­
permarket. 3. The shopping you did before your birthday

Exercise 12. Make up your own dialogues on the

topic “ Shopping” .
1. Read and translate.
f ‘ --vr- ‘ ■ ‘ 7 ‘ / 'Г ■ ■
H ere is the list of the m ost popular grocery shops
one can find in the USA: -■ •'
T h ese are the m ark ets th a t se.ll all kinds o f fresh
foods, packaged'foods, and ’s upplies for keeping house
(e.g. paper goods, cleaning agents). Everything is self-
x ' 213

service, with the possible exception of the meat depart­
ment, where you may ask for help, for instance, in get- ^
ting a special cut of meat. A""f
Small General Markets ,
These are like the supermarkets in every way except
in size and, in ’'some instances, prices. They tend to
more centrally, located.
Convenience Stores ;
As the n a m e 'im p lie s , these stores are usually
conveniently located and open long4iours. One can buy
basic grocery items (milk, bread, etc.) when other stores
are closed. * - '-Г ■ --' ' " t" "
Gourmet and Speciality Shops
These refer to shops selling .foods that are somewhat
out of tire ordinary and not customarily found in s u p e r­
markets - fancy confection, coffees, teas, jams, cheeses _
and the like, often imported. • '* v -'* -v f* > ;/ ■' ' ^
Organic and Natural Foods
Also known as “ health foods” . The central idea of
this kind o f food is th at it has £ o n e ‘ th ro u g h relatively
little processing - refining, presfemng - and is therefore, :
“natural” , such as w holegrains’, _seeds. “Organic” ,means
that the food4
in its g/owing stages was^ not-’
*/ .
^ j 4 t j, ,
,* , •
chemical tbriilizers and pesticides, Most nealtlbfood sto­
res also sell \nitritional supplements-vitamins, mmerals-
sometimes at higher prices than drugstores. . ^
Stores specializing in fish, meat, poultry and dairy
produce. ’ ■
Ethnic Foods (e.g. Tropical Foods, Japanese, and
Chinese groceries, German and Polish groceries, Greek
and Middle Eastern groceries etc.).

List of words and word combinations
/ .. V; to deal in - торговать чем-то
а:ц grocery - гастрономия, бакалея
& foodstuffs - продукты
flour - мука
butter - масло
eggs - яйца
biscuits - печенье
jam - варенье
jelly - желе
ham - ветчина
bacon - бекон
cheese - сыр
sugar - сахар
spice - пряность, приправа «
tinned (canned) food - консервированная еда
Уfrozen food - замороженная еда
bakery - булочная
bun - булочка
rusks - сухари
rolls - булочки
rings - сушки
confectionery - кондитерский отдел >
chocolate - шоколад
toffy - конфета (типа ириски)
candy - леденец
loose (bottled) milk - разливное (бутылочное) молоко
sweet (sour) cream - сливки, сметана
dozen - дюжина
Z b u tch e r’s - мясной магазин
poulterer’s - отдел (магазин) домашней птицы
poultry - домашняя птица
-/'fishmonger’s - рыбный отдел
smoked (pickled) fish - копченая (маринованная) рыба

lean - постный (о мясе)
fat - жирный (о мясе)
supermarket - супермаркет
curds - творог
green peas - зеленый горошек
to run out of smth. - кончиться (о запасах)
loaf (loaves) - буханка (ки)
Г greengrocer’s - овощной магазин
3 fruiterer’s - фруктовый магазин
'О dairy produce - молочные продукты
Dialogue 1
/' t • ■>'.•
/в :•
Jane: It’s high time to have a snack. Would you
like to go to our buffet? / -/ .. - - "
Peter: As for me I ’d rather have a good substantial
dinner. What about going to our refectory?
Jane: All light. Let it be our refectory.
At the refectory
s /

Peter: Have a look at the menu. What do thev ser-

Jane: Oh, the choice is very good. For,-the first
' 1 •, V V ' eM-
course we can.take either mushroom soup
. о : / у * ' /■ / ■* ; ^ - 5 . / - * r 1

or chicken broth. For the second -course they

serve rissoles with mashbd potatoes, fried
fish with chips and stewed meat with vege­
Peter: ГП have m ush roo m soup and rissoles.
And what about you?
Jane: I think Г11 take chicken broth and stewed
t *

meat with vegetables. Any dessert?

Peter: Let’s have black coffee and ice cream.
Jane: Fine. Would you like any appetizers?
Peter: I don’t think I’ll have any.
Dialogue 2

Mother: Aim, would you kindly help me (to) lay

the table?
Aim: O f course, m other dear. W here are the
Mother: The table-cloth is in the upper drawer of
the sideboard. Spoons, knives and forks
are there too. D inner plates are in the
A im : Where is the breadbasket?
Mother: It’s on the kitchen table. Cut some brown
and white bread, will you?
Ann: Ready. What else must I put out?
Mother: D o n ’t forget to put out the mustard-pot,
the saltcellar and the pepper-box.'
- Ann: The napkins are in the sideboard too. aren’t
they? Do you want m e to do anything
Mother: No, thank you, dear. So the table is iaid,
isn’t it?
Aim: Sure it is.


Exercise /. Answer the following questions.

1. Can you cook well? What dishes can you cook?
What is your favourite dish? Is it easy to cook? 2. What
kinds of soups do you know? W hich soup do you like
better: cabbage soup or b eetro o t soup? fish or milk
soup? meat soup or chicken broth? mushroom soup or
vegetable soup? What soups do they serve at our refectory?
3. What dishes can be sewed for the second course? Do you
prefer roast meat to boiled meat? Do you like dishes made

of fish? 4. W hat appetizers do you usually take? Is there
a good choice of salads at our buffet? Can у ou make Rus­
sian salad? 5. Are you fond of sweet dishes? W hat do you
usually have for dessert? Do you prefer fresh fruit to
sweets or sweets to fresh fruit? 6. What things do you
usually put out when you lay the table: for breakfast,
dinner, supper? 7. How many meals do you have daiiy?
8. Is your breakfast light or substantial? W hat does it
usually consist of? 9. W here do you have y o u r dinner?
10. W hat did you have for d in n e r yesterday? II. Are
you a hearty or a poor eater? 12. Do you like y our food
spicy? 13. Who does the cooking in your family? 14. W hat
did your friend treat you to when you came to visit her?

Exercise 2. Answer th e following questions a c c o r­

ding to the example. Extend your answers wherever pos­

E x a m p 1 e: Would you mind if we take

a cup of coffee and some
As for me I’d rather have
a good square meal. I'm dying
of hunger.

Would you mind if we: have an ice cream? a glass of

beer? cabbage soup? lunch at our refectory? stewed
fruit for dessert? another cup of coffee? roast chicken for
the second course? porridge for breakfast? dine out to ­
night? sit n e a r th e d ance floor? have a cup o f tea? a
glass o f dry wine? a cup o f coffee and som e d o u g h ­

Exercise 3. Extend the following using suggestions given
in brackets.

E x a m p l e : Last Sunday I had my birthday

party (to cook a lot of delicious
Mother cooked a lot of delicious
things. She made wonderful
cream cakes and an apple-pie.

1. T h e o th e r day we w e n t to the re s ta u ra n t N eva

to have dinner (to order a lot of tasty things). 2. When
my d au g h te r was ill the d o c to r told me to give her as
m u ch fruit as I could (to go to market and buy ...). 3. I
think th at d in n e r m ust be the most substantial meal of
the day (to have three courses). 4. Last Sunday my friend
and Г dined out (to go to a new fashionable cafe and to
order ...). 5. My triend is fond of cooking (here are some
dishes she can cook). 6. Mother told Ann to lav the table
as th ey were expecting guests (to put out things for
d in n e r ) . 7, On Sunday Mother usually cooks my favourite
dishes (they are 8. She doesn't want to put on weight
(that’s why she eats ... or: she doesn’t eat ...).

Exercise 4. What will you say if you want or don’t want:

your daughter
to peel potatoes; to cut the brown bread into thin
slices; to lay the table; to make black coffee; to mix vege­
table salad with sour cream ; to have a look at the pie
which is in the oven; to wash up after the party;
your guest
to have another cup of tea; to help herself (himself)
to cheese and ham ; to take a n o th e r helping of roast
chicken; to try meat pies; to take off her (liis) jacket as it
ь rather hot in the room; to take another glass of sweet
wine; to pass you th e salt-cellar; to help herself ( h im ­
self) to the apples.

Exercise 5. Agree or disagree with th e following

s ta te m e n ts beginning y our answers with: Yes, you are
quite right; I t s really so. [ really do. It really is. O f
course, I do (he, she does, it is); T h a t’s not quite so. In
my opinion ... Г т afraid you are wrong. On the contrary.
Extend your answers wherever possible.
1. You prefer mineral water to lemonade, don ’t you?
2. The cucumber salad is very tasty today, isn’t it? 3. You
take two lumps of sugar with your tea, d o n ’t you? 4. You
are not oveifond of pastiy, are you? 5. Your husband can
cook a little, can ’t he? 6. He seems to be a poor eater,
doesn’t he? 7. Washing up takes a lot of time, doesn’t it?
8. Pears are tastier than apples, aren’t they? 9. Your
mother is a good cook, isn’t she?

Exercise 6. Ask your fellow students and let them

answer your questions:
... if she (he) is a hearty or a poor eater
... if she is fond of cooking
... what her favourite dish is
... if she is fond of sweets (pastry, fruit, vegetab­
... what she usually takes for the first course (the
second course, dessert)
... what she usually treats her guests to when she
has a party
... if she likes her food spicy

22 0
... what her breakfast (lunch, dinner, supper) con­
sists of
... at what time she has her meals
... what kind of soup (salad, meat dish, fish dish)
she prefers
... if she prefers tea to coffee or coffee to tea
... who washes up dishes in her family after meals
... if she likes beer (dry wine, co ca-cola, gin and
tonic, sweet wine, lemonade, mineral water)
... if she prefers meat to fish or fish to meat
Exercise 7. Use the following in short dialogues or
situations of your own.
1. I ’d like to tre a t you to this cake. It must be
rather tasty. 2. Wiil you, please, cut the birthday cake!
3. Help you reelf to roast .beef. 4. May I trouble you for a
slice of bread? - Brown or white? - White, please. - Excuse
fingers. 5. Will you, please, pass me the p epp er-bo x?
6. How many lumps of sugar do you take with your tea?
- One will do. 7. Try this wine. They say, i t ’s not bad.
8. C an I offer you another cup of tea?
Exercise 8. Complete the following sentences.
1. Help yourself to ... . 2. The meat, is ... . 3. The
soup lacks . 4. C an 1 offer you ... ? 5. Will you
have ... ? 6. May 1 trouble you 7. Will you pass ... ?
8. Shall I treat you ... ? 9. For dessert I Ml have ... .
10. Will you ... ? 11. Let’s have .... 12. They serve ... .
Exercise 9. Read and translate the following prov­
erbs, Give their Russian equivalents.
Too m any cooks spoil the broth. Hi.hs eves are
bigger t h a n his stom ach . Tastes-differ. H u n g e r is the
best sauce. As hungry as a wolf (a hunter).

Exercise 10. Say w hat proverbs can be applied to
the following pieces of conversation.
Father: Isn’t it time to have dinner?
Mother: Is everything ready, Ann?
Ann: Quite. Peter, will you help me to lay the
table, please? (After the table is laid.) How
do you like the soup, Father?
Father: N o t bad. But d o n ’t you th in k it is a bit
Ann: Is it, really? But why? Peter, did you salt it
Peter: Well, Г in afraid, I did.
Mother: ....4)1X . '
*S^*' s. .


Alice: What are you going to order, Mary?

Mary: 1 think I’ll take bacon and eggs and tomato
Alice: I hate tomato juice. It is quite tasteless. How
can you drink it?
Marv: \ ...... "........ //
Mother: Why are you looking so unhappy, Dick?
Dick: I ’m having a stomachache.
Mother: But why? W hat’s the matter?
Dick: You see, Lena had a birthday party and
there were so many nice things on the table
that I couldn’t help eating them ajl.
Mother: ... '' ;
Exercise 11. Use the proverbs given in exercise 9 in a
natural conversation of your own. Follow the example of
exercise 10.
Exercise 12. Answer the following questions begin­
ning y o u r answers with “ B ut I ’d ra th e r (so o n er) ...”
Extend them wherever possible.

E x a m p l e : I think I ’ll take pancakes

with sour cream. And what
about you? - But I ’d rather take
an omelette. I don’t want to put
on weight.

1. I’d like to take chicken broth for the first course

today. And what about you? 2. I ’m going to have lunch at
our refectory. And you? 3. I ’d like to have a cup of strong
tea. And would you? 4. I could do with an omelette and
orange juice. And what about you? 5. I’d like to dine out
tonight for a change. And you? 6. Ed prefer to sit near
the dance-floor. And what about you? 7. I want fish soup
for the first course. And you? 8. I could do with some
sandwiches and a cup of tea. And you?

Exercise 13. Insert the missing parts of the dialogue.

A. Where shall we sit? There are many vacant seats.
R -j r -i ^ К A' / ' ' ■
A. Here is the menu card. Have a look at it. What
•T I
they serve today?
t +•

A. Shall we take any soup?

R h o , « t".«. г! С-,-
ф • • f
' '4
A. I do n’t like soups either. What would you like
for tire second course?
В. / I ...... \ / ' л
A. And what about dessert?
В. . . i u ... С ! ' , - . •г

A. Shall we drink anything? i ■■
В . ' v r i r : - r - > : 1 o f ' ^ ° l l i f ^

Л . W aiter, will you take our order? Tw o roast

chickens, two ice creams, two coffees and a
bottle of dry wine.

Exercise 14. Name four or five kinds of:

meat dishes; soup; fruit; dishes taken for breakfast;
desseit; beverages; appetizers; sweet dishes.

Exercise 15. Make up a menu for:

a light breakfast; a festive dinner; your favourite
lunch; a dinner for a sick child.

Exercise 16. Insert prepositions or postverbal adverbs.

1. My d in n e r usually consists ... three courses.
2. ... the first course I usually take either cabbage or
mushroom soup. 3. Will you put ... plates, knives, spoons
and forks? 4. He prefers coffee ... tea. 5. The English are
very particular ... what they eat. 6. Help yourself ... the
cake. I think it is very tasty. 7. May I trouble you ... a slice
... brown bread. 8. Dick treated us ... sweets. 9. Weak
tea is not .... my taste. 10. May I offer ... you another
cup ... tea? 11. Have you washed ... yet? 12. They often
dine ... 13. He took us .... the cafe “Aurora” to have
lunch. 14. What will you take ... the second course? Г m
fond ... roast chicken. - As ... me I prefer fish ... chicken.

Exercise 17. Make up short dialogues: a) between a

waiter and a customer; b) between twro friends having
din n er at a restaurant.

E xercise 18. M ake up a story on the topic “ My

Everyday Meals” .

E xercise 19. Tell your fellow students what you
know about English and Russian m eals and cooking.

Exercise 20. Describe how you cook your favourite

dish (or any dish you can cook.)

Exercise 2 L Translate into English.

1. He пора ли пойти пообедать? Я голоден, как
волк. Прямо за утлом есть хорошее кафе. Ты не воз­
ражаешь, если мы пойдем туда? - Конечно, нет. (В
кафе.) Что у них сегодня в меню? - Выбор, как всегда,
очень большой. На первое можно взять рыбный суп,
зди, грибной суп, свекольник. - Пожалуй, свеколь­
ник как раз то, что надо в такую жару. Да, ты прав. А
что есть на второе? - Котлеты, бифштекс, цыпленок,
тушеное мясо с овощами, отварная рыба. - Я закажу
тушеное мясо, а ты? - Я тоже. Официант, примите
заказ: два свекольника, две порции тушеного мяса и
два компота.
2. Стол накрыт. Пора обедать. Помойте руки,
дети, и садитесь. - А что сегодня на обед? - На первое
куриный суп с лапшой. - Я его не люблю. Почему ты
не сварила мой любимый грибной суп? - Видишь ли,
М иша, у меня не было времени пойти на базар и ку­
пить грибов. ffe6e придется есть то, что я приготови­
ла. - Ну, ладно. А что на второе? - Бараньи отбивные
с картошкой. - Вот это я люблю! А на третье? - Ябло­
ки и виноград.
3. Передай мне, пожалуйста, хлеб.- Черный или
белый? - Черный. А где соль и перец? - Они на столе на
кухне. Миша, принеси их, пожалуйста. - Спасибо,
мама, обед был очень вкусный. - Миша, помой посу­
ду, а я приберу в столовой.
List of words and word combinations

' to have a snack ( a bite) - перекусить

•• breakfast - завтрак
• lunch - второй завтрак
■dinner - обед
supper - ужин
buffet - буфет, закусочная
refectory - столовая (в учебном заведении)
vmenu - меню
cafe - кафе
restaurant - ресторан
dish - блюдо
potatoes - картофель
to be a poor eater - мало есть
to be a hearty eater - много есть
salad - салат
appetizer - закуска (холодная)
1 to lay the table - накрыть стол
salt-cellar - солонка
mustard-pot - судок для горчицы *
pepper-box - судок для перца ,
for the first course - на первое
cabbage soup - щи
beetroot soup - свекольник
beef-tea - бульон
chicken broth - куриный бульон
clear soup - бульон
fish рыбный
milk soup soup молочный суп
vegetable овощной
pea гороховый
rissoles - котлеты
roast beef - жареная говядина
beefsteak - бифштекс
mutton chop - баранья отбивная
fried fish - жареная рыба
boiled fish - вареная рыба
stewed meat (fish) - тушеное мясо (рыба)
dessert - десерт
ice cream - мороженое
sweets - сладости, конфеты
cake - торт, пирожное
pie - пирог, пирожок
р astry - в ы п ечн ы е издел ия
fruit - фрукты
orange - апельсин
beer - пиво
dry (sweet) wine - сухое (сладкое) вино
lemonade - лимонад
mineral water - минеральная вода
to put out - доставать, ставить*
to peel - чистить (картофель, овощи, фрукты)
to cut - резать
to treat smb. to smth. - угощать кого-то чем-то
help yourself to - угощайтесь
underdone - недожаренный (о мясе)
overdone - пережаренный (о мясе)
to lack - нехватать (о специях, соли)
tasty - вкусный
tasteless - безвкусный
watery ~ водянистый
sauce - соус
stewed fruit - компот
sour cream - сметана
cottage cheese * творог
bacon and eggs - яичница с ветчиной
omelette - омлет
porridge каша - (овсянка)
gruel - каш а (из других круп)
to dine in - обедать дома
to dine out - обедать не дома
ham - ветчина
cheese - сыр
apple - яблоко
pear - груша
grapes - виноград
delicious - очень вкусный (о еде)


Dialogue 1

Passenger: I want a ticket to London, please.

Which train must I take?
Booking-clerk: If I were you, I should take the 8.35
Passenger: Do I have to change anywhere?
Booking-clerk: No, no change, it’s a through train.
Passenger: Thank you. A ticket to London, please.
Booking-clerk: Single or return?
Passenger: Return, please, first class.
Booking-clerk: Here you are.
Passenger: T h an k you. W hat tim e did you say
the train goes?
Booking-clerk: 8.35, You’ll have to hurry if you want
to register your luggage.
Passenger: Thanks. (He hurries away)

Dialogue 2

A. Porter, will you see to my luggage, please?

P. Where for, sir?
A. I am taking the ten o ’clock train for Glasgow.
Have this trunk labelled and put it in the lug-
gage van, and two suit-cases can go in the car­
P. Right, sir. What class?
A. First. Find me a c o r n e r seat facing the engine
in a smoker.
P . Have you got your ticket, sir?
A. No, not yet. Where’s the booking-office?
P, Come along with me, sir. Г II show you. Here
it is. You take your ticket, sir, and Г 11 meet
you on the platform.
A. Which platform is it?
P. N um ber 8, over there.

P. Here you are, sir. I ’ve found you a com er seat

next to the corridor. Your carriage is near the
dining-car and you can order lunch when the
attendant comes along.
A. What time do we get to Glasgow?
P. You are due to arrive at 6.15.
A. Thank you, here you are.
P. Thank you, sir. I hope you’ll fmd the journey
A. Well, if I have some minutes left, I should like
to go and get myself a book to while away the
time during the journey.
P. I ’ll bring you a paper, sir.
(From English Linguaphone Course)

E x e r c is e s

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1. H ow m an y railway statio n s are th e re in P e te r­
sburg? W hat are they? Which of them is the oldest? Do you
happen to know when it was built? 2. Where do trains come
in and go out? 3. Where can you buy a tickct for your
journey? 4. W hat is the fare to M oscow? How m uch is
the return ticket to Moscow? 5. What are waiting-rooms
for? 6. Who can help you with your luggage? 7. In what
way do porters carry luggage? 8. What is a luggage van?
9. W hat kinds o f trains do you know? W hat trains do
you prefer? Why? 10. Where can one have a light refresh­
ment.? 11. W hat trains have din in g -cars? 12. Do you
prefer to book your ticket beforehand or to queue up at the
booking-office? 13.W hat is the left-luggage office for?
14. What do the people who prefer to travel light do with
th e ir luggage? 15. Do you usually travel light or with
a lot of things? 16. W here can you buy a new spaper at
th e railway station? 17. Do you like seeing your friends
and relatives off? 18. Do you like it w h e n your friends
and relatives come to see you off? 19, What does a big
railway station look like? 20. Where can one get infor­
mation about the time of arrival and departure o f trains?

Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences.

1. When we came to the railway station we saw ... .
2. If you did not book your ticket b eforehand you will
have to ... . 3. If you want to buy a ticket for your jo u r­
ney you must . . . . 4. It takes you m uch tim e to travel
by a stopping train because . . . . 5. If you have m u ch
luggage and prefer to travel light you can . . . . 6. If
you d o n ’t like queuing up at the booking-office you
can ........ 7.They did not w ant to miss the train t h a t ’s
why . . . . 8. The tram was ready to leave that’s why .. . .
9. T he train starts in 20 minutes so if you are hungry you
can ... . 10. If you are in a hurry and d o n ’t w ant to
travel by a stopping train ... .

Exercise 3. Ask your fellow students and let them
... from what railway station trains for Helsinki (War­
saw, Kiev, Tallinn, Sochi, Moscow, etc.) start.
... at w hat platform th e 8.30 train for Sosnovo is
... where the booking-office is
... if there are many people in the waiting-room now
... where you can get something to read (at the s ta ­
... how much poiters charge for a piece of luggage
... if there is a good restaurant at Warsaw station
... why he (she) is going to take a stopping train
... if there is a through train from here to Saratov
... why express trains fares are the highest
,. for what kind of travellers local trains are
... if he (she) has ever travelled on a long distance
train and how he (she) liked it
... if there is a dining-car on the night express to
... where you can buy a ticket for a train journey
... if it is possible to book a ticket to Hamburg before­
... who takes care of passengers on board a train
... in what cases passengers leave their luggage in the
left-luggage office
... if there are long queues at the booking-offices in
... if he (she) usually travels light
... who usually comes to see him (her) off.

Exercise 4. Make op your own sentences using the
words and word combinations given below.
To buy a ticket for a journey; to cany luggage; to
take trunks and suitcases to the luggage van; to get off the
train; to stop at the station; to get a light refreshment;
hand luggage; to hurry; to book a ticket beforehand; to
queue up; to register o n e’s luggage; late-comers; to see
smb. off.

Exercise 5. Complete the dialogue supplying the miss­

ing words.
P. 1 want a ticket to ...
B.-^cl. If I were you, Ishould ...
P. Do I have to ...
B.-cl. No, ...
P. , Thank you ...
B.-cl Single or return?
P ......................
B.-cl. Here you are.
P, Thank you. Can you tell me ...
P. Thanks a l o t

Exercise 6. Make up your own story on “Travelling

by T ra in ” using the words and word com binations given
At the railway station; to get a morning paper; the
waiting-room; the train is due out at;, to have a long
(short) journey; sleeping-car (sleeper); through train;
stopping tram; long distance train; express; local train:
to travel light; to register o n e ’s luggage; th e left-lu g ­
gage office; to hurry along the train.

Exercise 7. Learn and dramatize dialogues 1,2 in class.

Exercise 8. Put the dialogues into Reported Speech.

Exercise 9. Make up dialogues of your own on ‘‘Tra­

velling by Train” . Roles suggested:
a b o o k in g -clerk and a passenger; two p a sse n ­
gers sharing a compartment; two friends discussing the
advantages and disadvantages o f travelling by train ; a
passenger and a clerk in the inquiry-office.

Exercise 10. Translate into English,

1. Сколько железнодорожных вокзалов в Петер­
бурге? 2. Местные поезда подходят к платформе каж ­
дые 20 минут. 3. Если вы не заказали билет заранее,
вы можете купить его в б и л етн о й кассе на вокзале.
4. Билетные кассы находятся справа от зала ожидания.
5. Газеты и журналы можно купить в киоске в зале ожи­
дания. 6. Носильщики везут тележки с багажом к ба­
гажному вагону. 7. Пчзезд № 23 идет без остановок, а
поезд № 7 останавливается на многих станциях. S. С ко­
рые поезда останавливаются только на больших стан­
ц и я х . 9. В м е с тн ы х поездах нет в а г о н а -р е с т о р а н а .
10. В каждом поезде дальнего следования есть багаж­
н ы й вагон, вагон-ресторан и спальные вагоны. 11 .Она
не сдала вещи в камеру хранения, так как не хотела
стоять в очереди. 12. Те, кто любит путешествовать
налегке, сдают чемоданы в багаж. 13. Вы любите
провожать друзей? 14. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, билет
до Москвы на “ Красную стрелу’1 (Red Arrow). 15. До
Воронежа нет прямого поезда, вам придется делать
пересадку в Москве. 16. Я вам советую взять билет ту­
да и обратно. В Москве трудно купить билет на Петер­
бург, и вам придется стоять в очереди. 17. Многие-
пассажиры предпочитают места по ходу поезда. 18. П о­
езд из Киева должен прибыть в 12 часов к пятой плат­

Exercise 11, Read and retell the following story.

Travelling by Train

Three m en came to the station about nine o'clock

one evening. They came on to the platform and said to the
porter:’’What time is the next train to Liverpool?”
The porter said:”You have missed one. They go ev­
ery hour; the next one is at ten o ’clock” . "That’s all right” ,
they said, “ We’ll go and have a drink” . So off they went to
the refreshment room. A minute or two after ten o ’clock
they came running and said to the p o rter:” Has the train
g o n e ? ” “Yes” , he said, “it went at ten o ’clock as I told
you. The next is at eleven o ’clock” , “T hat’s all right” , they
said, “W e ’ll go and have a n o th e r d r in k ” . So they
w ent back to the refreshment room.
They missed the eleven o ’clock train in the same
way, and the porter said, “Now, the next train is the last
one” , “if you miss that, you w on’t get to Liverpool to ­
night” .
Twelve o ’clock cam e, and th e last tra in was just
starting out, when the three of them came out of the re­
freshm ent room ru n n in g as hard as they could do. Two
o f them got in a carriage ju st as the train was leaving,
but the third one didn’t run fast enough and the train went
out leaving him behind . He stood th e re looking at the
tra in and laughing, as if to miss a train was the best
joke in the world. The porter went up to him and said, “ I
told you that this was the last train. Why didn’t you come
e a rlie r? ” T h e m a n c o u ld n ’t answ er for laughing. He
laughed u n til tears cam e into his eyes. T h e n he caught
hold of the p o rte r and said:” D id you see those two
fellows get into the train and leave me here?" “Yes, I saw
t h e m 1’. “ W ell. I w as th e o n e w ho was g o in g to
Liverpool, they only came here to see me off”.
(After C.Eckersley. “ Essential English for
Foreign S tu d e n ts ” , L o n d o n -N e w York-
Toronto, 1955).

Exercise 12. Speak on the following topics.

1. What a large railway station looks like. 2. Your
last railway trip. 3. What can be said in favour of travelling
by train. 4. Describe some funny or sad episode concern­
ing travelling by train.

List of words and word combinations

■-/railway station - вокзал, станция - f

platform - платформа /
train - поезд J? *•.

to take a train - ехать поездом-

- to change (trains) - делать пересадку 7
' long distance train - поезд дальнего следования ,7
express - поезд-экспресс £
local train - пригородный поезд 7
train for (to) ... - поезд на .... -
non-smoker - вагон для некурящих - 7
fast train - скорый поезд 7
through train - прямой поезд у
dining-car - вагон-ресторан ^
to buy a ticket - купить билет
to book a ticket - заказать билет ^
booking-office - касса (билетная) * 7
stopping train - поезд, идущий с остановками .7..
journey - путешествие
waiting-room - зат ожидания 7
bookstall - газетный киоск /
porter - носильщик - /
to carry luggage - нести багаж
to push a truck - везти багажную тележку —
I'unk - чемодан (большой) - /
suitcase - чемодан
luggage van - багажный вагон Д
""То be due out - отправляться (о поезде) f
to get on the train - садиться в поезд г'
to get off the train - выходить из поезда P
to stop at a station - останавливаться на станции^
restaurant - ресторан - f
to get a light refreshment - слегка перекусить-^—
hand luggage - ручной багаж —
■о hurrv - спешить__
passenger - пассажир
to queue up - стоять в очереди
vto register the luggage - сдать в багаж
late-comer - опаздывающий, приходящий в п о­
следний момент
single ticket - билет в одном направлении -
return ticket - обратный билет
carriage - вагон 1
facing the engine - по ходу поезда г-
with one's back to the engine - против хода поезда ^
attendant - проводник -j
to be due to arrive - прибывать (о поезде) ^
to while away the time - убить время '
What time does your train start? - Когда отправляется
ваш поезд?
to miss the train - опоздать на поезд —
to phone for a taxi - вызвать такси по телефону —
^“ indicator board - указатель f
I wonder - интересно, хотелось бы узнать —
I wonder where we can get a snack - Интересно,
где можно перекусить -—
D o n ’t worry - не беспокойтесь ■-
— to catch a train - успеть на поезд 2
— io waste time - терять время —
■h rare - плата за проезд г
compartment - купе
to put things on the rack - положить вещи на полку,
to be crowded - быть переполненным
to pack things - паковать вещи
to stop at a junction - останавливаться на большой
to make sure - убедиться, удостовериться ■
to be off - отправляться, уходить
to book a ticket beforehand - заказать билет заранее
to queue up - стоять в очереди
left-luggage office - камера хранения
to travel light - путешествовать налегке '—
to see smb. off - провожать (на вокзале)
day coach - дневной поезд
resei'ved seat - плацкартное место
* lower . +1 1 нижняя )
beit.li>** > полке!
nipper / верхняя f 11илка


Dialogue 1

On the Plane

A.: This aircraft looks very comfortable.

- 4 B.: Oh, it’s bound to be; “The Company” takes a
good care of its passengers.

.9 *'Y ^ " •-
A.; T m 'sure of that. What about these two seats,
will they'' d'o or would you rather sit nearer the
1 pilot’s
, <
- cabin?
• r✓ / •
г у s
• /' /
,4 . / - - ^ ” v4 fr . •''l -
/ ,
-V -
• > £ •* ' ✓

B.: ' I really''don’t mind whichever you "prefer.

A.: Then let’s sit down here. You m ust have the
seat by the porthole, of course.
B.: Thank you, that’s what I like.
A.: I say, we’re already off.
,stcn your b e lts ’’
have been lighted up'over the door to the pilot’s
cabin, ,so we.’must be off. though I hardly feel
, anything yet. /Г„ ' .!
A.: л Perhaps, we are still on the runway.
B.: Yes, that must be. Look here, you haven’t done
up your safety-belt yet!
A.: Oh, thank you, I ’ve forgbtten all about it in tlie
excitement of our departure.
B.: You m ustn’t, it’s dangerous not to fasten your
safety-belt when the plane is taking off or lan­
A.: ■I know ■ 'S. /
it ^is. » , • . * f r 1 'i

B.: A friend of mine lost her front teeth that way.

\ "'1 ч - ■ - .•-> • • v • ; • *

. It was a rough landing, though. \

A.: Poor girl. So I owe my front teeth to you.
*' k 'г * * '
B.: Oh, no, we are having,a - ' -s1 У
very smooth take-off.
•' '
A.: Thanks*у,-all the .■
- '''
' ' '■‘
B.; Here comes a stewardess with a tray. W hat
will you have, some juice or lemonade?,
A.: Oh, good. My ears йге b eg in n in g to ache a
little, I think I ’ll have some lemonade. And you?
B.: Orange juice, please. ^
Stewardess.: Here you are, madam.
B.: Thank you.

Dialogue 2
John: H ello, N ick. H a v e n ’t seen you forages.
Where have you been, old boy?
Nick: Hello, I ’ve just come back from France.
John: Have you really? What were you doing there?
Nick: Oh, it was just a business trip. v X
John: Did you fly there?
Nick: Yes,.••' -fIi did. And
it was
1 ' •’
expiring. .
John: Where did you get your ticket?
Nick: I went to the Air Company office and fixed
Up everything in a few minutes. T hen I came
home, packed" mv things and got ready for
the itrip. • ^ '
John: Did you feel nervous?
Nick: Not a bit. Just,.excited^ _
J ohn: Did you get into th e ^ la n e straight away? ^ ,
Oh, no. First 1 had to check in my lug-
• gage. I f your luggage is overweight you
have to pay extra, if it is underweight you
needn’t pay anything.
John: And what did you do then?
N ick : I went .to the departure lounge to wait for
m /n ig h t. When it was announced I passed
th ro u g h custom s and im m ig ra tio n office
and walked to the plane. It was on the ru'ii-
'way. S om etim es when the plane is at the
far end of the field passengers are taken there
by a special motor-coach.
John: Did the stewardess meet you at the gangway?
N ick: Sure she did. She welcomed us and showed
us to our seats. In a few minutes “No smo­
king” and “ Fasten your belts” were lighted
up and the pilot began to taxi o u t into the
middle of the airfield.

John: How did you feel in the air? Not airsick?
Nick: No, the flight was very smooth. We didn’t
hit a single air-pocket.
John: Could you .see anything through the port­
Only clouds.
John: How long were you up?
Nick: About three hours.
John: Was it very expensive? ■'
Nick: Rather. But it saved me a lot a time.

E x e r c is e s

Exercise I. Answer the following questions.

I .. Have you ever travelled by air? Where did you fly?
When was it? Did you feel nervous before the flight?
Was the flight smooth or rough? Were you airsick? 2.VW h e­
re do we get tickets for air trips? How many airports
are th e re in Petersburg? Are they far away from the
centre of the city? How can you get there? Is there a spe­
cial bus service for passengers? 4. Do passengers go
straight to the plane? W hat do they have to do first? In
what case do they have to pay extra for their luggage?
Are they allowed to take any luggage on board a plane?
5: Who m eets passengers at the gangway? Does she
show passengers to their seats? 6. W hen are passengers
tak e n to the plane by a special motor coach? 7i Are
flights sometimes put back? When does it happen? Was your
flight ever put back? By how long? .8.) Why is it necessary
to do up a safety-belt during taking off and landing?
9. Is smoking allowed on board a plane? Why is it not
allowed? TO. What information is usually given to the pas­
sengers on board a plane? 11. What services does a ste-

■ и Jess offer them? 12. At what speed and altitude do
m odern aircrafts fly? 13. On what flights do they serve
11 к ;i(s? 14. Is travelling by air m ore expensive than
i.iilvvay travel? 15." What are the advantages and d is­
advantages o f air travelling?

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions according

(i* lhe example. Extend your answers wherever possible.

E x a m p l e ; Weuld y@u (rather) like

to sit at the pilet’s cabin er
at the p©rth©le? I d e n ’t mind
it either way.
I’d rather sit at the porthole-
I like to look through it.

1. W©uld y®u like to go by plane or by train? 2. W«-

uld you like t@go t® the airport by the metro or by a special
passenger bus? 3. Would you like t« teeok yeur ticket be­
forehand er 01 1 the day ef the departure? 4. Wr©uld v®u like
to take this bag with you or have it stored in the luggage
hold? 5. Would yeu like t© d@ the shopping now or after
classes? 6. Would you like to visit him today or on Sunday?
7. Would you like to speak to the ©ean new er after the

Exercise 3. L e a k th reu g h the dialogues and find

the English for:
Заботиться о пассажирах; взлететь; быть на
взлетной полосе; застегнуть ремень; болят уши;
взвесить и зарегистрировать багаж; весить больше
(меньше) положенного; проводить на место; выруливать

на середину взлетного поля; спокойный полет; попасть
в воздушнукГяму; сэкономить !фемя.

Exercise 4. Ask your fellow students and let them

... if lie (she) lias ever travelled by plane
... how lie (she) liked it
... how (he) she felt when living for the first time
... if he (she) gets tickets for a plane beforehand
... if he (she) travels at half-fare or at full fare
... how long it takes one to get from Petersburg to the
... if her (his) flight was ever put back
... why it was put back
... by how long it was put back
... when flights are put back
... if she (he) likes sitting at the porthole
... what one can see through it if visibility is good
... who looks after passengers on board a plane
... what information passengers get about the flight
... if she ever wanted to become a stewardess
... what kind of person a stewardess must be in her
(his) opinion
... if flying js more dangerous than railway travel
... if it is more expensive than railway travel

Exercise 5. What will you say if you want to know:

at what speed the plane is flying; what the tempera­
ture outside is; when the plane is due to arrive in Peters­
burg; why the plane is late; why the airpoit does not take
planes; if you may take your camera with you; where you
can get a snack (at the airpoit); if you can take the seat at
the window; if your fellow-passenger is travelling for the
first time; how long you will be up; if smoking is allowed on
board a plane; if the stewardess can get. you some m edi-
■-iне for your airsickness; why you must fasten your sa ­
in v belt.

Exercise 6. What will you do if:

you want to fly to the Black Sea coast in summer;
4oiи flight is put back by half an hour; you want to have
'.oinething to read on board a plane; you are afraid of get-

hj'tiled up; your flight is called (announced); your luggage

г. overweight: you want to take your brief-case with you:
von missed your plane; you came to see your friend off
Iи it her (his) flight is put back; you want to send a tele-
ywuu from the airport; you want to know' when the plane
Imm Sochi arrives; you want to know why the plane from
I ondon is late.

Exercise 7. Use the following questions and sentences

u i a natural context of your own.
1. Did you enjoy your trip by air? 2. Is my luggage
overweight? Do I have to pay extra? How much do you
c harge per kilo? 3. Has flight 318 been announced yet?
4. Look, the plane is taxiing out into the middle of the
ticid. Now it’s gathering speed. We’re off. How are you
tccting? 5. W e ’ve ju st hit an air-pocket. Are you well?
N ot airsick? 6. Stewardess, w hen are wre due to a rri­
ve in Moscow? A ren’t we late? 7, The plane is landing.
I iave you fastened your belt? 8. Was it a non-stop flight?
c). Can you see anything through the porthole?

Exercise 8. Complete the following sentences.

1. Your luggage is overweight, you’ll have .... 2. The
announcer has called our flight, let’s .... 3. Flight 242 to

Odessa is put back because .... 4. The aiiport doesn’t take
planes because . . . . 5. Fasten your belts, the plane ... .
6. I didn’t see anything through the porthole .... 7. Pas­
sengers must have their luggage .... 8. No, you w on’t ha­
ve to pay extra, your luggage . . . . 9. The flight was ... .
10. The motor coach will take us ... . II. We are flying
at 12. I’d rather sit ... . 13. If your ears are aching
you’d better ... . 14. Visibility was ... . 15. Modern
airplanes fly .... 16. I fastened my belt when ... . 37. When
the plane hit an air-pocket ... . 18. The plane taxied out
into the middle of the field and ... . 19. Travelling by air
saves us ... . 20. A thunderstorm was promised, so ... .

Exercise 9. Ask questions so that the sentences given

below were answers.
1. The aiiport doesn’t take planes because of the
weather. 2. The flight is put back because the plane from
Odessa lias not arrived yet. 3. You have to pay ... roubles
extra for your luggage. 4. No, you can’t have this bag
with you, you must have it registered. 5. Our plane is on
the runway already. 6. The announcer has called flight
451. 7. We are flying at the speed of 800 km. 8. The flight
was very smooth. 9. No, I wasn’t airsick, though the
flight was rather rough. 10. The plane was late because it
had to make a forced landing. 11. Visibility was veiy good
and I could see for miles through the porthole. 12. The
temperature outside was 15 degrees below zero. 13. Smok­
ing was not allowed.

Exercise 10. Insert prepositions and postverbal ad­

verbs wherever necessary.
1. Flying is quite safe and very convenient as the com
pany takes a good care ... their passengers. 2. I think the
plane is going to take ..., you’d better put ... your cigarette.
"No smoking” and “ Fasten your belts” have been lighted
... the pilot’s cabin. 4. The plane is taxiing ........ the
middle ... the field. 5. How long shall we be ... ? 6. First
\'*ii m ust have your luggage checked in and th e n a
11 mi or coach will take you ... the plane. 7. When you fly
11и (Kid you must pass ... customs. 8. The stewardess
" i •■;■!ed the passengers and showed th e m ... th eir seats.
'' M the weather keeps nasty our flight may be put ... or
'.mcclled. 10. Passengers are not allowed to have bulky
.iikI heavy things ... board a plane. 11, Meals are usually
д ivcd ... flights which last more than 3 hours.

Exercise 11. Compose your own dialogues.

1. You are planning to fly to the South in summer.
Discuss w ith your frien d the advantages and d isad ­
vantages of travelling by air and by train.
2. You’ve just arrived from N. Your friend, has come
(o meet you at the airpoit. Tell her about your flight and
.slay at N.
3. You’ve come to the booking-office to get a ticket
lor a plane. What will you ask the clerk about?

Exercise 12. Be ready to talk on one of the followi ng

1. Your first travelling by air. 2. Describe a big
airport. 3. Describe the flight to N. as if you were a
stewardess (the flight was very rough, the plane had
to m ake a forced landing, the passengers w ere panic-
strick e n , you had to com fo rt and en c o u rag e th em ).
4. Render an episode from any book y o u ’ve read w hich
c o n c e rn s air trip s, aircrashes etc.

Exercise 13. Translate into English.
1. М оя подруга собиралась лететь в Крым. П о ­
скольку это было ее первое воздушное путешествие,
она очень волновалась. Я спросила ее. почему она не
хочет ехать поездом, если лететь страшно. Она сказала,
что ей не хочется тратить много времени на дорогу, ей
хотелось бы подольше побыть в Крыму. 2. В день
отьезда мы поехали в аэропорт. Катя з а р е г и с т р и ­
р о в а л а билет и багаж, и мы пошли в буфет выпить
чашку кофе. Погода была не очень обнадеживающая
(promising). Шел небольшой дождь. По радио объяви-
ли, что рейс 237 на Симферополь задерживается на
полчаса. Катя начала нервничать. Я сказала, что иног­
да такие вещи случаются. Через полчаса пассажиров
на рейс 237 пригласили пройти к самолету. Мы попро­
щались, и Катя побежала. 3. У трапа пассажиров
встречала стюардесса. Через несколько минут самолет
вырулил на взлетную полосу. Над кабиной пилота
зажглись н адписи “Не курить!” , “ Пристегнуть ремни!”
4. Пассажиры сидели в своих креслах, просматривали
газеты, разговаривали. Многие смотрели в иллю ми­
наторы. Небо было безоблачным, и видимость отлич­
ная. Стюардесса сообщила, на какой высоте и с какой
скоростью летит самолет. Когда самолет пошел на по­
садку, снова вспыхнули надписи: “ Не курить!” , “ П р и ­
стегнуть ремни!” Через несколько минут самолет уже
бежал по взлетной дорожке.

List of words and word combinations

aircraft, airplane - самолет

^ seat - место
pilot’s cabin - кабина пилота
to be off - отправиться, взлетать

’ to take off - взлетать
- to land - приземлиться
landing - посадка
forced landing - вынужденная посадка
; Tasten your belts - пристегните ремни
to be on the runway - быть на взлетной полосе
smooth flight - спокойный полет
to fix up - устроить, урегулировать
to have o n e ’s luggage checked in - за р е ги с т р и -
Ixт а т ь багаж
flight - полет
motor coach - автобус, везущий пассажиров к са­
to taxi out - выруливать
<. to be up - быть в воздухе
to save time - экономить время
to put back (by two hours) - откладывать (на 2 часа)
at what speed - с какой скоростью
at what altitude - на какой высоте
to travel at half fare - путешествовать по сниженному
i(аполовину тарифу
advantage / disadvantage - преимущество/ недо-
с шток
visibility is good (poor, bad) - видимость хорошая
(неважная, плохая)
to take planes - принимать самолеты
* to cancel - отменять
on board a plane - на борту самолета
to pay a reduced fare - платить по сокращенному
to light up - зажигать (ся)
rough landing - жесткая посадка
stewardess - стюардесса
to be oveiweight - весить больше положеного
to be underweight - весить меньше положенного
to announce (to call) a flight - объявить рейс
to pass through customs - пройти таможню
to get (to be) airsick - страдать воздушной болезнью
to hit an air-pocket - попасть в воздушную яму



On the boat

A: This way for the Dover boat! Have your pass­

ports ready, please. Pass up the gangway! First
class on the right, second class on the left,
B: Here we are! Would you like to stay up on deck
or go down below?
C: Oh, 1 d on’t know. I ’m not much of a sailor.
B: 1 d on’t think you’ll be seasick today; the sea is
perfectly calm; we’re sure to have a good cros­
sing. I’ll get a couple of deck chairs, to sit up
here, in the sun.
C; Oh, I ’ll risk it, b u t if the worst conies to the
worst, d o n ’t blame me!
B; Do you travel much?
C: Not more than I can help by sea. Pve crossed
the Channel once before, but frankly speaking.
I didn’t enjoy it,
B: Why don’t you fly?
C: 1 think, I shall, one of these days. It couldn’t
be possibly worse th an a really bad sea c ro s­
sing, and it is much quicker anyhow.
В: I can see the English coast already, can you?
C: Yes, just,
B; Well, I suppose w e’d better get ready for lan­
E x e r c is e s

Exercise 1, Answer the following questions.

I . I lave you ever travelled by sea? When was it? Did
-■II i 11 joy it? Was it a holiday cruise 01 1 the Black Sea or
■я 1 in- Volga river? How long did it last? What kind of
in г w a s it? 2. Are you a good sailor? Did you suffer from
■.1 .к кness on board the ship? 3. When do passengers usu-
ilh U rome seasick? 4. Have you ever been caught in a
" I )id the ship pitch and roll? Which was worse: the
си - Ini)!’ or the rolling? 5. W hat does a m o d ern pas-
<h i t 1 liner look like? How m any decks are there on
t" . . ml a large liner? 6. Have you ever been in a large sea
■■! 11 \ ri port? What does it look like? 7. What safety devices
11 - 1 lu i г on board a ship? 8. Do many liners call at Peters-
I'Hi”" 4. Have you ever travelled on a motor boat plying
1 - (U4YH Petrodvoretz and Petersburg? How long did it take
Iо ;;ct to Petrodvoretz? Did you stand this trip like a
I’i и 11 .a 1 lor?

Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences accoid-

111;‘ io the example. Give your reasons for choosing the
t -.pirsMons in brackets.

I x a m p 1 e: If you want to travel by sea

you’d better ... (book your
passage beforehand, consult
some guide-books)
If you want to travel by sea
you’d better book your passage
beforehand. It is very difficult
to get tickets in summer.
1. If you are a poor sailor, you’d better (go by
II am, fly). 2, If you d on’t feel well, you’d better (take

some medicine, stay in bed, consult the doctor). 3. If you
d o n ’t want to miss your boat you’d better (hurry to the
port, start packing your things). 4. If you don’t want to
catch cold you’d better (go to your cabin, put on some­
thing warm). 5. If you want to watch the sea you’d better
(stay on deck, look th rou gh the p o rthole). 6. If you
d o n ’t know the way to y o u r cabin, y o u ’d b e tte r (ask
the captain, a steward, a fellow-passengers). 7. If you
want to stay up on deck y o u ’d b e tte r (get some deck
chairs, open your parasol, p u t on your warm jacket).
8. If you are feeling sea-sic к y o u ’d b e tte r (take som e
m e d ic in e , lie down, get some fresh air).

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions using the

expression “to be not much of a ...”

E x a m p 1 e: Can Liza make nice cakes?

Oh, no, she can ’t, she isn’t
much of a cook.

1. Does Lena sing well? (singer) 2. Can your brot­

her run fast? (runner) 3. Can you stand a rough cros­
sing? (sailor) 4. Do you like to dance with Bill? (dancer).
5. Why don’t you want to take lessons from Mr. Black?
(teacher) 6. Why does she spend so much money on food?
(housewife) 7. D o you like to skate? (skater) 8. Do you
like Jo h n ’s poems? (poet) 9. His books are not veiy popu­
lar, are they? (writer) 10. Why are you afraid of going with
Peter in his car? (driver)

Exercise 4. Leam the dialogue close to the text and

dramatize it in class.

Exercise 5. Ask your fellow students and let them
Mi w i ■i ;

... if she (he) has ever travelled by sea and what it

was like.
... if she booked her passage beforehand.
what class cabin she (he) was travelling.
.. if she had an upper or a lower berth.
.. if she spent much time on deck.
. if she is a poor or a born sailor.
. if their passage was smooth or rough.
... at what ports their ship called.
... how long their voyage lasted.
what port of destination it was.
.. how many decks there were 0 1 1 the ship.
. what she (he) and her (his) friends did on the
main deck.
what the weather was like,
if the sea was ever rough.
. if anybody was seasick.
. what the best rem ed y for seasickness is (11 1 her
. if there were life belts, life buoys and life boats on
board the ship.

I xcrcise 6. Ask questions so that the sentences given

1 » b>w rould serve as answers.

I. Yes, I booked my passage to Yalta before-

h.iii.l ). First class cabins are on the right. 3. The cros-
Mi}* was very bad. 4. I c a n ’t say that Г 111 a born, sailor.
■ I -haicd my cabin with two more passengers. 6. I pre-
1* 1 .1 lower berth. 7. In the evening we danced 01 1 the
111 11 r1 deck to the m usic relayed from the wireless ope-
i.tini s cabin. 8. We called at 6 or 7 ports. 9. When we
Ii.hI и inch time we went sightseeing. 10. The weather was
fine. 11. There were many safety-devices on board the shi p.
12. I enjoyed my voyage very much.

Exercise 7. Extend the following sentences giving your


E x a m p I e: ГП never travel by sea

again if I can help it.
I was seasick.

1. I ’ll never go by a day coach if 1 can help it.

2. I’ll never speak to him again if I can help it. 3. ГП ne­
ver go to M oscow by a stopping train if I can help it.
4. I’ll never fly again if I can help it, 5. I’ll never take a
second class cabin if I can help it. 6. I ’ll nev er w rite
to him again if I can help it. 7. I ’ll never go to Kupchino
by tram if I can help it.

Exercise 8. What will you say if you want to know:

how much your passage to Odessa will cost; if it is
possible to book it beforehand; how long in advance you can
book your passage; where your cabin is; if there is a pro­
menade deck on board the ship you are travelling; what
ports the ship will call at; if you will be able to land and go
sightseeing; the time of embarkation; where the second
class is; when the ship is due at the port of destination; if
there are any m otor boats plying between Odessa and

Exercise 9. What will you do if:

you are feeling seasick; the ship is pitching and roll­
ing; you have some pieces of luggage you don’t want in the
cabin; a man fell overboard; a storm is raising; you’d like
to have a snack.
Exercise JO. Complete the following sentences.
I. We’d better go to our cabin, the sea ... 2. You
are looking seedy. Are you ... ? 3. I thought the passage
would be smooth, but now ... . 4. Our ship is two lionrs
late because of . . . . 5. I’ve decided upon a sea voyage
because ... . 6. T h e sea was rough and our ship ... .
7. I’d stay up on deck as the weather ... , 8. When we
called at Odessa we ... . 9. If vou do n’t know the wav to
your cabin, you’d better ask ... . 10, The sky is low and
dark. I think ....

Exercise Jl. Make up a chain story beginning with

the sentence “ Last summer I decided upon a sea voyage.”
Each student must add a sentence.

Exercise 12. Give the English for:

путешествовать морем; каюта первого класса;
п од н яться по трапу; хорошо переносить морское
путешествие; корабль качает; море спокойное; порт
назначения; спасательные средства; упасть за борт:
речной катер; курсировать между Петербургом и

Exercise J3. Insert missing parts of the dialogue.

Jane: It’s very nice of you to come and see me oft',
Peter: (Wishes her a pleasant voyage)
Jane: Thank you. I hope ГЛ enjoy it. You see, it is
my first sea voyage and I feel a bit neivous.
Peter: (asks her how many passengers there will be
in her cabin)
Jane: It's a second class cabin and I th in k there
will be three more passengers besides me.

Peter: ( asks her where her cabin is) j
Jane: Г t is on the second deck, near the stem. j
Peter: ( asks when the ship starts) !
Jane: / 4 1 2.15 according to the shedule. I think ;
i t ’s time to say g o o d -b y e and pass up the j
Pete:r (-wishes her good luck and a pleasant voy- ,

Exercise T 4, Insert prepositions or postverbal adverbs

wherever necessary.
1. Last sLi mnier my friend was travelling ... P eter­
sburg ... AstrakJian ... ship. She booked a second class
cabin ... the L erm ontov ... ten days’ advance. When the
day ... the d ep artu re came she went ... the port. M any
friends came t o see her ... 2. Steward, can you direct
me ... the first class? - Certainly. It is ... the main deck.
3. The ship w ill sail... ten minutes. Will you p a s s ... the
gangway? 4. I think we can stay ........ deck ... a while
and watch the s.hip sail. 5. I ’ve never travelled ... sea
before and I ’m afraid getting sick. 6. ... the evening
there will be da nces ... the main deck. - And what shall
we dance ... ? - I think ... the music relayed ... the
wireless o p e r a to r ’s cabin. 7. Do you know' when we are i
due ... Volgograd? - I suppose ... an hour or so w e ’ll be
th ere. - What o t h e r ports besides Volgograd shall we
call ...? - You’cJ better ask the captain. I d o n ’t rem em - j
ber the route. S . Can I get to Petrodvoretz ... sea? - O f
course. There £tre many m otor boats plying ... Peters- !
burg and Petrodvoretz. It’ll take you half an hour to get 1
th e r e .

Exercise 15. M a k e u p y o u r o w n d i a l o g u e s o n th e
i .Mowing t o p i c s .

1. Booking a passage. 2. Asking the steward about

in' accommodation, conveniences on board the ship you
ii>■ travelling. 3. W ith y o u r feilow -passenger. 4. With
пит friends (or parents) after a sea voyage.

Exercise 16. Be ready to talk on one of the topics.

1. Your first travelling by sea. 2. How you booked
\ «ни passage on the boat to N. 3. The ship is caught in a
inrm. 4. How you spent y our tim e on board the
hip. 5. A story about a sea voyage you’ve read and
11 joyed. 6. A film or a book where the action takes place
:i sea or in a port.

Exercise 17, Translate into English.

1. В прошлом году мы путешествовали на борту
к-плохода “Лермонтов” по Черному морю. Мне очень
понравилось это путешествие. Билеты мы заказали за­
ранее, накануне отъезда уложили вещи и на другой
1гнь поехали в порт. “Лермонтов” уже стоял, у прича-
ia. Кругом было много народа, все смеялись, маха-
1 м тем, кто уже поднялся по трапу на борт, что-то
кричали друг другу. 2. Где пришвартовался пароход
"Петр П ервы й”? - У третьего причала. 3. Давай по­
спешим. Кажется, они собираются поднять трап. У
пас еще есть минут 15. Пароход отплывает в 15.45. а
сейчас только 15.30, 4. У тебя много вещей? - Нет, я
■ноблю путеш ествовать налегке. Вот эта сумка и
чемодан. Думаю, что сумка мне не понадобится, по­
этому сдам ее в багажный трюм. 5. Это твое первое
путешествие по морю? - Да, и я очень боюсь морской
болезни. - Если почувствуешь себя плохо, пососи

ломтик лимона, Хотя я надеюсь, что нее будет хорошо,
Море сп око йн ое, полны небол ьш и е, и сов се м н ет в етр;

List of words and word combinations

to travel by ship - путешествовать на корабле

cabin - каюта
on board a ship - на борту корабля
to book one’s passage - заказать билет на пароход
the sea is calm - море спокойное
the sea is growing rough - море разыгрывается,
to pass up the gangway - подняться по трапу
first class - первый класс
second class - второй класс
to stay up on deck - оставаться на палубе
to have a good crossing - благополучно пересечь
(Л а-М анш , море, океан)
to pack things - упаковать вещи
upper (lower) berth - верхняя (нижняя) полка
smooth - спокойный, гладкий, ровный
life belt - спасательный пояс
life buoy - спасательный буй
life boat - спасательная лодка
time of embarkation - время посадки на корабль
to fall overboard - упасть за борт
to roll and pitch - качать (корабль)
to be caught in a storm - попасть в шторм
to be moored at - быть пришвартованным
to wave o n e’s hand - махать рукой
pier - пирс, причал
to raise (to lower) the gangway - поднять (опустить) тр;
to set sail for - отплыть в
to travel light - путешествовать налегке
hold - трюм
25 6
>suck a slice of lem on - сосать лом ти к лимона
• be not much of- a sailor - плохо переносить
н- путешествия
> be (get) seasick - страдать морской болезнью
miiiole - иллюминатор
г ward - стюард
>call at a port - заходить в порт
oi l of destination - порт назначения
>share o n e’s cabin with - делить каюту с..,
>го ashore (to land) - высаживаться, сходить на берег
* ply between - курсировать между
i sink (sank, sunk) - затонуть (о корабле)
» j4‘t drowned - тонуть (о человеке)


Dialogue 1

i )(Rior: What’s the trouble?

r.iiicnt: Well, I don’t know what’s the matter with
me, but I ’ve been sleeping very badly lately
and I ’ve lost three kilos during this week.
I >odor: Have you been working vety hard?
Paiient: I ’ve had some veiy urgent work to do and I
had to keep late hours as I was short of time.
I >octor: Well, strip to the waist, please. Г 11 sound
you. (Sounds his chest). Your heart is veiy
good. Let me feel your pulse. It’s quite nor­
mal. I think you must have a good rest. Do
you smoke, by the way?
I’alient: Sony to say, but I do. About twenty ciga­
rettes a day.
1)octor: You must cut it down by half at least. Then
take a leave and get to some quiet place.
I ’m sure that fresh ah, a change of surro­
undings will do you a lot of good.
Patient: Will you prescribe me some medicine?
Doctor: I ’ll give you some sleeping pills. Take them
for a week. But I ’ve already said th at the
best remedy for you will be a good rest some­
where in the countiy.
Patient: Thank you, doctor. I ’m sure to follow your
advice. Good-bye.

Dialogue 2

Wife: W h a t’s th e m a tte r with you? Y ou are

looking seedy.
Husband: Am I? No wonder, I am feeling poorly.
Wife: Have you taken your temperature? What
is it?
Husband: 38,2.
Wife: Oh, dear. Get to bed at once and I ’ll call
the doctor in.

Doctor comes
Doctor: W hat’s wrong with you?
Patient: Oh, doctor, I have a splitting headache,
a miming nose a n d a bad cough. My
temperature was 38,2 in the morning.
Doctor: Let me feel your pulse and sound your
chest. Now, open your mouth. Yes, the
tongue is furred and the throat is sore.
Patient: Is there anything serious the matter with
Doctor: D o n ’t worry. I t ’s ju st the grip p e. But
you m u st stay in bed for th ree days at
least (To his wife). You must keep him

warm and give him lots of hot tea with le­
mon. Take this prescription to the che­
mist’s. I’ve prescribed some tablets.which
he m ust take three times a day before
meals. I’ll drop in tomorrow.Good-bye.
Wife: Thank you, doctor. Good-bye.

E x e r c is e s

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

I . When do people most often fall ill with the flu?
\Mi :i a i c its symptoms? 2. Have you ever fallen ill with the
Mu' Did you have a splitting headache when you were ill
■'in die flu? 3. Are you subject to colds (coughs, head-
и in"., sore throats)? 4. What is the best remedy for a
in iT u h e (cough, sore throat, cold) in your opinion?
I !nw does one usually feel when he has a cold? 6. Do
-и usually ru n a high te m p e ra tu re w hen you are ill?
Who must one send for if he is unwell? 8. In what way
(lie doctor usually exam ine his patients? 9. W hat
<i <h \ h e usually prescribe? 10. Do you lose appetite
". in -n you are not quite well? 11. Where do we have our
i n л i i ptions m ade? 12. W h a t are the sym ptom s of
1111 иi\ у (scarlet fever, pneumonia)? 13. What infectious
111 .r, iscs do you know? 14. What are children’s diseases?
I > I )o you always keep to bed when you are unwell?

Exercise 2. What will you answer if the doctor asks you:

I .What’s the trouble? 2. When did you take the tem-
i•* t .it11 re? What was it? 3. W hen did you feel bad? 4. Does
II Iи 111 you.when you swallow? 5. What diseases were you ill
'viih when a child? 6. W hen did you consult the doctor
i.r.i1' 7. Are you subject to headaches? 8. Where do you
h ivc pains? 9. When do you have pains? 10. What are you
complaining about? 11. How long have you been like that?
12. Do you smoke much? 13. When did you start coug­
hing so badly?

Exercise 3. Ask your friend or relative and let her

(him) respond.

E x a m p l e : G et me a hot water bottle,

will you?
Will you get me a hot water
bottle, please. Here you are.
Yes, of course. Just a minute.

To fetch you a couple of tablets; to get you a th er­

mometer; to give you a glass of hot milk; to send for the
doctor; to go to the chemist’s; to air the room; to get you
something to read; to make you a compress; to buy m e n t­
hol drops; to make a cup of hot tea with lemon; to tell
you something interesting; to close the window.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences.

1. On Saturday I w ent out w ithout my w a rm coa
on and now .... 2. The doctor took the patient’s tem p e­
rature and said.., . 3. I can hardly breathe because ... .
4. When she came home she complained of a headache
and her mother ... . 5. The patient said that . . . . 6, It
hurts me when I swallow because .... 7. The best remedy
for it is ... . 8. W h en I have a splitting h e a d a c h e ... .
9. This medicine will work wonders if ... . 10. If you fol­
low the doctor’s instructions you’ll .... 11. You must give
up smoking . . . . 12. She looks veiy thin ... . 13. She
looks the picture of health ... . 14. She is losing weight ... .
Exercise 5. Ask your fellow-students:
... why she looks seedy today
. . . i f she is running a temperature
... what her temperature is
. . . i f she has taken medicine
... if she is subject to colds, headaches, to sore throats,
... what the best remedy for a headache is
... what diseases she was ill with when a child
... what children’s diseases she knows
. . . i f she knows any incurable diseases
... what catching diseases she knows
... when and what she was ill with
...i f she made an appointment with her doctor when
she fell ill
. . . i f she has ever had any complications after a di­
... if she has ever been operated
... if she has ever had any traumas
... what the symptoms of quinsy are
... how she felt when she had the grippe
. . . i f she has ever had a toothache
. . . i f she has ever had her chest X - rayed
. . . i f she has ever had her blood tested
... what her blood pressure is
... what medicine the doctor prescribed her when she
was ill with quinsy
... if the doctor gave her a sick-leave
. . . i f she followed the doctor’s advice
... how long it took her to get well (to recover)
... if she kept her bed when she was ill
... if her friends often visited her.

Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
1. The doctor ... his patient very carefully and ...
some medicine. 2. I can hardly tu rn my head b ecau se
o f ... . 3. The flu usually begins with . . . . 4. There is
nothing serious the m atter with you, it’s just .... 5. You
look rather ... today. 6. It ... me when I swallow. 7. Let
m e feel your .... 8. I don’t like this sound of your ... .
9. Do you feel any ... over there? 10. He has been ill with
... for a week already. 11. If you w a n t ... you must follow
the doctor’s advice. 12. Will you go to ... and have these
... made? 13. ... the throat three times a day. 14. This ...
is very good for a cough. 15. I am feeling . . . . 16. You
have all the ... of the grippe. 17. If you are ... to colds you
should take a good care of yourself. 18. She caught ...
when we were skiing. 19. Your forehead is hot, let me ta­
ke ... . 20. My sister was ill with ... when she was a child.

Exercise 7. Insert prepositions or postverbal adverbs

wherever necessary.
1. What are you complaing ... ? 2. The best remedy
. . . a headache is fresh air. 3. Will you go ... the chemist’s
and have this prescription made, please? 4. The doctor
has given him a sick-leave because he has a veiy bad com ­
plication ... his heart ... quinsy. 5. The weather has been
nasty lately and m an y people have fallen ill ... th e flu.
6. She is ill ... quinsy ... a bad form. 7. You’d better take
a tablet of analgine ... your headache. 8. She says she is
subject ... coughs. 9. Take these tablets ... your cough.
10. She says she often has pains ... the stomach ... meals.
11. Shake this mixture carefully ... use. 12. The doctor
told him to stay ... bed. 13. You have all the symptoms
...the flu. 14. The first thing to do is to bring the tem ­
perature ... . 15. I am feeling rather poorly. Perhaps
w e’ve got a touch ... the flu. It generally begins ... a
headache and a fever. 16. You are running a high tem ­
perature. Shall I send ... a doctor?

E xercise 8. Fill in the missing p arts of th e d ialo ­

Maiy: Hello, Charles, w hat’s the matter with
you? You are looking rather seedy.
Maiy: Are you running a temperature? Have you
taken it?
Charles: <r i * * * »I I

Maiy: I ’ll get it (the th e rm o m e te r) preser

And how is your throat? Does it hurt you
when you swallow?
Maiy: I am afraid you are falling ill with the flu.
Y o u ’d b e tte r stay in bed for a day or
two. Now, what’s the temperature?
Maiy: Is it as high as that? Then I think ГП send
for the doctor at once.

Doctor: W hat’s the matter with you?

Charles: 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4

Doctor: How long have you been like that?

Charles: 4 4 4 4 в 4 4

Doctor: Have you taken your temperature?

Charles: 4 4 4 4

Doctor: Let me feel your pulse. H-m, it’s a bit

rapid. Now I must sound you. Your back,
please. Take a deep breath.

Doctor: No, there is nothing serious the m atter
with you. I ’ll give you a prescription to
be made at the chemist’s. Take a dose of
this m edicine every th re e hours. I hope
you’ll get well in no time. I ’ll look in again
in the morning. Good afternoon.
Charles: ..............

Exercise 9. Translate into English.

1. У меня болит горло, и я сильно кашляю. - Вы
что-нибудь принимали? - Вечером я выпила стакан го­
рячего молока с маслом и медом и сделала компресс
на горло. Но это не очень помогает. Наверное, придет­
ся обратиться к врачу. 2. Если вы подвержены про­
студам, вам надо тепло одеваться. Особенно легко про­
студиться весной и осенью. 3. Если у тебя температу­
ра, выпей таблетку аспирина, чтобы сбить жар. И
пол ежи-ка ты сегодня в постели. Я позвоню Ане и
скажу, что ты неважно себя чувствуешь и в институт не
пойдешь. 4. Что сказал тебе врач? - Он сказал, что
ничего серьезного, но гланды не в порядке, с ними
что-то надо делать, может быть, оперировать. 5. Я
принесла тебе микстуру для полоскания горла. Мне
сказали в аптеке, что нужно полоскать горло три раза
в день до еды. 6. Он жалуется, что у него болит желу­
док. Я думаю, ему надо обратиться к врачу. Если что-
то серьезное, то ему лучше лечь в больницу, 7. В
детстве мой сын перенес корь, воспаление легких,
скарлатину. Сейчас дети редко болеют корью и скарла­
тиной. В раннем детстве им делают прививки против
этих болезней.

Exercise 10, Read and translate the story.

Tie Story o f Doctor Dolittle

Once upon a time, many years ago - when ourgrand-

1;Hirers were little children - there was a doctor, and his
name was Dolittle - John Dolittle, D.M. “ D .M .” means
i hat he was a proper doctor and knew a whole lot.
He lived in a little town called P uddleby-on-the
Marsh. All the folks, young and old knew him well by sight
■iiid whenever he walked down the street in his high hat
>лггуоие would say. “There goes the Doctor! - H e’s a
‘■|-:ver m a n ” . And the dogs and the children would all run
up and follow behind him, and even the crows that lived in
ilie church-tower would see and nod their heads.
The house lie lived in, on the edge of the town, was
4 iiite small but his garden was very large and had a wide
lawn and stone seats and weeping-willows hanging over. His
i icr. Sarah Dolittle, was housekeeper for him,' but the
f >octor looked after the garden himself.
He was very fond of animals and kept many kinds of
pots. Besides the gold-fish in the pond at the bottom of his
j’arden, he had rabbits in the pantry, white mice in his
piano, a squirrel in the linen closet and a hedgehog in the
He had a cow witli a calf too, and an old lame horse
twenty-five years of age - and chickens, and pigeons, and
Iwo lambs, and many other animals. But his favourite pets
were Dad-Dad the duck, Jip the dog, Cub-Cub the baby
pig, Polynesia the parrot, and the owl Too-Too.
His sister used to grumble about all these animals,
and said they made the house untidy and one day when an
old lady with rheumatism came to see the Doctor, she sat
on the hedgehog who was sleeping on the sofa and never
came to see him any more, but drove eveiy Saturday all the
way to Oxenthorpe, another town ten miles off, to see a
different doctor.
Then his sister, Sarah Dolittle, came to him and said:
“ Hey, how can you expect patients to come and see
you when you keep all these animals in the house? I t ’s a
fine doctor who would have his parlour full of hedgehogs
and mice! That’s the fourth person these animals have driven
away. Squire Jenkins and the Parson say they wouldn’t come
near your house again - no matter how ill they are. We are
getting poorer every day. If you go on like this, none of the
best people will have you for a doctor” .
“ But I like the animals better than the £best people’” ,
said the Doctor.
“You are ridiculous” , said his sister and walked out
of the room.
So, as time went on, the Doctor got more and more
animals, and the people who came to see him got less and
less. Till at last he had no one left - except the C a t’s-meat -
Man, who didn’t mind any kind of animals. But the C at’s-
m eat-M an wasn’t veiy rich, and he only got sick once a
year - at Christmas time - when lie used to give the Doctor}
sixpence for a bottle of medicine.
Sixpence a year wasn’t enough to live on - even in
those days, long ago, and if the Doctor h adn’t had some
money saved up in his money-box, no one knows what
would have happened.
And he kept on getting still more pets; and of course itj
cost a lot to feed them. And the money he had saved ufj
grew less and less.
Then he sold his piano, and let the mice live in г
bureau-drawer. But the money he got for that too began to
go, so he sold the brown suit he wore on Sundays and went
on becoming poorer and poorer.
And now, when he walked down the street in his high
hat, people would say to one another, “There goes Johr
Dolittle, D.M.! There was time when he was the best known
doctor in the West Country - look at him now - he hasn’t
any money and his stockings are full of holes!”
But the dogs and the cats and the children still ran up
and followed him through the town - the same as they had
done when he was rich.
(After Hugh Lofting)

List of words and word combinations

to be ill with smth - болеть (чем-то)

to fall ill with smth - заболеть (чем-то)
to get well, to recover - поправиться, выздороветь
to examine - осматривать
to feel one’s pulse - пощупать пульс
to diagnose - поставить диагноз
diagnosis - диагноз
to have a headache - болеть (о голове), иметь голов­
ную боль
to cough, cough - кашлять, кашель
to complain of - жаловаться
it hurts me when I swallow - мне больно глотать
mixture - микстура
pills - пилюли
tablets - таблетки
powders - порошки
drops - капли
to gargle - полоскать
to give a patient a sick-leave - дать больничный
чист (отпуск по болезни)
to feel poorly - чувствовать себя неважно
the tongue is furred - язы к обложен
to keep late hours - поздно ложиться спать
to work wonders - творить чудеса

medicine for - лекарство от
remedy for - лекарство, средство от
my nose is clogged - у меня заложен нос
hot water bottle - грелка
therm ometer - термометр
infectious (catching) заразная
curable disease излечимая болез]
incurable неизлечимая
to cure - излечивать
to have one’s chest X-rayed - пройти (сделать) рент
ген грудной клетки
to lose weight (appetite) - терять вес, аппетит
to be well - чувствовать себя хорошо
to be unwell - чувствовать себя неважно
to take one’s temperature - померить температуру
to sound one’s chest - прослушать грудную клетку;
to prescribe medicine - выписывать лекарство
to have a running nose - иметь насморк
the flu, the grippe - грипп
to have a sore throat - болеть (о горле)
quinsy - ангина
to keep one’s bed - соблюдать постельный режим
to bring the temperature (fever) down - сбить тем ­
пературу, жар
to look seedy - неважно выглядеть
to sneeze - чихать
the chemist’s - аптека
to strip to the waist - раздеться до пояса
to catch cold - простудиться
tonsils - гланды
compress - компресс
to be subject to - быть подверженным
symptom - симптом
children’s disease - детская болезнь
measles - корь
scarlet fever - скарлатина
pneum onia - воспаление легких
complication on smth after - осложнение на ... после ....
to be running a temperature - температурить
fever - жар, температура
to inoculate against - делать прививки против ...
to treat for - лечить от
to undertake a course of treatment for ~ пройти курс
it чения от ...


Dialogue 1

Alice: Do you fancy going to the D ram a theatre

on Sunday? They are doing a new play by
Jane: , I ’d love to. Do you think we’ll manage to get
tickets? I know that his plays are very popu­
lar with the public.
Alice: You’re quite right, but I’ve already booked
seats by telephone.
Jane: Oh, it’s wonderful. Is it a m atinee or an
evening performance?
Alice: It’s an evening perfo rm ance. I d o n ’t like
matinees with lots of children who are very
Jane: Where shall we sit?
Alice: Our seats are in the rear stalls. You’d bet­
ter take opera glasses.
Jane: Yes, of course. Shall we m eet outside the
theatre at 7.15?
Alice: It suits me fine.
Jane: Then it’s settled. Good-bye.
Alice: See you soon.
Dialogue 2

After the performance

Alice: Well, how did you find the performance?
Jane: The cast was just excellent.
Alice: N o wonder, with so many stars in it. You
can call it an all-star cast.
Jane: N ’s acting im pressed m e greatly. He is al­
ways very good, b ut tonight he was at hi:
best. D o n ’t you think so?
Alice: Agree, I greatly enjoyed the last scene of tin
second act when he finds out the truth about!i
his brother. His acting was very convincing.1
Jane: The actress who played his wife was not bad
either, was she?
Alice: I think, she m ight have been a bit m ore
natural. There was something stilted about
her acting.
Jane: Was there? I'm afraid I can’t agree with you.
And did you like the scenery?
Alice: It was splendid. It contributed very m uch to
the success of the performance.
Jane: Г т veiy thankful to you for this lovely eve­
ning. After all, it was your idea to see the play.
Alice: Nothing to speak of.

E x e r c is e s

Exercise I. Answer the following questions.

I . Are you a theatre-fan? How often do you go to the
theatre? Do you prefer evening performances to matinees
or matinees to evening performances? 2. Do you prefer
opera to ballet or ballet to opera? Why? Who is your favou­
rite opera singer? ballet dancer? 3. What kinds of theatres

и. 1 1ivтс in Petersburg? W hat are the most popular theat-
<■ nowadays? 4. W hat is on at th e ... th e a tre tonight?
w ii<> is in the cast? Is it an all-star cast? 5. Where do you
iii. i о sit at th e th ea tre? D o you usually take o p e ra -
i i г .rs w h en going to the th ea tre? W h at are th e most
■ i» nsive seats? the cheapest seats? 6. How many specta­
tor Joes the ... theatre hold? 7. Where do spectators lea-
■ i heir coats and hats? 8. Do you usually buy tickets
•i i he box-office or book them by phone? 9. Have you
-'■it tried to pick up a ticket at the entrance of the th e-
iii ? 10. Who is your favourite theatre actor (actress)?
I I Is she (he) always at her (his) best? 12. In what plays
■lиI you especially like him (her)?

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions choo-

■.iiig a suitable answ er am ong those given in brackets.
!■л tend your answer.
1. How did you find y esterd ay ’s p erfo rm ance?
( It was first-ra te from b eg in n in g to end. Awfully dull,
lust terrific. A sheer waste of time. A rare stuff. Extre­
mely interesting. I was bored to death. I enjoyed it greatly.
I felt like walking out. I enjoyed eveiy minute of it). 2. Did
you like N ’s acting? (Immensely. She was superb. I cer­
tainly did. She m akes one believe everything she says
and does. She was at h er best. N o, I d i d n ’t. She was
dull. H e r in te rp re ta tio n o f the role was n ot c o n v in ­
cing). 3. Do you like the actor М.? (Oh, yes. He is a great
master o f psychological analysis. He always gives very ori­
ginal interpretations of the roles he plays. His acting is

coloured with mild humour. He penetrates deeply into the

inner world of his characters). 4. Why is N. one of the
m o st p o p u la r playw rights? (His plays are very witty.
F ull o f humour. G ood language. His characters are vivid

and real. He always touches upon important social p ro b j
lems. Situations are very funny. A great m aster o f i n t r i l
gue). I

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions. M a k l

use of the words and phrases from exercise 2. I
1. Why was this play a failure? 2. Why is it next tel
im possible to get tickets to the M aly D ra m a t h e a t r e !
3. Why did the producer choose D. for the leading w o j
m a n ’s part in his new performance? 4. Why did you leave!
the theatre after the first act? 5. What makes the theatrd
for Young Spectators so popular not only with the child-]
ren but with the grown up people as well?

Exercise 4. Consult a dictionary and explain the fol-j

lowing words.
Theatre-goer; matinee; cast; stalls; playwright; box-
office; star; orchestra stalls; first night. j

Exercise 5. Complete the following sentences. j

1. Let’s take opera glasses .... 2. 1 enjoyed the play;
greatly because . . . . 3. The best seats are . . . . 4. I ’ll tiy
to get tickets . . . . 5. Let’s buy a programme . . . . 6. The
public adm ires h im ... . 7. I t ’s n o t easy to get tickets
for this play as ... . 8. I ’d have enjoyed the play much
more if... . 9. The bell is ringing, let’s ... . 10. L et’s ask
the usher . . . . 11. The play is very popular ... . 12. The
performance was a failure because ... .

Exercise 6. Respond to the following either in the

affirmative or negative, using: Yes, o f course. Certainly. Not
at all. Not in the least. With pleasure. Do, please. Please,
don 1. Use these sentences in a natural conversation.

1. May I take your programme? 2. Shall we go to the
i**\ c-r? 3. May f use your opera-glasses? 4. Don’t you think
'hr play is a bit too dragged out7 5. Shall i get you an ice
i! am? 6. Will you leave your brief-case in th e cloak-
inom? 7. Do you fancy going to a m atinee on S u n-
■му? 8. Shall we take aunt Liz to the theatre? 9. Will you
' -o k seats beforehand? 10. Do you m ind sitting in the
--h ss-circle? II. Can you let me have two seats in the
- ■ntre stalls?

Exercise 7. G ive the English for the fallow ing

words and expressions anc! use them in sentences of
\o u r own.
Состав исполнителей; любитель театра (театрал);
пользоваться больш им успехом; сидеть в партере;
утренний спектакль; премьера; декорации; главная
роль; ставить пьесу; быть в ударе; получить удовольст­
вие от спектакля; пьеса провалилась.

Exercise 8. Ask your fellow students and Let them

... if she (he) is a regular theatre-goer
... if she (he) likes the theatre better than th e cinema
... what her (his) favourite theatre is
... if it is difficult to get tickets to this theatre
... where she (he) usually sits
... what plays are to her (his) taste
... what play she (he) saw last
... if it was a great success with the public.

1(J la к . .4j 105b 273

Exercise 9. Refashion the follow ing sen ten ces a c ­
cording to the example.

E x a m p I e: Let’s go to the theatre on Sunday.

Do you fancy going to the theatre
on Sunday? L et’s go to the theatre
01 1 Sunday, shall we?

1. Let’s book seats beforehand. 2. Let’s invite Kate

to the party. 3. Let’s buy a programme. 4. Let’s go to the
foyer. 5. Let’s go to the refreshment-room during the
interval. 6. Let’s take open-glasses. 7. Let’s ask the us­
her to show us to our seats. 8. Let’s meet outside the the­
atre at 7 o ’clock.

Exercise 10. Insert prepositions and postverbal a d ­

verbs wherever necessary.
1. His plays are very popular ... the public. He touc­
hes ... serious social problems ... his plays. Besides, he is
a great master ... intrigue. 2. Where are our seats? - ...
the orchestra stalls, ... the seventh row. 3. Who is ... the
cast today? 4. N. was ... hi\ best tonight. 5. They say it’s
not easy to get tickets ,.. this play. Let’s try to book s e a ts ...
telephone. 6. Would you lib to go ... the theatre tonight?
7. Let’s take opera-glasses, our seats are ... the balcony.

Exercise 11. Change tlie following sentences into their

opposites making other necessary changes.
I. They say his new play is a complete failure with the
public. 2. Everybody agrees that T. was at his worst yester­
day. 3. This play is still on at the Art Theatre. 4. My
friend said th at he had enjoyed every minute o f the
Play- 5. N . ’s acting was true to life. 6. W hen one sits

on the fro n t rows one has a good view of the stage.
7. T h e play was so dull th a t spectators were bored to
death, 8. My brother often goes to matinees.

Exercise 12. Make up your own dialogues on the

topic ‘T h e a tre ” .

Exercise 13. Be ready to speak on one of the follo­

wing topics.
1. My first visit to the theatre. 2. My favourite actor
(actress). 3. The most popular play of the season. 4. Why
the ... theatre is so popular with theatre-goers.

Exercise 14. Translate into English.

1. Вчера мы смотрели новую пьесу в театре Ко­
медии. Спектакль прошел с большим успехом. Глав­
ные роли исполняли молодые талантливые актеры.
Успеху спектакля способствовали прекрасные д ек о ­
рации. 2. Звенит второй звонок. Пойдем в зал. Где
паши места? - В 12-м ряду партера. Я надеюсь, нам
хорошо будет видно сцену. 3. Как тебе понравился
спектакль? - Состав исполнителей был превосходный.
Актриса, играющая главную роль, была особенно хо­
роша. 4. Я бы очень хотела посмотреть новую пьесу в
ТЮЗе. - Говорят, на нее трудно достать билеты. - А
что, если мы попробуем заказать их заранее по телефо­
ну? - Хорошая мысль. Давай попробуем. 5. Давай ку­
пим программку. Интересно, кто сегодня занят в спек­
такле. Хотелось бы, чтобы был первый состав. 6. Вы
видели новую пьесу в театре Драмы? - Да. - Ну и как?
- Я чуть не умерла от скуки. Во-первых, пьеса ужасно
растянута, интрига совершенно нелепая (absurd), да и
состав исполнителей оставлял желать много лучшего
(left much to be desired). 7. В оперном театре завтра

премьера новой оперы. Говорят, что она должна стать

большим событием (event) в театральной жизни наш е­
го города. Д авай попробуем достать билеты у входа
(to pick up tickets at the entrance).

List of words and word combinations

to do (to show) a new play - ставить новую пьесу

evening performance - вечерний спектакль
matinee - утренний спектакль
to be popular with - пользоваться успехом, быть
to be on - идти
to be in the repertoir - быть в репертуаре
to be off - быть снятым с репертуара
the Drama theatre - драматический театр !
to be a success - пользоваться успехом
to be a failure - провалиться (о спектакле)
to book seats - заказать билеты !
box-office - касса (театральная)
stalls - партер
orchestra stalls - передние ряды партера !
centre stalls - места в середине партера
rear stalls - задние ряды партера
front rows - передние ряды
back rows - задние ряды
to sit in the stalls - сидеть в партере
on the front rows - в передних рядах
on the balcony - на балконе
in the box - в ложе
pit - амфитеатр |
dress circle - бельэтаж
stage - сцена (подмостки)
auditorium - зал \i
foyer - фойе, вестибюль i
276 !
cloak-room - гардероб
cast - состав исполнителей
all-star cast - первый состав, состав “звезд”
company - труппа (все актеры, работающие в теагре)
scenery - декорации
to contribute to - способствовать чему-либо
to be at one’s best - быть в ударе
to be at one’s worst - играть плохо, быть не в ударе
interval - перерыв
The Comedy Theatre - театр комедии
The Musical Comedy Theatre * театр музыкальной
The Opera House - оперный театр
The Theatre for Young Spectators - театр юного
The Puppet Theatre - кукольный театр
The Philharmonic Society - филармония
The Conservatoire - консерватория
The Art Theatre - Художественный театр
The Drama Theatre named after ... - Театр драмы
имени ...
the curtain falls - занавес опускается
the curtain rises - занавес поднимается
the lights are going down - огни гаснут
the lights are going up - огни зажигаются
to have a long run - долго быть в репертуаре, долго
the house is sold out - билеты проданы
producer - продюсер
director - режиссер-постановгцик
to act - играть
acting - игра, исполнение
leading role - ведущая роль
scene - сцена (в спектакле)
act - акт (часть пьесы)

Dialogue 1

M other: What were you doing this afternoon, Mary?

Mazy: First I went to the hairdresser’s to have my
hair cut, Then I took my evening shoes to
the shoe-maker’s. When passing by a cine-
ma-house I saw a poster advertising a new
film directed by John Millford. 1 am fond o:
his com edies so 1 decided to see th e film.
There were not very many people at the box-
Mother: Have you enjoyed the film? What is it about?
Mary: Oh. greatly. It’s a very funny comedy about
a young man who always finds him self in]
awkward situations and how he gets out ofi
Mother: Was the cast good? Who was the film stal­
Mary: The leading role was played by a young ac­
tor, but I've forgotten his name. As to the
cast in general, it was superb. Besides the
feature film there was a newsreel and very
good animated cartoons on the programme.:
The tickets for this show were more expen-|
sive'than usual.
Mother: And where is the film on?
Mary: It’s on at many cinema-houses in the centre,
Mother: If I have spare time tomorrow afternoon IT
go and see the film too. I haven’t been to th
cinema for ages.
Maiy: A very good idea. I ’m sure you will enjo;
the film.

Dialogue 2

Mrs Black: You know, Roger, there is a good film

at the Regal Cinema this week.
Mr Black: W hat’s the film about?
Mrs Black: M urder. A really good m u rd e r film.
One of Hollywood ’s best pictures this
year, I ’m told.
Roger: What do you think about murder films,
Mr Black: You know, I don’t like films of any sort,
Roger. How' often do I go to the cine­
ma? Twice a year, perhaps. Most films
are veiy foolish. I don’t understand, why
people want to go to the cinema eveiy
Roger: There are millions of people who go to
the films evervv week. Thev want to wear

clothes like those w orn by film stars.

They want to look like film stars. They
want to live in the way film stars live.
Mr Black: Yes, as I said, most films are very foo­
lish and most of the people who go to
the films are verv foolish.
Mrs Black: And is that true of me, James?
Mr Black: No, of course not, my dear. I was not
thinking of you.
(A. S. Hornby. Oxford Progressive English
for Adult Learners).

E x e r c is e s

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1. Do you often go to the cinema? Do you prefer the
cin em a to the th eatre? Are tickets to the cinem a c h e a ­
per than to the theatre? 2. What does a cinema program­
me consist of? What events do they show in a newsreel?
How long does it usually run? W hat is it followed by?
How long does a feature film run? 3. What are travelo­
gues about? Are you fond of them? 4. Are popular science
films to your taste? Do you find them interesting or dull?
5. Animated cartoons are veiy amusing, aren’t they? Who
was the hither of the animated cartoon films? Have you
seen any of them? What were they? 6. What was the last
film you saw? Is it still on? Where is it on? Is it very popular
with the public? Did you enjoy it? W ho was in the
cast? 7. Who is you favourite actor (actress, film direcJ
tor, cam era-m an)? 8. Do you know any Russian films
which won International Prizes? Where and when? Whose!
productions were they?
Exercise 2. Say what words refer only; a) to the
cinema; b) to the theatre; c) to both.,
Stage; performance; show; box-office; animated
cartoon film; act; to star; cast; producer; director; mati­
nee; stalls; balcony; newsreel; actor; to dramatize a
novel; to make a book into a film; opera-glasses; foyer;
feature film; travelogue; leading role; to be on; to dub a*
film; scenery; screened version; scene; to make up; ca­
mera-man; subtitles.
Exercise 3 . Consult a dictionary and explain in En­
glish the following words.
Animated cartoons; to dub a film; screened version
of a book; travelogue; film-star; newsreel; camera-man;

director; western; horror film; musical; science-fiction

Exercise 4. Ask your fellow students and let them

... if she (he) is a cinema-fan
... how often she (he) goes to the cinema
... if she (he) reads film reviews before going to see a
... what films have been a great success w ith the
public lately
... where she (he) usually sits
... what film she (he) thinks to be one of the best
releases of late
... if cinema performances are c o n tin u o u s in о nr
... who her (his) favourite film star is
... in what films she (he) saw him (her)
... if she-(lie) prefers films in te c h n ic o lo u r to black
and white ones
... if she (he) has seen any C.Chaplin films
... if she (he) prefers video films to those shown at the
... if she (he) thinks that TV will replace the cinema
in the long run

Exercise 5. Complete the following sentences.

I. The film has won the First International Prize. No
wonder , 2. 1 should have enjoyed the film much better
if . . . . 3. The film is having a successful run because ... .
4. This young actress is very popular with the public ... .
5. I’m looking forward to seeing this film, They say ... .
6. B e fo re th e f e a t u r e film we w e re sho w n ... .
7. If the film had been dubbed ... . 8. L e t’s buy tickets
for ... . 9. I like animated cartoons b etter.... 10. I d on ’t
see why N. has been praised so much in the film ... . In my
opinion ....

Exercise 6. Use the following questions and senten­

ces in a natural context of your own.
1. When does the last show begin? 2. I’m sure the
film will have a long run. 3. Is the film .... still on? 4.They
say the film ... is worth seeing. 5. I should have enjoyed
the film ... much more if it were dubbed. 6, The camera­
m a n ’s work contributed very much to the success of the
film. 7. 1 can’t understand why many people are fond of
murder and horror films. 8. If we fail to get tickets at the
box-office, let’s try to pick them up at the entrance.

Exercise 7. Say a few sentences about some film(s)

using the words and expressions given below.
Witty comedy; excellent musical; bitter satire on; to
be full of humour; I couldn’t help laughing (crying); a
touching melodrama; to be carried away; a striking adven­
ture; a thrilling film; dragged out; dull.

Exercise 8. Ask questions so that sentences given be­

low' could serve as answers.
1. The film is on at our local cinema-house. 2. M a­
ny famous film stars were in the cast. 3. The feature film
ran for an hour and a half. 4. I like musicals best of all.
5. T he public took this film to heart because the p r o b ­
lem s it touches upon are interesting to everybody. 6. Our
seats are in the tenth row. 7. Animated cartoons are very
popular because they are funny and amusing. 8. The news­
reel showed the latest events in our country and abroad.

Exercise 9. Give English equivalents o f the Russian
words in brackets.
1. (Экранизация) of the novel “War and Peace”
was a great success with (зрителей). 2. It takes a lot of
time (дублировать фильм). 3. The work of the (оператора)
was excellent. 4. Many (звезды) were in the cast. 5. The
film (идет) at the Aurora. 6. Very much depends on the
(постановщика) of the film. 7. It’s a very old film, it’s
not dubbed, it’s (с титрами). 8. Where can I check up the
time of the (сеанса)? 9. (Научно-популярные) films can
be very interesting.

Exercise 10. Imagine that you are a reporter. Inter­

view a famous film star.
Ask her in what films she has starred; what her fa­
vourite role is and why; how her cinema career began;
what role she’d like to play; what plans she has for the
future; with whom of the producers (directors) she likes to
work best of all, etc.

Exercise 11. Imagine that you are an actress. What

would you tell about your life and work?

Exercise 12. Speak on the following topics.

1. The early days of the cinema. 2. The cinema or
TV? 3. One of the best films you’ve seen. 4. Your favouri­
te film actor (actress). 5. How the cinema influences our
life. 6. Video or cinema?

Exercise 13. Translate into English.

1. Первый большой
театр для показа фильмов был
открыт в Нью -Й орке в 1914 году. Такие имена, как
Чарли Чаплин, Мэри Пикфорд, Дуглас Фэрбенкс, ско-
ро стали известны зрителям. Клно пришлось публике
по душе, и кинопромышленность (cinema industry) ста­
ла расти. 2. “Голливуд” очень популярен во всем мире.
Каждый год там выпускаются десятки новых фильмов.
Многие фильмы завоевали призы на международных
фестивалях. 3. Ты уже видела новую комедию Леонида
Гайдая? - Нет еще. А где она идет? - Во всех больших
кинотеатрах. - Давай сходим после занятий. - Отлично.
List of words and word combinations
to go to the pictures (movies, cinema) - пойти (хо­
дить) в кино
feature film - художественный фильм
newsreel - кинохроника
animated cartoons (cartoon films) - анимационные
(мультипликационные) фильмы
travelogue - кинофильм о путешествиях
horror films - фильмы ужасов
popular science film - научно-популярный фильм
documentary film - документальный фильм
science fiction film - научно-фантастический фильм
black and white film - черно-белый фильм
films in technicolour - цветные фильмы
to star - играть главную роль
film-star - кинозвезда
to be in the cast - быть в составе исполнителей
to have a long (successful) run - долго не сходить с
to be on the programme - быть в программе
to direct a film - ставить фильм
to shoot a film - снимать фильм
shootings - съёмки
director - режиссер-постановщик
producer - продюсер
to be on идти - (о фильме, спектакле)
camera man - оператор
to dub - дублировать
to subtitle - субтитрировать
to film a novel = to make a novej into a film - экра­
низировать роман
screened version - экранизация
cinema-house, mo vie-theatre - кинотеатр
to win a prize - получить приз


Is there anything more difficult than to speak in a

foreign language over the telephone? Even if you make your­
self understood the chances are that you will not understand
the person at the other end of the line. When you know
what he is saying, the difficulty is to answer him immedi­
ately before he becomes impatient and hangs up.
Robert wanted to call Virginia, so when he didn’t find
her number in his telephone book he dialled the Informa­
Voice: Information.
Robert: Will you, please, give me the telephone n u m ­
ber of C.E. Miller at 431 Clarl Street?
Voice: Just a m om ent, please... The num ber is
Robert: 8-9-7-4? Thank you very much. Robert then
dialled 8974, but a constant buzz indicated
th a t the line was busy. He waited a few
minutes and dialled again.
Voice: Hello.
Robert: Hello. Is this Mr Miller’s residence?
Voice: No, it isn’t.
Robert: Isn’t this 8974?
Voice: No, you have the wrong number. This is
Robert: I ’m sorry, I made a mistake.
Robert hung up the receiver. After a minute he
picked it up and tried again, being very careful to dial the
right num ber this time.
Voice: Mr Miller’s residence.
Robert: I ’d like to speak with Virginia White if she
is there.
Voice: I ’m sorry, but she is n ’t here right now.
Who is calling, please?
Robert: This is Robert Anderson speaking. Wilt
Virginia be back soon?
Voice: Yes, probably about five o ’clock. Do you
want to leave her a message?
Robert: Well, just tell her that 1 called, please.
Voice: Wait a m o m e n t. 1 th in k she is com ing
in now. Hold the wire.
Robert: All right, Г11 wait.
Virginia: Hello1.
Robert: Virginia?
Voice: Speaking!
Robert: Vir, this is Bob.
Voice: Oh, hello. Bob, how are you?
Robert: Just fine, thanks. And you?
Voice: Veiy well. It’s nice to hear your voice.
Robert: Virginia, are you going to be busy tomor­
row night?
Voice: Well, I planned to study my English.
Robert: How about a date for a movie? There is
a good picture at the Columbia this week.
We’ll go early and then you can study af­
Voice: All right, Bob, I ’d love to go. Thanks a

Robert: Then I’ll call for you a iittle before seven.
Voice: O.K. I ’ll be ready.
Robert: Good-bye, Virginia, I ’ll be seeing you.
Voice: So long, Bob, and thanks for calling.

E xercises

Exercise I. Read and translate the sentences. Pay

attention to the words underlined.
1. If you have no telephone at home you can use a
call-box in the street. All you have to do is to put the neces­
sary coin into the slot, pick up the receiver and dial the
num ber wanted. 2. If you want to make a call to another
city you must book a trunk-call. 3. We speak into the
mouthpiece and listen to the e arpiece of the receiver. 4.
If the line is engaged you hear constant buzz. 5. You are
wanted on the phone. Moscow is on the line. 6. Can you
put me in touch with the Head of the department? - Sorry,
he is out at the m o m e n t. - H old on the line. I want, to
le a ve a message for him. 7. The line is clear, you may put
vour call through. 8. Go ahead! You are through.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. Are you on the phone? What’s your telephone
number? 2. What information can we get by telephone?
3. What are in your opinion the advantages and disadvan­
tages of having a telephone at home? 4. What number will
you dial if you want to send a telegram by phone? to know
the exact time? to find out the telephone number of a
cinema-house, a shop, an office? to book a trunk-call? to
to call in an ambulance? a fire-brigade? to book railway
tickets? 5. What calls can you make from street call-boxes
in our city (local or long-distance calls)? 6. Explain clearly
how to make a trunk-call from a call-box. 7. What do we
put into the siot when making a local call? 8. What buzzing
do we hear when the line is clear (busy)? 9. Explain to a
foreigner how to use a street call-box in this country.
10. What do you do in case the party you are making a call
to is out? 11. What do you usually do if you dial the wrong
number? 12. Is there a time limit on calls from public call-
boxes? 13. Have you ever spoken over the telephone in a
foreign language? Was it easy to understand your party?

Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and

postverbal adverbs where necessary.
I. Is it difficult to speak ... a foreign language ... the
telephone ... your opinion? 2. He picked ... the receiver
but ... first he couldn’t recognize the voice the other
end... the line. 3. Don’t hang ... please, 1 want to leave a
message ... her. 4. I couldn’t find her telephone number ...
m y telep h o n e book and dialled ... the In fo rm a tio n .
5. Will you, please, give me the telephone number ... Mrs
N.? 6. When he picked ... the receiver it was already late,
the person ... the other end ... the line had h u n g ... .

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences.

1. Is this Mr Brown’s ... ? I ’d like ... with Robert.
Who is... ? This is Helen .... 2. Is M r Black in? - Sony,
he is ... . Would you like to leave ... for him? - No, thank
you, just tell him I... . 3. You are wanted on ... . 4. Is this
3-4-2-11-65? Hold ... Moscow is ... . 5. Is this 552-42-61?
No, this is 552-41-62. You’ve dialled 6. First put ...
into the slot and then ... the number. 7. I couldn’t get in
... with you, your number was ... . 8. If you hear ... buz­
zing it means the line is ... . 9. Don’t ..., Alice is just co­
ming. 10. I am afraid, I don’t have your telephone in my ... .

Exercise 5. R e a d t h e f o l l o w i n g d i a l o g u e . R e n d e r it in
th e re p o rte d speech using th e w o rd c o m b in a tio n s given b e ­

To be on the line; to be through; extension number;

to hold the line; to ring smb. up; to book a call; to discon­
nect; to connect; to cut in; the number is engaged; to
interrupt the conversation; to be cut off; your time is up;
to ring off.
The London Hello! Warsaw on the line, you are
operator: through.
Mr. Adams: The “Cosmos” Tourist Company in
L on don speaking. M ay I speak to
Mr Banach, please. The extension
number is five eight.
The operator: Extension five eight. All right. Hold
the line, please.
Mr. Adams: Thanks.
The operator: You are through, go ahead.
Mr. Adams: Hello! This is “Cosmos” of London.
May I speak to Mr Stephen Banach,
Mr. Banach: Banach is speaking.
Mr. Adams: Good morning, Mr Banach. This is
Adams speaking. How are you?
Mr. Banach: I am fine, thank you. And how are
Mr. Adams: Thanks. I ’m all right.Yesterday I tried
to ring you up but when I booked the
call I was told all the lines were down
because of a storm over the south of
England. I ’m calling you up now to
tell you that I ’m leaving for Warsaw
by air tomorrow morning.

Mr. Banach: Excellent. When is your plane due m
Mr. Adams: I ;xpect to be there at about twenty
pist two.

Mr. Banach: Good. The room is waiting for you

aid so are we. Hello! Hello! M r
Alains, can you hear me? Who is
spating? Hello! Hello!
A London girl: Listen, darling, what about going to
tie movies tonight?
Mr. Banach: Ddiiiitely not. Warsaw calling. Plea­
se, disconnect.
The. London Hive you finished?
Mr. Banach: N>, not yet. Someone else cut in.
The London Qi, I’m sorry. Which number did
operator: ytu speak to?
Mr. Banach: A i a matter of fact, I was called up

b; London, it was Banach two four

...seven seven.
The London Bunch two four ... seven seven.
operator: Tying to connect you but the num-
bfr is engaged. Hold on, please.
(/, little later). Hello, you are through.
Mr. Adams: Iithat uOrb is” in Warsaw?
Mi. Banach: Yis, Banach speaking. Someone in- ;
ttrupted our conversation.
Mr. Adams: Yis, someone cut in and we were cut
The London Y)in time is up. Ring off, please.
Mr. Adams: Til tomorrow, then.
Mr. Banach: S) long.
Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks with suitable sentences
so as to complete the dialogue.
- Hello! May I speak to Jane, please?
r i • « i r « » #

- This is Mary speaking.

- So sorry. When will she be back?

- Thank you. In this case I’ll call in a couple of hours

• t • * i • 4 • *

- No, no message, thank you. I’d rather speak to her


- Thank you very much. Good-bye.

4 * » » » 4 4 * 9

Exercise 7. Make up your own dialogues based on

the following situations.
1. You call up your friend who turns out not to be in.
You speak to his (her) mother leaving a message. 2. You
call up your friend and make a date for a meal. 3. You
phone your friend and ask her to go to the cinema but she
is otherwise engaged and declines the offer. 4. You get a
trunk-call from an old friend of yours whom you haven’t
seen for vears. *

Exercise S. Speak on the following topics.

1. The last trunk-call you made. 2. Describe in full
detail how to make a local call from a call-box. 3. The ad­
vantages and disadvantages of having a telephone at home.

Exercise 9. Translate into English.
1. Вы мож ете п озвон и ть м не сегодня вечером?
- Да, конечно, но я боюсь, у меня нет вашего номера.
- Запишите, пожалуйста, - 228-15-32. 2. Наташа, тебя
к телефону. - Спроси, кто звонит. - Это Антон. - С к а ­
жи ему, я сейчас не могу подойти к телефону, я по­
звоню ему сама попозже. 3. Можно Аню к телефону?
- Нет, ее нет дома. Что-нибудь передать ей? - Нет,
спасибо. 4. Междугородняя? Мне нужно заказать раз-
говор с Нью-Йорком. - К сожалению, линия Пере­
гружена. Вас устроит понедельник, 6 утра? - Да,
конечно. Спасибо, - Какой номер в Нью-Йорке? -
642-49-13. - С кем вы будете говорить? - С мистером
Брауном или миссис Браун, - Ваш номер, фамилия,
адрес. - 542-99-11, Светлова Катя, Невский проспект,
21 кв. 7. 5. Подожди минутку, мне надо срочно по­
звонить. Вот досада, автомат не работает. - Попробуй
позвонить из этого. - Слышу только длинные гудки,
наверное, никого нет дома. - А ты положила жетон в
автомат? - Боже, конечно, забыла. - Алло, можно Ника
к телефону? - Вы ошиблись номером, - Это 115-27-40?
- Нет, это 116-27-41. - П р о сти те. 6. Это магазин
“Д амская м ода”? - Нет, это квартира. - Извините.
7. Не вешайте трубку. Я соединяю вас с Москвой.

Exercise 10. Read the text and dramatize it.

Ihe Early Days o f the Telephone

Everybody says, the telephone is a useful thing. But
may be I do not know how to use it.
I once lived for a month in a room with a tele­
phone. And 1 must say it was a very hard life for me.

Just think: you want to see a man who lives next door.
You can put on your hat and get to his house in five m in­
utes. But you look at the telephone, and you think it is
better to ring him up before you go. You spend five min­
utes at the telephone but you get no answer.
At last it comes from very, very far away:
“What - what do you say? I cannot hear, what you
say” .
“ I say I have rung twenty times and 1 cannot get any
answer. I shall write about it to the Com pany” .
“You want what? D o n ’t stand so near. 1 cannot hear
what you say. What number?”
“ I don’t ask any number. I say “why don’t you answer
when I ring?”
“ Bight hundred and what?”
You cannot repeat your question again, so you say,
you want number four-five-seven-six.
“ Four-nine-seven-six?” the girl.
“ No, four-five-seven-six” .
“ Did you say seven-six or six-seven?”
“ Six-seven - no! I said seven-six, no - wait a minute.
I d o n ’t know what I want now ... “
“Well” , the young lady, “ I cannot wait here all the
morning. What is the number you want?”
So you find the number in the book again and repeat
it to her.
Then you wait for ten minutes. l!
“Are you there?” you cry many times - and then - oh,
how glad you are - you hear a voice:
“Yes, what is it?”
“ Oh, are you four-five-seven-six?”
“Are you four-five-seven-six, Williamson?”
“What? Who are you?”
“ Eight-one-nine, Jones” .
“No, Jones. Are you four-five-seven-six?”
“Yes, what is it?”
“Is Mr.Williamson at hom e?”
“Williamson. Will-i-am-son!”
“You are the son of what? I cannot hear what you
say” .
At last he understands that you want to know if
Williamson is at home and he says - so at least you hear.
“ Will be at home all the morning” .
So you take your hat and go to his house.
“ I have come to see Mr.Williamson” , you say.
“Very sorry, Sir” , is the answer, “but he is not at
hom e” .
“Not at home? But you have just told me over the
telephone lie will be at home all the morning”.
“No, it was: “ He will not be at home, all the m o rn ­
ing” .
You go back to your room, sit down in front of the
telephone and look at it. What else can you do? Nothing.
(After Jerome K. Jerome)

List of words and word combinations

a call-box - телефон-автомат
to call smb. up, to give a call, to make a call, to
phone smb., to ring smb. up - позвонить кому-либо
to dial a number - набрать номер
constant buzz - постоянные гудки
the line is busy (engaged) - номер (линия) занят(а)
the line is clear - линия свободна
to dial the wrong number - набрать не тот номер
to hang up - повесить трубку

to pick up the receiver - снять трубку
who is calling? - кто звонит?
to leave smb. a message - передать что-то (сообще­
ние, информацию)
to hold the wire - не вешать трубку
to book a trunk-call, a long-distance call - заказать
междугородный разговор
to be on the line - быть на проводе
you are wanted on the phone - вас к телефону
to put smb. in touch with - соединить кого-то с
кем-то (по телефону)
to put a call through - звонить
G o ahead - говорите
local call - местный звонок (в пределах города)
long-distance call - междугородный звонок
to put a token into the slot - опустить жетон в щель
to ring off - повесить трубку
to connect - соединить
to disconnect - разъединить

Mike: Could you give me a few particulars
about the functioning of the post office
here, in Britain?
Mr. Green: Most willingly. What are you interested
Mike: What are the main duties of the post
Mr. Green: Well, the post office does a wide varie­
ty of business. To begin with, it deli­
vers letters and telegrams, sells stamps,
postcards, envelopes and postal orders.
Mike: W hat’s a postal order?
Mr. Green: You see, it’s a kind of check which
you can buy at the post office, put into
the envelope with a letter and send by
Mike: What sums can be sent in this way?
Mr. Green: postal orders are usually issued for small
sums of money. And if you w ant to
send a big sum you’ll have to send a
money order.
Mike: In my country we send only money or­
ders regardless of the sum. What other
functions does your post office have?
Mr.Green: ft issues motor-car licences and wire­
less licences, it runs a savings-bank for
depositors with small incomes; it also
pays out old age pensions.
Mike: So does the post office in my country,
but h doesn’t issue any licences and as
far as I know the savings-bank is the
Mini^ry of Finance department.
Mr.Green: You can also subscribe to newspapers
and other periodicals at the post of­
fice. I suppose your post office pro­
vides this service too, doesn’t it?
Mike: It certainly does. Just one more ques­
tion' Why are t h e pillar-boxes that are
p la c e d at the edge of the pavement fur­
nished with double openings?
Mr.Green: [ think you have already noticed that in
London the openings are marked Lon­
don and Abroad and Country. C o u n t­
ry here means all places in Great Bri­
tain except London; it includes large
towns such as Glasgow and Manchester.
Mike: Thank you ve^-y m u c h for this useful
Mr.Green: You are weico.me.

E xercises

Exercise 1. Answer the folia.wing questions.

1. Is there a post office n ear your house? 2. What
counters are there inside? 3. Wlifc^t postal services does it
provide? 4. When is it advisable t o send one’s letters re­
gistered? 5. What is the registration fee for a registered
letter? What does it depend on? (5. How' do you go about
sending money in this country? 7\ How is money sent in
Great Britain? 8. Have you ever- sent or cashed money
orders? 9. What document must о me present when cashing
a money order? 10. Where can \4ui get a telegram form?
11. How much do they charge p ^ r word for an ordinary
telegram? 12. Have you ever sent telegrams abroad? What
was the charge per word? 13. On What occasions do peop­
le send urgent telegrams? greetings telegrams? 14. When do
people send (or get) letters m arked “poste-restante” ?
15. Have you ever sent or received “poste-restante” let­
ters? When was it? 16. What can one send by book post?
What is the operation of sending ъ book parcel? 17. How
many mail deliveries and collections are there daily in
your town? 18. What d o c u m e n t must your friend give
you if he (she) wants you to cash a money-order for him
(her)? 19. Where can you get a box for a parcel? 20. What
is the weight limit to parcels sent in boxes? 21. Why is it
desirable to have your parcel insured?

Exercise 2. Give the English for the words in brackets.

1. I’d like to open (счет) at this bank. 2. (Открытки
без марок) are sold at the next window. 3. What’s the
(тариф) for a registered letter to London? 4. (Почто­
вый перевод) is a kind of check sent with a letter. 5. If
you don’t know yet where you’ll stay in Moscow you’d bet­
ter have your letters (до востребования). 6. Newspapers
usually come with the first (доставкой). 7. I can cash a
m o n e y o rder for you if you give me (д о в ер е н н о с ть ).
8. What sum should I (застраховать) my parcel for? 9. If
your letter contains anything valuable it is advisable to
send it (заказным). 10, What newspapers and magazines
are you going to (подписаться) to this year? 11, Where
can 1 get а (денежный перевод) form? 12. Can I have
some (почтовые марки и открытки)? 13. It’s ап (сроч­
ная) telegram. What’s (плата) per word? 14. The post
office in our country (выплачивает) old age pensions.
15. (Почтовые услуги) are getting more and more expen­
Exercise 3. Ask questions so that the sentences given
below could be answers.
1. No, the post office in this country doesn’t is
■motor-car or wireless licences, 2. Ordinary, urgent, exp­
ress telegrams are sent in this country. 3. When cashing a
money order you must present your passport. 4. It’s a
kind of check for a small sum sent with a letter, 5, It's
convenient to get o n e ’s post “ poste-restante” when one
h a s n ’t got a permanent address. 6. We usually send mo­
ney orders for big sums of money. 7. They charge ...
roubles per word for an ordinary telegram. 8. You can
send books and other printed matter by book post. 9. The
money order counter handles operations for sending or
cashing postal or telegraph money orders, 10. The weight
limit to parcels sent in boxes is 8 kilos. 11. The rate de­
pends on the weight of the parcel, the distance it goes and
the sum of insurance. 12. We send greetings telegrams on
festive occasions.
Exercise 4. Use the following questions in a natural
1. Has the post come yet? Were there any letters for
me? 2. Will you kindly drop in at the post office oil the way
to the University? I want .... 3. Where is the nearest post
office? 4. When will the next mail to the USA go? 5. How
long does a letter take to get to New York by air-mail?
6. W hat’s the registration fee for a registered letter to
Moscow? 7. What’s wrong with this postcard? Why was it
sent back? 8. Can 1 open a current account with your
bank? 9. How' much will you charge for a parcel to Lon­
don? 10. How do they address letters in G reat Britain?
11. How' much do you charge per word for an urgent

Exercise 5. Choose the right answer.

1. The postal order is: for a big sum of money / for
a small sum of money. 2. Poste-restantc letters are: left
until called for / delivered immediately. 3. They charge
more for: an ordinary / an urgent telegram. 4. The post
office issues wireless licences in: Britain / Russia. 5. The
weight limit to parcels sent in boxes is: 8/10 kilos. 6. There
arc: tw o/ four deliveries and collections daily. 7. They run
a savings-bank for: very rich people / for people with small
incomes. 8. On festive occasions we send: greetings / or­
dinary telegrams. 9. If you get an unstamped letter you
have: to pay the postage on it / to return it to the post offi­
ce. 10. 'Го cash a money-order for your friend you must
have: a letter of attorney / an application. 11. When sen­
ding a registered letter you are given: a receipt / a special
form. 12, To cash a money order is: to receive money at
the post office / to deposit it.

Exercise 6. Insert prepositions or post verbal adverbs
wherever necessary.
1. The weight limit ... parcels wrapped ... paper is
one kilo. 2. They charge ... roubles per w'ord ... an ordi­
nary teJegram. 3. This year we have subscribed ... the
newspaper Arguments and Facts and the magazine Eng­
land. 4. i th in k I ’ll insure this parcel ........ roubles.
5. Can I send a registered letter ... London? 6. Excuse
m e, what side ... the m oney order form m ust I fill ...?
7. They sell stamps, envelopes, postcards ... window 6.
8. Have you got a letter ... attorney? 9. Sorry, I have run
air-mail envelopes. 10. How do I go ... sending
money ... post? 11. Postal orders are usually issued
small s u m s ... money. 12. What window do they pay ... old
age pensions ...?

Exercise 7. Explain to your English friend how' to

send a telegram, a book by post, a registered letter, a
money order in this country.

Exercise 8. Translate into English and reproduce in

the form of a dialogue.
1. А: Вы принимаете срочные телеграммы?
R: Да, но плата за слово гораздо больше,
чем в обычных телеграммах.
А: Неважно, это очень срочно. Где можно
взять бланк?
R: Вон на том столе.
А: Нужно ли писать свой адрес?
R: Обязательно, но за обратный адрес пла­
та не взимается.

2. A: М не н уж н о два конверта с марками и
две простые открытки.
R: К сожалению, у меня кончились простые
открытки. Спросите во втором окошке.
A: А у вас есть большие конверты для за­
казных писем?
R: Да, есть. Сколько вам нужно?
A: Один конверт. Спасибо.
3. A: Где можно получить деньги по переводу?
R: В пятом окошке.
A: Д обрый день. Можно получить деньги
по этому переводу?
R: Да, заполните его и подойдите с паспор­
том сюда.
4. A Можно попросить тебя об одолжении?
В Конечно. Чем могу помочь?
A Получи, пожалуйста, деньги по этому
переводу. С егодня почта закр ы та, а
завтра утром я уезжаю н командировку.
Вот доверенность.
B: Но твоя подпись не заверена.
A: Я думаю, ее можно заверить в деканате,
у меня просто не было сегодня времени
зайти туда.
В Не беспокойся, я все сделаю.
A Огромное спасибо.
В Пустяки, не стоит благодарности.

E xercise 9. Translate into English.

1. Я бы хотела отправить это письмо заказным.
Сколько я должна заплатить? - Я не могу вам сказать,
я долж на взвесить его, плата зависит от веса. - Понятно.
2. У в а с есть конверты с марками? Сколько стоит

конверт с маркой, чтобы отправить письмо в Англию?
- ... рублей. - И о го пойдет обычным письмом? - Да,
вы м ож ете его п ро сто опустить в почтовый ящик.
3. Могу ли я отправить посылку в Грузию? - К сожа­
лению, досылки в Грузию пока не принимаются. 4. Я
бы посоветовала вам застраховать бандероль. - А на
какую сумму? - Я не знаю точно, но Мне кажется, есть
какое-то ограничение на сумму страховки, когда вы
посылаете бандероль. 5. Не помню, какой у него п о­
чтовый индекс. - Посмотри в этот справочник. 6. За­
полните, пожалуйста, этот бланк. Пишите разборчи­
во, чернилами и не делайте сокращений 7. Где я мо­
гу получить почту “до востребования”? - Следующее
окошко. - Посмотрите, есть ли письма для Петровой
И р и н ы В аси льевн ы ? - К сожалению, ничего нет.
8. М н е нуж но ср оч н о послать денежный перевод.
- Пошли деньги телеграфом. - Боюсь, что это будет
очень дорого. 9. Если ты пойдешь на почту, купи мне
нескол ько открыток и конвертов без мирок, - Почему
без марок? - У меня есть очень красивые марки, кото­
рые я хочу наклеить на конверты и послать своим
друаь.чм, которые собирают марки. Ю. Вы принимае­
те посылки? - Извините, у нас нет посылочного отде­
ла. Ближайшая почта, где принимают посылки нахо­
дится на Садовой улице. - Спасибо.


Read the following text thoroughly.

Letter writing
1. Personal letters are written in a colloquial style. A
successful letter is one written in a natural way just as if the
writer were actually in conversation with the recipient. We

should use good note-paper, and if the address is not al­
ready printed on the paper we must write it together with
date in the top right hand corner. A little lower, on the
left, we begin: “ Dear Mr.Brown” , or “ Dear Mrs.Brown” ,
etc. The letter should be written legibly, well punctuated
and divided into short paragraphs. We finish a letter with
“Yours sincerely” if the letter began with a person’s name
or “Yours faithfully” if it began “ Dear Sir” , or “ Dear
M adam” .
2. On the envelope the order is: (1) the name of the
person(s) to whom the letter is being sent; (2) the number
of the house and the name of the street or road; if the house
has a name, this is placed on a separate line above the
name o f the street or road; (3) the name of the town or
village; (4) the name of the county (unnecessary if the town
is large or well known), and in the USA the name of the
The return address is usually placed on the seal Hap.
However it may be in the lower or upper right hand cor­
3. There are three kinds of letters: personal letters,
business letters and official letters from or to authorities.
Business letters should be written in a simple, clear and
concise style. Below is a model letter written by a girl in
reply to the following advertisement: “ Shorthand typist re­
quired in large office with ideal working conditions: 5-day
week; two week’s annual holiday with pay. Write stating
experience and salary required. Reen & Sons, Ltd.. 12-14,
High Street, Birmingham.
21 1 M a r i n e Drive
1 D e c e m b e r 1994

Dear Sirs,
I am applying for the post of shorthand-typist adver­
tised by you in today’s Birmingham Morning News.
I am already employed, but only as a typist, and I
wish to obtain a position in which I can use my shorthand
and gain wider experience of secretarial work generally.
1 was educated at York High School for Girls and at
the Municipal Commercial College.
If you wish to interview me I am free any day between
1 and 2 p.m. or after 5.30 p.m. At any other time I should
have to obtain special permission to leave the job.
Yours faithfully
Susan Martin.

Exercise 10. Following the pattern of the advertise­

m ent given in the text u Letter writing” make out an adver­
tisement for a newspaper inviting a teacher of English to
a specialized English school.

Exercise 11. Write a letter in reply to the advertise­

m ent given in a newspaper. Follow the pattern of Susan
M artin’s letter.

Exercise 12. Draw an envelope and address it to Mrs.

Burton. She lives in Leeds in the county of York. The name
of her house is May Flower, number 6; the street is called
Poplar Avenue.

Exercise 13. Study the following specimen letters.

(1) A letter of thanks: Please accept my very b
(warmest) thanks for the trouble you have taken. We are
deeply grateful to you. We remain Yours sincerely, etc.

(2) A letter of apology: Please excuse my abduce
from the club last night. With humblest apologies, remain, etc.
(3) Л letter of condolence: It came as a great, slock
to us to hear of the death of your husband. Please accept
our sincerest sympathy in your sad bereavement.
(4) A friendly invitation: We are having a few guests
to dinner tomorrow, and should be delighted if you would
join us. Looking forward to seeing you, etc.
Useful forms of address: My dear Uncle, My dear
Mother, Dear Jimmy.
Closing phrases: Your affectionate nephew, Your old

Exercise 14. Study the specimen letter carefully and write:

a) a letter of thanks to your triends after havi
stayed at their place for' a week; b) a letter of invitation
to a birthday party; c) a letter of greetings to your newly­
wed friends; d) a love letter to your boy-friend; e) a love
letter to your girl-friend.

List of words and word combinations

post office - почта

to deliver letters - доставлять письма
stamp - марка
postage stamp - почтовая марка
postcard - открытка
postal order - почтовый перевод
envelope - конверт
to send by post - послать по почте
to issue - выпускать, печатать
money order - денежный перевод
licence - лицензия
I 1 M * U J 5 S 305
to run a savings-bank - управлять сберегательной
depositor - вкладчик
income - доход
to pay out - выплачивать
old age pensions - пенсии по старости
to subscribe to - подписываться на
postal services - почтовые услуги
pillar-box - почтовый ящ ик
counter - отделение, отдел
a registered letter - заказное письмо
to provide a service - оказывать услугу
registration fee - тариф, почтовый сбор
to cash a money order - получать деньги по переводу
to charge - взимать плату за
ordinary \ обычная Ч
urgent V telegram - срочная > телеграмма
express ) ‘‘м о л н и я ^
greetings - поздравительная
poste-restante - до востребования
book post - книга почтой
delivery and collection - доставка и сбор писем из
почтового ящ ика
parcel - бандероль, посылка
weight limit - ограничение веса
to insure a parcel - застраховать посылку
to open an account - открыть счет
unstamped - без марки
rate - тариф
postage - тариф, почтовый сбор
a letter of attorney - доверенность
printed matter - печатная продукция
to pay the postage 0 11 - оплатить почтовые расходы
to wrap - заворачивать
to fill out - заполнять
to run out of - кончиться, не иметь больше
to witness a signature - заверить подпись
to drop into a pillar-box - опустить в почтовый ящик
postal number - почтовый индекс
to stick a stamp - наклеить марку


Dialogue 1

- Excuse me, what is the name of this bridge?

- It’s Palace Bridge. You are new here, aren’t vou?
- Not quite. I was in St. Petersburg some years ago
011 a short visit. Can you toil me some words about that
grey building to the right?
- Oh, it’s the Peter and Paul Fortress. It is the first
stone building of St.Petersburg.
- And what’s the name of that wonderful garden op­
posite it across the Neva?
- I t ’s the famous Summer Garden.
- And that green-and-white building is the Winter
Palace, isn’t it?
- Right you are. T h at’s the world-known Hermitage.
And if you look to the left you’ll see the building of
St. Petersburg University.
- And opposite the University you can see St.Isaac’s
Cathedral. Am I right?
- Yes, you are. Do you know the m onum ent in front
of it?
- Oh, sure, it’s the monument to Peter the Great,
the Bronze Horseman.
- And now, have a look at this yellow building. It’s
the Admiralty. Its spire is one of the symbols of St. Peters­

- Oh, thanks a lot. Can you help me with some
- M o s t willingly.
- I ’m here only for a couple of days. What places of
interest shall I see first?
- Well, first of all I’d recommend you to visit the
Russian museum, the Mariinsky Opera and Ballet Theatre
and the suburbs of St. Petersburg: Pushkin and Pavlovsk. If
you stay here over the weekend I ’d be able to show youto*
round the city.
- Oh, it’s so kind of you. By the way, how much is
the fare in public transport?
- ... roubles on a bus and ... roubles on the metro.
Here is my telephone number. If you have time for
sightseeing give me a ring, please.
- Thanks. Г 11 do it by all means. Good-buy,
- See you.

Dialogue 2

- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Trafalgar

- Certainly. Go down Regent Street to Picadilly Cir­
cus and then go down the Hay market. Turn to the left at the
bottom and in less than a minute you’ll be in Trafalgar
- Thank you very much. How far is it from here?
- If you walk, it’ll take you ten minutes ora quarter
of an hour.
- Is there a bus?
- There’s sure to be. But you'd better ask the police­
man over there. H e ’ll give you all the information you
- Thank you.

* * *

- Excise me, officer, is there a bus from here to

Trafalgar square?
- Yes, sir, any bus’ll take you. There’s a bus stop
just over there. Ask the conductor to put you down at
Trafalgar square.
(From the “ Linguaphone Conversation Course”)

E xercises

Exercise 1. A n s w e r t h e f o l l ow i ng q u e s t i o n s .
1. What is the name of your home town? 2. What a
the most interesting sights of your home town? 3. Have
you ever been to St. Petersburg? 4. What sights of St. Peters­
burg do you know'? 5. What is your favourite place of
interest in St.Petersburg? 6. What do you know about the
Hermitage? 7. What is your favourite museum? theatre?
cinema? 8. Have you ever been to London? 9. Do you
know any place of interest in London? 10. What place of
interest in London would you like to see?

Exercise 2. Read the text below. Pick out all the words
referring to getting about town.
People use various means of communication to get
from one place to another. When getting about town one
can go by bus, by tram, by trolley-bus or by the under­
ground. The underground in St.Petersburg is veiy popular
with the citizens. It’s the fastest and most convenient way
of going about town. If you have to travel a short distance
you may take a bus, a tram, a trolley-bus or go on foot.
If there is no direct bus to your destination you’ll have to
change on to another bus (trolley-bus, tram). When we
travel on buses (trams, etc.) we have to pay fare. It’s ...
roubles and it doesn’t depend on the distance you go. If
there are many cars, buses and trolley-buses in the town we
say that the traffic is heavy. If the vehicles are few we say
that the traffic is light. The traffic is especially heavy m the
rush hour, that is in the morning when people are hurrying
to work and in the evening when people are coming back
home. At this time the public transport is overcrowded
(packed to the full).

Exercise 3. Read and memorize the words. Consult

the dictionary.
a) avenue, boulevard, bystreet, canal, cross­
road. embankment, garden, highway, park, prospect,
pavement, sidewalk;
b) block of flats, mansion, palace, hostel, boar­
ding house, country house (cottage);
c) capital centre, suburbs, district, region, area.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the following street

signs and inscri ptions.
Department Store, Supermarket, Shop, Post offi­
ce, C inem a-house, Soft drinks, Savings Bank, Bank,
Philarmonic Society, Snack Bar, Bakery, Grocery, Con­
cert Hall. Exhibition Hall, Penny-in-the slot Cafe, Min­
ce Pies, Research Institute, Ice cream Cafe, Canteen,
Cafeteria, Restaurant, Periodicals, Show Sale. Stalls,
Chemist’s, First Aid, Picture Gallery, Fine Aits Museum,
Drama and Comedy Theatre, Greengrocery, Florist’s,
.Library, Art Saloon, Dressmaker’s Shop, Hairdresser’s,
Public Gardren.

Exercise 5. Make up short dialogues according to the
example. Use the words from ex.4.

E x a m p i e : - Can you tell me the way

to the nearest...
- Yes, of course. Go down...
(Sony, I can’t. I’m new here).

Exercise 6. Read the public notices given below'. Say

in what place (the right hand column) you can see them.
1. N o Smoking.
2. Please, Do Not Feed the Ani­
mals, As Unsuitable Food Will Zoo
Make Them 111.
3. Passengers Are Requested Not
To Alight Whilst the Vehicle Is bus
In Motion
4. Meals, Snacks 24 Hours Semce cafe
5. Used Cars shop
6. W alking On the Grass Is For­ hotel
7. Red Horse private garden
8. Works Of Art are Seriously D a­ museum
maged By Repeated Touching the gates of
9. M ind Your Head When Rising the house
From Seat
10. Ticket Box theatre

11. Please Make Use O f The Litter

12. These Animals Are Dangerous

13. Please Do Not Feed Animals. It street
is Unkind And Unnecessary
14. Beware O f The Dog
15. C loak Room (Articles May Be cinema
Left There Only At T he Owner’s
16. Books And Mags
17. Please Do N ot Invite Crim e By
Placing Handbags Or Any Other
Objects On The Floor
18. Cross Here
19 Taxi Stand street-crossing
20. Bus Stop
21. Say Thank You By Our Flowers.

Exercise 7. Read the sentences below. Find their

equivalents in the right-hand column.
A Note To Pedestrians
1. Walk on the pavement only. а) Посмотрите налево,
2. Cross the street at special прежде чем сойти с
crossings when the light has тротуара, и направо,
changed to green, когда вы дойдете до
3. Look to the left before step­ середины проезжей
ping off the curb and to the части.
right when you have reac­ б) Если смена сигнала
hed the dividing line. светофора застала вас
4. Don’t stand between tram на проезжей части,ос­
tracks. тавайтесь на месте.
5. If you are c a u g h t in t h e mid- Т а к и м образом, во­
die of th e s t r e e t w h e n th e д и т е л я м будет легче
light c h a n g e s , stay w h e r e объехать вас.
you are. D r i v e r s w ill thus в) П е р е х о д и т е улицу
have a b e t t e r c h a n c e to на сп е ц а и л ь н ы х пе­
steer c le a r o f you. р е к р е с т к а х , когда
6. Cross o n l y in b a c k o f p a r­ з а ж и г а е т с я зелены и
ked b u s e s a i r d t r o l l e y - b u ­ св е т .
ses and o n l y i n f r o n t o f par­ г) Х о д и т е т о л ь к о по
ked train c a rs , otheivvise you тротуарам .
may not n o t i c e m o v i n g ve­ д) П о м н и т е , что води­
hicles. телям запрещено по­
7. R e m e m b e r t h a t it is aga­ давать звуковые сиг­
inst the ru le for a driver to налы , кроме исклю- *
signal e x c e p t in e m e r g e n - чи тел ьн ы х случаев.
е) Н е с т о й т е м еж ду
тр ам в ай н ы м и гтутя-
м и.
ж) О бходите стоящ ие
автобусы и троллей­
б у с ы только сзади,
а стоящ ие трамваи
только спереди,ина­
че вы можете не за­
метить движущийся

E x e r c is e 8. A f t e r doing these exercises and m em o ­

rizing t h e traffic r u l e s make up a list of questions which
might h e l p y o u to t e a c h your schoolchildren how to behave
in the s tr e e t.

Exercise 9. Translate the following sentences. Pay
special attention to the words in bold type.
1. I do n’t like to stay in town for summer. 2. Th
townsfolk are proud of their town. 3. I ’ll show you round
the town. 4. There are many wavs of getting about town.
5. This way, sir. 6. It’s a long way from here. 7. Which
is the best wav there? 8. Are you going my way? 9. Shall
I see you part of the wav? 10. I t’s a long distance off.
11. The shop is no distance at all. 12, He lives within easy
distance of his office, 13. It’s within walking distance.
14, Traffic keeps to the left in England. 15. This is a busy
traffic crossing. 16, Let’s wait for a break in the traffic.
17. When you cross a busy street you should be careful.
18. A wide street is called an avenue. 19. That is a quiet

Exercise 10. Find the Russian sentence in the right-

hand column which is close m meaning to the English sen­
tence in the left-hand column:
1. G o straight as far as the а) Вы выходите на сл е­
first (second) turning to the дующей остановке?
left (right). б) Проходите вперед, по­
2. Take a № 2 bus. жалуйста.
3. You should get off at the в) Сойдите на Театраль­
next stop but one (two). ной площади и сади­
4. Ask the c o n d u c to r (the тесь на автобус № 2.
driver) to put you down г) Это п рям о за углом.
in Sadovaya street. д) Вам нужно выйти че­
5. A No. 56 bus will take you рез остановку.
right there. е) Боюсь, что это дале­
6. I t ’s a five m in u tes’ walk ко отсюда.
from here. ж) Садитесь на “двойку” .

31 4
7. It’s just round the comer. з) Идите прямо до пер­
8. I ’m afraid it’s a long way вого (второго) пово­
from here. рота направо.
9. It’s very far from here. и) Попросите водителя
10. It’s just two steps from here. сказать вам, где нужно
1 1. Y ou’d better go by the вьгйти, чтобы попасть
underground. на Садовую улицу.
12. Get off in Theatre square к) Это в пяти минутах
and change on to a num ходьбы отсюда,
ber 2 bus. л) Вам лучш е проехать
13. Take the second turning на метро,
to the left. м) В середине есть мес­
14. G o straight ahead till you то.
come to Anichkov bridge. и) Это в двух шагах от­
15. Are you getting off at the сюда,
next stop? о) Платите за проезд,
16. There is some room in the пожалуйста. *
middle. п) Идите прямо до Анич­
17. All fares, please. кова моста,
18. Move to the front, please. р) Второй поворот нале­
с) Отсюда очень далеко,
т) 56 автобус довезет вас
пря мо туда.

Exercise 11. Learn by heart the dialogues below.

A: Excuse me, madam!
B: Yes?
A: Can you tell me the way to the Opera and Bal­
let Theatre?
B: Certainly. Take a No 2 bus and it will take you
right there.

A: And where is the nearest bus stop?
B: I t ’s just round the corner.
A: Thlinks a Jot.
B: You are welcome.
X >M *

A: Pardon me, is there a bus from here to Lenin

B: Yes, take a No III bus. It stops on the other
side of the square, near the “Kirov Plant” metro
A: And can I get there by the metro?
B: Yes, of course. And what part of the prospect
do you need?
A: I want “Narvs'ky” department store.
B: Then you should go by the metro.
A: Thank you very much.
B: T h a t’s all right.
A: Excuse me, does a No 81 bus stop here?
B: Yes, it. does.
A: Will it take me to the centre of the city?
B: No, it w o n ’t. You’ll have to change on to a No
14 bus in Pushkin street.
A: Thanks.
B: T h a t’s all right.
A: Excuse me, how can 1 get to Palace square?
B: Any bus or trolley-bus that goes along Nevsky
prospect will take you there.
A: Will it take me Jong if I walk?
В: I think, about 20 minutes.
A: Thank you.
B; You are welcome.
Exercise 12. Answer the following questions,
I . Where is the nearest bus-stop? 2. Where do 1 get
off for the “Passage” department store? 3. Can you tell me
the way to the Central post office? savings-bank? airlines
agency? snack-bar? 4. Is the nearest hotel far from here?
5. How can I get to Moscow railway station? the Herm it­
age? the Drama theatre? 6. Will it take me long if 1 walk to
the Russian museum? 7. Is there a direct bus from here to
the University? 8, Where is the nearest tram stop? metro
station? taxi stand? 9. Am I on the right bus (tra m )?
10. Where do I change on to a N o 7 bus? 11. What’s the
public transport fare in St.Petersburg?
1. Do you know the city you live in veiy well? 2. How
do you get to the University? 3. How long does it take you
to get to the University? 4. What number bus do you take
when you go to the Hermitage? the Russian museum? the
zoo? the public library? Moscow railway station? 5. What
kind of public transport do you like best? 6. From what
time in the m orning till what time at night do buses run?
7. What’s the difference between the traffic rules in Great
Britain and on the Continent? 8. What is the main street in
your home town? 9. What is your home town remarkable

Exercise 13. The scene is laid in Nevsky prospect.

Explain to a stranger how he can get to: 1) the University;
2) the hotel “Astoria” ; 3) Baltic railway station; 4) the
aiiport “ Pulkovo” ; 5) the circus; 6) the Russian museum;
7) Victory square; 8) the Peter and Paul fortress.

Exercise 14. Finish up the dialogues below.
- Excuse me, can you show me the way to Palace

- How long will it take me to get there?

* * * * * *

- Thank you very much,

••i •► * *• *

2 ,

- Can 1 help you?

• »« #♦ » • ♦•

- Are you here for the first time?

- What place are you looking for?

• #» ♦• * »• #

- Oh, it’s not far from the centre of the city. Any bus
will take you there.
> 4 4 4 » » 9 * 9

- It’s ... roubles.

» « I 4 9 9 9 9 4

- T h at’s all right. You are welcome.

Exercise 15. Translate into English.

А: Извините, Вы не можете мне помочь?
В: Весьма охотно. Чем я могу быть Вам полезен?
А: Как мне попасть к Петропавловской крепос­
В: О, это нетрудно. Мы сейчас на Садовой
улице. Недалеко отсюда трамвайная оста­

А: Я могу сесть там на любой трамвай?
В: Нет, Вы можете сесть на трамваи № 2, 3, 34.
А: Сколько времени понадобится, чтобы д о ­
ехать туда?
В: Около 10-15 минут. Первая остановка после
моста будет Ваша.
А: Большое спасибо.
В: Не стоит благодарности.

А: Извините, как пройти к гостинице “Санкт-

Петербург” ?
В: К сож алению , отсюда нет прямого т р а н ­
спорта, Вам придется делать пересадку.
А: Мы приезжие и не знаем системы городского
транспорта. Вы не объясните нам дорогу?
В: Охотно. Сначала Вам надо доехать до Ф и н ­
л ян дского вокзала. Вы можете сесть на
автобус 107 или 137.
А: Автобусная остановка далеко отсюда?
В: Нет, она за углом.
А: Где мы должны выйти?
В: Вы выйдите у Ф и нлян дского вокзала. Это
ко н е ч н ая о ста и о в ка.
А: Сколько стоит проезд в автобусе?
В: ... рублей. Но в автобусе нет кондуктора.
Вам придется купить т ал о н ы (tokens) на
автобусной остановке пли у водителя.
А: На какой транспорт нам сесть у Ф и н л я н д ­
ского вокзала?
В: Оттуда можно дойти пешком. Это займет у
Вас минут 15. Или садитесь на трамвай № 6.
Он доставит Вас прямо до гостиницы.
А: Большое спасибо.
В: Пожалуйста.
Exercise 16. Read and translate the following text.
St. Petersburg
The name of our city is well-known throughout the
world. Many historic events of crucial importance took place
in this city.
Unlike other European cities St. Petersburg is only 290
years old. Founded by Peter I in the early 18th century St.
Petersburg was growing so rapidly that by the end of the
century it became one of the most beautiful cities in the
world. Travellers were astounded by the unique and charm­
ing beauty of its broad avenues, majestic squares, magnifi­
cent architectural ensembles, gilded spires and cupolas,
numerous rivers and canals, gold-winged lions and stone
The city is situated along the banks of the Neva where
it flows into the Gulf of Fin land and on the 42 islands in the
N e v a d e lta , T h e largest islan d s are V asilyevsky ,
Petrogradsky, Decembrists1, Yealagin and Gutuyev. The
length of tile river is 74 km of which 32 fall within the the
city boundaries. St.Petersburg is the northern-most of the
world’s greatest cities. It lies in the same latitude as Alaska
and the southern tip of Greenland. The mean annual tem ­
perature is comparatively high + 4 ,2 ° С largely due to the
warm atlantic streams. However in winter the temperature
can drop below 40 degrees of frost, while in summer it can
rise above 30 of heat,
Inner St. Petersburg has an area of over 600 square
km. There are about 2000 streets, squares and thorough­
fares in St.Petersburg. Its population is about 5 million. By
its area and population St. Petersburg is the second largest
city in Russia after Moscow. It is one of the major indus­
trial, scientific and cultural centres of the country, an im ­
portant railway junction and airport. St. Petersburg is also a
major river and sea port on the Baltic.
By the number of rivers, islands and bridges it excels
any other city in Russia and is among the first in the world.
There are 86 rivers and canals and over iOO ponds in the
St. Petersburg is often called a museum of bridges and
rightly so, for it has more than 300. The longest bridge
over the Neva, one km-long Alexander Nevsky bridge was
built in our times.
Present-day St.Petersburg is not only a city of beau­
tiful ensembles and historical monuments, but also of huge
factories and shipyards, one of the most important centres
of scientific and technological progress in Russia. Its enter­
prises produce turbines and turbogenerators, tractors,
shi ps, instruments and apparatus, unique machineiy as well
as fabrics, clothing, footwear and other consumer goods.
St.Petersburg has more than 300 research institutes,
design and technological organizations and 30 institutes of
the Academy of Science. Petersburg scientists have made
new discoveries in the fields of physics, mathematics, chem­
istry, geology and medicine. About 300 thousand students
attend 41 education establishments of St. Petersburg.
Our city is also one of the major cultural centres in
Russia. There are more than 30 theatres and conceit halls
there, including such well-known companies as the Mariinsky
Opera and Ballet Theatre, The Musorgsky Theatre of O p­
era and Ballet, The Tovstonogov Academic Bolshoi Drama
Theatre, The Shostakovich Philharmonia and many, many
others. T h ere are 70 cinem as and 2500 libraries in
St. Petersburg.
The large-scale construction that has taken place in
the city in our times has greatly changed its appearance.
Comfortable residential houses, schools, stadiums, gar­
dens and parks have transformed the former outskirts into
beautiful, well-appointed districts. In the post-war years
new housing development was concentrated in the east,
southeast, south and southwest of the city. In recent years
a large number of buddings have been erected to individual
designs, with expressive facades, improved layout and
modern conveniences. Extensive construction is being car­
ried 011 the shore of the G ulf'of Finland.

Exercise 17. Look through the text and find the E n ­

glish for:
к концу столетия; быть пораженным красотой;
великолепный архитектурный ансамбль; к пределах
города; промышленный, научный и культурный центр;
главный речной и морской порт; превосходить любой
другой город; музей мостов; исторический памятник;
сделать важное открытие; крупномасштабное ж и л и щ ­
ное строительство; изменить облик города; превра­
тить бывшие окраины в благоустроенные районы; в
послевоенные годы.

Exercise 18. Consult the text and answer the follow­

ing questions.
1. How old is St.Petersburg? 2. How did it change
appearance by the end of the 18th century? 3. What were
foreign visitors astounded by? 4. How long is the Neva
within the city boundaries? 5. Why is our city often called
the museum of bridges? 6. What does it excel any other
city in Russia by? 7. Why is St.Petersburg regarded to be
one of the most important industrial, scientific and cultural
centres in our country? S. What has greatly changed the
appearance of our city? 9. When did large-scale housing
construction begin in St.Petersburg? 10. What were the
former outskirts of the city transformed into in the post­
war years?

Exercise 19. Check up your memory. How many
questions can you answer off hand?
Do you know St.Petersburg?
1. What day is considered to be the day of the foun­
dation of our city?
2. What memorial places associated with the founder
of the city, Peter the Great, do you know?
3. What monuments to Peter the Great can you name?
Where are they? Who designed them?
4. What are the oldest buildings in the city?
5. Who designed: The Peter and Paul Fortress? The
Winter Palace? the Smolny? What does the name of Smolny
come from?
6. On how many islands is our city situated?
7. How many rivers and canals are there in our city?
8. What does the name of the Fontanka river come
9. When was the first permanent bridge across the
Neva built? What is it?
10. What colour bridges are there in St.Petersburg?
Where are they?
11. What is the longest bridge in our city?
12. Where is Prachechny (Laundry Yard) bridge and
why is it called so?
13. What was the first regular garden in our city and
when was it laid out?
14. What is Summer Garden especially famous for?
Who designed it? What Historic event took place there?
15. What does Alexander Column in Palace Square
16. What other monuments associated with the vic­
tory over Napoleon are there in St.Petersburg?

17. What streets have the names of outstanding Rus­
sian writers and poets? Where are they?
18. What name was given to Nevsky prospect after
the October Uprising?
19. When were the heaviest floods in our city?
20. What part of the city do we mean when we say
“Petersburg of Dostoevsky”?

Exercise 20, Make up a test on places of interest in

St. Petersburg. Follow the example of exercise 19.

Exercise 21. Consult a guide-book or a reference

book on St.Petersburg and make a report on some place of
interest (to your choice).


Read and translate the jokes

A city man out in the country sees the farmer sitting
on iris porch, and he says, “ Mister, do you know' how Ecan
get to town?” And the fellow says, “ N o” . And the city man
says, “Well, can you teil me how to get to the post office?”
Ajid the fellow says, “N o ” . “Well, do you know how to get
to the railway station?” “N o ” . “ Mister” , he says, “you
sure d o n ’t know much , do you?” And the farmer on the
porch says, “No, but I am not lost” .

* *
Teacher: Jolmny, why are you late for school every
Jolmny: Every time I come to the com er a sign says
“School. Go Slow” .
The woman motorist was trying to navigate a traffic
jam. She rammed the car in front of her, then tried to back
and knocked down a pedestrian. Then she tried to move
over to the kerb and smashed into a hydrant. A policeman
came up. “O ’key, lady, let’s see your licence” , he de­
manded. “ D o n ’t be silly” , she grunted, “ W ho’d give me a
licence tiie wav Г drive?”

List of words and word combinations

to tell the way - показать дорогу

a bus stop - остановка автобуса
conductor - кондуктор
to put smb. down - высадить, т.е. сказать, где выйти
place of interest - достопримечательность
m eans of com m unication - средства передвижения
to travel a short distance - путешествовать на корот­
кие расстояния
to pay fare - оплачивать проезд
the traffic is heavy - оживленное движение
the traffic is light - движ ение небольшое
rush hour - час пик
to go by bus (tram, trolley-bus) - ехать автобусом
(трамваем, троллейбусом)
to go straight - идти прямо
to get on a bus - садиться в автобус
to get off a bus - выходить из автобуса
to change on to another bus - пересесть на другой
to take a turning to the left (the right) - свернуть
налево, направо



A visit to London
David. This is Whitehall. All these big buildings
are Government offices. At the beginning
of November every year the Queen drives
down Whitehall from Buckingham Palace
to open Parliament. Many people come
to watch the Queen and the soldiers who
ride with her.
Margrit: What are those buildings at the end of the
David: You know' the building with the clock; that’s
the Houses of Parliament. The building
beside it with two towers is Westmister
Abby. Now we’ll go by boat to the Tower.
Edward: How far is it?
David: About three miles. It’s near Tower Bridge.
Edward: Is that the bridge that opens in the middle
to let boats go through?
David: Yes. Now' we’re going under London
Bridge. This bridge isn’t old, but there
was a bridge here many years ago with
houses and shops on it.
Margrit: Is that the Tower of London? But there
are lots of towers there.
David: Yes, but the one in the middle - the White
Tower - is the Tower. *
Margrit: How old is it? {
David: About nine hundred years old. Years ago i
kings and queens lived - and died -here. |

Susan: I d o n ’t like the Tower. It’s cold and grey,
and it frig hten s me. W e ’ll go and have
lunch. F m hungry.
David: All right. There is an old restaurant near
here which y o u ’II like. T he fo o d ’s very
* H-

Margrit: Can we get to the National Gallery from

David: Yes. We’ll go by bus. Then you can see all
the interesting buildings on the way. T hat’s
the Bank of England. This is Fleet Street,
with all the newspaper offices. Now w e’re
in the Strand. Charing Cross Station is on
the left, and now we are coming to Tra­
falgar Square. The National Gallery is on
the right.
Margrit: How many pictures are there in the G a l­
David: About six hundred, I think.
Edward: D o n ’t ask hard questions, Margrit. David
doesn’t know everything.
Margrit: All right. I ’ll ask an easy question. Where
can I wash my hands?
Susan: Come 0 1 1 ! I ’ll show you. Down these stairs.

E x e r c is e s

Exercise L Read and translate the following fragments.

The Houses of Parliament

The Houses of Parliament are relatively modern. The

whole building which is in the Gothic style was built in the
middle of the last century instead of the ancient Houses of
Parliament (destroyed by the fire in 1834). But the West­
minster Hall at the far end of the building was not touched
by the lire and it stands intact for centuries (built in
1097). The world’s known clock uBig Ben” which strikes
the hours on the thirteen ton bell is housed in St.Stephen’s
Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey is a building of great beauty, a

place of worship and prayer, a church whose life has been
closely identified with the English nation for more than 900
years. Coronations and Royal Weddings take place in the
abbey. All but two of the English kings and queens have
been crowned in Westminster Abbey since 1066.
The most sacred place in the Abbey is Chapel of
St. Edward the Confessor. Edward, a Saxon king (1042-1066),
was the founder of Westminster Abbey and the original
building w'as consecrated a few days before his death. He is
buried here and in medieval times his shrine attracted many
pilgrims. Westminster Abbey is also famous for its Poets’
Corner. Here are the graves and memorials of most of the
major English poets and some writers and musicians. Among
them the tomb of Geoffrey Chaucer, and the memorial to
William Shakespeare. Samuel Johnson and Charles Dickens
are also buried here. West of Westminster Abbey stands
Buckingham Palace. It is now the official residence of the
The Tower
In 1066 William, Duke of Normandy, and his men
defeated the Saxons at the Battle of Hastings and killed the
Saxon King Harold. William and the Normans then set about
building castles to complete their domination of England.
One of the earliest castles was built where the Tower now
stands, It was simply a timber fort, erected in a corner of
the stone walls which the Romans had built around their
city of London nine hundred years before. The Tower of
London was begun by William the Conqueror as a fortress
and palace. Later kings made it larger and stronger, and
kept soldiers, armour, weapons, treasure, and sometimes
important prisoners there. For five hundred years coins of
the realm were minted at the Tower and official documents
stored in some of the castle buildings. There was even a zoo
which began as the king’s private collection of animals among
which there were bears, lions, elephants. Now, howerer,
all that remains of it are the ravens and the legend that if
they ever leave the Tower will fall. For nine centuries the
Tower has kept watch over London and the river Thames.
Now it is one of the greatest tourist attractions of Loudon.
Trafalgar Square
If you ever come to London you will surely go to
Trafalgar Square. The main feature of the square is Nelson’s
C olum n with the figure of the great seaman on the top.
Trafalgar square is one of the busiest places in London and
a great tourist attraction.

The National Gallery
This building overlooks Trafalgar square, and it houses
the national collection of paintings which amounts to more
than 2 thousand pictures representing every school. It was
opened in 1838 and it excludes the works of living artists:
these are to be found at the Tate Gallery.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. What is 'Whitehall? 2. Why does the Queen drive
down Whitehall at the beginning of November? 3. What
buildings are there at the end of Whitehall? 4. What is the
nam e of the world’s known clock which is housed in
St. Stephen’s Tower of the Houses of Parl iament? 5. Where
do coronations and royal weddings take place? 6, What is
the most sacred place in the abbey? 7. What is the Poets’
Comer? 8. What is the official residence of the Queen?
9. Who was the Tower of London begun by? When was it?
10. What historic event is it associated with? 1 1. What
role did the Tower play in the past? 12. What is it now?
13. What is Trafalgar Square famous for? 14. Where can
one see the national collection of paintings? 15. When was
it opened? 16. Where can the works of living artists be found?

Exercise 3. Read the text carefully.

London, the capital o f Great Britain, is one of the
largest cities in the world. It is a big port and a major
industrial, commercial and cultural centre. London stands
on the river Thames which flows into the North Sea. For
centuries entiy to London from the sea was guarded by the
Tower fortress. The Tower was built 9 centuries ago. It
once served as a royal residence and later as a prison.
Now it is a museum. London grew out of the ancient cen­
tre known as the City. The City is London’s business dis­
trict. Banks, offices and trusts are centred there. Employ­
ees and businessmen stream toward the City in the m orn­
ing. They travel by motorbuses, on bicycles or by the un­
derground. The road to the City runs across London Bridge.
By 6 o ’clock in the evening this part of the city is almost
deserted. The streets in the City are narrow and the traffic
is very slow. One of the most interesting monuments in the
City is St.Paul’s Cathedral. It is the finest Renaissance
church in Europe. All other English churches are mostly
medieval Gothic. The Cathedral was designed by the great
English architect Sir Christopher Wren after the Great
Fire of 1666. It took him 35 years, and when he was an old
man o f 90, lie was carried here once a year-so that he could
see his beautiful work. Inside there is a great number of
m onum ents to generals and admirals. Admiral. Nelson and
Duke of Wellington are buried there among other great
The West End is the most pleasant residential area of
London. There are lovely parks in the West End, among
them one of the most popular is Hyde Park with its Speak­
ers’ Corner where speakers from various political parties
often hold public meetings. There are also luxurious m an ­
sions and elegant shops and restaurants as well as theatres,
museums and hotels. Oxford street is one of the busiest
thoroughfares in the West End.
While the West End is a residential district of the
wealthy, the East End is the place where chiefly industrial
and dock workers who live there. In the East End there are
no magnificent parks and mansions and far from ail the men
here have a steady job.
London is very different, it has many faces. There is
a lot of traffic in the streets of London: endless lines of
buses, motor cars and taxis. Most of London buses are the
famous red double-deckers that have two decks for passen-
gers. Bright-red, they look very nice in the grey streets of
London. There are also green one-storeyed buses, they run
from London to the countryside. In London as everywhere
in Great Britain, the traffic keeps to the left.

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions.

1. What is London? 2. What river does it stand on?
3. What was entry to London from the sea guarded by?
4. What words comprise the history of the Tower? 5. What
did London grow out of? 6. What is the City? 7. What is
one of the most interesting monuments in the city? 8. Who
was it designed by? 9. How long did it take him to construct
the Cathedral? 10. What outstanding English men are bur­
ied there? 1 1. What is the West End? 12. Where do wor­
king people live? 13. What buses can be seen in the streets
of London?
Exercise 5. Choose the right answer.
j . Where are Government offices situated? (Downing
street, Trafalgar square, Whitehall). 2. What street is the
residence of the Prime Minister located in? (Strand, Ox­
ford street, Downing street). 3. What is the official resi­
dence of the Queen in London? (Windsor Castle, Bucking­
ham Palace, Westminster Palace). 4. What is the place of
coronations and royal weddings? (St.Paul’s Cathedral,
Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace). 5. Where did
Sherlok Holmes live? (Piccadilly Circus, Baker street,
Strand). 6. Where is the monument to Nelson? (Trafalgar
square, Hyde Park, the Tower)? 7. Where are all the
newspaper offices situated? (Oxford Street, Fleet Street,
Baker Street). 8. Where is Big Ben? (Westminster Ab­
bey, St.Stephen’s Tower, Buckingham Palace). 9. Where
do the Thames flow into? (The North Sea, the Irish Sea,
the English Channel).

Exercise 6. Agree or disagree with the following
beginning with: Yes, it is really so. You are quite right; or: It's
not so. You are wrong.
1. The Thames flows into the Baltic Sea. 2. Entry to
London from the sea is guarded by S t.P au l’s Cathedral.
3. The Tower once served as a royal residence and now it
is a prison. 4. St.Paul’s Cathedral is in the City. 5. The
Tower now is the official residence of the Queen. 6. Big
Ben is a famous chiming clock in one of the Parliament’s
two towers. 7. The City is L o n d o n ’s shopping centre.
8. The streets of the City are very wide. 9. The West End
is the most pleasant residential area of London. 10. The
w orking p eop le have th e ir homes in the East End.
11. Speakers from various political paities often hold mee­
tings in Trafalgar Square. 12. Oxford street is one of the
busiest thoroughfares of the East End. 13. There are many
magnificent parks and mansions in the East End. 14. A
m o n u m e n t to A dm iral N elso n stands in H yde Park.
15. Charles Dickens lies buried in Westminster Abbev. *

16. The paintings of famous Italian, Dutch and English

masters are widely represented in the National Gallery.
17. The traffic in Great Britain keeps to the right as every­
where in Europe.

Exercise 7. Translate into English.

1. Лондон - один из крупнейших городов мира.
Это крупный промышленный, торговый и культурный
центр Англии. 2. Официальный резиденцией королевы
является Букингемский дворец. 3. Тауэр в прошлом
был королевской рези ден ц ией , потом тю рьмой, в
настоящее время это музей. 4. Биг Бен, знаменитые
часы с куран там и , н аходи тся в одной из б аш ен
парламента, он весит 13 тонн. 5. Лондон вырос из
старинного центра - Сити. 6. Сити - деловой район
города. Здесь сосредоточены банки компании, оф и ­
сы, это не жилой район. После 6 часов вечера улицы
Сити пустеют. 7. Самый приятный жилой район Л он ­
дона - Вест Энд. Там много красивых парков, роскош­
ных особняков, магазинов. Почти все лондонские му­
зеи и театры сосредоточены в Вест Энде. Там же нахо­
дится и Оксфорд-стрит - одна из самых оживленных
улиц Лондона. 8. В Ист Энде нет роскошных парков
и особняков. Это в основном промышленный район.
Здесь живут рабочие, докеры. 9. Представители различ­
ных политических партий часто собираются в Гайд
Парке. 10. В центре Трафальгарской площади нахо­
дится памятник адмиралу Нельсону. Вокруг площади
много правительственных учреждений.

Exercise 8. Render the text in English.

С и ти - рай он огром н ы х к о н т р а с т о в и даж е
противоречий (contradictions). Это - Английский Банк
(Bank of England) и фондовая биржа (Stock Exchange),
Собор Св.Павла и десятки других церквей, построенных
Кристофером Реном (Christopher Wren) в его особом
стиле. Это и стены Тауэра, одного из величайших
сооружений в истории Лондона. Здесь можно увидеть
как узкие улочки с высокими мрачными зданиями
викторианской эпохи (Victorian age), так и широкие
проспекты и площади с современными зданиями из
бетона (concrete) и стекла. Это смешение (mixture)
и сто р и ч ески х эпох н аи б о л ее яр ко п р о я в л я е т с я в
церемонии вступления в должность (inauguration)
Л о р д а-м эр а (Lord Mayor). Ц ерем он ия проводится
ежегодно в ноябре после выборов (elections) нового
И збранный Лорд-мэр проезжает по улицам Сити
в золоченой карете (gilded coach), приветствуя жителей

Лондона. Должность (post) Лорда-мэра бьша учреждена
г; 1191. Лорд-мэр избирается на один год и выполнись
много почетных обязанностей. Он возглавляет К ор­
порацию Л ондона (London C orporation), управляем
(governs) Сити через Муниципальный Совет (Municip-
Ic Council). Он является главным судьей полицейско­
го суда (police court) Сити, главой (admiral) Л ондон­
ского порта и первым гражданином столицы. Наряду с
этим он продолжает заниматься своей личной профес­
сиональной деятельностью. Таким образом, год, ко­
торый он проводит на своем посту, становится чрез­
вычайно насы щенн ы м.
Площадь Сити - 1 квадратная миля (square mile).
В рабочие дни недели здесь сосредоточено свыше 400
тыс. человек, хотя число постоянно проживающих лиц
не превышает 4.000 человек.

Exercise 9. Make up a dialogue between a Russian

tourist and a citizen of Loudon, using all information given
in this section.

Exercise 10. Give a lecture on London and its places

of interest to your fellow' students (pupils). Use any refer­
ence books on Great Britain and London for additional

ISBN 5-94033-004-5

9 785940 330042
П редисловие................................................................................................... 3
P a r t i . G ram m ar exercises....................................................................... 6
U nit 1. Sentences with "T here is (a re )1' ................................................. 6
U nit 2. M uch, many, little, few............................................................... 11
U n it3 . T he Adjective................................................................................... 14
Section 1. T he Positive Degree................................................ 14
Section 2. T h e C o m p a ra tiv e an d th e S u p e rla tiv e
Degrees.................................................... 26
U nit 4. The Verb............................................................................................. 38
Section 1. Present Sim ple.......................................................... 38
Section 2. Present C ontinuous................................................. 46
Section 3. Present Simple - Present C o n tin u o u s 53
Section 4. Present Perfect Simple........................................... 55
Section 5, Past Simple................................................................ 65
Section 6. Present Perfect Simple - Past S im p le 76
Section 7. Past C ontinuous....................................................... 81
Section 8, Past Sim ple - Past C o n tin u o u s........................... 83
Section 9. Past Perfect Sim ple................................................. 85
Section 10. Past C o n tin u o u s - Past P e rfe c t S im p le.......... 87
Section 11. Future Sim ple........................................................... 89
Section 12, F uture in the Past Sim ple.................................... 105
Section 13, T he Sequence of Tenses .................................109
U n it 5. Reported Speech.............................................................................. 110
P a r t II. Lexical exercises........................................................................... 123
Family................................................................................................................. 123
R a t.......................................................................................................................139
Seasons andW eather.............................................. 151
Appearance........................................................................................................ 166
Books and Libraries......................................................................................... 174
Institute Life.................................................................................................... 186
Shopping (at a departm ent store)............................................................. 193
Shopping (buying foodstuffs)....................................................................... 207
Meals.................................................................................................................. 216
Travelling by Train...........................................................................................228
Travelling by Air...............................................................................................237
Travelling by Sea.............................................................................................. 248
At the D octor’s.................................................................................................257
Theatre............................................................................................................... 269
Cinem a...............................................................................................................278
The Post Office.................................................................................................295
Getting about Tow n........................................................................................ 307
L o n d o n ..............................................................................................................326

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