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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное

учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной
службы при Президенте Российской Федерации»


А. М. Шуваева, Н. О. Шпак,
Е. А. Крутько

Иностранный язык

Учебное пособие
для студентов очной, заочной и дистанционной
форм обучения по направлениям:
081100.62 — Государственное и муниципальное управление;
080400.62 — Управление персоналом;
030900.62 — Юриспруденция;
080100.62 — Экономика

ББК 81.2Англ-923
Ш 95

Издается в соответствии с планом учебно-методической работы


О. А. Береговая — канд. филос. наук, доцент,

доцент кафедры рекламы и связей с общественностью НГПУ;

Т. И. Громогласова — канд. филол. наук,

доцент кафедры иностранных языков
Сибирского института управления — филиала РАНХиГС

Шуваева, А. М.
Ш 95 Иностранный язык (английский) : учеб. пособие / А. М. Шуваева, Н. О. Шпак,
Е. А. Крутько ; РАНХиГС, Сиб. ин-т упр. — Новосибирск : Изд-во СибАГС,
2014. — 303 с. ; + 1 электрон. опт. диск (CD-ROM). — Систем. требова-
ния : ПК от 486 DX66 МГц ; RAM от 256 МБ ; Windows 95 и выше ;
зв. плата ; зв. колонки с усилителем и наушники.

ISBN 978-5-8036-0585-0

Данное учебное состоит из рекомендаций для студентов, вводного фоне-

тического курса, шести лексико-грамматических разделов, грамматического
справочника, справочника по письму и приложений, тематика которых опре-
деляется рабочей программой.
Пособие адресовано студентам всех направлений бакалавриата, изучаю-
щим базовую часть английского языка на дневном и заочном отделениях,
а также при дистанционном обучении.

ББК 81.2Англ-923
© ФГБОУ ВПО «Российская академия
народного хозяйства и государственной службы
ISBN 978-5-8036-0585-0 при Президенте Российской Федерации», 2014

Предисловие ......................................................................................... 4
Рекомендации для студентов ..................................................................... 6
Вводный фонетический курс ................................................................... 15
UNIT 1. WORK AND STUDY .................................................................. 26
Topic 1. Self-presentation ............................................................... 26
Topic 2. Work and Jobs ................................................................... 36
Topic 3. Higher Education .............................................................. 46
UNIT 2. BUSINESS COMMUNICATION ............................................... 65
Topic 1.Business Meetings .............................................................. 65
Topic 2. Telephoning....................................................................... 73
Topic 3. Business Correspondence .................................................. 82
UNIT 3. LOOKING FOR A JOB ............................................................. 102
Topic 1. Applying for a Job ........................................................... 102
Topic 2. CV and Cover Letter ....................................................... 112
Topic 3. Interview ......................................................................... 123
UNIT 4. STATE AND SOCIETY ............................................................ 144
Topic 1. Countries and Cities ........................................................ 144
Topic 2. Politics ............................................................................. 156
Topic 3. Bureaucracy..................................................................... 165
UNIT 5: COMPANIES............................................................................. 184
Topic 1. Forms of Business Organization ..................................... 184
Topic 2. Organizational Structure ................................................. 195
Topic 3. Company’s History ......................................................... 207
UNIT 6. MANAGEMENT ....................................................................... 226
Topic 1. Managers ......................................................................... 226
Topic 2. The Management Process ................................................ 235
Topic 3. Management Skills .......................................................... 243
Speaking Bank ................................................................................... 260
Writing Reference (Справочник по письму) ................................... 264
Grammar Reference (Грамматический справочник) ...................... 270
Приложения............................................................................................. 297
ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ ....................................................................................... 303

Дисциплина «Иностранный язык (английский)» играет зна-
чительную роль в подготовке специалистов в области государ-
ственного и муниципального управления, управления персона-
лом, экономики и юриспруденции. Основной целью данного
курса является обучение языку для делового общения. Весь курс
выстроен таким образом, что темы основываются на общеупо-
требительной деловой лексике и базовой грамматике, которые
являются доминирующими на первом этапе обучения.
Задания пособия соответствуют требованиям к обучению
иностранному языку и способствуют формированию у студен-
тов коммуникативной компетенции. Упражнения в пособии
формируют необходимые стратегии речевой коммуникации,
развивают фонетические и лексико-грамматические навыки,
умения аудирования, чтения, говорения и письма.
Данное пособие разработано в соответствии с рабочей про-
граммой и состоит из рекомендаций для студентов, вводного
фонетического курса, шести тематических разделов: «Работа
и учеба», «Деловая коммуникация», «Поиск работы», «Государ-
ство и общество», «Компании», «Менеджмент», справочника по
письму, грамматического справочника, приложений и библио-
графического списка.
Каждый тематический раздел имеет единую структуру и со-
стоит из трех подтем, включающих текст, лексико-граммати-
ческие упражнения, задания на аудирование, говорение, письмо
и двух текстов для самостоятельного чтения. Весь основной
лексико-грамматический материал изучается в первых трех под-
темах, а в двух последних текстах для самостоятельной работы
студенты развивают навыки поискового чтения.
В каждом разделе предлагаются интерактивные задания,
обучающие студентов работать в парах и малых группах, разви-
вающие умения структурировать и связно выстраивать устные
и письменные высказывания. В целом, в учебном пособии дела-
ется акцент на расширение активного и пассивного словаря сту-
дентов, на их подготовку к самостоятельной работе с иноязыч-
ным текстовым материалом.
В учебном плане заочного и дистанционного обучения мно-
го часов отводится на самостоятельную работу, поэтому в посо-
бии представлен большой разъяснительный лексико-граммати-
ческий материал.
В рекомендациях для студентов кратко изложено содержа-
ние всех лексико-грамматических тем и объяснено выполнение
разных типов заданий на говорение, чтение, аудирование
и письмо. В грамматическом справочнике представлены все
изучаемые в данном пособии грамматические темы с примера-
ми. В справочнике по письму изложена структура и даны при-
меры фраз для письменных работ. В конце пособия прилагаются
приложения с таблицами неправильных глаголов, глаголов
в активном и страдательном залоге и фразами для устной речи.
К учебному пособию прилагается диск, включающий в себя
аудиозаписи из разных учебных пособий: Johnson C. Intelligent
Business. Pre-Intermediate Soars, J. New Headway Intermediate,
Soars J. New Headway Pre-Intermediate, Evans D. Powerbase.
Elementary и другие.
Доцентом Шпак Натальей Олеговной написаны следующие
части учебного пособия: введение, рекомендации для студентов,
раздел № 1 «Работа и учеба», раздел № 3 «Поиск работы», раз-
дел № 4 «Государство и общество», справочник по письму,
грамматический справочник и заключение. Старшим преподава-
телем Крутько Еленой Александровной разработан раздел № 5
«Компании» и раздел № 6 «Менеджмент». Преподавателем Шу-
ваевой Аленой Михайловной написаны: вводный фонетический
курс, раздел № 2 «Деловая коммуникация» и приложения.
Мы благодарим преподавателей кафедры иностранных язы-
ков и рецензентов: доцента, кандидата филологических наук
Громогласову Татьяну Игоревну и доцента, кандидата философ-
ских наук Береговую Оксану Александровну за ценные реко-
мендации и помощь в написании учебного пособия.
Авторы с благодарностью воспримут рекомендации по
дальнейшему совершенствованию учебного пособия.
В тексте пособия используется пиктограмма  — зада-
ния на аудирование.


Данное пособие разработано в соответствии с рабочей про-

граммой, где для базового курса обучения иностранному языку
предложены следующие лексико-грамматические разделы:
1 раздел — вводный фонетический курс; тема «Work and
Study» (Работа и учеба), включающая в себя три подтемы: «Self-
Presentation» (О себе), «Work and Jobs» (Работа и профессии),
«Higher Education» (Высшее образование); грамматика — ме-
стоимения, глаголы to be, to have, оборот there is/are, настоящее
простое (Present Simple) и настоящее длительное время (Present
Continuous). По изученному разделу выполняются следующие
задания: оформление личного письма о себе и устный ответ на
тему «About Myself» (О себе).
2 раздел — тема «Business Communication» (Деловая ком-
муникация), включающая в себя три подтемы: «Business Meet-
ings» (Деловая встреча), «Telephoning» (Разговор по телефону)
и «Business Correspondence» (Деловая переписка); граммати-
ка — способы выражения будущего: конструкция going to be,
настоящее длительное время в значении будущего (Present Con-
tinuous), будущее простое время (Future Simple); модальные гла-
голы can, could, and would для выражения просьбы, разрешения
и высказывания предложения. По изученному разделу выпол-
няются следующие задания: оформление делового письма
и устный ответ на тему «Business Communication» (Деловая
3 раздел — тема «Looking for a Job» (Поиск работы), вклю-
чающая в себя три подтемы: «Applying for a Job» (Устройство на
работу), «CV and Cover Letter» (Написание автобиографии и за-
явления о приеме на работу) и «Interview» (Собеседование);
грамматика — настоящее совершенное время (Present Perfect),
настоящее совершенное длительное время (Present Perfect Con-
tinuous), простое прошедшее время (Past Simple), прошедшее

длительное время (Past Continuous), прошедшее совершенное
время (Past Perfect), модальные глаголы must, have to, should. По
изученному разделу выполняются следующие задания: написа-
ние резюме и сопроводительного письма и устный ответ на тему
«Applying for a Job» (Устройство на работу).
4 раздел — тема «State and Society» (Государство и обще-
ство), включающая в себя три подтемы: «Countries and Cities»
(Страны и города), «Bureaucracy» (Бюрократический аппарат),
«Politics» (Политическое устройство); грамматика — сравни-
тельная степень прилагательных и наречий, условные предло-
жения первого и второго типа. По изученному разделу выпол-
няются следующие задания: написание сочинения-описания
страны или города и устный ответ на тему «State and Society»
(Государство и общество).
5 раздел — тема «Companies» (Компании), включающая
в себя три подтемы: «Forms of Business Organization» (Формы
и виды организации), «Organizational Structure» (Структура ор-
ганизации), «Company’s History» (История компании); грамма-
тика — пассивный залог (Passive Voice). По изученному разделу
выполняются следующие задания: написание краткого изложе-
ния текста (summary) и устный ответ на тему «Company’s Activi-
ty» (Деятельность компании).
6 раздел — тема «Management» (Менеджмент), включаю-
щая в себя три подтемы: «Managers» (Менеджеры), «The Man-
agement Process» (Процесс управления), «Management Skills»
(Навыки управления); грамматика — повтор времен активного
и страдательного залога (Active and Passive Voices). По изучен-
ному разделу выполняются следующие задания: написание
краткого изложения текста (summary) и устный ответ на тему
«Management» (Менеджмент).

Рекомендации по выполнению заданий

В каждом разделе студенты выполняют грамматические

упражнения и упражнения на развитие навыков говорения,
аудирования, чтения и письма.


Общие рекомендации
Выполняя задания к тексту, всегда сначала читайте вопрос
или задание и только потом сам текст. Используйте подсказки
в структуре текста. Например, заголовок обычно помогает опре-
делить основную идею текста, а ключевые предложения каждо-
го абзаца содержат их краткое содержание и помогают опреде-
лить ход мыслей автора. Использование этих приемов поможет
вам выполнить задание.
Выполняя задания, в тексте вы можете встретить незнако-
мые слова или выражения. Постарайтесь определить их значе-
ние, используя один из следующих приемов:
— определите, к какой части речи относится это слово;
— постарайтесь определить значение по контексту;
— определите значение, принимая во внимание тот факт,
что английское слово может по звучанию быть похожим на со-
ответствующее слово в вашем родном языке (но будьте осто-
рожны с «ложными друзьями переводчика»);
— определите значение слова или выражения, на основе
общего знания данной темы или культурного контекста.
1. Задание на установление соответствия приведенных
утверждений прочитанному тексту (True / False).
Выполняя задание, вам необходимо решить, согласуется ли
данное предложение с информацией в тексте.
Внимательно прочитайте и задание, и текст. Обращайте
особое внимание на слова, которые на первый взгляд не играют
важной роли в предложении.
Задания также могут проверять понимание как отдельных
предложений, так и целой части текста. В заданиях данного типа
намерения автора могут иметь большое значение, но они не все-
гда выражены прямо и открыто.
2. Задание на множественный выбор из предложенных
Внимательно прочитайте вопросы (заголовки), а затем текст,
к которому они относятся. В тексте найдите фрагменты, к кото-

рым относится каждый из вопросов. Помните, что эти фрагмен-
ты могут быть разной длины: это может быть одно слово, выра-
жение, целое предложение или абзац.
Определите один или два неверных ответа, согласно зада-
нию. Обращайте внимание на детали — неверные ответы могут
содержать иную грамматическую форму или слегка измененную
информацию из текста. Отметьте верный ответ и проверьте его


В учебном пособии помимо заданий на развитие навыков

чтения, аудирования, говорения и письма (в соответствующих
рубриках Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing) даны упражне-
ния по грамматике в рубрике Grammar. Для успешного выпол-
нения грамматических заданий студентам предлагается изучить
вначале теорию в грамматическом справочнике (Grammar Re-
ference) в конце пособия.


Общие рекомендации
Перед тем как прослушать запись, внимательно прочитайте
задание. Используя общие знания или догадку, попытайтесь
представить себе, о чем будет говориться в записи. Подумайте,
какого рода информация потребуется (например, цифры, время,
имена собственные).
В ходе прослушивания аудиотекста попытайтесь догадаться
о значении незнакомых слов. Для этого проанализируйте кон-
текст, в котором они звучат, определите, к какой части речи они
относятся и что они могут означать.
1. Задание на установление соответствия приведенных
утверждений прослушанному тексту (True / False).
В заданиях такого типа порядок приведенных утверждений
соответствует тому порядку, в каком информация дается в запи-

сях. Если одновременно чтение задания и прослушивание запи-
си отвлекает вас от понимания содержания, сконцентрируйтесь
только на прослушивании и попытайтесь запомнить как можно
Прослушайте запись первый раз и отметьте свои ответы. Во
время второго прослушивания проверьте свои ответы. Не остав-
ляйте вопросы без ответов. Если вы не уверены в ответе, попы-
тайтесь догадаться.
2. Задание на множественный выбор.
Перед тем как прослушать запись, прочитайте вопросы вме-
сте с предложенными вариантами ответов. Во время прослуши-
вания в первый раз отметьте возможные варианты ответа. Затем,
перед вторым прослушиванием, внимательно прочитайте пред-
ложенные варианты ответа и выберите тот, который, по вашему
мнению, подходит более других.
Будьте осторожны с теми вариантами ответа, в которых
встречаются те же слова и фразы, что звучат в записи. Помните,
что правильные ответы должны, прежде всего, включать ту же
информацию, что и запись, но это отнюдь не означает, что эта
информация передается одними и теми же словами.
3. Задание на множественные соответствия.
Во время прослушивания обращайте внимание на слова
и выражения, характерные для данного места, либо данной лич-
ности, если в задании требуется определить, кто говорит, либо
к кому обращена речь, либо место, где происходит беседа. Если
в задании требуется соотнести заголовки, подзаголовки или
предложения, которые подводят итог текста или его части, то,
прослушав каждую часть, попробуйте кратко сформулировать
главную мысль прослушанного. Помните, что заголовок или
подзаголовок выражает краткое содержание или формулирует
главную мысль фрагмента, но излагает это другими словами, не
копируя аудиотекст.
После первого прослушивания постарайтесь отметить (про-
верить) ответы, а во время второго прослушивания сконцентри-
руйтесь на той информации, которую вы пропустили или не по-
няли в первый раз.
После повторного прослушивания заполните лист с ответа-
ми и еще раз проверьте правильность ответов. Не оставляйте ни

одного вопроса без ответа. Даже если вы не уверены в ответе,
попробуйте догадаться.


Общие рекомендации
Внимательно прочитайте задание на говорение, где вам бу-
дет предложено подготовить тематическое монологическое вы-
сказывание или диалог с целью обмена информацией. Изучите
структуру и требования к оформлению устного ответа в данных
рекомендациях и выберите из приложения в конце пособия
нужные вам фразы.
1. Презентация темы.
Постарайтесь логически выстроить вашу презентацию.
Продумайте структуру: вступительную, основную и заключи-
тельную части. Продумайте лексико-грамматическое наполне-
ние темы. Презентация не должна включать в себя слишком
официальную лексику и обороты, присущие только письменной
Выберите фразы для начала и завершения презентации,
а также связующие слова и фразы, помогающие выстроить речь.
Избегайте длинных и сложных предложений, так как в устной
речи короткие предложения воспринимаются лучше.
Если презентация темы будет сопровождаться показом
слайдов в Power Point, то для подготовки компьютерной презен-
тации вам необходимо учитывать следующее:
— количество слайдов не должно превышать 8—10;
— на слайдах размещать небольшую текстовую информацию;
— подбирать фон и шрифт для более комфортного восприя-
тия и прочтения;
— не перегружать слайды картинками;
— на первом слайде указать тему и фамилию докладчика;
— на последнем слайде поблагодарить аудиторию за вни-
— оформление и содержание слайдов должно помогать до-
кладчику наглядно и доходчиво представить свою тему.

Проверьте текст на наличие лексико-грамматических оши-
бок, заучите вашу речь и проконтролируйте время вашей пре-
зентации (не более 5—10 минут).
Будьте готовы к вопросам преподавателя и одногруппников
по содержанию вашей презентации.
2. Диалогическая речь.
Внимательно прочитайте текст с предлагаемой ситуацией
(знакомство при встрече, разговор по телефону, интервью с ра-
ботодателем) и распределите роли между участниками диалога.
Наметьте структуру диалога: вступительные реплики при-
ветствия, проигрывание ситуации, заключительные прощальные
Перед тем как ответить, еще раз прочитайте свои реплики
и исправьте возможные ошибки. В ходе проигрывания диалога
по ролям контролируйте время, придерживаясь заданного пре-
подавателем объема.


Общие рекомендации
При выполнении письменного задания необходимо не толь-
ко верно излагать нужную информацию, но и представлять со-
бой связанное и логичное целое. Старайтесь использовать раз-
ные союзы и союзные слова для соединения частей предложе-
ния. Помните о начальных и конечных фразах, типичных для
некоторых типов текста. Перед тем как написать окончательный
вариант, проверьте логичность и связанность написанного.
В ходе выполнения письменного задания контролируйте длину
текста, придерживаясь заданного объема.
При выражении своих чувств и мнения старайтесь избегать
слишком эмоциональных и категоричных слов и выражений.
Лучше употреблять безличные формы. Это делает ваши утвер-
ждения более убедительными и одновременно позволяет ис-
пользовать более сложные и интересные грамматические струк-
туры. Более подробные рекомендации по структуре и фразам
для письменных заданий смотрите в Writing Reference.

1. Короткие тексты прагматического характера: напи-
сание рекомендаций; заполнение формы, анкеты.
Прочитайте внимательно задание. Обратите внимание на
тип текста, который вам надо написать. Сконцентрируйте свое
внимание на той информации, которую необходимо включить.
Напишите первый черновой вариант. Проверьте, вся ли требуе-
мая информация вошла в ваш текст. Перед тем как переписать
на чистовой вариант, проверьте грамматические и орфографиче-
ские ошибки.
2. Длинные тексты прагматического характера: написа-
ние личного/неофициального письма (Personal/Informal let-
ter) и официального письма (Formal Letter).
Внимательно прочитайте задание. Обратите внимание на
тип письма (официальное/неофициальное), которое вам пред-
стоит написать. Сконцентрируйтесь на той информации, кото-
рую требуется включить по заданию. Изложите каждый пункт.
Обратите внимание на форму письма. Кроме письма лично-
го характера, все остальные типы писем требуют официального
стиля и использования речевых клише (например, Dear Sir or
Madam). Обратите внимание на образцы писем и типичные вы-
ражения, которые приводятся в тематических разделах и в при-
ложении. Перед тем как переписать на чистовой вариант, еще
раз прочитайте и исправьте возможные ошибки.
3. Сочинение-описание.
Проанализируйте тему. Обратите внимание на тот факт, что
в сочинениях такого типа требуется не только дать описание, но
и аргументировать свой выбор. Определите, что конкретно вы
хотите описать, подумайте, как аргументировать свой выбор.
Когда вы составляете план своего сочинения, начните
с первого абзаца. Обдумайте его содержание и убедитесь, что
оно соответствует теме. Затем определите необходимое количе-
ство абзацев и информацию, которую вы хотите включить в
каждый из них. При написании сочинения обратите внимание на
предложения и выражения, которые соединяют абзацы и таким
образом делают ваш текст логично выстроенным.
Когда вы сделали все необходимые исправления в содер-
жании и стиле текста, постарайтесь заменить простые фразы-

клише на более содержательные выражения. Проверьте текст,
чтобы избежать грамматических и лексических ошибок.
4. Краткое изложение текста (summary).
При выполнении задания этого типа вам необходимо кратко
изложить содержание прочитанного текста. Для этого нужно
внимательно прочитать текст и разбить его на смысловые части.
В каждой смысловой части найдите одно-два предложения, пе-
редающих основную мысль. Упростите найденные предложе-
ния, устранив избыточную информацию.
Перед тем как написать окончательный вариант, вниматель-
но проверьте текст, чтобы избежать грамматических и лексиче-
ских ошибок. Посчитайте количество слов и убедитесь, что оно
соответствует заданию.

Вводный фонетический курс

Известно, что язык возник и существует как средство обще-

ния людей, прежде всего в звуковой, устной форме. Письмо —
это всего лишь условное изображение того, что мы произносим.
Каждый язык имеет свою систему звуков, свои законы ударения
и интонацию. Все это называется фонетическим строем языка.
Овладение языком следует начинать с изучения его фонетиче-
ского строя, описанием которого занимается фонетика.
Согласно современной классификации английский язык от-
носится к семье германских языков, в которую кроме англий-
ского, входят немецкий, голландский, скандинавские (швед-
ский, датский, исландский) языки.
В английском языке 44 звука, а латинский алфавит, который
используется в английском языке, имеет лишь 26 букв (из кото-
рых 20 согласных и 6 гласных букв). При этом каждая гласная в
английском языке может передавать около 5 звуков в зависимо-
сти от положения в слове (слоге). В результате 6 гласных пере-
дают 22 звука. Одна и та же буква в разных положениях может
читаться как несколько разных звуков и, наоборот, один и тот
же звук передается различными буквами и буквосочетаниями.
Поэтому для облегчения изучения иностранного языка суще-
ствует система условных знаков — транскрипция. Каждый звук
имеет свой транскрипционный знак. Транскрипция записывает-
ся в скобках […]. Главное ударение в слове обозначается штри-
хом вверху и ставится перед ударным слогом, а не над ним, как
в русском языке. Например: ['teIbl] table — стол. В слове может
быть и второстепенное ударение, которое обозначается штри-
хом внизу. Например: [,roulz ‘roIs] Rolls-Royce.
В отличие от русского языка, где слова имеют не более од-
ного ударения, английское слово может иметь, помимо главно-
го, еще и второстепенное ударение.
Как правило, слог с второстепенным ударением бывает от-
делен от главного одним безударным слогом. Например:
[‘ImI,teIt] — imitate — имитировать, [‘sImplI,faI] — simplify —
Запомнив транскрипцию, вы сможете прочитать любое сло-
во в словаре.
Отличие фонетического строя английского языка от
фонетического строя русского языка.
Фонетический строй английского языка во многом отлича-
ется от фонетического строя русского языка.
1. Следует обратить особое внимание на долготу и крат-
кость гласных, так как в русском языке нет такого фонетическо-
го явления. В русском языке можно сколько угодно долго тя-
нуть гласную в слове и смысл слова от этого не изменится.
Например: ш и-и-и п у розы (шип у розы). Смысл слова
«шип» не меняется. Иначе происходит в английском языке.
Например: ship [ʃIp] — корабль или sheep [ʃi:p] — овца. Долгота
гласных в транскрипции обозначается двумя точками [i:].
Например: сидеть — sit [sIt], место — seat [si:t].
2. Английские гласные делятся на две группы: монофтонги
и дифтонги. Монофтонги — это звуки, которые имеют один
элемент. В русском языке — только монофтонги: [а], [о], [у], [и],
[э]. Дифтонгов в русском языке — нет. Примеры монофтонгов
в английском языке: [I], [i:], [u], [u:], [e]. Примеры дифтонгов
в английском языке: [aI], [eI], [oI], [au].
Например: коробка — box [boks], где краткий [o] является
монофтонгом; мальчик — boy [boI], где [oI] является дифтонгом.
3. Обратите внимание на то, что в английском языке звон-
кие согласные не оглушаются в конце слова. Например: [bed]
bed — кровать, а не [bet] bet — заключать пари.
4. Английские согласные произносятся твердо перед любым
гласным. Например: [lend] lend — давать взаймы, [pen] pen —


Гласные звуки. Монофтонги
[i:] Близок протяжному «и», или «ий».
[I] Близок краткому гласному «и» в слове игла.

[e] Близок звуку «е» в словах лес, мел.
[æ] Звук краткий и напряженный, средний между «а» и «э».
[a:] Напоминает долгий звука «а»: галка.
[ɒ] Напоминает краткий звук «о» в слове тот.
[ɔ:] Напоминает протяжно произнесенное «о» в слове гол.
[ʊ] Близок к звуку «у» в слове тут.
[u:] Близок к звуку «у», произнесенному протяжно: угол.
[ʌ] Похож на русский ударный «а» в дам, более близок по
произношению к русскому неударному звуку «а» в слове ка-
мыш. В английском языке — это ударный гласный.
[ɜ:] Долгий звук, который в чем-то похож на русский звук
«ё». Но губы при этом не вытягиваются. Например, в слове: пёс.
[ǝ] Короткий, неясный, неударный звук. В русском языке
слышится в безударных слогах в словах: хата, пять комнат.
Согласные звуки соответствуют русским:
[p] — «п» с придыханием, то есть с громким выдохом перед
ударной гласной, например, парк.
[b] — «б» в слове берег.
[m] — «м» в слове море; при произнесении английского со-
гласного [m] губы смыкаются плотнее, чем при произнесении
соответствующего русского звука.
[k] — «к» с придыханием, то есть громким выдохом, осо-
бенно перед ударным гласным и на конце слова звучит более
отчетливо, например, карта.
[g] — «г» в слове город, но менее напряженно.
[f] — «ф» в слове фабрика, но более напряженно, чем
в русском языке.
[v] — «в» в слове вода.
[s] — «с» в слове сад, но более напряженно, чем в русском
[z] — «з» в слове завуч.
[t] — «т» в слове ток, с придыханием, то есть с громким
выдохом перед ударной гласной; кончик языка поднят и прижат
к альвеолам.
[d] — «д» в слове дом; кончик языка поднят и прижат
к альвеолам.

[n] — «н» в слове ноги; кончик языка поднят и прижат
к альвеолам.
[l] —приблизительно «л» в слове лес; всегда произносится
несколько мягче, чем твердый русский «л», но тверже, чем мяг-
кий «ль»; кончик языка поднят и прижат к альвеолам.
[ʃ] — «ш» в слове шесть.
[ʒ] — «ж» в слове жесть.
[r] — «р» без вибрации, как в слове жребий; кончик языка
находится за альвеолами, образуя щель. Язык напряжен, а его
кончик неподвижен.
[h] — легкий выдох, напоминающий звук «х».
[j] — напоминает слабый русский «й» перед гласными: если.
Следующие согласные звуки не имеют даже приблизитель-
ных соответствий в русском языке:
[w] При произнесении этого звонкого звука губы округлены
и значительно выдвинуты вперед. Струя выдыхаемого воздуха
с силой проходит через образованную между губами щель. Губы
энергично раздвигаются.
[ŋ] Для произнесения этого звука необходимо приоткрыть
рот. Спинка языка поднимается к мягкому небу и закрывает
проход в ротовую полость. Воздух проходит через нос.
[θ] В русском языке подобного звука нет. Звук глухой. При
его произнесении кончик языка находится между зубами. Зубы
должны быть обнажены, особенно нижние, так чтобы нижняя
губа не касалась верхних зубов и не приближалась к ним (иначе
получится «ф»). Звук напоминает шепелявый русский «с».
[ð] В русском языке подобного звука нет. Звук звонкий. При
его произнесении кончик языка находится между зубами. Зубы
должны быть обнажены, особенно нижние, так чтобы нижняя
губа не касалась верхних зубов и не приближалась к ним (иначе
получится «в»). Звук напоминает шепелявый русский «з».

Правила чтения
Ударные гласные

Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu Yy
Открытый [ei] [i:] [ai] [əʊ] [ju:] [ai]
слог case she line zone nude my
Закрытый [æ] [e] [i] [ɒ] [ʌ] [i]
слог tank bet bit lot cut myth
Гласн. + r и [a:] [3:] [3:] [ɔ:] [3:] [3:]
гласн. + r + car her sir or fur Cyrd
+ согл. park term third born burn
Гласн. + r + [eə] [iə] [aiə] [ɔ:] [jʊə] [aiə]
+ гласн. vary mere hire story pure tyre

1. Напишите транскрипцию слов и отработайте их произ-

ношение, учитывая правила чтения ударных гласных.

pot this jet man and tune

be ship game cat here less
home slim set car hammer
bit baby bird butter sport
fire Lord let nose form plan
me life turn hot cigarette
rare fun time lesson believe

2. Прочитайте пословицы несколько раз, обращая внимание

на изучаемые звуки.

1. The black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.

2. A big black bug bit a big black bear. A big black bear bit a big
black bug.
3. The batter with the butter is the batter that is better!

Сочетания гласных

Set 1

[i:] ee — see; ea — sea; ie — believe, ei — receive

[a:] a + ss — grass; a + st — last; a + sk — task; a + sp — grasp;
a + lm — calm; ea + r — heart
[ɔ:] au — autor, aw — saw; oo + r — door; aught — taught;
ought — thought; a + l — wall; a + lk — talk; wa + r — warm.
[ɒ] wa — want

3. Напишите транскрипцию слов и отработайте их произ-

ношение, учитывая сочетание гласных.

glass bee ball bought roll autumn

walk sea mask paw fault ward
award law tea fast doll corn

4. Прочитайте пословицы несколько раз, обращая внимание

на изучаемые звуки.

1. Love's a feeling you feel when you feel you're going to feel
the feeling you've never felt before.
2. I saw a saw in Arkansas that would outsaw any saw I ever
saw, and if you got a saw that will outsaw the saw I saw in Arkansas
let me see your saw.
3. Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.

Set 2

[u:] oo — too; ou — group

[ju:] ew — new
[ʊ] oo — book
[3:] ea + r — learn; wo + r — work

5. Напишите транскрипцию слов и отработайте их произ-

ношение, учитывая сочетание гласных.

look few tooth Earth view

tool soup food earn Earl
Lewis hook root groom cook

6. Прочитайте пословицы несколько раз, обращая внимание
на изучаемые звуки.

1. How many cookies could a good cook cook, if a good cook

could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a
good cook who could cook cookies.
2. Two to two to Toulouse?
3. You know New York. You need New York. You know you
need unique New York.

Set 3
[ʌ] o — son; ou — country; oo — flood
[ei] ai — rain; ay — day; ey — they; eigh — eight
[ai] i — gh — sigh; i + ld — child; i + nd — blind; igh — night
[ɒi] oi — oil; oy — toy
[aʊ] ou — out; ow — down

7. Напишите транскрипцию слов и отработайте их произ-

ношение, учитывая сочетание гласных.

fair pay boy right weight

pain find brown lay vain
sign bay light coin blood grow

8. Прочитайте пословицы несколько раз, обращая внимание

на изучаемые звуки.

1. A noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster

2. Wow, race winners really want red wine right away!

Set 4
[əʊ] oa — coat; ow — know; o + ll — toll; o + ld — cold
[iə] ea + r — near; ee + r — engineer
[eə] ai + r — chair; e + re — there; ea + r — bear
[ʊə] oo + r — poor; our — tour

9. Напишите транскрипцию слов и отработайте их произ-
ношение, учитывая сочетание гласных.

boat fear blow sold air

coal fair tear appear
where told dear

10. Прочитайте пословицы несколько раз, обращая внима-

ние на изучаемые звуки.

1. What noise annoys an oyster most? A noisy noise annoys an

oyster most.
2. Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.
3. Clowns grow glowing crowns.

Сочетание согласных

Set 1

ck [k] — luck
sh [ʃ] — ship
ch [tʃ] — chip
tch [tʃ] — catch
th [θ] — thick
th [ð] — this
ph [f] — phone
qu [kw] — quite
kn [n] — knife
ng [ŋ] — thing
nk [ŋk] — sink

11. Напишите транскрипцию слов и отработайте их произ-

ношение, учитывая сочетание согласных.

neck shop than phrase kitchen

church back fresh think mother
cheap black ship change should
photo much dish weather pack

12. Прочитайте пословицы несколько раз, обращая внима-
ние на изучаемые звуки.

1. She sells seashells on the seashore, the shells that she sells are
seashells, I’m sure.
2. If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would
watch which watch?
3. I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn't the
thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had
been the thought I thought, I wouldn't have thought so much.
4. I wish you were a fish in my dish.

Set 2

wh + o — [h] — who
wh + остальные гласные — [w] — what
wr в начале слова перед гласными — [r] — writer

13. Напишите транскрипцию слов и отработайте их произ-

ношение, учитывая сочетание согласных.

write wrist why wretch

wry writ wrap wrong
wren wreak wraith wrangle
when wreck wreath wrack

14. Прочитайте пословицы несколько раз, обращая внима-

ние на изучаемые звуки.

1. Ripe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right.

2. Why do you cry, Willy? Why do you cry? Why, Willy? Why,
Willy? Why, Willy? Why?
3. Which wristwatch is a Swiss wristwatch?

Согласные звуки, имеющие два варианта чтения

c [s] — перед e, i, y — nice, city, icy

[k] — в остальных случаях — come, сatch

g [ʤ] — перед e, i, y — large, engine, gym; (исключения —
get, begin, give)
[g] — в остальных случаях — good, go.

15. Напишите транскрипцию слов и отработайте их произ-

ношение, учитывая сочетание согласных.

cat mice face lace cap cell cent cite

clap gym clean goal nice cyme cape game
camp girl cane good goose clamp slice candle

16. Прочитайте пословицы несколько раз, обращая внима-

ние на изучаемые звуки.

1. How many cookies could a good cook cook. If a good cook

could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies, as a
good cook who could cook cookies.
2. Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?
3. Clean clams crammed in clean cans.

17. Прочитайте стих, обращая внимание на правила чтения.

When the English tongue we speak

Why is BREAK not rhymed with WEAK?
Will you tell me why it’s true
That we say SEW, but also FEW?
When a poet writes a verse
Why is HORSE not rhymed with WORSE?
BEARD is not the same as HEARD
LORD is different from WORD?
COW is cow, but LOW is low
SHOE is never rhymed with TOE.
Think of NOSE and DOSE and LOSE
Think of GOOSE and then of CHOOSE.
Think of COMB and TOMB and BOMB
Doll and ROLL, or HOME and SOME.

We have BLOOD and FOOD and GOOD.
MOULD is not pronounced like COULD.
Think of PAY, SAY, PAID and SAID.
I will READ’ and ‘I have READ’
Why say DONE, but GONE and LONE —
Is there any reason known?
To sum it up, it seems to me
That sounds and letters disagree.


Topic 1. Self-presentation


1. Study the sounds and types of reading (See Introduction to


2. Study the Word List.

study at university/institute — учиться в университете/ин-

first-year student — студент-первокурсник
have classes/lessons in English — посещать занятия по ан-
foreign language — иностранный язык
subject — учебный предмет
speak English — говорить по-английски
study English — изучать английский

live in a house/a flat — проживать в доме/квартире
work as a salesman — работать продавцом
have a penfriend abroad — иметь друга по переписке за ру-
occupation — род занятий
age — возраст
be married — быть замужем/женатым

3. Answer the questions using the words above.

1. What subjects do you study?

2. Do you speak English well?
3. Have you got a penfriend abroad?
4. Where is he/she from?
5. Do you send emails in English to him/her?

4. Read Danka’s email to Jacek and do the tasks after it.

An Email from England1
Dear Jacek,
How are you? I’m fine. Here’s an email in English. It’s good
practice for you and me!
I have classes in English at The Embassy Language School.
I’m in a class with seven students. They’re all from different
countries: Japan,
Brazil, Switzerland, Germany, and Italy. Our teacher’s name
is Simon. He’s very funny and a very good teacher.
I live with an English family in a small, old house near the
centre of town. Robert and Valerie have a daughter and a son.
Their daughter, Becky, is 19. She’s a student at Brighton
University. Their son, James, is a software designer for a computer
company. He’s 25. They’re all very friendly, but it isn’t easy to
understand them. They speak very fast!
Brighton isn’t very big, but it’s very exciting! The restaurants
and nightclubs are expensive, but the student bars and cafes are
Soars J., Soars L. New Headway Elementary: Student’s Book. — 3-d ed. —
Oxford : University Press, 2006. — P. 17.

cheap. It’s hot now, and it’s lovely to be near the sea. I’m very
happy here.
Email me soon!
Love, Danka

5. Decide if the statements are true or false.

1. Danka is from Poland.

2. She is on holiday. No, she isn’t. She is at school.
3. She is in London.
4. The students in her class are all from Germany.
5. It is a very big class.
6. Becky and James are both students.
7. The student bars are cheap.
8. Danka is happy in Brighton.

6. Match the questions to the answers. Ask and answer them in


1. Where’s Danka from? a) No, it isn’t.

2. What countries are the stu- b) They are brother and sister.
dents from? They live with Danka.
3. What’s her teacher’s name? c) Poland.
4. Who are James and Becky? d) James is 25 and Becky is 19.
5. How old are James and e) Japan, Brazil, Switzerland,
Becky? Germany, and Italy.
6. Is Brighton very big? f) He is a software designer.
7. What is James? g) Simon.

Pronouns (See Grammar Reference)

7. Complete the sentences with the right form of the pronouns.

1. Mary works as a designer. She is a good specialist (she, her, hers).

2. It’s difficult to understand ____. They speak very fast (they,
them, their).
3. I study at University. ___ am a first-year student (I, he, it).

4. It’s good practice for ___ and me (our, you, his).
5. My friend and I study Law. ____ are students (they, you, we).
6. My family live in Brighton. This is ___ photo (our, her, us).

To be (See Grammar Reference)

8. Complete the sentences with am, is, are.

1. My name _is_ Emma.

2. Where ____ you from? — I _____ from Italy.
3. What _____ your name? — My name’s Daniela.
4. Lisa and Mike _____ from Boston.
5. This _____ my teacher. His name ____ Richard.
6. Where _____ he from?
7. This _____ my sister. Her name ___ Miho.
8. What ____ your father? — My father __ a doctor.
9. Who ___ you? — I ___ James.
10. What ___ their names? — They __ Victoria and Margaret.

To have, have got (See Grammar Reference)

9. Use the words from the box to make expressions with

“have/has + noun”. Make questions and negatives with them.

breakfast lunch a snack dinner a sleep a shower

a bath a shave a wash a rest a break a headache

e.g. Do you have breakfast in the mornings? — I don’t have

breakfast in the mornings.
Does she usually have breakfast? — She doesn’t usually have

10. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions with have.
Then tell the class about your partner, using he/she and has.

1. Do you have lunch at the university?

— Yes, I do. Usually I go to the canteen.
— No, I don’t. I have lunch at home.

2. Do you have a rest in the evenings?
3. Do you have a shower in the morning or in the evening?
4. Do you often have a headache?
5. Do you have a large family?
6. Do you have a sister or a brother?
7. How many children do you have?
8. Do you have any questions to me?

11. Answer the questions with have/has got.

1. Have they got a car? — Yes, they have / No, they haven’t.
2. Has she got a flat?
3. Has your friend got a dog / a cat?
4. Have you got a brother?
5. Have we got an umbrella with us today?
6. Has he got a brother or a sister?

12. Complete the questions. Ask and answer your partner what
he/she has got.

1. Have you got a brother or a sister? — I’ve got a brother.

2. ___________? — I have a bath every Sunday.
3. ___________? — Yes, he has. My friend’s got a new car.
4. ___________? — No, I don’t have breakfast in the mornings.
5. _____ or ___? — I’ve got a cat.
6. ___________? — I usually have dinner at home.
7. ___________? — No, we don’t have lessons at weekends.
8. ___________? — No, I’ve got a sister.
9. ___________? — Yes, I’ve got. I’ve got a lot of friends.

13. Tick the correct sentence.

1.  I’m a doctor.
___ I’m doctor.
2. ___ I have twenty-nine years old.
___ I’m twenty-nine years old.
3. ___ I no married.
___ I’m not married.

4. ___ My sister’s name is Michelle.
___ My sisters name is Michelle.
5. ___ She married.
___ She’s married.
6. ___ I have two brother.
___ I have two brothers.
7. ___ Do you have any children?
___ Do you have got any children?
8. ___ Does she have a son?
___ Do she have a son?

 Listening
14a. Read and listen to the sentences with have and have got.
( 1)

A: — Do you have a car?

— Yes, I do.
— No, I don’t.
B: — Have you got a car?
— Yes, I have
— No, I haven’t
C: — I don’t have a computer.
— I haven’t got a computer.

14b. Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the things in the box,
using have or have got.

a car a credit car a mobile phone

a lot of friends a laptop a motobike
a camera a pet brothers and sisters
a bicycle a computer your parents

15a. Work with a partner. Write questions to find the infor-

mation about the people in your chart. Student A: Look at chart 1.
Student B: Look at chart 2 on the opposite page.

Chart 1

Name and age Mike, 26 Lucy, 38 Nicole, 15 Jeff, 54, and

Wendy, 53
Town and Texas, the Melbourne,
country United States Australia
Family two brothers one daughter
and a dog and three
Occupation student at high He … office.
school She … hair-
Free time / — listens to — tennis,
holiday music swimming
— Florida or — Bali every
Mexico summer
Present activi- getting ready Having a barbe-
ty to go out cue in the back

Town and country Where does he … from?

Family …married? Has he got …?
Does she have …? How many …?
Occupation What … do?
Free time / holiday What does she … in her free time?
Where … go on holiday?
Present activity What … doing at the moment?

Chart 2

Name and age Mike, 26 Lucy, 38 Nicole, 15 Jeff, 54, and

Wendy, 53
Town and Vancouver, Perth, Scotland
country Canada
Family a sister a son and a
Occupation Works for a part-time
computer teacher
Free time / — skiing, ice — reading,
holiday hockey going to the
— Europe cinema

Окончание табл.

Name and age Mike, 26 Lucy, 38 Nicole, 15 Jeff, 54, and

Wendy, 53
— Spain or
Present activi- playing ice washing the
ty hockey dishes

Town and country Where does he … from?

Family …married? Has he got …?
Does she have …? How many …?
Occupation What … do?
Free time / holiday What does she … in her free time?
Where … go on holiday?
Present activity What … doing at the moment?

15b. Listen and compare. Ask and answer questions with your
partner to complete your chart. ( 2)


16. Talk with your partner about the things and the people from
the box, using have/have got.

a computer a credit card brothers and sisters

a camera a mobile phone your parents / a dacha
a car a pet your friend / a child

e.g. Do you have a car? — Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Have you got a car? — Yes? I have. / No, I haven’t.

17. Work with a partner. Write questions to find the information

about two other people in your chart. Ask and answer questions with
your partner to complete your chart.
Student A: Look at chart 1. Student B: Look at chart 2 on the op-
posite page.

Chart 1

Name and age Town and Family Occupation

Mike, 26
Lucy, 38
Nicole, 15 Texas, two brothers and student at high
the United a dog! school
Jeff, 54 and Wen- Melbourne, one daughter and He … office.
dy, 53 Australia three grandchildren She … hairdresser.

Town /country — Where … he/she from?

Family — … he/she married? Has he/she got …?
Does he/she have …? How many …?
Occupation — What does he/she do?

Chart 2

Name and age Town and Family Occupation

Mike, 26 Vancouver, a sister works for a computer
Canada company
Lucy, 38 Perth, Scot- A son and part-time teacher
land a daughter
Nicole, 15
Jeff, 54 and Wen-
dy, 53

Town /country — Where … he/she from?

Family — … he/she married? Has he/she got …?
— Does he/she have …? How many …?
Occupation — What does he/she do?

18a. Interview two students and complete the table.

Student 1 Student 2

Phone number

18b. Tell the class about one of the students.


19a. Read Becky’s letter to her penfriend Tiago and answer the

Where is she from? Where is he from? What does Becky write


20 Holland Street
Brighton BN 2WB

5 April
Dear Tiago,
Thank you for your address in Brazil! My name’s Becky and
I’m nineteen years old. I’m a language student at Brighton
University. I live in a house near the centre of Brighton with my
mother and father, my brother James, and my Polish friend Danka.
I speak French, Spanish and a little German, but I don’t speak
Portuguese. Sorry! My favourite subject at university is Spanish,
but I don’t like German.
I like listening to music and swimming. At weekends I go out
with my friends. Sometimes we go to the cinema and sometimes
we go to a café or a nightclub.

Soars J., Soars L. Op. cit. P. 115.

What about you? What do you do in Brazil? Please write
to me.
Best wishes,

19b. Read the letter again and answer these questions.

How does the letter begin and end? What is the date? What is
Becky’s address? Do you write addresses in the same way?

19c. Write a similar letter to a penfriend about yourself.

Topic 2. Work and Jobs


1. Study the Word List.

working hours — рабочее время

nine-to-five job — восьмичасовой рабочий день
do flexitime — работать по скользящему графику
do shiftwork — работать посменно
work/do overtime — работать сверхурочно
work for a large company — работать в большой компании

colleague — коллега, сослуживец
send e-mails — отправлять электронные письма
daily routine — ежедневные рутинные обязанности
in charge of/responsible for — руководить, нести ответ-
run a business — управлять предприятием
deal with /handle — иметь дело с
pay salary — платить заработную плату
working conditions — условия работы
minimum wage — минимальная заработная плата
2. Match words to form collocations and make up sentences with
these collocations.

1) nine-toworking a) time
2) flexiincome b) tax
3) minimum c) wage
d) five
e) hours

3. Read the text and do the tasks after it.

For many people, working hours are 8.30—9.00 am to 5.00—

5.30 pm, so people often talk about a nine-to-five job (= regular
working hours). Some people do flexitime (= they can start work
earlier or finish later); and some do shiftwork (= work at different
times). Some people work/do overtime. (= work extra hours for more
Most workers are paid (= receive money) every month. This is
called a salary. We can also use the verbs earn/make, to say how
much you get. Some people are paid for the hours they work. The
lowest amount for one hour's work is called the minimum wage. This
amount is decided by the government. With most jobs you get 4—6
weeks' paid holiday; you also get sick pay. (= pay when you are ill)
The total amount of money you receive in a year is called your
income. This could be your salary from one job, or the salary from
two different jobs. You have to pay part of your income to the
government; this is called income tax.

4. Decide if the statements are true or false.

1. Some people work at different times.

2. People cannot start work earlier or finish later.
3. Most workers get salary every month.
4. The highest amount for one hour's work is called the
minimum wage.
5. You pay your income tax to the government.

5. Match the words with their translation.

1) earn/make money, a) получать больничный лист,

2) do paper work, b) выполнять бумажную работу,
3) run a company, c) платить подоходный налог,
4) get 4 weeks' paid holiday, d) управлять компанией,
5) pay income tax, e) зарабатывать деньги,
6) get sick pay, f) получать четырехнедельный
оплачиваемый отпуск.

6. Answer the questions about working conditions in Russia.

1. What are normal working hours for most office jobs?

2. How much income tax do most people pay of what they earn?
3. Do workers normally get paid holidays? If so, how many days
do they usually get?
4. Is there a minimum wage decided by the government? If so,
how much is it?
5. What jobs often involve shiftwork? (Give at least two exam-

7. Complete the text about office work with the words from the

Type, paperwork, works for, attends, makes, colleagues, meetings

Brian works for a company which produces furniture. He works

in an office, opposite the factory where the furniture is made.

Brian and his _____ work at a computer most of the time, where
they ____ letters and reports, and send lots of e-mails. He sends
invoices to customers, and does quite a lot of _____.
Occasionally he shows people round the factory. He ____
appointments for his boss and put them in the diary. He also arranges
______ for managers from different departments and types the
agenda. Sometimes he ____ meetings and takes the minutes.

8. Match the words with their definitions. Then use these collo-
cations in sentences of your own.

e.g. The secretary makes appointments for her boss.

1) agenda, a) write down notes during the meeting,

2) attend meetings, b) a list of things to discuss at a meeting,
3) take the minutes, c) organize meetings,
4) make appointments, d) go to meetings,
5) arranges meetings, e) set up appointments.

9. Find the best noun in the box to complete each of the


e-mail work letter minutes visitors appointment meeting

1. I have loads of work to do today.

2. I am making an ____ to see their managing director next week.
3. Could we arrange the ______ for next Thursday?
4. I want to send her an ________ via the Internet.
5. Could you type a ________ for me to send to the bank?
6. I'm busy now. I am showing some ______ round the factory.
7. One of my duties is to take _________.

10. Add a suffix from the box to the words to make jobs.

-er/r -ian -ist -man/-woman

Music — musician, art — …, science — …, journal — …,
politics — …, manage — …, electric — …, photograph — …,
police — …, post — …, reception — …, employ — …/…, direct —
…, design — …, drive — …, post — …, fire — …, boat — …,
bar — ….

11. Which workers normally do these things? Work in pairs.

Ask and answer questions about the work, using the words from the

Wear uniforms, meet guests in reception, attend meetings,

take the minutes, set salaries, work at a computer, send e-mails,
make appointments, type letters

e.g. Who types letters? — Office workers type letters.

12a. Study the information in the box and do the task after it.

When people ask you to explain your job, they want to know
your responsibilities (= your duties/what you have to do), or
something about your daily routine (= what you do every day).
They can ask like this: What does that involve? (= What do you
do in your job?). We often use responsible for/in charge of for
part of something, e.g. a department or some of the workers; and
run for control of all of something, e.g. a company, a shop, a
course, etc.

12b. Replace the words in bold with the words from the box.

Involves, deal with, attend, responsible for, run, advise, customers

1. My job includes travelling. — My job involves travelling.

2. I handle a lot of task a day.
3. I am in control of / manage the coffee bar in the museum.
4. I go to a lot of meetings.
5. I see/meet clients.
6. I consult clients.
7. I'm in charge of security in the company.

13. Work in pairs. Read the statements and then ask and answer
questions about work. If you don’t work, talk about a person who

e.g. Do you work at a computer a lot of time? — Yes, I do.

For example:
I work at a computer a lot of the time.
I do a lot of paperwork.
I use e-mail a lot.
I show people round my workplace.
I arrange meetings.
I attend quite a lot of meetings.

Pronouns (See Grammar Reference)

14. Complete this description of a job by putting in the correct subject

or object pronouns.

(1) I work in a tourist information office. Three other people

work with (2) ______. (3) _____ are called Mandy, Rosemarie and
Robert. Mandy is a very funny girl and (4) _____ always makes jokes.
Rosemarie is an older woman and I don't know (5) ____ very well.
Robert is a friendly man and everyone likes (6) _____ because (7) ____
is very helpful. (8) ____ sit in seats at the counter and people come in
and ask (9) ____ questions. (10) ____ try to help (11) ___ but some-
times (12) ____ ask silly questions and (13) ____ don't know the an-
swers. But (14) ____ is a good job and I enjoy (15) _____.

The Constructions: There is/are (See Grammar Reference)

15a. Use words from the box and the constructions there is/are
to make positive and negative sentences about the classroom.

Computers, map, coffee machine, keyboard, calendar, photos,

windows, textbooks

1. There’s a calendar on the wall.
2. There’s a …
3. There isn’t a …
4. There are some …
5. There aren’t any …

15b. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the

facilities above.

e.g. Is there a calendar on the wall? — Yes, there is.

Present Simple (See Grammar Reference)

16. Complete the sentences with the present simple forms of the
verbs in brackets.1

I usually (1) arrive (arrive) at the office very early. My assistant

Jessica (2) _______ (bring) me the mail and (3) _______ (tell) me
what is in my diary for the day. She (4) _______ (do) a lot of very
important work for me. Jessica (5) _____ (organize) my day and
(6) ______ (deal) with a lot of people for me. Then I (7) ______
(have) a meeting with my team of managers — we (8) ______ (dis-
cuss) plans and problems. Sometimes they (9) ______ (not agree)
with me but the meetings usually (10) _____ (not last) for very long.
I (11) _____ (not eat) much at lunch time — the others
(12) _____ (go) to the canteen but I (13) ____ (stay) in my office and
someone (14) _______ (get) me a sandwich. My day usually
(15) ______ (finish) at about 6 p.m.
I (16) ____ (not go) to the office every day. I (17) _____ (work)
at home some days and I sometimes (18) _____ (travel) to meetings
or conferences.

17. Read and complete the text with the correct form of the verbs
in the box2.

Harrison M. Oxford Living Grammar: Pre-Intermediate : Learn and Practice
Grammar in Context: with answers. — Oxford : Univ. press, 2009. — P. 7.
Soars J., Soars L. Op. cit. P. 29.

like love x2 get up go running go x2 train
relax visit cook go out play want live watch

I love my job as a family lawyer, because I (1) like helping peo-

ple. But I (2) _____ playing rugby, too, so my life is very busy!
Every lunchtime I (3) _____ in the park near my office. On
Monday and Thursday evenings I (4) _____ to the swimming pool
with my boyfriend Alex.
On Tuesday and Friday mornings I (5) _____ at 5.30 and
(6) ____ to the gym before work. And on Wednesday evenings I
(7) _____ with my team at the club.
On Friday evenings I just (8) ______because I'm usually very
tired! I sometimes (9) _____my sister. She (10)______ in the centre
of Cardiff, too. Or I (11)______ _____ a nice dinner at home with
Alex. We (12) ____cooking. After dinner we often (13) ____ a DVD.
We never (14) _____ on Saturday evenings, because I always
(15) _____ in a match on Sundays. I (16) ____ our team to win the
next World Cup.

Present Simple and Present Continuous (See Grammar Reference)

18. Choose the correct verb forms to complete the text1.

We’re all accountants and (1) work (work / are working) for a
telecommunications company in the finance department. We
(2) ____ (sit / are sitting) at our PСs in the office every day and
(3) _____ (check / are checking) the invoices and payments. But this
week is different: we (4) _____ (attend / are attending) a training
course. The company (5) ______ (currently changes / is currently
changing) to a new accounting system, and this week, we (6) _____
(learn / are learning) all about it. So at the moment, we (7) _____
(stay / are staying) at a big hotel in the mountains. It’s wonderful!
When we’re at home, we usually (8) _____ (spend / are spending)
the evening cooking and cleaning for our families. But here, there’s
an excellent restaurant and we can relax and have a laugh together.

Johnson C. Intelligent Business : Coursebook. — Edinburgh : Longman,
2008. — P. 11.

19. Complete the text with the correct form of the verb1.

My working day (1) starts (start) with a long journey to the of-
fice — usually over an hour on a crowded train. The first event of a
typical day is the regular morning meeting. Our managers (2) _____
(give) updates on the department’s progress. After that, it’s a long,
hard day of work. Now you can see me at work — I (3) _____ (give)
a presentation to my colleagues. I often (4) ______ (stay) in the of-
fice until 9 or 10 pm. But this is the old way. Now, things (5) _____
(begin) to change. Young people (6) _____ (refuse) to work long
hours. They (7) _____ (demand) more leisure time and freedom.

20a. Work with a partner. Answer the questions. ( 3)

1. What is a 24/7 society?

2. Which jobs need people to work at night?

20b. Listen to a radio programme about four night workers: Jer-

ry, Jackie, Doreen, and Dan. Complete the chart.

Place of work Hours Why working nights? Problems


20c. Listen again and check your answers. Then discuss the
questions below.

— Who has the best job? Who has the worst job?
— Do you know anybody who works at night?
— What do they do? What do they think about it?
— Could you work at night? Why? Why not?


21a. Work with a partner. Choose one of the jobs from the box,
but don’t tell your partner. With your partner ask and answer Yes /
No questions to find out what the job is.

Shop assistant, receptionist, taxi-driver, lawyer, dancer, soldier,

detective, vet, mechanic, dentist, housewife, farmer, plumber,
firefighter, top-manager, judge, banker, bank clerk, politician,
policeman, manager, accountant, secretary, financial analyst, director

e.g. Are you a mechanic? — No.

Are you a policeman? – Yes.

21b. Discuss in pairs: What jobs are for women? What jobs are
for men? Is there any difference? Give your reasons and make a list.
Discuss other jobs, too.

e.g. I think a politician is a profession for men.

22. Answer the questions and tell your partner about your work
or your friend’s work.

— What’s your job?

— What do you do in your job?
— What do you like about your job?
— Do you do a 9—5 job?
— Do you work long hours? How often do you work overtime?
— Do you work flexitime?
— What time do you have lunch?
— What do you usually wear to work?
— How often do you expect to get a pay rise in your job?
— Do you get paid holidays?

23. Prepare a short speech of 10—15 sentences about your

working day if you work or about the working day of another person
whom you know well.


24. Finish the following sentences.

1. My friend works for …

2. He is …
3. My friend works long hours because he does a …
4. He usually has lunch …
5. My friend usually wears …
6. Sometimes he gets …
7. My fried likes …

25. Write a composition «My Working Day».

Topic 3. Higher Education


1. Study the Word List.

tuition fee — плата за обучение

do a degree — учиться на бакалавра
have a degree — иметь степень (бакалавра)

degree of BA — степень бакалавра гуманитарных наук
degree of BSc / BS — бакалавр естественных наук
scholarship — стипендия
graduate from — заканчивать, выпускаться из высшего
учебного заведения
undergraduate — студент университета
graduate — выпускник университета
MA (Master of Arts) — магистр гуманитарных наук
MSc / MS (Master of Science) — магистр естественных наук
PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) — доктор философии, доктор-
ская степень, общая для всех областей знаний, которая предпо-
лагает 3 года обучения на базе магистерской степени и защиту
do research into/on — выполнять научно-исследователь-
скую работу
department / faculty — факультет, кафедра
lecturer — старший преподаватель, лектор (третий по стар-
шинству преподаватель университета после профессора
(professor) и ридера (reader)

2. Read the subjects that you can do/study at university. The un-
derlining shows the syllable you must stress in each word.

medicine law philosophy

engineering psychology sociology
architecture politics business studies
agriculture history of art economics

3. Match the words to make sentences.

I doing university
You Management institute
My friend studying subjects in English
My friend and am passing an exam at Economics
I is doing a research from Law
My are graduating on BA
groupmates doing a degree of

4. Answer the questions using the words from the Word List.

1. What subjects are you studying at the institute?

2. Do you pay a tuition fee every year?
3. Are you studying your first degree?
4. What degree are you doing?
5. Do you plan to do a master’s degree?
6. Are you doing any research now?
7. Do you always attend lectures and seminars?
8. Do you like your study?
9. Do you have friends among your groupmates?
10. How do you get to the institute? Do you commute (ездить
на учебу из пригорода)?

5. Read the text paying attention to the words in bold and do the
task after it.
Education: University1
If you want to go to (= enter fml) university, you must first pass
examinations that most students take at the age of 18 (called 'A' lev-
els). Students usually take three or four ‘A’ levels (examinations in three
or four subjects), and they must do well to get a place at university.
If you get a place, most students have to pay part of their tuition
fees (= money for teaching). Some students also get a government
grant (= money to pay for living expenses e.g. food and somewhere
to live), but most students need a loan (= money you borrow from a
bank) to cover the cost of (= pay for) university life. Students at uni-
versity are called undergraduates while they are studying for their
first degree.
Most university courses last (= continue for) three years, some
courses last four years, one or two courses, e.g. medicine, are five years.
During this period students can say they are doing a degree, and when
they finish and pass their exams, they can say they have a degree.
This can be a BA (= bachelor of arts) or a BSc (= bachelor of science)…

Redman S. English Vocabulary in Use: Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate.
Self-study and classroom use. — 2-d ed. — Cambridge : Univ. press, 2007. — P. 168.

When you complete your first degree, you are a graduate. Some
students then go on (= continue) to do a second course or degree,
called a postgraduate course/degree (or postgrad course). These stu-
dents are then postgraduates and they often study for:
— an MA (Master of Arts), e.g. I'm doing a Masters in English;
— an MSc (Master of Science), e.g. She did a Masters in biology;
— a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) [minimum three years], e.g.
He's got a PhD in computer science.
When people study one subject in great detail (often to find new
information), we say they are doing research…
School has teachers and lessons; at university you have lecturers
and lectures. The head of department (also called a 'faculty', but less
common in spoken English) at a university is usually called a profes-
sor. (An ordinary teacher or lecturer is not a professor.)

6. Decide if the statements are true or false.

1. If you enter the university, you must pass examinations.

2. Students usually take more than four ‘A’ levels.
3. All students have to pay their tuition fees.
4. Some students get from the government some money to pay
for living expenses.
5. Most university courses continue for three years.
6. During the study students can say they are having a degree.
7. When you complete your first degree, you are a graduate.
8. Postgraduates study for a BA.

7. Match the definition with the right word.

1) the money some students receive if they a) scholarship/

get a place at university government
2) money for teaching grant
3) students at university who are studying for b) BA / BSc
their first degree c) MA / MSc
4) teachers at university d) tuition fee
5) students when they have completed their e) undergraduates
first degree f) lecturers
6) students studying for a second, higher degree

8. Replace the underlined verbs with less formal verbs that have
the same meaning in the context.

1. Is it very difficult to obtain a place at university? — get

2. First you pass exams and then you enter university.
3. He's studying physics, I think.
4. She wants to receive a grant for her course.
5. The course continues for three years.

9. Fill the gaps with a suitable word.

1. My brother is 20. He's still studying at university in York.

2. She's got a degree _____ BS.
3. He's ________ research _____ Economics.
4. She's already got a BA. She's doing a _________ degree now.
5. Who is the professor in your __________?

Articles (See Grammar Reference)

10. Complete this blog by putting a, an or the into the gaps.

I live in (1) _a_ big city in (2) ___ centre of Britain. (3) ___ city
is called Coventry ad I live in (4) ___ area that is quite close to
(5) ___ city centre. I live in (6) ___ old house in (7) ___ quiet street.
I’m (8) ___ student at (9) ___ local university, which is called War-
wick University. (10) ___ university is (11) ___ modern one and it’s
(12) ___ good university. It has (13) ___ arts centre, which has
(14) ___ good programme of films and concerts. I’m doing (15) ___
three-year course there.
My father works in (16) ___ office. He is (17) ___ Sales Direc-
tor at (18) ___ company that makes sports equipment. My mother is
(19) ___ nurse and she works at the new hospital that has just been
built outside (20) ___ city. I also have (21) ___ brother — he is
(22) ___ doctor and he works at (23) ___ same hospital.

Present Simple and Present Continuous (See Grammar Reference)

11. Open the brackets and complete the questions and answers in
a survey with the words in the present simple1.

I=Interviewer W=Woman
I: (1) Do you live in the local area? (you/live)
W: Yes, (2) I live close to here. (I/live)
I: (3) ______ this library very often? (you/visit)
W: No, (4) _____ here very often. (I/not come)
I: What (5) _______ in the library? (you/do)
W: (6) _____ the newspapers (I/read) and (7) ____ books.
I: What kind of books (8) _____? (you/borrow)
W: Fiction. (9) _______ a good fiction section. (The li-
I: (10) _____ the library? (other members of your family/use)
W: Yes, (11) _____ some of her college work here. (my daugh-

12. Tara and Leon are talking on the phone. Complete their con-
versation with the words in the present continuous .

Tara: Are you busy at the moment?

Leon: Yes, (1) I’m trying (I/try) to finish some work. (2) ____
(I/do) an assignment and (3) ____ (I/find) it very difficult. What
(4) ____ (you/do)?
Tara: (5) ______ (I/get) ready for the party tonight. (6) ______
(I/live) in about twenty minutes. (7) _____ (The taxi/come) for me at
7.30 p.m.
Leon: Well, (8) ______ (I/not go), unfortunately. I’ve got to
much work to do. (9) ______ (Who/go) to this party?
Tara: Everyone. (10) ____ (We/celebrate) the end of the exams.
(11) ____ (A band/play) and about 120 (12)____(people/ come).

Harrison M. Oxford Living Grammar: Pre-Intermediate : Learn and Practice
Grammar in Context: with answers. — Oxford : Univ. press, 2009. — P. 7.
Ibid. P. 5.

Leon: Well, (13) _____ (I/stay) here and (14) _____ (I/work) all
evening. And then (15) _____ (I/go) to bed.

13. Complete the sentences with the present simple or present

continuous form of the verb in bold.

1. Work
a) Does Theo James work in the sales department? — Yes, he
b) ____ he ______ there today? — No. He’s on holiday.
2. Do
a) What ___ you ___ at the moment? — I’m designing a new
b) What _______ you _______? — I’m a design manager.
3) finish
a) Why _____ they _____ early this afternoon? — The factory is
closing for repairs.
b) _____ they usually _____work at 4 o’clock? — No, they usu-
ally finish at 6 o’clock.
4. develop
a) ____ the company ____ new software programs? — Yes, it
b) What ____ it currently______? — A new engineering pro-

14. Complete this letter in an international magazine for teenag-

ers, using the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs
in brackets. Use short forms1.

I (1) ’m looking (look) for someone to write to in another coun-

try. I (2) ______ (speak) quite good English but I (3) _____ want to
get better at it. And I (4) _____ (think) it’s good to have friends in
different parts of the world.
I (5) ______ (go) to a local college and this term we (6) ____ —
(study) for our exams. I (7) ______ (work) very hard at college now
because I (8) ______ (need) to get good results. In my spare time, I

Harrison M. Op. cit. P. 9

(9) ______ (like) classical music but I (10) _____ (not like) much
modern music. I (11) _____ (not play) video games and I (12) _____
(read) a lot of books. At the moment I (13) _______ (try) to read fic-
tion in English.
My family? My father (14) ______ (work) for international
company and he (15) ______ (travel) a lot. Right now he (16) _____
(travel) in South-East Asia. He always (17) ______ (buy) me some-
thing interesting from this trips and at the moment I (18) ____ (use) a
computer that he bought me. I hope that I (19) _____ (not make) too
many mistakes!

15a. Read the text and listen to Maurizio. Then complete the
text, using the words from the box. ( 4)

’m studying ’m enjoying graduate come live

My name’s is Maurizio Celi. I (1) come from Bologna, a city

in the north of Italy. I’m a student at the University of Bologna.
I (2) _______ modern languages – English and Russian. I also know
a little Spanish, so I can speak four languages. I (3) ______ the
course a lot, but it’s really hard work. The course started three years
I (4) ______ at home with my parents and my sister. My brother
went to work in the United States last year.
After I (5) ________, I’m going to work as a translator. I hope
so anyway.

15b. Complete the questions about Maurizio and ask them to

your partner.

1. Where does he come from?

2. Where ____ he live?
3. Who does ____ live with?
4. What university does he _____ at?

5. What ____ ____ studying?
6. ____ ____ enjoying the course?
7. How many languages does he ______?
8. Where _____ his brother work?


16a. Ask and answer these questions in pairs.

1. Where do you study?

2. Do you need to pass examinations before you enter university?
3. Do some students get a grant to study at university?
4. Do you pay a tuition fee for your study?
5. Do most degree courses last three years in Russia?
6. What is your equivalent of the British BA or BS in Russia?
7. What subjects are you studying?
8. How often do you attend lessons? What are they about? Are
they useful?
9. Why do you need English?

16b. Prepare a speech of 15—20 sentences about your studies.


17. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Я учусь на бакалавра в институте.

2. Я студент первого курса.
3. Я плачу за свое обучение.
4. Я изучаю много интересных предметов.
5. Я посещаю все лекции и семинары.
6. У меня много друзей среди одногруппников.
7. Нам нравится изучать английский язык.

18. Write a letter to your penfriend about your studies at the

institute (not more than 100 words).

Texts for Reading and Discussion

Text A

1. Use the words from the box to discuss the questions.

Nurse, builder, teacher, plumber, soldier, computer programmer,

secretary, chef, gardener, painter, firefighter, detective, nanny

1. Which of these jobs are traditionally done by men?

2. Which of these jobs are traditionally done by women?
3. Which are equally well done by both sexes? If not, why not?

2. Answer the questions before reading the text.

1. In Britain the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) fights

sexism, racism, and prejudice in the workplace. Do you know what
this means?
2. Can you imagine ringing for a plumber and a woman arriving
at the door? Or paying a man to look after your children? Does this
seem unusual?

3. Read the first part of the newspaper article in the box and an-
swer the questions.

1. What was the EOC report called? What does this mean?
2. What does the report say schools and employers are still doing?
3. What school subjects do you think are 'traditional for their
gender'? Give examples.
4. What examples does the EOC give of jobs which are 'tradition-
al for their gender'?
Jobs for the Boys … and Girls1
Sally Rice, social affairs correspondent, investigates.
A recent report by the Equal Opportunities Commission,
called 'Free to Choose’, says that schools and employers are still

Soars J., Soars L. Op. cit P. 66—67.

recommending some careers only for boys and others only for girls.
The government has to take action on this, says the EOC.
At school, boys and girls continue to study subjects that are
traditional for their gender, and they continue to get poor careers
advice. Employers for some jobs still choose young people because
of their gender, not their ability.
For example, less than 3 % of men work in childcare in Brit-
ain, and only 1 % of women work in building, engineering, and
plumbing. So what's it like for someone to cross the gender gap at

4. Work in two groups. Read the texts in groups and answer the
questions about Jenny or Alex.

Group A: Read about Jenny.

Group В: Read about Alex.

1. What did she/he study?

2. What is she/he doing now? Why?
3. Who has she/he had problems with? Why?
4. Does she/he like the career she/he finally chose?
5. What advice does she/he give to other people who want to do
the same thing?

5. Compare your answers with a partner from the other group.

Jenny Boland — plumber: “We don’t want women here.”

Jenny, a plumber from Harrow, says she has to fight sexism and
prejudice every day in her job.
A few years ago, while Jenny was studying psychology at col-
lege, she had a problem in her bathroom and had to call a plumber.
'I watched the plumber while he was working, and I was fascinated.
I wanted to learn how to do it/ But she has had a lot of problems with
male plumbers from the very beginning.
Jenny says, 'Some of them have been really horrible. It's been so
difficult to change their negative opinion of me. They are so sure that
I can't do plumbing just because I'm female. One employer told me,
“This is a job for big strong men. We don't want women here.”’
But what do the customers think? 'Oh, the customers have been
great!' she says. 'A lot of them actually prefer a female plumber!' Jen-
ny loves her job. 'I get so much satisfaction from plumbing. I just
love fixing things!'
What is her advice to other women who want to try non-
traditional careers? 'You should definitely try it, but you have to be
tough,' she says.

Alex Karlsson — nanny: ‘Some nany agencies didn’t want

me at all.’
Alex was an engineering student in Sweden until three years
ago. But he found it boring and decided to change careers.
He has always loved children, and now he is a qualified male
nanny (or 'manny'!) to 18-month-old Jack. But he has had some prob-
lems. 'There is prejudice. A lot of people don't think that a man can
look after a child as well as a woman. Some nanny agencies didn't
want me at all,' he said. 'Some parents didn't want a man looking af-
ter their children. I had to wait nearly a year for my first job.'
But does he like his new career? 'I love it!' says Alex. 'Jack was 10
weeks old when I started looking after him. I don't think it's strange to
feed him and change his nappy — it's my profession. It's wonderful
to be part of his development. I love playing with him, and teaching
him things as well.'
What is his advice for other men who want to work in childcare.
'You should go for it!' he says. 'Ignore the prejudice. Just show them
you can do it!’

6. Work in pairs. What do you think?

1. Who has had the more difficult time: Jenny or Alex?

2. Would you like to do what they did?
3. Is it more difficult for women to do men's jobs or men to do
women's jobs?
4. Is this a problem in your country? Why? Why not? Can you give
any examples?

Text B

1. Answer the questions before reading the article.

1. Who is the modern student?

2. How does the modern style of life influence students?
3. Why do most students work?
4. Do all students finish their study?

2. Match the words with their explanations.

1) Sainsbury's; a) travel some distance regularly between

2) London Guildhall; one's home and one's place of work/study;
3) juggling study; b) a hall, belonging to the corporation of the
4) commute; city of London which is used for official
5) hurl abuse at smb; occasions;
6) aversion; c) a British supermarket;
d) keep with difficulty several activities in
e) extreme dislike;
f) utter with force a protest to smb.

3. Skim the extract from the article «The student of 2000: more
work, less pay» published in the Daily Telegraph. Then do the tasks
after it.
Who is the Modern Student?1
Who is the modern student? The athlete with his college scarf?
The blue, stocking, cycling to her lecture? The activist hurling abuse
at a politician?
These days the students you are most likely to meet are the
checkout girl at Sainsbury's or the waiter in your favourite bistro.
The modern student works: “full-time student” no longer means
someone who spends time in libraries or lectures, with an occasional
Ястребова Е. Б., Владыкина Л. Г., Ермакова М. В. Курс английского
языка для студентов языковых вузов (Coursebook for Upper Intermediate Stu-
dents) : учеб. пособие. — М. : Экзамен, 2003. — С. 190.

vacation job. At many universities, most students have jobs during term-
time. At London Guildhall, more than 80 per cent of our students work
during term for between five and 25 hours a week.
Why do they do it? For some, it is certainly to fund a car or to
finance evenings in the pub. For many, however, whose families are
too poor to help, it is to keep body and soul together. Some have a
natural aversion to building up a large debt to the Student Loans
Company. Many mature students feel guilty about their wives, hus-
bands or children supporting them during a college course, and work
to reduce the burden.
Juggling study with work is hard. It requires skills of time man-
agement that would be envied by many management consultants. As
one student, Aidan, put it to me: “I need lectures to start at 10am, not
because of a party the night before but because then I can use a cheap
railcard. I must be away by 4pm to pick up my daughter, leave her
with her gran, and get to my evening job. When do I write my es-
says? Well, there's the weekend and early mornings.”
Many students still live in college rooms or halls of residence.
But others stay at or close to home, where jobs are easier to come by.
Often, they commute to classes and live in cramped accommodation,
a shared room where there is nowhere to study. There is not enough
money for books, let alone a computer. It is no surprise that they
sometimes wonder if they can cope or will be forced to drop out.

4. Decide if the statements are true or false.

1. A modern full-time student is someone who spends time in librar-

ies or lectures.
2. Nowadays most students have jobs during term-time.
3. Under 80 per cent of British students work during the term.
4. The students are not afraid to receive a loan in the bank.
5. British students still live in college rooms or halls of residence.

5. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

1. What are the problems that students face in Russia?

2. Are the problems of young and mature students similar?
3. Do full-time students work in Russia?

4. Is it possible to combine day study with work?
5. What are the major differences between students in Russia and
in Britain?

6. Work in pairs. Use the phrases to discuss your opinions on the


Asking Opinion Giving Opinion

Do you agree that… In my opinion…

What do you feel about… In my view …
What's your view on… Personally, I think…
Where do you stand on… To my mind…
I'd like your view on… I think…

e.g. Do you agree that the modern student spends less time in
libraries and at lectures? — Yes, I do. I think the modern student
spends most of his/her time earning money to pay tuition fee.

Stop and Check 1

Do the tasks below. There are two points for each correct

1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

computers from children lasts part-time

1) I don't want a full-time job. I'd prefer to work _____.

2) Where do you come ____?
3) In my job I look after all the _____ in the building.
4) Do you have any _____? — Yes, a son.
5) The course ____ three years.

2. Write the last three letters in each word.

6) stud… — a person following a course of study
7) undergradu… — a person studying in a university for a first
8) fashion desig… — a person who designs clothes

9) econom… — a specialist in economics
10) collea… — a fellow worker or member of a staff

3. Put down the missing words.

11) What _____ do you study? – I study English.

12) What’s your ____? – I’m Lisa.
13) He’s a student. He ____ at American University.
14) What's your ____? – I work in marketing.
15) My secretary ____ appointments for me.

4. Choose the right form of the verb in brackets.

16) Now you ____ (is/are) undergraduates. My congratulations!

17) Paul ____ (have got/has got) two brothers.
18) Tom and I ____ (am/are) groupmates.
19) My elder sister ____ (don’t have/doesn’t have) a car.
20) There ____ (is/are) a lot of textbooks on the table.
21) There ____ (is/are) a pen and two copybooks in my bag.
22) I ____ (am studying/study) Politics at university this year.
23) Every morning I ____ (am going/go) to my work by bus.
24) Now I ____ (am doing/do) a degree of BA.
25) He ____ (works/is working) as a designer in this company.

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

26) What language do you speak? — I ____ (speak) English and

27) I _____ (not write) a letter at the moment. I have time to talk
with you.
28) Every day I ____ (type) letters to send to the bank.
29) Look! Brian ____ (give) a presentation to his colleagues.
30) What do you do? — I ____(work) for an international
31) I ____ (not understand) this task. Can you explain it to me.
32) Every day I come to my boss and ___ (give) him morning
33) My day usually _______(finish) at about 7 p.m.

34) What ____ (you/do) at the moment? — I’m designing a new
35) We ____ (are going/go) to the library twice a week.

6. Put the words in the correct order.

36) in / the classroom / are / any / chairs / there?

37) from / where / she / does / come?
38) he / how many / languages / does / speak?
39) you / do / attend / always / lectures?
40) you / have / got / a computer?

7. Read the text. Mark if the statements below are true or false

The man with 13 jobs

Seumas McSporran is a very busy man. He is 60 years
old and he has thirteen jobs.

He is a postman, a policeman, a fireman, a taxi driver, a school-

bus driver, a boatman, an ambulance man, an accountant, a petrol
attendant, a barman, and an undertaker. Also, he and his wife,
Margaret, have a shop and a small hotel.
Seumas lives and works on the island of Gigha /’gijə/ in the West
of Scotland. Only 120 people live in Gigha, but in summer 150
tourists come by boat every day.
Every weekday Seumas gets up at 6.00 and makes breakfast for
the hotel guests. At 8.00 he drives the island’s children to school.
At 9.00 he collects the post from the boat and delivers it to all the
houses on the island. He also delivers the beer to the island’s only
pub. Then he helps Margaret in the shop.
He says: «Margaret likes being busy, too. We never have holidays
and we don’t like watching television. In the evenings Margaret
makes supper and I do the accounts. At 10.00 we have a glass of
wine and then we go to bed. Perhaps our life isn’t very exciting,
but we like it».

41) __ His wife doesn’t work.
42) __ Seumas lives on the island.
43) __ They like their life.
44) __ Every evening they watch TV.
45) __ Every morning Seumas drives children to school.

8. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

46) Я учусь на бакалавра гуманитарных наук.

47) Обычно я добираюсь до института на автобусе.
48) Многие студенты учатся и работают.
49) Секретарь печатает и отправляет письма.
50) Мой брат работает в банке.

Total Score: 100

(Библиографический список)
Основная литература
1. Качалова, К. Н. Практическая грамматика английского языка с
упражнениями и ключами / К. Н. Качалова, Е. Е. Израилевич. —
Москва : ЮНВЕС : Лист, 1996. — С. 67—74, 116—118, 126—129.
2. Тамчук, В. В. Практическая фонетика английского языка: (для
переводчиков в сфере проф. коммуникации) : практикум / В. В. Тамчук
; СибАГС. — Новосибирск, 2002. — 90 с.
Дополнительная литература
1. Harrison, M. Oxford Living Grammar: Pre-Intermediate : Lean and
Practise Grammar in Context: with answers: [оксфорд. живая грамматика:
нач. курс : учеб. пособие] / M. Harrison. — Oxford : Oxford Univ. press,
2009. — P. 2—9, 74—77.
2. Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use: A Self-Study Referens and
Practice Book for Intermediate Students with Answers / R. Murphy. —
2-nd ed. — Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002. — P. 2—9, 48—49.
1. Cambridge Dictionaries Online [Electronic resource] : the most
popular online dictionary and thesaurus for learners of English. — Cam-

bridge University Press, 2013. — Access of code : www.dictionary.
cambridge.org. — Загл. с экрана. — Яз. англ.
2. Study Learn.ru [Электронный ресурс] : все для тех, кому нужен
англ. язык. — Режим доступа : www.study.ru. — Москва, 1997 — Загл.
с экрана. — Яз. англ.
3. Мультитран [Электронный ресурс] : электрон. словарь. — Ре-
жим доступа : www.multitran.ru. — Загл. с экрана.


Topic 1. Business Meetings


1. Study the Word List.

introduce smb to someone — представиться

receive a business card — получать визитную карточку
carefully — осторожно
support — поддержка
human resources manager — менеджер по управлению пер-
сatch — здесь расслышать
in charge of — отвечать за что-то/быть ответственным
at last — наконец
overseas subsidiary — зарубежное дочернее предприятие
conversation — беседа
head office — головной офис

graduate — выпускник
trainee programme — программа обучения
department — отдел
disadvantage — недостаток

2. Answer the questions using the words from the Word List:

— What do you think are the basics of a successful meeting?

— Do you think one style of communicating is good for every
— What mistakes can you remember when meeting people?
What went wrong? Why?

3. Read the text paying attention to the words in bold.

A Bad Introduction1
It was the boss’s first day in his new job, so he walked around
the office and introduced himself to everyone. He offered his busi-
ness card to each person in the usual way: he held it with two hands,
so that the other person could read it easily.
But one man in the office said, “I don`t want your business card.
I already know who you are.”
“Please take it”, said the boss and smiled.
Slowly, the man took the business card… and then he folded it
in two.
Everyone in the office knew that this was very rude. When you
receive a business card in this country, you always have to read it
very carefully.
In fact, the next day the story was in the newspapers and the
boss got more than 10, 000 e-mails of support from people right
across the country.

4. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1) It was the boss’s third day in his new job.

2) He offered a cup of tea to each person in the usual way.

Evans, D. Power Elementary. — Pearson Education Limited, 2002. — P. 83.

3) But one man in the office said that he didn’t want his business
4) Nobody in the office knew that this was very rude.
5) In fact, the next day many people knew about this story.

5. Open the brackets.

1. Mr. Dickens is in charge ______ (on / of) all subsidiaries.

2. He _________ (proposes / offers) his business card to each
3. My uncle is a very rude person he never introduces him-
self______ (for / to) anyone.
4. I hear the phone is _______(calling / ringing) in the next
5. I work _______(on / for) the International company.

6. Read expressions (1—8). They can all be used in the first few
minutes of a meeting. Match them with the functions (a—h).

1) Glad to see you again!

2) I’m Jan Davis, the Human Resources Manager.
3) I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name. Can you say it again?
4) I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.
5) Hi! How are you?
6) This is Carla Suarez. She’s in charge of exports.
7) Good morning. Pleased to meet you.
8) Nice to meet you at last!

a) Greet someone you’ve never met before.

b) Check someone’s name if you didn’t hear it very well.
c) Greet someone you often meet.
d) Greet someone you haven’t met though you’ve had contact
with them by phone or email.
e) Greet someone you’ve met before, some time ago.
f) Introduce yourself.
g) Introduce a colleague.
h) Ask someone what their name is.

7. Walk around the room and try to talk to each person very

— Greet the other person and introduce yourself.

— Say where you work and what your job is.
— Find out the name, company and job of the other person.

8. What do you do when someone you haven’t met before visits

you in your office? In what order do you do these things? Mark your
answers and then discuss your ideas with the rest of the group.

— Hand over your business card

— Shake hands with your visitor
— Greet the visitor with a formal greeting
— Introduce yourself
— Ask about their journey to your company
— Ask about your visitor’s company and work
— Invite your visitor to sit down
— Be ready to meet your visitor at the appointed time
— Say good morning or good afternoon
— Offer something to drink
— Get down to business

Present Simple
Present Continuous

9. Complete the text about a management training scheme with

verbs from the box in Present Simple or Present Continuous.

get learn offer spend want work not have not earn

Ines Garcia is a Spanish graduate in business administration and

she (1) wants to have a career in business management. At present,
she (2) _______ for a large telecommunications company in Madrid.
It is a one-year graduate trainee programme and she (3) ______ any
guarantee of a job at the end of the year. The company usually
(4) ______ jobs to only a few of the best trainees — Ines hopes to be
one of these. Trainees on the programme (5) ______ up to six weeks

working in different departments. This is usually helpful because the
trainees (6) ______ useful work experience. A disadvantage is that
trainees (7) ______ very much money. Ines says “It’s a hard life just
now, but it’s good experience and I (8) ______ a lot of new things”.

10. Open the brackets.

Matt Gina, can I ________ (introduce / am introducing)

Tony Lloyd, our Marketing Manager. Tony, this is
Gina Tallarigo from our Rome office.
Tony Very pleased to meet you, Gina. I ________ (hear /
am hearing) you had a difficult journey last night.
Gina Yes, the weather was very bad, and my plane
couldn’t take off.
Tony What time does the meeting start, Matt?
Matt Ten thirty.
Tony OK, we ________ (have / are having) half an hour.
Perhaps I can show Gina round the office. Would
you like to have a look around, Gina?
Gina That would be great. Thank you, Tony.
Tony OK, let’s go.

11. Decide if the sentences below contain mistakes. Change the

form of the verb where necessary.

1. We’re not liking the new computer system.

2. How many boxes do you need?
3. Smiths are seeming interested in our products.
4. Paul’s travelling to New York next week.
5. Is Marta preferring the second option?

12. Choose the correct form of the verbs in italics.

1. She write / writes training programmes.

2. The company doesn’t / isn’t making a profit.
3. They are having / have a meeting.
4. We don’t finishing / finish work at 6pm.
5. That printer doesn’t / isn't work.
6. Are / Do you often visit head office?

7. What time is / does Geoff arriving?
8. I’m not / I don’t understand the problem.

13a. Decide if uses (1—8) are usually associated with Present

Simple (PS) or Present Continuous (PC).

1) facts and permanent situations — PS

2) action and events in progress now —
3) arrangements for the future —
4) verbs of thinking and feeling —
5) habits and routines —
6) temporary situations —
7) fixed timetable —
8) current trends and changes —

13b. Match sentences (a—h) with uses (1—8).

a) She’s talking on another line right now, can I ask her to call
you back?
b) We offer a networking solution that is reliable and secure.
c) We release figures for total sales every quarter.
d) I’m arriving in Munich at 10:30.
e) The plane arrives in Munich at 10:30.
f) I’m working in our customer services department this month.
g) Internet fraud is increasing all over the world.
h) OK, I understand what the problem is now.

14. Put the time expressions from the list below into two catego-
ries: those usually used with the Present Simple, and those usually
used with the Present Continuous. Write the expression in correct

after, always, as soon as, before, currently, every day, hardly ev-
er, never, at the moment, most of thе time, next time, normally, now,
nowadays, occasionally, often, rarely sometimes, these days, twice a
year, until, usually, when
Present Simple Present Continuous
After currently

 Listening
15. Paul Larousse works in an overseas subsidiary of Lisa Guz-
man’s company. Listen to the conversation and decide if Paul is vis-
iting the head office for the first time for an international team meet-
ing or not. ( 5)

16. Look again at the list in ex. 8 and identify the things Lisa
did. Number them in order.

17. What expressions did Lisa use for:

— apologising?
— asking about Paul’s journey?
— inviting Paul to sit down?
— offering something to drink?


1. In each situation below, a host receives a visitor from abroad.

Take turns to play host and visitor. Before you start, decide which
country each of you is from and in which country you are meeting.
You can use real personal information or invent new identities. Act
out the greetings and introductions, and if appropriate, make some
general conversation, as in the listening activity. You don't have to
discuss any business matters.

Situation 1
The visitor is from an overseas subsidiary and is visiting head
office to meet counterparts in the accounts department. You have not
met before but have communicated by email and phone.
Visitor: You arrive very late because your flight was delayed.

Situation 2
The host and visitor meet regularly once a month, usually for
1—2 hours.

Visitor: You are from the head office. You travel a lot visiting
different subsidiaries and coordinating joint projects.
Host: You don’t have the opportunity to travel much.

Situation 3
The host and visitor work for the same company. The last time
you met was two years ago at a conference in Scotland. Since then,
you have both been promoted to new positions in the company. You
are going to start working together on a project.

Situation 4
The visitor and host are meeting to discuss an ongoing contract
between your two companies. The visitor represents the supplier.
You have not met before, but the host knows some of the visitor’s
colleagues in the export sales department.
Visitor: This is a new job for you, and it is your first time in the
host’s country.


1. Read the profile of Derek Stirling and then write another pro-
file about yourself. Use the topics below to help you.

name company responsibilities

nationality position of the company
hobbies home town


My name is Derek Stirling and I’m Scottish. I live in Hadlow, a

lovely English village near London, and I work for the Swire Group,
Britain’s largest private company. The Group’s activities are divided
into five business areas: shipping, aviation, property, industries, and
trading. Our best-known company is Cathay Pacific Airways.
I work at our London head office; I’m head of Corporate
Finance, and I’m responsible for developing the business of the

I’m always very busy and I don’t have much free time, but when
I do, I like fishing and I grow my own vegetables, just for fun.

Topic 2. Telephoning


1. Study the Word List.

answer the phone — отвечать на телефонный звонок

voice — голос
receptionist — администратор
friendly — дружелюбный
polite — вежливый
busy — занятой
interrupt — прерывать
remember — помнить
switch on — включать
call back — перезвонить
ignore — игнорировать
take a deep breath — тяжело вздохнуть
hang up — брать трубку

2. Answer the questions.

1. How often do you have to answer the phone?

2. Are you polite when you answer the phone?
3. Do you always answer your phone?
4. Do you stop a conversation to answer the phone?

3. Read the text and do the tasks after it.

How many ways to say hello?1
When two people meet in Tokyo they say konnichiha which
means hello. But if they answer the phone, they say moshi moshi.
Japan isn’t the only country to have its own special “telephone lan-
guage”. The Spanish say hola for hello but on the phone they answer
digame. Literally translated digame means “tell me” — but this
sounds very rude in English. Similarly, if a caller heard the words:
I’m ready in London or New York, they’d think this was very
strange. They’d ask “ready for what?”. But in Italy the word pronto!
means exactly this.
The rules for answering the phone in the international workplace
seem to be more universal. Phone a business number and the recep-
tionist is likely to say the name of the company and answer more
politely or formally. For example, in English you make the polite
offer of help with How can I help you? But even this isn’t quite as
polite as the very formal Norwegian response: vaer so god literally
meaning “be so good”.
Is it one of those days when the phone just won’t stop ringing?
By call number four you still answer the phone with a friendly, polite
“Good morning, how can I help you?” But four hours later, twenty
calls later and you’ve lost your smile. You must finish the report for
your boss and now — with all these calls — you’ll have to work late
tonight. So if that telephone rings one more time, don’t hang up,
don’t scream “Yes!” at the poor caller. Take a deep breath and smile.
I know the caller can’t see you, but a smile makes your voice sound
friendly and polite, a smile makes you feel better and it makes your
colleagues in the office feel better.

Hughes J. Telephone English. — Macmillan Education, 2006. — P. 10—91.

Why is it that we will say to someone: “Sorry, I’m busy right
now. Can we talk later?” but when the phone rings we stop what
we’re doing and answer it? We even interrupt our conversations to
answer the phone. Our friends can wait, but our phone just won’t!
When you’re busy, remember these simple techniques:
— switch on your voicemail;
— ask them to call back again later;
— ask someone else to answer and take a message;
— give people times when you are free to answer calls;
— ignore the phone!

4. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. Many nationalities greet people differently on the phone than

they do face-to-face.
2. The Spanish are impolite.
3. When an Italian meets you in the street he greets you with the
words “I’m ready”.
4. At work, different nationalities use a similar approach to an-
swering the phone.

5. How do you answer the phone? Tick what you do.

1) greet the caller ()

2) say your name ()
3) say your company’s name ()
4) say your department’s name ()
5) say your telephone number ()
6) offer to help the caller ()

6. Study the table below and decide if sentences 1—10 are

correct () or incorrect (X).

Сan I speak to someone about + noun / verb + -ing

I’m calling about + noun / verb + -ing
It’s with regard to + noun / verb + -ing
It’s about + noun / verb + -ing
I’m phoning because of + noun

I’d like to + infinitive
I’m phoning to + infinitive

1. Is there someone I can speak to about applying for the course? ()

2. There’s someone on the line calling about the new job. ()
3. I’m calling arrange a meeting. ()
4. It’s with regard to place an order. ()
5. It’s about Natalie, I’m afraid. ()
6. I’m phoning because of requesting a brochure. ()
7. I like speaking to someone about the project. ()
8. I’d like to have a chat. ()
9. I’m phoning to ask for a catalogue. ()
10. It’s with regard to your request for a brochure. ()

7. Sometimes the person who answers the phone has to connect

the caller to another person. Underline the correct word in italics in
these phrases for connecting the caller.

1. I’ll put / connect you through…

2. Let me just see if someone’s available to answer / deal with
3. You need to speak to my colleague. I’ll try / transfer his
number for you.
4. I’ll just connect / call you to the person in charge of this…
5. I’ll transfer / put you to Silvia.
6. I’ll put you on / back through to reception.

Future Simple
To be going to
Modal verbs: can, could

8. Complete the sentences with will / won't and the words in


1. I promise I ________ (call) you later.

2. I’m sorry about what happened yesterday. It ________
(happen) again.

3. I ________ (try) calling again tomorrow.
4. Can you wait for me? I ________ (be) very long.
5. I ________ (call) you back in about 5 minutes.

9. Complete the sentences with to be going to and the words in


1. I ________ (book) a table for tonight.

2. _____ you _____ (call) him back?
3. I ________ (call) John this afternoon.
4. We ________ (meet) them at their office.

10. Complete the sentences with can / can’t and the verbs in the

1. Good morning, how ________ I (help) you?

2. ________ you (take) a message?
3. I ________ (hear) you properly.
4. Sorry, that is too fast for me. ________ you (speak) more
5. This is a terrible line. I ________ (hear) a thing.

11. Put the words in the correct order.

1) you / I / help / can?

2) take / message / can / a / I?
3) room / in / book / this / I / advance / can’t.
4) do / it / I / for / can / you.
5) someone / brochure / can / to / speak / receiving / I / a / about?

12. Complete Bruce and Naomi’s conversation with the

appropriate future forms.

Naomi Hi, Bruce. It’s Naomi here. I’m calling about the
conference in Shanghai. We (1) ________ (have to)
make some changes.
Bruce Hi, Naomi. OK, hang on, let me get a pen. Right, fire

Naomi I don’t think the Yangtze Garden (2) ________ (be)
big enough. We (3) ________ (need) a centre that
can seat at least 600.
Bruce That many? Any suggestions?
Naomi The Mandarin palace Center (4) ________ (be) free
that day. I’ve already spoken to them and I
(5) ________ (meet) the conference manager
tomorrow. It (6) ________ (mean) increasing the
registration fee by $50 through.
Bruce That (7) ________ (not / be) a problem. Anything
Naomi Alasdair Ross can’t do the morning session as his
plane (8) ________ (not / land) until 9:30, so I’ve
arranged things with Jimmy Tan and they
(9) ________ (switch) slots. Also, Milan University
say they (10) ________ (send) Carla Marisco
because Professor Bertoni can’t make it. But the talk
(11) ________ (be) the same.
Bruce Fine. Make those changes and I (12) ________
(inform) everyone at my end.

13. Underline the correct phrases in italics in the call. Then lis-
ten to the phone call and check your answers. ( 6)

RECEPTION (1) Tell me / Good morning. AIC computing.

JOH Sales, please.
RECEPTION One moment.
SALES (2) Ready / Hello. Sales. (3) Can I help you? /
What do you want?
JOHN Yes. (4) Give me / Can I speak to Vitale Ma-
rini, please?
SALES Certainly. One moment.
VITALE Vitale Marini (5) speaking / talking.
JOHN Hi Vitale. (6) I am / It’s John Peterson here.
VITALE Oh John. How are you?

14. Listen to these phrases. The speaker always sounds friendly
and polite. ( 7)

1. Good morning. Can I help you?

2. I’m very sorry, but he’s away today.
3. Can I help?
4. Good morning, Berry Technologies.
5. I don’t know when he’ll be back.
6. One moment. I’ll put you through.
7. Can I take a message?
8. I’m just looking for a pen.
9. Speak to you soon.
10. Goodbye.

15. Listen to it again and repeat the phrases. Remember to smile

and sound friendly and polite. We can also sound more friendly and
polite because of the words we use. For example, the first sentence
here is less friendly than the second. ( 8)

1.  Carlsen International.
2.  Carlsen International. How can I help you?

16. Add words from the first phrase in bold to complete the sec-
ond friendly and polite phrase.

1.  What’s your name?

 Sorry, could I have your __name_________?
2.  Who do you want to speak to?
 Who would you like _______________?
3.  She’s in a meeting.
 I’m afraid _______________.
4.  He’s talking to someone.
 One moment. He’s just _______________.
5.  Do you want to wait?
 Would _______ like _______ hold?
6.  What’s it about?
 Can 1 ask _______________ it’s in connection with?

7.  Wait! I need to find a pen.
 Sorry, I’m just looking for _______________.


1. A relocations consultant phones a client to make an appoint-

ment. Look at the diaries and role-play the telephone conversation.
Use the phrases below to help you.

1. What can I do for you?

2. I’d like to arrange an appointment.
3. Are you free at the end of the month?
4. What date’s good for you?
5. I’m afraid I’m busy on the 28th.
6. How about Wednesday the 29th?
7. Let’s say around 9 o’clock?
8. OK, I’ll see you at 1:30 on Thursday the 30th.

Student A
You are a relocations consultant. Look at your diary. Phone your
client and ask to make an appointment.

MONDAY (16th) Relocations conference Antwerp

TUESDAY (17th) Relocations conference Antwerp
WEDNESDAY (18th) l—3pm meet JG
3:30—6 pm interview for new PA
THURSDAY (19th) 10 am presentation
11:30 am—2 pm working lunch TK
FRIDAY (2Oth) 8:30—11 am relocations meeting
with BL
3—4:30 pm meeting with project

Student B
You are a client. Look at your diary. You receive a call from the
relocations consultant. He / She wants to make an appointment.
MONDAY (16th) 2—30 pm productivity meeting
TUESDAY (17th) 10 arn—12 pm staff appraisals

WEDNESDAY (18th) 9—10:30 am finish report 11 am-
12:30 pm meeting with CEO
THURSDAY (19th) 2—4 pm meet visitors from New
York office
FRIDAY (20th) 8—9:30 am prepare figures for fi-
nance meeting
3:30—5 pm finance meeting

2. The client from Exercise 1 phones the relocations consultant

to change the appointment. Take turns to be the client and the reloca-
tions consultant. Try to find another date and time when you are both

— Look again at the diary on page 99, and cross out two ap-
— Phone the relocations consultant.
— Apologise and explain that you need to change your ap-
Relocations consultant:
— Look again at the diary on page 96 and cross out two ap-
— Your client phones and wants to change your appointment.


1. Translate the text from Russian into English.

Правила ведения телефонных разговоров, в основном, оди-

наковы во всех странах. Мы хотели бы перечислить лишь
наиболее общие правила так называемого «телефонного этике-
— всегда говорите четко, ясно и кратко;
— неправильно набрав номер, извинитесь;
— набрав номер и услышав голос собеседника, представьтесь;
— убедитесь в том, что вы правильно поняли передаваемую
вам информацию;

— не стесняйтесь переспросить, если вы не все поняли,
и при необходимости записать услышанное;
— желательно, чтобы тот, кто набрал номер, начал говорить
первым, и первым закончил разговор;
— не забудьте передать третьему лицу то, о чем вас просил

2. Plan your next telephone call in English. Complete the plan


1. Who am I calling?
2. Best time of day to call?
3. If that person isn’t available, is there anyone else I can speak to?
4. Objectives of the call?
5. Questions the other person might ask?
6. Useful phrases I can use?
7. What will I say if I have to leave a message?

Topic 3. Business Correspondence


1. Study the Word List.

essential — неотъемлемая часть
addressee — адресат, получатель
routine — типовой, стандартный, регулярный
joint venture — совместное предприятие
taking into account — принимая во внимание
frequently — зачастую, нередко, обычно
business relationships — деловые отношения
appropriate — подходящий
trademark license — лицензия на торговую марку
signature — подпись
illegible handwriting — неразборчивый почерк
exchange letters — обмениваться письмами
make an impression on — производить впечатление на кого-

2. Answer the questions.

1. Why is letter writing still important today?

2. Where is sender’s address written?
3. How are dates written?
4. What salutations can be used at the beginning of the letter?
5. What are the most commonly used complimentary clauses?

3. Read the text paying attention to the words in bold and do the
task after it.
Business letters1
Letter writing is an essential part of business communication.
A check, a contract or any other business paper sent by mail should
always be accompanied by a letter. The letter says what is being sent,
that the addressee should know exactly what you intended to send. In
a typical business letter called “routine”.
Nowadays more and more agreements are made in English, for
English is a universal business language. Joint ventures agreements,
bank loans, and trademark licenses are frequently written in English.

Агабекян И. П. English for Managers. Английский для менеджеров : учеб.
пособие. — М. : ТК Велби ; Проспект, 2007. — С. 216—224.

With the appearance of electronic mail, voice mail, and faxes,
good letter writing is loosing its importance. And yet, a well-written
business letter can help a lot in your business relationships. A well
arranged letter will make a better impression on the reader, thus good
letters make good business partners.
Business correspondence does not have to be dry and dull. In
fact, the most effective business letters often touch on very personal
matters, not just on money or the bottom line. Taking into account
today’s informational overload it is important to be short and to the
point in most of your correspondence.
There are basically two types of business letters: formal business
letters and informal business letters. Very often, there is a small dif-
ference between the two.
Formal business letters do not have to be all business. They may
include one or two personal sentences or touch on a personal subject.
However, they are still formal business letters.
There are several rules that you should follow when writing a
formal business letter.
— Use company letterhead when appropriate. Company letter-
head should only be used for business, not for personal matters.
— Use the proper salutation to open the letter. If the addressee is
more or less known to you and who is more or less your peer, then
the proper salutation would be “Dear Jane”. If the addressee is an
executive level person and you do not feel comfortable using their
first name, both names can be used (i.e., “Dear Jane Doe”). If you
are a young executive who has just been introduced to a senior exec-
utive, do not use their first name in correspondence since it may
seem lacking in respect. Instead use the more formal introduction,
“Dear Ms. Doe.”
— Use a complimentary closing. For any formal business corre-
spondence, using either “Sincerely” or “Sincerely yours” is an ap-
propriate way to close your letter.
— Always sign your letter. Many letters include a typed signa-
ture block followed by a handwritten signature. The primary reason
for this is that many people’s handwriting is illegible. However, it is
a serious error to only include the typed signature. Make sure you
include your written signature underneath the typed signature under-
neath the typed signature block.

Business executives exchange informal letters on a regular basis
these days. These letters are most commonly used to please the ad-
dressee in some manner. Examples of informal letters include con-
gratulatory letters, complimentary letters, requests for favors, thank
you letters, and letters of encouragement.

4. Match the words (1—5) with the words (a—e) to complete

the phrases.

1) handwritten; a) addressee;
2) company; b) letterhead;
3) business; c) signature;
4) illegible; d) handwriting;
5) to please; e) correspondence.

5. Match the words and word-combinations in the left column

with their equivalents in the right column.

1. Thank you letters; a) поздравительные письма;

2. Complimentary letters; b) благодарственные письма;
3. Requests for favours; c) поощрительное письмо;
4. Letters of encouragement; d) письмо о помощи;
5. Congratulatory letters; e) поздравительные письма.

6. Read the text again. Decide if the statements are true (T) or
false (F).

1. Do not use any rules when writing a formal business letter.

2. Many letters include a typed signature block followed by a
handwritten signature.
3. Business executives don’t use informal letters on a regular ba-
sis these days.
4. Examples of informal letters include congratulatory letters,
complimentary letters, requests for favors, thank you letters, and let-
ters of encouragement.
5. Company letterhead should be used for personal matters.

6. It is important to be short and to the point in most of your cor-
7. There is a small difference between formal business letters
and informal business letters.

7a. Read these e-mails.

E-mail A

I need the test results urgently. Can you please send them right
away so we can get on with the next stage of the project.

E-mail B

Hi, Jean
I know you’re busy but we need the test results urgently. We can’t
start the next stage of the project without them. Is there any way
you can send them today or tomorrow? I’d really appreciate it.

7b. Answer the questions.

1. If you want someone to help you, is it better to be strong or to

be polite?
2. Which of the e-mails above is more polite?
3. Which e-mail is better if you are:

— writing to a close colleague?

— writing to someone in another company?
— the boss?
— writing to someone you don’t know well?

8. Read this letter to a customer. Match each section of the letter

(1—8) with its description (a—h).

26 August 2004
Trevor Jackson
Apex Finance plc
Apex House
Channel Port
Sussex BN35 2XX

1. Dear Mr Jackson
2. Proposal for IT maintenance contract*
3. Thank you for an excellent meeting on Friday.
4. As promised, I enclose** our proposal for your IT maintenance
5. Please let me know if you have any questions.
6. I look forward to hearing from you.

7. Yours sincerely.
8. Sandra Galvas

a) Subject line,
b) Offer to be helpful,
c) Name and title,
d) Formal greeting,
e) Refer to future contact,
f) Formal ending,
g) Refer to previous contact / correspondence,
h) Refer to enclosure / attachment.

To be going to
Future Simple

9. Complete the e-mail (1—7) with the words from the box.

book discuss know invite join sign visit

To: Viktor Sharansky

From: Renate Schmidt
Subject: Meeting in Frankfurt, Wednesday 1st November

Dear Viktor
I understand you are coming to Frankfurt for the meeting next
Wednesday. One of our most important clients, Max Wursig, is
going to (1) _____________ our office on the same day to
(2) ______________ a new contract. I’m going to
(3) _______________ him to the Rathaus restaurant for dinner on
Wednesday evening. Can you (4) _____________ us? I know he
wants to (5) ______________ your new research, and this would
be a good opportunity.
Please let me (6) ________________ as soon as you can, and I
will (7) ________________ a table for three at 7.30 p.m.
Best regards

10. Complete the sentences (1—5) with the words and phrases
from the box.

am planning / flying / going to / hope to / meeting / starts / will


For example:
As you can see from my schedule, I’m going to be out of the of-
fice next week.
1. On Saturday, I’m __________ to Dubai for the opening of our
new offices there.
2. The opening ceremony __________ at 3 p.m. on Monday.
3. On Tuesday evening, I __________ dinner with the local
4. I __________ meet some of our more important contacts in
the city.
5. I __________ to stay for five or six days.

11. Choose the correct future form of the verbs in italics.

1. The management have decided that they are going to / will

close the Paris branch next year.
2. Can you check Pieter's diary? Will he meet / Is he meeting the
new CEO today?
3. I saw the plans; they are going to / will expand the warehouse.
4. Oh, look, we’ve run out of copier paper. I’ll get / I’m getting
some from the stationery cupboard.
5. He won’t come / isn’t coming into work today; he’s working
at home.
6. She’ll be / She’s being a director in a year or two.
7. I can tell you now, when you ask the staff, they aren’t accept-
ing / going to accept your proposal.
8. Is that the phone? Leave it, I’m going to / I’ll answer it.

12. Underline the correct words in multi-dialogue.

1. A: Are you free next Tuesday morning?

B: Sorry, I’ll have / I’m having a meeting with Sue.
A: Oh, right. Well, what about Tuesday?
2. A: What are your plans for next year?
B: We’ll open / We’re going to open a new factory in Hungary.
A: That sounds interesting.
3. A: What do you think about their new marketing campaign?
B: I think it’ll probably succeed / it’s probably succeeding.
A: Do you really?
4. A: What about tomorrow at around 5:30?
B: OK, I’ll see you then. / I’m seeing you then.
A: Bye.
5. A: So as you can see, I’ve been thinking about this problem
quite a lot.
B: Yes, I see. So, what are you going to do? / what are you
A: Resign!
6. A: It would be nice to see you next week.

B: Yes, it would. Are you doing anything / Will you do
anything on Wednesday?
A: No, I’m free.
13. Read the email to Roy about his visit to a supplier next
week. Put the verbs in brakets into the correct future form.

Hi, Roy
You (1) ________ (meet) Lisa Clark, the Sales Manager at 11
am next Thursday. I (2) ________ (not have) time to book your
plane ticket this morning. I (3) ________ (book) it this afternoon.
Jack hopes you (4) ________ (meet) him for lunch on Friday, if you
have time. He’s (5) ________ (contact) you at your hotel tomorrow
evening. Are you stay at the Continental Hotel again? I expect they
(6) ________ (have) vacancies. I (7) ________ (phone) you later to
Best wishes

14. Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into

the most appropriate future form. Choose between will and going to.

1. Have you heard the news? Vivendi is going to buy (buy)

2. I’ve just had a call from Richard — He ________ (be) late.
3. Next year ________ (be) the company’s centenary year.
4. This taxi driver is terrible. He ________ (have) an accident.
5. In the future video-conferences ________ (probably replace)
many international meeting.
6. We ________ (test) the new machine sometime next week.
7. Would you mind waiting for a moment? I ________ (not be)

15. Anna Davidson, a training manager and expert in business
communication, talks about virtual teams: international teams which
communicate mainly by email. Listen to the first part. What are the

advantages and disadvantages of using email to communicate with
colleagues in other countries? ( 9)

16. Which of the following are most important when writing to a

colleague in another country? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

— Tell your colleagues about yourself.

— Write only about work.
— Keep your message very short.
— If there is a problem, explain it carefully.
— Use polite phrases.

17. Now listen to the second part of Anna Davidson’s talk. Tick
the points above which she recommends. ( 10)


1. Discuss in pairs.

1. What is “business correspondence” in your opinion?

2. Do you think one type of business letter is good for every
3. What is important when writing a business letter / e-mail?
4. What mistakes can you remember when writing a business
letter / e-mail? What went wrong? Why?


1. The phrases below are from an email to a customer about their

order. Put the phrases in the correct sequence to create the email.

— We have items A24 and B39 in stock…

— … due to a high demand for this product at the present time.
— Dear Ms Bundy
— We hope to receive new supplies within the next 7—10 days.
— … and you should receive them in 2—3 days.
— We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
— We regret that we are out of stock of item C2l…

— Thank you for your order dated March 30.
— Yours sincerely
— We will dispatch your order as soon as possible after that.
2. You receive the following enquiry. Write a reply. Include the
points given in the notes.

Dear Sir
I am interested in the IT training courses you offer, as advertised
in Training Monthly.
Could you please send me a copy of your course programme for
this year? My postal address is given above.
Many thanks
Don Bradshaw

Texts for Reading and Discussion

Text A

1. Answer the questions.

1. What is a business meeting?

2. Do you know any tips for a successful meeting?

3. What mistakes can you remember when meeting business

2. Read the text and do the tasks after it.

Meeting Business Partners
Any person who has achieved a modicum of success in their life
necessarily has learned how to handle meetings, both formal and
otherwise. Meetings are a reality of business and life. Most business
people have meetings on a daily basis.
We meet with business partners to discuss future and current
business opportunities and to hammer out problems. We meet with
colleagues to discuss strategy, tactics and plans of action. We meet
with friends to discuss outings, vacations and other friends.
Thus, we can see that meetings are a part of daily life. But have
any of us thought about how to approach meetings? What are the
dynamics of a meeting? How can we improve our meeting skills to
get better results?
This article won/t make you a meeting expert, but it will give
you some pointers on how to get the most out of your business meet-

3. Match the words (1—5) with the words (a—e) to complete

the phrases.

1) daily a) results
2) business b) skills
3) discuss c) basis
4) better d) meetings
5) improve e) strategy

4. Match the words and word-combinations in the left column

with their equivalents in the right column.

1) meet with colleagues a) обсудить стратегию

2) daily basis b) возможности в бизнесе
3) get better results c) ежедневно
4) business opportunities d) встречаться с коллегами

5) discuss strategy e) достичь лучших результатов

5. Read the text again. Decide if the statements are true (T) or
false (F).

1. This article will make you a meeting expert.

2. Meetings are a reality of business and life.
3. We meet with colleagues to discuss vacations and friends.
4. Most business people have meetings on a daily basis.
5. This article won’t give you some pointers on how to get the
most out of your business meetings.

Text B

1. Answer the questions.

1. Why is it important to follow telephone etiquette?

2. Are you polite when you answer the phone?
3. What phrases of telephone etiquette do you know?

2. Read the text and do the tasks after it.

Telephone Skills
The telephone may be one of the most powerful, efficient and
cost-effective business tools you have at your disposal. If things start
out badly on the phone, they may never progress beyond the first
call. Whether you use the phone for customer service or for sales
calls as part of a telemarketing strategy, telephone manners and eti-
quette are critical components of a professional image.
Through experience, you’ll develop your own telephone style.
You’ll also find customers and prospects responding positively when
you and your employees smile, listen and show personal interest!
The following tips will help you use your «telephone tool» to its
— Smile when you’re on the phone; your customers will hear it!
— Answer the phone pleasantly and maintain a pleasant de-
meanor while on the phone.

— Never answer the phone with food in your mouth or try to eat
quietly while talking.
— Return all phone calls within 48 hours
— When you place a call that you know might be lengthy, ask if
it's a good time to talk before you begin that conversation.
— Know what you want to say before making an important call.
— Make a telephone appointment when you want to have a fo-
cused, longer (15 or more minutes) conversation with someone who
is normally busy.
— Listen and respond to the person on the other end of the line.
When you focus on them rather on what you’re going to say next, the
phone call becomes more conversational.

3. Match the words (1—5) with the words (a—e) to complete

the phrases.

1) telephone, a) interest,
2) the first, b) style,
3) personal, c) image,
4) answer, d) the phone,
5) professional, e) call.

4. Match the words and word-combinations in the left column

with their equivalents in the right column.

1) important call, a) личный интерес,

2) personal interest, b) манеры и этикет,
3) becomes more conversational, c) пока разговариваете,
4) while on the phone, d) важный разговор,
5) manners and etiquette, e) становиться более раз-

5. Read the text again. Decide if the statements are true (T) or
false (F).

1. Return all phone calls within 2 days.

2. Don’t smile when you’re on the phone; your customers won’t
hear it!

3. Answer the phone pleasantly and maintain a pleasant de-
meanor while on the phone.
4. Always answer the phone with food in your mouth and do not
try to eat quietly while talking.
5. Know what you want to say before making an important call.

Stop and Check 2

Do the tasks below. There are two points for each correct

1. Fill in the gaps.

What’s the time, please?

А. ________ (1)
А. We must hurry up. The delegation is arriving in half an hour.
В. ________ (2) There’s a taxi over there.

А. Hallo. Can I speak to Mr. Green?

В. ________ (3)
А. This is Ahmed Ali. How are you, Mr. Green?
В. ________ (4)
А. Very well too, thank you. When shall I see you? I want to
discuss some business with you.
В. _______ (5)?
А. Perfectly all right, thank you. I’ll be at your office at ten on
В. ________ (6)

А. As far as I know, Serge, you have customers in French-

speaking countries, don’t you?
В. ________ (7) A French delegation is coming to Moscow, you
А. ________ (8)?
В. This Tuesday.
А. ________ (9)?
В. The prices and some other things.
А. ________ (10)?

В. All this week.

2. Jacqui Bond wrote an email to Ili Enache about a meeting

next week. The points from the message have been mixed up. Look
at the recommended sequence of points below. Then order the mes-
sage appropriately.

I’m afraid I may not be able to make the 8:00 start. The train
connections can be very difficult at that time of day.
Would it be possible to start at 9:00? It means we would finish at
17:00 instead of 16:00. Please let me know if that’s a problem for
Hello, Ili
Best regards, Jacqui
You asked me to send the feasibility report and I am attaching it
here. Please note that this is not yet in final draft and there may be
some mistakes.
Thanks for sending the agenda for our meeting.
I'm looking forward very much to seeing you next week.

Recommended sequence of points

11. Friendly greeting.
12. Thanks or reference to previous contract.
13. Most important point / problem.
14. Important request.
15. Less important points.
16. Reference to future contact.
17. Ending.

3. Read the text.

Telephone etiquette
Just because you can’t see the caller, it doesn’t mean you have
the right to suspend the normal rules of politeness. Be helpful to the
caller even if the subject of the call is not strictly speaking your field
of responsibility. This means trying to find someone who can help
now, or someone who can ring them back later. Don’t put the caller
on hold and then leave them suspended there indefinitely.

Remember too that you give out subliminal signals by the tone
of your voice, the clarity with which you speak, how fast you speak,
the pitch of your voice. You should always devote your full attention
to the call; mistakes and misunderstandings will arise if you are do-
ing something else at the same time. Even if the call is a difficult or
heated one, stay calm; try to be helpful and never slam the phone
Things to avoid when on the phone
It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that because your caller
can’t see you, they won't be affected by what you are doing and
what's going on around you. Remember not to:
— let it ring more than four times;
— eat and drink while talking on the phone;
— be too familiar;
— talk to someone else in your office;
— have too much background noise;
— speak too quietly or too loudly;
— speak too quickly.

4. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

18. Eat and drink while talking on the phone.

19. Even if the call is a difficult or heated one, stay calm; try to
be helpful and never slam the phone down.
20. Don’t speak too quietly or too loudly.
21. Don’t talk to someone else in your office.
22. Be helpful to the caller even if the subject of the call is not
strictly speaking your field of responsibility.

5. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense.

Stephen (23) ________ (work) as a manager. He is in the office

now. He (24) ________ (take part) at the meeting with his foreign
colleagues. Stephen (25) ________ (stay) in London at present, but
he (26) ________ (fly) to Egypt tomorrow to discuss some issues.
His flight (27) _________ (leave) at 6 a.m. and although he

(28) ________ (like) travelling, he (29) ________ (hate) early morn-

6. Match the tenses with their meaning.

30) Jack works as a manager.

31) He is taking part at the meeting with his foreign colleagues.
32) He is staying in Moscow at present.
33) He is going to Lion on Sunday.
34) His flight leaves tomorrow morning.
35) He likes his job.

a) temporary situations,
b) schedule actions (timetables),
c) future arrangements,
d) actions happening now,
e) likes and dislikes,
f) permanent states.

7. Put the words in the correct order.

36) usually / week / all / work / the / hard / I;

37) coming / delegation / to / is / A / French;
38) prices / to discuss / meet / the / We / week / can / later;
39) the / please / line / Hold;
40) colleague / trip / a / your / business / is going on;
41) Mr Brown / have / with / an / I / appointment.

8. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

42) Компания планирует сдать отчет в конце недели.

43) Не могли бы вы мне помочь с этой презентацией?
44) Я надеюсь, что ты хорошо отдохнешь.
45) Мэри обычно опаздывает на работу.
46) Я надеюсь, вы простите меня за беспокойство.
47) Он отвечает за инновации в нашей компании.
48) Я не могу Вам помочь в данный момент. Обратитесь,
пожалуйста, к моему коллеге.

49) Мы собираемся встретиться с деловыми партнерами че-
рез неделю.
50) Мы работаем на международную компанию, которая за-
нимается производством торгового оборудования.

Total score: 100

(Библиографический список)
Основная литература
1. Barrall, I. Intelligent Business : Workbook / I. Barrall, N. Barrall. —
Edinburgh : Longman, 2008. — (Pre-Intermediate Business English). —
P. 4-7.
2. Johnson, C. Intelligent Business: Pre-intermediate. Coursebook. —
Pearson Education Limited 2008. — P. 8—13.
3. Lees, G. English on Business: Practical English for International Ex-
ecutives / G. Lees, T. Thorne. — Изд-во «Титул», 1997. — P. 114—140.
Дополнительная литература
1. Harrison, M. Oxford Living Grammar: Pre-Intermediate: Lean and
Practise Grammar in Context: with answers: [оксфорд. живая грамматика:
нач. Курс : учеб. пособие] / M. Harrison. — Oxford : Oxford Univ. press,
2009. — P. 22—25, 34—37.
2. Любимцева, С. Н. Деловой английский для начинающих : учеб. /
С. Н. Любимцева, Б. М. Тарковская, Л. Г. Памухина. — 6-е изд. —
Москва : ГИС, 2001. — С. 54—59.
3. Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use: A Self-Study Referens and
Practice Book for Intermediate Students with Answers / R. Murphy. —
2-nd ed. — Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002. — P. 52—55, 46—47.
1. Cambridge Dictionaries Online [Electronic resource] : the most
popular online dictionary and thesaurus for learners of English. — Cam-
bridge University Press, 2013. — Access of code : www.dictionary.
cambridge.org. — Загл. с экрана. — Яз. англ.
2. Study Learn.ru [Электронный ресурс] : все для тех, кому нужен
англ. язык. — Режим доступа : www.study.ru. — Москва, 1997. — Загл.
с экрана. — Яз. англ.

3. Мультитран [Электронный ресурс] : электрон. словарь. — Ре-
жим доступа : www.multitran.ru. — Загл. с экрана.


Topic 1. Applying for a Job


1. Study the Word List.

look for a job — искать работу

apply for a job — подавать заявление о приеме на работу
application form — заявление о приеме на работу
employ — нанимать, предоставлять работу
train — обучать, готовить(ся), тренировать(ся)
go on/do training courses — ходить на обучающие курсы
earn money — зарабатывать деньги
prospects — перспективы
resign — уходить в отставку
leave a job — уходить с работы
dismiss/sack smb — увольнять кого-либо
take over/run a company — управлять компанией

retire — уходить на пенсию
promote — продвигать, повышать в чине / звании
be unemployed/out of work — быть безработным

2. Complete the table. Use a dictionary to help you.

Verb General noun Person

employ employment/ unemployment employer/employee

resign no
retire no
train /

3. Answer the questions using the words from the Word List.

1. Is it difficult for women to climb up the career ladder?

2. What should a person do to make a success?
3. What features of character should a successful person possess?

4. Read the text and match these headlines to the parts of the

a) Getting a job-1
b) Hard times
c) Leaving the company
d) Happier times
e) Moving up
Paula’s Career Ladder1
1) Getting a job
When Paula left school, she applied for (= wrote an official
request for) a job in a local company. They gave her a job as a
trainee (= a very junior person in a company). She didn’t earn much
(= didn’t get much money/she had a low salary), but they gave her

Redman S. English Vocabulary in Use: Pre-intermediate and intermediate. —
Cambridge University Press, 2007. — P. 144.

in-house training (= the company gave her help and advice to
become better), and she went on/did several training courses.
2) _________
Paula worked hard and her prospects (= future possibilities in
the job) looked good. Her manager/boss (infml) was very pleased
with her progress and she soon got a good pay rise (= more money
every week/month). After two years she was promoted (= was given
a higher position with more money and responsibility). After five
years she was in charge of (= the boss of) a department with five
employees (= workers) under her (= under her control).
3) _________
By the time Paula was 30, she decided she wanted a fresh
challenge (= a new exciting situation) and a career change (= to work
in a different kind of job). She wanted to work abroad (= work in
another country), so she resigned (= officially told the company she
was leaving her job; also quit (infml) and started looking for another
job. After a month she got a job with an international company
which involved (= included) a lot of foreign travel. She was very
excited about this and at first she really enjoyed it, but….
4) ____________
After six months, Paula started to dislike the travelling and
living in hotels. She didn’t do well in the job either. After a year the
company dismissed/sacked her (= told her to leave), and Paula found
life difficult. She was unemployed/out of work (= without a job) for
nine months until she got a part-time job (= working only part of the
day or week) in the kitchen of a restaurant.
5) ___________
Paula loved the restaurant. She enjoyed learning to cook, and
two years later she took over (= took control of) the restaurant. After
a year, she opened a second one, and after 20 years she had 10
restaurants. Last year Paula retired (= stopped working completely)
at the age of 50, a rich woman.

5. Decide if the statements are true or false.

1. After school Paula worked as a trainee in a local company.

2. After five years Paula was in charge of a company.
3. She moved abroad and got an interesting job.

4. Paula was tired of travelling.
5. At the end of her career Paula ran a restaurant.

6. Write a synonym for each of these phrases.

1) sack someone = ….dismiss….. someone

2) out of work =………………………………………………….
3) leave a company =…………………………………………….
4) be given a better position in a company = be…………………
5) future possibilities in a job =………………………………….
6) stop working often at 60 or 65 =………………………………
7) take control of a company =…………………………………..

7. Complete these sentences with a suitable word.

1. She’s not happy in her own country. She wants to work….

2. I don’t want a full-time job. I prefer to work………………….
3. He wants to go on another training…………………………….
4. I’m bored in my job. I need a fresh……………………………
5. At the end of this year we’ll get a good pay…………………..
6. She’s got more than a hundred workers under………………..
7. I didn’t know he was the new manager. When did he take
8. I know it’s not a great job. How much does he………………?

8a. Complete the text with the words from the box.1

Position, an interview, covering letter, apply for,

a recruitment agency, CV, application

When a company needs to recruit or employ, new people, it may

deckle to advertise the job or (1) position in the “NEED HELP”
section of a newspaper. People who are interested can then (2) _____
the job by sending in a letter of application or (3) ______ (US cover

Агабекян И. П. Указ. соч. С. 71.

letter) and a curriculum vitae or (4) _______ (in US — resume)
containing details of their education and experience.
A company may also ask candidates to complete an (5) ______
form. The company’s Human Resources department will then select
the most suitable applications and prepare a shortlist of candidates or
applicants, who are invited to attend (6) ________. Another way for
a company to hire is by using the services of (7) _____ (in US —
search firm), which provides a list of suitable candidates.

8b. Work in pairs. Look through the text again and make up a
list of steps to apply for a job.

e.g. Firstly, we find job vacancies in a newspaper.


Modal verbs: must, have to, should (See Grammar Reference)

9. Complete the responsibilities from a worker’s diary, using

must or mustn’t and the correct verb from the box.

Arrive be work write tell smoke take use

1. Employees must arrive in time to the office.

2. Employees _________ late for work.
3. Employees _________ responsibility for their work.
4. Employees _________ from nine to five.
5. Employees _________ at the office.
6. Employees _________ a report every month.
7. Employees _________ bad language.
8. Employees _________ the boss about their mistakes.

10. Complete the lines with words from the box.

have to, don’t have to, Do you have to, had to,
didn’t have to, will have to, won’t have to, has to

1. I sometimes had to work at night last month.
2. _______ work at weekends?
3. You ____ agree with him. Please, follow my advice.
4. She ______ check the documents.
5. I __________ look for a job.
6. They ______ come here next week.
7. He _____ change the job. He was promoted.
8. No, you ______ call him tomorrow.

11. Complete this conversation, in which Jane asks Nick about

his job, using mustn’t or the correct form of have to and the words in

J: What (1) do you have to do (you/do) in your job exactly?

N: (2) _______ (I/tell) you too much about it. A lot of my work
is secret.
J: Really? Well, (3) _____ (you/tell) me anything if you don’t
want to.
N: Well, I can tell you that I do research work for various
companies about games products.
J: (4) _______ (you/play) a lot of games?
N: I can, but (5) ______ (I/do) that.
J: (6) ______ (you/go) to other countries to do your research?
N: Sometimes. I’ve just been on a trip but (7) _______ (I/go)
abroad again until next year.
J: (8) _______ (you/get) any particular qualifications before you
got that job?
N: No, (9) ______ (I/do) a course — experience was more
J: So, are there any exciting new games coming out soon?
N: Yes, there is one that’s going to be really popular.
(10) _______ (You/repeat) this to anyone, but it’s called
‘Weird’. (11) ___ (I/say) any more. Only a few people know about
this game.
J: Don’t worry. I won’t say a word.

Harrison M. Op. cit. — P. 45.

12. Complete the sentences with should. For some gaps you will
need to form negatives.

When you are applying for a job …,

1. You should look through a lot of advertisements.
2. You _______ send CV and a cover letter.
3. You _______ prepare to the interview then.
4. You _______ ignore the advice of your parents and friends.
5. You _______ be late for an interview.
6. You _______ do the best at the interview.
7. You _______ criticize your previous job.

13. Read the problems and give advice, using should.

1. I can’t find your e-mail address. — You should put it down in

your notebook.
2. I’ve got exams next week, and I’m really nervous.
3. I like my job, but I don’t like the people I work with.
4. My computer’s behaving very strangely.
5. I argue a lot with my colleagues.

Past Simple (See Grammar Reference)

14. Make these sentences negative.

1. I went to university. I didn’t go to university.

2. He worked for the United Nations. ________________
3. I was on holiday last week. ________________
4. We lived in New Jersey. ________________
5. She left the company. ________________
6. They were in the office on Tuesday. ________________

15a. Match the questions with the answers.

1) What did you do last evening? a) I was born on 16.06.96
2) When did you send your first b) I celebrated New Year with
e-mail? my family.
3) Where were you on 31.12.12? c) I think I sent it in 2000.
4) How many countries did you d) I came by bus.
visit last year? e) I visited two.
5) When were you born? f) I worked at the office until
6) How did you come to this 9 p.m. and then I went home.
English class?

15b. Work in pairs. Ask the questions from the table above and
answer with your own information.

 Listening
16a. Listen to Steven talking about his job. What do you think
his job is? Would you like his job? Why/Why not? ( 11)

16b. Complete the sentences from the interview with words from
the box. Then change the sentences using he instead of I.

don’t have to, have to, had to, Do you have to, didn’t have to

1. I ______ work very long hours.

2. _______ work at the weekend?
3. I ______ do the washing-up.
4. We _____ learn the basics.
5. I _______ wait too long to get a job.

17a. Use these phrases to make past simple questions. Then lis-
ten to the interview and put the questions in the correct order. ( 12)

1) leave your last job? 4) be your first job?

2) go to school? 5) be born?
3) grow up? 6) join your present company?

Work experience
Why did you leave your last job? ___
When _____________________? ___
What______________________? ___
Personal history
Where ____________________? 1_
Where ____________________? ___
Where ____________________? ___

17b. Listen to the interview again. Are these sentences true (T)
or false (F)?

1. He wasn’t born in New York T

2. He didn’t grow up in Manhattan
3. He didn’t go to Harvard
4. He didn’t get a job as a consultant
5. He didn’t join his present company in 2002
6. He didn’t like the long hours at McKinsey


18. Work in small groups. What do you think?

1. What activities does looking for a job involve?

2. What does the Human Resources department do?
3. Is it easy for young people to find jobs nowadays?
4. Do you use an online job-search site to look for a job?
5. What do applicants usually write to get a job?

19a. Match the words to construct the sentences.

work accurately
I’ll have to … work irregular hours
I won’t have to … work under pressure
I have to … speak English well at work
I don’t have to … type fast

My friend has to … give presentations
My friend doesn’t have to … drive well
work on computer
do a lot of paperwork

19b. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about the
work, using the information from the table above.

1. Will you have to speak English well? — Yes, I will.

2. Do you have to …?
3. What will you have to do?
4. What do you have to do?
5. What does your friend have to do?


20. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Пять лет назад мой друг подал заявление о приеме на ра-

боту в местную компанию.
2. Он не много зарабатывал первые два года.
3. Он усердно работал и ходил на обучающие курсы.
4. Вскоре он ушел из компании.
5. Полгода он был безработным, прежде чем начал свое соб-
ственное дело.
6. Последние два года он управляет успешной компанией.

21. Write a short composition “A Successful Career”, describing

business of a famous person. Use Past tenses and modal verbs in
your sentences.

Topic 2. CV and Cover Letter


1. Study the Word List.

Human Resources department — отдел по работе с кадрами

curriculum vitae (CV) — автобиография
resume — краткие биографические данные
recruitment agency (амер. search firm) — агентство по тру-
letter of application (cover letter) — сопроводительное
письмо (к заявлению о приеме на работу)
job description / person specifications — описание работы /
требования к работе
skills — умения
personal qualities — личные качества
circumstances — обстоятельства, условия
qualifications — квалификации
profile — краткий биографический очерк; сведения из био-
work experience — опыт работы
be suitable for the job — подходить для этой работы
provide information — предоставлять информацию
special aptitudes for smth — особые способности к чему-либо

2. Consult the dictionary and read the words. Mind the stress in
the underlined parts.

Human Resources department, curriculum vitae, resume, re-

cruitment agency, application, description, specifications, personal
qualities, circumstances, qualifications, profile, experience, suitable,

3. Answer the questions.

1. What is a CV (resume)?
2. What is a cover letter?
3. What are the applicants' skills and qualities that are often
sought by employers?
4. Have you ever written a CV or a cover letter? Share your ex-

4. Read two texts about writing a CV and a cover letter. Then do

the tasks after them1.

The CV (Curriculum Vitae — lit. record of life) is presenting

your qualifications, skills and attributes to the employer. CV
demonstrates the suitability of an applicant for the job. As well as
providing an insight into previous qualifications and experience, it
should show the employer the skills and qualities the applicant has,
that will match the position being applied for. In compiling CV the
applicant has one objective only — to get an interview in order to get
the job.
A CV must be accurate, interesting and up-to-date. It must be
presentable so that it makes the best impression possible and gets
noticed. It should be relevant — targeted to the needs of each
particular position…
The letter of application, sometimes called cover letter, can be as
important as the CV because it is the first direct contact between a
candidate and an employer. If this letter is not well written and

Агабекян И. П. Указ. соч. С. 71—73.

presented, it will make a poor impression. The letter of application
normally contains four parts in which you should:
1) confirm that you wish to apply and say where you learned
about the job;
2) say why you are interested in the position and your interests
are the same as those of the company;
3) show that you can contribute to the job by describing your
most relevant skills and experience;
4) indicate your willingness to attend an interview (and possibly
say when you would be free to attend).
Before making an application you should analyse the job
description (the information provided by the employer to establish
the skills and qualities they particularly require). Job descriptions can
be limited to outlines of the work-related tasks rather than the
personal qualities needed. However, it is common now for employers
to produce job descriptions or person specifications which detail the
personal requirements. They may distinguish between the attributes
essential for the job and those that are desirable.
Person specifications will usually include: qualifications, skills,
special aptitudes (e.g. IT), interests, personal qualities, circumstances
(e.g. availability to travel)…

5. Decide if the statements are true or false.

1. The CV also presents your qualifications to the employer.

2. Any CV must be accurate, interesting and up-to-date.
3. The CV is sometimes called a cover letter.
4. The letter of application normally contains two parts.
5. Job description is the information provided by the employees
to establish their skills and qualities.

6. Match the sections of a CV (1—4) with their explanations (a—i).

1) Education, 2) Qualifications, 3) Work experience, 4) Profile

a) Name, address and telephone number,

b) Date and place of birth,
c) Nationality,

d) Married or single (give the ages of any children),
e) Dates and places of education,
f) Examinations passed, especially if internationally recognized,
g) Knowledge of English and of other languages,
h) Previous employment.

7. Look at Anna Rezel’s CV. Match the headings from the box
with the appropriate lines of the document1.

Qualifications Job description Education Interests

Work experience

Curriculum Vitae
Anna Rezel
Via Spartaco 39, Milan, Italy
02 4536 1253

1) ____________
A marketing specialist with experience in the advertising
industry, Anna speaks excellent English and Italian. She is looking
for a job with an international media company in the UK.

2) ____________
2001 to present Marketing manager, Cssanti & Cassanti
advertising agency, Milan, Italy
1999—2001 Marketing assistant, Avanti & Driver advertising
agency, London, UK
3) ____________
1996—1999 Leeds City University
1991—1996 Atherton Bridge School for Girls

4) ____________
BA (Hons) Italian literature with business studies
A levels Economics, History, Italian

Evans D. Powerbase. Elementary.— Pearson Education Limited, 2004. — P. 67.

5) ____________
Going to the cinema, playing tennis and reading novels

8. Look at Tammy Vo’s resume. Find words or phrases with

similar meanings to the words in the table.1

1) curriculum vitae
2) specialist
3) looking for
4) job
5) work experience

Tammy Vo
1376bViolet Parkway
Tucker Grove, CA 95646
(917) 0987-9876

An electrical engineer with experience of management, Tammy

Vo is an expert in 3G systems for mobile telecommunications
networks. She is now seeking a position as an engineer in a large
telecom company in Malaysia or Singapore.

Employment history
2002 to present Staff Engineers, Oliphant Industries,
Palo Alto, California
2001—2002 Night manager, Cicadian
Supermarket, Columbus, Ohio

Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering, University
of Ohio (2000)

Evans D. Op. cit. P. 67.

9a. Read the advertisement for a job and answer the questions:

What is the job? Where is it?


Wants a receptionist
— Do you like working with people?
— Can you speak two foreign languages?
— Can you use a computer?
— Do you know Oxford well?
Please write to: Anne Watson, Director
The Oxford International School
16 College Street, Oxford OX2 7PT
Or email: awatson@oxfordint.co.uk

9b. Carol is interested in the job. Read the information about

her. Do you think she is the right person for the job in the
advertisement above?

Name Carol Barnes

Age 28
Address 4 Hope Road, Oxford OX6 5PP
Present job Tourist guide
Last job Hotel receptionist
Languages French, Spanish

9c. Look at Carol’s cover letter and complete it with the

information from the chart and the advertisement.

4 Hope (1) ______

Oxford OX6 5PP
Anne Watson, Director
The Oxford International School
16 College (2) __________
Oxford OX2 7PT

19 August
Dear Ms Watson,
I am interested in the job of (3) _____ in your school. I’m (4)
______ years old and I (5) _____ in Oxford. At the moment I’m
a (6) _____ guide, but last year I worked as a (7) _____.
I like working with people very much and I can speak two (8)
______, French and a little Spanish. I can also use a computer.
I was born in (9) _____, so I know it very well.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
Carol Barnes

Past Simple and Past Continuous (See Grammar Reference)

10. Complete this description using the past simple forms of the
verbs in brackets1.

My name is Gurnam and my family originally (1) came (come)

from India. My grandparents (2) _____ (move) to Britain in 1975
and they went to live in the city of Leicester. My grandfather (3) ___
(open) a restaurant there and he (4) ___ (become) very successful.
He (5) ___ (not speak) much English when he (6) ___ (arrive) in
Britain but he (7) ___ (learn) very quickly. Lots of people (8) ___
(eat) at his restaurant. He (9) ___ (work) very hard for many years
and he (10) ___ (make) plenty of money.
My father (11) ___ (be) born in Leicester and he (12) ___ (go) to
school there. He (13) ___ (do) very well at school and (14) ___
(pass) all his exams. Then he (15) ___ (study) at university for three
years and (16) ___ (get) a Business degree. After that, he (17) ___
(set) up his own business. At first he (18) ___ (sell) clothes in a shop
near the city centre, and after a few years he (19) ___ (own) five
shops all over the city. When I was a small child, we (20) ___ (live)
in a small house but my father (21) ___ (buy) a bigger one two years
Harrison M. Op. cit. P. 10.

11. Complete this description of situations five years ago, using
the past continuous and the verbs in brackets. Use short forms for

Five years ago, I (1) was living (live) in a different city.

I (2) ____ (study) for my final school exams and I (3) _____ try to
decide what to do after school. I (4) _____ (do) homework every
evening and I (5) _____ (not go) out much. My friends (6) ______
(have) more fun than me. They (7) _____ (go) to clubs and they
(8) ____ (enjoy) themselves while I (9) ____ (sit) at home. But I’m
glad now that I (10) _____ (not do) that, because I passed my exams
and now I’ve got a good job.
Five years ago, my father (11) _____ (work) very hard. He
(12) _____ (get) up early every morning and he (13) _____ (come)
home quite late at night. He (14) _____ (feel) under pressure and he
(15) ______ (not enjoy) life. He is retired now and he is much
happier because he has a lot more free time.
Five years ago, my sister (16) _____ (go) out with a local boy.
They (17) ______ (save) money to get married and they (18) ____
(plan) their wedding. She (19) _____ (serve) in a shop and he
(20) ____ (live) with his parents. Now they’re married and they’ve
got three children.

12. Complete these sentences about someone’s day at work,

using the Past Simple or the Past Continuous forms of the verbs in

1. While I was travelling (travel) to work, I got (get) stuck in

traffic jam.
2. When I _____ (arrive) at work, my boss _____ (speak) to
someone on the phone.
3. At 11 a. m., I ____ (do) some work when the boss ____ (ask)
to see me.
4. While I ___ (talk) to my boss, his phone ___ (ring) several

Harrison M. Op. cit. P. 12.
Ibid. P. 13.

5. When I ____ (come) out of the boss’s office, people ____ (not
work), they _____ (look) at me.
6. At 1 o’clock, I ____ (stop) work and I _____ (go) for lunch.
7. While I ___ (eat) my lunch, a colleague ___ (come) to my
8. While we ____ (sit) together, he ____ (ask) me a question.
9. He asked me: ‘What ____ (the boss/talk) about while you ___
(sit) in his office?’
10. I said: ‘When I ___ (go) into his office, I ____ (feel)
nervous, but he ____ (smile).
11. While we ___ (talk), he ____ (offer) me a much better job’.

13. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Где вы раньше работали?

2. Вы проходили курсы повышения квалификации за по-
следние пять лет?
3. Какие дополнительные квалификации вы получили?
4. Почему вы уволились с работы?
5. Чем вы занимались на своей предыдущей (previous) ра-
6. У вас есть способности к иностранным языкам?
7. Какое образование вы получили?
8. Какой университет вы закончили?
9. Где вы прочитали объявление о приеме на работу?
10. Кто посоветовал вам прийти к нам?

14a. Fill in the text about a woman’s education and career with
the words from the box. Then listen to the first part and check. ( 13)

school course university subjects studied reseach

At school I was very interested in math and physics. They were

my favourite _____. So, when I went to _____, I _____ electrical

engineering. At the end of the ______ I stayed at university for
another year and did some ____ into systems management.

14b. Put these events in the right order. Then listen to the second
part and check your answers. ( 14)

I had an interview
I heard about a great opportunity
I sent a resume and a letter
I joined the company
They offered me a job
I left university 1


15. Work in pairs. Use the following adjectives to describe your


accurate active broad-minded competent creative diplomatic

efficient energetic enthusiastic experienced honest
innovative objective outgoing practical

e.g. I’m rather accurate, but not very active.

16. Your friend wants to get a job this summer and asks you for
advice. Read this list of job advertisements. Then discuss the points
in the box with your friend.

— Ask your friend what experience he or she has.

— Ask what kinds of work he or she plans to do next summer.
— Make suggestions about which job or jobs advertised below
suites to your friend.

City guide
Tourist office looking to employ guides during the summer.
Official city tours last two hours and are in English. History
knowledge essential.

Shop assistant
Busy store in shopping centre requires summer shop assistants.
Friendly manner, smart appearance, interest in fashion, reasonable
Busy city centre bistro wishes to employ seasonal waiting staff.
Good communication skills a must. Flexible hours, to include some
weekends and evenings.
Hotel receptionist
Excellent opportunity for the right person to begin a career in
hotel industry. The hotel near airport requires reception assistant
during summer.


17. Write your own CV. Look at the CVs in ex. 7, 8 as an ex-

18a. Study the structure of a cover letter.

1. At the left-top corner: the name and address of the person you
are writing to.
2. At the right-top corner: your address.
3. The date.
4. Addressing: use Ms, Miss, or Mrs for a woman, and Mr for a
5. Paragraph 1. Introduction.
6. Paragraph 2. The main part of the letter.
7. Paragraph 3. Ending.
8. Ending: end formal letters with Yours sincerely and your

18b. Read the advertisement for a job and write your cover
letter. Follow the structure in ex. 19a.

Happy Holidays want TOURIST GUIDES

— Are you over 18?

— Do you like talking to people?
— Do you know your town well?
— Can you speak English?
— Are you free from July to September?

Please write to: Peter Mann, Happy Holidays,

Central Office, 89 Brook Street,

Topic 3. Interview


1. Study the Word List.

recruit — вербовать, набирать (служащих, членов организа-

applicant/candidate — желающий получить должность,

interview an applicant — проводить собеседование с пре-
тендентом на должность
attend an interview — приходить на собеседование
ask an applicant questions about smth — задавать кандида-
ту вопросы о чем-либо
demonstrate abilities and personality — демонстрировать
способности и личностные особенности
work background — информация о предыдущей работе
work habits and skills — навыки и умения в работе
shortlist — включать в окончательный список
verify the obtained information – проверять полученную
assess/evaluate the applicant — оценивать кандидатуру
suit for a job — соответствовать требованиям работы
offer a job — предлагать работу

2. Complete the table. Use a dictionary to help you.

Verb General noun Person

interview interview interviewer/ interviewee

attendant / attendee

3. Match the words (1—5) with their definitions (a—e).

1) apply a) a short history of your education

and where you have worked so far
2) experience b) training or exams needed for a job
3) curriculum vitae (CV) с) knowledge you get from doing a
(BrE)/resume (AmE) job for a long time
4) qualifications d) ask questions to find out if
someone is right for a job
5) interview e) ask for a job in writing

4. Answer the questions.

1. What is the purpose of a job interview?

2. What candidates are invited for this interview?
3. What does the interviewer usually ask the candidate about?
4. What should a person do to prepare for the interview?

5. Read the texts paying attention to the words in bold and do

the task after it.
Hiring New Employees1
Interviews are a central part of the recruitment process for most
organizations. Usually applicants are interviewed after sending in an
application form or CV for a particular position. The purpose of an
interview is to give the selector a chance to assess the applicant, and
for the applicant to demonstrate abilities and personality. It is also an
opportunity for the applicants to make sure that the organization and
the position are what they want.
The recruitment process for most organizations is standard —
applications are received, either via an online application form, or a
postal form or CV. Candidates are shortlisted and invited for inter-
view. The interview format and number of interviews can vary con-
siderably. Some companies are satisfied after just one interview
whereas others make a further shortlist of candidates for one or more
interviews. If the applicants are successful at the interview stage then
they will receive an official letter offering them the job.
Interviewing Job Applicants
The objective of the job interview is to find out as much infor-
mation as possible about the applicant's work background, especially
work habits and skills. The major task is to get the applicants to talk
about themselves and about their work habits. The best way to do
this is to ask each applicant specific questions: What did you do on
your last job? How did you do it? Why was it done?
The applicants' replies are evaluated and when the interview is
over, the applicant is asked to check back later, if that applicant suits

Агабекян И. П. Указ. соч. С. 61—62.

for a job. The decision is not made until all the applicants have been
Next, the obtained information is verified. To help insure a
prompt reply, previous employers should be asked a few specific
questions about the applicant which can be answered by a yes or no,
or with a very short answer. For example: How long did the employ-
ee work for you? Was his or her work poor, average, or excellent?
Why did the employee leave your employment?
After the information on all applicants is verified, the selection
can be made. The result of this selection is the “Right” employee.
The right employee can help make money. The wrong employee will
cost much wasted time, materials, and may even drive away custom-

6. Decide if the statements are true or false.

1. Interviews are a central part of the recruitment process.

2. The recruitment process for most organizations is not standard.
3. To be interviewed applicants may not send an application
form or a CV.
4. The interview format and number of interviews can vary
5. The major task of the interview is to make the applicants to
talk about their habits.
6. When the interview is over, the applicant is told if he/she suits
for a job or not.
7. Previous employers should be asked a few specific questions
about the applicant.

7. Underline the two words or phrases in each group that can go

with the verbs in bold.

a b c
1) recruit staff employees information
2) earn a living a trainee a salary
3) send a resume a CV a placement
4) interview a department a candidate an applicant

8. Fill in the text with the words from the box.

job, confident, interview (2), selection, seek,

skills, employer, train, promotion

If you (1) manage to get an interview — do not waste the

opportunity. The (2) _____ is now seriously interested in the picture
you have given of your (3) ______ and qualifications.
The (4) ____ is an opportunity to look more searchingly at that
picture and to make a thorough test of your suitability for the (5) ____
in relation to others who are being (6) _____.
Large organisations often use particular (7) __ ____ techniques to
supplement their interviewing procedures such as intelligence test, etc.
Personnel officers are usually (8) _____to assess your response to their
questions. When answering questions be sure to mention any
(9) ____ you had. Be natural and honest. You may not have the
abilities and skills the employer (10) ____ but each interview can help
build your experience so that you become more (11) ____ and

Present Perfect (See Grammar Reference)

9. Complete this conversation between Jack and Tom about a

friend of theirs, using the Present Perfect1.

J: (1) Have you heard (you/hear) about Marlon?

T: No, he (2) ______ (not contact) me recently. What (3)
______ (he/do)?
J: He (4) ______ (decide) to leave the country. He (5) ______
(find) a job in Australia.
T: I’m very surprised about that. He (6) _______ (not say) any-
thing to me.
J: No, it’s a secret. He (7) ____ (tell) his family, so they don’t
T: Wow. (8) ______ (he/plan) everything in secret?
Harrison M. Op. cit. P. 15.

J: Yes, he (9) ______(give) up his job, (10) ______ (sell) his car
and (11) _____ (buy) his plane ticket.
T: I don’t know what to say. I’m amazed.

10. Write the sentences about a friend, using the Present Perfect
and for or since1.

1. Steve/be/a friend of mine/many years. — Steve has been a

friend of mine for many years.
2. I/know/him/2002.
3. Steve/work/for the same company/five years.
4. I/not see/Steve/a couple of months.
5. Steve/not phone/me/March.
6. We/not play/tennis together/a long time.
7. Steve/be/very busy/several months.
8. Steve/not have/a holiday/last year.

11. Put for, since, in or ago into each gap.

1. I was born ____ 1986.

2. I went to university ____ three years.
3. I passed my driving test fifteen years ____.
4. I’ve had a car _____ 2010.
5. I met my wife _____ 2009.
6. We’ve been married _____ five years.
7. Our first daughter was born 3 years ____.
8. We’ve lived in the same house _____ 2009.

12a. Match the beginnings in A with the endings in B to make a

story of Nancy Mann’s life in Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. She was born a) for the last five years
2. She went to boarding school b) three times
in England c) from 1970 to 1977
3. She studied French d) at various times in her life

Harrison M. Op. cit. P. 21.

4. She hasn’t spoken Spanish e) when she was twenty-one
5. She’s worked in both eastern f) when she was at University
and western Europe g) in Argentina in 1959
6. She worked in Brussels h) for two years, from 1989 to
7. She’s worked for the BBC 1991
8. She hasn’t worked abroad i) last year
9. She married for the first time j) since her son was born four
10. She’s been married years ago
11. She married for the third k) since she was in Buenos
time Aires three years ago

12b. Work in pairs. Write similar tables of your own life. Ask
your partner to match the events and the times to tell the story of
your life. Correct any wrong time expresions.

Present Perfect Continuous (See Grammar Reference)

13. Put the verb into the correct form: Present Perfect or Present
Perfect Continuous.

1. I have lost (lost) my key. Can you help me look for it?
2. You look tired. Have you been working (you/work) hard?
3. Look! Somebody _____ (break) that window.
4. I __ (read) the book you gave me but I ___ (not/finish) it yet.
5. Sorry, I’m late. – That’s all right. I ___ (not/wait) long.
6. Hello! I __ (type) the report. I ____(already/type) two pages.
7. How many pages of that book ____(you/read)?
8. Jim ____ (play) tennis since 2 o’clock.
9. Tom’s hands are very dirty. He ___ (repair) the car.
10. He ___ (speak) for two hours.

Past Perfect (See Grammar Reference)

14. Write the two sentences as one. Use when and Past Perfect in
one part of the sentence and Past Simple in another.

1. I took the book back to the library. I read it. — I took the
book back to the library when I had read it.

2. The students did the experiment. They wrote a report on it.
3. Nick saved enough money. He bought a motorbike.
4. Mark put all the books away. He look them through.
5. Tom applied for another job. He left his previous job.

15. Put the verbs into the correct form: Past Perfect or Past

1. Was Kevin there when you arrive? – No, he had gone (go)
2. I was very pleased to see Ann again after such a long time.
I ____ (not see) her for five years.
3. I felt very tired when I got home, so I ____ (go) to bed.
4. Ann wasn’t in when I phoned her. She ___ (be) in London.
5. I didn’t recognize Mrs. Johnson. She ____ (change) a lot.

16a. Nancy Mann has applied for the job and is being
interviewed. Listen to the interview. Do you think she will get the
job? ( 15)

16b. Read the first part of Nancy’s interview. Put do, did, or
have into each gap. Then listen to the first part again and check your

I: Who ____ you work for at the moment, Ms Mann?

N: I work for the BBC World Service.
I: And how long ____ you worked for BBC?
N: I _____ been with the BBC for five years. Yes, exactly five
I: And how long _____ you been their German correspondent?
N: For two years.
I: And what ____ you do before the BBC?
N: I worked as an interpreter for the EU.

16c. Read and complete the second part of Nancy’s interview
with did, was, or have. Then listen and check your answers.

I: As you know, this job is based in Geneva. _____ you ever

lived abroad before?
N: Oh yes, yes I ____.
I: And when _____ you live abroad?
N: Well, in fact I ____ born in Argentina and I lived there until
I was eleven. Also, I lived and worked in Brussels for two years
when I _____ working for the EU.
I: That’s interesting. ______ you travelled much?
N: Oh yes, yes indeed. I _____ travelled all over western and
eastern Europe, and I ____ also been to many parts of South
I: And why ____ you go to these places?
N: Well, mostly for pleasure, but three years ago I went back to
Argentina to cover various political stories in Buenos Aries for the


17a. Read the interview and do the task after it.

A: How are you today?

B: I’m fine, thank you. And you?
A: Me too. Isn’t this great weather we’re having?
B: Yes? It’s wonderful. I love this time of year.
A: Tell me about yourself.
B: I was born and raised in Penza. I attended Penza State
University and received my master’s degree in Public
Administration. I have no working experience. I enjoy playing tennis
in my free time and learning languages.
A: What type of position are you looking for?
B: I’m interested in an entry level (beginning) position.
A: Are you interested in a full-time or part-time position?
B: I am more interested in a full-time position. However, I
would also consider a part-time position.

A: What is your greatest strength?
B: I work well under pressure. When there is a deadline (a time
by which the work must be finished), I can focus on the task at hand
(current project) and structure my work schedule well.
A: What is your greatest weakness?
B: I am overzealous (work too hard) and become nervous when
my co0workers are not pulling their weight (doing their job).
However, I am aware of this problem, and before I say anything to
anyone? I ask myself why the colleague is having difficulties.
A: Why do you want to work as a public administrator?
B: I’d like to be useful for my town.
A: When can you begin?
B: Immediately.

17b. Write your own answers to the phrases in bold and play out
the dialogue with your partner. Then turn the roles.

18. Have you got a job in a company? If so, answer these ques-
tions and ask another person the same questions.

1. Are you responsible for anything or anyone?

2. Have you had much training from the company?
3. Have you been on any training courses?
4. Have you been promoted from the time you started your job?
5. Do you normally get a good pay rise at the end of each year?
6. What do you think about your future prospects in the


19. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Расскажите мне в нескольких словах о себе.

2. На какую должность вы претендуете?
3. Почему вы считаете, что лучше остальных кандидатов
подходите (fit) на эту должность?
4. Вы считаете себя ответственным человеком?

5. Каковы ваши слабые стороны?
6. Каковы ваши сильные стороны?
7. Расскажите мне о вашем опыте работы.
8. Какие три ключевых личностных качества необходимы
для данной работы?

20. Write 10 recommendations for an applicant to pass through

the interview successfully.

Texts for Reading and Discussion

Text A

1. Discuss in a group.

1. What are odd jobs?

2. What odd jobs do you know?
3. Why do people find them strange?

2. Match the headings (1—9) with the explanations (a—i).

1. Musical Chairs a) Someone who makes everyone

like them
2. Sticky Situation b) Aggressive people
3. A Real Charmer с) То have too many options
4. Workaholics d) A party game involving music and
5. Spoilt for Choice e) People who work too much
6. Desperate Measures f) Experts in specific jobs
7. Pushy People g) A difficult situation
8. Calming Influences h) Do something extreme
9. Specialists i) Someone or something that calms
you down

3. Read the text and match the headings above (1—9) with the
paragraphs in the text (A—H). There is one extra topic.

Odd Jobs1
A. How many jobs can you think of? Twenty? Thirty? No doubt
the list includes doctor, lawyer, teacher, mechanic, plumber, and so
on. The most dedicated career adviser could perhaps name a hundred.
But there are over 500,000 jobs in existence to choose from! So, if
you want to do well, how can you decide the best way to make a liv-
ing? This week, Paul Hamilton takes a light-hearted look at some
very ODD JOBS!
B. King Alfonso XIII of Spain was going deaf so he employed
an 'Anthem Man’. His only job was to give a signal to the king when
the national anthem was being played so that he would know when to
stand up and when to sit down!
C If you cannot find a tuneless monarch to be your employer,
the railways offer jobs of all sorts. In Japan, 'Passenger Pushers' are
employed full time by the railway companies in Tokyo. During the
rush hour, when hundreds of people are trying to get on the metro,
they do their best to squeeze everyone into trains so that the doors
will close properly.
D. Another technological advance that led to job creation on the
railways was the invention of chewing gum in 1928. When they fin-
ished their gum, many passengers just dropped it on the floor of the
station and management at New York's Grand Central Station had to
do something about it. In the end, they employed a professional gum
remover who had a lot of work to do — he collected, on average,
over three kilos of the sticky menace per day. I suppose you could
say he got attached to his job!
E. Escalators have provided inspiration for other rewarding ca-
reers. When the first moving staircase was installed at Harrods De-
partment Store in London in 1898, it made many people scared. Shop
assistants were put at the top of the escalator with instructions to give
brandy and smelling salts to customers! And in 1911, when Earls
Court underground station installed its first escalators, many people
were worried about their safety. London Transport had a great idea;
they employed a man with a wooden leg. His job was to walk up and
down the escalators all day to show passengers how safe they were.
Harris M., Mower D., Sikorzynska A. et al. New Opportunities. Intermediate :
Student’s Book / Pearson ; Longman, 2008. — P. 94—95.

F. In 1982, dozens of neighbours in a village in Berkshire made
complaints about the smell from the nearby sewage works. So twelve
people were employed to sniff the air outside their homes to estimate
the smell. The Amsterdam police have a similarly specialised task
force called the 'grachtenvissers'. Their sole duty is to help motorists
whose cars have got stuck in canals! This trend towards specialisa-
tion has grown dramatically in the last few years but it is not an en-
tirely recent phenomenon. In medieval Japanese armies, special sol-
diers did the gruesome job of counting up the number of decapitated
heads after each battle!
G. In America, Miss Edith King was given an unusual job in the
army. She was employed by the US War Department in 1905 with
the task of finding soldiers who had run away from the army. She
collected $50 for each deserter. Her only weapon was flirtation. If
the runaway soldiers thought they were going to have a good time,
they were making a big mistake — she led over five hundred into
court. She must have had real charm!
H. Being unemployed often makes people think of unique ways
to make money. Take Jim Parker from Sacramento. Last year he got
the sack from his job in a high-tech company and has found it impos-
sible to get full-time work. In desperation, he became self-employed
and is now trying hard to sell advertising space. If the price is right,
he intends to tattoo an advert — on his forehead! He has already
turned down an offer of $75,000.

4. Read the text again and answer these questions.

1. Why are 'Passenger Pushers' necessary on the metro in Japan?

2. Why does the writer describe chewing gum as a 'menace?
3. Why did Harrods employ special shop assistants on the esca-
4. Why were sewage works a problem in Berkshire?
5. Why was Miss King successful?

5. 'Odd jobs' mean both strange jobs and small jobs (e.g. washing
someone's car). Have you ever done any odd jobs? Tell the class.

e.g. I’ve done baby-sitting a few times. I got paid….

6. Match the words from the box with do or make. Then make
up sentences with them.

well, a living, your best, something about it, work

somebody, scared, a complaint, a job, a (big) mistake,
people think, money

do 1) well make 1a) living

2) 2)
3) 3)
4) 4)
5) 5)

Text B

1. Match the words with their definitions.

1) ad a) software that selects the job-seeker's details

2) filter to match the employer's requirements
3) headhunting b) advertisement
c) persuading someone to leave their job and go
to work for another company in a similar posi-

2. Read the article and find information about the following.

1) the Monster.com name;

2) the image of Monster.com;
3) Monster.com's biggest contribution to the recruitment indus-
4) headhunting firms.

The Online Job Market1
How Jeff Taylor changed the way the labour market works

Monster.com, the world’'s biggest online job-search site, shows

how electronic marketplaces reach more people and can offer more
efficiency than physical markets. It also shows that money can be
made in such markets: Monster has a long record of profitability.
Jeff Taylor, who launched the site in 1994, says that the Mon-
ster.com name is the firm's “single most important success factor”. It
introduces an image of youthful fun in what is basically a boring
business. Supporting the brand is a big advertising budget which ac-
counts for a quarter of the firm's costs. He runs expensive ads during key
sporting events such as the Super Bowl.
Job-seekers supply resumes and employers pay to scan them or
to post job ads. Most of the services that job-seekers get are free, but
they have to pay for a service that allows them to contact each other for
advice and career management. They can use this service to ask each
other questions about, say, what it is like to work for a firm that they
are thinking of joining.
The main contribution of Monster has been to speed up hiring
and vastly increase the accuracy of the job-search process. “You can
post a job at 2pm and get your first response at 2:01”, Mr. Taylor says
proudly. And an employer who knows exactly what he wants can use
Monster's filters to search vast numbers of resumes with precise ac-
curacy. Monster is a serious threat to newspapers, which historically
made 40 % of their revenues from carrying ads, up to half of which
were for staff. Headhunting firms have also lost business, because
demand for their help in filling lower-level jobs has fallen.
The online job market works well for workers and employers
who know what they want. It works badly for people who are unsure.
Check that your resume says clearly what kind of job you want. The
filters will then make sure that it reaches the right human resource

Johnson C. Intelligent Business : Coursebook. — Edinburgh : Longman,
2008. — P. 69.

3. Read the text again and answer the questions.

1. Does Monster.com make a profit?

2. What two advantages does Monster.com offer to job-seekers?
3. Find two advantages for employers of using the Monster.com site.
4. Which two kinds of business are losing money because of Mon-
ster.com's success?
5. What advice does the article give to people who want to use the
site to find a job?

4. Discuss in a group. Would you use an online job-search site

like Monster to look for a job? Why? / Why not?

Stop and Check 3

Do the tasks below. There are two points for each correct

1. Complete this table of words.

Verb Noun Person

(1)_____ employment (2)_____/_____

(3)_____ advertisement advertiser
apply (4)_____ applicant
communicate (5)_____ communicator

2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

abroad part-time earn him course

6) I don't want a full-time job. I'd prefer to work _____.

7) He's got more than a hundred workers under ____.
8) I am not happy in my own country. I want to work ___.
9) Why did she go on the ______? — Because she needed more
10) I know it's not a great job. How much does she ____.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word
from the brackets.

11) When I ____ (went/was going) across the street I met my

12) You ______ (shouldn’t / mustn’t) be late for the interview.
13) David and Tom ___ (talked/were talking) together when a
young woman approached them.
14) You _____ (shouldn’t / mustn’t) smoke here!
15) Three years ago I _____ (has gone/went) to Argentina.
16) You ____ (have to/should) get more exercise. Why don’t
you play tennis?
17) I _____ (learned / have learned) English for 10 years.
18) Last year he _____ (has worked / worked) for BBC.
19) They _____ (were / have been) on several training courses
for this year.
20) I _____ (have gone / went) to university in 2013.
21) You ____ (have been working/were working) for a long
time. You should have a rest!
22) I ____ (sent/have sent) my email by 5 p.m.
23) You ____ (are typing/have been typing) your report since
early morning. Let’s make a break and have dinner.
24) While I ___ (talked/was talking) to you I missed two buses.
25) She ______ (applied/had applied) for a job when I met her.

4. Tick the correct sentence that means the same as a given idea.

26) I’m telling myself that it’s important.

A: I must do my homework tonight.
B: I have to do my homework tonight.
27) Another boring business trip!
A: We must go to Paris some time.
B: We will have to go to Paris next week.
28) It’s the rule.
A: I must wear a white shirt and a dark skirt.
B: Men have to wear a shirt and tie in offices.
29) One student is talking to another.
A: You must register for next term before Thursday.
B: You will have to register for next term before Thursday.

30) I’m really thirsty.
A: I must have a drink of water.
B: I have to drink lots of water.

5. Put the words in the correct order.

31) The HR / select / department / the candidates.

32) did / How many / visit / countries / you / last year?
33) did / What / you / your last job / do on?
34) courses / Have / been / you / on any training?
35) was / She /in charge /a department/ of.
36) applied / He / for/ in / a job / a local company.

6. Read the text and tick the four pieces of advice of A-E below
that are mentioned.

37) __ A You can find information about jobs in newspapers

and on the Internet.
38) __ В If you don't find a permanent job immediately, try to
find a temporary job for a short time.
39) __ С When you send in your CV, don't write about all
your qualifications there, leave this to the interview.
40) __ D Ask questions about the working conditions, but try
to avoid bringing up the question of money yourself.
41) __ E If you dress elegantly, you'll have a better chance of
succeeding at the interview.
Get it right!
Katy Smith, career consultant, has a few tricks up her sleeve
for those looking for a job. Go on and get it right!
Read recruitment sections in newspapers and on the Internet.
A good permanent job with a promise of long-term employment
can be difficult to find, so why not take a temporary job, even if it
is only for a few months? Every day in most local newspapers
there are attractive advertisements for both full-time and part-time
jobs, so don't miss them!
When you've decided to apply for a job, send your application
with a CV as soon as possible. Don't forget to list all your

qualifications (degrees and diplomas) and any previous experience
you have with this kind of work.
At the interview don't be afraid to ask about working
conditions (e.g. hours or holidays) but wait for the interviewer to
mention the question of starting salary. Money is a delicate issue
and being greedy will not get you a job.
Dress for success! Put on smart clothes and wear something
bright to boost your confidence at the interview.

7. Put the paragraphs (a—d) of the letter in the right order.

12 Rue Chantily
Paris de France
15th August 2010
Mr. J. K. Green
Personnel Manager
Thrush Books Ltd
15 Rowans Road Boundley
Wessex UV20 8DT

Dear Mr. Green,

a) I am 20 years old, and have just completed a year's intensive
study of English at the Language Academy at Rouen. My father
is French and my mother is Austrian, so I am bilingual in French
and German.
b) I hope this is the information you need and I am the kind of person
you are looking for. If so I would be grateful for more details
about the job and an application form. I look forward to hearing
from you.
c) I am writing in reply to your advertisement in the Daily News for
a secretary in the Foreign Department.
d) I have also completed a course for English secretaries at the
Mountain Secretarial College; my typing speed in English is 50
wpm, I am used to audio typing in English and I can use a word
Yours sincerely,
Martha Lachasse

42) Paragraph 1 ___
43) Paragraph 2 ___
44) Paragraph 3 ___
45) Paragraph 4 ___

8. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

46) Она ищет сейчас новую работу.

47) Последний раз я работал дизайнером в одной из мест-
ных компаний.
48) Проверьте, правильно ли вы заполнили свое заявление.
49) Где вы раньше работали?
50) Вы когда-нибудь писали автобиографию?

Total score: 100

(Библиографический список)
Основная литература
1. Barrall, I. Intelligent Business : Workbook / I. Barrall, N. Barrall. —
Edinburgh : Longman, 2008. — P. 32—35.
2. Johnson, C. Intelligent Business : Coursebook / C. Johnson. — Ed-
inburgh : Longman, 2008. — P. 67—74.
3. Качалова, К. Н. Практическая грамматика английского языка
с упражнениями и ключами / К. Н. Качалова, Е. Е. Израилевич. —
Москва : ЮНВЕС : Лист, 1996. — С. 120—122, 130—133, 138—150,
Дополнительная литература
1. Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use: A Self-Study Referens and
Practice Book for Intermediate Students with Answers / R. Murphy. —
2-nd ed. — Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002. — P. 22—45, 52—71.
2. Harrison, M. Oxford Living Grammar: Pre-Intermediate: Lean and
Practise Grammar in Context: with answers: [оксфорд. живая грамматика:
нач. Курс : учеб. пособие] / M. Harrison. — Oxford : Oxford Univ. press,
2009. — P. 10—21, 34—49.

1. Cambridge Dictionaries Online [Electronic resource] : the most
popular online dictionary and thesaurus for learners of English. — Cam-
bridge University Press, 2013. — Access of code : www.dictionary.
cambridge.org. — Загл. с экрана. — Яз. англ.
2. Study Learn.ru [Электронный ресурс] : все для тех, кому нужен
англ. язык. — Режим доступа : www.study.ru. — М., 1997. — Загл. с
экрана. — Яз. англ.
3. Мультитран [Электронный ресурс] : электрон. словарь. — Ре-
жим доступа : www.multitran.ru. — Загл. с экрана.


Topic 1. Countries and Cities


1. Study the Word List.

busy — оживленный (об улице)

noisy — шумный
expensive — дорогой
ugly — безобразный, уродливый
polluted — загрязненный
dangerous — опасный
frightening — устрашающий, пугающий
traffic — движение, транспорт
survey — опрос, анкетирование
nationality — национальность
population — население
modern — современный
cosmopolitan city — космополитический / многонациональ-
ный город
be famous for — быть известным / знаменитым чем-либо

2. Form the adverb from the adjective. Use a dictionary if neces-
sary. Then make up collocations with the words.

e.g. a good service, speak English well

adjective adverb
good well

3. Answer these questions, using the words from the Word List.

1. Have you traveled a lot of?

2. Where is better: to live in Russia or abroad?
3. Where is better: to live in a quiet town or a cosmopolitan city?
4. Where would you like to live? Why?
5. What should the best city be?

4. Read the text about top cities and do the tasks after it.
Top Cities1
Have you ever walked around a city and thought, “this is
Paradise”? Or maybe, “this is the ugliest, most polluted,
dangerous, frightening place I’ve ever been to and I can’t wait to
get out”?

Most of us have. And that’s why most of us like to know about

the place before we go there. «One thing we can do is to read a good
guide book. Another is to look at a new survey conducted by
William Mercer, one of the world’s largest Human Resources
Clare A., Wilson JJ. Total English. Students’ book. Intermediate. —
Pearson Education Limited, 2006. — P. 38.

Mercer decided to judge some of the world's great cities. They
produced their results by giving marks for various criteria. These
included political, economic and social environment, healthcare,
educational provision, recreation and transport infrastructure.
So, which are the best cities to live in, and which should we
avoid? In joint first place were Vancouver, Berne, Vienna and Zurich
while Sydney, Geneva, Auckland and Copenhagen came second.
Swiss cities occupied three of the top ten places, making it the single
most successful country of all those surveyed.
New York was used as the base city with a score of 100, which
put it in 50th place. Overall, US cities suffered because of high crime
rates. The highest ranked US city was Honolulu with 104 points.
For Londoners, the news was not too bad. London was slightly
ahead of New York with 101.5. The report named London's good
international relations as a positive point. Its poorest scores — six
out often — were awarded for its climate and traffic. Bottom of the
list was Brazzaville, in the Congo, where there has been a civil war
for many years.
Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London, last night said it was unfair
to compare large international cities with small cities since the
smaller ones were far easier to run. 'You have to look at cities of five
million people plus. On that basis we're much better than Tokyo and
New York, said Mr. Livingstone.

5. Answer these questions.

1. Who or what is William Mercer?

2. How did Mercer compare the cities?
3. Where did Zurich come in the results?
4. Which country did best in the survey?
5. What particular problem do US cities have, according to the
6. What problems does London have?
7. Which city came bottom of the list and why?
8. Why is the survey unfair, according to Ken Livingstone?

6. Write the opposite meaning of the sentences. Replace the
underlined words with the words from the box.

Most beautiful, criminal, dangerous, faster, clearest, little, best,

cheapest, exciting, busier, well, unfriendly, fast

1. This city is the ugliest place in the world. — This city is the
most beautiful place in the world.
2. Our street is very safe.
3. Here is the list of great cities.
4. I feel badly today.
5. These regions are the most polluted in our country.
6. Honolulu is a very friendly US city.
7. Which are the worst cities to live in?
8. It is the most expensive country of all.
9. A big city is quieter than a small town.
10. Paris has a lot of boring sights.
11. Traffic in London is slower than in Brighton.
12. You drive too slowly.
13. You are more friendly today.

7. Complete the table of countries, nationalities and languages.

Then study this information and do exercises after it.

Countries, nationalities and languages

Country Nationality Language

Argentina Argentinian Spanish
Brazil … Portuguese
Britain British …
China … Mandarin, Chinese
Egypt Egyptian Arabic
… French French
Germany German …
Greece Greek Greek
Israel Israeli Hebrew
Italy … Italian

Окончание таблицы
Country Nationality Language
… Japanese Japanese
Korea … Korean
Mexico Mexican Spanish
Poland Polish Polish
Russia Russian …
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian Arabic
… Spanish Spanish
Switzerland Swiss Swiss-German, French,
The United States USA American English
Turkey … Turkish

8. Underline the main stress in the words in the box and practise
saying them.

Brazilian Japan Japanese Egyptian

Arabic Italian Austria Korea
Chinese Germany Saudi Arabia Egypt

9. Make a few sentences with the words from the table above.
You may give additional information if you know.

e.g. I come from Argentina, so I am Argentinian and my first

language is Spanish. The capital is Buenos Aires, which has a popu-
lation of more than 10 million people.

10. Answer these questions, using the information from the table

1. What are three countries where the first language is English?

2. What language is spoken in Brazil?
3. What are three languages spoken in Switzerland?
4. What language is spoken in Saudi Arabia?
5. What nationality are people from Poland?
6. What language is spoken in Mexico?
7. Where do people speak Hebrew?

11. Study the information in the box. Write the regions of the
world to the countries below.

Europe (e.g. Britain, Spain, etc.)

the Mediterranean (e.g. Italy, Spain, etc.)
the Far East (e.g. China, Japan, etc.)
the Middle East (e.g. Egypt, Iran, etc.)
the Caribbean (e.g. Jamaica, Trinidad, etc.)
South/Latin America (e.g. Brazil, Chile, etc.)

1. Germany — Europe
2. Saudi Arabia
3. Jamaica
4. Corsica and Sardinia
5. Japan
6. Argentina

12. Study the information in the box and complete the sentences
below with the name of the people from the country on the right.

When we are talking about people from a particular country,

nationalities ending in ‘-i’ or ‘-(i) an’ can be made plural with an
‘s’, but most others are formed with the definite article (and no
(The) Thais / Israelis / Brazilians / Russians are …
The French / the British are …

1. I’ve worked a lot with Germans / German GERMANY

2. I’ve spent lots of time with the French / FRANCE
French people.
3. We do a lot of business with ….………….. JAPAN
4. I used to know a lot of ……….…………… ISRAEL
5. I have always found .…….… very friendly. BRAZIL
6. People often say that .….……. are reserved. BRITAIN
7. ………………………… are very organised. SWITZERLAND
8. I met a lot of ……… on my trip to Moscow. RUSSIA

Comparison of Adjectives (See Grammar Reference)

13. Complete the table with the comparative or superlative form

of the adjective.

Positive Comparative Superlative

good better the best

14. Underline the correct word in brackets.

1. Tokyo is (bigger/ the biggest) than Berlin.

2. London is (more expensive / the most expensive) than Paris.
3. Oxford is one of (older than / the oldest) universities in Eu-
4. Rome was (hot / hotter) than I expected.
5. Madrid is much (modern / more modern) than I expected.
6. London is a very (cosmopolitan / the most cosmopolitan) city.

15. Match an adjective with its opposite. Which adjectives de-

scribe life in big cities? small cities? Compare them.

Adjective Opposite
fast cheap
modern slow
expensive friendly
dangerous boring

Окончание таблицы
Adjective Opposite
busy quiet
unfriendly old
noisy safe
exciting relaxing

e.g. A big city is more expensive than a small one.

A small city is safer than a big one.

16. Open the brackets to make comparative or superlative sen-

Web log1
Day 24:
Just finished my tour of Russia, which is (1) _____ (big) country
in the world and one of (2) _____ (interesting) too. My flight was
much (3) ______ (comfortable) this time- big seats! Also, the service
was (4) _____ (good) than last time — free food and drink! When I
arrived in Warsaw, the people at Customs were (5) ____ (friendly)
than before (on my first trip I waited an hour while they checked my
Fortunately, Poland isn't as (6) _____ (cold) as Moscow, which
was freezing!
This afternoon I had (7) ____ (delicious) lunch of my trip so far:
a Polish speciality called pieczen in a great restaurant in (8) ____
(old) part of the city.

17. Write the correct form of the adjectives.

1. A: Life in the country is slower than city life. (slow)

B: Yes, the city’s much faster. (fast)
2. A: New York is ___ ____ Los Angeles. (safe)
B: No, it isn’t. New York is much ____ ___. (dangerous)

Clare A., Wilson JJ. Op. cit. P. 39.

3. A: Seoul is ____ ____ Beijing. (big)
B: No, it isn’t. It’s much _______. (small)
4. A: Madrid is ___ ___ ___ Rome. (expensive)
B: No, it isn’t. Madrid is much ______. (cheap)
5. A: The buildings in Rome are ___ ___ ___ the buildings in
Prague. (modern)
B: No, they aren’t. They are much ____. (old)
6. A: Cafes in London are ____ ____ cafes in Paris. (good)
B: No! Cafes in London are much _____. (bad)

18a. Leroy is answering questions about his home town, Lon-
don. Complete the questions with is or are and the correct words
from the box. Then listen and check. ( 16)

London, the restaurants, the people, the buildings,

the night-life, the weather

1. What is London like? — Well, it’s a really exciting city!

There’s so much going on all the time.
2. What ________ like? — It’s OK, and not very cold in winter,
but people don’t come here for the sunshine!
3. What ________ like? — They’re very interesting. They come
from all over the world. London’s a very cosmopolitan city.
4. What ________ like? — Fantastic! Lots of them are historical
and famous, but there are some wonderful modern ones, too.
5. What ________ like? — They’re great! You can find food
from every country in the world.
6. What ________ like? — Oh, it’s amazing! There are so many
clubs and theatres, and, of course, the music scene is fantastic!

18b. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the same questions about
the city you are in now.

18c. Last year Leroy was Berlin, Tokyo and Detroit. Listen and
complete the interview with him. ( 17)

L = Leroy, I = Interviewer
I: Do you travel a lot, Leroy?
L: Oh yeah. I sing all over the world. Last year I was in Berlin,
Tokyo — oh, and of course, Detroit.
I: And what are they ______?
L: Well, they’re all big, busy cities. Tokyo’s the biggest and the
_______. It’s much ______ than Berlin.
I: And is it _____ interesting?
L: Well, they’re all interesting, but, in fact, for me the _____ in-
teresting is Detroit.
I: Really? Why?
L: Well, in some ways, perhaps it isn’t as interesting as the other
two cites — it doesn’t have historical buildings, or _______, old Jap-
anese temples — but you see, Detroit is the birthplace of soul music
and that’s everything for me.
I: I see. So Detroit’s best for music. And what about food?
Which is the ______ city for food?
L: Ah, the food. For me there’s no question, Tokyo definitely
has the ________ delicious food — I just love Japanese food!
I: I see. Is it even ________ than chicken satay?
L: Ah, I don’t know about that!

18d. Work in pairs. Compare some cities in your country.


19a. Work in pairs. Talk with your partner about your city. Ask
and answer the questions:

1) What is it like?
2) How big is it?
3) Is it old or modern?
4) Is it very cosmopolitan?
5) Which nationalities live there?
6) What do you like and dislike in your city?

19b. Work with your partner. Compare two cities that you both
know and answer the questions: Which one do you like better? Why?

20. Work in small groups. What do you think?

1. What do you like best about living in your country?

2. What would you miss if you lived abroad?
3. Do you know any foreigners living in your country?
4. What do they like about it? What do they find different?
5. What social problems are there in your country?
6. What are the causes of each of the problems?
7. What could be done to prevent or solve them?
8. Are there any institutions in Russia that help alleviate such


21. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Япония меньше, чем Китай.

2. Город Берлин не такой большой, как Токио.
3. Лондон — это более дорогой город, чем Москва.
4. Этот район самый опасный в нашем городе.
5. Китай меньше, чем Россия, а Корея еще меньше.
6. Я покажу вам самые красивые и лучшие места нашего го-

22a. Read the text and complete it using the phrases from the

a) where the Queen lives

b) are much bigger
c) see the Queen
d) many cars on the streets

The City of My Dream
London lies on the River Thames. A century ago London was
the biggest city in the world, but now there are many cities which
(1) ______.
London is famous for many things. Tourists come from all over
the world to visit Buckingham Palace, (2) __________, and the
Houses of Parliament. They also come to visit its theatres, museums,
and many shops.
Like many big cities, London has problems with traffic and
pollution. Over 1,000,000 people a day use the London
Underground, but there are still too (3) ____________. The air isn’t
clear, but it is cleaner than it was 100 years ago.
If I were in London I would ride on the big wheel next to the
river and (4) ________ at the ceremony.

22b. Write four paragraphs about your city. Begin each

paragraph with the same words in bold as in the text about London.
Write 100—150 words.

Paragraph 1. How big is it? Where is it?

Paragraph 2. What is it famous for?
Paragraph 3. Does it have any problems?
Paragraph 4. What would you do if you were there?

Topic 2. Politics


1. Study the Word List.

politics — политика
government — правительство
govern / rule / run the country — править / управлять страной
ruler / leader — правитель, лидер
monarchy — монархия
republic — республика
democracy — демократия
dictatorship — диктатура
political position — политическая позиция
representative — представитель
elections take place / are held — выборы происходят, прово-
vote for — голосовать за
political party — политическая партия
economic policy — экономическая / хозяйственная политика
foreign policy — внешняя политика

2. Complete the table. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Verb General noun Person

believe belief believer

— politics

3. Answer the questions, using the words from the Word List.

1. What is your political position?

2. Do you take part in elections?
3. Do you belong to any political party?
4. Do you approve the government policy?

4. Read the text paying attention to the words in bold and do the
task after it.
Types of government
Monarchy: a state ruled by a king or queen (= the king or
queen has power and control). Some countries, e.g. the UK, have a
monarchy, but the monarch is not the ruler.
Republic: a state governed by representatives (= men or wom-
en chosen by the people) and a president, e.g. the USA or France.
People who believe in this system are republicans.
Democracy: a system of government in which leaders are cho-
sen by the people, e.g. France or the United Kingdom. People who
believe in this system are democrats.
Dictatorship: a system of government in which one person rules
the country (= one person has total power). This person is called a
Redman S. Op. cit. P. 174.

Political positions
The government is very reactionary (= they don’t want any
changes). The opposition (= the main political party which is not in
government) is more radical (= they want to make changes to the
system). The Prime Minister is quite right-wing (= conservative/ cap-
italist), and the leader of the opposition is more left-wing (= social-
In a democracy, people vote for the political party they want to
form the government. They do this in an election (= when everyone
votes). Quite often elections take place/are held (= happen) every
five years…
Political systems are different all over the world. In the UK,
when a political party wins a majority (= 51 % or more) of seats
(= official places in parliament) in an election, they are in power
(= the government of the country), and their leader (= person in con-
trol of the party) becomes Prime Minister. The government must
have policies (= programmes of action) to run (= manage and con-
trol) the country. This means, for example, an economic policy, and
a foreign policy.

5. Write a synonym for each of these phrases.

1) a person in control of the party = a leader

2) men or women chosen by the people = ___________
3) a system in which one person has total power = __________
4) the main political party which is not in government = _____
5) the selection when everyone votes = ____________
6) programmes of action = ____________

6. Complete these sentences with a suitable word.

1. About 42 % _____ for the socialists in the election.

2. Every four/six years people ______ a new president.
3. The election _____ place next week, and the Liberals hope to
form the next government.
4. The leader of _______ is more radical.

5. The government have policies to ______ the country.
6. Еhe ______ is not the ruler in the UK.

7. Complete the table with the names of rulers and people who
believe in this or that system.

Types of government Rulers People who believe in

1) monarchy 1) monarch 1) monarchist
2) republic 2) __/__ 2)
3) democracy 3) ___/__ 3)
4) dictatorship 4) 4) —

8. Study the table and do the tasks below.

Major English Speaking Countries

Country Capital Type of government

the United Kingdom of Great London a constitutional monarchy
Britain and Northern Ireland
(the UK)
Ireland Dublin a republic
Gibraltar Gibraltar (City) a British colony
Malta Valletta a republic
the United States of America Washington a federal republic, a union of 50
(the USA) states
Canada Ottawa A federative state, a member of
the Commonwealth headed by
the British monarch
The Commonwealth of Australia Canberra a federative state, a member of
(Australia) the Commonwealth headed by
the Queen
New Zealand Wellington an independent state, a member of
the Commonwealth headed by
the British Queen

9. Make a few sentences with the words from the table above.
You may give additional information if you know.

10. Study the table and make sentences with these words.

political system politician political party

conservatism conservative conservative
socialism socialist socialist
social democracy social democrat democratic
liberalism liberal liberal
communism communist communist

e.g. People who believe in social democracy are social demo-

It is a democratic government, with liberal beliefs.

11. Rewrite the sentences using the words on the right. The
meaning must be the same. Make any necessary changes.

1. It’s in every part of the world ……………………………ALL

It’s all over the world.
2. Elections take place every five years ………………….HELD
Elections …………………………………………………………
3. The government is socialist ……………………………WING
The government is ………………………………………………
4. I’m a democrat …………………………………….BELIEVE
I …………………………………………………………………
5. Who controls the country at the moment? ...………..POWER
Who ……………………………………………………………..

12. Fill the gaps in this text about the political system in the
United Kingdom using the words from the box.

votes Prime leader party policies vote majority elections

In the UK (1) ………… take place every five years. The
(2) ………. Minister may decide to have one after four years, but
five years is the maximum. The country is divided into 652 areas and
people in each area can only (3) ……. for one person from one polit-
ical (4) ……. The person with the most (5) ….. is the winner, and
that person becomes one of the 652 members of parliament.
The political party with a (6) ……… of the seats in parliament
then forms the government, and the (7) …… of that party becomes
Prime Minister. His or her job is then to decide on a number of dif-
ferent (8) …………… to run the country.

First Conditional (See Grammar Reference)

13. Look at these hopes for the future. Make sentences using
If …, I’ll ….

e.g. If I don’t go out so much, I’ll do more work.

I don’t go out so much

do more work

pass my exams

go to university

study politics

become a Prime Minister

make my nation happy

14. Tick the correct sentence.

1 A. While I’m in Washington, I’ll see the White House 

B. While I’ll in Washington, I’ll see the White House
2 A. Before I vote for this party, I read its program
B. Before I vote for this party, I’ll read its program
3 A. If you change your political beliefs, you may be-
come a social democrat
B. If you will change your political beliefs, you may
become a social democrat
4 A. When he gets to the Parliament, he will change the
economic policy in our country
B. When he’ll get to the Parliament, he will change the
economic policy in our country

15. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. If you go (go) to Ney York now, you will see (see) the presi-
dent’s elections.
2. After I _____ (graduate from) the university, I ___ (become) a
famous politician.
3. When she _____ (earn) much money, she ___(create) your
own political party.
4. If he ___ (win) the elections, he ______ (become) a president.
5. If we ___ (not hurry), we ___ (be) late.
6. Everyone ___ (be) very surprised if he __ (win) an election.

16. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Если ты будешь голосовать на выборах, то исполнишь

свой гражданский долг (citizen duty).
2. Прежде чем вы уедете жить в Соединенное Королевство,
изучите политическую систему этой страны.
3. Как только лидер нашей партии станет премьер-мини-
стром, мы сможем помочь многим безработным и бездомным

4. Когда мы приедем в США, то обязательно увидим здание
5. Если вы хотите изучить политическое устройство США,
то возьмите эту книгу.

17a. Answer the questions.

1. Have you ever heard about Michio Kaku, Professor of Theo-

retical Physics at City University, New York?
2. Do you know that he has written a book Visions, which ex-
plains how science will revolutionize the 21st century?

17b. Read the questions below the interviewer asked Michio

Kaku. Discuss your opinions on these subjects.

— Are you optimistic about the future?

— Are we ready for the changes that will come?
— Is world population going to be a big problem?
— What will happen to people who don’t have computers?
— Will there be a world government?
— Will we have control of everything?
— What are your reasons for pessimism?

17c. Listen to an interview with Michio Kaku. Make notes on

his answers to the questions above. ( 18)

17d. Listen again and answer the questions.

1. What does Michio Kaku say will continue into the twenty-
first century?
2. How do some people react to the new technology? What is his
3. Why will the population of the world stop increasing?
4. Why will we need a world government?

5. What are some of the things we will be able to control?
6. What examples does he give of the behavior of ‘stupid’ peo-


18. Work in pairs: ask and answer the questions. Tell your part-
ner about the political system in your own country.

1. Which are the main political parties in your country?

2. Which party is in power at the moment?
3. When were they elected?
4. Did you vote in this election?
5. Who is the leader of this party?
6. Who is the President of your country?
7. Do you think you are left-wing, right-wing, or in the centre?
8. Do you think your political beliefs have changed/will change
during your life?


19. Finish the following sentences.

1. The main political party…

2. The leader of this party …
3. The president of the country …
4. If you change your political beliefs …
5. Elections take place every …
6. The government is …
7. People vote for …
8. Prime Minister …
9. People who believe in …

20. Write a short composition where you should describe any

type of the government you want (not more than 100 words).

Topic 3. Bureaucracy


1. Study the Word List.

bureaucracy — бюрократия
officials/bureaucrats — бюрократ, чиновник
fill in a form — заполнять форму
identity card (ID card) — удостоверение личности
driving licence — водительское удостоверение
birth certificate — свидетельство o рождении
exam certificate — сертификат о прохождении экзамена
marriage certificate — свидетельство о браке
visa runs out/expires — срок действия визы заканчивается
renew — обновлять
enrolment form/a registration form — регистрационный бланк
sign an application form — подписывать заявление

2a. Match the words to make collocations.

apply for a visa

cancel a marriage certificate
deny smb. a driving licence
extend / renew an identity card
get / receive a birth certificate
grant / issue an exam certificate

2b. Work in pairs. Say how many of these documents above you
have. Make up sentences using the collocations from the previous

3. Answer the questions before reading the text.

1. Have you ever filled in any forms? What are they?

2. Have you got any certificates?
3. Have you ever got visa? Was it difficult to get?
4. How do you find bureaucracy in your country?

4. Read the text paying attention to the words in bold and do the
task after it.
Bureaucracy is the rules used by officials (or bureaucrats) to
control an organisation or country. It is often used in a negative way
to mean unnecessary rules, e.g. filling in (= completing) forms, and
waiting for documents. (= pieces of paper with official information)
Important documents (e.g. passport):
identity card — a card with your name, date of birth and photo
to show who you are;
driving licence — the official document which permits you to
drive on public roads;
visa – a document which gives you permission to enter, pass
through or leave a country.
Officials often check (= look at and examine) your documents,
e.g. customs officials check your passport or identity card, and the
police may check your driving licence.
We also use the word certificates for official pieces of paper
stating certain facts:
a birth certificate gives the important facts about your birth;
exam certificates state you have passed certain exams;
a marriage certificate states you have married.
Some documents are for a fixed period of time, e.g. a visa may
be for six months. At the end of that period, the visa runs out
Redman S. Op. cit. P. 176.

(infml)/expires (fml) (= it finishes/comes to an end). If you want to
stay in the country, you must renew it (= get a new one for a further
period of time). You can normally renew a visa, a passport, a mem-
bership card for a club, etc.
There are situations where you need to fill in (= complete)
landing card — a form you may have to fill in when you enter
another country;
enrolment form/a registration form — a form you often have to
fill in when you join a school or course;
application form — a form where you write details about your-
self, often when applying for a job.
With many forms, you will need to sign them (= write your sig-
nature) and print your full name underneath. (= under it) Forms often
contain formal expressions. In spoken English, this may be different.

5. Decide if the statements are true or false.

1. Bureaucracy is often used in a negative way to mean unneces-

sary rules.
2. An identity card is a card which gives you permission to en-
ter, pass through or leave a country.
3. A birth certificate gives the important facts about your birth.
4. All documents are for a fixed period of time.
5. If you want to stay in the country, you must renew your visa.
6. A landing card is a form you may have to fill in when you
leave a country.
7. An application form — a form where you write details about
8. Forms often contain informal expressions.

6. Complete these sentences with a suitable word.

1. Will you need to ____ get ____ a visa if you go to the United
2. I was surprised that nobody _____ my passport when we ar-
rived in France.
3. Could you __________________ in this form for me, please?

4. They sent the form back to me because I forgot to _____ it at
the bottom.
5. A: Do I have to put my _________ at the bottom of this form?
B: Yes, please — and then print your full name underneath.
6. A: I only had a visa for six months and it __________ next
B: Are you going to _______________________ it?
A: Yes, if I can. I don’t think it’ll be a problem.
7. Write your first name here and your ____________ under-
8. I want to do a course, so I wrote to the school and asked them
to send a (n) _________ form.

7. Match the expressions and questions.

1) first name a) Are you married or single?

2) surname b) What do you do in your free time?
3) date of birth c) What’s your phone number?
4) place of birth d) What’s your first name?
5) permanent address e) What do you do?
6) marital status f) Where were you born?
7) occupation g) When were you born?
8) qualifications h) What’s your family name?
9) hobbies/interests i) Where do you live?
10) tel. no. j) What degrees, diplomas, certificates,
etc. do you have?

8. Rewrite these sentences in more informal English.

What’s your date of birth? When were you born ____________?

What’s your country of origin? _________________________?
What’s your marital status? ____________________________?
What was your date of arrival? _________________________?
When’s your date of departure? _________________________?

Second Conditional (See Grammar Reference)

9. Put the verbs in the correct form.

1. If I were (be) rich, I would travel (travel) round the world.

First I _____ (go) to Canada, then I ______ (go) to New York.
2. If he ______ (study) harder, he _____ (pass) the exam and
____ (get) an exam certificate.
3. I ______ (go) to London, if I _______ (get) a visa.
4. If you ______ (show) your identity card, you _____ (not be)
at the police station now.
5. If he ______ (work) harder, he _______ (have) more money.
6. If I _____ (can) speak perfect English, I _____ (not be) in this
7. What _______ you _______ (do) if a stranger _______ (give)
you $1 million?

10. Give advice using If I were you, I’d ….

1. I found a passport in the street. — If I were you, I’d take it to

the nearest police station.
2. I forgot my driving licence at home.
3. My visa runs out.
4. I can’t fill in the landing card. I don’t know English well.
5. I never have enough money.
6. I really need to do more exercise.

11a. Read about the global village and complete the sentences
below with the verbs in the box.

Would live, would be (x3), would control, wouldn’t have (x2),

would die, wouldn’t know, would have (x2)
The Global Village
The world currently has a population of over 6 ½ billion, and it
is growing by over 200,000 every day. 10 countries now each have

more than 100 million people. And China and India both have over a
billion. Such big numbers aren’t very easy to imagine.
But what if we imagined the population of the world as a village
of just 100 people? What would this global village be like?
If the world were a village of 100 people …

1) there _____ 60 Asians, 14 Africans, 12 Europeans, 8 Latin

Americans, 5 North Americans, and 1from the South Pacific.
2) 51 _______ male and 49 _________ female.
3) 80 would live in poor housing.
4) 50 ______ enough food.
5) 24 ____ any electricity. (And most of the other 76 would only
use it at night.)
6) 17 ________ how to read.
7) 7 _______ access to the Internet.
8) 5 _________ 32 % of the village’s money.
9) only 1 ______ a college education.
10) 1 person _______ every year, but 2 babies would be born.

11b. Ask and answer questions about the global village with a

— How many people ____ be women?

— How many people ____ live in poor housing?
— ____ everybody have enough food?
— ____ most people have electricity?
— How many people ____ be very rich?
— ____ most people have access to the Internet?

12. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Если бы я был политиком, я бы всегда говорил правду

(tell the truth).
2. Если бы у меня было время, я бы помог вам.
3. Если бы ты нашел свои водительские права, мы бы уже
были дома.
4. Если бы у него была виза, он бы смог поехать в Детройт.

5. Если бы ты вовремя заполнил бланк, у тебя бы не было
таких проблем.

13a. What do you do at a crossroads? What do you think the ex-
pression “at a crossroads in life” means? Can you give any exam-

13b. Listen to three people who have reached a crossroads in

their lives. Complete the chart. ( 19)

What has happened? What choices do they have?


13c. Listen again and check your answers. What reasons do they
have for and against their possible choices?

“For” — reasons “Against” — reasons


13d. Write your answers to these question.

e.g. If I were Andy I would … If I were at a crossroads I would …

1. What would you do if you were Andy?

2. What would you do if you were Lucy?
3. What would you do if you were Maureen?
4. What would you do at a crossroads?

13e. Listen to Andy, Lucy, and Maureen a year later. Were you
right? ( 20)


14. Work in pairs. Read the problems people usually have with
bureaucracy. Have you had any problems? If so, name them and

1. Delays, e.g. in getting a new passport.

2. Officials put the wrong information on documents, which then
need to be changed, e.g. driving license.
3. Officials lose information you have given them.
4. Different officials ask you to explain the same information
over and over again, especially over the telephone.
5. You spend a long time to get a document in the country, and
then you discover that nobody is interested in it when you arrive in
another country.
6. Officials who behave like policemen.


15. Fill in the form in capital letters. Then compare the infor-
mation on your form with other students.

The Global School of English

Mr/Mrs/Ms Surname ________ First name ___________

Sex ____ Date of birth _____ Nationality ___________
First language _____________ Level of English ___________
Address in your country
_________________________ Occupation _______________
_________________________ Email address _____________
Reason for learning English: Business/pleasure/exams/other
Signature __________

Texts for Reading and Discussions

Text A

1. Close your eyes and think of the United States. Write down
the first five things you think of. Then compare your list with other

e.g. 1. The Empire State Building; 2. …

2. Read the introduction to the magazine article in the box and

predict what the text will be about.
Living in the USA1
The people of the United States are nearly all immigrants, or
descendants of immigrants. It is a young country, and much of the
population has relatives who live in other parts of the world.
But how do they find the US when they first arrive? What do
they think of the people, the culture, the way of life?
Jamie Peterson spoke to three of them.

3. Work in three groups: read the part of the article and answer
the questions.

Group A. Read about Roberto.

Group В. Read about Endre.
Group С. Read about Yuet Tung.
1. Why and when did he/she come to the US?
2. What does he/she do?
3. What does he/she like about living in the US?
4. What was difficult at the beginning?

Soars J., Soars L. Op. cit. P. 18—19.

Roberto Solano
aged 24, from Mexico

Roberto came from Acapulco to New York ten years ago. At

first he missed everything — the sunshine, the food, his girlfriend.
But now he has a successful business with his three brothers and his
They run a soccer store in New Brunswick. Roberto's girlfriend
is now his wife, and they have two children who go to American
When asked why he came to the US, Roberto says without
hesitation, 'Because I want to work hard and be successful.' He
certainly works hard. He's at the store all day, then works as a driver
in the evening. 'That's why I like America,' he says. 'You can be what
you want.'
'When l first came here, I didn't speak the language, and it was
winter. It was so cold! There was snow! Now nearly all my family
are here, not only in New York, but also in California, and in Texas.
We meet about once a month and have a huge Mexican meal that
takes about five hours! We're all happy here'.

Endre Boros
aged 45, from Hungary

Endre is a mathematician at Rutgers University, New Jersey. He

came from Budapest thirteen years ago. 'I had an opportunity to
come here for two years.' After a year, his wife came to join him, and
since then they've had a daughter, so they decided to stay.
'At first it was very strange. Everything is so big here,' he says. 'I
started to feel happy when I bought a car. Now I go everywhere by
car. In Hungary, we only use the car at weekends, but here your car
is part of your life. Nobody walks anywhere.'
How does he find the people? 'Very friendly. The first question
everybody asks you is “Where are you from?” People talk to you
here, they start conversations. I like the fact that there are people
from all over the world.'
What about the way of life? 'The thing I like best is the
independence. Nobody tells me what to do. Here you can do what

you want, so you learn to make decisions for yourself. I feel in

Yuet Tung
aged 31, from Hong Kong

Yuet Tung is her Chinese name, but in English she's known as

Clara. She came to the US eight years ago and studied fine art. Now
she work son Madison Avenue for a publisher. She married a
Vietnamese American three years ago, and they live in Long island.
They don't have any children yet.
What does she think of living in New York? ‘It's very similar to
Hong Kong. It's a busy city, very exciting, and people walk very fast!
I like the stores here. They're huge, and it’s cheaper than Hong Kong.
But you need a car here, in Hong Kong everyone uses public
transportation, because it's good and it's cheap. At first I hated
driving here, but it’s OK now’.
What does she like best? ‘The space. Here I live in a house with
a yard. In Hong Kong it is so crowded. And the people are friendly.
When I go jogging, everyone says “Hi!” And the food is from every
country in the world’.

4. Find a partner from each of the other two groups. Exchange

the information. Then answer the questions below and compare your

1. What do the people have in common?

2. Are they all happy living in the US?
3. Who has other members of their family living there?
4. Do they all have children?
5. Who married someone from their own country?
6. What do Roberto and Endre like about the US?
7. What do they say about their own country?
8. Do they like the people?
9. What do they say about Americans and their cars?

Text B

1. Read the text and then answer the question.

Do you think London is the most diverse city in the world?

London: the world in one city1
Leo Benedictus spent months
interviewing the immigrant
communities that give the city
of London its vitality and, more
importantly, its food!

New York and Toronto may think they are more cosmopolitan,
but London in the 21st century is certainly the most diverse city ever.
This is one of the reasons why it was chosen to host the 2012
Olympic Games. More than 300 languages are spoken by the people
of London, and it has 50 nationalities with populations of more than
Why is this? Firstly, London is a place of business. Londoners
have the fewest bank holidays in Europe and work the longest hours.
People come for jobs and money. But that is not why they stay.
Language is one reason. Fluency in English is a great gift for their
children. Another surprising reason is the character of the London
people. They are not as friendly as some other nationalities. But this
has advantages — people leave you alone, and you are free to live
your own life. Finally, the most delicious reason is — food. You can
have dinner in more than 70 different nationalities of restaurant any
night of the week. Londoners' enthusiasm for foreign food creates
thousands of jobs for new communities.
All Londoners, old and new, have the same principles. They
work hard, love their children, and move out of the city centre as
soon as they can afford it!

Soars, J., Soars L. Op. cit. P. 50—51.

2. Divide into two groups (A and B), read your texts and answer
the questions to them.

Group A: Read text a) and c).

Group B: Read text b) and d).

The questions to the texts:

1. What are the people in the texts? Where are they? What are
they doing?
2. What nationality are they?
3. Are/Were there any problems between nationalities?
4. What food is mentioned? What’s it like?

a) Posh Daddy from Nigeria

Posh Daddy is the manager of the Big Choice Barber's on
Peckham High Street. It is a West Indian and African hairdresser's.
These two black communities haven't always got on well together.
'When I first came here, we just wanted to be accepted by the West
Indian community, but they weren't very friendly,' he says. 'Now it is
getting better. These days most of my West Indian brothers in the
barber's like eating African food like me, pepper soup and кикирака,
which is chicken with coconut — very hot and spicy.'

b) Staff in the kitchen of the Asadal

'This restaurant was a little bit of Korea brought into a very
English town/ says Young-il Park, the manager of the Asadal
restaurant in New Maiden. The Asadal is famous for its kimchi-
salty, spicy chilli peppers and vegetables. Young-il's father opened
the Asadal in 1991 — the first Korean restaurant in the town. Young-
il was the only Korean in his school. 'The thing I noticed most was
that people stared,' he says. 'Now you see a lot of Koreans here.'

c) The staff in the Yasar Halim Bakery

Yasar Halim, a Turkish grocer's and baker's, is known all over
London. It was opened in Green Lanes in 1981 by Mr. Halim, a
Turkish Cypriot. At that time, no one was selling food from his
homeland. Now the shop is famous for its baklava, a sweet cake

made with nuts and honey. The shop is very busy, and the staff
working there — both Turkish and Greek Cypriote — look like
they're having a great time together. In their homeland of Cyprus,
there are still problems between the two communities. But in this
area of London, they live together as good neighbours.

d) Portuguese football fans in the FC Porto Fan Club in

'Football is a passion for us,' says Jose Antonio Costa, the
president of the Porto Fan Club which meets in Stockwell. 'Many
people come for friendship — you know, in a foreign country, you
feel more comfortable with your own people.'
Eric Santos, the owner of Santos's cafe near the club, says,
'People come for my wife's bacalhau- salted cod, made with potatoes
and onions. Delicious!' There is quite a big Portuguese-speaking
community here, from Portugal, Brazil and Madeira, but they do not
always stick together. 'Everyone looks after their own interests.' The
Portuguese and the Madeirans, in particular, are very separate groups
in London, because Madeira wants independence from Portugal.

3. Work with a partner from the other group. Compare your

answers and discuss the following questions:

1. Why do so many nationalities choose to live in London?

2. Are there any groups of foreigners living in your town?
3. Where do they come from?
4. What do they find different?
5. Do they mix with other groups, or keep themselves apart?

4. Work in pairs. Mark if the following statements are true or false.

1. London is more cosmopolitan than Toronto.

2. New York is the most diverse city ever.
3. Londoners don't work as hard as people in other cities.
4. Immigrants want their children to learn English.
5. Londoners are the friendliest people in the world.
6. Londoners only like eating English food.
7. Most Londoners want to leave the city eventually.

Stop and Check 4

Do the tasks below. There are two points for each correct

1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

elections, visa, exam, certificate, city, landing card

1. Could you fill in the_____?

2. When you pass your exams you’ll get an_______.
3. Will you need to get a _____ if you go to the United States?
4. Do you vote in the__________ every four / five / six years?
5. Tokyo is a more organized ________.

2. Underline the correct word in brackets.

6. The city has 50 ______ (people / nationalities) with

populations of more than 10,000.
7. Prime Minister runs the economic and foreign ____ (politics /
policy) in the country.
8. If he wins the elections, he’ll become a _______ (lawyer /
9. If my visa ran out I would ________ (throw / renew) it.
10. Where is your birth _______ (card / certificate)?
11. At the _________ (elections / Parliament) people vote for
the political party.
12. I am looking for a job, so I’ve sent them an ______
(registration / application) form.
13. Don’t forget to ______ (correct / sign) your application form
14. Elections _______ (have / take) place every five years.
15. Policemen often ______ (sign / check) your driving licence.

3. Write the last three letters in each word.

16. Buenos Aires has a populat… of more than 10 million

17. Democr… is a system of government in which leaders are
chosen by the people
18. Ident… card is a card with your name, date of birth and
photo to show who you are.
19. Driving lice…is the official document which permits you to
drive on public roads.
20. A birth certific… gives the important facts about your birth.

4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word

from the brackets.

21. Tokyo is _____ (bigger / the biggest) than Madrid.

22. Oxford is one of _____ (older than / the oldest) cities in Eu-
23. If he wins the elections, he _____ (become / will become)
a president.
24. I would go to London, if I _______ (get / got) a visa.
25. I ______ (go / will go) to Madrid, if I get a visa.
26. If you ask them, they ______ (help / will help) you.
27. Madrid is ___ (expensive than / more expensive than) Rome.
28. Cafes in London are ____ (bad than / worse than) cafes in Paris.
29. I’ll call you when I ______ (arrive / will arrive).
30. If I were you I _____ (will attend / would attend) the

5. Tick the correct sentence.

31. A: Life in the country is slower than city life.

B: Life in the country is slow than city life.
32. A: Before I vote for a social party, I know its program.
B: Before I vote for a social party, I’ll know its program.
33. A: If you showed youridentity card, you would not be at the
police station now.
B: If you show youridentity card, you would not be at the
police station now.
34. A: Could you write in this form for me, please?
B: Could you fill in this form for me, please?
35. A: Tokyo is more organized New York.
B: Tokyo is more organized than New York.

6. Put the words in the correct order.

36. do / Where / people / English / speak?

37. is / New York /city / a diverse.
38. you / When / were / born?
39. took / my / I / passport / with me.
40. What / do / know / you / languages?

7. Read the story about Al Brown. Mark if the following

statements are true or false.

Street News. Al’s Story

Al Brown, 31, from a small town in Pennsylvania, USA, had

his own delivery business for five years. When he lost it, he also
lost his home and his family. He now sleeps on the streets in New
York. Street News is a magazine that is sold by homeless people in
the city. Selling newspapers gives them a small income, so they
can begin to save money for somewhere to live.
J: How long have you been selling Street News?
A: For a year. It was very cold at first, but after a while you
get used to it.
J: Why did you come to New York?
A: I came here to look for work, and I never left.
J: How long have you been sleeping on the streets?
A: For six months. I'm outside the subway station seven days
a week selling the magazine.
J: Have you made any friends?
A: Lots. But I get fed up with people who think I drink or take
drugs. My problem is I'm homeless. I want a job, but I need
somewhere to live before I can get a job. So I need money to get
somewhere to live, but…
J: How many copies do you sell a day?
A: Usually about 70. But I've brought 100 with me.
J: How many copies have you sold today?
A: So far, ten. But it's still early. Here, take one!

41. Only homeless people sell Street Newsin the city.
42. Al Brown came to New York to sell the magazine.
43. For this difficult year Al has made few friends.
44. Al Brown cannot get a job because he is homeless.
45. He usually sells 100 copies a day.

8. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

46. Монархия — это государство, управляемое королем или

47. В Соединенном Королевстве выборы проходят каждые
пять лет.
48. Полицейские могут проверить ваши водительские права.
49. Заявление — это форма, где вы пишите информацию
о себе, когда устраиваетесь на работу.
50. Кто является президентом вашей страны?

Total Score: 100

(Библиографический список)
Основная литература
1. Качалова, К. Н. Практическая грамматика английского языка
с упражнениями и ключами / К. Н. Качалова, Е. Е. Израилевич. —
Москва : ЮНВЕС : Лист, 1996. — С. 51—58, 307—309, 439—442.

Дополнительная литература
1. Harrison, M. Oxford Living Grammar: Pre-Intermediate: Lean and
Practise Grammar in Context: with answers: [оксфорд. живая грамматика:
нач. Курс : учеб. пособие] / M. Harrison. — Oxford : Oxford Univ. press,
2009. — P. 62—65, 90—97.
2. Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use: A Self-Study Referens and
Practice Book for Intermediate Students with Answers / R. Murphy. —
2-nd ed. — Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002. — P. 72—73.

1. Cambridge Dictionaries Online [Electronic resource] : the most
popular online dictionary and thesaurus for learners of English. — Cam-
bridge University Press, 2013. — Access of code : www.dictionary.
cambridge.org. — Загл. с экрана. — Яз. англ.
2. Study Learn.ru [Электронный ресурс] : все для тех, кому нужен
англ. язык. — Режим доступа : www.study.ru. — Москва, 1997. — Загл.
с экрана. — Яз. англ.
3. Мультитран [Электронный ресурс] : электрон. словарь. — Ре-
жим доступа : www.multitran.ru. — Загл. с экрана.


Topic 1. Forms of Business Organization


1. Study the Word List.

make a profit — получать прибыль, наживаться

sole proprietorship — индивидуальное частное предприятие
partnership — компания, товарищество
cooperation — корпорация, акционерное общество
share — акция, доля, пай
share the money — поделить деньги
shareholder — акционер; пайщик, владелец акций
run a business — управлять торговым предприятием
headquarters — главное управление, центр; центральный
орган (какой-либо организации)
charity — благотворительная организация
liability — обязательство, ответственность
borrow money — занимать деньги
conduct business — вести бизнес
provide smb. with goods — снабдить кого-либо товарами
deliver goods — доставлять товары

2. Complete the table. Use a dictionary to help you.

Verb General noun Person

Provide provision provider

Deliver —————

3. Make up sentences.

produce (s) paper
This company
deliver (s) humanitarian aid
provide (s) mail
products to consumers

4. Answer the questions before reading the text.

1. Can you name five of the world-known companies?

2. What are the main areas of their activity?
3. Can you name three different industries?

5. Read the text paying attention to the words in bold and do the
tasks after it.
What sort of company is it?1
A company (UK) or corporation (US) is a form of business or-
ganization operating to make a profit. There are three principal
forms of business organization: the sole proprietorship, the part-
nership, the corporation.
The simplest form of business organization is the sole proprie-
torship, which is owned by one person. The owner has relatively un-
limited control over the business and keeps all the profit. These firms
Липка-Ким Ю. А., Соловьева И. Н., Эмирзиади Е. С. Английский язык
в профессиональной сфере. — Чита : ЗабГУ, 2012. — С. 101—112.

are usually owned by one person who has day-to-day responsibility
for running the business. Sole proprietorship is the most numerous
form of business organization.
In a partnership, two or more people share ownership of a single
business. Like proprietorship, the law does not distinguish between
the business and its owners. The partners should have a legal agree-
ment that sets forth how decisions will be made, profits will be
shared, disputes will be resolved, how future partners will be admit-
ted to the partnership, how partners can be bought out, or what steps
will be taken to dissolve the partnership when needed.
A corporation is charted by the state in which it has headquar-
ters. It is considered by law to be a unique entity, separate and apart
from those who own it. A corporation can be taxed; it can be sued; it
can enter into contractual agreements. The owners of corporation are
its shareholders. The shareholders elect a board of directors to
oversee the major policies and decisions. The corporation has a life
of its own and does not dissolve when ownership changes.
Companies are involved in many activities. For example buying,
selling, marketing and production, in a range of different industries
or business sectors, such as information technology, telecommunica-
tions, film, and car manufacture and so on.
Understanding financial performance is an often neglected
skill among managers, but it is a vital one. Finance, financial state-
ments analysis and financial reporting provide important insights into
business performance, resource allocation and time management.

6. Answer the questions:

1. What are the three principal forms of business organization?

2. What is a sole proprietorship?
3. What are the main positive and negative features of a sole
4. What is a partnership?
5. What should partners have to be able to run their business?
6. What is a corporation?
7. Who are the owners of a corporation?
8. Who oversees the major policies and decisions in a corporation?

7. Match the types of business organizations on the left with the
definitions on the right1.

1) charity a) an organization which is part of the state

2) cooperative b) a company whose shares are publicly
3) enterprise c) a company which owns another
4) government agency d) a firm where shareholders’ liability is
5) holding company e) a firm based in a tax heaven to avoid
higher taxation
6) limited company f) an organization to relieve poverty, ad-
vance religion or education, etc; benefits
from some financial concessions
7) minority interest g) two or more partners working together
for profit, without limited liability
8) multinational h) a company owned by the state
9) nationalized company i) a friendly association of people
10) offshore company j) a firm, usually without commercial activi-
ty, created to be parent to other companies
11) parent company k) a new commercial activity
12) partnership l) a company whose shares are not publicly
13) private company m) firm owned by a parent company
14) public company n) company in which another firm has less
than a 50 % of interest
15) society o) an organization operating in several
16) subsidiary (affiliate) p) a democratic firm owned by its workers

8. Underline the odd word in each group2.

type of organization: limited company cooperative donation

Lees G., Thorne T. English on Business. — Chancerel Internatonal Publishers
Ltd. — 1997. — P. 115.
Business Goals 3. Unit 14 Cambridge University Press. — 2005. — P. 36.

1. public limited investment shareholders donors
2. money that profit donations investment
people put in:
3. staff: volunteers employees shareholders
4. limited board of go shares profit
company: vernors
5. charity: donors investors surplus
6. trust: council of shares board of
trustees governors

9. Match the information about these multinational companies to

the correct company logo1.

Company logo Company activities The company says

1. The third largest record a “we are commit-
company in the world. It’s ted to providing
also the world’s largest pub- high quality food”
lisher of songs and music

2. The world’s largest ham- b “(We) lead the

burger restaurant company. It world in provision
has over 19,000 restaurants in of news and finan-
100 countries cial information to
broadcasters, news-
papers, financial
markets and on-line
3. This company provides c “We aim to be the
news and financial data to the world’s premier
business community music company in
all aspects of our
4. This company is an interna- d “We keep our
tional air-express carrier. It promises”
delivers packages and docu-
ments all over the world

Robbins S. First Insights into Business (St’s book). — Pearson Education
Limited, 2000. — P. 15.

10. Complete the sentences below with the words and phrases
from the box.

share price workforce profit turnover

subsidiary market share head office

1. The amount of money a company receives from sales in a par-

ticular period of time is called its __________.
2. The money a company makes after taking away its costs is its
3. A company which is more than 50 % owned by a parent com-
pany is called a __________.
4. The employees in a particular country or business are called
the __________.
5. The percentage of sales a company has in a particular market
is its __________.
6. The main building or location of a large organization is its
7. The cost of a company’s shares is its __________.

11. Complete the extract from a company report with appropri-

ate words or phrases from the box in exercise № 10.
I’m pleased to say the company has continued its excellent per-
formance. We are changing, growing and doing well at a difficult
time for the industry. ________ was $57,2 million, an increase of
15 % last year, and ________ rose by 5 % to $6,4 million.
We are a highly competitive business. We have increased our
________ to 20 %. Consequently our ________ has risen and is now
at an all-time hight of $ 9,6.
Increased production and strong demand have had a positive ef-
fect on our cash flow, so we are able to finance a number of new pro-
jects. We have successfully moved to our new ________ in central

Cotton D., Falvey D., Kent S., Rogers J. Market Leader (Pre-Intermediate
Business English Course Book). — Pearson Education Limited, 2010. — P. 23.

London. We are now planning to start full production at the recently
opened Spanish ________ in October.
Finally, thanks once again to our loyal and dedicated _______.
Our employees will always be our most valuable asset.


12. Look at the following verbs and form the present simple pas-
sive forms as in the example.

Example: to do – is done or to use – are used

1) to produce —
2) to deliver —
3) to make —
4) to own —
5) to share —
6) to operate —
7) to chart —
8) to organize —
9) to elect —
10) to practice —

13. The following sentences are in Active form. Rewrite them in

Passive as in the example.

Managers do a lot of work in our company — A lot of work is
done by managers in our company.
We use many new techniques. — Many new techniques are
used by us.

1. They produce different types of cars.

2. They deliver goods.
3. They make a huge profit on these goods.
4. Only one person usually owns a small business.
5. The partners share profits.
6. The share holders elect a board of directors.
7. Managers organize many meetings.

14. Look at the following sentences and complete the questions.

a) Example: The office is being cleaned in the morning.

When is the office being cleaned?

1. The meeting is being held in the conference room.

Where ________________________?
2. Two new candidates are being interviewed by the Managing
How many ________________________________?
3. The trees in front of our office are being cut down.
What __________________________?
4. Our department is preparing the annul report that’s why all
the computers are being used.
Why _________________________________________?
5. I can’t use my office at the moment. It’s being painted.
What ________________________________?

b) make more similar sentences. Work in pairs. Ask and an-

swer the questions.

15. Look at the following sentences. Choоse the correct word in


1. Julia’s report has/ have been discussed.

2. Did/ Has your mobile phone been repaired yet?
3. An amazing new medicine has been/ be discovered in Ameri-
4. Where is the secretary? The document has not been prepare/
prepared yet!
5. Are/ Have those letters been delivered?

16. Read the e-mail from Judy to her boss. Then use the infor-
mation to complete the sentences below 1.

Foley M., Hall D. MyGrammarLab. — Pearson Education Limited., 2012. —
P. 256—259.

Subject: News from the office
Dear Charlotte,
I hope your trip to New York is going well.
Everything is fine in the office, but I haven’t sent the e-mails to
I’ve typed the sales report and I’ve sent copies to Donald and Mrs
I haven’t printed last year’s report yet.
I’ve arranged your flight to Los Angeles. You can collect the tick-
ets at the airport.
Alex hasn’t fixed the computers yet but he has put a new printer in
Davy’s office.
Don’t forget you have to pay Roger on Friday.
Best wishes,

Example: The e-mails to Australia haven’t been sent yet.

1. The sales report ………………………….

2. Copies ……………………………………
3. Last year’s report ………………………...
4. Your flight to Los Angeles ………………
5. The tickets ………………………………..
6. The computers ……………………………
7. A new printer ……………………………..
8. Roger ……………………………………..

17. Listen to three people talking about companies1.

a) Listen to the first speaker. Make notes on the company. ( 21)

Hollett, V. Business Objectives. — Oxford University Press. — 1996. —
P. 28—36.

Employees: …………………………………….
Turnover: ………………………………………
Location of parent company …………………..
Number of products: …………………………..
Joint venture partner: ………………………….

b) Listen to the second speaker. Complete these notes. ( 22)

* 30, 000, 000 ________________ a year.

* Fly to 41 ________________ in 25 __________ ___________.
* Domestic service has 48 ________ and serves 20 ___________.
* _________________ is their number one priority.
* Currently ________________ FANS in their aircraft.
* FANS are _____________ communications and ________ air
traffic congestion.

c) Listen to the third speaker and answer these questions. ( 23)

1. What’s the company’s turnover?

2. How many employees are there?
3. What’s happening in the company at the moment?

18. Work in pairs.

a) say what you know about the companies in the table1.

United colors Daimler
Virgin Sony
of Benetton Chrysler


Product (s)


Robbins S. Op. cit. P. 20.

b) Tom Armstrong and Rachel Humphries talk about the four
companies. Listen and complete the table. ( 24)


19. Which of these business sectors do you work in (or would

you like to work in)? Can you name a company in each sector?1

— Telecommunications /Media — Transport

— Engineering — Vehicle manufacturing
— Retailing — IT (Information Technology) /
— Food and drink — Tourism
— Construction — Pharmaceuticals / Chemicals
— Banking and finance — Other

19. Work in groups. Choose one of these companies.

BMW Levi Strauss & Co Nike

Coca-cola Microsoft

Write what you know about:

1) what each company produces or provides;

2) where the company started;
3) where the company operates;
4) who its main competitors are.

Tell the class about the company you have chosen.


20. Prepare a short presentation about a company. Include:

— an overview of the company;

— a description of the different sectors/ areas it operates in;

Cotton D., Falvey D., Kent S., Rogers J. Op. cit. P. 22—23.

— any famous company names or brand names;
— any interesting facts about the company.

Topic 2. Organizational Structure


1. Study the Word List.

structural component — элемент конструкции

organization chart — организационная схема, схема взаи-
модействия сотрудников, отделов и т. п.; структура организаци-
онных, функциональных связей
distinct purpose — определенное значение
composed of — состоящий из
feature the same basic elements — содержать одинаковые
основные элементы
appropriate — подходящий, соответствующий; должный
authority — власть
chairman — председатель
chief executive officer (CEO) — главный исполнительный
директор, отвечает за основную часть текущей деятельности
корпорации, часто совмещает эту работу с постом председателя
правления, президента и т. д.
board of directors — совет директоров
ownership — собственность, владение

2. Match the words (1—7) with the explanations (a—g).

1) board of directors,
2) authority,
3) CEO,
4) structure,
5) executive officer,
6) ownership,
7) chairman.

a) the manner of construction or organization;

b) legal right of possession; proprietorship;
c) a person who presides over an assembly, meeting, etc;
d) the power or right to control, judge, or prohibit the actions of
e) the highest-ranking corporate officer;
f) the executive who is responsible for a company's operations;
g) governing body of an incorporated firm.

3. Answer the questions before reading the text.

1. What is an organization chart?

2. What purpose does organization chart serve?
3. What is the difference between responsibility and authority?

4. Read the text paying attention to the words in bold and do

the tasks after it.
What Is Organizational Structure?
What do we mean by the term organizational structure? Consid-
er a simple analogy. In some ways, a business is like an automobile.
All cars have engines, four wheels, fenders, and other structural
components. They all have passenger compartments, storage areas,
and various operating systems (fuel, braking, climate control). Alt-

hough each component has a distinct purpose, it must work in accord
with the others.
Similarly, all businesses have common structural and operating
components, each composed of series of jobs to be done and each
with a specific overall purpose. From company to company, these
components look different and fit together differently, but in every
organization, components have the same fundamental purpose —
each must perform its own function while working in concern with
others. So, organizational structure can be defined as the specifica-
tion of jobs to be done within an organization and the ways in which
these jobs relate to one another.
Although all organizations feature the same basic elements, each
must develop the structure that is most appropriate for it. A large
manufacturer operating in a strongly competitive environment re-
quires a different structure than a local barbershop or video store.
Large British companies generally have a chairman of the board
of directors who oversees operations and a managing director (MD)
who is responsible for the day-to-day running of the company. In
smaller companies, the roles of chairman and managing director are
usually combined. Americans tend to use the term president rather
than chairman, and chief executive officer (CEO) instead of manag-
ing director. The CEO or MD is supported by various executive of-
ficers or vice-presidents, each with clearly defined authority and re-
sponsibility (production, marketing, finance, personnel, and so on).
Top managers are reviewed (and sometimes dismissed) by a
company’s board of directors. They are supported and advised and
have their decisions and performance constituted by the board. The
directors of private companies were traditionally major shareholders,
but this does not apply to the large public companies with wide share

Mackenzie I. Management and Marketing. — Heinle, a division of Thomson
Learning, Inc., 1997. — P. 11.

5. Study the organization of the company below.



Training Production Marketing Buying

Personnel Packaging Sales Customer


Wages and Distribution After-Sales

Salaries Service Financial


Which department:

a) puts the products in boxes and crates?

b) places ads in magazines?
c) pays the staff?
d) purchases supplies?
e) sells the products to customers?
f) plans how to sell new products?
g) services the machines and equipment?
h) arranges courses for the staff?
i) recruits new employees?
j) manufactures the products?
k) invoices the customers?
l) looks after customers’ problems and sends them to customers?
m) dispatches the products and sends them to customers?
n) organizes control systems to prevent mistakes?
o) deals with taxation, investment, and cash management?

6. Below is a diagram showing the structure of a «mixed» type
of multinational company based in the USA.

a) Some activities are organized into domestic, regional and in-

ternational divisions, others into worldwide product divisions.

Chief Executive
Officer (CEO)

Domestic Domestic Worldwide Pacific Divi- International Corporate

Telecom- Business Defence sion (Tele- Division Staff (Cor-
munications Systems Systems communica- (Telecommu- porate
Division Division Division tions and nications and Planning,
Business Business Sys- etc.)
Systems) tems other
than in the
Pacific region)

b) Now write questions and answers using responsible for /

comes under.
— Who is responsible for Business Systems in the Pacific?
— That comes under the Pacific Division.

1. Corporate Planning _________________________________

2. Defence Systems in Africa ___________________________
3. Telecommunications in USA _________________________
4. Business Systems in Europe __________________________
5. Telecommunications in SE Asia ______________________

7. Read the whole text and then draw the organization chart.
What are the other four verbs in the text that mean the same as to
consist of?

I think we have a fairly typical organization for a manufacturing

firm. We’ve divided into Finance, Production, Marketing and Human
Resources departments.

The Human Resources department is the simplest. It consists of
two sections. One is responsible for recruitment and personnel mat-
ters; the other is in charge of training.
The Marketing department is made up of three sections: Sales,
Sales Promotion, and Advertising, whose heads are all accountable
to the marketing manager.
The Production department consists of five sections. The first of
these is Production Control, which is in charge of both Scheduling
and Materials Control. Then there’s Purchasing, Manufacturing,
Quality Control, and Engineering Support. Manufacturing contains
three sections: Tooling, Assembly, and Fabrication.
Finance is composed of two sections: Financial Management,
which is responsible for capital requirements, fund control, and cred-
it, and Accounting.

8. Below is part of the structure of a medium-sized subsidiary of

a UK parent company.
Board of Directors


Managing Director

Research and Marketing Sales Production Legal Accounts Personnel


Purchasing Factory Maintenance Transport Management Financial Data

Departments Accounts Accounts Processing

Members of the Group Internal Audit team are visiting your
firm. You must help the auditors by answering their questions as in
the example.

Question Answer

1. I have a question about the company’s 1. You’ll have to see the sales peo-
sales budget. ple about that.
2. Could you help me? It’s about last 2.
year’s development costs.
3. I’d like to know exactly when you 3.
delivered these goods.
4. Our Computer Audit Team wants to 4.
visit you soon. Who should I ask about it?
5. Do you have purchase contracts with 5.
all your suppliers?
6. I’d like to discuss these cash-flow fore- 6.
casts. Who do you think could help me?


9. Write sentences from the words in brackets.

Example: (the premises/ move/ two months ago)
The premises were moved two months ago.

1) (the house/ paint/ last months)

2) (the guests/ show/ places of interest/ yesterday)
3) (the delegation/ head/ by the Minister of Foreign Affairs)
4) (you / invite/ to the meeting/ last week?)
5) (the headquarters/ rebuilt/ last year)
6) (when / this document/ sign?)

10. Complete the sentences as in the example.
Example: I did not realize that somebody was recording our
I didn’t realize that our conversation was being recorded.

1. I didn’t realize that somebody was using my computer.

2. I didn’t realize that they were building a new ring road round
the city.
3. I didn’t realize that he was repairing the car.
4. I didn’t realize that he was stealing my wallet.
5. I didn’t realize that they were spending company’s money on
their own needs.
6. I didn’t realize that our colleagues were not getting new tasks.

11. Rewrite the sentences in past perfect passive.

1. Somebody has cleaned the room.

2. They have postponed the meeting.
3. Somebody has taken my umbrella.
4. They have repaired a photocopier.
5. My boss has moved the furniture in his office.
6. The have cancelled the meeting.

12. Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences with the
passive forms of the verbs. Use the Past Simple, Past Continuous, or
Past Perfect.

1. I can’t use my computer at the moment. It …………….. (fix).
2. We didn’t go to the party. We ………………. (not / invite).
3. The overhead projector was broken down but it’s OK now.
It …………………. (repair).
4. The bridge is closed at the moment. It ……………….. (dam-
age) last week and …………………. (not / repair) yet.
5. I saw Clive’s mown last week. The grass was so high. He
……………….. (not / cut / grass).

13. Rewrite the following passage in the passive.

Last week, the Prime Minister visited Dawston. The Mayor of

the town greeted him when he arrived and gave him a tour. He intro-
duced the Prime Minister to some important businessmen and took
him to lunch in a local restaurant. In the afternoon, the Mayor held a
meeting and the Prime Minister addressed the citizens of Dawston.
He told that he had enjoyed his visit very much.

14. A manager from BICC describes her company. Listen and
complete organization chart below ( 25):

BICC plc

Construction and MAIN

manufacture of the cables BUSINESS





Balfour Beatty £ 1730m


BICC 3 4

Austalasia Cables, piping and £ 1730m


Medium voltage £ 476m

pover cables

BICC Cables Cable products


15. Work in pairs, Student A and Student B1.

Student A
Look at the chart below which gives information about
Sony. Ask student B for information to fill in the gaps.
Ask about:
— main areas of business
— the names of the Sony companies


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Electronics ________ Music ________ Insurance Other
a) a) Sony a) _______ a) Sony a) ________ a)
audio Computer Pictures customer
Entertain- Entertain- financing
ment ment
b) b) games b) theatre b) broad
________ console and ________ operations ________ casting
televisions ________ ________
information ________
and com-
e) electronic

Student B
Look at the chart below which gives information about
Sony. Ask student A for information to fill in the gaps.
Ask about:
— main areas of business
— the names of the companies

Robbins S. Op. cit. P. 22.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
_______ Game Music Pictures ______ Other
a) audio a) Sony a) Sony a) Sony a) Sony Life a)
Computer Music En- Pictures Insurance Customer
Entertain- tertainment Entertain- Ltd financing
ment (Japan) inc ment
b) b) b) theatre b)
________ ________ operations ________

c) ________

d) infor-
mation and
e) electronic

Work in pairs. Prepare a short overview about Sony. You can

use the Internet to help you collect more information about Sony.


16. Prepare to make a short presentation about a company to the

class. Write notes first about company’s:

— products/services,
— main customers,
— locations,
— size (no. of employees/turnover),
— main strength,
— current projects,
— other information.

Topic 3. Company’s History


1. Study the Word List.

annual report — годовой отчет

established — учрежденный; установленный
inventor — изобретатель
supplier company — компания-поставщик
refine — здесь повышать качество; облагораживать
modify — видоизменять, трансформировать, модифициро-
вать; подправлять, корректировать, вносить поправки
negotiate the rights to produce — договориться о праве на
throwaway — одноразовый
disposable — одноразовый предмет, предмет одноразового
winning formula — формула успеха
reliability — надежность
product range — товарный ассортимент, товарная номен-
клатура (различные ассортиментные группы (разнообразные
товары), предлагаемые производителем (продавцом) на рынок)

2. Which preposition do we use with:

1) dates? 6) religious festivals?

2) month? 7) hours of the clock?
3) days of the week? 8) parts of the day?
4) years? 9) points in time?
5) seasons?

a) put the right preposition with these times.

1. _______ 1979
2. _______ Thursday
3. _______ 19 January
4. _______ January
5. _______ midnight
6. _______ the morning
7. _______ Christmas
8. _______ Christmas Day
9. _______ the autumn
10. _______ the weekend

3. Answer the questions before reading the text.

1. What information can company’s history contain?

2. Are disposable products popular in Russia?
3. What disposable products do you use and why?

4. Read the text paying the attention to the words in bold and do
the task after it.
Company’s History1
Companies often include details about their history in their market-
ing literature, their annual reports and company presentations, in order
to show that they are established, and have experience in their field.
This can include information about the founder or person who started
the company, and key dates and events in the company history.

Robbins S. Op. cit. P. 46—50.

Few companies can say that they are responsible for changing
the everyday habits of billions of people throughout the world, but
the French company Bic, founded in 1950, is one that can.
The ballpoint pen came first. The original biros — named after
Lazlo Biro, their Hungarian inventor — were expensive and difficult
to use. Baron Marcel Bich, the owner of a small office supplier com-
pany, brought together French and British scientists to refine and
modify the design. He negotiated the rights to produce and sell the
pen with Biro. Production of the Bic «Crystal» began in 1953. The
«Crystal» had a clear blue plastic tube and a visible inc supply which
was sufficient to draw a line three kilometers long.
Sales rose from around 50, 000 a week in the first year to a quar-
ter of a million a day by 1956. Today sales of Bic writing instru-
ments total more than 20 million a day in 160 countries.
Marcel Bich was not content with a one-product business and
wanted to find other throwaway ideas. In 1972 came the disposable
lighter. It’s another success story which made Bic world leaders in
the sector, with daily sales of disposable lighters now numbering al-
most 4 million.
Bic’s winning formula was a combination of simplicity of pro-
duction and reliability; the company claims that its lighters will work
3, 000 times compared with competing brands’1, 000.
The company used healthy profits to invest in its third major
product range — the throwaway razor — in 1975. It now contests
market leadership with Gillette. Bic subsequently diversified fur-
ther — into windsurfing boards and fashion — but the three original
throwaway ideas remain its success stories.

5. Match the words with their definitions.

1) annual report a) a person who invents, esp as a profession

2) product range b) a report presented by the directors of a
3) inventor company to its shareholders each year
4) disposables c) enough to meet a need or purpose
5) sufficient d) non-durable goods
e) product assortment

6. Find the best verb in the box to complete each of the

establish has changed have refined modify supply invest


1. Many people think it is safest to …………. in property.

2. We can ………………. the goods from our main store.
3. Advertising ……………………….. the way people think
about tobacco and alcohol.
4. When you plan something, try not to ………….. your plans.
5. The government agreed to……………….. two committees to
examine the proposals.
6. The economy ……………… fragile.
7. We …………………. the system in order to improve it.

7. Complete this company’s history.

1950 the company was founded
1950—1953 Lazlo Biro invented the first pen. Marcel Bich
____________ and ___________________ the design. Bich nego-
tiated with Biro to _____________________.
1953 Production of the ___________________ began.
1956 Sales of the biro rose to ___________________.
1972 Bic invented _____________________.
1975 Bic invented _____________________.
Bic sells ______________ ballpoint pens per day.
Bic sells __________ disposable lighters per day.
Bic and __________________ are leaders in the market for
disposable razors.

8. Work in pairs and discuss what you know about Ford and its
history. Now read the magazine article.

Ford of Britain1
When did it all start?
In the spring of 1896 engineer Henry Ford built his first horse-
less carriage. In 1903, Ford backed by 12 local business men, formed
the Ford motor company which later pioneered modern production
line techniques.
When did it come to Britain?
In 1911 Ford’s first assembly plant outside North America
opened at Trafford Park, Manchester, and in 1929 work started on
building the Dagenham plant where the first Model AA truck rolled
off the line at 1.15 p.m. on October 1, 1931.

a) What do these numbers from the text refer to?

1903 1929 12 1896 1931 1911

b) Complete these sentences.

1. In 1896 Henry Ford ___________________ his first car.

2. In 1903 Henry Ford ___________________ the Ford Motor
3. Twelve local businessmen ______________ him.
4. In 1911 Ford __________________ the first assembly plant
in Manchester, England.
5. In 1929 he ______________ building the Dagenham plant.

9. Correct the false sentences.

1. Henry Ford was an engineer.

2. Henry Ford built his first plane in 1896. No, he didn’t. He
built his first horseless carriage.
3. Ford was supported by 20 overseas businessmen..
4. The first assembly plant was opened in London.
5. Ford Company pioneered in electrical engineering.
6. Model AA truck was planned in 1950.

Robbins S. Op. cit. P. 47.


10. Complete these sentences with the following verbs. Use

these verbs in the Future Simple Passive.

make, give, translate, finish, return, collect, build.

1. A decision ……………. until the next meeting.

2. The answer ……………to you in some days.
3. An article ………….. tomorrow.
4. The work …………… in a week.
5. ……… this book … ………….. on time?
6. You …………………… from the station by our driver.
7. The highest building in the world …………….. here in a year.

11. The following sentences are in the Active Voice, rewrite

them in the Passive.

1. We will have finished our project by the end of this month.

2. Children will have forgotten this event by the time we return
3. We will have looked for the letter everywhere.
4. They will have accepted this offer.
5. She will have found the document by the time we get back in
the office.
6. They will have postponed the meeting.
7. They will have built a new hospital near the airport.

12. Make sentences from the words in brackets. Sometimes the

verb is active, sometimes passive.

1. There is somebody behind us. (I / think / we / follow)

2. This room looks different. (you / paint / the walls?)
3. My car has disappeared. (It / steal!)
4. My umbrella has disappeared. (somebody / take)
5. Sam gets a higher salary now. (he / promote).
6. Ann can’t use her room at the moment. (it / decorate)

7. The photocopier broke down yesterday, but now it’s OK. (it /
work / again; it / repair)

13. Pat Woodgate describes the history of the company he works
for, Zurich Financial Services Group1.

a) before you listen match the words on the left with a definition
on the right.

1) asset management a) a sum of money is paid to a company

to take on a risk for you
2) insurance b) a company gives you financial advice,
then manages your possessions
3) re-insurance c) to join together to form a new company
4) to merge d) an insurance company buys its own
insurance from other insurance compa-
nies, to share the risk or loss

b) listen to the first part of the talk and answer the questions.
( 26)

1. Which two things does the presenter talk about?

2. Complete the sentences.
a) Pat works in the Loss Control Department of Zurich
__________________________, part of the Zurich
____________________________________ Group.
b) The company deals with the p___________ s___________,
e.g. local __________________ and National Health trusts.
3. Where was the company founded?
4. In English, what was its original name?

c) here are the key dates in the company’s history. Listen to the
second part of the talk and match each event to the correct date. ( 27)

a) 1873 b) 1875 c) 1922 d) 1993 e) 1998

Robbins S. Op. cit. P. 53.

1. The company merged with British American Financial Ser-
vices and formed Zurich Financial Services Group.
2. The company obtained a license to conduct business in other
European countries.
3. The company opened for business in the UK, with headquar-
ters in London.
4. The company started business and provided re-insurance.
5. The company took over the business of Municipal Mutual In-
surance (MMI).

d) complete the missing information.

Employees: The group has _________________ employees.

Customers: The group has over _____________ customers.
Countries: The group operates in ____________ countries.
Company status:
One of the ten largest companies which offer


14. Company presentation:

a) work in two groups and prepare a presentation.

Group A
You represent Bic, and are preparing a presentation on the history
of the company to give to a group of university graduates. Use the
notes from the text above and the information below to prepare
your presentation.

Group B
You represent Ford, and are preparing a presentation on the history
of the company to give to a group of university graduates. Use the
notes from the text above and the information below to prepare
your presentation.

b) introduction.

In the introduction you should tell your audience what you are
going to say. Use the sequencing words to explain the sequence.

Firstly, I’m going to talk to you today about the key developments
in the history of the company I work for and then tell you about
the company’s current position.

c) main Body of the Presentation.

Now prepare the body of the presentation. Don’t write the

presentation, but make notes to help you remember what you want to
say. Use the language in the box to tell the listener about the se-
quence of events.

There are (six) key dates in the company’s history ………..

Firstly, in 1950 ………..
After that ………..
Is that clear?
Lastly ………..
Now the company is a leader in the field of ………..
Are there any questions?
Thank you very much.

d) work in pairs, one from group A and one from Group B.

Student A: Give your presentation to your partner who is a grad-

uate at a local university. Be enthusiastic about your company – you
want to impress your partner!
Student B: Ask Student A questions at the end of the presenta-
tion. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the presentation.

Now change roles.

Student B: Give your presentation to Student A.
Student A: Listen, ask questions and comment on the presenta-


15. Write a letter to your friend on one of the suggested topics:

1. If I Were a Director of a Company.

2. A Company of my Dream.
3. The Most Famous Boss in Our Country.
4. The History of Any Company.
5. The Most Famous Company Abroad.
6. The Most Famous Russian Company.

Texts for Reading and Discussion

Text A

1. Match the words with their definitions.

1) business plan; a) extremely competent in a job;

2) evaluate; b) the state or quality of being
3) innovative; different or varied;
4) requirement; c) something demanded or im-
5) chief executive; posed as an obligation;
6) professional; d) a detailed plan setting out the
7) effective; objectives of a business, the
8) diversity; strategy and tactics planned to
achieve them, and the expected
profits, usually over a period of
three to ten years;
e) person with overall responsi-
bility for the efficient running of
a company, organization, etc;
f) using or showing new meth-
ods, ideas, etc;
g) to judge or assess the worth of;
h) productive of or capable of
producing a result.

2. Find Russian equivalents for the following English phrases.

To develop business plans, review CEO’s performance, to en-

sure effective planning, assess overall performance, affect the busi-
ness, monitor a company’s financial performance, set aside any po-
tential conflict, to support well-being of the business, a breadth of
skills, sufficient resources.

3. Read the text.

What is the Purpose of a Board of Directors?1
A company’s board of directors helps management develop
business plans, economic policy objectives, and business strategy. A
board of directors often selects the chief executive of the business,
supports him, reviews his performance, and may dismiss him.
Through regular meetings, the board helps ensure effective or-
ganizational planning and sees that company resources are managed
effectively. The board of directors also sees that the company meets
regulatory requirements that apply to that business. The board of di-
rectors also must assess overall performance of the corporation.
Directors monitor a company’s financial performance and the
success of its products, services and strategy. Directors are expected
to follow developments that affect the business. They must set aside
any potential conflict between their personal or individual business
interests to support the well-being of the business which they serve.
The most effective board of directors will be a group of profes-
sionals who bring a breadth of skills, experience and diversity to a
company. As the company grows and changes, the governing board
also will change to meet changing needs and circumstances.
What are the Major Duties of a Board of Directors?
1. Select and appoint a chiefs executive to whom responsibility
for the administration of the organization is delegated, including:
— to review and evaluate his/her performance regularly on the
basis of a specific job description, including executive relations with
the board, leadership in the organization, in program planning and

Липка-Ким Ю. А., Соловьева И. Н., Эмирзиади Е. С. Указ. соч. C. 116.

implementation, and in management of the organization and its per-
— to offer administrative guidance and determine whether to re-
tain or dismiss the executive.
2. Govern the organization by broad policies and objectives,
formulated and agreed upon by the chief executive and employees,
including to assign priorities and ensure the organization’s capacity
to carry out programs by continually reviewing its work;
3. Acquire sufficient resources for the organization’s operations
and to finance the products and services adequately;
4. Account to the public for the products and services of the or-
ganization and expenditures of its funds, including:
— to approve the budget, and formulate policies related to con-
tracts from public or private resources;
— to accept responsibility for all conditions and policies in new,
innovative, or experimental programs.
Major Responsibilities of Board of Directors
1. Determine the Organization’s Mission and Purpose.
2. Select the Executive.
3. Support the Executive and Review His or Her Performance.
4. Ensure Effective Organizational Planning.
5. Ensure Adequate Resources.
6. Manage Resources Effectively.
7. Determine and Monitor the Organization’s Programs and Ser-
8. Enhance the Organization’s Public Image.
9. Assess Organization’s Performance.

4. Answer the questions:

1. What are the responsibilities of a board of directors in a cor-

poration? Name them.
2. What are the major duties of a Board of Directors?
3. What can we call an effective board of directors?


1. Find Russian equivalents for the following English phrases.

Independently owned and operated, not dominant in its field,

size standards vary, the most workable concept, a small part of the
overall industry, technical geniuses, striving to produce and market
scientific innovation, to transform an idea into commercial reality,
provide a product or service more cheaply than large firms, to earn a
profit on a lower price than a large company can offer.

2. Match the words with their definitions.

1) competitor, a) having primary control, authority, or influ-

2) marketplace, b) of a kind never before existing,
3) overhead costs, c) wide — ranging or extensive,
4) large-scale, d) an ongoing expense of operating a business,
5) new concept, e) the commercial world of buying and selling,
6) dominant, f) a person, group, team, firm, etc., that com-
petes; rival.

3. Read the text.

What is a Small Business?1
Small business is independently owned and operated. It is not
dominant in its field, and meets a variety of size standards. These
size standards vary. Some standards apply only for various special
programs. In general, a small business has the following characteris-
— Independently owned;
— Independently operated and managed;
— Only a minor factor in its industry;
— Fewer than 400 employees;
— Limited capital resources.

Митусова О. А. Английский для аспирантов. — Ростов н/Д : Изд-во
«Феникс», 2003. — С. 87—88.

Small business is found in nearly every industry in the United
States. They often compete against some of the nation’s largest or-
ganizations as well as against a multitude of other small companies.
Retailing and service establishments are the most common small
businesses. Also new technology companies often start as small or-
For the most part farming is still small business. The family
farm is a classical example of small business operation.
Small businesses are not simply smaller versions of large corpo-
rations. Their legal organization, market position, staff capability,
managerial style and organization, and financial resources generally
differ from a bigger company which give them some unique ad-
vantages over large-scale competitors. Innovative behavior, lower
costs and the filling of isolated market niches are some of the most
important of these advantages.
Small firms are often the companies who first offer innovations,
new concepts, and new products in the marketplace. Federal Express
and Apple Computer are examples of success stories. In fact, it is
estimated that the formation of small high-technology firms doubled
in recent years.
Small firms can often provide a product or service more cheaply
than large firms. They usually have fewer overhead costs — those
not directly related to providing the goods and services — than to the
large firms. Thus, they may be able to earn profit on a lower price
than a large company can offer.
Small businesses have organizations with small staffs and fewer
support personnel. The lower overhead costs resulting from fewer
permanent staff people can provide a distinct advantage to small
Big businesses are excluded from some commercial activities
because of their size. High overhead costs force them to set mini-
mum targets at which to direct their competitive efforts. This situa-
tion allows substantial opportunities for smaller publishers with low-
er overhead costs.
In addition, certain types of businesses lend themselves better to
smaller firms. Many services illustrate this point. Finally, economic
and organizational factors may dedicate that an industry consists of
small firms.

Smaller firms have a variety of disadvantages. These include
poor management, inadequate financing, and government regulation.
Hundreds of thousands of small businesses are begun each year.
Thirty percent fail within the first year, and half within two years.
For every 15 small businesses that open their doors, 10 close for vol-
untary or financial reasons. A great many of these failures can be
attributed to poor management. Most people who start small busi-
nesses are ill-prepared as managers.

2. Answer the questions

1. What is the most workable concept of small business?

2. What basic characteristics must a small business have?
3. What industries are usually found in the small businesses in
the United States?
4. Is farming still a small business?
5. Can small businesses be called smaller versions of large cor-
6. What are the advantages of small business?
7. What are the disadvantages of small business?

Stop and Check 5

Do the tasks below. There are two points for each correct

1. Rewrite the sentences in the Passive.

1. I bought potatoes yesterday.

2. We will bring the books tomorrow.
3. They are repairing the clock now.
4. They sell milk in this shop.
5. I have translated the whole text.
6. They broke the window last week.
7. When I came home, they had eaten the sweets.
8. We will do the work in the evening.
9. He wrote this book in the 19th century.
10. They were playing tennis from four till five.

2. Choose the right variant

11. The headquarters…. by the end of the year.

a) will have been reconstructed
b) will be reconstructed
c) is being reconstructed
12. This is a large conference hall. Many meetings….. here.
a) are held
b) are being held
c) has been held
13. The office….. later.
a) will be cleaned
b) has been cleaned
c) will clean
14. The annual report….. a week ago.
a) was published
b) published
c) has published
15. Not much….. about the accident since that time.
a) has been said
b) said
c) has said
3. Choose the most appropriate word to be used in each sen-

16. Put your money in a savings account, so it will ……………

a) make a profit b) earn money c) invest money
17. A…….. is a legal agreement between two people or compa-
a) contract b) flight c) reduction
18. Large British companies generally have a ………… of the
board of directors.
a) chairman b) manager c) superman
19. The owners of corporation are its ……………………….
a) shareholders b) employers c) applicants
20. Bic’s …………………….. was a combination of simplicity
of production and reliability.
a) winning formula b) success c) failure

21. In every organization components have the same fundamen-
tal ……………..
a) purpose b) profit c) manager
22. In a………………….., two or more people share ownership
of a single business.
a) partnership b) sole proprietorship c) corporation
23. Understanding …………….. is an often neglected skill
among managers, but it is a vital one.
a) financial performance b) assets c) machines
24. He…………………….. the rights to produce and sell the
pen with Biro.
a) negotiated b) competed c) damaged
25. Retailing and service ………………are the most common
small businesses
a) establishments b) offices c) corporations

4. Fill in the missing letters to answer the questions. What do we

call a department in a company:

26. ……that keeps a record of the money coming in and going

out? ________________
27. ……that concerned with studying new ideas and planning
new products? ______________
28. ……involved with managing and organizing its work?
29. ……that deals with selling and promoting its products?
30. ……that deals with employees, keeps their records and helps
with any problems they might have? _________________
31. ……that manufactures the products? ________________
32. ……that looks after customers’ problems and complaints?
33. ……that deals with taxation, investment, and cash manage-
ment? _______________

5. Read the text and decide which statements are true.

Ford: the road to recovery
Although Ford has made operating profits of over $7 billion in
its American market this year, the story in Europe has been very dif-
ferent. Its market share has fallen from 12 % six years ago to only
9 % now. The truth is that rivals like Volkswagen and Renault have
performed much better over recent years. They have cut costs and
have launched exciting and highly successful new models. In con-
trast, Ford has withdrawn its large saloon, the Scorpio, which was
not selling well. But Ford has had a lot more success at the higher
end of the market. Over the last few years it has spent a lot of money
buying brands such as Jaguar, Aston Martin and Land Rover, and
these models have much higher profit margins. It has taken some
time to sort out the problems at Jaguar in particular, but it’s now a
successful part of the business.

34. Ford’s story in Europe has been very successful. True _____
False ______
35. Volkswagen and Renault have higher market share than
Ford. True _____ False ______
36. The Scorpio has not brought much profit to Ford. True _____
False ______
37. Jaguar, Aston and Land Rover bring a lot of money to Ford.
True _____ False ______
38. Jaguar has always been a successful part of the business.
True _____ False ______

Read the text and decide which questions given can be an-
swered from the text.

39. Are Renault and Volkswagen rival firms?

40. Does Ford invent new models of cars?
41. Do Volkswagen and Renault make more operating profits in
American market?
42. Does the author recommend you to buy the Scorpio?
43. How many people work for Ford?

6. Translate the sentences into English.

44. Основная цель коммерческого предприятия — получе-

ние прибыли.
45. Оборот компании позволяет ей заниматься деловыми
операциями данного типа.
46. Предприятие покупает сырье и материалы, производит
продукцию, а затем продает ее.
47. Новая модель телефона была разработана нашим отде-
лом исследований.
48. В прошлом году компания IBM построила штаб-
квартиру в Париже.
49. У них было 150 филиалов по всему миру в прошлом году.
50. Отдел качества организовал систему контроля для
предотвращения ошибок.

(Библиографический список)
Основная литература
1. Cotton D. Market Leader (Pre-Intermediate Business English Course
Book) / D. Cotton, D. Falvey, S. Kent. — Pearson Education Limited,
2010. — P. 22—29.
2. Mackenzie, I. English for Business Studies (Student’s Book) /
I. Mackenzie. — Cambridge University Press, 2006. — P. 17—22.
3. Давыдова, В. В. Reading in Finance : учеб. пособие. — Новоси-
бирск : Изд-во СибАГС, 2008. — C. 18—33.
Дополнительная литература
1. Robbins, S. First Insights into Business (St’s book) / Sue Robbins. —
Pearson Education Limited, 2000. — 175 p.
2. Foley, M. MyGrammarLab / M. Foley, D. Hall. — Pearson Educa-
tion Limited., 2012. — 356 p.
3. Липка-Ким, Ю. А. Английский язык в профессиональной
сфере / Ю. А. Липка-Ким, И. Н. Соловьева, Е. С. Эмирзиади. — Чита :
ЗабГУ, 2012. — 148 с.
4. Митусова, О. А. Английский для аспирантов / О. А. Митусо-
ва. — Ростов на Дону : Изд-во «Феникс», 2003. — 320 с.


Topic 1. Managers


1. Study the Word List.

effective management — результативное управление
perform — исполнять, выполнять
develop strategic and tactical plans — развивать стратегиче-
ские и тактические планы
competitive environments — конкурентная среда
set objectives — устанавливать цели
allocate recourses — распределение ресурсов
manageable activities — осуществимая деятельность, дея-
тельность, которая поддается выполнению
make decisions — принимать решения
supervise the work — руководить работой
subordinates — подчиненные
measure the performance — измерить, оценить эффектив-
ность работы

2. Match the words to make sentences.

I performed
You developed in university
My boss am set at workplace
Plans is made from Economics
Objectives are supervised on time to time
Recourses measured a daily basis
Activities allocated

3. Answer the questions before reading the text.

1. What do you think makes a good manager?

2. What personal qualities are important for a manager to be
3. What professional skills/abilities are essential for a good

3. Read the text paying attention to the words in bold and do the
tasks after it.
Who are managers?1
All corporations depend on effective management. Regardless
of whether they run a growing business like Coach or a small local
fashion boutique, they perform many of the same functions, are
responsible for many of the same tasks, and have many of the same
The principles of management apply to all kinds of
organizations. Managers work in charities, churches, social
organizations, and government agencies. The prime minister of
Canada, curators at the museum of Modern Art, the dean of your

Липка- Ким Ю. А., Соловьева И. Н., Эмирзиади Е. С. Указ. соч. С. 71.

college, and the chief administrator of your local hospital are all
In its board meaning the term “managers” applies to the people
who are responsible for making and carrying out decisions within a
certain system. A personnel manager directly supervises people in an
organization. Financial manager is a person who is responsible for
finance. Sales manager is responsible for selling goods. A marketing
manager is responsible for promotion of products on the market.
The work of all managers involves developing strategic and
tactical plans. Along with numerous other activities, they must
analyze their competitive environments and plan, organize, direct,
and control day-to-day operations.
First of all, managers set objectives, and decide how their
organization can achieve them. This involves developing strategies,
plans, and allocating recourses of people and money.
Secondly, managers organize. They analyze and classify the
activities of the organization and the relations among them. They
divide the work into manageable activities and then into individual
jobs. They select people to manage these units and perform the jobs.
Thirdly, managers practice the social skills of motivation and
communication. They make decisions about pay and promotion. As
well as organizing and supervising the work of their subordinates,
they have to work with people in other areas and functions.
Fourthly, managers have to measure the performance of their
staff, to see whether the objectives set for the organization as a whole
and for each individual member of it are being achieved.
Lastly, managers develop people — both their subordinates and
Regardless of the nature and size of an organization, managers
are among its most important resources.

5. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. All corporations depend on potential management. T __ F __

2. The principles of management do not refer to all kinds of
organizations. T __ F __
3. Managers must analyze the efficiency of their subordinates.
T __ F __

4. Practicing the social skills is not an essential part of the work
of a manager. T __ F __
5. Managers should not develop themselves and their
subordinates. T __ F __

6. Match the words with their definitions.

1) individual, a) skillful or diplomatic,

2) tactical, b) accomplishable,
3) competitive, c) personal,
4) manageable, d) increasing in size,
5) growing, e) involving or determined by

7. Write three last letters to the word.

1) subordin_ _ _
2) strate _ _ _
3) perf _ _ _
4) environm _ _ _
5) superv _ _ _

8. Which four of the following qualities do you think are the

most important to be a good manager?1

1) being decisive: able to make quick decisions;

2) being efficient: doing things quickly, not leaving tasks
unfinished, having a tidy desk, and so on;
3) being friendly and sociable;
4) being able to communicate with people;
5) being logical, rational and analytical;
6) being able to motivate and inspire and lead people;
7) being authoritative: able to give orders;
8) being competent: knowing one’s job perfectly, as well as the
work of one’s subordinates;

Mackenzie I. English for Business Studies (Student’s Book). — Cambridge
University Press, 2006. — P. 12.

9) being persuasive: able to convince people to do things;
10) having good ideas.

a) Are there any qualities that you think should be added to this

b) Which of these qualities can be acquired? Which must you be

born with?

9. Look at the list of adjectives in the box and:

— translate them into English using a dictionary, if necessary;
— explain the meaning of each adjective (in English);
— decide which of them can be considered as personal features
or managerial qualities;
— decide which of them can be considered as positive, negative
or neutral;
— do you posses all of them? Which would you like to have?
Which ones would you like to get rid of?

Give synonyms to these adjectives:

lunatic persuasive thoughtful

ruthless rambling passionate
informal responsive open
balanced methodical coherent
moderate perceptive inhibited
charismatic energetic self-confident

10. How do you understand the meaning of the following ex-


— a good articulator of policy;

— keen to improve employees’ lives;
— able to give right orders;
— interpersonal relationships;
— monitoring activities;
— self-confidence.

Use all the expressions in your own sentences.
What characteristics can make an image of an ideal colleague or

11. Are the following words competent, responsible, self-

motivated, determined, efficient, independent, hard-working, tolerant,
boring, flexible, aggressive, self-reliant, meticulous mainly positive?
Which ones can be neutral or negative? Which of them describe an
approach to work? Which of them describe a personality?


12. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in suita-

ble Present Tenses.

1. How much …. it … to phone Canada? (cost)

2. What’s funny? Why … you ……? (laugh)
3. Liz is studying medicine at university. She started three years
ago. She …. medicine for three years already. (study)
4. Excuse me but you … in my place. (sit)
5. Margaret is in the office. She …. there since 9 o’clock. (to be)
6. She ….. coffee. (prefer)
7. Linda and Frank are married. They …. since 1988. (to be mar-
8. My friend … in Novosibirsk for 15 years. (live)
9. We … friends for quite a long period of time. (to be)

13. Complete the following sentences using one of the verbs

from the box in The Present Simple, The Present Continuous, The
Present Perfect, The Present Perfect Continuous or The Past Simple.

to produce to study to live to paint to work

1. It’s 10 o’clock now. The students ………………… in their

2. How long ……………………………… here?
3. She ……………….. every day.

4. The plant ……………………… 10000 cars this year.
5. He ………………….. in London last year.

14. Translate the following sentences:

1. Я пишу уже 20 минут

2. Я написал уже 5 писем сегодня

письмо вчера
3. Он готовится к экзамену сейчас
уже две недели
4. Она ищет вас уже час
5. Я учусь в университете (хожу туда каждый день)
уже два года

15. Put the sentences into Active or Passive Voice.

1. A top politician __________ (remove) from his office.

2. The boss of HAW Steel _______ (give) $ 1, 000, 000 bonus
by company directors.
3. Workers in a car factory in Scotland __________(stop) work
for forty-eight hours.
4. Injured football star _________ (tell) to rest for three weeks.
5. The body of a famous climber _________ (find) in Australian
6. Philip Roth _______ (win) the big prize again.
7. Tesways Supermarkets ___________ (open) their doors to
Sunday night shoppers.
8. A new health report finds that fewer games _______ (play) at
school than ever before.

16. Complete the report by putting the verbs in brackets into the
Present Perfect Active (has done) or Present Perfect Passive (has
been done).

Brazil (1) … (transform) from an economy based on sugar and
coffee into a leading industrial power, and this (2) … (happen) over a
relatively short time period. Over recent years inflation (3) … (bring)
under control, and foreign direct investment (4) … (encourage).
The Government (5) … (privatise) many state-owned compa-
nies, and they (6) … (also/invest) a lot of money in advanced infra-
structure. In an attempt to decentralise the economy, Campinas was
chosen to be Brazil’s IT capital, and car production (7) … (move)
away from traditional centres to states such as Rio Grande do Sul in
the south. No one pretends that all the old problems (8) … (solve),
but Brazil is finally taking its place on the world stage.

17. Nigel Nicholson is Professor of Organizational Behaviour at
the London Business School. Listen to the first part of the interview
and complete the notes, using up to three words each time1.

a) managers of people ( 28)

1. To be a good manager, you need to understand that there are

themes which ………….., such as families, or that fact that everyone
wants to make a difference and needs to be respected.
2. In addition, you also need to understand how everyone is
………… to the way you, as a manager, are.
3. The secret is to try to know what the world looks like ……….
of another person.
4. In order to do that, you need to be very good at asking ques-
tions and ………………..

b) listen to the second part of the interview. Decide which

statement best summarizes Nigel’s view of the changes in the way
people behave at work. ( 29)
Cotton D., Falvey D., Kent S. et al. Market Leader (Pre-Intermediate Busi-
ness English Course Book). — Pearson Education Limited, 2010. — P. 79.

1. The time people spend reflecting unfortunately reduces the
amount of work they do.
2. People have to spend more time at work and are therefore un-
der a lot of pressure.
3. People live very fast but should not forget to take time to
stand back and reflect.
4. If people live too slowly, they cannot see whether what they
are doing fits into a bigger picture.

c) listen to the third part of the interview. Decide whether these

statements are true (T) or false (F). ( 30)

1. Cultural differences are entirely superficial.

2. Individual differences between people are more important
than cultural differences.
3. When you work in another culture, you realize that all people
are the same.
4. You have to remember that people are unique and different


18. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.

1. What would you find difficult if you had to go and work in a

very different culture from your own?
2. What advice would you give to a foreign manager who is go-
ing to manage staff in your country?

19. Work in small groups. Discuss these questions:

a) what do you think?

1. What personal qualities are important for a manager to be

2. What professional skills/abilities are essential to become a
good manager?
3. What approach to people should a good manager have?


20. Make up your own list of adjectives describing your friend;

highlight any strengths and weaknesses he/she may have.

21. Work with a partner. Write a brief profile of your partner

outlining his/her personal qualities, strengths and weaknesses (as you
think). After you finish, work with the partner and compare the pro-
files you both have. Discuss any differences between them and try to
agree to an «accurate» list of each other.

22. Write a brief profile of yourself outlining your personal qual-

ities, highlight your strengths and weaknesses.

Topic 2. The Management Process


1. Study the Word List.

definite — ясный, точный, определенный; четко выражен-

purposive — служащий для определенной цели; целевой
attainment — достижение; приобретение
predetermined goals — предназначенная, предопределенная
achieve the goals — достигать целей

vary — изменяться, меняться
launch — начинать какие-либо действия
market survey — обзор рыночной конъюнктуры
set of activities — совокупность видов деятельности
aim — намерение, цель
use recourses wisely — мудро использовать ресурсы
without unnecessary waste — без расточительства
delegate authority — делегировать полномочия

2. Complete the table. Use a dictionary to help you.

Make the sentences of your own with these words.

Verb General noun Person

achieve achievement achiever
allocate ———-

3. Answer the questions before reading the text.

1. Would you like to work in a team?

2. What activities are important for running a team?
3. What does a manager in a company do?

4. Read the text paying the attention to the words in bold and do
the task after it.
What is management?1
Management is a universal phenomenon. It’s a very popular and
widely used term. All organizations — business, political, cultural or
social — are involved in management because it is the management
which helps and directs the various efforts towards a definite
purpose. Management is a purposive activity. It’s something that
directs group efforts towards the attainment of certain
Липка-Ким Ю. А., Соловьева И. Н., Эмирзиади Е. С. Указ. соч. С. 82.

predetermined goals. It’s the process of working with and through
others to effectively achieve the goals of organization, by efficiently
using limited resources in the changing world. Of course, these goals
may vary from one enterprise to another. For example, for one
enterprise it may be launching of new products by conducting
market surveys and for another it may be profit maximization by
minimizing cost1.
Management is the process of planning, organizing, directing,
and controlling an organization’s financial, physical, human, and
information resources to achieve its goals. Management is the art or
practice of managing a business, money, products, and all the people
employed by a company. In other words management is set of
activities directed at an organization’s human, financial, physical,
and information resources, with the aim of achieving organizational
goals in an efficient and effective manner. In this case «efficient»
means “using resources wisely and without unnecessary waste”
while “effective” means “doing the right things”.
The characteristics of management often vary according to
national culture, which can determine how managers are trained,
how they lead people and how they approach their jobs. The amount
of responsibility of any individual in a company depends on the
position that he or she occupies in its hierarchy. Managers, for
example, are responsible for leading people directly under them. To
do this successfully, they must use their authority, which is the right
to take decisions and give orders. Managers often delegate
authority. This means that employees at lower levels in the
company hierarchy can use their initiative that is make decisions
without asking their manager.

5. Answer the questions.

1. What is management?
2. Why are all organizations involved in management?
3. Is management the process of leading and directing all or part
of organization?
4. How many functions do managers carry out? What are they?

Липка-Ким Ю. А., Соловьева И. Н., Эмирзиади Е. С. Указ. соч. C. 82.

5. What are characteristics of management? Are they the same
for every country in the world?
6. What are managers responsible for?

6. Write a synonym for each of these words.

1) general, worldwide — ______________________

2) certain, exact — ___________________________
3) intentional, deliberate — ____________________
4) achievement, acquirement — _________________
5) differ, diversify — _________________________
6) intention, purpose — _______________________

7. Fill in prepositions or particles where necessary and translate

the sentences into Russian.

1. It is the management which helps and directs the various ef-

forts ………….. a definite purpose.
2. Management is the process of working with and ………
others …. effectively achieve the goals of organization.
3. These goals may vary ……. one enterprise ….. another.
4. Management is the art or practice …. managing a business,
money, products, and all the people employed …. a company.
5. The amount of responsibility …… any individual ….. a
company depends ….. the position that he or she occupies in its
6. To delegate authority (or Delegating authority) means that
employees ……. lower levels …….. the company hierarchy can use
their initiative.

8. Complete the table:

Adjectives Nouns Verbs


9. Match the words or phrases on the left with the definitions on
the right.

1) planning; a) the power or right to control, judge, or pro-

hibit the actions of others;
2) market survey; b) a system of persons or things arranged in a
graded order;
3) authority; c) to shape or influence; give direction to;
4) goal; d) a detailed scheme, method, etc., for attaining
an objective;
5) hierarchy; e) the aim or object towards which an endeav-
our is directed;
6) determine; f) a comprehensive or general view of the market.


10. Underline the best option in italics.

1. A: What was she doing this morning?

B: She interviewed / was interviewing candidates for the sales job.
2. A: How did Brenda spend her holiday?
B: Most days she went/ was going to the beach.
3. A: What happened after you launched the product?
B: While we promoted / were promoting it, our competitor
dropped / was dropping their prices.
4. A: I didn’t see you in the office last week.
B: No, I worked / was working at home for a few days.
5. A: What did Pat do when she saw the artwork?
B: She called / was calling the designers and said / was saying
it wasn’t suitable.
6. A: Why did Renata take so long to get here?
B: She said they mended / were mending the road.

11. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in suita-

ble Past Tenses.

1. When I was a child, I … to be a doctor. (want)

2. At seven o’clock yesterday evening they … dinner. (have)

3. He was annoyed. He …. at the airport for three hours. (wait)
4. I … our holiday last year. (enjoy)
5. He was happy. He … an important contract. (sign)
6. At 9.45 she …. her new car. (wash)
7. They … for a house for six months before they found one
they liked. (look)
8. She … work when she met her friends for coffee. (finish)
9. He … down the street when he ran into an old friend. (walk)

12. Change these sentences into Passive. Make the underlined

words subjects of the passive sentences.

1. The police fined the driver for speeding.

2. People had sent her lots of birthday cards.
3. The lights went out when they were serving the meal.
4. Journalists asked the prime minister a lot of difficult ques-
5. Nobody told me what to do.
6. The police were following him until he got to the office.

13. Rewrite the newspaper report below using the Passive Voice
where possible.
Cuban Red Cross Give Montserrat
Children A Holiday
A group of children from Montserrat, aged between 10 and 16,
arrived in Cuba on Friday. Stress from the volcanic eruptions has
affected all of these children. The volcano has destroyed many home
on the island.
Red Cross workers took the children by bus to a holiday camp.
They will organize leisure activities for the children.
The Cuban Red Cross organized the trip last month. They have
used the camp at Tarara, which in the past cared for children from
the Ukraine and Russia. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster affected
those children.

14. Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive Voice.

1. They were selling new children's books in that shop when I

entered it yesterday.
2. A large group of young people joined us on our way to the
3. A young teacher started a school in this village.
4. They were translating this article when I entered the classroom.
5. Galsworthy wrote “The Forsyte Saga”.
6. Thousands of people attended this meeting.
7. The teacher had explained it to us.
8. They did not invite her to the party.
9. I did not leave the window open.
10. They had told us a lot of interesting things.

15. You will hear a part of the interview with Steve Moody, the
manager of the Marks and Spencer store in Cambridge, England.
What do you know about Marks and Spencer? What do they sell?1

a) Listen to Part One in which Steve Moody describes the role

and responsibilities of a store manager. Which of the following tasks
is he responsible for? ( 31)

1) designing the store and its 8) maintaining a pleasant work-

layout, ing environment,
2) displaying the merchandise, 9) motivating staff,
3) employing the sales staff, 10) organizing the day-to-day
4) ensuring the safety of staff logistics,
and customers, 11) pricing the merchandise,
5) establishing the company’s 12) running 40 out of 280 stores,
principles, 13) selecting the merchandise,
6) getting commitment from the 14) supervising the day-to-day
staff, running of the store,
7) increasing profits, 15) training staff.

Mackenzie I. Op. cit. P. 16.

b) Listen to Part Two, and answer these questions. ( 32)

1. Why are Marks and Spencer’s store managers limited in giv-

ing accountability to their staff and delegating responsibilities?
2. What do they concentrate on instead?

c) Listen to Part Three, and answer the following questions.

( 33)

1. Steve Moody mentions two kinds of regular meetings. The

first is weekly meetings for management and supervisory staff. What
is the second part of meeting called?
2. Who attends them?
3. What are they designed to achieve?
4. What kind of problems cannot be dealt with by meetings?
5. How are such problems dealt with?


16. Make presentations to each other on one of the following

topics. Feel free to state your personal opinion:

1. The role of women in management.

2. Managerial prospects for women.
3. The employment of women — past, present and future.
In your discussion, use some of the following expressions: climb
the ordinary corporate ladder, to be assertive, a window-dressing
question, to feel under-utilized, dissatisfaction with career prospects,
to be isolated from male colleagues, the lack of esteem, gender dif-
ferences, to work flexible hours, “mommy tract” etc.


16. A group of journalists is planning to launch a new consumer

magazine. It is aimed at women aged 20—40 who wish to have a
professional career as well as a family. It will give readers vital busi-
ness information and practice advice on how to reach the top of the

corporate ladder. You have been asked to produce a leaflet introduc-
ing the magazine and inviting readers to send a coupon entitling
them to a substantial discount on the first two issues. Think of the
sections and topics you are going to cover in the leaflet. It also has to
include some advertisements concerning the main policy of the mag-
azine “Women as wonderful housewives”.

a) Look at the information below:

“Promotional leaflet is a single sheet of printed-paper sometimes

folded to form several pages. It either advertises a product/ service or
gives information on how to use it. No particular layout is required
but the leaflet must be eye-catching, easy to read, and have a contact
address and date. Key information, e.g. the offer of a special discount
or bargain rates, should be highlighted”1.

Topic 3. Management Skills


1. Study the Word List.

possess — владеть, иметь, обладать

conceptual skills — аналитические способности
decision-making — принятие решений
Cotton D., Robbins S. Business Class. — Harlow. — 1993. — P. 148

objective — цель; стремление
field — здесь отрасль, область (знаний, умений и т. д.)
highlight — подчеркивать, выделять
coordinate — координировать; согласовывать
sociable — коммуникабельный
interpersonal — межличностный
implementation — выполнение, исполнение, осуществле-
ние, реализация
challenge — вызов
keep track — отслеживать
acceptable salary — приемлемая зарплата

2. Answer the questions before reading the text.

1. How do you understand the word “skill”?

2. What is more important for a manager — to have experience
or to have many skills?
3. What challenges do managers face?

3. Read the text paying the attention to the words in bold and do
the task after it.
Management Skills1
A manager should possess certain important skills. The skills
can be divided into some groups:
A conceptual skill can be characterized as the ability of any
manager to see the “general picture” of a company. This ability helps
managers to plan the overall goals and develop strategies and tactics
for the company. A manager, who possesses such ability, usually
plans his activity according to the activities and functions of other
managers and employees.
A decision-making skill is the ability of a manager to find the
best way and policy for the company. He should think of objectives,
strategy resources, control etc. Each manager is responsible for all
the decisions he takes in any field of his company’s activity.

Липка-Ким Ю. А., Соловьева И. Н., Эмирзиади Е. С. Указ. соч. C. 76—78.

An analytical skill is the ability to highlight the most important
problems of the company and find out their reasons. It is the ability
to analyze everything that happens in the company.
An administrative skill is the ability of a manager to coordinate
work of all his employees, to make all the conditions for the activity
of his company.
A communication skill implies that a manager should be very
sociable, open and friendly with his employees. The success of the
company depends on this factor, as human resources are the most
important ones in any company.
An interpersonal skill or psychological skill is the ability to help,
sympathize and understand needs and motives of employees. Good
interpersonal relationships in the company help managers to find
support and help in the development and implementation of their
A technical skill helps any manager to control the production
process. This ability is very specific. However, not each manager
should possess it. Mostly, first-line managers and operating employ-
ees usually have such a skill.

4. Answer the questions.

1. What do you think of “management skills”?

2. Which of these skills seem to be the most important for you,
which ones are not? Prove your point of view.
3. Why is it important for managers to have many different
4. What should managers do about their weaknesses?

5. Find words in the text which mean the following.

1) lively action or movement,

2) a plan of action adopted or pursued by a company,
3) the natural action or intended purpose of a person or thing in a
specific role,
4) external or existing circumstances,
5) the favourable outcome of something attempted,

6) the reason for a certain course of action, whether conscious or
7) the means of maintenance of a business, company, etc.,
8) the act or process of growing and progressing.

6. Complete the sentences with one of the following words in

the box.

objective, is possessed, field, interpersonal, decision-making,


1. Land that ……………… by the city should be turned into

2. Every ……………….. process produces a final choice.
3. ………………. is a specific result that a person or system
aims to achieve within a time frame and with available resources.
4. Accounting is the business …………. that contains public ac-
countants, auditors, forensic accountants, as well as the degrees
needed to reach these positions.
5. These groups do not ……………. well with each other and
each has its own agenda and interests.
6. ……………… skills are the skills a person uses to communi-
cate and interact with others.

7. Match the verbs with the appropriate phrases.

A manager should:
1) respond a) in his ability
2) listen b) to a deputy
3) deal c) to an employee’s inquires
4) believe d) with customers
5) delegate e) with problems
6) communicate f) in training courses
7) invest g) to all their ideas

8. Choose an appropriate preposition for each case. Make up

your own sentences using the verbs in the table:

Someone Something
report to 

report on 

apologize for
apologize to
argue with
argue about
agree with
agree on

9. Stella is the manager of an international advertising agency.

She is talking about her plans for the coming week. Put her words in
the correct order.

Example: keep track to I project hope on the

I hope to keep the project on track.

1) creative going I’m speak team the to tomorrow to

2) about find brief should I out that they think way what
3) art work finish goal is the the to
4) a can decision if make next production start tomorrow we we


10. Underline the correct option in italics.

1. Tomorrow I’ll interview/ I’ll be interviewing candidates all

2. We will have moved/ will be moving to our new premises in
3. We will have moved / will be moving to our new premises by

4. What time does your train / will your train leave?
5. Don’t forget to turn off the lights before you’re leaving / you
6. We can’t send the goods until we’ve received / we will receive
a firm order.
7. We will be repaying / will have repaid the bank loan by De-
8. Unless they’re / they‘ll be more reasonable, we’ll have to
break off negotiations.

11. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in suita-

ble Future Tenses.

1. I like this dress better than the blue one. I …. it. (take)
2. Don’t call Julie. I …. her later, so I can pass the message on.
3. She …. all the newspapers by 8 o’clock. (deliver)
4. This time next year, we … round the islands. (cruise)
5. In the year 2020 people … electric cars. (drive)
6. We … writing the test by the time she comes. (finish)
7. My friend … the sweater for three weeks when her brother ar-
rives from Moscow and brings her some more wool. (knit)
8. … you … the door for me, please? (open)

12. Put the verb in brackets into the Passive Voice.

1. He ______________ (offer) a well-paid job with Radio Four

2. The ceremony ______________ (report) in the news by the
end of the day.
3. I think cinema _____________ (replace) gradually by TV and
computers in the nearest future.
4. Her latest series of articles __________ (publish) in a national
newspaper in a week.
5. The news today ________ (read) by James Cook.
6. By the end of the month, this business ______ (manage) by
her for twenty years.

13. Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive Voice.

1. Snow will cover the fields in winter.

2. They will hand in the homework tomorrow.
3. I don't think we will finish all the preparations today.
4. You will speak about the film at the lesson.
5. By six o'clock they will have finished the work.
6. They will have discussed this problem by the end of the meeting.
7. A new grammar rule will be explained by the teacher by the
end of the lesson.

14. You will hear Steve Moody, the manager of the Marks and
Spencer store in Cambridge, talking about how he and the company
try to motivate staff.1

a) Listen to Part One of the interview and answer the following

questions. ( 34)

1. Which of the following things does Steve Moody say? If the

statements do not match what Moody says, what does he actually say?
A. People require an acceptable salary.
B. People need a nice working environment.
C. People must understand what they are supposed to do.
D. People must appreciate their boss and their colleagues.
E. People must not be expected to do the same thing lots of times.
2. What is the reason he gives why some of his staff prefer
working on the till or casj register to other tasks?
3. What is the advantage of this for the store?
4. What are the other two tasks he mentions that are equally im-
portant in any store?
5. Steve Moody says that the work of management involves “tai-
loring individuals” needs and abilities to the operational needs of the
store. Give another word for tailoring.
Mackenzie I. Op. cit. P. 28—29.

6. Why does M&S also need staff who like to perform all sorts
of different tasks?

b) Listen to Part Two of the interview. ( 35)

1. Make a list of five or six factors that Steve Moody says moti-
vate M&S staff.
2. What does he say is the effect of giving staff an annual bonus
shortly before Christmas?


15. A year ago flextime was introduced in the administrative and

personnel departments if NCA, the US subsidiary of an English en-
gineering company which produces lifts. The scheme seemed to be
very successful and very popular in the departments. But the em-
ployees in the production department started to object and demand
the same system fоr themselves. One department has just started a
ban on all overtime as a protest. The company wants to avoid any
confrontation as all the order books are full and there is the chance of
a contract with the Middle East.
Work in groups of three or four. Each group consists of:
— Managing Director;
— Production Manager;
— Personnel Manager;
Take a decision. Suggest your ways.


16. Personnel assistant should prepare an agenda of the meeting.

Managing Director: You are going to hold a meeting. The agen-

da includes the following: your company is about to launch a new
product. But there appeared a few problems. One of them is a strike.
You would like to review the whole situation regarding flextime.

You don’t want to introduce flextime for all departments in the com-
Production Manager: You want your people to have flextime.
Personnel Manager: You don’t agree to stop the flextime ar-
rangements in your department. But you are against the flexible
hours in the production department.

17. Production Manager and Personnel Manager should submit a

report to the Managing Director based on his/her decision about the
flextime system.



1. Read the text and complete the table:

Manager’s Responsibilities Roles

Manager’s Responsibilities1
People are the most expensive resources. If people’s skills are
right, the rest of the whole job becomes easier. Any staff will be
more motivated, which will bring joy into the workplace as well as
improve efficiency and cost effectiveness. People spend so much of
their life at work: enjoying work means enjoying life.
“Being an effective manager means being a saint, as it is likely
that you are expected to manage a variety of people in a fair, un-
biased, just and consistent way… You are expected at all times to be

Липка-Ким Ю. А., Соловьева И. Н., Эмирзиади Е. С. Указ. соч. C. 86—89.

fair and to manage without prejudice, although it is impossible to
avoid times when you feel prejudiced, when you do pre-judge how a
person will act or respond to your requests… you can manage people
more effectively, recognizing that people are individuals and their
behavior can vary…you … need to care, manage conflict or deal
with contentious situations… free and empower your staff and…
avoid making assumptions about them… recognize the difference
between team members who are incompetent or incapable and those
who may need to discipline”1.
Actually all managers perform as many roles as possible in order
to help their company move forward to the stated goals. In any situa-
tion they have to work through people and with people. In other
words, they are conductors of communication. Managers communi-
cate with all the people who are their clients, suppliers, representa-
tives, and customers. Besides, they tackle problems with people who
are outside the company. In either event, they solve personal and so-
cial matters.
Certainly, managers at all the managerial levels have to com-
municate with each other. This is inevitable.
Besides, managers are responsible of the tasks they set. They are
in charge of their employees’ actions and plans. In other words, they
are expected to accomplish more goals than their subordinates, to be
accountable for the greatest achievements.
It is very important for a manager to balance between goals and
needs. They have to set priorities in order to save their time. Each
manager has to strike a balance between various goals and needs. He
needs effective time management.
A manager has to be an analytical thinker. He has to analyze a
problem, examine its components and come up with a solution. Be-
sides, managers should be able to view the entire task in the abstract
and relate it to others. Thus, thinking of a particular task in relation
to its larger implications is a complicated matter. It is a manager who
has to think conceptually.
Managers can act as mediators. Settling fights and quarrels re-
quire managers’ skills and tact. They have to be more careful han-

Civil Jean. Managing people effectively. — N.Y., 1997. — P. 9.

dling disputes and arguments in order not to be dismayed to find the
right decision.
Managers are diplomats. They may represent their company as
well as units in dealing with clients, customers, contractors etc.
Managers are symbols. They may represent their company’s
successes and failures.
Managers are decision-makers. Certainly, there can be a lot of
problems in the company: financial, difficulties with employees,
problems with orders, etc. A manager is always considered to be re-
sponsible for the right and wise solution.
In other words, managers are peers, superiors, and subordinates
at one and the same time. The ability to recognize the appropriate
role to be played and to change roles readily is one mark of effective

2. Answer the questions:

1. How do you understand the term “management”?

2. Describe manager’s key activities.
3. What are managerial responsibilities? Give so-called “real”
examples: describe a business activity of a famous businessman or a
person who you know well.


1. Read the collocations. Use these phrases in your own sentenc-

Make / take a decision

come to / reach a decision about
final decision
big decision
difficult / hard / tough decision

Stoner J .A. F. Freeman R. E. Management. — New Jersey : Prentice Hall,
1989. — P. 9—12.

2. Read the text.
Decision-making and strategic
management thinking1
Decision-making is the process of identifying and selecting a
course of action to solve a specific problem. It is usually the manager
who must decide what action to take. Managers’ decisions are like
the framework within which other employees take a decision and act.
Managers take different types of decisions under different circum-
stances. They decide where to locate their new office, how to moti-
vate the staff, when to schedule their corporate party.
Managers have to vary their approach to decision-making, de-
pending on different situations. There can be programmed and non-
programmed decisions. Programmed decisions are decisions made in
accordance with habits, rules and routine problems. Nonprogrammed
decisions are those that deal with unusual or exceptional problems,
e.g., such problems as how to allocate a company’s resources, how to
improve the relationships inside the staff.
Decision-making is closely connected with problem solving.
These parts are key parts in a manager’s activity.
Usually the problem-solving process consists of some stages.
First of all, investigate the situations: define the problem, identify the
decision objectives, i. e. decide what would constitute a good solu-
tion, diagnose the causes; develop alternatives: finding creative and
imaginative alternatives; evaluate alternatives and select the best one;
implement the decision.
To be effective as a leader, you must develop skills in strategic
thinking. Strategic thinking is a process whereby you learn how to
make your business vision a reality by developing your abilities in
team work, problem solving, and critical thinking. It is also a tool to
help you confront change, plan for and make transitions, and envi-
sion new possibilities and opportunities.
Strategic thinking is like making a movie. Every movie has a
context (or story), which it uses to get you to experience a certain
outcome (an emotion, in this case) at the end of the movie. Strategic

Cotton D. Keys to manegement. — Edinburgh Gale, Harlow, Essex, 2008. —
P. 10—14.

thinking is much the same that it requires you to envision what you
want your ideal outcome to be for your business and then works
backwards by focusing on the story of how you will be able to reach
your vision.

3. Answer the questions.

1. How do you understand decision-making and problem-

solving process?
2. Contrast programmed and nonprogrammed decisions.
3. Describe the problem-solving process. Give examples.
4. Submit a good description of a real decision-making and
problem-solving process.


Do the tasks below. There are two points for each correct

1. Put the following sentences into the Passive Voice.

1. They sent them well-written reports before the deadline.

2. Managers give orders and their subordinates carry them on.
3. They will send Nick to Moscow next week.
4. He gave the definition of management in the 19th century.
5. Have they finished this meeting?
6. She is preparing the annual report.
7. They will build up customer loyalty by gaining their trust.
8. Many students have attended that lecture on Economics.
9. They always connect their main problem with competition.
10. She is holding a meeting in the next room.

2. Add one missing word to each sentence.

11. The story has told many times.____

12. Last week’s article was written our leading journalist. ____
13. The magazine sold in many countries now. _____
14. The newspaper will printed at 3. 00 a.m. ______

15. “This news report been brought to you by Fox Cable News,
USA”. ____
16. The World Wide Web invented by Tim Berners-Lee. ___
17. These days, over 10, 000 books published every week. ____

3. Complete each mini dialogue by putting the verbs in brackets

into the correct form. One verb will be in the Present Perfect and the
other in the Present Continuous. Use contractions where possible.

A: What’s the matter? You look worried!

18. B: Yes, I am. I… (look at) the contract in detail, and I
19….. (notice) a lot of potential problems.
A: Oh, such as?
20. A: I… (phone) Carol all day, but there’s no reply.
21. B: I expect she… (go) to Head Office.
A: Oh, yes, I forgot.
22. A: ‘Tosca’ is coming to the Opera House…. (you see) it?
23. B: No, not yet. Shall we go? I… (look forward) to it for ag-
A:So have I. What about next week?
24. A: How long… (you produce) cars at this site?
25. B: About four years. We… (invest) twenty million dollars in
plant and machinery.
A: Oh, and how long will it take to recoup your investment,
do you think?

4. Complete the sentences using one of the following words:

decisions activities branches delegate approachable

supervises authority respect planning solve

26. Modern management consists of a number of separate

27. Organizing, in companies’ point of view, is the management
function that usually follows after ………………….
28. A personnel manager directly ……………. people in an or-
29. Managers often delegate ……………..

30. In a small firm production manager makes many of the
………….. himself.
31. Today, managers are more open and …………………: you
can talk to them easily.
32. This type of leadership has no space to explore new way to
………… problems.
33. One way of logging time is to note down all the
………………. and indicate how long they took.
34. Knowing how to …………….. is an essential skill of a man-
35. Leaders win …………… by treating people the same.

5. Translate into Russian:

36. Financial management in a small firm doesn’t differ from

that of a large corporation.
37. Before, leaders were distant and remote, not easy to get to
know or communicate with.
38. Young managers come from business schools armed with
big ideas.
39. When a problem exists a manager has to make a decision to
solve it.
40. In all organizations there are people carrying out the work of
a manager although they do not have that title.

6. Read the text.

Crowded, noisy or otherwise uncomfortable working conditions

can often be a source of stress. Stress is the tension and pressure that
results when individual views situations as presenting a demand that
threatens to exceed his or her capabilities or resources. Stressors,
sources of pressure and tension, can cause stress. Usually overload is
a major cause of stress at work. There are two kinds of overload.
Quantitative overloading occurs when a person has more work than
he / she can do. Qualitative overloading occurs when the employee
lacks the abilities needed to complete the job well. Underloading
occurs when a person who does not have enough to do faces bore-
dom and monotony.

Stress can lead to burnout, i.e. to state of emotional, mental,
physical exhaustion that results from continued exposure to high
The ability to handle stress is a function of the following charac-
teristics: personal style and personality (how a person perceives, in-
terprets, responds to some stressful situations), social support (the
extent to which families, friends provide emotional support), consti-
tutional predisposition (how healthy a person can be in terms of in-
born physical construction), health practices (the extent to which a
person can stay in good physical condition through exercise).
One of the best ways to avoid stress is to perceive problems op-
timistically. Relaxation training, mediation, biofeedback (control
high blood pressure) can be popular among people fighting against

6. Answer the questions:

41. What is stress?

42. What causes stress?
43. What types of load are there?
44. What can characterize stress management?
45. How to avoid stress?

7. Translate into English.

46. Всех пригласили в большой зал.

47. Эти письма написаны вчера.
48. Вас всех соберут в кабинете директора и расскажут обо
всех изменениях.
49. Этот доклад уже переведен на пять языков.
50. Меня ждут?
(Библиографический список)
Основная литература
1. Cotton, D. Market Leader (Pre-Intermediate Business English
Course Book) / D. Cotton, D. Falvey, S. Kent. — Pearson Education Lim-
ited, 2010. — P. 78—83.

2. Mackenzie, I. English for Business Studies (Student’s Book) /
I. Mackenzie. — Cambridge University Press, 2006. — P. 12—16; 23—32.
3. Давыдова, В. В. Reading in Finance : учеб. пособие / В. В. Давы-
дова, М. И. Ковалева. — Новосибирск : Изд-во СибАГС, 2008. —
C. 45–62.
Дополнительная литература
1. Robbins, S. First Insights into Business (St’s book) / Sue Robbins. —
Pearson Education Limited, 2000. — 175 p.
2. Foley, M. MyGrammarLab / M. Foley, D. Hall. — Pearson Educa-
tion Limited, 2012. — 356 p.
3. Липка-Ким, Ю. А. Английский язык в профессиональной
сфере / Ю. А.Липка-Ким, И. Н. Соловьева, Е. С. Эмирзиади. — Чита :
ЗабГУ, 2012. — 148 с.
4. Митусова, О. А. Английский для аспирантов / О. А. Митусо-
ва. — Ростов на Дону : Изд-во «Феникс», 2003. — 320 с.

Speaking Bank

1. Phrases for Presentation

Good morning / good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. — Доб-
рое утро / добрый вечер, леди и джентльмены!
As you already know, today’s presentation is designed to present
some important points of — Как Вы знаете, данная презентация
создана, чтобы продемонстрировать некоторые основные мо-
менты, касающиеся…
The topic of my presentation today is — Темой моей презен-
тации сегодня является…
What I'm going to talk about today is — То, что я собираюсь
рассказать Вам сегодня — это…
My objective is to — Моей целью является…
The main points I will be talking about are — Основные пунк-
ты, о которых я буду сегодня говорить — это…
firstly — во-первых…
secondly — во-вторых…
finally — наконец…
Since we have very limited time today, please, hold your ques-
tions until the end of the presentation. — Поскольку время ограни-
чено, пожалуйста, подготовьте Ваши вопросы к концу презента-
This first slide shows our agenda for the day. — Первый слайд
демонстрирует основные вопросы, вынесенные на повестку дня.
Firstly, I will begin with an overview of — Во-первых, я начну
с обзора.
Secondly, I would like to talk about — Во-вторых, я бы хо-
тел (а) поговорить о…
Then I would like to take a look at — Потом я бы хотел (а)
взглянуть на…
Following that we should talk about — В последующем мы
должны обсудить…
That will bring us to our next point — Это приведет нас к сле-
дующему вопросу.

Moving on to our next slide — Переходя к следующему слайду
I'd like to illustrate this by showing you — Я бы хотел(а) про-
демонстрировать это, показав Вам…
I'd like to expand on this problem / point — Я бы хотел(а) из-
ложить эту проблему / вопрос…
Let me elaborate on that. — Позвольте мне детально это раз-
Would you like me to expand on / elaborate on that? — Вы бы
хотели, чтобы я это изложил(а) / разработал(а)?
I'd like to digress here for a moment and just mention that. —
Я бы не хотел(а) подробно останавливаться на этом, а лишь
только упомянуть.
Let me go back to what I said earlier about — Разрешите мне
вернуться к тому, о чем я говорил(а) ранее.
Let's sum it up. — Давайте подведем итог.
Let's wrap it up. — Давайте заканчивать.
I would like to sum up the main points again — Я бы хотел(а)
вновь подвести итог основным моментам.
So, in conclusion — Итак, в заключении…
Finally, let me just sum up today’s main topics. — Наконец,
позвольте мне подвести итог основным темам.
I'd like to recap the main points of my presentation. — Я бы хо-
тел(а) резюмировать основные моменты презентации.
I'm going to conclude by saying that / inviting you to / quot-
ing — Я собираюсь подвести итог, сказав, что / пригласив Вас /
Finally, I'll be happy to answer your questions. — В заключе-
нии, я буду рада ответить на Ваши вопросы.
Now I'd like to invite any questions you may have. — Сейчас
я с радостью отвечу на все ваши вопросы…
I think I answered your question earlier. — Думаю, что я уже
ответил(а) на Ваш вопрос.
I'm glad you asked that. — Рада, что задали этот вопрос.
Well, as I already said — Как я уже говорил(а).
That's a very good question. — Это хороший вопрос.
So you are asking about — Итак, Вы спрашиваете о…
If I’ve understood you correctly you are asking about — Если
я правильно Вас понял(а), Вы спрашиваете о…

I’m sorry could you expand on that a little? Could you clarify
your question for me? — Извините, не могли бы Вы рассказать
мне об этом более подробно? Не могли бы Вы разъяснить мне
этот вопрос?
I’m sorry I don’t think I’ve understood your question, could you
rephrase it for me? — Извините, но я не думаю, что я правильно
понял Ваш вопрос. Не могли бы Вы перефразировать его?
I think what you are asking is — Я думаю, то, о чем вы спра-
шиваете, является…
2. Phrases for Discussion
Greetings and farewell
Hello. — Здравствуйте.
Good morning / afternoon. — Доброе утро / Добрый день.
How do you do? — Как поживаете?
Pleased to meet you. — Рада встречи с вами.
Nice to have met you. — Здорово, что встретила вас.
I’m fine, thank you. — Хорошо, спасибо.
Goodbye. — До свидания.

Saying thanks
Thanks a lot. Большое спасибо
Thank you very much.
That was / is very kind of you. — Это очень любезно с вашей

Responding to thanks
Not at all. — Не за что.
No problem. — Нет проблем.
Don't mention it. — Не стоит.
Any time. — В любое время
That's OK. — Все хорошо.
You're welcome. — Не за что.
It's a pleasure. / My pleasure. — Очень приятно.

Agreeing / Disagreeing
I completely / totally agree. — Я полностью согласен.
Yes, you’re right. — Да, вы правы.

I agree with you up to a point. — Я полностью с вами согласен.
That’s true, but … — Это верно, но …
I’m not sure I agree with you. — Не уверен, что могу с вами
I’m afraid I disagree with you. — Боюсь, я с Вами не согласен.
I completely / totally disagree. — Я полностью не согласен.

Giving / Asking for opinion

In my opinion, … — По-моему мнению, …
As far as I’m concerned — Насколько я убеждена
If you ask me, — Если Вы спросите меня
My view is that — Моя точка зрения
What do you think? — Что Вы думаете?
Do you agree? — Вы согласны?
We should …, shouldn’t we? — Нам следует…….не так ли?
What do you think of …? — Что вы думаете о / об …?
How / What about …? — Как насчет?

Asking for clarification

Could you say that again, please? — Не могли бы вы повто-
Could you explain it again, please? — Не могли бы вы объяс-
нить это вновь?
Could you say that again more slowly, please? — Не могли бы
Вы повторить это помедленнее?
I’m sorry. Would you mind repeating that? — Извините, не
могли бы Вы повторить?
Do you mean …? — Вы имеете в ввиду?

Writing Reference
(Справочник по письму)

Личное /неофициальное письмо

(Personal / Informal letter)
1. Обращение: начинайте с Dear XYZ или Hi, XYZ, после
обращения поставьте запятую.
2. Введение: напишите короткое предложение, относящееся
к адресату: It was so good to hear from you; Thanks for your recent
letter; I'm so sorry I haven't written for so long, but…
3. Основная часть: изложите тему вашего письма.
4. Заключительная фраза: в коротком предложении попро-
сите адресата передать привет кому-либо: Give my love / regards
to…, и выразите надежду на встречу или получение ответа:
Looking forward to seeing you/hearing from you.
Закончите выражениями: All the best; Love и подпишите

Характерные особенности личного

Абзацы: каждый абзац следует посвятить одной теме или
одной определенной информации.
Развитие содержания: расширьте каждый пункт задания.
Язык и стиль: используйте краткие формы (I'm, I сап’t)
и особую пунктуацию типа восклицательных знаков; также ис-
пользуйте обороты и выражения, характерные для разговорной
речи (it’s OK).
Официальное письмо
(Formal letter)
1. Обращение: начните с Dear Sir or Madam (если вы не зна-
ете, кто адресат — мужчина или женщина) или Dear Professor
Smith, Dear Ms.Brown.

2. Вводная часть: дайте причину, по которой вы пишите это
письмо, и коротко представьтесь.
3. Основная часть: изложите тему вашего письма.
4. Конец письма: перед подписью всегда ставится фраза
(формула вежливости) Yours faithfully (если в обращении не сто-
ит имя) или Yours sincerely (если письмо адресовано конкретно-
му человеку). Перед этой фразой напишите одно из следующих
предложений: Thank you for… или We / I look forward to hearing
from you.

Характерные особенности офици-

ального письма
Абзацы: каждый абзац следует посвятить одной теме или
одной определенной информации.
Язык и стиль: используйте лексику и структуры, характер-
ные для письменной речи официального характера (financial as-
sistance in establishing…; particularly concerned with). Внимание!
Не используйте краткие формы, восклицательные и вопроси-
тельные знаки (старайтесь писать косвенные вопросы) или раз-
говорные выражения (It would be cool if…). Для официальных
писем характерно использование союзов и союзных оборотов:
а) цели (purpose)
in order to, so as to, so that;
б) следствия (consequence)
as a result, in consequence, consequently;
в) противопоставления (contrast)
on the other hand, while, whereas, however;
г) добавления (addition)
first / second / third, first of all, besides, moreover, in addition,
additionally, furthermore.

Формы обращения и заключения

Форма обращения в письме зависит от степени знакомства

или родственных связей с лицом, которому вы адресуете

Стиль Ед. число Мн. число

Формально и строго My dear Sir / Sir My dear

официально Madam / Madam
Строго официально Sir / My dear Sirs Mesdames
Mr. Smith Madam / My dear
Mrs. Smith
Официально Dear Sir Dear Madam Dear Sirs / Sirs Dear Mes-
dames /
Mesdames Gentlemen
Менее формально (при Dear Mr. Jones Dear Mrs. Dear Messrs. Jones
наличии предыдущей Jones and Smith Dear Mmes.
переписки) Jones
and Smith
Неофициально Dear Jack / Jack

Как и форма обращения, заключительная формула вежливо-

сти зависит от того, кому вы пишете письмо. Однако в англий-
ском письменном этикете в настоящее время используется более
или менее общая формула Sincerely yours, которая в зависимо-
сти от тона всего письма может восприниматься и как строго
официальная, и как менее официальная, и как совершенно не-
официальная. На русский язык эта формула переводится в зави-
симости от ситуации как «С уважением» или «Искренне ваш /
Искренне твой». Эта формула может иметь несколько вари-
Sincerely yours,
Yours sincerely и т. д.
Наряду с приведенными выше в официальной и деловой пе-
реписке используются формы:
Yours truly / Yours very truly Преданный вам
Truly yours / Very truly yours Преданный вам
Менее официальными являются:
Faithfully yours С уважением
Cordially yours Искренне ваш

В письмах родственникам или хорошо знакомым могут ис-
пользоваться те же формы:
Yours cordially Сердечно твои / Ваш
Faithfully yours Всегда преданный тебе / Вам
После заключительной формулы вежливости ставится запя-
тая, на следующей строке пишется имя или фамилия.
Фразы и выражения, рекомендуемые
при написании различных писем
личного характера
Письмо с извинениями (Letter of apology):
— I'm really sorry that I forgot about…; I'm writing to apolo-
gise for…
— I'm so sorry I couldn't make it…
— It will never happen again…

Письмо-приглашение (Letter of invitation):

— I'm writing to invite you to…
— I'm having a party…; Would you like to come?
— / hope you'll be able to join us.

Письмо-просьба (Letter of request):

— I'm writing to ask you for your help/to do me a favour.
— I wonder if I could ask you to…
— I would be so / terribly / really grateful if you could

Благодарственное письмо (Thank you letter):

— I'm writing to thank you so much for…
— The party was great / fantastic…
— It was very kind / nice of you to…

Письмо-поздравление (Congratulations letter):

— I'm writing to congratulate you on passing your exams…;
Congratulations on…!
— You really were the best…; You deserved…

Письмо-информация (Letter of information):

— I'm just writing to tell you that…
— Here's our news at the moment…

Фразы и выражения, рекомендуемые
при написании различных писем
официального характера
Запрос (letter of enquiry):
— I am writing to ask / enquire about / in connection with…
— I would like to know more about…
— I would be very grateful if you could…
— I look forward to receiving…

Жалоба (letter of complaint):

— I am writing to complain about…
— I must express my dissatisfaction with…
— Contrary to the description in the brochure / instruction
— I am afraid I must ask you to…

Письмо, выражающее мнение / письмо в редакцию (opinion

letter / letter to a magazine):
— I am writing in connection with the article…
— I was very much interested in your editorial…
— I must say I strongly disagree with…
— I could not agree more with the statement that…
— I was fascinated / amused / delighted/shocked to…

Письмо с просьбой о приеме на работу (letter of application):

— I am writing in connection with the job advertisement / in-
formation concerning…
— I'm writing in reply to / in response to / with regard to…
— I would like to apply for the post/position of…
— My reason for applying is…; I'd like to apply because…
— As for my experience,…
— I would be happy to attend an interview at any time that is —
I enclose my CV and references from my previous employers.

1. Введение: Дайте обоснование темы сочинения, наметьте
последовательность изложения темы.
2. Основная часть: определите, что конкретно вы собирае-
тесь описать, дайте развернутое описание.
3. Заключение: обобщите описание, четко сославшись на
тему. Выразите свое мнение и обоснуйте его.

Характерные особенности сочине-

Язык и стиль: используйте фразы, которые помогут читате-
лю представить себе объект описания и опишите атмосферу ме-
ста или чувства.

Тематическая лексика для описания

Тип места: street, country lane, mountain, hill, peak, seaside,
beach, dune, lake, river, stream, house, cottage, block of flats.
Описание: narrow, wide, cobbled, smooth, lined by trees /
houses / buildings, empty, busy, tall / high, wavy, hilly, stormy,
cramped, uncluttered, dark, full of light.
Характеристика: spacious, cosy, pleasant, relaxing, spectacu-
lar, far-ranging, spotlessly clean, energising, dramatic, depressing,
alarming, frightening, monotonous.

Grammar Reference
(Грамматический справочник)

(Имя существительное)
Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные
Нарицательные существительные (т. е. имена вещей, ве-
ществ, живых существ, абстрактных понятий и т. д.) делятся на
исчисляемые (т. е. поддающиеся счету) и неисчисляемые.
К исчисляемым существительным относятся названия
предметов, которые можно пересчитать. Они употребляются как
в единственном, так и во множественном числе.
What an interesting idea! — Какая интересная идея!
She is full of bright ideas. — У нее полно блестящих идей.
К неисчисляемым существительным относятся названия
предметов, которые нельзя пересчитать. К ним принадлежат
существительные вещественные и отвлеченные. Неисчисляемые
существительные употребляются только в единственном числе.
He is a man of vast information. — Он — человек больших
знаний / обширных познаний.

Множественное число существительных

Исчисляемые существительные образуют множественное
число при помощи окончания (-e) s, которое произносится:
[s] — после глухих согласных, например: cups, mechanics;
[z] — после звонких и сонорных согласных, а также после
гласных, например: jobs, pens, bags;
[iz] — после шипящих и свистящих согласных, основа ко-
торых оканчивается на -ch, -s, -ss, -sh, -x, а также существитель-
ных, имеющих, как правило, окончание -о, образуется путем
прибавления к основе окончания (-e) s, например: buses, boxes,
oranges, potatoes.
Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -у (после согласной)
во множественном числе имеют окончание -ies: a company —
companies, city — cities, factory — factories.

Если же перед -у стоит гласная, то множественное число
образуется по общему правилу путем прибавления -s. В этом
случае -у не меняется на -i: key — keys, day — days.
Конечное -f (fe), как правило, меняется на -ves: a knife —
knives, a shelf — shelves, a wife — wives, a leaf — leaves, a wolf —
Однако некоторые существительные, оканчивающиеся на -f
и -fe, образуют множественное число путем прибавления окон-
чания -s: a chief — chiefs, a handkerchief — handkerchiefs, a roof —
roofs, a safe — safes.
Ряд существительных образует множественное число не по
общим правилам:
1) изменяется корневая гласная: a man — men, a woman —
women, a foot — feet, a tooth — teeth, a goose — geese, a mouse-
mice, a louse — lice;
2) добавляется окончание -en: an ox — oxen, a child — chil-
3) заимствуются формы единственного и множественного
числа из латинского и греческого языков: a formula — formulae
(formulas), a crisis — crises, a criterion — criteria, an index — indi-
ces, a bacterium — bacteria.
Есть в английском языке существительные, которые имеют
одну (общую) форму для единственного и множественного чис-
ла: a deer — deer, a sheep — sheep, a fish — fish.
Некоторые существительные имеют только единственное
число: advice, information, news, knowledge, furniture, luggage,
money, mathematics, physics, economics, athletics, gymnastics.
Некоторые — только множественное число: clothes, damag-
es, goods, looks, riches, manners, thanks, trousers, jeans, shorts, pa-
jamas, tights, scissors, glasses, spectacles.

Притяжательный падеж существительного

В английском языке различают два падежа имени суще-
ствительного: общий падеж (the common case) и притяжатель-
ный падеж (the possessive case). Общий падеж соответствует
русским именительному и винительному падежам. Притяжа-
тельный падеж соответствует русскому родительному падежу.

Существительное в общем падеже (a man, a book) употреб-
ляется в функциях подлежащего, именной части составного ска-
зуемого, беспредложного и предложного дополнений, а также
обстоятельства. Существительное в общем падеже не имеет
специального окончания, как в русском языке. Его отношение
к другим словам в предложении выражается с помощью порядка
слов или предлогом.
John is a student (John — подлежащее, student — часть со-
ставного сказуемого).
I have a textbook (a textbook — беспредложное дополнение).
We talk about our holidays (about our holidays — предложное
Существительные в притяжательном падеже принимают
апостроф и окончание 's, которое произносится по правилам
чтения -s в конце слова. Как правило, в форме притяжательного
падежа употребляются имена существительные, обозначающие
одушевленные предметы:
a student’s room (комната студента);
the manger’s name (имя менеджера).
Во множественном числе ставится только апостроф после
существительного во множественном числе. Например: these
managers’ names — имена этих менеджеров.
Обратите внимание на то, что в произношении формы при-
тяжательного падежа единственного и множественного числа
ничем не отличаются.
Притяжательный падеж существительных, множественное
число которых образуется не по правилам (например: woman —
women, child — children, man — men), образуется так же, как
и в единственном числе, т. е. прибавлением апострофа -s (‘s):
children’s room (комната детей, или детская).
Родительный падеж в английском языке можно выразить
и при помощи предлога of.
One key of my keyboard is broken. — Одна клавиша моей
клавиатуры сломана.


В английском языке существуют два артикля: неопределен-

ный a(an) и определенный the. Артикли ставятся перед именем
существительным, но если перед существительным стоят опре-
деляющие его слова, то артикль ставится перед первым из них.
Артикли читаются со слитно словами и под ударение не ставятся.
Артикли не ставятся:
1) ecли перед существительными стоят притяжательные,
указательные или неопределенные местоимения (my book, this
pen, some men), а также числительные (four books);
2) перед неисчисляемыми существительными (snow);
3) названия стран, городов, графств, улиц, парков, горных
вершин употребляются, как правило, без артикля: Great Britain,
London, Downing Street, Hyde Park, Ben Nevis.
Неопределенный артикль a, (an) ставится:
1) перед исчисляемыми, нарицательными именами суще-
ствительными в единственном числе в тех случаях, когда мы
просто называем предмет, выделяя его из других предметов:
That is an apple. This is a computer;
2) перед названиями профессий в единственном числе:
He is a manager. She is a doctor.
Определенный артикль the ставится в следующих случаях:
1) если в своей речи мы будем продолжать рассказ об уже
упомянутом предмете, то в этом случае перед ним ставится
определенный артикль — This is a book. The book is very interest-
2) перед именами собственными (John, Thomson, London);
но если мы говорим о всей семье, то употребляется артикль the:
the Browns (семья Браунов);
3) названия театров, музеев, картинных галерей, клубов,
рек, морей и океанов, горных хребтов: The Bolshoi Theater, the
Sport Club, the Thames, the Black sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Urals.
В отличие от неопределенного артикля, определенный ар-
тикль может употребляться перед именами существительными
как в единственном, так и во множественном числе:

The report is interesting. The reports are well done.
Личные местоимения в именительном падеже отвечают на
вопрос «кто?», в объектном падеже — «кого?», «кому?».

Ед. число Мн. число

Именительный Объектный Именительный Объектный

падеж падеж падеж падеж

I me we us
you you you you
he him
she her
they them
it it

Например: I’ve got a car. You work too much at the computer.
Give me this textbook, please.

Притяжательные местоимения отвечают на вопрос «чей?

чья?» и имеют присоединяемую и абсолютную форму.
1. Присоединяемая форма местоимений употребляется до
определяемого существительного.
This is my letter. — Это мое письмо.
2. Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений упо-
требляется самостоятельно (т. е. после сказуемого и после этой
формы не ставится определяемое существительное).
This letter is mine. — Это письмо мое.

Присоединяемая форма Абсолютная форма

my mine
your yours
his his
her hers
its its
our ours

their theirs
Возвратные местоимения образуются от личных и притя-
жательных местоимений прибавлением -self в единственном
числе и -selves во множественном числе:

Ед. число Мн. число

myself я сам, я сама, себя ourselves мы сами, себя

yourself ты сам, ты сама, yourselves вы сами, себя
himself он сам, себя themselves они сами, себя
herself она сама, себя
itself оно само, себя

Указательные местоимения (this, these) используются для

указания на близко расположенные предметы:
This is my office. — Это мой офис.
These are my colleagues. — Это мои коллеги.
Указательные местоимения (that, those) используются для
указания на далеко расположенные предметы:
Is that your brother over there? — Вон там твой брат?
Look at those beautiful flowers in the shop window. — По-
смотри на те прекрасные цветы в витрине магазина.

Ед. число Мн. число

this these
that those

Вопросительные местоимения используются для построе-

ния вопросительного предложения:

who? кто?
what? что? какой? какая? какое? какие?
whose? чей?
which? который?

Who is here? — Кто здесь?

What is it? — Что это такое?

Whose book is it? — Чья это книга?
Неопределенные местоимения some, any, no, every образу-
ют ряд производных с помощью thing, body, where и употребля-
ются по единому правилу.

Местоимение Случаи употребления

something В утвердительных предложениях
any 1) В вопросительных предложениях
anything anybody 2) В отрицательных предложениях (после частицы not)
anywhere 3) В утвердительных предложениях (со значением
любой, все равно что (кто, где))
nothing nobody В отрицательных предложениях (глагол при этом теряет
nowhere отрицательную форму)

everything В предложениях любого типа

The Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives

(Степени сравнения прилагательных)
Имена прилагательные в английском языке имеют три сте-
пени сравнения: положительную (the Positive), сравнительную
(the Comparative) и превосходную (the Superlative).
Сравните: great — greater — the greatest

Сравнительная степень односложных и двусложных прила-

гательных образуется при помощи суффикса -er, превосходная
-est. Прилагательные, заканчивающиеся на -у, при добавлении
суффиксов меняют окончание -y на -i.
Сравнительная степень двусложных и многосложных
прилагательных образуется при помощи слова more (более) или

less (менее). Превосходная степень при помощи слов most (са-
мый) или least (наименее).
Перед сочетанием прилагательного в превосходной степени
с существительным употребляется определенный артикль the.
Если прилагательное односложное, с краткой корневой
гласной и одной согласной на конце слова, то эта согласная
удваивается в сравнительной и превосходной степени.

Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень

long longer (the) longest

big bigger (the) biggest
happy happier (the) happiest
comfortable more comfortable (the) most comfortable


Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень

good better (the) best

bad worse (the) worst
far farther (the) farthest
further (the) furthest
little less (the) least

The Degrees of Comparison of Adverbs

(Степени сравнения наречий)
Многие наречия могут иметь степени сравнения, которые
образуются так же, как и степени сравнения прилагательных.
Односложные наречия образуют сравнительную степень
путем прибавления суффикса -er, а превосходную степень —
суффикса -est к форме положительной степени. Также образует
степени сравнения двусложное наречие early.

Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень

fast faster fastest

hard harder hardest

late later latest
early earlier earliest
Наречия, образованные от прилагательных при помощи
суффикса -ly, образуют сравнительную степень при помощи
more, а превосходную при помощи most.

Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень

clearly more clearly most clearly

correctly more correctly most correctly

Степени наречий often, quickly, slowly образуются обоими

Often — oftener / more often — oftenest / most often


Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень

well better best

badly worse worst
much more most
little less least
far farther / further farthest / furthest

Числительные в английском языке, как и в русском языке,
делятся на количественные (Cardinal Numerals) и порядковые
(Ordinal Numerals).
Количественные числительные обозначают количество
предметов и отвечают на вопрос сколько? (how many?)
0 oh 10 ten 20 twenty 30 thirty
1 one 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 40 forty
2 two 12 twelve 22 twenty-two 50 fifty
3 three 13 thirteen 23 twenty-three 60 sixty
4 four 14 fourteen 24 twenty-four 70 seventy
5 five 15 fifteen 25 twenty-five 80 eighty
6 six 16 sixteen 26 twenty-six 90 ninety

7 seven 17 seventeen 27 twenty-seven 100 a hundred
8 eight 18 eighteen 28 twenty-eight 101 a hundred and
9 nine 19 nineteen 29 twenty-nine one
Запомните: перед числительными hundred (сто), thousand
(тысяча), million (миллион) может ставиться неопределенный
артикль а или числительное one.
Количественные числительные от 13 до 19 образуются от
соответствующих числительных первого десятка при помощи
суффикса -teen и имеют два ударения. Исключение составляют
числительные: eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen.
Количественные числительные от 20 до 90, обозначающие
десятки, образуются от соответствующих числительных первого
десятка при помощи суффикса -ty и имеют ударение на первом
слоге. Запомните: исключение составляют числительные: twenty,
thirty, forty, fifty.
Числительные hundred, thousand, million не имеют оконча-
ния -s, когда перед ними стоит числительное two, three, four
и т. д. Например: two hundred, three thousand, four million.
Составные числительные читаются так:
375 — three hundred and seventy-five;
309 — three hundred and nine;
2,068 — two thousand and sixty-eight.
Порядковые числительные обозначают порядок предме-
тов и отвечают на вопрос: which? (который?)

1st first 11th eleventh 21st twenty-first

2nd second 12th twelfth 22nd twenty-second
3rd third 13th thirteenth 23rd twenty-third
4thfourth 14th fourteenth 24th twenty-fourth
5th fifth 15th fifteenth 25th twenty-fifth
6th sixth 16th sixteenth 26th twenty-sixth
7th seventh 17th seventeenth 27th twenty-seventh
8th eighth 18th eighteenth 28th twenty-eighth
9th ninth 19th nineteenth 29th twenty-ninth
10th tenth 20th twentieth 30th thirtieth

Порядковые числительные с существительными употреб-

ляются с определенным артиклем: the first train (первый поезд).

Все числительные, состоящие из десятков с единицами, от
21 до 99 пишутся через дефис: twenty-one, thirty-two, forty-five,
twenty-first, thirty-second, forty-fifth.

Спряжение глагола TO BE

Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple

I am I was I / we will
he / she / it is he / she / it was he / she / it will
we / you / they are we / you / they were we / you / they will

Are you in the office? — Yes, I am. Is he in the office? — No,

he isn’t.

Глагол to be меняет свою форму в зависимости от лица

и числа, т. е. спрягается. В отличие от других глаголов он не тре-
бует вспомогательного глагола при образовании отрицательных
и вопросительных предложений, сам выступая в этой роли. Как
смысловой глагол он имеет значение «быть», «находиться». Как
глагол-связка в составном именном сказуемом означает — яв-
ляться, находиться. На русский язык часто не переводится.
Обратите внимание на то, что в русском языке глагол быть
в настоящем времени не употребляется, в то время как в англий-
ском языке он обязателен: He is a manager. — Он менеджер.

Спряжение глагола TO HAVE

Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple

I have I had I / we will have

he / she / it has he / she / it had he / she / it will have
we / you / they have we / you / they had we / you / they will have

Существует два способа образования утвердительной,

отрицательной и вопросительной форм глагола to have.

Первый способ: глагол have got

Обратите внимание, что слово got не несет никакой смыс-
ловой нагрузки и на русский язык не переводится. В этой струк-
туре оно служит только для образования грамматических форм:
утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительной.
Утвердительная Отрицательная Вопросительная
форма форма форма

I have got a job I have not (haven’t) got a Have I got a job? — Yes, I
job have. No, I haven’t
You have got a job You have not (haven’t) Have you got a job? — Yes,
got a job you have. No, you haven’t
She has got a job She has not (hasn’t) got a Has she got a job? — Yes,
job she has. No, she hasn’t
We have got a job We have not (haven’t) got Have we got a job? — Yes,
a job we have. No, we haven’t
They have got a job They have not (haven’t) Have they got a job? — Yes,
got a job they have. No, they haven’t

Второй способ: глагол have

Глаголы do и does не имеют никакой смысловой нагрузки и

служат только для образования отрицательной и вопроситель-
ной форм предложения. Поэтому они называются служебными
Оба эти способа широко используются в речи, но способ со
структурой have got используется чаще в разговорной речи, в то
время как глагол have чаще используется в письменной речи.

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма

I have a job I do not (don’t) have a Do I have a job? —

job Yes, I do
No, I don’t
You have a job You do not (don’t) have Do you have a job? — Yes,
a job you do
No, you don’t
She has a job She does not (doesn’t) Does she have a job? —
have a job Yes, she does
No, she doesn’t
We have a job We do not (don’t) have a Do we have a job? — Yes,
job we do
No, we don’t

They have a job They do not (don’t) have Do they have a job? — Yes,
a job they do
No, they don’t

The Constructions: There is / There are

Оборот there is / are употребляется для указания на наличие
или отсутствие какого-либо лица или предмета в определенном
месте. Предложения с оборотом there is / are переводятся с кон-
ца. Конструкция there is / there are на русский язык редко пере-
водится и может заменяться словами: имеется, находится, ле-
жит, стоит и т. п.

Present Indefinite

Утвердительное предложение Вопросительное предложение

There is a picture on the wall. Ha стене Is there a picture on the wall? Ha стене
картина есть картина?
There are pictures on the wall. На Are there pictures on the wall? На стене
стене картины есть картины?

Past indefinite

Утвердительное предложение Вопросительное предложение

There was a picture on the wall. На Was there a picture on the wall? На
стене была картина стене была картина?
There were pictures on the wall. Ha Were there pictures on the wall? Ha
стене были картины стене были картины?

Future Indefinite

Утвердительное предложение Вопросительное предложение

There will be pictures on the wall. На Will there be pictures on the wall? На
стене будут картины стене будут картины?

Выбор формы глагола to be зависит от числа существитель-

ного, следующего сразу за ним:
There is a book on my table.

There are two secretaries in the office.
Если существительное неисчисляемое, то употребляется
оборот there is.
There is some milk in the bottle.
Если в предложении перечисляются несколько предметов,
то оборот there is / there are согласуется с первым из них.
There are two cinemas and a theater here.
There is a supermarket and many shops here.
Вопросительные предложения с оборотом there is / there are
строятся следующим образом:
Общий вопрос: Is there anything on the table?
Will there be a conference tomorrow?
Специальный вопрос: What is there on the table?
Разделительный вопрос: There are some books on the table,
aren't there?
The Present Simple Tense
(Настоящее простое время)
Present Simple употребляется для описания действий, собы-
тий, которые происходят в настоящем.
Настоящее простое время употребляется в следующих случаях:
1) когда мы говорим о фактах жизни:
My name is Mary. I’m 18 years old. I live in Novosibirsk.
2) когда мы говорим о регулярно-повторяющихся событиях
I usually get up at 7 o’clock in the morning.
I go to work every day.
3) когда мы говорим о событиях, происходящих по графику
или расписанию:
The train leaves at 10 o’clock.
The ballet begins at 7 o’clock.
Разные глаголы образуют личные формы в Present Simple
по-разному. Глаголы можно разделить на три группы:
1) глагол to be (быть);
2) глагол to have (иметь);
3) остальные смысловые глаголы.

Глаголы to be и to have имеют собственные способы обра-
зования личных форм глагола в Present Simple (смотрите выше),
в то время как остальные смысловые глаголы образуют личные
формы следующим образом: используется базовая форма глаго-
ла во всех лицах и числах, кроме 3-го лица, единственного чис-
ла. В 3-м лице, единственном числе к базовой форме добавляет-
ся окончание -s (-es).
I like pizza. He likes pizza.
Для образования отрицательной и вопросительной форм ис-
пользуются служебные глаголы do и does.

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма

I like coffee I do not (don’t) like Do I like coffee? —
coffee Yes, I do
No, I don’t
You like coffee You do not (don’t) like Do you like coffee? — Yes,
coffee you do
No, you don’t
She likes coffee She does not (doesn’t) Does she like coffee? —
like coffee Yes, she does
No, she doesn’t
We like coffee We do not (don’t) like Do we like coffee? — Yes,
coffee we do
No, we don’t
They like coffee They do not (don’t) like Do they like coffee? — Yes,
coffee they do
No, they don’t

В Present Simple употребляются наречия частотности (al-

ways, sometimes, often, rarely, usually, seldom, never) и другие
указатели времени (every day (week, month, year, summer), once
a week, twice a month, three times a year, regularly, constantly).
The Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense
(Настоящее длительное время)
Present Continuous употребляется для выражения действия,
совершающегося в определенное время в настоящем (в момент
речи, в настоящий момент). В предложениях, выраженных Pre-
sent Continuous, употребляются следующие указатели времени:

now — сейчас, at this moment, at the moment, at present mo-
ment — в настоящий момент.
I am reading a book now. — Я читаю книгу сейчас.
Present Continuous может выражать также и действия в бу-
дущем. Оно употребляется тогда, когда мы говорим о заплани-
рованном и подготовленном действии.
My aunt is coming on Monday. — Моя тетя приезжает в по-
Другими словами: мы уже подготовили поездку, договори-
лись с тетей о ее приезде, она купила билет и сообщила нам
о времени своего приезда.
Present Continuous образуется при помощи служебного гла-
гола to be (am, is, are) в Present Simple и -ing формы смыслового

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма

I am watching TV I am not (I’m not) Are you watching TV
now watching TV now now?
She is not (isn’t) writing a
She is writing a report Is she writing a report?
You are studying law You are not (aren’t) Are you studying
now studying law now English now?

Краткие ответы: Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Yes, he (she, it) is. No, he (she, it) isn’t.
Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.
Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
При образовании -ing формы смыслового глагола необхо-
димо соблюдать следующие правила орфографии:
1) глаголы, оканчивающиеся на немую -е, теряют эту глас-
ную: to write — writing;
2) если односложный глагол оканчивается на одну соглас-
ную, перед которой стоит гласная, то конечная согласная удваи-
вается: to run — running.
Глаголы, не употребляющиеся в Present Continuous:

1) статичные глаголы — глаголы, которые не обозначают
действие: глаголы чувств: appear, hear, see, look (seem), seem
smell, sound, taste.
2) глаголы проявления чувств и эмоций: adore, like, dislike,
enjoy, forgive, hate, like, love, prefer;
3) глаголы выражения мнения: to agree, to believe, to sup-
pose, to understand;
4) другие глаголы: belong, consist, depend, fit, include, need,
own, possess, require, want, etc.
The Present Perfect Tense
(Настоящее совершенное время)
Present Perfect употребляется для описания действий, собы-
тий, которые совершились в прошлом, но каким-то образом свя-
заны с настоящим моментом. Время совершения действий здесь
не указывается.
I have seen this film. — Я видел этот фильм.
Подразумевается, что говорящий видел этот фильм к насто-
ящему моменту и может высказать свое суждение о нем.
В настоящем совершенном времени следующие предлоги
и наречия: когда-то (ever), раньше (before), только что (just),
уже (already), никогда (never), предлог с (since), в течение (for).
Have you ever seen a ghost? — Ты когда-нибудь видел
I have lived here since 2005. — Я живу здесь с 2005 года.
I have lived here for 3 years. — Я живу здесь три года.
Present Perfect не употребляется, если указывается, когда
произошло действие в прошлом: yesterday, last week, in 2005,
three years ago.

Образование Present Perfect

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма

I have seen this film I haven’t seen this film Have you seen this film? —
Yes, I have. No, I haven’t
He has been to Italy He hasn’t been to Has he been to Italy? —
Egypt Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t

The Future Simple (Indefinite) Tense
(Простое будущее время)
Future Simple (Indefinite) употребляется для выражения дей-
ствия, которое совершится или будет совершаться в будущем.
Это время может обозначать как однократное, так и повторяю-
щееся действие. Future Simple — это будущее время глагола как
совершенного, так и несовершенного вида, в зависимости от
общего смысла предложения.
В современном английском языке Future Simple образуется
при помощи вспомогательного глагола will для всех лиц един-
ственного и множественного числа.
He will ask you. (= He’ll ask you.) — Он спросит Вас.
Will he ask you? — Он Вас спросит?
He will not ask you. (= He won’t ask.) — Он не будет Вас
Для указания на будущее время часто употребляются слова
tomorrow (завтра), next week / month, year (на следующей не-
деле / в следующем месяце, году), in two days (через два дня)
и т. д.
Оборот to be going to
Оборот to be going to употребляется для выражения будуще-
го действия. При этом мы выражаем только намерение что-либо
He is going to repair his car. — Он собирается отремонтиро-
вать свою машину.
Оборот to be going to не употребляется с глаголами движе-
ния: to go, to come, to leave, to arrive. Для выражения данной
функции с этими глаголами употребляется Present Continuous.
I’m going to see this film.
I’m not going to see this film.
Are you going to see this film?
The Past Simple Tense
(Простое прошедшее время)
Past Simple употребляется для описания действий, событий,
которые произошли в прошлом:

I travelled to Britain last year. — Я путешествовал(а) по Ве-
ликобритании в прошлом году.
Время совершения действия может уточняться при помощи
указателей времени: yesterday (вчера), last year (в прошлом го-
ду), a hundred years ago (сто лет назад), in 1993 (в 1993 году),
during the holidays (во время каникул (праздников), long ago
Форма прошедшего времени у правильных глаголов обра-
зуется при помощи окончания -ed: worked.
При образовании соблюдаются следующие правила орфо-
1) глаголы, оканчивающиеся на немое -е, теряют эту глас-
ную: to hate — hated;
2) глаголы, окачивающиеся на -у с предшествующей со-
гласной, меняют -у на i: to study — studied. Если перед -у стоит
гласная, то -у сохраняется: to play — played;
3) если односложный глагол оканчивается на одну соглас-
ную, перед которой стоит гласная, то конечная согласная удваи-
вается: to stop — stopped;
4) если глагол заканчивается на -l, то l удваивается: to
travel — travelled.
Обратите внимание на произношение окончания (-ed):
[t] — после глухих согласных: looked;
[d] — после звонких согласных и гласных: lived, played.
Звонкие согласные не оглушаются в конце слова.
[id] — после взрывных согласных [t], [d]: wanted, ended.
Неправильные глаголы иначе образуют форму простого
прошедшего времени и их необходимо заучить наизусть из таб-
лицы неправильных глаголов (прил. № 1).
Вопросительная форма прошедшего времени образуется
при помощи вспомогательного глагола did. Отрицательная фор-
ма — также при помощи вспомогательного глагола did, к кото-
рому добавляется отрицательная частица not.

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма

I travelled to England I didn’t travel to Did you travel to

last year England last year England last year?

I saw him yesterday I didn’t see him Did you see him
yesterday yesterday?

The Past Continuous (Progressive) Tense

(Прошедшее длительное время)
Past Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного
глагола to be в форме прошедшего времени (was, were) и формы
причастия настоящего времени (Present Participle) смыслового
глагола: I was working. We were working.
В вопросительной форме вспомогательный глагол ставится
перед подлежащим: Was I working? Were you working?
Отрицательная форма образуется про помощи частицы not,
которая ставится после вспомогательного глагола: I was not
working. We were not working.

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма

I (he, she, it) was I (he, she, it) was not Was I (he, she, it)
working working working?
We (you, they) were We (you, they) were not Were we (you, they)
working working working?

Прошедшее длительное время выражает прошедшее дей-

ствие в процессе его совершения, т. е. незаконченное длитель-
ное действие. Оно переводится на русский язык прошедшим
временем глагола несовершенного вида.
Past Continuous употребляется с такими обозначениями
времени, как at five o’clock, at noon, at midnight, at that moment,
all day long, all the time, whole evening, from five till eight и т. п.,
а также другим прошедшим действием, выраженным глаголом
в Past Simple.
It was raining at noon.
It was raining when I left the house.
The Past Perfect Tense
(Прошедшее совершенное время)
Past Perfect употребляется:

а) для выражения действия, завершившегося до какого-то
момента или другого действия в прошлом:
Не had read the book by 10 o'clock yesterday. — Он прочел
книгу до десяти часов (к десяти часам) вечера.
When we came to the airport, the plane had already landed. —
Когда мы приехали в аэропорт, самолет уже приземлился.
б) в предложениях, в которых одно действие завершилось до
другого действия, длящегося в прошлом:
Не had read the book and was watching TV when I came. —
Когда я пришел, он уже прочитал книгу и смотрел телевизор.

Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма

I (you, he, she, it, we, Had I (you, he, she, it, we, I (you, he, she, it, we they)
they) had asked they) asked? had not asked

Modal Verbs
(Модальные глаголы)
Модальные глаголы показывают отношение говорящего
к действию, выраженному инфинитивом. Например, сравните:
You can speak English. — Вы можете (умеете) говорить
You must speak English. — Вы должны говорить по-
You may speak English. — Вы можете говорить по-
английски. (Вас поймут.)
Как видим, в одном и том же предложении изменение мо-
дального глагола меняет смысл всего предложения, т. е. меняет-
ся отношение к действию, выраженному инфинитивом.
Модальные глаголы не имеют форм во всех временах, для
этого употребляются их эквиваленты (заменители).
Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с модаль-
ными глаголами строятся без вспомогательных глаголов:
Can you help me? — Вы можете помочь мне?
Yes, I can. No, I can't. — Да. Нет.
К основным модальным глаголам относятся следующие:
Can — мочь, быть в состоянии, could — прошедшее время.

Данный модальный глагол предполагает наличие физиче-
ской, умственной и прочих возможностей, позволяющих сде-
лать что-либо:
I can swim. — Я могу (я умею) плавать.
1 could translate this text. — (Я мог, был в состоянии) пере-
вести этот текст.
Вежливую просьбу можно начинать с модального глагола
Could you help me, please! — He могли бы вы помочь мне,
В будущем времени у глагола саn есть заменитель — кон-
струкция to be able to (быть в состоянии что-либо сделать):
I shall be able to help you when I am free. — Я смогу помочь
тебе, когда освобожусь.

Модальный глагол would может иметь следующие значе-
1) Вежливая просьба.
Would you help me? — He поможете ли вы мне?
2) Повторяемость действия в прошлом.
Не would often help me. — Он, бывало, часто помогал мне.
3) Стойкое нежелание совершать какие-либо действия.
Не wouldn't listen to me. — Он никак не хотел слушать меня.

May — иметь возможность, получить разрешение (делать

May I help you? — Можно вам помочь?
Yes, you may. — Да, можно.
Форма прошедшего времени might употребляется для вы-
ражения предположения:
Не might know about it. — Он, вероятно, знал об этом.
В будущем времени у модального глагола may есть замени-
тель-конструкция to be allowed to (получить разрешение сделать
Не will he allowed to take the book. — Ему разрешат взять

Must — должен, обязан:
You must write it down now. — Вы должны написать это
Заменителями глагола must являются глаголы to have to
и to be to, которые имеют некоторые дополнительные оттенки
значения. Глагол have to означает долженствование, вызванное
обстоятельствами, вынужденную необходимость, в то время как
глагол to be to — долженствование, связанное с расписанием,
планом или заранее сделанной договоренностью.
She had to stay at home.
The train was to arrive at 8 in the evening. — Она вынуждена
была (ей пришлось) остаться дома. Поезд должен был прибыть
в 8 вечера. (По расписанию).
После модальных глаголов и некоторых их эквивалентов
инфинитив употребляется без частицы to.
Заменителями модального глагола must являются также мо-
дальные глаголы ought to, should (в значении совета, рекомен-
дации, упрека).
Children ought to obey their parents. — Дети должны слушать
своих родителей.
You should consult the doctor. — Вам следует посоветовать-
ся с врачом.
Passive Voice
(Страдательный залог)
Формы страдательного залога английских глаголов образу-
ются с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в соответству-
ющем времени и формы причастия II (Participle II) смыслового

Present Past Future

Indefinite is written was written will be written.

Continuous is being written was being written will be being written
Perfect has been written had been written will have been written

Глагол-сказуемое в страдательном залоге показывает, что
подлежащее предложения является объектом действия со сторо-
ны другого лица и предмета.
I bought a book. — Я купил книгу.
The book was bought (by me). — Книга была куплена
Глаголы в страдательном залоге на русский язык перево-
1. Глаголом быть + краткая форма причастия страдательно-
го залога: The letter was sent yesterday. — Письмо было послано
2. Глаголом с частицей — ся (-сь):
This problem was discussed last week. — Эта проблема об-
суждалась на прошлой неделе.
3. Неопределенно-личным оборотом, т. е. глаголом в дей-
ствительном залоге 3 лица множественного числа, типа «гово-
рят», «сказали»:
English is spoken in many countries. — На английском языке
говорят во многих странах.
4. Глаголом в действительном залоге (при наличии испол-
нителя действия):
Students are taught at institute by the teachers. — Студентов
обучают в институте преподаватели.
Conditional Sentences
(Придаточные условия и времени)
Conditional I (Future Real)
(Первый тип условных предложений)

Условные предложения первого типа выражают вполне ре-

альные, осуществимые предположения и соответствуют в рус-
ском языке условным предложениям с глаголом в изъявитель-
ном наклонении. Такие условные предложения чаще всего вы-
ражают предположения, относящиеся к будущему времени.
В условных предложениях первого типа, относящихся к бу-
дущему, глагол в придаточном предложении (условии) употреб-
ляется в Present Indefinite, а в главном предложении (след-

ствии) в Future Indefinite. В соответствующих русских услов-
ных предложениях будущее время употребляется как в главном,
так и в придаточном предложении.
If the weather is fine to-morrow, we‘ll go to the country. — Ес-
ли завтра будет хорошая погода, мы поедем за город.

Conditional II (Present Unreal)

(Второй тип условных предложений)

Условные предложения второго типа выражают невероят-

ные или маловероятные предложения. Они относятся к настоя-
щему или будущему времени и соответствуют в русском языке
условным предложениям с глаголом в сослагательном наклоне-
нии (т. е. с глаголом в форме прошедшего времени с части-
цей бы). В условных предложениях второго типа в придаточ-
ном предложении (условии) употребляется форма Past Indefi-
nite, а в главном предложении (следствии) — сочетание would
с инфинитивом без to.
Например: If Henry knew the right answer (now), he would
write it in the text. — Если бы Генри знал правильный ответ
(сейчас), он бы написал его в тесте. (Данное предположение
является невероятным, так как Генри не знает правильного от-
вета и поэтому не может его написать.)
Глагол to be употребляется в придаточном предложении
в форме сослагательного наклонения, т. е. форма were употреб-
ляется со всеми лицами единственного и множественного числа.
Однако в современном языке, особенно в разговорной речи,
наряду were с 1-м и 3-м лицом единственного числа употребля-
ется was.
Например: If he were (was) here, he would help us. — Если
бы он был здесь, он помог бы нам.
Types of Questions
(Типы вопросительных предложений)
В английском языке существует 5 типов вопросов: 1) об-
щий, 2) специальный, 3) альтернативный, 4) разделительный
и 5) вопрос к подлежащему.

Необходимо отметить, что в английском языке существует
строгий порядок слов в утвердительном предложении: ПОДЛЕ-
Например: I love you, где I — подлежащее, love — сказуе-
мое, you — дополнение. Переставлять слова в предложении
нельзя, т. к. теряется смысл высказывания.
Для образования вопроса на первое место в предложении
выносится глагол: смысловой глагол to be (быть) или to have
(иметь); либо служебный глагол (например, в Present Simple —
do или does).
1. Общий вопрос.
Этот вопрос задается ко всему предложению в целом. Он
требует краткого утвердительного или отрицательного ответа.
Например: Is she a secretary? Have you got a computer? Does
she work with you?
2. Специальный вопрос.
Этот вопрос задается к какому-либо второстепенному члену
предложения. Специальный вопрос образуется на базе общего
вопроса и начинается с вопросительного слова, которое заменя-
ет тот член предложения, к которому задается вопрос.
Вопросительные слова:
Who — Кто?
What — Что?
Where — Где? Куда? Откуда?
When — Когда?
Why — Почему? Зачем?
How many / much — Сколько? (для исчисляемых / для неис-
числяемых существительных)
What kind of — Что за? Какого рода?
Which — Какой? Который?
Whose — Чей?
Например: Where do you live? — I live in Novosibirsk.

3. Вопрос к подлежащему имеет отличительные особенно-
1. Сохраняется прямой порядок слов в предложении: ПОД-
2. Не употребляются служебные глаголы для образования
Например: Who wants some chocolate?
В кратком ответе на вопрос к подлежащему употребляется
служебный глагол do или does либо смысловые глаголы: to be
или to have.
Например: Who is absent? — Nobody is.
Who has got a pen? — I have.
Who speaks English here? — I do.
Who lives in the hostel? — Mary does.
4. Альтернативный вопрос образуется на базе общего во-
проса, в этом вопросе предлагается выбор из альтернатив, со-
единенных союзом или (or).
Например: Are you from Great Britain or the States? Have you
got a pen or a pencil? Do you prefer tea or coffee?
5. Первая часть разделительного вопроса — повествова-
тельное предложение (утвердительное или отрицательное), а вто-
рая — краткий общий вопрос. Следует учитывать, что если пер-
вая часть разделительного вопроса является утвердительным
предложением, то краткий вопрос содержит отрицание и наобо-
Например: You are a manager, aren’t you?
You aren’t a doctor, are you?
You work in the Finance department, don’t you?
She doesn’t understand Chinese, does she?
We haven’t got any paper left, have we?
He has got a wonderful cottage, hasn’t he?


Приложение 1

Irregular Verbs
(Таблица неправильных глаголов)

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Перевод

to be was / were been быть, находиться

to bear bore born нести
to beat beat beaten бить
to begin began begun начинать(ся)
to bend bent bent гнуть
to bind bound bound переплетать
to bite bit bitten/bit кусать
to blow blew blown дуть
to break broke broken ломать
to bring brought brought приносить
to build built built строить
to burn burnt burnt гореть, жечь
to buy bought bought покупать
to catch caught caught ловить
to choose chose chosen выбирать
to cut cut cut резать, рубить
to dive dived / dove dived нырять
to do did done делать
to draw drew drawn рисовать, тащить
to drink drank drunk пить
to drive drove, driven вести
to eat ate eaten есть, кушать
to fall fell fallen падать
to feel felt felt чувствовать

Продолжение прил. 1

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Перевод

to feed fed fed кормить

to fight fought fought бороться, драться
to find found found искать, находить
to fly flew flown летать
to forbid forbade forbidden запрещать
to forget forgot forgotten забывать
to forgive forgave forgiven прощать
to freeze froze frozen замораживать
to get got got получать, становиться
to give gave given давать
to go went gone идти, ехать
to grow grew grown расти, выращивать
to hang hung hung висеть, вешать
to have had had иметь
to hear heard heard слышать
to hit hit hit ударять
to hold held held держать
to hurt hurt hurt повредить
to know knew known знать
to lay laid laid накрывать
to lead lead lead вести
to leap leapt / leaped leapt / leaped прыгать, скакать
to leave left left покидать, оставлять
to lend lent lent давать взаймы
to let let let позволять
to lie lay lain лежать
to light lit lit зажигать
to lose lost lost терять
to make made made делать
to meet met met встречать (ся)
to pay paid paid платить
to put put put класть, ставить
to read read read читать

Продолжение прил. 1

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Перевод

to ride rode ridden ехать (верхом)

to ring rang rung звонить, звенеть
to rise rose risen поднимать
to run ran run бежать
to say said said говорить, сказать
to see saw seen видеть
to sell sold sold продавать
to send sent sent посылать, отправлять
to shake shook shaken трясти
to shine shone shone светить, сиять
to shoot shot shot стрелять, снимать
to show showed shown показывать
to sing sang sung петь
to sink sank sunk тонуть
to sit sat sat сидеть
to sleep slept slept спать
to speak. spoke spoken говорить,
to spend spent spent тратить, проводить
to stand stood stood стоять
to steal stole stolen воровать, украсть
to stick stuck stuck прилипать
to strike struck struck бить, ударять
to swear swore sworn клясться
to sweep swept swept мести, подметать
to swim swam swum плавать
to take took taken взять, брать
to teach taught taught учить, обучать
to tear tore torn рвать
to tell told told сказать, сообщать
to think thought thought думать
to throw threw thrown бросать, кидать

Окончание прил. 1

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Перевод

to wake woke woken будить, просыпаться

to wear wore worn носить
to weep wept wept плакать
to win won won побеждать, выигрывать
to write wrote written писать

Приложение 2

Active Voice Tenses

(Времена действительного залога)

Simple Continuous Perfect

V (3p. sing. Am, are, is + Have (has) + Have (has) +

V-s) + V-ing + V-ed/V3 + been + V-ing

Was, were + Had + been +

Past V-ed/V2 Had + V-ed/V3
+ V-ing + V-ing

Will (shall) + Will (shall) +

Will Will (shall) +
Future + have + + have +
(shall) + V + be + V-ing
+ V-ed/V3 + been + V-ing

Would Would
Future in Would (should) + (should) + + have
(should) + have +
the past (should) + V be + +
+ been + V-ing
+ V-ing + V-ed/V3

Приложение 3

Passive Voice Tenses

(Времена страдательного залога)

Indefinite Continuous Perfect

am am
Present is + V3 is + being + V3 have (has) + been + V3
are are
was was
Past + V3 + being + V3 had + been + V3
were were
shall shall
Future + be + V3 + have + been + V3
will will
should + be + V3 + have + been + V3


В данном пособии освещены основные лексические и грам-

матические темы в соответствии с рабочей программой по базо-
вому курсу английского языка для очного, заочного и дистанци-
онного обучения.
Учебное пособие составлено таким образом, что студенты
смогут самостоятельно выполнять задания по разделам. Предла-
гаемый учебный материал мотивирует студентов к активной
самостоятельной познавательной деятельности, предоставляет
им возможность проявить творческий подход и задействовать
свой личный опыт в изучении тем.
При выборе текстов и упражнений авторы пособия ориен-
тировались на современные требования к уровню владения ино-
странным языком и за основу взяли форматы заданий, которые
соответствуют международным требованиям и формируют
у студентов коммуникативную компетенцию.
Предлагаемые разнообразные виды коммуникативных
упражнений помогают эффективнее усвоить учебные темы. В
пособии представлен большой разъяснительный материал по
всем аспектам языка и видам речевой деятельности: «Вводно-
фонетический курс», «Рекомендации для студентов», разъясня-
ющие выполнение заданий и «Грамматический справочник».
Таким образом, данное учебное пособие привлекает своей
четкой организацией разделов, информационно-насыщенными
текстами с современной лексикой и речевыми оборотами, раз-
ными видами заданий и разработанными к каждой теме итого-
выми лексико-грамматическими тестами.

Учебное издание

Алена Михайловна Шуваева,

Наталья Олеговна Шпак,
Елена Александровна Крутько

Иностранный язык

Учебное пособие
для студентов очной, заочной и дистанционной
форм обучения по направлениям:
081100.62 — Государственное и муниципальное управление;
080400.62 — Управление персоналом;
030900.62 — Юриспруденция;
080100.62 — Экономика

Редактор Н. А. Переверзева
Корректор Н. А. Внукова
Технический редактор О. А. Гладунова

Подписано в печать 24.01.2014. Бумага офсетная. Печать RISO.

Гарнитура Times New Roman.
Формат 60х84 1/16. Уч.-изд. л. 14,66. Усл. п. л. 17,67. Тираж 122 экз. Заказ 10.
630102, г. Новосибирск, ул. Нижегородская, 6, СИУ — филиал РАНХиГС.


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