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Министерство науки и высшего образования

Российской Федерации

Федеральное государственное автономное

образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Пермский национальный исследовательский
политехнический университет»

Н.Ю. Кабанова, Е.Ю. Котельникова



Редакционно-издательским советом университета
в качестве учебно-методического пособия

Пермского национального исследовательского
политехнического университета

УДК 811.111’243:001.89 (072.8)
К 12
доктор педагогических наук, заведующий
кафедры иностранных языков, лингвистики
и перевода, доцент Е.В. Аликина
(Пермский национальный исследовательский
политехнический университет);
кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры
иностранных языков и филологии С.С. Назмутдинова
(Пермский федеральный исследовательский центр
Уральского отделения Российской академии наук)

Кабанова, Н.Ю.
К 12 Writing and Presenting a Research Paper: учебно-методическое по-
собие / Н.Ю. Кабанова, Е.Ю. Котельникова. – Пермь: Изд-во Перм.
нац. исслед. политехн. ун-та, 2022. – 67 с.
ISBN 978-5-398-02754-9
Учебно-методическое пособие “Writing and Presenting a Research Paper” содер-
жит рекомендации по написанию статей на английском языке для их публикации в
зарубежных журналах.
Пособие предназначено для подготовки магистрантов и аспирантов к пред-
ставлению результатов их научной работы в форме научного доклада и статьи на
английском языке. Пособие может также представлять интерес для широкого круга
читателей, которым необходимо заниматься публикационной деятельностью.
Издание ориентировано на обучающихся по дисциплине «Профессиональный
иностранный язык (Английский)» по направлению подготовки магистратуры
08.04.01 – «Строительство» (очное обучение).

УДК 811.111’243:001.89 (072.8)

ISBN 978-5-398-02754-9 © ПНИПУ, 2022


Введение .................................................................................................................... 4
Раздел I. Планирование и подготовка научного доклада и статьи ...................... 6
1. Зачем вам нужна публикация статьи .................................................................. 6
2. Что ожидает от вашей работы редактор............................................................. 7
3. Какие бывают виды научных статей .................................................................. 8
4. Как составить глоссарий .................................................................................... 11
5. Последовательность написания разделов статьи ............................................ 12
6. Подготовка мини-презентации для коллег ...................................................... 13
7. Обсудите вашу научную проблему с коллегами после презентации ........... 13
8. Во время написания статьи помните об оппонентах ...................................... 14
Раздел II. Структура и особенности написания аннотоций................................ 16
1. Структура аннотации ......................................................................................... 16
2. Особенности аннотации ..................................................................................... 17
Раздел III. Грамматические особенности ............................................................. 25
1. Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice) ........................................................ 25
2. Цепочки определений (Noun Chains)................................................................ 28
3. Порядок слов (Word Order)................................................................................ 31
А. Порядок слов в предложении ........................................................................... 31
Б. Место наречия .................................................................................................... 34
Приложение I. ......................................................................................................... 39
Useful Phrases .......................................................................................................... 39
Приложение II. ........................................................................................................ 48
SAMPLES OF ARTICLES ...................................................................................... 48
Article 1. Treatment of Produced Water Using Microfiltration
Membrane Modified by Nano Particles ................................................................... 48
Article 2. Optimizing Selection of Building Materials
and Fixtures to Reduce Operational Costs ............................................................... 51
Article 3. The Impact of Sustainability on Design and Construction
of Civil Engineering Infrastructure .......................................................................... 57
Заключение ............................................................................................................. 64
Список литературы ................................................................................................ 65


В настоящее время защита магистерской или кандидатской диссертации

невозможна без активной публикационной деятельности. Представление ре-
зультатов научных трудов на английском языке в зарубежных журналах – од-
на из самых сложных задач современных исследователей.
Требования к овладению умениями написания научных статей отраже-
ны в Федеральных государственных образовательных стандартах высшего
образования для направлений подготовки магистратуры и аспирантуры.
В соответствии с рабочей программой дисциплины «Профессиональный
иностранный язык» ее целями и задачами являются повышение уровня владе-
ния иностранным языком, достигнутого на предыдущей ступени обучения,
совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции для эффективного ино-
язычного общения в профессиональной деятельности.
В процессе работы с упражнениями, предложенными в пособии, пред-
полагается целенаправленное формирование у студентов следующих ино-
язычных компетенций:
– умение представлять результаты научной и профессиональной дея-
тельности; анализировать, создавать, редактировать и переводить научные и
профессионально-ориентированные тексты на изучаемом иностранном языке
– владение навыками академического и профессионального взаимодей-
ствия на иностранном языке; научной и профессиональной терминологией
изучаемого иностранного языка; навыками работы с информационно-
поисковыми системами (УК-4);
– умение логично и аргументированно излагать профессиональную ин-
формацию в процессе межкультурного взаимодействия на изучаемом ино-
странном языке (УК-5).
Данное пособие направлено на развитие навыков написания научных
статей по правилам, принятым в международном научном сообществе
(academic writing).
Первый раздел знакомит с основными этапами проведения научного ис-
следования – от выбора темы до анализа полученных результатов. Даются ре-
комендации по поиску журналов для публикаций, рассматриваются структура
научной статьи и алгоритм работы над ней, представлена классификация на-
учных статей, а также образец составления глоссария. Все теоретические по-
ложения сопровождаются наглядными примерами и упражнениями на основе

использования ориентировочного и информативного профессионально-
ориентированного чтения.
Второй раздел посвящен работе над аннотацией. Описываются структу-
ра, виды аннотаций, а также стилистические особенности составления аннота-
ций. Отмечается важность подбора ключевых слов.
В третьем разделе содержатся задания, связанные с грамматическими
особенностями написания научных статей: порядок слов в предложении,
страдательный залог, цепочки определений и т.п.
В приложении представлены фразы на английском языке для написания
всех разделов научной статьи, а также примеры реальных статей из англоя-
зычных журналов для их анализа.


Написать хорошо структурированную статью или доклад на английском

языке можно, владея описанным ниже методом. Иначе вы потратите впустую
очень много времени на переписывание то одной, то другой части вашей ра-
Мы рассмотрим последовательность шагов и некоторые моменты, на ко-
торые следует обратить внимание перед тем, как вы приступите непосредст-
венно к написанию текста.
1. Зачем вам нужна публикация статьи
Возможно, одной из причин является намерение заполнить существую-
щий пробел в определенной области знаний. Замечательно, если вы точно
знаете, какой именно вклад в развитие этого направления вносите.
!Спешка при написании статьи не имеет смысла. Хорошо, если вы по-
тратите на написание статьи больше времени, чем предполагали.
Если даже вы пишете статью впервые, это не значит, что подойдет толь-
ко журнал с низким рейтингом. Чем выше рейтинг журнала, тем больше спе-
циалистов его читает, и тем выше вероятность, что вас будут цитировать дру-
гие ученые.
! Рейтинг журнала можно посмотреть в интернете через Google Scholar.
! Можно написать статью по проблеме, которая уже обсуждается на страни-
цах журнала. Это повысит вероятность того, что статью примут к публикации.
! Иногда бывает полезным сначала выбрать журнал, а затем обдумать,
как лучше развернуть вашу тему, чтобы соответствовать ожиданиям редак-
Задание 1
Найдите и составьте список профильных журналов. Выберите несколько
журналов по направлению вашей научной деятельности.
Обратите внимание на их стиль и подумайте, что ожидают от статьи из-
датели и читатели каждого из них.
Задание 2
Найдите и скачайте требования к написанию статьи выбранного вами
журнала. Они могут быть озаглавлены следующим образом: “Instructions for
authors”, “Notes for authors”, “Author guidelines” или “Author resources”.
Здесь вы найдете:
– примеры заголовков;

– структуру статьи с пояснениями, в какой из разделов включается обзор
литературы, результаты исследования, выделяется ли заключение как отдель-
ная часть;
– структуру/макет (layout), начиная с того, какой должна быть аннота-
ция: один большой абзац или 5–6 маленьких;
– структуру раздела, чаще это обсуждение, какие подзаголовки в нее
должны быть включены;
– предпочтение изложения от первого лица или безличными предложе-
– оформление цитат и списка литературы;
– использование ключевых слов;
– использование американского или английского варианта правописа-
– Ознакомьтесь с требованиями, зафиксируйте особенности, новую и
важную для вас информацию.
! Важно строго придерживаться требований выбранного журнала.
Задание 3
Отберите статьи, на которые вы будете ссылаться в обзоре литературы,
так как они наиболее соответствуют теме вашего исследования, или классиче-
ские статьи в области ваших научных интересов.
Прочитайте и проанализируйте научные статьи, отобранные вами для
обзора литературы по теме вашей статьи. Обратите внимание на их струк-
После того, как выбран журнал, в который хотите отправить свою ста-
тью, чтобы понять как авторы оптимизируют/упорядочивают каждый из ша-
гов проведенного ими исследования, посмотрите, на какие работы чаще всего
ссылаются авторы.
2. Что ожидает от вашей работы редактор
Прочитайте как можно больше статей, опубликованных в выбранном
издании. Это поможет понять, к чему стремится редактор, чтобы поддержи-
вать высокий уровень журнала. Чаще всего редакторы обращают внимание на
следующие моменты:
• Вид работы – оригинальное исследование, обзор, техническая записка
(original research, a systematic review, technical note).
• Предмет/тема – оригинальные, актуальные, инновационные проблемы;
дискуссионные или классические вопросы.
• Цель – ясно обозначенные цели исследования.

• Исследование – правильно проведено, методологически понятно, этич-
но, воспроизводимо, беспристрастно, без каких-либо ограничений.
• Результаты – соответствующие поставленным в исследовании целям,
совершенно новые или подтверждающие результаты других исследований,
опубликованных в журнале ранее; не слишком общие, которые можно обоб-
щить за рамками вашей узкой сферы научной деятельности.
• Длина статьи – длинная или короткая.
• Стиль – от первого лица (personal), безличный (impersonal) c использо-
ванием страдательного залога или смешанный.
Задание 4
Ниже приведены примеры из статьи:
Space allocation and tenant placement at high-rise shopping mall.
Chung-YimYiu, Department of Real Estate and Construction, the University
of Hong-Kong.
А. Продолжите таблицу. Определите стиль автора.

We put forward… As shown in the …

We found … A high-rise shopping mall is defined as ...
Our results show …

Б. Просмотрите отобранные вами статьи, выпишите в два столбика при-

меры, иллюстрирующие стиль автора. Определите стиль, использованный ав-
тором каждой из них.
3. Какие бывают виды научных статей
Научная статья – это логически завершенный письменный труд, в кото-
ром описано научное исследование. В такой работе всегда содержатся про-
блема, новизна, методы, результаты и т.п. В зависимости от характера рас-
крываемой в статье проблемы, а также особенностей информации, которую
автор стремится донести до читателя, научные статьи разделяют на несколько
– научно-теоретические (theoretical articles);
– научно-исследовательские или эмпирические (research articles);
– обзорные (review articles);
– технические заметки (technical notes);
– узкоспециальное исследование, анализ кейса (case study) и др.

Научно-теоретические статьи основываются на теоретических сведе-
ниях о рассматриваемой проблеме. Как правило, автор отбирает несколько
теоретических источников информации, имеющих непосредственное отноше-
ние к данной проблеме, анализирует их, сравнивает и сопоставляет содержа-
щуюся в них научную информацию и делает определенные выводы.
Theoretical article
This paper portrays the results of analytical study on reinforcement layers of
bonded flexible marine hose under internal pressure. Based on the anisotropic lami-
nated composite theory, a complete theoretical solution is chosen to elaborate on the
mechanical behaviour of the convoluted reinforcement layers.
Научно-исследовательские или эмпирические статьи описывают собст-
венный опыт автора в построении эксперимента, его проведении и т.д. Слово
«эмпирический» имеет греческие корни и переводится как «опыт». Автор
подробно описывает суть эксперимента, приводит полученные данные и дела-
ет выводы, которые должны прояснить или решить поставленную проблему.
Научно-исследовательские труды содержат иллюстративные материалы (диа-
граммы, графики, таблицы и т.д.), оформленные по основным требованиям
Research article
The management of marine waste is a major concern in several countries. Re-
cycling shell waste in concrete formulations may be one of the alternatives for pro-
ducing sustainable materials at a lower cost. In this research paper, the performance
of ground mussel waste for non-structural concrete formulation has been investigat-
ed. Two alternatives were explored in this research. The concept of “green” concrete
can be achieved through the use of the formulated concrete in the paving works or as
a blinding concrete.
Обзорные статьи систематизируют и представляют информацию об ис-
следованиях и достижениях ученых в решении какой-то проблемы. В обзор-
ных работах автор приводит данные других ученых, их мнения по вопросу, а
также собственные размышления по теме. Подобные статьи иногда строятся в
формате полемики с аргументированным изложением собственного мнения
по рассматриваемому вопросу. Благодаря обзорным статьям можно узнать о
ключевых исследованиях по конкретной проблеме и получить о ней полно-
ценное представление.
Существует три основных типа обзорных статей:
• Обзор литературы (literature review) – представляет текущие знания,
включая основные выводы, а также теоретический и методологический вклад
в конкретную тему.

Review articles
Literature review
In construction project management, the contractor plays a primary role. Se-
lection of the contractor is a matter of concern for clients as this is a key player who
ensures better performance of a project. This paper structurally investigates the liter-
ature from credible databases and renowned journals from 2000 to 2018 in matters
related to contractor selection.
• Систематический обзор (systematic review) – научное исследование,
представляющее собой обзор ряда опубликованных законченных работ дру-
гих ученых с целью критического анализа, оценки и обобщения данных в
рамках четко сформулированного вопроса с использованием заранее опреде-
ленного протокола, использующего повторяемые и исключающие предвзя-
тость методы.
Systematic review
Every building project needs a plan for it to optimize value and minimize cost
for better profitability. This review aims to explore the awareness level of value
management among all players in the construction industries. The objective was ex-
plored using research and review papers from 30 studies for 18-years (2000-2018).
From this review, some of the benefits of adopting VM include maximizing produc-
tivity, better sustainability, and expected targets achieved within a reasonable time.
• Метаанализ (meta-analysis) – рандомизированное контролируемое ис-
следование, использующееся, как правило, в медицинских публикациях.
The article presents a meta-analysis on the use of the phytopreparation STW5
in functional dyspepsia.
• Техническая заметка – это короткая статья, содержащая краткое описа-
ние конкретной разработки, экспериментального метода или процедуры, мо-
дификацию какого-либо устройства и т.п. Основные критерии для публика-
ции – новизна и практическая ценность используемых концепций, обоснован-
ность методики.
Technical note
This paper presents a new solution for using reclaimed asphalt pavement
(RAP) in road infrastructures. The following technique is crucial for mitigating the
environmental impact while controlling the construction costs.
• Анализ кейса – разновидность научного исследования, объектом кото-
рого выступает конкретная ситуация.
Case study
This note investigates the validity of the energy efficiency performance indi-
cator developed by Snider and Filion for water distribution systems. This perfor-

mance indicator estimates the minimum mechanical energy required in a distri-
bution system by assessing the unavoidable energy losses due to friction, leak-
age, and user demand.
Как правило, международные технические журналы принимают к пуб-
ликации research articles (original research), systematic reviews и technical notes.
Задание 5
Определите вид отобранных статей. Подумайте и решите, какого вида
статью вы будете писать.
Задание 6
Сделайте обзор научных статей по направлению вашей научной дея-
тельности. Определите 1–2 журнала, с публикациями по вашей проблематике,
в которые вы могли бы отправить свою статью.
4. Как составить глоссарий
Термин Перевод Определение Пример

(англ) (русск) (англ / англ и русский) из статьи (цитата)
1 Glossary глоссарий A list of special words and expla- The book contains a
/ɡlɒsəri/ nations of their meanings, often at comprehensive glossary
the end of a book. – собрание of the computer terms
непонятных слов или выраже- covered and there is also
ний – с толкованием (толковый a complete Answer Book.
глоссарий) или переводом на A selective glossary of
другой язык (переводной глос- terms relating to credit in
сарий). documents appears in
A list of special words and expla- Appendix 2.
nations of their meanings, often at
the end of a book.
Задание 7
Составьте глоссарий для каждой статьи.
В начале укажите автора, название статьи и др. данные. После таблицы
укажите список источников, которыми вы пользовались. Термины обычно
указываются в алфавитном порядке. Используйте гнездовой принцип, когда
основной единицей является словообразовательное гнездо – совокупность од-
нокоренных слов, имеющих в современном русском языке живые смысловые
связи. Кроме гнездовой части, имеется алфавитная, где в алфавитном порядке
даются производные слова, размещённые в гнёздах.

Задание 8
Выберите 1–3 статьи, близкие к теме вашего исследования в качестве
образца. Прочитайте их и заполните таблицу по каждой статье.
For example, you could create a table with some or all of the following head-
– problem that the research addresses;
– background information and relevant references;
– elements that validate the level of innovation of the research;
– conceptual model, methodology or procedure that the research takes into
– materials, equipment and software used;
– method used and the operational steps that the author carried out;
– results achieved;
– analysis and interpretation of these results;
– strengths and weaknesses of the research, the insights demonstrated;
– implications for further research.
Краткая фиксация информации в таблице поможет написать собствен-
ный обзор литературы, понять различия в подходах и результатах между дру-
гими исследователями и вами, отметить сильные и слабые стороны исследо-
ваний. В свою очередь, это поможет вам осознать новизну, оригинальность и
полезность вашего исследования, а также увидеть, каким образом оно обога-
щает/расширяет знания в этой сфере. Помните, ваша цель – найти и заполнить
существующий пробел.
Задание 9
Из выбранных вами статьей выпишите выражения, которые могут быть
использованы в дальнейшем. Обратите внимание на то, как автор начинает
статью, какие аспекты раскрывает в каждом разделе, как связывает абзацы
между собой, результаты с обсуждением, как делает выводы.
5. Последовательность написания разделов статьи
На самом деле лучше всего начинать с написания Аннотации (Abstract),
так как это помогает сконцентрироваться на основных аспектах вашего иссле-
Для большинства авторов наиболее сложным при написании статьи яв-
ляется раздел Discussion – интерпретация результатов и их сравнение с ре-
зультатами других исследователей. Одновременно с этим разделом можно на-
бросать черновик Введения (Introduction), поскольку ряд авторов, на которых
вы ссылаетесь, будут упоминаться в обоих разделах.

Типичный порядок написания разделов статьи:
Аннотация (черновик) – Методы исследования – Полученные результа-
ты – Обсуждение – Введение – Заключение – Аннотация (окончательный ва-
Перед тем как приступить к разделу Введение, лучше написать Полу-
ченные результаты и Обсуждение, поскольку это поможет на самом деле
понять значимость вашего исследования. Большая часть Введения должна
быть посвящена важности вашего исследования.
Задание 10
Напишите основные идеи/положения/мысли, которые собираетесь рас-
крыть в каждом разделе.
6. Подготовка мини-презентации для коллег
Задание 11
Сделайте мини-презентацию для коллег.
Расскажите о методах и результатах своего исследования. Коллеги могут
обсудить ваше исследование, дать альтернативные интерпретации, указать на
недостатки, понять нетипичные результаты, убедить в необходимости опуб-
ликовать и отрицательные результаты исследования, привлечь внимание к то-
му, что вы упустили. Это также поможет выделить основные результаты. Пре-
зентация на английском языке поможет сформулировать предложения, кото-
рые вы в дальнейшем сможете использовать в статье.
Задание 12. Чтобы осознать новизну вашего исследования, в процессе
подготовки к презентации обдумайте, ясно и четко напишите ответы на во-
– какова цель исследования;
– какие важные результаты вы получили;
– чем ваши результаты отличаются от полученных другими авторами и
что нового открывают в сфере данных научных исследований?
В этом вам поможет анализ литературы.
7. Обсудите вашу научную проблему с коллегами
после презентации
Далее это поможет вам в написании доклада или статьи.
Когда будете распределять информацию по разделам, сразу подумайте,
каким образом вы будете подчеркивать свой вклад.
В этом вам поможет следующее задание.

Задание 13
Ответьте на вопросы:
○ Какую проблему вы хотите решить/исследовать?
○ Как вы это делаете?
○ Чем ваше решение/исследование отличается от предыдущих?
○ Что вы открыли?
○ Чем ваши результаты отличаются от уже описанных в литературе и
что они значат?
8. Во время написания статьи помните об оппонентах
Прежде всего, это эксперты в данной области, которым издательства от-
правляют статьи на рецензию. Они хорошо разбираются в вопросе и часто ог-
раничены во времени. Они больше всего заинтересованы в том, чтобы статья
имела научное значение. Меньше обращают внимание на языковую сторону.
Бывшие эксперты/или находящиеся на пенсии. У них много времени.
Они могут позволить себе вникнуть в детали работы и обращают внимание на
Докторанты могут быть привлечены к рецензированию статей, особенно
в журналах с низким рейтингом. Их знания в определенной сфере могут быть
ниже ваших, но это не мешает оценить значимость вашей работы.
! Ваша задача написать статью так, чтобы удовлетворить требования
каждого из них.
Хорошо структурированная статья, которую легко читать, будет, скорее
всего, принята, даже если с точки зрения английского языка она не идеальна.
Обычно эксперты – носители языка больше внимания обращают на то,
легко ли читается статья. Неносители языка – больше обращают внимание на
грамматику и лексику, поэтому важно соблюдать правила английского языка.
! Любой эксперт будет благодарен вам, если вы будете писать грамотно
и просто.
1. Делайте все, чтобы облегчить работу эксперта: понятный язык, струк-
тура работы, таблицы и т.д.
2. Имейте в виду, что читатель не всегда так же хорошо разбирается в
вопросе, как вы.
Исследования становятся все более специализированными. Поэтому да-
же два ученых с одинаковой степенью могут не понять работы друг друга.
Кроме того, часто ученым приходится искать исследования в смежных нау-
ках. Следовательно, чем проще и понятнее вы напишете, тем больше ученых
смогут воспользоваться вашим исследованием.

3. Ваша статья должна содержать достаточно деталей и подробностей,
чтобы заинтересовать экспертов.
4. Сразу пишите на английском языке, а не переводите с родного. Сна-
чала это может показаться сложным, но если вы будете писать по образцу ста-
тьи из журнала шаг за шагом, окажется, что такой вариант быстрее и проще.
Это также более надежный вариант и с точки зрения языка, поскольку Вы
возьмете стандартные слова и выражения прямо из текста.
!Хорошей практикой может стать написание критических отзывов (short
critical reviews – letters) на работы других исследователей. Их объем обычно
около 300 слов, как у аннотации. Вы можете также писать ответы на подобные
отзывы в печатных онлайн-журналах.
! В интернете вы можете найти рекомендации по написанию того или
иного раздела именно по направлению вашей научной работы, например:
How to write the discussion section + engineering
Во время написания статьи вы, скорее всего, обнаружите пробелы в зна-
ниях английского языка. Поэтому стоит пройти языковой курс по письму, ес-
ли его предлагает ваша кафедра или университет.
Заполнить пробелы в знаниях по наиболее важным аспектам для напи-
сания научной статьи или доклада вам помогут следующие разделы этого по-


Аннотация (abstract) – краткая характеристика (не пересказ!) статьи с

точки зрения ее назначения, содержания, вида, формы и других особенностей
(от лат. annotatio – замечание). Назначение аннотации – дать возможность за-
интересованному специалисту составить мнение о целесообразности более
детального ознакомления с данным материалом. Кроме того, аннотация ис-
пользуется в автоматизированных информационных системах для поиска ин-
Несмотря на то что этот раздел находится сразу после заголовка статьи,
обычно его пишут в конце, когда готова уже вся статья. Стандартный объем
аннотации – 150–250 слов.
Виды аннотаций. Существует два вида аннотаций к научным статьям:
описательные (descriptive) и информативные (informational / informative). Опи-
сательные аннотации меньше по объему (до 100 слов), в них не указываются
полученные результаты и выводы. Объем информативных аннотаций – до
10 % от исходного текста статьи.
1. Структура аннотации
Аннотация имеет четкую структуру. Основными разделами аннотации
являются следующие (часто их называют moves):
• Выделение актуальности, академической значимости исследования,
общий контекст исследования (background).
• Цель и масштаб исследования (objective).
• Методология исследования, принципы экспериментальной части
• Результаты, теоретическая, практическая, прикладная значимость ра-
боты (results).
• Заключение, вывод, рекомендации к последующим разработкам
Задание 1
Match the parts of an abstract (1–5) to the questions they answer (a–e).
1) background a) What was the purpose of research?
2) objective b) What were the main findings?
3) methods c) What did the research lead to?
4) results d) What was the context of the work?
Why did you study this?
5) conclusion e) How did you conduct this research?

Задание 2
Study the structural elements of an article abstract (Background, Objective,
Methods, Results, Conclusion) and place them in a correct logical order.
(1) The findings of this study are highly significant and can become more
helpful and interesting if further research can measure the methodologies to imple-
ment BIM technology in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
(2) The quantitative approach is adopted via a survey questionnaire distributed
to participants in the field of construction projects in the Architecture, Engineering,
and Construction (AEC) industry. A total of 228 questionnaires are collected and
analyzed using the statistical packaging for social science software.
(3) This study investigates the current state of BIM technology adoption by
exploring and analyzing the critical challenges and barriers to BIM technology utili-
zation in the construction sectors.
(4) The Building Information Modeling (BIM) revolution can provide a solu-
tion for problems in the Saudi Arabian construction industry and improve its out-
comes. Though this technology is increasingly and rapidly adopted in advanced
countries, developing countries such as Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation
Council countries (GCC) are still in the early stages of BIM adoption.
(5) Findings show that several significant barriers negatively affect the utiliza-
tion of BIM. The major barriers to BIM adoption are related to the lack of demand,
lack of experts, and poor awareness of BIM benefits, which have relative im-
portance indexes of (RII = 89.910), (RII = 88.475), and (RII = 87.130), respectively.
Meanwhile, unspecified data responsibilities, difficulty of learning BIM, lack of data
sharing, and sufficient current technology constitute the lowest-ranking barriers with
their relative importance indexes of (RII = 71.704), (RII = 70.807), (RII = 66.413),
and (RII = 65.874), respectively.
2. Особенности аннотации
Текст аннотации не должен включать в себя визуальную информацию,
цифры, ссылки на источники из списка литературы, аббревиатуры, специаль-
ные символы, верхние и нижние индексы, таблицы, списки и другие элементы
В аннотации не только не запрещено, но и приветствуется использова-
ние формальных клише. Приведем несколько примеров: “This paper pre-
sents…”, “The study provides …”, “Much attention is given to…” и т.п.

Для чёткой и связанной логичной передачи основной мысли текста на
английском языке, необходимо корректно использовать вводные или связую-
щие слова и выражения, принятые в англоязычной академической письменной
речи: furthermore, however, meanwhile, conversely, particularly и т.п.
При написании аннотации на английском языке приоритет отдается Pre-
sent Simple Tense: “This paper describes / compares / deals with / looks at …”,
“The quantitative approach is adopted …”, “The test results indicate …”, “The find-
ings of this study are highly significant …”.
Если в предложении идет речь об опытах или результатах, которые ав-
торы наблюдали во время исследования, нужно использовать Past Simple
Tense or Present Perfect: “The analysis was performed …”, The researchers exam-
ined …”, “This study has shown …”, “The authors have found out …” и т.п.
Считается, что использование личных местоимений (я, мы) в научных
работах выглядит слишком высокомерно и эгоистично. Поэтому автора нужно
максимально обезличить с помощью безличных предложений или страда-
тельных конструкций: “it was determined”, “this paper provides”, “the investiga-
tors found” и т.п.
Однако, страдательным залогом злоупотреблять не стоит, т.к. он искус-
ственно увеличивает объем текста и осложняет восприятие информации.
Одним из стилистических недочетов является многократное использо-
вание предлога ‘of’ для перевода цепочки существительных в родительном
падеже, что является характерным для технических текстов на русском языке.
Например: “The article analyzes the ways of improvement of the quality of thermal
protection of low-rise buildings”. (В статье анализируются способы улучшения
качества теплозащиты в малоэтажных зданиях).
Сократить количество предлогов можно следующим образом:
1) использовать инфинитив цели (to improve) / герундий (improving),
2) выстроить атрибутивную цепочку существительных (thermal protec-
tion quality),
3) заменить один из предлогов ‘of’ на другой предлог (for, in и т.п.) :
“The article analyzes the ways to improve the thermal protection quality in/for low-
rise buildings”.
Непременный атрибут научной статьи – ключевые слова (keywords).
В качестве ключевых слов целесообразно использовать теги (от англ. tag –
метка) – неких ярлыков, характеризующих статью. Эффективный подбор
ключевых слов – ключ к повышению читательского интереса к статье и уве-
личению цитируемости статьи. Необходимое количество ключевых слов и
словосочетаний – 5–7.

Задание 3
The following phrases can be used to signal the purpose of each part of an ab-
stract. Divide the phrases (a–p) into five groups according to their functions (1–5).
1) state the research questions;
2) present the aim of the study;
3) introduce the method;
4) introduce key results;
5) draw a conclusion
a) Recently there has been growing interest in …
b) The results obtained show that …
c) The main objective / goal / purpose of this study is to investigate / identify
d) Extensive studies have been conducted on … but rarely have addressed …
e) The findings of this research are of direct practical relevance
f) The results illustrate / demonstrate that …
g) To achieve this aim … were tested / used
h) The paper / article discusses /deals with / describes …
i) It has been found that …
j) Evaluating the impacts of … is a matter of vital importance
k) The overall results indicate that …
l) The proposed estimation method revealed that …
m) The findings of this study suggest that this approach could also be
useful for…
n) A questionnaire was designed and distributed among …
o) Statistical analyses were conducted to identify …
p) The following conclusions are drawn…
Задание 4
a) Translate the following linking words and divide them into 9 groups ac-
cording to their functions in the sentence.
In particular, overall, for instance, in conclusion, additionally, likewise, con-
sequently, such as, while, therefore, furthermore, to sum up, alternatively, despite,
moreover, as well as, at this point, hence, besides, due to, nevertheless, that is (i.e.),
for example (e.g.), since/as, although, generally, thus, similarly, whereas, eventually,
conversely, however, meanwhile, so, respectively

Contrast / Concession Sequence

Similarity Adding information
Examples Conclusion
Reason Clarifying / Explaining

b)Write the letters in the correct order to make linking words:
ki l e s e w i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Задание 5
Complete gaps in the abstract 1–10 with the appropriate linking words: main-
ly, in fact, often, therefore, both, in particular, however, in recent years, consequent-
ly, at this point
Seismic risk mitigation is an important issue in earthquake-prone countries,
and needs to be solved in those complex communities governed by complex pro-
cesses, where urban planning, socioeconomic dynamics, and, ____1___, the need to
preserve cultural assets are present simultaneously. ____2____, due to limited finan-
cial resources, mitigation activities have often been limited to post-earthquake
events, and only a few in periods of inactivity, particularly in urban planning.
___3_____, a significant change in point of view is necessary.
The seismic risk mitigation (and more generally, natural risk mitigation) must
be considered as the main topic in urban planning and in the governance of commu-
nities. _____4___, in several recent earthquakes, significant socioeconomic losses
have been caused by the low or lack of resilience of the communities. This is
___5____ due to the high vulnerability of private buildings, _____6____, housing
____7_____, in recent years, several studies have been conducted on the
seismic resilience of communities. ____8_____, significant improvements are still
needed for the resilience assessment of the housing stock, ____9_____ qualitatively
and quantitatively. In this study, which is applied to the housing system, a proposal
regarding a change in urban planning and emergency management tools based on
the concept of resilience is reported. As a first application, a case study in Italy is
The proposal is focused on defining and quantifying the improvement of the
resilience of the communities and this must be obtained by modifying the current

Civil Protection plan. New tools are based on a new resilience community plan by
encompassing urban planning tools, resilient mitigation strategies, and ____10____,
emergency management planning.
Задание 6
Tick the features an abstract should have:
Detailed explanations
Graphs and tables
Linking words
The author’s main idea
Formal expressions
Details to support an idea
Задание 7
Read the abstracts below and identify the type of the article (research, review
or technical note). Give arguments to support your point of view. (Chapter I, 3)
1. Underline the linking words used by the authors
2. Write out the phrases for writing abstracts
3. Mark all the cases of using the Passive voice
4. Highlight the keywords

Article 1
The performance concept in the construction field is very broad, can occur
within the project scope and building, suggesting effective ways to evaluate accord-
ing to the activities involved. Although a large number of studies on construction
project performance (CPP) and performance-based building (PBB) have been con-
ducted in the last decade, there remains a lack of consensus among researchers and
professionals regarding how to integrate PBB-related activities into the construction
project phases (design, planning, construction and operation). After an in-depth
analysis of hundreds of journal articles published between 2008 and 2018, this study
provides a holistic understanding and critical reflection on the nexus between CPP
and PBB, systematically illustrated by a “Performance information mapping” and a
“Performance Taxonomy Framework” at each project phase in the strategic deci-
sion-making process. The results can help future researchers and professionals to
conduct searches that are more relevant and to design, aiming at steps to ensure pro-
ject success and building efficiency. A systematic review contributes to a better un-
derstanding of the performance concept in the construction field because it covers an

unprecedented performance study of both stages, process management and product
performance requirements in the construction industry. The review concludes by
suggesting, as further work, a search for an integration tool.

Article 2
This research paper presents a scientific attempt of a comprehensive systemat-
ic review of three-dimensional printing in geopolymer construction technology. The
concept of 3D printing is an automated manufacturing process, layer- by- layer
command, with computer-aided design model to create physical objects, acquiring
swift development for the last few decades. An expansion of novel Geopolymer
technology has been adopted in the construction and infrastructure industries for
decades. The critical challenges of construction and infrastructure industries, such as
the need for architectural, holistic, and rational designs, can be dealt with 3D print-
ing techniques. Plentiful advantages of this emerging novel technology include a
reduced amount of cost, ease of construction, a lesser amount of time, freedom of
design, less wastage, aptitude to create complex structures, decrease in labor re-
quirements, etc. Accordingly, the paper discusses common 3D techniques, such as
Fused Deposition Modelling, Selective Laser Sintering, Stereolithography, 3D plot-
ting, Laminated Object Manufacturing technique, Direct Energy deposition tech-
nique or laser engineered net shaping, Powder Bed Fusion and Inject Head 3D print-
ing and direct deposition method. Overall, this study provides an introduction of 3D
printing automation and robotics processes in a geopolymer construction industry.
Ultimately, the paper emphasizes to motivate researchers towards future studies
about 3D printing.

Article 3
In this paper the authors present a new solution for the highway interchange,
which represents the best compromise between the traffic capacity, the land area
used and construction cost. The difference between the known and the new design
solution is in the implementation of the opposite directional ramps which are widely
separated in the area of the interchange. In the middle, between the directional
ramps, some space is created for the left directional ramps. Interchange should be
used for four-way highway interchanges or other heavy traffic roads junction in or-
der to increase the capacity and traffic safety at the crossing point. It has no conflict
points. ITL Interchange left directional ramps is much shorter than all other known

solutions for interchanges. The interchange is built in two levels. These two facts
significantly lower the cost of construction. The study compares different types of
interchanges. We made a geometric comparison and performance measures. In ge-
ometric comparison, the greatest advantages of the ITL interchange are the shortest
overall roadway length and the shortest overpasses length. Therefore, such an inter-
change is advantageous in terms of construction and maintenance costs. When
measuring performance, ITL Interchange achieves the best results regardless of the
number of vehicles.

Article 4
The dynamic nature and increasing complexity of the construction projects
impose many challenges for project planning and control. As a project progresses,
more information becomes available and the level of uncertainty decreases. It can be
used to proactively check the validity of the previous decisions and develop revised
and more detailed plans for the upcoming activities in construction planning meet-
ings. For this purpose, this study implements ontological knowledge representation
and semantic reasoning techniques to propose an intelligent information collection
and decision support system framework for short-term collaborative construction
and resource planning. Moreover, a new approach is suggested that allows for in-
corporating resource specifications and limitations, and complex multi-factor con-
straints in the ontological planning process. The framework was tested based on a
real-world construction project and different application cases were discussed. The
framework showed a promising performance for analyzing different scenarios and
help the planners making informative decisions.

Article 5
The greatest challenges for construction infrastructure projects are those relat-
ed to increasing problems of managing the time and cost in project implementation.
For many years, new methods have been used to reduce the problems to do with
separation of design from the implementation stage. An important point is that all
projects tend to require integration; however, it has been observed that construction
projects usually enjoy the benefits and capacities of updated methods and technolo-
gies later than other industries. One of these approaches, which have been growing
in developed countries for some time, is using the Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)
approach. Using such an approach has various benefits, but also would seem to pose

significant challenges. To-date, it and has not still achieved success in terms of legal
recognition and wider implementation. The aim of this study is to extract the bene-
fits of the implementation of the IPD approach using an in-depth literature review.
Then descriptive analysis is applied to identify the benefits of IPD. The benefits of
applying this approach for key construction project stakeholders are classified using
pattern analysis. This study has offered a framework in order to present available
generic and specific benefits to each project stakeholder, and it provides the required
motivation for project owners to use and implement it in their future projects.
Moreover, they should understand the important factors that lead to IPD adop-
tion. They can use this information to develop a contractual framework to make
it more effective.
Задание 8
Translate the possible phrases for abstracts. Don’t forget about direct word or-
der. (Chapter II, 1)
1. Подробно исследуется влияние … на …
2. Внимательно изучался вопрос …
3. Проведен тщательный анализ …
4. Новый метод … рассматривался во всех подробностях.
5. Составлены формулы для определения / расчета ...
6. Показаны новые подходы к …
7. Определены основные направления …
8. Сделаны выводы о возможных путях улучшения …
9. Дан краткий обзор наиболее эффективных методов …
10. Представлены результаты недавних исследований в области …, на-
правленные на оптимизацию …
Задание 9
Write an abstract of your future article on your research.


1. Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice)

Страдательный залог в английском языке употребляется тогда, когда
внимание говорящего сосредоточено не на субъекте, совершающем действие,
а на объекте действия. Глагол в страдательном залоге показывает, что подле-
жащее подвергается действию, а не само его выполняет.
Глагол в страдательном залоге можно переводить на русский язык тремя
○ глаголом с окончанием – ся, – сь;
○ глаголом быть (в прошедшем и будущем времени) и краткой формой
○ неопределенно-личной формой глагола
I ask. Я спрашиваю.
I am asked. Меня спрашивают.
They built a house. Они построили дом.
The house was built. Дом был построен.
They are discussing a problem. Они обсуждают проблему.
The problem is being discussed. Проблема обсуждается.

Страдательный залог образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола

to be в соответствующем времени, лице и числе и причастия II смыслового
глагола (или третьей формы смыслового глагола), т.е. по формуле tobe (изме-
няемая часть) + Participle II (неизменяемая часть).
Заметьте: непереходные глаголы, т.е. глаголы, которые не могут иметь
при себе прямого дополнения (to live, to arrive и т.п.), не могут употребляться в
форме страдательного залога.
Следует помнить, что подлежащее в предложении с глаголом в страда-
тельном залоге переводится на русский язык винительным или дательным па-

He was sent to the laboratory. Его послали в лабораторию.

He was sent a letter. Ему послали письмо.

Present Past Future
am/ is/ are + was/ were + will be +

3 ф./ed 3 ф./ed 3 ф./ed
every day, often, usu- yesterday, … ago, tomorrow, next …,
ally, always, last … in 5 years
am/ is/ are + was/ were +
(Progressive) being + being +

3 ф./ed 3 ф./ed

now, at present yesterday at…, from … _______

till, when I came
have/ has + had + will have +
been + been + been +
3 ф./ed 3 ф./ed 3 ф./ed

already, just, ever, by …, before I came by …

never, recently, this


_______ _______ _______

Для научного стиля характерны пассивные конструкции с модальными

глаголами (can, may, must / should). Как правило, они переводятся неопреде-
ленно-личными предложениями с глаголами нужно, необходимо, дол-
жен/должны, можно с последующим инфинитивом:

The work should be done in time. Работу нужно выполнить вовремя.

You can be asked to participate in Вас могут попросить участвовать в
the conference. конференции.

Задание 1
Rewrite the sentences (a–h) using the Passive voice:
1. The authors discuss the problem of BIM implementation.
2. The article describes some effective ways of waste disposal.
3. The authors give possible examples of recycled materials.
4. The researchers carried out some experiments.

5. The experimenters paid much attention to sustainable construction materi-
6. The investigators used a new approach to urban planning.
7. The experiment will cover a wide range of problems.
8. This study will provide a solution for many problems in the construction in-
9. We will perform the comparison of two approaches.
10. The researchers have examined the state of construction industry.
11. The author has found out different solutions.
12. We have distributed a survey questionnaire to 300 participants in the field
of construction projects.
13. This research can provide a new knowledge about the construction cycle
14. We could enhance the construction process by incorporating two new
technological developments.
15. Construction companies must adopt BIM technologies.
Задание 2
Rewrite the sentences (a–h) using the Passive voice.

Limitation Factors of Building Information Modeling (BIM) Implementation

(a) Many researchers have recommended Building Information Modeling
(BIM) as the best tool to improve construction processes. (b) However, most con-
struction companies do not adopt BIM because there are many limitations slowing
BIM adoption.
The aim of this paper is to investigate the factors that limit BIM implementa-
tion in the construction industry.
(c) To investigate the research objectives, the authors of this article adopted a
quantitative approach and designed a structured questionnaire. (d) The researchers
distributed a total of sixty-eight copies of the questionnaire and sixty-five of them
were satisfactorily completed, making the total response rate = 95.58 %. Snow-
ball sampling method helped to obtain a high rate of response and thus increase
(e) The researchers divided BIM limitation factors into five categories. (f) The
results illustrated that the respondents ranked the personnel category as the most im-
portant, while the legal category was ranked as the least important. Findings showed
that requirement of large culture change within the organization, lack of senior man-
agement support, lack of knowledge on how to implement BIM, lack of staff experi-

ence and skills, and need to change in workflows to comply with the new require-
ments were ranked as the most important factors that obstruct BIM implementation.
(g) In fact, the researchers have reported the high cost of BIM implementation as a
major barrier in the construction industry. (h) Obviously, the lack of sufficiently
trained BIM specialists has slowed down BIM implementation in the AEC industry.
2. Цепочки определений (Noun Chains)
Цепочка существительных – это вид словосочетания, представляющий
собой ряд трех или более существительных, определяющих одно понятие.
В таких словосочетаниях главное существительное, выполняющее непосред-
ственно функцию существительного, стоит всегда в конце цепочки, а все
предшествующие слова, связанные с ним, являются определениями. В начале
словосочетания, как правило, стоит артикль или другой определитель. Впер-
вые понятие nounchain было введено юристом Ричардом Уайдиком (Richard
Такие словосочетания являются характерной спецификой английского
языка. Они строятся по схеме:
Определение 1.
Определение 2 … Определение N.
Главное слово.
Способы перевода существительных, выступающих в роли определения:
1) существительное в родительном падеже:
saturation pressure – давление насыщения,
pump modification – доработка насоса,
an institute building – здание института;
2) прилагательное:
a pump house – насосная станция,
light waves – световые волны;
3) предложный оборот:
an exchange contract – договор об обмене;
4) причастный оборот:
flood damage – ущерб, нанесенный наводнением.
В цепочке определений могут дополнительно участвовать прилагатель-
ные, которые могут относиться как к существительным-определениям, так и
непосредственно к главному слову.

Если в цепочке первым стоит прилагательное, то оно обычно относится
к последнему слову, например:
automatic dataprocessing system – автоматическая система обработки
Однако иногда прилагательное, стоящее первым в цепочке, может опре-
делять следующее за ним существительное:
straight line motion – движение по прямой линии.
Следует отметить, что злоупотребление цепочками существительных
считается стилистическим недочетом. Рекомендуется использовать не более
трех существительных-определений к одному существительному.
Задание 1
a) Analyse the development of the following chains of nouns. Translate them
into the Russian language, pay attention to the key words.
arch bridge
arch bridge construction
arch bridge construction methods
arch bridge construction methods optimization
speed traffic / traffic speed
facility management / management facility
construction market / market construction
journal paper / paper journal
b) Translate the following attributive groups:
study results
concrete weight
BIM technology adoption
cash flow problems
product liability risks
deep foundation design
federal highway office
long-term erosion protection
construction project delivery delay
automatic noise control equipment
modern house ventilation facilities
construction projects investment and encouragement
heat insulation development company worker
“Sustainable Architecture” conference program
10 % water filters discount

Задание 2
Make attributive phrases from the suggested English words:
1. Запасы древесины всего мира
a) world’s; b) resources; c) entire; d) timber.
2. Индекс цен на кровельные материалы
a) price; b) index; c) roofing.
3. 5 % скидка за покупку строительного оборудования:
a) building; b) discount; c) 5 percent; d) equipment.
4. Система очистки сточных вод:
a) system; b) treatment; c) wastewater.
5. Давление за счет энергии воды:
a) water; b) energy; c) pressure.
6. Технология трехмерного моделирования зданий:
a) 3D; b) modeling; c) buildings; d) technology.
7. Система контроля звукоизоляции:
a) system; b) sound; c) control.
8. Безопасность на строительной площадке:
a) safety; b) construction; c) site.
9. Празднование десятой годовщины строительной компании:
a) tenth; b) celebration; c) anniversary; d) construction; e) company.
10. Важные параметры измерений:
a) important; b) measurement; c) parameters.
Задание 3
Translate the following attributive groups into the English language, pay at-
tention to the key words.
Утилизация древесных отходов, план разработки рыночных реформ,
проблема вычисления скорости автомобиля, система управления строитель-
ными проектами в режиме реального времени, повышение зарплаты, проце-
дура отбора кандидатов на вакансию, рыночная стоимость объекта недвижи-
мости, работник компании по развитию информационных технологий, номер
кредитной карты, Федеральная программа помощи заемщикам, система под-
держки принятия решений на основе BIM, уровень безработицы среди выпу-
скников университетов.
Задание 4
Read the titles of some journal articles. In what way could they be shortened?
1. Theory of Determination of the Frequency of Natural Oscillations of Span
2. Ways of Optimization of Facility Management through the Adoption of
BIM in Existing Buildings.
3. Methods of Improvement of Technology of Purification of Surface

4. Features of Application of Resource-Saving Technologies of Warming
5. Factors of Limitation of Implementation of Building Information Modeling.
3. Порядок слов (Word Order)
А. Порядок слов в предложении.
Всего несколько неправильно построенных предложений и статья может
быть отклонена. Поэтому важно соблюдать правила построения предложений
в английском языке.
В английском языке порядок слов строго определен и почти никогда не
1. Суть заключается в том, чтобы подлежащее, сказуемое и дополнения
находились как можно ближе друг к другу.
Пример 1:
S1. The researchers sent their manuscript to the journal.
This order is rarely altered. It is:
1. subject (the researchers)
2. verb (sent)
3. direct object (their manuscript)
4. indirect object (the journal)
В предложении 2(S2) сохранен порядок слов S1.
S2. Last week the researchers sent their manuscript to the journal for the se-
cond time.
S3. * The researchers last week sent for the second time to the journal their
manuscript. – В данном случае порядок слов в предложении нарушен, по-
скольку косвенное дополнение стоит перед прямым дополнением.
Что еще в этом предложении стоит не на своем месте?
Пример 2:
Heavy metals play a major role in the deterioration of soil physicochemical
properties including the circumference of the highways.
Тяжелые металлы играют основную роль в ухудшении физико-
химических свойств почв, включая прилежащую территорию автомобильных
Определите части предложения, следуя примеру 1.
1. subject – подлежащее (Heavy metals).
2. verb/ – сказуемое (play).
3. direct object – прямое дополнение (a major role).
4. indirect object – косвенное дополнение (the deterioration).

1. Наиболее важную/новую информацию ставьте в начале предложения
в качестве подлежащего.
! Читатель обращает больше внимания на участки предложения, стоя-
щие непосредственно перед или после точки.
The rotated component matrix is shown in Table 7 and presented in Fig. 9.
(Матрица повернутых компонентов приведена в таблице 7 и представлена на
рис. 9.)
2. Из двух возможных подлежащих выбирай то, с которым предложение
короче. Обычно это предложение в активном залоге.
S1. The most significant values are highlighted in Table 1.
S2. Table 1 highlights the most significant values.
1. Не используйте безличные предложения с it в качестве подлежащего.
Используйте модальные глаголы, где это возможно (should, might, need
и др.).
S1. It is possible do this with the new system.
S2. This can be done with the new system.
2. Не используйте местоимения (it, they), если в предложении еще не
указано существительное, которое они замещают.
For the observers rating hue–saturation changes, 100 % meant that the
“hue and saturation of the center square in the two patterns looks exactly the
same,” and 0 % meant that they “look quite different”.
(Для наблюдателей, оценивающих изменения оттенка и насыщенно-
сти, 100 % означало, что «оттенок и насыщенность центрального квадрата в
двух шаблонах выглядят совершенно одинаково», а 0 % означало, что они
«выглядят совершенно по-разному»).
3. Избегайте уточнений и пояснений между подлежащим и сказуемым.
Among the factors that influence the choice of parameters are time and cost.
Time and cost are among the factors that influence the choice of parameters.
4. Не отделяйте подлежащее от сказуемого.
S1. *A gradual decline in germinability and vigor of the resultant seedling,
a higher sensitivity to stresses upon germination, and possibly a loss of the abil-
ity to germinate are recorded in the literature [5, 8, 19].

S2. *People with a high rate of intelligence, an unusual ability to resolve
problems, a passion for computers, along with good communication skills are
generally employed by such companies.
Предложения S1 и S2 затянуты, так как сказуемое сдвинуто к концу
В предложениях S3 и S4 показаны более удачные варианты решения,
поскольку в них сказуемое поставлено ближе к началу, и поэтому смысл
предложения становится понятен сразу.
S3. There is generally a gradual decline in germinability and of the result-
ant seedling, followed by a higher sensitivity to stress upon germination, and
possibly a loss of the ability to germinate [5, 8, 19].
S4. Such companies generally employ people with a high rate of ...
В обоих предложениях используется активный залог. В некоторых
случаях можно использовать страдательный залог. Иногда одно сказуемое
может относиться сразу к нескольким подлежащим. В таком случае ска-
зуемое в страдательном залоге лучше всего поставить после первого под-
S5. People with a high rate of intelligence are generally employed by such
companies. They must also have other skills including: an unusual ability to ...
5. Избегайте уточнений и пояснений между подлежащим и сказуемым.
Они мешают читателю следовать за мыслью.
S1. This sampling method, when it is possible, is useful because it al-
lows ....
S2. When this sampling method is possible, it allows us ...
6. Не отделяйте дополнение от сказуемого. Дополнение должно следо-
вать непосредственно после сказуемого.
S1. We can associate with these values a high cost.
S2. We can associate a high cost with these values.
В данном примере прямое дополнение состоит из нескольких слов, и
читатель очень долго не знает, к чему ведет автор.
S1. *We can associate a high cost, higher overheads, a significant increase
in man-hours and several other problems with these values.
Если дополнение довольно объемное, его можно представить не-
сколькими способами:
В примере S2 косвенное дополнение поставлено после первого до-
полнения с использованием выражения ‘along with’ («на ряду с…»)

S2. We can associate a high cost with these values, along with higher
overheads, a significant increase in man-hours and several other problems.
Также возможны следующие варианты:
S3. We can associate several factors with these values: a high cost, higher
overheads, a significant increase in man-hours and several other problems.
S4. The following can be associated with these values:
a high cost
higher overheads
a significant increase in man hours
Прямое дополнение ставится перед косвенным дополнением.
S1. However, only for some cases this operation is defined, these cases are
called ..
S2. However, this operation is only defined for some cases, which are
called ...
Б. Место наречия.
1. Наречия частотности выполнения действий и also, only ставятся пе-
ред основным смысловым глаголом:
This also enables collaboration work with other software to create models
more accurately.
Если в предложении два вспомогательных глагола – перед вторым
вспомогательным глаголом:
With natural scenes, both these and higher order statistics might also be ex-
(В естественных условиях можно также использовать как эти, так и
статистические данные более высокого порядка).
В предложениях с глаголом to be в настоящем или прошедшем време-
ни – сразу после глагола.
Interestingly, constancy is also illustrated here, since distance is discounted
when the inferred heat is projected back into the fire and experienced as a prop-
erty of the fire.
Поэкспериментируйте с наречием «только». Поставьте его в разных
местах предложения. Он говорил ей, что любит BIM. Что происходит?
Куда можно поставить наречие only в предложении:
The complexity of this model makes it very difficult to build the model
with normal BIM design tools. На что это влияет?

2. С целью выделения, подчеркивания какой-либо мысли наречия
sometimes, often, normally, occasionally, usually могут быть поставлены в на-
чало предложения.
Usually, apart from the view of the garden from the sofa…
3. Наречия, выражающие различную степень уверенности – probably,
certainly, definitely, rather, very, quite – ставятся сразу после отрицания:
It is not quite critical for managers to understand…
4. Наречия образа действия slowly, rapidly, fast, quickly, carefully
чаще всего ставятся после глагола или после прямого дополнения:
Lightweight panels and transporting them to the building site, allows for
extremely rapid refurbishment and reopening of the bridges.
5. Наречия времени already, still, today, now могут встречаться в раз-
ных местах предложения. Лучше всего их располагать после того, как под-
лежащее уже названо.
The FRP deck had already been partially glued by the manufacturer.
(FRP – fibre- reinforced polymer- полимеры, армированные стекловолокном)
6. Старайтесь не использовать наречия причины и цели consequently,
therefore, hence, accordingly в начале предложения.
The regression method had the most absolute errors of 17.5 and was, there-
fore, the least effective method.
7. Наречия контраста и последовательного изложения мысли исполь-
зуются в начале предложения. Обычно после них ставится запятая.
Thus, a collaborative platform is needed to visualize the as-built plan.
Moreover, since, although, despite the fact, however
However, most of the researchers are not from a civil engineering back-
Nevertheless, in contrast, alternatively …
Firstly, secondly, finally…
Firstly, the curved wall in the first floor needs to ensure the reasonable
width of cloakroom and shop. Secondly, the curve line of the curved wall on the
second floor needs to guarantee an effective width and height of the audience

lounge to avoid pressure. Last but not least, the intersection of the curtain wall
and the curve wall should be below the structure of the roof.
Некоторые наречия этого типа обычно ставятся в середине предложе-
Пример: whereas
The hue and saturation of the bush were the same in the first and third dis-
plays, but different in the second display, whereas the material was the same in
the first and second displays, but different in the third display.
(Оттенок и насыщенность куста были одинаковыми на первом и
третьем дисплеях, но различались на втором дисплее, тогда как материал
был одинаковым на первом и втором дисплеях, но отличался на третьем
Задание 1
The virus has infected the file. Put the sentences in the correct order.
1. Is achieved, in this project, a 30 % Return on Investment (ROI), through
2. Different tasks, assigned, to engineers in different areas, are, in a collaborat-
ed way.
3. There are, because of the particularity of large-scale public projects, how-
ever, many difficulties in management.
4. Four-dimensional (4D) computer-aided design (CAD), to improve the con-
struction planning process, has been adopted for, many years.
5. Applied, in the South Tower, the core-tube system, is, and the frame core-
tube system in North Tower,
6. On the projector for collaboration and discussion, the plan, in a highlight
colour, can be simulated and, for easy recognition, visually displayed.
7. It, in the South Tower, covers 170,000 square metres, with a height of 210
metres, including offices, dormitories in the North Tower, and a basement level.
8. To be revised, thus, plans, in real time, need, on site.
Задание 2
Rewrite the sentences if necessary. Use modal verbs (may, might, can,
could, need, should, etc.) where possible.
original version: It is probable that this is due to poor performance.
revised version : This may / might / could be due to poor performance.
It is probable (вероятно, вполне возможно, есть вероятность, не ис-
ключено, по всей вероятности).
It is mandatory (это обязательно, является обязательным, необходи-
мо в обязательном порядке).
It is possible (возможно, допускается, можно, позволяет, представ-
ляется возможным).

It is evident (очевидно, совершенно ясно).
1. It is possible to update the schedule with the BIM model.
2. It is evident that the following characteristics of BIM help to solve these is-
sues: (1) BIM could simulate the construction phase to find potential issues…
3. It is possible to analyze the availability of this space with the help of the
three-dimensional modeling.
4. It is mandatory to analyze the availability of this space with the help of the
three-dimensional modeling.
5. According to the BIM regulation of planning, it is mandatory that the BIM
construction plan of International Expo Centre will be created first.
6. It is mandatory to illustrate the main problem as well as the disadvantages
of adopting traditional methods.
Задание 3
Match the parts.

With the implementation of the It covers 170,000 square metres

proactive fiscal policy and other poli- with a height of 210 metres, including of-
cies to expand domestic demand, in- fices in the South Tower, dormitories in
vestment in public works projects has the North Tower and a basement level.
grown rapidly.
In the initial design phase, CAD Therefore, it needs to be facilitated
drawings are imported into Autodesk with advanced technology and scientific
Revit software to create the BIM management. However, because of the
model of Chongqing Circus City. particularity of large-scale public projects,
there are many difficulties in manage-
Four-dimensional (4D) com- It includes a structural model, facili-
puter-aided design (CAD) has been ty model (HVAC, water supply and drain-
adopted for many years to improve age and fire extinguisher systems), elec-
the construction planning process. trical model and site model.

Задание 4
Insert the adverbs into the sentence.
1. Building Information Modelling (BIM), as a powerful set of tools, has been
applied in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. (widely)
2. Through the creation of 3D models, designers can understand the compli-
cated construction space, thus avoiding the disadvantages of 2D design. (clearly)
3. The process of clash detection is simplified through pre-handling with BIM
software. (also)

4. To the last case, New City International Expo Centre is a large-scale public
project. (similarly)
5. BIM enables checking of the clarity of view at the entrance and exit. (also)
6. As the financial city is used for different purposes, it is important to ensure
every part will be occupied. (comprehensively)
7. Carelessness and mistakes occur in manual work. (always)
8. The space management includes both the conventional space for MEP
equipment and the partition of the pavilion’s interior space. (thus)

Задание 5
Make a list of adverbs/highlight the adverbs in the article. What kind of ad-
verbs are they? Check them out.


Useful Phrases
• Establishing why your topic (X) is important
X is the main / leading / primary / major cause/part of …
X is increasingly becoming a vital factor in …
Xs are attracting considerable / increasing / widespread interest due to …
X has many applications in the field of …
The main / principal / fundamental characteristics of X are:
• Outlining the past-present history of the study of X (no direct references to
the literature)
Scientists / Researchers / Experts have always seen X as …
Recent developments in / findings regarding X have led to …
X has received much attention in the last two years / in the past decade /
over the last two decades …
• Outlining the possible future of X
In the next few years X will become / is likely to have become an im-
portant component in …
X will soon / shortly / rapidly / inevitably be an issue that …
• Indicating the gap in knowledge and possible limitations
Few researchers have addressed the problem / issue / question of …
Most studies have only focused / tended to focus on …
Current solutions to X are inconsistent / inadequate / incorrect / ineffective
/ inefficient / over-simplistic / unsatisfactory
• Stating the aim of your paper and its contribution
In this report / paper / review / study we…
This paper outlines / proposes / describes / focuses on / discusses / investi-
gates presents a new approach to …
The aim of our work / research / study / analysis was to further / extend /
widen / broaden current knowledge of …
The aim of this study is to study / evaluate / validate / determine / examine /
analyze / calculate / estimate / formulate …
• Explaining the key terminology in your field
In the literature there seems to be no general definition of X / a general
definition of X is lacking / there is no clear definition of X.

The term ‘X’ is generally understood to mean / has come to be used to refer
to / has been applied to …
In broad / general terms, X is / can be defined as a way to …
X is defined / identified / described as … [Njimi 2004].
• Explaining how you will use terminology and acronyms in your paper
The acronym PC stands for / denotes …
The fonts, i.e. / that is to say the form of the characters, are of various
Throughout the / In this paper we use / will use the term X to refer to …
• Giving the structure of paper – what is and is not included
This paper is organized as follows / divided into five sections.
The first section / Section 1 gives a brief overview of …
The second section examines / analyses …
In the third section a case study is presented / analyzed …
A new methodology is described / outlined in the fourth section …
Some / Our conclusions are drawn in the final section.
• Giving general panorama of past-to-present literature
A growing body of literature has examined / investigated / studied / ana-
lyzed / evaluated … [Ref]
Various approaches have been proposed / put forward / suggested / hy-
pothesized to solve this issue [Ref].
Much work on the potential of X has been carried out [Ref], yet / however
there are still some critical issues … [Ref]
• Reviewing past literature
Initial / Preliminary work in this field focused primarily on …
The first investigations into / studies on X found that …
The first systematic study / report on X was carried out / conducted / per-
formed in 1995 by …
• Reviewing subsequent and more recent literature
Experiments on X were conducted / carried out / performed on X in 2009
by a group of researchers from …
Since 2011 / In the last few years, much more information on X has be-
come available …
More recent evidence [Obama, 2013] shows / suggests / highlights / re-
veals / proposes that …
Many attempts have been made [Kim 2009, Li 2010, Hai 2011] in order to
/ with the purpose of / aimed at …
• Reporting what specific authors of have said

In her analysis / review / overview / critique of X, Bertram [2] questions
the need for …
Dee [4] developed / reported on a new method for X and concluded that …
They draw our attention to / focus on X.
They make / draw a distinction between …
She concludes / comes to the conclusion / reaches the conclusion that …
She lists / outlines / describes / provides several reasons for …
• Mentioning positive aspects of others’ work
Kamos’s [23] assumptions seem to be realistic / well-founded / well-
grounded / plausible / reasonable / acceptable.
The equations given in [24] are accurate / comprehensive …
• Highlighting limitations of previous studies – authors not mentioned by
Research has tended to focus on X rather than Y. An additional problem is
that / Moreover X is …
The main limitation / downside / disadvantage / pitfall / shortfall of X is …
A well-known / major / serious criticism of X is …
Unfortunately, it does not / fails to / neglects to explain why …
• Highlighting limitations of previous studies – authors mentioned by name
Peng’s findings do not seem / appear to support his conclusions.
The main weakness / limitation in their study is that they make no attempt
to … / offer no explanation for … / they overlook …
Their claims seem to be somewhat exaggerated / inaccurate / unreliable /
speculative / superficial …
Their paper / work / study / research / approach / findings / results might
have been more interesting / innovative / useful / convincing / persuasive if …
• Using the opinions of others to justify your criticism of someone’s work
As others have highlighted [34, 45, 60], Ozil’s approach / methodology
raises many doubts / is questionable …
Many experts now contend / believe / argue that rather than using
Pappov’s approach it might be more useful to …
Their analysis has not found / met with / received general acceptance …
• Describing purpose of testing / methods used
In order to identify / understand / investigate / study / analyze X …
To control / test for X, Y was done.
X was done / We did X in order to …
• Outlining similarities with other authors’ models, systems etc.
The set up we used can be found / is reported / is detailed in [Ref 2].

Our experimental set up is based on / is a variation on / was inspired by /
owes a lot to / is more or less identical to / is practically the same as the one pro-
posed by Smith [2014].
This component is fully compliant with international norms / regulations /
• Describing the apparatus and materials used and their source
The instrument used / utilized / adopted / employed was …
The device was designed / developed / set up in order to …
X was obtained from / supplied by Big Company Inc.
• Reporting software used
The software application / program / package used to analyze the data was
Soft Gather (Softsiftplc, London).
X was carried out / performed / analyzed / calculated / determined using
Soft Gather.
Statistical significance was analyzed by using / through the use of Soft
• Reporting customizations performed
X can easily be customized / adapted / modified to suit all requirements.
Measurements were taken using purpose-built / custom-built / customized
The apparatus was adapted as in [Ref] / in accordance with [Ref] / as fol-
• Formulating equations, theories and theorems
This problem can be outlined / phrased / posed in terms of …
The resulting integrals / solution to X can be expressed as …
… where T stands for / denotes / identifies / is an abbreviation for time.
Taking advantage of / Exploiting / Making use of X, we …
Subtracting X from Y, we have that / obtain / get …
Equation 1 shows / reveals that
• Explaining why you chose your specific method, model, equipment, sample
The aim / purpose of X is to do Y. Consequently we / As a result we /
Therefore we / We thus …
This method / model / system was chosen because it is one of the most
practical / feasible / economic / rapid ways to …
It was decided that the best procedure / method / equipment for this inves-
tigation / study was to …
An X approach was chosen / selected in order to …
• Explaining the preparation of samples, solutions etc.

We used reliable / innovative / classic / traditional techniques based on the
recommendations of …
All samples were carefully / thoroughly checked for …
This was done by means of / using / with a calculator.
• Outlining selection procedure for samples, surveys etc.
The criteria / reasons for selecting Xs were:
A total of 1234 Xs were recruited for this study / this survey / for inter-
The interviewees were divided / split / broken down into two groups based
on / on the basis of …
• Indicating the time frame (past tenses)
Initial studies were made / performed / done / carried out / executed using
the conditions described above over / for a period of …
First we estimated / determined the value of X, then / subsequently we
studied / analyzed / evaluated Y.
Finally, independent / separate / further / additional tests were performed
on the …
• Indicating the time frame in a general process (present tenses)
At this point / Now X can be …
After / When / As soon as these steps have been carried out, X …
The experiment proceeds / continues following the steps outlined below.
• Indicating that care must be taken
Considerable / Great care are must be taken / exercised when …
A great deal of / Considerable attention must be paid when …
• Describing benefits of your method, equipment etc.
This method represents a viable / valuable / useful / groundbreaking / in-
novative alternative to …
This apparatus has several / many interesting features / characteristics.
Our method has many interesting / attractive / beneficial / useful / practical
/ effective / valuable applications.
The key / basic / chief / crucial / decisive / essential / fundamental / im-
portant / main / major / principal advantages are:
• Outlining alternative approaches
A less lengthy / time-consuming / cumbersome / costly / more practical so-
lution for this problem / approach is…
One / One possible / A good way to avoid the use of X is to use Y instead.
• Explaining how you got your results
To assess X / evaluate X / distinguish between X and Y, Z was used.

Changes in X were identified / calculated / compared using …
• Reporting results from questionnaires and interviews
The majority / Sixty per cent of respondents / those who responded felt /
reported that ….
Approximately two-thirds of the participants (64 %) said / commented that …
Fifteen per cent of those interviewed reported / suggested / indicated that …
A small minority of / Very few participants (4 %) indicated …
• Stating what you found
These tests revealed / showed / highlighted that …
Interestingly / Surprisingly / Unexpectedly, for high values of X, Y was
found ..
Further analysis / analyses / tests / examinations / replications showed that …
• Stating what you did not find
No significant difference / correlation was found / identified / revealed /
detected / observed / highlighted between ….
The analysis did not show / reveal / identify / confirm any significant dif-
ferences between …
• Highlighting significant results and achievements
The most striking / surprising / remarkable result to emerge from the data is
that …
It is interesting / critical / crucial / important / fundamental to note that …
This result has further strengthened our confidence in X / conviction that
X is / hypothesis that X is …
This finding confirms / points to / highlights / reinforces / validates the use-
fulness of X as a …
Our study provides additional support for / further evidence for / consider-
able insight into X.
• Statingё that your results confirm previous evidence
Our experiments confirm / corroborate / are in line with / are consistent
with previous results [Wiley 2009].
This fits / matches / concurs well with [65] and also confirms our earlier /
previous findings [39, 40, 41].
Our results share / have a number of similarities with Claire et al.’s [2012]
findings …
• Stating that your results are in contrast with previous evidence
It was found that X = 2, whereas / on the other hand Kamatchi [2011] found
that …
Although / Despite the fact that Li and Mithran [2014] found that X = 2 we
found that X = 3.

In contrast to / contradiction with earlier findings [Castenas, 2009], we …
Although our results differ slightly / to some extent / considerably from
those of Minhaz [2001], Erturk [2007], and Hayk [2014], it can / could never-
theless be argued that …
• Stating and justifying the acceptability of your results
As expected / anticipated / predicted / forecast / hypothesized, our experi-
ments show / demonstrate / prove that …
Despite / Notwithstanding the lack of agreement, we believe our findings
compare well with …
Although / Even though / Despite the fact that there was some inconsisten-
cy …
• Expressing caution regarding the interpretation of results
Initially we thought that x was equal to y. However, a more careful analysis /
closer inspection revealed that …
These results / data / findings thus need to be interpreted with caution /
care / attention.
• Outlining undesired or unexpected results
However, contrary to expectations / Unlike other research carried out in
this area, we did not find a significant difference between …
Our results were disappointing / poor / inadequate / unsatisfactory / below
• Admitting limitations
We aware that our research may have two limitations. The first is … The
second is … These limitations highlight / reveal / underline / are evidence of the
difficulty of collecting data on ….
It is plausible that a number of limitations may / might / could have influ-
enced the results obtained. First / To begin with … An additional / Another pos-
sible source of error is …
Unfortunately, it was not possible / we were unable to investigate the sig-
nificant relationships of X and Y further because / due to the fact that Z is …
• Explaining and justifying undesired or unexpected results
The prime / primary / foremost cause of the discrepancy is due to / a result
of / a consequence of X.
There are several possible explanations for this result / finding / outcome.
The unexpectedly high / low level of X is undoubtedly / certainly / without
any doubt due to …
The reasons for this result are not yet completely / entirely understood.
• Minimizing undesired or unexpected results

Although performance was not ideal / perfect / optimal, we still / neverthe-
less believe that …
Our investigations so far have only been on a small scale / applied to …
Despite the limitations of this method, and consequently the poor results in
Test 2, our findings do nevertheless / in any case / however suggest that …
We failed / were not able / were unable to find a link between x and y, but
this may / might depend on the methodology chosen for our research.
• Expressing opinions and probabilities
Our findings would seem to show / demonstrate / suggest / imply that x = y.
We believe that our method could be used / probably be usefully em-
ployed in…
The results point to the likelihood / probability that …
There is a strong / definite / clear / good probability that …
• Announcing your conclusions and summarizing content
In conclusion / In summary / In sum / To sum up, our work …
We have presented / outlined / described …
This paper has investigated / explained / given an account of …

• Restating the results
The results / findings of this study indicate / support the idea / suggest that …
• Highlighting achievements
Our research / This paper has highlighted / stressed / underlined the im-
portance of …
We have managed to do / succeeded in doing / been able to do / found a
way to do X.
We have found an innovative / a new / a novel / a cutting-edge solution for …
We have obtained accurate / satisfactory / comprehensive results proving /
demonstrating / showing that …
We have devised a methodology / procedure / strategy which …
X provides a powerful tool / methodology for …
Our investigations into this area are still ongoing / in progress and seem
likely to confirm our hypothesis.
• Highlighting limitations
The most important limitation lies in / is due to / is a result of the fact that …
The current study was limited by / unable to / not specifically designed to…
The project / analysis / testing / sampling was limited in several ways.
First, …
• Outlining possible applications and implications of your work

This work has revealed / shown / highlighted / demonstrated / proved that …
Our method / technique / approach / procedure could be applied to …
Results so far have been very promising / encouraging and …
We believe / are confident that our results may improve knowledge about …
We think that our findings could / might be useful / beneficial / construc-
tive / valuable for / in solving …
• Future work already underway or planned by the authors
We are currently / now / in the process of investigating …
To further our research we plan / are planning / intend to …
Future work will concentrate on / focus on / explore / investigate / look in-
to …
We hope that further tests will prove our theory / confirm our findings.
• Future work proposed for third parties to carry out
Further experimental investigations / tests / studies are needed to estimate …
We hope / believe / are confident that our research will serve as a base for
future studies on …
This is an important / a fundamental / a vital issue for future research.
These findings suggest the following directions / opportunities for future
research: …


Read and analyse the following articles according to the plan:
1. Identify the type of the article (research, review or technical note).
Give arguments to support your point of view.
2. Underline the linking words used by the authors.
3. Write out the cliched phrases for writing articles.
4. Mark all the cases of using the Passive voice.
5. Highlight the keywords.
6. Make an abstract to the article.

Article 1
Treatment of Produced Water Using Microfiltration
Membrane Modified by Nano Particles
Increasing produced water generation caused by petrochemical activities
such as onshore/offshore oil recovery have caused serious health risks and the
destruction of ecosystems, becoming an urgent global environmental problem
(Chu et al., 2014). The development of effective methods for produced water
treatment is desired and full of challenges, particularly for the separation of
oil/water emulsions (Zhao et al., 2014). Most of the traditional techniques, such
as gravity separation, flocculation and flotation, suffer from low efficiency, high
cost, and secondary pollution (Chen et al., 2018, Wang et al., 2018). In compari-
son, polymer filtration membranes have been frequently applied in practical ap-
plications of produced water treatment owing to their lower cost and ready avail-
ability (Mukherjee and De, 2018). Among them, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)
membranes are extensively used due to its outstanding mechanical properties,
thermal stability, and chemical resistance. Nevertheless, PVDF membranes still
suffer from membrane fouling because of its hydrophobic nature, which will
eventually result in decrease of permeate flux and treatment efficiency. To ad-
dress this issue, a number of advanced PVDF membranes have been developed
by various modification techniques with the incorporation of nanoparticles (NPs)
to improve the membrane hydrophilicity and antifouling ability (Bet-Moushoul
et al., 2016). Among them, ZnO NPs have attracted interests in membrane modi-
fication due to its special properties (Zinadini et al., 2017). However, most of
previous research on ZnO NPs for PVDF membrane modification was limited to

blending ZnO NPs into the casting solution. The improvements of membrane
properties such as hydrophilicity and fouling resistance were restricted by doing
so. The modification efficiency was affected because the ZnO NPs agglomerated
in the casting solution, causing them to be entirely enfolded by the polymer ma-
trix. In comparison, immobilizing ZnO NPs on the membrane surfaces using
techniques of coating or chemical grafting to form a stable functional layer could
be a more effective modification approach. Most of the ZnO NPs can disperse on
PVDF membrane surfaces to maximally improve their performances. The chal-
lenge of this approach is how to stably immobilize ZnO NPs on the membrane
surface, since ZnO NPs cannot self-assemble onto PVDF membrane surface
without bonding with suitable functional groups. Therefore, in this research, a
novel membrane surface modification method was proposed to obtain a super-
hydrophilic membrane which was modified from PVDF membrane through cold
plasma-induced poly acrylic acid (PAA) graft-polymerization followed by sim-
ple nano-ZnO self-assembly. The functional groups of PAA layer on membrane
surface could strongly bind with ZnO NPs. The improvement of membrane per-
formance was studied for the application of produced water treatment.
Poly acrylic acid (PAA), PVDF microfiltration membrane (0.1 μm pore
size), and ZnO NPs (< 100 nm) were used. The technique of cold plasma surface
treatment was applied to induce PAA polymerization by introducing chemical
initiators on PVDF membrane surface. The PAA-grafted membrane was then
dipped in the aqueous nano-ZnO suspension to attach ZnO NPs. The modified
membrane was comprehensively characterized by contact angle measurement,
scanning electron microscope (SEM) images, elemental analysis, attenuated total
reflection-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), and
synchrotronbased X-ray analyses. The synchrotron-based X-ray analyses were
carried out at the beamline 07B2-1 (VESPERS) at the Canadian Light Source
(Saskatoon, Canada). The membrane performances including water flux and oil
rejection rate were measured using a CF016 cross-flow membrane test skid with
20.6 cm2 of effective membrane area (Sterlitech Corporation, Kent, USA). The
feed oily water was obtained by mixing commercial diesel and DI water, and the
chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration was determined by a Hach 2800
COD analyzer. All experiments were carried out in 20 ±1 ºC. The permeation
flux (J, L/m2·min) and COD removal rate (R, %) of the membrane can be calcu-
lated as: = V J A t ´D ( %) 100 f p f C C R C – = ´ where, V is the permeate wa-
ter volume (L), A is the membrane area (m2 ), Δt is the permeation time (min),
Cp is the COD concentration in the permeate solution (mg/L), and Cf is the COD
concentration in the feed solution (mg/L).

The present research studied the surface modification of PVDF microfiltration
membrane to obtain a superhydrophilic membrane for produced water treatment. An
extreme thin PAA layer without compromising the bulk structure was formed on the
membrane surface through cold plasma induced graft copolymerization. The ZnO
NPs were self-assembled and distributed in the PAA layer. According to Figure 1,
SEM images show a thin PAA polymer layer formed on the membrane surface with
uniform structure after plasma-grafted polymerization. Compared to the surface of
pristine PVDF membrane, the formed PAA layer does not block the original pores.
After nano-ZnO self-assembly, the membrane surface was coated with ZnO NPs via
the PAA layer. The PAA-ZnO coating on membrane surface converted its hydro-
phobic nature to hydrophilic, the water contact angle dramatically decreased from
101.1° to less than 18° (Figure 2(a)). This resulted in significant improvements of
membrane performances both in water permeation flux and pollutant rejection rate.
The separation performance of the modified membrane was evaluated using a cross-
flow filtration system. As shown in Figure 2(b), the modified membrane showed
extremely high permeation flux (more than 1200 L/m2 min), which was much larger
than that of the pristine membrane (less than 100 L/m2 min). The overall COD re-
jection rate of the optimized membrane was also higher than that of the pristine
membrane (Figure 2(c)). These results was due to that the fixed ZnO NPs through
the grafted PAA layer remarkably improved the membrane hydrophilicity and did
not block the membrane pores. It was concluded that a substantially higher permea-
bility could be achieved and a higher oil rejection could also be obtained after mem-
brane modification. Figure 1: SEM images: (a) original PVDF membrane, (b) PAA
grafted membrane, and (c) modified membrane Figure 2: Comparisons between the
original PVDF membrane and modified membrane: (a) water contact angle, (b)
permeate flux, and (c) oil rejection rate
This research presented an approach of membrane modification for produced
water treatment. The results are useful to demonstrate the effects of surface modifi-
cation on PVDF membrane performance, and thus help to improve treatment effi-
ciency and reduce treatment cost. Further studies will be needed to obtain more the-
oretical support for the mechanisms of membrane antifouling. Different modifica-
tion approaches for different membrane types should also be investigated for
produced water treatment.

Article 2
Optimizing Selection of Building Materials and Fixtures
to Reduce Operational Costs
Buildings generate a considerable amount of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emis-
sions due to significant energy and water use during operation. Commercial and in-
dustrial facilities are reported to generate 45 % of the GHG emissions generated in
the United States (Environmental Protection Agency 2013). The Environmental Pro-
tection Agency (EPA) estimated that if existing buildings improved efficiency by
10 %, they could save $40 billion in building lifecycle costs and prevent 49 million
tons of GHG emissions from releasing into the atmosphere over their lifetime. This
is equivalent to eliminating emissions of 19 % of registered vehicles in the United
States (Energy Star, 2018). Improving the performance of existing buildings pre-
sents a challenging task and developing optimization models to help decision mak-
ers in this challenge is an urgent need. Currently, large number of building products
available on the market with various characteristics, which contributes to the chal-
lenging task of identifying optimal building products that provide the best energy
and water performance. Eighty percent of the total energy consumption of buildings
is consumed throughout the buildings life while only twenty percent is consumed
during construction and demolition (WBCSD, 2009). This highlights the importance
of reducing the energy consumption of building operation to minimize the negative
environmental impacts of buildings. Additionally, building owners seek to adopt
building upgrades that reduce operational costs and provide reasonable payback.
Furthermore, energy cost savings are correlated to improved net operating income
among tenants in additions to energy savings (Appraisal Institute, 2013). Owners
benefit since commercial buildings that are Energy Star and LEED-certified build-
ings can generate higher lease rates and selling prices (Kok, Mcgraw, and Quigley
2016). Improvement of the thermal envelope of an existing building increases ener-
gy efficiency over the lifecycle of the building. Upgrading envelope of existing
buildings have been shown to be effective in reducing energy costs and lowering
environmental impacts by up to 29 % (Kim & Park, 2017). Studies demonstrate that
different insulation strategies can be effective for improving energy efficiency in
different climates (Pulselli, Simoncini, and Marchettini, 2009; Aditya et al., 2017).
While replacing building envelope materials and HVAC equipment can improve
energy performance, there are huge number of building products on market to select
from. In addition, several factors affect the selection process such as budget and per-
formance constraints. Using tools to help with the selection of materials and equip-
ment is important to facilitate the selection process. Optimization models have used

to support decision makers to identify optimal selection of building upgrades that
meet their project goals such as energy efficiency and conservation. For example, an
optimization model was developed to identify the optimal selection of building up-
grades to achieve LEED certification for existing buildings with minimum upgrade
cost (Abdallah, El-Rayes, & Liu, 2016). The model is designed to identify a set of
building upgrades that are able to achieve specified LEED certification level, such as
Silver, with minimum upgrade cost (Abdallah, El-Rayes, & Liu, 2016). Another
study was conducted to identify optimal selection of building upgrades to minimize
negative environmental impacts of existing buildings within specified upgrade
budget (Abdallah& El-Rayes, 2015). Several studies have explored optimizing
building envelopes materials such as wall insulation and exterior cladding and glaz-
ing for improvements in energy performance. Güçyeter et al. have evaluated differ-
ent envelope retrofit strategies through a calibrated simulation approach to minimize
the annual energy consumption of buildings (Güçyeter and Günaydin, 2012). Simi-
larly, Asadi et al developed a multi-objective optimization model to assist stake-
holders in the definition of intervention measures aimed at minimizing the energy
use in the building while satisfying the occupant needs and requirements (Asadi et
al., 2012). These studies have integrated optimization strategies with energy simula-
tion modeling to improve the materials used to retrofit building envelopes. Other
research studies have used different types of evolutionary algorithms to solve prob-
lems relating to material and equipment selection and to help owners, builders and
designers make key decisions on design and construction preferences (Kusiak, Tang,
and Xu, 2011; Wright, Loosemore, and Farmani, 2002; Asadi et al., 2012). Further-
more, several research studies have focused on developing decision support models
for retrofitting buildings with the aim of LEED credit improvement (Stegall and
Dzombak, 2004; Choi et al., 2015; Subhi, Galal, and Alkass, 2014). Genetic algo-
rithms have been used extensively in the construction industry to support decision
makers for optimization of energy performance and life-cycle costs of buildings. For
Instance, one study developed an optimization model to place and size windows to
improve the energy efficiency of office buildings (Caldas and Norford, 2002). An-
other study focused on developing an optimization model capable of identifying op-
timal building shape to minimize lifecycle cost and energy consumption of build-
ings. The study showed that rectangular and trapezoidal buildings have the lowest
life-cycle costs and energy performance characteristics as compared to buildings that
have H-, T-, and U-shape (Tuhus-dubrow and Krarti, 2010). Genetic algorithms
were used in another study to help reduce the operational cost of buildings. The
model was able to successfully identify building upgrade measures that are capable
of reducing energy, water, and maintenance costs within specified upgrade budget
(Abdallah, El-Rayes, & Clevenger, 2015). Despite the significant contribution of the

existing research studies to identify optimal selection of building upgrades within
specified upgrade budgets, previous research did not consider decision variables per-
taining to building envelope within limited upgrade budgets. Specifically, there is
limited research that optimizes both building equipment and envelope to minimize
operational costs. While energy savings is a valuable metric, it must be financially
feasible for building owners. Maintenance costs and payback periods must be tak-
en into consideration when looking at energy savings. This study focuses on ad-
dressing the limitation of existing studies by expanding the capabilities of existing
models to analyze alternatives of building envelope as well as building fixtures and
The primary object of this study is to develop an optimization model that is
capable of identifying building upgrades to minimize operational costs within speci-
fied upgrade budgets. The optimization model is expected to support building own-
ers and operators in their ongoing efforts to minimize building operational costs
when building renovation is planned. The optimization model is developed in four
main steps. These steps include (1) Identifying decision variables that represent the
desired building upgrade measures; (2) formulating objective function to minimize
operational cost of existing buildings; (3) modeling all relevant constraints to ensure
the practicality of the model results; and (4) implementing the model computations
using GA. The performance of the optimization model is tested and verified using
an application example of a commercial building in Denver with various upgrade
budgets. The development steps of the optimization model along with the applica-
tion example are discussed in details in the following sections.
Building upgrade measures that impact energy and water consumption of ex-
isting buildings are modeled using decision variables. Decision variables are
grouped in three categories of building upgrades, including (1) building energy fix-
tures and equipment such as lighting fixtures and bulbs, HVAC equipment, water
heaters, and components of grid-connected photovoltaic systems; (2) building water
fixtures such as water faucets and toilets; and (3) building envelope materials such
as wall and roof insulation, and glazing. The objective function of the optimization
model is formulated to minimize building operational costs by replacing existing
fixtures and equipment with more energy and/or water efficient ones, replacing ma-
terials of building envelope with better building insulation or glazing and installing
grid-connected photovoltaic systems. The model is designed to calculate building
operational costs based on energy and water consumption. The model is designed to
calculate the building energy consumption using Quick energy simulation software
(eQuest) based on the characteristics of the building such as location, building orien-

tation, construction materials, insulation and glazing type, and building schedule;
and building fixtures and equipment such as lighting fixtures, HVAC equipment,
and water heater. Several constraints were integrated in the model to ensure that the
generated solutions are practical, including upgrade budget, assembly constraints,
building performance constraints, and photovoltaic system constraint. The optimiza-
tion model integrates a constraint to ensure that the recommended building upgrades
do not exceed the specified upgrade budget. The model calculates the total building
upgrade cost based on the recommended replacement of building fixtures and
equipment, installation of more efficient building insulation or glazing, and installa-
tion of the grid-connected photovoltaic system. Another set of constraints were inte-
grated in the model to maintain building functionality. These constraints ensure that
the building is able to adequately operate for occupant usage and not negatively im-
pact the comfort of the occupants. Areas of building functionality with regard to
light luminance, space heating and cooling as well as water heating were modeled
using constraints to meet minimum operating standards. Fixtures and equipment al-
ternatives such as HVAC equipment, water heaters; and lighting fixtures are re-
quired to be performing within a specified range to meet building performance
standards. If an alternative did not fall within the specified range, the optimization
model will not recommend its use. For example, if a light fixture alternative will re-
duce the light lumens output by more than a specified percentage (ex. 5 % of the ex-
isting light output in the space), the optimization model will not recommend it. Simi-
larly, HVAC and water heater equipment are replaced in the model with similar
ones that satisfy the existing building performance. Furthermore, the photovoltaic
system constraints were designed to ensure that the model is meeting the design re-
quirements of the grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system. A number of constraints
were formulated to ensure that the capacity of the grid-connected PV system ex-
ceeds the specified energy demand, the number of inverters and solar panels are op-
timized to meet the design requirements, and the required space of the PV system
meets the available space at the building. The implementation of the developed op-
timization model was performed in two steps: (1) creating databases for building
fixtures, equipment, components of renewable energy systems, insulation materials,
and glazing types; and (2) executing optimization model computations using genetic
algorithms; The developed optimization model integrates several databases that in-
clude products of building fixtures, equipment, components of renewable energy
systems, wall and roof insulation, and glazing types. These databases include gen-
eral product data, cost data, energy and water characteristics data, and physical char-
acteristics for alternatives of exterior lighting fixtures and bulbs, interior lighting fix-
tures and bulbs, motion sensors, HVAC equipment, water heaters, wall insulation,
roof insulation, glazing types, solar panels, solar inverters, water faucets, and toilets.

The products of building fixtures and equipment and their costs in the integrated da-
tabases are collected from manufacturers and retailers online source. The installation
costs of these building fixtures and equipment were calculated using RS Means
building construction cost data (RSMeans 2013; Plotner et al. 2016). The computa-
tions of the optimization model are executed using Genetic Algorithms (GAs) due to
their capabilities of modeling the non-linearity and step changes in the objective
function and constraints and identifying the optimal solutions in reasonable time and
effort. The model is designed to perform (i) replacements of building fixtures and
equipment with more energy and water efficient ones, (ii) replacements of existing
insulation and glazing with more energy efficient alternatives, and (iii) installations
of the grid-connected PV system. The solution process starts by searching for feasi-
ble replacements of HVAC equipment and water heaters from an integrated data-
base in the model. This process searches for and extracts all possible alternatives of
HVAC equipment and water heaters from the database that have capacities within a
specified range of 80 % to 120 % of the existing capacities of the building equip-
ment. After identifying those feasible replacements, input files are generated auto-
matically by the developed optimization model for eQuest based on the identified
practical alternatives for HVAC systems and water heaters. eQuest is used to run all
input files to calculate the energy consumption of the building for feasible replace-
ments, which are then stored in a database where the HVAC alternative can be re-
called and used during the optimization process. The GA computations in the model
start by generating a population of random solutions by replacing all the existing
fixtures and equipment, insulation, glazing with feasible alternatives from the model
databases as well as installing grid-connected PV systems. The fitness of these solu-
tions is evaluated based on the building operation cost and model constraints. Solu-
tions that satisfy all the model constraints that achieve low building operational cost
are identified as solutions with high fitness values.
A building located in Highlands Ranch, CO was selected to evaluate the mod-
el performance and illustrate its capabilities. The building was originally constructed
to house three separate businesses for multi-use assemblies. At the time of the study,
only two of the units had been built out with the middle unit standing vacant. Con-
struction on the building began in December 2016 and a certificate of occupancy for
the first unit was issued in September 2017. The building has a total area of approx-
imately 7,140 square feet with the annual operating cost of $13,645, consisting of
exercise area, lobby, office, restroom, mechanical & electrical room. The major con-
tributors of the building operational costs include interior and exterior lighting, space
heating and cooling, water heating, water faucets, urinals, and toilets. Equipment

loads were comprised of an electric water heater, two water fountain/ cooler units,
two sound systems, and 15 treadmills.
To perform the optimization analysis for the case study, an energy simulation
model was created. eQuest 3-65 energy simulation software was used for this study
due to its user-friendly interface, short computation time, and ability to model differ-
ent energy inputs for simulation. As-built construction drawings for the envelope
and interior spaces were used to model the building. Project submittals were also
used to create accurate building assemblies for baseline modeling data and assump-
tions. Inputs such as location, geometry, number of rooms, occupancy, and operat-
ing schedule were input into eQuest. Additionally, HVAC thermal zones were creat-
ed to help isolate the energy output for various spaces in the model. Spaces in
eQuest were then divided into their respective activity so that energy loads could be
easily assigned. After creating the energy simulation model, it was calibrated ac-
cording to the existing energy simulation bills. Different scenarios for the combina-
tion of HVAC and insulation options underwent simulations to determine an optimal
HVAC combination for the specified scenario. The simulation process integrated
eQuest model and then generated an additional eQuest file with different HVAC
systems. Each new eQuest model generated both energy and gas data for a 12 month
period and the simulation output was recorded in the optimization model database.
Finally, input data was fed into the optimization model to identify optimal selection
of building upgrades within a specified upgrade budget. Three different budgets of
$75,000; $125,000; and $175,000 were used as budget limits to identify the optimal
building upgrades. The optimal solutions based on the three upgrade budget scenari-
os of $75,000, $125,000 and $175,000 led to total cost of $67,887, $118,703 and
$148,925 respectively. The upgrade budget of $175,000 had the lowest annual oper-
ating cost of $7,378. It had the second lowest annual energy and water consumption
cost of $4,338 but the lowest maintenance cost of $3,027. The upgrade budget of
$125,000 had the second lowest annual operating cost at $7,985 however it generat-
ed the lowest annual energy and water consumption cost of $3,887. The upgrade
budget of $75,000 had the highest annual operating cost of $8,102.
The annual operational cost savings for each of the budgets of $75,000,
$125,000 and $175,000 were identified as $5,291, $5,408, and $4,945 respectively.
The operating costs for all scenarios improved significantly from the initial renova-
tion project which had an annual operating cost of $13,645. All three of the budget
scenarios that ran were able to improve on the baseline operational cost. The
$175,000 budget was able to reduce operational costs by 46 % from the original
renovation while the $75,000 budget and $125,000 budget reduced operational costs
by 41 % and 42 %, respectively. Most of the savings were directly related to energy
cost savings as the $125,000 budget improved energy costs from $9,295 to $3,887.

The energy cost for the $175,000 budget went from $9295 to $4350 while the
$75,000 budget went from $9295 to $4004.
This paper presented the development of an optimization model to identify the
optimal selection of building upgrades to minimize the operational cost of buildings
while complying with a specified upgrade budget. The optimization model was de-
veloped in four main steps: (1) Identifying decision variables that represent the de-
sired building upgrade measures; (2) formulating objective function to minimize op-
erational cost of existing buildings; (3) modeling all relevant constraints to ensure
the practicality of the model results; and (4) implementing the model computations
using GAs. The optimisation results can be used to provide recommendations to
building owners and operations on how to reduce annual operating cost by replacing
specific fixtures and equipment. This model was tested on a building in Highlands
Ranch, Colorado to demonstrate the model capabilities in the commercial construc-
tion sector. The model was able to identify which sustainability measures could be
used to reduce operating costs. Additionally, it showed how the building envelope
upgrades can impact the operational performance of a building. While this study fo-
cused on existing buildings, further research could be done to identify how similar
models could impact the construction and preconstruction phases to deliver more
sustainable upgrades to initial building designs in order to reduce to building operat-
ing cost. This model can identify small upgrade changes to building materials and
fixtures that can improve the performance of buildings without the need for a signif-
icant design changes. Using this model could help all key decision makers have a
competitive advantage during the construction process which could help improve
the building lifecycle costs.

Article 3
The Impact of Sustainability on Design and Construction
of Civil Engineering Infrastructure
Sustainability is the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources so as to
preserve an ecological balance in an environment. The principles of sustainability
are the foundations of what the concept of sustainability represents. Sustainability is
made up of three pillars: economic, social and environment. These principles are
also informally used as profit, people and planet. In the United States, the Environ-
mental Protection Agency (EPA) defines sustainable construction as “the practice of
creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and re-
source-efficient throughout a building’s life-cycle from siting to design, construc-

tion, operation, maintenance renovation and reconstruction” [1]. Environmental
mismanagement resulting in degradation, decay and demise of lower level living
things in the ecosystem is a great challenge of the global community in recent
times [2]. This degradation has brought about the imminent global warming due
to ozone layer depletion, loss of fauna and biodiversity due to deforestation and
pollution. Of greater concern than other issues are the problem of desertification
because of its effects on the environment like climate changes and global warm-
ing and its negative impact on civil engineering infrastructures. Mainly, deserti-
fication is a product of forest clearing for agriculture, construction projects and
bush-burning. The effects of this environmental mismanagement are the cause of
various meeting of nations across the world [3].
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was set up by the
World Meterological Organisation (WMO) and the United Nations Environment
Programme to provide an objective source of scientific information. In 2013, the
IPCC made available more clarity about the role of human activities in climate
change when it released its Fifth Assessment Report. It is categorical in its con-
clusion; climate change is real and human activities are the main cause [4]. The
government of London commenced Congestion Charging to lessen pollution in
the city of London. But basic science explains that in photosynthesis, carbon di-
oxide is an input of plants production of energy [5]. A simple project to neutral-
ize the effects of environmental carbon pollution will therefore be the afforesta-
tion of our urban areas. This simple principle must have informed the decision of
the Lagos State Government of “one man one tree”. With this scheme and with a
population of over 9 million according to National Population Commission
(NPC) census of 2006, Lagos State is poised to plant over 9,000,000 trees in re-
cent times. Trees and of course, afforestation can act as shield or buffer to the
Lagos slums. It can also serve as windbreaker, thereby preventing storms and
floods. In developed countries, plants are used to differentiate communities and
create sense of belonging among inhabitants. One of the most devastating disas-
ters in America was Hurricane Katrina. It took place as from August 29, 2005, in
east New Orleans [6]. This activity was credited to the effect of global warming
by experts in environmental science. Hurricane Katrina made all the civil engi-
neering nfrastructures in east New Orleans ineffectual. “In the aftermath of the
widespread devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina, the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) deployed a Mitigation Assessment Team (MAT)
to evaluate building performance during the event, and the adequacy of building
codes and construction practices in place at the time” [7]. Hurricane Katrina has
changed the way construction is done in New Orleans. This paper evaluates the
various ways that sustainability is impacting the design and construction of civil
engineering infrastructure.

Foster [8] stated that “Architecture is an expression of values – the way we
build is a reflection of the way we live. This is why vernacular traditions and histori-
cal layers of a city are so fascinating, as every era produces its own vocabulary”.
Architecture has to shift, evolve and develop in parallel to its society, the life-
style, economy and the technology available [9]. This is why glass, steel and con-
crete were the domineering building materials after the World War II. Before the
World War II, it was the Gothic, Victorian, Neoclassical, Art Deco, Baroque, Art
Nouveau, Bauhaus, Deconstructivism, Beaux Arts and Modernism architecture.
Now, it is sustainable architecture Civil engineering infrastructures are transporta-
tion facilities like roads, railways and bridges, power lines, buildings, dams, stadi-
ums, hospitals etc. They are the physical infrastructures that support life. According
to Okeola Salami [10], the governments of developed nations have become more
intensely interested about cascading infrastructure failures and are developing strat-
egies for controlling and mitigating them. According to Horgan[11], work on
Canrobert Street in Bethnal Green used approximately 100 recycled tyres mixed into
a new road surface laid by council contractors, J. B. Riney.
Green building is the practice of creating structures and using processes that
are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building’s life
cycle from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and
deconstruction. This practice expands and complements the classical building design
concerns of economy, utility, durability, and comfort. Green building is also known
as sustainable or high-performance building [12]. According to Oyeyipo, Okoh,
James [13], the 2012 flash floods look unwavering to disturb much more people
than those who reside in flood plains. The floods that have displaced about two mil-
lion residents in Kogi State, Nigeria, have affected travelling to the Federal Capital
Territory (FCT) by motorists transiting from the South. Floating building may be the
solution to flooding in residential areas with boat as means of transport. A floating
building is a building unit with a floatation system at its base, to allow it to float on
water. It is common to define such a building as “permanently moored” and not usa-
ble in navigation. Floating building will float in period of flood and berth when there
is no flood. These buildings can be chained in a location to eradicate movement.
Lagos harbor that is part of the Lagos lagoon is the lone aperture for nine of
the coastal or marginal lagoons to the sea. There is no natural rocky shore in Nigeria;
nevertheless, at the mouth of the Lagos harbour, there exists a rocky outcrop (stone
moles) in the form of harbour breakwaters. These moles were mainly constructed
(i.e. the east, west and training moles) between 1901 and 1930 to protect the Lagos
harbour from siltation (natural sediment flow), thus allowing the easy passage of
ocean-going vessels to berth in the Lagos harbour, ports, wharfs and other terminals

inland [14]. Of late, climate variability and change have been threatening the stabil-
ity of the Lagos harbor. Amazon region of Brazil, according to Mongabay [15], has
lost more than 60,000 square miles (150,000 square kilometers) of rainforest since
2000. This area is bigger than the size of State of Georgia in the United States of
America or Bangladesh country in Asia or more than forty times the size of Lagos
State, Nigeria. This lost of forested land was as a result of widespread bush fires in
the Amazon region following a steep drop in deforestation rates since 2004. Most of
these havocs have been driven by clearing for cattle pasture and agriculture (planting
of arable crops and poultry), often in conjunction with infrastructure development
and improvements including construction of roads, residences, bridges and storages.
Increasing commodity prices, especially for beef and soy, have further motivated
forest destruction in the Amazon region [16]. The roles of green infrastructure – for-
est, savannah and parks in human settlements have been highlighted by scientists
and researchers [17]. Wright [18] in National Parks and Protected Areas explored
the roles that national parks play in preserving and understanding biodiversity and
related ecosystem processes. According to Wright [18], “the gateway to the conser-
vation effort, parks can no longer be viewed as distinct, separate entities. They must
be understood and managed in the context of their surrounding ecological and cul-
tural landscapes”. Forested areas, parks and protected areas serves as the reasons
why ecosystem management represents a functional model and serves as the sup-
porting historical, political, ecological and legal bases for human communities.
Successfully, forests can be used to create sustainable regions and demarcate
cities. This partition can create a distinct sense of belonging and healthy competition
among cities. It reduces metropolis and makes management of transportation, elec-
tricity and water easier. Regional planners, for example have emphasized that hu-
man settlements should exist in a given ratio with plants. Williams [19] challenges
professionals to rethink architecture and to view their projects not as objects but as
critical, connected pieces of the whole, important to human health as well as to re-
gional economy and ecology. According to Bergman [20], “The rationale for
ecodesign reach far beyond the singular goal of mitigating climate change to include
setting the stage for the future – the sustaining – of our species and aspiring still fur-
ther to a positive outcome: improving the quality of our lives. Our building of the
future should include the way we think and do things so that building is not demol-
ished and reconstructed regularly. Austria showcase one of the most developed sus-
tainable construction markets with around 76,000 residences and one-family houses
being approved for construction in Austria in 2018 Vienna alone has 24,000 units.
These buildings will be made of wood, natural interior materials and renewable en-
ergy [21]. According to Ramsey, Sleeper, Hedges [22], “Buildings and the built en-
vironment play a major role in the human impact on the natural environment and on

the quality of life; sustainable design integrates consideration of resource and energy
efficiency, healthy buildings and materials”. Many people view the requirements of
governments, local authorities, companies and clients to construct buildings and
structures sustainably to be an optional extra, an additional burden on business, be-
lieving sustainable construction methods should only be adopted because of a need
to comply with legislation or for financial reasons [23].

How sustainability is impacting the design and construction of civil engineer-

ing infrastructure

Around 40 % of total energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are

directly due to construction and operation of buildings. The best way to reduce this
impact is the use of green buildings construction techniques. The cement industry is
one of the two largest producers of carbon dioxide (CO2), releasing a potent green-
house gas. According to Berardi [24], “The building sector is receiving increasing
attention in worldwide policies for sustainable development”. Buildings are now
design with plants around them and incorporating renewable energy use. Sustainable
architecture is architecture that seeks to minimize the negative environmental impact
of buildings by efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy, and devel-
opment space and the ecosystem at large. Sustainable buildings use renewable ener-
gy and architects are now designing buildings using solar panel as roof materials and
roads lights using solar energy. Designers are incorporating natural lighting and ven-
tilation to reduce energy consumption in their modern design. Occupancy motion
sensor light detects when occupants are in a room and goes off as soon as there is no
occupant. This system will reduce energy consumption in buildings. In rooms with
good daylight conditions, the motion sensors should have built in light sensors [25].
Natural fibre (NF) of different parts of plants, such as fibres extracted from the stem,
leaf, or seed are being tested as reinforcing material in cementitious concrete [26].
Architects are now introducing the use of modern construction materials which are
sustainability compliant. They are experimenting with new materials and techniques
that gave them greater freedom to create new forms. In 1903–1904 in Paris,
AugustePerret and Henri Sauvage began the use of reinforced concrete to build resi-
dential apartments/buildings which was previously only used for industrial build-
ings. The safety, stability and permanence of a building depend very largely upon
the crust of the earth immediately beneath it [27]. According to Li [28], “Currently,
no one can doubt the importance of low carbon living and low carbon architecture.
Numerous new materials and high technologies have been used in the country all
over the world in the course of low carbon architecture’s development, some of
which have had a favourable result, such as London zero carbon emissions pavilion
at the 2010 Shangai World Expo”. We all know that building material is the basis of

the construction industry; it cost a lot of energy. For building material, walking a
way of ecological building material is necessary to adapt to the continued economic
growth and meet the need of sustainable development. Concrete is now being recy-
cled and reused in the construction of buildings. Aluminum encasement filled with
shredded waste materials is being used as walling materials for construction of man-
ufactured buildings. Balfour Beatty, the contractors that handled the Birmingham
New Hospital project, appointed Premier Waste to manage all wastes produced dur-
ing construction of the hospital [29]. Balfour Beatty addressed waste reduction, re-
covery and management throughout the planning, design and construction stages of
the project, by working with subcontractors, suppliers and waste management con-
tractors to develop and apply a range of approaches and mechanisms. These waste
management mechanisms included: designing out waste; establishing benchmarks
and targets for material wastage and recycling; setting contractual requirements on
subcontractors and suppliers for waste production, handling and management; estab-
lishing take-back schemes with suppliers for specific material streams and using
closed-loop recycling in the construction of ‘green rooms’; using an on-site waste
management contractor to coordinate the management of waste on site; and using
off site waste management contractors to recover the segregated and mixed waste

Sustainable development of civil engineering infrastructure

Sustainable development of our built environment involves the incorporation

of plants in all civil engineering designs and construction. Designers and construc-
tors of civil engineering infrastructures are now realizing the contributions of plants
and modern construction materials, methods and practice in sustainable civil engi-
neering infrastructure. Report of the World Commission on Environment and De-
velopment (WOED), otherwise known as Brundtland Report [30] in “Our Common
Future” initiated the idea of sustainable development and stated that it is a “devel-
opment which meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. This definition is laudable and
considered that our environment is not owned by only the present generation. This
definition is not adequate due to the fact that it undermines the ability of our future
generations to solve their environmental challenges.
Can we determine the “developments that meet our needs in relation to future
generations’ ability to manage their environmental challenges”? Some decades past,
it was thought that some wastes could not be recycled. Zero-carbon projects, catalyt-
ic conversion and pyrolysis have made it possible to recycle all wastes. “All defini-
tions of sustainable development require that we see the world as a system–a system
that connects space; and a system that connects time” [31]. Sustainable development
approach emphasises that we live now in a borrowed environment from future gen-

erations. The design and construction of civil engineering structures should lay em-
phasis on sustainability.
There is a later definition which stated that sustainable development is a “de-
velopment that ensures a better quality of life for everyone now and for generations
to come”. This is comprehensive and adequate. It dictates that we should not com-
promise our ability to develop our environment now because of the future genera-
tions’ capacity to develop theirs; instead, we should think of the future generations’
quality of life in all our economic, social or environmental developmental projects.
“The latter definition is better than the former in that it takes into consideration the
fact that anything we are doing now, we assume we are doing it permanently and not
to be re-done by the coming generations” [32]. Sustainable civil engineering devel-
opment should integrate the design of balancing the eco-system so that we do not
alter the heritage bestowed on us by our ancestors and leave a befitting heritage to
our inheritors. The natural features of our environment should hence be our goal in
our various development projects.
Civil engineering structures though have great impact in carbon dioxide gen-
eration during and after construction, the designs and construction of these structures
can be done to impact sustainability of the structures, reduce global warming and
improve health of users. Green building which is popular in Guangzhou, China, is a
method of aiding the sustainability of civil engineering structures. With green build-
ings, there is no necessity to paint the external walls of buildings. Architects and
contractors now lay emphasis on the use of sustainable materials in the construction
of structures. Civil engineering structures have a crucial role to play in the sustaina-
ble development of our environment in that it contributes about 40 percent of ener-
gy-related carbon dioxide emissions annually. Any measure that can reduce or total-
ly stop this emission will impact climate change and global warming. This is why all
governments are laying serious foundations for the enthronement of sustainable civil
engineering design and construction. For example, treble-glazed windows and con-
crete-sandwiched doors will keep house warmer by reducing heat lose than single or
double-glazed windows and flush doors. Re-use of stones from construction sites,
will also reduce manufacture of new blocks for construction purposes. Plastic mate-
rials and aluminum are now widely used as building materials. Though concrete re-
used in construction as material for concrete gives lesser ‘crush strength’, adding
more reinforcement and cement will give better strength. Wood can be carved to
replace plaster of Paris (POP) in ceiling decoration and wall papers give finer and
colorful designs on internal walls than POP.


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создают необходимую информационную основу для развития навыков и уме-
ний поиска, обобщения, анализа профессионально- и научно значимой ин-
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